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Freight stations are called stations, the main purpose of which is the mass loading and unloading of wagons. At such stations, both local goods are processed, sent from a given point or arrived at it, and transit, transferred from the railway to other types of transport. In addition to the basic operations of loading and unloading wagons, technical and commercial operations are carried out at freight stations. The technical work consists in receiving, disbanding arriving and forming the dispatched trains, delivering and removing wagons from freight points, maintaining trains and repairing wagons, preparing wagons for loading. Commercial operations consist of receiving and issuing goods, their temporary storage, drawing up documents on the receipt of goods and reliable calculations, in the preparation of shipping documents that follow along with the goods.

To carry out the listed operations at freight stations there are: appropriate track development in the form of parks - receiving, sorting and dispatching (or sorting and dispatching), exhaust tracks and hills, freight tracks, etc.; closed warehouses, covered and open areas, container platforms, wagon scales, devices for mechanization of loading and unloading operations, ice stations for supplying ice wagons and other cargo devices, technical and commodity offices and technical premises. All cargo devices at the stations are combined and form large cargo yards. Freight stations are usually adjoined by a number of access roads of industrial enterprises, which carry out a significant amount of freight work.

Freight stations are subdivided into public and non-public stations. Freight stations that serve the population and businesses that do not have access roads are called public stations. At the same time, they serve enterprises with access roads. Freight stations serving only the access roads of industrial enterprises are non-public stations.

At the stations of general use, as a rule, all types of cargo are processed (accepted for loading and unloading). But there are cargo stations specialized in the types of cargo (oil loading, coal loading, timber loading, elevator, container, etc.). there are also port stations serving large ports and transshipment stations designed for transshipment of goods from broad-gauge railroad cars to narrow-gauge railroad cars and vice versa.

Freight stations are dead-end and through. Station parks for receiving, sorting and dispatching (or sorting and dispatching) are located sequentially or in parallel. Freight yards are also arranged in series and parallel to the parks. The work of freight stations is organized in accordance with the "Typical technical work process freight station". The train arriving at the station is taken to the reception park, where the train is written off, it Maintenance and commercial inspection, acceptance of documents from the locomotive crew, check and mark up the full-scale sheet, indicating the points of delivery of the wagons. If the train is on the driveway, then transfer operations are performed. Then, at the direction of the station duty officer, and at large stations, the shunting dispatcher, the compiler disbands the train and at the same time selects the wagons into groups along the loading and unloading fronts.

All operations are planned and organized in such a way that the wagons are at the freight station for as little time as possible.

At many stations, all loading and unloading operations are carried out by the mechanisms and means of the railway itself. It is not the consignees and consignors themselves who import and export goods, but, as a rule, a road-forwarding organization serving cargo owners who do not have railway sidings. The bulk of the cargo is removed from the station in a centralized manner; some goods are unloaded not to the warehouse, but directly from the car to the car, or, as they say, according to the direct option. Frequently, wagons are also loaded directly from cars.

Large access roads are serviced in accordance with the unified technological process of the station and the given access road, which provides for the mutual coordination of operations with wagons and cargo.

Technical specifications stations

Dzhetygara station - cargo, 2nd class, located on the non-electrified section Tobol - Dzhetygara equipped with track, single-track, relay, semi-automatic blocking.

Table 1

Station track development:

P / p No. Path name Useful length in meters Arrow numbers limiting the path Capacity in conventional wagons
The main one for receiving odd and departing even, passenger and freight trains. 35,32 73/40
To receive odd and send even, freight and passenger trains, including long-piece. 35,32 73/40
For reception of odd, departure of even freight trains, for reception - departure of trains from JSC "Kostanay Minerals" 33,20 33,24 27,26 27,26
Sorting for receiving transmissions from JSC "Kostanay Minerals" 39,36 39,36 41,38 41,38
Way of VET 28, stop
Outfit 101,102
Undercarriage 3,103
For sludge snow removal equipment 5, stop
Pivot triangle path 103, emphasis
103, emphasis

At the station, electrical centralization of points and signals:

In the even neck p. - 17

Odd neck p. - 18

Signals included in the centralization - 48

Arrows - №44, №40, №43, №45, №121, №101, №102, №103, №104, №105 decentralized translates the trainer, the care and maintenance is entrusted to the employees of PCh - 34.

The station is equipped with train, park loudspeaker and shunting radio communication. ...

For production shunting work- there is a TEM2 locomotive equipped with radio communication with a chipboard and a composing team. In addition to shunting work at the Dzhetygara station, TEM2 also serves the Denisovka station.

The station carries out the reception and departure of trains, the supply and cleaning of cars to the cargo fronts, the embarkation and disembarkation of passengers, the disbandment of export trains from the Tobol station and the formation of gears from the cars for loading by Kostanay Minerals JSC and others.

To illuminate the station installed:

RCU - 400 - 11 pcs.

DKST - 20,000 - 5 pcs.

The station has:

PD - 12 related to the Tobolsk distance of the track, serving the section of the track.

KPTO - related to the Kostanay operational carriage depot (VCHDE - 19), performs technical inspection of trains and cars.

NUP - related to ШЧ - 26, which serves signaling devices on the Tobol - Dzhetygara section.

2 Calculation of the mass and length of the composition freight train

2.1 Determination of the mass of a freight train

The calculation of the mass of a freight train is carried out according to the formula:

Tons. (2.1)

where: - design traction force of the locomotive at design speed;

R l - the estimated mass of the locomotive

The main specific resistance to the movement of the locomotive at the design speed in kgf / tf, determined by the formula:

1.9 + 0.01 + 0.0003, kgf / tf (2.2)

Calculation by formula (2.2):

1.9 +0.01 23.4 + 0.0003 (23.4) 2 = 2.298 kgf / tf

The main specific weighted average resistance to the movement of the train at the design speed, which is determined by the formula:

Kgf / tf (2.3)

where is the quantitative ratio of a 4-axle car in the train, respectively, on sliding and rolling bearings (0.8; 0.2);

The share of four- and eight-axle cars in the train, which is calculated by the expressions:.


where: - quantitative ratios, respectively, of 4.8-axle cars in the train, (0.83; 0.17)

To determine the main resistivity to the movement of the train, we calculate the following formulas:

For loaded 4-axle wagons on roller bearings.

, kgf / t (2.5)

For loaded 8-axle wagons

, kgf / t (2.6)

where q 0- loading from the axle of the car to the rails, in t / axle

Calculation by the formula (2.7, 2.8)

vehicle / axle

vehicle / axle

Calculation by the formula (2.5, 2.6)

Substituting the obtained values ​​into formula (2.3), we obtain the weighted average specific main resistance to the movement of the train

To obtain the mass of the composition, the values ​​and are substituted into the original formula (2.1)

2.2 Determination of the number of wagons in a loaded train

To determine the length of the train, it is necessary to calculate the number of cars in the train, which is determined by the formula:

, wagons (2.9)

We set the actual mass of the composition:

2.3 Determining the length of a loaded train

The length of a loaded wagon train is determined by the formula:

, m (2.10)

where is the length of the locomotive in m, for a diesel locomotive 2Т10М, = 34 m.

Train length in m;

9 - a margin of length for inaccuracy in the installation of the train.

2.4 Determination of the effective length of the station receiving-departure tracks

According to the received length of the train, the length of the receiving-departure tracks of the station is established (checked) according to the condition. The value, depending on the length of the train, is taken as typical: 850, 1050, 1250 m.

According to the calculation, the length of the loaded train was m. Therefore, the standard length of the station tracks was taken m.

2.5 Determination of the mass of the train along the length of the station tracks

The train mass corresponding to the full use of the useful length of the station tracks is determined by the formula:

where is the linear loading of cars on the track, tf / m is determined

Tf / cm (2.13)

tf / m

= [1050 - (34 + 10)] 5.15 = 5129.4 tf

This is the largest train mass along the length of the station tracks, which can be used to form heavy trains. ...

2.6 Determination of the number of cars in an empty train

The number of cars in an empty train is determined from the conditions of the full capacity of the station's receiving-departure tracks according to the formula:

, wag (2.14)

where is the average length of one physical car, determined by the formula:

, m (2.15)



2.7 Checking the mass of the train for starting off

Checking the mass of the train for starting at stopping points according to the formula:

-, t (2.16)

where: is the steepness of the greatest slope at stopping points of a given

section ‰, = 0 ‰;

Locomotive traction when starting off;

The specific resistance of the composition when starting off, determined by the formula:

For wagons on rolling bearings

Kgf / tf (2.17)

Calculation according to the formula (2.17):

kgf / tf

kgf / tf

Kgf / tf (2.18)

where is the quantitative ratio of cars on sliding and rolling bearings, respectively.

Calculation according to the formula (2.18):

Substituting the resulting value, we get


The resulting mass of the train meets the condition>, therefore, the train can stop at all separate points of the section.

3 Train handling technology

3.1 Processing of trains upon arrival at the station

Dzhetygara station - handles block trains, export trains, transfer trains from access tracks and trains from carriages of its formation. Using accurate information, the station attendant determines the amount of work in advance, prepares the shunting locomotive. Before the arrival of the train, the station attendant on the loudspeaker notifies the employees of the control and technical service of the carriages (PKTO), the station and the combine, the employees of the technical office about the approach of the train, indicating the train number, the time and the route of receiving the train. Having received a notification about the approach of the train, the inspectors - repairmen go out on the way of receiving the train in advance to meet the train “outright”. Meeting the train "on the spot" is carried out to troubleshoot undercarriage and brakes while driving. After uncoupling the train locomotive and fencing the train, the inspectors - repairmen proceed to the maintenance of the cars. In the process of technical inspection, inspectors - repairmen check the condition of all parts of the cars, identify faults and make the necessary repairs themselves, mainly on the bodies. On the cars to be repaired with uncoupling from the train, the inspector applies the markings established by the technological process, informs about the uncoupling by phone of the chipboard and writes out a notification of the VU-23 form in two copies, one is handed over to the station attendant, and makes a corresponding entry in the book for presenting cars for technical inspection VU - 14. When performing double operations, in order to avoid unnecessary shunting work, the suitability of the car for loading after unloading is established before the car is submitted for loading. In these cases, the wagon inspector inspects the running gear, axle box, frame, brakes, automatic coupler and external inspection of the body and roof, and internal inspection the car body and the final determination of the suitability of the car for loading - the receiver who loaded the cargo into this car. The technical inspection of wagons intended for loading light-combustible and especially valuable cargo is carried out only in an empty state. At the end of processing, the arriving train is disbanded. The wagons assigned to the plant are put aside on one of the receiving and delivery tracks for accumulation for transfer to the plant. Cars that require uncoupling repair are taken to a specialized track for repairs. Processing of empty routes for loading asbestos waste (ring) upon arrival is carried out simultaneously with acceptance operations on the access road to the plant. The procedure and norms of time for individual operations of processing trains upon arrival are shown in schedules No. 1, No. 2. Disbandment is carried out by upsetting. The disconnection of the automatic brake hoses and their suspension is carried out by the compiling team. ...

3.2 Technological processing of a passenger (suburban) train

At the station, passengers are embarked and disembarked on the suburban train Kostanay - Dzhetygara. To serve passengers, the station has a passenger building and a luggage storage room.

The ticket office is open daily. Ticket sales are preliminary and daily. The passenger train is received and departed from special tracks, according to the TPA station.

Before the arrival of the suburban train, the DSP notifies the inspectors of the station wagons in advance about the route of its reception. The DSP route prepares for the second track of the station, if the need arises, then according to the TPA station for 1 track. Upon arrival, the train is secured by a signalman, then the locomotive is overtaken under the train. The number of cars and their numbers are recorded in the VU-14 book.

Chart 3.1

Processing of a train arriving at disbandment

Operations Before arrival Time in minutes Executor
Chipboard Chipboard Inspector of wagons, operator, pick-ups, signalist. Signalist Pom. diesel locomotive driver Technical office operator Receiving agent Technical office operator Car inspectors Operator of technical office

Total duration - 40 minutes

Chart 3.2

Processing of an empty route that arrived to be fed to the access road of Kostanay Minerals JSC for loading asbestos waste.

Operations Before arrival Time in minutes Executor
1. Coordination of the way of receiving the train. 2. Notice to employees of technical offices, PKTO, about the time and route of the train arrival. 3. Entering the track of receiving workers involved in the processing of the train upon arrival. 4. Securing the composition with brake shoes. 5. Uncoupling the train locomotive from the train. 6. Obtaining documents and delivering them to the technical office. 7. Maintenance and troubleshooting. 8. Commercial inspection of the composition. 9. Checking the composition according to the list of the arriving train. 10. Acceptance and acceptance operations 11. Hitching the plant's locomotive, test brakes.

5 Chipboard Chipboard Inspector of wagons, operator, pick-ups, signalist Signalist Pom. diesel locomotive driver Operator of a technical office Inspectors of wagons Receiver Operator of a technical office Receivers of a station and a combine Assistant of a driver, inspector of cars.

Chart 3.3

Processing a train of its own formation from local wagons on departure from st. Dzhetygara

Operations Before arrival Time in minutes Executor
1. Coordination of the train departure route. 2. Rearrangement of the train to the route of departure. 3. Control check of the composition from nature. 4. Registration of a full-scale sheet, a selection of documents. 5. Technical inspection of the train and maintenance of cars. 6. Converting documents and handing over to the train driver. 7. Hitching a train locomotive. 8. Cleaning torm. shoes 9. Test of brakes and departure.

Total duration - 50 minutes

Chart 3.4

Processing routes formed on the access road of st. Dzhetygara

Operations Before arrival Time in minutes Executor
1. Coordination of the way of receiving the train. 2. Notice to employees of technical offices, PKTO, about the time and route of the train arrival. 3. Entering the track of receiving workers involved in the processing of the train. 4. Securing the composition with brake shoes. 5. Uncoupling the plant's locomotive from the train. 6. Checking the composition according to the full-scale sheet, writing off the composition and drawing up the full-scale sheet. 7. Delivery of documents to the technical office. 8. Maintenance of the carriages of the arriving train. 5 2 Chipboard Chipboard Inspector of wagons, operator, pick-ups, signalist Signalist Lock. brigade Technical office operator Technical office operator Car inspectors

Total duration - 30 minutes

4 Information about the arrival of trains. Operational planning and plant management

4.1 The structure of the plant's operational management with an indication of official rights and responsibilities

Figure 4.1 Scheme of the operational management of Dzhetygara station

The freight station is a linear enterprise of the railway for organizing the transportation of goods and is directly subordinate to the transportation department. All activities of the station Dzhetygara are supervised by the head of the station and, according to the established distribution of duties, the deputy head of the station (Deputy DS). ...

The development and implementation of the technological process of the Dzhetygara station, advanced labor methods, the implementation of measures for the rational use of technical means, ensuring the safety of train traffic and safety measures, as well as the analysis of the station operation is carried out by the Deputy Head of the station. The operational management of the station, control over the implementation of daily and shift plans, the organization of cargo and commercial work, the processing of trains, wagons for the technological process is entrusted to the Deputy. DS and shift leaders on duty at the station. The order of the station duty officer to ensure the timely and safe reception and departure of trains, the performance of shunting and cargo operations, as well as the rational use of technical means, are mandatory for employees of all services related to the preparation, reception, departure of trains, cargo and commercial work. To ensure consistency in the work on the implementation of the shift plan, the mutual interest of all workers in increasing labor productivity, uniform shifts are organized at the station, the head of which is the station duty officer. The shifts include service workers involved in the handling of trains and wagons, traffic, freight, signaling and communications, locomotive and carriage facilities.

The station attendant in the process of work provides:

· Drawing up, together with the train dispatcher, a train departure plan;

· Fulfillment of the shift plan for receiving, sending;

· Fulfillment of technological standards for processing trains and wagons, reducing the total time spent by wagons at the station;

· Timely processing of cargo points for delivery, cleaning of local wagons, performance of cargo operations;

· Continuous monitoring of the station employees' compliance with traffic safety requirements, safety measures during shunting operations;

· Application of advanced labor methods;

· Effective use of technical means of the station, track development, shunting locomotive, signaling and communication facilities.

By the end of the shift, the station attendant must create conditions for normal work for the incoming shift, including: ensure the availability of free tracks for unhindered reception of trains, prepare marshalling tracks for disbanding the next trains, in accordance with the operational plan and schedule of movement, prepare groups of cars for departure and for delivery to the cargo fronts at the beginning of the shift.

4.2 Operational planning of the station. Types of operational plans, the frequency of their preparation

Operational planning of the station's work is carried out in order to fulfill the task of receiving, disbanding and forming, sending trains and wagons, including empty wagons for adjusting, loading and unloading, as well as fulfilling the traffic schedule and, in general, the formation of trains and wagons and basic, high-quality performance indicators.

The daily work plan of the station is developed by the transportation department and transmitted to the station 3 hours before the start of the planned day. It contains the following data: the total number of trains to be received at the station of dismantling trains, the total number of trains that must be sent from the station on the eve of directions, indicating the number of trains of its formation, the task of sending empty wagons to regulation, indicating the direction of travel and the type of rolling composition, size of loading, unloading, the number of empty wagons that must arrive for loading. The daily plan identifies the amount of work that must be performed by the station in the first half of the day. The head of the station, on the basis of the daily plan - the task of the transportation department, draws up a plan of cargo work for each shipper for the main types of cargo and the consignee for unloading wagons. The main initial data for drawing up a daily plan of cargo work are: monthly loading plan, shipper's applications for loading, data on the availability and upcoming arrival of empty wagons for loading and on the number of wagons vacated after unloading, technological time standards for loading and unloading operations, filing and cleaning of wagons, special tasks of the transportation department. The daily plan is specified and adjusted at the beginning of the second half of the day, depending on the current operational situation, the results of the work for the first half of the day are transferred to the transportation department.

Changeable plan. The purpose of shift planning is to develop tasks for the team of each shift at the station, taking into account the implementation of the daily work plan and the current situation with train and cargo work at the station and on the approaches to it. The shift task of the transportation department for the station sets the same indicators of operational and cargo work as the daily plan, as well as other tasks arising from the requirements of the operational situation based on information about the approach of trains and locomotives. The work plan of the shift taking over duty in the second half of the day is drawn up taking into account the results of the first shift and ensuring the implementation of the daily work plan received from the transportation department. In total, the implementation of the shift plan of the assignment is considered after the end of the duty by the station master and is taken into account when summing up the results between shifts. Based on the results of the analysis, an assessment of the work of the shift is given, and the necessary measures are outlined to eliminate the identified deficiencies.

Departure of trains from the station is planned 2 hours before the start of the planned period. The developed plan is communicated to all involved workers of the station, points of maintenance of cars associated with the reception, formation of trains, preparation for their departure from the station.

5 Organization of local work

5.1 Organization of work with local wagons

Operational management of shunting work for servicing cargo points and monitoring the fulfillment of the loading and unloading plan is carried out by the station duty officer. The station duty officer supervises local work on the basis of:

Work plan of the station for the shift;

Planning work on the supply and cleaning of wagons from cargo points for 4-6 hour periods;

Number registration of the presence, location and condition (under loading, unloading and other operations) of wagons on station and loading and unloading tracks;

The technological process of the station and the contracts of the transportation department with the branch owners of the access roads.

For the timely servicing of freight points, the station attendant plans shunting work on the supply, placement and cleaning of wagons, taking into account the availability of local cargo, combining operations for the supply and cleaning of wagons and minimal downtime of wagons from arrival to delivery and from the end of freight operations to cleaning. When entering on duty, the station attendant is familiarized with the shift work plan, the presence of local cars on the station tracks, cargo points and access roads, the progress of loading and unloading operations, the state of the loading and unloading fronts, as well as information data on the approach of local cars. In the process of duty, the station attendant, based on information about the approach of trains with local cars, number registration of the presence of local cars on the station tracks, loading and unloading and access tracks, draws up (taking into account the local plan assignment) a work plan for the supply and cleaning of cars for 4 -6 hour period. Issues a task for the next 1-2 hours to a train compiler for shunting work on the selection, supply, rearrangement and removal of wagons from cargo points, a cargo receiving and receiving unit for preparation for cleaning and freeing of fronts for a new supply. The train compiler, guided by the task of the station duty officer and received from him from the technical office with a marked sheet of accumulation of local wagons, selects local wagons by points of delivery in such a way as to ensure the least expenditure of time and maneuvering funds for the supply, placement and cleaning of wagons from freight points. In the process of performing cargo operations, the station's receiver periodically informs the station duty officer about the progress of cargo operations and the estimated time of their completion, and upon completion of loading or unloading, they inform him about the loaded wagons indicating the number of wagons, the type of cargo and the destination station, such information is transmitted by the receiver on duty. at the station at the end of each cargo operation. At the end of unloading, the receiving and receiving unit, after making sure that there are no residues of cargo and the presence of a loading / unloading gauge, notifies the station attendant about the end of cargo operations and the readiness of the wagons for cleaning.

The station officer on duty, having received a notification from the receiver about the end of cargo operations, instructs the trainer to remove the wagons from the cargo points and informs the receiver about the time of arrival of the shunting locomotive. The train compiler, at the direction of the station attendant, cleans the wagons from the freight points and arranges the supplied wagons. At the end of the service of the cargo point, the compiler reports to the station duty officer on the work performed. When cleaning wagons from access tracks, pays attention to the safety of the wagon fleet, cleaning wagons and cleaning of requisites, the presence of dimensions

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1.1 Organization of work of a freight railway station

1.1.1 Operational direction and control of the operation of a railway freight station

The station manager is in charge of the work of the station, who bears full responsibility for the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to him by the “Regulations on the railway station”.

The management of the operational work of the station, control over the implementation of daily and shift plans, the organization of the processing of trains and wagons by the technological process are carried out by the head of the station and his deputy for operational work.

Ensuring the fulfillment of cargo and commercial work is entrusted to the head of the cargo area.

The development and implementation of the technological process of the station operation, advanced labor methods, the implementation of measures for the rational use of technical means, devices, ensuring the safety of train traffic and safety measures, the organization of technical training for station workers is carried out by the chief engineer of the station.

The shunting dispatcher (DSC) carries out operational planning and management of the station's work, ensures the implementation of shift plans, monitors the implementation of technological standards for the processing of trains and wagons. In his operational subordination are: the drivers of shunting locomotives, workers of the PTO, agents of the SFTO (corporate transport service system), shift workers according to the staffing table. The station attendant - manager (DSP manager) directly supervises the organized reception and departure of trains.

The senior agent of the SFTO monitors the fulfillment of the plan for loading and unloading cargo, the preparation of shipping documents, settlements with shippers and consignees, maintaining the established forms of accounting and reporting.

The operational management structure is set out in Appendix No. 4 to this Technological Process.

Preliminary information

The station management receives preliminary information from the Operations Department of the Northern District of the Traffic Control Center of the Traffic Service of the Traffic Control Directorate - a structural subdivision of the West Siberian Railway. - a branch of Russian Railways together with a shift assignment. Preliminary information contains data on the upcoming arrival of trains and wagons 12 hours ahead.

Preliminary information about the approach of trains, the DSP-manager receives from the train dispatcher of the section, which contains: the purpose of the train, the estimated time of arrival, the total number of wagons arriving for loading and unloading. Also, information about the approach of trains can be obtained from the GUID and ACS ST programs, which provide the ability to solve the following tasks:

Processing of trains arriving for disbandment: processing and logical control of a telegram - a full-scale sheet (TGNL), input of information on the actual availability and location of cars at the entrance to the station (adjustment upon arrival);

Processing the train of its formation: entering information about the actually written off train at the end of its formation;

Processing of the formed train, correction of information about the formed train, processing of double trains;

Implementation of hitching and uncoupling for the organization of trains of the set weight and length;

Formation and logical control of TGNL;

Transfer of TGNL to ASOUP, generation and transmission to ASOUP of messages 200, 201, 203, 205, 230, 267, 09, etc .;

Formation and transmission of a certificate of the arrived and dispatched train to the train dispatcher and the dispatcher of the operational and administrative department of the road;

Maintaining the information base of the station train operation: train model along the station tracks, formation and receipt of ready-made certificates;

Operational planning of work with trains;

Drawing up reporting forms, calculating and issuing reporting forms, calculating station performance indicators, analyzing violations of the formation plan in arriving and departing trains.

As part of the automated control system, ST are equipped with personal electronic computers (PC), workstations, united by a network, performing information processing functions:

Chipboard-manager - AWP Chipboard;

Receiver of cargo and baggage (3 workplaces) - AWP PS.

When sending requests through the ACS ST, the required output forms, you can get the following information:

Technological documents for trains;

Train index database;

Information about the arrival of trains;

Preparation of certificates on the availability of trains, on the state of the station tracks, loading and unloading processes, accounting for the availability of trains and wagons;

Telegram-full-list (TGNL) for trains of its formation;

Messages correcting the composition of the TGNL;

Messages about the departure, arrival and progress of trains, etc.

Accurate information

Accurate information arrives at the station via communication channels from ASOUP in the form of certificates 02, 102, 11, 118, 204, 21, which the DSTs, DSP-manager, STC operator receives from the "approach" or after the train arrives at the station in the ACS ST (" References "-" request for reference 213 in ASOUP ").

Upon arrival of cargo and wagons in the column of the waybill and road bill "calendar stamps Arrival at the destination station", the operator of the STC puts a calendar stamp with the time entered in the column "time ___ hour ___ min", the train number.

Based on the data of the shipping documents, the SFTO agent enters into AS ETRAN information about the time of notification of the consignee and, at the request of the SFTO agent, a book of notification of the arrival of the cargo of the GU-6VTs form is automatically generated at the workstation of the ETRAN system.

1.1.2 Organization of work of the railway station for receiving, unloading, storing, issuing, loading and dispatching goods

Upon arrival at the destination station, the sets of shipping documents are delivered to the STC operator, who checks the availability of the necessary accompanying documents. If there is a lack of the necessary accompanying documents, separate forms of the set of shipping documents, he draws up an act of the general form GU-23, GU-23VTs (Based on Act No. 4 dated 04/18/2012) and submits it for submission of an operational report to the assembly table. In the presence of the necessary accompanying documents, separate forms of the set of transportation documents, the operator of the STC disconnects the wagon sheet and hands it over according to the book f. GU-48 to acceptors of cargo and baggage of the station, and the waybill, road bill and the necessary accompanying documents are transferred against signature in the book f. GU-48 to the SFTO agent. Upon receipt of the documents, the SFTO agent enters them in the arrival book f. GU-42 EVTs, checks the availability of the necessary accompanying documents, takes measures to complete customs clearance in case of arrival of the goods under customs control. If it is revealed that the necessary accompanying documents, individual sheets of the set of shipping documents are missing, draws up an act of the general form GU-23, GU-23VTs (Based on Act No. 4 dated 04/18/2012) and transfers it to the senior agent of the SFTO for the transmission of an operational report.

In cases of revealing circumstances that prevent the delivery of goods to the recipient (lack of funds, customs clearance has not been completed, there is no quarantine inspection, etc.), the SFTO agent sends a written notification to the receiver of the cargo and baggage about the need to delay the delivery of the wagon for unloading, which draws up an act of general forms for enrollment of the wagon to the responsible idle time of the consignee.

After elimination of the circumstances preventing the release of the cargo, the CFT agent sends a written notification to the receiver of the cargo and baggage and takes measures to uncredit the shipping documents by the consignee.

Upon receipt of a notification from an agent of the SFTO, the receiver of cargo and baggage closes the act of the general form, draws up an order for the submission of the car for unloading.

Cargoes arriving under customs clearance are delivered to the ZTK to the Freight Forwarding Center. The documents are transferred by the cargo and baggage receivers of the station K according to the book f. GU-48 under signature at the freight office of the Freight Forwarding Center. In the case of issuing a carriage on the tracks of station K, documents with a customs stamp "Release is allowed" are transferred by the commodity cashier of the Freight Forwarding Center according to book f. GU-48 to agents of the SFTO station K for lending.

Upon the arrival of the cargo at the station using an electronic waybill with the use of an EDS, the operator of the STC transfers the wagon sheet to the SFTO agent with an entry in the book f. GU-48. The agent of the SFTO in accordance with the established procedure notifies the consignees of the arrival of goods with registration in the "Book of notifications of the arrival of goods" f. GU-6VTs. After performing operations for the uncrediting of an electronic invoice in accordance with the technology of work with an EDS, the agent of the SFTO in the prescribed manner, against signature in the book f. GU-48, transfers the wagon sheet to the station's cargo and baggage acceptance receiver for storage.

Upon arrival of the cargo at the station of destination, sets of shipping documents arrive at the station technological center of the station. Upon arrival, the operator of the STC checks the availability of the necessary accompanying documents, after which he hands them over to the receiver of the cargo and baggage. If there is a lack of the necessary accompanying documents, individual forms of the set of shipping documents, the operator of the STC upon arrival draws up an act of the general form f.GU-23 in EA CAD (ARL system) and transfers it to the assembly desk of the station for submission of an operational report. The receiver of cargo and luggage disconnects the wagon sheet, and transfers the invoice, the road bill and the necessary accompanying documents against the signature in the book of f.GU-48 to the SFTO agent.

The SFTO agent checks the availability of the necessary accompanying documents. If it is revealed that there are no accompanying documents, separate forms of a set of shipping documents, an act of the general form f is drawn up. GU-23 and transfers it to the receiver of cargo and baggage (assembly table) with an entry in the book f. GU-48 for operational reporting.

The agent of the SFTO in accordance with the established procedure notifies the consignees of the arrival of goods with registration in the "Book of notifications of the arrival of goods" f. GU-6VTs.

At the request of the SFTO agent in the AS ETRAN system, an arrival book is formed f. GU-42EVTs.

The “Arrival” function is performed by the chipboard - from the train receiving path, the “Operate with trains” tab, the “Train arrival” icon, the direction from which the train arrives is selected.

After performing this function, the train in the ST ACS is drawn on the path of the station. The envelope sign for a transit train is lilac, for a “local” train it is yellow.

If the train is not in the ACS ST approach, then when performing the “Arrival” function for a freight train, the EAF-manager, using the “Continue input” button, manually enters the data about the train, locomotive and crew received through the guide. This is necessary for the correct generation of the DU-4 report in the ACS ST.

P.201 is transmitted to ASOUP in automatic mode. The workstation of the DSP-manager receives a response to the message sent from p.201. If the message is received with an error, then the DSP-manager is obliged through the "Terminal Mode", the button "Last of the messages sent to the ACOUP" to correct the error and send p.201 to the ACOUP again.

The STC operator upon arrival from the "approach" or after the arrival of the train at the station (from the train, the "Inquiries" tab, the icon "Request for information 213 in the ACSUP") requests the necessary information 02, 102, 11, 118, 204, 21 for the arrived freight train in the ACS ST ...

Before performing the function "Departure" of the train of its formation, about the DSP must request a certificate 11 for this train - from the train, the "Inquiries" tab, the icon "Request for information 213 in ACOUP". If, according to the information, the train has a TGNL in ASOUP, then the train can be sent from the station.

The “Departure” function is performed by the EAF - from the train, the “Train operations” tab, the “Train departure” icon, the section to which the train is sent is selected, information about the locomotive and the crew is entered.

After performing this function, the train in the ST ACS is removed from the track of the station and is drawn on the corresponding stretch.

In automatic mode, p.200 is transmitted to ASOUP. The workstation of the EAF receives a response to the message sent from p.200. If the message is received with an error, then the DSP is obliged to correct the error through the "Terminal Mode" button, the "Last of the messages sent to the ACOUP" button and send p.200 to the ACOUP again.

The consignor, within the time limits established by the Rules for accepting applications for the carriage of goods by rail, submits an application for the carriage of goods to the freight office, unless otherwise established by internal rules.

At the time of the release of the car from the non-public railway track, the receiver of the cargo and baggage checks the serviceability in commercial terms, the compliance of the placement and fastening of goods on the open rolling stock with the Technical Specifications or NTU (MTU), compliance with the shipping documents, the presence of a list of the responsible employee of the shipper for placement and fastening cargo, incl. the timeliness of passing the tests according to the Specifications, the availability of the necessary accompanying documents in the required quantity, prints out the wagon sheet from the ACS ST, puts the mark "The cargo is loaded and secured correctly", the position, surname and signature of the cargo and baggage acceptor unites the wagon sheet with the carriage document and transfers it to the replacement to the agent of the SFTO station under the signature in the book f. GU-48 for registration.

The SFTO agent checks the correctness of the shipping documents in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents, the presence of a list of the responsible employee of the consignor for the placement and fastening of the cargo, incl. timeliness of passing tests according to the Specifications, the availability of the necessary accompanying documents in the required quantity and draws up in AS ETRAN.

After registration of the transportation document in the established order, the agent of the SFTO against signature in the book f. GU-48 hands over the shipping documents to the operator of the STC.

The receiver of cargo and baggage for the accounting of cargo work enters into the ACS ST information about the unloaded wagons according to the layout of the message 242.

For the management of the station, the cargo and baggage acceptance receiver takes from the automated control system ST information on the loading and unloading of wagons every day after 18-00.

The receiver of cargo and baggage enters information about loaded and unloaded wagons into the ST ACS. On a daily basis, data on unloaded wagons per day and with a cumulative total from the beginning of the month are requested from the ASOUP for control; adjustments are made if necessary.

The consignment note, endorsed by the SFTO agent, is sent from the consignor to the receiver of the cargo and baggage of the station, which checks the correctness of registration in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents, the presence of a signature of the consignor's responsible employee for placing and securing the cargo, incl. timeliness of passing tests according to the Specifications.

After the release of the car from the non-public track, the cargo and baggage acceptance receiver checks the commercial serviceability, compliance of the placement and fastening of goods on the open rolling stock with the Technical Specifications or NTU (MTU) (Based on Act No. 4 dated 04/18/2012), compliance of the consignment note; prints out the wagon sheet, affixes it with a stamp of acceptance for transportation and a personal signature; combines the wagon sheet with the preparation of the invoice and transfers it to the SFTO agent against signature in the book f. GU-48.

The SFTO agent checks the presence of the list of the responsible employee of the consignor for the placement and fastening of the cargo, incl. timeliness of passing tests according to the Specifications, the availability of the necessary accompanying documents in the required quantity. After that, he draws up the shipping documents in the prescribed manner and against signature in the book f. GU-48 is handed over to the operator of the STC.

container train cargo special

1.2 Organization of car traffic at the railway station

Organization of car traffic from the hub. It must provide:

Reducing the time spent by wagons in the hub and meeting the delivery time of goods;

Correct distribution of sorting work between the stations of the unit in accordance with their technical equipment and processing capacity;

The lowest cost of transportation.

Freight trains operating in the hub, according to the composition of the performed technical operations, the conditions of formation and promotion, maintenance by locomotives are subdivided into transit trains, which include trains that have a change of locomotives or locomotive crews at the stations of the junction; shipping and empty routes, following without processing through marshalling yards directly for unloading or loading at cargo stations, as well as shipping, stepped, technological, circular and empty routes formed at the cargo stations of the hub; transfer units of their own formation, circulating between the marshalling and freight or between marshalling yards and served by a special fleet of transfer locomotives; export, following from the sorting or auxiliary stations of the node to the nearest intermediate stations of adjacent areas with significant local work.

Transit freight trains should be handled at a junction no more than once. Passing them through the node is carried out along the shortest directions or along bypass lines.

It is advisable to handle transit trains with a change of locomotives on weekends. technical station having appropriate technical devices, and deliver them to these stations by mainline locomotives. In some hubs, the operations of handling transit trains have been moved to the preceding divisional and pre-freight stations. In the Chelyabinsk junction, for example, the processing of transit trains is concentrated at the pre-junction stations with further admission without maintenance along the extended warranty sections.

Loaded wagons arriving at the hub by sending routes are passed directly to the corresponding freight stations. The non-routed wagon flow of freight and empty wagons enters the marshalling yard, which forms transfer trains directed to the freight stations. It is also possible to send empty goods for loading to the nearest sections by groupage, export trains or dispatching locomotives.

The basis for the organization of local car traffic, originating in the hub, is the maximum coverage of their routing from the places of loading. That part of the planned loading that cannot be covered by direct dispatch routes, based on scheduling, are combined, if possible, into step routes into one unloading or spraying point.

Stepped routes organized at junctions can be combined at a freight station from wagons loaded on several adjacent sidings or loaded on sidings of both this and other stations by several shippers.

Empty wagons, freed from unloading, are combined into empty routes at freight stations for unloading mass rolling stock of the same type, or by transfer trains they are sent to marshalling stations to form empty trains.

Sorting work should be concentrated as much as possible on the most equipped sorting yards of the unit, reducing to a minimum the re-sorting of wagons. The station for the formation of through trains on the main lines is installed based on the volume of processed car flows of the corresponding purposes.

A number of two-way marshalling yards have significant angular flow. To reduce it, as well as to reduce the time for disbanding and accumulating trains at the cargo stations of the hub, based on the scheduling of loading by destination and directions, trains are formed separately according to the systems of the marshalling yard. This system of train formation has found wide application in the Volgograd, Kharkov and other nodes.

The most advantageous variant of the distribution of sorting work, which allows to reduce the processing and mileage of cars and locomotives and the idle time of cars in the unit, is chosen by a technical and economic comparison.

The procedure for organizing car flows into trains is regulated by the nodal formation plan. The intra-node formation plan establishes which stations of the node and from which wagons of which destination form transfer trains, how the sending and empty routes are organized, where step routes are combined.

1.3 Organization of interaction between the railway station and non-public places

1.3.1 Characteristics of non-public places

According to the Tariff Guide No.-4, Book No.-2, Art. K works under paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10 and carries out cargo operations for the reception and delivery of goods in public places, at railway tracks non-general use, in medium and large-capacity universal containers.

The general management of cargo and commercial work at the station is carried out by the head of the cargo area.

The work of the station and non-public railway tracks adjacent to the station is built on the basis of a shift-daily plan, which provides for the size of loading, unloading, time and sequence of processing of wagons. The list of non-public railway tracks adjacent to station K is set out in Appendix No. 3 to this Technological Process. The characteristics of each non-public railway track adjacent to the station, the procedure for the supply and cleaning of wagons, the full range of goods, mechanization means are set out in the "Instructions on the procedure for servicing and organizing traffic on a non-public railway track." This Instruction is developed for each non-public railway track in accordance with clause 1.7 of the Rules for the operation and maintenance of non-public railway tracks.

Responsibility for the timely delivery and cleaning of wagons to non-public railway tracks, loading and unloading points are borne by the station shunting dispatcher, train compiler, and the station's cargo and baggage receiver.

The station's cargo and baggage receiver ensures control over the observance by shippers and consignees of the requirements for ensuring the safety of the car fleet during loading and unloading operations in public places. In case of damage to wagons (containers), draws up an act of the general form GU-23VTs. (Based on Act No. 4 of 18.04.2012)

The consignment note, accompanying documents (if any), the completed wagon sheet, the cargo and baggage acceptor of the station K hands over to the SFTO agent against signature in the GU-48 form book.

The SFTO agent checks the correctness of filling out the railway bill of lading in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents, the presence of a list of the responsible employee of the consignor for placing and securing the cargo, incl. timeliness of passing tests according to Specifications, the presence of convection prohibitions according to the book of f.GU-14, the availability of accompanying documents in the required quantity. After that, he draws up the transportation document in the prescribed manner.

After registration of the transportation document in the established order, the agent of the SFTO, against the signature in the book of f.GU-48, hands over the transportation documents to the operator of the STC.

Upon completion of loading the cargo into the wagon (wagons), the consignor enters the information on loading into the electronic waybill at the automated workstation of PPD AS ETRAN, incl. information on the placement and securing of cargo in the wagon and the list of accompanying documents (if any) attached, fixes the loading completion time in AS ETRAN by pressing the "loaded" button and signs the data of the generated electronic waybill with his EDS. The electronic waybill goes into the state of waiting for cargo acceptance for transportation.

In addition, the consignor notifies the receiver of cargo and baggage of the station about the completion of loading in the manner prescribed in the contract for the operation of the access road or in the contract for the supply and cleaning of wagons.

The consignor prints out from AS ETRAN the carriage sheet of the form GU-38a VTs or GU-38b VTs, formed on the basis of the electronic consignment note, depending on the type of shipment. At the same time, the mark "From the electronic waybill" is formed in the wagon sheet, and in the lower part of the wagon sheet, before the signature of the cargo and baggage acceptance receiver - information about the placement and fastening of cargo in the wagon, similar to the information in column 1 of the reverse side of the waybill for the carriage of goods. A record of the correct placement and fastening of the cargo in the car is certified by the signature of the consignor's representative responsible for the placement and fastening of the cargo, indicating his position, full name. and certified by the seal of the consignor.

The accompanying documents (if any) are attached by the consignor to the wagon sheet, firmly attaching to it, in the free space of the lower field of the wagon sheet, a list of the attached accompanying documents is indicated.

Acceptance of loaded wagons for transportation is carried out by the receiver of cargo and baggage according to the printed out by the consignor from AS ETRAN and filled in wagon sheets of the form GU-38a VTs or GU-38b VTs, depending on the type of shipment.

The receiver of cargo and baggage of the station makes full-scale acceptance of loaded wagons (commercially) on the basis of wagon sheets presented by the consignor. At the same time, he checks, in accordance with the requirements of the current Standard job description of the receiver of cargo and baggage of JSC "Russian Railways", the correctness of filling in the columns of the wagon sheet, formed according to the data entered in the electronic waybill by the consignor. If the loading performed corresponds to the information specified in the wagon list, and during the full-scale acceptance of the wagon (wagons), no technical (wagon employee) or commercial malfunctions have been identified, the cargo and baggage acceptor shall put down the date in the pick-up receiver's memo for the supply and cleaning of wagons and in the wagon list and the time of the end of loading, signs the wagon sheet. A note in the wagon list about the results of checking the correct placement and fastening of the cargo, in established cases, is signed by an authorized employee of the departure station.

If the loading performed does not correspond to the information specified in the wagon list or during the full-scale acceptance of the wagon (wagons) technical or commercial malfunctions have been identified, including: the signature of the consignor's responsible employee for placing and securing the cargo does not correspond to the sample, accompanying documents are not attached to the extent of the list specified in the wagon list, etc., then the station's cargo and baggage acceptor draws up an act of the general form GU-23 (GU-23VTs) for a delay in the end of loading in accordance with the requirements of the Directive of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation dated March 27, 2000 No. D-720u and returns the wagon sheet with the attached accompanying documents (if any) to the consignor in order to eliminate the reasons for the non-acceptance of the goods for transportation.

The consignor, after eliminating the reasons for non-acceptance of loading, if required, enters changes in the data of the ETRAN consignment note, prints a new wagon sheet, makes all the necessary marks on it and, with the accompanying documents (if any) attached, re-presents the wagon (wagons) to the acceptance receiver of cargo and luggage at the station to delivery.

Re-acceptance of goods for transportation is carried out by the procedure established above, according to a new wagon sheet (if it is necessary to change the previous wagon sheet). The station's cargo and baggage acceptor draws up the closure of the general form act for a delay in the end of loading and closes the GU-45VTs (GU-45) form acceptor's memo for cleaning the wagons.

Upon completion of acceptance operations, the cargo and baggage acceptance receiver of the station transfers the signed wagon sheet with firmly attached accompanying documents to the SFTO agent with an entry in the "Book of delivery of cargo documents" of the GU-48 form.

When completing the registration of the electronic waybill, the SFTO agent checks the paper accompanying documents attached to the wagon sheet (if any), verifies the signature of the consignor's employee responsible for placing and securing the cargo in the wagon sheet with the sample in LAFTO (at the station). If the signatures match, it enters the information necessary for calculating freight charges and fees into the automated workplace of the ETRAN AS ETRAN, and completes the execution of the waybill in AS ETRAN in the prescribed manner. In this case, the data of the electronic waybill is transmitted to the industry automated systems.

After reliable reception of the ASOUP of the 410th message, the SFTO agent signs an electronic waybill generated in AS ETRAN with his EDS.

Upon completion of the registration of acceptance of cargo for transportation, if necessary, the SFTO agent, if necessary, corrects the date of the end of the delivery period in the corresponding line of the paper wagon sheet, certifies it with the signature and stamp of the station, transfers the wagon sheet, with the accompanying documents firmly attached to the STC under the signature in the "Book of delivery of freight documents" forms GU-48.

When compiling an accompanying sheet of the backs of road bills of the GU-4 / E VTs form for shipments issued with an EDS, a “EDS” mark is automatically put in the “Special marks” column. Paper spines of road bills for shipments of goods, issued with an EDS, are not printed from AS ETRAN and to the report f. GU-4 / E VTs are not applied.

Transportation of loaded wagons is carried out accompanied by a wagon sheet on paper form GU-38a VTs or GU-38b VTs with a special mark - "With an electronic waybill".

In the event of emergency situations along the route during the carriage of goods on a wagon sheet, issued by an electronic waybill with the use of an EDS, incl. elimination of technical malfunctions, reloading of cargo into another wagon, etc., an agent of the SFTO carrying out the execution of shipping documents:

Prints out sheet 1 of the waybill (original waybill) of the GU-27u-VTs form and sheet 2 of the waybill (road bill) of the GU-29u-VTs form on the ETRAN system's workstation, enters information and notes in the paper shipping documents provided for by the Rules for the carriage of goods by rail, depending on the emergency situation, certifies the entered data with his signature and the station's lowercase stamp;

VAS ETRAN enters an act of the general form GU-23, drawn up on the fact of an emergency situation and, depending on the type of emergency situation, makes the appropriate changes to the electronic waybill.

Subsequent actions of the SFTO agent carrying out the registration of transportation documents are carried out in accordance with section 3 "Procedure for making changes to the electronic data of the consignment note when registering cargo transportation in AS ETRAN using EDS", approved by JSC Russian Railways on November 13, 2008, depending on the type of emergency situation ...

1.3.2 Ensuring the supply and cleaning of wagons to places of non-public use

All cars that arrived at the station for unloading, after the train was disbanded, are picked up along non-public tracks and put on exhibition tracks or on non-public railway tracks, if provided by the contract.

Receivers of cargo and baggage notify the consignee about the upcoming supply of wagons for unloading in advance, at least 2 hours in advance, of the time of submission with the registration of a book of notification of the time of submission of wagons for loading or unloading of FGU-2VTs.

When non-public railway tracks are occupied, wagons are put up on dedicated station tracks, the cargo and baggage acceptance receiver draws up an act of the general form GU-23, GU-23VTs (Based on Act No. 4 dated 04/18/2012) on the employment of loading and unloading fronts.

When unloading cargo from the car by means of the consignee, the cars are handed over by the receiver of cargo and baggage of the station to the consignee according to an external examination with registration of the time of their delivery in the memo of the receiver.

Reception of cars is carried out:

When servicing the track of non-public use by the locomotive of the station at the places of loading and unloading;

When the locomotive is servicing the owner of a non-public track - on exhibition tracks.

After the wagons have been delivered to the place of transfer, the cargo and baggage receiver, together with the consignee's representative, checks:

The state of the wagons commercially;

Correspondence of the information about the wagon indicated in the wagon sheet and on the wagon body;

Correspondence of the information on the ZPU indicated in the wagon sheet and on the wagon;

Compliance of the information about the consignee and the place of unloading indicated in the wagon list.

At the request of the consignee in the cases provided for by the rules (Article 41 of the Charter railway transport RF) cargo from the wagon is issued with the participation of a representative of the railway.

In the event of a discrepancy between the number of pieces or the weight of the cargo with the weight specified in the documents, the acceptance / delivery person of the cargo and baggage draws up a report for the execution of a commercial act, to which a wagon sheet, seals, an extract from the plumb-line book are attached in two copies. A note about unsafe carriage in the waybill is made when a commercial act is drawn up by the receiver of cargo and baggage on the search for cargo, it is certified by a stamp and signed by the head of the station or his deputy.

After unloading, the receiver of cargo and baggage accepts the car from the consignee, checks its safety and completeness of cleaning from the remains of the transported cargo, completes the registration of the memo and the car sheet, and then notifies the shunting dispatcher about the readiness of the car for cleaning.

If commercial malfunctions are identified, the cargo and baggage acceptor draws up an act of the general form GU-23, GU-23VTs (Based on Act No. 4 of 18.04.2012) for a delay in the end of cargo operations.

After carrying out acceptance operations of wagons from under unloading dangerous goods, provision of a railway bill of lading filled in in accordance with the Rules for filling out transportation documents on railway transport and the rules for the carriage of liquid cargo in tank wagons and bunker-type wagons for the transportation of oil bitumen. The receiver of cargo and baggage of the station, having checked the correctness of filling out the waybill, draws up a memo of the receiver of the GU-45VC, fills in the carriage sheet GU-38a VTs or GU-38b VTs, puts down stamps on the hazard properties in accordance with the Rules for the carriage of dangerous goods by rail, transmits the invoice with the wagon a sheet against signature to the agent of the SFTO in the cash register with an entry in the GU-48 book for registration of the transportation document.

Due to the absence of ZTK on the tracks of the station, all customs cars are served on the public track of the Kemerovo Transport and Expeditionary Center.

1.3.3 Development of a daily schedule of the railway station and non-public areas

The daily work schedule of a station is a graphical representation of all its daily work.

The purpose of developing a daily schedule is to link and coordinate the work of all elements of the station with each other and with adjacent hauls, determine the load of necks, track parks, hoods, marshalling humps, hump and shunting locomotives, PTO and PKO brigades, identify "narrow »Places in the work of the station and calculate the planned standards. It is drawn up after the development of the technological process of the station, the introduction of a new plan for the formation and schedule of trains.

A daily schedule is built for 24 hours closed, i.e. the number of trains and wagons at the end of the day on each track should be transferred to the next day. For this, arriving car flows from adjacent directions must be multiples of the number of trains.

Initial data for the development of the schedule:

Train schedule;

Train formation plan;

Decomposition of the trains arriving for disbandment according to the assignments of the formation plan;

Time norms for processing trains and wagons;

Time norms for performing shunting operations;

Scheme of the station indicating the specialization of parks and tracks;

TPA stations and local regulations in force.

In real production conditions, the new days do not repeat the previous ones. Time of arrival, number and composition of trains change daily. Therefore, when building a real daily schedule, one should be guided by the average operating conditions typical for the maximum decade. The remains of cars on the tracks of the station at the beginning of the day must be taken from the fulfilled work schedule of the shunting dispatcher, the decomposition of trains according to the assignment of the formation plan - from full-scale sheets, the sizes of daily loading and unloading - from the current operational plans. Due to the fact that the trains arriving at the station for disbandment are not the same every day, the daily schedule cannot serve as a practical guide for organizing the operational work of the station. For this, operational plans must be drawn up.

The grid of the daily schedule is developed separately for each station, depending on the scheme of adjoining directions and the scheme of the station's track development.

The shape of the schedule horizontally from top to bottom:

Adjacent stretches;

Arrow necks;

Reception ways;

Slides and hump locomotives;

Sorting yard tracks;

Exhaust tracks and shunting locomotives;

Cargo points;

Departure routes;

Adjacent stretches.

Vertical from left to right - division by 24 hours with display of half-hour and ten-minute intervals.

Arrival and departing trains are indicated with oblique lines in the lines denoting the adjacent stretches.

In the column "neck" (even, odd), the horizontal lines correspond to the train routes along the arrows. They show how busy the turnouts are from the moment the route is prepared until the moment the train stops completely on the way (upon reception) or from the moment the train starts to move until the moment the departure route is completely vacated (upon departure).

In lines for sorting devices, hump and shunting locomotives conventions show shunting operations.

In the divisions for sorting tracks, the accumulation of cars to full trains is noted.

The time rates for performing operations are calculated based on the actual operating conditions of the station.

In accordance with a typical technological process, the following approximate norms can be adopted:

Occupation of the neck by an arriving train - 4-5 minutes;

Processing a transit train without processing, without changing locomotives - 15 minutes;

Processing of a transit train without processing with a change of locomotive 30 min;

Processing of a transit train with a change in mass or a group changeover - 35 min;

Processing of a dismantling train in the arrival park - 20 minutes; - disbandment-formation of a one-group train on the exhaust track 25-30 minutes;

Formation of the composition of the modular train on the exhaust track - 35-40 minutes;

Processing a train of its own formation in the departure park - 30 minutes;

Processing of a transit passenger train with a change of locomotive 20 minutes;

Electric train processing - 13 min.

When building a daily schedule, first, in accordance with the current traffic schedule, inclined train lines are laid on the tracks adjacent to the station. Then the symbols show the occupation of the switch necks by the arriving trains. On the tracks of receiving and departure parks, train stops are depicted with operations performed depending on the categories of trains (transit without processing, group ones entering for processing).

After performing operations with transit trains without processing, their departure is indicated, showing the occupancy of routes in the switch necks and on adjacent tracks.

Operations on arrival with dismantling trains are followed by their disbandment on slides or hoods, after which the process of accumulating cars according to the assignments of the formation plan is depicted on the tracks of the sorting yard. As the wagons accumulate on the trains, the final formation of trains on the hoods or over the hill is carried out.

Local wagons that arrived for unloading or empty for loading are accumulated on specialized tracks of the sorting yard, and then, according to the schedule of delivery and cleaning, they are sent to cargo points for carrying out cargo operations, after which the wagons are brought to the sorting yard on the track in accordance with the purpose of loading.

The schedule shows the operation of the sorting devices, the loading of hump and shunting locomotives, the operations of equipping the locomotive, processing the tracks of the wagon depot, changing locomotive crews, technological breaks in the work of the station.

When developing a daily schedule, it is very important to monitor the possible hostility of routes when receiving and sending trains, passing train locomotives to the depot and back, shunting on slides and hoods, to prevent train downtime due to non-admission to the station and excessive interoperational downtime of cars. Much attention is paid to the issue of the correct distribution of shunting work between brigades, reduction operating costs for maneuvers.


2.1 Design of a cargo terminal in public and non-public places

2.1.1 Calculation of daily freight traffic

The daily cargo traffic upon arrival and departure for all cargoes, according to the given volumes of the annual cargo traffic, is determined by the formula:

For packaged pieces upon arrival from an even direction

Where, annual freight traffic, t;

coefficient of uneven arrival or departure of goods.

Similarly, we do the calculation for all goods arriving and departing from the railway station. The results are summarized in table No. 1.

The coefficient of unevenness depends on the type of cargo, the rhythm of its production and supply, the nature of the production process in which it participates.

2.1.2 Calculation of daily car traffic

The daily carriage flow is determined for cargo separately upon arrival and departure, based on the previously calculated daily cargo flow and the technical standard for loading the car, excluding containers, is calculated using the formula

Where, is the technical standard for loading the car, T.

Similarly, we do the calculation for all goods arriving and departing from the railway station. The results are summarized in table 2.

For packaged pieces, the loading rate on average can be taken from 40 to 45 tons, for heavy cargo and metals - according to the carrying capacity of the car, and for timber and grain crops - depending on the type of rolling stock, forest species and full-scale grain weight according to the carrying capacity of the car.

2.1.3 Calculation of parameters of covered warehouses

Warehouse area F, for packaged piece and heavy cargo is determined by the method of specific loads (on the floor area). The calculation is carried out separately from arrival and departure according to the formula

Where is the coefficient that takes into account the area required for walkways, driveways, installation of mechanization, fire safety, installation of scales, and premises for receiving and receiving devices. Equal to 1.5.

the storage period of the goods, as a rule, depends on the purpose of the warehouse, the frequency of arrival and departure of goods, on the types of transport, days;

2 days (upon arrival)

1.5 days (by departure)

Total area for departure S = 581

We accept the width of the warehouse = 30 meters

The length of the warehouse is calculated by the formula

Similarly, we do the calculation for all goods arriving and departing from the railway station.

2.1.4 Calculation of the container area (capacity)

To calculate the area of ​​a container (separately for medium-tonnage and large-tonnage), you should use the method of elementary sites, according to which the warehouse is considered as the sum of individual elementary sites of a certain capacity, which can be repeated many times.

The capacity of the container platform (contact-places) when processing medium-weight containers is

A + 0.03 (+)] (5)

Where, a is the coefficient of thickening of the supply of wagons for loading, taking into account the unevenness of work at a given freight turnover (with an average daily loading of up to 10 wagons a = 2, over 10 wagons a = 1.3

Coefficient taking into account the decrease in the capacity of the site during the direct transshipment of containers from cars to wagons (approximately 0.9)

Coefficient, taking into account the decrease in the capacity of the site (approximately 0.85)

Accordingly, the average daily loading and unloading of local containers (in 3-tonne terms)

Estimated storage times of containers, respectively, before loading (1 day) and after unloading (1.5 days)

Estimated time of finding faulty containers under repair (1 day)

0.03 is a coefficient that takes into account the additional capacity of the site for the installation of faulty containers requiring repair.

1,2+0,03(68+65) 1,2 (15)

18x (0.5 + 1) x = 198.72 rubles.

At the unloading station:

Mk (ekch + ekm) (16)

18x (0.5 + 1) x = 172.80

where is the interval between departures from the station of container trains of the same destination, days;

Average number of conventional containers transported on one wagon. In the course project is accepted = 18;

Weighted average cost of a container-hour, rub. In the course project, you can take = 0.5 rubles;

Weighted average cost of container places, rub. In the course project, you can take = 1 rub.

The interval between departures from the station of container trains of destination 1-B:

Where, is the average daily departure of wagons from station 1 to station B, respectively, with medium-tonnage and large-tonnage containers, wagons.

nв - the number of cars in the container train, nв = 57.

3.1.3 Costs associated with the idle time of wagons at the train formation point

where is the average idle time of cars at the train formation point, h.

Average idle time of wagons at the train formation point:

Tnv = Tgr + Tdop (19)

where is the average idle time of a wagon under loading, h.

Average time to complete shunting and technological operations at the train formation point, h

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Information about the approach of trains and cargo, its quality is the basis for operational planning and regulation of the railway station. On the basis of the information base, a plan of work of the station is drawn up for the disbandment and formation of trains; the order of delivery of wagons to the cargo fronts is established, etc.

The station receives and transmits two types of information: preliminary and accurate.

The management receives preliminary information from the territorial regional center along with the assignment for the shift. Preliminary information contains data on the upcoming arrival of trains and wagons 12 hours ahead from each direction with the allocation of wagons following for unloading at this station. Periodically, every 4-6 hours, the engineer of the information group of the territorial regional center transmits the following information to the shunting dispatcher of the station: train number, train index, number of cars, estimated time of arrival at the station. Upon completion of receiving information from the territorial regional center, the shunting dispatcher receives a telegram-full-scale list for the train, following to the station.

The telegram-list is compiled on the basis of the train list and contains encoded data about the train and about each carriage.

Accurate information arrives via communication channels in the form of a telegram-full-scale sheet and is transmitted from the last marshalling yard, where the train underwent technical processing.

During the entire shift, the shunting dispatcher receives information from the marshalling yard about the arrival of trains at this station for which information was received, agrees with the railroad yard of the marshalling yard and the train dispatcher the time of departure of the train from the marshalling yard and verifies the telegram-full-scale list for the train.

Having verified the telegram-full-scale list, the shunting dispatcher instructs the receiver to proceed with preliminary information of consignees, freight forwarders and warehouse receivers in order to timely prepare mechanisms and workers to perform operations for receiving, processing and unloading wagons.

In the process of transferring information to consignees and forwarders, the receiver maintains an “Arrival and notification book” at the shunting dispatcher.

10.2 The technology of the cargo station for the reception and departure of transfer trains

Having received a message from a neighboring station about the departure of the train, the DSP informs the workers of the station technological center, maintenance and commercial inspection points about the train number, track and time of its arrival.

The composition is processed upon arrival, which includes:

    control check of the composition, acceptance of shipping documents from the locomotive crew and their verification with the full-scale sheet;

    technical and commercial inspections of wagons.

After stopping the train and uncoupling the train locomotive, the train is fenced off for technical and commercial inspections. During the inspection, wagons with technical defects are identified and their suitability for double operations is applied.

At the end of the technical and commercial inspections, shunting work begins to disband the train, supply cars for cargo operations. These operations are supervised by the DCS or the station attendant.

Shunting work on disbanding a train is the arrangement of cars along the tracks of the sorting yard in accordance with the sorting list (wagon accumulation sheet). The sorting device available at the station (exhaust airways) is used for disbandment. The selection of wagons according to the points of delivery is carried out in such a way as to ensure the minimum expenditure of time and maneuvering funds for the supply and placement of wagons to the loading and unloading fronts.

To ensure uniform cargo operation of the station during the day and the rational use of loading and unloading mechanisms and devices, the supply of cars to the cargo fronts is carried out according to the intra-station schedule, and on non-public railway tracks according to the procedure provided for in contracts for the operation of a non-public railway track or for supply and cleaning wagons.

The delivery of the cars is carried out by the composing team by order of the shunting dispatcher (station duty officer). The time of submission is noted in the Memo for the acceptance receiver of the GU-45 form (statement of the submission and cleaning of cars).

Empty wagons are placed along the loading tracks in such a way that at the end of cargo operations and cleaning of loaded wagons, shunting work on formation is carried out with a minimum of time.

Time norms for disbandment, selection of wagons into groups, delivery to cargo fronts are established by calculation in accordance with the Standard Time Standards for shunting operations performed on railway transport, and are checked by timing observations.

Before making operations on the formation and departure of the transfer train, it is necessary to perform maneuvers associated with the cleaning of cars from loading and unloading points, which, as well as during the delivery, are directed by a shunting dispatcher (station duty officer).

The cleaning of wagons from the cargo fronts of public places is carried out according to the intra-station schedule, and from the access roads according to the procedure provided for in the contracts for the maintenance of non-public railway tracks.

Cleaning is carried out by a compiling team under the guidance of a shunting dispatcher (station duty officer). The time for cleaning the wagons is noted in the Memo for the acceptance receiver of the GU-45 form (statement of the supply and cleaning of wagons).

After the end of cargo operations, the pick-ups inform the shunting dispatcher about the readiness of the wagons for cleaning. In turn, the shunting dispatcher instructs the trainer to remove them from the cargo station.

The shunting dispatcher, guided by the train departure plan, gives the task to the trainer for the formation or completion of the formation of the next train, indicating the time of completion of the formation and departure of the train, at the same time an instruction is given to the employees of the station technological center for processing train information and transportation documents (STC) to draw up a full-scale sheet and a selection of documents. The train compiler reports the completion of the formation to the shunting dispatcher.

If the contract for the operation of the railway track is not general

The use of the shipper or consignee is entrusted with the formation of empty or loaded trains according to the formation plan, these works are performed on the non-public railway track by shunting means and the composing team of the enterprise. At the same time, the station employees control the observance of the formation rules when accepting cars from non-public tracks.

Further, the shunting dispatcher, in accordance with the train departure plan, gives the task to the train builder to rearrange the formed train to this fleet, indicating the path of this fleet and the train departure time.

The time norms for cleaning wagons from the cargo fronts to the station tracks, the formation of trains are established by calculation in accordance with the Standard Time Standards for shunting operations performed on railway transport, and are checked by timing observations.

The processing of the consignment by departure includes the following operations:

    technical inspection;

    commercial inspection;

    hitching a train locomotive;

    inspection and testing of automatic brakes;

    handing over of transportation documents to the locomotive crew (on receipt to the train locomotive driver in a sealed form.);

    train departure.

The station attendant presents the train for technical and commercial inspections, indicating to the heads of the inspection points the track number, the number of cars on the train, the numbers of the head and tail cars and the departure time.

After completing the technical and commercial inspections, the workers participating in them erase all the chalk inscriptions they have applied. The senior inspector of the wagons, after making sure that the maintenance has been completed, notifies the station duty officer of the technical readiness of the train for departure. When hitching a train locomotive, the inspectors, together with the locomotive crew, will test the automatic brakes.

Transportation documents for the departure of the train are handed over to the train locomotive driver in a sealed form against receipt.

Annex 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3


Operational management and management of the cargo station

The station manager is in charge of the work of the station, who bears full responsibility for the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to him by the “Regulations on the railway station”.

The operational management of the station's operational work, control over the implementation of daily and shift plans, the organization of cargo and commercial work, the handling of trains and wagons are entrusted to the deputy head of the station and shift commanders - shunting dispatchers and station attendants.

The shunting dispatcher (DSC) carries out operational planning and management of the station's work, ensures the implementation of shift plans, monitors the implementation of technological standards for the processing of trains and wagons. In his operational subordination are: drivers of shunting locomotives, train compilers.

The station attendant (DSP) directly supervises the organized reception, disbandment, formation and departure of trains, control over the commercial and technical inspection of trains.

Direct management and control over the execution of operations are entrusted to:

In the warehouses of the station - to the head of the cargo area;

At container sites - to the head of the container site

In the premises of the SFTO agents - on the senior agent of the SFTO.

Key performance indicators of a freight station and non-public railway tracks

Important characteristics the work of the cargo station and non-public railway tracks, on which the necessary technical equipment and the organization of their work largely depend, are the annual freight flows.

Calculation of daily freight traffic

The daily freight traffic is determined for each type of cargo separately upon arrival and departure based on the annual volumes specified in the assignment for the course project. The calculation is performed according to the following formula.

Q ci pr (from) = Q g i pr (from) * to n / 365, t / day (2.1)

where i is the number of types of cargo;

Q g i pr (from) - the annual volume of the i-th specified cargo upon arrival (departure), thousand tons / year;

К n - coefficient of unevenness of cargo arrival at the station during the year;

365 is the number of days in a year.

The value of the coefficient K n can be taken: for seasonal cargo (grain and other agricultural cargo) 2.5-3.0; for other cargoes 1.1-1.3.

Design of the cargo terminal of the station and cargo devices on non-public railway tracks

Requirements for cargo terminals

The purpose of the cargo terminals is not only to receive from one type of transport a traffic flow with some parameters, to process and issue it to another with different parameters, but also to carry out this transformation with minimal costs.

Cargo terminals are a part of the station territory with a complex of structures and devices located on it, designed for receiving, loading, unloading, issuing, sorting and temporary storage of goods. It houses warehouses, cargo sorting platforms, platforms for containers, heavy weights, bulk and other cargoes. The cargo terminal has:

track development and automobile entrances and driveways, and all its warehouses and sites are equipped with loading and unloading machines and devices.

Warehouses are divided into universal and special, there are warehouses for packaged goods, containers, heavy cargo, metal and metal products, machinery and equipment, non-metallic building materials of coal, ore, chemical cargo and mineral fertilizers, grain and other agricultural products, forestry and liquid cargo.

For storage of packaged cargo, they use closed pavilion-type warehouses, for bulk cargo - silos and tanks, bunkers, for lump and bulk cargo - stacking, overpass-stacking, for cargo that is not afraid of atmospheric precipitation, timber, cars, etc., as well as transported in containers - open areas, for bulk - tanks.

Based on the analysis of cargo flows and operations, the student must formulate the main operational requirements for technical equipment, as well as build structural diagrams of technologies for loading and unloading and warehouse operations. The structural diagram should reflect the number, sequence and content of those operations that must be performed by machines and thereby determine their types, characteristics, technology and control methods.

Container platforms

For containers, the warehouse capacity (E k) is calculated by the formula (3.18), provided N pr> N from

E k = [(1-α n pr) * N pr * t pr + (1 – α n from) * (N from + N lane) * t from +

0.03 * (N pr + N from + N pores) * t p], (3.18)

If N from> N pr, then

E k = [(1 – α n pr) * (N pr + N pores) * t pr + (1 – α n from) * N from * t from +

0.03 * (N pr + N from + N pores) * t p], (3.19)

where α n pr, α n from are coefficients that take into account the direct reloading of containers from a car to a car and vice versa, from a car to a car, respectively (taken equal to 0.1 - 0.2 and 0.15 - 0.2);

N pr, N from - the number of arriving and departing loaded containers, respectively;

t pr, t from is the estimated storage time of containers, respectively, upon arrival and departure, days. (table.A.2.1);

N pr, N from - the number of dispatched or arriving empty containers:

N pores = N pr -N from, if N pr> N from; (3.20)

N pores = N from -N pr, if N from> N pr; (3.21)

t p is the estimated time for containers to be repaired;

0.03 - the proportion of defective containers in relation to the total number of arriving and departing containers.

According to the given or selected mechanism, the student determines the rational layout of containers (Fig. 3.3, 3.4). For this, the useful width of the container platform B skl is determined;

for bridge cranes

Rice. 3.3. Container yards served by:

a) overhead cranes;

b) double-gantry gantry cranes

for double-gantry gantry cranes

for jib cranes

where L pr - the size of the span of the bridge or gantry crane, m (Table A.2.2);

n is the number of railway tracks laid under the span according to the selected mechanization scheme;

b railway - the width of the strip allocated for the laying of the railway track;

b t is the width of the site allocated to ensure safety;

- maximum and minimum outreach of the slewing crane jib, respectively, m (Table A.2.2.);

b k - the width of the container (if the containers are placed in width across the width of the site), m;

l k - the length of the container (if the containers are placed in length along the width of the site), m.

When choosing a layout scheme, it is necessary to take into account the following features: containers on the site are installed with doors to each other in sets (groups); gaps between containers 100 mm, between sets 800 mm (for passage); at the sites, fire breaks are provided every 100 m, equal to 4 m, and transverse ramps for cars every 19 and 44 m, respectively, when bridge cranes and cranes on a railroad run, 4 - 5 m wide and up to 12 m long.

The main task in choosing a rational layout scheme is to make the best use of the area covered by the crane span with the least possible losses.

According to the adopted layout scheme, the length of the section L sec and the number of containers in the section in the warehouse n k are determined; when processing 20 and 40 foot containers, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of two and five-tier storage, respectively, when using gantry cranes and loaders - reachstackers.

Number of sections in a warehouse


and the full length of the container warehouse

where is the number of containers installed in the section along the length;

b p - the size of the gap between the sections.

The total warehouse area F about for bridge and gantry non-cantilever cranes is calculated by the formula

where n is the number of railway tracks;

b railway - width of the gauge of the railway rolling stock, m.

For double gantry gantry cranes

for jib slewing cranes

for reachstackers

The useful area of ​​the container warehouse F p is equal to the product of the area of ​​an elementary site occupied by one container by the capacity of the container warehouse. The utilization factor of the warehouse area is determined from the ratio

If the total length of the container warehouse exceeds 350-400 m, then it is advisable to divide it into two or three parallel lines so that the length of each line does not exceed 250-300 m. the territory of the cargo terminal.

Table 4.1.

Table 4.3.

Table 4.4.

Wagon idle hours

Based on the compiled table, the average idle time of a local car is determined

average idle time of a wagon at a station under one cargo operation

average remainder of local cars at the station (working fleet)

average idle wagon on the driveway

the required number of shunting locomotives is equal to:

where is the total number of locomotive minutes spent per day on handling local wagons at the station and on the sidings;

Time for equipping a shunting locomotive and changing crews in minutes per day (set by the teacher).

With a known number of shunting locomotives, the load factor is determined by the formula


The course project consists of an explanatory note and four sheets of graphic works.

The explanatory note is written on one side of the sheet. It contains the necessary calculations, justifications and conclusions, illustrated with graphs, tables, diagrams, drawings in accordance with the sections of the assignment.

The graphical part includes: a warehouse scheme for one cargo, a graph of the dependence of the reduced costs on the values ​​of the X and Z parameters for this cargo, a cargo station scheme (track parks are depicted in fish) together with a cargo terminal scheme and adjoining non-public routes and a daily plan - the station's local work schedule.

Annex 1

Table p.1.1.

Name of cargo, types of wagons and their average load

(when loading at the cargo fronts of the station)

Types of wagons Share in the general park
1. Packaged cargo (wagon shipments) KR-106 * KR-120 KR-140 0,2 0,2 0,6 37,8 39,1 41,5
2. Packaged cargo (small consignments) KR-106 KR-120 KR-140 0,2 0,3 0,5 20,5 23,5 25,6
3. Heavy loads (machinery and equipment) PL PV 0,4 0,6 38,9 40,1
4. Medium-tonnage containers (3t) PL PV 0,3 0,7 12 kont / vag 10 kont / vag
5. Large-capacity containers (20t) FP FPU 0,4 0,6 2 kont / vag 3 kont / vag
* KR-106; KR-120; KR-140 - covered wagons with a useful volume of 106, 120, 140, respectively; PL - four-axle platform; PV - four-axle gondola car; FP - fitting four-axle platform; FPU - fitting four-axle extended platform; HP - hopper grain carrier, mineral carrier, cement carrier; C - four-axle tank; When presented for transportation of medium-tonnage containers in wagons - 10; 12 conventional units, depending on the approved schemes for stowing and securing cargo in wagons (we will take a container with a gross weight of 3 tons for a conventional unit, a gross container of 5 tons is 2 conventional units).

Continuation of Appendix 1

Table p.1.2.

Name of cargo (group) Types of wagons Share in the general park Technical standard for loading wagons, t / wagon
1. Bread in grain HP 1,0
2. Boards PL / PV 0,4/0,6 48/46
3. Sleepers PL 1,0
4. Plywood KR 1,0
5. Timber round PL / PV 0,4/0,6 51/50
6. Coal PV 1,0
7. Sand, gravel PV 1,0
8. Crushed stone PV 1,0
9. Cement HP 1,0
10. Rolled metal PL / PV 0,4/0,6 60/60
11. Pig iron PV 1,0
12. Petroleum products C 1,0
13. Ore PV 1,0
14. Coke PV 1,0
15. Mineral fertilizers HP 1,0

Appendix 2

Name of cargo Shelf life, days Coefficient,
arrival departure
Cargo area of ​​the station
Packaged cargo transported: in small shipments by wagonload shipments 2,5 2,0 2,0 1,5 0,40 0,85 2,0 1,7
Heavy cargo 2,5 1,0 0,90 1,6
Medium-tonnage containers on sites with cranes: gantry bridge jib 2,0 2,0 2,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 - - - 1,4 1,5 1,6
Large-capacity containers on sites with railroad gantry cranes path: under span outside span 2,0 2,0 1,0 1,0 - - 1,5 1,2

Continuation of the table p. 2.1.

Uncommon paths
Bulk cargo: crushed stone, ore, coal, coke 20-30 20-30 3-5 3-5 2,0-8,0 2,0-6,0 1,5 1,5
Timber cargo 10-30 5-10 2,0-2,5 1,6
Metals: rails, pipes, beams, machine tools, equipment 20-30 10-15 3-5 3-5 1,5-4,0 1,5-2,0 1,6 1,6
Tarot-piece (different) 10-15 3-5 1,0-1,5 1,7
Bulk cargo when stored in silos: grain mineral fertilizer cement 30-40 30-40 30-40 3-5 3-5 3-5 ,T/ ,
0,5-0,7 0,8-0,9 0,8-1,3
Petroleum products when stored in tanks, = 1000; 2000; 5000 30-40 3-5 = 0.8 1.0 t /
Sugar beet 20-30 - 1,5 2,5 1,5

Continuation of Appendix 2.

Table A.2.2.

Main cargo groups and loading and unloading machines

Continuation of the table p. 2.2

Appendix 3

Table A.3.1.

The main types of PRM, shiftable production rates and the composition of teams

Cargo , t / cm; cont / cm for PRM type The composition of the brigade, people
mechanic loader
Packaged and oversized
Target-piece MO PO EP-103 EB-641 Toyota
78,1 81,4 85,6
126,6 131,0 139,1
Heavy weight up to 5t KK-6 242.8 MK-6 KDE-253
Containers 5t KK-6 MK-6 KDE-253 -
Containers = 24-30t KK-20 KK-32 Auto load 1gr / 2vag
Round timber KK-6 MK-5 KDE-253
Planks Sleepers KK-6 MK-5 KDE-253
Metal: sheet tube rails KK-6 MK-5 KDE-253
Pig iron (ingots) KK-12.5 electromagnet. MK-10 electric magnet. - - -

Continuation of the table p.3.1.

Bulk cargo (loading at PV) *
KDE-252 E-2505 - 1/2
Ore -
Coal -
Coke -
Sand -
Crushed stone -
* Hopper with a feeder t / h
Bulk cargo (unloading on an elevated track on two sides) **
Cargo Manually opening hatches, cleaning, man-hour / ton Stacking and loading onto a car, t / cm for PRM type
T-157 TO-2
Ore 0,029
Coal 0,035
Coke 0,065
Sand 0,020
Crushed stone 0,030
Bulk cargo during transportation in KhP
Cargo Loading-elevator, t / cm Unloading into the receiving hopper, t / cm The composition of the brigade
Mineral fertilizers
Liquid cargo
Cargo Loading platform (pump) Drain trestle (by gravity)
Oil Conditionally 2 hours for delivery (from 5 to 10 wagons)
** Unloading by car dumper = 1890t / h


1. Charter of the railway transport of the Russian Federation. - M .: "Transinfo". 2003 - 187s.

2. Rules for the carriage of goods by rail. Collection - book 1 - M .: Law firm "Yurtrans", 2003 - 712C.

3. Typical technological process of work of a cargo station, in conditions of functioning of an automated control system. - M .: IPC "Globus", 1998 - 144s.

4. Laughter A.A., Povorozhenko V.V. Management of freight and commercial work in rail transport. - M .: "Transport", 1990 - 351s.

5. Price list No. 10-01. Tariffs for cargo transportation and infrastructure services performed by Russian Railways. Tariff Guide # 1. Part 1 (Rules for the Application of Tariffs). - M .: PF "Red Proletarian", 2003 - 159s.

6. Rules and technical standards design of stations and junctions on 1520 mm gauge railways of the RF Ministry of Railways. - M .: "Tekhinform", 2001 -

7. Timoshin A.A., Machulsky I.I. Complex mechanization and automation of loading and unloading operations. - M .:

8. Uniform rates of output and time for carriage, road transport and warehouse loading and unloading operations. –M .: "Economics", 1991 -

9. Typical norms of time for shunting operations performed on railway transport. –M. "Transport", 1987 - 97s.

1. Organization of work of the cargo station
1.1. Operational management and management of the cargo station
1.2. Organization of work of the station for the reception, storage, loading and dispatch of goods
1.3. Organization of the work of the station upon arrival of the wagons
2. The main indicators of the work of the cargo station and non-public railway tracks
2.1. Calculation of daily freight traffic
2.2. Calculation of the average static load of the car
2.3. Calculation of daily loaded wagon flows
2.4. Calculation of daily empty car flows and their distribution by freight points
2.5. Dimensions of the movement of transfer and block trains
3. Design of the cargo terminal of the station and cargo devices on non-public railway tracks
3.1. Requirements for cargo terminals
3.2. Determination of warehouse areas and linear dimensions of warehouses
3.2.1. Mechanized warehouses for stacked storage of packaged goods
3.2.2. Container platforms
3.2.3. Warehouses of non-public tracks
3.3. Technical equipment of the cargo terminal and non-public routes
3.4. Determination of the optimal parameters of the cargo front
3.5. Development of a cargo terminal layout
4. Organization of interaction between the station and adjacent non-public railway tracks
4.1. Station layout and track specialization
4.2. Organization of shunting work at the station and non-public tracks
4.3. Daily plan schedule of local work of the station
5. Registration of the course project
Annex 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3


Railway transport plays an important role in the functioning and development of the country's commodity market.

One of the main activities of railway transport is the mass transportation of goods. More than 4,700 railway stations are located on the Russian railway network, which are the main cargo generating points. Freight stations are connected by a rail track with numerous non-public railway tracks, on the freight fronts, where the main freight work is carried out.

The purpose of the course project is to deepen and consolidate the theoretical knowledge of students obtained during the study of the lecture course, to instill in them the skills of independent solution of engineering problems in the field of cargo and commercial work.

On the basis of the given cargo turnover of the station and the adjoining non-public railway tracks, the student must calculate the car traffic, select the types and size of warehouses, types of loading and unloading machines and their required number, develop a technology for cargo and commercial work at the station and non-public railway tracks.

The result of the course project should be a constructed daily schedule of the station's work, on the basis of which the main indicators of the station's operation are determined and conclusions are drawn on the course project.

Starting to implement the project, the student, using the knowledge gained in the study of disciplines: "Cargo handling", "Mechanization of RRR", "OKZhD" about the properties of the given goods, methods of loading and transportation, chooses a typical scheme of a freight station, develops a technology for organizing the work of individual fronts.

When compiling methodological data. instructions for course design were used methodological developments d.t.s.

A.A. Smekhova, H.M. Lazareva, Ph.D. I.V. Shtefko, T.V. Demyankova, I.V. Shchelkunova.

Organization of the work of the cargo station

Railways carry out the transport of goods between stations that are open for the implementation of relevant freight and commercial operations.

Freight stations are a complex of track and cargo devices, technical and office premises designed for cargo and commercial operations.



1.1. Technical data 15
1.2. Performance characteristic 20

2.1. Station management 28
2.2. Operational scheduling of the station 32




6.1. Organization of commercial work when performing cargo operations on non-public railway tracks 49
6.1.1. Organization of supply of wagons for cargo operations 49
6.1.2. Acceptance of goods for transportation 51
6.1.3. Reception of empty own rolling stock 56
6.1.4. Delivery of goods 59
6.1.5. Issuance of empty own rolling stock 63
6.1.6. Registration of wagon cleaning 65
6.2. Organization of commercial work when performing cargo operations in common areas of the station by means of shippers, consignees, including under an agreement with DM 67
6.2.1. Organization of supply of wagons for cargo operations 67
6.2.2. Acceptance of goods for transportation 69
6.2.3. Acceptance of empty own wagons for transportation 70
6.2.4. Delivery of goods 71
6.2.5. Issuance of empty own wagons 73
6.2.6. Registration of wagon cleaning 74
6.3. Organization of cargo and commercial work when performing cargo operations in common areas of the station by means of JSC Russian Railways 75
6.3.1. Interaction of D and DM workers during the submission of wagons for loading and after loading of goods, containers into wagons 75
6.3.2. Interaction of D and DM workers when supplying wagons for unloading and based on the results of unloading cargo, containers 78
6.3.3. Interaction of D and DM workers when supplying loaded wagons for double operations 80
6.3.4. Interaction when cleaning wagons after performing cargo operations 81
6.3.5. Interaction when performing operations with goods under customs control in the ZTK and at the temporary storage warehouse, which are under the operational management of the MCH (DM) 82
6.4. Organization of work with wagons uncoupled to eliminate commercial faults found 83
6.5. Interaction of the station with the washing point DM 84
6.6. Interaction of the station with the dezprompredpriyatie DM 86
6.7. Interstate transfer operations 88
6.8. Interaction with FGP VO Railway Railway of Russia 95














1. This Standard Technological Process for the Operation of a Freight and Interstate Transfer Station of JSC Russian Railways (hereinafter referred to as the Standard Technological Process) applies to subsidiaries and dependent companies of JSC Russian Railways and to other organizations of railway transport in accordance with agreements (contracts) concluded between JSC "Russian Railways" and these societies and other organizations of railway transport.
A typical technological process regulates the requirements for the content, development, coordination, approval, reconciliation and change of Technological processes of operation of freight and interstate transfer railway stations (hereinafter referred to as Technological Processes).
2. A typical technological process serves as the basis for creating templates and classifiers of the "Integrated automated system for conducting technological processes of railway stations (AS VTP)" in relation to the technological processes of freight and interstate transfer railway stations. After the implementation of AS VTP, the development of Technological processes is carried out in accordance with the requirements of templates and classifiers of AS VTP. Prior to the implementation of AS VTP, the maintenance of Technological Processes should be carried out in accordance with the Typical Technological Process directly.
3. Technological processes of all freight and interstate transfer railway stations of Russian Railways (hereinafter referred to as stations) must comply with the content of the Typical technological process in the main part of the document and the list of mandatory annexes (Appendices No. 1-7), including the order of placement of sections and applications. Chapter " General Provisions»Regulates the procedure for the development and maintenance of other sections and applications and is not included in the Technological Processes.
Technological processes in accordance with the requirements of the Typical technological process must regulate all technological operations performed by a particular station, regardless of their frequency and volume.
If there are no operations at the station that correspond to any section (subsection, paragraph) of the Typical technological process, the name of the section (subsection, paragraph) is included in the content of the Technological process, indicating the absence of these works according to the explanations of the Typical technological process for the optional filling of sections (subsections, points ) Technological process.
If the station performs any operations that do not correspond to the content of the main part and applications of the Standard Technological Process, the technology for performing such works is included in the Technological Process of the station as an additional application placed after the mandatory applications.
At the railway station of Russian Railways, the simultaneous operation of more than one Technological Process is not allowed.
4. All other governing documents regulating, in conjunction with the Technological Process, the issues of organizing the work of the station, should be presented in the list of Section 9 "Guiding Documents". The content of the main part and all applications of the Technological process in all necessary cases references are given to the serial numbers of the corresponding documents of Section 9 "Guiding Documents". Duplication of provisions of other guidance documents, as well as other points and applications of the Technological Process, is not allowed within the framework of the Technological Process.
References provided in the Typical Workflow to guidance documents in clause 9 within the Workflow should be adjusted for specific plant conditions.
5. The technological process, regardless of the order of payment for the work (services) performed for the transportation of passengers and goods, must cover all technological operations performed:
- with the participation of plant workers;
- employees of other structural divisions of Russian Railways and organizations, the implementation of which has a direct impact on the performance of functional duties by the station employees.
6. Development of Technological Processes for new freight and interstate transfer stations or stations requiring significant changes in the technology of work (due to reconstruction, changes in the volume and / or structure of the car flow), is carried out in the following sequence:
- the formation of options and the choice of the most rational (normative) option of the plant operation technology by constructing and analyzing the indicators of the options for the plant operation schedule. Including, when analyzing the generated options, calculations of the optimal number of shunting locomotives are performed in accordance with the provisions of Appendix No. 4 of the Typical technological process;
- formation of the main text part and other applications to the Technological process based on data corresponding to the selected option of the station operation technology (standard schedule).
Changes in the Technological Processes of existing freight and interstate transfer stations are carried out in the following sequence:
- analysis of the structure of car flows, shortcomings and barrier places in the station's operation over the past period;
- development of technological solutions to achieve the target parameters of operational work;
- feasibility study of the decisions taken;
- formation of the main text part and applications to the Technological Process.
7. The list of processing schedules for trains and groups of cars presented in the Technological Process should cover all existing variants of sequences and parameters (time norms, performers) of operations carried out at the station from the moment of arrival (including from adjacent non-public tracks and tracks located in the conduct of another structural unit) until the moment of departure (filing on the way of non-public use or the ways that are under the jurisdiction of another structural unit). In justified cases, more detailed textual explanations are given for individual operations of the schedules in the corresponding paragraphs or notes to the schedules of the Technological process (for example, "maintenance with a slot" or "maintenance without a slot").
Within the framework of the schedules for the processing of trains and individual groups of cars presented in the Technological Process, all operations performed by station employees on public railway tracks, adjacent non-public railway tracks and tracks under the jurisdiction of other structural divisions should be displayed.
If necessary, for an unambiguous interpretation of the performer's belonging to a specific structural subdivision of Russian Railways or another organization, the abbreviated name of the relevant subdivision (organization) is indicated in the Contractor column of the schedules for processing trains and individual groups of cars.
All processing schedules for transit trains must begin with the "Arrival" operation (or with other preparatory operations performed before the arrival of the train and directly related to the processing of the corresponding train) and end with the "Departure" operation.
If necessary, on the presented train processing schedules, the numbers (number intervals) of trains and / or the length of the processed trains upon arrival and / or departure may be indicated.
All operations of the processing schedules of trains and trains with freight cars are grouped according to the elements of downtime (see the processing schedules of trains in Section 4 of the Typical Technological Process) in accordance with the requirements of Section 12. Methodology for calculating the norms of the time spent by freight cars at the station. " Each such group of operations should begin with an operation, at the beginning of which the cars are transferred to the corresponding idle element. The operations performed before the arrival and after the departure of the train are highlighted on the schedules in separate groups "before arrival" and "after departure", respectively.
The time norms for the execution of technological operations related to movement indicated on the schedules for the processing of trains and groups of cars should correspond to trains and groups of cars of standard composition and the most frequently used routes. If there are significant differences in the time rates for performing operations for different trains / group of cars (for example, when differentiating rates are distinguished) and / or for different station routes, separate schedules should be submitted or a note to one schedule should indicate an interval or a list of time standards for performing the corresponding operation with the necessary explanations ...
The processing schedules for trains, individual groups of cars in the Typical technological process are given as an example solely for the purpose of establishing requirements for the form of their presentation. The list of schedules, composition, sequence, performers and norms for the execution time of technological operations on the schedules of processing trains and groups of cars (including the number of schedules) in the technological processes of specific stations are formed individually in accordance with local conditions, existing technical and software-informational means, structure and the amount of work, the adopted technological features and the requirements of the current guidance documents.
8. All time norms regulated by the Technological process must be rounded up to the nearest whole minutes.
9. The main part and attachments to the Technological Process should be formed on A4 sheets in the orientation used in the Typical Technological Process. The format and location of individual sheets of appendices to the Technological Process (scheme of the track development of the station in fish, control scheme of the station operation, the standard schedule of the station operation) are not regulated.
All schedules (processing of trains and groups of wagons, work of the roller coaster, work schedule of the station), diagrams and drawings of the Technological process should be placed on separate sheets (no more than one image on one page).
Each of the annexes to the Workflow must have a separate pagination. Only section “11. LIST OF APPENDICES ". Each individual application is not indicated in the content of the main part of the Technological Process.
All requirements for the form of presentation of the main text part and applications of the Technological Process, acts of changes and marks of reconciliation must comply with the current requirements for the design of TPA, implemented within the framework of AS TPA.
10. The main part and each of the applications to the Technological process go through the processes of agreement, approval, change and reconciliation separately. The list of officials approving and approving each of the applications to the Technological Process is determined by the official approving the main part of the Technological Process. The official approving the main part of the Technological process has been established (clause 5.4).
11. The main part of the Technological process of the station is coordinated:
- Head of DCS;
- chiefs of track distances, signaling, centralization and blocking, power supply;
- heads of operational depots: locomotive and carriage (and / or passenger carriage) depot;
- the head of the mechanized distance of loading and unloading operations and commercial operations (in the case of her work at the station);
- heads or deputy heads of directorates for management of the terminal and warehouse complex (in the case of their subdivisions working at the station), traction and infrastructure;
- head or deputy head of the regional ITC;
- heads or deputy heads of directorates of motor-carriage rolling stock and high-speed traffic (when processing the corresponding trains at the station).
The main parts of the Technological Processes of all stations at which operations are carried out to interact with the clientele in terms of cargo and commercial work are coordinated by the heads of the relevant LAFTO.
The labor protection requirements in the Technological Process are coordinated with the labor protection specialist of the structural unit and additionally in the DCS and D - the head of the department (sector), in whose functional subordination are the labor protection specialists.
In accordance with the main parts and Appendix No. 3 "Regulatory work schedule of the station" Technological processes of stations for the formation and turnover of passenger trains, as well as those carrying out coupling and / or uncoupling passenger cars from transit passenger trains are agreed with the heads of the passenger carriage depot (carriage sections), heads or deputy heads of the branches of JSC FPC.
12. Changes to the Technological Process are made when the technology of the station's operation changes within the framework of the requirements of the Typical Technological Process. The decision to start work on the approval of changes in the Technological process is made by the DS or higher managers D. Changes in the Technological process are carried out through the execution of acts of changes.
After the development of the new schedule and the plan for the formation of trains and before putting them into operation, all the necessary changes must be made to the Technological Process.
Changes in accordance with the requirements of acts of various inspections are allowed to be made only when determining the fact of inconsistency of the content of the Technological process with specific points of the PTE, TRA, Typical technological process and other current guidance documents.
The coordination and approval of acts of changes is carried out in the same way as the coordination and approval of the main part and applications of the Technological Process by the officials involved in the changes introduced. In cases of disagreement, the decision on the involvement of the coordinating official in the changes made is made by the official who approves the main part of the Technological Process.
Reprocessing with re-approval of the main part and / or applications of the Technological Process is carried out after reprocessing with re-approval of the Typical Technological Process or in case of significant changes in the station operation technology in agreement with the Chief Engineer or Deputy Chief Engineer of the Central House. Changes in the staff of managers who agree and approve the Technological Process are not grounds for its revision and re-approval.
13. The terms of consideration of projects of developed and modified Technological processes (including applications) should not exceed 5 working days from the date of the official submission of documents for agreement (approval). After the specified period, the coordinated (approved) draft documents or a complete list of specific and substantiated comments must be officially sent to the head of the railway station, after the elimination of which the Technological process can be re-examined and agreed (approved).
14. Full reconciliation of the content (check of the relevance of the provisions) of the Technological Process (including all attachments) in electronic and paper forms, copies and extracts from the Technological Process is made by the DS annually as of the date of the commissioning of the train schedule. All reconciliation operations for the main part and applications of the Technological Process must be completed no later than the date of the entry into force of the train schedule.
In the process of reconciliation, the compliance of the main part and applications of the Technological Process with the actual technology of the station operation, the presence of necessary changes should be checked.
In paper copies of the Technological Process, copies and extracts at the workstations of the station and other divisions, a mark is made about the reconciliation, certified by the signature of the DS or (when printing the Process from the AS VTP with the corresponding mark about the reconciliation) the head of the corresponding division. The specific procedure for reconciling copies of the Technological Process in other divisions is established by an official who coordinates the Technological Process on the part of the relevant division.
15. The first copy of the main part and all applications of the Technological Process (including their acts of changes) in hard copy is kept by the DS. Extracts from the Technological Process, certified by the DS, should be kept at the workstations of the station.
The second copy of the main part and all applications of the Technological Process (including their acts of changes) is stored in the DCS department, which is in charge of the work on the development of the Technological Process.
16. The approved main part, applications and acts of changes of the Technological process come into effect:
- before the implementation of the AU VTP: on the 2nd calendar working day from the date of approval of the relevant document, while the DS ensures the timely receipt by the involved structural divisions and organizations of the relevant written notifications with their signature;
- after the implementation of the AU VTP: from the next calendar working day following the date corresponding to the transfer of the document in the AU VTP into the “valid” category. The AS VTP software ensures the timely automatic distribution of relevant notifications to the list of e-mail addresses provided by structural divisions and organizations in advance. Timely control of receipt of electronic notifications is ensured by the involved structural divisions and organizations.
At the same time, the head of the structural unit timely forms an order (instruction) on the commissioning of the relevant technological documentation, which reflects the period for familiarization and, if necessary, technical training (first of all, for employees entering the next shifts). The date of commencement (new) and cancellation (old - if any) of the action of the corresponding revisions of the technological documentation is indicated.
17. In each structural unit involved (the list is determined by an official approving the main part of the Technological Process), a structural unit should keep a special book for familiarizing workers with the Technological Process "A book for acquaintance with the Technological process of the station ______ (the name is indicated) and annexes to it" (drawn up in an arbitrary form). The following are entered into the book in a timely manner:
- data on the document with which the acquaintance was made;
- position (profession), name of the structural unit, full name, date of familiarization and signature of the familiarized employee.
Keeping a book of familiarization with the Technological Process is obligatory at the involved structural divisions of farms that participated in the approval of the Technological Process.
When the main part and / or applications of the Standard Technological Process enter into force, the timely familiarization of employees (first of all, those entering the next work shifts) is provided by the heads of structural divisions after receiving appropriate notifications. DS provides timely familiarization of the station workers without receiving notification.


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