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Fifteen-inch tires for small cars are the most widespread. Most of the cars of class B and even C, sold in Europe on, in our market, shoes mainly in the budget "fifteenth" size. And it's not just the lower prices for such shoes. On our roads, tires with a higher profile are more comfortable and more durable. Moreover, they protect the consumable suspension elements (ball bearings, silent blocks, shock absorbers) from high shock loads, prolonging their life.

What and how much?

Alas, there are few new products in budget sizes. New developments in this segment are economically unprofitable and therefore very rare. Shinniks, as a rule, keep inexpensive small-sized models on the conveyor longer than larger ones. Some companies are tweaking tire mixes and other materials slightly, often not so much to improve performance as to reduce production costs.

The top-end, but not new, Czech-made models (3,600 rubles apiece) and Goodyear EfficientGrip Performance (3,400 rubles), made in Germany, hold the highest price bar. You can buy a little cheaper Pirelli tires Cinturato P1 Verde (3150 rubles), produced in Turkey, and a very fresh model Nokian Hakka Green 2 (3200 rubles) of domestic production. The latter, by the way, can boast not only of Russian citizenship, but also an increased load index: 95.

Average price segment more democratic tires (2800 rubles) are opened - a real Japanese and a Korean-made Hankook Kinergy Eco tire, updated in terms of the mixture, but produced in Hungary. The fresh model Nordman SX 2 (2700 rubles) of Russian production and Kumho Ecowing ES01 (2600 rubles) made in China will cost a little cheaper.

The price of a far from new domestic tire Cordiant Sport 3 (2500 rubles) lies on the border between budget and mid-price offers. Cheaper (2300 rubles) sell a fairly fresh model Matador Elite 3 (aka MP 44), produced in Russia.

We could not refuse our readers a request to test Chinese products - they are represented by the Champiro FE1 tire from GT Radial, which can be bought for 2,200 rubles. And the Belarusian Belshina Artmotion, aka Bel-261, closes the test dozen. Its average price in online stores is 2,100 rubles per piece.

The test machine was named "Czech" Skoda Octavia... The tests were carried out at the AVTOVAZ test site, near Togliatti. The time of the event is hot August and September 2016. The air warmed up to 22-37 degrees during the tests.

Rustling on the polygon

The initial exercise is evaluating fuel economy. Previously, for correct measurements, it is necessary to warm up the tires, as well as the units and assemblies of the car. On each set of tires, we drive ten kilometers along the high-speed loop. At the same time, we evaluate the directional stability of the car at high speed (up to 130 km / h), ride smoothness and internal noise.

The Octavia received the highest marks for directional stability on Nokian and Pirelli tires, conquering the experts with clear reactions and a tight, informative steering wheel.

Belshina, Cordiant, GT Radial and Matador looked the paler in this test. Remarks are different: from a wide "zero" (the car walks from side to side with a constant steering wheel position) and insufficient information content of the steering to delays in the reactions of the car, the need to turn the steering wheel at large angles when adjusting the course and even dangerous steering of the rear axle, which can cause a skid ... For exchange rate stability, these four earned only six points.

We measure efficiency in calm weather on a horizontal two-kilometer section of the road, repeating races in both directions several times in order to neutralize the possible influence of even a slight breeze.

The GT Radial and Matador tires outperformed everyone else, including those in our previous tests. The gap from the closest competitors is 0.2 l / 100 km at speeds of 60 and 90 km / h. The most immodest Octavia showed on Cordiant tires: the gap from the leaders was 0.3 l / 100 km at 60 km / h and 0.5 l / 100 km at 90 km / h.

After the measurements, we make a four-kilometer loop along the service roads of the landfill, continuing to evaluate the comfort on various irregularities - from seams and cracks on the asphalt to serious potholes. We ride each set of tires strictly along the same route and at the same speed.

Now about the noise. The experts did not give the maximum eight points to anyone, eight participants earned sevens. Belshina, Kumho and Toyo rustled louder, so they deserved no more than six, and the GT Radial tires for aircraft hum on rough asphalt were reduced to five points.

The smoothness of the ride was unmatched by the Hankook tires - the Octavia shod in them was the softest on the road bumps. Almost all the other tires have sevens and sixes, and the GT Radial tires turned out to be the most uncomfortable here too - they transmit vibrations from cracks and road seams to the controls and seats, cause tremors on rough asphalt, and also pass hard jolts from any irregularities.

Then we turn off the asphalt onto a dirt road with a slope of 12%, where we evaluate the confidence of starting and moving uphill. We repeat the passes with varying degrees of slippage in order to assess the drop in grip at the moment the wheels break into slipping. This exercise is optional, its results are not included in the overall classification. We are conducting it at the request of our readers - to understand how tires behave on a dirt road.

Cordiant and Matador are the best rowers on unpaved slopes. And the most slipping, losing traction, are GT Radial, Hankook, Kumho, Pirelli and Toyo. Such roads are clearly not their strong point.

Stop, car!

Now it's time to rub the wheels on the asphalt. Since each set of tires will have to do several exercises, we start with a test that minimizes tread wear - braking on wet asphalt. Before measurements, the trajectory is thoroughly cleaned of dust and small stones by braking twenty times on non-scoring tires.

Our mobile irrigation system consists of a motor pump, a set of rotary sprinklers, long hoses and a 500-liter water barrel in a trailer, which is carried by a technician. Place the first spray so that the car wet the wheels at a distance of two or three bodies to the starting point of braking. The car approaches it at a speed of 83–85 km / h. The VBOX measuring complex records the braking distance when the speed decreases from 80 to 5 km / h, and not to a full stop, since at low speeds (from 5 km / h to zero), the ABS often does not work correctly, the wheels can lock up and the braking distance will increase ... The driver strikes the brake pedal (after depressing the clutch) at the moment of crossing the line indicated by the cones and waits for the car to come to a complete stop. The tester repeats this procedure six to eight times. And he does not forget to cool the brakes on the way to the starting point - moving at a speed of 40-50 km / h and braking only with the engine.

On the wet road, the Nokian tires proved to be the best: the Octavia's braking distance was 26.2 meters. She rolled no more than half a meter further on Continental, Goodyear and Pirelli tires. The longest braking distance was given by Belshina: 31 meters. The difference with the leader is more car body!

The next day we brake on dry asphalt. We clean the coating again before measuring. On each set of tires, we brake five or six times at a speed of 103-105 km / h, and measure the braking distance when the speed drops from 100 to 5 km / h (according to this scheme, the entire automotive world evaluates the braking properties of cars and tires). One more thing important difference"Dry" braking from "wet": it takes longer to cool the brakes - you need to lengthen the cooling loop by several hundred meters.

Here Pirelli takes the lead with a result of 37.5 meters. Nokian yields by almost a meter, Continental and Goodyear - 0.4 and 0.3 meters, respectively. Belshina is again an outsider: with a score of 42.9 meters, she loses to the leader by almost five and a half meters.

We play checkers

The final exercises - wet and dry shifting - are the most challenging for test drivers. In the final phase of the tests, they are performed because the rubber is erased here like emery.

Shifting, or changing lanes, is an exercise that simulates extreme maneuvering. The most common reason for an abrupt lane change is an unexpected obstacle on the road. Usually you come across this in completely unexpected places, when there is only one way out - to sharply rebuild. In this exercise, the complex of lateral adhesion properties and drift characteristics of tires, the clarity of the reactions of the car on these tires, is assessed.

The dimensions of the test corridor are dictated by life: on our roads, the standard lane width is three and a half meters. But in the exit alignment, we narrow the corridor with cones so that with each attempt, the car follows the same trajectory. It is necessary to change to the adjacent lane on a path only 12 meters long (in the past, this was determined by the Soviet GOST).

The tester's task is to select the maximum possible speed of the exercise. The vehicle must not hit a single cone that limits traffic lanes. The speed in the entrance hallway at the same point is measured by the impartial VBOX. And the test driver evaluates handling during extreme maneuvering.

Typically, on each set of tires, the tester makes 15-20 approaches, reaching maximum speed and trying to repeat the ultimate result to make sure that it is not accidental.

On a wet conversion, the Octavia was fastest on Goodyear tires (69 km / h). "Support group" - Pirelli and Continental, in which the speed of the maneuver dropped by only 0.5 km / h. The most unhurried is Belshina (61 km / h), and she was accompanied by a GT Radial tire (61.5 km / h).

The experts gave eight points for handling on the wet road during the changeover to the tires Nokian, Nordman, Pirelli and Toyo: Skoda on these tires showed clear reactions and understandable behavior. The extreme maneuvering of the GT Radial is the worst. On them, the Octavia somehow unexpectedly swam away into a deep skid, glided for a long time and reluctantly recovered the trajectory. If the car is shod with these tires, we do not advise you to turn the steering wheel abruptly - you can “lose” it.

On dry asphalt, Nokian tires won - 69.7 km / h. Continental is just a little behind - 69.1 km / h. And at the opposite end - again Belshina with a result of 65.9 km / h.

After testing the "extreme" handling on dry roads, the alignment has changed slightly. Eights were awarded to the same tires as on wet roads - Nokian, Nordman, Pirelli and Toyo. And Hankook, who joined them. It is noteworthy that the experts rated the behavior of GT Radial tires on a dry road much higher (seven points) than on a wet one. Belshina and Matador turned out to be weak in such conditions, who earned only six points each: delays in reactions, large steering angles, oversteer (tendency to skid) in the second corridor.

Rule the score

This season, we have slightly revamped the final scoring system.

Previously, the minimum braking distance "weighed" 180 and 160 points for wet and dry surfaces, respectively, and the maximum for speed on the rearrangement was 160 and 140 points. Now the "weight distribution" is as follows: the maximum for assessing the braking properties is 260 and 240 points (for wet and dry surfaces), and for the maximum speed on the rearrangement - 80 and 60 points. As a result, the ratio of braking properties and handling has turned out to be more balanced and logical from the point of view of safety. The total “weight” of the braking distance on wet and dry asphalt is now 500 points, and the “weight” of the car's behavior when maneuvering is 330 points: this is the sum of the “weights” of the speed on the rearrangement (80 + 60 = 140 points), the assessment of handling (80 + 60 = 140 points) and assessment of exchange rate stability (50 points).

In connection with such changes in the final scoring system, we decided to slightly lower the line for the title " good tires"- now it is 840 points.

What's in my rating for you?

The first and second places were shared by the tires and the Pirelli Cinturato P1 Verde, which scored 932 points. These tires are practically devoid of disadvantages.

This time we were forced to expand the podium to four places - the third and fourth steps on it were taken Continental tires ContiPremiumContact 5 and Goodyear EfficientGrip Performance with 912 points each. They also have nothing to blame, if you do not pay attention to the petty quibbles of experts.

Two more tires, Hankook Kinergy Eco (910 points) and Nordman SX 2 (904 points), made their way to the excellent category (900 points or more). The first deserves the epithet “the most soft tire test ", and the second will compete with the leaders in handling during extreme maneuvers. A modest price with an excellent final result - great purchases!

The seventh and eighth places are very good Toyo tires Proxes CF2 and Kumho Ecowing ES01 with 892 and 882 points, respectively. Their main drawback is the low level of comfort. If this indicator is not fundamentally important, then ... why not?

Ninth and tenth places are shared by the Cordiant Sport 3 and Matador Elite 3, which are good in our test. They have a lot in common: both tires are of the third generation, made in Russia, and both scored 859 points. And the disadvantages are similar: modest grip and difficult handling during extreme maneuvers. But if without fanaticism, then it is quite possible to ride. And the Matador is more seductive because it is cheaper and saves fuel.

Another good driver with 848 total points is the GT Radial Champiro FE1 tire. Noisy and tough, does not like extreme maneuvers on wet roads, but saves fuel in all modes, no worse than the Matador. Yes, and it is sold inexpensively.

Our table of ranks is completed - both in price and in technical terms - by the frankly budgetary Belshina Artmotion (811 points). However, at the same time it turned out to be the best in terms of price-quality ratio. In other words, this tire is not so much worse than its competitors, how much cheaper.


For passenger tires with dimensions 195/65 R15, manufacturers consider a load index of 91 (615 kg per wheel). Some produce tires with increased carrying capacity - with an index of 95 (690 kg); to draw attention to their marking, the letters XL are added, which means "extra load".

With speed indices, things are also not easy. If five to ten years ago, tires of this dimension had the H index (up to 210 km / h), now they are becoming faster, as evidenced by the frequent appearance of the V index (up to 240 / km / h).

Let us recall that the constructive difference between tires with unequal speed indices lies in different tensile strengths under the action of centrifugal forces, which are limiting for each speed limit. Tires with different load indices differ in their ability to carry different loads.

In our company, eleven out of twelve participants have a "standard" load index - 91. Only Nokian Hakka Green 2 flaunts increased load capacity - if any car needs tires with a load index of 95, Hakka's rivals will be left with a nose. Speed ​​indicators were distributed as follows: seven tires have an "old" speed limit for a given size H (210 km / h), and five have a more modern V (240 km / h). For our speed limits and for the technical capabilities of many inexpensive cars even the H index is enough with a margin.


12th place

11th place

9-10 place

brand, model

Country of manufacture


Load and speed index

Depth of the pattern in width, mm

Shore hardness of rubber, unit

Tire weight, kg

Price quality*

The amount of points awarded





Moderate fuel consumption at a speed of 90 km / h; low price

high fuel efficiency; stable handling during extreme maneuvering on dry asphalt

high fuel efficiency; stable handling during extreme maneuvering on wet asphalt


the worst adhesion properties; difficult handling during extreme maneuvering; comments on directional stability and comfort

low grip and problematic handling during extreme maneuvering on wet asphalt; comments on directional stability; the toughest and noisiest

mediocre braking properties; difficult handling during extreme maneuvering on dry roads; notes on directional stability

9-10 place

8th place

7th place

brand, model

Country of manufacture

Load and speed index

Depth of the pattern in width, mm

Shore hardness of rubber, unit

Tire weight, kg

Average price in online stores at the time of preparation of the material, rubles.

Price quality*

The amount of points awarded





stable handling during extreme maneuvering on dry asphalt

good braking properties on wet asphalt

understandable handling during extreme maneuvering both on dry and wet asphalt


worst profitability; difficult handling during extreme maneuvering on wet asphalt; notes on directional stability and ride

notes on ride and noise

low speed of transferring on a dry road; comfort notes

* Obtained by dividing the retail price by the amount of points. The lower the score, the better.

6th place

5th place

3-4 place

brand, model

Country of manufacture


Load and speed index

Depth of the pattern in width, mm

Shore hardness of rubber, unit

Tire weight, kg

Average price in online stores at the time of preparation of the material, rubles.

Price quality*

The amount of points awarded





understandable handling during extreme maneuvering both on dry and wet asphalt

high speed and understandable handling during extreme maneuvering on dry asphalt; better running smoothness

the highest speed of transferring on wet asphalt, high - on dry; high grip on dry roads

Making ratings is a thankless task, since it is almost always simply impossible to include all worthy models in it. But nevertheless, we tried, researched reviews on Yandex Market, tire tests and chose for you a dozen good summer tires in the size 195/65 / R15. Given size is one of the most popular because it combines the optimal balance between the width and the profile of the tire.

Our ranking starts with budget tires and increases in price. All models are highly rated on the Market and many positive feedback... Rubber - road, with no aquaplaning (or minimal at high speeds). So, let's go - if you are looking for good quality summer tires, you should definitely pay attention to these models.

Cordiant Road Runner

Let's start with domestic tires - really cheap, but the quality is a cut higher than the price. On the website "Za Rulem" they were given a fairly high rating, they were tested tightly and they showed that they are worthy of attention. On dry asphalt, just super, the tires are soft and very tenacious. Many people note a small noise, for some it is important. Do not be prejudiced against domestic rubber, now there is a struggle for every buyer and the quality of Cordiant pleases. It is definitely worth paying attention to, the price tag for a cylinder in our dimension is about 2300 rubles. Note for "picnic lovers" - the rubber is not afraid of a wet primer, the side hooks are good at dragging through the mud.

Nokian nordman SX

Mega-popular model from Nokian, it is very important - it is really budgetary, the price tag is around 2,700 rubles. Two of my friends use this rubber on Priors and are happy. The tread pattern is purely on the road, here you have water drainage and excellent braking and directional stability. Everything is on the level, rubber fully fulfills its value and even higher. Confident in turns at medium "prior" speeds, aquaplaning can occur at speeds over 150 km / h. The tires are not sporty, for leisurely everyday driving.

Barum Brillantis 2

Barums have long established themselves as excellent inexpensive rubber... very often you can see it on domestic cars - Kalina, Priora, tens, nines and others. Such popularity is dictated by a really convenient price - in this size the tires cost 2,600 rubles. Comfortable, tenacious road track, brakes well, holds blows in pits, aquaplaning is minimal. For its money - one of the best along with the first models from this article. If you need tires up to 2600 rubles, you should pay attention to the second diamond. By the way, the wear resistance is very good, it lasts for a long time.

Matador MP 44 Elite 3

The 44th Elite Matador is a cool inexpensive road race. The average price is only 2,200 rubles per bottle. The "Elite" prefix is ​​fully consistent - the rubber is soft, comfortable, with such indicators it should obviously be more expensive. It is good at speeds up to 130 km / h, higher, even despite the high speed index, it is unsafe, it starts to float. Aquaplaning is possible at high speeds, up to 120 km / h - everything is very comfortable and predictable. So if you are not driving, pay attention.

Nokian Hakka Green

The green Hakka is another mid-priced rubber that we can safely recommend. Confident "comfort" class, the tread is specially designed for wet asphalt, and therefore the rubber does not plan at speeds up to 140 km / h. Riding faster in the rain is not worth it, and even on more expensive tires. The tires are soft, comfortable, and steering well. However, one of the minuses according to the reviews is a weak sidewall, so if you are driving on a track with bad roads (regions, hinterland), it is better to take something stronger, such as Cordiant. Hakka is for good roads. At the price tag - already a little higher, about 2800 rubles for a cylinder in the dimension 195/65 / R15.

Hankook Optimo K715

715th Optima from Hankuk - many positive reviews, this model is installed by default on many foreign cars. For your money - rubber is worthwhile and combines a certain comfort, controllability and reliability. Soft, well controlled in its speed index, minimal or no aquaplaning (depending on what speed). Ideal for low speeds up to 140 km / h. Some motorists complain that rubber wears off quickly. There are a lot of reviews and for the most part they are positive, on the Yandex Market tire rating of 4.5 with 30 reviews is a very worthy indicator. And of course the price is attractive.

Bridgestone Turanza T001

Moving on to the next price segment and higher quality and speeds. Turanza T001 is a very popular tire designed for high speeds, aggressive driving. Recommended for lovers of instant steering response. The speed index starts from 210 km / h and reaches as much as 300 km / h. So this tire can be called sports. Phenomenal handling, braking, cornering stability and shaking on cracks in the asphalt - something has to be sacrificed)) The rubber is mega-tough, which should be a sports tire. A lot of positive reviews, you can safely take it. You can also forget about aquaplaning, water diversion is simply gorgeous.

Michelin Energy XM2

Michelin is always high quality rubber, especially summer. The average price tag of this model is about 3400 rubles and it works out the money. Not for high speeds, more suitable for city and highways where 150 km / h cannot be scalded. Its comfort is a maximum of 120 km / h, if you drive faster - pay attention to Turanza or Potenza Adrenaline. This model has the name "Energy" - the tire rolls further, and therefore the rolling energy is saved, which means that you will save gas. In general - for the city and speeds of 120-130 km / h it is ideal, very soft, comfortable, saves gasoline and does not aquaplan up to 120 km / h.

Bridgestone MY-02 Sporty Style

Bridzhiki "Sports style" - the name speaks for itself. Rubber with a sufficiently high speed index - from 210 to 270 km / h. The price tag is about 3200 rubles per cylinder. The main advantage of this tire is its absolute indestructibility. The mega-sturdy sidewall holds such shocks that the discs break, and the tire does nothing. We have already heard from many tire fitters that Bridgestone is the best option for our roads. So if you wander along the highway / intercity and the road is not a fountain - pay attention. "Sport" in the name of the tire - do not pay attention, even from the tread pattern you can see that the speeds here are low, people ride up to 140 km / h with comfort, but is it more necessary? At such speeds, the Breeches handle confidently, do not plan - all that is needed for comfortable driving. The only thing is that it makes a little noise, you have to pay something for indestructibility. An excellent tire for tracks with bad roads, and there are 90 percent of them in Russia for sure)) By the way, the rating on the Market is 4.5 and for a hundred reviews is a fantastic indicator.

Continental ContiPremiumContact 5

Well, let's finish our ten summer tires in the size of 195/65 / R15 with a Premium class tire and the most expensive of all - the fifth Premium Contact. The mega-comfortable German tire is simply made for fun on good roads - so if you regularly use the Autobahn, take a look. A very soft tire, very quiet and mega-comfortable. From this, its main disadvantage follows - the sidewall is weak to blows. On bad roads, it is highly discouraged. For a city with good roads and highways - super. It keeps its course perfectly, does not aquaplan, it brakes well. Super tenacious on dry and wet asphalt, and therefore increased wear. Everything has to be paid for in this life, right?))

But the tire is very good, in our size the speed index is up to 210 km / h, you can safely go fast on the Autobahn. However, when cornering, swelling appears due to the soft sidewall, so the optimal speed is still around 140 km / h. This is not a sports rubber - this is rubber for comfortable movement, when you do not need to strain when entering a corner at a speed of 200 km / h)) You drive this 140 km / h, the tires rustle, the car goes smoothly, does not prowl - here it is, comfort. The Germans know a lot about comfort.

Fifteen-inch tires are fairly firmly entrenched in the niche budget cars and continue to displace smaller sizes from it. For the test, we chose the dimension 195/65 R15, which is most often found on relatively affordable cars of classes B and C, and stopped our eyes on the most popular tires at a price of 2200 to 3500 rubles. On tests - twelve sets.

The tests of the air defense system were carried out at the end of last summer at the AVTOVAZ test site near Togliatti, where they collected all the new items for the upcoming spring-summer 2016 season. During the tests, the air warmed up to + 20 ... + 30 ºС.

The well-known Hankook Kinergy Eco on the market for 2800 rubles and a novelty from Finland - the second generation Nokian Hakka Green tire, which can be bought for 3100 rubles, can serve as a kind of watershed in the price range.

Cheaper than their familiar domestic tires Nordman SX (2700 rubles), Yokohama BluEarth AE01 (2550 rubles), Cordiant Sport 3 (2400 rubles) and a novelty of the Korean company Kumho - the Ecowing ES01 model (2500 rubles), made in China. And the most affordable in our test is the Amtel Planet Evo tire (2200 rubles), a novelty of the season. Pirelli considered the brand leaving the market well promoted in Russia and decided to breathe new life into it using modern technical solutions and technologies.

More dear participants tests - the very popular Continental ContiPremiumContact 5 tires (3500 rubles), as well as the Japanese Toyo Proxes CF2 (3400 rubles) and Goodyear EfficientGrip Performance (3450 rubles). There are two more models in the same price group: for the first time, Michelin Energy XM2 tires (3500 rubles), produced in Russia, and Japanese Bridgestone Turanza T001 (3500 rubles), are participating in our tests.

It is gratifying that five of the twelve models are of domestic production.

Under budget tires you need to select the appropriate vehicle. We liked the second generation Skoda Octavia. Due to age, this inexpensive car but in perfect condition... And she also does not have a stabilization system, which suits us: the electronics will not interfere with the exercise.

Actual Autonews

Test procedures summer tire test 195/65 R15

Modern summer tires do not require running-in. This is confirmed by all manufacturers: before the tests, it is enough to drive a couple of kilometers - and they are ready for testing. So for summer tires, not only the procedure, but the very expression "running in" is an anachronism.

The sequence of test exercises is built taking into account the intensity of tire wear. We start with an assessment of efficiency, which is practically not accompanied by wear and tear, and end with a "dry" rearrangement, during which the asphalt peels off the shoulder areas of the tires like emery.

Investigation of the behavior of a car at high speed is what we call Evaluation of Vehicle Stability. A few laps along the ten-kilometer high-speed ring of the polygon at a speed of 130 km / h are enough to understand how clearly the tires hold the given direction, how they react to side winds and road slopes, how they behave when avoiding obstacles and changing lanes. Simultaneously, we evaluate the smoothness and internal noise at high speed. Why 130 km / h? So after all, in our country, this is the maximum possible speed established on some sections of toll roads. In addition, on most highways, the Rules allow you to keep 110, and if you add the "free" 20 km / h excess, you get the same 130 km / h. No, no, we are not for violation of the speed limit - but after all, many people drive this way, don't they?

Michelin tires received the highest marks for directional stability - the steering wheel of a Skoda shod in them becomes very clear, with a well-understood "zero". I liked the immediate reactions to steering turns and the high information content when adjusting the course.

When the tires and drivetrain are thoroughly warmed up, the vehicle is ready for a fuel economy assessment. The result of each measurement is the arithmetic mean of the values ​​obtained in two races in opposite directions (to neutralize the possible influence of the wind). For each set of tires, the exercise has to be repeated from three times (with complete calm) to five (in case of a light breeze).

Measurements are carried out in descending order - first at high speed, then at low speed. Thanks to this, the tires and transmission cool down smoothly and the measurement results jump less.

In recent years, the majority of tires have had equally good fuel economy figures. However, the second generation Hakka Green did the impossible - at a speed of 60 km / h, it provided fuel savings of 0.1–0.3 l / 100 km relative to the rest of the tires. A real green tire!

Having finished with economy, we make a circle along the service roads. Here, on road patches, seams, cracks and special irregularities, we once again evaluate the smoothness of the ride and the noise level in the cabin - in more severe conditions, as close to real ones as possible.

In these exercises, not with better side have shown themselves against the background of others Kumho tires: at a speed of 90–100 km / h, they emit an unpleasant low-frequency hum; on road irregularities, shaking and vibrations annoy.

Automotive news in Russia

Before returning to the base, we taxied on a 12% dirt rise, imitating a summer cottage road. Here, subjectively (without measurements), we assess the ability of the tires to start and accelerate on a primer (with dust and sand). The exercise is somewhat similar to the assessment of passability in deep snow: the expert tries to get under way and accelerate with and without slipping; checks how much the traction drops when slipping, whether it is difficult to control the moment of wheel breakdown into slipping.

Let me remind you that the "ground" test is optional, its results are not included in the overall standings, but are presented only as additional information. We introduced it to the test program at the request of readers who were interested in the capabilities of tires on unpaved roads.

The next test is braking on wet asphalt, because on it, especially with the use of ABS, the tires wear out minimally.

We begin the test ... by stripping the coating. We perform a dozen or one and a half brakes on non-scoring tires - in this way we thoroughly "sweep" the asphalt, removing dust, grass and very small stones swept by the wind from it. After such a procedure, the asphalt becomes clean and the adhesion coefficient is stable.

According to the methodology that is used today and tire manufacturers, and independent experts, we measure the braking distance on wet asphalt when decelerating from 80 to 5 km / h - because at speeds close to zero, the ABS does not work correctly, sometimes allowing the wheels to lock, which leads to distorted results. Many tire companies set a different minimum speed threshold in their internal tests - they finish measurements at 7 or even 10 km / h.

To get heaps of results, it is important not only to start braking at the same point, but also to approach it at the same speed. We keep 83-85 km / h - not by the speedometer, but by the high-precision VBOX measuring device. The deceleration corridor should be very narrow - we decelerate literally trail after trail. This is extremely important: a dozen centimeters (only half of the tread width) to the side - and the surface has a different coefficient of adhesion, which means that the result will float away.

Before braking, the tester must be sure that the brakes are cold, which means that their effectiveness is maximized. Therefore, after each measurement, the pads and discs need to be cooled - when returning to the starting position, the driver does not use the brakes, the speed is extinguished by shifting to lower gears. By the way, that's why they chose a car with a manual transmission.

The average number of brakes is six. Sometimes, if the tires show unstable results, you have to add a couple more runs.

Continental tires, as usual, "brought" the closest rivals about a meter of saved braking distance. But what was our surprise when new Hakka tires Green beat them by almost the same amount!

Moving on to more wearable exercises. The first is braking on dry asphalt. The technique is essentially the same as on the wet one, but we brake from 100 km / h - accordingly, the speed of approach to the braking point is 103-105 km / h. For the subsequent cooling of the brakes, it is necessary to make a larger circle.

In this exercise, I was pleased with the stability of the Continental - for many years in our tests it consistently brakes better than others. Nokian came close to the leader, but could not get up level - the loss was meager 100 millimeters. And Michelin upset - showed the weakest braking properties both on dry asphalt and on wet.

In conclusion - the most interesting and indicative, but at the same time the most difficult test for the pilot: the changeover, which is also called a single lane change. The driver's task is to find the maximum possible speed at which the car will successfully perform a maneuver and stay on a given trajectory, that is, it will not knock down any of the cones that mark the entrance and exit corridors. The races begin with a knowingly passing speed, and with each subsequent approach, it is increased by 1–2 km / h. It is not just the best result that counts, but the one that can be repeated.

On the one hand, this exercise is taken from real life - there are so many fans on our roads to fuss between the rows! On the other hand, it allows you to evaluate the lateral grip and drift characteristics of tires, the ability of the carcass to withstand sharply increasing, literally peak lateral loads and steering precision during extreme maneuvering.

The geometrical parameters of the rearrangement are also not sucked out of the finger - the width of the strips is 3.5 meters, as on a real road. But on the first lane, the "track" is clamped by cones so that on each side the car has a margin of no more than 100 millimeters. This forces the tester to use the same path at the input. The length of the transition from the left lane to the right is 12 meters. GOST for car testing regulates 12-, 16-, 20- and 24-meter rearrangements. And the maximum lateral load on the tires is provided by the 12-meter one.

First, a rearrangement is performed on wet asphalt, and at the end of the day we repeat this exercise on a dry surface, where the tires get more than in total in all the previous exercises.

Firstly, we were pleased with the accuracy of the final results. The tires in the last seven places have a difference in final points of less than two percent! In fact, this is close to the measurement error. Secondly, all tires have shown themselves to be very worthy, while their prices are more or less affordable.

Let us remind you once again about our system of final grades. Tires that have scored more than 850 points are what we call good, 870 or more points are very good, and those that have overstepped 900 points are excellent. In the current test, no one dropped below 870 points! The seven test participants have very nice results, five are excellent.

The most pleasant thing is to see inexpensive "Russians" in excellent students - Nordman tires SX and the resurgent Amtel Planet Evo. For times of crisis - the most tempting offers.

For passenger cars that belong to classes B and C, the most popular tires are the 15th radius options. At least on the territory of the Russian Federation, where motorists prefer to choose just such footwear instead of the traditional in Europe R16, since such tires on domestic roads show better reliability and durability, allowing them to provide a higher degree of protection for many elements that make up the vehicle.

With the arrival of warm weather, each car owner faces a problem - which tires to choose for the summer period of the year, so that their characteristics fully meet the requirements of a person?

To answer this question, it is enough to familiarize yourself with the summer test. tires size 195/65 R15 specially trained by the most experienced specialists.

Preparing for testing

It was decided to choose Skoda Octavia as a vehicle for testing - this is very popular in our country. car brand and it is quite logical that the choice fell on her.

In the testing itself, twelve variants of tires of the 15th radius took part at once:

  • Belshina ArtMotion. Country of origin - Belarus. The cost is 2100 rubles.
  • Continental ContiPremiumContact 5. Country of origin - Czech Republic. The cost of one piece is 3600 rubles.
  • Cordiant Sport 3. Produced in Russia. Price - 2500 rubles.
  • Goodyear EfficientGrip Performance. Country of origin - Germany. Price - 3400 rubles per item.
  • GT Radial Champiro FE1. The cost is 2200 rubles. Manufactured in Singapore.
  • Hankook Kinergy Eco K425. Manufactured in South Korea. Price - 2800 rubles.
  • Kumho Ecowing ES01 KH27. Products from China. Price - 2600 rubles.
  • Matador MP 44 Elite 3. Manufactured in the Russian Federation. Price - 2300 rubles.
  • Nokian Hakka Green 2. Country of origin - Russia. The cost of the tire is 3200 rubles.
  • Nokian Nordman SX2. Produced in the Russian Federation. Price - 2700 rubles.
  • Pirelli Cinturato P1 Verde. Country of origin - Turkey. Price - 3150 rubles.
  • Toyo Proxes CF2. Country of origin - Japan. The cost is 2800 rubles.

That is, tires of domestic, European and Asian production, presented in different price segments, take part in the tests.


To obtain the most complete and objective results, all the selected tires have passed a whole series of different tests:

  • Checking the efficiency of the vehicle on certain variants of summer tires R
  • Analysis of directional stability, ride and noise.
  • The level of comfort when driving on poor road surfaces.
  • Overcoming the rise on a dirt surface.
  • Braking the car on wet and dry asphalt.
  • Extreme maneuvering on wet and dry road surfaces.

Each test made it possible to obtain certain results, according to which points were assigned to all tire models. The final result allowed us to distribute the tested tires according to the rating, which can be found below.

Test results

The final scores made it possible to arrange the tested summer tires in the following order:

  1. Nokian Hakka Green 2.

The domestic manufacturer was able to offer an option, the only drawback of which is minor comfort problems while driving on poor road surfaces.

Testing showed the following results:

  • The length of the braking distance on wet asphalt (speed drop from 80 to 5 kilometers per hour) is 26.2 meters.
  • The length of the braking distance on a dry road surface (speed drop from 100 to 5 kilometers per hour) is 38.4 meters.
  • Shifting speed on wet surfaces - 67.8 km / h.
  • The speed of changing the vehicle on dry asphalt is 69.7 km / h.

The tests carried out allowed us to take the following places:

  • Heading stability and performing the simplest maneuvers at high speeds - the first place.
  • Noisiness is the first place.

The test results showed that the Nokian Hakka Green 2 actually perfect option in conditions where the road surface is often wet.

  1. Pirelli Cinturato P1 Verde.

The main disadvantages identified are excessive noise and some "nervousness" when moving.

Test results obtained:

  • The length of the braking distance on wet asphalt (speed drop from 80 to 5 kilometers per hour) is 26.4 meters.
  • The length of the braking distance on a dry road surface (speed drop from 100 to 5 kilometers per hour) is 37.5 meters.
  • Shifting speed on wet surfaces - 68.7 km / h.
  • Fuel consumption at a speed of 90 km / h - 6.2 liters.

Final places in trials:

  • Extreme maneuvering on wet asphalt - first place.
  • Dry maneuvering - first place.
  • Heading stability and performing the simplest maneuvers at high speeds - second place.
  • Noisiness is the first place.

This option showed excellent grip on wet and dry road surfaces, as well as good directional stability of the car. The final scores of the first and second places are completely identical, so the Turkish version is practically in no way inferior to the domestic product.

  1. Continental ContiPremiumContact 5.

Problems noticed - some difficulties in maintaining directional stability, slightly reduced comfort on bad roads and slight difficulties in handling the car during extreme maneuvering.

Test results:

  • The length of the braking distance on wet asphalt (speed drop from 80 to 5 kilometers per hour) is 26.6 meters.
  • The length of the braking distance on a dry road surface (speed drop from 100 to 5 kilometers per hour) is 37.9 meters.
  • Shifting speed on wet surfaces - 68.5 km / h.
  • The speed of changing the vehicle on dry asphalt is 69.1 km / h.
  • Fuel consumption at a speed of 90 km / h - 6.2 liters.
  • Fuel consumption at a speed of 60 km / h - 4.5 liters.

Final places:

  • Overcoming the rise on the ground - the third place.
  • Noisiness is the first place.
  • Smoothness of movement is second.

The car on these tires is perfectly rearranged from row to row on any type of road surface and in all weather conditions.

  1. Goodyear EfficientGrip Performance.

The main disadvantage is low efficiency at high speeds.

Test results:

  • The length of the braking distance on wet asphalt (speed drop from 80 to 5 kilometers per hour) is 26.7 meters.
  • The length of the braking distance on a dry road surface (speed drop from 100 to 5 kilometers per hour) is 37.8 meters.
  • Shifting speed on wet surfaces - 69.0 km / h.
  • The speed of changing the vehicle on dry asphalt is 68.9 km / h.

Final places in tests:

  • Extreme maneuvering on wet asphalt - fifth place.
  • Dry maneuvering - sixth place.
  • Heading stability and performing the simplest maneuvers at high speeds - the third place.
  • Overcoming the rise on the ground - the third place.
  • Noisiness is the first place.
  • Smoothness of movement is second.

German tires showed the same result as Czech tires, which took third place in the ranking.

  1. Hankook Kinergy Eco K425.

There were slight difficulties in maintaining directional stability, as well as during maneuvering on wet road surfaces.

Test results:

  • The length of the braking distance on wet asphalt (speed drop from 80 to 5 kilometers per hour) is 27.1 meters.
  • The length of the braking distance on a dry road surface (speed drop from 100 to 5 kilometers per hour) is 39.0 meters.
  • Shifting speed on wet surfaces - 67.9 km / h.
  • The speed of changing the vehicle on dry asphalt is 68.8 km / h.
  • Fuel consumption at a speed of 90 km / h - 6.2 liters.
  • Fuel consumption at a speed of 60 km / h - 4.4 liters.

Final locations:

  • Extreme maneuvering on wet asphalt - fifth place.
  • Dry maneuvering - first place.
  • Heading stability and performing the simplest maneuvers at high speeds - the third place.
  • Overcoming the rise on the ground - eighth place.
  • Noisiness is the first place.
  • Smoothness of movement is the first place.

If you like when the movement of the car is as smooth as possible, then this option should be chosen.

  1. Nokian Nordman SX2.

The main disadvantage is increased consumption fuel at high speeds.

Test results:

  • The length of the braking distance on wet asphalt (speed drop from 80 to 5 kilometers per hour) is 27.2 meters.
  • The length of the braking distance on a dry road surface (speed drop from 100 to 5 kilometers per hour) is 39.9 meters.
  • Fuel consumption at a speed of 90 km / h - 6.3 liters.
  • Fuel consumption at a speed of 60 km / h - 4.5 liters.

Final places:

  • Extreme maneuvering on wet asphalt - first place.
  • Dry maneuvering - first place.
  • Heading stability and performing the simplest maneuvers at high speeds - the third place.
  • Overcoming the rise on the ground - the third place.
  • Noisiness is the first place.
  • Smoothness of movement is second.

Highly a good option, especially if the driver is forced to constantly perform difficult maneuvers while driving (for example, in large cities).

  1. Toyo Proxes CF2.

The main problem is the ability to rearrange the car on dry asphalt only at a fairly low speed.

Test results:

  • The length of the braking distance on wet asphalt (speed drop from 80 to 5 kilometers per hour) is 28.0 meters.
  • Shifting speed on wet surfaces - 64.7 km / h.
  • The speed of changing the vehicle on dry asphalt is 67.0 km / h.
  • Fuel consumption at a speed of 90 km / h - 6.2 liters.
  • Fuel consumption at a speed of 60 km / h - 4.4 liters.

Final places:

  • Extreme maneuvering on wet asphalt - first place.
  • Dry maneuvering - first place.
  • Heading stability and performing the simplest maneuvers at high speeds - the third place.
  • Overcoming the rise on the ground - eighth place.
  • Noisiness - ninth place.
  • Smoothness of movement - seventh place.

Although rearranging the car on these tires causes some problems, nevertheless, with extreme maneuvering, this tire option performed quite well.

  1. Kumho Ecowing ES01 KH27.

The main disadvantage is poor ride quality and increased noise.

Test results:

  • The length of the braking distance on wet asphalt (speed drop from 80 to 5 kilometers per hour) is 27.0 meters.
  • The length of the braking distance on a dry road surface (speed drop from 100 to 5 kilometers per hour) is 40.9 meters.
  • Shifting speed on wet surfaces - 65.5 km / h.
  • The speed of changing the vehicle on dry asphalt is 68.4 km / h.
  • Fuel consumption at a speed of 90 km / h - 6.2 liters.
  • Fuel consumption at a speed of 60 km / h - 4.4 liters.

Final places:

  • Extreme maneuvering on wet asphalt - fifth place.
  • Dry maneuvering - sixth place.
  • Heading stability and performing the simplest maneuvers at high speeds - the third place.
  • Overcoming the rise on the ground - eighth place.
  • Noisiness - ninth place.
  • Smoothness of movement - seventh place.

Chinese tires performed very well when braking on wet asphalt - this is a very important quality for summer tires.

  1. Cordiant Sport 3.

Not the best option in terms of economy. In addition, drivers may have trouble performing extreme maneuvering on wet roads.

Test results:

  • The length of the braking distance on wet asphalt (speed drop from 80 to 5 kilometers per hour) is 27.8 meters.
  • The length of the braking distance on a dry road surface (speed drop from 100 to 5 kilometers per hour) is 40.5 meters.
  • Shifting speed on wet surfaces - 63.3 km / h.
  • The speed of changing the vehicle on dry asphalt is 67.1 km / h.
  • Fuel consumption at a speed of 90 km / h - 6.3 liters.
  • Fuel consumption at a speed of 60 km / h - 4.7 liters.

Final places:

  • Dry maneuvering - sixth place.
  • Noisiness is the first place.
  • Smoothness of movement - seventh place.

It seems that manufacturers have developed these products for off-road use in the absence of heavy rainfall.

  1. Matador MP 44 Elite 3.

Testing showed no top scores braking, difficulty in controlling a car and maintaining directional stability. Especially with these tires - you shouldn't be distracted on the road.

Test results:

  • The length of the braking distance on wet asphalt (speed drop from 80 to 5 kilometers per hour) is 28.9 meters.
  • The length of the braking distance on a dry road surface (speed drop from 100 to 5 kilometers per hour) is 41.3 meters.
  • Shifting speed on wet surfaces - 62.3 km / h.
  • The speed of changing the vehicle on dry asphalt is 68.6 km / h.

Final places:

  • Extreme maneuvering on wet asphalt - fifth place.
  • Heading stability and performing the simplest maneuvers at high speeds - ninth place.
  • Overcoming the rise on the ground is the first place.
  • Noisiness is the first place.
  • Smoothness of movement is second.

If someone prefers a leisurely off-road ride, then these tires are almost ideal. Moreover, the efficiency indicators are at a height at any speed.

  1. GT Radial Champiro FE1.

Hard, noisy tires with poor directional stability and problems when extreme maneuvering is required.

Test results:

  • The length of the braking distance on wet asphalt (speed drop from 80 to 5 kilometers per hour) is 28.5 meters.
  • The length of the braking distance on a dry road surface (speed drop from 100 to 5 kilometers per hour) is 39.6 meters.
  • Shifting speed on wet surfaces - 61.5 km / h.
  • The speed of changing the vehicle on dry asphalt is 67.8 km / h.
  • Fuel consumption at a speed of 90 km / h - 6.0 liters.
  • Fuel consumption at a speed of 60 km / h - 4.2 liters.

Final places:

  • Extreme maneuvering on wet asphalt - twelfth (!) Place.
  • Dry maneuvering - sixth place.
  • Heading stability and performing the simplest maneuvers at high speeds - ninth place.
  • Overcoming the rise on the ground - eighth place.
  • Noisiness is the twelfth (!) Place.
  • Smoothness of movement - twelfth (!) Place.

In general, the purpose of these tires is dry, perfectly flat asphalt.

  1. Belshina ArtMotion.

Belarusian products took the final last place for a number of reasons: not the best comfort and grip properties, difficulties with control and maneuvering.

Test results:

  • The length of the braking distance on wet asphalt (speed drop from 80 to 5 kilometers per hour) is 31.0 meters.
  • The length of the braking distance on a dry road surface (speed drop from 100 to 5 kilometers per hour) is 42.9 meters.
  • Shifting speed on wet surfaces - 61.0 km / h.
  • The speed of changing the vehicle on dry asphalt is 65.9 km / h.
  • Fuel consumption at a speed of 90 km / h - 6.2 liters.
  • Fuel consumption at a speed of 60 km / h - 4.6 liters.

Final places:

  • Extreme maneuvering on wet asphalt - tenth place.
  • Dry maneuvering - eleventh place.
  • Heading stability and performing the simplest maneuvers at high speeds - ninth place.
  • Overcoming the rise on the ground - the fourth place.
  • Noisiness - ninth place.
  • Smoothness of movement - seventh place.

In fact, it is advisable to put such tires on cars that are used to move outside the city limits on not very busy roads. That is, a good option for rural areas, given the rather low cost and good efficiency indicators.


None of the options considered summer tires cannot be called bad - each of them has its own merits. Therefore, it is very important to carry out an analysis of the operating conditions of your vehicle before purchasing tires of size 195/65 R15.

Shortly before the start of the winter season, experts tested Winter tires the most common size 195/65 R15. These are the standard tires for Golf and Compact cars.

The test plan provided for 16 disciplines that simulate all possible weather and road conditions. The competition provided for the Olympic system, i.e. to continue the fight, it is necessary to successfully pass the qualifying round. With this, the experts decided to immediately "separate the wheat from the chaff" and not waste energy on obvious outsiders. So, the first test was the braking test on wet asphalt. This was followed by the next qualifying round - braking on packed snow. As a result, out of 50 candidates, according to the results of the first two rounds, 35 participants were eliminated. Only 15 candidates remained, who continued further testing in full in the planned disciplines.

Conti and Barum were the best in compacted snow grip tests, while Kleber and Bridgestone performed only satisfactorily.

In the slalom test, the most confident Barum Polaris 3 and Continental are slightly behind Michelin and Dunlop. The worst was BF Goodrich.

In the test for braking from a speed of 50 km / h, the subjects showed similar results, the difference was just over 1 meter. So the winner Viking needed 31.8 meters to stop, and the loser Hankook - 32.9 meters. Summer tires would need twice the braking distance for this.

In an aquaplaning test, the Goodyear UG8 offers the largest headroom while the Apollo has the smallest.

The Pirelli Snowcontrol 3 turned out to be the best in terms of grip on wet surfaces. With its ability to keep on wet roads, it is ready to compete even with summer tires. Hankook found itself an outsider.

Taking into account the wear resistance with the help of modern technologies, the effect on the tire of dynamic forces for a distance of 5000 km was simulated. The Michelin proved to be the most resistant to wear, while the Viking and Apollo are the most malleable.

Apollo Alnac Winter. Price: - (280 Euro).

Advantages: good handling in all weather conditions, short braking distances on snow, low noise level.

Disadvantages: small reserve of aquaplaning speed, high degree of wear, poor value for money.

Rating: satisfactory.

Hankook Winter I * cept RS. Price: 3100 rubles (300 Euro).

Advantages: good reserve of aquaplaning speed, good characteristics acceleration and braking on dry asphalt, sufficient wear resistance.

Disadvantages: Insufficient lateral stability and handling on snowy and dry surfaces.

Rating: satisfactory.

Viking Snow Tech II. Price: 3000 rubles (240 Euro).

Benefits: Snow specialist - short braking distances and good traction, low cost.

Disadvantages: rigidity, insufficient wear resistance, increased rolling resistance.

Rating: satisfactory.

BF Goodrich g-Force Winter. Price: 3300 rubles (280 Euro).

Advantages: short braking distances on snow, very good price / quality ratio, wear resistance, low rolling resistance.

Disadvantages: satisfactory braking distance on wet surfaces, low aquaplaning reserves, long braking distances on dry asphalt, increased noise level.

Rating: satisfactory.

Sava Eskimo hp. Price: 3000 rubles (240 Euro).

Advantages: short braking distances and good grip on snow, sufficient reserve of aquaplaning speed, low price.

Disadvantages: insufficient steering and long braking distances on wet asphalt, high rolling resistance.

Rating: satisfactory.

Kleber Krisalp HP2. Price: 4500 rubles (280 Euro).

Advantages: balanced performance on dry and snowy surfaces, good wear resistance, good price / quality ratio.

Disadvantages: poor performance on wet roads, long braking distances on dry asphalt.

Rating: satisfactory.

Dunlop SP Winter Sport 4D. Price: 2910 rubles (340 Euro).

Advantages: excellent tires with sporty handling on snow and wet roads, precise handling, good aquaplaning headroom, low level noise.

Disadvantages: moderate performance on dry asphalt, insufficient durability.

Rating: satisfactory.

Goodyear UltraGrip 8. Price: 3150 rubles (340 Euro).

Advantages: Better aquaplaning reserves, good grip and short braking distances on snow, very good wear resistance.

Disadvantages: moderate performance on dry asphalt, high cost.

Rating: satisfactory.

Semperit Speed-Grip 2. Price: 3000 rubles (280 Euro).

Advantages: balanced winter tire with short braking distances and good handling, low noise level and rolling resistance.

Disadvantages: low resistance to wear, insufficiently good price / quality ratio.

Barum Polaris 3. Price: 2500 rubles (260 Euro).

Advantages: winter specialist with better lateral stability and impressive driving performance on snowy surfaces, low cost.

Disadvantages: low resistance to wear and tear and aquaplaning.

Nokian WR D3. Price: 3910 rubles (300 Euro).

Advantages: winter tire with good steering precision and short braking distances on snow and dry surfaces, good aquaplaning resistance, low rolling resistance.

Disadvantages: low wear resistance, long braking distances on wet roads.

Bridgestone Blizzak LM-32. Price: 5000 rubles (300 Euro).

ADVANTAGES: winter tire with sporty handling on wet and dry surfaces, short braking distances on snowy and wet roads, good value for money.

Disadvantages: Moderate traction and insufficient lateral stability on snow.

Continental WinterContact TS 850. Price: 3400 rubles (340 Euro).

Pros: Convincing handling on snowy and wet slopes, high aquaplaning headroom, low rolling resistance.

Disadvantages: insufficiently good dry track behavior, moderate wear.

Pirelli W 210 Snowcontrol 3. Price: 5400 rubles (300 Euro).

Advantages: balanced winter tire with sporty dynamic properties on wet surfaces, precise steering response, shortest braking distances on snow and wet roads.

Disadvantages: insufficient durability.

Rating: exemplary tire.

Michelin Alpin A4. Price: 4100 rubles (340 Euro).

Advantages: pronounced winter tires with balanced handling characteristics in any road conditions... Good ones driving performance on winter roads and high wear resistance

Disadvantages: increased noise level.

Rating: exemplary tire (winner).


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