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Preparation of motors for start-up must be carried out carefully and in a certain sequence, provided for by the manufacturer's instructions.

Before starting the engine, it is necessary to perform the following basic preparatory operations: Start the water, oil and fuel pumps, open the plugs in the pipes and check the system under pressure, eliminate possible gaps. Check the condition of all tanks of fuel, oil, cooling water.

Open the valves to remove air at the outlets of the cooling water of the cylinders, the gas turbine and the air cooler. Open the indicator cocks on the engine and turn the engine several times with a barring machine to check the condition of the mechanisms and remove residues of water, fuel, oil from the cylinders.

Check low and medium pressure oil systems. Start the barring machine and crank the engine until oil comes out of all bearings. Check control holes for lubrication of the GTK. Check the outlet of water and oil from the engine on the drain lines. Check the drip pointer on the lubricators. When turning the diesel engine with a barring device, turn the handle 50-60 times on all lubricators. Check the pressure in the starting air system and, if necessary, pump air into the cylinders. Drain water from air cylinders, pipelines, main and non-return valves of starting air.

Adjust the pressure of water, oil and fuel and check the readings of the instruments.

Check the operation of the reversing servomotor by turning the telegraph lever several times to the "Forward" - "Backward" position, while checking the action of the locking of the starting lever and fuel. Check the blocking of the direction of rotation of the motor. Set the fuel lever to the maximum flow position. Set the telegraph to the maximum feed position. Set the telegraph to the "Forward" position. When transferring the engine to: "Forward" operation, the load indicator should automatically move to the maximum feed position, and when transferring to "Backward" operation - to the "0" position. The check is carried out also with the telegraph position "Back": Set the telegraph lever to the appropriate operation. Set the three-way valves on the supply pipelines to the emptying position and check the transition of the load indicator to "0". Set telegraph levers and direction of rotation interlock respectively to “Forward” or “Reverse”. By moving the fuel lever from zero to maximum position, the load indicator should respond accordingly to the regulator.

The engine should only be started when all fuel pumps, regulator and all control levers, plugs and valves in the lines have been checked for correct installation. The engine starts after giving a command from the bridge with duplication of this signal by telegraph.

It is also necessary to make sure that fuel is supplied to the fuel pumps, pressurize the pumps and, in accordance with the instructions, adjust the phases of fuel supply and spray pressure. In conclusion, the uniformity of the fuel supply through the cylinders is checked when the controls are set to "Full speed" and "Stop". In the latter case, there must be a so-called "zero feed".

After graduating from the external inspection and control of the correct assembly, they consistently prepare the system and the engine device for operation.

Preparation of the lubrication system. Check the oil level in the oil collectors of the circulation system and lubricators and the purity of the oil in oil filters... They control the flow of oil to all parts of the engine that require lubrication.

Cooling system preparation. All valves and clinkets are set to the operating position, the backup cooling pump is started up and the engine's outer space is pumped until the air is completely displaced from them. At the end of pumping, the pump is stopped, the valves of the cooling system are switched to supply water from the pump, which cools the engine during operation.

Preparation fuel system... Determine the amount of fuel in the supply tank, remove the sludge of water and dirt, then replenish the tank to the set level.

Preparation of the launch system. Check the air pressure in the starting cylinders and, if it is not enough, pump air with a compressor.

Shafting preparation. By external examination, make sure that there are no foreign objects. If there is a brake, release it. Check the presence of grease in the shafting elements and the cooling of the bearings. If elastic couplings are present, they are left in the off position. In propeller units with CPP, the blades are set to the zero pitch position. After the completion of the preparatory operations, the engine is cranked using a barring device. With the indicator cocks open, test runs "Forward" and "Backward" are made without fuel supply. After test runs, the indicator valves are closed. After all the above operations have been completed, the main engines are considered ready for action, which the engineer on duty reports to the chief engineer and, with his permission, to the bridge.

The most responsible and requiring special care is the preparation of the engine for start-up after a long period of inactivity.

Preparation for launch basically boils down to the following activities:

1. Check the presence of fuel in the supply tank and drain the sediment. Open all stopcocks from the supply tank to the fuel pumps. Check the pumps are in good condition. Manually pump the fuel pumps until all air is removed through the test cocks. Check the nozzles and nozzle needles and, if necessary, remove and rub in.

2. Check the lubrication condition of all parts and prepare the lubrication system for start-up. With a pressure lubrication system, open the taps on the oil supply line and on the oil return from the base frame oil sump. Verify hand pump oil supply to all surfaces. Check that all oilers and lubricators are filled with oil; check the operation of all droppers, lubricate all parts that are manually lubricated.

3. For four-stroke engines, check the timing system by inspecting and testing the travel of the intake, exhaust and start valves. Make sure that the valves are not jammed, adjust the clearances between the rollers or tappets, check the valves for tightness and, if necessary, disassemble the valves and additionally grind.

4. Check the action of the water cooling system; after checking, stop the water supply so as not to overcool the engine before starting.

5. Using the pressure gauge, check the compressed air pressure in the cylinders for diesel engines. Next, check the tightness of the air line by filling it with air.

If the engine is started with an electric starter, check the charging of the batteries, the correct connection of the wires, the serviceability of their insulation.

6. Inspect and check all fasteners; especially carefully check the moving parts of the engine and eliminate any deficiencies found in the fastening.

7. For calorizing motors, start heating up the calorizer (with a blowtorch), bringing it to a cherry-red heat.

8. Remove all fixtures, tools, etc. that were in the immediate vicinity of the engine. Check the correct installation of the guard.

  1. Check if the engine is under load.

When preparing for the start-up of the gas power plant, they are guided by

appropriate instructions for each type of installation, as well as in preparation for starting liquid fuel engines. In preparation for the operation of the gas power plant, gas generators, engines, auxiliary mechanisms and cleaning devices are prepared for start-up.

Preparation for operation of gas generators begins with its ignition and bringing the gasification process in it to the moment of obtaining such a gas composition that would be suitable for starting the engine into operation. The ignition and maintenance of the gas generator is carried out in accordance with its type and design, the type and type of fuel used and the capacity of the installation. The preparation of cleaning devices for a gas generating plant is reduced to checking the water supply to the scrubber, regulating the water pressure; the supply of a mixture of air and water vapor to the gas generator is also regulated.

The operations for the preparation and start-up of engines of different types and designs are different in detail and for each engine are determined by the manufacturer's instructions. However, the basic operations are common to all engines.
Preparing the engine for start consists in checking and preparing for operation of the fuel and oil systems, cooling and starting systems. If the engine has been inactive for some time, then before the bunch, it is necessary to check its attachment to the foundation frame, and the frame to the foundation according to the degree of tightening of bolts and nuts. You should also check the fastening of fuel pumps, injectors, cylinder covers and other parts; check the clearances between the cam washers and the pusher plates or the valve arm rollers, as well as the tightness of the valves and the tightness of the springs at the injectors.
Preparing the fuel system for operation... When preparing the fuel system, make sure that there is fuel in the sump and in the supply tank. After that, sludge should be drained, which may appear as a result of condensation of water vapor from the air. Open the shut-off valves and fill the system with fuel. When filling the system with fuel, the air valves on the filters must be opened in order to release air through them. The taps must be closed when fuel will go without air bubbles.
Preparation for operation of the oil system... When preparing the oil system, first of all, it is necessary to check the presence of oil in the oil sump, drain water and sludge from the engine crankcase and tanks.
An electrically driven hand or auxiliary oil pump must pump oil through the engine oil system and make sure it flows out of all main and connecting rod bearings in a full stream. The oil drain from the bearings is monitored through hatches in the crankcase or engine bed. When pumping oil, the engine crankshaft must be turned with a barring device. It is necessary to check the filling with oil of all oilers and lubricators, lubricate all parts that are lubricated by hand.
Preparing the cooling system for operation... Preparing the engine cooling system essentially consists of filling the system with water and checking its water tightness. When filling the cooling system with water, open the air vents and release the air from it. In the case when the cooling water is cold, the filling should be carried out several hours before starting so that the water in the cylinder jackets can heat up to 10-12 ° C. This will prevent the engine from overcooling before starting. If the temperature in the engine room is low (below + 5 ° C), then water with a temperature of about 60 ° C must be poured into the cylinder jackets to warm up the engine, and after heating the engine, the water temperature can be increased to 80-90 ° C.
After filling the cooling system, check that there are no water leaks through the cylinder liner seals in the radiator, refrigerator and flange connections. The absence of water in the compression chambers is checked by turning a few turns. crankshaft with open indicator taps (in the absence of indicator taps, unscrew the safety valves or open the decompression taps).
Preparing the launch system... If the engine is started with compressed air, then the air pressure in the starting cylinders is checked before starting. The air pressure in the cylinders should be - for starting low-speed engines 15-20 kgf / cm2 and for starting high-speed engines 30-60 kgf / cm2. Check the tightness of the air line by filling it with compressed air.
When starting the engine with an electric starter, check the charging of the battery and the correct connection of the starter to it.
When all systems are prepared for operation and no malfunctions have been found by inspection, it is necessary to remove all foreign objects from the engine, install guards and once again inspect the entire installation. After that, you can start starting the engine.

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  • n1.doc

    1.11. The procedure for preparation for start-up and start-up of a diesel engine in various cases.

    1.11.1. The procedure for preparing a diesel generator for start-up.

    Before starting, you should inspect the attachment points of the diesel generator and its units and perform the indicated operations:

    1. check the filling with fuel, oil and coolant, top up if necessary;

    2. open the tap fuel tank and make sure that there are no leaks in the connections of the fuel, oil and water pipelines;

    3. make sure there are no foreign objects near rotating parts;

    4. make sure that the main circuit breaker is open;

    5. after a long inactivity (from 15 to 30 days), turn the diesel crankshaft manually using a barring device;

    6. make sure that rechargeable batteries charged and turn on the battery disconnect switch;

    7. turn on the circuit breaker.

    8. When preparing to start up with compressed air, check the air pressure in the cylinder using a pressure gauge. The pressure should be at least 70 kgf / cm 2. The maximum pressure in the starting bottle is 150 kgf / cm 2

    9. bleed the power system with a fuel pump to remove air;

    10. check before the first start additionally the presence of the required amount of oil in the housing fuel pump and a tachometer sensor drive reducer.

    11. at ambient temperature below 5 0 С, warm up the diesel with heating means.

    1.11.2. Starting the diesel generator from the local control panel.

    The diesel generator is started by a starter or compressed air in the following sequence:

    1. turn on the main switch;

    2. turn on the automatic protection of the gas station network;

    3. set the crankshaft speed control knob to the "starting speed" position (500-600 rpm);

    4. turn the switch lever of the electric oil pump clockwise until it stops and create a pressure in the lubrication system of at least 2.5 kgf / cm 2, when restarting a hot diesel engine - 1.5 kgf / cm 2;

    5. without turning off the electric oil pump, turn on the starting device (starter or air vent). When starting with a starter, turn the starter switch lever clockwise until it stops.
    The duration of continuous operation of the starter should not exceed 5 seconds.

    If the diesel engine does not start, the next start can be done no earlier than after 10-15 seconds (with automatic start - after 10 seconds)

    It is allowed to make no more than 3 consecutive start attempts, and then take measures to eliminate the cause of the failed start.

    To pump oil out of the crankcase, it is necessary to start up the diesel engine. Before start - refilling of the tank is not allowed.

    When starting with compressed air - open the valve of the starting cylinder and the high-speed valve;

    1. after the diesel engine starts to work, release the levers of the oil pump and starter switches (or close the fast-acting valve and the cylinder valve when starting with compressed air) and set the rotation speed to 800-1000 rpm;

    2. warm up the diesel on Idling with a gradual transition to the maximum speed.
    With an increase in the speed of rotation during the warming up of the diesel engine, it is necessary to ensure that the oil pressure does not exceed 14 kgf / cm 2.

    The oil pressure in the main line at a speed of 1500 rpm must be at least 5 kgf / cm 2.

    If the pressure is lower, the diesel generator should be stopped immediately, the cause should be determined and eliminated.

    The diesel is considered warmed up and ready to receive the load when the temperature of the coolant and oil reaches 37 0 С at the exit from the diesel engine.

    To accelerate the heating, it is allowed to receive a partial load of no more than 40% of the nominal when the coolant temperature reaches 20 ° C.

    1.11.3. Starting the diesel engine in case of emergency.

    To enjoy emergency start should only be done in exceptional cases, because when the load is received by a cold diesel engine, due to an increase in the clearances in the joints and insufficient lubrication, the wear of the mating surfaces increases and carbon formation on the piston increases and piston rings, which leads to a decrease in the service life of the diesel engine.

    In emergency cases, it is allowed to receive 100% of the load in 1 minute, including starting. In this case, before starting the oil temperature,

    the coolant and the diesel engine as a whole should be at least 20 0 С, and there should be no air in the fuel supply system.

    Maintaining a diesel generator in hot readiness by idling is strictly prohibited.

    The start of a diesel generator in an emergency is carried out in the same way as for a normal start. Acceptance of the load is allowed after reaching the maximum idle speed without additional warming up of the diesel engine.

    1.11.4. Starting a diesel engine at low ambient temperatures.

    Before starting at an air temperature below 5 0 С, it is necessary to warm up the diesel - generator using a heater . Start up the heater from the control panel, for which:

    1. turn on the main switch;

    2. open the heater fuel supply valve;

    3. turn on the switch 2 (Fig. 1.40) of the operating mode to the “work” position for 10-15 seconds to fill the fuel heater with fuel;
    Switch 1 of the solenoid valve must be in the "blowdown" position.

    1. turn on the fuel heater by pressing button 6 for no more than 60 seconds;

    2. turn on the glow plug by turning the switch handle 5 clockwise until it stops.
    In this case, the control coil 3 on the dashboard, connected in series with the glow plug, should heat up to a bright red light;

    1. after 30-60 seconds (at an ambient temperature below -15 0 С), move the switch 1 of the solenoid valve from the “blowing” position to the “work” position and the switch 2 of the electric motor operation mode to the “start” position;

    2. in the event of a uniform noise in the heater boiler, move the switch 2 to the "operation" position and release the handle of the switch 5 of the spark plug.
    When the ambient temperature is above - 15 0 С, it is allowed not to turn on the fuel heater and turn switch 2 to the "operation" position, bypassing the "start" position;

    1. in case of unsuccessful start-up of the pre-heater (absence of characteristic combustion noise), set switch 2 to neutral position and switch 1 of the solenoid valve to “blowdown” position.
    Repeat the starting process;

    1. The start-up of the heater is considered normal if, after 3-5 minutes, the fluid supply line from the oil tank coil to the crankcase is hot.

    In case of overheating of the boiler shell and the presence of jolts of boiling liquid, the heater must be turned off immediately and the reason for the lack of liquid circulation must be determined.

    When the temperature of the coolant in the cooling system reaches 90 ° C, switch switch 1 to the “blowdown” position.

    After the coolant temperature drops to 50-70 0 С, restart the heater.

    The number of such heater starts depends on the ambient temperature.

    After warming up the diesel generator, stop the pre-heater, to do this, cut off the fuel supply to the combustion chamber by moving the switch 1 of the solenoid valve to the “blowdown” position and close the valve.

    After 1-2 minutes. When the electric motor of the pump unit is operating without burning in the boiler, turn it off by moving switch 2 to the neutral position.

    After warming up the diesel generator, start up the diesel from the local control panel.

    Before starting the engine

    1. Inspect the area next to the vehicle.

    2. Take a seat, adjust the position of the seat, headrest and steering wheel angle.

    3. Adjust the position of the rear-view mirrors.

    4. Close all doors.

    5. Fasten your seat belt.

    Starting the engine

    Place the car on the hand brake, turn off all unnecessary consumers and lighting devices.

    On vehicles with a manual transmission

    Press the clutch pedal to the floor and place the transmission control lever in neutral. Keep the pedal depressed until the engine starts.

    On vehicles with automatic transmission

    Move the selector lever to position P. If it is necessary to start a stalled engine while driving, move the lever to position N. If the lever is in any position corresponding to movement, the safety device will prevent the starter from turning on.

    Only on vehicles with automatic transmission

    Press the brake pedal fully and hold until you start driving.

    Starting a warm engine

    Step on the pedal throttle about half way and engage the starter by turning the ignition key to the START position. Release the key after and the throttle pedal after starting the engine.

    Hot start

    Press the throttle pedal all the way down and engage the starter by turning the ignition key to the START position. Release the key after and the throttle pedal after starting the engine. Do not press the pedal again.

    Starting a stalled engine

    Repeat the above steps depending on the engine temperature. A warning

    The duration of the starter operation at start-up should not exceed 15 seconds. Otherwise, the starter and cables will overheat. Do not accelerate abruptly on a cold engine.

    If the engine stalls frequently or does not start well, check the condition of the engine immediately.

    Warm up the engine only when driving, not idling. Drive at a moderate speed until the coolant temperature rises to operating level.

    Startup under normal conditions

    Cars are equipped with a multi-channel direct fuel injection (or sequential injection) system that automatically prepares the mixture needed to start the engine. Regardless of the thermal state, the engine is started as follows:

    1. Take your foot off the throttle and engage the starter by turning the ignition key to the START position. Release the key after starting the engine.

    2. Let the engine warm up for 10 seconds, after which the car is ready to drive.

    In frosty conditions, let the engine run for a few minutes, after which the vehicle is ready to drive.

    Checking the car before driving

    Before starting the engine

    Checking outside

    Tires. Check pressure, and external damage (cuts, wear, etc.).

    Wheel nuts. Make sure all nuts are present and tightened securely.

    The presence of leaks. After long-term parking, check for leaks of oil, fuel, liquids (moisture droplets may appear after using the air conditioner).

    Lighting devices. Make sure the headlights, direction indicators and other devices are in good working order. Check if the headlights are correctly adjusted.

    Checking inside

    Check the pressure in the spare wheel, make sure you have a jack and a wheel nut wrench.

    Check the condition of the seat belts, the firmness of the fastening of the buckles.

    Make sure that all the light indicators signaling the malfunction of various systems, the instrument scale illumination and the glass heater are in good working order.

    Check the brake pedal adjustment.

    Check for spare fuses. The kit must include fuses rated for all currents, the values ​​of which are indicated on the cover of the mounting block.

    Checking inside the engine compartment

    Check the coolant level.

    Check the electrolyte level in the battery sections. Check the condition of the battery case and power cables, and the tightness of the cables.

    Check the condition of the wiring.

    Check the condition of the fuel hoses and pipes.

    After starting the engine

    Listening to the engine operation, determine the condition exhaust system... Repair immediately if leaks are found.

    Stop the engine and check the oil level.

    Check while driving

    Check the serviceability of the speedometer and other devices.

    In a safe place, check the brakes and brake uniformity.

    Listen and identify noises indicating abnormal operation of vehicle components.


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