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Views Maintenance and repair of an electric locomotive


To ensure the specified volumes of transportation of goods and passengers, the RV must be kept in a technically sound condition, this condition depends on the following factors:

structural reliability;

competent operation;

correct organization of the system of technical maintenance and repair of TPN.

Currently, to maintain the TPM in a technically sound condition and in a proper cultural form, a planned preventive system for organizing maintenance and repairs is used, approved by the instruction of JSC Russian Railways No. 13284 dated July 24, 2001 and supplemented by the instruction of the head of the Trans-Baikal Railway No. 413/4 dated June 19 .2003

To maintain the TPM in a technically sound condition, the following types of maintenance and repairs are performed:

TO-1 - performed by locomotive crews within the scope of service repairs.

TO-2 - produced in the points of PTOL, by mechanics of complex teams.

TO-3 - performed only for diesel locomotives and motor-car rolling stock.

TO-1 and TO-2 are used to prevent the occurrence of malfunctions, to maintain electric locomotives in working condition and in proper sanitary and hygienic condition, to ensure uninterrupted trouble-free operation and fire safety.

TO-4 is carried out by specialized workers who grind wheelset tires without rolling them out from under the TPS in order to maintain the optimal rolling size and the thickness of the tire ridges.

TO-5 - is performed in the process of preparing an electric locomotive for placing in the reserve of the Ministry of Railways and for long-term keeping in the reserve of the railway.

In the process of preparing an electric locomotive for operation after construction, repair at factories or in other depots, in the process of preparing an electric locomotive for operation before issuing it from the Ministry of Railways stock, TO-5 is also produced.

TR and TRS - are used to identify malfunctions and eliminate them in the depot, restore the main performance characteristics and the performance of electric locomotives.

SR - dismantling with revision, modernization of individual units is carried out. It is carried out on the stalls of the depot of registration of electric locomotives by complex and specialized teams. Work is carried out on raising and lowering the body, repairing bogies, assembling and disassembling wheel-motor units, as well as revision and repair of parts and assemblies requiring repair, but not being repaired in this type of technical repair.

KR - is the main means of improving the EPS and provides for the restoration of the supporting structures of the body, complex repair of the frame of bogies, wheelsets and gears, auxiliary machines, restoration of the geometric parameters of parts to drawing dimensions, etc.

KRP is designed to restore operational characteristics, serviceability and complete restoration of the resource of all units, assemblies and parts, including basic ones, complete replacement wires and cables, as well as the modernization of the EPS.

Table 1

Standards of interrepair periods of TPS

Types and series of TPS Standards between overhaul periods, thousand km Maintenance Maintenance Average repair repair TO-2TO-3TRTRSTRZSRKRPVL-80 v / i72 hours -242204406003000 / 2400VL-6548 hours -242006006002400VL-60TO-2TO-3TR-1TR-2TR-3KR-1-48-18180360720-

Duration of maintenance and repair of the VL-80 2-section electric locomotive:

TO-2 - within 1 hour

TO-4 - 48 hours

TR - 34 hours

TRS - 2.5 days

TRZ - 7.5 days

Wed - 8.5 days

Locomotives can be delivered to the depot for maintenance and repairs with a mileage deviation of ± 20%, judging by the technical condition of the RTS, based on this, monthly, quarterly and annual plans for maintenance and repairs are drawn up.

Repair points

Locomotive depots are divided into main and turnover depots. The main depots have an assigned fleet of locomotives for servicing freight and passenger trains for the production of inspection and repair, equipment, repair shops.

The turnaround depot produces TO-1 and TO-2, equipment for locomotives and train maintenance. The revolving depot has workshops with stalls, which are equipped with: viewing ditches, equipped with lighting, with an elevated floor level, and elevated platforms.

The main depots are used for the production of TO-4, TO-5 and all types of repairs. They are carried out on special stalls, which are equipped like the maintenance shops of revolving depots with the addition of various lifting-lowering and lifting-vehicles of mechanization, as well as KZh-20M machines for the production of TO-4. The middle repair shop is located in a separate building and is designed for a repair program of up to 300 units per year.

Repair methods

Repair methods can be individual and aggregate.

The individual method is when the equipment removed from the electric locomotive, after repair, is installed on the same electric locomotive. With an increase in the repair program, the downtime rates increase, so the aggregate method becomes more profitable.

With the aggregate method, the units and assemblies are removed from the locomotive and sent for repair to the appropriate departments or workshops of the depot, and in return they receive previously repaired assemblies and assemblies. The aggregate method makes it possible to reduce the downtime of locomotives for repairs, release locomotives from repairs on schedule, and increase the repair program on existing areas.

The main conditions of the aggregate method are: the interchangeability of units, assemblies, parts of locomotives and the availability of their working capital. The inclusion of large units in the working capital at TR-3: bogies, KMB, traction transformers and other large units led to a significant downtime of locomotives, decreased repairs, and increased the throughput of repair stalls. Specialization and concentration of repair of locomotives when performing TR-3 and TRS makes it possible to more effectively use the large-scale and in-line repair method using production lines for the repair and assembly of units and assemblies. With the large-aggregate flow method, the repair of the body, carts of electric machines and other units along the flow is organized with their movement along separate repair positions. With the large-aggregate method, individual components and assemblies are repaired in advance and assembled into a set, for example, the bogie frame is completely assembled, which rolls up under the body instead of the pumped out ones for repair.

One of the most effective forms of organizing the repair of RTS is in-line production, the essence of which is that the repaired units and parts move along the established route in accordance with the technological sequence of operations at a pre-calculated rate. As a rule, in-line production is distinguished by a high degree of mechanization, automation of technical equipment, its equipment with transport devices, as well as specialization of workplaces.

electric locomotive railway locomotive electromagnetic contactor

Purpose, design and technical specifications assembly unit

The electromagnetic contactor is designed to control auxiliary circuits and control circuits using interlocking contacts.

Electromagnetic contactors are divided into two groups by design: linear contactors contact system type MK-64, MK-69, MK-116, all of them are similar in design, contactors of the second group with a rotary contact system such as MK-82, MK-85, MK-96 are also similar in design.

The contactor consists of three main components:

Electromagnetic drive

Contact system electromagnetic arc extinguishing system

Locking device

The basis of the electromagnetic drive is a U-shaped bracket, on which all units and parts of the apparatus are mounted: an anchor is installed in the bracket window on a prism, held by special overlays. The take-up reel is bolted to the bracket. The contactors are equipped with an electromagnetic arc extinguishing system, consisting of an arc-extinguishing coil and an arc-extinguishing chamber with poles. The entire system is mounted on an insulating base.

Fixed contact, moving contact, flexible shunt and busbar. The insulating bracket will switch the locking device using a pull rod. When the voltage is removed from the coil of the contactor, the armature will rotate under the action of the spring, the insulating bracket will move the movable contact, opening it from the fixed one. An arc arises between them, the magnetic flux of the arc-extinguishing coil blows it into the arc-extinguishing chamber, where it is extinguished.

table 2

Technical characteristics of the electromagnetic contactor MK

Parameters of MK 96 Rated voltage of the main circuit, V Rated current of the main circuit, A Rated voltage of the control and auxiliary circuit, V Type and number of power contacts Contact gap, mm Contact failure, mm Pressing KGS initial end Number and type of interlocking contacts Solution of interlocking contacts, mm Failure interlocking contacts, mm Resistance of the active coil Ohm t 20 С380 150 50 1 closing 15 ± 2 m 3 ± 1 1.6 ± 0.3 1.9 ± 0.3 2 closing 6 3 43.78

The MK 96 magnetic contactor consists of:

U-shaped bracket (steel)

Anchor (steel)

Insulated strip (plastic)

Shim plates

Arc chute (asbestos-cement)

Fixed contact (copper)

Moving contact (copper)

Electrical interlock

Adjusting washer

Closing coil (4300 turns, wire diameter 0.55 mm, PTTV)

Opening spring (steel)

Operating conditions of the assembly unit at the TPN, typical malfunctions

Electromagnetic contactors operate under harsh conditions that are associated with significant mechanical failures due to shock, vibration, inertial force and electric shock. Permanent inclusions and shutdowns under load contribute to the occurrence of an arc, which leads to burnout of contacts, burnout of the arc chute. The increased temperature, together with atmospheric influences, severely degrade the operating conditions of the contactor.

Table 3

Fault name Causes of their occurrence 1. Contact wear Friction between contacts 2. Contact burnout Electric arc, poor contact contact, insufficient contact pressure 3. Burnout and melting of the working surface of the contacts Electric arc between contacts 4. Arc coil melting Electric arc 5. Reverse arc blowing Incorrect incl. arc coil 6. Opening of the closing coils Due to mechanical stress during maintenance and due to turn-to-turn and short circuit 7. Turn-to-turn short-circuit Impact of impermissibly high current, accelerated aging of insulation due to temperature and humidity 8. Insulation breakdown on case High voltage impact, insulation aging, high temperature, humidity 9. Loose cables and flexible shunt Vibration during operation 10. Desoldering cable retention and flexible shunt High temperature 11. Worn and broken connection shunts Cyclic loads 12. The moving part touches the walls of the arc chute Incorrect installation of the contactor 13. Cracks on the wall of the arc chute Mechanical impact 14. Carbon deposits on the walls and dein gratings of the arc chute Impact of an electric arc 15. Burnout of the walls of the arc chute Impact of an electric arc 16. Indistinct connection Incorrect connection polarity 17. Cracks and fractures in insulating strips Static loads and dynamic forces 18. Improper fit of the armature Wear and deformation of the hinges during operation 19. Insufficient contact pressure Loss of spring elasticity 20. Solution not correct Contact worn, contactor incorrectly adjusted 21. The dip is abnormal Contact wear, incorrect adjustment 22. Loss of elasticity in springs Metal aging (fatigue), cracks in springs 23. Burnout of auxiliary contacts Electric arc between contacts 24. Entry of foreign objects under the anchor Due to vibration 25. The armature does not fit correctly on the core Incorrect installation

Characteristics of works during the maintenance and current repairs of the assembly unit

The contactor for TO-2 is inspected directly at the TPS. During this type of maintenance, it is necessary to inspect the contactor for any damage. Check the components of the fasteners, the reliability of the shunts, wires and contact parts. Pay attention to the work of moving parts, they must move freely, without distortions and jamming. Check the condition of the contacts. On the contact surfaces, droplet-like fusion, foreign inclusions are not allowed, on the contact plates - breaks, cracks that reduce the mechanical strength. Contacts containing silver do not require stripping. On copper contact surfaces, build-ups, metal drops are eliminated. They check the accuracy of the apparatus; when voltage is applied to the closing coil, the contactor must work clearly without jamming.

At the TR, it is necessary to perform work in the amount of TO-2. Remove dust and dirt from contactor parts. Check the condition of the contacts, make sure that there is no mechanical damage to the insulation. Wipe the surface of the insulators with a cloth moistened with kerosene, and then wipe dry. Inspect flex joints and prismatic supports. Replace flexible shunts with traces of excessive heating - melting of solder, defective tips, broken wires over 20% of the cross-sectional area. Check the conformity of the parts of the devices to the standards.

At the TRS, it is necessary to perform the volume of work of the TR and additionally remove the arc chutes, inspect, paying attention to the state of the dein grids and the inner walls of the chamber, clean them of soot and soot. Burnout breaks and cracks in the walls are not allowed. When installing the arcing chambers, check that the moving parts of the contactor do not jam against the walls of the arcing chamber. The poles of the arc chute must fit snugly against the poles of the arc chute.

Check the condition and fastening of the power contacts and shunts. In the presence of burns and melting, the contacts are cleaned. Check and regulate the solution, the mixing failure and the pressing of the power contacts. Check the condition and fastening of the arc-extinguishing coils and the switching ones. The loosening of the coil is fixed. Small cracks in the insulation are painted over with insulating enamel. Check the condition of the core of the arc-extinguishing coil. Weakened poles are secured. Worn contacts and sagging springs are replaced. They regulate the break and failure of auxiliary contacts.

All TRS work must be completed on the SR. The contactor is repaired in the hardware workshop of the depot with complete disassembly (if necessary). A switching coil with damaged insulation, broken turns or turn-to-turn short circuit and with an active resistance exceeding the nominal by more than 16%, shall be repaired or replaced. The armature, core and magnetic circuit are galvanized if necessary. Repair or replace prismatic support parts, fasteners, flexible shunts, wires, lugs and springs. The arc chute is disassembled and repaired. Contacts with a slight depletion are filed and polished, and with significant wear and melting, they are restored or replaced with new ones. After making sure that all parts are in good working order, the contactor is assembled. The regulation of the contacts is checked simultaneously with the verification of the correct assembly.

All work of the SR is performed on the CD. And restore operational characteristics, serviceability and resources.

At KRP, the operational characteristics, serviceability and full life of the contactor are restored.

Table 4

Maximum permissible (mounting, overall, geometric) dimensions and operating parameters of parts and assembly unit

Name of the dimensions of the parameters Types of repairs drawing KRSR / TRZTRSTR1. The thickness of the main contacts without overlays: movable, mm fixed, mm 8 6 7-8.2 4.5-6 6-8.2 3.5-6 6-5 3.5-3 less than 5 less than 32. Height of contacts, measured from the middle of the surface to the base 23 23 20-23 19-20 less than 183. The solution of the main contacts, mm 15 ± 215-1913-1715-19 less than 13 more than 204. The size that controls the failure of the main contacts, mm 3 +13-4 2-4 1-2 less than 15. The largest transverse displacement of contacts, mm-122.5 more than 26. Line of contact of the main contact not less than% 80808080 less than 807. Thickness of auxiliary contact lining 1.2 -0,150.8-1.20.5-1.20.1-1 less than 0.18. Solution of auxiliary contacts4 +14,54,55 less than 4 more than 69. Failure of auxiliary contacts2 +12-32-32 less than 210. Stroke of the blocking rod 6 +0,56-6.56-76 less than 611. Free stroke of blocking rod approx. contactor less than 1 1-2 1-3 1-4 less than 1 more than 412. Deterioration of the posts of the arc chute - 102535 more than 50

Assembly unit repair methods and technology

With SR, the magnetic contactor is removed from the RTD and sent for repair to the hardware workshop. There the contactor is disassembled and each part is repaired separately.

The contacts are inspected for surface wear, burnout, melting, insufficient area or line of contact. Darkened contacts are a sign of loosening of their fastening, insufficient area of ​​their contact. Contacts with a thickness of the working part less than the norm are replaced. Burnout and flashing are removed from the power contacts with a velvet file, from the blocking steel chrome-plated or silver-plated plate. Carbon deposits from silver contacts are removed with a napkin soaked in gasoline, after which they are wiped dry.

If the working surfaces of the power contact have defects or uneven wear, and its thickness does not meet the permissible standards, then the contact surface is restored by soldering copper plates of the M1 brand with L62 brass solder. After removing burns and melting, or after soldering, the contact surfaces are tightened according to a template corresponding to the profile of this contact. At the same time, make sure that the radius of rounding of the corners is at least 3 mm, and the area of ​​contact is controlled by at least 80% of their surface. The area of ​​contact is controlled by the mark on the polishing paper on the white strip. The paper is placed between the contacts before closing them. Lateral displacement of movable power contacts relative to fixed ones is allowed no more than 2 mm.

Bolted connections.

With traces of excessive heating or weakening, disassemble. Check the condition of bolts, nuts, simple and spring washers. Defective washers, nuts and bolts with cracks or stripped threads, spring washers that have lost their elasticity or burst are not recommended to be restored, but replaced with new ones. The tightening of bolted connections is checked with a wrench.

It is strictly forbidden to use a chisel, a wrench of the wrong size or to build up a wrench with other wrenches when tightening or unscrewing the bolts.

Connecting wires.

If more than 10% of the cores are damaged at the entrance to the tip, they are remelted along the "healthy" section, if the length of the wire allows removing the damaged section. If the length of this wire is insufficient or if the inner cores are broken, replace the wire. Remove the insulation from the end of the wire for installing the tip and solder with pos-40 solder. The length of the bare wire should be such that, after installing the lug, the distance between the insulation cut and the end of the lug is about 15 mm.

Revision and inspection of the coil. They are carried out to identify both visible defects: burnouts, mechanical damage to the outer insulation, damage to the terminals and coil ends, and invisible defects - winding breakage, turn-to-turn circuit. To detect breakdowns, the active resistance of the coil is measured using a megameter. It should not deviate from the established one by more than 8% upwards or 5% downwards. Increased, in excess of the permissible value, the resistance of the coil to a possible internal breakage of the coil or to the deterioration of the contact between the core of the output of the winding and the tip. A possible turn-to-turn short circuit is detected using a two-rod transformer. If the tested coil is in good working order, then when installing and removing the reference coil, the current measured by the ammeter and the voltmeter reading should remain unchanged or change with a deviation of ± 5%. If the deviations are greater, this indicates the presence of an interturn short circuit. You should not check the coils with turn-to-turn closures on the IU-57 or VI-3 impulse installation.

Coil repair.

Repair of coils with complete disassembly is performed in the presence of wire breaks or an interturn short circuit. If the coil insulation is damaged, then during repairs, they are limited to only partial disassembly or replacement of insulation. In turn-to-turn coils, two winding breaks are allowed. The ends of the winding wires at the break points are cleaned, twisted and soldered with pos-40 solder. With a megohmmeter, measure the insulation resistance of the coil in relation to the core. It must be at least 500 Kom. Coils with lower insulation resistance are impregnated.

The defective coil frame is replaced with a new one made of plastics or assembled from separate parts.

Coil impregnation.

The impregnation of the coils is necessary to restore the dielectric strength of the insulation, its moisture resistance and thermal conductivity. Before impregnation, the coil is dried to remove moisture at a temperature of 100-110 0C within 3 hours. After the coil has cooled down to a temperature of 50-60 0C is immersed in a tank with varnish No. 447. The coil is held until all air has been removed from it. The coil is then held over the tank until the dropping stops. After that, they are again placed in the oven and at a temperature of 100-110 0Withstand until completely dry. The dried coils are coated with BT-99 varnish and dried in air for 3-4 hours.

Double rod transformer

If there is an interturn short circuit in the tested coil 2, the current in the reference coil 1 and the readings of the voltmeters V1, V2 at the time of installation and removal of the reference coil will change noticeably.

Installing the tip on the connecting wire

Arc chambers

The arc chute is removed from the contactor and blown with compressed air, cleaned of soot and dirt, burns and metal splashes, and disassembled. Asbestos-cement walls, partitions and dein gratings are cleaned on the table in the cutting unit. Walls with a thickness of less than 4 mm, with chips, cracks and burnouts of more than 25% depth and thickness, are replaced. Places of less deep burnouts and cracks are cut, thoroughly cleaned with a file or coarse-grained sanding paper, cleaned of dust and sand and sealed with a special putty or epoxy resin.

As a putty, asbestos-cement powder diluted with a liquid glass solution is used. The putty is applied so that its level is slightly higher than the surface to be repaired, since it gives a sediment as it hardens. Dry at a temperature of 25-30 0From (room) within 7-8 hours. Through burn-throughs, cracks can be removed with a special putty. Apply the putty immediately after preparation, as it hardens quickly.

Unsuitable copper and steel partitions of dein gratings are replaced. Small reflow plates are cleaned and reused. Arc-extinguishing horns with reflow depths of more than 3 mm are used for fusing or soldering copper-tungsten tips.

Electromagnetic drive.

Possible malfunctions of this drive can be slow movement of the armature due to damage or loss of deomagnetic plates, increased wear or bottom of prismatic supports, etc. Wear of prismatic armature supports more than 2 mm is eliminated by surfacing at an angle of 45 0and in the side cutouts at an angle of 30 0... The defective deomagnetic gasket is replaced or two copper rivets are installed on the end of the core. The rivet heads should protrude 0.3-0.6 mm above the end of the coil core.

Coil springs.

Springs with kinks and cracks are replaced with new ones. Stretched or sagging springs, but not having mechanical damage, are restored. For this, the spring is heated to a temperature of 920-980 0C, compressed or stretched to the required dimensions and quenched to give the necessary elasticity. The spring after restoration must have a characteristic corresponding to the drawing. Check it on a special device. On it, the spring is compressed under the action of a load of the required mass and its subsidence is determined using a ruler. Deviation from drawing dimensions is allowed no more than ± 8%. It is not allowed to install springs with a number of turns and a diameter that do not correspond to the drawing on the device.

Checking the correct activation of the arc extinguishing coil

According to the rule of the left hand, the direction of movement of the arc 3 from its interaction as a conductor with current 1 with the magnetic field 2 of the coil at the indicated polarity of the terminals.

Also check the correctness of the arc blowing to the contactor, supply a current with a voltage of 75 V. The plus of the power supply is connected to the positive terminal of the contactor. Manually close and open the contacts, visually determining the direction of movement of the arc. If it moves into the interior of the contactor, then the polarity must be reversed at the terminals of the arc extinguishing coil.

Technical equipment and equipment used in the repair of an assembly unit. Purpose and technical characteristics

Name Type (brand) Purpose Stand for testing the dielectric strength of insulation A 1299 TU 32 TsT632-74 For testing the dielectric strength of the insulation of the switching coils Electrode for soldering the tips For soldering the tips Device for testing contacts PR-2192 For determining the moment of switching on and off The oven for drying PAP-32 For drying the coil against moisture and insulating varnish detection and turn-to-turn short-circuit Double-rod transformer For detecting turn-to-turn short-circuit Workbench For convenience during repairs Bath with varnish For impregnating the coil Cabinet for drying, cooling coils A 298.02.00 TU 32 ЦТ 138-70 For drying parts Pattern For checking the working surface of the contacts after soldering the dust and the contact dynamometer contactor performance measurement Wrench For bolting operations Screwdriver For screw operations File For fitting and and processing parts

Safety engineering

When MOT and TR, TRS, which are produced directly at the TRS, while moving in the depot shops, be careful when passing the paths and paths of movement of machines, because moving cars or locomotives when entering and leaving the depot shops is one of the main dangerous harmful factors.

Directly in the equipment shop, when performing CP, it is necessary to ensure that the apparatus or tool does not fall and cause injury. Insufficient illumination, dustiness and gas pollution of the workplace are also harmful factors. Long-term exposure to harmful factors makes them dangerous.

During electric strength tests, the presence of unauthorized persons is not allowed in the premises. It is forbidden to carry out the tests by one person; at least two people must be present during the test. Test workers should wear rubber gloves and stand on rubber mats or wooden flooring. It is forbidden to short-circuit interlocks and safety block contacts, as well as to assemble electrical circuits or switch individual conductors in the presence of voltage on the breakdown transformer.

The insulating rods of the sample test contacts are mounted in a special fixture, a metal casing or box.

Epoxy resins and ointments are toxic. Therefore, all work with them should be carried out with rubber gloves, goggles and in rooms with good ventilation. If the glue gets on the skin, it should be immediately washed off with alcohol, soapy water or a weak solution of baking soda.

Workbenches must be of a rigid and sturdy construction. The upper shield of the workbench is upholstered with iron. The width of the workbench must be at least 0.75 meters.

To protect against flying away metal particles, small safety nets (with a cell of no more than 3 mm) or shields with a height of at least 1 meter are installed on workbenches. The distance between workbenches must be at least 900 mm.

Files must be inserted into serviceable handles without cracks, knocked-out places or other malfunctions. At the ends of the handles in the places of their attachments, metal rings are fixed.

Wrenches must match the size of the nuts and bolt heads and not have cracks or nicks; the jaws of the keys must be parallel. Build up wrenches with other wrenches and pipes. And also it is not allowed to use gaskets between the nut and the wrench.

Influence technical condition assembly unit for traffic safety

Reliability and trouble-free operation of the TPS depends on the serviceability and accuracy of the contactors. Therefore, all contactors must ensure good contact, accurate operation of the arc extinguishing system and the drive, be securely fixed and protected from dust and dirt penetration into them, and have insulation of the required quality.

The operation of the phase splitter will depend on the serviceability of the MK-96 magnetic contactor, which means that all auxiliary machines powered by alternating 3-phase current (voltage 380V). This means that the electric locomotive will completely fail and its further movement along the stretch will stop, and if it was sent in the event of a failure of signaling and communication means, then the following train may crash into the tail of the train, which will lead to inevitable large financial costs and traffic failure on this section paths. The state of the magnetic contactor directly affects the operability of the TPS and can only indirectly cause a train crash.

Train traffic safety is one of the main responsibilities of railway transport workers and, in order to ensure a high level of safety in the transport of goods and passengers, railway transport workers, in particular workers involved in the maintenance and repair of rolling stock and special self-propelled rolling stock, pay special attention to units during maintenance and repair. and units, on which the safety of the RTS movement directly depends (i.e. wheelsets, axle boxes, spring and cradle suspension), and units and assemblies on which traffic safety only indirectly depends, i.e. magnetic contactors and other devices.

List of used literature

1.Order of JSC Russian Railways No. 13284 dated 24.07.2008.

2.Instruction of the head of the Trans-Baikal Railway No. 413/4 dated June 19, 2003.

For turning wheelset tires without rolling them out from under the electric locomotive when reaching the optimal for a given operation area or limit values ​​...
The repair cycle includes sequentially repeated types of maintenance and repair.

Purpose, design and technical characteristics of the electric locomotive bogie frame ...

These documents establish the following types of maintenance - TO-1, TO-2, TO-3, TO-4 ...
... from an electric locomotive, after repair, they are installed on the same electric locomotive with a certain increase in the repair program and a reduction in the downtime of more ...

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  • 1. General part
  • 2. Special part
  • 2.7 Methods for increasing the reliability of the node
  • 2.8 Testing the assembly after repair
  • 2.9 Selection of equipment and means of mechanization during unit repair
  • 3. The economic part
  • 3.1 Organization of the workplace when repairing the unit
  • 4. Occupational health and safety during unit repair
  • 5. Organization of the system of lean production in the department
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography

1. General part

1.1 Frequency, timing of repair and monitoring of the technical condition of locomotives

To keep the TPN in a technically sound condition on railway transport a system for their maintenance, current medium and major repairs has been created. This is a set of interrelated provisions and norms that determine the organization and procedure for carrying out maintenance, current and overhaul repairs of locomotives for given operating conditions in order to ensure the envisaged indicators of their quality.

Maintenance includes a set of works to maintain electric locomotives in good working order or only in operability when preparing and using them for their intended purpose.

The system of maintenance, routine and overhaul repairs is cyclical. The cycle of maintenance, current and overhaul repairs is the smallest recurring period of operation of an electric locomotive, during which all the established types of maintenance and repairs provided for by the regulatory documentation are performed in a certain sequence.

In accordance with the Program for improving the efficiency of the locomotive economy for 2005-2007. approved by the President of JSC "Russian Railways" on September 27, 2004 No. 3 / R, the following scheduled preventive repair and maintenance system was installed and put into effect from 01.01.2005:

Maintenance is a set of operations to maintain the operability and serviceability of a locomotive.

locomotive pantograph repair unit

Maintenance of TO-1, TO-2 and TO-3 is intended to monitor the technical condition of units and systems of the locomotive in order to prevent operational failures.

Maintenance of TO-1 is carried out by the locomotive crew during acceptance - delivery and equipment of the locomotive, when stopping at stations.

Maintenance of TO-2 is carried out by the personnel of locomotive maintenance points (PTOL). The basic requirements for the organization and maintenance of TO-1 locomotives are established by the Instructions for the maintenance of electric locomotives and diesel locomotives in operation, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on September 27, 1999, No. TsT-685.

Maintenance of TO-3 is carried out at the locomotive depot of the locomotive's registration.

Maintenance TO-4 - is carried out for turning wheelset tires (without rolling them out from under the locomotive) in order to maintain the profile of wheelset tires within the limits established by the Instructions for the formation, repair and maintenance of wheelsets of traction rolling stock of 1520 mm track gauge railways, KMBSH 667120.001RE approved by Russian Railways. It is allowed to combine turning of bandages with maintenance of TO-3 and current repairs of TP-1, TP-2, while the locomotive is counted as being on TO-3 or TP-1, TP-2 with turning.

Maintenance TO-5:

Maintenance of TO-5 a - is carried out in order to prepare the locomotive for putting into reserve or reserve of the railway.

Maintenance of TO-5 b is carried out in order to prepare the locomotive for dispatch in an inoperative state for repairs to the plant or to another locomotive depot, transfer to the balance of other depots or relocation.

Maintenance of TO-5 v is carried out in order to prepare the locomotive for operation after construction, repair at a plant or in another locomotive depot, after relocation or keeping in reserve (railway reserve).

Maintenance of TO-5 g is intended for preparation for operation after removal from the stock of Russian Railways.

Routine repair is a complex of operations to restore serviceability, operability and resource of a locomotive. TR-1, TR-2 and TR-3 - is performed to ensure or restore the operability of the locomotive and consists in replacing and restoring individual units and systems.

Current repairs of TR-1 are carried out in the locomotive depot of the locomotive's registration.

Current repair of TR-2 is carried out in a specialized locomotive depot of the road.

Current repair of TR-3 is carried out in a specialized locomotive depot of the railway network (base locomotive depot).

Medium repair (CP) - repairs performed to restore serviceability and partial restoration of the locomotive's resource. With a medium repair, the resource of the main components and assemblies is restored, partly replaced by new pipelines, cables, wires and equipment with a depleted resource. Medium repair of a locomotive is carried out at the base locomotive depot or at the locomotive repair plant.

Overhaul of a locomotive (CR) is a repair carried out to restore operational characteristics, serviceability of a locomotive and its resource close to full. During a major overhaul, the operational characteristics of the locomotive are restored, the resource of all its components, assemblies and parts, wires, cables, pipelines, rubber, plastic, wood and glass parts are completely replaced, the body is painted with the old paint layer removed. Overhaul of the locomotive is carried out at the locomotive repair plant.

Overhaul of the KRP (MLP) - modernization and restoration work to extend the service life of locomotives are carried out according to the approved design documentation within the timeframe approved by the management of Russian Railways.

Figure 1. Between overhauls of the electric locomotive BJI-80C

1.2 Purpose and main elements of the node

The pantograph L-13U1 is designed to create an electrical contact between the rolling stock electrical equipment and the contact network. The pantograph L-13U1 is equipped with a runner with carbon inserts.

Rice. 1. Pantograph L-13U1

1 - upper frame; 2 - runner; 3 - carriage; 4 - lower frame


Pantograph L-13U1 consists of a base, two lower frames 4 with a system of levers for a swivel joint with a pneumatic drive and lifting springs. The two upper frames 1 are pivotally connected to each other and to the lower frames 4. The upper frames 1 carry carriages 3 with the contact part of the pantograph - runner 2.

Operating principle:

The work of the pantograph is carried out as follows (see Fig. 2):

In the hinges of the base 1, mounted on supporting high-voltage insulators, two shafts 2 are installed, which can rotate in

limited limits around their axes. Lower frames 11 are rigidly attached to each of the two shafts, with which the upper frames are pivotally connected. The upper frames are also pivotally connected to one another by a special carriage to which the runner is attached.

Due to the presence of a synchronizing rod 6 connected to the levers 8, the shafts and together with them the lower frames 11 can only rotate simultaneously and symmetrically (either converge or diverge).

When turning the lower frames towards each other, i.e. left shaft clockwise, and right - against it, the pantograph rises. When the shafts move backwards, it lowers. Stretched springs 7, acting on the levers 9, constantly strive to turn the shafts towards each other, i.e. raise the pantograph. Compressed lowering springs 4, mounted in the actuator cylinder 3, tend to bring the pistons closer together. The latter constantly create torques applied through the intermediate shafts 5 and rods 10 to the shafts 2 and acting in the direction of lowering the pantograph.

Rice. 2. Kinematic diagram of the pantograph

1 - base hinges; 2 - shaft; 3 - drive cylinder; 4 - lowering springs; 5 - intermediate shafts; 6 - synchronizing rod; 7 - lifting springs; 8 - levers; 9 - lifting levers; 10 - lowering rods; 11 - lower frames

Thus, springs 4 and 7 perform opposite actions. However, the effect of the lowering springs is always stronger, and when there is no compressed air in the cylinder, the pantograph is lowered. When compressed air is supplied to the cylinder, the pistons diverge, compressing the lowering springs and thereby allowing the springs 7 to lift the pantograph. Under the action of the spring 7, the shafts 2 and together with them the lower frames rotate towards. They raise and unfold the upper frames, which results in vertical lift of the skid carriages. To lower the pantograph, compressed air is vented from the cylinder to atmosphere. The lowering springs, returning the pistons with the rods to their original position (overcoming the action of the lifting springs), turn the shafts in the direction of lowering the pantograph.

The lifting springs are stretched and the lowering springs are compressed. This is done to ensure the safety of the service. If the stretched spring breaks, the pantograph cannot spontaneously rise. A break in the compression spring does not significantly affect the lowering force. Thus, in case of any damage to the springs, the pantograph will be lowered, which ensures the safety of the operating personnel and prevents dangerous situations when it is impossible to lower the pantograph.

2. Special part

2.1 Operating conditions of the unit on the locomotive, typical malfunctions and reasons for their occurrence

Current collectors of electric rolling stock, in comparison with other electrical devices, operate in the most difficult conditions, since during operation they are constantly exposed to atmospheric phenomena, experience additional resistance and loads from strong winds and from a contact wire. When conducting an analysis on the road network, it was found that 77% of cases of malfunctions or breakdowns of pantographs occur due to a violation of their adjustment, fracture of parts or tilt of the contact network supports. ERS with faulty pantographs, in turn, cause significant damage to the contact network, in which there is an increased wear of the wire, its burnout and breakage, fracture of other elements, which can cause long interruptions in the movement of trains. Nevertheless, according to the technical requirements, the parts of domestic pantographs of light and heavy type and pantographs in general must ensure accurate and reliable operation at speeds of 160 km / h and higher. Their parts must have increased strength, mobility and have a low mass while maintaining the necessary contact pressure. In this case, the pantograph must immediately respond to any deviations from the normal operation and sink to the base.

As a result of abnormal interaction with the details of the contact network, in combination with other factors, the frames of the pantographs are warped, bends of the frame pipes occur, the fastening of the lower frame is weakened, the insulators burst, the hinges of the lifting and lowering mechanism are warped, the shunts are weakened and frayed, cracks appear in the runner box and carriage parts ... During operation, the rollers in the bushings of the articulated joints wear out, the bearings are destroyed and dirty, the cuffs of the pneumatic drive wear out and lose elasticity, the elasticity is lost and the tension of the springs is weakened, the shock absorbers wear out. The listed defects, in combination with a violation of the pantograph adjustment, lead to a violation of the pressing of its runner on the contact wire. As a result, with increased pressure, intensive wear of the pads occurs, and with a lower pressure, the quality of the electrical contact deteriorates, and electroerosion increases, causing burn-in and melting of both the pads of the current collector and the contact wire. If the valve is incorrectly adjusted, the pantograph will rise with significant blows against the contact wire and lower with strong impacts against the base frame, which can lead to skewing of the frames, the appearance of spalls and cracks in insulators, bending of pipes, the occurrence of kinks and cracks in the carriages, bending of the runner and damage to the linings.

Significant wind speed, ice, low ambient temperature cause deterioration of current collection and are sometimes the reasons for delays in the movement of trains and emergency situations - damage to pantographs and contact network. The most dangerous is the side wind, which leads to large lateral displacements of the contact wire. On high embankments, where the side wind flowing around the embankment and the rolling stock on it has a significant rise to the horizontal in the contact wire zone, there is also a certain rise in the contact wire and the aerodynamic lifting force of the current collector significantly increases. As a result, at the moment the pantographs pass through the reference points of the contact network, the wringing out of the wire can be very large, which becomes a threat of the pantograph runner hitting the clamps. To avoid this, rigid spacers are installed between the main rods of the clips and the supporting cable. A diamond-shaped catenary is also used, or pull cables are installed.

The appearance of ice on the wires of the contact network leads to a significant deterioration in the current collection - sparking appears, the working surface of the runner is noticeably deteriorating. When picking up large currents at low speeds, the contact wire may burn out. Ice deposition also occurs on pantographs. As a result, the movable mass of the pantograph increases and the static pressure created by the lifting springs decreases. As the inter-turn space of the lifting springs is filled with ice, their elastic properties decrease and the static pressure can decrease to zero. In the case of intense ice formation when following the EPS in a section with a decrease in speed and, for example, when approaching an artificial structure, the change in static pressure can also increase, which is explained by the loss of mobility in the joints of the parts to be connected due to their covering with ice.

With certain combinations of ice on the wires, the speed and direction of the wind relative to the axis of the track, self-oscillations of the wires can occur - stable oscillations with a frequency equal to two spans. Oscillations of a catenary are one of the most serious obstacles to normal current collection.

Rice. 3. Crack and fracture.

1 - fracture of the upper movable frame; 2 - break of the carriage; 3 - skew of movable frames; 4 - break, loss of elasticity of the lowering springs; 5 - spall, breakdown of the insulator.

Rice. 4. Defective inserts.

1- runner frame; 2- trough; 3- cleavage; 4- burnt; 5- crack; 6- cut; 7- bundle; 8- side strip.

Pantographs in operation may experience distortions of frames, bends of pipes, weakening of the fastening of the lower frames. Cracks in insulators, warping of the hinges of the lifting and lowering mechanism, loosening and chafing of shunts, cracks in the runner box and carriage parts, extreme wear of the lining or insert on the pantograph ski. Bushings and rollers of articulated joints, shock absorbers wear out, the tension of the springs is weakened. Their elasticity is lost, the cuffs of the pneumatic drive wear out and lose their elasticity.

An incorrectly adjusted pantograph valve causes a significant shock of the pantograph on the contact wire when lifting and a strong impact on the frame when it is lowered. At the same time, the slower lowering increases the time of the burning of the arc, which occurs when it is torn off the wire. Electric arc overlaps the air sleeve and support insulators, damage to the glaze and the formation of cracks on them.

2.2 Methods for cleaning, inspection and control of the technical condition of the unit

The following types and methods of cleaning parts before inspection and repair are used, which are selected depending on the type of contamination, the degree of influence of the cleaning medium on the material, the size and shape of the products, the availability of equipment, sanitary and hygienic and economic requirements, etc.

With the mechanical cleaning method, means of mechanical action are used, as well as the force of a jet of compressed air, water and steam:

· Manual cleaning is performed with various scrapers, metal brushes, abrasive skins, rags, etc.;

· For mechanized cleaning, portable pneumatic or electric machines, stationary grinding and polishing machines are used, where the working tool is metal disc and end brushes, cutters, grinding wheels and needle cutters. To clean large parts from scale, use chains attached to rotating shafts of cleaning machines;

· During shot blasting, metal shot is thrown out by the rotor blades. The shot-blasting method is used to descale forgings. Shot strengthens the surface layers of the metal;

· Steam-water-jet cleaning of the surface is carried out with a jet of steam and water under a pressure of 0.5-2.0 MPa in special installations. It is used to remove oil and dirt deposits;

· When replacing the rotational motion of parts and fillers in a liquid medium with an oscillatory motion (in special installations), vibro-abrasive cleaning takes place, which, under the influence of vibration, makes the liquid fluid and fills the internal cavities;

· Cleaning with stone chips is carried out using crushed shells of fruit seeds, which are thrown from the nozzle onto the surface to be cleaned with compressed air under a pressure of 0.3-0.5 MPa. Stone chips are slightly hard and do not damage the surface of parts.

The pantograph parts are cleaned of dirt, old paint, the bearings are washed in kerosene. The old solid grease is removed from the runners by tapping with a hammer and a wire brush. Determine the condition of the parts and take the necessary measurements. The base of the pantograph should not be skewed, and its elements should not have bends, cracks, developed holes for bolts of support insulators and poor-quality welds.

Supportinsulators... Support insulators are cleaned: porcelain - in 5% caustic soda solution; the plastic ones are washed in a 3% solution of oxalic acid for 40-60 minutes and then with hot water.

Rubbershock absorbers. Damaged or non-elastic rubber buffers and worn or damaged thread rods are replaced. The pantograph drive is disassembled. The lift and lower springs are cleaned and inspected. The gap between the coils in the springs of most pantographs in a free state should be no more than 1.5 mm. The rigidity of the springs is checked on a special device.

Pneumaticdrive unit. Cleaned from dirt and dust, if necessary, washed with hot water, inspect and determine the amount of work required. The pneumatic drive is disassembled, the parts are washed in kerosene and inspected.

Framespantograph. Pantograph frames are checked on special conductor stands. If the frame does not enter the jig or enters with great effort, it is disassembled. Frames with weakened fastening of pipes in hinges, with weakened riveted joints, with bent pipes and in the presence of cracks, burn-throughs or dents on them with a depth of more than 3 mm are also subject to disassembly.

Carriagespantograph. The carriage is disassembled and the condition of its parts is checked. As a result of the impacts perceived by the carriage, cracks appear in the side walls of the holders in the places of bends, the rollers, axles and bushings wear out, the thread of the runner brackets breaks off, and the characteristics of the springs change.

Snakepantograph. The skids are freed from old solid grease with a pneumatic chisel and pneumatically driven metal brushes. Defective carbon inserts are replaced. To remove the plates, the screws that fasten them to the frame are chopped off or unscrewed. The frame profile is checked using a special template.

2.3 List of flaw detection of pantograph L-13u













The elements foundations


Support insulator

Rubber shock absorber

Loss of elasticity.

Pneumatic cylinder


2.4 Choice of justification of ways to eliminate defects

Bent base channels are straightened on a straightening plate. The developed bolt holes are welded and reamed. Cracked welds are cut and reapplied. Cracks are cut and welded. Measure with a template along the diagonal of the base the distance between the bolt holes of the insulators. The difference in these distances for plastic support insulators should not exceed 10 mm. In case of large deviations, one of the two holes is welded and re-drilled. The contact surfaces of the base at the points of attachment of the tips of the flexible shunts and the power cable are cleaned and serviced with POS-40 solder.

Supportinsulators... Small chips are sealed with cement mortar or epoxy. Places of damaged glaze on a length of less than 10% of the path of possible overlap on insulators made of AG-4 plastic are cleaned with fine glass paper and painted with GF-92-HK enamel. Local burns and traces of melting are removed with fine glass paper and polished. Do not clean porcelain insulators with glass paper. Insulators with a weakened fastening in the reinforcement are re-cast in a special device. Check the dielectric strength of the repaired insulators.

Rubbershock absorbers. Springs with cracks, dents, with gaps between the turns of more than 1.5 mm, as well as springs that have lost the necessary rigidity, are replaced. Examine the levers of the lever-spring mechanism. The bent levers straighten. The production of curved levers on the working surface is restored by surfacing followed by processing along the profile. Bronze bushings are pressed into the developed holes of the levers and spring earrings. Defective bearings are replaced.

Pneumaticdrive unit. The drive is disassembled and repaired. The developed piston rod holes are repaired by hardfacing followed by processing. The bronze guide bushing of the cylinder head, with a yield of more than 2.5 mm, is replaced. A cylinder with a wear of the inner surface of more than 0.7 mm in diameter is repaired. After assembling the actuator, make sure that there is no air leakage. At a pressure of 675 kPa (6.75 kgf / cm2), there should be no air leakage.

Framespantograph. Bent pipes are ruled hot, heating the bent places with a gas burner, or in a cold state - with a special screw press. The I-beams of the lower frames of some pantographs are straightened on the straightening plate. The tapered tubes of the lower frames are driven on tapered mandrels. The pipes of the upper and lower frames with cracks, burn-throughs and dents more than 3 mm deep are replaced. It is allowed to restore pipes using couplings provided that the number of defective spots is no more than one per pipe and no more than two per frame. To do this, cut the pipe at the defective place, put on a connecting sleeve, tighten it with bolts, drill holes for rivets, install them and solder the edges of the sleeve with brass solder or copper. The wall thickness of the couplings must be at least 1mm, and the length - 90-120mm. On the pipes of the lower frames, it is allowed to leave dents with a depth of 3 mm, if there are no more than two dents at a length of up to 150 mm and the pipe does not have a curvature. The worn-out places of the frame hinges are restored by surfacing with subsequent processing. To remove the old grease, the bearings of the articulated joints are washed in kerosene, the faulty ones are replaced, the serviceable or newly installed ones are covered with CIATIM-201 grease. Defective flexible shunts are repaired.

Carriagespantograph. The axles, rollers and bushings of the thrust and bases with wear of more than 1 mm are replaced. The weakened brass bushing of the holder axle is pressed out and a new one is installed. New axles are cemented or hardened. The torn off thread of the brackets is restored by welding and cutting a new thread. Cracks in the holder are cut, welded with gas welding and cleaned with a file. The springs of both carriages must be of the same length and characteristics.

Snakepantograph. The concavity of the frame profile at a length of 1 m of the straight part should not exceed 2 mm, and the distance between the ends of its slopes differs from the drawing dimensions by more than ± 15 mm. The frames are ruled on a special mandrel. The frames of the runners with a wall thickness of less than 1.3 mm are replaced. Excess holes for the installation of contact plates, cracks and tears in the frames and burn-throughs are welded with gas welding or electric welding direct current... The repaired frame is again checked against the template and galvanized, after which contact plates or carbon inserts are installed. The surface of the frame in the places where the carbon inserts are installed is cleaned on a steel-blasting machine, copper plated or tinned. Recesses or burn-throughs on carbon inserts are filed with a file at an angle of 20 degrees to the horizontal. Inserts with one crack or less than the allowable thickness are replaced. The wear of the carbon insert 2 is checked according to the control risk applied to it. The smallest allowable insert thickness is H = 25mm. New inserts are installed by sliding them from the end of the runner along the dovetail formed by the plates. In order not to cause the appearance of internal cracks in the inserts, during their installation, strong impacts must not be allowed. The gap between the inserts should be no more than 0.8 mm, and the inner rows of the inserts should not be higher than the outer ones. The ends of the inner row of inserts on each side are sawn down 5-6mm in length and 3mm in height. The joints of the inserts and inserts with the metal plates of the horns are sawn down on a special installation. The inserts must be securely fastened to the runner with 5 bolts, and must not have longitudinal and lateral movements. Spring washers must be fitted under all nuts of screws and bolts.

2.5 Development of the node repair technology

Maintenance and repair of pantographs is carried out in two ways:

1. Without removing from the locomotive.

2. With removal from the locomotive.

At TO-3 and TR-1, the current collectors are being revised without removing them from the EPS. Pantographs are cleaned of dirt, dust, assess their technical condition, make sure by ear that there are no air leaks in bushings, conductive pipes and pantograph cylinders. Particular attention is paid to the entire top assembly, including the runner and carriages. If any malfunctions are found, they are eliminated on the spot. With TR-3, the pantographs are removed from the EPS and their further repair takes place according to the technological scheme:

When releasing pantographs from repair, as well as during operation, certain standards of tolerances and wear must be observed, which are regulated by the rules approved by Russian Railways, developed separately for factory and depot repairs of electric locomotives and electric trains, as well as technical requirements, which are developed by the manufacturer with the release of each new series of pantograph.

Features of the repair of runners equipped with carbon inserts.

Operation of skids with carbon inserts is much easier than with copper ones, due to the lack of lubrication. They have a higher mileage (in terms of the limit wear of the inserts), therefore, the volume of repairs for all skids in the depot is reduced. Basic repair operations: removal of inserts, repair of the box, installation of inserts and filing them.

At the place designated for repairs, there should be stands for skids, templates for straightening, a device for extracting coal dust and a device for mechanized stripping of the skid.

Inspection and removal of inserts is carried out on a simple stand. When examining the runners, runners with extreme wear of the inserts are revealed. The runners are subject to repair when the thickness of the inserts in the most worn part is less than 10 mm or when the distance from the contact surface of the inserts to the upper edge of any fastening element (trough, die, side strip) is less than 1 mm in summer and 2 mm in winter (during the icy period, replacement of runners is allowed, for which this distance is 3 mm).

When disassembling the runner, it is necessary to unscrew the screws and release the inserts. The inserts should be saved for reuse if the remaining height to the trough is at least 5-6 mm. Chips on inserts are not rejection signs if the width of the chip along the friction surface does not exceed 50% of the width of the insert, i.e. 15 mm. The size of the chip along the length of one insert and its height on the lateral surface are not standardized. Chips on two or more inserts located on one straight line along the wire are not allowed. After inspection, a set of carbon inserts is selected for installation. Inserts with delamination of the outer layers of the material, longitudinal cracks and other factory defects are not allowed to be installed on the runner.

The repair of the box begins with checking the correctness of its configuration on a special template. The template for checking the dimensions and correcting the configuration of the duct has transverse slots that accommodate the connecting plates.

If a bend is detected, the runner is adjusted on the same template. If a third is found, they are brewed with subsequent processing. They clean the runner from dirt and rust, especially in the places where the carbon inserts are attached. The troughs are treated with a sandblasting device.

When repairing the box, the side strip, which serves for attaching the carbon inserts, is especially carefully straightened. This is done with a metal bar (ruler), the side face of which has the same shape as the carbon insert. The oxidized surface of the copper substrate is cleaned with a paste of chalk and ammonia (combined in equal parts) or special pastes for cleaning copper, brass or bronze. After cleaning, the paste must be thoroughly removed and the surface of the copper substrate smeared with petroleum jelly.

When installing the carbon inserts, they must be fitted to each other and to the side contact plates; the gap between the inserts on the repaired runner should not exceed 1 mm. New inner row inserts must be placed flush with outer row inserts.

To ensure reliable fastening of the inserts during assembly, the troughs are unbent or bent. If any trough does not overlap the joint of the inserts of normal length, it is replaced with an elongated one. During assembly, the troughs should be adjusted and secured so as to exclude the possibility of movement and swinging of the inserts on the mounted runner.

Saw inserts at the joints with each other and with metal plates so that the transition of the contact wire is smooth.

The width of the contact surfaces is sawn down so that at least 1/4 of the width of the inserts participates in the contact, i.e. the total width of the sawn-off surface of each insert was at least 22 mm.

The ends of the inner row of inserts are cut on each side by 5-6 mm in length and 3 mm in height.

Repair of movable frames and bases

Repair of moving frame system parts. Work with parts of the movable frame system when different types repairs are determined by current regulations. During a technical inspection, the condition of the hinge joints is checked, and during a routine inspection, in addition, they are lubricated.

During repairs, the condition of the pantograph frames is checked, the presence of cracks, dents, and traces of impacts is revealed. Raise and lower the pantograph manually and check that there is no jamming in the pivot joints. The roller bearing pivot joints are inspected. After disassembly, grease is added to them if necessary. The condition of the rollers and axles connecting the tubular frames is also checked. Rollers, axles and bushings that do not correspond to the dimensions established by the standards are replaced. Serviceable parts are cleaned of thickened grease, washed with gasoline and lubricated.

With TR-3, the pantograph is removed from the electric rolling stock, installed horizontally on the stand, the characteristics are checked and disassembled (without removing the cylinders and disassembling the bases). Parts are cleaned and washed in kerosene. They repair pipes, levers, hinges, main shafts. The upper and lower frames are checked against templates.

The main technological operations - checking, disassembling, repairing and assembling - are carried out in the pantograph repair department, where there are racks and stands for disassembling, checking and adjusting pantographs, frame conductors and other repair devices.

The pantographs are disassembled at the stand in the following sequence: the skids are removed, the lifting springs are disassembled, the upper and lower frames are disassembled, the main shafts and the pneumatic drive are dismantled. It is forbidden to disassemble the pantograph without loosening the springs, as it is unsafe for workers.

The upper frames, like the lower ones, must be sized strictly according to the drawing, since the quality of the static characteristics of the pantograph depends on this. The frames are checked and inspected using special conductors.

Conductors are a frame base on which stands are installed in strictly defined places. If the pantograph frame exactly matches the drawing, then its hinges will be against the holes of the posts and the test axles will enter them. The frame must enter the template freely, without effort, otherwise the frame is completely disassembled. If the frame fits well into the jig, but individual pipes have defects, then it is not completely disassembled, but only these pipes are replaced. Pipes with cracks, burn-throughs or dents more than 1 mm deep are replaced during factory repairs. Pipes of pantograph frames that have cracks, burn-throughs or dents more than 5 mm deep must be replaced during minor periodic repairs, and more than 3 mm - during TR-3.

During the repair, the main shafts are removed and inspected. Ball bearings are pressed out of the main shafts. Special pullers are used to press out the bearings and axle shafts in the depot.

It is very difficult to press out the bearings of the main shafts from the bearing bushings, since you have to press out by the inner race and it is easy to break the cage.

If there are traces of corrosion on the rings, cages and balls, as well as with a radial clearance of more than 0.4 mm, the bearings are replaced with new ones.

If the ends of the main shaft have wear, then they are welded by electric welding, followed by processing until reaching the drawing dimensions. With slight wear, the shaft ends are restored with chrome plating. The main shafts should be parallel to each other and perpendicular to the base frames.

In the hinges of the movable frame system, check the size of the gaps across the roller (radial) and along the roller (axial). In order for the gaps between the roller and the bushing to comply with the norms, during assembly, it is necessary to have consistent diameters of all bushings of the assembly (since the diameter of the roller is the same along the entire length). The easiest way to achieve the desired dimensions is by continuous replacement of all bushings. When assembling the hinge, all holes must be scanned with the same reamer.

With TR-3, it is impractical to change all bushings. Replace only those bushings that are loosely seated in their seats or have a lot of wear. The latter is determined by measuring the diameter of the sleeve in two perpendicular planes. The smaller size is nominal; the roller is selected on it. If the hinge has a hole for the sleeve, then this place is welded, and then a new hole is drilled in accordance with the drawing, for accurate drilling there is a split jig.

Repair of the pantograph base

The base of the pantograph is checked for cracks, dents, traces of impacts. The base should not have distortions, deflections. The curved base is straightened on the plate.

Check the distances between the holes for the bolts of the support insulators. The difference in the distance between these holes (diagonally) is allowed no more than 5 mm.

This distance is checked with a special ruler. Cracks found during inspection of the base and its welds must be welded. Weld seams with cracks are cut down, after which new seams are applied.

The contact surfaces of the pantographs used to connect the power cable and the tips of the flexible shunts must be cleaned and tinned with POS-30 solder.

Check the condition of the support insulators.

Insulators with damaged glaze or chips over 10% of the path length of possible overlap and cracks, as well as weakening in the reinforcement, are replaced. If chips exceed 20% of the possible overlap path, then such insulators must also be replaced.

If the damage to the glaze is within the normal range, cover the surface of the porcelain insulators with nitro enamel No. 1201. The damaged glaze is thoroughly washed with alcohol or gasoline. It is forbidden to clean porcelain insulators with emery or glass paper, as the rest of the glaze surface may be "broken. When the porcelain fastening in the reinforcement is loosened, the insulators are re-poured. After pouring, the insulators are checked for swaying in the reinforcement. The caliper is used to measure the height of the insulators. The difference in the height of the insulators installed for one pantograph, should not be more than 2 m.

Shims are used to level the upper support surfaces of the insulators.

Almost the only possible damage to fiberglass insulators can be cracks in metal bases, upon detection of which they must be welded or replaced.

Insulation quality is checked directly on the rolling stock. The insulators removed during the repair from the rolling stock are checked for breakdown (dielectric strength) at special stands of test stations.

When assembling the pantograph, drive parts, an air duct, shock absorbers, main shafts and lower movable frames are installed on its base. The springs are strengthened on the shafts in a free state. Install the upper frames, assemble the runner mechanism. The hinges are first assembled onto temporary (old) rollers. Having finished the preliminary assembly, they begin to replace the temporary rollers with permanent ones. The assembled runner and the missing flexible shunts are installed. Raising the pantograph by hand, check the free movement of the frames and the absence of jamming in the hinges. The contact of the hinges of the upper frame of the pantograph with the shock absorbers when lowering the pantograph must be simultaneous. After assembling the pantograph, the movable frame system is checked. On the raised pantograph, using a level set on a ruler 1000 mm long, the deviation of the runners from the horizontal is measured. The rise of one of the ends of the ruler above the surface of the runner with its horizontal position should not exceed 10 (when installing the pantograph on the locomotive) and 5 mm (when installed on the verified stand pedestals).

The displacement of the center of the runners with respect to the center of the base at the maximum working height of the pantograph on the roof of the EPS is determined by lowering the plumb line from the center of the runner to the base. The displacement of the runner center should not exceed 20 mm after factory repair and 25 mm after TR-3.

Repair of lifting and lowering mechanisms

The lifting mechanism consists of lifting springs with rods and rollers and cranks (adjustable or non-adjustable) connected to the main shafts. The stiffness of the springs is checked using a special device.

When checking the mechanism, it is most often necessary to press brass bushings or bearings into the developed holes of the levers (brackets) of springs and earrings. For disassembling the lifting mechanism, a device is used, made in the form of a sliding bracket, on the ends of which the earrings of the rods screwed into the spring rest. The earrings are locked with a cotter so that the rod does not jump out of the slot.

The clutch in the middle part allows the bracket to be moved apart, which makes it possible to use this device on pantographs with different lengths of springs.

Worn holes in the link forks are usually welded and then reamed to size.

When repairing the lowering mechanism for pantographs with an external lowering spring, ensure that the tension of this spring is perceived equally by both bolts and that there is no skewing of the bushings. When the bolts are evenly tightened, there must be a concentric gap between them and the bore of the hub, which eliminates friction between these elements.

During a routine inspection, the pneumatic cylinder is checked for air leaks. After one minor periodic repair, the entire drive is revised.

With large periodic repairs, the leather cuffs of the drive are pierced with the composition No. 12. Leather cuffs with torn edges or having a break when bent by 180 ° ( face side outward) must be replaced. For bronze spring washers for cuffs, the presence of broken petals not located next to each other is allowed up to 20% of their total number. Rubber cuffs are replaced with new ones if, upon examination, cuts, cracks, corrugations, bends of the collars in the opposite direction and other defects that lead to air leakage are found. A suitable cuff is rinsed in warm water and wiped thoroughly. To avoid damaging the cuff when removing it from the piston or installing it, do not use a screwdriver or other metal objects; for this purpose it is necessary to use a wooden or polymer strip. When installing a piston with a cuff in a cylinder, it is necessary to ensure that the cuff does not receive cuts on the chamfers on the cylinder.

When repairing, check the operation of the cylinders. Pay attention to the condition of the cuffs, spring washers and pressure reducing valves... Leather cuffs are through. Atmospheric and lubrication holes are cleaned. The piston stroke is regulated by the stop rings. Care should be taken when disassembling the pantograph cylinders, as the lowering spring acts on the cover with great force. Carrying out an audit of the pneumatic drive, the cylinder is cleaned of dust, rust, contaminated grease, washed with kerosene and wiped dry.

The entire working surface is lubricated with a thin layer of grease. Pivot joints of the piston rod with the lever of the drive shaft are also coated with grease.

To repair pantographs, a cuff insertion device is used (Fig. 7). During the assembly of the drive of these pantographs, special attention should be paid to ensuring the safety of the worker, since the connection of the connecting rod of the piston rod with the drive lever is possible only with the preliminary compression of the lowering spring of 550 kgf. In this regard, the drive should be assembled using special pneumatic (or mechanical) devices.

Rice. 7. Device for inserting cuffs into pantograph cylinders

As a result of prolonged operation, the inner diameter of the cylinder may become tapered or elliptical. To restore the inner surface of the cylinder, it is chrome plated. The well-designed piston rod bores are welded and then machined. The inner surface of the pantograph cylinder is often scored. In order to prevent their occurrence, you need to monitor the rod seal, which protects against the ingress of sand.

To eliminate the scuffs, the cylinder is grinded; the piston is also machined (after brass welding). The piston rod often breaks; his earring has to be welded and drilled out.

The serviceability of the drive under operating conditions is checked by visual inspection and turning it on at an air pressure of 5 kgf / cm. The actuator must be able to move the linkage system properly and be free of air leaks. Check for air leakage by covering the cylinder joints with soap suds.

The sleeves of the pantograph must have dielectric properties, since they connect the grounded air line with the pantographs that are energized by the contact network. For this reason, the sleeves are made of polyethylene or polyethylene pipes.

The hoses must meet the requirements of the standard, according to which they must be checked for air tightness (this test is carried out in a water bath for 1 min at a compressed air pressure of 10 kgf / cm2) and for dielectric strength (the hose assembly must withstand voltage 9, 9 kV alternating current frequency of 50 Hz). It is allowed to install old hoses that do not have external defects (cracks, delamination) and have passed the tests.

Polyethylene hoses are installed in the air duct as follows. Fittings are screwed onto the pipes supplying air to the pantograph and secured with lock nuts. The fittings are installed on the reel. Then the union nuts, put on the hose, are screwed onto the fittings by hand until they stop and fixed by half a turn (you should not tighten the nut too much, as this can crush or cut the pipe collar).

The date of putting the hose on the locomotive is recorded in the logbook to determine its service life.

For any types of locomotive repair, except for the TR-3 and the factory one, it is not required to remove the polyethylene hoses.

The repair sequence for the pantograph is shown on the drawing sheet.

2.6 Development of a technological process map for unit repair

Remove the pantograph from the locomotive. Remove dust and dirt from frames, runners and insulators. In winter, remove snow and ice beforehand. Cleaning is carried out by blowing dry compressed air with a pressure of 0.2 to 0.3 MPa (from 2 to 3 kgf / sq. Cm) and wiping with napkins or washing in a washing machine.

Disassemble the pantograph in the following sequence:

disconnect the flexible shunts, remove the rollers (axles), remove the runner and install it on a special workstation (stand);

disassemble the upper assembly of the pantograph, remove the carriages;

loosen the pressure of the lifting springs, remove them with the tie bolts and unscrew the tie bolts;

knock out the rollers and remove the upper frames from the grooves of the lower frames;

unpress the ball bearings, remove the rods;

unscrew the bolts securing the lower clamps and remove the lower pantograph frames.

Examine the runner installed on the stand. Check the condition of the frame, carbon inserts and their fastenings

Disassemble the skid, unscrew the bolts securing the inserts, remove the inserts.

Clean and inspect the runner frame. Check the dimensions of the frame with templates. If the dimensions do not correspond to the standards, edit the frame.

The slope of the frame horn to the horizontal should not exceed 45 °.

Re-inspect the straightened frame. Make sure there are no cracks or burn-throughs.

Check the condition of the fastening parts of the carbon inserts, if necessary, straighten the strips.

Clean the oxidized surface of the copper lining and apply CIATIM-201 GOST 6267 grease.

Pick up a set of carbon inserts 2A TU 48-20-147-89 in the amount of 11 pieces. Fit the carbon inserts to each other and to the side plates of the frame. The gap between the inserts on the repaired runner should not exceed 0.8 mm. The outer working surface of the inner row should be at the same level with the surface of the inserts of the outer rows or below it by no more than 1.5 mm. When assembling, the inserts must be tightly pressed. Moving and swinging of inserts on the runner is not allowed.

Disassemble the carriages, clean all their parts.

Check brackets, levers, bases, bushings, springs and other carriage parts. Parts should not have cracks, deformation, stripped or worn threads, worn in excess of the permissible roller holes.

The holes for the rollers and threaded holes worn out above the norms shall be restored by surfacing. Deformation can be eliminated using mandrels.

Check rollers.

Check the carriage springs drawing 302.70.90.264. If there is a crack, break, loss of elasticity, non-compliance of characteristics and dimensions with the norms, replace the spring. The length of the spring in a free state according to the drawing should be 140 mm 1 mm. The deviation of the length of the spring from the nominal size is allowed by no more than 5%, the characteristics of the spring - by 8%.

Check bolts, nuts, cotter pins. Replace bolts and nuts with stripped or worn threads.

Other parts of the carriages that cannot be repaired are also subject to replacement.

All parts of the carriages must be galvanized. If there is no coating on the parts, galvanize them.

Before assembly, coat all carriage hinges with ZhTKZ-65 TU0254-004-01055954-02 or CIATIM-201 GOST 6267 grease, 0.05 kg per hinge.

Assemble carriages. On assembled carriages, all hinges should work without jamming.

Check and adjust the spring load with a special bolt.

The initial load must be at least 60.6 N (6.06 kgf), the final load must be at least 186.5 N (18.65 kgf).

Carry out an audit of the pneumatic drive with disassembly of the unit.

Due to the fact that the lowering springs act on the drive covers with great force, disassembly and assembly of the pneumatic drive should be performed only with the use of a special device.

Rinse the metal parts of the pneumatic drive in kerosene and wipe with clean napkins. The inside of the cylinder must be clean and dry.

Inspect the cylinder. Make sure there are no cracks, scoring or marks. Determine wear on cylinder sliding surfaces, bushing and cover.

A cylinder that has seizures and risks on the working surface should be cleaned with a fine-grained abrasive paper. Shallow risks on the working surface are allowed, provided there is no air leakage when testing for tightness with a pressure of 0.675 MPa. Wear +0.25 of the cylinder working surface (diameter according to the drawing 180 mm) is allowed no more than 0.7 mm. To restore the worn surface, chrome plating.

Check the condition of the piston. Replace piston with seizure, cracks, bent, stripped threads. Piston wear on the working surface - 0.145 (diameter according to the drawing 180 mm) allowed - 0.245 no more than 0.2 mm.

Check covers and bushings. Replace caps and bushings with cracks or worn over the norm. Wear of the hole in the cover from the piston rod +0.074 (diameter according to the drawing 55 mm) is allowed no more than 2.5 mm.

Inspect and check the lowering spring. The deviation of the length of the spring from the nominal size (442 mm) is allowed by no more than +/- 5%, the characteristics of the spring - by 8%. It is allowed to restore the springs with subsequent heat treatment.


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25. Preservation and restoration of the proper technical condition of the rolling stock is ensured through its maintenance and repair.

26. The purpose of maintenance is: to maintain serviceability, readiness for work and a good appearance of the rolling stock; reducing the wear rate of its parts, preventing malfunctions and extending the service life before repair; identification of the arisen malfunctions with the purpose of their timely elimination.

27. Maintenance work is carried out on a strictly compulsory basis, i. E. forcibly upon the commission of a certain mileage by a car (trailer, semitrailer).

28. Types of maintenance ( daily service EO, the first maintenance of TO-1, etc.), lists of operations performed for each type of maintenance, the frequency (mileage) of maintenance, as well as the standards for its labor intensity for planning purposes are established by the current regulation determining the procedure for maintenance and repair of automobile rolling stock. transport.

29. The purpose of the repair is to eliminate the malfunctions of the rolling stock.

30. The types of repairs (current and overhaul), their characteristics and standards (for planning purposes) are established by the current regulation determining the procedure for maintenance and repair of rolling stock.

General principles of organization of maintenance and repair of rolling stock

31. Maintenance and current repairs of rolling stock are carried out by motor transport enterprises (organizations) or service stations (centralized maintenance bases).

32. Overhaul of rolling stock and its units, as a rule, is carried out by auto repair plants, aggregate repair plants and specialized enterprises (tire repair plants, repair shops for batteries, fuel equipment, electrical equipment, etc.).

33. Carrying out maintenance and repair of rolling stock in a motor transport enterprise (organization) is assigned to the technical service, headed by the chief engineer.

The structure of production units of the technical service that perform maintenance and repair of rolling stock (workshops, sections, etc.) is determined by the form of production organization adopted in the motor transport enterprise, and the number of workers and the number of teams within each unit is production program and the required operating mode (shift).

Daily Maintenance (EO)

35. The list of works of the SW includes checking the rolling stock arriving from the line and being released to the line, external care for it in refueling operations.

36. To check the rolling stock arriving from the line and released on the line, a control and technical point (KTP) with an inspection ditch (overpass, half-stage, elevator) and a set of necessary tools, fixtures and fittings.

37. Checking the rolling stock upon arrival from the line and upon release to the line is the responsibility of the driver and department employees technical control(OTK) enterprises (organizations).

If there is no quality control department in this enterprise (organization), the inspection of the rolling stock when returning from the line and releasing it on the line is carried out by the mechanics of the control and technical point.

38. When checking rolling stock arriving from the line, the following are established:

  • arrival time, the distance traveled counter and the remaining fuel in the car's tank;
  • completeness of rolling stock;
  • the presence of malfunctions, breakdowns and damage;
  • the need for maintenance.

If necessary, an application for current repairs is drawn up with a list of malfunctions to be eliminated, and an act of damage to the rolling stock, indicating the nature, causes of the breakdown and the persons responsible for it.

39. Upon release to the line, it is checked appearance, completeness and technical condition of the rolling stock, as well as the performance of maintenance or repairs assigned to it the day before (according to the external inspection and accounting documentation).

The check is carried out according to a certain list of operations compiled by a motor transport enterprise or organization, taking into account the design of the rolling stock used in this enterprise and the conditions of its operation. The list should provide for a mandatory check of the serviceability of systems, units, assemblies and parts of rolling stock that affect traffic safety, including steering, brakes, suspension, wheels and tires, body and cab, outdoor lighting devices, light and sound alarms, windshield wipers. The most thorough checks are subject to buses, cars - taxis and all vehicles operating on mountain routes.

In the event of a change of drivers on the line, the technical condition of the rolling stock at the time of its transfer is checked jointly by the driver who finished the shift and the driver who starts work. The serviceability of the rolling stock is confirmed by the signatures of the driver in waybill with indication of transmission time and speedometer readings.

40. To perform operations of external maintenance of rolling stock, including cleaning the body and cab, washing and wiping or drying, posts or lines of external maintenance with washing installations and other necessary equipment should be created in a motor transport enterprise (organization).

The bodies of specialized vehicles for transporting food products must be sanitized at external care posts, and the bodies of vehicles transporting chemical fertilizers, pesticides and radioactive substances must be decontaminated in accordance with the requirements of the instructions that determine the procedure for transporting such goods.

The posts and lines of external care, which are characterized by high humidity and pollution of workplaces, should be located separately from other premises for maintenance and repair of rolling stock.

41. EO refueling operations - refueling cars with fuel, adding oil to the engine crankcase and coolant to the radiator - are carried out by drivers at the expense of the preparatory and final time provided for by their mode of operation. Refueling, as a rule, is carried out at gas stations according to coupons, oil and water refilling - at a motor transport company.

First and second maintenance (TO-1 and TO-2)

42. TO-1 includes external maintenance of rolling stock in the amount of EO, as well as control, fastening, adjusting and lubrication operations, performed, as a rule, without removing from the rolling stock or partial development (opening) of the serviced devices, assemblies and mechanisms. With TO-2, the same operations are performed in an expanded volume, and, if necessary, the serviced devices (assemblies, mechanisms) are opened or removed from the rolling stock.

If carrying out the next TO-2 coincides with the transition from spring - summer to autumn - winter or, conversely, from autumn - winter to spring - summer operation, the list of works performed during this maintenance is supplemented with operations to prepare rolling stock for the upcoming season (seasonal technical service).

43. Each motor transport enterprise (organization) should draw up monthly plans - schedules for the implementation of TO-1 and TO-2, taking into account the standard frequency of these types of services and the planned average daily runs of rolling stock.

44. The terms of putting the rolling stock into service can be indicated in the plans - schedules either by the total mileage from the beginning of operation according to the readings of the distance traveled counter, or by calendar dates. When using plans - schedules of the second type, they are subject to current adjustment according to the actual mileage of the rolling stock.

TO-1 should be performed during the time interval between working shifts of the rolling stock (in between shifts). To carry out TO-2, the rolling stock can be taken out of service.

45. TO-1 and TO-2 of rolling stock can be produced at single (dead-end) posts and on production lines, consisting of several sequentially located posts.

It is advisable to introduce the in-line service method with a homogeneous rolling stock and a daily program of units performing maintenance, at least twelve to fifteen TO-1 and five to six TO-2.


46. ​​Routine repairs are considered to be performed to eliminate individual malfunctions when the general condition of the vehicle (trailer, semitrailer) or unit is satisfactory and they have a sufficient working resource for further operation.

Current repairs are carried out by carrying out disassembly - assembly, fitting - fitting and other necessary work with the replacement of:

  • at the unit - separate worn out or damaged parts, except for the base (case);
  • for a car (trailer, semitrailer) - individual components and assemblies that require current or overhaul.

47. The need for current repairs can be identified during the operation of the rolling stock on the line, when checking it upon arrival from the line and during the next maintenance.

48. Routine repair of vehicles (trailers, semi-trailers), as a rule, is carried out at separate (dead-end) posts. If the amount of work required to eliminate malfunctions is small, it is allowed to perform them at posts or maintenance lines, provided that this does not disrupt the rhythm of work established for them (the so-called "concomitant" repair).

49. Maintenance operations, the need for which arises most often and regularly, can be included in the scope of TO-2 operations with the establishment for each operation of the repeatability coefficient "K", which determines the need to perform at each TO-2 or after one, two, three maintenance -2 and more (in this case "K" will be equal to 1.0 - 0.5 - 0.33, etc., respectively). First of all, the scope of TO-2 should include operations for the current repair of mechanisms and assemblies that determine the safety of vehicles, and especially buses and passenger cars- taxi.

50. During the current repair of cars (trailers, semitrailers), it is necessary to widely apply the aggregate-nodal method, the essence of which is that a faulty unit (unit) is replaced by another one taken from the fund of circulating units and units of a motor transport company (organization) or the centralized fund of a group enterprises. The removed unit (unit) is repaired in the corresponding production unit, after which it goes to replenish the stock of circulating units.

Maintenance and current repair of rolling stock operating in isolation from a motor transport enterprise (organization)

51. The service life of the rolling stock sent to work in isolation from the trucking company (secondment for harvesting, on geological exploration expeditions, etc.) must guarantee the performance of transportation during the entire period of the assignment.

52. Each car (road train) must have a set of driver's tools, as well as spare parts and materials necessary to eliminate minor faults. Lists of items included in this kit are compiled by the trucking company (organization).

53. A team of repair and maintenance workers, headed by a foreman (mechanic), is assigned to a group (column) of rolling stock, sent to work in isolation from a motor transport enterprise (organization), and mobile technical means are attached (a car repair shop of the PARM type, cars - fuel trucks and etc.) with a sufficient amount of inventory, spare parts and materials, allowing to carry out the whole range of works on maintenance and current repair of the rolling stock of the group (column).

54. Maintenance and current repairs of single vehicles (road trains), working in isolation from the enterprise (organization), are provided by their drivers.

55. When organizing maintenance and routine repair of vehicles (road trains) operating apart from the enterprise (organization), the maintenance regimes established by the current regulation determining the procedure for maintenance and repair of rolling stock must be strictly observed. Responsibility for the technical condition of the rolling stock, the timely and high-quality performance of its maintenance and repair is borne by the head of the group (column) and the foreman of the repair and maintenance workers, and in relation to single cars (road trains) - by their drivers.

56. In the case of intercity transportation of goods and passengers, maintenance of rolling stock, making flights with a length exceeding the established frequency of service, is carried out in motor transport companies and service stations located on the route of transportation on a contractual basis.


57. Overhaul is considered to be a repair made with a general deterioration of the technical condition and the exhaustion of the service life of a car (trailer, semitrailer) or unit, in order to restore the specified resource to the values ​​corresponding to the established standards.

58. Overhaul consists in the complete disassembly of the car (trailer, semitrailer) into units, and units - into parts, performing plumbing - mechanical, welding, copper, wallpaper, painting and other necessary work with the replacement of all worn out or damaged parts with new or refurbished.

59. The need for overhaul is determined by a commission appointed by the head of the motor transport enterprise (organization). Units are considered to require overhaul when the base part is worn out or damaged and a general deterioration in technical condition due to the wear of most of the remaining parts, and cars - if it is necessary to overhaul most of the units, as well as frames and cabins (trucks) or bodies (cars and buses).

60. The technical condition and completeness of the rolling stock and its units upon delivery for overhaul to auto repair enterprises and acceptance from repair must comply with the current technical conditions for overhaul and delivery of vehicles, their units and assemblies from overhaul.

Replacement on vehicles (trailers, semitrailers) prepared for overhaul of the units, assemblies and parts installed on them by others is strictly prohibited.

Quality control and accounting for the maintenance and repair of rolling stock

61. Control of the quality of service and current repair of rolling stock is included in the functions of the quality control department of a motor transport enterprise (organization) and drivers. In addition to assessing the quality of service based on the results of checking the rolling stock at the KTP, this control is carried out by the employees of the Quality Control Department by direct observation of the maintenance and repair of the rolling stock by the relevant production divisions. At the same time, employees of the Quality Control Department are also obliged to monitor compliance with the established intervals and the implementation of lists of maintenance operations.

62. The control carried out by the Quality Control Department does not relieve the employees of production units performing maintenance and repair of rolling stock from responsibility for the quality of work performed and the release of faulty rolling stock onto the line.

63. The quality of overhaul of cars (trailers, semi-trailers) and their units is guaranteed by car repair enterprises.

64. Each motor transport enterprise (organization) should keep records of the maintenance and repair of rolling stock. Methods, means and forms of accounting are established by the enterprise in agreement with the parent organization. The accepted accounting methods and forms should provide the ability to:

  • prompt receipt at any time and timely communication to the operation service of the motor transport enterprise (organization) of information about the technical condition of each unit of the rolling stock (suitable for production on the line, requires maintenance or repair, is being serviced or repaired, etc.);
  • analysis of the results of the activities of the technical service of a motor transport enterprise;
  • registration of maintenance and repair work for each unit of rolling stock, performed over the entire period of its service, the number of units, assemblies and parts consumed in this case;
  • identifying employees who are personally responsible for the quality of maintenance and repair of rolling stock.

2.1. The system of maintenance and repair of locomotives of JSC "Russian Railways" provides for the following types of scheduled maintenance and repair:

maintenance of TO-1;
maintenance of TO-2;
maintenance of TO-3;
maintenance of TO-4;
maintenance of TO-5a;
maintenance of TO-5b;
maintenance of TO-5V;
maintenance of TO-5g;
current repair of TR-1;
current repair of TR-2;
current repair of TR-3;
average repair of SR;
overhaul of the Kyrgyz Republic.

2.2. Maintenance is a set of operations to maintain the operability and serviceability of a locomotive *.

Maintenance of TO-1, TO-2 and TO-3 is periodic and is designed to monitor the technical condition of units and systems of the locomotive in order to prevent failures in operation. The delivery of locomotives for maintenance of TO-4, TO-5a, TO-5b, TO-5v, TO-5g is planned as required.

Note: definitions marked with an asterisk (*) are given on the basis of the definitions specified in OST 32.109-97 “Traction rolling stock (TRV). Maintenance and repair system. Terms and Definitions".

2.3. During maintenance of TO-1, as well as during maintenance of TO-2 (within the established duration), locomotives are accounted for in the operating fleet. Locomotives supplied for other types of maintenance and repairs are excluded from the operated fleet and are recorded as faulty.

2.4. Maintenance of TO-1 is carried out by the locomotive crew during acceptance and delivery and equipment of the locomotive, at stops at railway stations. Maintenance of TO-2 is performed, as a rule, by employees of locomotive maintenance points (PTOL). The basic requirements for the organization and maintenance of TO-1 and TO-2 locomotives are established by the Instruction for the maintenance of electric locomotives and diesel locomotives in operation, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on September 27, 1999, No. TsT-685.

2.5. Maintenance of TO-3 is carried out, as a rule, in the locomotive depot of the locomotive's registration.

2.6. Maintenance of TO-4 is carried out in order to maintain the profile of wheelset tires within the limits established by the Instruction on the formation, repair and maintenance of wheelsets of traction rolling stock of 1520 mm track gauge railways, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on June 14, 1995 No. ЦТ-329. During maintenance of TO-4, wheelset tires are turned without rolling out from under the locomotive. The locomotive is credited for the maintenance of TO-4 if no other operations are performed for the maintenance and repair of the locomotive, except for turning wheelset tires.

If the turning of wheelset rims is combined with operations for maintenance of TO-3, current repair of TP-1 or TP-2, the locomotive for maintenance of TO-4 is not credited, but is accounted for as being under maintenance TO-3 (current repair of TP- 1, ТР-2) with turning.

2.7. Maintenance of TO-5a is carried out in order to prepare the locomotive for putting into reserve or reserve of the railway. Maintenance of TO-5b is carried out in order to prepare the locomotive for dispatch in an inoperative state. Maintenance of TO-5V is carried out in order to prepare for operation a locomotive that has arrived in an inoperative state, after construction, after repairs outside the locomotive depot of its registration, or after relocation. Maintenance of TO-5g is carried out in order to prepare the locomotive for operation after being kept in reserve (railway reserve).

2.8. Repair - a set of operations to restore serviceability, operability and resource of a locomotive *.

2.9. Locomotive current repair - repairs carried out to ensure or restore the operability of the locomotive and consisting in the replacement and restoration of individual units and systems *.

Current repair of TR-1 is carried out, as a rule, in locomotive depots registration of locomotives. Routine repair of TR-2 is carried out, as a rule, in specialized locomotive depots of railways where locomotives are registered. Current repair of TR-3 is carried out in specialized locomotive depots of railways (base locomotive depots).

2.10. Medium repair of a locomotive (SR) is a repair performed to restore serviceability and partial restoration of a locomotive's resource *.

Medium repairs of locomotives are performed at base locomotive depots, at locomotive repair plants of Russian Railways, or in third-party organizations that repair locomotives.

2.11. Overhaul of a locomotive (CR) is a repair carried out to restore operational characteristics, serviceability of a locomotive and its resource close to full *. Overhaul of locomotives is carried out at locomotive repair plants of Russian Railways or in third-party organizations that repair locomotives.

2.12. The scope and procedure for performing mandatory work during routine maintenance and repair, rejection signs and permissible methods for restoring parts and assembly units are determined by the current operational and repair documentation, agreed and approved in the prescribed manner.

2.13. The average for Russian Railways standards for the frequency of maintenance and repair of locomotives are shown in Tables 1 - 3.

The frequency of maintenance of TO-2 is calculated by the time the locomotive is in the operating fleet.

Maintenance intervals TO-3 and planned repairs for locomotives specified in Tables 1 and 2, it is calculated by the linear mileage of the locomotive.

The frequency of maintenance of TO-3, current and average repairs for the locomotives indicated in Table 3, is calculated by the time the locomotive is in the operating fleet. The frequency of overhaul for the locomotives indicated in Table 3 is calculated in full calendar time from the construction or previous repair, in which the electrical wiring and insulation of electrical machines are replaced.

dated January 17, 2005 N 3p


(As amended by the Orders of JSC "Russian Railways" of 03.04.2007 N 558r, of 22.06.2012 N 1246r)

In accordance with the Program for improving the efficiency of the locomotive economy for 2005-2007, approved by JSC "Russian Railways" on September 27, 2004 N 893:
1. To approve the attached Regulation on the system of maintenance and repair of locomotives of JSC "Russian Railways".
2. Vice-President V. A. Gapanovich, Head of the Locomotive Economy Department S. A. Kobzev, and the heads of railways to organize the planning and commissioning of locomotives for maintenance and repair in accordance with the Regulations on the system of maintenance and repair of locomotives of JSC "Russian Railways".
3. To the Head of the Locomotive Economy Department Kobzev S. A .:
a) organize a systematic adjustment of operational and repair documentation for locomotives of the series in operation, while providing for:
maximum consideration of the existing experience of operation, maintenance and repair of locomotives;
introduction of CIP diagnostics of locomotive units, mechanization and automation of technological processes, use of developments of research and development organizations;
creation of complete and systematized sets of operational and repair documentation, maximally adapted for use at workplaces;
bringing operational and repair documentation in line with the requirements of national standards of the Russian Federation;
b) organize work to unify the operational and repair documentation of Russian Railways for locomotives of the supplied series with the operational and repair documentation of locomotive manufacturers, the introduction of unified documentation by agreement with the manufacturers;
c) in contracts for the development of new series of locomotives, provide for the development by the forces of locomotive developers of complete sets of operational and repair documentation and its subsequent correction, taking into account the experience of operation, maintenance and repair.

First Vice President of Russian Railways
Kh.Sh. Zyabirov


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