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The issue was approved by the Decree of the State Committee of Labor of the USSR, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated 06.12.1983 N 283 / 24-82
(As amended by the Resolutions of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of 03.10.1988 N 534 / 23-245, of 26.12.1988 N 651 / 29-100, the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 11.11.1996 N 6, of 19.12.1996 N 18, of 25.12. 1996 N 25, dated 28.05.1997 N 26, dated 08.06.1998 N 22, dated 29.06.1998 N 26, Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of 11.11.2008 N 641)

Wagon inspector

Section 49. Wagon inspector

(as amended by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 28.05.1997 N 26)

Description of works... Technical inspection of containers and wagons with a sliding path to identify malfunctions that threaten the safety of train traffic, the safety of rolling stock and transported goods. Determination of defects in undercarriage, body, units and parts of cars using measuring instruments and in appearance. Implementation of security measures freight wagons and containers, preventing their damage during shunting and loading and unloading operations. Registration of an act for damaged rolling stock. Technical inspection of containers and determination of their tightness, ensuring the safety of goods. Creation of chalk marks on wagon malfunctions to be eliminated, without uncoupling and with uncoupling of wagons from trains and issuing notifications of wagon malfunction. Determination of volume renovation works wagons and containers. Quality control of car repairs performed by car building and car repair enterprises. Inspection and commissioning of wagons after their repair. Train fencing during repairs. Suspension and removal of signals to indicate the tail of the train. Participation in works on elimination of malfunctions of wagons and containers.

Must know: wagon inspector's instructions; arrangement of wagons and containers and their rules technical exploitation; rules for the maintenance of wagons and containers and the timing of planned types of their repair; rules and technology for uncoupling repair of wagons; rules, instructions and instructions on the safety of the car fleet; rules for preparing technical documentation; train signals and the procedure for fencing a train during repair; templates used when inspecting wagons, measuring tools and rules for using them; the order of designation of the tail of the train.

During technical inspection and troubleshooting of universal and large-tonnage containers at container sites, at maintenance points located at intermediate stations of the main railway transport and access roads of industrial enterprises - 3rd category;

during technical inspection and elimination of malfunctions in cars at maintenance points located at district stations and large marshalling yards of mass loading and unloading of goods, maintenance points passenger trains mainline railway transport - 4th category;

during inspection, preparation for transportation and revision of pneumatic and mechanical systems for unloading and securing cargo of hopper-type wagons (hopper-dispensers, grain wagons, pellet carriers, etc.), as well as during technical inspection and troubleshooting in wagons at interstate and inter-road transfer points - 5th grade.

Note. The senior wagon inspector is charged one grade higher than the wagon inspectors he supervises.

The requirements for professions that determine professional standards and the development of technologies are constantly changing, in this regard, the process of changing, adjusting and updating curricula, in particular for the railway professions, is constantly underway. Last week, we received training programs agreed and approved by the Ministry of Transport and the Federal Agency for Railway Transport for the professions:

Learning to operate a railway crane

The theoretical training of a railway crane operator was completed last week. It was the train crane operators who studied, taking into account all the specifics: shunting, signaling and safety rules on the railway ... The course focused on the KDE-251 and KZhDE-25 cranes, as well as the EDK-1000/2 with increased lifting capacity up to 125 tons.

Next week, the trainees will go to our training ground, where they will put their theoretical knowledge into practice under the guidance of experienced instructors.

An introduction to oil and gas production

Where does the oil come from? How is it mined and into what is it processed? How are drilling rigs built, drilled and completed?

All this was discussed at the course "Introduction to oil and gas production", which was held by specialists of the oil and gas division "PromResurs" last week.

Although the course is over, we will be happy to repeat it for you.

The course will be useful for you if:

We studied: Training for electroplating

There are a little more people who have mastered a qualified specialty, Hurray!

Our specialists have conducted a regular training for the employees of the galvanic shop with the organization of theoretical and practical classes. In the course of practical exercises, work was carried out to cover parts of complex shapes.

Now galvanizing will be able to independently perform the declared work, and the company will not waste invaluable time on their training in the process of working on productive parts and will reduce the level of rejects in its production.

We are waiting for everyone who has not yet completed the training!

Recruitment of a group of train crane driver in July

Friends, at the end of July training for the profession "Railway crane operator" will begin.

The training will consist of 2 parts: Theoretical and Practical.

The theoretical part is held from July 31 to August 18, 2017. The training will cover topics such as crane construction, operation, handling, railroad signaling and the basics of maneuvering.

Signalist on the tracks of Russian Railways

The specialists of the railway department of the training center "PromResurs" have adjusted the training program for the profession "Signalist" in accordance with the requirements of JSC "Russian Railways". In particular, the requirements of the labor protection instructions and the job requirements of the signalman, approved by the regulations of the Russian Railways, were taken into account. Also, within the framework of the training, the mastering of the profession "Pathfinder" is carried out - a mandatory requirement when working as a signalman on public roads.

Buy a license - what's behind it?

Very often you can find ads with a flashy heading "Buy a certificate", "Buy a crust", "Buy a certificate". And we are not talking about buying the ID blanks themselves, but about selling a ready-made ID in your name, which confirms your qualifications. They offer to buy everything, from a certificate of labor protection, fire safety, and ending with working professions such as a slinger, turner, etc.

There are many professions in the railway industry. Some of them are on everyone's lips, such as a machinist, conductor or But there are also little-known, but no less significant specialties. Among them, the wagon inspector stands out, which is an important link in the railroad safety chain.

The essence of the profession

The immediate duties of the employee include a technical inspection of the wagons before sending the train on the road. Many have seen people walking along the tracks and tapping the train. With the help of a special tool, the inspector analyzes the sound emitted by the parts. In this way, the fault can be found and corrected in a timely manner.

Among the main duties performed by a wagon inspector are:

  • finding and eliminating problems in wagons;
  • repair of running and brake systems.

Given the importance of the health of the entire staff, it can be concluded that the profession is necessary, and the work is responsible.

Duties of due instruction

Each profession involves a job description, which spells out the responsibilities that must be performed. The instruction of the car inspector-repairman has the following list:

  1. Contents of the troubleshooting tool, testing it and preparing it for use.
  2. Inspection of the train for malfunction and readiness for the further journey.
  3. Repair of the running gear of the car, its brake system, cardan drive, refrigeration unit, electrical equipment and heating without uncoupling the car.
  4. Ensuring the safety of rolling stock during repairs.
  5. Maintaining technical documentation, fault reports and troubleshooting.
  6. Report on the technical serviceability and readiness of the rolling stock.

The essence of the work that a car inspector is engaged in is to identify and eliminate possible failures that affect the safe movement of the train.

Requirements for potential applicants

It may seem to a common man in the street that a carriage is a simple device consisting of wheels and a body. However, this is not the case. In reality, the rolling stock is a multistage technical mechanism that needs technical support.

Therefore, a number of requirements are imposed on those wishing to learn a skill and get a job. Care must be taken to spot a malfunction in time. In addition, you need to be careful and responsible.

Car inspector-repairman spends a lot of time on the street and deals with metal parts. Therefore, the candidate must be physically strong and in excellent health.

The profession involves identifying the breakdown of parts by their sound. Consequently, there are increased demands on the hearing and vision of applicants. When undergoing compulsory medical examinations, the conclusion of a doctor - an ENT specialist and an ophthalmologist is of decisive importance.

How to become a wagon inspector

Hiring is possible after completing special training. A wagon inspector can have a secondary or primary vocational education.

During the training, students study devices and both cargo and intended for the carriage of passengers.

The training program includes the study of a variety of methods and rules for repairing cars, the timing of troubleshooting and In addition, it is important for the inspector to know how to protect the rolling stock during repair work and maintain safety.

Elimination of errors in the operation of the equipment is carried out in a non-disconnected way. Therefore, the training program includes the study of types of cargo and the rules for interacting with it during preventive maintenance and troubleshooting.

Where to get a profession

They teach professions in educational institutions of the middle level. For example, the Moscow Technical School of Railway Transport or the College of Railway Transport, also located in Moscow.

In addition, if the applicant already has any technical profession, he can take additional courses, which are coordinated with Rostekhnadzor.

The courses contribute to the rapid mastery of the specialty and are in great demand due to the increased demand and frequent offers of vacancies.

The program is developed entirely based on non-technical documentation governing the work of the inspector, where the following are important:

  • instruction on safety standards during work;
  • safety rules and norms adopted for the carriage of goods;
  • instructions describing the norms and labor protection;
  • rules governing work at power plants.

After passing the exams, it is possible to start work, gradually increasing the category.

Attractiveness of the profession

Car inspector is a rather interesting profession, which has its own obvious advantages and some disadvantages. Some are attracted by a convenient schedule. The workers work day, night and then have two days off. Therefore, if you wish, there is the possibility of a side job.

For many, decent and privileges that work at Russian Railways are important. Depending on the category and the region, the cash bonus ranges from 20,000 to 35,000, which is a good incentive in conditions of economic instability. It is worth adding here all kinds of bonuses and payments without delays.

The work, of course, does not involve the use of a white shirt and requires physical effort. But according to the old-timers, it is not at all difficult if you thoroughly understand the intricacies and technical features wagons. It is important to know the safety standards of work in the prevention of problems and their identification.

A car inspector can always be recognized by a characteristic tool in his hands called a hammer, a walkie-talkie and a bag containing templates. Moreover, he must be dressed in a bright orange uniform for identification on the road.

Many are attracted by the romance associated with the railway, and the friendly team of like-minded people makes the work of a car inspector attractive for physically healthy people who want to devote their working days to ensuring safety on the railway.

Rail transportation does not lose its relevance. Tons of cargo are transported by this type of transport every year and thousands of passengers use it. New elements appear in the transport sector, technologies and specialists themselves are being improved. Over the years, the profession of a wagon inspector has not changed its essence and still remains important and necessary.

What does a wagon inspector do

Each train arriving at the station is greeted by a car inspector. Since many malfunctions of the train can be detected during its movement, the specialist begins his work when the train has not completely stopped yet. The foreman examines every passing car in literally seconds and immediately makes an opinion about the serviceability of the train, therefore excellent vision, hearing and attentiveness are important for a specialist.

In addition to personal qualities, a car inspector needs a flashlight at night and a walkie-talkie by which he can and must convey to the duty officer (or another person) with lightning speed about any malfunction or an alleged defect in the train. By the time the train stops completely, the "suspicious" carriage should already have specialists who will study its "problems" in more detail and decide whether it needs to be repaired quickly and whether it needs to be uncoupled.

Each of us, when traveling by train, heard how railway workers knock on the wheels at stops. So the specialist determines by sound whether there is a malfunction in the axle box. In addition, he has a lot of other tools at his disposal (templates, sets of keys, screwdrivers).

After inspection, the train driver receives a certificate of a certain form. The train will not go further without it.

Duties of a wagon inspector:

    Inspection of wagons and containers for faults;

    Identification of defects in the running gear and other units of the car;

    Drawing up acts for cars in need of repair;

    Checking containers for leaks;

    Marks on faulty wagons before they were uncoupled;

    Delivery of cars for repair;

    Troubleshooting control and other responsibilities.

At the same time, in order to fulfill the duties, the inspector must know:

    operating instructions for wagons and trains;

    the device of rolling stock (cars and their mechanisms);

    instructions for the safety of wagons;

    rules for paperwork on wagon malfunctions;

    rules for the use of tools and methods of checking the mechanisms of the composition.

Where to learn to be a wagon inspector

The profession of a car inspector is obtained in secondary specialized educational institutions, in courses at car depots and specialized colleges.

Qualification stages of the profession - inspector of wagons according to ETKS

In the specialty of an inspector of rolling stock carriages, there are three qualifying rank- from 3 to 5.

3rd rank assigned to a specialist who carries out technical inspection and control over the elimination of identified malfunctions of universal and large-tonnage containers at container sites, at maintenance points located on public and non-public tracks of freight and intermediate railway stations of V - III classes.

During technical inspection and control over the elimination of detected malfunctions of cars at points of preparation of cars for transportation, points of maintenance of freight cars and passenger cars of transit trains located on freight, marshalling and section railway stations II - I grades, extracurricular specialist is assigned 4th category.

Master 5th grade inspects and monitors the elimination of detected damages and shortcomings in the operation of freight and passenger cars, prepares cars for transportation, conducts inspections of pneumatic and mechanical unloading systems in order to identify malfunctions that threaten traffic safety at points of preparation of cars for transportation, at points of technical service located on precinct, marshalling, interstate railway stations, border control posts.

By the way, the senior car inspector is charged one category higher than the highly qualified car inspectors working under his supervision.

Average salary of a wagon inspector in Russia

A wagon inspector cannot boast of a huge salary. On various Russian job search sites, amounts are indicated in the range of 17-30 thousand rubles, however, there are offers with earnings of 45 thousand rubles.

Employers promise employment under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a full social package, and the provision of branded clothing. Some employers also offer bonuses in the form of an annual spa vacation.

The work is supposed to be in shifts.

Pros and cons of being a wagon inspector

As important as the profession of a wagon inspector is, it has tangible minuses... But consider first positive sides:

    Work in a stable company;

    Official employment with full benefits;

    Medical examination at the expense of the employer;

    Providing uniforms.

Negative sides:

    Low wages;

    High responsibility;

    Production risks;

    Work outdoors in any weather.

The car inspector-repairman is obliged to:

  • before starting work, familiarize yourself with the received orders and instructions on the scope of your duties, check the availability and serviceability of the tool, measuring instruments, the provided set of signal accessories, the necessary car parts and materials on the racks and repair facilities, as well as the serviceability of overalls and shoes;
  • carry out a technical inspection of wagons supplied for loading, as well as on arriving, forming and departing trains; in the process of inspection, he must identify malfunctions in the wagons and eliminate them; at the end of the maintenance, notify the operator or the shift manager of the workshop about the readiness of the wagons for loading or following on the train;
  • upon completion of the repair of the wagons, erase from the wagons the chalk inscriptions previously applied to them about the technical malfunctions of the wagons;
  • comply with the requirements of the rules and safety instructions;
  • monitor the safety of cars during work with them at the station, access tracks and when they are returned from the access tracks, prevent damaged cars from the departure station; for damaged cars, draw up an act of damage to cars of the VU-25 form on the basis of the notification of the VU-23M form and accompanying sheets of the VU-26M form, if damaged cars are sent for repair.
The inspector-repairer should know:
  1. Rules for the technical operation of the railways of the Russian Federation.
  2. Instructions for signaling on the railways of the Russian Federation.
  3. Train instructions and shunting work on the railways of the Russian Federation.
  4. Instructions for the inspector of wagons PV-TsL-408.
  5. Instructions for the repair and maintenance of the autosnap device of the rolling stock of the railways of the Russian Federation No. 494.
  6. Instructions for the repair of car brake equipment Nv 495.
  7. Instructions for the operation of brakes of rolling stock of railways No. 2.
  8. Instructions for inspection, survey, repair and formation of wagon wheel bunks 3429.
  9. Instructions for the operation and repair of wagon axle boxes with roller bearings 3TSBPK.
  10. Standard instruction on labor protection of a car inspector and a rolling stock locksmith.
  11. Regulations on the discipline of railway transport workers of the Russian Federation.
  12. Relevant sections on the position of technological processes of the station, the point of technical transfer of cars, as well as the technical and administrative act of the station.
  13. Orders and instructions related to maintenance wagons and the work of security posts.
  14. Device, purpose, technology of repair of individual carriage parts and units of carriages of various modifications.
  15. The device and operation of cars, mechanisms and measuring instruments used in the maintenance of cars.
  16. Specifications for freight and passenger cars.
After completing the preparation and passing the exams in theory and practice, the inspector-repairman of cars is issued a certificate of the KU-147 form for the right to perform a technical inspection and maintenance wagons.

Organization of shift work

The work of shifts at the PTO is organized on the basis of drawing up a plan for the processing of wagons and trains, timely preparation of tools, devices, mechanisms and spare parts, the correct placement of people in teams and groups, inspection and repair of wagons using progressive methods of loading, careful control over the quality of work ...

The work of the shift is organized, as a rule, according to a 12-hour schedule with rest after the day shift for one day, after the night shift for two days.

Inspectors-repairmen of cars check in the park at their sites the availability of spare parts and materials on the racks, the condition and placement of mechanisms and devices; the results of the check are reported to the senior inspector-repairman of the cars, who takes measures to eliminate the deficiencies.

Having familiarized himself with the state of affairs at the station and having clarified the sequence of departure of the trains, the senior inspector-repairman of the cars outlines the sequence of processing the trains and groups of cars. During the working shift, the senior inspector-repairman of the wagons constantly keeps in touch with the station workers and promptly corrects the previously outlined plan.

The demand for materials and spare parts is determined on the basis of consumption rates, actual demand. The list and volume of a non-reducing stock of materials and spare parts for each PPV and PHE are established in the technological process of these points (Order 28 C).

By the end of the shift, workplaces in parks must be prepared for delivery. Unsuitable flying carriages removed during repairs are removed to certain places. tools and common tools are removed. Personal tools are handed over to the distribution pantry.

The senior inspector-repairman of wagons or the foreman of the technical maintenance department summarizes the work of the shift, pointing out the deficiencies in the processing of trains. At such short (10-15 minutes) meetings, employees make proposals for eliminating deficiencies, speeding up the processing of trains and improving the quality of work.


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