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The procedure for meeting trains on the go, safety measures when hitching and uncoupling a locomotive from a train, negotiation rules when performing a technological process, fencing a rolling stock

Risk map in the depot for labor protection for March 2012.

Telegram on the explosion of the compressor room at st. Yudino. (CDI Kireevnina A.B. No. out-2958 from 24.02.12, DIZTech V.S. Skityuk No. 2456 dated 22.02.2012.

15 February 2012, at about 2 am at the railway station in the manufacturing Yudin one-storey building COMPRESSOR MECHANIZED hump KAZAN DISTANCE ALARM, centralization and blocking the Gorky Railway RESULTING FIRE compressor unit, an explosion occurred. THE EXPLOSION HAS DAMAGED THE COMPRESSOR, KNOCKED OUT THE GLASS, DESTROYED PART OF THE ROOF OF THE BUILDING, DAMAGED THE WALLS. WITH BURNS OF FACE AND BODY DELIVERED TO THE HOSPITAL COMPRESSOR MACHINER YUSUPOV RAVIL ZABIKHOVICH (1957).

Familiarization of employees with the list of oversized and dangerous places on the territory of the station. Schemes of routes of service and technological passages. Results of checking the illumination of the routes of technological passes (acts of measurements of illumination)

A car inspector-repairman who accepts a train "on the fly", that is, before the train stops, must be at a specially equipped workplace ("safety island") behind a restrictive counter. During the inspection of freight cars in a moving rolling stock, the inspector-repairman of the cars must not leave the boundaries of the workplace

When using two-way park communication, it is necessary to comply with the negotiation rules, avoiding unnecessary noise exposure to workers and residents of nearby areas. Talkback speakers of two-way park communication should be switched off after transmission of the message.

Employees are prohibited from

Go out on the railway lines without the announcement of the DSP (operator of the PTO) on the presentation of trains to maintenance;

Located on the territory of the station outside the working area for the work performed;

Use mobile communication devices, portable radio and audio players, etc. while on railway tracks.

After fencing the train, the operator of the maintenance facility notifies the shift workers on the loudspeaker about the fencing of the train on the corresponding track. The information about the fenced trains is repeated by the operator of the PTO every 20 (twenty) minutes.

If it is impossible to protect the train with the help of a semi-automatic fencing system, the operator of the workshop is obliged to notify the EAF and the senior inspector of the carriages via loudspeaker communication. In this case, the fencing of the trains is organized by the chief inspector of the wagons by hand signals of the fence.

The person responsible for the execution of the work must notify the operator of the workshop about the end of the maintenance and repair of freight cars, who announces through the two-way park communication about the removal of the fence freight car.

Centralized fencing of trains and wagons should be carried out by the operator of the plant together with the station attendant.

After stopping the train and uncoupling the locomotive, the PTO operator shields the train from the head and tail from a centralized control panel. If the locomotive is not disconnected from the train, then the train is fenced together with the locomotive.

In the absence of a centralized fencing, freight cars being repaired on railway tracks are fenced with portable signals (in the daytime - rectangular shields painted in red, and at night - signal lights with fire of the same color), installed on the track axis at a distance of at least 50 m from the fenced ones. wagons (on through tracks - on both sides, and on dead-end tracks - from the side of the turnout). If, in this case, the outer car is at a distance of less than 50 m from the limit post, then a portable red signal from this side is installed on the track axis against the limit post. The fencing of the place of work is carried out for the period of their implementation and is removed after their completion at the direction of the employee responsible for the work.

The fence signals should be removed only after the end of the work and the work manager has removed all workers from the train, the train of freight cars or a freight car at a safe distance.

At the current moment of February 2012, 34 comments on violations of safety requirements on the railway have been registered in the book of the driver's remarks "Man on the way". ways, of which 31 comments addressed to the workers of the PCh (9 comments were taken into account, 15 comments to the accounting were not accepted, 7 comments were attributed to unauthorized persons), 3 comments to the address of the workers of the PCh.

The analysis of comments on security violations on the railway. paths by depot workers, established the risk of violations with the onset of the spring period. Taking into account the onset of the border 0С temperature regime, the appearance of ice on the passage routes, the likelihood of injury to workers from a collision of rolling stock increases if the requirements for the passage of rolling stock are not observed.

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on the topic: “Rules for finding workers on the railway track. Occupational Hygiene "

A warningarrivalsNSrolling stock for workers

The information system "Man on the way" is aimed at strengthening control over compliance by employees railway transport rules for being on the track (when approaching and passing trains) and prevention of industrial injuries (due to rolling stock collision with people working on the way).

The "Man on the way" information system is effective only when joint actions are taken to prevent violations of the rules for staying on railway tracks by managers, specialists and direct executors of all road facilities, including the office of the train traffic safety inspector. lighting collision rolling stock worker

Managers and specialists of track, traffic, locomotive, signaling and communications, power supply, carriage and road safety inspectors, when performing their duties while on the tracks of stations and spans or when escorting trains, should pay increased attention to the observance of those working on the tracks rules and instructions on labor protection, as well as the action of locomotive crews within the framework of this information system.

The largest volume of control and verification work on the "Man on the way" information system is assigned to employees of the track service, track departments of departments, managers and engineers for labor protection of track distances and track machine stations. In order to perform control functions in the operation of the information system, occupational safety engineers are granted the right to travel on locomotives:

track distances within the track distance,

track machine stations within the serviced area.

If violations are detected, each specialist or manager must immediately inform the duty officer of the nearest station about it and take all possible measures to eliminate the violation.

Within a day, a person who has identified a violation of the rules and instructions for the safe performance of work on railway tracks must send a message (written, telegraphic or by phone) about the violation to the labor protection department (sector) of the road department, where the violation was detected, in order to take measures in accordance with regulatory documents.

The locomotive crew, when following the established route, monitors the clearness of the track. About each case of untimely departure of people from the track along which the train follows, and of the neighboring track (except for the contact network brigade working from an insulating removable tower), on the performance of work without fencing in the established order, without issuing a warning to trains, the absence of signal vests on workers and the locomotive driver who are on the way to the road workers must immediately inform the attendant of the nearest station by radio communication.

In addition, if the work is not stopped when the train passes on the adjacent track, it is necessary to inform the "driver of the oncoming train, who, having received such a warning, must take the necessary measures to prevent collisions with people: giving more frequent warning signals of high volume, reducing speed, emergency braking.

Upon arrival at the locomotive depot, the driver makes an entry in the logbook of the information system "Man on the way", which "is at the depot duty officer, about the detected violations.

The station attendant, upon receipt from the person who identified the violation, reports that the workers on the stations' tracks or on the haul have violated the safety requirements during the work, as well as independently identifying violations of the negotiation rules, the absence of warning records about the performance of work, etc., immediately transfers it to the duty officer by the unit, the employees of which committed the violation, and in its absence - to the unit management and to the road department - to the dispatcher of his site (node), making an entry about this in the station's "Person on the way" journal.

The locomotive depot duty officer, having received a message from the locomotive brigade about the detected violation, again brings it to the attention of the unit duty officer, whose employees committed the violation, and in his absence - to the department management. Finding out in the course of his message the timeliness of the receipt of information about the present violation from the duty officer at the station (site, node), and makes an entry in the log about the timeliness of receiving the message.

The section (node) duty officer, having received a message about the violation, brings the information received to the road separation duty officer, who takes the necessary measures to prevent possible consequences and makes an entry in the "Person on the way" information system of the road separation.

The duty officer of the relevant unit, having received a message about the violation by the employees when they are on the way of the labor protection requirements, immediately notifies the person in whose direct subordination are the people who committed the violation, and the head of the unit. In the event that the information is not received for its intended purpose, he takes measures to identify the real violator and informs the duty officer of the unit, where, in his opinion, the violation was committed and the duty officer at the road section.

At the same time, the person on duty must make an entry in the "Person on the way" information log, indicating the position and surname of the person who sent the message.

After receiving information, the person in whose immediate subordination are the people who committed the violation is obliged to take urgent measures to eliminate the violation, conduct an investigation and take the most stringent measures against the violators: discuss it at a working meeting, petition for the withdrawal of the bonus, the imposition of a penalty, etc. The work to eliminate violations and the measures taken are reported in writing to the management of the unit that reported the violation.

Heads of divisions of the railway department, whose employees are involved in the movement of trains and work on railway tracks, at least once a month, together with representatives of locomotive depots, review the progress of work using the information system "Man on the way". The results of the analyzes are documented in a protocol, if necessary, by an order for the unit. One copy of the protocol (order) is sent to the branch department and the labor protection sector of the road department, as well as to the structural units, whose employees revealed violations, to report on the measures taken.

Control over the operation of the information system "Man on the way" at the road section is carried out constantly by the department (sector) of labor protection and during complex inspections, spring and autumn inspections of the state of labor protection.

In the management of the railway, control over the operation of the information system "Man on the way" should be carried out at least twice a year during spring and autumn inspections of the state of labor protection, as well as during the investigation of cases of industrial injuries.

The results of inspections should be considered by the management of the road with a hearing by the heads of services and branches of the road who admitted ineffective operation of the information system. Based on the results of the analyzes, specific measures should be determined aimed at improving the efficiency of the "Man on the way" information system and preventing rolling stock collisions with people working on the way.

Gigienic assessment of working conditions

Basic concepts

Working conditions - a set of factors of the labor process and the working environment in which human activities are carried out.

Harmful factor of the working environment - a factor of the environment and the work process, the impact of which on the employee can cause an occupational disease or other health disorder, damage to the health of the offspring.

Harmful factors can be:

Physical factors - temperature, humidity, air velocity, heat radiation; non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF) and radiation - electrostatic field; constant magnetic field (including hypogeomagnetic); electric and magnetic fields of industrial frequency (50 Hz); broadband EMF generated by a personal computer; radio frequency electromagnetic radiation; broadband electromagnetic pulses; electromagnetic radiation of the optical range (including laser and ultraviolet radiation); ionizing radiation; industrial noise, ultrasound, infrasound; vibration (local, general); aerosols (dust) of predominantly fibrogenic action; lighting - natural (absence or insufficient), artificial (insufficient illumination, ripple of illumination, excessive brightness, high unevenness of brightness distribution, direct and reflected glare); electrically charged air particles - air ions;

Chemical factors - chemical substances, mixtures, including some substances of biological nature (antibiotics, vitamins, hormones, enzymes, protein preparations) obtained by chemical synthesis and / or for the control of which chemical analysis methods are used;

Biological factors - producer microorganisms, living cells and spores contained in bacterial preparations, pathogenic microorganisms - causative agents of infectious diseases;

Labor process factors.

The severity of labor is a characteristic of the labor process, reflecting the predominant load on the musculoskeletal system and functional systems of the body (cardiovascular, respiratory, etc.), ensuring its activity. The severity of labor is characterized by a physical dynamic load, the mass of the lifted and moved load, the total number of stereotyped working movements, the magnitude of the static load, the nature of the working posture, the depth and frequency of inclination of the body, and movements in space.

Labor intensity is a characteristic of the labor process, reflecting the load mainly on the central nervous system, sensory organs, and the emotional sphere of the employee. The factors that characterize the intensity of labor include: intellectual, sensory, emotional stress, the degree of monotony of stress, the mode of work.

A hazardous factor in the working environment is a factor of the environment and the labor process that can cause an acute illness or a sudden sharp deterioration in health, death. Depending on the quantitative characteristics and duration of action, certain harmful factors in the working environment can become dangerous.

Hygienic standards for working conditions (MPC, PDU) - the levels of harmful factors of the working environment, which during daily (except weekends) work for 8 hours, but not more than 40 hours per week, during the entire working experience should not cause diseases or deviations in the state of health, detected by modern research methods, in the process of work or in the remote periods of life of the present and subsequent generations. Compliance with hygienic standards does not exclude health problems in persons with hypersensitivity.

General principles of hygienic classification of working conditions

Hygienic criteria are indicators that characterize the degree of deviation of the parameters of the factors of the working environment and the labor process from the current hygienic standards. The classification of working conditions is based on the principle of differentiation of these deviations, with the exception of work with pathogens of infectious diseases, with substances for which inhalation or contact with the skin should be excluded (anticancer drugs, estrogen hormones, narcotic analgesics), which give the right to classify working conditions as a certain hazard class for a potential hazard.

Based on the degree of deviation of the actual levels of the factors of the working environment and the labor process from the hygienic standards, the working conditions according to the degree of hazard and hazard are conventionally divided into 4 classes: optimal, permissible, harmful and hazardous.

Optimal working conditions (class 1) are conditions under which the health of the employee is preserved and the prerequisites are created for maintaining a high level of performance. Optimal standards for working environment factors are established for microclimatic parameters and workload factors. For other factors, the optimal conditions are conventionally taken to be such working conditions under which harmful factors are absent or do not exceed the levels accepted as safe for the population.

Permissible working conditions (class 2) are characterized by such levels of environmental factors and the labor process that do not exceed the established hygienic standards for workplaces, and possible changes the functional state of the body is restored during a regulated rest or by the beginning of the next shift and does not have an adverse effect in the near and long term on the health of workers and their offspring. Permissible working conditions are conventionally referred to as safe.

Harmful working conditions (class 3) are characterized by the presence of harmful factors, the levels of which exceed hygienic standards and have an adverse effect on the body of the worker and / or his offspring.

Harmful working conditions according to the degree of excess of hygienic standards and the severity of changes in the body of workers are conventionally divided into 4 degrees of harm:

1 degree 3 class (3.1) - working conditions are characterized by deviations of the levels of harmful factors from hygienic standards, which cause functional changes, which are restored, as a rule, with a longer (than by the beginning of the next shift) interruption of contact with harmful factors and increase the risk of damage to health ;

2 degree 3 class (3.2) - the levels of harmful factors that cause persistent functional changes, leading in most cases to an increase in professionally determined morbidity (which can be manifested by an increase in the incidence rate with temporary disability and, first of all, those diseases that reflect the state of the most organs and systems vulnerable to these factors), the appearance of initial signs or mild forms of occupational diseases (without loss of professional ability to work) arising after prolonged exposure (often after 15 or more years);

Grade 3 grade 3 (3.3) - working conditions characterized by such levels of working environment factors, the impact of which leads to the development, as a rule, of occupational diseases of mild and moderate severity (with the loss of occupational disability) during the period of labor activity, the growth of chronic (occupationally conditioned ) pathology;

4 degree 3 class (3.4) - working conditions under which severe forms of occupational diseases (with loss of general working capacity) can occur, there is a significant increase in the number of chronic diseases and high levels of morbidity with temporary disability.

Hazardous (extreme) working conditions (grade 4) are characterized by the levels of working environment factors, the impact of which during the work shift (or part of it) poses a threat to life, a high risk of developing acute occupational injuries, including severe forms.

General hygienic assessment of working conditions

Working conditions at the workplace meet hygienic requirements and belong to class 1 or 2 if the actual values ​​of the levels of harmful factors are within the optimal or permissible values, respectively. If the level of at least one factor exceeds the permissible value, then the working conditions at such a workplace, depending on the magnitude of the excess and in accordance with this Guide, both for a separate factor and for their combination, can be attributed to 1 - 4 degrees of class 3 harmful or class 4 hazardous working conditions.

To establish the class of working conditions, the excess of the MPC, the MPC can be registered during one shift, if it is typical for the given technological process. In case of atypical or episodic (within a week, month) exposure, the assessment of working conditions is carried out according to the equivalent exposure and / or the maximum level of the factor, and in difficult cases, in agreement with the territorial departments of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare.

Assessment of working conditions taking into account the combined effect of factors is carried out on the basis of the results of measurements of individual factors. The general assessment is established: according to the highest class and degree of hazard;

in the case of a combined action of 3 or more factors related to class 3.1, the overall assessment of working conditions corresponds to class 3.2;

with a combination of 2 or more factors of classes 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 - working conditions are estimated, respectively, one degree higher.


Natural hazards include natural phenomena that pose an immediate threat to human life and health. For example, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, avalanches, mudslides, landslides, rockfalls, floods, storms, tsunamis, tropical cyclones, tornadoes, lightning, fog, cosmic radiation and cosmic bodies and many other phenomena. Being natural phenomena of life and development of the natural environment, they are at the same time perceived by humans as abnormal.

In the safety of activities, not all natural disasters and natural phenomena are considered, but only those that can cause damage to health or lead to the death of people.

Some natural hazards disrupt or hinder the normal functioning of human systems and organs. Such hazards include, for example, fog, ice, heat, barometric pressure, electromagnetic radiation, cold, and others.

Despite deep differences in essence, all natural hazards obey some general laws.

First, a certain spatial confinement is characteristic of each type of hazard. Secondly, it was found that the greater the intensity (power) of a dangerous phenomenon, the less often it happens. Thirdly, each type of danger is preceded by some specific signs (precursors). Fourth, for all the unexpectedness of this or that natural hazard, its manifestation can be predicted. Finally, fifthly, in many cases passive and active protective measures against natural hazards can be provided.

Speaking about natural hazards, the role of anthropogenic influence on their manifestation should be emphasized. There are numerous known facts of imbalance in the natural environment as a result of human activity, leading to an increase in hazardous impacts... So, according to international statistics, the origin of about 80% of modern landslides are associated with human activities. As a result of deforestation, the activity of mudflows increases, and the flood discharge increases (Fig. 12). Currently, the scale of the use of natural resources has increased significantly. This led to the fact that the features of the global environmental crisis began to appear noticeably. Nature, as it were, takes revenge on man for a rude intrusion into her possession. F. Engels warned about this more than a hundred years ago: “Let us not, however, delude ourselves too much with our victories over nature. She takes revenge for every such victory. " The noted circumstance should be borne in mind in economic activity.

Observance of natural balance is the most important preventive factor, taking into account which will reduce the number of dangerous phenomena.

There is a mutual relationship between natural hazards. One phenomenon can serve as a trigger for subsequent ones.

According to available estimates, the number of dangerous natural events on Earth does not grow or hardly grows over time, but human losses and material damage are increasing. The annual probability of death of an inhabitant of planet Earth from natural hazards is approximately equal to 10 ~ 5, that is, for every one hundred thousand inhabitants, one person dies.

A prerequisite for successful protection from natural hazards is the study of their causes and mechanisms. Knowing the essence of the processes, you can predict them. And a timely and accurate forecast of dangerous events is the most important prerequisite for effective protection. In fig. 14 graphically shows the approximate relationship - between the knowledge of hazards, their forecast and protection against them.

On the vertical axis there is a scale that shows the levels of knowledge of the essence of the process (zero means that the nature of the phenomenon has not been studied at all, 100% is complete knowledge of the essence of the phenomenon). The same applies to the forecast and defense axis.

Protection against natural hazards can be active (construction of engineering structures, intervention in the mechanism of the phenomenon, mobilization of natural resources, reconstruction of natural objects, etc.) and passive (for example, the use of shelters). In most cases, active and passive methods are combined.

In terms of localization, natural hazards can, with a certain degree of convention, be divided into 4 groups: lithospheric (for example, earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides); hydrospheric (eg floods, tsunamis, storms); atmospheric (for example, hurricanes, storms, tornadoes, hail, heavy rain); space (for example, asteroids, planets, radiation).

Initial data:

Administrative region group 2;

The length of the wall with windows is 10 m;

Depth 4.8 m;

Visual work category III;

Coefficient of light climate m = 0.85;

Coefficient of stock K = 1.4;

Light characteristic of the window = 9;

Coefficient of shading K zd = 1.1;

Light transmission coefficient = 0.5;

1. The area of ​​one window S = 8 m 2; Coefficient of sunshine r = 1;

2. According to SNiP 05/23/95, the value of KEO e = 1.5; Normalized KEO value

3. Floor area

4. Total area of ​​skylights

5. Number of windows

Determine at what distance from the radiation source of radiation it is safe to carry out work in the defectoscopic shop and set the required thickness of the protective screen that provides the maximum permissible operating conditions for the operator performing work near the radiation source.

The radiation source is point-like, the decay process is accompanied by gamma radiation.

Initial data:

The gamma equivalent of the isotope M = 206 mg. eq. radium.

Working time during the week t = 28 hours.

The energy of γ-radiation is 6.25 MeV.

The protective material of the screen is concrete (= 2.5 g / cm 3).

The organ to be irradiated is the muscles.

The maximum allowable dose is 15 rem.

2. Safe distance from the source in the presence of shields

3. Physical dose rate of radiation

4.Radiation attenuation factor

5. The required thickness of the lead shield is 1 = 1.04 m.

6. Required thickness of the concrete screen

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REGULATIONS on the organization at Russian Railways of work on the information system "Man on the way"

1 area of ​​use

1.1. This Regulation applies to railways - branches of JSC "Russian Railways", other functional branches of JSC "Russian Railways".

1.2. This Regulation is an organizational and methodological document that establishes general requirements for the organization of work on the information system "Man on the way".

1.3. Heads of branches of Russian Railways, when concluding contracts with third-party organizations whose production activities are related to traveling on a public road, shall provide for the requirements of the said Regulation in the contracts.

1.4. On the basis of these Regulations, the branches of JSC "Russian Railways" 1 develop internal documents, taking into account the specifics, structure of the branch and the operating ACSs.

2. General provisions

2.1. The procedure for ensuring the safety of employees when performing work on railway tracks is regulated by the relevant rules and instructions, regulations, job responsibilities on observance of safety measures during the performance of work, technical and administrative acts of stations.

2.2. The information system "Man on the way" is aimed at preventing occupational injuries due to rolling stock collisions with those working on the railway tracks and ensuring control over the observance by employees of the rules for being on the railway tracks, as well as reducing the number of cases affecting the deterioration of the functional state of the driver and reducing its performance.

2.3. The main functional link in the work on the information system "Man on the way" is the locomotive brigade, which carries out actions to prevent collisions of rolling stock on those working on the tracks and takes measures to notify the station duty officer or train dispatcher during dispatch centralization (hereinafter referred to as DC) about existing violations of the rules for the safe performance of work.

2.4. Employees serving railway structures and devices and associated with the movement of trains must be dressed in signal vests with a stencil indicating the owner's belonging to the corresponding structural unit.

2.5. The information system "Man on the way" should involve all employees involved in the transportation process.

2.6. The list of the most common violations is presented in Appendix No. 1 to this regulation.

2.7. An approximate scheme for transmitting information through the information system "Man on the way" for identified violations of safety requirements is presented in Appendix No. 2 to this Regulation.

3. Actions of locomotive crews

3.1. General actions of the train and shunting locomotive crew, train drivers (drivers) of the JCSS when approaching the place of work:

3.1.1. When approaching the place of work on hauls and railway stations, as well as when following the wrong path, in unfavorable weather conditions that reduce visibility (fog, rain, snowfall, blizzard, etc.) and insufficient illumination, the locomotive driver (LSCS) gives warning signals, starting from the kilometer preceding the one indicated in the warning, regardless from portable signals. Warning signals are also given when the train approaches the signal signs "C", portable and manual signals requiring a decrease in speed, when approaching and following curved sections of the track with poor visibility, notches, tunnels, when approaching crossings, to removable mobile units and when approaching to people on the way.

3.1.2. When a train approaches workers, people walking along the tracks or people in between the tracks, the locomotive driver (LSCS) is obliged to give warning signals until the track is cleared and people leave it to a safe place. If the path along which the train follows is not cleared in a timely manner, then the driver must take measures to stop the train.

3J.3. Each case of violation by employees of safety requirements while on the railway tracks, as well as the case of emergency braking of a train in order to prevent a collision with employees, the locomotive driver (SSPS) immediately informs the operator of the nearest station, the train dispatcher at dispatch centralization via the train radio communication.

3.1.4. If, while the train is moving along the adjacent track, work continues, and people have not gone to a safe distance (except when work is performed in the "technological window" in the train schedule or when fencing the place of work with stop signals when trains are moving up to 140 km / h), before, than to inform the station attendant or train dispatcher about this, the locomotive driver (JCSS) must report the violation of the train radio communication to the oncoming train driver, indicating the exact location of the people.

3.1.5. The driver of the oncoming train (JCSS), having received such a notification, takes the necessary measures to prevent a collision by giving more frequent warning signals of high volume, reducing the speed, and if the distance to the location of people is less than the braking distance, he takes emergency measures to stop the train (except for the drivers of high-speed and high-speed trains when the train is moving above 160 km / h).

3.1.6. In the information to the station attendant or the train dispatcher at the DC, the locomotive driver (SSPS) or his assistant indicate the exact time, place (station, section, path, kilometer, picket, turnout switch), the number of workers (if possible) and the nature of the violation, the subdivision of the railway roads, a subdivision of a functional branch of Russian Railways, located on the territory of the railway (hereinafter referred to as a subdivision of other branches of Russian Railways), a third-party organization whose employees violated the rules for being on the tracks, the number of the train and locomotive with which it follows, their surname ...

3.1.7. The locomotive crew writes down all comments on the way according to the information "Man on the way" on the reverse side of the DU-61 form (warning form).

3.1.8. Upon arrival at the operational locomotive depot, the driver writes a remark in the log of violations according to the information system "Man on the way" (hereinafter - the log of violations), which should be kept by the person on duty at the operational locomotive (turnover) depot (hereinafter - the operational locomotive depot). In this case, the following is indicated: date; time; the place of detection of the violation (station, section, track, kilometer, picket, turnout); own surname; train, locomotive number; number of employees (if possible); the nature of the violation; the name of the station attendant or train dispatcher to whom the information was transmitted; a subdivision of the railway, other branches of Russian Railways, a third-party organization whose employees violated the rules for being on the tracks. The recommended form of the journal is given in Appendix No. 2 to this regulation.

3.2. Actions of the train locomotive brigade of high-speed and high-speed trains;

3.2.1. The locomotive driver immediately informs the operator of the nearest station, the train dispatcher at the DC, about each case of employees being at a distance of less than 5 meters from the extreme rail when passing trains traveling at a speed of more than 140 km / h.

3.3. Actions of the shunting locomotive brigade:
3.3.1. When performing shunting work by the upsetting method, (with cars ahead), before starting the movement, the locomotive driver informs the trainer (conductor freight train, assistant compiler) on the availability of work sites along the route. Driver shunting locomotive must be convinced of the correct perception of information about the availability of work sites by the train compiler.

3.3.2. In all cases of violations of the rules for finding employees on the tracks, which can lead to a collision, the driver is obliged to stop maneuvers, and when the cars are moving forward, the train designer takes measures to stop the train.

3.3.3. On cases of violations by employees of safety requirements when they are on railway tracks, for recording in the register of violations, the driver of a shunting locomotive via station (shunting) or train radio communication reports:

When working on station tracks - to the station attendant or shunting dispatcher;

When working on depot tracks locomotive depot- the duty officer at the operational locomotive depot, and at the end of the shift, makes an entry in the violation log;

When working on the railway tracks of a carriage depot, track distance, PMS and other railway divisions - the duty officer at the station.

3.4. Actions of drivers and drivers of the JCSS and other self-propelled vehicles:

3.4.1. At the end of the work, at the place of registration, the machinists and drivers of the JCSS and other self-propelled vehicles, at the end of the work, at the place of registration, make an entry in the log of violations, which is kept by the dispatcher of the corresponding unit (track distance officer, distance dispatcher of the signaling center, shift engineer of the regional communication center (RCS), energy dispatcher, etc. .)

3.4.2. In all cases, if it is impossible to make an entry in the log of violations in person, the driver or JCSS driver sends a message by phone to the dispatcher of the corresponding subdivision (the dispatcher of the track distance, the distance dispatcher of the signaling control system, the shift engineer of the regional communication center (RCS), the power dispatcher, etc.), who in in turn makes an entry in the log of violations with the mark “transmitted by phone”.

4. Actions of duty officers (dispatchers) of railways and other branches of Russian Railways

4.1. Actions of the station duty officer, train dispatcher at the DC:

4.1.1. The station attendant, the train dispatcher at the DC, having received a message from the locomotive driver (SSPS) or his assistant about the violation of safety requirements by the workers during the work, immediately transfers it to the train dispatcher, the officer on duty (dispatcher) of the railway division, other branches of Russian Railways ( depending on whose employees committed violations) and subsidiaries and dependent companies of Russian Railways (in case of violations committed by employees of subsidiaries and dependent companies of Russian Railways).

Upon receipt of a message on the detection of violations by employees of third-party organizations, including subsidiaries and dependent companies of JSC Russian Railways, safety requirements during the performance of work, the station attendant, the train dispatcher at the DC additionally transmits information to the dispatcher of the corresponding railway service (for which these organizations carry out contract work) and the duty officer of the railway, the road (in the event of violations committed by the employees of the subsidiaries and dependent companies of JSC Russian Railways),

4.1.2. Upon receipt of a message from the locomotive driver of a high-speed or high-speed train or his assistant about a violation, the station attendant, the train dispatcher at the DC additionally transmits information to the dispatcher of the corresponding railway service and the territorial subdivision of the functional branch of Russian Railways located on the territory of the railway (hereinafter - a territorial subdivision of other branches of Russian Railways) by affiliation.

4.1.3. The train dispatcher, upon receiving a message about the emergency braking of the train from the station attendant or the driver (in sections with centralized dispatching), makes a note on the schedule of the executed traffic and sends the message to the dispatcher of the corresponding railway service, the territorial subdivision of other branches of Russian Railways by affiliation.

4.1.4. The station officer on duty, the train dispatcher at the DC informs the station manager or his deputy about cases of violations of safety requirements by station employees to take measures to eliminate the violation and immediately investigate the violation.

4.1.5. After the transfer of information to the railway subdivision, other branches of Russian Railways, whose employees committed violations, and subsidiaries and dependent companies of Russian Railways (in case of violations committed by employees of subsidiaries and dependent companies of Russian Railways), the station attendant, the train dispatcher at the DC makes an entry in the log of violations about this.

4.1.6. If there is a connection with the place of work, the station attendant or the train dispatcher at the DC instructs the work manager to immediately take measures to eliminate the violation.

4.2. Actions of the duty officer for the operational locomotive depot (duty officer (dispatcher) of the railway unit, other branches of Russian Railways, operating the SSPS):

4.2.1. Having received information from the locomotive driver (JCCS driver) or his assistant about the violation of the rules for being on the way by employees of the railway unit, other branches of Russian Railways and third-party organizations, the duty officer at the operational locomotive depot (duty officer (dispatcher) of the railway unit, other branches of JSC "Russian Railways" operating the JCSS) reports the violation to the person charged with monitoring the operation of the information system "Man on the way".

4.2.2. The procedure and those responsible for making comments on the "Man on the Way" information system in the existing ACS is determined by an internal document of the branch of Russian Railways.

4.2.3. If the violator is an employee of the locomotive depot, the duty officer at the operational locomotive depot notifies the head of the depot for urgent measures to eliminate the violations and immediate investigation of the case.

4.3. Actions of the duty officers (dispatchers) of the railway division and other branches of Russian Railways:

4.3.1. The duty officer (dispatcher) of a railway unit, other branches of Russian Railways, having received a message about the violation of safety requirements by employees while on the tracks:

If there is a connection with the place of work, gives the work manager an indication of the immediate adoption of measures to eliminate violations;

Immediately notifies the person in whose immediate subordination are the employees who committed the violation, the head of the unit, the labor protection engineer, or the person who is entrusted with these duties.

4.3.2. The attendant of the track distance, upon receipt of information about violations by the employees of the track distance of the order of fencing the place of work (by signalmen, signal signs) and work on railway tracks without issuing warnings, immediately notifies the head of the track distance, and also through the station attendant gives the command to stop work subject to ensuring the safety of train traffic until the arrival of the head of the track distance. The head of the track distance, upon receiving information about violations by the workers of the track distance, immediately leaves to investigate the case and after it makes a decision to continue work.

4.3.3. The duty officer (dispatcher) of the railway subdivision and other branches of Russian Railways makes an entry in the violation log.

5. The procedure for considering cases of violations of safety requirements transmitted through the information system "Man on the way"

5.1. Head of the operational locomotive depot and head of the track distance; signaling, centralization and blocking; power supply and other subdivisions operating the SSPS, through an employee responsible for keeping a log of violations detected by drivers using the information system "Man on the way", must immediately send a telegram or telephone message to the heads of the railway subdivisions and other branches of Russian Railways and subsidiaries and dependent companies of JSC Russian Railways (in the event of violations committed by employees of subsidiaries and dependent companies of JSC Russian Railways) the violation revealed. Each case of emergency train braking to prevent collisions with workers (or violation by workers of safety requirements during the performance of work when passing a high-speed or high-speed train, as well as violation by employees of third-party organizations), in addition, during the day, by telegram or telephone message, the management of the labor protection and industrial safety service of the railway is notified roads, the involved service of the railway and the territorial subdivision of another branch of Russian Railways.

5.2. The head of the railway division and other branches of Russian Railways, after receiving information about violations of safety rules by employees, within 3 days, investigates the violation and takes action against violators and immediate supervisors in accordance with the procedure established by Russian Railways and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if In this case, workers and their immediate supervisor (foreman, foreman), who did not ensure compliance with safety requirements when working on the tracks, must undergo an extraordinary test of knowledge of the rules and instructions for labor protection. No later than 3 days later, the head of the railway department, another branch of Russian Railways, notifies in writing to the locomotive depot (subdivision of the SSPS registration), as well as to the labor protection and industrial safety service of the railway, the involved railway service and the territorial subdivision of another a branch of Russian Railways on the measures taken and measures taken to prevent the repetition of the violations committed. The results of the consideration are documented in a protocol and an order. All involved employees of the railway division and another branch of Russian Railways are given an unscheduled briefing on the circumstances of violation of safety requirements.

5.3. If the head of a subdivision of the railway or another branch of Russian Railways has established that the message about the violation was sent to the address of his subdivision by mistake, he is obliged to notify the operational locomotive depot (subdivision of SSPS registration) and the labor protection and industrial safety service of the railway within 24 hours by telegram. roads, and also takes measures to identify the offender.

5.4. Cases of emergency braking to prevent collisions with workers and violations by workers of safety requirements during work when passing a high-speed or high-speed train are considered by the management of the involved railway service and the territorial division of another branch of Russian Railways within 10 days. The results of the consideration are documented in a protocol and an order. Copies of protocols and orders are submitted to the labor protection and industrial safety service of the railway.

All identified violations of safety requirements on railway tracks by employees of third-party organizations (except for employees of subsidiaries and dependent companies of JSC Russian Railways), as well as all cases of emergency train braking to prevent collisions with workers and violations by workers of safety requirements during work when passing a high-speed or high-speed train are investigated in 10 days term by the chief engineer of the involved service of the railway, for which these organizations carry out contract work. Consideration materials are submitted to the labor protection and industrial safety service of the railway.

Cases of violations by employees of subsidiaries and dependent companies of JSC Russian Railways of safety requirements during work are considered by the management of the labor protection and industrial safety service of the railway within 10 days with the determination of measures aimed at preventing rolling stock collisions. The results of the examination are documented in a protocol.

5.5. In the operational locomotive depot (subdivision of the JCSS home registry), the person entrusted with the responsibility of monitoring the operation of the information system "Man on the way" must daily check the log of violations, which is at the duty of the operational locomotive depot, (dispatcher of the subdivision of the JCSS) and make notes on the measures taken for previously identified violations.

5.6. If there are no responses to the remarks of the drivers (JCSS drivers) within 10 days, the management of the structural unit that reported the violation must inform the management of the labor protection and industrial safety service of the railway, the involved railway service or a territorial subdivision of another branch of Russian Railways.

5.7. In the case when the received response to the violation revealed by the driver (JCSS driver) is recognized as formal, the management of the structural unit that reported the violation is obliged to send a second telegram to the management of the unit that gave the formal answer. A copy of the telegram is also sent to the management of the labor protection and industrial safety service of the railway, the involved railway service or a territorial subdivision of another branch of Russian Railways.

6. Duties of the labor protection engineer of a railway division and another branch of Russian Railways

6.1. The occupational safety engineer of the unit (or the person entrusted with these duties):

Checks the entries in the log of violations, respectively, at the unit on duty (dispatcher) and makes notes on the measures taken for previously identified violations;

Prepares material on revealed violations for consideration by the department management, as well as proposals to improve the efficiency of the information system "Man on the way".

7. Control over the actions of the information system "Man on the way"

7.1. In the subdivisions of the railway and other branches of Russian Railways:

7.1.1. The head of the department reviews the effectiveness of the information system "Man on the way" on a monthly basis.

7.1.2. The results are documented in a protocol, if necessary, by order.

7.2. In the management body of the railway:

7.2.1. On a monthly basis, the management of the railway service reviews the effectiveness of the information system "Man on the way" with the invitation of the heads of departments where there have been cases of gross violations of safety requirements by employees while on the railway track. Consideration materials are submitted to the labor protection and industrial safety service of the railway.

7.2.2. On a quarterly basis, the chief engineer of the railway considers the results of the work of the information system "Man on the way" with a report from the labor protection and industrial safety service and hearing the heads of railway services, territorial divisions of other branches of Russian Railways, where cases of gross violations of safety requirements and formal consideration of cases were admitted revealed violations, as well as with the invitation of representatives of the subsidiaries and dependent companies of Russian Railways (as agreed).

7.2.3. Based on the results of the consideration, specific measures are determined aimed at improving the efficiency of the "Man on the way" system and preventing rolling stock collisions, as well as proposals for bringing to responsibility employees of divisions of other branches of Russian Railways, who have committed cases of gross violations of safety requirements and formal consideration of cases detecting violations.

The results are documented in a protocol, if necessary, by orders by rail.

7.4. In the territorial subdivisions of other branches of Russian Railways:

7.4.1. On a monthly basis, the management of a territorial subdivision of a branch of Russian Railways reviews the effectiveness of the information system "Man on the way" with the invitation of heads of structural subdivisions where there have been cases of gross violations of safety requirements by employees while on the track.

7.4.2. Based on the results of the consideration, specific measures are determined aimed at improving the efficiency of the "Man on the way" system and preventing rolling stock collisions. The results are documented in a protocol, if necessary, by orders of the territorial subdivision of a branch of Russian Railways. Consideration materials are submitted to the labor protection and industrial safety service of the railway.

7.5. Control over the operation of the information system "Man on the way" in railway services, railway departments, other branches of Russian Railways is carried out during all types of inspections on labor protection issues.

8. The procedure for encouraging locomotive crews for active participation in the work of the information system "Man on the way"

Employees of locomotive crews and special self-propelled rolling stock are rewarded for their active participation in the work of the information system “Man on the way” in accordance with the procedure established by JSC Russian Railways.

9. Signs of belonging to structural divisions

In order to improve the efficiency of the "Man on the way" information system in all structural divisions that issue signal vests to their employees, stencils of letters and numbers 15-20 cm high should be applied on the back of the vest, indicating the owner's belonging to the corresponding structural division.

List of possible violations of safety requirements while on railway tracks

1. Violations of safety requirements while on the railway tracks are common for all divisions of branches of Russian Railways and third-party organizations:

1.1. Untimely departure of workers from the track to a safe distance (closer than 2 m from the extreme rail towards the side of the road and less than 400 m from the approaching train), including when the train passes along the adjacent track, if the work site is not fenced with stop signals;

1.2. Finding employees when passing trains traveling at a speed of more than 140 km / h at a distance of less than 5 meters from the outer rail;

1.3. The arrangement of people sitting on rails, transformer boxes, other floor and ground devices, at the ends of sleepers, pyramids of the kilometer-long rail stock;

1.4. Jumping off the standing rolling stock at the inter-track when the train is passing along the adjacent track;

1.5. Movement within a rail track in passing direction the movement of trains on the stretch (on a double-track section);

1.6. Movement and being on the inter-track during the passage of trains on adjacent tracks;

1.7. Crossing the track in front of a nearby train at the station (less than 400 meters before the oncoming train);

1.8. Crawling under the wagons of a standing train;

1.9. Dragging working tools under the carriages (except for car inspectors under a fenced train);

1.10. Crossing the track along automatic couplings between the cars of the standing train;

1.11. The passage of people between the automatic couplings of uncoupled cars with a distance between them less than 10 meters (except for compilers when performing maneuvers);

1.12. Entering an adjacent track and crossing a track near a standing train at a distance of less than 5 meters from the head or tail of the train (except for compilers when performing maneuvers, switch posts on duty);

1.13. Departure from the running board of the carriage or rise to the running board of the carriage until the train stops completely;

1.14. Step on the rail, crosspiece, counter rail, finding individual parts of the body between the frame rail and the wit, between the crosspiece and the movable core of the cross;

1.15. Work of people on the railway track without signal vests (except for workers wearing special work suits with a signal reflective insert) or in a vest that does not meet its purpose (without reflective inserts and designation of the owner's belonging to the corresponding structural unit);

1.16. Being on the adjacent track when the train is passing (except when the work site is fenced off with stop signals or there is a contact network team on the way, working with an insulating removable tower);

1.17. Locating workers at a distance of less than 5 meters from the extreme rail when operating machines equipped with crushed stone cleaning devices, track layers, electric ballasters and other heavy machines;

1.18. Work without issuing warnings to trains about the special vigilance of locomotive crews in cases provided for in paragraph

2 Violations committed by workers on the track:

2.1. Work without issuing warnings to trains about the special vigilance of locomotive crews (in places with poor visibility or when working with electric, pneumatic tools that impair audibility);

2.2. Work without fencing the place of work in accordance with the established procedure, including the absence of signalmen and incomplete or incorrect fencing of the place of work;

2.3. Fencing with atypical portable stop signals;

2.4. Not stopping work on the next track through the "window" when the train is passing;

2.5. Being on the inter-track during the production of work through the "window" while the train is following the adjacent track;

2.6. Work on the way in one person (except for trackmen, trackmen of artificial structures, duty on transfers, track foreman or foreman performing track measurements);

2.7. Lack of a signalman in the group working at the station;

2.8. Non-fencing of the work site with stop signals (requiring fencing with stop signals) on the stretch and station;

2.9. Transportation of track tools and materials on two-wheeled single-rail or single-axle bogies without being accompanied by track technicians in an amount sufficient for advance, before the train arrives, removing the bogie from the track (less than 2 people);

2.10. Non-fencing of a flaw detector trolley or a trolley for transporting tools and materials on both sides by specially marked signalists with red flags.

3 Violations committed by workers of the transportation facility

3.1. Travel of the trainer of the trains on the step of the carriage in an oversized place;

3.2. Entering the transition platform (footboard) of the carriage or leaving it until the train stops completely;

3.3. Crossing the track of the trainer in front of the wagons (when the wagons are dismantled on the marshalling humps or when pushing maneuvers) or entering the space between the wagons after the start of their movement;

3.4. Finding the trainer in the cabin of the shunting locomotive while moving the cars forward;

3.5. Travel of the trainer on the automatic coupler, on the platform frame, standing on the platform, sitting on its sides, on the loads on the platform;

3.6. Uncoupling of wagons within turnouts, level crossings, in oversized places, as well as in places of loading and unloading bulk cargo during the movement of a shunting train.

4 Violations committed by employees of the wagon economy (directorate)

4.1. Carrying out works on the maintenance of cars, being under them on an unenclosed train in the prescribed manner;

4.2. Being inside cars, under them or on them during maneuvers and other movements;

4.3. Finding a wagon inspector who receives a train "on the move" outside the "safety island" zone.

5 Violations of electrification farm workers

5.1. Non-fenced teams working with a removable isolation tower, signalmen in the prescribed manner;

5.2. Being at the removable isolation tower when working on the way with less than 4 people (including the work manager and the technicians working at the top);

5.3. More than 2 people staying at the working site of a removable isolation tower;

5.4. Removal of a removable insulating tower on an adjacent track when a train passes;

5.5. Work between tracks near a working railcar;

5.6. More than 3 electricians on the trolley work site;

5.7. Finding more than one contractor on an isolated ladder when working on a contact network.

6 Violations of automation and telemechanics farm workers

6.1. Absence of a supervisor in a team of workers or performing in one person at a station or haul of work on maintenance and repair of signaling devices, automatic control devices technical condition railway rolling stock on the move of a train, devices and systems of mechanized and automated marshalling humps;

6.2. Performing work at traffic lights (bridges, consoles) during the movement of trains along the railway track to which the traffic light belongs, and adjacent railway tracks on the stretch;

6.3. Welding rail connectors without protective goggles.

7 Violations committed by employees of the communications facility

7.1. Work without an observer and signalman on communication devices and structures in the size of the rolling stock at stations and railway tracks (communication cable route, park communication supports for loud-speaking announcements (PSGO), intercom park speakers, setting and adjusting contours, etc.);

7.2. Non-fencing of places where cable repairs are carried out on hauls at the cross-intersection of railway tracks and parallel passage in the body of the roadbed.


Developed by: Timoshenko T.A.

Additionally, in a special climatic zone with a sheepskin coat.

Wearing period depending on the belt (climatic) in years:

When on the railroad tracks, all employees

including the management team, including when performing auditing and inspection functions, must be dressed in signal vests with reflective stripes, made according to the regulatory and technical documentation approved by Russian Railways. Employees of branches and structural divisions of Russian Railways must wear orange signal vests, and employees of contractors must wear yellow.

On the back of the signal vests there must be a stencil of letters and numbers at least 15 x 20 cm in size, indicating the employee's affiliation with the corresponding structural unit of Russian Railways or a contractor.

In addition to vests, signalmen and / or employees performing their functions, when fencing the place of work on the railway tracks, must wear a yellow signal headgear and special sleeves for signalmen, made according to the regulatory and technical documentation approved by Russian Railways.

Topic 3. The principle of operation of the information system "Worker on the way"

The principle of operation of the information system "Worker on the way".

Who is the main functional link in the work of the information system "Worker on the way"?

Information system "Worker on the way" is aimed at preventing occupational injuries due to rolling stock collision on those working on railway tracks and ensuring control over the observance by employees of the rules for being on railway tracks, as well as reducing the number of cases that affect the deterioration of the functional state of the driver and decrease his working capacity.

The main functional link in the work of the information system "Worker on the way" are the locomotive brigades of the Traction Directorate.

Locomotive crews carry out actions to prevent rolling stock collisions on those working on the tracks and take measures to notify the station duty officer or train dispatcher at dispatch centralization (hereinafter - DC) about violations of the rules of safe performance of work.

Employees of other farms take actions to prevent violations of safety requirements by locomotive crews. The information system "Worker on the way" should include all employees involved in the transportation process.

Topic 4: Occupational and personal hygiene requirements

Signs of hypothermia, frostbite.

First aid for hypothermia and frostbite

Prevention of industrial injuries, colds, hypothermia and frostbite in winter period.

Injury prevention

Pay attention to your shoes. Look under your feet, try to avoid dangerous places. Walk slowly, in short, frequent steps, spreading your legs wide over your entire foot. When walking, the legs should be slightly relaxed at the knees, do not keep your hands in your pockets, they should be free. If you suddenly could not stay on your feet, it is right to fall. Try to group up to get as little hit as possible. It is best to fall on your side. When falling, you should not put your straightened arms forward. Many do this instinctively, leading to the most common fall injury - a fracture.

Remember: falling on your back or face up is especially dangerous, as you can get a concussion.

What is frostbite

Frostbite is damage to any part of the body (up to death) under the influence of low temperatures. Most often frostbite occurs in cold winter when the ambient temperature is below –10 o C - –20 o C. If you stay outdoors for a long time, especially in high humidity and strong winds, you can get frostbite in autumn and spring when the air temperature is above zero.

Leading to frostbite in the cold: tight and wet clothes and shoes, physical fatigue, hunger, forced prolonged immobility and uncomfortable position, previous cold injury, weakening of the body as a result of previous diseases, sweating of the legs, chronic diseases of the vessels of the lower extremities and the cardiovascular system, severe mechanical damage with blood loss, smoking, etc.

Frostbite degrees

Frostbite I degree:(lightest) usually occurs with short exposure to cold. The affected area of ​​the skin is pale, reddened after warming, in some cases has a purple-red tint; edema develops. Skin death does not occur. By the end of the week after frostbite, slight peeling of the skin is sometimes observed. Full recovery occurs 5-7 days after frostbite. The first signs of such frostbite are a burning sensation, tingling sensation, followed by numbness of the affected area. Then skin itching and pain appear, which can be both minor and pronounced.

Frostbite II degree: occurs with prolonged exposure to cold. In the initial period, there is blanching, cold snap, loss of sensitivity, but these phenomena are observed with all degrees of frostbite. Therefore, the most characteristic feature is the formation of bubbles filled with transparent contents in the first days after injury. Complete restoration of the integrity of the skin occurs within 1 - 2 weeks, granulation and scars are not formed. With frostbite of the II degree after warming up, the pain is more intense and longer than with frostbite of the I degree, itching and burning are disturbed.

Frostbite III degree: the duration of the period of cold exposure and decrease in temperature in the tissues increases. The bubbles formed in the initial period are filled with bloody contents, their bottom is blue-purple, insensitive to irritation. All skin elements die with the development of granulations and scars as a result of frostbite. Loose nails do not grow back or grow deformed. The rejection of dead tissue ends in the 2nd - 3rd week, after which scarring occurs, which lasts up to 1 month. The intensity and duration of pain is more pronounced than with II degree frostbite.

Frostbite IV degree: occurs with prolonged exposure to cold, the decrease in temperature in the tissues with it is greatest. It is often combined with frostbite of III and even II degree. All layers of soft tissues die, bones and joints are often affected.

The damaged part of the limb is sharply cyanotic, sometimes with a marble color. The edema develops immediately after rewarming and increases rapidly. The temperature of the skin is significantly lower than that of the tissues surrounding the frostbite site. Blisters develop in less frostbite areas where there is grade III - II frostbite. The absence of blisters with significantly developed edema, loss of sensitivity indicate grade IV frostbite.

What is hypothermia

In conditions of prolonged stay at low air temperatures, not only local lesions are possible, but also general cooling of the body. General cooling of the body should be understood as a condition that occurs when the body temperature drops below 34 o C.

The onset of general cooling is facilitated by the same factors as in case of frostbite: high air humidity, damp clothing, strong wind, physical fatigue, mental trauma, past illnesses and injuries.

Distinguish between light, medium and heavy degrees of general cooling.

Light degree: body temperature 32-34 o C. The skin is pale or moderately cyanotic, "goose bumps" appear, chills, difficulty speaking. The pulse slows down to 60-66 beats per minute. Blood pressure is normal or slightly increased. Breathing is not disturbed. Frostbite of I-II degree is possible.

Average degree: body temperature 29-32 o С, characterized by sharp drowsiness, depression of consciousness, meaningless gaze. The skin is pale, bluish, sometimes marbled in color, cold to the touch. The pulse slows down to 50-60 beats per minute, weak filling. Blood pressure is lowered slightly. Breathing is rare - up to 8-12 per minute, shallow. Frostbite of the face and extremities of the I-IV degree is possible.

Severe degree: body temperature is below 31 o C. Consciousness is absent, convulsions, vomiting are observed. The skin is pale, bluish, cold to the touch. The pulse slows down to 36 beats per minute, weak filling, there is a pronounced decrease in blood pressure. Breathing is rare, shallow - up to 3-4 per minute. There are severe and widespread frostbite up to glaciation.

Occupational safety requirements upon completion of work

At the end of the work, you must:

Turn off all operating mechanisms and equipment;

Fold in the designated storage space the technological equipment used in the process of work;

Clean off dirt, rinse and remove the tool and small parts to the places intended for their storage;

Clean and tidy up the workplace;

Wipe and lubricate the rubbing parts of the tool and deposit it;

Remove and store safety devices, protective clothing, shoes, place in the dryer

Safety measures during the operation of snowblowers on the railway tracks of stations and hauls.

Labor protection requirements when cleaning railway tracks and switches from snow.

Labor protection requirements when cleaning railway tracks and turnouts from snow (from the Instruction on labor protection for a track fitter of JSC "Russian Railways" IOT RZD-4100612-ЦЦРП-035-2012. Dated December 29, 2012. 2769 RUR(as amended No. 1021 of April 29, 2013).


1. E.V. Vorobyov "Guide to the foreman of the way", Moscow, 2005.

2. Instructions for snow fighting on the railways of the Russian Federation No. TsP-751, approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on 25.04.2000.

1. Instructions for preparing for work in the winter and organizing snow fighting on the railways, in other branches and structural divisions of Russian Railways, as well as its subsidiaries and dependent companies, approved by order of Russian Railways dated October 22, 2013 No. 2243r.

2. "Instructions for ensuring the safety of train traffic in the production of track works", approved. by order of JSC "Russian Railways" dated December 29, 2012 No. 2790r.

3. "Instruction on labor protection for track fitters of Russian Railways"
No. IOT RZD-4100612-TsDRP-035-2012, approved. by the order of JSC "Russian Railways" dated December 29, 2012 No. 2769r (as amended by the order of JSC "Russian Railways" dated April 29, 2013 No. 1021r.

4. Order of JSC "Russian Railways" dated September 5, 2014 No. 367 "Guidelines for organizing training at JSC" Russian Railways "personnel for work in winter conditions.


Winter Winter Training (1 module)

Developed by: Timoshenko T.A.


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