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Analysis of vehicle braking systems

To the braking control of the car, which serves to slow down the movement, up to a complete stop and hold it in place in the parking lot, increased requirements are imposed, since the braking control is the most important means of ensuring the active safety of the car. Requirements for braking systems are regulated by GOST 22895-95 and international traffic rules.

The braking system requirements are as follows:

    The maximum braking distance is the maximum steady-state deceleration in accordance with the requirements of GOST 22895-95, for passenger cars and trucks depending on the type of test.

    Preservation of stability during braking (stability criteria are: linear deviation, angular deviation, folding angle of the road train.)

    Stability of braking properties under repeated braking.

    The minimum response time of the brake drive.

    The power tracking action of the brake drive, that is, the proportionality between the pedal force and the driving torque.

    Small work of control of brake systems - effort on the brake pedals, depending on the purpose vehicle should be within 500… .7OO N, brake pedal travel 80… 180mm.

    Lack of organompic phenomena (auditory).

    The reliability of all elements of brake systems, the main elements (brake pedal, master brake cylinder, brake valve, etc.) must have guaranteed strength, must not fail during the guaranteed resource, an alarm must also be provided to notify the driver of a malfunction brake system.

In accordance with GOST 22895-95, braking control must include the following braking systems:




An auxiliary (retarder) brake, mandatory for buses with a gross weight of over 5 tons and trucks with a weight of over 12 tons, intended for braking on long descents and maintaining a speed of 30 km / h on a 7% slope with a length of 6 km.

Forced deceleration can be carried out in various ways: mechanical, hydraulic, electrical, off-wheel.

Friction brakes are the most widely used. Large class passenger cars often use disc brakes on the front wheels and drum brake mechanisms on the rear wheels.

On trucks, regardless of their carrying capacity, drum shoe brakes are installed. Only in recent years has there been a tendency to use disc mechanisms for trucks.

Drum band brakes are currently not used at all as wheel brakes. In rare cases, they are used as transmission for the parking brake system (MAZ, BelAZ-540).

Hydraulic and electric brakes are used as retarders. On a number of cars, the engine is the retarder, the intake manifold is closed off by a steel flap.

The mechanical drive, consisting of rods and levers, is used mainly in manual braking systems (auxiliary braking system - "parking brake").

This drive uses the driver's muscular energy to apply the brakes. The simplicity of the design and the constant rigidity of the mechanical drive make it the most used for the parking brake system.

The hydraulic drive is used in the service braking system of passenger cars and light and medium duty trucks. In this drive, the force of the pedal axis is transmitted to the brake mechanisms by a fluid. The muscular energy of the driver is used to apply the brakes. To provide the driver with work to turn on the brakes, a hydraulic drive with a vacuum (GAZ-66) or pneumatic amplifier (Ural-4320) is often used.

Nowadays, the hydraulic drive with a pump is beginning to gain popularity. In this case, to activate the braking mechanisms and create the braking torques on the wheels necessary for rapid braking of the car, the energy of the engine driving the hydraulic pump is used directly, or through any power transmission unit of the car.

The pneumatic actuator is widely used in the braking system of tractors, medium and heavy duty trucks and buses. In a pneumatic braking system, the brakes are activated by using the energy of compressed air.

On long-wheelbase vehicles and tractors of heavy-duty road trains, a combined hydropneumatic drive is often used. In this drive, to increase the braking forces, the energy of compressed air is used, and their transfer to the brake mechanism is carried out by a liquid.

An electric drive is necessary on road trains, since it achieves the simplest way of transferring energy over long distances with a very short time for the braking system to act.

The following criteria are used to assess the design of the brake mechanisms:


To assess the effectiveness of the braking mechanism, the coefficient of its effectiveness is used, which is the ratio of the braking torque M the torus created by the mechanism to the moment from the primary force:

TO NS = M torus / ( R p.s. r NS),

where M torus - braking torque; P ps is the total driving force of the brake pads; r n is the radius of application of the resulting friction force ( r n = r b - the radius of the brake drum in the drum mechanism; r n = r cp is the average radius of the lining in the disc mechanism).

The effectiveness of the braking mechanisms must be assessed when the vehicle is moving both forward and backward.

In a drum brake mechanism, the efficiency factor is calculated not only for the mechanism as a whole, but also separately for each brake pad:

where M torus1 and M torus2 - braking moments created by pads; P 1 and R 2 - the driving forces of the pads.

2) Stability

Stability is the preservation of the efficiency of the brake mechanism while reducing the coefficient of friction. Stability is the relationship between efficiency and friction and can be expressed by plotting the static response of the brake. Brakes with a linear static characteristic have the best stability.

Stability depends on the achievement of equal braking forces not only on the wheels of one axle, but also on the right and left wheels of the car, which determines the safety during braking.

3) Balance

Balanced is the braking mechanism, in which, when braking, the friction forces do not create an additional load on the wheel bearings and other parts. The braking mechanism is considered unbalanced, the work of which leads to loading of the bearings of the wheels of the car.

4) Reversibility

Reversibility is the equal effectiveness of the braking mechanism when the vehicle is moving forward and backward. The reversibility of the brake mechanism determines the independence of the magnitude of the braking torque generated by it from the direction of movement of the vehicle.

Until now, it was believed that drum brakes most meet the requirements of road safety, but due to the increased speeds of the vehicle, the requirements for road safety are also increasing, which largely depends on braking qualities car.

Comparative bench tests of various designs of closed disc and drum brakes for cars have revealed that the best indicators in terms of the stability of the output parameters, heat density and mass are possessed by a disc brake with two friction surfaces, a pneumatic drive and an amplifier.

By design, disc brakes are divided into open and closed, single-disc and multi-disc.

Depending on the design of the disc, brakes are distinguished with solid and ventilated, metal and bimetallic discs.

A solid disc - the simplest - is used in cases where active cooling of the disc brake is possible. The ventilated disc is made in the form of a turbine impeller. In cars, single-disc brakes with a ventilated disc and an inner diameter mount are mainly used.

Depending on the method of fastening the caliper, a distinction is made between fixed and floating caliper disc brakes. The floating caliper brake has only one wheel cylinder. Its block heats up less than in a mechanism with a fixed bracket, but it has a significant drawback - with deformation, corrosion of the guides, one-sided wear of the linings and disc occurs. The braking performance is reduced, and vibration of the caliper and brake pad appears. A disc brake with a fixed caliper provides high driving force and increased rigidity of the mechanism.

The brake discs are made of cast iron. In single-disc mechanisms, solid discs have a thickness of 8 ... 13 mm, ventilated 16 ... 25 mm. The bimetallic brake disc is available with an aluminum or copper base. The friction layer is made of gray cast iron.

Disc brakes have the following advantages over drum brakes:

Smaller gaps between discs and pads in non-braked state (0.005 ... 0.1 mm) and pad travel, which allows to increase the speed and gear ratio of the brake drive;

Less weight and dimensions:

More uniform wear of friction materials, since pressure is evenly distributed over the surface of the disc-pad friction pair:

Greater braking torque, developed by balancing the forces acting from the pads on the disc;

The ability to provide effective heat removal from rubbing elements;

Greater stability of the developed braking torque;

Greater braking efficiency ratio;

The disadvantages of disc brakes include:

Difficulty maintaining a seal (an unprotected disc can be abrasive, oxidized and corroded, which can lead to rapid wear of the brake pads);

Increased wear rate of friction linings;

Insufficient protection from dirt;

The road laboratory tests of drum and disc brakes carried out by the Kharkov ADI showed that in the case of heating the brake parts to 300C and V = 40 km / h, the braking distance increases during braking disc brakes by 7%, and drumming by 25%. If the normal speed is the same, but the bulk temperature reaches 50 ° C, the braking distance will increase by 21% and 55%, respectively.

The main task of the vehicle's braking system is to reduce the braking distance to a minimum and maintain the stability and controllability of the vehicle.

The maximum load on the system occurs in the emergency braking mode. Perfect braking is only possible when the traction forces of the wheels are fully utilized, but without locking the wheels.

The first assistant to the driver when braking was a regulator that distributes the pressure in the brake circuits of the front and rear wheels. The main factor determining the need to regulate the magnitude of the braking torques is a wide variation in the coefficient of tire adhesion to the road.

An ideal regulator should fulfill two functions:

1.always set the optimum pressure ratio in the drive circuits of the front and rear brakes;

2. in the event of emergency braking, maintain the pressure in the drive circuits of the front and rear brakes at a level that ensures the full implementation of the adhesion forces during the entire phase of steady deceleration.

The implementation of the first function provides the greatest margin of stability and controllability of the vehicle and the simultaneous approach of the wheels to the maximum adhesion state. The implementation of the second ensures the minimum braking distance. Unfortunately, designing the ideal regulator is extremely difficult and costly. Therefore, at present, regulators have found application in practice, which only partially solve the indicated problems. The regulators used can be divided into two groups: regulators without feedback and feedback regulators.

The use of brake force regulators significantly increases the efficiency of emergency vehicle braking. However, the performance of both static and dynamic regulators is still far from optimal. The main disadvantage of existing regulators is that during emergency braking, they do not exclude both underbraking of the wheels (as a rule, of the rear axle) and their overbraking (as a rule, of the wheels of the front axle). This is due to the fact that the regulators discussed above do not track the actual wheel rolling mode and do not provide the optimal selection of the limiting pressures in the drive of the front and rear wheels for the given specific conditions.

As a result, there is an incomplete use of traction forces and wheel blocking. The second drawback is especially significant, since blocking the transition of wheels to skid causes two negative consequences:

1.decrease in the longitudinal adhesion of tires to the roadbed (especially significant on slippery roads);

2. a drop in the ability to perceive lateral forces.

At the same time, a decrease in the coefficient of adhesion φ x causes an increase in the braking distance, and the loss of the ability to perceive lateral reactions - a loss of vehicle control (when the front wheels are skidding) or skidding (when the rear wheels are skidding).

The decrease in φ x during the transition of the wheels to the skid is explained by the change in the nature of the interaction of the tires with the supporting surface. On dry asphalt-concrete roads, the decrease in adhesion forces is relatively small, but on slippery roads, the decrease in φ x can reach 50% compared to what is realized with the optimal wheel slip mode.

If slip increases, then the transverse reaction coefficient drops sharply, i.e. the wheels lose their ability to absorb lateral forces.

Thus, the transition of the wheels to the locked state is extremely undesirable, because entails a decrease in both the efficiency and safety of emergency vehicle braking. This gave impetus to the development and practical application of such regulators that prevent the wheels from blocking and maintain the pressure in the drive, providing 15% ... 30% wheel slip. Such automatic regulators got the name anti-lock braking systems(ABS), or anti-lock braking devices (ABU).

ABS according to the principle of regulation can be divided into three main groups:

1.with individual regulation of each wheel (Individual Regulizung) -IR;

2. with “low threshold regulation”, i.e. simultaneous regulation of both wheels of the axle according to the signals of the wheel sensor, which is in the worst grip conditions (Select Low) -SL;

3. with “high threshold regulation”, i.e. simultaneous adjustment of the wheels of one axle according to the signal of the wheel sensor located in better conditions clutch (Select High) -SH.

ABS can be implemented on different element base and made according to fundamentally different circuit diagrams. At the same time, the commonality of tasks and the object of regulation determines the presence in the system under consideration of functional structures and nodes serving similar purposes. Such structures, first of all, include an actuator with a drive, which directly regulates the braking torque; sensors of the state of the functional systems of the car, which control the change in one or another parameter, and the control unit on the basis of the incoming information.

Feedback systems are essential for the optimum combination of braking performance and vehicle stability.

    During the Soviet era, most automotive component companies were part of large industrial groups. After transformation in the 1990s. some of them remained tightly connected with the production of components for the assembly line, others concentrated on the production of spare parts, and still others were unable to adapt to the new realities of the market. As a result, the structure Russian market so far differs significantly from the world.

    The trends in the global automotive components industry, which this article is devoted to, will be indicative of the development directions of the actively changing Russian market.

The world market for automotive components ($ 800 billion in 20032) is subdivided into primary (components used to manufacture automobiles) and secondary (spare parts). According to NAPAK (National Association of Automotive Component Manufacturers), the share of the world primary market for auto components in 1998 was about 75%, and the share of the secondary market was about 25%.

The current structure of the Russian market of spare parts differs significantly from the world one - the corresponding values ​​of the primary and secondary markets are 47% and 53%, respectively (see Fig. 1) 3. Among the factors explaining the difference between the Russian market structure and the global one are the following:

  • high share of cheap Russian models in the vehicle fleet;
  • poor product quality domestic auto industry leading to premature breakdowns of parts and assemblies of domestic cars;
  • the age structure of the country's car park, which constantly requires maintenance and repair;
  • low quality highways compared to developed countries;
  • high accident rate;
  • high mark-up for spare parts as a result of high demand and relatively low competition (until recent years);
  • undeveloped market of spare parts and, as a result, the presence of redundant links in distribution channels.
And if the issue of the quality of roads and accidents is not within the competence of manufacturers of cars and spare parts, then the other factors listed are due to the existing structure of the industry.

Before considering the existing trends in the industry, let's define the classification of auto component manufacturers, which can be conditionally divided into four main groups (according to the degree of complexity of the product being manufactured and their participation in the production chain - see Fig. 2):

  1. The car manufacturers themselves. The practice of producing parts of any complexity directly by the car manufacturer is still quite widespread.
  2. First-tier suppliers. From them, automakers receive ready-made systems and modules for final assembly. These suppliers are the primary channel through which carmakers receive pre-assembly components and modules (engines, seat assemblies, body kits, air conditioning systems, etc.).
  3. Second-tier suppliers. Provide tier 1 suppliers with components (such as a piston group for an engine, seat frame, or window kits).
  4. Third-tier providers. Produce simple parts and blanks (casting, bolts, wiring, etc.).
Some researchers note the spin-off of large mega-suppliers (suppliers-integrators) from the first-tier suppliers.

Automotive Components Market Trends

Transfer of production functions of components and modules from car manufacturers to specialized companies

The beginning of vertical disintegration in the automotive industry is traditionally attributed to the actions of American automakers in response to the challenge of Japanese automakers in the 1980s. with their leading principles of "Lean Manufacturing" and "Just-in-Time Delivery". Eventually, General Motors and Ford spun off their component divisions (Delphi and Visteon, respectively) and began implementing flexible manufacturing systems based on teams that could successfully resolve emerging issues. At the same time, a part of the functions passed to the suppliers, namely: R&D of components, design and assembly of systems and modules (see Fig. 3).

Delphi and Visteon are among the largest Tier 1 vendors today. The former owners are traditionally one of their main clients. For example, Delphi in 2001, with a total production volume of more than $ 26 billion, delivered 67.6% of its production to GM and only 32.4% to other companies.

To improve productivity, reduce costs and improve product quality, automakers and their suppliers have been forced to implement proven advanced manufacturing systems in the Land of the Rising Sun. For example, Delphi is currently reaping the benefits of putting Lean principles into practice4. The global manufacturing system DMS (Delphi Manufacturing System) has contributed to improving product quality, efficiency of operations, increased utilization of production space, reduced production cycle and increased efficiency in inventory management while reducing waste in the value chain.

Consolidation of the supplier industry

The drive to cut costs continues to drive the consolidation of the global auto industry. There have been 272 mergers in the auto parts industry over the past ten years. The volume of transactions amounted to $ 19.5 billion (2003 data). The process of mergers and acquisitions of suppliers of automotive components will continue. This is because the potential for cost savings through consolidation of brand owners has been exhausted and the pressure of economies of scale is being shifted mainly to suppliers.

From fig. Figures 4 and 5 show that the reduction in the number of suppliers to car manufacturers in the last 10-20 years has occurred simultaneously with the growth in the volume of world production of automotive components. Global carmakers such as Ford and General Motors saw their component suppliers drop four to five times over the same period.

The growing importance of ready-to-build systems and modules

As the link between the individual component manufacturers and the final vehicle assembly, Tier 1 suppliers are the most important players in the chain. The ability to put on an assembly line a ready-made module that requires minimal costs for a technological unit, guaranteed and meets the required level of quality, is extremely attractive for an automaker. In addition, it saves on costs and shortens the entire production cycle.

However, the same modules and components are used for different models and platforms. The companies most affected by modular strategies are PSA (Peugeot, Citroen), BMW and VW.

R&D spending growth

The transfer of the development of parts and modules from vehicle manufacturers to component suppliers automatically necessitates the transfer of research in this area. This leads to a reallocation of costs. About 3% of a carmaker's total costs are transferred to the component manufacturers.

Car manufacturers and their suppliers are being forced to meet growing demands from consumers and legislators to produce ever more fuel efficient vehicles with lower emissions. This circumstance becomes extremely important. Stringent US standards (Strict corporate average fuel and EPA requirements), as well as European Euro 4 and Euro 5 standards, force automakers to focus on new technologies (including diesel refinements and hybrid projects) to make cars, the quality of which meets the stricter government requirements.

Suppliers of components that meet these requirements have a significant competitive advantage as they enable the automaker to reduce the time it takes to develop a new product.

Growing requirements for suppliers

To maintain sales volumes and maintain or increase market share, many automakers continue to cut prices and reach consumers with various schemes financing. These actions lead to a decrease in the profitability of automakers, who are ready to shift the problem to suppliers. To remain competitive, suppliers must continually seek innovation and cost savings to offer carmakers better prices each year. Price pressures on suppliers affect all levels of vertical integration and various markets, including Russia. For example, Avtoagregat OJSC (Kineshma), being a Tier 1 supplier to TRW, is forced to comply with TRW's requirements for annual cost / price reductions.

Among the traditional requirements of car manufacturers to suppliers of the first tier (which they, in turn, impose on suppliers of the second and third tier), we will name the following:

  • all deliveries are "just in time";
  • annual cost / price reduction (2-8% per year). For example, Toyota requires a 25% price cut every three years;
  • continuous quality improvement;
  • the ability to independently carry out research work. On average, companies spend about 3% of their revenue on research.
Extending the life of auto components and extending the warranty period for new cars

Thanks to improved product quality, car owners have fewer parts to buy. In addition, automakers have extended their warranties on average. This circumstance has increased the share of car repairs through authorized dealerships of automakers in comparison with unauthorized ones. According to various ratings of car reliability (for example, J. D. Power & Associates, ADAC-AutomarxX, etc.), in recent years, for all brands, there has been a gradual decrease in the average number of breakdowns per 100 vehicles.

Increase in the share of non-original spare parts

The trend described in the previous article to move the production of components from developed to developing countries continues. Often, components produced in developing countries are now transferred by car manufacturers in their original packaging and delivered to dealerships as "original".

In April 2004, the European Commission considered a proposal for free circulation of spare parts without retaining copyright control.

The new regulation will expand the concept of "original components" so that automakers will be able to use components from any supplier that meet their specifications. Changes in European legislation will lead to the fact that authorized workshops (stations Maintenance) will be able to use automotive components from any manufacturer as long as they comply technical requirements... Today, car makers require that authorized workshops only use spare parts supplied by the car maker.

In October 2003, consultancy Roland Berger surveyed 150 CEOs of automakers and auto parts manufacturers. The survey revealed that an active arrival of auto component manufacturers in Russia can be expected starting from 2007. This will also be facilitated by the growth in sales of new foreign cars and the development of local assembly plants: car manufacturers will be interested in the arrival of "their" suppliers.

The main consequence of the development of events according to this scheme is a manifold intensification of the competition in the market. The growth of competition will also be affected by an increase in the share of suppliers of non-original products, for example Chinese manufacturers... At the same time, it is possible to predict a decrease in the margin for spare parts, an increase in requirements for product quality, a change in the structure of the market as a whole, and an increase in the share of the primary market.

It is obvious that the existing technological gap in the production and development of auto components between Russian and foreign companies cannot be overcome in one leap, just as it is impossible to produce a high quality product without changing the entire production and management process. This is especially true for manufacturers of complex assemblies and modules. One of the ways of their successful development will be cooperation with world leaders in this field, which will require compliance with a number of criteria. Attractive partners will be independent Russian companies with transparent cost and management structures that have proven their competitiveness in the domestic market.

This is possible when suppliers of all levels are isolated or separated from the structure of car manufacturers, their existence and development as independent companies with their own strategy and the ability to supply products to not one, but many car manufacturers on the market. Market delivery will also allow economies of scale to be exploited and costs to be reduced as output increases. Automotive component companies that fail to fit into this model will be doomed to extinction. The automaker may also suffer if it has not ensured the necessary increase in quality, operational efficiency and promising "filling" for the creation of new cars and has not had time to switch to the use of modern components in time.

A positive aspect, important for the transformation of the industry, is the understanding of the problems by Russian car manufacturing companies that already use products from foreign component manufacturers and joint ventures. There is only one thing to do: stay ahead of large-scale industry changes.

The question of the successful development of auto component manufacturers in the market largely depends on distribution, but this is a topic for a separate article.


  1. This article is the third in a series of publications on global trends in the global automotive industry (see Company Management. - 2004. - No. 6, 7).
  2. Source - Economist Intelligence Unit.
  3. In 2003, Russia produced cars (including foreign cars) worth $ 5.54 billion (Interfax). Without the average retail markup of dealers (7%), wholesale markup (2%) and gross profit of automakers (for example, AVTOVAZ - 16%), we get 4.26 billion dollars.
    If there is a passenger fleet in the Russian Federation with a volume of slightly more than 23 million cars, with car owners spending on spare parts at least $ 200 per year for each car (in accordance with the world average), the capacity of the secondary market for spare parts can be estimated at $ 4.7 billion. ...
    Note to fig. 1: according to the agency PAKK, in 2002 the primary market accounted for 35%, the secondary market - 65%.
  4. By now, similar systems for increasing productivity are present to a greater or lesser extent in many manufacturers. Some principles of "lean manufacturing" can be seen in the planned technological processes for assembling the Renault-Logan on the Avtoframos, created together with Nissan, where the SPR system (Renault production system) will function. In particular, it obliges workers to stop the conveyor if a defect is found.

Igor Plotnikov, BOSAL Sales Director in Russia and CIS countries:

“The main trend in the auto components market in 2017 was a general decline in the purchasing power of the population. This was most evident in the continuing decline in new car sales. At the same time, sales of spare parts have often positive dynamics. In these conditions, we had to rebuild "on the fly", tk. trends in different groups goods often had multidirectional vectors.

Due to the decline in car sales, the demand for accessories also decreased. We note a decrease in demand for towing hitch devices (towbars). Some consumers, due to lack of funds, purchase cheaper products. On the other hand, due to the high exchange rate of the euro, goods manufactured in Russia (including BOSAL towbars) are becoming more competitive in comparison with imported products. In the area of exhaust systems premium class BOSAL is the leader in the Russian market, and the presence of a warehouse in Russia has only strengthened our position in the market.

In 2016, we tried to support our distributors as much as possible, because this year was not easy for many, especially in the regions. The decline in consumer demand is forcing regional players to reduce warehouse stocks and reduce their assortment. In such conditions, the role of prompt shipment and fast delivery increases. We tried to develop these areas.

In 2016, the most important event for us was the opening of the Russian warehouse of BOSAL exhaust systems. Although it was formally opened at the end of last year, it began operating in full force in 2016. This gave Russian customers quick access to the full range of BOSAL products, while at the lowest cost.

The expansion of the range of both exhaust systems and towing equipment will continue in 2017. Next year we will be focusing on quick release towbars. And production facilities in Russia make it possible to produce this high-tech product, adapt it to Russian conditions and set an affordable price for it.

In the coming year, we look forward to stabilizing the economy and increasing the purchasing power of the population. But even if this does not happen, we have the ability and desire to develop and improve the offer of our products in order to provide our consumers with it as much as possible. "

Olga Katkova, Sales Manager, Japanparts:

“The crisis in the Russian economy, and in particular the fall in the automotive market throughout 2016, determined the main trends in the auto parts market. Despite the decline in the purchasing power of the population, the quantitatively independent auto parts market not only did not decline, but also showed some growth. This can be explained by the fact that consumers do not buy new cars, but repair existing ones. Having a limited budget for repairs, car owners refuse to buy original or expensive parts in favor of their cheap counterparts. This poses the challenge for suppliers to ensure an uninterrupted supply of inexpensive and high-quality spare parts.

An important factor of competition in secondary market auto components for Japanparts and its distributors has become the company's ability to reorient itself to offer products that are not inferior in their operational characteristics the best samples, while maintaining the optimal ratio of quality and price. Indeed, with an increase in demand for products of a low-price range, the main factors of competition are the quality of the offered product and its availability with distributors.

Japanparts has always been attentive and understanding to the needs of its distributors. In 2016, together with our partners, we focused on maintaining the optimal level of availability of our products, as the demand for them grew steadily throughout the year. In 2016, Japanparts continued to work on assortment. These are both traditional product groups for the company, where we strive for full coverage of all models of Japanese and korean cars and new product lines. In particular, Japanparts has developed a complete range of shock absorbers for Asian and European foreign cars.

In 2017, Japanparts will continue to develop in three directions: an optimal price that meets market demands, traditionally high quality and constant availability of goods in distributors' warehouses. We hope that such a difficult and painstaking work will allow Japanparts to strengthen its leadership position in Russia, increasing its market share in difficult conditions for all its participants. "

Volume Heiner , director alca mobil logistics + services gmbh:

“In 2016, the general downturn in the economy was reflected in the auto components market. But business always faces challenges from the external environment, be it a crisis, competition or counterfeiting. The main thing is for the company to be able to cope with the assigned tasks. This year, we have expanded the range of the alca ® brand, under which goods of German quality are sold at affordable prices, due to even more budgetary products, while maintaining high standards quality. By optimizing the costs of packaging and premium parts, we have created a product that meets the challenges of the crisis. For several years we have seen an increase in demand for frameless alca ® SUPER FLAT wiper blades. This year they were overtaken by the more economical alca ® SPECIAL frameless brushes. This is a trend towards an increase in demand for inexpensive and practical goods. There is another trend - the demand for premium quality accessories that will last a long time. This is why the well-proven HEYNER ® HYBRID hybrid brushes with universal characteristics for different seasons are in high demand even during a crisis.

In a period of instability in the market, motorists are guided by well-known brands, trusting the quality of their products. And in a situation of limited incomes of the population, such trust is of paramount importance. The alca ® brand is a long-liver in the Russian auto accessories market, therefore, the demand for its products continues to this day.

Alca mobil logistics + services gmbh distributes through a partner network. This scheme is suitable for companies that are both manufacturers and suppliers. And one of the important points for successful cooperation is well-functioning interaction and mutual focus on successful work. We create a comfortable working environment: there are no disruptions in the supply of products, we promptly eliminate any problems, and dealers receive bonus rewards for successful work. We also participate in the regulation of work between our partners and are always ready to support comprehensive agreements between colleagues.

We have many years of experience in cooperation with distributors in more than 70 countries of the world, but Russia is our most big market... Here we work with a number of major distributors. Thanks to them, our products are already present in all regions of the country.

In 2016, the brands alca ® and HEYNER ® presented their new products at all leading exhibition spaces in Russia and Germany - MIMS Automechanika, INTERAUTO, Automechanika in Frankfurt am Main, Mir Detstva. The alca ® brand was awarded for the first time for compressors in the category Affordable price and High Quality ”in the leading industry award“ World Automotive Components - 2016 ”.

This year we have released a number of unique and high-tech innovations - the powerful alca ® Aeropressor Stahl-Zylinder (35 l / min) and the unusual alca ® Aeropressor O-Form round compressor. There is also a reinforced alca ® AeroPump Kompakt (7 bar) foot pump, whose steel cylinder and frame guarantee its strength and durability. Also, the alca ® brand presented Charger for mobile phone- portable alca ® PowerBank (4000 mAh for iPhone, Ipod, Ipad, Samsung, HTC and camera), as well as cigarette lighter splitters with USB inputs, wires of a unique color and design for recharging equipment.

Special attention was paid this year to anti-theft systems. The alca® AutoSafe steering wheel lock presented a reliable and budget-friendly option for protection against theft, and HEYNER® offered several methods of protection of the fourth level (on a scale of four): through the steering wheel and pedal grip - HEYNER ® PedalBlock and due to the steering lock - HEYNER ® WheelBlock.

By 2017, the alca ® brand will have new line frame brushes alca ® SPECIAL KONTAKT. These brushes have a new design and an additional protective cover. We listened to the needs of car enthusiasts and the requirements of retail chains and provided blister plastic packaging for new brushes with a transparent center to protect against counterfeiting.

We hope that in 2017 the economic situation in Russia will begin to change in better side, which will lead to an increase in consumer activity. In turn, we plan to offer the market innovative and technological car accessories at affordable prices in 2017 as well.

Ilya Sokolov, DENSO Regional Manager for Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan:

“The auto components market this year was not worried better times... Consumers saved by trying to minimize costs without feeling stable in the economy. According to experts, the market in euro terms, if not fell, then stagnated. In these conditions, the volume of supplies of inexpensive spare parts continued to increase. Premium brands remained at risk as their products were difficult to compete in such an environment. These phenomena did not affect the performance of Denso Rus. We just had to concentrate on projects that increase the recognition and accessibility of our brand.

We continued to develop the assortment: we introduced new articles on sale, expanded the applicability to the existing assortment, launched marketing programs that gave noticeable results. Taking them into account, we can already draw up a preliminary result: 2016 was a very successful year for us.

We consider the correct positioning of the brand to be the main criterion for success. We place emphasis on the value for money of the product and on the service life of DENSO components. Note that 2016 is the first full year when we have a new Iridium TT candlestick. The resource of these candles reaches 120,000 km, which is an unprecedented figure on the market.

We owe our success to our customers as well. We have launched a number of logistics projects to deliver orders to branches. For this, we have reduced the minimum amounts by taking on the costs of these routes. The project turned out to be successful - orders in the regions where we launched more affordable delivery increased several times. Now our parts arrive at the distributor's branches faster, and this increases the chances of winning the fight against the competitor. We have significantly strengthened our positions in such regions as Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don and Krasnodar, Minsk. In the future, we see a tendency for the leading players in the automotive component market to leave Moscow for the most distant regions with relatively low competition.

In 2016, Denso Rus celebrated its 10th anniversary. We look positively into the next year, we will continue the projects that we started in 2016. Among the new products, it is worth noting new articles for air pressure sensors in the intake manifold, compressors, radiators, condensers, wiper blades, starters. In 2017, we are launching a completely new product on the market - camshaft and crankshaft sensors. ”

Sergey Vasilkov, visiting territorial manager of the CIS countries, Brembo Russia LLC:

“I would call the outgoing year a year of stability. And the point here is not that it has become easier to live or the problems are gone. Panic moods disappeared, and people began to get used to the new reality. And the reality is that the struggle for each client has intensified due to the fall in consumer demand. More precisely, there is demand, but the population began to allocate less money for this demand than before. Therefore, all market participants began to take a more responsible approach to solving operational issues and planning. Many distributors revised their product portfolios highlighting key products and areas of activity, which helped stabilize the position in the spare parts market. Throughout the year, we have noted an increased demand for updating information about our products, which indicates the focus of distributors on certain products and brands.

As we expected, there was a clear division of the market into premium and economy segments. Consumers make a choice either in favor of a cheap product, or in favor of expensive products with excellent quality and characteristics. As before, the main factors of competition are the price of the product, its quality and, of course, the availability “here and now”. Thanks to customers who value quality and reliability. Thanks to them, in 2016 we continued our growth, which has been going on for several years, despite difficult times.

We did not change the approach to product distribution, as we believe that our partners should be confident in the consistency of our promises and steps. We continue to pursue a policy of a limited number of distributors, this allows us to focus on each of them and jointly make Brembo products available to car owners. The presence of our products in the regions is due to the expansion of the branch network of our distributors. And since the capital market for auto parts is "overheated", almost all distributors have begun to actively develop sales in the regions. To help our distributors, in addition to various support programs, we regularly hold seminars in all regions of the country. And it is in the regions that there is an increased interest in our seminars. Regional retailers want to know more about Brembo in order to be able to sell our products professionally.

Brembo is focused on the development and production of brake components. Our goal is quality, reliability and innovation in this area. We do not strive to increase the number of product lines for the sake of the trend of business expansion. We have a narrow specialization in which we are the "trendsetter". Nevertheless, the company renews its assortment every year. For example, in the middle of last year, we launched the Xtra line of perforated discs. A year ago we offered 50 articles, but now we have 167 articles in our catalog. And 2017 will be no exception, every month we plan to increase the range.

We are looking forward to 2017 with optimism. We hope that the stabilization of the market will continue and the country, as well as the auto parts market, will pass the turmoil. We expect the growth of the auto parts market, which will be associated with a decline in new car sales and an increase in the share of used cars, which naturally require spare parts. I have no doubt that Brembo will continue to delight its fans as well and offer confidence in the safety of braking. ”

Igor Korichnev, head of the Russian representative office of Dayco:

“The main factor influencing the Russian auto components market in 2016 is the general economic situation in Russia. The unstable ruble / euro exchange rate determined pricing policy market participants. The drop in new car sales has led to an increase in demand for quality auto parts for the repair of used vehicles.

In current conditions, the price seems to be the main criterion by which the car owner chooses a spare part. However, its quality and reliability remain essential. This is especially true in the field of belt drive systems. By and large, the factors of competition now differ little from those that existed earlier. These include product quality, competitive price, brand range and market coverage. And, of course, the service from the brand is very important: the constant availability of the goods needed by the client in the warehouse, the speed of delivery of products to the client, marketing and informational support of distributors and other standard items.

In the outgoing year, when working with Russian partners, we tried to listen to their requests and, if possible, meet them halfway. As for the dynamics of our development in the Russian market, it is difficult for me to single out any specific regions. There is a smooth growth and strengthening of positions in all subjects.

As for the prospects for our development in Russia, we will continue to expand the range of components for the transmission of torque (Power Transmission). This is our main focus. We try to satisfy the demand of completely different categories of users. In particular, we offer repair kits that include as much as possible full set components of the category KTBWP (belts, rollers, tensioners, water pump, fasteners) and reduced sets - without water pumps (KTB or KPV) or consisting of one belt (TB Set). We also have individual components - all kinds of belts, as well as rollers and tensioners.

Among the new products in the assortment for the Russian aftermarket components market are, in particular, belts in BIO (Belt-in-Oil) oil and repair kits with it - so far they have been supplied only for original equipment. It is impossible not to mention the expansion of the range of repair kits with a water pump, chains and kits with them. In this area, Dayco continues its policy of expanding the range of torque transmission components.

Speaking about the prospects for 2017, I want to note that against the background of the relative stabilization of the national currency rate and some strengthening of the economic state of the market, consumers are accustomed to new life realities. Therefore, we expect a strengthening of our positions in 2017. Dayco will not only continue to expand its assortment in the Russian market, but will also actively promote its products in the regions of the country. "

Andrey Aleksyuk, head of the marketing department of the Russian representative office of MANN + HUMMEL:

“The performance of our company in the Russian market demonstrates positive dynamics, despite the continuing general decline in the country's economy. New car sales are declining and used car ownership is increasing. This situation contributes to an increase in demand for our products from retail buyers.

MANN + HUMMEL specializes in the production of high quality automotive components. Lean car owners choose our components, realizing that it is in them that the guarantee of trouble-free operation of the car lies. Note that such considerations lead us to a significant number of car owners who previously preferred the products of brands of the middle and lower price range. Moreover, the cost of the filter is negligible compared to the total cost of maintaining the car.

This year we focused on working with dealers, since it is their support that is a key factor in further business development in any economic conditions. We focus on creating the most convenient conditions for distributors to work with products manufactured by MANN + HUMMEL. To do this, we constantly "polish" and hone all aspects of relationships with partners: warehouse, delivery, information and marketing support, and so on.

During 2016, all of our regional networks showed similar growth rates. At the same time, we ourselves focused on development in Siberia and the Far East. This is one of the promising areas. In recent years, the Moscow office of MANN + HUMMEL has been taking responsibility for new neighboring countries. So, this year we started working with the Kyrgyz market. It is planned to start activities in Armenia and Azerbaijan next year.

In 2016 MANN + HUMMEL celebrated its 75th anniversary. This year we acquired the largest manufacturer of filtration system components in the North American market - Affinia Group. The deal added two new names to the list of brands owned by MANN + HUMMEL, now there are nine. In the coming year, we plan to bring to the Russian market a new generation of cabin filters from the FreciousPlus line.

Speaking about the expectations that we associate with 2017, I would like to note that the so-called crisis in the Russian economy will not end. Actually, this is not even a crisis, it has become a kind of "normal state" of our market. Therefore, we are not planning any fundamental changes in our strategy and tactics in Russia. In 2017, the Russian representative office of MANN + HUMMEL will follow the same course as in 2016. ”

Andrey Belyaev, Deputy Director for Development, SLON-AUTO LLC:

“In 2016, the main impact on car market provided by the financial crisis. The market continues to fall in sales, there is a shift in demand from the primary car market towards the "secondary". Average age The vehicle fleet is growing, parts and assemblies develop their resource over time, the frequency of repairs and the demand for spare parts are growing.

The purchasing power of the population is decreasing, due to which the service interval increases, and there is an increase in demand for cheap products. Against this background, the position of our company has strengthened. And this is understandable, since the production of SLON ® is localized in Russia. This reduces production costs, lowers logistics costs and allows us to offer the buyer favorable stable prices that are minimally tied to currency fluctuations.

The price factor for the buyer is becoming more and more important when choosing a product. I would like to note that the volatility of the market and currencies has significantly decreased. The dollar exchange rate has been gradually decreasing since February 2016, and from April to the present time fluctuations occur in a relatively small range (67-64 rubles). Of course, these are not “pre-crisis” 33 rubles per dollar, but stability has appeared. In addition to the price, stability and reliability (of both the product and the supplier), the availability of assortment, and the speed of delivery now play an important role. SLON-AUTO is able to meet these expectations.

By the way, regional tendencies can also be characterized by the word “stabilization”. Those who could not stay afloat - curtailed their activities mainly in 2015. Their shares were redistributed among the existing players. Our positions on the Russian market have not weakened at all. We are trying to develop and enter new markets: Ukraine and Belarus, strengthening our positions in Kazakhstan. So far, we cannot say that we dominate these markets, but we are making every effort to develop here.

A significant event for us in 2016 was the recognition of our products by experts and buyers. High voltage wires For the third time in a row, SLON® brands have won the prestigious World Automotive Components 2016 award. For us, this is proof that we are doing our job right. For the company "SLON-AUTO", the expansion of positions for foreign cars became the main task in the development of new products in 2016. Also, considering the main trends in ignition systems modern engines internal combustion, we brought to the market individual ignition coils ТМ SLON ®.

Over the past three years, the auto components market has shown a decline in financial capacity, despite the increase in sales in quantitative terms. For drastic change This trend requires, first of all, an increase in purchasing power, as well as an increase in the rate of the Russian currency. There is a shift in consumer preferences towards democratic price segments and a rejection of premium brands. In such conditions, the most promising manufacturers are those who are able to offer the consumer a product with the best price-quality ratio. The company "SLON-AUTO" has all the capabilities to meet the needs and expectations of customers. "

Andrey Melnikov, Head of TMD Friction Representative Office in Russia:

“The main trend that now dominates the auto parts market is the further contraction of the premium segment and the growth of mid-price and budget segments. We, as a manufacturer of premium products, were directly affected by this: the sales growth turned out to be lower than planned. Now we are working on strengthening our positions in more budget segments and next year we will offer the market corresponding product lines.

At the moment, the greatest advantage belongs to those companies that have their own warehouse in Russia and have the opportunity to settle settlements with distributors in rubles, not in foreign currency. In conditions of an unstable exchange rate, this is becoming one of the most important competitive advantages. Our company did not stay aside from this process. In 2017, we will most likely also switch to ruble settlements with Russian partners.

In 2016, we, as far as possible, tried to provide partners with more or less stable rules of work, without drastic changes in conditions. We adjusted the price lists taking into account the falling purchasing power of car owners. In addition, we have created a strong foundation for the next year: we have prepared for the market launch new brand, created a base for technical training our distributors.

The most significant for our company in the outgoing year was an increase in market share and sales volumes, albeit small, but still. For a premium brand in current situation it was not easy at all, but we did it. We are constantly expanding the range of products, over the past year there have been many new products for both brake pads and discs for passenger cars produced by TMD Friction under the Textar brand. In 2017, we are planning a significant expansion of the range due to the launch of the updated brand of brake pads Nisshinbo on the Russian market. Starting next year, our office will be responsible for promoting it on the domestic market. At the moment, we are finishing work on a new Nisshinbo catalog, which, unlike the current edition, will have a much wider range of products for left-hand drive car models, as well as brake discs.

We expect the market to show slight growth in 2017. The fact is that already this year there has been a noticeable revival in the segment of auto parts for commercial vehicles. We hope that the market of components for passenger cars has finally found the bottom, will not dig deeper and will start to grow slightly. "

Sergey Beskorovainy, Head of Marketing at KYB:

“The main trends of the outgoing year are economic recession, deteriorating purchasing power of the population, falling sales of new cars, general aging of the fleet and a reduction in the average annual mileage of cars. Of the positive trends, I would like to note the decrease in the volatility of the ruble, although it remains at a fairly high level.

KYB has not set itself sky-high goals for this year, we are doing well in fulfilling our plans and objectives. Our market share is not decreasing in percentage terms, we are on target in terms of profit and sales.

Naturally, general market trends affect the way we work with our customers. We provide more support to our distributors and are more flexible in building our relationships. In a difficult market situation, we have tried to maintain the consumer qualities of our products in an optimal price-quality ratio.

The main demand is predicted to shift from the premium to the low-cost segment. Under such a model, of course, important factors are the threat of new competitors with a lower price and dependence on consumers with a massive decline in demand. Our company does everything necessary to reduce the cost of production, but in no case at the expense of quality. As I said earlier, KYB has a fairly large margin of safety in terms of competitiveness. The accumulated experience and methods allow us to withstand these factors with confidence. We notice how the strategies of our competitors in the market are changing, but a tighter struggle allows us to keep ourselves in good shape and work with greater efficiency to please our consumers.

The key composition of our distribution network has been formed long ago, and the main provisions of our trade policy do not undergo significant changes. More precise tuning of relationships and adaptation to the trends of developing technologies are taking place. Together with our partners, we have strengthened our positions in the Urals and in the Southern Federal District. Quality logistics is an important part of our business. Stores and service stations are trying to optimize their inventory on the shelves and operate on direct demand. In a highly competitive environment, vendor complementary programs and marketing support come to the fore.

The most significant and important event for our company, and for all our clients, passed without much coverage in information channels. If you remember, in the spring of 2015 we moved our Moscow warehouse outside of Russia. And many said that KYB was leaving Russia. So, we have been and continue to be engaged in the optimization of the assortment and have now returned the warehouse to Moscow. At the moment, we have set up an optimal delivery scheme to our customers from a group of warehouses that contain the necessary logistics stocks. KYB continues to regard the Russian market as a strategic direction of its activities.

In 2016, we were actively involved in expanding the range of shock absorbers and springs. Already now, our customers can order products from our warehouses for such models as Toyota RAV4 (IV generation), Mitsubishi outlander(III generation), Mazda5 (II generation), Opel astra J, Chevrolet Cruze, Chevrolet cobalt... We continue to actively develop new products for locally produced vehicle models. Some of these new products are at the final stage of preparation for production and will be available to our customers in 2017: Hyundai Solaris / Kia Rio, Chevrolet aveo(II generation), Ford focus(III generation). We recommend all fans of our brand to follow the "News" section on our official website, where we share up-to-date information on all new products in the range. On our site, readers can find new useful services for themselves: "3D-photo", "Expert club" and others.

We do not expect any major changes in 2017. But, according to our estimates, some positive trends may emerge next year. As they say, wait and see. We have plans for next year, but it’s too early to talk about them. I want to take a moment and wish everyone a Happy New Year! Wish everyone only positive emotions, faith, hope and good luck! And luck loves those who make the effort. And everything will be great! "

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