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It's rare that a car enthusiast doesn't want to achieve a real reduction in fuel consumption. We'll tell you how to do this without buying miracle devices that turn out to be just scams.

1 The car is consuming fuel - what is the reason?

Excessive fuel consumption depends on the car and the driver. The first group of reasons when a car, as the drivers themselves say, consumes gasoline, is purely technical. It is associated with wear and tear or malfunction of components, parts, and mechanisms. Fuel consumption can only be reduced by replacing worn parts or repairs; the complexity in each case depends on the mechanism that cannot cope with its functions. Other circumstances depend entirely on the driver, his ability to drive a car, what he likes to attach to it, how he loads it, and so on.

Technical reasons include:

  1. Ignition system malfunctions. Even 1° late ignition increases fuel consumption by 1%. A large gap in the spark plugs causes interruptions and fuel consumption increases by 4%.
  2. Wear of the cylinder-piston group, gas distribution mechanism. Increased clearances in the CPG reduce compression, it is necessary to increase the speed, and more fuel is consumed. Wear of the timing belt causes loss of tightness, loss of power, and more expensive fuel is wasted.
  3. Low tire pressure increases resistance, and more fuel is consumed: up to 3% at a pressure of 1.5 atm instead of 2.0. Incorrect wheel alignment impairs control and causes skidding, which reduces efficiency.
  4. Driving with a poorly warmed-up engine increases fuel consumption by up to 10%. Caused by a stuck thermostat or faulty sensor in the cooling system.
  5. A low-quality fuel mixture can be supplied even if you refuel with good fuel. The first reason is dirty air filter, there is not enough air coming in. If you often use low-quality fuel, the injectors become clogged, not enough fuel reaches the cylinders, hence poor combustion and excessive consumption. If the ECU receives incorrect information from the sensors, engine power is lost and fuel consumption increases.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the car, not to wait for a serious breakdown, but to engage in preventive inspection and repair.

Other reasons depend on the driver. An overloaded car works at the limit, excessive fuel consumption is inevitable. If the driving style is jerky, with sharp accelerations and braking, this also does not improve efficiency. Violation of aerodynamic properties by installing various body kits, spoilers, and driving at speed with open windows also causes overspending. If you also add a constantly on air conditioner, a car radio, headlights, and illumination in the cabin, you can forget about saving.

2 Reducing gasoline consumption - real ways

If the increased consumption lies in technical malfunctions, we fix them - ourselves or in a car service. Other, subjective ways to save fuel are required from the driver. If your driving style and use of the car do not contribute to savings, we learn to drive in a new way. First of all, you should learn to control the gas pedal carefully and thoughtfully. The most economical mode is in the range of 60–90 km/h; even when accelerating, much less fuel is consumed than in the range of 120–140 km/h.

Efficiency is affected by the ability to shift gears manual transmission. Each has its own purpose: 1 for starting, 2 for acceleration, 3 for overtaking and afterburner, 4 for driving around the city, 5 for the highway. Driving for a long time in 5th gear is not economical - the consumption on it is higher than others. When changing gears, we try not to accelerate the engine to speeds exceeding 2 thousand, except when necessary, for example, at busy intersections. As we approach them, we try to choose the speed to pass the green light without stopping.

The following tips relate to the style of driving outside the city. If we notice a large vehicle on the road vehicle moving at an acceptable speed, we line up behind it 4–5 meters. We find ourselves in a zone of low pressure, and if we move at a constant speed, the savings are very noticeable. At such a distance, increased attention is required; the speed chosen is not too high. Experienced drivers on a good road with sufficient visibility, they use cutting corners and driving in a straight line. on a long trip it works out quite significantly.

3 Sensors and electronics - impact on fuel consumption

On VAZ cars 2110, 2115 and others, the electronics are not very advanced. Sensors fail:

  • throttle valve and idle speed – located in the throttle assembly;
  • lambda probe - on the exhaust manifold;
  • air sensor - on the intake pipe to the throttle;
  • cooling system fluid temperature.

Their malfunctions affect engine operation; incorrect data supplied to the ECU leads to excessive fuel consumption. It is these sensors that are involved in preparing the mixture of optimal composition. Diagnostics of sensors is carried out with special devices, sensors are changed. On a Priora 16 valve car, the increase in consumption is explained by other reasons:

  • abnormal fuel pressure - clogged injectors, filters, faulty fuel pump;
  • the catalyst is clogged - an enriched mixture is being prepared;
  • dirty air filter;
  • the motor overheats or does not heat up.

Even such a simple device as a fuel pump can influence the increased fuel consumption of the VAZ 2114 8-valve injector. Signs of its malfunction: unstable idling, power drop.

To summarize, it should be said: in order not to overpay for fuel that burns inefficiently, you should monitor the technical condition of the car and learn how to drive it economically.

The Priora, whose fuel consumption can be very varied, in some cases is not a very economical car, but this is often the fault of the car owner rather than the manufacturer. After all, in order for a car to consume gasoline carefully, you need to comply with a number of requirements and know the features of your car.

Can Light Priora consume less fuel?

This is an economical car

Firstly, an interesting fact is that fuel consumption can depend on the color of the car. The ubiquitous Americans conducted tests, during which it was found that light-colored models consume 1.2% less fuel, because at high temperatures (in the sun), the temperature in the interior of a silver-colored car is 5 degrees lower than in a black model . Therefore, it takes 13% less energy to cool the interior.

Lada Priora, unlike its domestic predecessors, is equipped with an air conditioning system, so the color of the car in the southern regions of Russia can play some role. What specific equipment is in the car - Taiwanese (Panasonic) or Korean (Halla) - can be found out from the specification.

According to user reviews, both lines of cooling devices work efficiently, so it may indeed turn out that a car in the color “white cloud”, “snow queen” or “poplar fluff” will consume less fuel than in a car with a color scheme in the “space” style, “ Panther", "Sochi" (sea green) or "port" (plum).

The increase in fuel consumption due to the use of air conditioning is about 3%, which is not always noticeable. But in hot weather, when the cooling is operating at full capacity, the engine takes more energy to operate the air conditioner, which is why there is an increase in consumption of up to 10-12%.

Getting rid of unnecessary things

Fuel consumption is directly affected by the operation of additional headlights

Many Priora drivers pay extra at gas stations because of their own laziness, because they often carry unnecessary cargo in the trunk, forgetting that an extra centner inside the car increases the average fuel consumption per 100 km per liter. The same should be said about those who, after using the trunk after trips, do not remove unnecessary pillars from the roof, increasing aerodynamic drag. Experts believe that you should not use the following nodes unless absolutely necessary.

since it has been established that for every hour of heating, for example, rear window, it takes about 100 g of gasoline. Fans of “body kits” should also think about the fact that additional “beauty” can increase costs when refueling a Priora.

Those owners of a Priora sedan car who do not follow the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding the choice of tires and wheels of a certain configuration not only risk their health and life on the road, but can also increase their fuel costs. This is due to the fact that, for example, wide wheels provide greater aerodynamic resistance than narrow ones, so in the first case more gasoline is consumed. In addition, a significant increase in consumption (about 5%) is caused by an incorrectly set wheel angle.

Checking the angle of a Priora car is carried out on special stands, in running order. In this case, the camber can be 0 degrees ±30’, toe 0±1 mm at a longitudinal inclination angle of the turning axis of 1 degree 30’±30’. With the correct setting of this parameter, fuel costs are reduced, which is especially noticeable when driving long distances.

Gasoline consumption also depends on what pressure is pumped into the Priora tires. It is recommended to check this parameter at least once a month, because at low pressures (0.4 atmospheres lower than usual), rolling resistance increases and because of this the car consumes more gasoline (up to 10%) and tires wear out faster.

Additional fuel consumption due to faulty equipment

The Priora sedan claims to be a car that is close to the European class in terms of environmental standards, which is why it is equipped with catalysts - devices in which the exhaust mixture is burned until it is environmentally friendly. They are located on or behind the intake pipe and often fail due to burning or destruction. In this case, no matter what the economical mode of gasoline consumption, the car will “eat” it additionally (+10%), since additional exhaust resistance is created, which the ECU analyzes as a large load and gives a signal to increase consumption. Sometimes replacement (or dismantling) gives good results, in other cases you need to pay attention to the operation of adjacent machine systems.

On-board computer of the car

The vehicle control ECU may also incorrectly read information from sensors that measure air flow and, accordingly, give the wrong signal as to which mixture formation mode to use for the engine. And the reason for this is a clogged air filter, which just needs to be changed promptly.

Also, the Priora sedan can additionally consume fuel if the ECU receives data from unadjusted coolant temperature sensors, throttle valve, incoming air flow rate, air mass discharge in the intake manifold or oxygen sensors. To eliminate them you need electronic diagnostics, because it is very difficult to find a fault here using a brute force method.

Components in which malfunctions increase gasoline consumption

Which element can cause unstable fuel pressure, which, in turn, leads to increased consumption? As a rule, this is either fuel pump(worn out by tiny particles from low-quality fuel), or a clogged fine filter, or a mesh in the fuel pump. The electronic brain of the car in this case is based on constant pressure, and when it decreases there is no possibility of compensation even when maximizing the time for injection of the mixture, so fuel consumption only increases.

On injection engines Priorities, an increase in gasoline consumption may be due to contamination on the injectors themselves. In this case, the quality of atomization and the shape of the spray “torch” are disrupted, which results in a decrease in efficiency, the appearance of “triple”, and the useless burnout of part of the fuel in the collector.

Reasons for wasting fuel

What other component of the car can cause additional costs at the gas station? It is worth paying attention to possible flaws in the work automatic transmission, where the locking clutch may, due to a malfunction, prevent changing to a higher gear, which is the most economical.

Do not forget about such an option that is available on Priora cars today as “cruise control”. What effect does it give? This system maintains vehicle speed automatically. During operation of the mode, there is a rapid transition to a higher gear and the movement by inertia is actively used, which gives significant savings on gasoline for some motorists.

Nowadays, the issue of fuel consumption has become as relevant as ever, because gasoline prices are rising every day. Car owners always try to choose a more economical model, and Lada Priora is one of them. The fuel consumption of the Priora will please motorists, because it turned out to be pleasantly profitable. It may depend directly on the configuration of the car, but since, basically, they all have sixteen valves, the consumption of a 16-valve Priora per 100 km is not particularly different from other models.

Initial characteristics

Car manufacturers always indicate the technical characteristics of their products with some errors. And priora released car company AvtoVAZ may be no exception. Initial data for this car included gasoline consumption of 6.8 to 7.3 liters/100 km. But the real data of this model fluctuate a little and not even in the smallest amounts. And the consumption rates for such a Lada per 100 km are already different. Now we will try to show it to you.

Driver surveys

To find out what kind of fuel consumption the Priora has per 100 km, it took observations from the drivers themselves, who were already able to verify the real figures in practice. These reviews are divided into several categories. Of 100 percent of respondents, most of the votes were given for the Priora's fuel consumption of 8-9 liters/100 km.

Further, with slightly fewer votes, we settled on data of 9-10 liters/100 km. The next results were consumption of 7-8 liters, which was voted for by one third of the drivers, the majority of those participating in the survey. Also, in the minority of votes, there were reviews(from large voices to small ones):


From the above parameters, it can be understood that the stated technical characteristics do not exactly correspond to real figures. Much more - the data kindly provided by the owners differs somewhat from each other, leading far from the true indicators. Therefore, the actual fuel consumption of a Priora in the city is a very variable indicator. So, what then can gasoline consumption depend on? Let's do a short review.

Reasons for discrepancies

To give an accurate answer to what the average fuel consumption of the Lada Priora is, you need to take into account all the factors that influence higher or lower fuel consumption. The reasons may vary. These include:

  • car color;
  • engine condition;
  • driver's driving technique;
  • road condition;
  • use of air conditioning, stove and other additional appliances;
  • driving over 50 km/h with the windows open;
  • time of year and others.

Car color

Some motorists argue that the cost may directly depend on the color of the car. For example, a light model consumes much less than its dark counterpart, but this is far from a guarantee.

American scientists have proven the influence of color. They found that this manifests itself especially in the warm season.

When the car heats up, it spends a lot of energy cooling the interior and, of course, fuel consumption increases

In the interiors of dark cars, during the hot season, the temperature was several degrees higher than in light models. That is, the fuel consumption of the Priora station wagon (per hundred) in the summer will be less.


It's a difficult time of year for cars. Priora fuel consumption can vary significantly. 16 valve Priora In winter it consumes more. Firstly, when the engine is not warmed up, the gasoline consumption of the Lada Priora will be higher. Secondly, the increased complexity of roads that require the car to drift also increases fuel consumption. Thirdly, speed. The slower the car moves, the more gasoline it uses.

Lada Priora, which has 16 valves, is overall more economical than other cars with similar technical characteristics. In addition, if you wish, you can always convert it to gas consumption and significantly save your family budget.

Lada Priora is another brainchild of AvtoVAZ, sales of which began in 2007. It was then that more than one thousand sedans were produced. Later in 2008, a car with a hatchback body was released. At the same time, a station wagon was presented, and its production began in 2009. According to the concept, Priora is the result of a deep restyling of its previous model, the Lada 2110. And soon Priora completely squeezed the 110th model out of production. During the period from the beginning of production to the present day, the car has gone through several modifications. Mass production began in 2014 updated version Lada Priora AMT.

Lada Priora 1.6 MT 90 hp

Official information

Initially in basic configuration LADA Priora was equipped with a power unit with a standard displacement of 1.6 liters and in-line four cylinders. Its power is 90 horsepower. This engine is 8-valve and accelerates the car to a maximum speed of 176 km/h. Acceleration time from zero to hundreds is 13.0 seconds. Paired with a 90-horsepower engine, a 5-speed gearbox is installed manual transmission. At the same time, fuel consumption is 8.8 liters in the urban cycle and 6.2 liters on the highway.

Real gas consumption

  • Stanislav, Moscow. It took me a long time to choose a car. I considered the options of Priora, Lanos, Accent and Amulet, as the price was right. As a result, I took a 2008 Priora with a 90 hp engine. The car turned out to be not very good, but overall I am quite happy with it. Poor gear shifting and strange knocking noise rear pillars. Its consumption is normal, 8 liters on average.
  • Galina, Lipetsk. Lada (VAZ) Priora 1.6 MT 2007. The car is generally good, but this is when compared with other copies of the domestic manufacturer. Consumption per 100 km in the city is 9 liters, on the highway 6-7 liters. The big minus is the loud noise in the cabin. It seems that the manufacturer completely forgot about the concept of “sound insulation”. Constantly incomprehensible knocking noises.
  • Evgeniy, Novgorod. The car is not bad. There are no complaints, and the quality matches the price. The engine, of course, is rather weak, but the consumption is low - per 100 km in the city with quiet driving it consumes up to 9 liters, and on the highway it does not exceed 6 liters at all. Very stylish appearance after some modifications. I have a 2007 model.
  • Andrey, Ryazan. I don’t know why there is so much criticism towards the Lada Priora. After all, the car is really good. After a run of 70 thousand kilometers, I only changed the oil and spark plugs. Well, still brake pads. I didn’t do anything else with it because there was no need. Fuel consumption remains at 8-9 liters in the city. On the highway about 6.5-7 liters. I bought it new from the factory in 2008.
  • Vladimir, Rostov. Lada (VAZ) Priora 1.6 MT 2008. The car is excellent and there are almost no complaints. The only thing is that the car has a rigid chassis, but it’s just right for our roads. The cabin is also a little cramped. I think it's all because of the trim on the doors. The engine seems to be normal, eats averagely. On average, I get about 7.5-8 liters per 100 km, in winter up to 9 liters.

Lada Priora 1.6 MT 98 hp

Features of the package

Another power unit from the line of engines of the basic Lada Priora is the same four-cylinder unit with a volume of 1.6 liters. Its significant differences are that the number of valves has been doubled - now there are 16. In turn, this has affected the increase in power from 90 to 98 horsepower. The maximum speed of a car with such a unit installed under the hood is 183 km/h, while acceleration to hundreds of kilometers will take 11.5 seconds, which is one and a half seconds faster than 90 horsepower. Fuel consumption in the urban cycle has also increased - so, now 9.8 liters are spent per 100 km, and 5.6 liters on the highway.

Owner reviews about consumption

  • Pavel, Astrakhan. Before this Priora, I drove the ninth VAZ model for a long time. I decided to take something newer and inexpensive. The car (I took a used one from 2007 with 97 thousand mileage) is very good, even because I, a tall person, can sit in it comfortably. The interior is not noisy, but its build quality leaves much to be desired. Yes, and the gears are difficult to switch, especially 3rd. Consumption on average is 7.5-8 liters.
  • Maxim, Tambov. Lada Priora 1.6 MT 2008. The car is new and I recently purchased it. So it’s too early to talk about the pros and cons. But the first thing that caught my eye was the good design and engine. Its consumption per hundred is about 8 liters. Among the shortcomings, I noticed that the trunk lid was knocking and there was a strong creaking noise in the cabin. I'm guessing it comes from the brakes.
  • Ramil, Belgorod. I drive relatively recently, I bought a 2009 car second-hand. First impressions are good. The only thing is that the engine makes too much noise, and the doors have poor sound insulation. On dirt road The car jumps a lot, apparently due to the harsh suspension. Consumption in the city is 9-10 liters, on the highway 6-7 liters. Overall happy with the car.
  • Denis, St. Petersburg. Priora 1.6 MT 2008. Of course, for that kind of money they could have tried to make a better car. The first serious problem I encountered was that after 9,000 km it stopped working. heating system. In addition, it was possible to install air conditioning in cheaper trim levels. Consumption at the moment the computer shows 7 liters per 100 km.
  • Andrey, Chelyabinsk. Our people still don’t know how to make cars. Over a period of 100 thousand km, I changed it twice. steering rack. I repaired the box because it started to lose the first two speeds. The interior is put together disgustingly - all the control buttons are already sunken, just like the seats. The only normal thing is consumption - 7-8 liters per 100 km. It's time to switch to a foreign car.

Lada Priora 1.6 MT 106 hp

Fuel consumption rate per 100 km

After some restyling of the model in 2013, a 1.6-liter engine with new system fuel supply, which made it possible to increase the maximum power produced by this engine to 106 horsepower. The acceleration of such a car to 100 km will be 11.5 seconds. The maximum speed remained at the same level – 183 km/h. Fuel consumption per hundred kilometers in the urban cycle is 8.8 liters, on the highway – 5.5 liters. Initially, a 5-speed manual gearbox was equipped with the engine; later, a robotic gearbox was developed.

Gasoline consumption on Russian roads

  • Igor, Ivanovo. The car, in general, is not bad for our automobile industry. But there are too many “BUTs” here. Already on the third day the stove stopped working. A month later, the electric power steering failed. Moreover, the service workers said that this often happens with priors. The salon is rattling. Consumption is within 9 liters in the city, 6 liters on the highway. Model 106 hp 2014.
  • Alexander, Omsk. Lada (VAZ) Priora 1.6 MT 2013. I can’t say anything bad about the car, because it’s really cool. Outperforms even cars of the same class foreign production. Now my wife and I have decided to take a second one so that she can also travel. Her consumption is not that big. In the city it consumes no more than 9 liters of gasoline, on the highway 5-6 liters.
  • Alexander, Orel. Once again I was convinced that cars produced by VAZ are not cars, but buckets. Three weeks after purchase, all the bearings in the 2013 car began to seize. The cabin doesn't even smell like soundproofing. It will be quieter in the UAZ. The engine is weak, but consumes a fair amount of fuel. For a hundred kilometers in the city in the summer it’s about 10 liters, on the highway it was even 8 liters.
  • Vitaly, Vologda. I haven't encountered any problems in all this time. On the contrary, I was convinced that this is one of the best cars of our production. The interior is nice and comfortable, the design of the car is cool. Priora is not picky about maintenance. Despite the small engine capacity, it goes fast. Consumption on average is 7.5-8 liters.
  • Evgeniy, Moscow. Lada (VAZ) Priora 1.6 MT 2014. The car itself is good and reliable. But as for me, there is not enough space, especially in the back, although the trunk is large. During the first time of operation, the starter broke down. And the plus to everything was too high consumption gasoline - 10 liters per 100 km. After reprogramming the brain, consumption dropped to 8.5 liters of fuel.

Lada Priora 1.8 MT

Information from the manufacturer

In 2014, sales of the Lada Priora, manufactured by the Super-Auto company, began. The new version is equipped with an engine with a displacement of 1.8 liters and a power of 123 horsepower. Acceleration time from zero to hundreds has increased significantly compared to previous models– now it is equal to 10.0 seconds. The maximum speed to which the updated Priora can be accelerated is 190 km/h. Consumption is 9.8 liters in the urban cycle and 5.4 liters on the highway.

The situation with real consumption gasoline

  • Mikhail, Peter. Lada (VAZ) Priora 1.8 MT 2014. Overall, I’m happy with the car. For such little money I got the equipment I wanted. In terms of breakdowns, I haven’t encountered any yet. Consumption remains on average at 7.5 liters. I would like, of course, better sound insulation. Yes, and the seats could be replaced, since the standard ones are not of the best quality.
  • Sergey, Suzdal. The car, although produced in 2014, has a lot of shortcomings. After the first 10,000 km, the suspension and generator had to be changed. I also redid the sound insulation, or rather, installed it, since there is almost none in the Priora. The only good thing about it is the engine. Its consumption is economical. On the highway at 90 km/h it consumes 5.5 liters. In the city, no more than 9.5 liters are spent.
  • Andrey, Moscow. Priora is a good car. Price-quality-equipment correspond to each other. The engine is good and grippy. At the same time, its consumption is economical, on average 7.2-7.5 liters per 100 km. Of course, I consider these strange creaks in the cabin to be a big minus. Apparently the noise here is of poorer quality. Plus the quality of the paint is poor - there are too many chips.
  • Vladimir, Sevastopol. Lada (VAZ) Priora 1.8 MT 2014 General impression the worst thing about the purchase. I don't think she has any advantages. A year after the purchase, my body began to rot in several places. As for the interior, the trunk opening button should be recessed so that it does not open while driving by pure accident. The engine is noisy, eats a lot - 9-10 liters.
  • Nikolay, Izhevsk. Of everything in the Priora, the only normal thing is the 1.8 liter engine. Powerful and economical. Consumption is a stable 10 liters in the city, 6 liters on the highway. Everything else: sound insulation, painting, interior assembly, seats - as always in our automotive production at the lowest level.

In 2015, it was decided to stop production of the Lada Priora, but soon they decided to postpone the production stop to 2018. So, in 2015 it will appear a new version Lada Priora. In terms of significant modifications, we can highlight the modified design of the car. This mainly affected the front of the car. Concerning power units, then the same 1.6-liter engines with eight and sixteen valves remain here. Also, in addition to the 5-speed manual on new Priora A robotic automatic transmission will be installed.

Lada Priora Russian car C-class, produced since 2007. The model came to replace the 1994 VAZ-2110 sedan. "Priora" is its deep modernization. The body has been significantly strengthened, and the interior has dramatic changes. The car is more convenient in terms of handling. Dimensions Lada The Priora has not changed compared to the VAZ-2110, and the width of the car is still cramped. But despite many shortcomings that we could not get rid of, the Priora gives the impression of a solid car. Before release Lada Vesta Priora was considered the flagship model of AvtoVAZ. Today it is produced in a sedan body.


Lada Priora engines. Official fuel consumption per 100 km.

Generation 1 (2007-2014)


  • 1.6 98 l. sec., manual, 11.5 sec to 100 km/h, 9.8/5.6 l per 100 km

Restyling of generation 1 (2014 – present)


  • 1.6, 87 l. pp., manual, 12.5 sec to 100 km/h
  • 1.6, 106 l. sec., manual, 11.5 sec to 100 km/h, 8.9/5.6 l per 100 km

Lada Priora owner reviews

With engine 1.6 90 l. With. 8 valves

  • Yuri, Moscow region. A car for all occasions, bought in 2009. A car with a 1.6 engine, 90 hp. With. enough with a bang. I don’t see the point of overpaying for a more powerful motor, because in addition to dynamics, I also need savings. Average consumption is 8-10 liters.
  • Alexander, Nikolaev. The car was produced in 2008, with a 1.6-liter engine. This is my first car. I bought it as a sedan, with a manual transmission, air conditioning and ABS. Compared to my last ten, the changes are significant, firstly, the interior and sound insulation. It really became more comfortable in the car. In general, Priora is perceived as more modern. Although the space in the cabin has not changed. The same narrow interior, I would also note an almost unchanged body. Huge respect for the stern, which looks simply awesome compared to the fat-assed ten. A 90-horsepower engine consumes 8-10 liters, maximum speed under 180 km/h.
  • Dmitry, Irkutsk. I'm happy with the car, a car for every day. I use it in the family, at the dacha and for other household needs. I like the car, it's simple and easy to maintain. I'm quite happy with it. Gasoline consumption is 9-10 liters with a 1.6-liter 90-horsepower engine.
  • Oleg, Nizhny Novgorod. Lada Priora was purchased in 2015, the version after restyling. The salon has especially changed. There is a touch multimedia display, and in general the front panel looks at the level of European competitors, even cooler than that of Renault Logan. I have a 1.6-liter 90-horsepower version with a consumption of 9-10 liters.
  • Alexander, Saratov. I have a 90-horsepower Lada Priora, I’m satisfied with its power and dynamics. A comfortable and fun car for every day, it can save fuel, although it supports gasoline not lower than AI-95. Average consumption is 8-10 liters per hundred.
  • Mikhail, Ryazan. I have a Lada Priora with an 8-valve engine, its power is 90 hp. With. enough with a reserve, in the city you can keep within 9-10 liters per 100 km. I would also note good acceleration dynamics. The first hundred in 12-13 seconds, which is quite good for a budget car. The main thing is to quickly change gears and keep the gas to the floor. The Priora has good driving potential, because it has an excellent pedigree - my former top ten knocked everyone down at traffic lights. Priora – quite reliable car, well, at least in 80 thousand miles I never got up in the middle of the road.
  • Vladislav, Ekaterinoslavl. I'm happy with the car, the car is worth the money. I bought it in 2010, the 90-horsepower version. Soft and impenetrable suspension, just for our roads. Consumption in the city is 10 liters.

With engine 1.6 98 l. with 16 valves

  • Maxim, Nizhny Novgorod region, 1.6 98 l. With. I like the car, I bought a Priora in 2007 on the secondary market. I'm happy with the car, it's a decent option for those who don't need show-offs. The car is powerful, with a 98-horsepower engine. Acceleration to hundreds in 11 seconds, on par with competitors. Overall, excellent dynamics for little money. As they say, why pay more. I fill up with 95 gasoline. In the urban cycle you can achieve 10 liters per 100 km, on the highway it turns out to be 7-8 liters per 100 km.
  • Dmitry, Yaroslavl, 1.6 98 l. With. I bought a Priora in 2016 and am happy with the car. A good high-torque and moderately economical car, suitable for every day around the city. Consumption is 8-10 liters per 100 km depending on driving style.
  • Denis, Smolensk, 1.6 98 l. With. I have been using Lada Priora for four years, the version before restyling. I'll note spacious salon, convenient and understandable controls, in terms of ergonomics there is nothing to complain about. I’m not particularly picky, because this is still not a foreign car, but the most affordable car in Russia. Proven design, all components and assemblies have been thoroughly studied. Average consumption is 10 liters per 100 km.
  • Sergey, Stavropol region. Best car for their money. I'm happy with the car; by the way, I have the 1.6-liter 98-horsepower version. The acceleration potential of my Priora is at the level of more top-end foreign cars, I am pleasantly surprised. A reliable and cheap to maintain car, suitable for the city. Consumption 9-10 liters.
  • Dmitry, Ekaterinoslavl. I'm happy with the car, the car is equipped with a 1.6 engine and produces 100 horses, a wonderful car with the most popular engine in Russia. Equipped with a 100-horsepower engine, it consumes a maximum of 10-11 liters when driving fast.
  • Yuri, Vologda region. Overall, I am satisfied with the Lada Priora; it is a reliable and unpretentious car. Consumption of 10 liters of 95 gasoline.
  • Svetlana, Moscow region. I praise the Lada Priora for its comfortable and spacious interior, omnivorous suspension and good handling at city speeds of 60-80 km/h.
  • Oleg, Tomsk. Lada Priora 2009, with a powerful 1.6-liter 16 liter engine. Mechanical box unleashes the full potential of the 98-horsepower engine. In general, a worthy option for those who want good dynamics for little money. The tenth family, as far as I know, has always been famous for its good directional stability and good overclocking potential, despite its relatively modest characteristics. Although the Priora’s power is no worse than its competitors. I drive quite fast, in the city I get around 10 liters per 100 km.
  • Boris, Irkutsk. I took the Priora purely for the city, it consumes an average of 9-10 liters/100 km. A machine for the soul, equipped with a powerful 98-horsepower engine. It is enough both in the city and on the highway.
  • Alexey, Perm. Lada Priora is a worthy representative of the domestic automobile industry, and a worthy successor to my last ten. Still, the changes are significant. I have a restyled version from 2015 and have been using it for three years now. Mileage 98 thousand km, flight normal. You can easily accelerate to 200 km/h.
  • Boris, Nizhny Novgorod region. Lada Priora is a simple and unpretentious car, with good dynamics and brakes. I have the 98 HP 2015 version. Modern equipment, dynamics and comfort at the level. Consumption 9-10 liters.
  • Alexander, Smolensk. I'm happy with the car, the car suits me for all occasions - Priora is irreplaceable in the family and at work. Consumes 8-10 liters of 95 gasoline per 100 km, the power is enough for everyday needs.
  • Dmitry, Sverdlovsk. My Lada Priora with a 1.6-liter 16-valve 98-horsepower engine is an excellent option for urban, suburban and suburban conditions. Satisfied in all respects - simple and discreet design, convenient and ergonomic controls, but all this is worth nothing compared to the stunning dynamics. Although there is plenty of noise in the cabin, especially at high speed. Average consumption is 9-10 liters per hundred.

With engine 1.6 106 l. With. 16 valves

  • Oleg, Arkhangelsk. I liked the car, for my money great option. The mileage is 2015, I service it myself in the garage. The car is equipped with a 106-horsepower 1.6 internal combustion engine, I have the top-end configuration. Priora easily reaches 200 km/h, accelerating to hundreds in 10 seconds. It handles and brakes well, an excellent option for the city. Overtaking is easy, and the average gasoline consumption is 10-11 liters.
  • Konstantin, Nizhny Novgorod. I'm happy with the car, a worthy option for family and household needs. I took a Priora in the top-end configuration, with a 16-valve 1.6-liter engine. The power of 106 horses is more than enough to reach the first hundred in 10 seconds. Average consumption is 10-11 liters.
  • Vitaly, Belgorod. My car is equipped with a 1.6-liter 106-horsepower engine and consumes an average of 10-11 liters/100 km. I think this is best unit in the history of AvtoVAZ. Optimal volume/power ratio, plus excellent overclocking potential. Average consumption is 10-11 liters.
  • Victor, Vladimir region. I have a 1.6-liter Lada Priora, it produces 106 horses. Hurricane dynamics, acceleration to hundreds in 9-10 seconds. I praise Priora for good dynamics The brakes and handling are also up to par. Average consumption is 9-10 liters of 95 gasoline.
  • Georgy, Irkutsk. Lada Priora is our people's car. I love domestic auto industry, inexpensive and durable, easy to operate and maintain. Like a constructor - you install new parts after each breakdown, and so on, and so on ad infinitum. A car with a 106-horsepower internal combustion engine consumes 11 liters.
  • Alexander, Nikolaev. Lada Priora is worth the money spent. I didn’t regret one bit that I didn’t take Renault Logan. Priora is cheaper, and at the same time more powerful and faster. And comfort and reliability are no worse, at least Priora is much cheaper to maintain. Simple design, and in extreme cases you can service it yourself. Gasoline consumption with a 1.6-liter engine is 10 liters in the city and 7-8 liters on the highway.
  • Evgeniy, Saratov, 1.6 106 l. With. I read reviews about Priora, best option for urban and suburban conditions. Cheap and cheerful, but with amazing dynamics. Average consumption is 10-11 liters/100 km.
  • Oleg, Vologda region, 1.6 106 l. With. A decent car, the Lada Priora pleasantly surprised me in terms of handling and especially dynamics. And at the same time, it is economical and quiet in the cabin, although only at low speeds. Objectively, I will say that the main thing for me is dynamics and inexpensive maintenance. Priora has everything in order with this. As you know, if you buy an expensive foreign car, you will feel sorry for it. There is no such feeling with Priora. You pile it up as you want - you still know that the repairs will be relatively cheap. Consumption is 10 liters/100 km.
  • Konstantin, 1.6 106 l. With. I have a Priora in the most powerful configuration, it produces more than 100 horses. The best option from the point of view of the relationship between dynamics and price. I advise you to take it, you won’t regret it. The 16-valve engine rules, I get 10-11 liters per 100 km.


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