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State educational institution of higher professional education

Orenburg State University



Recommended by the Academic Council of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Orenburg State University" as a textbook for students enrolled in the program of higher professional education in the specialty "Architecture of residential and public buildings"

Orenburg 2003

BBK 39.33 - 08 y 73 A 98 UDC 656.071.8 (075)

Reviewer Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor A.F. Kolinichenko

member of the Union of Architects of Russia V.L. Abramov

Ayukasova L.K.

A 98 Basics of designing service stations

passenger cars: textbook. - Orenburg: GOU OSU, 2003 .-- 106 p.

The manual deals with general issues of the maintenance system for cars, the basic principles of design, the relationship of the functional and technological structure of service stations with the layout of the enterprise, its architectural solution.

The manual is intended for students enrolled in vocational education programs in the specialty 290100, in the study of the discipline "Architectural design"


Automobile transport in our country is developing at a rapid pace, qualitatively and quantitatively. The domestic automobile market is saturated with the products of the automotive industry not only from Russian manufacturing plants, but also a huge range of selection of cars from other countries of the world is offered. The annual growth rate of the world car fleet is 10-12 million units. Every four out of five cars in the world's total fleet are passenger cars, and they account for more than 60% of passengers carried by all modes of transport.

The average saturation of passenger cars in different countries ranges from 50 to 200 or more cars per 1,000 people. It is difficult to predict the maximum level of motorization for any country, but the degree of motorization of the population is growing.

The saturation of cars is determined by a number of factors, among which it should be noted such as the level of well-being of the population, climatic characteristics of a region or country, the development of public transport, features of planning solutions for the city's street network, the availability of garages and parking lots. The high growth rates of the park of cars owned by citizens, the complication of their design, the intensification of traffic on the roads, and other factors led to the creation of a new branch of the auto maintenance industry. /nine/

1. Car maintenance system

The car is a source of increased danger, and according to the current legislation, the owner is fully responsible for the technical condition and operation of the vehicle belonging to him. Maintenance of vehicles in a technically sound condition is ensured through timely maintenance and repair, for the quality of which the enterprises of the "Auto Maintenance" system are responsible, ensuring the performance of the corresponding work. Works on MOT (maintenance) and TR (current repair) of passenger cars, i.e. car maintenance, perform service stations (car service stations) in the CAC (special auto center) and workshops. STOA are the basis of the production and technical base of the "Auto Maintenance" system. From production to decommissioning, a car is periodically subjected to three sets of technical influences: during pre-sale preparation, during the warranty and post-warranty periods of operation. The listed technical actions can be carried out not only at the service station, but also at the corresponding areas of large car dealerships (work on pre-sale preparation). /nine/

Pre-sale preparation of cars. The quality of the car at the time of sale must meet the requirements of the technical specifications

manufacturer. Pre-sale preparation is a prerequisite for ensuring the manufacturer's guarantees. The car arriving from the factory to the store, in order to preserve the paintwork, is protected with an anti-corrosive compound, which is removed before sale. During transportation of the car, the surface of the body and the interior of the passenger compartment become dirty, and therefore require washing and cleaning. Before the sale, the car is carefully inspected, the necessary adjustments and control works are performed. All identified failures and malfunctions are eliminated. /nine/

Car warranty service. Factory guarantees

manufacturers determine their responsibility for the quality of their products and include obligations to eliminate defects free of charge that are not caused by any violations of the rules for the sale and operation of cars, and to replace prematurely worn out or out-of-order units, assemblies and parts due to the presence of hidden defects in them. The warranty period is set by the manufacturer in terms of mileage and time from the start of operation. During the warranty period, maintenance is carried out in a planned preventive manner at special auto centers, warranty service stations and general service stations (on a contractual basis) and includes washing and cleaning, control and diagnostic, fixing adjusting and filling and lubrication works. At the enterprises of maintenance for car owners, free consultations are carried out in order to clarify the rules for the operation, maintenance and storage of cars. /nine/

Car service during the post-warranty period of operation. THAT includes the following complex of operations: cleaning, washing, filling, lubricating,control and diagnostic,fastening, adjusting, electric carburetor, tire repair. Post-warranty maintenance is subdivided into daily maintenance (EO), the first(TO-1) and the second (TO-2) car maintenance, seasonal service (SO).

With EO, control and inspection work is performed on units, systems, mechanisms that ensure traffic safety (condition of tires, operation of braking systems, steering, lighting, signaling, etc.), as well as work to ensure the proper appearance of the car (washing, cleaning, polishing) and refueling the car with fuel, oil, coolant.

Before performing TO-2 or in the process of it, it is advisable to carry out in-depth diagnostics of all the main units, assemblies and systems of the car to establish their technical condition, determine the nature of malfunctions, their causes, as well as the possibility of further operation of the unit, assembly, system.

With TO-2, in addition to the scope of work on TO-1, a number of additional operations are performed: fastening, tightening, adjusting units and parts.

Modern service stations carry out: sale of cars and pre-sale service of new and used cars, sale of spare parts and related products, maintenance (TO-1, TO-2) and technical repair (TR), overhaul (CR) of units and refurbishment of cars, incl. and repairing damage to the car body caused by a traffic accident. /nine/

2. Classification of workshop

The system that underlies the classification of workshops is different in many countries. In the majority, as in Russia, the stations are classified according to the number of work stations, because this gives an idea of ​​the size and capacity of the station, the location, purpose and specialization of the workshop.

V In our country, service stations are subdivided by purpose into: urban - for servicing a fleet of individual cars, and road - for providing technical assistance to all vehicles on the way.

City stations can be universal, specialized by type of work and car brands, car repair shops. According to the production capacity, size and type of work performed, workshops are divided into 3 types: small, medium and large.

Small service stations with up to ten work stations are intended for the following work: washing and cleaning, general diagnostics, maintenance, lubrication, recharging of batteries, body batteries (in a small volume), body painting, welding, maintenance, as well as the sale of spare parts and automotive supplies.

Medium service stations with up to 34 work stations perform the same work as small ones. In addition, they carry out in-depth diagnostics of cars and their assemblies, repair and restoration of bodies, painting the entire car, upholstery, repair of assemblies and batteries, as well as the sale of cars.

Large service stations with more than 34 work stations perform all types of maintenance and repair of medium stations in full. They have specialized areas for overhaul of units and assemblies. Production lines can be used to carry out diagnostic work. Car sales are in progress.

V Depending on the location of medium and large service stations, it is possible to organize technical assistance on call, refuel cars with fuel and lubricants. /eight/

Each buyer of a car, new or old, does not matter, carefully studies its appearance, characteristics, listens to the sound of the engine, checks every detail, asks about accidents, scratches and other little things. Is everyone so responsible when choosing a car service?

Car service appointment

Sooner or later, the car needs repairs. If the car is still under warranty, then there is only one option - to contact a dealer car service and have the car repaired with them. And if there is no guarantee anymore? Then cars will come to the rescue, of which there are a lot today.

The fastest and most economical option is private traders. They do provide such a service on the premises of their garages. Basically, these are minor and urgent repairs without a guarantee. It is not difficult to find such masters: despite the absence of signs and bright advertisements, clients come to them mainly on the basis of reviews.

The next option is a little more expensive - a private car service. They have all the necessary documents, they can give a guarantee, and everything is fine with the equipment. But how to choose one car service from hundreds of the same?

Signs of a good car service station

The main criteria by which the service station can receive positive feedback from car owners:

  • It is good if the car service specializes in one or several brands of cars. This suggests that they know their positive and negative sides.
  • Being able to watch a car being repaired raises your reputation.
  • Together with the acceptance certificate, there must be a warranty card for the purchased spare parts.
  • Correct pricing policy, discounts for regular customers or when performing a large amount of work.
  • workers.
  • Respectful attitude towards the client.
  • A wide range of services.
  • The speed of the repair work.
  • Convenient location.

List of services provided

Depending on the focus, a wide variety of services are provided at the service station: engine repair, automatic transmission, tire fitting, etc.Less often body services are provided. Basically, "chiropractors" work separately according to their profile, creating their own car service.

Truck service stations work special specialists with the necessary skills and equipment. The large weight of units and assemblies imposes certain restrictions on repair. For example, equipment for service stations of freight transport must be designed to lift a large weight. It should include cranes and special hoists.

A fairly popular service ordered when repairing a car is tire fitting. For service stations, work on removing the tire from the disk and reinstalling it is included in a full repair cycle, when absolutely all components and assemblies can be repaired, and at the end the wheels can be pumped up or replaced.

An example of choosing a reliable service station

The 2000 Nissan Almera has a broken automatic transmission. Not far from the city center, in the first service, they carried out a diagnosis and said that it would be enough to change the rings and bushings, and everything will work again as usual. Accordingly, the cost is low and the repairs will be completed as soon as possible. Upon completion, an invoice is provided. If necessary, you can observe the work, but not in the shop, but at the monitor.

In the second service, outside the city, at the first external examination of the car, it was decided that the box would stop functioning after a short time and the only solution was to repair the automatic transmission at the service station. The cost is quite high, you need to leave the car for a few days.

According to the decisions of the masters, you can see which service you can come to more than once, but which one is better to forget. In addition to private repairs, an option with a dealer car service is possible.

Each representative of the car brand has its own dealership, where scheduled maintenance (MOT) is carried out and warranty repairs are performed.

Pros and cons of dealerships

Among the advantages are:

  • They are "sharpened" for exactly one brand of car.
  • You can always get an official paper on the work done.
  • Center exterior.
  • The friendly attitude of the employees of the technical center.

Anyone will ask: "Where is the quality of the work performed?" This is where you need to add about the cons:

  • In many centers, it is not allowed to observe how the work on the car repair is going on. This means that you cannot be sure that the car has been repaired perfectly.
  • In many cases, customers complain that not a single work was done on the machine during scheduled maintenance.
  • High cost of services.
  • Deception of customers - due to ignorance of their rights (they are often frightened that when installing signaling equipment, the warranty will be invalid, but this is not the case).
  • When contacting a private service, they can remove the car from the warranty.
  • You can only supply original spare parts, which will cost a pretty penny.


In conclusion, the following should be noted: the choice of a car service must be approached responsibly and not save on your iron horse. A good service center is the key to a comfortable, safe and long machine life. It is best to listen to the advice of avid drivers who know where to make a car of high quality.

Ideally, it is recommended to find a suitable workshop and contact one master who will do the job responsibly. After all, a client using only one service is the key to the success of an employee and a workshop. There is no need to save money, but you should not rush to pay a lot of money for repairs either. As the saying goes, "The miser pays twice."

The main link (in terms of the tasks to be solved and the number of enterprises) of the car service system is the subsystem for maintaining vehicles in working order. This subsystem performs services for maintenance, repair and other types of technical interventions in order to ensure the safe operation of cars of the population and is represented by a wide network of car service enterprises of different power, scale and purpose.

The car service station provides equipped posts, self-service posts, as well as services for the sale of spare parts and materials. In addition, these stations can provide technical advice on the maintenance and repair of the vehicle.

The need to create a widely ramified, well-equipped and organized network of car service enterprises, one of the main links of which are service stations, is justified, in addition to technical, by the following considerations:

  • - economic - according to American economists, funds invested in the production of spare parts and maintenance of sold cars provide twice as much profit as when investing in the production of these cars;
  • - social - the relative danger of a car as a vehicle is very high and, according to world statistics, the number of road traffic accidents (RTA) due to vehicle malfunction is 10-15% of the total number of accidents.

car service station car

Figure 1.3 - Classification of car service stations.

Organizational forms of maintenance and repair of passenger cars are quite diverse. Modern service stations are multifunctional enterprises that can be classified by purpose (degree of specialization), location, production capacity (number of production posts and sites) and competitiveness.

Depending on the location, service stations are subdivided into urban, mainly serving the park of cars of a particular settlement or territory, and road, providing technical assistance to vehicles on the way. This division determines the difference in the number of production posts and the technological equipment of the service station. Road service stations are universal, have from one to five work stations and are designed to perform washing, lubrication, fastening, adjustment work, eliminate minor failures and malfunctions that occur along the way, as well as for refueling vehicles with fuel and oil. Road stations are usually built in conjunction with petrol stations.

According to the degree of specialization of cars, car service enterprises are divided into complex (universal), specialized by type of work and self-service service stations. Complex service stations carry out the whole range of works on maintenance and repair of cars. They can be universal - for servicing and repairing several brands of cars or specialized - for servicing one car brand. With the increase in the fleet of passenger cars and the diversification of its structure, specialized service stations for car brands are developing. This is confirmed by foreign practice, as well as the experience of such cities as Moscow, St. Petersburg.

Specialized car service enterprises are also classified according to specific brands and models of cars and types of work (maintenance and repair during the warranty period, maintenance and repairs after the warranty period).

Service stations are subdivided according to the level of specialization:

  • - maintenance and repair of foreign cars only - the share of foreign cars in the total vehicle fleet is 23%, 28% of car service enterprises do not service foreign cars;
  • - maintenance and repair of cars of only domestic production - 75% of the park, but only 21% of car service enterprises (maintenance);
  • - maintenance and repair of cars of both domestic and foreign production - 51%, moreover, at car service enterprises, preventive actions prevail over repair for imported cars and repair over preventive ones for domestic cars.

Car repairs and elimination of the consequences of accidents are usually carried out either by specialized workshops or by relatively large service stations equipped with special equipment.

By type of work, service stations are subdivided into diagnostic, repair and adjustment of brakes, repair of power supplies and electrical equipment, repair of automatic transmissions, repair of bodies, tire fitting, washing, etc. For example, in the United States, highly specialized stations and workshops account for up to 25% of their total number.

By production capacity (based on the number of production posts and sites), city service stations can be divided into small, medium, large and large.

Small service stations with up to 10 work stations perform the following types of work: washing and cleaning, express diagnostics, maintenance, lubrication, tire, electric carburetor, bodywork, body painting, welding, unit repair. The main share of this group is made up of specialized service stations. As a rule, they are engaged in performing only preventive types of work and are located within a radius not exceeding 10-15 km from the consumer.

Medium service stations with 11 to 30 work stations perform the same types of work as small stations. In addition, full diagnostics of the technical condition of the car and its units, painting of the whole car, replacement of arregates, and also the sale of cars can be carried out here.

Large service stations with more than 30 posts perform all types of maintenance and repair in full. These service stations may have specialized areas for overhaul of units and assemblies. Production lines can be used for diagnostic and maintenance work. As a rule, cars are sold at these service stations.

Currently, about half of the car service enterprises have a capacity of 1 to 3 work stations; more than 40% - from 4 to 10 posts; 7% - up to 30 posts. Large stations make up less than 2%.

According to its competitive characteristics, the car service market can be subdivided as follows.

The first group - branded (dealer) service stations that sell and service cars of specific firms and work directly with firms, concerns, manufacturing enterprises - authorized centers. These specialized workshops have modern technological equipment, original spare parts, a wide range of services for a specific car brand, trained personnel with a high level of customer service culture, high reputation and high prices.

Branded service stations perform functions related to the maintenance and repair of vehicles during the warranty and post-warranty periods of operation. In addition, they can be considered as divisions of car factories, providing them with reliable information about the quality of the cars produced. At the same time, branded service stations can act as centers for production and technical training of personnel.

The second group consists of the former state service stations, which have extensive experience in the car service, specially designed premises, a favorable location, good traditions, but outdated views on the attitude towards the consumer and inertia that makes it difficult for them to fully and effectively adapt to market conditions. At these service stations there is good, but often outdated equipment, established connections with consumers who are used to using their services, as a rule, low prices, they are trusted, since they have been accustomed to adhering to laws from the old times, have a good image, but not the best quality of spare parts. In terms of market coverage from the point of view of the range of services, they can be called universal.

The third group includes private, newly created STOs, which appeared after the transition to a market economy. In general, they have the same characteristics as the second group.

The fourth group includes car services on the production and technical base of motor transport and other enterprises. There is a relatively low level of maintenance and repair technology, a low culture of service, low qualification of personnel, low aesthetics of production, overestimated duration of work and narrow specialization in car models.

The fifth group of car service enterprises includes garage car services. According to their characteristics, they are inferior to the enterprises of the previous group.

Let's consider the structure of the service station network using the example of Moscow. Here, large car service enterprises account for only about 17%; these are rather powerful specialized enterprises (31% of the city's total capacity). The rest of the car service facilities are leased by sites and production facilities: transport enterprises (about 40% of the total number of facilities and 39% of the city's total capacity), industrial enterprises (19 and 14%, respectively).

Today there is a large gap between demand (the needs of car owners for the repair and maintenance of cars) and the ability to fully satisfy it. This is due to two main reasons.

The first reason is the low solvency of a number of car owners, which makes them turn to underground car services. "Underground workers" are especially active in the warm season, since most of them work in unheated garages and curtail their activities in winter. Illegal car services and car washes are literally everywhere. They do not have licenses, do not pay taxes, so their services are much cheaper than in legal service stations. Some car owners generally only turn to them, since a thorough repair of a car at a legally existing service station is comparable in price with the cost of the car itself. Underground car service occupies a significant part of the car service market, thereby hindering the development of legal service stations. It is worth noting that recently the level of consciousness of car owners has been increasing, they are increasingly turning to legal service stations, which guarantee high quality work.

The second reason is the lack of production capacity of existing service stations, especially in settlements of regional and district significance, where the car service is practically in its infancy. But even in Moscow the service station is sorely lacking. The rapid growth of the car park gave rise to serious problems - overcrowding of the capital's highways and maintenance of the proper technical condition of cars. Currently, 2.6 thousand car service enterprises operate, while there should be about 10 thousand of them. The Moscow government has adopted a program aimed at developing and improving car service services in the city. Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov proposed a simplified registration procedure for newly opened centers as a measure of support and development of service stations. The Mayor instructed the specialists to prepare the relevant documents in the near future, including a typical design of buildings for new technical centers. “I think this is of particular importance for small and medium-sized businesses. This task is not for monopolists, ”he said. At the same time, Luzhkov demands, it is necessary to implement training programs in Moscow, primarily managers of technical centers. With the implementation of this program, the number of service stations in Moscow should increase several times, as a result of which service enterprises that do not meet the requirements for safety, environmental friendliness and the quality of services provided will be ousted from the car market.

Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • - the growth in the volume of services is lagging behind the rate of motorization of the country;
  • - the need for autoservice services is insufficiently provided, car service enterprises are unevenly distributed across cities, therefore, the problem of ensuring the quantity and territorial availability of autoservice services is very urgent;
  • - the successful functioning of the service station is possible when all innovations in the field of auto maintenance are taken into account, the accumulation and analysis of statistical material, the creation of standard station projects, united by a single idea and the possibility of transformation, the presence of highly qualified specialists in this area;
  • - the creation of joint ventures with the participation of foreign partners in the field of car service will contribute to the acquisition of experience, the earliest possible elimination of negative aspects in the activities of the car service company, the accumulation of funds for the development of this service sector.

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Car service stations (STOA) carry out maintenance and repair work for cars owned by motorists. The structure of the workshop is in accordance with the technological process based on plans, schedules, frequency and total maintenance work.

For each operation of the technological process, certain points or sections of the production area are provided with special equipment, fixtures and tools.

Maintenance and current repairs at the workshop are mainly carried out by the flow method, in which work is performed at specialized posts according to a previously developed technology with a given time for their execution.

Conveyors are used to move the car from one post to another.

Depending on the amount of work, there may be several sections at the service station that specialize in units: a section for the maintenance of engines, electrical equipment, transmission, chassis, body and cab, etc.

Each type of work is performed according to technological operational charts. They indicate the name of the operation, technical conditions and norms of time for its execution, the tools and equipment used, the specialty of the worker.

With a small amount of maintenance and repair work, the organization of production at the service station can be brigade, in which the team performs work on all vehicle units within this type of service. The qualifications of the work performers must be high enough. The work is being carried out at one universal post.

Service station classification

Depending on the capacity (estimated number of comprehensively serviced vehicles), size (number of work stations or car-places in the workshop building), location, purpose and specialization of the workshop, the types of work they perform and their combinations may be different.

According to the principle of placement, there are city service stations (Fig. 3) and road ones; by the nature of the main production activity - warranty (manufacturers), complex, specialized, self-service; in terms of production capacity and size - small, medium, large and large (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Classification of car service stations.

City service stations(Fig. 4) are intended for servicing a fleet of cars belonging to citizens in cities and other settlements, and road service stations- to provide technical assistance to all vehicles en route.

Figure 4: A modern urban service station with 25 posts and an area of ​​2500 sq. m.

City service stations can be universal or specialized, depending on the type of work and car brands. These also include factory warranty service stations.

City service stations generally have a relatively regular clientele and provide, if production capabilities permit, comprehensive car service.

Road workshops have a casual clientele, and their main task is to eliminate failures and malfunctions of transit vehicles.

At present, the orientation of the workshop for performing certain types of work is determined mainly by its production capabilities, that is, by the presence of appropriate areas, sites, equipment, etc.

With an increase in the fleet of passenger cars and the further development of the network of service stations, specialized stations for complex service will become widespread, i.e., service stations that perform maintenance and repair of a certain brand of cars, as well as service stations specialized in types of work, for example, for diagnosing, washing, repairing electrical equipment and power devices, brakes, aggregates, body painting, etc. These and other works can be performed in various combinations with each other with partial specialization. This prospect is confirmed by the existing practice in big cities, such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, where the level of saturation with cars is much higher than the national average, as well as by foreign experience.

The grounds for the specialization of the workshop by car brands or types of work are the presence in the serviced region of a sufficient number of objects of labor influences, ensuring the full load of the station and the effective use of high-performance equipment, the possibility of using progressive technology and rational organization of production. A certain number of car owners prefer to carry out maintenance and repair work on their own. However, the existing conditions do not always allow this, since self-service posts are available only at some domestic service stations. Meanwhile, not only posts, but also self-service stations became widespread abroad (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Self-service station

The main difficulties in solving this issue are the organization of appropriate quality control and compliance with safety measures. In connection with the constant improvement of the design of the car, its maintenance is a qualified approach, the use of sophisticated modern equipment with high accuracy, as well as the appropriate technology. Loss of quality during maintenance and repairs in most cases leads to road accidents and environmental pollution.

Road service stations (Fig. 6) are usually small and consist of several work stations, are universal according to the types and brands of vehicles they serve, but are limited in the list of services they provide. Depending on the purpose and capacity of the workshop, they mainly perform washing, lubrication, fastening, adjustment work, eliminate minor failures and malfunctions mainly by replacing units and parts, the need for which arose on the way. Carry out refueling of cars with fuel, oil and other operating materials, as well as provide technical assistance services on the road by specialists of mobile workshops and towing vehicles that have lost the ability to move on their own.

At road service stations, there is usually a wide range of spare parts that are in the greatest demand, car accessories and operating materials in small packaging, in most cases there are self-service posts, rest rooms and canteens. Such service stations can be part of motels, as well as be built in conjunction with gas stations (gas stations). In addition, at gas stations, if they are at a considerable distance from road or other types of stations, they organize small technical assistance points for 1 - 2 posts and self-service posts (Fig. 7).

Car service stations are the main enterprise in the car service, which, depending on the capacity and size, perform most of the technical service functions.

The classification of service stations depending on the location, purpose and specialization is shown in Fig. 4.1. According to the principle of location, service stations are subdivided into urban and road.

City service stations are intended to serve mainly the car park of owners living in cities and urban-type settlements, road stations - to provide technical assistance to all vehicles in transit. This division determines the difference in the technological equipment of the stations. For example, bodywork and painting areas available at city stations may not be available at road stations.

City service stations can be branded, manufacturer-owned, and independent.

Branded service stations are financially and administratively subordinate to automobile manufacturing plants, for example, such companies as AvtoVAZ, Volkswagen, etc.

The basis of the corporate network of car service enterprises is made up of dealerships (dealers), which are trade and service enterprises that sell new and used cars, warranty repair and post-warranty service and car repairs. The dealer is bound by a contract with the manufacturer, according to which he buys cars and spare parts from the manufacturer at a wholesale price, and sells them at a certain margin. In turn, dealerships are associated with their branches and service stations.

A distinctive feature of branded enterprises is that they carry out maintenance and repairs according to their own, developed for a given company, technical procedures and regulations (technology and organization of work, equipment, regulatory framework, architectural and construction design of enterprises, etc.).

Independent workshops that are not financially related to car companies are the main part of the car service network (over 60%).

Independent service stations can be specialized by brands of serviced cars, types of work and universal, serving several brands of cars.

City service stations, depending on the number of work posts and the type of work performed, can be divided into three main types: small, medium and large.

Cute stations(up to five work stations) perform mainly the following works: washing and cleaning, express diagnostics, maintenance, lubrication, puncture repairs, recharging of batteries; repair by replacing parts, faulty assemblies, mechanisms and devices; sale of spare parts, car accessories and operating materials.

Middle stations(6-15 work stations) perform the same work as small stations. In addition, they carry out in-depth diagnostics of the technical condition of cars and its units, bodywork and painting works, replacement of units, and it is also possible to sell cars.

Large stations(more than 15 work stations) perform all types of maintenance and repair, as well as medium stations, in full. They may have areas for overhaul of units and assemblies, as well as sale and pre-sale preparation of cars.

However, such a distribution of work at a service station is rather arbitrary, since the list of services performed depends not only on the size of the station, but also on other factors (demand for various services, financial capabilities of the owners, etc.).

We can expect the development in our country of the principle of self-service, which consists in the fact that the owner of the car for a certain fee will be provided at the station with a workplace and the necessary tools for performing maintenance and repair work on their own, as well as qualified consultations from specialists. Self-service posts can be organized at city and road service stations, and in the future - at self-service stations specially organized for these purposes.

Road service stations are universal stations for the maintenance and repair of all types of rolling stock (cars, trucks, buses). They usually have 2 -5 work stations and are designed to perform washing, lubrication, fastening and adjustment work, to eliminate minor failures and malfunctions that occur along the way. Road stations, as a rule, are built in conjunction with a gas station.

Indicators of power and dimensions of the workshop. A service station, like an industrial plant, is characterized by two main indicators: production capacity and size.

Production capacity is usually determined by the number of products produced in kind or in value terms for a certain period of time. For service stations, such an indicator is the number of serviced vehicles.

With a known annual volume of work on maintenance and service station TP (T T o-tr)> man-h, and the average labor intensity of one car trip, man-h, the number of comprehensively serviced cars at the service station per year

The size of the STOA is determined by the size of living and materialized labor, i.e. the number of employees and production assets.

For service stations, the size of production assets is mainly characterized by the number of work stations for maintenance and TP of vehicles.

The number of work posts is determined by the formula:


where K p - the share of post work from the total annual volume of work on maintenance and TP; F p - the annual fund of time of fasting, h;

R cf - the average number of workers at the post.

The annual fund of fasting time is determined by the formula

where Др ab - the number of days of the workshop in the year;

T cm is the duration of the shift, h;

C is the number of shifts;

The utilization rate of the working time of the post.

In world practice, there are various methods for determining the main indicators of service stations, which is due to the specifics of the operation and maintenance of cars in a particular country, work experience and established traditions in the calculation methods of various companies and other factors.

In principle, all methods boil down to calculating the amount of work and based on the number of posts, vehicle spaces or workers required to carry out maintenance and repairs, as well as other types of car service work.

The determination of the scope of work is based on various initial data: the number of cars in the area of ​​the service station; the number of cars served by the station; the number of car parks and the number of vehicles sold. Thus, the initial indicators that determine the amount of work and the number of posts are very diverse, and each of them is legitimate for the established practice of a particular firm.

The structure of the STOA.

The structure of service stations, depending on their capacity, includes areas for production, cleaning and washing, acceptance and delivery of cars, diagnostics, maintenance and TP, bodywork, painting, anti-corrosion treatment and pre-sale preparation of cars. In small stations, some of the same type of work can be combined and carried out in one area.

Performing work on the repair of devices, components and assemblies removed from the car, and other types of work, can be carried out both at work stations equipped with specialized equipment, and at production sites without posts. The choice of one or another option is determined by demand, stability and volume of this type of work, the degree of employment of workers and equipment, the organization of work and other factors.

In addition to the previously indicated sections, the production part of the workshop building usually contains warehouses, a compressor room, various technical rooms (heating unit, transformer, ventilation chamber, switchboard, instrument-distributing storeroom, etc.).

In the TO and TP area, as well as in the body and painting areas, in addition to work stations, there may be a waiting car, where, if necessary, certain simple types of work can also be performed.

In addition to production zones and sites, the workshop will provide administrative and utility rooms (office, cloakroom, toilets, showers), a customer service room (client, bar, cafe, shop for the sale of spare parts and car accessories, etc.), as well as premises for the sale of cars (Salon-exhibition of sold cars and their storage area).

The above list of structural units is not typical for all types of workshop. At small stations with less than 10 work stations, some types of services (work) may be absent, for example, areas for bodywork, painting and anti-corrosion treatment of the body.

Examples of planning solutions for car service enterprises. In fig. 4.2 shows the layout of the production building of the service station for 10 work stations (project of the St. Petersburg branch of Giproavtotrans) for maintenance and TP 3800 vehicles per year.

The industrial building of the station is made of light metal structures, has a main span of 30 m with a column spacing of 6 m and two side spans of 9 and 12 m. Such a structural scheme of the building contributes to the rational placement of production and storage facilities. The positive aspects of the layout include the presence of urgent repair and diagnostics posts near the acceptance and delivery site of cars, which creates convenience for customers in carrying out work to eliminate minor car malfunctions.

The planning solution of the workshop for 15 work stations (Fig. 4.3) provides for the rational placement of production, warehouse and administrative premises.

A special feature of the station is the placement of a cafe for customers on the second floor above the client's room, where the customer can observe the process of maintenance and repair of his car through a glass fence.

The total number of employees is 45 people, including production - 30, auxiliary - 9 and administrative staff - 6.

An example of a dealer station is the trade and technical center of the Japanese company Toyota with 35 posts (Fig. 4.4).

The features of the dealership service station include the availability of spacious parking lots with a total number of 498 car spaces (new and used cars, customer cars, center workers), large storage facilities for spare parts and a pre-sale preparation area.

Three blocks of premises can be distinguished in the building of the center: a car dealership, a TO and TP area, and warehouses.

A car dealership with an exhibition of cars and a shop selling spare parts occupies approximately 20% of the area of ​​the center.

In the zone of TO and TP, areas of painting and body works, posts of TO and TP, a car acceptance area, lines of washing, drying and pre-sale preparation of cars are highlighted.

1 - warehouse of spare parts, assemblies and materials; 2 - heat generator; 3 - painting and drying chamber; 4 - area for preparing cars for painting; 5 - pantry of oils and lubricants; 6 - industrial storage; 7- compressor room; 8 - vestibule gateway; 9 - post of acceptance and delivery; 10 - posts TO and TP; 11 - tire fitting area; 12 - posts of welding and tinsmithing; 13 - station for straightening and stretching bodies; 14 - client room, exchange point, offices of service station employees; 15 - utility rooms; 16- switchboard; 17-car wash section; 18- individual heating point

In addition, the workshop has specialized posts for the repair and maintenance of auto and electric forklifts, which are necessary for servicing warehouses.

Rice. 4 4. Layout of the dealer workshop for 35 work stations:

I Household premises; 2 - pantry of paints; 3 - paint preparation; 4 - painting area; 5 - TO and TP of loaders; 6 - charger; 7 - compressor room; 8- engineering block; 9 - welding and tin section; 10 - pantry of oils; 11 - tire area; 12- instrumental distribution pantry; 13- utility rooms; 14 - intermediate warehouse; 15 - section of maintenance and TP of cars; 16 - tire fitting area; 17 - car wash line; 18 - line of pre-sale preparation of cars; 19 - administrative premises; 20 - car exhibition; 21 - central warehouse

Rice. 4.5. Examples of layouts of specialized repair and maintenance enterprises of a car service:

a - an enterprise that mainly performs maintenance and control and adjustment work for three posts: 1 - chassis wash, interior cleaning, oil change, lubrication; 2 - anticorrosive coating station; 3 - compressor room; 4 - oil storage; 5- washing mechanized installation; 6- auxiliary, technical and utility rooms; b - an enterprise that mainly performs maintenance and control and adjustment work at four posts: 1 - service area; 2 - auxiliary, technical and utility rooms; 3 - tire warehouse; 4 - spare parts warehouse; 5 - client; c - stations for cleaning and washing operations, applying anti-corrosion coating and changing oil in vehicle units for two posts: 1 - service and repair area; 2 - compressor room; 3 - tire warehouse; 4 - auxiliary, technical and utility rooms; 5 - client

Specialized repair and maintenance companies of car service. In contrast to the workshop, these enterprises perform limited types of services (works). These include small-sized (3 - 5 posts) workshops (tire changers, lighting fixtures, express oil change, installation of alarms and radio equipment, anti-corrosion coating of car bodies, environmental control posts), free-standing washing points. The capacity and size of these enterprises are determined in each specific case by the number of employees, the program and the volume of work.

As an example, Fig. 4.5 shows the layouts of specialized enterprises that mainly perform maintenance and control and adjustment work at three (Fig. 4.5, a) and four (Fig. 4.5, b) posts, as well as the layout of the station for cleaning and washing operations, applying an anti-corrosion coating and changing the oil in the vehicle units by two posts (Fig. 4.5, c).


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