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The domestic legendary SUV UAZ-452 has been produced since 1965. He is one of the oldest Russian cars, which undergoes all kinds of modernization and is found on the roads today. Tuning "Loafs" for hunting and fishing is the most popular and practical version of the modification of the machine in question. Consider ways to improve, far from the most ideal, but very passable vehicle.

general information

In the standard version, the UAZ-452 has long been popular with hunting and fishing enthusiasts. Tuning "Loaf" for these purposes makes it possible to create an almost ideal transport that overcomes any off-road, along with decent internal comfort and practicality. The advantage of the machine is the simplicity of the design, which gives an endless field for actions to modernize it, both internally and externally.

Quite good cross-country performance and quite thoughtful chassis- an additional incentive for tuning UAZ "Loafs" for hunting and fishing. In principle, the specified car can also be adjusted for urban conditions, although this direction is rarely chosen by fans of modernization. domestic cars... Conversions usually start with the interior fittings, as the SUV's interior and soundproofing don't stand up to scrutiny.

History of creation

UAZ-452 ("Loaf", "Tablet", "Kozlik", "Tadpole") was created as a universal transport that could be used as a van, ambulance, truck, special transport. Most of the designers who worked on the creation of the car were from GAZ. They decided to combine compact dimensions, asceticism of the cabin, focusing on increased cross-country ability.

At that time, the idea was realized almost one hundred percent. An inexpensive, easy-to-maintain and picky car has taken root not only in government agencies, but also among private owners. Hunters and fishermen who hunt in hard-to-reach places were especially carried away by this transport.

Tuning UAZ "Loafs" for hunting and fishing step by step

Most often, modernization starts in the salon. Usually, the interior of a car is restored in the following sequence:

  1. Old seats are removed and new analogs are installed, often imported.
  2. Change dashboard to a modern and more informative version.
  3. Install original partitions between the driver's seat and the passenger compartment.
  4. Carry out tinted glass.
  5. The inside is sheathed with aluminum corrugated sheets.
  6. Improves the soundproofing of the car.
  7. Additional shelves, niches, handrails are mounted.
  8. Change wheel for a sports option.
  9. The decoration is made of leather or quality substitutes.

Among other innovations, technical equipment salon, if only there was enough strength and money. This includes:

  • air conditioning;
  • multimedia system;
  • navigator;
  • additional lighting elements;
  • installation of a ventilation hatch.

Tuning of the UAZ "Loaf" salon for hunting and fishing (photo below) is vital for this car. Taking into account obsolescence and minimal equipment, the standard interior equipment does not stand up to criticism, even basic comfort is lacking.

Sheathing with corrugated aluminum sheet

The legendary SUV of domestic production must be sheathed inside with a more durable material than carpet. There are several options for how in this regard to perform tuning "Loaf" for hunting and fishing. Popular materials include:

  1. Steel sheets.
  2. Plywood.
  3. Wood.
  4. Aluminum elements.

Among these elements, the most practical is aluminum, since it does not rot, is not afraid of corrosive processes. In addition, it is lightweight, easy to process, has a beautiful appearance.

Noise isolation

The next step in tuning "Loafs" for hunting and fishing will carry out noise isolation of the car. The standard equipment is very weak, at high speed there is such a noise in the cabin that passengers have to shout to hear each other.

To enhance the sound insulation of the car, first take out all the old elements and plywood, dismantle the floor. If traces of rust are visible on metal parts after disassembly, they are cleaned, processed with a grinder, primed, painted. Next, the floor is covered with bitumen, the joints are treated with a special silicone-based sealant. All surfaces are pre-cleaned from dust and dirt.

A polyethylene sheet five millimeters thick is laid on the floor, on top of which new plywood is covered. The third layer is linoleum. Further tuning of UAZ "Loafs" for hunting and fishing continues from the roof. Remove the lining of the ceiling, all the surfaces to be treated are thoroughly cleaned and tinted. Vibration-insulating materials are mounted in a standard way, sheathed on top with plywood or aluminum profiles.

Tuning UAZ "Loafs" for hunting and fishing with photos

In the picture below, you can see how you can modernize the car in question externally with your own hands or with the help of specialists.

Among the manipulations:

  • front backlash correction and rear suspension.
  • installation of additional lighting devices;
  • replacement of the "native" motor with a more powerful one power unit;
  • replacement of standard bridges with army counterparts;
  • tinted glass;
  • application to the body of the original color scheme or airbrushing;
  • bumper replacement;
  • roof rack, stairs to back door;
  • installation of wheels of larger diameter;
  • introduction of a pre-heater.

Alteration of the passenger compartment

On a long journey off-road, the car interior often becomes a second home. In this regard, tuning UAZ "Loafs" for hunting and fishing step by step (photo) is presented below:

  1. Installation of lockers and compartments for personal belongings.
  2. Top hatch inset for ventilation and good natural light.
  3. Installation instead of lighting lamps LED strips.
  4. Change of chairs to imported versions or their hauling with modern materials.
  5. The same story with the walls and floor of the cabin.


One of the nicest properties lineup UAZ "Bukhanka" - tuning for hunting and fishing, which can be carried out almost endlessly with wide possibilities. It all depends on the imagination and financial capabilities of the person, as well as the main purpose of the machine. Insofar as vehicle has a low cost and minimal equipment with an increased cross-country rate, very original and successful experiments can be performed over it, related to the modification of almost all the machine's units. The owners focus on the interior design and running gear of the domestic SUV. Correctly carried out modernization makes it possible to significantly increase the comfort of movement, which is important when overcoming off-road in remote areas.

The famous UAZ Loaf is not without reason considered one of the most versatile cars. Reliable, roomy and walkable, it is perfect for taking a company out hunting or fishing. But in the serial version, it lacks many qualities that will make it a real SUV, capable of getting to the desired point in any weather. This can be changed by deep tuning the Loaf.


For tuning was taken new car, which it was decided to remake for the needs of hunters. To increase cross-country ability, the skirt was cut, after which the body was reinforced for hi-jack. You cannot do without this jack, as for holding maintenance and when pulling the car out of deep holes, into which you can get off-road.

To protect the body from mechanical damage in contact with the ground, tree branches, etc., power bumpers and a roof rack. Its size in the entire roof allows you to place rather bulky objects on it, which significantly expanded the operational capabilities tuned UAZ Loafs... A spare wheel mount was placed on the rear gate so that it could be quickly removed if necessary. As you can see in the tuning photo of the Loaf, a ladder was attached to the rear of the body, protecting it from possible damage and making it easier to access the trunk.

Increased cross-country ability, reliability and increased range

To make the UAZ Bukhanka feel more confident off-road, it is necessary to modify the transmission and suspension of the car. In the transfer case, a set of gears was used, which made it possible to lower ratio up to 3. This made it possible to increase the torque at the bottom up to 40% and increase the vehicle's cross-country ability in mud, sand or snow. Additionally, the breathers of the bridges were removed so that it was possible to calmly force water barriers up to 0.5 m deep. In addition, this solution avoids squeezing oil through the oil seals and gaskets when the car leaves the road - its main element.

To increase cross-country ability, forced locks were made on both axles, when turned on, the differential stops performing its work and all wheels begin to move at the same speed. Enabling forced blocking on UAZ Bukhanka will allow it to confidently move on almost any off-road. To improve the geometric cross-country ability, a body lift was made by 65 mm, and the suspension was additionally raised by 45 mm, which is noticeable even in the photo of the tuned Loaf. The lift of the body and suspension allowed the installation of high-profile mud tires with a diameter of 33 inches on the ET-44 outboard discs.

The installed steering damper will help facilitate driving off-road. It will protect the steering gear from the harsh bumps that often occur off-road. In addition, it will improve the directional stability of the car by holding the zero angle while driving and returning the steering wheel to its original position when cornering. Combined with disc brakes on all four wheels, this will significantly improve the handling of the machine. So that you can safely go by car to places where there is nowhere to get fuel, the tank capacity was increased to 100 liters.


Even on a hunt, a certain comfort is needed, which was taken into account when tuning the Loaf's salon. In order to use the space as efficiently as possible, it was decided to make a transforming salon. Movable chairs will help free up space, and if necessary, they can be folded out and they will turn into a pretty decent bed, so you can spend the night in such a car with comfort.

When going hunting in the cold season, you need to think about heating the cabin. The standard heaters, powered by the engine, clearly did not cope with their duties. Therefore, when tuning the interior of the Loaf, it was decided to install an autonomous heater on diesel fuel- it is more reliable and economical. A 10 liter tank is enough to normally spend a few nights overnight. The hunting hatch will help to make hunting more comfortable.

As a result, for just 650 thousand rubles you can get a real all-terrain vehicle that can be easily transformed into a mobile home. It is such a car that will help you get real pleasure from hunting, saving the company from off-road problems and unfavorable climatic conditions.

This is the 19th exhibition “HUNTING. FISHING "opened at Crocus Expo (Moscow)
This time, she united three thematic sites under one roof. (apparently because of this, the entrance has become paid, but 150r does not hit the budget too much)

In addition to hunting and fishing itself, there was also an exhibition of GADJETS

and an exhibition of handicrafts

Naturally, the main exposition was for hunters, fishermen, tourists, travelers. The rest of the exhibitions seemed to be nestled side by side.
Let's see what is remarkable about the current exhibition. At the entrance, as usual, fishing rods, decoys, and now struck by a boat hung with universal mounts. You can fix everything: from oars to high-tech gadgets spamming Instagram messages every second.

We must take note. (although no one canceled Ali Express :))

Clothes and thermal underwear are traditionally presented

And there are also clothes for secret penetration into the lair of the beast. The abundance of straw and dry reeds fills the exhibition with a unique aroma :)

Cookware for cooking over a fire is also traditionally presented. There are stainless steel and titanium. There are ovens, autoclaves and everything you can think of has already been invented. By the way, you can buy goods at the exhibition.

This man amazed with patience and perseverance.
Good simulator. But I would probably be tired after a couple of minutes, but he proboxed the whole exhibition like that!

Nice exposition of airbrushed furniture.

Who needs a backpack? Leathery, handsome!

Here are the first off-road buns!

They are represented by the Autoventuri company, our longtime friend and frequent sponsor of the Uazbuki holidays.

Light beams, headlights, lamps

Power bumpers

Roof tent

Equipment boxes. They are sealed. Internal filling can be adjusted to the required size and volume

The cases of such a plan showed themselves very well on Chukhloma.

UAZ Patriot in Raptor - as a visual exhibition model of the company

General plan of the stand

Modest and helpful company employees (left). Everything was explained, shown, told.

A recent innovation is a portable winch that can be installed in a standard towbar square.

Alternator 150A

Snorkel on a loaf. This is for those who go very deep. Or floats in a UAZ

The highlight of last year's show is the mobile, foldable toilet

Power kit for the restyled Patriot 2015 model year

Anti-skid chains

Judging by the tank theme on the sides, the designer of the Patriot and the Loaf is the same

Inside, from non-standard, only a shelf above the windshield and a lot of switches of unknown purpose

Wheels 35?

A charming smile as a gift!
Come to the stand, entertain the employees, otherwise you know how difficult it is to be in full view of everyone all day long.

Of course, the exhibition was not filled with RIF alone, as it might seem.
There were also other very noticeable exhibits.

Trekol demonstrated the 39294 three-axle model.
Fiberglass body, bridges and transfer cases(and there are two of them) from the UAZ. Tires of our own production, and several modifications are available.
As the employees at the booth explained to us, new cars are constantly being tested at the Bronnitsky auto testing ground. What we could see with our own eyes at DR UAZBUKI 2015

The VIKING all-terrain vehicle will be able to compete with TRECOL (as the exhibition staff themselves corrected me - colleagues).
Uazbuka is closely following his fate.

The all-terrain vehicle will soon be updated: the doors, lighting equipment will change, the dashboard will change. But, for now, the photos of the changes are kept secret - until the launch of the new modification in the series.

We were shown sketches, though in confidence :)

General Director

Then the director of the exhibition unexpectedly came to the exposition. (The men were immediately transformed! Not a shadow of fatigue from a hard day)

A short interview.

We didn’t interfere and moved on to the next stand.
Nikolay from 4x4OK demonstrates reinforced main pairs on UAZ

They are about to appear in stores. We are waiting
But Nicholas vowed to make the news on the UAZBUK and even lead a separate topic.
Hopefully it won't be long to wait, there are a lot of people who want to test these GPUs.

But the topic of trailers was fully disclosed at the exhibition!
Here Istok presented one of the most compact trailers made with sandwich panels.

Sliding windows are used as natural light. I hope soon we will test the same on our project UAZ-Bukhanka

Barrel bath on wheels

Prestige revealed ATV / Snowmobile trailer

And clearly demonstrated how you can transport a snowmobile on a Pickup

ANVIR company (about which Uazbuka recently wrote) showed a matryoshka trailer

In fact, this is a large platform (a grill was installed on it on the DR Uazbuki 2015) on which a Z1 trailer was hoisted and a tent was already set up on it.

Recall that ANVIR trailers have "Vehicle type approval"

A little further away there is a whole scattering of UAZs.
These are visual aids of the ABS-Design company and

dealer of UAZ company Tekhinkom

Hunter already looks like a timeless classic

This corner of the exhibition is already more like a car than a fishing and hunting one :)

There are not so many boats as expected, but also presented

Snowmobile is a constant participant of the exhibition

This catamaran barge is similar in size to a small house

Nearby clothing for modern sailors

In the very corner are super tanks, which are soft containers for fuel. They can even be used to deploy a mobile gas station in the field.
If only to warn all smokers!

Bronto introduced LYNX-1. Enlarged wheels, cut-out arches and self-blocks in the transmission

of course the winch (removable)

Motonarts (motorized dogs) exhibited only LIFAN

Also a regular participant - Off-Road Shop

STOKRAT brand products. We remember how happy participants won many STOKRAT prizes on the 15th anniversary of Uazbuki

Off-road boxes were also on the stand. We need to find out how much they cost ...

Permanent GlavRed magazine Four-wheel drive 4x4 was harsh and unapproachable at first.

But after talking with Roman Kurakin, he became much kinder

The novel, by the way, did not just entertain the editors, but presented his UAZ Patriot project on low-pressure tires.

We all follow the transformation of another similar project
But Roman has a different concept. UAZ received diesel engine by Cummins, by changing the geometry of the machine, it was possible to abandon the use of wheel spacers. We will keep an eye on this project.

Tired visitors get thirsty after a while. And the price tag for coffee bites so much that it is better to endure it home!
But it turns out there is a stand with coffee from ART Cafe, where prices are absolutely normal.

You can also buy goods from Crimea there.

And there is also a company nearby in100gram
For a toast spoken to the camera, you will be poured what your heart desires

You will not pass by the stand - pretty girls attract attention at the entrance

Just don't confuse them with another stand.
Also a pretty girl, but already at the shooting range, shooting accurately, she said: now I will fill up a dozen more men
It's good that the shooting gallery is not with live ammunition.

After such a tough spectacle, how can you not be touched by children's play at the stand, where Evgeny Pavlov demonstrated all the advantages of a mobile winch on a toy car.

A very interesting product - an inflatable tent

The Moscow company Inform-svyaz demonstrates UPP-9. Tent with pneumatic frame.

The tent is placed in a bag. And it only takes 10 minutes to bring it up to work and an air compressor

the tent is designed for 4 people. Although, as a manufacturer, the company can make a tent of any length, even for 10 people.

The inner tent is secured with rings

Plexiglas inset windows

It would be interesting to try such a tent in action.

There were also more traditional designs - like a tent on the roof (or maybe I'm wrong and this is a new type of mobile housing with a bedside table on wheels :))

Eskimo dwelling

To prevent the tent from being blown away on the ice, you can fix it with ice screws

This is definitely not a tent, this is already a house on wheels, which was demonstrated at the last Moscow OffRoad Show 2015

The hundredth mile demonstrated Berkut products

In addition to traditional compressors, there was also

mobile shower.

With the automotive theme sorted out.
But that is not all.
For collectors, there is also something to see, such as badges. So many at once!

Butterflies. It seems like the real ones.

Those who are looking for original gifts should visit this stand

original, unbeatable

formidable guardian from viruses

Bronze figurines

Frog tandem

Cossack hats

Plates from Asia

Graters of different colors

Eco products

But the New Year is coming soon!

From the Hunting.Fishing exhibition we smoothly move to the pavilion for GADJETS

There are toys, games, where are the gadgets themselves?


What you will not see at the exhibition

The gadgets were not found, but they found a route for testing radio controlled cars

This UAZ model has its roots in the distant 1950. The body shape has not changed since then and these contours are familiar to everyone from childhood. In the standard version, the "loaf" is capable of much, but you can significantly modify it, as a result we get a universal car that is able to overcome the most difficult road conditions playfully.

This complete set includes - a power kit, which includes front, rear bumpers and a trunk. it attachments will protect the car body from contact with obstacles while the car is moving. A winch is mounted on the front bumper, with which you can overcome the most difficult and impassable areas, the interior has been re-equipped - more comfortable seats are installed. It is now possible to travel long distances with great comfort, moreover, the salon can be easily transformed into comfortable sleeping places.

The body is raised above the frame and the wheels are installed bigger size than standard, with a special, off-road pattern, BF Goodrich MT brand. This made it possible to further improve the passability of the "loaf". In addition, a "standard set" for a car of "directions" is installed, this is a snorkel, a steering damper, protection of steering rods, transmission breathers are brought into the engine compartment.

In order to increase the comfort of the car, an air heater of the "Webasto" company was installed, and to maintain heat in the cabin, thermal and noise insulation was installed, now the inside of the car has become much quieter while driving. The floor is finished with sheets of corrugated aluminum, this will make it easier to wash and clean the interior. A large "hunting" hatch is installed on the roof - an obligatory attribute of such vehicles.

It is possible to equip the car with a DVD player with a ceiling monitor, this will brighten up long hours of travel for passengers.

And, finally, the camouflage, protective paintwork will allow you to always be in the spotlight on the road and give an even greater militaristic component to this car.

We are more than sure that if you transform your loaf into a UAZ "Loaf" Hunter, then you will be envied not only on the road, but also outside it!

Prices of the installed equipment, which is included in the specified package:

Name Price
Rear power bumper "RIF" RUB 31100
Front bumper power "RIF" RUB 23600
Wheelset 33x12.5 R15 BF Goodrich M / T (5 pcs.) RUB 52,000
Snorkel (external air intake) RUB 8,800
Expedition Trunk RUB 33,500
Protection of steering rods "RIF" RUB 7,700
Lamps high beam on expeditionary trunk(6 pcs.) RUB 48600
Tank headlights on front bumper 9400 RUB
Damper on steering rod RUB 12,700
Replacement of all shock absorbers (4pcs) RUB 17,900
Installing a forced-locking differential in rear axle RUB 43,700
Output of transmission breathers RUB 7,000
Set of forged wheels RUB 32,500
Front bumper winch RUB 25,900
Hubs in front axle RUB 12,100
Ladder 5200 RUB
Body lift RUB 29,100
Rack jack RUB 5600
Coloring - camouflage RUB 69,000
Salon - "Hunter" RUB 38,500
Total cost: * RUB 513,900

* The indicated prices are approximate, you can find out the exact cost from our managers.

This utility vehicle is characterized by increased reliability, good off-road maneuverability and adaptability to extreme operation. But going out into nature is not the same as fishing or hunting, especially for a few days. For these purposes, the UAZ 452 itself, often referred to as a "loaf", and its interior are not quite suitable, first of all, in terms of practicality, convenience and comfort.

We will figure out how to competently tune the UAZ 452 "Loafs", what to take into account, change, modernize in its design so that it matches the local conditions and the specifics of its application as much as possible. And most importantly - what can be done on their own, and if with the involvement of professionals, then only for individual works.

Camouflage body color

Standard tinting options do not differ in variety. To “disguise” the UAZ 452 as much as possible, you only need to have a sprayer and a little paint on hand. Since camouflage is done depending on the season, and it has to be changed regularly, the cheapest composition is sufficient. In this case, the issues of layer reliability, coating durability and similar nuances are irrelevant.

Experienced fishermen and hunters advise to slightly strengthen the body before painting. Driving over rough terrain, in a rut, especially in poor visibility conditions - all this is fraught with numerous impacts on the lower part of the side of stones, tree roots, stumps, and so on. The gradual deformation of the metal will lead to its destruction, including as a result of progressive corrosion. Sheets of aluminum, fixed to the bottom of the "loaf" (by about half a meter) will cost much less than repairing it and completely repainting it.

Power bumper

These protective elements of the machine are attached to the front and rear. According to experts, they provide maximum safety when driving off-road. It will take a little - metal (sheet steel, channel or pipes, depending on the design) and polymer paint.

And all this can be done by yourself, without contacting a car service.

Protection on mirrors

The expediency of installing such grids is obvious. Any large branch - and you will have to change the glass or align the holder (and then if you can do it).


You definitely can't do without it. It is hardly worth hoping for someone's help far from settlements and roads. For UAZ 452, winches with a force of 4 tons or more are suitable, not less (taking into account the workload of the machine). A good option is a device from Comeupwinch (DV-9 series). Its reliability has been tested many times, and with proper installation, the mechanism will function reliably for decades.

Pay attention to the winch cable. It is desirable to replace the existing metal with Kevlar (for example, Amsteel Blue by the American company Samson or similar). It is lighter, stronger and safer to use.


When going out into nature, a hunter and a fisherman need a lot. It will not work to load everything into the salon if there are people in it. What to do with tents, sleeping bags and the rest. The optimal solution is to place the UAZ 452 on the roof.


Even if the factory complete set includes a turning headlight, then it will not be enough when going out into the countryside. One of the good solutions for additional lighting is to install a "loaf" on the roof led panel... For example, the "VisionX" modification of the X-Mitter (shown in the photo). It will provide good visibility for at least 250 m.

Or do it like this.

The bracket can be made from pipes, but it is not difficult to fix it.

Tuning of the UAZ 452 salon

Interior decoration

One of the budget options is to attach moisture-resistant plywood over the sheathing. It will slightly insulate the body of the "loaf" and improve the quality of its sound insulation. Other materials can be used at the request of the owner. For example, rolled foamed foam. The choice is great.


It is advisable to install a couple of LED spotlights or one small panel on the ceiling, since the standard lighting will clearly not be enough.


A few examples will be enough to understand how you can improve the interior design of the UAZ 452.

The problem of storing dishes, various utensils, gadgets and other little things, which is indispensable for hunting and fishing, has been completely solved with such tuning. Naturally, it is better to make a folding table, the tabletop of which is attached to the wall during the movement of the "loaf".


Judging by the reviews of many hunters and fishermen, the installation of "Webasto" has proved to be quite good. With a power of 4 kW, it is enough to ensure a comfortable temperature in the passenger compartment even in winter. Although a home-made "potbelly stove" is a good solution to the problem.

It is desirable to zone the salon. In this case, the rear compartment can be used as a small luggage compartment... For example, hunters will be able to store weapons there, fishermen - their tackle.

It should be borne in mind that both fish and game are also smells that penetrate into the salon. To level them out, the rear compartment can be equipped like this.

Will not interfere in the UAZ 452 cabin and acoustic system, which is quite simple to mount.

The article discusses only some of the tuning options when preparing a "loaf" for fishing or hunting. It all depends on the capabilities of its owner and imagination. A number of other improvements can also be made.

  • Replace the steering wheel with a smaller one, from passenger car... But you will definitely have to install a power steering.
  • Move (for convenience) the driver's seat to the right, close to the engine compartment.
  • Finish the cabin and interior with sheet aluminum, placing a soundproofing material under it. The issue of aesthetics is a separate topic, but the fact that cleaning will be much easier (and a lot of dust and dirt on fishing or hunting will be applied) is unambiguous.
  • Upgrade the engine compartment hood. For example, like this.

The rework is extremely useful, especially when driving long distances.

There are also more complex options. For example, "raise" the car, at the same time replacing the rubber, thereby increasing the track.

Think, decide, do - and your UAZ 452 will become a real house on wheels for the hunter and fisherman.


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