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Starting a car in winter is difficult for everyone who does not need it. preheating engine atelier. This device is designed to warm up the coolant, which in turn heats up the engine elements, which contributes to easy starting even at critically low temperatures. The operation of the RPM allows not only to facilitate the start of the internal combustion engine, but to increase its resource and, in general, to increase the comfort of operation in the winter period.


price, rub.

Briefly about the main

For cars with internal combustion engine capacity from 2.5. Can be started on a schedule using a timer.

For passenger cars, pickups and vans with a gasoline engine up to 2 liters.

Designed for a car engine with a volume of up to 4 liters with a liquid cooling system at low temperatures (up to - 45 ° C).

Works from the network. An electronic timer can be connected. For engines up to 4 liters. Power depending on the modification is 1-2 kW.

A set of equipment designed for maximum easy starting of a car at any subzero temperatures. For control - a Futura mini-timer.

Self-contained liquid unit 12 Volt, 5 kW for an engine with a volume of up to 4 liters with a liquid cooling system at temperatures down to -45 ° C.

The power is 5.2 kW, which is enough for connection both according to the classical scheme and according to the scheme of a standard cabin heater.

Component model, convenient in that it is smaller, more powerful and suitable for installation in very tight spaces.

Power 15 kW. Suitable for freight vehicles and buses.

Structurally, it is divided into two main units - a pump and a fuel pump. Can be placed anywhere.

Accelerates power from 7 to 30 kW. Consumes from 0.7-3.7 diesel per hour. Switches on / off from the remote control, temperature control is automatic.

You do not need to start the engine - you can turn it on right in the evening and maintain the temperature until you start driving.

It operates from a standard 220V network and heats up the engine to the temperature recommended by the manufacturer in about an hour.

The electronic control unit automatically turns on the flow heater after starting the engine diesel fuel if its temperature is below 5 ° C.

Varieties of engine preheaters

According to the principle of operation of PPD for gasoline and diesel engines are divided into two main groups:

  • autonomous;
  • electrical.


They use the fuel of the car itself as energy. They are more convenient, do not depend on external sources, but they are more expensive. If there is no standard heater, a ready-made installation kit is installed at the service station.


To operate this option, you must be connected to a 220 volt power grid. The principle of operation is the same as that of a conventional boiler, in which the coolant is heated. The circulation is carried out by gravity (the heated one goes up, and the cold one goes down).

Autonomous liquid heaters are installed under the hood of the car and operate on one of the types of fuel: gasoline, diesel fuel, gas.

Longfei with pump 3 kW

Heats up the coolant and makes it move in a small cycle, warming up the power unit even without it idle work without wasting fuel. Heating element is used for heating, circulation - centrifugal pumping equipment. These elements are located in the body of the device and operate from a household power supply with a voltage of 220 volts.

Longfei 3 kW

This model has a thermostat and a power control system. When the coolant reaches the upper temperature limit, the equipment shuts down. As soon as it cools down to the lower set limit, the heating and the pump are automatically turned on. As a result, the engine is always ready to start and start moving.

Longfei miniature heaters are designed with the market in mind. Their dimensions are only 8 × 7.7 × 11.8 cm. Heaters are securely fixed to the branch pipes with clamps, without requiring special fastening for this. They are fixed in a sequential method by cutting into the inlet tube of the cabin heater. The model warms up the engine evenly at high speed. The electronics are highly resistant to moisture and are reliable.

Longfei price from 2390 rubles.

Eberspächer HYDRONIC 3 B4E is installed on petrol engines. Power 4 kW. Voltage on-board network- 12V. Very easy to install and operate, the kit includes a disc with a description of the installation process and technical characteristics.

Infinitely adjustable heating power, enhanced protection against water and salt, faster heating of antifreeze, reduced current consumption, low level noise. According to the official website of the manufacturer, this is one of best options for a car.

The Binar-5S heater is designed to warm up a gasoline engine with a volume of up to four liters before starting. Used at temperatures as low as -45 ° C. It can operate in two modes: pre-heater and re-heater.


Heating capacity, kW

Supply voltage, V

Fuel consumption, l / h

Heat carrier

antifreeze, antifreeze

Electric power consumption of the pump, W

Cycle time, min

Weight, kg

Prestart heaters for passenger cars are presented in a large assortment, we will consider the most popular models of 2018.

Heater Webasto t400vl is designed specifically for Russian market... A distinctive feature is the ability to warm up not only the car engine, but also create a comfortable temperature in the cabin.

WEBASTO Thermo Top Evo Comfort +

The power of the Webasto unit is 5 kW, which is enough for normal operation at gasoline engines with a working volume of up to 4 liters. The delivery set does not provide for a standard control body.

Higher coolant temperature, early start-up of the ADP5 fan, faster heating thanks to the control of the liquid pump and better heat transfer "work" for maximum efficiency.

Severs is a budgetary volatile heater that operates on a standard electrical network. The set includes a thermostat that protects against engine overheating. Heating up to 60 ° C is carried out in 1-1.5 hours. At a temperature of 85 ° C, the system stops working. If the coolant temperature drops to 50 ° C, the heater starts up again. It is noteworthy that the heater is protected against moisture and electric shock.

The only drawback of Severs is that he needs an outlet, so such a device can only be used if there is an electrical outlet.

DEFA WarmUp 1350 wFutura - maximum preheating system for the engine, passenger compartment and charging battery car. The system is controlled via the Futura mini-timer.

The kit includes:

  • electric cabin heater with a capacity of 1.3 kW;
  • Charger battery MultiCharger 1203 12 V, 3 A;
  • salon mini-timer Futura;
  • set of power wires;
  • set of connecting cables.

The big advantage is that the device consists of module blocks and armored connecting cables. Optionally, they can be installed either as separate units or as a whole complex.

How to warm up the engine when the outlet is not nearby? Option one - burn your own fuel. This is how autonomous pre-heaters are arranged: these are small stoves that burn fuel taken from the tank and heat the built-in heat exchanger. It is easy to automate such a pre-heater - connect a timer, alarm control output to it.

Teplostar prestarting BINAR-5S (gasoline)

The pre-heater of the BINAR-5S engine is a domestic analogue of the well-known German Webasto, which favorably differs from it in terms of price and with a wider operating temperature range - up to -45 ° С. It is installed on passenger cars with a liquid cooling system running on gasoline.

Control of the BINAR-5S operation is carried out through an alarm, a remote control, or through an application via a GSM modem. This makes it possible, on command or on a schedule, to heat the antifreeze in the car to a temperature of 85 ° C with subsequent shutdown or reheating at low power.

A set of equipment designed to be connected to a cabin heater or as a separate unit for easier starting a car in winter.

Installed on all types of equipment, including commercial vehicles and trucks.

The kit includes:

  • Thermo Top Evo Comfort (12 volt, petrol) 9036778A,
  • mounting kit,
  • wire harness,
  • fuel pump,
  • circulation pump,
  • fuel pipe,
  • air intake pipe,
  • exhaust pipe,
  • muffler.

Users in the reviews draw attention to the fact that Thermo Top Evo Comfort, although it is intended only for heating the engine without a passenger compartment (for this there is a more expensive version of Top Evo Comfort +), the wires for the interior heater function are also included in the braid of wires.

The petrol version has a maximum heating output of 5 kW at the start of the engine warm-up cycle. During operation, the power of the engine heater is reduced to 1.5 kW, which leads to a decrease in fuel consumption and battery charge.

Diesel at subzero temperatures becomes thick, like jelly, as a result of which it becomes daunting to start the engine even at -10 ° C. Someone chooses a diesel of special winter brands, but it is not sold at all gas stations. Others opt for a diesel preheater. One does not interfere with the other, but in the aggregate will create generally ideal conditions for any frost.

TEPLOSTAR 14TS-10, 20TS, 15TSG are new models with a capacity of 12-20 kW, designed for buses and trucks that run on diesel or compressed natural gas. It is installed even on Kamaz.

Teplostar Diesel engine-heater 14ТС-10-12-С

Such heaters provide warming up of the car engine vehicle and interior during the cold season. The main advantages of vehicles (diesel), on which the installed heater "TEPLOSTAR":

  • guaranteed starting of the vehicle motor at low temperatures (down to -45 ° C);
  • when the engine is not running, it is possible to heat the passenger compartment.

Liquid Hydronic 35 is intended for installation in buses, freight transport, container structures, special equipment, ships. Heating power 35 kW, which contributes to the fastest and most efficient heating of the engine, car interior, cabins, cabins of trucks.

Hydronic is structurally divided into two main units - a pump and a fuel pump, which allows it to be installed in any chosen place, which significantly saves space. This design is optimal for installation in vehicles with a lack of free space under the hood.

APZh-30D - preheater for diesel engine. The heater requires a 24V power supply to operate.


Heating capacity, kW

Maximum power, kW

Voltage, V

Fuel consumption, l / h

Operating temperature, ° С

Unlike autonomous heaters, electric heaters work directly from a 220 V network (from sockets in parking lots, in parking lots).

The heating element heats up the coolant. Temperature distribution occurs when the heated liquid rises upward.

DEFA 411027

Very convenient design in the form of a tapered flange for pressing in. Allows you to heat the oil without fuel consumption and, accordingly, starting the engine. Reduces the load on the battery when starting, simplifies starting the motor at temperatures below -10 ° C.

In order to start the machine, it takes an average of half an hour of flange operation. If the temperature is critical, some drivers leave the device on overnight.

Designed for preheating of engines internal combustion vehicles and units with a liquid cooling system.


Other parameters:

  • die-cast aluminum body;
  • hermetic design of the electrical part, completely excluding the ingress of moisture and dust on live parts;
  • built-in thermostat works up to 95 ° С;
  • temperature of return (switching on) of the thermostat 60 ° С;
  • built-in thermal switch at 140 ° С;

The shape of the body and small dimensions make it possible to conveniently place the heater in the engine compartment.

The starting preheater of the engine from 220v has a minimum dimensions, low weight and the presence of a special bracket allow you to easily mount the heater in the engine compartment of the car as close as possible to the fine fuel filter.


He dresses on fuel filter and is secured with screw clamps. Before starting it must be turned on for 5 minutes and the diesel fuel in the filter will be warmed up.

VIDEO: Engine heating systems in winter. Which system is the best?

The engine preheater is a special device that allows you to warm up the power unit of a vehicle without starting it. After all, they very often arise in winter. Almost every car enthusiast had a situation when he came to the parking lot for his car, but he would not start. The reason for this is the low ambient temperature. In such a situation, such a heater will come to your aid.

Its functions:

  • preheating power unit;
  • facilitating the procedure for starting the engine in the cold season;
  • heating the air space c.

This device keeps the engine at a constant temperature even when the machine is not running. In some modifications, the function of heating the interior of the vehicle is built-in.

Having such a device in your car, you can easily start your car in the winter season. And also, you will not be afraid of the cold in the car, because you will quickly heat the air to the state you need.

Types of devices and their characteristics

There are currently four types of heaters. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • Liquid heater... Now, this device is the best of all offered on the market. With the help of it, you not only start your power unit without any problems, but also heat the interior of your vehicle. This heater is installed underneath and connected to the hot water heating circuit. The liquid device has the ability to connect a timer that will start working at a specified time. It has the ability to start through a radio signal or by means of a remote control remote control... This device works almost silently and is very economical.
  • Autonomous air heater... It is designed to heat huge volumes. Therefore, it is very often used in vans and buses. This device works quietly, heats the air quickly, and also consumes a small amount of fuel.
  • Electric heater engine (on-line heater). The principle of operation of this mechanism is that an appropriate heating device is installed in the cylinder block, operating from a 220 V electrical network.This device is suitable for those motorists who store their vehicles in garages, that is, where there is an electrical outlet. After all, it only works on electricity. If you leave your car in a parking lot, then an electric heater simply won't work for you. Look for alternatives.
  • Heat accumulator... This device works on the principle of accumulating hot cooling inside itself. He is able to keep the set temperature for an average of two days. During engine start-up, hot antifreeze passes through the cooling circle several times, thus heating the power unit in a short period of time.

Almost all prestarting mechanisms have similar operating principles. Such devices have combustion chambers made of stainless metal, where fuel enters with the help of a nozzle, and air through a fan. This is where the mixture is ignited. It is done from a glow plug or from a candle. Antifreeze heating occurs due to an increase in temperature during the combustion of the air-fuel mixture. A pump installed in the cooling system pumps liquid, and this heats the entire system. Then, the stove fan is connected, with the help of which the interior of the vehicle is heated.

Video - engine preheaters


The pre-heater is an indispensable item in the winter season. Indeed, when, it is very difficult to start the power unit of the car. Then this device will come to the rescue. With the help of it, you not only start the engine, but also be able to heat the air inside the car. On automotive market there are currently four types of heaters available for sale. The car enthusiast must choose for himself exactly the one that suits him in all operational characteristics and price.

The heating system for 220V engines is a device that allows heating fuel line or other elements of the power unit before starting. The use of third-party resources allows prestarting electric heating to provide savings in diesel or gasoline fuel during a cold start in the winter season.

Modern 220V engine heating systems include:

  • heating element with a capacity of 500-5000 W;
  • timer control unit;
  • battery recharging unit;
  • fan heater (for heating the passenger compartment).

Good to know

Some electric heaters are equipped with pumps that generate pressure in a small circuit of the cooling system, which allows for faster and more uniform heat transfer.

Principle of operation and possibilities

The principle of operation of car electric heaters is to preheat antifreeze to an operating temperature (60-70 degrees). As a result of heating consumable moves along the lines of the cooling system upward, simultaneously warming up the elements of the motor.

It's important to know

To provide high pressure due to the temperature difference of the heating system without a pump, its connection to the cooling system must be made to the lowest point of the cooling circuit.

Learn more about how the electric heating of an internal combustion engine with pump works:

  1. The mains cable of the heating system is connected to a household socket.
  2. When energy is applied to the heating element, it is activated and starts the pump.
  3. The refrigerant circulating through the lines of the system receives heat energy and heats up.
  4. When the temperature rises to the required level, the heating element is turned off using a relay. If the operating parameter drops again, the relay will activate the antifreeze heating system.

Additional features of heating systems, depending on the model and type of device:

  • recharging batteries;
  • warming up the passenger compartment, thanks to the injection of a warm air stream into the car;
  • remote control by timer or commands coming from the remote control, as well as from a mobile device.

Key characteristics of the electric heater

The main characteristics of the heating system:

  1. Power, measured in kW. The higher this indicator, the faster the warm-up will be. working fluid in winter. For example, systems with a power of 1.5 kW allow the refrigerant to warm up in about 3.5 minutes. If this parameter is increased to 2 kW, then the heating time will decrease to 3 minutes.
  2. Frequency, measured in hertz (Hz). This indicator determines the temperature value of the activation of the thermostat.
  3. The value of the circulated flow, measured in l / s. This parameter depends on the diameters of the inlet and outlet holes. In most modern heating systems, the lines are 1.2 cm in diameter.
  4. Equipment dimensions. Depending on the manufacturer and type of device, these indicators differ. On average, the length of the device is 15 cm, and the height and width are about 9 cm.

It's important to know

Each heating system has its own degree of protection, the most common brands and models are marked "IP 34". This indicates that the equipment is safe to use, and the possibility of a short circuit is completely excluded.

What affects power

Indicators that affect this characteristic:

  1. Limiting frequency of equipment. This indicator is usually 50 Hz, but there may be deviations up or down.
  2. The diametral dimension of the line, which determines the circulation rate of the heated consumable material.
  3. Location and correct installation. The device should be installed as firmly as possible and not be blown out.

Varieties of electric heaters

ModelsManufacturer countryPrice in rubles
OWL with pumpGermany6500-7500
"Homeless child"Russia1500-3500
"Start M1 / ​​M2"Russia1400-2800
"Siberia M"Russia1000-2000
"Xin Ji"China1500-2700


This type of heating systems for cars is designed to be built into the cylinder block (BC) of the power unit. As a result of the fact that the BC is heated, the power unit warms up evenly and in the center.

The power of the heating element itself is not very high - 400-750 V.

In terms of design, such devices are quite simple, since they are equipped only with a heating component and a connector that must be connected to the motor. There are no fasteners and additional elements in the heater.

Table: block heater models

CharacteristicOWL with pumpDEFACalix"Start-Mini""Homeless child"
Operated power1100 watt300-600 watts550 watt1-2 kilowatts500-630 watts
Heating capacity14 kilowatts1.5-5 kilowatts750 watt4 kilowatts1.8-5 kilowatts
Weight0.38 kg0.85-1.05 kg depending on the model0.35-1.20 kg0.785 kg0.27 kg
There isThere isDepends on the modelDepends on the modelNo
Launch modeAutoAutoDepends on the modelDepends on the modelManual
Kind and frequency of currentVariable, 50 hertzVariable, 50 hertzVariable, 50 hertzVariable, 50 hertzVariable, 50 hertz
Auto power offThere isThere isDepends on the modelThermal switchNo
Warm-up timeAbout 30 minutesfrom 20 minutes to 3 hours1.5-8 hours30-60 minutesAt least 1 hour

Advantages and disadvantages

Pros for reviews +++

The possibility of long-term operation associated with low power, due to which the refrigerant does not deteriorate.

Operational safety. The scope of delivery of modern heaters includes a heat-insulating material that will not allow the insulation to melt on nearby wires.

Ease of installation

Cons of reviews -

Long warm-up time. At an ambient temperature of 0 degrees, the system will be able to heat the consumable in only one hour of operation. If the air temperature drops to -10 degrees, then this figure will increase to two hours. Accordingly, if you choose a less powerful and budgetary version of the heating system, then the heating of the refrigerant will take even longer.

Mechanical heater timers may malfunction during cold seasons

Low heater power

Video: an overview of the Chinese preheater

A video has been published on the "Shipments from China for CergeyNchina" channel that details the characteristics and capabilities of the motor heating system ordered in China.

Branch pipes

Such devices are designed to be installed in the cut of thick hoses. Universal models of heating systems are equipped with robust housings, which eliminates the possibility of damage to the unit as a result of physical impact.

Table: models of branch pipe heaters

Characteristic"Lestar""Alliance""Start M1 / ​​M2""Siberia M"
Operated power5-8 kilowatts2 kilowatts1-2 kilowatts1-3 kilowatts
Heating capacity15 kilowattsNot specified4 kilowatts15 kilowatts
WeightNot specified0.9 kg0.785 kg0.9 kg
Anti-corrosion housingThere isIP34 enclosureDepends on the modelAnodized aluminum body
Launch modeManualManualDepends on the modelManual
Kind and frequency of currentVariable, 50 hertzVariable, 50 hertzVariable, 50 hertzVariable, 50 hertz
Auto power offAbsentAbsentThermal switchThermal switch
Warm-up timeAt least 1 hourAt least 1 hour30-60 minutes460-60 minutes

Advantages and disadvantages

Pros for reviews +++

Easy to install and connect

High-quality heat transfer, which allows you to effectively warm up the power unit

Ease of use

Relative cheapness and a wide range of devices from different manufacturers

Cons of reviews -

The heaters are always designed for the standard diameter of the hoses, therefore, during installation, you will have to additionally install an adapter.

Video: overview of the heating system "Start-M"


The design of remote heaters is more complicated and additionally includes:

  • branch pipes;
  • adapters;
  • thermostats;
  • fasteners and clips, etc.

The heating element is more powerful - average consumption for passenger cars from 1-2 kilowatts, 3 kW heaters are usually used for trucks.

Table: models of remote heaters

CharacteristicHotstartSevers-MStart-MAllianceXin Ji (Longfei)
Operated power5-25 kilowatts1-3 kilowatts1-2 kilowatts800 watt2 kilowatts
Heating capacity4 kilowattsNot specified4 kilowattsNot specified5 kilowatts
Weight0.77 kgNot specified0.78 kg0.46 kg0.98 kg
Anti-corrosion housingYesAnodized aluminum housingYesIP34 enclosureYes
Launch modeManual / automaticManualDepends on the modelManualDepends on the model
Kind and frequency of currentVariable, 50 hertzVariable, 50 hertzVariable, 50 hertzVariable, 50 hertzVariable, 50 hertz
Auto power offAt 50 degreesAbsentThermostatThermostattemperature sensor
Warm-up timeFrom 30 minutesUp to 1 hourUp to 1 hourFrom 30 minutes30-50 minutes

Advantages and disadvantages

Pros for reviews +++

Inexpensive installation

Large selection of models from various manufacturers at different prices

Ease of use

Cons of reviews -

Ensure free access to the plug. To eliminate this disadvantage, you can purchase an external bumper heater.

Systems of domestic and made in China less reliable and fail faster. Due to leakage violations, they can leak refrigerant, therefore, during installation, it is necessary to additionally use a sealant.

Poor quality and fragility of additional devices (the problem is more typical for Chinese systems). Therefore, before installation, it is recommended to purchase imported branch pipes, duralumin adapters instead of plastic ones; holders should be replaced with stronger and wider clamps.

Difficulty of self-installation

Video: an overview of the Chinese engine heater Longfei


External heating systems are heating plates that are placed on the body of the power unit, crankcase, cylinders, etc. car battery at 12 V.

The power level of such devices varies from manufacturer and averages from 100 to 1500 watts. The temperature that the plate can develop is from 90 to 180 degrees.

Good to know

The electrical components of the plates are not allowed to be used for heating batteries, as this can lead to boiling of the electrolyte and destruction of the internal cells of the battery.

Table: models of external heaters

Operated power0.8 kilowatts5-25 kilowatts
Heating capacityNot specified4 kilowatts
WeightNot specified0.77 kg
Anti-corrosion housingNoYes
Launch modeManualAuto
Kind and frequency of currentVariable, 50 hertzVariable, 50 hertz
Auto power offAt 90 degreesAt 50 degrees
Warm-up timeAbout 15 minutes20-40 minutes

Advantages and disadvantages

Pros for reviews +++

Safe use - the devices are reliably protected from exposure and ingress of moisture and small particles, the degree of protection corresponds to the IP65 standard

Ease of installation. To complete the task, you only need to glue the plate to the work surface.

Increased resistance to wear and tear

Long service life and reliability

Cons of reviews -

High cost of goods

Rapid deterioration of the battery if it is connected to it, and not to a 220-volt network. To eliminate this disadvantage, you need to install a more powerful battery.

Video: Keenovo heating plate test

How to install an electric heater

Installation of electrical heating systems from PR, Longfei or devices from other manufacturers consists of the following steps:

  1. Instrument preparation.
  2. The choice of connection scheme - serial or parallel.
  3. Installation and verification of the performed actions.

Safety rules that must be taken into account when installing a 220 volt engine heater:

  1. The unit must be connected to a three-wire single-phase network designed for 220V. It must have an earthing contact through a circuit breaker with a protection current of 10 or 16 Amperes for 1.5-2 kW and 3 kW, respectively.
  2. A residual current device must be installed with the circuit breaker. This unit is designed to protect a person from the effects of current in direct or indirect contact with a damaged cable. Also, a protective device will prevent burns when touching an uninsulated part of electrical equipment.
  3. Activation of the electric heater after installation on a car with a running engine is not allowed. Also, you cannot turn it on if there is no antifreeze in the cooling system.

What do you need?

More details about what you need to prepare for the installation of a 220V engine heating:

  • a set of screwdrivers of different lengths - with Phillips and flat tips;
  • set of wrenches;
  • rags;
  • container for draining the spent liquid;
  • stationery knife;
  • additional branch pipes or adapters, if a complete set of the heating device is required.

Table: electrical heater installation diagrams

Parallel installation
This method involves mounting the part opposite the stove radiator device. The heating device is connected to the motor and thermostat or with these elements, as well as the heater of the stove.
Sequential installation

The heating device cuts between the power unit and the radiator of the interior heating system. This option is more preferable for cars with a parallel arrangement of terminals, since the equipment is installed in one pipeline through which the refrigerant enters the heater. It is important that antifreeze always has access to the stove.

Algorithm for sequential installation

Algorithm of actions when performing installation:

  1. At the first stage, it is necessary to find the pipe leading from the power unit to the interior heater. To do this, you need to start the engine, as a result of which the line will warm up well and quickly. The pipe itself can be felt by hand.
  2. Then it is necessary to drain the coolant from the engine (about two liters should come out).
  3. It is necessary to find a point to fix the heating equipment on the vehicle body or its motor. Mounting can be done with a bracket.
  4. With the help of a clerical knife, the required line is cut and the part is installed. The part coming from the power unit is fixed on the water intake, and the section used for the radiator device of the stove is fixed to the water outlet.
  5. On next step all connections are fixed with clamps. It is also necessary to secure the heating equipment, but it is necessary to act as carefully as possible to prevent possible leakage of liquid.
  6. Then through expansion tank refrigerant is being added. At this point, make sure there is no leakage.
  7. Route the wire from the heating equipment along the body so that the plug protrudes outward. The wire should be secured so that it does not dangle.

Parallel installation step-by-step

When installing the heating system in parallel, the procedure is as follows:

  1. The refrigerant is being removed from the system.
  2. There is a drain device on the cylinder block of the power unit; it must be dismantled. Instead, a fitting is installed.
  3. A clerical knife is used to cut the branch pipe connecting the engine of the power unit and the radiator device of the heater. A tee adapter is being installed.
  4. The location where the heating device will be installed is selected.
  5. Using previously prepared lines, the water inlet is fixed with a fitting, and the weir must be connected to a tee.
  6. The next step is to attach the pipes and hoses using clamps.
  7. The heating equipment is additionally fixed in place.
  8. The expansion tank is filled with refrigerant (it is recommended to use drained coolant).
  9. The 220-volt cable is secured in place using retaining straps so that it does not come into contact with moving motor components. It should also be placed away from heated parts and surfaces adjacent to the engine.
  10. It is advisable during installation to bring the socket or plug of the heating device to the front grille of the car. This element must be closed with a plug, which will prevent moisture and dirt from getting inside. A cable with a suitable ferrule must be purchased in advance.
  11. The power unit starts up, after which it must be allowed to run for a few minutes. During its operation, it is necessary to check the quality of the connection of all elements and pipes for leaks. If the antifreeze has dropped and the level is below normal, it must be replenished.
  12. Then the heating equipment is activated. At this stage, you need to make sure if there is a noise of moving antifreeze. The outlet arm of the system should warm up in about 2-3 minutes.

Consequences of incorrect installation

Consequences that may appear as a result of improper installation:

  1. The installed system will warm up the interior very slowly or will not be able to heat it at all. If the boiler is embedded in a large cooling circle, then it will heat all the coolant, respectively, the thermostat will be useless.
  2. At the final stage of installation, it is necessary to properly fix the electrical network cable. If this is not done, it can quickly wear out and rub off, which will lead to a disruption in the signal supply to the heating equipment. In addition, a short circuit may occur when the device is connected.

Video: installing the engine heating system

on the channel "Do-it-yourself car service" a video was published, which describes in detail the procedure for self-installation of the Longfei heating pump device on a car.

The most inexpensive type of engine preheater is electric, built into the cylinder block, or located next to it. In fact, this is a modified electric boiler. Only its main task is not to bring the liquid to a boil, but to heat it up to such a state that the engine can start quickly in the cold season.

With the first view, everything is clear: the power of the devices is only 400-750 W. Their purpose is to maintain a certain temperature regime directly in the cylinder block. In addition to a heating element and a wire leading to a 220-volt outlet, there are no additional sensors, nozzles and other devices here.

Video - self-installation of an electric engine pre-heater for 220 volts:

A "boiler" with a wire is not enough for you? Then it will not be superfluous to buy an ordinary timer, if accuracy up to every second is so fundamentally important to you.

The most famous Russian heaters of this type are "Homeless" (from 1,200 rubles), "Start-mini" (from 950 rubles). The mentioned devices are mainly intended for, but are there any obstacles for domestic craftsmen?

For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that our motorists still consider the car primarily a luxury, on which too much money has been spent. People are somehow not ready to "pamper" their iron horses expensive heaters, and therefore the popularity of models, the cost of which does not exceed 2,000 rubles, is growing. The same cohort includes models with the names "Lestar", "Start M1", "Start M2", "Siberia-M", "Alliance".

Recently, units of this type have begun to improve, they are supplied not only with timers, but also with an emergency switch, which, in case of overheating, stops the supply of electricity. The disadvantage of such structures is that it has become more difficult to install them in the space near the engine.

Another point that makes the use of such devices not too pleasant is the need to open the hood lid each time in order to stretch the wire from the device to the outlet. True, now the connector has already begun to be displayed under the bumper, which greatly facilitated operation.

Video - 12 volt engine preheater (24V, 220V) in the form of flexible heating plates:

More "advanced" pre-heaters are autonomous, adapted to power supply from the car's mains and designed for a voltage of 12 volts. Along with a lot of advantages, such devices also have very significant disadvantages:

  • the presence of internal fixtures that are subject to wear and tear and require replacement;
  • the formation of deposits in the pipes and combustion chambers due to insufficient cleaning of the fuel;
  • installation requiring certain skills;
  • great value.

This is just the last point - the main reason why the purchase of pre-starting autonomous heaters is constantly postponed until later. After all, not everyone can easily shell out an average of 30,000 to 90,000 rubles per device, even if its usefulness is beyond doubt.

Those who installed on their car leave the most different, but among them there are quite a few positive ones.

Video - engine preheater from 220 Volt Severs + on Mitsubishi car L200:

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