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Where are we going this winter? For those who plan to buy winter tires, we offer test results winter tires- studded and non-studded. Journal experts "Behind the wheel" by tradition, we carried out test drives of tires that are sold in Russian stores before the winter season 2011-2012.

Let's start with the studded rubber. Pirelli (Winter Carving Edge model) unexpectedly took the first place, overtaking the leaders of the previous season - Nokian, Michelin and Continental (he owns the Gislaved brand).

Best Stud Tires 2011

A place Manufacturer and model
1. Pirelli winter Carving edge
2. Michelin X-Ice North 2
3. Nokian Hakkapeliitta 7
4. Continental ContiIce Contact
5. Nord frost 5
6. GoodYear UltraGrip Extrime
7. Cordiant Sno-Max
8. Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 7000
9. Kama Euro 519
10. Contyre Arctic Ice II
11. Amtel NordMaster ST310

Note: Tires with a standard size 205 / 55R16 were tested

As for studless tires, they are also called "Scandinavian" or "Velcro", then there were no surprises. Like last year, Nokian, Continental and Michelin were among the leaders in the ranking.

The best non-studded tires of 2011

A place Manufacturer and model
1. Nokian Hakkapeliitta R
2. Continental ContiVikingContact 5
3. Michelin x-ice 2
4. Bridgestone Blizzak Revo gz
5. Cordiant Polar SL
6. Amtel NordMaster CL

Note: the test was carried out on tires with a standard size 175 / 65R14

Winter is on its way, and we have already tested budget winter tires of the popular dimension 205/55 R16. Have already taken part in the test famous models and new items of the season. Ten sets of tires have been tested on winter roads and asphalt. The domestic "Belshina" presented a couple of pleasant surprises. But let's talk about everything in order.

At the winter training ground in Finland, we tested ten sets of tires: Nokian nordman RS2, Gislaved Soft Frost 200, Cordiant Winter Drive, Hankook Winter I * Cept iZ2, Dunlop winter Maxx WM01, Kumho I`Zen KW31, Sava Eskimo Ice, Belshina Artmotion Snow Bel-317, Viatti Brina V521, Nitto Therma Spike.

The most expensive in our test were Dunlop tires- 195 rubles, but the cheapest Russian Cordiant - 93 rubles. But all tires in one way or another belong to the budget line in their lineup.

The winter part of the tests was carried out at the polar range on ice and snow at a temperature of -10 ... -8 ° C. The spring part of the tests took place at a temperature of + 5 ... 7 ° С.

Ice test

Ice is not the most pleasant surface for friction tires, but if they are of the Scandinavian type, they should perform well even in such conditions.

In braking on ice, the gap between the first and last places was 4 meters. When braking from a speed of 25 km / h, this is quite a lot.

In the “Acceleration on Ice” exercise, the situation practically did not change, only Hankook and Sava switched places. However, for some, the results of this test may not be decisive when choosing a tire.

But the ability of the tire to stay in the corner, that is, the level of lateral grip, is an important indicator. We evaluate it, moving with the maximum possible speed along the ice circle.

Here, unexpectedly, they took second place Viatti tires, the four outsiders have not changed. But for a more comprehensive assessment of the behavior of both the tires and the car on the ice, we run a series of races along the winding ice track. In addition to lap times, we also subjectively assess vehicle handling.

The main surprise was not the first place for Cordiant (although Russian tires surprised me), but the seventh place for Belshina. Moreover, the loss to the leaders is not so great, but for ourselves we noted that the car on domestic tires does not drive too fast, but predictably, which means it is safe. Nitto, on the other hand, frankly failed in this test, losing even the penultimate place by about 4 seconds.

Snow test

While ice tests quickly reveal flaws in the tire design, snow is no longer such a demanding surface. In braking, the scatter of results was only 7%.

We cannot fail to note the excellent fourth result of Belshina. She lost a meter of stopping distance to the leader. Nitto also managed to fail in the snow, showing the longest braking distances.

In overclocking on snow, the spread of results has already increased to 15%. At the same time, the first six met the difference within 5%. “Belshina”, alas, ended up in the top three, although in fact the loss of the outsiders does not exceed one and a half seconds.

Despite the excellent braking performance, the Hankook tires were in the last place in handling on the winding snow trail, losing to the leader - the Sava tires - by about three seconds. Belshina was in seventh place, showing good grip. But the propensity to drift prevented the drive faster.

Asphalt test

In large cities, where roads are relatively clean in winter, tires spend most of the time on the asphalt. Here you can add periods of off-season, when the temperatures are already low, but there is no snow yet. In these conditions, winter tires must also provide safety. On dry and wet asphalt, we conduct braking tests and also evaluate handling on wet asphalt.

It often happens that tires that did not perform well in winter tests show themselves on the asphalt. This is exactly what happened with Belshina.

In braking on wet asphalt, the Sava tires performed best. Belshina has an unexpected second result. Dunlop and Kumho had the longest stopping distances - they "left" 4 meters further than the leaders.

On dry asphalt, Nokian climbed to first place, Belshina dropped to sixth position, losing a little over a meter to the leader, which cannot be considered a failure.

The last surprise was presented by "Belshina" in the test for handling on wet asphalt.

The fastest way to drive the wet handling track was Sava tires... The fourth place of "Belshina" is an excellent result. In addition to a good absolute track time, we noted the reliable and understandable behavior of the car on domestic tires.

Rolling resistance

The rolling resistance of tires is assessed on a special test bench. The parameter indicates how easily the tire rolls on the road. The lower this indicator, the more economical driving on such tires will be.

Results and evaluations

The results of all tests with grades can be found in the final table. If we analyze the intermediate scores, it turns out that in the asphalt part of the program Belshina Artmotion Snow took the fifth place, leaving only eminent brands ahead. But the final ninth place went to the Belarusian tire workers for the lack of grip on the ice.

First place winners Nokian Nordman RS2 proved to be excellent in all "ice" disciplines, confidently held on to the snow and braked best of all on dry asphalt. But they cost from 142 rubles. Recommended for those who live outside the city and most often ride on snow and ice.

Finnish tires quite a bit Russian production lost the Slovak Gislaved Soft * Frost 200. But they pulled out due to good performance on asphalt, although in winter tests they also did not lag behind the leader. Good all-round tires, but the price is slightly above average - 150 rubles.

Korean Hankook Winter I * Cept iZ2 best braked on the snow and never failed in other disciplines, for which they got a well-deserved third place. At a price of 140 rubles, you can choose them as a universal "shoe" if there is no trust in the Russian product.

Polish Sava Eskimo Ice handled well on snow and wet asphalt, but failed in acceleration on snow. The rest of the indicators were average, so the fourth place. Moreover, the price is not the lowest - 129 rubles.

Russian tires with an indistinct name Viatti Brina V521 according to the results of the test they took the fifth place. They didn’t fire in any of the tests, but they didn’t fail either. Therefore, at a price of 96 rubles, they can be considered a good purchase for those who do not like to spend extra money.

Ranked sixth Cordiant Winter Drive lived up to their name, outstripping all competitors in handling on ice. But at the same time they showed the worst result in braking on dry asphalt. However, at the lowest price - 93 rubles - quite acceptable tires for moderate winters.

Chinese Kumho I`Zen KW31 and Japanese Dunlop Winter Maxx WM01 scored almost the same number of points, finishing seventh and eighth, respectively. In all indicators, they were slightly below average, but without obvious failures. Wherein chinese tires cost 167 rubles, and Japanese - 195 (the most expensive in our test), so the more rational choice would be just Chinese tires.

The ninth place went to domestic tires. The reason for the low place is poor results on ice, but confident behavior on asphalt, both dry and wet. At a price of 107 rubles Belshina ArtMotion Snow can be safely recommended to those who spend most of their time on clean city roads, occasionally falling into the snow. Our tires also boast a large tread depth of 10 mm.

Japanese tires Nitto Therma Spike they did not show themselves anything special, while showing the worst results in three disciplines - handling on ice, braking on snow and handling on wet track... At a price of 138 rubles, it makes sense to look towards other manufacturers.

Tires are the most important attribute of any car. They provide the degree of reliability of the car's behavior on the road. Tires are the most important addition to any car. The seasonality of rubber is no less important factor. Highly advertised by all means, all-season tires can never perform equally well in all weather conditions. Indeed, in the summer, some properties are required from the tire, and others in the winter. Their indicators are always averaged and never shine with outstanding results.

Therefore, it is still necessary to change shoes depending on the season. In winter, strictly winter tires must be installed on the car, but in summer, summer tires must be installed. However, that's not all! Rubber-dependent road safety is not the only determinant of this. In the unpredictable weather conditions of the Russian winter at a specific second, the decisive role is played by different characteristics tires. If ice acts as a coating - the grip properties of wheels on ice are important, if the winter is warm and the road is wet asphalt - then you need a winter tire with outstanding performance on asphalt, but if the car is driving on packed snow, then the priority indicator is the behavior of the tire on the snow ...

But it often happens that the weather changes more than once during the season, and you have to drive a car everywhere. And then a universal tire is needed. The eternal question of any person when buying a kit winter tires- what to choose spikes or Velcro? It seems like there is no definite answer to this question, but in reality it is not. If you absolutely know and are one hundred percent sure that throughout the winter you will never go out of town, then you can safely buy non-studded winter tires, while you certainly need to choose a modern model of a trusted manufacturer and always remember that a non-studded tire is worse than spikes, behaves on ice, but is better controlled on asphalt. If you admit that during the winter you still have to leave the city on the highway or on the highway, then the thorns are vital. After all, quite often it happens in the countryside that they didn’t have a smoke here, they didn’t clean it up there, they didn’t clean it up here. Therefore, on a suburban road, there is snow, and ice, and asphalt, and mixed - in such circumstances, spikes play an important role. But in any case, when choosing a rubber, it is best to rely on specialized tests of car tires, which were prepared by professionals of automotive publications with the expectation of motorists.

Indexes maximum speed tire


Max. Speedkm / h

Nokian Hakkapeliitta 7 - winter spike tires

The spiky winter tire Nokian Hakkapeliitta 7 is no longer a novelty, but still one of the standards of all existing winter tires. This model is perfect for the Russian winter. It is equally great on ice and snow, as well as reasonably good on tarmac. The tire withstood the results of expert tests on a solid five! Braking, accelerating and handling on ice - everywhere top scores! The multifaceted design of the cleat ensures a confident behavior of the car in both longitudinal and transverse slides. On the snow, too, without comment - everything is great! But on the asphalt, the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 7 is no longer a standard. The car, shod in Finnish tires, responds precisely but sluggishly to turns, brakes not badly, but not ideally, and makes more noise than competitors, even despite the use of a special technology of air shock absorbers next to the spikes.

Nokian Hakkapeliitta 7 is an excellent choice for those who often travel on snow and ice in winter, and not the best choice for residents of large cities who spend the winter on asphalt. For urban winter ride on asphalt it is better to choose another model.

Continental ContiIceContact- winter studded tires

German winter tire Continental ContiIceContact is very close to Hakkapeliitta 7 in terms of performance. ice Nokian is still better, and the difference in performance on snow and asphalt between the two tire models is minimal. The driver without special equipment is unlikely to feel the difference in the behavior of the cars. But the fact that the Continental is noticeably quieter than the Nokian is noticeable even without instruments.

Continental ContiIceContact - really good tires capable of ensuring the safe behavior of the car in winter period... Moreover, the resource indicators of Continental tires promise to be better than those of competitors thanks to a special technology for increasing the strength of the studs. Continental is so far the only company that produces "civilian" tires with glue-on spikes.

Michelin X-Ice North 2 - winter spike tires

The second generation of Michelin X-Ice North studded winter tires works well in winter conditions. Unlike the leaders in their design, there are no newfangled technologies like multifaceted studs or holes in the tread. Nevertheless, Michelin tires are just a little behind the leaders. One of the trump cards of the Michelin X-Ice North2 tires is its behavior on the public road. When driving on a normal winter road, they provide excellent comfort: the tires remarkably ignore the longitudinal tracks and the "notch" left by snow removal equipment. Also good for this model of rubber and acoustic comfort, and in terms of rolling resistance, these tires are the best in their class.

Pirelli Winter Carving Edge - winter spike tires

The Pirelli Winter Carving Edge tires are the leaders in terms of slush-planning resistance. (aquaplaning in winter) A car with these tires resists mix in the contact patch well.

In addition, a car shod with these tires acquires sharp reactions, both on asphalt and on ice and snow. This manifests itself very sharply! If, when entering a turn, you overdo it with speed, then the driver collides with a sharp and unexpected skid of the rear axle. Therefore, when driving cars with Pirelli tires, you need to be alert and always in control of the situation.

Goodyear UltraGrip Extreme - winter spike tires

Goodyear UltraGrip Extreme - good winter tires! They did not fail in any of the disciplines, showing decent results in each. At first glance, Goodyear's tread looks much lighter than that of the leaders. However, in the construction of UltraGrip Extreme, special invisible threads are used, with the help of which the tread becomes stiffer under load. This is the merit of the prismatic lamellas.

Goodyear UltraGrip Extreme tires perform equally well on snow, ice, asphalt, and mixed! A brilliant all-round winter tire that will suit drivers who spend most of their time in the city, but occasionally go on the track.

Gislaved Nord Frost 5 - winter spike tires

Gislaved Nord Frost 5 tires are market veterans. But to this day, they remain a worthy option, satisfying their performance requirements from the behavior of the car on ice and snow.

However, for the city of Gislaved Nord Frost 5 are poorly suited. V emergency situation On a car with these tires, deep drifts occur, and on the Nord Frost 5 mixed double, which often happens in the city, it pops up unexpectedly early.

Yokohama Ice Guard 35 - winter spike tires

Yokohama Ice Guard 35 is last year's novelty in the tire market. Press releases from the Japanese company promised excellent performance in every situation. But in reality, alas, everything looks different. For example, on snow, and especially on ice, the IG35 tires are noticeably lagging behind the leaders. But on the asphalt, Yokohama tires are some of the best. They are great for winter operation in Moscow or in other large cities, where more often than snow and ice, there is porridge from the reagent on the road.

In addition to the above models, a number of other models are in demand on the Russian tire market. However, interest in them is caused only by their moderate value. Tires Hankook Winter i'Pike, Sava Eskimo Ice, Cordiant Sno-Max and other similar options disappoint in their behavior in all respects, which, under certain circumstances, threatens an emergency.

Non-studded winter tires for passenger cars:

Goodyear Ultra Grip Ice + - winter non-studded tires

Goodyear Ultra Grip Ice + tires were made for the specifics of European use. The tire has a directional tread pattern, which makes it excellent slushplaning resistance.

And in other disciplines, Goodyear tires perform well: they behave well on ice and snow and ride great on asphalt. One of the best non-studded winter tires!

Continental ContiVikingContact 5 - winter non-studded tires

Surprising, but unhurried rubber Continental ContiVikingContact 5 does not shine on asphalt. On the contrary, its true element is snow and ice. On ice - noticeably shorter braking distances, on the handling track - pleasant neutral steering, which allows you to drive the car on bare ice without any stress. These are good non-studded tires for northern regions, but not for urban conditions.

Nokian Hakkapeliitta R - winter non-studded tires

The Nokian Hakkapeliitta R non-studded tire, made in Russia, shows good grip on ice. On the snow, the situation is the same. The slush-planning resistance of this rubber is also not bad, but still weaker than that of the Continental.

At the same time, Nokian, like Continental, demonstrate the same weaknesses: their behavior on the asphalt is not stable ... Not a standard for the city.

Michelin X-Ice 2 - winter non-studded tires

Michelin X-Ice 2 tires are equally well suited for driving on asphalt and for driving on ice. On the ice, however, you need to keep track of your speed. Overdid it - and flew off the trajectory. On snow, the car is more stable, but the grip properties are more modest. Michelin X-Ice 2 resists the snow-water porridge, too, does not matter.

But in the nomination for driving on asphalt, the Michelin X-Ice 2 is close to the leader among non-studded tires. A good all-round winter tire.

Yokohama Ice Guard 30 - winter non-studded tires

"Velcro" by the Japanese company Yokohama does not shine in any of the nominations. She behaves mediocrely on snow, ice and asphalt. The only one strong point of this tire - resistance to slushplaning. Not the best tires.

Dunlop Graspic DS-3 - winter non-studded tires

Dunlop Graspic DS-3 is a novelty of last year's season. Press releases claim that the tire, thanks to its special fibers, adheres perfectly to the ice. However, in reality, everything looks different. On ice - medium grip. Some kind of reserve is felt on the track, but after overcoming it, the car abruptly breaks into a slip. On snow, the situation is similar: mediocre grip and sharp, poorly predictable slides. On an asphalt surface - as well. In addition, these tires are noisier than other velcro.

Text: Roman Kharitonov

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Summer, like last year, has come to its logical and rapid end. And together with the summer, we will soon only dream of clean and dry roads, into the arms of which the wheels of our cars rushed with pleasure. It's time to think about winter car "shoes".

This material, which represents the best winter tires of 2012, should not be taken as the ultimate truth, however, we tried to compile data from different test drives and ratings: here you can find polls in which Russian car owners massively participated, real tests of 2012 winter tires, carried out by authoritative publications, reviews of users of specialized sites on which tires are sold, as well as research data from specialists of the German edition of Autobild.


Nokian Hakkapeliitta 5

These car tires for several years have been among the most reliable and popular on the market winter tires... When developing this rubber, the Finnish manufacturer was guided by the needs that drivers experience in winter, so a car wearing these tires will never be unpredictable on a snowy or icy road.

The Nokian Hakkapeliitta 5 tires have an exclusive tread build-up that keeps the Bear Claw cleat in a position for the best traction, both during braking and powerful acceleration. In addition, a unique technology is used in the tires, which uses 4 rubber compounds. The rubber swallows the studs while riding on hard surfaces, ensuring their durability. So if you are looking for the best winter tires of 2012, we recommend that you consider this rubber as an option.

Dignity: studs adhere to the road perfectly, good acceleration dynamics and handling, minimal braking marks on snow and ice, there is a snowflake indicator, which indicates the degree of tire wear

disadvantages: quite a lot of noise when driving on an asphalt road, Russian-made tires are much worse than Finnish ones, relatively fast tread wear

Feedback on Nokian tires Hakkapeliitta 5 by Mikhail (Toyota Noah)

"Great tires, noise compensates for good grip!"

Michelin Latitude X-Ice North 2

When the specialists of the French company developed the Michelin Latitude X-Ice North 2 tires, they used all the experience gained during their participation in rally races in the Nordic countries. The result is a tire that can withstand heavy loads and provide excellent grip on snowy roads, even if the driver is sporty. To do this, the tire design used such technologies as the "active" Full Active Tread, the placement of sipes according to the Stabiligrip system, the toothed edges of the tread blocks, which improves traction with compacted snow, the center of the tread, made like a tank track, special snow blades on shoulder areas of the tread, super-hard alloy stud, as well as a reinforced tire sidewall. When answering the question “Which winter tires are better?” 2012 does not forget about the Michelin Latitude X-Ice North 2, so don't pass by.

Dignity: stability when starting, accelerating and braking, entering corners without slipping, high-quality studding, high indicators of maneuverability, durability and cross-country ability

disadvantages: too echoing when driving on asphalt, but not enough to make a tragedy out of it

Review of Michelin Latitude X-Ice North 2 tires by Vladislav ( Skoda yeti)

“I have already traveled on this rubber for two winters (about 20 thousand). Due to its softness, rubber produces a slight noise. The pattern allows the tires to "drag" the vehicle across the snow. Paired with ABS, it is very easy to steer the car when braking. Dry asphalt is already worse handled. The tires are great! "

Continental ContilceContact

The rating of winter studded tires also includes Continental ContiIceContact tires, specially designed for comfortable driving on snowy and icy surfaces. Its main advantages are sinusoidal stepped sipes, technology that helps to effectively remove the ice crust, Brilliant Plus spikes, as well as a reinforced side surface and base layer.

It is worth dwelling in more detail on the spikes of this rubber. Brilliant Plus cleats with slightly longer edges are firmly fixed in the tread. This prevents them from falling out of the tire and can significantly reduce the stopping distance - by about 10% when compared to tires that use standard studs.

Dignity: high European quality, the spikes are fixed as firmly as possible, excellent handling on slush, ice, as well as wet and dry asphalt

disadvantages: quite noisy

Review of Continental ContiIceContact tires by Boris (Peugeot 308)

“I spent two seasons in Moscow, more than once, thanks to this rubber, I climbed the icy slopes, walked on porridge and dry asphalt - I always felt confident enough. I did a little bit only on fresh coarse snow at minus thirty. I lost only one thorn in one season. "

Nokian Hakkapeliitta R

An overview of 2012 winter tires would be incomplete if we did not mention the Nokian Hakkapeliitta R. These tires are primarily distinguished by their excellent performance on icy highways in a real winter, which with its severity can freeze the whole of Africa from a distance. Stable, precise and obedient handling and confident machine behavior.

The high tread strength of Nokian Hakkapeliitta R tires is due to the base, which contains rapeseed oil, silica and natural rubber. All this helps to reduce rolling resistance and fuel consumption, as well as (cheer up "green"!) To minimize harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

Dignity: soft and very durable, ideally holds the road on wet and dry asphalt, does not make a lot of noise, when compared with studded tires, the balance of all characteristics and predictability of the behavior of a car when driving dynamically around the city, "shod" in these tires, is an order of magnitude higher , noiselessness

disadvantages: skips a little on porridge, if the temperature rises above five degrees, it becomes almost impossible to ride, on fresh snow, and also on porridge, side drift is observed, rather weak cord

Review of Nokian Hakkapeliitta R tires by Alexander (ACURA RDX)

“Excellent tires, excellent road holding. I drove on spikes before, but I like these tires better, because only braking is negative, but otherwise everything is even better. The one who stalls from the noise generated by studded tires will understand. "

Bridgestone Blizzak WS60

No rating of studless winter tires is complete without the genius of the Japanese. The engineers themselves from the Land of the Rising Sun, working in Bridgestone, call the Bridgestone Blizzak WS-60 tires their next masterpiece. The properties of the rubber compound of these tires are used literally at the molecular level, which makes it possible to increase the level of grip on icy and snow-covered roads and reduce rolling resistance. The maximum efficiency of the tires is ensured by a special composition of rubber, which is included in the rubber compound. It contains silicon, which makes rubber resilient and elastic.

It is generally known that sliding on ice is caused by the formation of a microscopic water film between the sliding object and the icy road surface. Bridgestone Blizzak WS-60 tires use a tread that removes the bulk of the water through special channels, and the rest of the rubber compound draws in its pores. To put it simply, the car, shod with these tires, moves on a slippery road, as if on suction cups.

Dignity: durability, wear resistance, softness and noiselessness, high-quality micropores, excellent handling on packed snow

disadvantages: insufficient braking on ice, with a sharp start it is quite predictable wheel slip

Feedback on Bridgestone tires Blizzak WS-60 by Arthur (Citroen Xsara)

“I bought these tires in Finland and now I am sure that this is the next generation of winter tires. Quiet and soft, overcomes porridge without any problems, behaves tolerantly even on ice. I staged it in October last year, skated both on asphalt and on ice, the difference, in principle, is small. "

Michelin Primacy Alpin PA3

The 2012 winter tire test showed that the Michelin Primacy Alpin PA3 tire differs from its predecessors in improved handling on snowy and icy road surfaces, as well as reduced braking distance on wet roads.

The main distinguishing features of Michelin Primacy Alpin PA3 tires are Helio Compound technology (the rubber compound includes sunflower oil), which makes it possible for rubber to maintain its characteristics at low temperatures; directional tread pattern, which provides high handling when driving on a wet road; 7% reduction in rolling resistance thanks to Stabiligrip technology (special arrangement of lamellas with different thicknesses).

Dignity: excellent road holding both on asphalt and on ice, noise below average, great for city driving

disadvantages: Tire confidence is reduced when ice covers a layer of fresh snow, slippage when starting off

Michelin Primacy Alpin PA3 tire review by Valet (VW Passat)

“The tires are very calm. There is not even a hint of instability in the skid. It doesn't matter what is under the wheels - the driver always knows exactly where the car will stop. No surprises when driving in winter. You can safely go over a hundred and not worry about moving the car. "


Pirelli winter carving

The Italian manufacturer, in cooperation with the Volvo concern, has produced Pirelli Winter Carving tires, which were created specially for the harsh Scandinavian winter conditions and simply could not fail to be included in the 2012 winter tire rating.

The design features of the tires are the latest technology twelve-row spike, a new rubber compound of three polymers that can withstand heavy loads in the range from minus 40 ° C to plus 7 ° C, rubber elasticity achieved thanks to Adaptive Compound Technology. Many automakers today recommend Pirelli Winter Carving for winter driving and lightning-fast weather conditions.

Dignity: excellent value for money, excellent behavior on snow, ice and slush, directional stability, high wear resistance

disadvantages: low profile, which can make tires appear harsh, high noise level

Feedback on Pirelli tires Winter Carving by StReAm (Audi A6)

“The rubber is very soft, it behaves well during active driving, while on dry asphalt it seems as if there are no spikes at all. Considering all the requirements that a car makes for handling, I can confidently say that I will buy this rubber again, if necessary, if something better does not appear. "

Goodyear Ultra Grip 500

Of the design features of these tires, it should be especially noted the unique arrangement of the studs, calculated by a special computer program, the V-TRED technology, which nullified the effect of aquaplaning, the 3D-BIS lamella technology, which contributes to comfortable control and high strength indicators, the SATS anchoring technology, "Tread-sandwich", consisting of two types of rubber compound.

Dignity: excellent handling even on dry clean asphalt, low noise, softness, high cross-country ability

disadvantages: bad behavior on snow porridge, ABS often and quite early triggers, weak sidewalls

Feedback on Goodyear tires Ultra Grip 500 by Mouse (Citroen C4)

“The rubber left for 4 seasons, however, the thorns got confused after two seasons. It makes a little noise and drives the car on the asphalt. But, leaving for the snow porridge, it just flies. "

Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 7000

The Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 7000 tire was announced by the Japanese back in 2010 and is the evolution of the Ice Cruiser 5000 tire and has long been one of the best-selling products in markets with high demand for winter studded tires. The new "ice cruiser" also has new qualities: oblique sipes and reinforced sidewalls of tires, large central tread blocks and a new stud, which was developed by the Sitek bureau from Germany.

Dignity: good cross-country ability, excellent handling on different surfaces, low noise, resistance to deformation, wear resistance, informative braking

disadvantages: rather difficult stabilization after skidding

Review of the tires Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 7000 user Ekaterina (VAZ2112)

“I bought these tires at the end of winter and so far I am very happy. I decided to specifically check them, so I climbed everywhere: into a snow mush, buried myself in the snow, and even went out onto bare ice. Now I can say for sure that the tires are worth their money, because they have passed all the tests. "

Continental ContiCrossContact Viking

Main distinguishing characteristics Continental tires CrossContactViking is an asymmetric tread pattern with longitudinal grooves, as well as an asymmetric siping, additional grip edges on the shoulder blocks of the tread.

Dignity: good handling on different surfaces, low noise, wear resistance

Review of Continental CrossContactViking tires by Alexey (Mazda CX5)

“Great tires. Installed these on all three cars in the family. Everyone is very happy! "

Goodyear Ultra Grip Ice +

TO design features Goodyear Ultra Grip Ice + tires include: ActiveGrip tread technology and a defined directional V-pattern.

Dignity: reduced braking distance, improved handling on wet and snowy roads, improved traction properties tires, increased resistance to lateral loads, high resistance to aquaplaning

disadvantages: insufficient directional stability, problem braking on ice

Review of Goodyear Ultra Grip Ice + tires by Roman (Chery M11)

“Everything about these tires suits me personally. They work great on asphalt, but they also cope well with porridge. Once the tires saved me from an accident - if I had been on spikes, I would not have had time to brake 100% ”.


VredesteinQuatrac 3

Dignity: good value for money

disadvantages: rather unstable on the track, the inner and outer tread wear unevenly

Review of Vredestein Quatrac 3 tires by MadLite ( Ford fusion)

“Naturally, it is better than the same“ Rosava ”, but I compare it with the Vredestein Quatrac 2, which for some reason has been discontinued. That was a tire! "

Kama Euro 519

Dignity: good cross-country ability in deep snow, directional stability, regardless of the condition of the road surface

disadvantages: poor grip on snow and ice, low level comfort

Review of tires Kama Euro 519 user Danila (Honda Civic)

“I have been driving this rubber for the second winter and am not going to change it yet. I will only do this if competitors offer an adequate price. "


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