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Basic initial data for the development of the thesis project:

1. Layout of a freight station in a junction or on a railroad.

2. Scheme of the cargo station and a brief description of devices at cargo points.

3. Annual cargo turnover of the station by cargo points with indication of the names of cargo.

4. Technical specifications railway sections adjacent to the station (number of main tracks, means of communication for train movement, steering slope, train locomotive series, useful length of receiving and departure tracks).

5. Plan for the formation of trains for the station.

6. Type shunting locomotives working at the station and on the sidings.

7. Schedule of arrival and departure freight trains... The travel time of trains on the tracks adjacent to the station.

8. Composition of transfer, groupage or export trains.

Diploma projects on this topic can be with different details: the interaction of railway with other modes of transport; unified technology of the station operation in conjunction with access roads; operation of the station with a large volume of processing of some cargo; work of the station with the organization of corporate transport services for consignors and consignees; measures to ensure the safety of cargo transportation. In these cases, the head is given additional initial data.

When performing a diploma project based on real data, the student takes them to the station in the process of undergraduate practice.

The approximate content of the graduation project.

Introduction. The issues of further improvement of the work of railway transport are reflected. The importance of freight stations in the transportation process is shown, and measures are outlined to improve their work, taking into account the increase in profitability.

The goal of the thesis project is set, and the ways to achieve it are outlined.

1. Technical and operational characteristics of the station... This section examines the station layout, specialization of parks and track sorting devices, the adjoining of access roads (in accordance with TPA), shows the types of work performed. The issues of mechanization and automation of station processes are covered: disbandment, formation, sorting of goods, registration of shipping documents in the automated system "ETRAN" and their transfer, receipt and transmission of information, routing of transportation, processing different types cargo, etc. Are reflected the directions of improvement technical equipment and technology of the station. The data on cargo turnover are given and the main tasks for its development are outlined.

2. Calculation of the needs of the car fleet... Calculations are made to convert the annual freight turnover to daily, taking into account the coefficient of unevenness of transportation (the values ​​of the coefficients of unevenness are recommended to be agreed with the head). The choice of rolling stock is carried out, technical standards for loading wagons are determined, taking into account the maximum coverage of their package transportation. The required number of cars is determined. The procedure for providing loading points with empty wagons is being established, a balance table is being developed, the average static load of wagons, the coefficient of doubled cargo operations, the percentage of coverage of dispatched goods by routes, transport packages, containers are calculated.

3. Organization of car traffic at the station... This section calculates the mass of trains by railway sections, the number of cars in block trains, the type and number of routes. A calendar plan for loading routes for a month is being developed. The number of transfer trains and the average number of cars in them are determined. A calendar plan is being developed for accepting goods for transportation in small consignments, containers.

4. Development of basic standards for the technological process of the station... The following time standards are established: for selection, supply, placement, cleaning of wagons at freight points, rearrangement of groups of wagons, for disbandment and formation of trains; processing of trains of all categories on the routes of arrival and departure of trains with the preparation of schedules of the technological process. The need for and specialization of tracks in the main station parks is being established. The need for shunting locomotives is calculated, and areas for shunting work are established at the station. Calculations are carried out to establish standards of downtime under the cargo operations of groups of wagons, trains.

5. Checking calculation of technical equipment of cargo points... The need for technical means for processing a given cargo turnover is considered: the area of ​​storage facilities, the number of loading and unloading machines, cars (road trains) are calculated. When calculating, it is recommended to use reported data for a long observation period (100-120 days). Calculations for data processing by methods mathematical statistics it is recommended to perform it on a PC using the programs available at the department.

The required technical equipment of the cargo points is compared with the actual one, and in necessary cases organizational and technical measures are being developed to strengthen cargo points.

6. Analysis of the work of the station... The main indicators of the station operation with the existing technology are determined; the correspondences of emerging freight flows are being studied.

The analysis identifies "bottlenecks", shortcomings, reserves for improving plant performance and reducing operating costs.

7. Development of the technological process of cargo and commercial work in public places... A procedure is being developed for performing technological operations with scheduling: for receiving, loading, unloading and issuing goods in the cargo area; on registration of shipping documents in the freight office of the station upon arrival and upon departure of goods in the ETRAN system. Issues are being developed for organizing single shifts and complex teams, performing work on a brigade contract, organizing a centralized delivery and export of goods, corporate service, development of automated work places for the main professions.

8. Development of a unified technological process for the station (UTP) and access roads... The paper considers the issues of the operation technology of the station and the adjoining access roads in accordance with the Charter of the railway transport of the Russian Federation, using the advanced experience of enterprises - branch owners. A description of the UTP, the procedure for receiving from the access roads and delivery of cars to the access roads is given. UTP schedules are being developed for unloading, loading cargo, performing double cargo operations.

9. Operational planning and plant management... The following issues are considered: the organization of comprehensive information about the approach of trains and goods, the transfer of information to the information center, the planning of work for 3-4 hours and a shift.

10. Drawing up a daily work schedule for the station and access roads... This section graphically shows the technology of the station operation in interaction with adjoining access roads, station parks, exhaust tracks, cargo area, customer warehouses, as well as the operation of shunting locomotives. The idle rate at the station of local cars is calculated with a breakdown by elements. A simple carriage is installed under one cargo operation. The standards of the idle time of cars on the sidings are determined. The working fleet of wagons is calculated. A fee is established for the use of the cars of the Federal Railway Transport of JSC Russian Railways, taking into account the proposals for the rational technology of the station's operation.

11. Feasibility study of the proposed technology, technical equipment of the station provides for the determination of the economic effect from the organization of container and package transportation of goods, routing of transportation, use effective means comprehensive mechanization and automation of loading and unloading operations, organizing a number of operations in parallel with the main ones, using advanced labor methods, measures to reduce operating costs, etc.

Conclusion. An assessment of the work of the station is given, as well as the main proposals developed in the diploma project are summarized.

List of main drawings:

1. Large-scale plan of the station (1 sheet).

2. Daily plans-schedules of the station and adjoining access roads in the conditions of the existing technology and taking into account the developed proposals (2 sheets).

3. The main indicators of the station (1 sheet).

4. Schemes of warehouses, compared schemes of mechanization of cargo handling (2 sheets).

5. Proposals for improving the technology of work at the station with reflection effective methods(1-2 sheets).

6. Labor protection poster (1 sheet).


1. Charter of the railway transport of the Russian Federation. - M .: KnigaServis, 2003 .-- 96 p.

2. Rules for the carriage of goods by rail... - M .: "YurTrans", 2003. - 712 p.

3. Typical technological process of work of a cargo station in conditions of functioning of an automated control system. - M .: IPC "Globus", 1998. - 144 p.

4. Typical technological process of a cargo station. - M .: Transport, 1991 .-- 216 p.

5. Technical conditions for loading, stowing and securing cargo in wagons and containers. - M .: "YurTrans", 2003. - 544 p.

6. Grinevich G.P. Complex mechanization and automation of loading and unloading operations in railway transport. - M .: Transport, 1981.

7. Davydenko V.G., Oleinik O.A. Station master reference book. - M .: Transport, 1992 .-- 191 p.

8. Guidelines for calculating the norms of time for shunting operations performed on railway transport. - M .: Transport, 1998 .-- 84 p.

9. Freight stations for general use / ed. V. I. Apatseva: Academic pos. - M .: RGOTUPS, 2003 .-- 162 p.

10. Golubkin B.P. Management of cargo and commercial work, cargo management .: Uch.pos. - M.: RGOTUPS, 2007 .-- 215 p.

11. Golubkin B.P. Cargo handling, safety and cargo securing: Course of lectures. - M.: RGOTUPS, 2007 .-- 141 p.

12. Automation systems and information technologies for traffic management on railways: Textbook for higher educational institutions of railways. transport / V.A.Gapanovich, A.A.Grachev and others; Edited by V.I.Kovalev, A.T. Osminin, G.M. Groshev. - M .: Route, 2006 .-- 544 p.

13. Bilenko G.M., Borodin A.F., Epryntseva N.A., Khomov A.V. Information technologies in transport: Uch.pos./ Ed. G.M. Bilenko. - M.: RGOTUPS, 2006 .-- 220 p.

Management structure of the Cargo Station.

The freight station is a linear enterprise of the railways for organizing the transportation of goods and is directly subordinate to the section of the road.

The head of the station (DS) supervises all activities of the station. Cargo and commercial work is supervised by the Deputy DS for GKR (DSZM). Directly the cargo operations in public places are supervised by the head. cargo area.

In warehouses, cargo-sorting platforms and other places - the operations are supervised by the heads of the relevant departments or senior delivery personnel.

The chief engineer of the station develops and implements the technological process of the station, takes measures for the rational use of technical means, and ensures the safety of train traffic.

The operational management of the station, control over the implementation of daily and shift plans, the organization of Cargo and Commercial work is entrusted to the deputies of the DC and shift managers, shunting dispatchers or station attendants.

The technological process of the cargo station determines a rational system of organization and work based on the introduction of advanced methods, provides for the most efficient use of technical means, timely processing of goods and documents, acceleration of the turnover of wagons, cargo safety and high culture, servicing enterprises, organizations and individuals.

Typical technological process of a cargo station.

Consists of four parts.

Part 1 - operational planning and planning of the station operation

Part 2 - organization of cargo and commercial work of the station

Specialization and technical equipment of the station facilities

Organization of processing of wagon, small and container shipments

Organization of the work of the container point

Organization of work of ATF, points of commercial and technical inspection of wagons, containers

Transportation of perishable goods

Preparation of wagons for transportation

Organization of RRP in public places

Interaction of the cargo and marshalling yard in the conditions of the automated control system

Organization of the work of the station and the access roads it serves

Centralized delivery and export of cargo by road

Interaction of the cargo station with sea and river ports

Part 3 - Station operation technology

With trains and wagons entering processing

· work in winter conditions

Part 4 - control and analysis of the station

The cargo and commercial work of the station is supervised by the deputy station manager for cargo and commercial work. They obey:

Managers of cargo areas, warehouses, cargo sorting platforms

Head of PKO, PRR (MCH)

Senior receivers

The technology of the cargo station is based on the dispatching management of the cargo, commercial and shunting operations of the station. The dispatching control principle means that the shunting dispatcher ensures:

· Drawing up a work plan for the station for the shift for receiving and dispatching trains and freight work, agreeing it with the person on duty at the road department;

· Timely supply, placement and cleaning of wagons on cargo fronts (shunting work);

· Operations for the formation and disbandment of trains;

· Coordinated work of the station with other services of access roads and transshipment points;

· Control over the effective use of technical means of the station, track development, shunting locomotives, communication means of signaling and control systems;

· Observance of traffic safety rules and safety measures;

· Summing up the results of work per shift;

· Continuous numbered registration of the presence and arrangement of wagons.

To implement this principle of management at cargo stations, single complex shifts have been formed, which include workers who provide operational, cargo, commercial, informational, etc. work.

The orders of the shunting dispatcher are mandatory for all subdivisions of the station.

The workstation of the shunting dispatcher is automated and consists of the following elements:

Computer (all information about the work done)

Industrial television device (full review)

Information communication (telephone, radio communication, AWP)

Operational planning of the station includes the development of daily and shift plans for the station.

The daily work plan of the station is transmitted from the NOD 3 hours before the planned day and contains data on the number of wagons with local cargo arriving from the marshalling yard, the size of loading, unloading, dispatch of empty wagons for adjustment.

(DS) the head of the station or his deputy, on the basis of the daily plan for the task of the NOD, draws up a daily plan of the station's work according to the type of cargo, for each shipper.

The following initial data are taken as the basis for the station's daily work plan:

· Plan and special tasks of the road section;

· Applications of shippers for loading, incl. on routes;

· Data on the arrival of wagons at the station for unloading and loading (sorting);

· Technological norms of time for performing technological operations (loading, unloading, shunting work, paperwork);

· Data on the presence of wagons at the station;

· Data of preliminary information about the arrival of wagons at the station, in 12 hours, and accurate information, in 4-6 hours.

The scheme of the cargo station is selected taking into account the volume of the performed

work, location in the node system, the type of cargo to be processed, the type of cargo area, the presence of adjacent railway sidings, etc.

The following operations are performed at the cargo station:

technical - reception and admission of trains according to the schedule, disbandment and formation of trains, commercial inspection, maintenance and dispatch of freight trains, supply and removal of wagons from cargo fronts, maintenance of railway sidings, processing of trains upon arrival and departure, etc.;

commercial - acceptance, delivery and weighing of goods, execution of shipping documents, information of consignees and consignors about the approach, arrival and delivery of wagons to the places of loading and unloading, calculation of freight charges and settlements with consignors and consignees, cargo search, financial and cash reporting;

freight - loading, unloading, reloading and sorting of goods, processing of containers.

When performing cargo, commercial and technical operations, the safety of train traffic and maneuvers and the safety of received cargo and containers must be ensured.

To perform these operations, the cargo station must have:

- receiving and dispatching and sorting tracks;

- sorting devices (sorting hump, half-hill or exhaust ways);

- a transport and warehouse complex (cargo area) with appropriate track development, storage facilities, a complex of service and utility rooms;

- additional devices (for equipping locomotives, repairing cars, etc.);

- station technological center (STC) - preparation and processing of train documents, collection of comprehensive information about the approach of trains, wagons and cargo, preparation of data for the operational planning of the cargo station;

- devices for signaling and communication, lighting and water supply.

The track development and placement of cargo devices of the cargo station should ensure:

- the flow rate of movement of wagons and locomotives around the station;

- concentration of shunting work related to the disbandment of gears and selection of cargo points, if possible, on one sorting device;

- minimum vehicle mileage;

- safety of train and shunting traffic, etc.

With small volumes of local work (up to 100 - 150 wagons per day), new, as well as reconstructed stations can be designed as end-to-end or dead-end stations, with combined departure and marshalling yards (C), with parallel or sequential arrangement of PO and C and parallel location of the cargo area

With an average daily processing of more than 150 wagons, it is recommended to build a freight station according to the scheme shown in rice. 8.1.

New freight stations in the largest hubs and cities should be envisaged, as a rule, through, with a sequential arrangement of parks and with a parallel or sequential arrangement of the freight area. In some justified cases, it is allowed to provide for cargo stations with a parallel arrangement of parks and a cargo area ( rice. 7.4).

The transport and warehouse complex (cargo area) was designed in accordance with the assignment for the course project in paragraph 5.6 of Part I.

The track development of the cargo station includes receiving and dispatching, sorting, running and exhaust tracks.

Receiving and departure tracks or parks are intended for the reception and departure of trains with local wagons, and, if necessary, for the reception and departure of transit trains, routes to the sidings.

Sorting tracks or parks are intended for accumulation after sorting wagons by directions and selection of wagons by places and sections of loading, unloading and access roads, and, if necessary, sorting and departure tracks or parks of formation and departure of trains are provided.

Sorting devices depend on the volume of wagons processed by directions (if the volume of processing is up to 100 wagons per day and the number of freight points is up to four, then exhaust tracks with a switch neck on a slope are designed; if more than 100 wagons per day and more than four freight points, then a low-power slide is designed ). The length of the exhaust path must be sufficient to accommodate at least half the length of the train.

Exhibition paths are intended for parking wagons awaiting performance of any operations with them in order to reduce shunting work. For cars intended for public places, these tracks should be located in the cargo area at a remote location from the station tracks. If the time for the delivery (cleaning) of wagons to the cargo area (except for valuable cargo) does not exceed 0.5 hours, then the exhibition park can be located at the cargo station in the immediate vicinity of the sorting yard. For cars intended for non-public use, exhibition tracks can be located both in public places and in non-public places. In places of non-public use, exhibition tracks, as a rule, are located provided that the own locomotive (locomotive of the consignor or consignee) does not have the right to enter public railway tracks, otherwise, the exhibition tracks are placed on the station tracks (public places). In public places, exhibition tracks can be located in the receiving and departure or sorting parks, or a specially designated track that has specialization as an exhibition track. Exhibition tracks are used to carry out acceptance operations when transferring cars to non-public railway tracks when servicing these tracks with their own locomotive and returning these cars from non-public tracks. The smallest number of exhibition tracks should be equal to the number of shunting areas (non-public railway tracks) or shunting locomotives, and the largest should not exceed the number of feed assignments (cleanings).

Contiguity access roads of industrial enterprises to the general network of railways of the Russian Federation should be designed in accordance with the Federal Law and the requirements of construction and technical standards and is carried out taking into account the basic requirements for this. The adjoining of the access tracks to the stations of the general railway network should not lead to a decrease in the throughput and processing capacity of the stations and should exclude the possibility of train delays on the approaches to them.

The scheme of adjoining the access track should provide the possibility, as a rule, of direct route of block trains without changing the direction of movement; the direction of the abutment should coincide, as a rule, with the main direction of the carriage flows.

The scheme of adjoining the access track should ensure the supply and cleaning of wagons without corner drives and overtaking locomotives and without taking the main tracks.

There should be no adjoining access roads from the side of the passenger building and passenger devices.

In places where access roads adjoin the receiving-departure, transfer and other station tracks, from which spontaneous rolling stock leaving the access track is possible or to which the arrival of cars that have left the access track is possible, it should be provided safety devices : safety dead ends with a special track design; dropping shoes or arrows.

In a complex course project based on the volume of work of the station, the scheme of the railway junction selected in paragraph 1.1 of Part I, the requirements of the above, you should choose a station layout using the typical ones given on rice. 7.1-7.4 and bring it to the course project.




Department of "Management of operational work"

Osminin A.T., Mokeichev E.Yu., Mokeicheva I.A.

Freight station technology

Methodical instructions

to course and diploma design


Freight station technology: Methodical instructions / Osminin A.T., Mokeichev E.Yu., Mokeicheva I.A. - SPb: PGUPS, 2005 .-- 32 p.

Bibliography: 5 titles. Tab. ten . Il. ten . Adj. 1.

The questions of the development of the technology for the processing of car flows at the freight station are stated. A methodology for standardizing shunting work, building a daily schedule and calculating the main indicators of the work of a cargo station is presented.

It is intended for students of the faculty "Management of transportation processes", specialty "Commerce" in the discipline "Technology of the transportation process", as well as for diploma design in the specialty "Organization of transportation and management of transport (railway)".

Reviewer: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Operations Management Badakh V.I.

Petersburg state

University of Railways, 2005

Osminin A.T., Mokeichev E.Yu., Mokeicheva I.A., 2005

The stations are the main production enterprises of the railway transport. They carry out all the technical work with freight trains, a significant part of the freight work. More than 70% of the turnaround time is at the stations, so the main reserve in its reduction is the further improvement of the station operation technology, the maximum acceleration of all operations with cars and trains.

Freight stations accept for transportation, weigh, store, load, unload, sort and issue cargo, draw up shipping documents, service access roads of enterprises, organize forwarding services for consignees and consignors. In addition, some stations carry out transshipment of goods, sorting of containers. They are located in areas of mass loading or unloading. Some of them are concentrated in railway junctions and large industrial centers. A significant number of shipments begin and end at freight stations. They serve as points of interaction of the main transport with industrial and other enterprises using its services, points of connection of various types of transport.

At freight stations, the following operations are performed: reception and departure, disbandment and formation of trains, dispatch routes. Depending on the main purpose and the nature of the work, there are non-specialized (general use) cargo stations, specialized, servicing access roads, transshipment, port ones.

The implementation of the course project "Technology of the Freight Station" aims to teach students how to properly organize the work of the station with minimal downtime of rolling stock, high efficiency in the use of technical means and low cost of processing cars and cargo.

The content of the project consists of three parts: technological, computational, and graphic. In the technological part, on the basis of the assignment, a brief description of the station is given and a technology for processing car and freight flows is being developed. In the computational part, it is required to make calculations to establish technological standards for shunting work. The graphical part provides, on the basis of the calculated data and technological standards, the construction of a graphical model in the form of a daily schedule and the determination of the performance indicators of the station.

APPROVED by the order of JSC "Russian Railways" dated April 15, 2016 N 684p Typical Technological process of management local work


The technological process for managing local work is developed on the basis of this typical technological process for managing local work and contains solutions that provide detailed interaction and mutual responsibility of all participants in the transportation process when organizing local work.

The technological process takes into account:

management of the processes of local work within the boundaries of the traffic control center with the distribution of functions and responsibilities between the traffic control centers (DCC), their control areas (RU), territorial centers for the organization of the work of railway stations (DCS) in the structure of traffic control directorates (D);

interaction of regional divisions in organizing local work within the boundaries of the railroad (railway range) with the distribution of functions and responsibilities between the directorates of traffic control, traction, infrastructure, management of the terminal and warehouse complex and territorial centers of branded transport services;

modern level of information technology development.

The technological process describes and regulates:

basic terms and definitions in local work;

requirements for the composition and content of technological processes for managing local work for railways (railways landfills);

a local work management system in the traffic control center (DCC), territorial centers for organizing the work of railway stations, including:

technology for daily shift planning of local work in the traffic control center (DCC), territorial centers for organizing the work of railway stations;

technology of dispatch control of local work in the traffic control center (DCC) in cooperation with the traction resource control center, traction directorates, management of the terminal and warehouse complex and the territorial center of corporate transport services;

quality control of the organization, planning and implementation of local work in the traffic control center (DCC), territorial centers for the organization of the work of railway stations;

analysis of the organization, planning and implementation of local work in the traffic control center (DCC), territorial centers of the organization of the work of railway stations;

use of existing automated control systems for local work.

The technological process is developed by the traffic control directorate in cooperation with the traction resource control center, traction, infrastructure directorates, management of the terminal and warehouse complex and the territorial center of corporate transport services.

The technological process is coordinated by the heads of the directorates for traffic control, traction, infrastructure, for the management of the terminal and warehouse complex, the traction resource control center and the territorial center of corporate transport services.

The technological process for managing local work at the railway site is approved by the chiefs of railways or their first deputies, and at the transportation process control site within the boundaries of several railways - by the vice-president of Russian Railways for transportation management.

The validity period of the approved technological process is 5 years. With the entry into force of regulatory legal acts that directly affect the change in the organization of operational and freight work on railway transport, the technological process must be reworked in accordance with the instructions of JSC "Russian Railways".

Responsibility for the timely introduction of additions to the technological process in cases of significant changes in the technology of work on a range of issues rests with the heads of the directorates for traffic control, traction, infrastructure, management of the terminal and warehouse complex, the traction resource control center and the territorial center of corporate transport services.

Coordination and approval of additions is carried out in the above-established order.


CD - Central Traffic Management Directorate - a branch of Russian Railways.

CDI - Central Directorate of Infrastructure - a branch of Russian Railways.

TsDRP - Central Directorate for Track Repair - a branch of Russian Railways.

CT - Traction Directorate - a branch of Russian Railways.

CTR - Traction Rolling Stock Repair Directorate - a branch of Russian Railways.

TSFTO - Center for corporate transport services - a branch of Russian Railways.

CUTD - Landfill Traction Resource Control Center.

T - Traction Directorate.

CI - Directorate of Infrastructure.

DM - Directorate for the management of the terminal and warehouse complex.

MCh - Mechanized distance of loading and unloading operations.

UTP - Unified technological process of work of a non-public railway track and an abutment railway station.

AFTO - Agency for corporate transport services - a structural subdivision of TTSFTO, which carries out its activities within the TPTST operating range.

AFTOM - Department of commercial work of a corporate transport service agency.

LAFTO - Linear agency of corporate transport services.

PTO is a car maintenance point.

PKO - point for commercial inspection of wagons.

POT - point for testing automatic brakes.

KP - control post.

PTP - a point for the technical transfer of wagons.

TOP - section for current uncoupling repair of cars.

PPV - point of preparation of wagons for transportation.

PPS - washing and steaming station.

NGDMP is a normative timetable for the movement of freight trains in local work.

A control area (RU) is a set of stations and sections within a traffic control center, connected by a single technology for organizing train and local work, under the control of a dispatcher (for traffic control) and including one or several areas of local operation.

The head of the control area (NRU) - supervises the work of the control area (RU), reports to the head of the traffic control center and his deputies.

Senior Dispatcher (for traffic management) (DGPS) - is the head of the single shift of the dispatching apparatus of the DTSUP and stations of the control range, reports to the head of the DTSUP, as well as his deputies.

Dispatcher (for traffic control of the control area) (DRU) - is the head of a single shift of the dispatching office of the control area and stations included in the control area, subordinate to the head of the control area and his deputies.

Train dispatcher (DSC) - is the sole manager of train traffic on the site, directly subordinate to the NRU and his deputies, and in the operational mode - to the traffic control dispatcher (control area).

The dispatcher for the regulation of the car fleet (for the organization of local work) (DNTSV) is directly subordinate to the NRU and his deputies, and in the operational mode - to the dispatcher (for the management of traffic in the control area).

Local work - the activities of railways at the beginning and end of the transportation of goods, including the transfer of local wagons between the control areas of the DCU, the formation of local trains, the delivery of local wagons to the loading and unloading stations, the supply and removal of wagons from the freight fronts, the collection of local wagons at the site after the end cargo operations.

Local cars for railway transport units - cars with which these units carry out loading, unloading, reloading, reloading, sorting of goods, disinfection, presentation for transportation and delivery to the recipient (loaded or empty), as well as arriving for repair.

The Traffic Management Directorate (D) is a structural subdivision of the Central Traffic Management Directorate, a branch of Russian Railways, which is responsible for general management of the railway operation and operational management of the transportation process.

The traffic control center (DCC) is a subdivision of the traffic control directorate for centralized control of the transportation process on railway transport within the boundaries of the railway landfill.

The Center for Organizing the Work of Railway Stations (DCS) is a structural unit of the Traffic Control Directorate, which develops and implements measures to improve the technology of railway stations based on improving the use of infrastructure and technical means of railway stations, information systems, and controls their implementation.

The Territorial Center for Corporate Transport Services (TCFTO) is a structural subdivision of the Center for Corporate Transport Services whose main task is to organize and conduct work on the provision of services related to the transportation of goods and the use of public railway infrastructure owned by Russian Railways, as well as the organization of freight and commercial work and the management of this work.

Work order - a document securing the responsibility of the supplier branch to the customer branch for the volume of services provided, containing information on the planned volumes and indicators of the provision of these services for a calendar month and signed by the interacting branches.

Interstate transfer station - a railway station closest to the state border, which has the necessary track development and devices for the reception and delivery of wagons, containers and cargo in technical and commercial terms, as well as intended for the implementation of border, customs and other types of control in accordance with the legislation of the parties ...

A port is a transport hub with a complex of structures located on the land and part of the water area and intended for servicing passengers and cargo, loading, unloading, receiving, storing and issuing cargo and interacting with other modes of transport.

Port station - a railway station located near a sea (river) port and designed to perform operations related to the transshipment of goods from railway transport to sea (river) transport and vice versa.

Port road - a road, the total loading or unloading (30% or more) of which is concentrated at the port stations - Oktyabrskaya, Severo-Kavkazskaya, Dalnevostochnaya.

Technological discipline - compliance with the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documentation (technological processes, regulations, instructions).

Area of ​​local work (RMR) - a set of stations and sections that are part of one or several RU, connected by a single technology for organizing local work, under the control of one dispatcher for the regulation of the car fleet. The boundaries of the areas of local work are determined in accordance with the boundaries of the areas of gravity of the corresponding marshalling or precinct stations.

Low-activity areas are a constituent part of the local work area, which includes one command station and several stations with an insignificant volume of cargo work, connected by a single technology for organizing local work.

Railway station - a point that divides a railway line into stretches or block sections, ensures the functioning of the railway transport infrastructure, has a track development that allows you to perform operations for receiving, sending and overtaking trains, servicing passengers and receiving, issuing cargo, baggage and cargo luggage, and with advanced track devices - to perform shunting work on the disbandment and formation of trains and technical operations with trains. Depending on the main purpose and nature of the work, the stations are divided into intermediate, precinct, sorting, passenger and cargo stations.

A railway junction is a group of specialized stations - sorting, freight, passenger and others, located at the confluence points of three or more railway directions, connected by connecting lines and having mutual correspondence of carriage and passenger flows.

Local trains - trains containing local cars for a given unit, formed at the stations of the unit:

prefabricated - for the delivery and collection of wagons at the stations of the section;

export - go from marshalling and precinct stations to individual intermediate (cargo) stations of an adjoining site with significant local work or vice versa;

transfer - run between stations that are part of the same railway junction, and are serviced by a fleet of specialized transfer locomotives;

dispatching (shunting) locomotives - assigned for minor loading and unloading at intermediate stations of the site, as well as in addition to group trains.

In addition, local trains are routes whose departure or destination stations are located on the section in question or in a railway junction. Routes are divided into shipping and technical.

Dispatch route - a train set of a specified weight and / or length, formed on a non-public railway track, or under an agreement with a carrier and / or the owner of the railway transport infrastructure on public railway tracks of a railway station with the obligatory condition of at least one station being released from processing of wagons, provided for by the plan for the formation of freight trains.

Technical route - a train of a set weight and / or length, formed on public railway tracks of a railway station by a carrier for technological purposes without the participation of a consignor, following to one destination station from wagons united by a specific criterion (type of cargo, kind or belonging of rolling stock, etc. etc.), with the obligatory condition of at least one station being exempted from the processing of wagons on the way, provided for by the plan for the formation of freight trains.

Freight train on a schedule with an agreed time of departure and arrival - a route, the movement of which is carried out according to the developed thread of the schedule with fixed times of departure from the station of formation, arrival at the station of destination or spraying and travel time, established by separate contracts between consumers of the service and CFTO.


The organizational and staff structure of local work management in a vertically integrated traffic management scheme on the Russian Railways' road network (Figure 1.1) provides for a system of operational management of local work and delimitation in the performance of official duties by operational dispatch personnel.

See Figure 1.1 - Management structure of local work in the traffic management directorate

Local work management includes:

a) delineation of the technological process of planning and managing local work in the traffic control directorate - a structural unit of the central center according to the hierarchy levels and time horizons:

The level of the dispatcher shift of the control area of ​​the DCCU - planning and management of the advancement of local cars within the boundaries of the district during the shift (ДНЦВ, ДНЦ);

The level of the management of the control area of ​​the DCUP - planning the freight work of railway stations of the control area for a day and a shift (NRU, deputy. NRU);

The level of the head of the dispatcher shift of the DCUP - coordination of the work of the control areas on the transfer of loaded and empty local cars between the control areas during the shift (DGPS, DGPM, shift engineer);

The level of management of the DTSUP - planning of local and cargo work of the control areas for a day and a shift (Deputy DTSUP for the organization of local work, deputy DG and senior planning dispatcher);

b) separation of functions of management of local work in the area of ​​management of the DCPC:

Monitoring the execution and preparation of planned assignments (ДНЦВ);

Approval of planned assignments (clarification of the shift plan for the next 3-6 hours) - traffic control dispatcher of the control area;

Ensuring the fulfillment of planned targets with the adoption of regulatory measures (DSC).

c) the distribution of control functions between dispatchers, at which a minimum of coordination costs (the greatest completeness of the chains of technological and control operations under the guidance of one dispatcher) is achieved, while observing the permissible workload of personnel.

In the presence of specifics in the organization of local work in the management area, the positions of dispatchers may be envisaged for regulating the car fleet (for organizing the transportation of selected types of cargo: bulk, ore-metallurgical, construction, chemical, coal, transshipment to water transport, etc.) with the volume of transportation of one cargo over 30 thousand tons per day.

The presence of dispatchers for organizing the transportation of allocated cargo for planning and managing priority objects and traffic flows (operation of circular and technological routes, etc., with their significant volumes).

The local work management structure provides:

Compliance with the principle of one-man management in operational dispatching work with local cargo and empty wagons;

Optimization of management in working with loaded and empty local wagons by identifying areas of responsibility and eliminating duplication of functions;

Ensuring the interaction of the DSCV with the DSC on the basis of modern information technologies;

Timely redistribution of resources gravitating towards seasonal work when loading certain types of cargo (grain, cement, construction materials, etc.) at the level of the DCPC in situations where the management area's own resources are not enough to fulfill the assigned tasks;

A system for monitoring local work with the personal responsibility of the operating and dispatching personnel for performing a shift task.


In this section of the technological process of local work management, developed for the traffic management directorate as a whole and the management areas that are part of it, the following are given:

1) The boundaries of the traffic control directorate and each of the control areas, their technical and technological data:

Operational and deployed length of main tracks;

Connection points for the traffic control directorate and control areas that are part of it;

Traffic control directorates bordering the polygon and control districts that are part of it;

Traction service schemes for locomotives and locomotive crews freight traffic, norms of weight and length of freight trains, including groupage, export, transfer;

Composition and location of train dispatching sections;

A graphical diagram of the safe train sections in technical and commercial terms, superimposed on the diagram of the train locomotive service areas.

2) The class and nature of the work of the stations, indicating the number of separate points that make up the polygon of the traffic control directorate and each management area, including marshalling, passenger, freight, precinct, border, intermediate stations, passing points and sidings; port and border crossings.

3) Brief technical characteristics:

Technical stations of the control area;

Technical and freight stations, with a volume of freight work of more than 100 wagons per day;

Stations that have specific features in their work (specialization in loading or unloading of mainly homogeneous goods, in the preparation of wagons for loading, etc.);

Port stations and border crossing stations;

Inactive areas.

Availability of common areas at the stations, their technical equipment with MCh (DM) equipment and the presence of traffic police at the stations.

4) Technical equipment of the training ground of the traffic control directorate and each control area for local work, including:

Scheme of service areas by employees of the wagon economy with drawing the location of the PTO, POT, KP, PTP, TOP, PPV, PPS, etc.;

Scheme of service stations for stations by shunting and export locomotives with the allocation of a depot registration, their passage of maintenance and equipment;

The layout of objects of commercial work in the field of freight transportation with the application of PKO, ASKO PV and wagon scales, equipping of common areas with MCh (DM) equipment;

Location of ATF and LAFTO, schemes for servicing stations by the department for processing documents for the carriage of goods.

5) A list of stations with an indication of the number and useful length of tracks and the possibilities for the placement of empty private cars that are not involved in the transportation process.

6) Information on the nature and direction of movement of local freight flows and carriage flows, including:

The volumes of loading and unloading at the training ground of the traffic control directorate and at each control area in its composition, including the types of rolling stock, with the allocation of the sizes of import, export and loading "on oneself";

Share of routing of loading by type of cargo;

Existing types of routes, their purpose and circulation polygons;

Data on sustainable seasonal changes the volume of local work.

7) Local peculiarities in the organization of work (methods of delivery of workers involved in the transportation process to low-activity stations, the mode and schedule of work of stations, etc.).


3.1. The main tasks of organizing and managing local work

The main tasks of the traffic control directorate in organizing local work are:

Implementation of the cargo loading plan;

Organization, operational management and control of the transfer of local wagons between management areas, delivery of local cargo, and unloading of wagons;

Ensuring delivery times;

When organizing local work, the traffic control directorate interacts:

With the territorial center of corporate transport services (TCFTO), which develops and provides a monthly order-order and a daily plan for loading in accordance with the applications of the GU-12 form, for the departure of trains on a schedule on a contractual basis (with an agreed time of departure and arrival), and also monitors their implementation;

With the traction directorate, which ensures the timely delivery of export, transfer and shunting locomotives;

With the Central Control Center in terms of agreeing on the required number of locomotives involved in groupage, export, transfer types of traffic and in shunting operations;

With the directorate of infrastructure (service of the wagon economy), which provides technical inspection, repair and preparation of wagons for loading;

With the Directorate for Management of the Terminal and Warehouse Complex, which carries out loading and unloading operations in public places;

With the directorates of infrastructure, track repair, material and technical supply, loading and unloading cars for the needs of the carrier's enterprises;

With representatives of cargo owners on the organization of cargo work;

With representatives of the owners and operators of rolling stock on the issues of wagons to sludge.

Management of local work is carried out by operational and dispatching personnel for each RU and area of ​​local work (RMR).

Day shift planning of cargo and local work includes the following main functions:

Shift-daily planning of cargo work of stations;

Planning the supply of empty wagons in accordance with loading applications;

Planning for the provision of wagons issued for transportation, including under contracts for organizing transportation on a schedule, with traction resources;

Planning of train work for a day and a shift in terms of promoting local car flows (delivery, collection, transfer).

Day-shift planning of cargo and local work is carried out under the leadership of the Deputy Head of the DTSUP - Head of the Operational and Administrative Department with the participation of the senior dispatcher (for traffic management (for shift-daily planning), heads of management areas, heads of railway stations, heads of TCFTO in accordance with the Regulations interaction between the Territorial Center for Corporate Transport Services and the Traffic Management Directorate - branches of Russian Railways.

Ongoing local work planning is a refinement of the shift plan and includes the following main functions:

Routine planning of the formation and departure of local freight trains from stations;

Current planning of the work of export, transmission, dispatching and shunting locomotives;

Current planning of the delivery and collection of local wagons to the attached stations;

Coordination of daily and current plans for train and cargo operation of stations.

Responsible for the current planning is the traffic control dispatcher of the control area, with the participation of DNTs, DNTSV.

Dispatching regulation of local work provides for the detailing of current plans under the direction of the DNTs, including:

Measures to ensure the implementation of the current work plan;

Measures to accelerate the advancement of wagons with expired or expiring delivery times;

The order of delivery and cleaning of local cars at stations;

Planning the formation of multi-group teams.

Arrangements for the re-supply of wagons at places of general and non-public use in cases of condensed arrival of wagons for unloading.

Control and analysis of local work includes:

Control and analysis of the implementation of the daily shift plan for the train (in terms of promoting local car traffic) and freight work;

Control (including flow and hourly) of the implementation of current plans;

Making decisions on improving the technology of organizing local work.

Control and analysis of local work is carried out by the heads of the management districts under the general guidance of the head of the DCUP.

3.2. Organization of local car traffic and traffic routing

3.2.1. Organization of transportation by routes

The technology of organizing the transportation of goods by routes is carried out in accordance with:

- "Rules for the carriage of goods by dispatch routes by rail" (approved by the Order of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation of March 29, 1999 N 10C);

Federal Law "On Railway Transport in the Russian Federation" dated January 10, 2003 N 17-FZ (Article 8, Article 16);

Federal Law "Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation" dated January 10, 2003 N 18-FZ (Article 11, Article 13) (as amended and supplemented);

- "Rules for the carriage of goods by rail" ("On the approval of the rules for the readdressing of goods on the railroad" dated 06/18/2003 N 44, "On the approval of the rules for calculating the delivery time of goods by rail" of 06/18/2003 N 27, "On the approval of the rules filling out shipping documents for the carriage of goods by rail "dated 06/18/2003 N 39," On approval of the rules for the carriage of goods by groups of wagons under one consignment note "dated 06/18/2003 N 32);

- "Instruction for planning, organizing and accounting for the transportation of goods by routes" (approved by the order of JSC "Russian Railways" dated October 21, 2015 N 2509r).

Route transportation technology is based on:

Concentration of cargo flows by thickening the loading of bulk cargo in separate route destinations; scheduling of cargo loading by destination by one or several consignors from one or several stations; accumulation of wagons of a certain purpose on a non-public railway track or station track;

Compliance with the plan for the formation of freight trains when organizing routes by appointment at spraying stations and ensuring the safe passage of routes or their core in full from formation stations to destination stations;

Rational use of technical means of consignors, railways and consignees.

In the technological process of managing local work, a list of shippers is provided who have the ability to form shipping routes of the weight / length set by the carrier (in accordance with contracts for the operation of non-public tracks and instructions for their maintenance). The list of route assignments for these consignors is established by the Plan for the formation of freight trains for the year. Monthly route plans are formed at the request of shippers based on the planned traffic volumes.

Workplaces of specialists involved in planning and organizing route traffic are provided with extracts from the routing plan (part of the plan for the formation of freight trains) for a year.

In the technological process of managing local work, the main specialized schedules for the departure and follow-up of route shipments are reflected, broken down by types of cargo, and sections of travel (when this service is provided).

To optimize the load on the infrastructure and reduce sorting work, loaded and empty car flows not covered by the dispatch routing are organized into direct station routes in the direction of seaports, border crossings and large industrial enterprises.

Formation of routes, organized by the carrier for technological purposes, is carried out subject to the availability of technical and technological capabilities and sufficient capacity of the car traffic according to the principles of minimizing direct production costs of JSC "Russian Railways".

3.2.2. Organization of non-routed car traffic

Car flows with local cargo, not covered by block and through trains, are organized into sectional, modular, export and transfer trains in accordance with the "Instructions on the organization of car flows on the railways of Russian Railways."

The organization of local carriage flows should ensure:

Accelerating the supply and cleaning of local wagons;

High productivity of the use of wagons and locomotives;

Compliance with the established norms for the duration of continuous work of locomotive and composing crews;

Consistency in the work of stations, sections, non-public railways.

The organization of local car traffic is considered within the area of ​​local operation, limited by marshalling or large junction stations. Recycling of local carriage flows should, as a rule, be concentrated at these stations.

A rational option for organizing local car traffic is determined on the basis of calculating natural indicators and operating costs associated with the fleets of local and empty cars at stations, along the route when moving with local trains; with the runs of the specified cars; with runs and parks of locomotives (train, export, dispatch, shunting); the staff of locomotive crews, train builders; costs of fuel and energy resources. In this case, restrictions on the weight and length of trains are taken into account; according to the permissible delivery time for local cargo based on the established delivery times; according to the mode of operation of the personnel of intermediate stations and cargo fronts, etc.

The rational way of organizing local car traffic is chosen by comparing several options, in which direct production costs are compared.

District trains are installed with a car flow, as a rule, at least 2.5 trains per day.

Within the area of ​​local operation, car flows not covered by routes are organized into groupage, export and transfer trains.

With a small size of cargo work, it is possible to supply and remove wagons to intermediate stations by traveling (dispatching) locomotives or train locomotives, following a reserve (in the direction of their single run).

Decisions on adjusting the intra-road plan for the formation of freight trains (to improve the use of marshalling tracks) for network marshalling yards are taken by the Central Traffic Management Directorates.

To increase the efficiency of organizing local car traffic and improve the use of track development of marshalling yards, methods are used based on the use of auxiliary and pre-hub stations (transferring the formation of local trains, transferring operations for the selection of wagons in prefabricated and group trains).

In the technological process of managing local work, diagrams of control areas are given with the allocation of stations open for cargo operations and an indication of the routes of local trains, circulation areas of export, transfer and shunting locomotives (a sample is shown in Figure 3.1). Tables of the plan for the formation of local trains with a detailed description of the groups of cars included and the order of their placement on the trains are given.

For each control area in the technological process, the procedure for working with local car flows is given in the following main positions:

Stations for carrying out cargo work;

Divisional, modular, export, transfer trains, with which wagons are supplied and dispatched, both with local cargo and empty from each direction;

For intermediate stations, the station is indicated, the locomotive and compiler of which should be used to service the cargo fronts;

Arrival of local cargo carriage flows through the docking stations to the address of the control area;

Directions for supplying empty rolling stock for loading.

Due to the unevenness of freight and car traffic during the year, month, day and planned periods, it is advisable to develop two or three options for organizing local car traffic (with a significant increase and significant decrease in car traffic) - daily schedules of local work (DSC). SPGMR is a timetable for the circulation of modular, export and transfer trains in conjunction with shunting services by the control stations of the attached stations. To take into account the intra-day unevenness of car traffic, it is advisable to put into circulation group trains with variable combinations of included car groups.

Variants of the SPGMR are developed by the technologists of the traffic control directorate before the new standard train schedule is put into operation, approved by the head of the traffic control directorate or the first deputy head of the traffic control directorate and entered into the ASUMR system as reference information.

See Figure 3.1 - Sample scheme for organizing local work (on the example of the Penza region of the Kuibyshev railway)

3.3. Technology for working with local car flows at stations and railway junctions

3.3.1. Organization of local work at railway stations

The formation of groupage, export trains with local cargo must be carried out in accordance with the technology of the section and in strict accordance with the approved train schedule.

The organization of local work should ensure rational working conditions of the cargo fronts, under which maximum unloading or loading is achieved. The basis for the efficient operation of the freight fronts is the timely arrival of local wagons at the station, the availability of the required number of wagons and a shunting (dispatch) locomotive by the set time of delivery.

The basis of the local operation technology for freight and technical stations is the daily schedule (LNG), developed at the station, in accordance with the train schedule, as well as with a significant change in the technical equipment of the station (places of general or non-public use) or work technology. The LNG station must regulate the implementation of business processes, taking into account the work schedule of shunting locomotives.

LNG is a graphical representation of the station's work on handling all trains processed at the station, as well as local wagons with which cargo operations are carried out in public and non-public places.

The development of LNG should be preceded by: an analysis of the nature and volume of car traffic at each place of loading and unloading, the establishment of the most effective option for the use of shunting facilities. For each track of non-public use of the station and the place of loading and unloading, the number of feeds, the number of supplied cars is set, taking into account the maximum use of the processing capacity of the cargo fronts.

The work schedule of shunting locomotives for servicing loading and unloading points at the station, non-public tracks, empty wagons' parking tracks - is drawn up after the approval of the standard train schedule by the station technologist and approved by the station manager in accordance with contracts concluded with the owners and users of non-public tracks, technological the process of work of the station and shift - daily plan.

The standardization of the time for performing shunting operations is carried out in accordance with the "Time norms for shunting operations performed at railway stations of Russian Railways", standards for the number of shunting locomotive crews "approved by Russian Railways on 02/08/2007, with verification in the process of timing observation.

3.3.2. Organization of local work in railway junctions

The main principle of organizing operational work at the nodes is the movement of trains according to the schedule, which is built taking into account:

Specialization of junction stations and efficient distribution of sorting and cargo work between them;

Intra-node formation plan, including a system for the formation of transfer and export trains;

Monthly unevenness of car traffic;

Unevenness of car traffic by day during the month to normalize the size of the movement of local trains in the junction;

Intra-daily unevenness of car traffic in order to establish the reliability of the schedule to ensure the removal of trains from stations and timely delivery of cars to their destinations;

Adopted to develop a specialization schedule for train locomotives.

Locomotives serving freight traffic in a hub may have the following specialization:

Train (mainline), operating on the directions adjacent to the node, bypass and connecting lines;

Transfer, serving transfer trains and having a rigid connection according to specialized timetables of the train schedule;

Outbound, servicing ring routes and outbound trains on the sections adjacent to the hub;

Dispatching rooms that call at the node and at the sites adjacent to the node according to the operational dispatch schedule.

3.3.3. Technology of work of inactive areas

The technology of local work in low-traffic areas is primarily determined by the possibility of organizing calendar loading and unloading of wagons on the basis of minimizing costs.

The purpose of organizing local work of low-activity sections on the basis of calendar maintenance is to reduce operating costs, efficiently use infrastructure, staff and shunting locomotives not only of the carrier, but also of users of railway transport services.

To organize the calendar loading and unloading of wagons, several stations with a small volume of freight work (up to 3 wagons per day on average) are selected, geographically located in one local area of ​​work, including on its branches, and connected by a single technology for organizing local work with one administrative station.

The choice of stations with a small volume of cargo work is made on the basis of consideration:

The volume of cargo work (loading, unloading);

The number of shippers and consignees;

Business hours;

Size of loading and unloading fronts;

Seasonality of cargo work.

Based on the results of the analysis of cargo work, the corporate transport service agency and the center for organizing the work of railway stations together with consignors, consignees, owners of non-public railway tracks determine the order of calendar (for certain days of the week) service, i.e. arrival and departure of goods and wagons, delivery and removal of wagons to / from the cargo fronts, acceptance of goods or empty wagons for transportation, etc.

One of the main aspects considered is the conclusion of contracts for other terms of delivery of goods and wagons.

When developing a technology for calendar maintenance of low-activity sections, rigid lines of the schedule for the movement of local trains (groupage, export, transfer trains, dispatching and shunting locomotives) are determined.

The developed technology should take into account the provisions of the existing contracts of users of railway transport services of the service area with the carrier, which are of a public nature.

3.4. Organization of the movement of local trains

3.4.1. Basic principles

The technology of local work in terms of organizing the movement of local trains, within the boundaries of traffic control directorates, is introduced annually simultaneously with the introduction of a new train schedule and a formation plan.

The schedule for the movement of local trains is being developed by technologists (for the development of a schedule for the movement of trains).

The plan for the formation of local trains is developed by a specialist according to the plan for the formation of a traffic management directorate and approved by its head. Mutual coordination of the plan for the formation and the schedule of movement of local trains for each management area is carried out.

The established procedure for directing local and empty car flows is adjusted in case of significant deviations of the actual dimensions of cargo work from the planned ones, as well as in connection with difficulties in passing local and empty car flows at certain sections of local work or stations.

Adjustment of the plan for the formation of local trains and the procedure for directing car traffic is carried out at the initiative of the heads of the RU by a specialist according to the plan for the formation of the traffic control directorate and approved by its head.

All changes are drawn up by telegraphic instructions and are stored for at least two years. All changes to the train formation plan are entered into the corporate database of the Main Computer Center of JSC "Russian Railways" for subsequent transfer to the automated and information management systems associated with freight transport and transport services.

3.4.2. Regulatory timetable for freight trains in local work

The normative timetable for the movement of freight trains in local work (NGDMP) is the basis for the movement of freight trains in local work, uniting the work of all divisions of the traffic management directorate. OGDMP is formed on the basis of the standard train schedule, daily schedule of the station, the schedule of locomotive turnover. In the NGDMP, there is a year-round core of freight train lines, which ensures the volume of local work, and a set of additional lines of freight trains, which are put into circulation when the volume of local work increases. The procedure for the development of NGDMP is established by the head of the Directorate.

The NCMD is the technological basis for the management of local work. The number and categories of freight trains in local work are determined, schemes for their laying are established; the schedule of movement is linked with the technology of disbandment and formation of trains at stations, with the operation of public and non-public tracks, transshipment points, border crossings; the timetable for the movement of freight trains is coordinated with the road network technology for organizing and promoting car flows.

NGDMP reflects:

The movement of trains on the tracks;

Ways of receiving and dispatching freight trains in local traffic;

Technological operations with trains upon arrival and departure;

Disbandment and formation of freight trains in local work;

Delivery and cleaning of routes and large groups of wagons with the definition of target dates for the performance of technological operations, ensuring the departure of freight trains on schedule.

The number of lines of groupage trains on the section should ensure the delivery and collection of local wagons in the conditions of the existing unevenness of local wagon flows. The number of lines of groupage trains is justified by technical and economic calculations, the effect of accelerating the movement of cars is compared with the costs of increasing the size of movement. With a significant local car traffic on the section, options are also being considered for the allocation of export trains, which will make it possible to accelerate the movement of cars along the section in comparison with group trains and to reduce the number of lines of the latter.

In the NGDMP, specialized lines are laid for routes with an agreed time of departure and arrival, which should:

Based on stable bulk correspondences;

Ensure the coordinated and rhythmic work of enterprises of shippers and consignees, sea and river ports;

Provide for the minimum downtime from the end of the preparation of routes for departure and their departure from the stations.

Route schedules with an agreed time of departure and arrival, responsibility for their observance, the procedure for servicing routes by locomotives and locomotive crews are agreed by the traffic management directorate, TCFTO, consignors, consignees, water transport enterprises (for mixed traffic) and are drawn up by the corresponding annexes to agreements on the organization of transportation by rail and to the technology of local work.

3.5. Organization of work with empty wagons

3.5.1. General Provisions

Transportation planning for transit and local empty wagons is carried out in compliance with the requirements established by the Federal Law "Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation" dated January 10, 2003 N 18-FZ as amended by the Federal Law of December 31, 2014 N 503 / FZ "On amendments to the federal the law "Charter of the railway transport of the Russian Federation" and article 2 of the federal law "On railway transport in the Russian Federation", order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia N 258 dated 03.10.2011, the Rules for the carriage of goods by rail, by order of JSC Russian Railways N 3200r dated December 31, 2015 "On the approval and implementation of the technology for the provision of services for the location of empty freight wagons on public railway tracks (outside the transportation process), and Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2015 N 1180 "On Approval of the Rules for Moving Empty Freight Cars on Railway Transport".

The main tasks of the technology for managing empty cars based on the interaction of participants in the transportation process - JSC "Russian Railways", consignors, owners of rolling stock are:

Providing loading resources for shippers' applications;

Effective use of public infrastructure;

Decrease in unproductive mileage of rolling stock.

The technology regulates the procedure for working with empty cars in cooperation with the owners of the rolling stock on the following issues:

The supply of empty car traffic to the points of loading and supply of cars for cargo operations in accordance with the applications of the GU-12 form;

Placement of empty wagons for storage on the infrastructure of Russian Railways;

Application of technological solutions for organizing empty car flows into routes on non-public tracks, as well as on a contractual basis on public tracks;

The order of actions of employees of the traffic control directorate and TTsFTO when providing services for the temporary placement (sludge) of empty own rolling stock on the public tracks of JSC "Russian Railways", including the procedure and timing of receipt and approval of applications for sludge, the appointment of persons responsible for the approval of applications and organization their implementation.

3.5.2. Organization of empty wagons promotion

The organization of the promotion of empty wagons in the areas of local work provides for:

Application of schemes for the movement of local car flows within the boundaries of the management area;

Organization of dispatch or technical routes from empty wagons.

In cases where the average daily departure size of empty wagons is not sufficient to organize a direct route from the formation station, the possibility of forming stepped routes should be considered, and, if necessary, a decision should be made to change the train formation plan.

3.5.3. Organization of empty wagons storage

The direction of the carriage at the sludge station is carried out according to the shipping documents drawn up in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated 06/18/2003 N 39 as amended by the order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated 03.10.2011 N 258, the presence of a contract for the layover of carriages, the client's application and the order of JSC "Russian Railways" from 12/31/2015 N 3200r.

At the end of the sediment period agreed in the application for sediment, if there is a request - notifications from the client, the cars are sent according to the issued shipping documents to the loading station (repair, washing, etc.). If it is necessary to continue the provision of the service at the sludge station, the client submits, according to the established procedure, a new application for the extension of the period of sludge for the entire group of wagons that are in sludge according to the corresponding initial application.

The dispatching office of the Traffic Management Directorate monitors the balance of the availability of empty private cars at stations (public places) and the capacity of tracks for the parking of cars.

3.6. Key indicators in organizing local work

3.6.1. Indicators of the use of rolling stock

The daily schedule of local work serves as the basis for calculating technology indicators in accordance with the specified volumes of freight and car traffic for each option. In this case, the following indicators of the use of wagons are determined:

Local carriage turnover;

A working fleet of local wagons, including those to be transported and at unloading stations;

Number of wagons with local cargo delivered;

Transfer of local cargo to other management areas;

Local cargo delivery rate and unloading by turnover per day and for the first half of the day;

The time spent by the local wagon participating in cargo operations at the stations, including by the elements of downtime:

From arrival to delivery to non-public railway tracks, public places;

From delivery to completion of cargo operations on non-public railway tracks, public places;

From the completion of cargo operations to cleaning from non-public railway tracks, public places;

From cleaning to departure from non-public railway tracks, public places;

The time spent by the local carriage on the responsibility of JSC "Russian Railways", incl. on the above elements of downtime;

Turnover and working fleet of empty wagons.

The indicated indicators of the use of cars in local work are calculated in general and by type of rolling stock for the traffic control directorate, as well as for each management area and areas of local work of each dispatching section.

The norms for the indicators of the use of rolling stock are established on the basis of the existing technological processes of the stations, traffic schedules and a formation plan, taking into account the specific operating conditions of the railways and their affiliation.


4.1. General Provisions

The task of local work planning is to ensure that technical standards operational work on loading, unloading, transfer and delivery of local cargo and empty wagons with a high level of use of infrastructure and means of transportation.

Operational planning and management of local work is carried out by the dispatcher on duty: DTSUP, (road level) ---> DTSUP (control areas) ---> stations. The structure of supervisory management of local work at all levels of management should ensure interaction and delineation of powers and responsibilities.

Road level RTSUP, develops and implements the current plan for the transfer of local wagons between management areas. The administrative districts carry out the current planning of the formation of local trains and the delivery of local wagons. The stations are developing a current plan for the supply and removal of local wagons from the cargo fronts and are implementing it.

4.2. Scheduling of unloading per shift and day

Formation of the unloading plan per shift and day includes the following processes, which are implemented sequentially:

Preparation of a plan for the supply of local cars to the management area and their transfer between the management areas;

Preparation of a plan for the delivery of local wagons to stations within the management area;

Preparation of a draft unloading plan by the dispatcher for the regulation of the car fleet (for the organization of local work) DNTSV;

Consideration of the draft plan for unloading by the heads of railway stations and proposals for its correction;

The final adjustment of the unloading plan in the DCPC is controlled by the deputy head of the management area (for the organization of local work);

Coordination and approval of the unloading plan and adjustment of the unloading plan for the control areas are controlled by the deputy head of the traffic service (for cargo work).

Before the start of the development of draft plans for unloading at the level of management areas in the DCU, based on the availability and projected arrival of local cargo and empty wagons during the preplanned and planned days, taking into account the work in the first half of the day, a draft task is being developed:

On the transfer of local cargo between management areas;

For the delivery of local cargo arriving on routes to unloading stations or on trains according to the train formation plan - to technical stations in the management districts.

The initial planning data, as well as the automatically calculated preliminary delivery and unloading plan, must be obtained from the Automated Local Operations Management System. DNTSV evaluates the results of automatic calculation of shift-daily plans, coordinates them with train dispatchers and makes final adjustments directly in the automated system. Analysis of the results of automatic planning is carried out no later than 2 pm of the pre-planned day based on the following data:

The progress of the unloading plan on the pre-planned day, the presence of unloaded wagons and wagons under unloading at the railway stations;

Approach of wagons for unloading to the stations of the control area (from the approach plan, calculated at the regional level);

The presence of wagons under unloading at destination stations and at other stations in this control area for delivery ("oblique" table of local wagons);

The unloading forecast, calculated on the basis of reference information containing data for calculating the forecast of the delivery of local cargo and the times for performing operations with wagons at the stations.

The norms of the processing capacity of the stations;

Average daily values ​​of indicators of unloading and availability.

Familiarization and amendments to the proposed work plan at the line level will be carried out through specialized forms of the automated management system for local work according to the established regulations no later than 14 hours of the pre-planned day.

In the process of correcting the proposed plan, the head of the railway station or his deputy clarifies:

Restrictions on unloading wagons (temporary closure of cargo fronts, breakdown of unloading mechanisms, etc.);

The procedure for the effective use of cargo fronts in order to reduce the downtime of wagons at stations awaiting delivery for unloading;

Meeting the deadlines for the delivery of goods (timely unloading or supply of wagons for unloading on the way of non-public use);

The plan for supplying cars with the condition of rational use of shunting locomotives.

The chiefs of railway stations should ensure that their proposals are entered for the targeted adjustment of the version of the plan for unloading the DNTSV into the Automated Local Work Management System. The options for proposals can be both to reduce the number of unloaded wagons in the plan (with the obligatory indication of the reason for the number of non-unloading), and to increase this indicator.

The analysis of the proposed plan of operation of the stations is carried out by the head of the control area or his deputy. The head of the management area, guided by the real operational situation, the norms of the technical plan for unloading, the rate of unloading of wagons in terms of turnover, performs the following actions:

Makes decisions on controversial issues (between the versions of the DNTSV and the station chiefs or his deputies);

Gives out additional tasks to accelerate the delivery of cars (for DNTSV) and unloading cars (for station managers);

Draws up on his workstation the decisions made by number-by-number inclusion or exclusion of cars from the unloading plan or gives instructions to the dispatcher for the regulation of car parks (for organizing local work) to finalize the plan.

At a scheduled conference call, held by the head of the DTSUP or his deputy with the heads of the control areas at 2 pm, preceding the planned one, the planning results, introduced into the automated control system of local work, are discussed. The planning results are compared with the norm of the technical unloading plan. If the availability of local wagons to the administration area is not enough, at a conference call, the head of the DTSUP decides to increase the volume of local cargo supplied to the control areas by accelerating its movement by rail. Based on the decisions made, the head of the DCUP issues assignments to the heads of management areas to increase the volume of unloading of wagons by number.

The agreed and approved unloading plan becomes available to all stations in the control area in the automated control system of local work immediately after approval.

The head of the management area, on the basis of the received unloading plan and an additional assignment, takes measures aimed at their implementation. For this, the head of the management area:

If necessary, orders an additional number of dispatching locomotives and locomotive crews in the locomotive maintenance depot in agreement with the dispatcher (locomotive);

Forms tasks for the heads of stations for organizing work with consignees to ensure the unloading of wagons by number;

Forms a numerical assignment for the timely delivery of wagons for unloading to the attached stations and the supply of wagons for unloading.

The unloading plan is determined as the sum of the planned unloading indicators for each management area. This plan is updated at 15:00 of the pre-planned day.

Thus, a plan is drawn up for the delivery of local cargo from technical stations to destination stations, and the unloading of wagons. At the same time, based on the detailing of the car fleet, the final data on the size of unloading in general, by type and selected types of rolling stock, are formed with distribution by stations.

After 4 pm, a shift-daily work plan becomes available in ASUMR, taking into account the increasing tasks for the heads of railway stations, as well as instructions to train dispatchers (hereinafter referred to as DSC) and DNTsV on the timely delivery of wagons for unloading to railway stations and the supply of wagons for unloading.

The unloading plan, adjusted at the direction of the NRU, is the final version of the shift-daily unloading plan and is mandatory for execution at railway stations.

The adjustment of the daily work plan will be carried out based on the results of the first half of the day before 07:00, by the beginning of the conference call held at 8:00 by the deputy chiefs of the local work administration districts. The adjustment involves a reassessment of the stations' ability to fulfill the current work plan, taking into account the operational situation and the updated forecast of local work.

If the values ​​of the unloading plan entered into the automated local control system are lower than the processing capacity of the station, then the reason for the underestimation of the plan must be entered.

The revised daily unloading plan for the traffic control directorate is considered at an operational meeting held by the head of the traffic service of the traffic control directorate in the presence of the head of the traffic control center or his deputies, as well as representatives of the TCFTO, the special transportation department of the traffic control directorate.

After 9:00, the updated daily unloading and delivery plan becomes available to all involved workers in the automated local work management system.

4.3. Planning of loading per shift and day

Every day, TCFTO forms a loading plan for the next railway day based on calendar plan loading (applications GU-12), taking into account:

Loading norms established by the technical plan by type of cargo and directions of travel;

Infrastructure limitations in terms of technical and technological capabilities;

Opportunities for the consignor to present the cargo for departure on a scheduled day;

The presence of customer receivables.

Planning and control of loading support along the entire vertical of control of the central center is carried out with the help of ASUMR. For this purpose, data on applications for the carriage of goods (GU-12, GU-13, data must be received in the ASUMR on-line), data of registration cards for the fulfillment of accepted applications for the carriage of goods (GU-1 , data must enter the ASUMR on-line), waybills (data must enter the ASUMR on-line).

When planning the provision and supply of empty wagons for loading, the planned loading is taken into account according to the GU-12 supply schedule for three days in advance (taking into account the replenishment of the underload and the shipper's refusal to load (data from GU-1)). For wagons in the approach and at the loading station awaiting delivery, the priority is determined for the approach for loading and delivery in accordance with the applications and the exception of situations related to non-provision due to untimely delivery and / or delivery of wagons for loading. Determination for which application GU-12 the car should follow is made on the basis of consignment notes. The ASUMR, based on the received initial data, automatically calculates the forecast for the provision of GU-12 applications for the next day, forms a proposal for the plan for the supply of cars. The initial data according to the calculated forecast are used in drawing up a shift-daily plan of collection and delivery, and clarifying the loading plan for the second half of the day.

The dispatcher for the regulation of the wagon fleet (for the organization of local work) DNTSV until 13:30 local time analyzes the approach and the presence of empty wagons of various operators at the stations, addressed to the consignees, and determines the procedure for ensuring the position of the loading plan.

At a daily scheduled meeting, held until 14:00 local time, the head of the management area or his deputy for local work (with the participation of the DNTSV) with the station managers plans to provide a loading plan with priorities established for it.

The chiefs of railway stations or their deputies report on the number of:

Wagons suitable for loading at the station itself;

Empty wagons that will not be occupied for loading at the unloading station on a scheduled day;

Private and managed by Russian Railways carriages.

The daily loading plan is formed taking into account the possibility of providing it with private empty wagons assigned to loading stations, wagons managed by the carrier and belonging to the states parties to the Agreement, from which the loading resource is formed:

empty wagons of the working fleet that are at loading stations and are not involved in the plan for the current day;

empty wagons of the working fleet located at other stations of the traffic control directorate;

wagons arriving empty from neighboring traffic control directorates and railway administrations of other states;

wagons released from repair and preparation points for loading;

wagons that are temporarily not involved in the transportation process and are in storage, etc.

In accordance with the loading plan, the NRU, with the participation of DNTSV, checks the availability of empty wagons of the corresponding type of the railway station of destination and accessories, taking into account their location and the current technological time standards (for the delivery of empty wagons, their supply and stay at the loading points), ensuring the acceptance of loaded wagons for transportation on the planned day. Based on the results of the check, DNTSV prepares shift tasks for the DNTs and dispatchers of shunting railway stations, respectively, for the delivery and delivery of empty cars.

As a result of planning, a preliminary loading plan for the management area is formed, which takes into account:

Fulfillment of the norms of the monthly technical plan of loading for the management area;

Opportunities to provide a loading plan for empty wagons based on their availability in the management area, preparation of wagons at the PPV (PPS);

Forecast of provision of loading with empty wagons, taking into account their timely delivery to the destination station.

By the time of the start of the daily scheduled conference call, held by the head of the DCC at 14 o'clock local time, preceding the planned one, the chiefs of the management areas had drawn up a plan for loading the management area.

At the meeting, the head of the DTSUP, in cooperation with the heads of the control areas, clarifies the plans for loading the control areas and the planned procedure for their provision:

The number of wagons and tons of cargo planned for loading at the stations of the control areas, the volumes of loading by the types of wagons and the nomenclature of goods, the volumes of loading of large shippers;

Possibilities of the management areas to ensure their loading with empty wagons on the basis of data on their availability and technical condition;

The supply of an additional number of addressed empty wagons to the control areas to ensure loading from the neighboring control areas of the traffic control directorate;

Sludge at the stations of the control areas of an excessive number of addressed empty wagons to ensure the loading of the control area in future periods.

As a result of planning the cargo work for each control area by adjusting the loading plans for the control areas and issuing additional tasks, a loading plan for the traffic control directorate is formed as the sum of the loading plans for each control area.

The loading of shippers and the formation of stepped routes in the daily plan is established on the basis of the received applications from shippers. On their basis, a task plan is developed for the next day for loading cargo by routes and delivery of routes at the butt points of landfills and neighboring traffic control directorates. The daily plan for train and cargo operation of the control areas establishes the procedure and terms for providing loading stations with wagons, removal of loaded routes, as well as the procedure for combining groups of wagons after loading them into stepped routes.

The loading plan developed by the head of the DTSUP, if necessary, is adjusted and approved by the head of the traffic management directorate.

The coordinated and approved loading plan in accordance with the Instruction on the operational planning of cargo and train operation at Russian Railways is transferred to the station of the control area no later than 3 hours before the start of the scheduled day.

The head of the control area, on the basis of the received loading plan and an additional task, clarifies the measures aimed at their implementation and issues in the form of an order the corresponding instructions to the dispatchers (for traffic management of the control area) and station chiefs.

4.4. Organization of the fulfillment of tasks of the daily plan of freight work of railway stations

DNTSV communicates the approved cargo work plan to the railway stations. It is also displayed in specialized reporting forms in the ASUMR (see p. I.).

At the stations, empty cars are inspected for loading and loaded for double operations, with the registration of the results of the technical inspection in the VU-14 form book (VU-14MVTs, VU-14M ETD) and recording the results in the road car model. The final selection of wagons and their suitability for loading in technical terms for the carriage of a specific cargo is determined at the loading station, including for transportation dangerous goods- on the day of the start of loading. At stations where there are no authorized employees of the wagon economy, the procedure for inspecting wagons for loading and determining their readiness for the carriage of a specific cargo is established by the head of the railway, as a representative of the owner of the infrastructure. Based on the results of the inspection of wagons for loading, on the basis of the approved current plan for the appointment of trains, empty wagons are dispatched to railway loading stations.

Based on the daily plan of cargo work established for the railway station, the head of the railway station or his deputy, with the participation of representatives of LAFTO, heads of DM, MCh, consignors, consignees, draw up shift tasks for loading cargo by consignors by type of cargo and unloading cargo - for each consignee, by preparation of rolling stock for loading, as well as give assignments to dispatchers at shunting railway stations or on duty at railway stations for the supply and cleaning of wagons.

4.5. Ongoing planning of local work

4.5.1. Ongoing planning of local work in DCUP

The current local work plan is part of the current plan of the train operation of the DTSUP.

The current planning of local work provides for the specification of tasks for the daily and shift plan for a period of 3-6 hours, depending on changes in the operational environment. The current plan of local work of the management region includes the delivery of local cargo and the supply of empty wagons for loading at railway stations, loading and unloading of wagons, collection, dispatch and delivery of wagons to technical railway stations after the completion of cargo operations, including for their delivery. This plan provides for the appointment of local trains with an indication of the order of their work at railway stations, planning the work of export, transfer and dispatch locomotives. The current planning of local work is carried out on the basis of the approved technology and a firm schedule for the movement of local trains, taking into account the location and condition of wagons, locomotives, rational interaction with non-public railway tracks and the mode of operation of freight fronts.

DNTSV, within the boundaries of its RMR, conducts the current planning of the appointment of local trains (modular, export, transfer) along the lines of the train schedule, plans their work at railway stations of sections and the work of dispatching locomotives based on data on the approach and availability of cars at technical railway stations for delivery and for cleaning and dispatch at railway stations of RU. When planning, data on the planned relocation of empty wagons for their own loading are taken into account; promotion of local trains following the sections of different DNTs; joint use of locomotives serving local work on the sections of different DNTs; relocation of empty wagons between sections of different DNTs.

The current plan for the delivery of local cars to intermediate attached stations by shunting locomotives of the stations is DNTSV. The plan for the delivery of wagons to intermediate stations of the DNTSV must be coordinated with the train dispatchers of the corresponding sections and brought to the DSC / DSP.

The choice of time and sequence of delivery of local cars is made on the basis of the following conditions:

Ensuring the fulfillment of the terms of delivery of goods;

Ensuring the fulfillment of the daily shift plan for the cargo work of the management area (timely delivery of empty cars for loading and loaded for unloading);

Ensuring the readiness of wagons for departure to technical stations by the time the groupage or export train is operating (timely cleaning of wagons from the cargo fronts, delivery to the control station or station of the groupage, export train);

Ensuring the supply and cleaning of wagons, taking into account the operating modes of intermediate stations and cargo fronts, the possibilities of mechanized loading and unloading distances for loading and unloading in public places;

Minimum reserve run of shunting locomotives (simultaneous supply and removal of wagons);

Efficient use of traction force of shunting locomotives;

Providing ways of receiving.

DNTSV coordinates the draft of the current plan of local work of the RMR with the DNTs dispatching areas at the RMR polygon, dispatchers of shunting (station) railway stations for the formation of local trains and submits it to the traffic control dispatcher (in the control area).

The traffic control dispatcher (for the control area) checks the consistency of decisions on the scale of the RU, taking into account the current train situation. When necessary, decisions are coordinated with the participation of the DNTs in terms of:

planning locomotives for trains;

the departure time of the formed local trains from the stations of the formation and exchange of groups;

the advancement of local trains at junctions (as a rule, along fixed lines of the traffic schedule), the time of arrival and departure of local trains to the railway stations of the junction;

organizing the passage of local trains in the conditions of "windows", various difficulties and other situations requiring a change in the schedule lines and the adoption of special decisions on the organization of the passage of trains.

The traffic control dispatcher (for the control area) approves the current plan of local work and, no later than 1 hour before the start of the planned period, announces the order on the appointment of local trains to the dispatchers of train, locomotive of the control region, DNTSV, dispatchers of shunting (station) railway local train formation stations. The order indicates the purpose of the trains; the time of departure from railway stations for the formation and exchange of groups; purpose, number of cars, gross weight and conditional length of train groups; locomotive numbers.

The specialized circle of the dispatcher for the regulation of car parks (for organizing the transportation of selected types of cargo) DSCVM (liquid, construction, chemical, coal-ore, etc.) in the DTSUP conducts operational management of loading, promotion and unloading of routes by setting restrictions and priorities in current train plans. and local work.

When organizing a stepped route from several railway loading stations in accordance with the assignment of a daily shift plan for train and freight work, railway loading stations in the current local work plan announce a schedule for the supply of empty wagons, the procedure for cleaning and moving along the section of loaded groups of wagons to the railway station of formation (associations ) step route. The work on the stepwise routing of empty cars should be planned in a similar way.

If difficulties arise in the operation of technical railway stations and railway unloading stations in the current planning, it is necessary to use:

transferring the formation of local trains to other, technically equipped railway stations, preferably in their own RU;

lengthening the section of the circulation of group trains between railway sorting stations with uncoupling of cars only at large unloading stations;

replacement of group trains with export and dispatch locomotives;

use of reserve locomotives for the delivery of local cargo;

the use of shunting locomotives going to and from the points of overnight stays, as well as points of repair and equipment;

expanding the selection of local wagons on cargo fronts and railroad tracks uncommon use at marshalling railway stations with the release from this work of freight railway stations experiencing difficulties.

Based on the approved current plan for the appointment of trains, the DNTSV (within the boundaries of its RMR) performs the following operations on the basis of the approved current plan for the assignment of trains, received from the traffic control dispatcher (for the control area):

issues assignments to the shift managers of RMR railway stations on the use of empty rolling stock for loading, unloading cars, collecting cars after cargo operations, sending empty cars to the destination station;

determines the order of delivery of wagons for unloading, taking into account their further use for double operations;

interacts with the DGPS and the traffic control dispatcher (in the area of ​​management) on issues of supplying empty wagons for loading, dispatching empty wagons from technical railway stations to the destination station.

4.6. Regulations of actions for automated current planning for local work

4.6.1. Timetable for automated routine planning of loaded shipping routes

RSC / DSP (operator at RSP), based on the message of the cargo and baggage acceptor of the station about the completion of the loading of the dispatch route (or the predicted time of completion of loading), plans the delivery of the train to the departure routes of the station, the sequence of departure operations and, thus, determines the time of the readiness of the dispatch route to departure. Finds the required group of wagons in the "checkerboard" dialog box (in ASUMR) or "Dislocation of wagons according to ASUST data" to be included in the dispatch route (taking into account the length and weight norms).

ДСЦ / ДСП (operator at ДСП) ties the wagons to the selected standard or added thread. To do this, you need to attach the wagons to the line of the planned train using the "Include wagons in the planned train" dialog box. The cars attached to the planned line will be displayed on the graph and in tabular form: the number of the train, the station of formation and destination, for each station the time of departure and arrival of the train, the operations of coupling and uncoupling, the conditional length and weight of the train.

DSC / DSP (operator at DSP) by phone informs DNTSV about the planned dispatch route, agree with it the lists of wagons and the time of readiness for departure.

DNTsV in an automated mode submits for approval the lines with tied up wagons of the DNTs of the section to which the station of the planned train belongs.

The final planning stage is the approval of the schedule for the movement of local trains and the departure routes of the DNTs section.

4.6.2. Timetable for automated routine planning of empty routes

DNTSV on the basis of the "checkerboard" evaluates the dislocation of empty cars at the stations of the section to the address of other stations. Selects groups of cars for inclusion in empty routes, taking into account the length norms.

DNTSV ties the wagons to the selected standard thread. To do this, it is necessary to select the dislocation of the cars in the "checkerboard" according to the ASUST data. Attach the selected groups of cars to the composition of the planned train using the "Include cars in the composition of the planned train" dialog box. The cars attached to the planned line will be displayed on the graph and in tabular form: the number of the train, the station of formation and destination, for each station the time of departure and arrival of the train, the operations of coupling and uncoupling, the conditional length and weight of the train. Each group of wagons can be expanded and viewed as a wagon list.

DNTSV by phone agrees with the DSC / DSP (operator at the DSP) the lists of wagons and the times of their readiness for departure, the availability of tracks for the formation or implementation of uncoupling-couplers of wagons, as well as the presence of a shunting locomotive and a PTO worker. DSP / DSP (operator at DSP) has the right to exclude wagons from the planned train or additionally include a number of wagons in the planned train.

4.7. Monitoring and analysis of the implementation of operational plans of local work

The progress of the daily shift and current plans of local work is constantly monitored by the RCMP using automated systems for managing local work in real time.

Hourly monitoring of the implementation of the current plan, carried out by DNTSV in relation to cargo work and work with empty wagons, includes an assessment of:

the progress of cargo work, loading and unloading of wagons, their supply and removal from the cargo fronts;

dispatch of empty wagons to the destination station, comparison of the planned and actual number of empty wagons collected at technical railway stations and dispatched;

control of the receipt of empty wagons for loading.

The downstream control of the implementation of the current plan of local work, carried out by DNTSV in relation to the delivery of local cargo, includes:

comparison of the departure time of each local train in the plan and the actual time when the train was accepted for departure by the train dispatcher, transferred to the sections of other dispatching circles, as well as the arrival times of the train at the destination station and exchange of car groups;

the number of planned and actually delivered wagons;

fulfillment by stations of assignments for the dispatch of wagons on local trains and trailer groups to transit trains;

fulfillment of the plan for the delivery of local cargo and empty wagons to intermediate stations - comparison of the planned and actual time of arrival of wagons at the station.

The results of the implementation of current plans and the shift task as a whole are drawn up in special tabular forms containing data on the planned work and its actual implementation, indicating the reasons for the disruptions and violations. The results of the analysis of the implementation of local work plans are used by the management and specialists of the traffic service, RU, RMR and railway stations when solving issues of adjusting the technology of local work, its economic assessment, material incentives for workers in dispatcher and station shifts.


5.1. Organization of work of locomotives serving local work

This section of the local work management workflow provides:

1. Data on the organization of work of locomotives and locomotive crews in groupage, export and transfer modes of movement:

Number, kind, series of traction rolling stock on the balance sheet of operational locomotive depots of the Traction Directorate;

Dislocation of the locomotive fleet in the home depot and its location;

Dislocation of locomotive crews in the main and turnover depots, shift points;

Scheme of traction service areas for locomotives and work of locomotive crews;

Duration of continuous work of locomotive crews;

Standard turnover times of locomotives and locomotive crews at technical stations, in main and turnover depots, as well as at points of change of locomotive crews;

Schedules of the frequency of technical maintenance of locomotives with an indication of the places, the duration of passage and the conditions for replacing them at a given time;

2. Data on the organization of work of shunting locomotives:

The number, kind, series of locomotives that are used in shunting work at stations in the control area;

Station of permanent deployment of shunting locomotives;

Service areas;

Work performed;

Places for changing locomotive crews and standard time for delivery and acceptance of a locomotive;

Schedules for technical maintenance of TO-2 locomotives and rational organization of the operation of shunting locomotives without replacement at a distance from the shunting station to PTOL, where it is planned to carry out TO-2 for a locomotive less than 50 km;

Locomotive numbers that correspond to the working conditions for passing through the retarders.

3. The list of locomotives operating in accordance with the NGDMF and the operational dispatch plan.

4. The positions of the managers of the DCPC, who are responsible for planning the issuance and use of locomotives during the shift at local work, in accordance with the matrix of responsibility (table 5.1) stations

6. The procedure for providing locomotives and locomotive crews with routes with an agreed time of departure and arrival, circulating according to the train schedule, which should provide for:

Issuance of locomotives corresponding to the weight and length of routes by series and sectionality;

Organization of locomotive work according to their turnover schedule, and locomotive crews - according to nominal schedules with the aim of guaranteed removal of technological routes from cargo and technical stations;

Consolidation of adjacent work areas (lengthening of the service arms) of locomotive crews in cases of accelerated skipping of routes with an agreed time of departure and arrival;

Skipping routes with train locomotives directly on the way of non-public use by shippers and consignees, subject to the appropriate technical development.

When servicing routes with an agreed time of departure and arrival by train locomotives owned by enterprises and organizations or leased by them, the passage of these routes from the non-public track at the departure station to the non-public track at the destination station is carried out, as a rule, without changing the locomotive.

5.2. Organization of planning and control over the execution of work order

The organization of planning a work order for the allocation of locomotives for servicing local work for the coming month is carried out at two levels:

1st level - chiefs of marshalling yards, centers for organizing the work of railway stations, control areas of DCUP, operational locomotive depots;

2nd level - traffic control directorate, traction directorate, polygon traction resource control center.

The rationing of the fleet of locomotives serving local work is carried out by categories:

prefabricated, export and transfer train series;

dispatching locomotives of shunting series;

specially shunting at marshalling and divisional yards, at freight stations, at intermediate stations, at passenger stations;

The maintenance standard for locomotives serving prefabricated, export and transfer trains is calculated and established for the planned month in accordance with the NGDMP.

The indicators of the use of locomotives in groupage, export and transfer traffic are determined according to the statement of the need for locomotives of the working fleet for freight traffic according to train schedules (form TsDL-13).

The calculation of the need for shunting locomotives by station is carried out in accordance with the "Methodological Guidelines for the Calculation of Time Standards for Shunting Works Performed at Railway Stations of Russian Railways."

The organization of planning for the next month of the required number of locomotives involved in groupage, export, transfer types of traffic and in shunting operations is carried out by the traffic control directorate together with the traction directorate. The results of these calculations are coordinated with the CUTD and, no later than the 20th day of the month preceding the planned one, are submitted to the Central Directorate of Traffic Management and the Directorate of Traction for accounting when drawing up a work order.

After the approval of the Central Traffic Control Directorate and the Traction Directorate of the work order for the average daily maintenance of locomotives, the regional traffic and traction directorates determine the task for the locomotive registry depot.

Operational control over the fulfillment of the order-order is carried out every shift by the dispatching office of the control areas of the DTSUP.

At the end of the month, the regional traffic and traction directorates form an analysis of the fulfillment of the work order for the maintenance of locomotives in the operated fleet and, no later than the 5th day of the month following the reporting month, it is submitted to the Central Traffic Control Directorate and the Traction Directorate for signing the work completion certificate.

5.3. Operational management of traction rolling stock and locomotive crews serving local work

The purpose of the operational management of locomotives engaged in local work is to create, in the specific conditions of the planned period, the unconditional and high-quality fulfillment of local work plans with minimal direct production costs, as well as the organization of timely (with a substitution for the time of distraction) setting of locomotives for equipment, Maintenance and current repairs.

The criteria for evaluating the developed management plan for locomotives engaged in local work is to reduce:

- needs for a fleet of locomotives,

- the number of locomotive crews;

- consumption of energy resources in the export and shunting work due to the rational organization of the transfer of cars between stations in the service area and optimization of the schedule of deliveries, cleaning and other operations with local cars at the stations.

Within the framework of drawing up shift-daily plans of local work for the planned day, it is envisaged to adjust the issuance of export and shunting (dispatching) locomotives, depending on the increase in demand or reduction in the volume of local work.

The number of issues of locomotives and locomotive crews required to master the required volume of local work on the planned day is made on the basis of applications in the form of orders from the head of the traffic control directorate, agreed with the head of the traction directorate and transferred to the operational locomotive depots.

Operative control of locomotives engaged in local work is carried out by the TSC of the DCUP shift according to the following elements:

- control of the presence, condition and dislocation of locomotives (by type of movement, traction), employed in local work, by regions, areas of circulation, points of turnover, operational locomotive depot with the issuance of this data at the time of the request;

- organizing the timely attachment of dedicated locomotives and locomotive crews for local trains in accordance with the NGDMP, as well as ensuring their work to perform operations with local wagons;

- tracking the current technical condition locomotives engaged in local work in order to identify deviations from the local work plan and take appropriate regulatory measures;

Planning of work, control of use at stations, timeliness of delivery of locomotives engaged in local work from operational depots is carried out under the general management of the DNTSV.

DNTSV in the course of its work, in terms of the use of locomotives, interacts with train dispatchers, dispatchers at shunting railway stations, station dispatchers, duty officers at railway stations in accordance with the matrix (Table 5.2.).- timely informing about changes in shift-unproductive downtime;

with a schedule and availability of local wagons for their intended purpose.

On the basis of the fulfilled shift work schedule of the export and shunting locomotives, the deputy head of the DTSUP for the organization of local work analyzes the use of locomotives in local work, in terms of establishing deviations of the actual value of each element from the standard or the current plan, indicating the reasons that caused these deviations.

The results of the analysis of the use of locomotives in local work are used by managers and specialists of the railway traffic service, stations when solving issues of adjusting the technology of local work, its economic assessment, material incentives for workers in dispatcher and station shifts.

5.4. Indicators of locomotive use in local work

- at the station - DSTs / DSP, the head of the railway station or his deputy, an involved employee of the STC;

- in the traffic control directorate - involved workers of the department for organizing the fulfillment of the delivery times of goods and empty wagons and an engineer (shift) to control the timing of delivery of goods of the operational and administrative department of the DCC.

The analysis of technological violations is carried out according to the following criteria:

- the total number of violations in the promotion of wagons and delays in the delivery of goods and empty private wagons, with a gradation by areas of responsibility;

- dynamics of the number of violations committed by days of the current decade, by decades of the current month, by months of the current year - in absolute and average daily values.

An engineer for monitoring the timing of the delivery of goods daily monitors violations in the movement of wagons and delays in the delivery of goods and empty private wagons by areas of responsibility. The analysis of the causes of violations (determined by the employees of the station and the management area) is carried out with consideration of a group of cars with a common cause or for each specific car. The validity of determining a specific cause is specified:

- by analyzing the history of operations with wagons - for monitoring the fulfillment of time standards (for loading, handling wagons at loading stations, technical stations, upon arrival at destination stations);

- on the basis of the current restrictions on the acceptance and unloading of wagons at the destination stations (exceeding the standards for the availability of wagons for unloading and empty for loading, the mode of operation of the unloading fronts, frozen cargo, malfunction of unloading mechanisms, etc.);

- according to the reports of the involved workers of the stations and DNTSV of each RU.

For each violation, the completeness of the execution of acts of the general form on the delay of cars by the station workers is specified.

Upon investigation of violations, the engineer for controlling the timing of the delivery of goods reports to the traffic control dispatcher of the control area and the senior traffic dispatcher for traffic control about trains with wagons with expiring delivery dates and wagons at stations with delays in delivery of goods. Measures and planning of operational work for the accelerated movement of trains and the departure of wagons from stations are being jointly developed.

Operational measures should be aimed at:

- acceleration of the departure of wagons from loading stations;

- acceleration of processing and dispatch of express delivery cars;

- elimination of delays of wagons at technical stations along the route, including local wagons to be transported to sections at the destination station by modular, export and transfer trains;

- timely delivery of wagons at destination stations.

Technological measures should be aimed at eliminating bottlenecks in local work, including:

- correction of the on-road variant plan for the formation and schedule of movement of local trains, including the direction of car traffic in a circle, the formation of through trains (with an increase in car traffic) or group trains (with a decrease in car traffic);

- changes in the service schemes for freight stations by shunting and dispatching locomotives;

- change in the number and sections of operation of group trains;

- optimization of the provision of loading stations with empty wagons and planning of loading at DCPC in cooperation with rolling stock operators and shippers.


Information support of the dispatching office is carried out by an automated local work control system (ACS MP).

The MP ACS is built on the basis of a line-level ACS when interacting with the databases of the ACSUP, AS GID Ural-VNIIZhT, ETRAN, ACS ST and provides information to the process of operational management of local work. Information from the MP ACS arrives at the automated workstations (AWS) of dispatchers and station attendants.

ACS MP includes tasks: planning, control and analysis of local and cargo work. The subsystems of the planning task are: planning of unloading, loading, management of a fleet of empty wagons, supply of empty wagons to stations, delivery of local cargo.

The subsystem for monitoring the progress of local work includes: delivery of local cargo; fulfillment of plans for loading, unloading, adjustment.

For planning the delivery, information is provided: on the availability and approach of local wagons for unloading, the availability of local wagons at the stations of the control areas for unloading stations in the form of a "oblique" table, the approach to technical stations train control areas with local carriages.

Information for planning unloading contains: the presence of local wagons at unloading stations, including those supplied and not supplied to the cargo fronts; approach of wagons to unloading stations; availability and approach of wagons for cargo fronts.

Information for planning loading is based on the applications of shippers provided by the ETRAN system, data on the availability of loading resources in the region of the railway and the planned dispatch of empty wagons.

The task of the current control is to provide information to the personnel of the RCUP about the fulfillment of plans for cargo and local work, the availability of local and empty wagons in the region, and the performance of operations with them. Upon request, at any moment in time, the actual performance of cargo and local work is compared with the specified rates and volumes, and reporting data is generated.

As a result of monitoring the location and condition of local cars, dispatchers of the DCC are provided with the following information in real time:

- availability of local wagons with details by type of rolling stock, current location, condition of wagons (for delivery, in local trains, at unloading stations, for delivery, under cargo operations, for cleaning, for departure);

- on the availability of wagons for delivery in the control area, the dynamics of delivery;

- on the presence of local cargo in the neighboring areas of management and the road.

The procedure for working with the ASUMR system when performing the planning and control functions of local work is described in the relevant sections of this document.

In addition to the MP ACS, an automated control system for the operation of the ACS ST station (developed by TRANSSYTEMOTEKHNIKA and CIT TRANS) is used in the work, designed to obtain dynamic information about the presence of cars at stations, areas of local work and the approach to them. As the situation changes, the information on the screen of the dispatcher's workstation is automatically updated. The object of tracking can be the station as a whole, parks, tracks, points of delivery for cargo operations, the approach to the station. Information on several objects can be simultaneously obtained on the screen in separate windows. The number and combinations of openable windows are not limited. Information displayed on the screen can be presented in the form of graphical expansions by cargo code, type of rolling stock, owner state, consignee code, destination.

In addition to the above systems, when planning local work, data obtained from other information sources can be used.


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