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Complete testing of the brakes is carried out at the formation station before the train departs; after the change of the electric locomotive, and if the section of the circulation of locomotives is more than 600 km, then at the freight trains at one of the stations where the change of locomotive crews takes place and there is a point for technical inspection of cars (according to the list of the Ministry of Railways); at stations before long descents. Slopes with a length of 8 km or more are considered protracted with a steepness of 8 - 10%, 6 - 8 km with 11 - 14%, 5 - 6 km with 15 - 17%, 4 - 5 km with 18 - 20% 0 and 2 - 4 km with a steepness of 21% or more.

The basis for complete replacement or regeneration of brake discs is primarily the state of their wear. To begin with, I must say that this is not an easy task. First of all, because the difference in the thickness of the discs offered for passenger cars, has a fairly wide range and ranges from 10 to 30 mm. In addition, the thickness of the brake disc determines its durability and wear, as well as the quality of the material from which it is made and how it is used. Regardless of the thickness of the discs used, wear cannot exceed 1.5-2 mm on each side.

Complete testing of brakes in freight trains is carried out in the following order. After charging the brake network of the entire train to the set pressure, a car inspector or driver checks the tightness of the air line. In freight trains with a train locomotive, the density of the main line is checked at the II position of the operator's crane handle by the fall, the pressure in the main tanks after the line is fully charged and the compressors are turned off.

This means that if new discs are 20 mm thick, their minimum thickness is approximately 18 mm. Discs whose minimum values ​​have been completely exceeded are unusable. First, because they heat up faster and cannot drain off heat efficiently. This obviously leads to the so-called. the effect of "floating" brakes, i.e. deterioration in braking performance is a situation typical for sporty driving or long downhill descents. Colloquially speaking, a "lost" shield is more vulnerable to defects such as cracks or complete fractures.

Complete testing of the brakes with checking the condition of the brake line, its density and the action of the brakes of all cars is performed before the electric train leaves the depot after repair or Maintenance, sludge without locomotive crews at the station or in the depot during the time set by the head of the road. With a shorter sludge duration, reduced brake testing is carried out.

So the main question remains? When you can rewind the watch faces and when to permanently replace them with new ones. First of all, you should know that the shield is not an alternative to replacing them, but rather a way to maintain their proper function. If they, of course, do not exceed the minimum values. Therefore, the discs can be turned every time the brake pads are replaced. During earlier use on their panel due to unevenness and scratches. This way, when the new pads are installed, the shields will fit better when braking.

Complete testing of the brakes is carried out from the station compressor unit or from a locomotive, short for only a locomotive. When testing the brakes on a train, the brakes are controlled from the locomotive by the driver, and from the compressor plant of the station network - by the automatic inspector or the operator of the central control panel.

If the car has not been used for a long time, ore appears on the surface of the disc. So we have to deal with corrosion, and this is another example of the justification for shifting the shield. Braking on the steering wheel during braking, bending the disc, for example when entering a pool with a very hot braking system - all this also fits under the roll. This shouldn't be dismissed because in the longer term it will affect steering acceleration and suspension disintegration.

All types of brake discs are suitable for turning, with the exception of ceramic discs. Whether smooth or ventilated, the way they unfold is the same. The basis for this service, as mentioned earlier, is the qualification for further work with the disc thickness. The discs are rotated in two ways: they can be removed, and the surface smoothed on a lathe or without the need to dismantle from the semi-axle vehicle using a portable device.

Full testing of the brakes is carried out from the working cab, but before testing it is necessary to check the correct position of the handles of the end and release valves on the supply and brake lines, as well as the position of the handles of the driver's valves in non-working and working control cabins. After such a check and charging the brake network with the pressure set by the driver's crane, braking is performed, and the brake warning lamp should light up. When the pressure in the brake cylinders is about 38 kg / cm2, the operator's crane handle is moved to the overlap. Then the electric power supply of the electro-pneumatic brake is turned off and the complete release of all brakes is checked by the release indicator lamp. After the vacation warning lamp goes out, the driver's crane handle is moved to the train position.

This second solution is sometimes twice as expensive. Not in terms of money, but in terms of security. No one will deny that the new shield is better than the folded one. With replacement of components brake system don't wait until they're completely worn out. Brake pads and discs are the most frequently replaced vehicle components along with oil and air filters... However, in the case of brakes, manufacturers do not provide predefined replacement intervals - new parts are only installed when worn.

If the car is regularly serviced, it may happen that during the inspection, the mechanic will suggest replacing the brake friction, even if the old one is not completely worn out. You don't need to immediately suspect that you are trying to stretch out on unnecessary expenses. The opposite is often true: if the car should appear on the site only once, for example, 20 thousand. km and there are fears that the brakes are not enough, an earlier replacement for the car owner was not forced to visit the workshop between reviews. But ultimately it's his choice.

Full testing of brakes at stations along the route of the train is carried out after changing the locomotive.

Before fully testing the brakes, make sure that the end valve levers on the supply and brake lines are in the correct position.

After the end of the full testing of the brakes on the train, the driver must, if there are electro-pneumatic brakes on the train, turn on the main switch and receive a certificate from the machine operator about the brakes, form VU-45, which indicates the station, the date where the brakes were tested, the type of testing, series and number locomotive and train, number of axles and active brakes, total brake pressure, number hand brakes in the train, the weight of the train and the amount of air leakage from the brake network. When the electro-pneumatic brakes are activated, an entry is made in the certificate: EPT brake. In addition, if there are more than 50% of wagons equipped with composite blocks in a freight train, the certificate must be marked with the letter K, as well as the number passenger cars for a freight train, wagons with brakes of the Western European type and other necessary data on brakes. Having received this certificate, the driver makes sure that the brake pressure per 100 tons of train weight is not less than the value established by the standards of the Ministry of Railways, takes into account the marks in the certificate of the VU-45 form when controlling the brakes and saves the certificate until the end of his trip. Upon arrival at the main depot, the driver hands over the VU-45 certificate along with the route to the operator on duty.

In most cars, replacement brake components not too difficult, although there are exceptions to this rule. It is important, however, that the mechanic attaches his job, and not only has he assembled new parts, but there is still a lot to be done. This is very important in particular. Cleaning and tipping all components.

Are contacts made with shields? New brake pads can work with old discs provided they are of the correct thickness, straight, smooth and free from corrodedness. However, it is important to remember that sometimes, for example, pillows from one manufacturer may not work well with screens from other companies - a one-piece set is the safest solution. Conversely, if you need to replace the shields, do not leave the old blocks, even if they are not being worn.

If, after full testing of the brakes, it is necessary to hitch individual cars or a group of cars, then it is necessary to test the brakes on the train again, and the automatic inspector must change the data in the certificate of the VU-45 form. If, after a complete or reduced test of the brakes, the train was not sent and stood at the station with a technical inspection point for more than 20 minutes, then a reduced test of the brakes should be performed.

Original parts or replacements? Even in official workshops, customers can choose from multiple discs and spacers for a single model. Typically, the best compromise between quality and price is provided by components from manufacturers, which provide parts for initial assembly, but are sold under their own brand and not disguised by the manufacturer.

From this example, it can be seen that the brakes must perform a more complex task than the motor. A powerful dose of kinetic energy is converted into heat during braking - technically speaking, the brakes work. However, in order to function properly, they must be in excellent technical condition... That is why their service should only be entrusted to professional seminars - the quality of work depends on the safety of our mechanics.

At the end renovation works a complete brake test is performed. The density of the line charged with compressed air is checked by the time the pressure drops by 0 05 MPa (0 5 kgf / cm2) in the main tanks. If there are no such reservoirs at the maintenance point for these purposes, then the density is checked by reducing the pressure in the brake line of the train after the braking stage and disconnecting the power source. The pressure should not decrease by more than 0 05 MPa (0 5 kgf / cm2) in 30 s. If the line is not tight enough, the operator notifies the senior inspector of the need to eliminate the leaks.

It is important not only to use parts with the correct parameters, but also to carry out all the work in accordance with the technology provided by the car manufacturer. Before installing new friction elements, the mechanic must ensure that the brake caliper and wheel hub are smooth and free of dirt and rust. It is enough, for example, that the contact surface of the disc with the hub is dirty, so that new brakes, after a short run, begin to cause strong vibrations and squeaks when braking. Before leaving the vehicle, the mechanic should perform a test drive and, using proper braking technique, ensure that the new blocks are correctly positioned.

After hitching the train locomotive, a complete brake test is performed. The density of the braking network of a passenger train is not checked at locomotive change stations. Having charged the line to the set charging pressure, the driver checks the action of the electro-pneumatic brakes first on the electric control. The voltage of the power supply to the locomotive must be at least 40 V.

Many newer models, such as the electric arm for block replacement, may require a diagnostic computer or interface to control the brakes. Always replace disks and blocks in pairs - elements installed on the same axis must have the same parameters. The new brakes only reach full performance after a few hundred kilometers.

In the case of brakes, you must rely on well-known brands. Before leaving the car on the site. Find out what parts will be installed. The low cost of the service can be associated with the use of cheaper alternatives that will not be durable and effective. - In addition to replacing disks and blocks, it is extremely important to clean the hub, clamp, rails without it, even the best components can be used prematurely. Make sure the mechanic remembers this.

When and how a full brake test is performed on freight trains.

After charging the brake network of the train, a complete test of the brakes is carried out: the condition of the brake line, the density of the brake network, the action of the brakes on all carriages are checked and the pressure of the brake pads in the train is counted.

Before long descents) 018 and more complete testing of the brakes is carried out with holding in the braked state for at least 10 minutes.

Don't keep the so called. Assembly kits consisting of new clips, rails, springs - old parts can sometimes be caused by vibration or noise. Damage to the license plate. The license plate is one of the most important vehicle identification marks. It is for this reason that its failure or the absence of a sticker for verification is a sufficient basis for diagnostics so as not to prolong the validity of the test. Identical consequences lead to the absence or destruction of the control sticker on the glass of the car.

From another cabin of a multiple-unit train at full testing brakes carry out only an abbreviated test with a check of the action of electro-pneumatic - and automatic brakes according to the control lamp of the brake release indicator and the pressure gauge brake cylinder head and tail carriages.

1. Charging TM (pressure gauge).

Therefore, the main damage under it is to disqualify the vehicle during the technical inspection. The diagnostician, in particular, will pay attention to the occurrence of damage and corrosion of the brake lines, traces of leaks brake fluid, individual design changes and how the brakes help.

The decision of the mechanic driving the vehicle could even affect the lack of a rubber pedal cover. Cars equipped with a gas supply system are subjected to a tougher test. First of all, the diagnostician asks the owner to show the cylinder approval certificate. The absence of a document or its invalidity determines a negative result technical review.

2. Integrity TM 8-10 seconds

3. Step 0.5-0.6kgs / cm .

4. Vacation 2m position rkm (measuring the vacation time 2x tail carriages)

5. Measurement of density in the 2nd position pkm

6. Checking the automatic brakes, step 0.6-0.7, with a two-minute exposure, before the inspection of the ICP composition

7. Measurement of density in the 4th position

Suspension suspension and steering. A safe car is a car with good suspension and steering. Therefore, you can be sure that the diagnostics analyze the work of both structures very thoroughly. Which of the damages will make the driver forget the stamp on the registration card? First of all, excessive play occurs in the swing pins, bushings, tie rods, or wheel bearings. Also, there will be no question about a positive technical result, even if an employee of the vehicle control station notices damage to the steering mechanism.

8. Leave in the established order, depending on the axles of the train, checking the certificate wu45

9.Checking the TM integrity by placing the driver's crane inIposition before departure (if the train has more than 100 axles)

8.4 . The procedure for full testing of brakes in one person.

A wagon inspector or workers involved in a complete testing of the brakes perform:

During the annual technical review, the diagnostician should check the operation of the lighting. If it turns out that the lamp beam is wrong, the color of the lamp is inconsistent with the rules, the lamps on individual lamps are damaged or dashboard there are no traffic lights, fog lights and direction indicators, there is no question of extending the validity of technical tests. Behind negative bulbs can also be affected by a negative test result!

Rising standards and increased attention to environmental conditions are driving the need for the diagnostic technician to find out how much harmful emissions are in the exhaust fumes. exhaust pipe... Excessive emissions of carbon oxides, nitrogen and sulfur and burns engine oil will prevent the extension of the validity of technical tests. Due to the environment, there are all kinds of fuel and engine oil spills that create stains on the workshop floor.

8.4.1 ... Inspection of the automatic coupler of the head car for its serviceability.

Gives permission to the driver to hitch a train locomotive and gives the driver information about the state of the train (loaded, empty, the presence of special cars in the train, the charging pressure in the TM of the train is coordinated, etc.).

After attaching the locomotive, changing the driver's cab, if the driver works in one person, in agreement with the driver, he purges the brake line of the locomotive and connects the brake line of the locomotive and the train of cars (if there is an assistant driver on the locomotive, this operation is performed by the assistant driver).

Damage to the exhaust system. Damage to exhaust system is also confirmed by the poor condition of the vehicle being inspected. Diagnostic attention, in particular, will return. excessive corrosion of individual components, all leaks and mechanical damage. In the case of a modern diesel engine, a vehicle inspection officer can verify that the owner has not selected a particulate filter in a way that does not comply with regulations.

Refusal rates. Electronics plays an increasingly important role in the car and is critical not only for driving comfort, but also for safety. This is why failing it can lead to driver problems. There was a time when tinted window drivers were dazzling. Most of them, however, made a fundamental mistake. Unlike the technical specifications, established by law, car owners have significantly dimmed front and front side windows. An employee of the vehicle inspection service who discovers a violation must refuse the vehicle owner to renew the validity of the vehicle inspection.

While charging the brake line, the inspector follows the tail of the train, monitoring the technical condition of the rolling stock and the modes of engaging the train brakes. In winter, it blows the brake line by disconnecting the hoses every 15 cars (in a freight train).

8.4.2 . Upon arrival at the tail of the train, the car inspector installs a measuring device on the brake hose to measure the pressure in the brake line of the tail car. When the charging pressure in the tail car brake line reaches the required level, the pressure readings in the tail car brake line with the train position of the driver's crane control body should not differ more than:

a) by 0.03 MPa (0.3 kgf / cm 2) from the charging pressure in the driver's cab (in the head) with a train length of up to 300 axles;

b) by 0.05 MPa (0.5 kgf / cm 2) with a train length of more than 300 to 400 axles inclusive;

c) by 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf / cm 2) with a train length of more than 400 axles;

Remove the measuring device and, in agreement with the driver, check the integrity of the brake line by opening the end valve for 8-10 seconds (observing safety rules).

The driver fixes the integrity check on the device (KPD-ZP, on the 3CJ1-2M speed meter tape) and on the light of the brake line integrity control sensor No. 418.

The inspector follows the head of the train, on the other side of the rolling stock, monitoring the condition of the rolling stock and the inclusion of train brakes.

8.4.3. Upon arrival of an inspector or an authorized employee at the locomotive, the driver measures the density of the brake line in the train position of the driver's crane control body. It is allowed to measure the density of the brake line of the train by the driver without the presence of a car inspector. The inspector enters data on the density of the brake line and the release time of the tail cars in the "certificate of providing the train with brakes and their serviceable operation."

When ready, the locomotive driver, at the command of the car inspector, gives a sound signal and produces a braking stage of 0.06-0.07 MPa (0.6-0.7 kgf / cm 2).

The car inspector, after 2 minutes, inspects the braked train of cars, following the train to the tail car. If the car's brakes are released in the tail end of the train (after more than 5 minutes after the braking performed by the driver), at the request of the car inspector, the driver performs the second stage of braking at least 0.03 MPa (0.3 kgf / cm 2) and the inspector completes the inspection of the train according to braking.

8.4.4 . At the command of the car inspector on vacation, the driver gives a sound signal, releases the brakes by the train position of the driver's crane control body. The inspector controls the release of the tail carriages and measures the release time of the brake cylinders of the two tail carriages of the tail car. Performs inspection of the train for the release of train brakes.

Upon arrival at the locomotive, he fills in a "certificate of providing the train with brakes and their serviceable operation" and issues it to the driver.

8.4.5. When the train departs, it monitors the condition of the rolling stock.

To reduce the time for full testing of brakes, it is allowed to involve workers from other departments who have the right to shorten testing of brakes to check the integrity of the brake line and measure the release time of tail cars.

All the identified serviceability of the brakes must be eliminated and the action of the brakes on the cars checked. If it is impossible to eliminate the malfunction of the brakes, it is allowed to send cars with the brake turned off, with the exception of 2 tail cars and ensuring the required braking pressure.


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