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3.1 Choosing a method of organizing production

vehicle technological diagnostics

The most progressive method of organizing the production of maintenance and repair is currently a method based on the formation of production units according to a technological basis (method of technological complexes) with the introduction of centralized production management (MCC), but due to the relatively small production capacity and the average number of cars serviced on the line, the method of complex brigades is adopted.

Complex brigade method

The method of complex teams provides for the formation of production units on the basis of their subject specialization, i.e. assignment to the brigade of a certain group of vehicles (for example, vehicles of the same convoy, vehicles of the same model, trailers and semi-trailers), along which the brigade conducts TO-1, TO-2 and TR. Centralized, as a rule, EO, diagnostics and repair of units are performed. Complex brigades are staffed with performers of various specialties (car mechanics, locksmiths-controllers, electricians, lubricants) to perform the work assigned to the brigade.

Each team, as a rule, has jobs assigned to it, posts for maintenance and repair, its own mainly universal technological equipment and tools, a stock of circulating units and spare parts, i.e. there is a reduction in the program and a scattering of material resources of the ATP, which complicates the organization of production Maintenance and car repair.

The difficulties of managing with this method are explained by the difficulties of maneuvering production capacities and material resources and regulating the workload of individual performers for various complex teams. Situations arise when the workers of one complex brigade are overworked, and the other is underutilized, but the brigades are not interested in mutual assistance.

However, a significant advantage of this method is the team's responsibility for the quality of maintenance and repair work. This is justified as follows:

where is the annual labor intensity of general diagnostics D-1;

Annual labor intensity of D-2 element-by-element diagnostics;

Annual labor intensity of TO-1;

Annual labor intensity of TO-2;

Thus, at the projected ATP section, it is most profitable to create complex teams working at universal posts.

The production management scheme for the method of complex teams is shown below.

3.2 Choosing a method for organizing the technological process at the site

The technological process at the D-1 section is organized according to the method of universal posts.

Method of universal posts.

A universal post is a post where it is possible to perform several types of typical maintenance work.

When servicing at several universal posts, it is possible to perform at them an unequal amount of work (or service of different brands of cars, as well as the performance of an accompanying TR) with different durations of the vehicles at each post. The disadvantages of this method with a dead-end arrangement of posts are: a significant loss of time for the installation of vehicles at posts and exit from them; air pollution with exhaust gases when maneuvering a car in the process of entering and exiting posts; the need for multiple duplication of the same equipment. A dead-end method of maintenance is installed at the projected facility. With a dead-end method of car maintenance, all work is performed at the same type of universal posts, with the exception of cleaning and washing, which are performed at posts located separately, in special rooms or in open areas. When servicing cars at universal posts, the time of stay of cars on them can be different. This makes it possible to service vehicles of different brands at the same post and simultaneously carry out maintenance work, the need for which was identified during maintenance, which is an important positive property of the dead-end method of maintenance.

When servicing cars at universal posts, the use of high-performance garage equipment is limited, the mechanization of service processes becomes more difficult, the average category of work increases, and the time spent by the car in service and the need for a production site increase. A significant disadvantage of this method is the fact that when the car is installed at the post and when it leaves it, the air of the working rooms is polluted with exhaust gases.

The essence of this method is that all the work provided for this type of maintenance is carried out in full at one post by a group of workers of various specialties or universal workers.

Advantages: the ability to perform at each post a different amount of work; the ability to service cars of various models.

Disadvantages: it is necessary to duplicate the equipment of the same name many times, which limits the possibility of equipping the enterprise with highly productive means of labor; maintenance costs increase; workers of higher qualifications and with a combination of professions are required; the possibility of specialization of workers and the specialization of labor are limited.

At the projected site, general diagnostics of D-1 will be carried out in the TO-1 zone, element-by-element diagnostics of D-2 in the TO-2 zone. Daily maintenance will be done at a separate post.

3.3 Scheme of the technological process at the site

From the maintenance standby area, the car enters the D-1 general diagnostics post. diagnostics allows you to assess the technical condition of the car as a whole and its individual units and assemblies without disassembly, to identify malfunctions, for the elimination of which adjustment or repair work is necessary, as well as to predict the reliability resource of the car.

With general diagnostics, the technical condition of components and assemblies that ensure safety is determined road traffic and assess the suitability of the car in future use.

Further, the car is transferred to the post of fastening work. It mainly checks the condition and fastening of the front and rear suspension and shock absorbers, measuring the play in the bearings of the wheel hubs and pivots of the pivot pins, as well as assessing the condition of the frame and front axle beam. At the adjustment work station, deficiencies identified during general diagnostics are eliminated, which can be eliminated by adjustment.

At the lubrication and filling station, components and assemblies are lubricated, oil and other technical fluids are topped up.

At the end of the maintenance, the car is checked by the Quality Control Department and is transferred to the car storage area. Since the general diagnosis of D-1 is carried out before TO-1, the flow diagram is performed as for TO-1.

3.4 Selecting the operating mode of the production unit

The work of the production unit in the ATP is coordinated with the mode of operation of vehicles on the line. When assigning a mode of their operation, one should proceed from the requirements to perform large amounts of maintenance work.

For the design of the site for the general diagnosis of TO-1, we take the number of working days per year D RG = 302 days. Work on the site is carried out in two shifts. The duration of the shift is 8 hours. The lunch break is 48 minutes (0.8 hours) (Appendix 7.8). The first shift starts at 8:00 am - ends at 4:00 pm. The second shift starts at 4:00 pm - ends at 0:30 am. Considering that a third of ATP cars operate according to a "peak" scheme, many cars can pass TO-1 in daytime, i.e. between morning and evening "peak".

The combined work schedule of vehicles on the line and production units of the ATP is shown in Figure 4.

Rice. 4

From the above graph it can be seen that the cars start to enter the line at 5:30 am and finish at 7:30 am. The peak starts at 10:00 and ends at 11:30. The exit to the evening "rush" begins at 14:00 and ends at 16:00. Gradually, the cars leave the line at 19:30 and ends at 0:30. time D-1 from 0 h 00 min to 0 h 30 min.

3.5 Calculation of the number of posts of general diagnostics D-1

Calculation of the number of D-1 diagnostic posts is determined by the formula:

Annual labor intensity diagnostic work;

Duration of work change of posts D-1;

R - the number of workers simultaneously working at the post;

The number of working days per year;

The coefficient of uneven loading = 1.10 (Appendix 23)

3.6 Distribution of performers by specialty and qualifications

The number of performers for each type of work is determined approximately by the distribution of the total amount of work (Appendix 1).

The number of performers is taken taking into account the possible combination of professions, presented in table 3.

3.7 Selection of technological equipment

The list of necessary technological equipment for diagnostics and production of TO-1 is given in Table 4, the list of technological equipment in Table 5.


Type, model

Dimensions in plan, mm

Total area, m 2

1 Two-column trench lift, electromechanical,

2. Combined installation for refueling engines with oil, water, inflating tires

3. Compressor

4. Bench drilling machine

5. Sharpening machine

4. Backlash dynamometer

Portable - manual

5. Tire changer

6. Smoke meter

7. Table for drawing up application documents

3.8 Technological equipment, organizational equipment and tools

3.9 Calculation of the production area of ​​the site

The production area of ​​the maintenance and diagnostics zone is calculated using the formula:

where is the area of ​​the horizontal projection of the car,

The number of posts in the diagnostic zone (1 is accepted)

The total area of ​​the horizontal projection of the equipment;

Coefficient of density of arrangement of posts and equipment (point 4.6)

3.10 Operational and technological map D-1 of the KamAZ 5410 vehicle

Total labor intensity of D-1: 17.9 people. h

Number of performers in position: 1

Name and content of work

Place of work

Number of impact sites

Labor intensity of the work performed, man-min.

Devices, tools, fixtures

Technical requirements and directions

Check the tightness and condition of the devices and hoses of the pneumatic system. If necessary, repair the leak or direct the machine to the TP area.

Top, Bottom

K-235 M device (2.1), open-end wrenches 12-27 mm, screwdriver, pliers

Air leakage is not allowed. The pressure drop in the pneumatic system should not exceed 0.05 MPa (0.5 kgf / cm2) from the nominal pressure of 0.8 MPa (8.0 kgf / cm2) for 30 minutes. With disconnected consumers of compressed air and within 15 minutes. - when included.

Check brake pedal free play. Adjust if necessary.

wrench 17 mm, pliers, hammer, screwdriver

Adjustment is made by changing the length of the rod of the brake valve drive mechanism. Free travel of the brake pedal should be 15-20 mm.

Check the effectiveness of the front wheel brakes. Adjust if necessary.

The braking system must satisfy the following parameters: - braking force, kN: ………………… .35 - difference in braking forces on the left and right wheels -11% - non-simultaneous actuation - 0.1 s - actuation time - 0.8 s; - force of pressing the brake pedal, N, no more ... .686

Check the effectiveness of the rear wheel brakes. Adjust and re-check if necessary.

Brake test area

The braking system must meet the following parameters: - braking force, kN: ………………… .31 - difference in braking forces on the left and right wheels -11% - non-simultaneous actuation - 0.1 s - actuation time - 0.8 s; - force of pressing the brake pedal, N, no more ... 686

Check the effectiveness of the action parking brake... Adjust and re-check if necessary.

Brake test area

The braking force of the parking brake must be at least 64 kN. The parking brake lever must be securely locked in the braked position.

Check the function of the auxiliary braking system.

The performance of the engine retarder is checked when the engine is running.

Check the integrity and functionality of the pressure gauges on the instrument panel.

It is checked visually.

3.11 Calculation of the degree of coverage of workers with mechanized labor

The general degree of coverage of workers with mechanized labor in the unit is calculated by the formula:

where is the degree of coverage of workers with mechanized labor,%;

The degree of coverage of workers with mechanized manual labor,%

The degree of coverage of workers with mechanized labor is calculated by the formula:

where is the number of workers in all shifts in a given subdivision performing work in a mechanized way, people;

The number of workers in all shifts completing the work in a mechanized-manual way, people;

Number of workers in all shifts performing manual work, people

The degree of coverage of workers with mechanized manual labor is calculated by the formula:


No matter how perfect the car is, to maintain it in a technically sound condition throughout the entire period of operation, certain types of technical intervention are required (diagnostics, lubrication, adjustment, repair, etc.) and the provision of spare parts.

The developed "Regulations on the maintenance and repair of cars ..." establishes the fundamental foundations and standards of technical impacts aimed at ensuring the reliable and safe operation of cars, and also contains the basic information necessary for the organization of maintenance and repair of cars at the enterprises of the "Auto maintenance" system - STOA.

The car is a source of increased danger and, in accordance with current legislation, the owner bears full responsibility for the technical condition and operation of his car. Service stations are responsible for the quality of maintenance and repair work performed.

Car maintenance is a complex of technological operations aimed at: preventing the occurrence of failures and malfunctions, maintaining cars in good condition and ensuring their reliable, safe and economical operation. Regular and high-quality maintenance in full also reduces the need for repairs.

The main purpose of the repair is to eliminate the malfunctions that have arisen and restore the vehicle (unit) to work by replacing or repairing its individual parts and adjusting them.

Definition technical condition cars and volume determination renovation works carried out, if necessary, using diagnostic tools. In cases where it is impossible to determine the technical condition or malfunction of units and assemblies using diagnostics, they are removed from the car and disassembled to finally determine the scope of repair work.

Car owners during the manufacturer's warranty period are obliged to carry out maintenance in full (otherwise they are deprived of the right to warranty repair). At the end of the warranty period, they were granted the right to selectively carry out certain types of maintenance work at the workshop, including from the scope of work specified in the coupons of the service book.

Malfunctions of assemblies, connections and parts affecting traffic safety, identified at the workshop, are subject to mandatory elimination.


1.1 Brief description of the enterprise

Service station (STO) LLC "Auto-SPTA" is a complex type enterprise that carries out storage, maintenance and repair of rolling stock, as well as the supply of the necessary operational, repair materials and spare parts.

The enterprise is located in the city of Novocherkassk at Rostovskiy exit, 4 and carries out repairs of rolling stock of cars of the brand: GAZ, ZIL, MAZ, KAM (AZ), foreign cars and performs all types of maintenance and repair of cars belonging to the population.

Management at Avto-SPTA LLC is carried out according to the following scheme:

Organizational structure of management

Figure 1 - Structural diagram of the enterprise

The General Director of Avto-SPTA LLC is the head of the enterprise, carries out the selection and placement of personnel, bears legal and administrative responsibility.

The deputy director for the economic part carries out work on supplying the enterprise with all the necessary consumables and spare parts for the smooth functioning of the workshop, heads technical service and is responsible for the technical condition of the rolling stock, condition and development technical base... The head of the repair (workshops) sections is subordinate to him.

The MOT and TR service carries out maintenance and current repairs of rolling stock for all types of work. The form of labor organization is the method of complex teams.

The service station (STO) of Avto-SPTA LLC, according to the principle of designation and placement, belongs to the city service station and serves mainly a permanent fleet trucks of different carrying capacities, as well as foreign cargo cars.

By the nature of the services provided, it is a complex station with a universal bias.

The following types of work are performed:

- engine repair (complex diagnostics);

- repair of electrical equipment;

- body work;

- repair of systems, components and assemblies;

- repair and adjustment of brakes;

- lubrication work.

Small retail trade in auto parts is carried out.

The disadvantages are:

- lack of a car wash area;

- body work is carried out in a non-specialized room;

- The equipment is rather scarce, there is no stand for tire fitting of truck wheels;

In the future, in order to enlarge the enterprise, an exhibition hall of 15 x 12m (h = 6m) for the sale of cars will be built. A place has been designed for the construction of a bathhouse (6 x 10m) and a cafe for 15 seats and other production facilities.

2 Characteristics of the design object

Technical diagnostics is an integral part of the technological processes of acceptance, maintenance and repair of automobiles and is a process of determining the technical state of an object for diagnosing a vehicle, its assemblies, assemblies and systems with a certain accuracy and without disassembling it.

The main tasks of diagnostics are as follows: general assessment of the technical condition of the vehicle and its individual systems, units, assemblies; determination of the place, nature and causes of the defect.

The technological process of diagnostics determines the list and rational sequence of operations performed, their labor intensity, qualifications (category) of the performer (diagnostician operator), equipment and tools used, technical requirements (conditions) for performing work. The list of operations includes preparatory, control and diagnostic and adjustment operations recommended for execution using technical diagnostic tools.

List of works performed:

determination of traction and economic indicators of the car;

determination of the technical condition of the CPG;

fuel consumption measurement;

checking electrical equipment.


2.1 Analysis of raw data

Initial data for the development of the diagnostic site include:

The number of residents in the former Pervomaisky District is 145,600, according to the statistics department of Novocherkassk.

The number of trucks 7100 - data of the traffic police of the city of Novocherkassk.

The labor intensity of maintenance and repair works performed at a car service station is planned for 1000 km of run, depending on the class of the car.

Table 1 - Labor intensity of TO and TR

Average annual mileage for rolling stock:

Foreign cars - 25000 km;

GAZ, ZIL - 15000 km;

MAZ, KAMAZ - 20000 km.

We assume that we will work 365 days a year.

2.2 Calculation production program maintenance and repair in general for the service station

Considering that some of the car owners perform maintenance and technical repair on their own, then the estimated number of serviced cars at Avto-SPTA LLC per year will be equal to:

where, N` - the number of cars in the area of ​​the projected car service station = 7100.

К - coefficient taking into account the number of car owners using the services of car service stations = 0.75 ÷ 0.9.

But since there are already enterprises in the city that produce maintenance and repair of trucks, based on this, for the calculation, we take 2034 vehicles.

We determine the number of cars of each of the three classes that will be serviced at the service station of cars of LLC "Auto-SPTA":

where, bi is the share of cars of the corresponding class

trucks, carrying capacity 1 ÷ 3 t - 60% (GAZ, UAZ)

trucks, carrying capacity 5 ÷ 8 t - 20% (ZIL, KAZ)

foreign cars - 20% (foreign cars)

, PCS.

2.2.1 Calculation of the annual labor intensity of work

where, N1, N2, N3 - respectively, the number of cars serviced by LLC "Auto-ZIP";

Average annual car mileage;

t1, t2, t3 - the corresponding specific labor intensity of maintenance and repair work, depending on the class of cars (3.1; 3.7; 4.1) - initial data

The approximate distribution of the scope of work by type and place of execution is shown in Table 2.

Table 2 - Distribution of the object of work

Types of jobs

Share of total labor intensity

Labor intensity, man hour


MOT in full



Repair and adjustment of brakes


By power supply



Repair of nodes



2.3 Refined development of the design object

3.1 Calculating the number of production workers

Psh = Tg / Fsh,

where, fsh- annual fund time of the "regular worker", h.

Psh = 6428.2 / 1820 = 3.5 - we accept 4 people,

2.3.2 Calculating the number of posts

Work stations are places for cars equipped with appropriate technological equipment and designed to perform technical actions on a car to maintain and restore its technical condition and appearance.

Let's calculate the number of posts of the diagnostic area according to the formula

, (5)

where, - Тп - annual volume of post work, man.h;

φ is the coefficient of unevenness of the arrival of cars at the site φ = 1.15;

Фп - the annual fund for the work of the post, Фп = 1820h.

Рср - the average number of workers simultaneously working at the post,

X = 6428.2 1.15 / (1820 4) = 1.02

We accept 1 post.

2.3.3 Selection of technological equipment

The technological equipment includes stationary, mobile, and portable stands, all kinds of devices and devices, production equipment (workbenches, racks, cabinets, tables) necessary for performing maintenance and repair work and diagnosing rolling stock.

If the equipment is used or fully loaded during work shifts, then its quantity is determined by the estimated

by the labor intensity of work in man-hours for a group or for each type of work of a certain group of equipment: machine tool, dismantling and assembly, lifting and inspection or special.

We select equipment according to the catalog of garage equipment and give it below in the table.

Table 3 - Technological equipment


Overall dimensions, mm

Area, m2

Quantity, pcs.

Bench control rheostat

Fuel tank

Stand control panel

Light board

Ditch lift

Table 4 - Organizational rigging

Table 5 - Technological equipment

3.4 Calculation of the production area of ​​the diagnostic area

To place the selected equipment and equipment, it is necessary to calculate the area of ​​the site where it will be located.

The calculation of the area of ​​the diagnostic site is made according to the formula on page 102:


where, fa - the area occupied by the car in the plan, fa = 24m2;

Xs - the number of posts of the site = 1;

Кn is the density coefficient of the arrangement (3.5 ÷ 4.5);

We accept an area of ​​108m2.

2.3.5 Distribution of workers by grade

10 workers will work in the diagnostic section, of which five are performing work related to diagnosing the brake system, the remaining five workers are performing work related to the determination of traction and economic qualities.

Table 6 - Classification of workers

Type of work performed Number of workers

Works on brake system

Works on the engine and its systems

Diagnostic equipment operator

The average category of workers is found by the formula on page 51:

Рср = (I Ni) / N, (7)

where I is the category;

N - total workers.

Рср = (4 3 + 1 5) / 4 = 4.25

The average category of workers was 4.25.

4 Development of a technological process for the work performed

The technological process and its organization are determined by the number of posts and places required to fulfill the production program, the technological features of each type of impact, the possibility of distributing the total amount of work on posts with their corresponding specialization and mechanization.

Diagram of the technological process of the diagnostic area.

Picture 1.


3.1 Selection and justification of the method and form of organization of production

One of the tasks of organizing maintenance and repair of rolling stock is to reduce the total time of its downtime in TR, because it is this time that is the longest in the entire time spent at the production sites of the service station.

Direct production management at the workshop is carried out by the head of customer service. Subordinate to him are all structural divisions involved in production management, customer service groups, heads of workshops and production sites; brigade foremen.

A process engineer is responsible for accepting cars for maintenance and repair, as well as for finished and delivered cars to the customer.

The customer service staff is responsible for the completeness, timeliness and accuracy of the information.

An important element in the production management system is the organization of the work of maintenance and repair sections.

The complex brigade includes workers of all specialties necessary to carry out the full scope and complex of work on the repair and maintenance of cars.

The end-to-end brigade includes several single-shift complex brigades, the operating mode of which does not coincide. End-to-end teams are formed to ensure a continuous production cycle.

Minor repair and urgent service posts are places (areas) where work is performed with appropriate technological equipment and, if necessary, in the presence of the customer.

Dispatching of production is provided by the dispatching department or master.

After the dispatching department comes the line personnel, which includes:

- the head of the section;

- head master;

- master;

- master of quality control department.

At this enterprise, a brigade form of organizing the work of repair workers has been adopted.

2 Mode of operation of the design object

The diagnostic department works 365 days a year, the working week is 7 days, the working week is 56 hours, eight hours a day with a lunch break from 1200 to 1300 hours.

Work sites work in one shift from 800 to 1700.

3.3 Organization of workplaces

The number of posts at the diagnostics site, their layout diagram, as well as specialization and cooperation with each other, acceptance and delivery posts and adjustment work posts are determined by the volume and nature of production, as well as the tasks that diagnostics must solve at the workshop.

10 workers work in the diagnostic section, of which six perform work related to the diagnosis of the brake system, the remaining four workers perform work related to the determination of traction and economic qualities. The arrangement for the performer is made on the second sheet of the graphic part of the project.

3.4 Measures for labor protection, fire protection and safety measures

4.1 Industrial hazards

Industrial hazards in the diagnostic area are: toxic emissions, when the car engine is running, when entering and leaving. Humidity, noise and vibration can also be attributed to harmful conditions.

3.4.2 Requirements for the production area

According to the degree of fire hazard, the diagnostic site belongs to the category "B", since the car servicing is carried out here. Ceilings and other enclosing structures must be fireproof at least 1. Arrangement of equipment should be made so that the distance between the equipment and the building structure is not less than 0.5 meters. The doors to the working area must open outward. Should not have protrusions, slopes more than 0.05mm. Workplaces with concrete flooring should be equipped with portable wooden flooring to protect workers from cold feet and help reduce rheumatism and flu.

The colored decoration of the premises should be designed on the basis of the general architectural and compositional interior, taking into account the physiological harmfulness of color and correspond to the hygienic working conditions in the production area.

3.4.3 Temperature and humidity in the work area

The air temperature in the diagnostic area should be:

- during the warm period of the year, no more than 3 ° C higher than the average temperature of the hottest month, but not higher than 28 ° C;

- during the cold period 15 ÷ 20 ° C.

The relative humidity should be:

- in the warm season: 45 ÷ 75%;

- in the cold season, no more than 80%.

station maintenance repair car

3.4.4 Ventilation, noise, vibration

Noise is a disordered combination of a variety of sounds. The sound wave created by the vibrations of the sounding body, propagating in the air space, causes either thickening or rarefaction of the air and the associated sound pressure. The human hearing aid is very sensitive to the detection and changes in sound pressure. Human hearing senses sound vibrations with a frequency of 16-20000 Hz (ultrasounds) are not perceived by human senses.

With prolonged exposure to noise, the attention and memory of workers are weakened, and industrial injuries increase. After working in a noisy room, a person experiences some dullness of hearing and it takes a certain time for the hearing aid to "rest" from the noise and begin to work normally. Headache, nausea, and dizziness may occur after exposure to strong and high-frequency noise.

In addition to adverse effects directly on the hearing organs, noise adversely affects performance. A person spends a certain amount of energy on the performance of certain labor operations, makes a number of necessary movements, for which he needs a certain time. And if this movement is associated with the action of an external stimulus, such as sound, then the reaction time of a person increases. And this, in turn, means that if it is necessary to quickly respond to any sound signal, the worker does not have time to make the required movements, for example, stop the machine or turn off the working mechanism in time.

Various devices are used to determine the noise level in the production area. The most accurate and objective of them are sound level meters, frequency analyzers, noise spectrometers, etc.

Vibrations of elastic bodies with a frequency of less than 15 Hz are perceived by a person as shaking. This perception depends on the frequency of vibrations, their strength and range (amplitude). The frequency of vibration or vibration is expressed in the same way as for sound in hertz.

Vibration is sensed by direct contact with a vibrating body, for example when working with pneumatic tools. In this case, not only the hands involved in the work are subjected to vibrations, but also other parts of the body and especially the legs. The indirect effects of vibration can be caused by shaking the floor and various fences of a building due to the dynamic action of machines, motors and equipment.

In patients with vibration disease, pain in the hands, numbness, whitening of the fingers, and a decrease in all types of skin sensitivity are noted. Patients complain of muscle weakness and fatigue.

The causes of vibration are the shocks of individual parts of equipment and machines against each other, for example, during the operation of a hammer, rigid attachment of vibrating parts of machines to non-vibrating ones and the formation of vortex, rapidly moving air flows, which happens in casings of centrifugal fans, etc.

When exposed to vibrations at work, significant physical exertion, especially static stress, as well as cooling of the hands and the whole body should be avoided.

Permissible values ​​of vibration parameters at permanent workplaces in industrial premises with continuous exposure during the working day, they are established by sanitary norms and standards.

3.4.5 Electrical safety

The survey of electrical equipment must be carried out at least once every six months. The electrical wiring must be in good condition, made in accordance with GOST. Electrical appliances must be equipped with an automatic shutdown system in the event of a short circuit. Wooden boards must be placed on the floor in front of the electrical equipment.

A more reliable means of protection in comparison with grounding is a protective shutdown of the protection system, which provides automatic shutdown of the emergency shutdown of a network section in case of a fault to the frame or to ground. When the trip time from the moment a single-phase short occurs should not exceed 0.2 seconds.

3.4.6 Fire safety

At Avto-SPTA LLC, fire safety is ensured by a number of organizational measures, such as: a fire hazard prevention system, a fire protection system.

The director of the enterprise is responsible for fire safety. He appoints a person responsible from among the engineering and technical workers for carrying out fire-prevention measures and appointed by order.

The diagnostics section should be equipped with a fire shield with sand, which should include fire extinguishers of the OPS-10 brand, designed to extinguish electrical wiring with a voltage of more than 380 V and the OM-4 (3) "Classic" brand for extinguishing small foci of ignition of various substances and materials.

Smoking is allowed in a designated area. Air and electricity supply points must be marked with special inscriptions and conventions, and have serviceable valves, sockets.

Fire is an uncontrolled combustion outside a special hearth, causing material damage. Large fires often take on natural disaster and are accompanied by accidents with people. Fires are especially dangerous in places where flammable and combustible liquids and gases are stored.

The elimination of the causes of fires is one of the most important conditions for ensuring fire safety at the service station. The enterprise should promptly organize fire-fighting instructions and classes on the fire-technical minimum. On the territory, in production, administrative, warehouse and auxiliary premises, it is necessary to establish a strict fire regime. Special smoking areas should be designated and equipped. For the used cleaning material, metal boxes with lids are provided. For the storage of flammable and combustible substances, the places are determined and the permissible quantities of their one-time storage are established.

The territory of the service station must be systematically cleaned of industrial waste, the territory of the projected site must be equipped with primary fire extinguishing protection means.

Fire safety must comply with: the requirements of GOST 12.1.004-85, building codes and regulations.

3.4.7 Environmental protection

Automotive internal combustion engines pollute the atmosphere with harmful substances emitted from exhaust gases, blow-by gases and fuel vapors. At the same time, 95-99% of harmful emissions of modern automobile engines come from exhaust gases, which are an aerosol of a complex composition, depending on the engine operating mode. Atmospheric air, which is an oxidizing agent for fuels, consists mainly of nitrogen (79%) and oxygen (21%). With ideal combustion of a stoichiometric mixture of hydrocarbon fuel with air, only T2, CO2, H2O should be present in the combustion products. In real conditions, exhaust gases also contain products of incomplete combustion (carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, aldehydes, solid carbon particles, peroxide compounds, hydrogen and excess oxygen), products of thermal reactions of interaction of nitrogen with oxygen (nitrogen oxides), inorganic compounds of certain substances present in fuel (sulfur dioxide, lead compounds, etc.).

In total, about 280 components were found in the exhaust gas, which can be subdivided into several groups. A group of non-toxic substances - nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, water vapor, carbon dioxide. The group of toxic substances is carbon monoxide CO, nitrogen oxides NO2, hydrocarbons CnHm (paraffins, olefins, aromatics, etc.), aldehydes Rx * CHO, soot. The combustion of sulfurous fuels produces inorganic gases - sulfur dioxide SO2 and hydrogen sulfide H2S. A separate group includes carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), the most active of which is benzo (a) pyrene, which is an indicator of the presence of carcinogens in exhaust gases. When leaded gasolines are used, toxic lead compounds are formed.

Table 7 - Composition of exhaust gases of automobile engines

Exhaust gas composition


Non toxic

Non toxic

Non toxic

Non toxic




RxCHO (aldehyde)



Soot, g / m3




It should be noted that currently the main source of air pollution are gasoline engines... Nevertheless, reducing the toxicity of diesel engines is also an urgent task, given the emerging tendency for diesel fuel to diesel. The exhaust gas composition of these two types of engines differs significantly, primarily in the concentration of incomplete combustion products (carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, soot).

The main toxic components of exhaust gas of gasoline engines should be considered CO, CnHm, NO and lead compounds, diesels - NOx, soot.

Table 8 - The content of harmful substances in the exhaust gases of a car (in%) at typical operating modes of cars

Table 9 - Sources of formation of harmful toxic substances

Engine's type


Waste gases,%

Blow-by gases,%

Fuel vapors (evaporation),%







Fuel vapors (CxNu) - evaporation of fuel from fuel tanks, elements of the engine power system: joints, hoses, etc. Composition - fuel hydrocarbons of various compositions (15-20%).

Blow-by gases - a mixture of gases penetrating through leaks piston rings from the combustion chamber to the crankcase, and oil vapors in the crankcase, and then entering the environment.

Waste gases (CO, CxHy, NOx, soot, etc.) are a mixture of gaseous products of complete or incomplete combustion of fuel, excess air and various micro-impurities (gaseous, liquid and solid particles coming from the engine cylinders to its exhaust system).

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a transparent, odorless gas, somewhat lighter than air, practically insoluble in water. Entering the body with the inhaled air, CO reduces the function of oxygen supply performed by the blood, since the absorption of CO by the blood is 240 times higher than the absorption of oxygen.

CO is formed on the piston surface and on the cylinder wall, in which activation does not occur due to intense heat removal in the wall, poor fuel atomization and CO2 dissociation into CO and O2 at high temperatures.

The diagnostic site does not have a harmful effect on the environment. The most toxic are emissions of carbon dioxide when leaving and entering cars, but the concentration of emissions is permissible by standards.

All metal pieces and parts are collected and put in the designated places. Rags contaminated with combustible materials are collected separately and then destroyed.

3.4.8 Occupational safety measures

Only diagnostic operators are allowed to work at STD, as well as auto mechanics and auto repairmen who have undergone special training in the rules of their operation, STD must be subject to mandatory periodic state or departmental checks.

It is prohibited in the diagnostics section when testing vehicles on dynos and brake stands: rear wheels special pads; start work with an open exhaust pipe without a fitted exhaust gas suction tip with a gas analyzer sensor, as well as with fuel leaks in the fuel lines connecting the carburetor with the flow meter; smoke when working at the stand, and unauthorized persons are on the stand sites, near the car blower.

It is recommended to install a blower (fan) for cooling the engine and the lower surfaces of the car during power testing, if possible, under the floor, and supply air to the cooled surface through a pipeline.

To reduce noise, the room is fenced off with sound-absorbing double glass partitions from the stands where the test is carried out with the engine running. The floor, walls and ceiling are covered with sound-absorbing material, for example, pyramidal and flat plates made of special moltoprene.

In addition, ventilation is installed in the room, providing 5-10 times air exchange in 1 hour. To regulate the performance of the air handling unit, the fan motor is provided with reversible poles.

3.4.9 Calculation of natural and artificial lighting

The diagnostic area has natural and artificial lighting. Calculation of natural light means calculating the number of windows in the room, their area and the choice of the type of lighting. Artificial - calculating the number of lamps, their power and type.

Calculation of natural light:

The room is not darkened by adjacent buildings, so the side lighting is calculated:

Total area of ​​skylights:


where, Sn is the area of ​​the room, m2 - 108;

ηо - light characteristic of the window 16 ÷ 25 [L-13, tab. 5];

ro - coefficient of light emission of the window, 0.35;

η1 - coefficient taking into account the influence of the colored color, 4;

lmin - coefficient of natural light, 1


K1 - coefficient taking into account the darkening of the windows, 1.

Window height with side lighting:


where, Н - room height, 4000mm;

hpod - the distance from the floor to the window sill, 800mm;

h above - the size of the window sill, 400 mm

According to GOST 11814-63, according to the calculated size, I choose the width and height of the window:

- height hok = 3015mm;

- width bok = 420mm.

Window area:

Mm2 (10)

Number of windows:


We accept three windows.

Calculation of artificial lighting

To calculate the artificial lighting in the room of the diagnostic section, I accept the fluorescent lighting of the ODR lamps.

According to the standard table, I choose the ratio of the distance between the lamps and the height of their suspension:

Determine the distance between the center of the luminaires

where, H - room height, 4m

Determine the distance to the first row of lamps if there are workplaces near the wall:


where, b - room width = 9m

Determine the number of rows of luminaires in width

By lenght

where, l - room length = 12m

Determine the number of rows along the length:


We accept n2 = 1 row.

Total number of rows in width


We accept 2 rows.

The total number of rows in length:


Total number of fixtures


Total lamp power

Wed (18)

where, w` - specific power, = 9.6 W / m;

R - lamp aging factor = 1.2;

Power of one lamp


We accept 245 watts.


4.1 Design the design of an electromechanical hoist

Electromechanical stationary lifts can be one-, six-post and with a lifting capacity from 1.5 to 14 tons. and more. This group of hoists uses screw, chain, cable, cardan or lever-articulated power transmissions driven by an electric motor.

4.2 Purpose. Justification of the choice of design. Description of the device

Two-post stationary electromechanical lift designed for lifting passenger cars weighing up to two tons, has four mobile pickups, by means of which the car is lifted by its body, each pick abuts the place on the body intended for the jack support. This provides the ability to carry out maintenance and repair work on all units and mechanisms located underneath the vehicle. The convenience of working with the wheels is also provided for which the car is raised to the desired height. The lifting time of the picks to full height (1700mm) is 90 seconds.

3 Instructions for working with the device

The car is installed on a platform located between the racks of the lifts, the hooks are installed under the places intended for installing a jack on both sides of the car. During lifting, it is necessary to monitor the tightness of the installation and the absence of distortions between the grabs and the car body. During operation, it is necessary to regularly carry out lubrication work in the screw-nut interface, monitor the condition of the safety devices.

4.4 Check calculation of the screw for collapse

Calculation of the screw for crushing

where, F is the force acting on the screw, F = 20kN,

d2 - average screw diameter, d2 = 10.5mm,

h- thread height 3mm,

Z is the number of working turns,

where, H is the height of the threaded part of the hook, H = 20,

P - thread pitch, P = 1.5

σcm - permissible shear stress

[σcm] = σt / 3,

where, σt is the ultimate strength of the material, σt = 360

[σcm] = 360/3 = 120mPa

Substituting the data into the formula, we get:

[σcm] = mPa120

The collapse stress fully satisfies the condition of the screw wear resistance in terms of the collapse stress.

4.5 Safety when working with the lift

When working with the lift, the following safety precautions must be observed:

All the electrical wiring of the lift must be in good working order, do not short circuit to the unit body, the power button must be in good working order;

It is necessary to work with the unit together because the unit is electric in the event of a short circuit to the case, one of the workers was able to immediately turn off the power supply;

When working with the device, in no case should you put your fingers between the moving parts of the lift, as this can lead to injury;

Work with the device should be in special clothes, which should be fastened with all buttons, cuffs of clothes should be fastened, not loose.


5.1 Calculation of capital investments

Within the framework of a market economy, the economic reform has provided Russian enterprises with broad economic independence. In such conditions, the importance of analyzing production efficiency, a deep disclosure of a particular economic situation in order to accurately formulate proposals and recommendations for administrative and managerial personnel of any hierarchical level, has sharply increased.

Of particular importance is the analysis of production efficiency at the level of an economically independent enterprise. The unresolved economic problems arising here, both internal and external, are reflected in the financial results of the enterprise. Therefore, it is important to use various analytical models of analysis for making decisions to optimize the interests of the enterprise and, above all, the model is additive and descriptive.

An analysis at the enterprise level should be filled with very specific content related to the daily management activities of enterprise managers, namely: with an analysis of the implementation of all sections of the production (internal) business plan. It can be argued that the quality of the decisions made depends entirely on the breadth and depth of technical, economic and financial analysis.

The calculation of the required equipment is shown in Tables 3 and 4. Based on the prices, you can determine the cost of equipment.

Table 9 - Equipment cost

Equipment identification

Unit price

Total cost

Bench control rheostat

Stand for checking traction and economic properties car

Mobile stand for testing electrical equipment

Fuel tank

Fuel consumption meter

Stand control panel

Light board

Ditch lift

Waste bin


Diagnostician's table

Tool rack

Locksmith workbench

Cabinet for appliances

5.2 Costing

2.1 Calculation of the payroll

The total amount of labor costs is 6428.2 h / hour.

The average category of a worker for a given amount of work is 4.25, we take the average tariff rate Tst = 37r.90kop.

The basic wage fund is:

Fzp = Ttru Tst, Fzp = 6428.2 37.9 = 243621 rubles

In addition, it is necessary to take into account accruals, such as: from the federal budget

for vacation - 10.5% = 25580

to social funds - 26.2% = 63,828

I set a surcharge for the quality of work - 10% = 24362

Total: the wage bill will amount to 357391 rubles.

5.2.2 Calculation of the cost of spare parts and materials

The weighted average standard for the consumption of spare parts and materials for the diagnostics section is 14 rubles per 1000 km of run.

The total consumption will be equal to

Q = 70 (Lkg total) = 70 (15000 1220/1000 + 20000 407/1000 + 25000 407/1000) = 512610 rubles

5.2.3 Calculation of depreciation charges

Table - 10 Depreciation allowances for buildings and equipment

Table - 11 Costs for the current repair of the building and equipment

Fixed assets


Maintenance cost rate

The amount of expenses for current repairs


5.2.4 Calculation of energy costs

The total power consumption of the electrical equipment is 25 kW, the annual working time of the equipment is 2920 hours per year.

Therefore, the power consumption will be equal to

2920 = 50500kW / h

Since the cost of 1 kW / h is 2.13r; (for organizations)

Electricity costs will be equal

2.13 = 107565 rubles

2.5 Utility costs

Utility costs (heating, cleaning, etc.) are determined based on the distribution of costs across production areas and is 10800 rubles.

Overhead costs are determined at the level of 3.5% of the total cost and amount to 361,173 rubles.

Table - 12 Costing

Distribution of costs by labor intensity in% of the amount of costs.

group 59.9% -848155

group 20.05% - 283898

group 20.05% - 283898

The cost price of the work of the diagnostic section by groups of vehicles.

group = 848155/1220 = 695 rubles.

group = 283898/407 = 697 rubles.

group = 283898/407 = 697 rubles.

5.3 Payback of the project

At the average, prevailing price of repair services (in the city of the Rostov region) for

groups -800

groups -850

group - 900

The economic effect of the project will be

groups = (800-695) 1220 = 128100 rubles.

group = (850-697) 407 = 62271 rubles.

group = (900-697) 407 = 82621 rubles.

Total: 277992 rub.

Equipment costs pay off within 10 months and are calculated using the formula:

Sop = Sob / Sef = 232450/277992 = 10 months

The economic efficiency is 10 months, i.e. the investment will be recouped in 5.08 years, which is acceptable for road transport enterprises, since the standard payback period for investment in road transport is 3-5 years. It turns out that all the previously performed calculations are correct.


The developed thesis project provides for the project of the diagnostic section of the truck maintenance station. For the calculations, the production and technical base of Avto-Zip LLC was taken.

The project was carried out on the basis of the existing base for the repair and maintenance of rolling stock. The number of mobile and the number of residents are taken according to the traffic police and the statistics department of Novocherkassk as of 01.01.2008.

The calculation of the annual production program for the maintenance and repair of trucks was carried out according to the methodology for designing car service stations.

Dana a brief description of the enterprise, as well as the design object (diagnostic site). The initial data were analyzed, on the basis of this, the technological calculation of the production program for maintenance and repair for the enterprise was carried out.

Based on the results of the technological calculation, it was determined: the annual number daily services maintenance and labor intensity maintenance; the number of workers in the diagnostic area has been calculated. The selection of technological equipment has been made.

On the issues of human life safety and safety measures, safety issues were considered when performing diagnostic work, fire safety, ventilation, heating, and also artificial and natural lighting for the site was calculated, microclimate parameters, environmental protection were described.

In the design part of the project, the design of an electromechanical lift was developed, instructions for working with the device were written. The special task for the WRC was the production of a visual aid "Differential of increased friction", which will help in the study of disciplines "Automobiles", "Maintenance of automobiles" and "Repair of automobiles".

In the economic part of the project, the calculation of the effectiveness of investments in the production and technical base of the projected diagnostic area was made.

The cost of the work performed, the cost of equipment, depreciation deductions for buildings, equipment, workers' wages were calculated. The recoupment of the cost of equipment and buildings has been calculated, they will pay off within 5.08 years.

Based on the foregoing, this project can be recommended as an option for implementation at an enterprise, as well as as educational and methodological support for training students in the specialty 1705.


1. Alexandrov L.A. Technical regulation in road transport M .: Transport 1998

2. Arshinov V.A., Alekseev T.R. Metal cutting and cutting tools M .: Mashinostroenie 1993

Turevsky L.L., Ostrovsky N.B., Zuckerberg S.M., Unified transport system and road transport M.: Transport 2008

Vibration. General safety requirements GOST 12.01.02-98SSBT.

Air in the work area. General sanitary requirements GOST 12.1.005-96

Demin P.A. Safety Handbook M.: 1998

Dolik P.A. Safety Handbook M .: Energosetiizdat, 1994

Ivorev S.A. Economic issues in the organization of ATP M .: Higher school 1991

V.I. Karagodin Repair of cars and engines M .: Masterstvo Vysshaya Shkola, 2001

G.V. Kramarenko Technical operation cars M .: Transport 1998

Napolsky G.M. Technical design of motor transport enterprises and TO stations Textbook for universities M .: Transport 1995

Novak V.M. Handbook of a technologist of a mechanical engineer M .: Mechanical engineering 1993

Depreciation rates and methods for determining wholesale prices for mechanical engineering products, edited by A.A. Simonev. Moscow: Economics 1992

Hazardous and harmful production factors GOST SSBT.

Hazardous and harmful production factors GOST SSBT.

Price list No. 07-02 dated 24.12.2001. Wholesale prices for petroleum products.

Fire safety GOST 12.1.004-96.

Regulations on maintenance and repair of rolling stock road transport Moscow: Transport 1994

Serov I.P. Methods for determining wholesale prices for products of the machine-building complex M .: Economizdat, 1993


Transport in agriculture is of great importance for the timely implementation transport works, to ensure the continuity of technological operations, to carry them out in a short time, with the lowest losses.

A delay in carrying out transport works causes downtime of units, loss of products or a decrease in its quality, disruption of the rhythm of production.

Therefore, the ever-increasing importance of transport in agriculture requires the maximum use of its capabilities through careful planning of work, organization of maintenance, operational management of the widespread introduction of comprehensive mechanization of loading and unloading operations, and improvement of rolling stock.

The peculiarity of carrying out transport works in agriculture remains their seasonality, great unevenness of cargo transportation by months of the year, dependence on the condition of roads and weather conditions.

In the field of agricultural production, a large number of machines and equipment are employed, the operation of which is accompanied by the processes of natural wear and tear and deterioration of technical and economic indicators. The effective use of the machine and tractor fleet largely depends on the level of organization of technical service. The harmonious development of all components of the technical service creates profitable terms for the production activities of all its participants: machine manufacturers, their consumers and intermediaries.

In the implementation of the tasks that agricultural production solves, it is important to increase the technical readiness of agricultural machinery, the efficiency of its use, ensure safety, and reduce the cost of maintaining it in a working and serviceable condition. This requires continuous development and improvement of the repair and maintenance base at all levels, which should ensure the creation of a service market and resist the monopoly in the field of technical services.

When carrying out maintenance and repair of machines, an important role in improving the technical readiness of agricultural machinery belongs to the repair and maintenance base of farms and regional technical service enterprises.

To ensure a more efficient use of modern agricultural machinery, its efficient and serviceable condition, it is necessary to raise both the scientific and technical level of technical workers. The mechanic of the agricultural sector, using scientific and technical developments, can successfully solve the assigned tasks and contribute to the recovery of the economy of farms.

The aim of the course project is to design a D-1 technical diagnostics area in a service station with the development of repair operations for machine parts in this area.

The objectives of the course project are: calculating the number of maintenance and repairs of machines; calculation of labor intensity and annual volume of repair and maintenance work; distribution of the scope of work between the RB and the district RB; determination of technological operations performed on the project site; calculation of the labor intensity of maintenance repairs for the project site; calculation of the operating mode of the economy and annual funds of time; calculation of the number of production workers on the project site, distribution of performers by specialty and qualifications; selection and calculation of the number of technological equipment and tooling at the project site; calculation of the number of posts of maintenance and repair and diagnostics; payment production areas site of the project; layout of the project site.


2.1 Calculation of the number of maintenance and repairs of machines

2.2 Labor intensity and annual volume of repair and maintenance work

2.3 Distribution of the scope of work between the RB and the district RB

2.4 Technological operations performed at the project site

2.5 Calculation of the labor intensity of maintenance repair, for the project site

3. Organizational part

3.1 Operating mode of the farm and annual funds of time

3.2 Calculation of the number of production workers on the project site, distribution of performers by specialty and qualifications

3.3 Selection and calculation of the number of technological equipment and tooling at the project site

3.4 Calculation of production areas of the project site

4. Routing

5. Safety precautions



1. Characteristics of the project site

The technical diagnostics section is located in the service station and is intended for performing diagnostic (inspection) work. The farm is located in a moderately warm, humid climate with a highly aggressive environment and the cars are operated in the third category.

The service station has tractors, cars: basic, dump trucks and combines: grain, special. Tractor K-701 in the amount of 13 units, with a planned annual operating time of 850 moto-h; T-150K-22 units, with a planned annual operating time of 1040 moto-h; MTZ-80 - 42 units, with a planned annual operating time of 1030 motorcycle hours; MTZ-1221-26 units, with a planned annual operating time of 1105 moto-hours. These tractors perform various agricultural work. ZIL-431410 automobiles in the amount of 33 units, with an annual mileage of 40 thousand km; UAZ-451 - 12 units, with an annual mileage of 30 thousand km; GAZ-3507 - 30 units, with an annual mileage of 46 thousand km; KamAZ-5320 - 23 units, with an annual mileage of 51 thousand km. these cars carry out the transportation of various goods. When harvesting and preparing forage, the following combines are used: DON-1500 in the amount of 15 units, with a planned annual operating time of 140 motorcycle hours; KZS-10 - 14 units, with a planned annual operating time of 144 moto-h; KZR-10 - 19 units, with a planned annual operating time of 160 motor hours; KSK-100-33 unit, with a planned annual operating time of 265 moto-hours.

2. Settlement and technological part

2.1 Calculation of the number of maintenance and repairs of machines

Overhaul planning. Number of overhauls of tractorsN Kp we calculate by the formula:

N Kp = N M η O η s η c, (2.1)

where N M

η O - the annual coverage ratio for overhaul of machines of this brand (taken from table 2.1 of the Methodological Guidelines);

η s - zonal correction factor to the annual coefficient of overhaul coverage of machines (for the conditions of the Republic of Belarus for tractors it is recommended to take);

η v - a correction factor to the annual coverage rate of overhaul of machines, taking into account the average age of machines in the fleet (in the course project we accept).

Example K-701:.

We calculate in the same way for all brands of tractor and summarize in table 2.1

Number of major car repairsN Kp we calculate by the formula:

N Kp = N M η O η 1 η 2 η 3 , (2.2)

where N M - the number of cars of this brand;

η O - the annual coverage ratio for overhaul of machines of this brand (taken from table 2.2 of the Methodological Guidelines);

η 1 - coefficient taking into account the operating conditions of the car (we take it for a car of the 3rd category);

η 2 - coefficient depending on the modification of the rolling stock and the organization of its work (for the base car we accept);

η 3 - coefficient taking into account natural and climatic conditions (we accept).

Example ZIL-431410:.

We calculate in the same way for all car brands and summarize in table 2.1

Number of overhauls of combinesN Kp we calculate by the formula:

N Kp = N M η O η s, (2.3)

where N M - the number of cars of this brand;

η O - the annual coverage rate of overhaul of machines of this brand (we accept);

η s - zonal correction factor to the annual coverage rate of machinery overhaul (for the conditions of the Republic of Belarus for grain harvesters we accept, for the rest).

Example DON-1500:.

We calculate in the same way for all brands of combines and summarize in table 2.1

Scheduling maintenance. The number of scheduled routine repairs of tractorsN TP we determine by car brands:

N TP = N M V gs / V T - N Kp , (2.4)

Diagnostic information multiplies the efficiency, unambiguity and reliability of decisions, and also involves the transition from average assessments of the state of vehicle elements and processes to determining the actual need for these elements in technical and other influences.

The direct implementation of the diagnostic capabilities falls on the shoulders of the production personnel engaged in the maintenance and repair of vehicles. Therefore, they first of all need knowledge on the management of diagnostic devices, stands and equipment, mass-produced by industrial enterprises. We are talking about new equipment for diagnosing vehicles and processes used in trucking companies and car service stations (STOA).

To improve the efficiency of transport, it is necessary to accelerate the creation and implementation of advanced equipment and technology, improve the working and living conditions of the service personnel, improve their qualifications and interest in the results of work, develop new types of transport, increase the pace of renewal of rolling stock and other technical means, strengthen the material and technical and repair base, while improving traffic safety, reducing the negative impact of transport on the environment.

Taking into account the above disadvantages in work of ATU on the organization of vehicle maintenance, the purpose of the diploma design is:

  1. Improvement of the vehicle maintenance system in the conditions of this enterprise;
  2. To equip points of technical diagnostics with modern equipment;
  3. Design constructive developments to improve the efficiency of technical diagnostics;
  4. Develop measures for the safety and environmental friendliness of the project;
  5. Justify these design decisions with economic calculations.

The measures developed in this project show that the annual economic turnover amounted to 1,432082 rubles. The costs invested in carrying out work on technical diagnostics pay off within 0.74 years.

The developed design of the stand for checking the air pressure in the tires of cars during diagnostics gives an annual saving of time - 57 hours.

The economic efficiency from the reduction of vehicle downtime was 25,650 rubles per year. The costs of manufacturing and maintaining a stand for testing the air pressure in car tires will pay off within one year.



  • 1.1 General information about the company 10
  • 1.2 Structures on the territory of the car depot 10
  • 1.3 Natural and climatic conditions 10
  • 1.4 Organizational structure of management 11
  • 1.5 Analysis of the performance indicators of the enterprise 12
  • 1.6 Rolling stock of the enterprise 17


  • 2.1 Justification of the method of organizing technical diagnostics of cars 24
  • 2.2 Calculation of the number of technical diagnostics, labor intensity and determination of the number of workers at the technical diagnostics post 37
  • 2.2.1 Calculation of the annual production program for technical diagnostics of vehicles 38
  • 2.2.2 Determination of the number of services, the annual volume of work and their distribution by months 43
  • 2.2.3 Selection and justification of the method of organizing the technological process 46
  • 2.2.4 Calculation of the number of production workers 51
  • 2.2.5 Distribution of labor intensity of technical diagnostics by type of work 52
  • 2.2.6 Selection of technological equipment 54
  • 2.2.7 Calculation of the production area for the zone of technical diagnostics 55


  • 3.1 Justification of the need to implement stand 56
  • 3.2 Overview of existing structures 57
  • 3.3 Description of the work of the developed stand for testing the air pressure in pneumatic tires Vehicle 61
  • 3.4 Structural calculations of stand details 65
  • 3.4.1 Calculation of bolts for attaching the link strut 65
  • 3.4.2 Calculation of weld seam strength 67
  • 3.4.3 Calculating a finger for a cut 68
  • 3.5 Cost-effectiveness from the introduction of the stand 69
  • 3.5.1 Determination of the cost of manufacturing the stand structure 69
  • 3.5.2 Determination of savings from the implementation of the stand 71


  • 4.1 General Provisions 73
  • 4.2 Geographical location of the enterprise 74
  • 4.3 Hazardous and harmful production factors 74
  • 4.4 Occupational safety training 75
  • 4.5 Organization of emergency medical and material assistance at the enterprise 76
  • 4.6 Measures for environmental protection 77
  • 4.7 Fire-fighting measures 78
  • 4.8 Protecting fire and injury in workers' areas from electric shock 79
  • 4.9 Conclusions 84


  • 5.1 Calculation of the economic efficiency of the introduction of technical diagnostics 85
  • 5.2 Determination of costs for technical diagnostics 86



The aim of the course project is to design a D-1 technical diagnostics area in a service station with the development of repair operations for machine parts in this area.
The objectives of the course project are: calculating the number of maintenance and repairs of machines; calculation of labor intensity and annual volume of repair and maintenance work; distribution of the scope of work between the RB and the district RB; determination of technological operations performed on the project site; calculation of the labor intensity of maintenance repairs for the project site; calculation of the operating mode of the economy and annual funds of time; calculation of the number of production workers on the project site, distribution of performers by specialty and qualifications; selection and calculation of the number of technological equipment and tooling at the project site; calculation of the number of maintenance and TP posts and diagnostics; calculation of production areas of the project site; layout of the project site.

Files: 1 file

We set the annual funds of working time for equipment (FNO) calculated by the formula:

FNO = KR tcm n, (3.1)

where КР is the number of working days in a year;

tcm - shift duration, hours;

n is the number of shifts.

TNF = 304 * 8 * 1 = 2432 hours.

The actual annual fund of time is calculated by the formula:

Фд = ФНО η0, (3.2)

where η0 is the equipment utilization factor, taking into account the number of shifts (we take η0 = 0.98), taking into account the loss of working time for its repair and maintenance.

Diagnostic work:

Fdo = 2432 * 0.98 = 2383 hours.

The nominal annual working time fund (FNR) is calculated by the formula:

FNR = KR tcm n,

where Кр is the number of working days in a year;

tcm - duration of the shift;

n is the number of shifts (when determining the annual fund of workers' time, we take n equal to 1).

FNR = 304 * 8 * 1 = 2332hours

The actual annual fund of working hours is calculated by the formula:

ФД.Р = (Кр tcm n-d0 tcm n) ηр (3.4)

where ηр is a coefficient that takes into account the loss of working time for valid reasons (ηр = 0.96 ... 0.97);

d0 is the number of vacation days. (accept 30 days)

FD.R = (304 * 8 * 1-30 * 8 * 1) * 0.96 = 2104 hours.

3.3 Calculation of the number of production workers at the project site

The number of production workers (turnout nрЯ and list nрс) is calculated by the formula:

nрс = TOBSCH / F.d.R, (3.5)

nрЯ = TOBSCH / FNR, (3.6)



for the RB of the farm:

npc = 2390/2104 = 1.13 Accepted npc = 1 person

for the district RB:

nрс = 45252/2104 = 2.49 Accepted nрЯ = 2 people

for the RB of the farm:

np = 2390/2432 = 0.98 Accepted np = 1 person

for the district RB:

np = 5252/2432 = 2.15 Accepted np = 2 people



for the RB of the farm:

npc = 9833/2104 = 4.67 Accepted npc = 5 people

for the district RB:

nрс = 4137/2104 = 1.96 Accepted nрЯ = 2 people

for the RB of the farm:

np = 9833/2432 = 4.04 Accepted np = 4 people

for the district RB:

np = 4137/2432 = 1.70 Accepted np = 2 people



for the RB of the farm:

npc = 1598/2104 = 0.75 Accepted npc = 1 person

for the district RB:

nрс = 2073/2104 = 0.98 Accepted nрЯ = 1 person

for the RB of the farm:

np = 1598/2432 = 0.65 Accepted np = 1 person

for the district RB:

np = 2073/2432 = 0.85 Accepted np = 1 person

3.4 Selection and calculation of the amount of equipment technology and tooling for the project site

The number of pieces of equipment is determined by the formula:

NOB = TBS / F.d., (3.8)

NOB = 25283/2383 = 10.60 We accept NOB = 11 units.

The accepted technological equipment and organizational equipment are summarized in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4. Technological equipment, organizational equipment.

Name of equipment and accessories

Code or brand


Dimensions in plan, mm

Occupied area, m2

1. Device for diagnostics of the MTZ-82 tractor


3.Fireman's shield

4. Tool rack

5.Compressor mobile

6.Parts washing machine

7 trolley


8. Sand box

9. Waste bin

10.The complex of autodiagnostics

11.Cabinet for adaptation

3.5 Calculation of the production area of ​​the project site

The area of ​​the diagnostic site is calculated by the formula:

Suc = Sov σ (3.9)

Such = (0.75 + 0.6 + 0.75 + 0.58 + 0.19 + 0.25 + 0.37 + 0.22 + 1.4 + 18) * 4 = 92.44 m2

Accept Such = 92 m2

where Sу - the area occupied by the equipment m2;

σ - coefficient taking into account working zones and passages (we take σ = 4);

We take the length of the section to be 7 m, the width of the section to 13 m.

Section 4. Technological map

the name of the operation

Equipment and tools

Time rate

Technical requirements

Start and warm up the tractor engine


Clean engine from dust and dirt


Set Center Frequency idle move

Install the device on the engine


Determines noise indications

Determines the vibration readings

Remove the device


Section 5. Safety precautions

5.1 Calculation of illumination of the diagnostic point.

The calculation of natural light is reduced to determining the number of windows under side lighting and transoms under overhead lighting.

The light area of ​​the window (light) openings of the Fok section is determined by the formula:

Fok = Fn a, (5.1)

where Fn is the floor area of ​​the site, m2 (equal to the area of ​​the site),

  1. light coefficient (a = 0.25 ... 0.35).

Fok = 92 * 0.30 = 28 m2

When calculating artificial lighting, it is necessary to count the number of lamps for one area, select the type of lamp, and place them on the site.

Calculation of artificial lighting consists in determining the total luminous power of the site, choosing the type of luminaire and calculating the number of luminaires.

The total light power Рсв is determined from the expression:

Рсв = R * Fn (5.2)

where Рсв - light power, W;

R-specific light power, W / m2. (R = 15 ... 20 Kw per 1 m2 of floor);

Fn- floor area of ​​the plot, m2.

Rsv = 15 * 92 = 1380 W

Having chosen the type of luminaire, based on the production conditions, the number of luminaires nw is determined:

nsv = Rsv / r,

where p is the power of one lamp, W.

nsv = 1380/75 = 18.4 W Accepted: 18 W

5.2. Ventilation calculation. When calculating artificial ventilation, the required air exchange is determined, a fan and an electric motor are selected.

Depending on the nature of the production process, the type of ventilation is chosen, which can be general or local. Based on the volume of the room and the frequency of air exchange, the ventilation performance Ww is determined:

Ww = Vuch * K (m3 / h) (5.3)

where Vuch is the volume of the plot, m3;

K is the rate of air exchange, h-1.

Ww = 92 * 3 * 6 = 1656 m3 / h

We accept centrifugal fan series 06-320 # 4

Qw = 1650 m3 / h;

For different compartments, the air exchange rate can be taken from Table 5.2.

Table 5.1. Air exchange rate


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