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We continue to improve the recently purchased UAZ-2206 vehicle.

The new buns are deprived of even the already meager longitudinal 3-step adjustment of the front 2 seats. But it became possible to adjust the backrest tilt. The passenger can somehow make himself more comfortable, but it is very difficult for the driver to do this.
We will fix this.
Moreover, one of the ears of the front standard seat mount broke off in our bun for 500 km. The driver's weight is quite average 80kg. Welding is very weak, the rest of the fasteners will not last as long.

We buy in the store for 1200 rubles a set of four VAZ-2105 sleds. We take into account that the sleds in the kit are different! But that's what we need. You will also need:
Bolts М8х20 13pcs
Spring washers and flat washers M8 13pcs
M8 nuts 13pcs
Steel strip 50x4 a couple of meters (thicker can be used)
Drilling machine
Welding semiautomatic device
Cutting machine (Bulgarian)
Open-end wrench set

Preliminary marking how to arrange everything.
We remove or move to the side the standard insulation - it will interfere for now.
We try to move the seat as close to the middle of the car as possible.
Firstly, the driver will be located farther from the door, and secondly, more coaxial, if I may say so about the convenience of landing when the steering wheel is not shifted to the right. BUT! We take into account that we still need to open and close the engine hood. You won't be able to gain much, but 40-50mm is possible.

Cut off the protruding small triangular bracket from the runner that does not have fixation. We make 4 platforms from the strip with an M10 hole for attaching the slide. Having protected the fabric and the base of the seat with a non-combustible material, we weld the pads (the welding places are circled in red). We cut off standard mounts using angle grinders. Shown by white arrows.

The location of the seat mounting adapter plates on the machine.

We drill the necessary holes in the body with a drill, fix it with hardware.
Please note that the left long bracket (strip) has a third hole in the inclined part from the battery side. And in the right rear plate, before installing it on the body, you must put a bolt for attaching the runner.

Next, we install the seat and fasten it with bolts. We check everything finally. We paint the brackets (optional), protect the thread of the bolts that go into the arch, return the insulation-noise insulation.
We haven’t done this yet, because the machine is in operation and plans to strengthen the standard vibration isolation with Standardplast sheet materials, closing the unprotected places remaining from the installation of the sled.

Right adjustable skid.
The control handle is very conveniently nestled in a niche and does not interfere.

Left runner.
You can see the place on it where the triangular bracket was cut off. You can turn the runner itself 180g, then the cut will not be noticeable.

Moved all the way back.

Moved fully forward.
The stroke was 220mm! This is even more than the old trouser seats. And now access to the battery niche in one motion. There is no need to turn the backrest tilt knob.
The increase in seat height is only about 20mm.
Now the plans are to use the second half of the set of sleds for the front passenger.

If you are the owner of old UAZ models, then there are a large number of companies that will improve the UAZ loaf interior. In just a few days, professional craftsmen will replace old inconvenient accessories with modern models, which will not only add comfort during long journeys, but also additional safety.

The whole process of interior modernization should be carried out sequentially. There are several main steps worth working on:

  • Install a comfortable seat or sofas
  • Replace the dashboard
  • Install comfortable partitions to separate the interior areas
  • Replace floor coverings and body cladding
  • Install shelves and handrails to add convenience to passengers
  • Replace the steering wheel

In fact, modern industry and the genius of designers allow tuning the UAZ loaf interior for an infinitely long time. By far the most important limiting factor is the amount of funds available.

Changing the trim of the UAZ "Bukhanka" cabin

Typically, the manufacturer will cover the cabin with carpet or similar material, but during hunting or fishing, such material will be excessively contaminated. Usually they replace it with:

  • Plywood
  • Sheet steel
  • Wood sheets
  • Aluminum sheets

Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages, but corrugated aluminum sheets are most commonly used. This material is ideal option, since it is easy enough to wash and does not corrode.

Of course, if the ability of the interior to wash is not critical for you, then you can easily choose any other material. Today you can find on the Internet at the request "UAZ loaf tuning salon photo" a huge number of photographs in which you can evaluate the visual characteristics of the material.

Replacement of seats in the UAZ cabin

The seats, which were developed by the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant, have a terrible design and are absolutely not suitable for extreme off-road travel. Even a driver who accurately assesses the road situation has a hard time - after an hour of such a trip, the muscles suffer from discomfort.

It makes no sense to repair or improve the "native" seats. Absolutely all workshops replace them with better quality foreign or domestic models. When choosing seats, remember that not all seats are suitable for the UAZ "Loaf", since their width is important.
Pay attention not only to the price of the selected chairs, but also to their quality, material and operational characteristics... Situations often arise when the replaced seats interfere with the opening of the bonnet to access the engine, which is absolutely unacceptable.

Replacing the steering wheel

The standard steering wheel is quite inconvenient and cumbersome, which significantly affects the comfort of driving such a car. The steering wheel on the UAZ loaf can be improved in several ways:

  • By setting wheel from another vehicle
  • Placing the fabric braid
  • By installing a sports steering wheel

There are many domestic models of sports steering wheels that significantly improve vehicle handling in off-road conditions. There are leather and rubberized options that you can easily install.

The choice of a new steering wheel is limited only by its cost and the availability of certification documents that allow the use of this device.

Remember that in the absence of the latter, you will not be able to pass a technical inspection, which will subsequently impose a number of restrictions on the use of such a vehicle.

Improvement of the passenger compartment

It is important to upgrade not only the driver's side of the car, but also to provide passengers with sufficient comfort. In fact, the space of the salon becomes your second home during an extreme trip.

Today you can create a comfortable salon with all the necessary contents, where you can easily spend the night. Craftsmen can easily place a large number of wardrobes and a number of sleeping places there.

Such design changes have almost no effect on driving performance car - you have nothing to worry about during long journeys.

To solve the problem of energy efficiency, a hatch is often cut into the roof of the cabin. The hatch opening gives additional access to sunlight and light, which significantly reduces fuel consumption for lighting. On a hot day, the open hatch will give a breath of fresh air, which will make your passengers immensely happy. In addition, hunters can shoot game without leaving the car.

So, despite the fact that the UAZ Bukhanka salon in its factory version is rather inconvenient, today's technologies allow turning it into a work of art. Rest assured that these improvements will turn hunting or fishing into a real vacation, during which you can truly enjoy the company of your friends.

The legendary UAZ-452 began to be produced back in 1965. The Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant took on the following task - to create the most reliable and durable car that could easily cope with every obstacle on the way. UAZ engineers managed to cope with this task - a car like a bread "loaf" was excellent for such tasks as escorting tank columns.

It was quite in the order of things that in those distant times the main forces of production and the thoughts of engineers were aimed at creating a very simple, but at the same time to the limit reliable machine, therefore, very little time was devoted to the comfort of the cabin and the usability of the car. Many domestic motorists in our hour would prefer such a car, rather than modern counterparts from abroad. The reasons are generally even wider: a fairly low price tag, an acceptable level of reliability, ease of use, unlimited possibilities for manifestations of imagination, which is important in such a task as tuning the UAZ loaf interior.

  • You can carry out the following tuning of the salon:
  • Replace the factory seats, or sheathe them with such material as foam rubber;
  • Installing a new steering wheel with reinforcements;
  • Perform thermal insulation;
  • Carry out the installation of the cabin hatch;
  • Replace the dashboard;
  • Install additional equipment.
  • Replacing native seats

It is important that the seats are reasonably compact, otherwise the control of the loaf will be inconvenient. If permanent trips are planned on the vehicle, then you can even organize berths or a folding table. It is desirable to modify the rear passenger compartment with new lighting. Interior lampshades are capable of instantly planting any batteries, so it is recommended to replace standard bulbs with LED-type solutions.

Most car owners like the steering wheel of the Gazelle, but without additional modifications it will be too high. Alternatively, a steering wheel specially adapted for the loaf is fitted. At the moment, such things can be found literally in any car store. If you do not have the desire or opportunity to replace the steering wheel, it is enough to limit yourself to an ordinary rim sheath.

Tuning the car interior of this model can also be heat insulated. It will take not so much time to work - you just need to lay plywood, foam rubber and insulation material. Expanded polystyrene is quite suitable as a heater. It is quite lightweight and easy to lay in hard-to-reach parts of the loaf due to the flexible properties of this material.

You can equip an UAZ loaf with a do-it-yourself photo of a loaf of different colors, since there is a lot of space. Also, for constantly fresh air flows, it will be possible to organize a hatch. Here, a welding machine, a drill and, of course, an angle grinder will be used. You will have to work painstakingly, but the results will exceed all imaginable expectations.

A car known to Russians as UAZ 452 "loaf", was created as a vehicle for escorting a tank column. The body of the minibus, designed to overcome tank ruts, turned out to be durable, albeit uncomfortable. Well, service in the army is not a vacation in a sanatorium! But in the running relation " loaf»Proved to be flawless: easily withstanding cruising 80-90 km / h on asphalt, at a reduced speed UAZ without hesitation overcame off-road.

True, to connect front wheel drive The driver had to jump out of the cab and bend over with a wrench at the wheel hubs, but after the tightness of the driver's seat, such a warm-up was a joy!

Alas! The most the main problem UAZ 452- user inconvenience. That is why, first of all, we consider actual examples tuning of the UAZ salon.

UAZ "loaf" gains comfort

When designing a cabin UAZ the designers were guided by the anthropometric data of the soldiers of the early 50s. It is not surprising that our tall contemporaries do not fit well into the standards of the middle of the last century. So start tuning UAZ "loaf" with the modernization of the driver's seat - the arch-correct, as Lenin would say, the decision.

Driver's seat in UAZ serial production is offset relative to the steering column axis to the left. The most ingenious tuning designs move the seat close to the engine compartment lid. So that the hood can be lifted without difficulty, the seat is made easily removable.

Replacing the bulky stock steering wheel appears to be an urgent need. UAZ last years of release on a compact steering wheel from passenger car... The installation of the power steering facilitates the use of a small diameter steering wheel.

In trends tuning dashboard UAZ two directions are visible. Adherents of ceremonial splendor cover everything that can be reached with corrugated aluminum sheet.

Since 1.5mm aluminum is attached to the metal of the body on top of plastic noise insulation, it becomes noticeably quieter in the car. Cleaning of the interior is made easier and trunk of UAZ... With the proper professionalism of the performers, the aesthetics of the interior increases.

Admirers of ergonomic comfort use injury-safe materials. The complication of forms is beneficial to the initially inexpressive interior. The space for instruments and glove boxes on such a panel is larger than before. Converted UAZ much more convenient than the original version!

Converting the engine compartment lid into a small change tray is an inexpensive and extremely useful redesign.

Keeping your finger on the pulse of all car systems is the most important task of the driver UAZ 452... Easy-to-read instrument readings are the key to confident control of equipment in the most difficult conditions!

Above the windshield there is a place suitable for placing speakers, a radio, a stationary radio and other auxiliary electronics. Use it! Options for reforming the upper cabin space " loaves"- a great many!

The console, built symmetrically to the engine compartment, will help place many information screens and control knobs for the heating system - more precisely, heating systems... Complete tuning UAZ "loaf", especially for hunting and fishing, is impossible without installing additional heaters!

Heating tuning UAZ 452

Experienced drivers know: in terms of the thermal regime, an old one UAZ 452- a machine of infernal deceit! In frosty winters, the engine, open from below to all winds, was hypothermic, and therefore the chauffeurs did not allow themselves to aggravate the situation by heating the cab. In the summer, the engine, being hidden from the through blowing, overheated - and in order to drive and not boil, the drivers turned on the stove ...

True, all the hardships and hardships fell to the lot of the front riders. V body « loaves», As a rule, at any time of the year the temperature remained close to the outboard temperature. That's why tuning UAZ 452 always accompanied by the installation of an auxiliary heater for the passenger compartment. True, sometimes the alteration takes extreme forms ...

Potbelly stove behind the driver's back? Such tuning UAZ may seem ridiculous. However, the method can be justified, firstly, by driving along the taiga off-road - after all, there is more firewood in the forest than gasoline. And secondly, a wood-burning stove (though not a stove after all) is quite suitable for heating a caravan.

In all other cases, an autonomous vehicle interior heater that runs on liquid fuel helps.

Problems inherent in thermoregulation of the old 72-strong UAZ engine, disappear with the replacement of the motor with a new 98-horsepower model.

So that it becomes quiet in the cabin

Corrugated aluminum sheet, widely used in off-road tuning (take a look at the interior arrangement of the tuned Niva on the page), helps to reduce the noise level in the cab UAZ 452.

The popular and relatively inexpensive one and a half millimeter sheet of corrugated aluminum is of little use for laying on the floor of a car - due to its natural plasticity and instability to abrasive wear.

Tuning equipment of the UAZ 452 salon

If desired in body of UAZ 452 you can install a wardrobe and a double bed, which in the daytime transforms into other pieces of upholstered furniture.

A kitchen corner with a small refrigerator (in the photo it is blue), a container with drinking water, a microwave oven and an electric stove will harmoniously complement the comfort of those traveling in UAZ 452.

In most cases " loaf»Is used for travel to places where an air mattress is sufficient for sleeping, and a kettle over a fire replaces the kitchen. Fishing and hunting option tuning UAZ 452 today is in demand more than ever!

The wide top hatch is a necessary accessory for the hunting vehicle. Harsh shutter click sounding from the roof UAZ "loaves", able to embarrass both elk and bear, and even a car inspector... In addition, the hatch will serve as a saving exit if the hunt did not go according to the script and the participants in the action confused who should be chasing whom.

Prey hunting, successful fishing - these are trophies! And the trophies need to be put somewhere. Experienced hunters provide a well-closing prey compartment in the car. Often in isolated the trunk of the UAZ there is an entrenching tool, a spare wheel. Weapons and ammunition can be transported in lockers under the floor of the compartment.

The game, however, has one unpleasant feature ... Many animals (and fish) have such a pungent smell that there is no way to transport them inside the car.

Trunk and other awnings for UAZ 452

Roof rack for UAZ able to help out in a wide variety of situations. In addition to transporting a considerable load, the outer trunk can become a platform for arranging an ambush. It can be covered with an awning and used as a safe sleeping place during the warm season. Besides, trunk for UAZ protects the roof from damage when crossing dense thickets.

But there is one danger. In user circles, the idea of ​​installing on the trunk of the UAZ 452 electric winches.

Don't make a fatal mistake! Do not install on the trunk of the "loaf" winches! Otherwise, removing from the roof, for example, a spare tire, which is usually dumped - and that's it! - will turn into a long and difficult adventure.

To take off spare wheel with a winch, you will have to:

Climb up and bring the device into working position;

Hook the wheel;

Lower the wheel to the ground;

Go down to unhook the wheel;

Go upstairs, wind up the rope;

Return the device from the working position to the transport position;

Get off the roof.

However, all this is just exercise that is beneficial to health. The highlight of interaction with any winch, devoid of a mechanical rope handler, is flaking, that is, jamming of a tightly wound cable among semi-free turns. Eliminating sagging is an all-consuming fun activity, but traumatic for the hands and dangerous for the psyche.

For what UAZ trunk definitely worth using - so this is to install additional headlights. It's up to you to put several scattered light sources or mount a ready-made block. You will find several successful options for tuning "chandeliers" in the article on the page.

It looks like this ...

And this is how LED optics for SUVs shine.

We have only touched on a few aspects. tuning UAZ... Stay tuned for site updates and you will get a ton of useful recommendations concerning tuning UAZ different models.

Production of the legendary domestic car UAZ-452 was launched back in 1965. The Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant was tasked with creating the most reliable, durable car that could easily cope with all the obstacles in its path. Engineers of UAZ coped with their task - a car outwardly similar to a "loaf" of bread was suitable for the tasks of escorting a tank column.

It is quite natural that at that time the main production forces and engineering ideas were aimed at creating the most simple, but extremely reliable car, therefore, the minimum amount of time was devoted to the comfort of the cabin and the convenience of using the car. Many domestic motorists today prefer this personalized car, rather than modern foreign counterparts. There are actually several reasons for this: low price auto, reliability, ease of operation, unlimited possibility of manifestation of imagination for tuning the UAZ "Loaf" salon.

Tuning of the UAZ "Loaf" salon: what can be improved?

"Loaf" has always been highly valued among drivers and, even today, when automotive market a huge number of foreign SUVs, say goodbye to the brainchild Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant few are willing. The UAZ-452 is so simple in terms of design that everything in the car can be improved and modernized.

Today, many craftsmen not only tune the Loaf's interior with their own hands, but also improve the suspension, give the car additional stability. In general, they do everything to create the most convenient and suitable for traveling on.

What can be done with the UAZ Bukhanka salon:

  • Replace native seats or sheathe them with foam rubber;
  • Install a new steering wheel with electric or hydro-booster;
  • Carry out thermal insulation;
  • Install a hatch in the cabin;
  • Put another one;
  • Equip with additional equipment.

In general, everything can be changed and improved in the UAZ-452 cabin, the main thing is that there is enough imagination and money.

Replacing native seats

When it comes to the revision of the "Loaf" interior, the first thing most car owners complain about is the uncomfortable seats. And here a dilemma arises - to modify the native seats with foam rubber or to install new seats from another car. It is impossible to say unequivocally what is better.

On the one hand, it is easier to install new chairs and not waste time upgrading old ones. But there is not much free space in the passenger and driver's seat. It will not work to install any foreign-made seats. If we talk about Russian counterparts, then in the salon "Loaf" you can install seats from the "nine" or from the Moskvich-2141.

You can also borrow seats from the following foreign cars:

  • Honda Civic;
  • Toyota RAV4;
  • Opel Astra;
  • Passat B3.

It is important that the seats are not too high, otherwise it will be inconvenient to drive the car. If frequent hunting or fishing trips are planned at the "Bukhanka", then it will not be superfluous to organize comfortable sleeping places and a folding table in the salon. In the rear passenger compartment, it is desirable to replace the "native" lighting. There are a lot of salon lampshades; it will not be difficult to quickly plant any battery. The way out of this situation is as follows - replacing conventional bulbs with LED lights.

Installing a new steering wheel

The tuning of the UAZ "Loaf" salon is not complete without changing the steering wheel. Many car owners are not satisfied with their own "steering wheel". Hands quickly get tired of the standard steering wheel during long trips, so many owners, when tuning the UAZ-452 with their own hands, first of all replace this very component of comfortable driving. But this issue also has its own difficulties. The fact is that it is not so easy to choose a better quality steering wheel from the splines.

Photo of tuning salon from patriots domestic auto industry on the example of UAZ 452 Loaf

Most car owners opt for a Gazelle steering wheel, but without additional alteration it will be too high. As an alternative - the installation of a specially adapted steering wheel for the UAZ-452. Today, such devices can be found in almost every automotive store. If there is no special desire and opportunity to replace the steering wheel, then you can get by with a simple braid on the rim.

We carry out thermal insulation of the cabin

To maintain a comfortable temperature in the "Loaf" cabin, it is best to make thermal insulation during tuning. All the work does not take much time - it is enough to lay plywood, foam rubber and insulation with your hands. Expanded polystyrene can be used as insulation. It is quite easy and simple to lay in hard-to-reach places due to the flexibility of the material.

But this material has drawbacks - it is highly flammable and releases harmful substances during extreme heat. Therefore, the choice of this insulation depends solely on the purpose of the car and the climatic features of the region. In addition to expanded polystyrene, penofol is also common - expanded polyethylene with a layer of foil.

Installing a new dashboard and sunroof in the UAZ-452

Another drawback of "Loaf" is a primitive dashboard with a minimum of information. In order to somehow embellish the "tidy" and make it more attractive, car owners paste over it with a film. But what about uninformative devices? In this case, only self-tuning will help. There are only two solutions: installing a new panel, for example, with the GAZ-3110, or equipping the panel with additional equipment to the maximum.

You can install the following:

  1. Navigator.
  2. Video recorder.
  3. Sensor radio.
  4. Anti-radar.

You can equip the panel with a large number of different devices, there is plenty of space. Also, for a constant flow of fresh air into the "Loaf" salon, it will not be superfluous to organize a hatch. To do this, you will need a welding machine, a drill, a grinder. The work is quite painstaking, but the result will exceed all expectations.

There are a lot of different variations of tuning the "Loaf" salon with your own hands. UAZ-452 is a fairly simple, but unique car that gives absolute freedom of action to the owner, which is limited only by his own imagination and money. You can even install an automatic sofa in the car salon, purchase DVDs and various modern devices that greatly simplify life and help pass the time, relax and unwind after a long trip.


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