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Camila Batdalova
Synopsis of GCD in middle group"Transport"

Synopsis of GCD in the middle group« Transport»

Summary of GCD in the middle group on the topic: « Transport»

Target: Introducing children to the views transport.



form a concept « transport» ; consolidate children's knowledge of the types transport - ground, water, air; Expand children's knowledge of land, water and air sports transport: about places of movement transport - earth, water, air; appointment transport.

Educational: Develop the ability to classify species transport at the place of its movement - land, air, water;

Develop the ability to reason, draw conclusions;

Develop memory.

Educational: to cultivate observation and a desire to help the character solve his problems.


- Toys: cars - trucks, cars

Pictures with different views transport, Split pictures

Lesson progress:

Educator- Guys, I will now read the riddles to you, and you will guess them!

I'm an important machine

There is a body and a cabin.

I carry any cargo

On the ribbons of the roads.

And desks, and watermelons

I will deliver to you on time

Children -Truck

Here is a steel bird

Aiming for the sky

And the pilot is leading it.

What kind of bird?

Children - Airplane

The palace floats on the waves,

People are lucky.

Children - (Ship)

Educator - This is what you just called

Children- Species transport

Guys, today I received a letter from Dunno. Let me read it to you. He writes that he is sailing in a car along the river, and his friends are traveling by plane along the road and carrying cargo on a bicycle. He is completely confused. Can't remember which one transport flies through the air and floats on the water.

Educator-And what can be used to transport goods?

Children- (by car)

Educator-What are the names of the cars for transporting goods?

Children- (cargo).

Educator - Guys, but who drives the car?

Children - Driver, Chauffeur

Educator- What is the name of the people who are transported to transport.

Children are passengers.

Educator - Well done! Let's see - how are the cars similar and how are they different?

Examining a truck

Educator- Guys, what kind of car is this?

Children (Big, beautiful)

Educator - What does the car have?

Children- (The car has a cab, body, wheels)

What can the car carry in the back?

Children - transport goods - sand, snow, building materials, logs

consideration passenger car

Educator - Guys look at this car (showing a car)- What is she like?

Children- (small, red)

Educator - What does this car have?

Children - The car has a body, wheels

Educator - Where is the driver sitting?

Children - The driver is sitting in the cabin

Educator - Can this car carry goods?

Children - No.

Educator - What is the name of such a machine?

Children - This is a car

Educator - Name the place of movement of this transport?

Children - On the ground

Educator - So on what car Dunno and his friends will carry the goods?

Children- On truck on the ground.

Educator - Guys, tell me, what is it transport?

Children are machines that transport people and goods.

Educator - We have already said that this transport moves on the ground, so oh this transportation is called...

Children are ground.

Educator - What kind transport can help Dunno and his friends swim across a river or sea.

Children - Boats, ships.

Educator - Well done! What is the name of everything that moves on water?

Children - Water activities transport.

Educator-And if high mountains meet, then what should he do? In what form transport, will move, Dunno and his friends?

Children - Helicopters, planes.

Educator - Well done, right. It's called air transport.

Now we are going to play a game "How does it move transport» . I'll start a sentence, you have to finish:

The ship is sailing, and the car ... - rides, The tram rides, and the plane ... - flies,

The plane flies, and the bus ... - rides, the ship floats, and the train ... - rides

Physical education minute

We put our hands apart: (Hands to the side.)

The plane appeared. (They flew like planes.)

Wing back and forth (Tilts left and right.)

Do "once" and do "two". (Turns left and right.)

One and two, one and two! (We clap our hands.)

Keep your hands to the sides (Hands to the side.)

Look at each other. (Turns left and right.)

One and two, one and two! (Jumping in place.)

Put your hands down (Lower hands.)

And everyone sit down! (Sit down.)

Educator- And now let's play the game "Fix the car"

The drivers pressed hard on the pedals,

The car broke into pieces.

Help, help

Assemble the car from the parts.

Children collect cars in parts (from split pictures). At the end, they say what they did

Educator - Well done! And now, let's determine which types transport related pictures

Educator - Children, you learned a lot about transport. Tell me what do we call transport?

Children - This is everything on which you can transport goods and people on land, by water and by air.

Educator - Well done! You did an excellent job. Now Dunno and his friends will know where to ride, where to swim.

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Synopsis of a generalizing lesson in the middle group
Topic: "Modes of transport"
MDOU teacher
Bershet kindergarten
Yushkova Elena Viktorovna

1. develop the ability to classify the types of transport according to the place of its movement - land, air, water; ability to reason and draw conclusions.
2. to exercise in the skill to find signs of differences and similarities between freight and passenger transport.
3. fix the words in the active dictionary: passenger, cargo, passenger, land, water, air transport.
4. expand the horizons of children, cultivate observation.

Preliminary work:
- surveillance of passing vehicles
- mobile games "Taxi", "Train", "Airplanes", "Cars and traffic lights"
- did/games "Guess by the description", "What I'm traveling on", "Pick up the load to the car", "On the water, in the air, on the ground".
Fun games with a car on the remote control, "Railway", a clockwork helicopter, boats for playing with water, a battery-powered airplane.
- conversations with viewing special purpose vehicles
- productive activities on the topic
- role-playing games "We are driving, we are driving, we are driving", "Smart driver", "Around the world trip"

Equipment: a postal envelope with a letter from the village. Prostokvashino, illustrations with modes of transport, 2 cars - cargo and passenger, classification table according to lexical topic"Transport", did / game "The fourth extra".

The teacher informs the children that a letter has arrived today:
It is interesting, from whom the letter (reads) Children gr. "Teremok" kindergarten Bershet village, st. Lenina, 9. Location: Prostokvashino village. Is reading:

"Hello guys! The postman Pechkin is writing to you. Sharik and Matroskin started building a new house and asked me to deliver everything to them necessary materials by mail. I couldn't get it on my bike. Uncle Fyodor said that there are some vehicles that fly through the air and swim along the rivers. Tell us about it, help us figure out what transport is and what it is intended for. Waiting for an answer. Pechkin.

Guys, are you ready to help the postman Pechkin. Is it possible to carry goods on bicycles? What can be transported? (by car) And what are the names of cars for transporting goods? (cargo)
The teacher shows the children two cars and asks them to name which one is a truck. Points to another car - what is it? (car) What is it for? (for transportation of people). What is the name of the people who are transported in transport (passengers). Let's see how the cars are similar and how they differ:
- at cargo wheel more than a passenger car;
- goods are transported in a cargo truck - sand, building materials, logs ...), and in a passenger car - people;
- the cargo has a body and a cabin, the passenger has a passenger compartment;
- who manages vehicle? (chauffeur);
- What is the location of this vehicle? (on the ground);
- what car will Pechkin carry the goods? (for cargo).
Truck carrying sand
The people are surprised, “What a miracle - miracles,
It has sand under the clouds.
The teacher sits the children in front of the magnetic board.
- Guys, tell me, what is transport? (these are means that serve to transport people and goods). We have already said that this transport moves on the ground, which means that it is called ... ground.
- And if Pechkin meets a river or sea along the way, what type of transport will help him along the way? (the teacher exposes water modes of transport, the children name) Everything that moves on water is called water modes of transport.
- And if Pechkin meets high mountains, then what should he do? (then he will travel on another mode of transport, which is called ... air).
- And now, let's collect all the information for Pechkin in one letter, for this I propose to unite in three groups - agree on who will work with whom, and listen to the task:
Pictures are laid out on the table. different types transport.
Group 1 selects only those pictures that relate to land transport and enters them into the classification table.
Group 2 choose pictures of the water mode of transport and also lay them out in the table.
Group 3 chooses an air mode of transport and fills in the table.
Children classify pictures into groups, the teacher asks:
- Guys, tell me, how will Pechkin bring building materials to Prostokvashino? (on a truck, dump truck).
- And on what machine will Pechkin send mail? (on a special car "Post") And what else will this correspondence travel on? (by train, by plane, by ship).
Children put everything they have prepared for Pechkin into an envelope and send it by mail.

Poured gasoline, sat on the car,
We drove by car, we reached the river.
Stop. U-turn. Steamboat on the river.
The ship is not lucky, you have to get on the plane.
The plane is flying, the engine is buzzing in it: woo.

Have a rest? And now sit down more comfortably on the carpet, let's play the game "The Fourth Extra".
Summary of the lesson:
- Guys, you liked to collect information about transport. Tell me, what do we call transport? (this is all that can be used to transport goods and people on land, by water and by air). And how transport is distinguished by the place of movement: land, water, air.
- Well done! You did an excellent job. Today we will go to the post office and send a letter to vil. Prostokvashino. And Sharik and Matroskin will be happy when Pechkin delivers building materials to them.

Please fasten your seat belts.

Do you know how to behave on an airplane? Let's remember these rules together.

During the flight, you can not get up from your seats.

Seat belts must not be unfastened.

Sit still.

Air travel is allowed only with adults.

Speak calmly without disturbing other passengers.

Obey adults, keep cleanliness and order.

Are you ready to fly? We're taking off (airplane sound) The plane has windows like a bus. They are called illuminators. Look out the windows. What do we see? (Clouds, birds). Birds fly below planes. Outwardly, the plane resembles a large bird, only iron. The plane has wings, a tail, like a bird. There is one more difference between an airplane and a bird: in flight it does not flap its wings and the flag of the country to which it belongs is depicted on the tail of the aircraft. And the plane also has a body and big wheels- chassis.

Guys, look, another plane is flying past us. If an aircraft is carrying passengers, it is a passenger aircraft (it has windows). And there are planes that carry cargo. Such aircraft are called cargo aircraft (without windows). There are many special aircraft that are used to rescue people and put out fires.

physical minute

What are the birds in the blue sky

High, high.

It's the planes flying

Far, far away

The red stars shine

Under the wing, under the wing

These are good pilots.

Driving, driving.

Look out the windows. A helicopter is flying. On the roof of the helicopter is a large screw that rotates and lifts the helicopter into the air. Unlike an airplane, the speed of a helicopter is low. A helicopter can hover in the air, and therefore it is indispensable for rescuing people in areas where it is impossible for an airplane to land, for example, in the mountains, on the water.

Guys, look through the windows, what do we see? This is the same earth. Our journey is coming to an end. Make sure everyone has their seat belts fastened. Our plane is descending and landing.

The pilot announces to everyone:

Our flight is over.

It's time for us to land

Let's all shout hurray!

While we were traveling, trouble happened on earth. The planes broke into two halves, let's repair them.

Didactic game "Make a whole"

Well done! Everyone did their job.

Did you enjoy our trip? What did we see when we traveled? What are the planes? Passenger - carry passengers, cargo - cargo. And there are also training aircraft on which paratroopers train. Who is a skydiver? (slide show). A skydiver is a person who jumps with a parachute. The plane flies, and the parachutist jumps out of the plane and falls to the ground.

Today we will conduct an experiment from which we will try to find out how a skydiver can land.

Guys, let's try to launch our little man without a parachute. Oh, guys, how quickly he fell. It's life-threatening. Now let's take another man with a parachute. An open parachute is like an open umbrella.

The parachute opens, the air fills the falling parachute and seems to be holding it, so it descends slowly and smoothly. Our little man landed calmly, safely. Conclusion: what helped him in this? (parachute) That's right - it was a parachute that helped him land smoothly. Now we can tell everyone what holds the parachute (air)

And now, let's go to the tables and see what lies under the napkins.

Children's age: middle group.

Location: group.

Purpose of the lesson: Continue to acquaint children with the occurrence various kinds transport.

Program content: To consolidate knowledge about the profession of a driver, about the need to comply with the rules traffic.

Exercise in the ability to classify transport by type.

To consolidate the ability to work with paper and glue, to create a complete composition from the elements.

Develop curiosity, thinking, phonetic hearing, fine motor skills, speech.

Raise respect for the driver's profession.

Vocabulary work:

Dictionary activation: to develop the speech of children with words-names of vehicles, professions of people driving these vehicles.

Dictionary Enrichment: chauffeur, driver, passenger, balloon, engine, locomotive, glider, land transport, air transport, water transport.

Equipment: pictures depicting a variety of vehicles, a road, a sea pier, a railway, an airfield or a sky with clouds, napkins-sails for breathing exercises, equipment for application.

Preliminary work: Transport surveillance.

Examination of subject and plot pictures on the topic "Transport".

Coloring pictures-coloring pages depicting vehicles.

Conversation, didactic game or lesson about the rules of the road.

Lesson progress: My years are growing

There will be seventeen.

Where should I work then?

What to do?

Man came up with many different and interesting professions. Each of you, when you grow up a little, will choose what to do and what profession to choose.

Today we will talk about people who help us get from one place to another, whose task is to transport people and goods over different distances.

Mystery: All roads are familiar to me

I feel at home in the cockpit.

A traffic light is flashing for me

He knows that I am ... (Children's answers).

Yes, they are drivers. The driver or, as he is also called, the driver. What qualities do you think a good driver should have? What should he know and be able to do? (Answers of children).

(The teacher corrects the children and focuses on such qualities as responsibility, attentiveness, conscientiousness, discipline, diligence, politeness).

But most importantly, the driver must know the rules of the road very well, because the safety of both passengers and pedestrians on the roads depends on this. Not only drivers, but also pedestrians should know the rules of the road, and not only know, but always comply with the requirements of these rules. It is very important!

Reading the poem "Drivers"

Child reads: Rustling along the roads

funny tires

Hurry on the roads

Cars, cars...

And in the back - important

Urgent cargo:

Brick and iron

Firewood and watermelons.

Chauffeurs work

Difficult and complex

But how is it for people

Needed everywhere. Kurban Choliev

Story about the forms of transport.

Let's find out in what order the modes of transport appeared.

At first, a person moved independently and carried all the loads on himself. Do you think it was easy to carry weights? It was very hard. But then they came to the aid of a person ... Yes, pets. Horses, donkeys, and in hot countries and elephants, camels. A person got the opportunity to travel and carry small loads.

Then a man invented a boat and a sail, began to build ships from wood and use the power of the wind to inflate the sails, he got the opportunity to sail along rivers, seas, and then oceans. This opened up distant and mysterious lands before people.

Breathing exercises "The wind inflates the sails"

Children are invited to blow on a napkin - the wind inflates the sails. Offer to try different strengths of wind - breathing.

For many years domestic animals and the wind have faithfully served man. But the needs of people grew all the time and no horses could lift the burdens that people had to carry over long distances. And then the man realized that you need to invent vehicles yourself. So other modes of transport appeared, the first of which was ... a balloon.

A balloon could lift a person or a payload and carry it over a long distance. Alas, it was almost impossible to control the balloon - it flew only where the wind carried it. So people had to invent further. After some time, man invented the engine - the heart of any machine. The first engines ran on coal and wood, they smoked and smoked a lot, but they helped the inventors build the first train - a steam locomotive.

The steam locomotive could transport very heavy loads and people over long distances and proved to be very useful. But it turned out that the rails on which the trains moved could not be laid everywhere. How to be? And then the inventors put the locomotive on wheels and removed the rails - the first car turned out.

Since then, modes of transport have been constantly improved. After the appearance gasoline engine machines have become faster and more powerful. This engine turned out to be very useful not only for cars - by putting such a powerful engine on a glider, a man built the first aircraft.

And then there were rockets, submarines, subway and many other modes of transport.

Didactic game"All professions are important"

The teacher invites the children to consider the types of transport and try to remember who controls which type of transport. It is advisable to encourage children to respond in a detailed form using epithets (an airplane is a brave pilot, a ship is a brave captain, etc.). The following types of transport are offered: car, plane, ship, rocket, bicycle, motorcycle, train.

The teacher shows the children all the previously viewed pictures.

How can you call in one word everything that is shown in these pictures?

(Answers of children).

That's right, transportation. There are different types of transport - some fly in the sky (air), others travel on roads (land), others float on the seas and oceans (water).

Well, today we got acquainted with different types of transport. You are already familiar with cars, trains and ships, and a little later you will get acquainted with other vehicles. But you must remember for the rest of your life that you need to be careful on any roads and in any mode of transport and follow the rules of the road.

Didactic game"Rides, floats, flies"

Children choose a picture for themselves depicting some kind of vehicle and must take it to the place where the place corresponding to this particular type of transport is shown (road, sea pier, railway, airfield or sky with clouds).

Application "Ship"

Children go to the tables. Teacher showing how to make a boat with sails. Spread glue on the bottom edge of a white cardboard sheet. Then sprinkle with blue-colored semolina - this is the sea. Bend a rectangle of colored paper in half, cut off a corner obliquely. Expand - the hull of the boat turned out. Then, according to a pre-drawn vertical line smear with glue and attach a triangle from a napkin. This is a sail. Glue it to the sheet. Decorate the work with multi-colored crumpled napkins (sun, clouds, etc.).

Summary of the lesson. Finished works place on a stand, make an exhibition for parents and educators.

The duration of the lesson is 20-25 minutes.

Educational area: cognitive development

Kind of activity:direct educational activity

Age group: average

Topic: "Ground transport"

Target: Continue to acquaint children with the outside world, with a variety of modes of transport;

To consolidate the ability of children to guess riddles, the development of logical thinking, ingenuity;

Correction-developing: Develop coherent speech, the ability to answer questions, activate vocabulary on the topic "Transport";

To develop in children logical and associative thinking, attention, memory, ingenuity and speech activity

Correctional and educational goals: To form the skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative;

Raising interest in vehicles;


postal envelope with a letter from the house of Masha and the Bear, illustrations with modes of transport, 2 cars - cargo and passenger, split cards on the topic "transport"

Preliminary work.

Examination of photographs, paintings, albums about transport


Modern TCO: tape recorder

Dominant areas: cognition, speech development.

GCD progress

The teacher conducts work, the purpose of which is to establish contact with children, necessary for further interaction with children.Calm music sounds.

Teacher: Hello guys! Look how many guests came to us. Let's greet them and smile. The guests smile back at you. From our smiles it became immediately brighter and warmer.

There is a knock on the door, the teacher brings in a large envelope with a letter.

Playback: Guys, a letter has come to our group today, let's all read it together.

"Hello guys! The bear is writing to you. Masha started building a new house and asked me to deliver all the necessary materials by mail. I couldn't get it on my bike. My familiar wolves said that there are some vehicles that fly through the air and swim along the rivers. Tell us about it, help us figure out what transport is and what it is intended for. Waiting for an answer. Bear".

Playback: Guys, are you ready to help Masha and the bear and tell them everything you know about vehicles?

(Yes, ready)

Playback: But in order to help them, we must first tune in to work and wake up our body. Let's wake up our fingers first.(Appendix No. 1)

And now, let's wake up our eyes.(Appendix No. 2)

Well, now we woke up and are ready to remember and tell Masha and the bear everything we know about vehicles.

Sun: Let's look at modes of transport.

Guys, what is the name of the transport that floats on water? (Water).

What is the name of the vehicle that moves on the ground? (Ground).

What is the name of the transport that moves through the air? (Air).

Sun: Well done boys! Now let's all take a break. We will be drivers now, we will do a physical minute, which is called “We are drivers”(Appendix No. 3)

Sun: Well done, right. Please stand in a circle.

Let's play the game: "Say the other way around"

I throw the ball and ask a question, and you, after catching the ball, answer and throw the ball back to me. Be careful.

Ball game "Say the other way around"

The truck is big and the bike is small

The train is long and the bus….

The tram is heavy, the bike……

The bus is tall, the car…..

A motorcycle goes fast, a bicycle….

The bus is moving slowly, the train…..

The bike is light, the tram……

The bus is short, the train…..

Playback: Is it possible to carry goods on bicycles? What can be transported? (by car) And what are the names of cars for transporting goods? (cargo)

The teacher shows the children two cars and asks them to name which one is a truck. Points to another car - what is it? (car) What is it for? (for transportation of people). What is the name of the people who are transported in transport (passengers). Let's see how the cars are similar and how they differ:

A truck wheel has more than a passenger car;

Cargoes are transported in a cargo truck - sand, building materials, logs, and in a passenger car - people;

The cargo has a body and a cabin, the passenger has a passenger compartment;

Who is driving the vehicle? (driver);

What is the location of this vehicle? (on the ground);

What car will Bear carry the goods? (for cargo).

Playback: Well done boys!!! Let's make a surprise for Masha and the Bear and send pictures of transport so that they remember which transport is easier to transport goods.

The children go to their seats. Calm music sounds.

Playback: - Guys, tell me, how will the Bear bring building materials to his house in the forest?(on a truck, dump truck).

Children put everything they have prepared for Masha and the Bear into an envelope.

Play : - Guys, you liked to collect information about transport. Tell me, what do we call transport?(this is all that can be used to transport goods and people on land, by water and by air).And how transport is distinguished by the place of movement: land, water, air.

Well done! You did an excellent job. Today I will go home and go to the post office and send a letter to the forest house, and Masha and the bear will be happy when they find out how to deliver building materials for a new house to them

Emoticons with the image of a sad and cheerful face

Playback: Tell me, what did you like most about our work today?

If you liked everything and it was not difficult, then take a cheerful smiley, and if you didn’t like something or it was difficult, then take a sad smiley. Children say what they liked most about the lesson and choose a picture for themselves.

Playback: Guys, you are great, I am very pleased with you, so I prepared a surprise for you for your correct answers. Children receive coloring pages with transport for correct answers.


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