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The concept of land transport, its types

Transport plays an important role in the development of the economy of the Russian Federation. It ensures the development of industry, agriculture, capital construction and other spheres of state activity. Transport activity is one of the guarantees for the implementation of the principles of freedom of movement of goods and services, free movement of citizens, enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

In the theory of law, it is customary to divide transport into five types - road, rail, air, sea and inland water transport. In some works, one can come across an assertion that the so-called "pipeline transport" belongs to the modes of transport. One cannot agree with this opinion. As indicated in the draft Agreement on information interaction of the states-participants of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the field of transport security, vehicles are devices intended for transportation individuals, cargo, luggage, carry-on luggage, personal belongings, animals or equipment. The following is a list of types Vehicle, among which the pipeline does not appear as one of the vehicles. Oil pumping, gas supply, etc. through main pipelines are not subject to the norms of Chapter 40 "Transportation" of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as any transport law.

It should be noted that the allocation of these five types of transport does not fully meet the established regulatory provisions on their system. So, in the Federal Law "On Transport Safety", along with five types of transport, electric urban ground passenger transport is also indicated (and. 11 Art. 1). To it the Charter of road transport and urban land electric transport (and. 2 p. 1) and the Federal Law "On the organization of regular transportation of passengers and luggage by road and urban land electric transport in the Russian Federation and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" (p.n. 13 and. I st. 3) include tram and trolleybus.

In addition, the Federal Law "On Compulsory Insurance of Civil Liability of a Carrier for Harm to Life, Health, Property of Passengers and on the Procedure for Compensating for Such Damage Caused in the Carriage of Passengers by the Metro" identifies off-street transport for the carriage of passengers (passenger transport), to which the metro belongs, light metro, off-street tram and monorail transport (station 3).

Thus, based on the provisions of the laws, there is reason to single out the following types of transport:

  • -automotive;
  • -railway;
  • -air;
  • -nautical;
  • -internal water;
  • -city ground electric transport for passenger transportation;
  • - off-street transport for the carriage of passengers.

Each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. As for road, rail, urban land and electric transport, as well as off-street transport for the carriage of passengers, taking into account the scope of their use, they are united by a common name - land transport.

The last two types of transport included in its composition, taking into account the use of electric traction for haulage, as well as restrictions on its use only in urban conditions, can be combined under the general name "urban electric transport".

Unlike air and sea transport, land transport is characterized by the use of transport arteries created for it - roads and railways, tram tracks, subway tracks, monorail transport tracks (running beams of monorail transport systems). They must meet the established requirements, be properly equipped, and ensure the safety of transportation. These transport arteries must be constantly maintained in good condition. For their operation, special rules have been adopted, which are subject to strict observance.

Road and rail transport, united by common features, have significant differences. Let's consider the main ones.

Automobile transport has high mobility and maneuverability, optimal speed characteristics transportation. It does not require significant costs for the creation of infrastructure, which are different for rail transport.

The advantage of road transport, compared with railway transport, is also that only when road transport transport, as a rule, is delivered iodine loading to the warehouse of the consignor, and for unloading - to the warehouse of the consignee. On other modes of transport, including rail, the shipper delivers the cargo to the vehicle, and the consignee takes it out of the carrier's unloading area, which requires significant additional costs from them.

These features make it possible to actively use road transport along with other types in the transportation process.

As for railway transport, the scale of its participation in domestic and international transport is determined by a number of its advantages over other modes of transport, including road transport. This applies to the possibilities of railway transport, the features of operation, the availability of infrastructure, etc.

So, it is distinguished by the ability to transport significant amounts of cargo over long distances. And although speed mode transportation by rail is significantly inferior to some types of transport (for example, air, as well as road transport), this is offset by its advantages such as high transport capacity, versatility of use, regularity of transportation, almost invulnerability from weather conditions. The listed possibilities of railway transport dictate the policy of organizing domestic and international rail transport on routes characterized by large flows of various cargoes, measured in billions of tons per year, and mass passenger traffic. Rail transport is one of the most environmentally friendly types of transport.

The growth in the scale of transportation requires the optimization of the activities of railway transport, the improvement of its legal base. This is also due to the ongoing reform of railway transport in the Russian Federation. Its corporatization made adjustments to the priorities for the development of railway legislation, consolidation of the emerging legal relations in connection with the use of the railway transport infrastructure, improvement of the norms establishing the functioning of railway tracks general use and non-public railways, as well as determining the contractual relationship of the parties in connection with transportation, their liability in case of violation of obligations.

In the context of the growing trend of harmonization of internal legal systems and the international source base, it is very important to analyze the norms governing the organization and implementation of domestic and international rail transport, to identify directions and ways of unifying these norms.

The fundamental difference between urban electric transport and road and rail transport is, firstly, that it only carries passengers and, secondly, that the territory of its operation, as the name implies, is limited to the city limits. In this regard, its main tasks are to ensure the safety of transportation and create comfortable conditions for passengers. Since urban electric transport is partially regulated by the Charter of Road Transport and Urban Land Electric Transport (UATGNET), its activities are discussed in section 2 "Legal regulation of road transport" of the monograph.

  • See: Civil law: a textbook in 3 volumes. Vol. 2 / ed. A.P. Sergeeva. - M .: RG-Press, 2009.S. 512; Egiazarov V.A. Transport law: textbook. M: Justice-forms. 2004. S. 8.; Transport law: textbook / OV Sivakov, A.B. Novoseltsev, V.G. Ermolaev, Y.B. Makovsky. - M .: Epic. 2000.S. 9;
  • ‘See: S.Yu. Morozov Transport law: textbook. M .: Voltere Kluver. 2010. P. 15.
  • Federal Law dated 09.02.2007 No. 16-FZ.
  • Federal Law dated June 14, 2012 No. 67-FZ.

Any enterprise interacts with the external environment. This interaction is especially important in the organization and management of material flows. The successful functioning of a company that produces any goods is reduced to the following scheme: purchase of raw materials - shipment of finished products to an intermediary - sale of goods to the buyer. Each stage of this link is accompanied by transport logistics.

This type of logistics contributes to the high-quality and safe movement of goods. At the same time, it is necessary to use resources sparingly and choose the most optimal route.

Logistic companies will help to comply with all the nuances. Thanks to experienced and qualified personnel, each stage of transportation is thought out to the smallest detail, the cargo arrives at its destination in a holistic manner and at the right time.

Transport logistics is a complex science that requires special knowledge.

Transport logistics - what is it in simple words, its goals

The concept of transport logistics is in many ways similar to the concept of simple logistics. If we give a definition in simple words, then it is the organization of delivery and movement of material objects, cargo along the optimal route using vehicles.

This subsection is extremely important. When an entrepreneur is just starting his business, then with a small volume of sales, he can independently engage in transportation. But as your business grows, so does your sales. Now it is problematic to deal with the movement of raw materials and finished products. In this case, it is rational to use the services of a transport logistics company.

Such an organization will ensure the safety of the cargo, select the best route in order to save money on transportation.

The main goal of transport logistics is the delivery of goods to the appointed place and time with high quality indicators and in the right quantity. This means that punctuality must be observed, the goods must not be damaged and arrive in the same quantity as indicated in the documents.

Transportation costs occupy one of the main positions among other types of costs. For the purposes of the management of the enterprise - to make this indicator less. That is why transport logistics is considered as:

  • an effective way of influencing costs thanks to the right transport;
  • rational organization of the entire transportation process from the point of departure to the point of destination;
  • the possibility of high-quality storage and handling of cargo.

Firms - manufacturers and intermediaries are ready to pay transport and logistics companies for the fact that they:

  1. They will select the best mode of transport for a specific cargo.
  2. If necessary, they will be able to combine several modes of transport in one chain.
  3. They will choose the best route to follow.
  4. Will economically use resources, reduce transportation costs.
  5. Ensure the safety of the cargo.

It is in the interests of the logistics company to perform its duties efficiently, because the competition in this industry is high.

To reduce the costs of the enterprise for transportation, it is necessary to select the optimal transport and logistics scheme.

The history of the industry

Transport logistics originates from the European Congress in Berlin 1974. This term was first pronounced on it, its full definition, goals, objectives and development prospects were given.

The impressive spheres of influence of such logistics have been identified. The need for the emergence of such a concept arose due to the development of the world economy. It became necessary to systematize these processes, create a competent scheme for the movement of goods and ensure their safety.

Transport logistics quickly found a response in the West and the market for such services was formed there back in 1990. Its capacity is increasing annually by 20%. Even during the crisis and economic downturn, transport and logistics services are in demand.

In Russia, this type of service appeared only during the transition to a market economy. This industry is still actively developing and gaining momentum.

Factors have a negative impact on this area:

  • instability of economic processes;
  • slow production growth;
  • poor condition of transport routes;
  • low indicators of the technical base.

Two factors give hope for process optimization:

  • a high level of training of specialists, personnel in this industry;
  • the emergence of new organizations, sales and supply schemes.

Transport logistics is still a very young direction, which is undergoing transformation under the influence of external economic factors. No one doubts that this is an important industry. Particularly positive features will be noted by large enterprises with a large turnover.

The main types of transport, their definition

Transport logistics differs from simple logistics in that the movement of goods occurs using transport. Its wide variety allows you to optimally plan a route and use several types at the same time, if this will reduce costs and save delivery time.

Transport should not be confused with a vehicle. This is a broader concept.

Transport is a set of vehicles, communication lines, various buildings and structures on these routes for the purpose of moving goods and people.

There are several types of transport. By purpose, it is subdivided into:

  1. Public transport (passenger, for moving goods, etc.).
  2. Special purpose (military, medical).
  3. Individual use (personal cars, airplanes).

In terms of energy consumption, transport is:

  • driven by its own engine (thermal, electric, hybrid);
  • propelled by the wind (sailboats and various vessels based on this principle);
  • powered by human strength (bicycles);
  • transport powered by animals.

There is also a gradation of transport according to the environment of movement.

Ground transport is subdivided into:

  • railway - transports goods and passengers by wheeled vehicles using railways (trains, trams, metro);
  • road transport - transports goods and people on trackless roadways motor vehicles that have at least 3 wheels (motorcycles and similar vehicles are not included here);
  • pipeline - a type of transport that moves liquid and gaseous substances through a pipe;
  • air transport - consists of aircraft and the infrastructure adjacent to them (hangars, airports, control rooms);
  • waterway - transports goods and passengers along natural or artificial waterways (sometimes sea and river).

You can also highlight specific types of transport:

  • underwater;
  • space;
  • lifts and funiculars;
  • elevators.

All these types are extremely important for efficient transportation of goods. It is important to know their features, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages in order to be able to choose the best option and combine them correctly for maximum benefit.

Transport types

Transport types is a narrower concept. But knowing what types of transport help to move, it will not be difficult to define them.

The following types of railway transport can be distinguished:

  • locomotive;
  • electric locomotive;
  • electric train;
  • locomotive;
  • track machine;
  • diesel train;
  • passenger and baggage carriage;
  • isothermal car;
  • tank;
  • gondola car;
  • platform.

Types of road transport:

  • passenger car for general and special purposes;
  • truck general and special purpose;
  • utility vehicle;
  • vehicle - tractor;
  • seat tractor;
  • passenger trailer with different technical characteristics;
  • cargo trailer for special and general purpose;
  • caravan;
  • passenger semitrailer with various technical characteristics;
  • cargo semitrailer;
  • general and special purpose bus;
  • articulated bus.

Water and air transport distinguish between water and aircraft, respectively.

There is also such a type of transport as a container. It is also often used when transporting goods.

Each type of transport has its own precise definition, specifications and the purpose of use. With the help of a wide classification of types, a more holistic and voluminous concept of modes of transport can be obtained.

Types of transportation

Transportation- a complex process consisting of many links. An enterprise can cope with this task on its own or use the services of a logistics company. It all depends on the amount of work and the budget that the company has.

In the transport system, there are two concepts: carrier and freight forwarder. They represent two sides of the same coin, without them an effective process of moving goods is impossible.

Carriers physically move cargo from the point of departure to the point of arrival. At the same time, forwarders carry out a number of auxiliary functions: they draw up documentation, help the cargo to cross customs, control loading and unloading, insurance, and storage of cargo.

Large companies that have the necessary funds always use the services of a freight forwarder. There is also the concept of a logistics partner. This is the person who specifies the ancillary services. These include: insurance and security companies, customs brokers, packing companies and other important objects.

There are such types of transportation:

  1. One-shaped- implies the use of one type of transport. Most often it is used when you need to deliver goods from point to point without warehousing and processing.
  2. Combined- when several types of transport are used. This improves transport efficiency and reduces costs.

If we are talking about international trade relations, then the second type of transportation is most often used. For example, the cargo is transported to the point of departure by rail, then it is loaded onto trucks and taken to the airport, and then loaded onto an aircraft. Upon arrival, the goods are unloaded onto a car and taken to their destination.

Types of transport logistics and its basis

Transport logistics is subdivided into internal and external.

Internal means the movement of goods within the company and between its branches. External transport logistics allows you to transport goods from the manufacturer to the consumer.

Also, this type of logistics differs in the principle of organizing the process:

  1. Logistic the principle assumes only one transport operator. This makes the process systematic and consistent. This is how the general tariffs for transportation gradually appear.
  2. Traditional- there is no single operator, and all participants interact with each other. The cost of certain services within the transport chain is known only to adjacent participants. Therefore, there are no uniform tariffs.

The first option is considered more versatile and reliable. The company does not need to worry that some link will fail and the transportation will not take place. This is fraught with large losses for the enterprise, and the transport and logistics company will suffer damage to its reputation.

Tasks and functions of transport logistics

A complex system that forms transport logistics must perform the following basic functions:

  • delivery of cargo and forecast of the optimal process;
  • execution of documentation that accompanies the cargo;
  • compliance with legal rules and regulations;
  • payment for transportation services to individual participants in the process;
  • loading and unloading works;
  • correct packaging and storage;
  • process optimization through automation and technical innovation;
  • informational support of cargo;
  • customs and insurance services.

The main task of transport logistics is to carry out the transportation of goods on time with high quality and minimal costs.

To do this, you need to complete a number of subtasks.

First, you should analyze the delivery points. The manager must take into account the characteristics of the cargo, terrain, landscape, mode of transport, special conditions of transportation (fire safety, cargo dimensions, etc.). Having summarized the information, he may decide to use several types of transport, making intermediate points for unloading - loading.

Then the cargo itself should be analyzed. All characteristics are taken into account - fragility, weight, condition, the effect of temperatures and other factors. For example, poisonous substances cannot be transported through settlements.

Now it's time to decide on the transport. It is important to take into account its characteristics, tariffs and transportation time. All types of transport have their pluses and minuses. It is important to choose the best option for a specific cargo.

Route planning is also an important task in transport logistics. An experienced manager always selects several paths in order to have a fallback. You should also calculate the risks and costs in case of damage and delay of the goods.

Control over the implementation of the process allows you to inform the customer about the location of the cargo, its safety. For this, navigation technology, mobile communications and the Internet are used.

Documentation accompanying the process

This industry is fully regulated by laws different kind and content. The main document that is immediately drawn up between the customer and the contractor is the contract. It states that the logistics company undertakes to complete the task on time specified in the document, and the customer undertakes to pay for these services in full.

For the transportation of cargo, the following documents must be drawn up:

  • power of attorney for transportation;
  • consignment note;
  • waybills;
  • summary statements;
  • invoices - invoices.

Depending on the type of transport that was chosen, the documentary base can be supplemented.


Transport logistics- an integral part of the functioning of enterprises of different forms of ownership, scale and profitability. Without this system, the delivery of goods would be imperfect. Companies would constantly lose their income, lose goods and customers.

A positive feature in the development of transport logistics is that the sphere is being improved, automated and reaching new high levels.



1.1. General device car

A car is a complex mechanism consisting of various systems and mechanisms. Many different brands and car models, but any car has three main parts: body, engine, and chassis.

Body serves to accommodate the transported cargo. In passenger cars and buses, as a rule, passengers and a driver are in the back. The truck body consists of a load platform and a driver's cab.

Engine- a machine that converts the thermal energy of the fuel into mechanical work.

Chassis consists of transmission, support system, axles, suspension, wheels and control mechanisms.

In fig. 1.1 shows the device of the KAMAZ-5320 vehicle.

The torque generated by the engine is transmitted by the transmission to the drive wheels of the vehicle.

Part transmissions includes: clutch, gearbox, cardan gear, main gear, which is installed in the housings of the driving axles, where the differential and axle shafts are located, through which the torque from the main gear is supplied to the driving wheels.

On four-wheel drive vehicles, where all the wheels are driving, a transfer case is installed between the gearbox and the main gear.

Carrying system is the base of the entire car, it includes the frame or body ( a car).

Rice. 1.1. The device of the KAMAZ-5320 car: 1 - engine; 2 - clutch; 3 - Transmission; 4 - cardan transmission; 5 - middle bridge; 6 - frame; 7- rear suspension; 8 - rear driving axle; 9 - platform with drop sides; 10 - rear driving wheels; 11 - cylinders brake system; 12 - front steered wheels; 13 - steering control; 14 - cockpit

Wheels are mounted on bridges, which through suspension linked to the frame. The combination of these elements is called the undercarriage.

Control system consists of steering and braking mechanisms.

The interposition of the engine, transmission mechanisms, cab and cargo platform, that is, the layout of the car, can be very diverse.

Classification of road transport

The composition of a car and a trailer or semi-trailer towed by it is called by road train.

Automobile transport is divided into freight, passenger and special.

Trucks include trucks, towing vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers.

Passenger vehicles include cars, buses, passenger trailers and semi-trailers.

Cars with a capacity of up to eight people (including the driver) are classified as passenger cars, over eight people are classified as buses.

Special vehicles include cars, trailers and semi-trailers for performing non transport works equipped with the appropriate equipment - street cleaning machines, firefighters, truck cranes, etc. The use of trailers can increase the productivity of transport operations and reduce the cost of transportation. Towed vehicles include trailers, semi-trailers and dismantling trailers.

Single axle trailers (fig. 1.2, a) connected to the car using a drawbar. When storing the trailer, the front and rear legs are used.

From a two-axle trailer (fig. 1.2, b) no vertical loads are transferred to the vehicle.

Dissolving trailers (fig. 1.2, v) used for the transportation of long cargo. They have a swivel equestrian 3, which is a supporting pivoting beam that ensures the correct placement of the load.

Drawer 2 the release trailer is sliding, which allows you to transport loads of various lengths.

Semi-trailers (fig. 1.2, G) the front part rests on the vehicle's fifth wheel, which is located on the frame instead of the body. These vehicles are called truck tractors. Part of the load from the mass of the semitrailer and the mass of the cargo transported by it is distributed to the frame of the truck tractor. The semitrailer, disconnected from the tractor, rests on a supporting support 4.


Rice. 1.2. Types of towed vehicles: a- single axle trailer; b- two-axle trailer; v- dismantling trailer; G - semitrailer; 1 - stand; 2 - drawbar; 3 - swivel horseman; 4 - rack

The designation of the domestic rolling stock consists of the name of the manufacturer and four-digit numbers, where the first number denotes the class of the car, the second - the type of car, and the last two - the serial number of the car model.

Types of cars and their designations:

1 - cars;

2 - buses;

3 - freight;

4 - tractors;

5 - dump trucks;

6 - tanks;

7 - vans;

8 - reserve;

9 - special.

Passenger cars are divided into five classes, depending on working volume engine:

Class Engine displacement, l

Extra small ................................... Up to 1,099

Small .............................................. 1,1 -1,799

Average ........................................... 1,8-3,499

Large .......................................... 3.5 and more

Higher ............................................ Not regulated

Buses are divided into five classes depending on the length:

Class Length, m

Extra small ................................... Up to 5

Small .............................................. 6-7 ,5

Average ........................................... 8,5-10

Large .......................................... 11-12

Extra large ............................... 16.5-24

Trucks, trailers and semi-trailers, depending on their gross weight (in tons), are divided into the following classes: less than 1.2; 1.2-2; 2-8; 8-14; 14-20; 20-40; more than 40 tons.

Table 1.1 illustrates the digital classification of domestic vehicles.

The fifth digit in the designation is a modification of the base model. A sixth character is added to the designation of export-version machines: the number 6 is assigned to the export version, and 7 to the tropical version.

The following classes are provided for trailers, semi-trailers and dismantling: 8 - trailers; 9 - semi-trailers and dismantling. The type is indicated by the second number, which corresponds to the type of car, for example, 1 - a trailer or semitrailer for cars, 2 - for buses, etc.

Table 1.1. Vehicle rolling stock indexes depending on the class

Cars Buses Trucks
Engine displacement, l Index Length, m Index Full weight, t with onboard platform truck tractors dump trucks cisterns vans special
Up to 1,099 Up to 5 Up to 1.2
1,1-1,799 6-7,5 1,2-2
1,8-3,499 8-10 2-8
Over 3.5 11-12 8-14
16,5-24 14-20
Over 40

The third and fourth digits of the designation of trailers and semi-trailers determine the model depending on their total weight and represent a number of numbers (Table 1.2).

Table 1.2. Numerical designation of trailers, semi-trailers, dismantling, depending on their total weight

Examples of car designations:

KamAZ-5320 is a truck manufactured by the Kama Automobile Plant, full mass 15,305 kg, model 20;

KamAZ-5511 - dump truck, gross weight 19,000 kg, model 11;

VAZ-21036 - passenger car, engine displacement 1.3 liters, produced by the Volga Automobile Plant, with right-hand controls;

OdAZ-99871 - semi-trailer van of the Odessa car assembly plant with an all-metal body, gross weight 29.2 tons.

Vehicles are devices designed to move from one place to another people, various loads and a variety of equipment installed on the vehicle. Modes of transport are classified according to the environment in which the vehicle operates and is transported. Distinguish between water, land, air, underground and space vehicles. There are also combined vehicles capable of moving in several environments - amphibians, airplanes, some types of hovercraft.

Types of water vehicles

Water transport includes vehicles that transport by water - rivers, oceans, canals, seas, reservoirs and lakes. The main mode of transport for water is the ship. Depending on the depth of the reservoir, water transport is divided into the following types:

  • river - ferries, barges, river trams, hovercraft;
  • sea ​​- cruise liners, heavy trucks, tankers, container ships.

The disadvantages of water vehicles include them low speed, seasonality of navigation and the possibility of direct intercontinental communication, and on the plus side - large capacity and low minimum cost of transportation.

Types of freight vehicles

A vehicle that moves in any environment can be considered a freight transport. There are cargo planes, cargo ships, freight trains and a variety of ground wheeled freight transport... The following types of land trucks are distinguished:

  • Trucks combined with a body - flatbed trucks, vans, temro-vans;
  • Self-propelled tractors designed for towing trailed equipment and trailers;
  • Trailers without their own engines, which are designed to be coupled with a tractor as part of a road train;
  • Semitrailers with a coupling device - tilt, flatbed, platforms, trawls, refrigerators, dump trucks.

Types of special vehicles

The category of special vehicles includes vehicles used for purposes other than civilian ones, or having special equipment. There are the following types of special vehicles:

  • Cars, motorcycles and buses of the operational police services;
  • Ambulance cars;
  • Municipal utility vehicles - snow removal equipment, watering machines;
  • Military transport (armored personnel carriers, combat vehicles, etc.);
  • Emergency Situations Ministry vehicles, fire trucks;
  • Intra-production transport used in large enterprises.

Main types of vehicles

In addition to the environment of movement, vehicles differ in their functional purpose. There are general transport (public), personal transport and special-purpose transport (technological and military). Also, vehicles can be classified into several different types by used energy sources into the following categories:

  • transport with an electric motor;
  • transport with a heat engine;
  • vehicles with a hybrid engine;
  • transport without its own engine - sailing and propelled by muscular power.

Modern and promising types of transport include magnetic levitation vehicles and automatic transport without a driver.


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