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Meaning of the name: Julia, translated from ancient Greek, means “curly”, “wavy”, “fluffy”. According to another version, Julia from the Scandinavian language is translated as “born on Christmas”.

Origin of the name: The name Julia is of Greek origin and comes from the Roman hero Iulus Ascanius, who was the founder of Alba Longa. Other sources claim that Julia comes from the male name Julian. Julia is one of the gentle, bright Russian names, whose popularity is growing every year.
Other forms: Julia, Yula, Yuliana, Yuile, Juliana, Yuliane, Juliena, Yulasha, Yulenok, Yulek.

May – 31st;

July – 29th.

Julia – sociable, receptive, gentle and kind

Characteristics of the name Julia

Yulia is kind and smart. She has a decisive character, she persistently strives to achieve her goal, and always strives to finish what she starts. She is stubborn and difficult to persuade.

As a child, Yulia is vulnerable and touchy; her mood changes quickly. She is stubborn, capricious, very touchy and vulnerable. At the same time, Yulia loves to tease, she can fight. Julia is very stubborn, it is almost impossible to argue with her. Likes to attract the attention of adults, is whiny, laughter and joy can be replaced by crying and screaming.
Growing up, the girl Yulia becomes a little calmer, she gets along well with friends, but her explosive character often reminds of herself, so she can quarrel, and then regret it and be the first to go to war.

Adult Yulia has many friends, she has incredible energy, loves an active life, is cheerful and cheerful. Julia easily finds a common language with men, among whom she has many friends.

Character of the name

Yulia has strong and decisive character, she is stubborn and capricious. Quite hidden at heart, very touchy. Her actions are cautious and hesitant. In adulthood, he often engages in charity work and does not like defeats, so he always blames someone else for his failures.

Julia does not have conflicts, she is calm, but in critical cases she likes to show character, be decisive and stubborn in her actions.

“Winter” Julia is purposeful, kind, attentive, and restrained in her actions.

“Osenaya” is closed, silent.

“Spring” Julia is sensitive and has a wild imagination.

“Summer” - gentle, kind, charming.

Fate of the name

Julia is a woman with a changeable character. As a child, she was very vulnerable and touchy. Likes to argue, but never admits defeat. Requires a lot of attention from parents.

Adult Julia is attractive, has a beautiful body and a clear mind. In her relationships with people, Julia is kind, sympathetic, and good-natured.

He approaches the choice of profession very carefully. She is responsible and conscientious in her work. Her mobility and decisiveness of character allow her to achieve success in her career. She has well-developed logical thinking and often chooses professions related to banking. She will make a good actress, producer, manager.

Julia has many fans. She almost always marries successfully and enjoys doing household chores. She cooks well and is always happy to have guests. She is not envious, so she always rejoices at the successes of other people. In a marriage, a caring mother always shows interest in her husband, takes care of family comfort, and loves children. She makes a good and caring mother.

Julia is in good health, but in adulthood she may develop heart problems.

Positive traits of the name

Julia is very gifted, has a good sense of humor, a sharp mind, and resourcefulness. She is kind, noble, hardworking.

Negative traits of the name

Julia is hasty in making important decisions, sometimes unrestrained and irritable. It is difficult to convince her; she is always guided only by her own opinion.

Name compatibility Julia

A successful marriage for Julia will be Gennady, Evgeny, Vladislav, Mina, Titus, Julian. Difficult relationships with Denis, Varlaam, Andrey, Philip.

The name Yulia has always been popular in our country and in the former republics of the USSR. Abroad, there is an analogue of this name - Julia, which is also quite common in foreign countries. By naming their daughter this way, parents not only give her a beautiful, sonorous name, but also endow her with creative potential and increased sociability.

Origin of the name

The name Julia, which in ancient times sounded like Julia, has two versions of its origin:

  1. Greek. The name came to us from Ancient Greece and translated means “fluffy”, “wavy”, “curly”.
  2. Roman. The name was formed in Latin, and is translated as “July” or “from the Julius family.”

The name Julia has two versions of origin

In Scandinavian countries, Julia (or Julia) is the name given to girls born in December, the month when Catholic Christmas is celebrated (the word “jul” here is translated as “Christmas”).

Name forms

Abbreviation of the name Julia: Yulia, Yula, Lyusya.

Julia - shortened version of the name Julia

Diminutive versions of the name: Yulechka, Yulenka, Yulyusya.

Related names: Julia, Ulyana, Iliana, Juliet, Juliana, Juliet, Julia, Julie, Julia, Juliana. The following male names are also considered related: Julius, Julian, Julian, Giuliano.

Church name: Julia.

Transliteration of the name, according to the latest rules: IULIIA.

The name Yulia will be written in the passport as IULIIA

Patronymic names most successfully combined with the name Yulia: Alexandrovna, Andreevna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Viktorovna, Vladimirovna, Vyacheslavovna, Denisovna, Dmitrievna, Leonidovna, Markovna, Mikhailovna, Nikolaevna, Olegovna, Savelyevna, Sergeevna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Fedorovna.

Eccentric Julia, chatterbox,
Bright, funny toy
And flutters through life like a butterfly,
He knows neither peace nor melancholy.
Windy, sweet coquette,
Not a bore and not a homebody,
Her sorrows will pass her whole life,
Relatives take care and love.


The name Yulia is quite popular both in Russia and abroad.

Table: the name Julia in foreign languages

Chinese朱莉婭 Zhūlìyà
Japaneseジュリア Juria
Korean줄리아 jullia
Gujaratiજુલિયા Juliyā
Hindiजूलिया Jūliyā
GreekΤζούλια Tzoúlia
Arabجوليا Julia
Spanish, GermanJuliaJulia
TatarJulia (emphasis on the letter “I”)Iulia

Name day dates and patron saints

The baptism ceremony for girls named after Julia is carried out under the ancient version of this name - Julia. After baptism, the child comes under the protection of two saints:

  1. Julia of Ankyra (Corinthian). The saint lived in the second half of the 3rd century in the city of Ancyra. Since childhood, she devoted herself to God, spent a lot of time in prayer, fasted and helped those in need. Already in old age, she, along with six other Christian women, was subjected to desecration and torture. And after refusing to accept the pagan faith, all seven martyrs received a death sentence.

    The Holy Martyr Virgin Julia of Ancyra (Corinth) was drowned in the lake for the Christian faith

  2. Julia of Carthage, Corsican. The holy virgin martyr was born into a Christian family in the city of Carthage. As a child, the girl fell into slavery and was sold to the Persians, where she was persuaded to the pagan faith, but Julia was adamant and continued to pray to Jesus Christ. One day, the ship of the girl’s owner approached the island of Corsica, where one of the pagan holidays was taking place. Having learned that Julia was a Christian, the pagans went mad and crucified her on the cross, like Christ.

    Julia of Carthage was crucified on the cross for her Christian faith.

Name days are celebrated on one of two dates (the one closest to the girl’s birthday):

  • May 31;
  • July 29.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Julia tries at all costs to stand out among those around her, she wants to see her superiority over other people, sometimes this goes beyond any boundaries and looks ridiculous. The girl has a rich imagination, but no sense of proportion at all. She is touchy, caustic words addressed to her can seriously hurt the girl, although she tries to hide her emotions. Julia is endowed with a unique sense of humor, but she takes jokes addressed to her with offense.

Julia tries to stand out among her surroundings

The girl is open to communication, loves to lie, but her lies are easily revealed. He is equally good friends with both men and women. She does not like loneliness and is prone to “white” envy. Can imitate a person whom she considers more successful than herself. At the right moment, she is able to show responsibility and seriousness. The choice of work or life partner is done very carefully and meticulously.

Yulia is drawn to her more successful and beautiful friends and can imitate them

The girl is very demanding of people, she wants them to accept her for who she is, not re-educate her and not lecture her. A woman only accepts interesting and successful people as friends. But it often happens that even successful friends begin to envy the girl’s beauty and popularity, invent gossip, all this makes Yulia aggressive. Quarrels can negatively affect Yulia's condition.

There is no need for loud words, just the song of the willows,
And on the lips there is only the taste of forest honey.
July afternoon, sunny motif,
You are Julia... Rebellion and freedom...


Julia's friends often envy her

A woman trusts only herself, never listens to other people’s opinions, is prone to risk and adventurism, has powers of observation, a sharp mind and resourcefulness, and comes out of any situation with dignity.

According to the theory of P. Rouget, Julia has a secretive, indecisive and slightly fearful character. The main goal of a girl’s life is either a successful marriage or building a career. In society, she tries not to get involved in conflicts and avoid crowded events. A woman has a good mind and excellent memory, she always fulfills her promises, and has a sense of self-esteem.

Pierre Rouget believes that Julia has a secretive and indecisive character

B. Khigir in his works characterizes Yulia as a thrifty and thrifty housewife. The girl devotes herself entirely to her loved ones and caring for them. She is not active at work; her colleagues consider her lazy and irresponsible. A woman loves communication, happily receives guests, and is able to rejoice with her comrades in their successes. The main negative trait is considered to be stubbornness, which does not allow Yulia to listen to other people’s opinions, even if they are correct.

According to Boris Khigir, the main disadvantage in Yulia’s character is her stubbornness

How a name affects a child's character

Little Yulia is very sensitive and vulnerable, she is often offended, but quickly cools down. In disputes with other guys, he can show aggression. The girl is afraid of the dark and scary stories; she should not watch sad films, as this may disrupt her sleep patterns.

As a child, Yulia is afraid of the dark

Julia loves to be alone and does not know how to lose. She definitely needs to win any argument or competition; in every case, the girl tries to become the first.

The letter "U" in the alphabet is
At the very end, without any honor,
But, and in the word Golden
It comes first!
The letter "L" follows
“And” sends her letters with greetings.
A Beautiful words
The letter “I” is always crowned!


Yulia is not very interested in schoolwork, but she tries to study well. After a short time, the girl becomes an informal leader in the group of classmates, although she has few real friends, but all of them will remain with Yulia throughout her life. She is friends only with those who understand her perfectly.

Julia becomes an informal leader in any team

The girl has a rather changeable mood, but from the outside she looks calm and balanced. Julia tries to restrain herself, which makes her secretive. Parents should not put too much pressure on their daughter; they must be patient and kind with her.

If a girl takes up any sport, her determination and assertiveness will help her achieve success.

Yulia's determination and assertiveness will help her achieve success in sports

In her youth, Julia becomes more stubborn and selfish. Rebellious qualities appear in her. The girl tries to achieve what she wants with her whims. She will not help those in need selflessly; all her actions are calculated and bring some benefit. The girl communicates only with a select circle of people, mostly rich or authoritative people. Julia cannot stand being neglected, so she immediately stops communicating with such a person. She also will not tolerate rudeness and will part with a friend without the slightest regret.

All of Julia’s actions are filled with self-interest and bring the girl some benefit

Julia is not an ordinary person, she is too extraordinary and talented, which can be immediately noticed when communicating with a girl.

Talents and hobbies

Little Yulia loves to read science fiction literature and fantasize; her love of reading remains with her throughout her life. A girl has a chance to achieve great success in her passion for sports, such as figure skating or rhythmic gymnastics.

As a child, Yulia loves to read science fiction

After getting married, Yulia's main hobby becomes home economics. She loves to cook and collects interesting recipes and tips on housekeeping. The woman is interested in interior design, loves to embroider, active hobbies do not arouse her interest.

Julia is passionate about cooking and home economics

The girl loves animals; usually there is a dog living in her apartment. Julia prefers large breeds such as Great Dane, Shepherd or Bulldog. The woman raises the animal herself and monitors its health. In the evening, Yulia personally walks her pet.

Julia loves dogs very much

Profession and career

The girl is not a careerist. If she has a happy and strong family, she will easily sacrifice her work for her.

An interesting profession can help a woman achieve success in her work; she can be fascinated by such areas of activity as architecture, organizing events, and landscape design. Excellent commercial abilities and the ability to think logically allow Yulia to make a good career in trade, management and banking. In terms of creative activity, the careers of producer or actress are suitable for a woman.

Yulia will become a good architect, landscape designer, and event organizer

Yulia should not run her own business, as she does not know how to make decisions thoughtfully, and can also be too wasteful.

Pierre Rouget believes that Julia can become a successful flight attendant

According to the analysis of the name from P. Rouget, Julia, such professions as lawyer, flight attendant or psychiatrist are suitable. The girl also makes a good housewife.


As a child, Yulia needs to be careful about her throat; frequent pharyngitis may occur. Having matured, the girl begins to actively monitor her health, which helps preserve it for a long time.

The weak point is the nervous system, which can suffer due to frequent mood swings and unbalanced character of a woman.

As a child, Yulia often has a sore throat

In old age, swelling of the lower extremities and heart problems may occur.


The girl adores male company, she is flattered by the excessive attention men pay to her, but the woman does not feel any particular attraction to them. Julia is popular, has many fans, but she has been looking for her potential partner for a very long time, carefully choosing and checking men.

The woman is careful and demanding in love; her chosen one will have to go through many tests before Julia opens up and trusts him completely.

Julia searches for her chosen one for a long time and carefully
A woman doesn’t feel much need for intimate life; it all depends on her mood.
You, Julia, are simply amazing!
So unusual, so smart,
All your whims are forgiven,
I want you to be next to me.
I love you madly, honey,
I'm proud of you with all my heart,


Always smiling, beautiful,

Please always be with me.

Marriage and family

In family life, Julia does not like to be bored, requires a lot of attention to herself, is jealous and quick-tempered, prone to scandals. The husband is usually deeply in love with his wife, so he allows her to lead and make important decisions on her own.

In marriage, Julia often becomes the leader

Julia is devoted to her beloved, she will never stoop to treason or betrayal. Requires the same attitude towards yourself. A woman does not like to attend various events without her husband; she tries to spend her free time with her beloved. If a couple has fidelity and trust, then the marriage can become happy and last a lifetime. Julia will never forgive betrayal, she will not marry a second time.

What could be more beautiful in a lady,
What do intelligence and beauty have together?
I’ll tell you, Julia, straight away,
Why am I crazy about you?
Always beautiful, multifaceted,
Like an amazing diamond
And it would be strange not to fall in love
Into the shine of your beautiful eyes.


Julia's family usually has a daughter

The girl shows great attention and care to her children and husband; they are always well-groomed and fed. Most often, a daughter is born into Julia’s family, whom both parents love very much. A woman’s house is always cozy and tidy, and there is a lot of delicious food in the refrigerator.

Table: name compatibility

Male nameCompatibility percentageNature of the relationship
Alexander56% Alexander is afraid to take the first step towards Yulia, because he considers the girl too inaccessible and closed. If she herself shows interest in the man, then the couple will be able to build a harmonious relationship. Alexander will do for his chosen one whatever she wishes. Their romance often ends in marriage. In front of strangers, spouses do not show feelings towards each other. The lovers keep all their complaints to themselves. Their life becomes boring and monotonous, built only around home life.
Alexei38% Yulia and Alexey rarely manage to build a relationship. A woman is not interested in predictable men, which is what Alexey is. And he, in turn, is not attracted to girls with a character like Yulia’s. Only by turning a blind eye to each other's shortcomings can young people begin a romance. But family life will be devoid of happiness and tenderness. Each spouse will live their own life without paying attention to their other half. If Yulia and Alexey get used to the fact that their relationship is more like neighbors than love, then the marriage can last for many years.
Andrey23% These two are absolutely not suitable for each other. Andrey is not attracted to women with an emotional and temperamental character; he prefers calm and balanced partners. Julia is interested in this man, but for a very short time, after which the girl becomes bored. The romance of this couple can last a maximum of several months, but if they manage to get married during this time, it will not bring happiness to anyone. There will be eternal quarrels and scandals in the family, which will inevitably end in divorce.
Dmitriy24% Dmitry and Yulia are afraid of each other, they both think that the chosen one will not pay attention to him, so they refuse to be the first to take steps towards him. The one whose feelings are stronger than fear will decide to start communication, but with each new meeting, the partners will understand that the choice was made incorrectly. Eventually, the couple ends all communication. The only option for continuing the romance and marriage is the fact that one of the young people has a mercantile interest in relation to the other. However, the marriage of this couple will be fragile; betrayal, frequent scandals and disagreements are possible here. The result of this relationship is divorce.
Eugene71% A girl is attracted to a man from the first time she meets her, and in his presence she becomes happy and cheerful. Evgeniy is impressed by Yulia’s determination and tries to take steps towards her. The romance of this couple almost always ends in marriage. However, he does not always become happy. A woman may find out that her husband is cheating on her and immediately file for divorce.
Igor72% Julia and Igor can have a warm and happy relationship. The man considers this girl the ideal of beauty, and she appreciates his care and loyalty. Young people are interested in each other from the first meeting, but for a long time they do not dare to tell their chosen one about their sympathy. The couple also postpones marriage, officially concluding their relationship only after many years of romance. Although marriage will not worsen the relationship between lovers at all, they will still be happy together.
Mark56% Mark likes the girl’s optimistic attitude and her ability to cope with life’s difficulties. The young man himself does not have such qualities and is generally unsure of himself; he believes that Yulia will be able to guide him in the right direction and will support him in difficult situations, therefore he wants a relationship with her. But the girl does not agree to such a consumerist attitude towards herself, so she is often the first to break up with the man. If Mark takes care of the family himself, then marriage is possible for this couple.
Nikita38% After two or three dates, young people realize that they made the wrong choice in starting a relationship with each other. The leader here is Yulia, she bends Nikita to herself, and if the man is satisfied with this, then the romance can continue. But he should understand that all his life he will have to suppress his individuality and make concessions to his woman, and Yulia will have to do without male support and support in family life.
Oleg76% Julia is in an eternal search for an interesting and vibrant life, and she draws Oleg into this. Often in such relationships the guy is younger than his chosen one, she gives him expensive gifts, makes unexpected surprises, and he repays with his devotion and ability to show that he loves and needs this woman. Often such a romance ends in a wedding; a couple’s marriage can last a lifetime. An important condition for this is the fact that spouses must be responsible for family values, value each other and not limit the freedom of their chosen one.
Sergey71% Sergei and Yulia have fun together, they spend interesting time. In this pair, the leader is the man. The romance of lovers usually ends in marriage, but life together does not become cloudless. Spouses are constantly jealous and reproach each other, ultimately becoming disappointed in their chosen one and filing for divorce.

Table: matches for the name Julia

Interpretation of the meanings of each letter in the name

The letters that make up a person’s name leave their imprint on the personality’s character:

  1. The letter Y. Endows a person with the desire for truth, the ideals of universal equality and unity. The girl is prone to self-sacrifice, but at the same time to cruel acts.
  2. Letter L. A woman is especially receptive to the beauty of the world, has artistic talents, and tries to share her knowledge with other people.
  3. Letter I. The girl is endowed with a sensitive, kind and spiritual disposition.
  4. Letter I. The personality has a sense of self-worth and wants to win the respect and love of others.

Julia subtly senses the beauty of the world around her

Characteristics of a name in accordance with the time of year in which a person was born

Spring Julia has a sensitive nature, good imagination and a mysterious character. The girl is suitable for professions related to creativity, in which the monotony of actions is excluded. Monotony and boredom can have a negative impact on the condition of Yulia, born in the spring. It is difficult for a woman to start serious relationships with men - there are always many fans and friends around her, which can cause jealousy in the girl’s chosen one.

However, Julia’s character is suitable for creating a strong family.

Spring Julia has a good imagination and a mysterious character Summer rewards Yulia with an affectionate and patient character, the ability to appreciate her loved ones and follow her life principles. The girl loves communication and is always surrounded by the attention of fans and friends.

She cannot stand hypocrisy and lies, and tries to live with justice.

Summer Julia is always surrounded by friends and fans Julia, born in autumn, has a reserved, romantic character. The girl is constantly disappointed in people, because when she meets her she tends to idealize them.

She is filled with love and passion, which is why a woman has many affairs before she decides to start a family. Autumn Julia has an unconventional mindset, but she lacks prudence.

Before the autumn Julia decides on a family relationship, she goes through many novels

The winter months give Julia calmness and determination. The girl is not very sociable, does not always value her friends, the main thing in life is building a career.

She is smart, organized, and lacks a romantic mood, although the woman dreams of love and family happiness. Tends to self-sacrifice for the benefit of others.

A successful career is the main goal in the life of winter JuliaTable: name horoscope
Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesJulia-Aries has a spectacular appearance, sincerity, popularity and respect among her comrades. But the girl’s character and thoughts are too unstable. It is difficult to calculate her or predict her actions; sometimes she is kind and positive, sometimes she is tough and rude. A woman is susceptible to flattery, so she will marry a man who knows how to flatter beautifully.
TaurusJulia, born under the sign of Gemini, has a restless and frivolous character, but is endowed with artistry and cheerfulness. The girl has a lot of ideas and fantasies, she likes to dream, she is prone to adventurism, but she lacks perseverance in achieving what she wants. It’s hard for a woman to build a personal life - she’s fickle, she’s used to having affairs that are based only on passion.
CancerThe girl has mannerisms, grumpiness, instability, emotionality, slowness in decision-making, and also dependence on her mood. The main advantage of her character is constancy and prudence, the girl is confident in the future, all plans are made for several years ahead.
a lionA lioness named Julia has a beautiful appearance, success with others, has charm, she looks at the world realistically, and is overly narcissistic. The girl is no stranger to self-interest; she will easily deceive and betray for her own benefit. Excessive pride and prudence also manifest themselves in romantic relationships.
VirgoA woman is endowed with prudence, pragmatism, pride, determination, and material well-being is of great importance to her. Julia-Virgo is not subject to laziness and frivolity, but has inflated self-esteem. The girl loves only herself, and does not pay any attention to the opinions of others.
ScalesJulia, who was born under the auspices of the sign of Libra, has a soft, cheerful, calm disposition. She is overly impressionable and does not like to be dependent on someone. The girl is endowed with eloquence, knows how to win people over, is able to listen and delve into the problems of loved ones, and can adapt to those around her. Shows toughness in relationships with men.
ScorpionThe sign of Scorpio endows Julia with toughness, unceremoniousness, excessive straightforwardness, rudeness and a desire to rule. The girl is a born leader who does not allow anyone to move her from this place.
SagittariusJulia-Sagittarius has an open, independent, categorical, fair character. She easily criticizes others without showing any pity. A woman will make a successful career in a field that requires a sober outlook on life and the ability to criticize (for example, judging). In family life, a girl will become a good wife and caring mother.
CapricornA girl has been looking for an ideal man all her life, a “prince on a white horse,” so in the love sphere the situation is not ideal. The woman’s character is decisive, practical, reasonable, she loves to work, is always honest with others, but is a little withdrawn in communication. It seems to others that Julia-Capricorn is from another planet.
AquariusThe woman is secretive, indifferent to others, and has a complex, mysterious character. It’s difficult to understand her, the girl is constantly changing. But, having met true love, Julia-Aquarius will change and will be an ideal and faithful wife for her chosen one.
FishJulia-Pisces is pragmatic, calculating, has good intuition, many talents, but is not very sociable. The girl dreams of a family, an ideal spouse and children, but she is not interested in a career, fun companies and many acquaintances.

Photo gallery: famous personalities with the name Julia

Yulia Snigir - Russian actress and model Yulia Peresild - Russian theater and film actress Yulia Lipnitskaya - Russian figure skater who competed in women's singles skating Yulia Volkova - Russian singer, former lead singer of the pop group "Tatu" Julia Wang - model, actress, winner of the 15th th season of the project “Battle of Psychics” on TNT Yulia Tymoshenko - statesman and political figure of Ukraine Yulia Menshova - Soviet and Russian actress and TV presenter Julia Roberts - American actress, Oscar winner Yulia Rutberg - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist Russia Yulia Chicherina - Russian pop-rock singer Yulia Savicheva - Russian pop singer Yulia Frants - a young theater and film actress who fell in love with the audience thanks to the new season of the sitcom “Univer. New dorm"
Yulia Kovalchuk - Russian singer, TV presenter Yulia Takshina - Russian theater and film actress, dancer Yulia Kuvarzina - Russian theater and film actress Yulia Mayboroda - Russian theater and film actress Yulia Parshuta - Russian singer, actress, former lead singer of the pop group "Yin-Yang" » Yulia Galkina - Russian theater and film actress Yulia Zimina - Russian film actress and TV presenter Yulia Vysotskaya - Russian theater and film actress, TV presenter
Yulia Baranovskaya - Russian TV presenter and writer

Yulia can be called an extraordinary person; she doesn’t want to be like everyone else, she knows how to make friends, and is prone to adventurism. He chooses a profession that will not interfere with building a family life. After all, the main meaning for Yulia lies in her husband and children. For their sake, the girl is ready to quit any job.

Origin of the name: An Eastern European name taken from Greek (translated as “wavy”, “fluffy”, “curly”) or Latin (“of the Julius”, “July”). The ancient form of the name is Julia.

Short form of the name: Yulyasya, Yulka, Yulechka, Yulenka, Yulia.

Foreign forms of the name: Julia (Italy), Julia (Tatarstan, with emphasis on the last syllable), Juliet (France), Nami or Hajoka (Japan)

Characteristics of the name Julia

Positive traits of the name: Many friends whom she always gladly receives. Possessing an artistic nature, Yulia does not like ordinary holidays, but always comes up with some kind of twist. The girl has a unique sense of humor, a sharp mind, resourcefulness, and observation. With Julia’s inherent resourcefulness, she always manages to “get away with it.” Yulia has a good athletic figure, she is quite beautiful, she always dresses fashionably, and is very feminine. This mystery of hers is felt by both women and men: the former envy her, and the latter fall madly in love. Julia herself is rarely happy about this, or her happiness is rather fleeting. The reserved Julia can be very sensual, especially if she meets a person she really likes.

Negative traits of the name: Since the name Julia comes from a man’s name, it is not advisable to give it to a girl. Having a complex character, she will do everything without listening to anyone, in her own way. The relationship with the mother may not work out. Julia grows up persistent and power-hungry. The main danger for Julia is unwanted acquaintances, which can lead her into a trap before she feels that something is wrong. Julia takes failures, dishonest actions, and betrayals very hard, but she restrains her emotions, which creates the appearance of her indifference and dispassion. More often he blames others for his problems, looking for an opportunity to justify himself. There is no sense of responsibility.

Choice of profession: Gifted in the field of choreography, can be successful in figure skating. It is necessary to try to introduce her to sports. In general, Yulia can become a successful programmer, lawyer, medical worker, art critic, actress, fashion model, artist, flight attendant. Possessing good commercial abilities and developed logical thinking, she can prove herself well in trade and banking.

The impact of a name on business: The stars promise that luck, financial success, happiness and a high position in any field await Julia. Only she should think about not being so wastefully generous with her family and friends. Yulia tends to “show off.”

The influence of a name on health: In childhood, diseases associated with the throat are common - laryngitis, pharyngitis, which can lead to their chronic form in adulthood. It is not advisable to remove Julia’s tonsils during childhood, since they are the ones that protect her from infection. Dental problems may arise early, but she tries to avoid dentists for fear of treating them.

Psychology: Being an artistic person, it is not clear when Julia is telling the truth and when she is playing. When communicating with her, you should remember her passion and rancor. If it seemed to you that she reacted calmly to any event, keep in mind that it actually left a deep imprint on her soul.

Name compatibility: Realizing her attractiveness, Julia loves to manipulate men. Difficulties in family life. She is not keen on household chores: despite the fact that she does all this very well, Yulia needs a mood suitable for homework, and not a daily routine. Even in adulthood, Yulia finds it difficult to settle down. Sex expresses Julia’s character, her fun and whims; it is a kind of continuation of communication, therefore it means a lot in her life. An alliance with Yulia is favorable for Gennady, Evgeny, Kim, Lavrenty, Martyan, Sazon, Titus, Julian. Relationships with Galaktion, Varlaam, Dasius, Innocent, Polycarp, Robert, Firs, Spiridon, Gremislav can be difficult.

Famous names bearers:

  • Julia Domna (wife of the Roman emperor)
  • Yulia Drunina (poet)
  • Yulia Tymoshenko (politician)
  • Yulia Savicheva (singer, actress)
  • Yulia Vysotskaya (TV presenter)
  • Yulia Efimova (swimmer)
  • Yulia Chicherina (singer)

The name Yulia is melodic, firm-sounding, short and light; it does not seem rustic or overly pretentious to anyone. And most importantly, it always sounds modern.

The origin of the name Julia is still a subject of debate among historians. Despite the fact that there is no reliable information about this, many believe that the origins of the name come from Yul Askania. True, some researchers claim that Yul and Ascanius are two different people (both from the same father, Aeneas, but different mothers). However, a more common version is that it was the same person who founded the city of Alba Longa - the ancestor of modern Rome.

Emperor Caesar, the most famous bearer of the name (in the male version), was most likely a descendant of Ascanius. Later, women from the ancient Roman Julius family began to be named after him.


The sound, as well as the meaning of the name Julia, is quite deceptive. Literally translated from Latin, it means “July”. In Greek, this name means “fluffy.”

However, the best characteristic of the name Julia lies in its patron stones. These are: amber (a source of happy energy and love attraction), lapis lazuli (the so-called success crystal), sapphire (a symbol of sincerity and purity of thoughts) and jade (a stone of power and unfading beauty, protecting against the evil eye).

The symbols show what the “July” woman represents: a beautiful, successful person with an authoritative leadership character.


Despite her bright personal qualities and varied talents, Julia does not strive for career heights. The best career for her is a happy marriage and motherhood. If she makes a dizzying career, then this is a reason to sympathize with her. However, with the same ease with which she achieved a high position, she will sacrifice it as soon as a worthy chosen one appears on the horizon.

Fate depends on character. A woman named Yulia does not have the easiest character: fighting, leadership and not femininely strong. Julia's character contributes to the creation of difficult relationships in society. However, the name gives its owner rare luck and the favor of Fortune.


It is important to remember when choosing a name for a girl: it has a meaning not in itself, but depending on the season of birth.

The kindest and most gentle Julia is the summer one. She is exceptionally feminine, compassionate and tolerant. But firmness and leadership qualities will not allow her to turn into a weakling even with those whom she loves infinitely. No matter what happens, she will not change her principles and will not allow herself to be pushed around.

It is difficult to find a brighter creative personality than Yulia, who was born in the spring. She is interesting, multifaceted and has many friends and fans. Of course, her man will be jealous: after all, her beloved is always surrounded by admirers, and it is not easy for him to break into this circle.

Yulia Zimnaya is a woman leader. She looks cold and preoccupied with something, which can initially cool the ardor of men. But deep down she is a romantic, and love is more important to her than anything in the world, although this is difficult to recognize at first glance.

Julia Autumn is an unread book, a mystery for men who will vainly strive to establish a trusting relationship with her. She is not very confident in herself, timid, although practical, so it is difficult for her to learn to trust. This weakness is compensated by numerous love affairs.

Name color

The color of the name Yulia is the brightest, richest and warmest color: yellow.

Name flower

It’s not hard to guess which flower Julia considers hers: a bright, fertile sunflower. It is the bearer of life-giving power and protects against damage and the evil eye. The sunflower contains the desire for happiness, prosperity and prosperity.

Church name of Julia

In the calendar it sounds like Julia. That is, when baptized, the name Yulia does not change.

This name has two patron saints. The first, the Christian Carthaginian Julia, who lived in one of the first centuries BC. Having fallen into slavery in Syria, she refused to accept paganism and paid for it with her life. The pagans tortured her and then crucified her on the cross. At the moment of death, an angel flew out of the martyr’s body, frightening and scattering the robbers.

The second saint, Julia of Corinth, who lived in the third century BC, during the reign of Diocletian, was one of the seven righteous women who refused to renounce Christianity and also accepted martyrdom.


To the envy of other signs of the Zodiac, Julia celebrates name days many times a year. Her days, according to the calendar, fall on two winter months (December 10 and 17, January 3, 9 and 15), three spring months (March 17, April 2, May 16 and 31) and three summer months (June 15, 5, 25 and July 29, as well as August 13 and 31). In the fall, her name day is celebrated on only one day: November 14th.

How the name is translated into different languages

In Finnish, Swedish, and German, Yulia is pronounced the same way as in Russian. The name sounds a little different when pronounced by the English and Italians: Julia. And in French, Julia sounds especially tender: Julie.

Full, short and affectionate names

Julia is a full name, but it also has other forms: for an informal setting, for loved ones, loved ones and relatives.

The diminutive form of the name is Julia. Affectionate forms - Yulenka, Yulchonok, Yulechka, Yulyasha.

And finally, somewhat rudely, in a courtyard way: Yulka. However, this is considered to be the case among Russians, but among Poles, on the contrary, it is a diminutive form of the name. A girl can be called “Mrs. Yulka” by someone who addresses her with a certain amount of tenderness.

Compatibility with other names

In personal relationships, Julia is perfectly compatible with Sergei, an alliance with whom gives her mutual understanding and respectful partnership. There is a strong spiritual connection with Alexander, leading both to improvement. In her relationship with Vladimir, the spiritual also prevails over the physical, which allows them to create a good family. The alliance with Alexey is interesting: both partners are in constant search, but not at all for new connections, but for the next discoveries in their non-standard, creative relationships, which are dear to both.

A strong marriage based on trust and mutual assistance is possible with Andrey. Energetic daily work side by side with Igor will lay the foundation for an ideal family. The tender feeling will grow stronger every year in alliance with Ivan, and Ilya will give her peace and comfort in a quiet family haven. One of the best alliances is predicted with Valery: this is the man for whom Julia will sacrifice everything, leaving herself only the roles of wife and mother.

With Dmitry in love, everything will not be easy: both lovers are freedom-loving, and also proud. Having flared up instantly, their feelings may cool down at the first difficulties. A passionate relationship with Eugene will also not give you peace and confidence in the future, although there is still a chance of preserving love. And difficulties are possible with Victor: if she does not moderate her ambitions, and Victor does not come to terms with her brightness, their union will collapse.

Life with Oleg resembles a constant struggle for primacy in the family - not the easiest option for coexistence. Artem is not a suitable spouse simply because both take serious things lightly. With the pragmatic Maxim it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve harmony in marriage, with Vitaly the fire of passion can quickly burn out, leaving only ashes, and relations with Nikita can even end in a volcanic eruption.

Declension of name

Julia bows in accordance with the laws of the Russian language:

  • I. p. (who?) – Julia.
  • R. p. (who?) – Julia.
  • D. p. (to whom?) - Julia.
  • V. p. (who?) - Julia.
  • etc. (by whom?) – Julia.
  • P. p. (about whom?) – about Julia.

Famous people named Julia

This name is given to actresses (Menshova, Peresild), directors (Krasnova), singers (Savicheva, Nachalova), TV presenters (Bordovskikh) and figure skaters (Lipnitskaya). This name adorns pop divas and socialites. However, it is very difficult to meet a learned lady or politician whose name is that.

Probably, Julia is born to shine. Her destiny is not routine work, and her clothes are not a business suit. Its purpose is to burn brightly in the sky, delighting some, inspiring others, and teasing others with its extraordinary beauty and inaccessibility.

The name Julia - bright, sonorous and intriguing - will always be fashionable and in demand. Primordial Orthodox, and at the same time European, when naming a girl, it does not raise doubts either among Slavophiles or Westerners. From century to century, this name has served as an adornment for successful, beautiful, creative women.

Useful video about the meaning of the name Julia


Despite meaning of the name Julia translated from Greek as “fluffy”, this girl is not as kind and sweet as she might seem at first glance. She may well show “thorns” if someone even slightly touches her vulnerable nature. The owner of this beautiful female name does not tolerate being “remade” to suit herself, and criticism addressed to her will often only turn out to be a reason for resentment.

For Yulenka, it is of great importance to be understood and accepted with all her shortcomings. This especially applies to mom and dad. Her cheerfulness will only delight when she is treated with respect and understanding.

The meaning of the name Julia for a child is such that only persuasion and logical explanations will work on her - why this is not possible. Raising your voice and using physical force will not achieve any positive educational effect.

For teenage Yulia, the interpretation of the name will not change its meaning either. Leadership, rebellion, the desire to stand out and self-confidence - these are the qualities that a girl will show during her school years, especially if methods of authoritarian pressure were used during her upbringing. All these rebellious traits are easily combined with good nature and deep intelligence.

The origin of the name Julia takes its roots from Ancient Rome, where the name of Yul was the name of the son of the founder of Alba Longa - Aeneas. In the country where this name originated, its etymology is attributed to the word Yulos, the meaning of which is fluffy, or curly.

The most memorable story of ancient times concerns Julia of Corsican, whose name is remembered by Christians for her unshakable faith. Sold into slavery by Eusebius, she refused to leave the ship off the coast of Corsica to make a pagan sacrifice.

Having drunk Eusebius, the governor of this area tried to force the woman to perform a pagan ritual, and upon hearing the refusal, he ordered her to be crucified.

Before the crucifixion, the woman was tortured for a long time, beaten, dragged by her hair, but she did not succumb. Now the secret of the name Julia has not lost its ancient meaning - this girl will never do anything that is contrary to her principles, even under pain of death.

Characteristics of the name Julia

At first glance, you might think that Julia is a stronghold of kindness and balance, but inside this girl is not so calm. A stream of passions rages in her soul, and energy and frantic activity are the main characteristics of the name Julia. If she knows how to direct her energy in the right direction, then a better friend, protector and psychologist rolled into one cannot be found.

Julia's character, like other people, has its pros and cons. The most important negative feature can be considered an almost complete lack of responsibility, and the ability to put one’s problems on the shoulders of others, blaming the circumstances, the weather, or anything but oneself.

By nature, she is a “lighter”, she likes to be like that, and her energy allows her to show herself as the ringleader and the soul of the company. But sociability and activity will never affect the girl’s somewhat aristocratic judgment. She will not stoop to ordinary drinking with strangers; it is beneath her dignity.

She needs those around her to correspond to her ideas about a cultural society; she is attracted to luxury, which means she can quickly and quietly squander money. Yulenka does not like conflicts, so she tries to stay away from aggressive people, and this may give the impression of timidity, but she herself does not attach much importance to such a mental trait.

In old age, swelling of the lower extremities and heart problems may occur.

After a turbulent teenage life, having matured, Yulia calms down. She loses much of her selfishness and gives more importance to the opinions of others. But still, the spark of rebellion remains in her, and in love relationships it manifests itself to the fullest.

She can remain without a partner for a very long time, although there will always be many caring men in her circle. Most likely, she will choose someone who can not only come to terms with her vital energy, but also feed it with his own. This means that Yulia’s partner is guaranteed an intense relationship, intense passion and all the ensuing consequences.

When starting a family, the girl will moderate her ardor a little and will try to look for a “golden mean” in the relationship. For her, comfort and tranquility at the family hearth are of great importance. This means that she will leave all the riots and outbursts of emotions outside the threshold of the family nest.

She will make an excellent, but not selfless, mother. She will never remain on maternity leave for long, and at the first opportunity she will run to her favorite job. Innate independence will be her faithful companion in her relationship with her husband; she will never depend on him.

Yulina’s energy demands to go out, and no force can force her to sit at home, so her husband will periodically perform the duties of a wife. She will not put pressure on him, but she will also not tolerate pushing herself.

Business and career

Even at school, studying was a burden for Yulia, which means she will choose a job that suits her – where she doesn’t have to sit still for a long time and do dreary, painstaking work. She is very active, and professions that require creativity and continuous activity are especially suitable for her.

The fact that a girl does not like to study does not mean that she is not capable of self-development. She just doesn’t want to mark time, and her favorite job, which will truly captivate her, will force Yulia to improve her skills and successfully climb the career ladder.

The meaning of the name, character and fate

Julia is secretive, fearful and indecisive. But he knows how to carefully control his fears. Because of this, others get the impression that Julia is a cold, dispassionate and arrogant person.

At a young age, he requires constant attention and care from his parents, and in adulthood, from his partner. At the same time, he is a very strong-willed person, although he tries not to demonstrate this side of his character unless absolutely necessary. If the need does arise, it is better not to stand in its way: to achieve her goal, Julia will, without hesitation, sweep away all obstacles.

In a stressful situation, he acts quickly and harshly. Fear comes to her post factum.

Has well-developed intuition. Add to this a lively and inquisitive mind, a good memory, the ability to listen and hear, and you will understand why Julia becomes excellent lawyers, psychologists, and teachers.

Julia is quite ambitious. If she chooses a career, it means she will become the best in her profession. If Julia tries on the role of wife and mother, she will be the best in this too.

As a rule, there are many books in Julia’s house, including books about art. Enjoys visiting museums, art galleries, theaters. Has a creative hobby: drawing, photography, embroidery, etc.

Very honest and responsible. Doesn't tolerate lies. Has a hard time dealing with betrayal (both from a partner and from friends).

She does not tolerate someone else’s point of view being imposed on her.

Touchy and vindictive.

With all this, her close friends adore her for her hospitable home, her willingness to lend a shoulder and help with sensible advice.

The most difficult words for Julia: “I need help.” Julia tries to solve all her problems on her own.

  1. Personality. The meaning of the name Julia is those who make up the wine of life.
  2. Character. 86%.
  3. Radiation. 88%.
  4. Vibration. 83,000 vibrations/s.
  5. Color. Red.
  6. Main features. Name analysis: sociability - receptivity - intuition - health.
  7. Totem plant. Vine.
  8. Totem animal. Deer.
  9. Sign. Scales.
  10. Type. Julias are secretive, somewhat timid and indecisive. Like their totem, the vine, they require care in order to bloom in time. A happy marriage or an interesting job is the goal of life for them.
  11. Psyche. They avoid conflicts with society and the world, they are a little wild. They have somewhat aristocratic manners and do not like popular entertainment, such as fairs.
  12. Will. Yulia does everything not to show the strength of her character. But there is a will, and at the right time it makes itself felt.
  13. Excitability. Very strong and combined with quick response. It is amazing that this excessive excitability is adjacent to an amazing external coldness.
  14. Speed ​​reaction. In order not to show that this situation frightens or worries them, Yulia restrains her emotions to such an extent that she seems completely impassive.
  15. Field of work. They don’t like to study, they do it only when necessary. Either they choose to live at home and then become unsurpassed housewives and ideal wives, or they combine household duties with the profession of a lawyer, psychiatrist, flight attendant, etc.
  16. Intuition. These women have the ability to foresee the most important stages of their lives.
  17. Intelligence. Yul has a lively mind, prone to generalizations, an excellent memory, but they are not too inquisitive.
  18. Susceptibility. If Julia and people like her become attached to someone, then it will be for a long time, and perhaps forever. They are very careful, often waiting for their fairy-tale prince for many years.
  19. Moral. These women have a sense of self-worth, they are true to their word and always fulfill their obligations. Yulia is equally friendly with both men and women and has a hard time dealing with betrayal or dishonest actions.
  20. Health. Impeccable. They never complain, are tireless and resilient. The only weak point in their body is the internal secretion organs.
  21. Sexuality. They are reserved, which does not exclude outbursts of sensuality, especially when they meet an ideal partner.
  22. Activity. It takes a lot of tact and at the same time perseverance to develop activity in these girls. Yulia considers imposing her point of view on someone reprehensible.
  23. Sociability. They overcome their difficult life problems on their own. Relatives should take care that they do not lose contact with society.

Inquiring minds are still trying to answer the question of how the sound vibrations of spoken words affect a person, incl. proper names.

Why do some sound combinations give us unpleasant associations, while others give us a feeling of happiness? Why do some people feel comfortable with their name, while others hate it with every fiber of their being?

Scientist and researcher Velichko F.K. suggested that every word we pronounce has its own rhythm and vibrations. If these waves do not coincide with a person’s internal vibrations, he feels discomfort and anxiety.

  • Stone - Amber.
  • Name days - May 31, July 29.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Leo, Libra.

Famous people

  • Yulia Lipnitskaya - Olympic champion in single figure skating in 2014.
  • Yulia Vysotskaya is a Russian actress, TV presenter (culinary programs).
  • Yulia Savicheva is a Russian singer, actress, participant in Eurovision 2004. Read more:

Name forms

  • Full name: Julia.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Yulyasha, Yulka, Yulenka, Yulyushka, Yuliko, Yulechka, Yulchenok.
  • Declension of the name – Yulia, Yulia.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Julia.


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