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Topic 1. The system "driver - car - road - environment". Efficiency, safety and environmental friendliness of the transport process. The concept of the driver-car-road-environment control system (VADS). Goals and objectives of the WADS system functioning. The role of road transport in the transport system. Efficiency, safety and environmental friendliness road traffic... Road traffic accident (RTA) - one of the types of refusal in the functioning of road traffic. Other types of refusals. Factors affecting safety: driver, car, road. The defining role of driver qualifications in ensuring road safety. Driver's experience as an indicator of his qualifications. The need to develop quantitative indicators of the qualification level of the vehicle driver for the implementation of reserves associated with the growth of his professional skills. Statistics on the efficiency, safety and environmental friendliness of road traffic in Russia in comparison with other countries. The role of the driver in environmental protection.

State system for ensuring the safety and environmental friendliness of road traffic.

System "driver-car". Concept of the system "driver-car" (CBA). The driver as a master and control element of the CBA. Vehicle (TC) as a control object. Forward and backward communication in the NEA. Stability and reliability of vehicle control. Goals and objectives of vehicle management: movement of passengers and goods with minimal costs, with specified levels of safety and environmental friendliness. Indicators of the quality of solving problems of vehicle control: average speed, fuel consumption, acceleration levels, vehicle control reliability, amount of harmful emissions, level of external noise.

Highways and road conditions. Classification of highways. Estimated speed. Geometrical parameters of roads ensuring safe movement at the design speed. Construction of roads. Influence geometric parameters roads for efficiency and traffic safety.

Impact of road conditions on traffic efficiency and safety. The slipperiness of the road surface, its change depending on weather conditions. Road visibility depending on weather conditions and time of day. The dependence of rolling resistance on the state of the road surface, aerodynamic resistance on the speed and direction of the wind. Traffic intensity and its impact on the quality of vehicle management.

Basic provisions of GOST of the Russian Federation “Highways and streets. Requirements for the operational state, permissible under the conditions of ensuring road safety ”. Regulations on the procedure for the use of highways and the Rules for the protection of highways and road structures (related to the driver of the vehicle). Road use in autumn and spring. Use of winter roads (winter roads). Road conditions on the road sections being repaired (narrowing of the road, changing slipperiness, graveling); used fences and warning lights.

Topic 2. Professional reliability of the driver. The concept of the driver's activities. Need as a stimulus for activity. Needs groups. Motives and incentives for activity. The purpose of the activity in the management of the vehicle. The mental image of the action plan to achieve the goal of vehicle control. Actions and labor operations when driving a vehicle. Tasks to be solved to achieve the management goal. Vehicle management - the search and implementation of ways to achieve the goal in the best way.

Channels of perception of information by the driver. Processing information perceived by the driver. Comparison current situation with a plan of action. Assessment of the danger of the situation by the values ​​of the control reserves. Forecast of the development of the situation. Normal and contingency situations. Mental tension as a means of self-regulation, which increases the reliability of the driver. Influence of the driver's socio-mental qualities on errors in assessing the danger of a situation.

Regulation of vehicle movement is a continuous process of monitoring the parameters of an action plan by performing operations with controls.

Psychophysiological and mental qualities of the driver. Visual perception. Line of sight. Perception of distance and vehicle speed. Selective perception of information. Directions of the gaze. Blindness. Adaptation and restoration of light sensitivity. Perception of sound signals. Masking sound signals with noise.

Perception of linear accelerations, angular velocities and accelerations, joint sensations. Perception of resistances and displacements of controls.

Possibilities of performing control operations in terms of the amplitude and force of movement of the controls. Information processing time. Dependence of the amplitude of the driver's arms (legs) movements on the value of the input signal.

Driver's requirements for the vehicle as a control object. Functional comfort. Influence of the optimality of the properties of the vehicle as a controlled object on the efficiency and safety of the driver's activity.

Driver's occupational hygiene. Medical requirements for the health of the driver. Contraindications to driving. The concept of working capacity. Fatigue and tiredness. Overwork. Factors affecting the rate of development of fatigue processes.

Rational working posture of the driver. Driver's arm and leg reach.

Hygienic conditions in the vehicle compartment: air composition and dustiness, microclimate, vibration and noise impact. Comfortable conditions. The influence of discomfort on the development of fatigue. The influence of fatigue on the change in the properties of the driver as a control element of the CBA. Monotony and stress, their impact on driver reliability.

The influence of health, work and rest regime on the driver's reliability. The role of physical education in the prevention of fatigue, occupational diseases and accidents. Types of physical culture recommended for the driver.

The influence of drugs, drugs on the reliability of the driver . The harmful effects of certain medications and smoking on the driver's performance. The consequences of alcohol and drug use: slowing down of reaction, weakening of attention, deterioration of visual perception and coordination of control movements, decreased performance, irreversible changes in the body. Social consequences of alcoholism and drug addiction.

Driver ethics . Driver ethics as an important component of human ethics in society. The relationship of the driver with other road users. Interpersonal relationships and emotional states. Compliance with traffic rules. Behavior in case of violation of the Rules by other road users. Relations with other road users, representatives of the traffic police and police. The behavior of drivers in the event of road accidents and accidents on the road.

Topic 3. Vehicle. Mechanics of movement of the TSF forces and reactions causing the movement of the vehicle: traction, braking, transverse. Movement resistance forces: rolling resistance, air resistance, inertial resistance. Traction force. Traction reserve is a prerequisite for safe driving. Addition of longitudinal and transverse reactions. Phenomenon of tire slip. Changes in the longitudinal and lateral traction force depending on the degree of slipping (blocking) of the wheels. The change lateral stability anti-slip wheels when coasting, accelerating, braking. Vehicle stability against rollover, drift and skidding (directional stability). Controllability (sensitivity to the movement of controls), disturbance (sensitivity to the action of external forces) of the vehicle.

Principles of traction and braking force regulation with maximum use of traction force. Implementation of the maximum traction force in the work of the traction control (PBS) and anti-lock braking (ABS) systems. The conditions for reaching the maximum value of the lateral reaction are the removal of traction (disengaging the clutch) and braking (stopping braking) forces from the wheels.

TS properties Functional properties - an indicator of the limiting capabilities of efficient and safe performance of transport work. Main indicators of functional properties: dimensions, mass parameters, carrying capacity (capacity), speed and braking properties, resistance against overturning, drift and skidding; fuel efficiency, adaptability to various operating conditions, reliability, operational and maintenance manufacturability. Vehicle stability reserves. Influence of functional properties on the efficiency and safety of road traffic.

Ergonomic properties - an indicator of the possibility of implementing functional properties in the process of vehicle control.

Vehicle habitability: ease of entry and exit, placement at the driver's workplace, at the passengers' seats; visibility of the driving environment.

Topic 4. Regulation of vehicle traffic. Landing the driver behind the wheel. Using seat adjustments and controls for optimal working posture.

Control over the observance of safety during the transportation of goods and passengers, including children and animals.

Appointment of controls, instruments and indicators. Driver's actions on application: light and sound signals; switching on of cleaning, blowing and heating systems; headlight cleaning; activation of alarm, regulation of comfort systems. Actions in case of emergency readings of devices.

Receptions of actions by governing bodies. Taxiing technique.

Starting the engine. Warm up the engine.

Start of movement and acceleration with sequential gear changes. Optimal gear selection for different driving speeds. Engine braking.

Actions by the brake pedal, providing smooth deceleration in normal situations and the implementation of maximum braking force in abnormal braking modes, including on slippery roads.

Start driving on steep inclines and ascents, on difficult and slippery road sections. Start driving on a slippery road without wheel slip.

Features of driving a vehicle in the presence of ABS.

The specifics of driving a vehicle with automatic transmission. Methods of action by the automatic transmission controls. Selection of the automatic transmission operating mode when driving on steep descents and ascents, on difficult and slippery road sections.

Driving in a confined space, at intersections and pedestrian crossings, in traffic and in conditions of limited visibility, on sharp turns, ascents and descents, while towing. Driving in difficult road conditions and in conditions of poor visibility.

Methods of parking and parking a vehicle.

The choice of speed and trajectory of movement in bends, at turns and in restricted passages, depending on design features vehicle. The choice of speed in urban traffic, outside the village and on highways.

Overtaking and oncoming passing.

Traveling at level crossings.

Overcoming dangerous sections of highways: narrowing of the carriageway, freshly laid road surface, bituminous and gravel surfaces, prolonged descent and ascent, approaches to bridges, railway crossings and other dangerous sections. Precautions when driving on repaired road sections, used fences, warning and light signals.

Features of movement at night, in fog and on mountain roads.

Conditions for loss of stability of the vehicle during acceleration, braking and turning. Resistant to rollover. Vehicle stability reserves.

Road use in autumn and spring. Use of winter roads (winter roads). Driving on ice crossings. Driver's actions in case of skidding, skidding and drifting. The driver's response in the event of a front and rear collision.

The driver's actions in case of failure of the service brake, tire rupture in motion, failure of the power steering, separation of the longitudinal or transverse steering rods of the steering drive.

The driver's actions in the event of fire and the vehicle falling into the water.

Topic 5. Road safety. Impact of travel goals on the safety of driving. Assessment of the need for a trip in the prevailing road traffic conditions: in light or dark time days, in conditions of insufficient visibility, various traffic intensities, in various conditions of the condition of the road surface. Route selection and travel time estimation. Examples of common motives for risky behavior in travel planning. The case for risk management.

Impact of road conditions on traffic safety. Types and classification of highways. Construction of roads. Basic elements of road safety. The concept of the coefficient of adhesion of tires to the road. Changes in the coefficient of adhesion depending on the condition of the road, weather and meteorological conditions.

Assessment of the level of danger of perceived information, the organization of supervision in the process of driving a vehicle. There are three main zones of road inspection ahead: far (30 - 120 seconds), middle (12 - 15 seconds) and near (4 - 6 seconds). The use of the far zone of inspection to obtain preliminary information about the features of the situation on the road, the average one to determine the degree of danger of the object and the near one for the transition to protective actions. Features of monitoring the situation in settlements and when driving on country roads. Skills of looking at the road from behind when moving forward and backward, when braking, before turning, changing lanes and overtaking. Controlling the situation from the side through side mirrors rear view and turning the head. Advantages of panoramic side mirrors. A method of practicing the skill of inspection of instrumentation. Algorithm for examining adjacent roads when driving through intersections.

Examples of forecasting (forecasting) the development of normal and emergency situations. Situational analysis of the road situation.

Control questions

1. What normative documents regulate the activities of the driver - coach of the ATP?

2. What are the main disciplines included in the training program for the driver - coach of the ATP?

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

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Control system A control system is formed when a number of links are united by a single information transmission chain. The basic structure of such a control system is shown in the form of a diagram in Fig. IN 1. A condition for the formation of a management system is the presence of a management goal. The control system consists of at least three links: the control body; the means by which the control actions from the control body are transmitted to the control object, and the control object. The fundamental element of the control system is feedback - the return of information about the results of control to the input of the control body. Feedback allows you to compare the control result with the task. If they match, no control action is taken. If there is a mismatch, the control body performs control actions aimed at eliminating the deviation from the required value. Management means achieving the set goal with the greatest efficiency.

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Driving system In a car, driving means transporting goods at the lowest possible cost. When control is reduced to maintaining a constant level of any parameter, such as the speed or direction of the vehicle, this is called regulation. A fundamental feature of the control system is that with its creation a new property appears, which is inherent only in this system, while the components included in it do not have this property. This new property of the VAD system is active safety movement. It depends on the consistency of the driver's skill with the vehicle's driving characteristics and road conditions. When the vehicle's capabilities and good road conditions do not match the skill of the driver, safety is compromised. Driving properties and road conditions are constantly improving, and in order to ensure safety in these conditions, it is necessary to constantly improve the skills of drivers.

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Efficiency, safety and environmental friendliness of the transport process The need for the movement of passengers and goods determines the goal of management. The purpose and conditions in which it is necessary to act form the tasks facing the governing body. Management is carried out on the basis of a regulatory framework through ministries and departments, which are management tools. The control object is road users. These include: drivers, cyclists, pedestrians, and traffic police officers who regulate traffic. The results of the functioning of the VAD system on the channel feedback return to the input of the control. Comparison of the achieved results with the task at hand makes it possible to assess the correctness of the decisions made and to make the necessary adjustments. The governing body in the country is the government of the Russian Federation. The main departments that deal with traffic safety problems are the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

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Driver-vehicle system The main element of the VAD system is the driver-vehicle (VA) system. The purpose of the VA system is to move from point X to point Y. The driving conditions form specific tasks that must be solved by the driver and which are reduced to changing the speed and trajectory of the vehicle. A feature of the VA system is that, unlike the driver and the pilot, the driver himself forms an action plan, and, as statistics show, it is at this stage that 85 ... 90% of errors leading to road accidents occur, and road safety is therefore much lower than at railway and air transport.

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Consider the block diagram of the VA system shown in Fig. IN 2. Based on the purpose of control and driving conditions, the driver forms a task: he chooses the route of movement, determines the method for solving the problem (maximum average speed, maximum efficiency, maximum reliability). The formation of the task is greatly influenced by the driving style characteristic of the driver (aggressively self-confident, calm and confident, uncertain). In accordance with the task, action plans are formed in emerging road traffic situations (TTS): speed Vа, distance d and interval b are determined. The choice of an action plan is influenced by the skill of the driver, the properties of the car, and road conditions.

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The implementation of the action plan is expressed in the movement of vehicle controls. As a result of such displacements, the parameters of the vehicle movement change: the movement of the speed pedal Sпc causes a change in the traction force Pt, which leads to a change in the vehicle speed Va. (For more than a hundred years of the car's existence, the speed pedal has been called differently: "gas pedal", "pedal throttle”,“ Fuel delivery pedal ”,“ accelerator ”. We'll call it the "speed pedal" because by moving this pedal the driver controls the speed of the vehicle.)

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Moving the brake pedal Spt will create a braking force Ptr, which causes a slowdown, which changes the speed of the car. Turning the steering wheel αр results in turning the steered wheels through an angle θ, i.e. causes the appearance of a lateral acceleration jy, which changes the trajectory of motion. In the event of directional instability (skidding) or the danger of overturning, the driver additionally has to stabilize the instability of the vehicle. In this case, the task facing the driver becomes more complicated, and the reliability of control decreases. The result of the regulation of the vehicle movement parameters in the form of speed Va, distance d and interval b is perceived by the driver, i.e. is feedback information, and is compared with an action plan. If there is a mismatch between the plan and the result, the driver corrects the vehicle movement parameters to eliminate the mismatch. In particular, the driver continually corrects the vehicle's deviation from the selected trajectory.

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The result of driving a car in the form of the distance traveled Sa, travel time tp, fuel consumption gs, and the reliability of vehicle control R is feedback information, on the basis of which the driver makes a decision about the need to make changes to the control problem. The limiting conditions under which the VA system is able to function with the required accuracy is determined by the functional properties of the vehicle: speed and braking, stability. They determine the maximum values ​​of acceleration that can be realized during acceleration, deceleration and curvilinear motion. Another group of properties, called ergonomic, characterizes the convenience of driving and affects the ability to implement its functional properties. The higher the ergonomics of the car, the more reliable it is to operate in critical situations. At first glance, it seems obvious that the creation of vehicles with high functional and ergonomic properties solves the problem of safety. In reality, everything turned out to be more complicated. Yes, by improving the car, we are pushing the boundaries of the limits in which we can ensure the stability of the car. But as soon as the driver feels the expansion of the boundaries of safety, he changes his plan of action and again approaches the boundaries of sustainable traffic.

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A person cannot define these boundaries absolutely precisely. When the parameters of the action plan are close to them, the driver easily goes beyond the boundaries of safety. Therefore, 85 ... 90% of road accidents are caused by mistakes made by the driver when choosing an action plan, i.e. driver errors are associated with the wrong choice of speed, distance and interval of movement, wrong assessment of the possibility of changing lanes, leaving the oncoming lane. And only in 10 ... 15% of cases, the cause of an accident are errors in performing a maneuver to get out of an emergency (critical) situation. To improve road safety, it is necessary to change the behavior of the majority of drivers - to make it less risky. An obstacle on this path is the massive ignorance of the criteria for driving skill. Every beginner and a significant proportion of experienced drivers believe that speed is the only indicator of skill. Such a driver, at every opportunity, increases the speed to the maximum possible according to his assessment and, due to errors in the assessment of the permissible speed, regularly goes beyond the safety boundaries. At the same time, the movement of the car is uneven - with intensive acceleration and deceleration. In fact, the indicator of skill is the uniformity of movement, the ability to reach the destination with the optimal average speed with the minimum consumption of fuel and vehicle resources.

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From the graph in Fig. B.3 it follows that when the driver is cautious (period I), the likelihood of an accident decreases rapidly as the driver develops a “sense of the car”. One must be wary of overestimating one's capabilities (period II), the likelihood that arises after the completion of " technical equipment skill "when the driver felt that the car" obeys "him. At this stage, it is important to realize that by this moment you have only learned how to regulate the movement of the car and that you have to learn how to control it. Driving is a multifaceted task that driver education is dedicated to. To a greater extent, the solution to the problem of driving a car depends on the condition of the roads.

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Driving tasks Purposeful actions of the driver to achieve certain goals are called his activities. The driver's activity is aimed at moving the car from one point in space to another. Management theory distinguishes between management and regulation. Under the control is meant the search and implementation of the optimal way to achieve the goal, under the regulation - the change in controlled parameters in accordance with the task. The following tasks can be formulated: moving from point X to point Y with the maximum possible average speed or moving from point X to point Y with an optimal average speed at a minimum possible expense fuel.

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Models of driver's behavior The first task corresponds to a behavior model of a driver who, whenever possible, increases the speed to the maximum permissible. The second task corresponds to the behavior model of the carrier, which seeks to drive as evenly as possible at the speed of the traffic flow, realizing an economical control algorithm. Driving reliability is a prerequisite for achieving the goal. Note that when implementing the driver's model, the control reliability is lower than when implementing the carrier's model. At the same time, the average speed either increases slightly, or does not increase at all, because its value is determined by the density of the traffic flow, and not by the wishes of the driver. To drive a car, a driver needs information that characterizes the state of the driving environment, the environment in the car, the state of its systems and components, as well as its (driver's) state. The list of indicators that describe the information required by the driver is called the "information model of the driving process" or briefly "information model of the car".

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Receiving information by the driver Information comes to the driver through sensations - reflection in the driver's mind of certain properties of objects and phenomena of the vehicle's environment, the state of the vehicle and the driver. The process of influencing the senses is called irritation. The irritant acts on the receptors (recipients of information), the resulting excitement is transmitted along the conducting nerve pathways to the corresponding parts of the central nervous system (CNS), in which nervous (physiological) excitement turns into a mental phenomenon - sensation. The neurophysiological apparatus for receiving sensations is called an analyzer. Obtaining information from the driving environment, the environment in the car interior about the state of the car is based on the action of a group of analyzers, including visual, auditory, skin (tactile), musculo-articular (kinesthetic), static-acceleration. Internal sensations include: cheerfulness or fatigue, satiety or hunger, a feeling of health or sickness. The receptors for analyzers of these sensations of the driver are located in his internal organs. The inner feeling manifests itself as general well-being and has a great influence on the professional reliability of the driver.

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The driver receives most of the information through the visual analyzer. Its importance is enshrined in the well-known proverb: "It is better to see once than hear a hundred times." The auditory analyzer also receives important information - sound signals from other road users; information transmitted to road users by radio; the noises created by the car and making it possible to judge the health of its units. Thanks to the tactile analyzer, the driver can sense the controls by touch. With the help of the musculo-articular analyzer, the driver, without visual control, finds the necessary controls and, smoothly adjusting, changes their position by the required amount. No less important is the feeling of the nature of the change in effort when moving the controls. The static acceleration analyzer plays an important role in determining the regularity of the vehicle's driving mode, preventing the loss of stability of the vehicle during skidding and roll. Getting information by the driver

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Perception Perception is formed on the basis of sensations. As a result of perception in the mind of the driver, the properties of objects and phenomena are reflected in their interconnection in the form of a single image. For example, as a result of a complex of sensations (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, acceleration), the driver develops the so-called “feeling of the car”, “feeling of the road”, “feeling of stability (instability) of the car”. The driver's receptors are influenced by a large number of sources of information. One of the tasks of mental activity is to cut off unnecessary and highlight useful information... This task is accomplished with the help of mental processes called attention.

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Attention Attention is concentrated cognition of an object (phenomenon) or action with a simultaneous distraction from the rest. There are two types of attention: involuntary (independent of the will of the driver) and voluntary (directed by volitional effort). Involuntary attention is directed to objects, phenomena that arise unexpectedly: the emergence of a new obstacle, previously not visible; car skidding; a sharp change in the noise generated by a car as a result of a malfunction, etc. Arbitrary attention is manifested in the selection of objects (phenomena) that are most significant for solving the problem. So, for example, when driving on a free road, information about the position of the car relative to the road is significant. When driving with an oncoming car, while maintaining the significance of information about the position of your car, you need to know whether or not the oncoming car is dangerous. When a speed limit sign is encountered on the way, a speedometer is added to the objects of attention considered. With an increase in the number of objects of attention, the reliability of information perception is influenced by such properties as the distribution and switching of attention.

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Distribution of attention - the ability to focus attention on several analyzers at the same time and perform several actions at the same time. For example, when an obstacle appeared, the driver applied emergency braking, as a result of which the car began to skid. The distribution of attention is manifested in the fact that, while continuing to observe the obstacle and braking, the driver performs actions to stabilize the skid by acting on the control pedals and the steering wheel. Switching attention - the ability to focus attention on several objects in turn. So, for example, to read instrument readings, it is necessary to switch attention from the driving environment to the instruments and vice versa. When there are several objects on the road, it is necessary to switch attention from one object to another in turn. Concentration of attention is the ability to focus for a long time on the most important objects at the moment. Closely related to the concentration of attention is the property of stability of attention, which characterizes the ability to maintain the intensity (tension) of attention for a long time.

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The ability to distribute, concentrate and switch attention is most clearly manifested in the work of the visual analyzer. Considering this issue, we will introduce the concept of a sensory field - the space outside and inside the car, from which the driver receives information that is significant for the movement of the car. To collect information, the driver scans the sensory field - switches his attention, directing his gaze to road elements, obstacles on the road and in the vicinity of the road, as well as to other road users, devices in the car cab, rearview mirror. To obtain information about scanned objects, the gaze must be fixed on them for 0.2 s or more. The duration of gaze fixation depends on the importance of the object of observation for safety, its visibility, and the speed of the vehicle. The more significant the object, the longer the fixation time; the higher the speed, the shorter the fixation time. The dependence of the fixation time tf on the velocity Va for objects of different significance is shown in Fig. 1.1.

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If the number of objects is greater than the driver is able to scan for a certain period of time, some information will be lost, and this can lead to an accident. Therefore, when crossing, for example, an unregulated pedestrian crossing, a low speed will be safe, and it should be the lower, the more pedestrians are near the crossing.

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The driver concentrates his attention in a certain part of the space, as shown in fig. 1.2. The limitation of the field of view occurs because the human psyche protects itself from unnecessary information that cannot be used for control.

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Visibility Visibility is the ability to distinguish between the features of the environment. The visual perception of objects depends on the illumination of objects and the transparency of the air environment. Visibility is characterized by range and degree of visibility. The visibility range is the minimum distance at which the object under consideration cannot be distinguished against the background of surrounding objects. The visibility range depends on the brightness of the object and its contrast with respect to the background. When the headlights are on, the visibility of an oncoming vehicle increases during daylight hours, which increases the safety of overtaking on the highway. The degree of visibility is the ability to distinguish between individual details of the observed object. Visibility deteriorates at night, in fog, in rainy weather, during snowfall, driving in dust. For safe movement, the distance to the line of sight must exceed the stopping distance of the car.

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Information processing by the driver The information received by the driver enters the central nervous system (CNS), where a general picture of movement is formed, called the "information model of vehicle movement". The information model is compared to the experience stored in memory. Based on this comparison, the driver forms action plans (Fig, 1.3), choosing the one that, in the driver's opinion, provides the best solution to the control problem, and realizes it by moving the controls. This results in a change in the vehicle information model and the process is repeated. Several groups of parameters are used to describe the information model. Information picture reflecting TPA Analyzers Information model of car movement formed in the driver's mind Action plan formed in the driver’s mind To the driver's motor exit Fig. 1.3. Circulation scheme of information when it is analyzed by the driver

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The first group should include the parameters characterizing the position of the car relative to the road and other road users: distance traveled; the intervals between the vehicle and the edges of the hard surface of the road; curvature of a road turn; distance to obstacles, intersections; road visibility distance; the distance between the vehicles in front and behind; evenness and slipperiness of the road surface; the state of the atmosphere. The second group includes parameters that characterize the dynamics of the vehicle and the operation of its systems and units: speed; acceleration acceleration; deceleration when braking; centrifugal acceleration when cornering; angles of drift and roll of the car; angular velocities and angular accelerations of the longitudinal and vertical axes passing through the center of mass of the vehicle; its stability; crankshaft rotation frequency; engine loading; transfer; coolant temperature; oil and air pressure in lubrication and pneumatic systems; voltage in the on-board electrical system.

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The third group includes the parameters characterizing the interaction of the driver with the car: the magnitude of the efforts, speed and acceleration of the movement of the controls; sensitivity of the car to the movement of controls (vehicle handling); sensitivity to the action of external disturbing forces and moments (car disturbance); the nature of the change in the effort on the control body during its movement (the reactivity of the control body). The fourth group includes parameters characterizing the driver's health: heart rate (HR); blood pressure in the circulatory system; breathing rate; ventilation volume; body temperature; reaction time.

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The information entering the central nervous system is stored in memory. Thanks to her, experience is accumulated. Distinguish between long-term and operational (short-term) memory. The amount of random access memory is limited and amounts to 7 ± 2 units of memorized material. Information processing is possible at the subconscious (developed reflexes) and unconscious (innate reflexes) levels. The result of information processing is a signal that the central nervous system sends to the limbs (arms and legs), which perform a motor action, moving the controls of the car (Fig. 1.4). Motives Formed reflexes. Information processing at the subconscious level Conscious information processing. RAM channel Conscious information processing. Long-term memory channel Analyzers Informational picture reflecting TPA Motor output To controls Fig. 1.4. The scheme of transmission and processing of information by the driver

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Action plan The driver's activity is significantly influenced by motivation - the incentives that push him to work. Distinguish between positive (striving for a goal) and negative (striving to avoid danger, failure to achieve a goal) motivation. Positive motivation is more effective than negative motivation. An action plan is formed in long-term memory based on a comparison of the information received with action plans in similar situations that have arisen earlier, and the driver's ideas about the limiting values ​​of the information model parameters. Comparison of the current values ​​of the parameters of the information model with the limit values, upon reaching which the task cannot be solved, makes it possible to predict the success of the implementation of the action plan. The difference between the current and limit values ​​of the parameter is called the control reserve. When the current value of the information model parameter is equal to the limit, the control reserve is zero. In this case, the probability of achieving the control goal is also equal to zero. With an increase in the reserve, the control reliability increases, and at the moment when the control reserve becomes equal to a safe value, the control reliability becomes one. The safe reserve value is 0.37 of the limit value of the parameter.

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Prerequisite for reliable driving Reserves are a prerequisite for reliable driving. If the current reserves for the parameters of the information model exceed the safe value, the error is eliminated at the level of formed reflexes (at the subconscious level). When the amount of reserves becomes less than a safe value when correcting an error at the subconscious level, reliability drops sharply (black line in Fig. 1.5). Under these conditions, the mechanism of self-regulation of the driver's reliability comes into play, which is manifested in the feeling of mental tension by him. At the same time, the heart rate increases, the arterial blood pressure rises, the respiration rate and the volume of ventilation of the lungs increase. By improving the blood supply to the brain and muscles, the accuracy of decisions is increased, the reaction time is shortened, and the speed and accuracy of movement of the controls are increased. As a result, control reliability decreases more slowly (yellow line in Fig. 1.5).

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Driver's quick reaction Information processing requires a certain amount of time. The period between the receipt of information and the responsive motor action is called the "reaction time". Distinguish between simple and complex reactions. A simple reaction is to perform the only possible motor action when a signal appears. For example, when a light comes on, a button must be pressed. Thus, in particular, the minimum possible time of a simple reaction to light in laboratory conditions is determined. A complex reaction is associated with the choice of a response: when the red lamp is lit, press one button, and when the green lamp is lit, another. It is clear that the time of a complex reaction is longer than a simple one. In laboratory conditions, it was found that the time of simple and complex reactions increases with age. When driving a car, the driver almost always has to solve the problem of choice. Therefore, the driver's reaction time can decrease with age, as his length of service and experience increases.

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Psychomotor skills Any mental activity ends with muscle movement - a motor action. Psychomotor skills are the connection of mental processes (sensation, perception, thinking, etc.) with muscle movement. There are three components in every working movement: physiological - the perception of a stimulus and irritation of the nervous system, psychological - excitation of the motor or psychomotor centers of the central nervous system, mechanical - muscle contraction and movement of the limbs as the final element of the manifestation of the human psyche. The space in which the vehicle's controls are located is called the "motor field". A feature of driving a car is the impossibility of separating the sensory (associated with sensations) and motor (motor) moments. This process is called sensorimotor.

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Slide Description:

Sensorimotor reaction There are three forms of sensorimotor reaction: simple, complex, sensorimotor coordination. Sensorimotor coordination is characteristic of the processes of tracking the parameters of the action plan when regulating the speed, deceleration and trajectory of the vehicle. Coordinated movements by the control pedals and the steering wheel characterize a high degree of skill, in which the perception of changes in the sensory field and the coordination of movements represent a continuous, unified process of automated activity. In this case, the correctness of the motor action is corrected (with the help of feedback) by the perception of its results. A high level of sensorimotor coordination ensures the exact implementation of the action plan in regular TPA. The role of sensorimotor coordination increases even more in the event of abnormal TPA. The level of sensorimotor coordination determines the reliability of the exit from abnormal TPA. A high level of sensorimotor coordination is also associated with the emergence of a "car feeling" in the driver. This feeling does not provide high reliability of the driver, but it is one of its components. High professional reliability of the driver is associated with his ability to avoid abnormal TPA. This skill largely depends on the personal qualities of the driver.

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Slide Description:

Influence of the driver's personal qualities on his professional reliability. In theory, it is not at all difficult to reliably drive a car - it is necessary that the reserves of speed, distance and interval are always greater than safe values. However, the precise determination of these values ​​in practice is a significant challenge. The accuracy of the driver's determination of control reserves is influenced by the model of behavior he chooses. When choosing a driver's model, the driver makes a systematic error in the direction of overestimating the real control reserves and regularly finds himself in abnormal situations. The personal characteristics (character traits) of the driver have a great influence on the choice of the model of behavior and the nature of errors in assessing the amount of reserves.

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Slide Description:

On the roads there is a complex dynamic system, which includes a set of elements "man", "car", "road", functioning in a certain "environment". These elements of a single road transport system are in relationships and connections with each other and form a certain integrity.

From the point of view of road safety, both the risk factors of road accidents themselves and their combinations are of interest for a systematic study:

The car man;


The road is a man.

To plan measures to reduce the impact of accident factors, it is necessary, first of all, to analyze them in detail.

All the variety of measures that can be used as the main tools for improving road safety can be divided into three groups according to the main risk factors for road accidents:

Improving the safety of behavior of road users (factor "person") - are intended for activities within the framework of educational, educational, legislative, political, social activities aimed at creating a safe model of behavior of road users, through the education of desirable and correction of undesirable behavior, as well as for the activities of road organizations within the framework of a safety audit;

Improving the safety of vehicles (factor "car") - intended for activities within the framework of activities aimed at increasing the reliability and safety of both the vehicles themselves and their operation;

Improving the safety of road infrastructure (factor "road") - designed to carry out activities within the framework of activities related to planning, design, construction, maintenance and operation of both individual objects of street and road infrastructure, and entire networks.

The psychophysiological characteristics of a driver are characterized by a combination of such qualities that allow him to receive and process information while driving, such as perception and attention, thinking and memory, sensorimotor reactions.

The traffic situation changes quickly, and the driver has to receive a lot of information, so the perception must be complete, fast and accurate. The quality of perception (completeness, speed and accuracy) depends on the knowledge and experience of the driver and can be characterized by individual properties of attention.

Attention - it is the concentration of consciousness on an object (phenomenon) or action with a simultaneous distraction from other objects (phenomena). The driver's attention must be sufficiently voluminous, deliberate, and passive, capable of distribution and shifting, intense and stable. Insufficient attention from drivers is one of the causes of road traffic accidents. The amount of attention characterizes the driver's ability to perceive several objects, phenomena and actions at the same time. The amount of attention depends on the experience, the mental state of the driver and the traffic conditions.

The processing of information perceived by the driver, including decision-making, is carried out on the basis of thinking.

Thinking - it is the highest cognitive process, thanks to which the essence of perceived objects or phenomena is comprehended in the mind of a person. It makes it possible to cognize what is not directly observed, to foresee the course of events as a result of their actions and the behavior of other people. The driver is characterized by operational thinking, the peculiarity of which is that the time for comprehending the road situation and working out a decision is extremely limited, and the decision is immediately implemented. The driver's operational thinking is carried out in the following sequence: assessing the situation, predicting its development, and working out a solution. The ability to think correctly depends on the special knowledge and experience of the driver, which allows you to remember in a timely manner the information necessary to assess the situation, predict its development and perform the necessary actions in a specific situation.

The process of capturing, storing and reproducing information is characterized by memory. The driver must remember well the route and its features, firmly know the rules of the road and firmly possess the skills of safe driving. The memory should be distinguished by sufficient volume, speed and accuracy of memorization, the duration of retention of the learned material.

The driver must be able to easily recall the information needed in a rapidly changing situation, so his memory must be distinguished by readiness. The memory must perceive situations similar to the one in which the driver is at the moment, as well as those decisions and actions that were most correct in the process of similar situations.

The reliability of the driver depends on the correctness, accuracy, timeliness and speed of actions that he performs in response to various stimuli. Such retaliatory actions are called sensorimotor reactions. The effectiveness of response actions depends on the speed of their formation, assessed by the response time. It is advisable for each driver to evaluate their reaction time in various working conditions and know how to reduce it. Reactions can be simple or complex. A simple reaction is associated with waiting for a single signal known to the driver, in response to which the driver must perform a certain action. A complex reaction is associated with the perception of several stimuli, including unexpected ones, and the choice of one response from several possible ones.

The driver must be constantly ready to act in unexpectedly changing traffic conditions, which ensures his stability and intensity of attention. The important professional qualities of a driver include the ability to predict the traffic situation and, at the same time, monitor road signs, traffic lights, road markings, road changes in plan and profile, etc.

In most cases, an accident is the result of professional mistakes of drivers in assessing the situation and predicting its development, and not a violation of the Traffic Rules (except for deliberate violations). The rules establish what the driver should or should not do on the road, but this is not enough for the reliable work of the driver. In any situation, the driver must find the answer to the question of how to act in order not to violate the Rules and to exclude an emergency.

1. The car as a link of the systems "driver - car - road (environment)" and its impact on road safety

2. Organization of the work of the industrial and technical service of the accident accident prevention

3. Basic principles of traffic management. For what purpose and by what methods are movement studies carried out?


1. The car as a link of the systems "driver - car - road (environment)" and its impact on road safety

The operational properties of a car characterize the possibility of its effective use and make it possible to determine to what extent the car's design meets the requirements of operation. For some vehicles, the most important property is speed (ambulances medical care, sports cars). For military vehicles, as well as those working in rural areas and in the forest industry, an important property is their high cross-country ability. Modern cars capable of developing high speed, certain types of cars have a large mass. Therefore, for all cars, without exception, their safety is a mandatory requirement.

Constructive safety is the property of a car to prevent accidents, reduce the severity of its consequences and not cause harm to people and the environment. This property is complex and related to other performance characteristics of the vehicle.

Structural safety is divided into active, passive, post-accident and environmental.

Active safety is the property of a car to reduce the likelihood of an accident or completely prevent it. It manifests itself in such a dangerous road situation, when the driver still has the ability to change the nature of the movement.

Active safety depends on the layout parameters, traction and braking dynamics, stability, controllability and information content of the vehicle.

Passive safety is the property of a car to reduce the severity of the consequences of an accident. It manifests itself directly in collisions, collisions, rollovers and is provided by the structure and rigidity of the body (Fig. 35), seat belts, injury-free steering columns, airbags and other constructive measures.

Post-crash safety - the property of a car to reduce the severity of the consequences of an accident after a stop and to prevent the occurrence of new accidents. It is provided by means of fire safety, reliable design of door locks, escape hatches, emergency alarms, etc.

Environmental safety - the property of a car to reduce the harm caused to the environment in everyday use. It is provided by constructive measures to reduce the toxicity of exhaust gases:

improving the working processes of engines; the use of exhaust gas converters; the use of fuel that provides low toxicity of exhaust gases, etc.

2. Organization of the work of the industrial and technical service of the accident accident prevention

The main task of the industrial and technical service for the prevention of road accidents is to ensure the release of technically sound rolling stock on the line. For this, employees of the production and technical service are obliged to: - Carry out constant monitoring of the technical condition of the rolling stock, excluding the possibility of releasing vehicles with technical malfunctions that threaten traffic safety on the line. - To monitor the technical condition of the towing devices of the rolling stock with disassembly and inspection of all parts at least twice a year. - Do not allow the installation of restored tires on the front axles of buses, regardless of their repair group. - Constantly monitor the technical serviceability of the cable control mechanism for the rear semi-trailer bogie. - Carry out technical inspections of regular buses at points of turnover, the length of the routes of which is more than 300 km. - Keep track of the time of departure of cars on the flight and their return to the garage after work. In all cases of damage to the rolling stock due to a collision, overturning or hitting an obstacle, immediately inform the employees of the traffic safety service of the car company. - Complete cars additional equipment and identification marks in accordance with the requirements of the Road Traffic Regulations (fire extinguishers, first-aid kits, emergency stop signs, road train identification signs). In addition, in buses to install the signs "Do not distract the driver while driving". - Constantly educate drivers about the inadmissibility of using the method of supplying fuel to the engine carburetor while driving by gravity from open containers. - In car companies that do not have diagnostic posts, equip and constantly use platforms for adjusting the headlights and checking the serviceability of the brake system of cars. - Keep records and analysis of all cases of breakdowns of the main parts of the rolling stock that affect road safety. - At KTP AP and motor vehicle fleets, where the procedure for 100 percent coverage of drivers with pre-trip medical examination is established, check in waybills the presence of marks of the special medical center. Drivers who have not passed the medical examination are not allowed to enter the line. - Take urgent measures to remove from the carriageway of the rolling stock, which has stopped due to a technical malfunction. - Determine the material damage caused from damage to the rolling stock in road accidents within five days in the prescribed manner and submit a report to the traffic safety service. car driver road safety

3. Basic principles of traffic management. For what purpose and by what methods are movement studies carried out?

Traffic management is a complex of engineering and organizational measures on the road network to ensure the safety of road users, the optimal speed and convenience of vehicles.

The activities of traffic management services (GAI, road maintenance and other organizations) are aimed at simplifying the orientation of drivers on the route, helping them choose the optimal speed, creating conditions for faster passage of route vehicles, and ensuring the safety of all road users.

One of the methods of organizing traffic is the introduction of certain restrictions on the order of movement for its participants. For the most part, the imposed restrictions are a forced measure aimed at improving traffic safety, road network capacity, and reducing the harmful effects of vehicles on the environment.

The organization of traffic on the road network is provided mainly with the help of road signs, markings, traffic lights, various fencing and guiding devices. The traffic order at intersections is organized using traffic lights. Marking allows the best way to distribute vehicles on the roadway and increase the efficiency of its use. At the same time, the markings serve as the most important means of visual orientation of drivers. Road signs regulate the behavior of drivers in almost all the most common situations and ensure traffic safety.

Modern computers make it possible to organize traffic light regulation depending on information about the state of traffic flows, significantly increasing the throughput
road network. In the practice of organizing road traffic, methods of ensuring higher road traffic capacity and the safety of road users are widely implemented. Among these methods, the following are most typical:

introduction of one-way traffic - increases by 20-30 % the throughput of the road;

traffic light regulation according to the principle of "green wave" - ​​provides non-stop passage of intersections located on the highway, reduces fuel consumption, the level of traffic noise and gas pollution;

organization of roundabout traffic at intersections - eliminates the intersection of traffic flows and eliminates the need for traffic light regulation;

division of traffic flows by types of vehicles - contributes to the creation of homogeneous traffic flows;

speed regulation taking into account the road load - increases the throughput of the road;

limiting the number of stops and parking - increases the throughput of the road, etc.

The capacity of a road is estimated by the largest number of cars that, provided safety is ensured, can move through a certain section of it within 1 hour.

With a multi-lane road, this figure is the sum of the capacity of each lane.

The throughput of one lane about 3.5 m wide with a smooth asphalt concrete pavement in the absence of intersections and abutments is 1600-1800 passenger cars in hour. If the stream consists of trucks, then the throughput will be approximately halved and will amount to 800-900 vehicles per hour (300-450 road trains per hour).

The maximum throughput is achieved at a certain speed of the traffic flow, which for the flow of cars is 50-55 km / h. Based on this, it is possible to estimate what a forced stop in the lane for only 15 minutes of one car will lead to, for example, due to a technical malfunction. If a detour is not possible, during this time about 200 cars or 100 trucks can accumulate on the lane.

On city streets, the throughput is determined by the ability to drive through the intersection during the time when the green traffic light turns on. At a regulated intersection, the capacity of one lane is approximately 800-900 cars or 350-400 trucks per hour.

One of the important tasks of traffic management services is to increase the throughput of roads through the use of rational schemes and methods of regulation (according to the "green wave" principle, elimination of heavy and especially heavy-duty trucks from the flow, prohibition of stops, parking, left turns, etc. .).

If more than 600 cars arrive at a four-way intersection with permitted traffic in all directions within 1 hour, then the passing conditions become dangerous and, at the same time, vehicle delays increase. In such cases, it is necessary to apply manual or traffic light regulation to alternately pass vehicles in mutually conflicting directions.

Traffic lights, as a rule, are controlled automatically by a controller, which also has a device for switching signals manually. The controllers switch traffic signals according to a predetermined program calculated taking into account the data on the traffic intensity at a particular intersection. More advanced computer-based automated motion control systems operate on several programs. They are switched based on the number of passing vehicles received from the vehicle detectors.

The nomenclature, basic parameters and conditions for the use of technical means of traffic management are regulated by GOST 10807-78 “Road signs. General technical conditions ", GOST 13508-74" Road markings ", GOST 25695-83" Traffic lights. General technical conditions "and GOST 23457—86" Technical means of traffic management. Application rules ".


  1. Kuperman A.I., Mironov Yu.V. Road safety. - M .: Academy, 1999.
  2. Traffic Laws. - M .: Academy, 2000.
System concepts
"Driver-car-road-driving environment"
Practical focus of the course and its connection
with related disciplines of the specialty.

ASUD - automated control system
OBD - road safety VADS - system
"Driver - car - road - Wednesday"
Traffic police - State Security Inspectorate before
road traffic
DPS - road patrol service
Traffic accident - road traffic accident
KSOD - complex scheme traffic organization
MPT - route passenger transport
ODD - Traffic Management
POD - traffic management project
TP - traffic flow
TS OD - technical means of traffic management
TC - vehicle
UDS - road network

The purpose of teaching the discipline

Road transport plays an important role in the life of society. Together
however, the rapid growth of the car park and, as a result, the intensity
traffic creates serious transport problems, especially in
cities and at the entrances to them: traffic congestion, gas pollution
environment, road traffic adventure (RTA).
A prerequisite for the functioning of road transport
there is a road network (UDS) that is optimal in length and density.
The length of city highways lags significantly behind the growth
fleet of vehicles, which leads to a decrease in speeds
rush hour traffic up to 8 ... 10 km / h and congestion.
In these conditions, the activity on
rational organization and regulation of traffic on the existing
road network using modern technical
funds. This activity can only be provided by specialists who
have the necessary qualifications.
Thus, the goal of traffic management specialists
there is the acquisition of skills to improve existing schemes
organization and regulation of traffic. They require not
only creating conditions directly on the streets and traffic roads
vehicles and pedestrians, but also the use of achievements
science, technology and technology for the population, in the development of designs
vehicles and training

Objectives of studying the discipline

The main objective of this course is to build the knowledge base required
to understand the patterns of traffic and methods of its research,
the decision
technological and engineering issues of road traffic.
the student must:
have the skills to improve traffic management schemes;
be able to analyze the traffic situation at the intersection, develop
recommendations that are aimed at improving road safety;
competently use the achievements of science, technology and technology to regulate and
traffic organization;
own knowledge bases formed in the study of the laws of the road
movement and methods of its research;
be able to
the decision
technological and engineering issues of road traffic;
describe accidents, analyze the causes of their occurrence and propose measures
to reduce them and reduce material damage;
know the specific conditions of the organization of road traffic.

Introduction. Concepts of the system "Driver-car-road-driving environment"

Traffic management (ODD) is an independent industry
technology, including the regulation of traffic flows and
optimization of road networks taking into account the terrain in which or
the roads or streets that make up this network are being laid.
The set of measures for ODD includes:
- optimal placement of road networks and optimization of road conditions
on separate routes;
- rationalization of routes and traffic dispatching;
- rational traffic rules and effective control over them
- organization of parking lots, public transport stops, complexes for
maintenance of road transport;
- road lighting;
- traffic regulation, including automated;
- fight against traffic noise and environmental pollution.

The main principle of ODD is the separation of flows in space and in time.
To separate streams in space, traffic lanes, transport
interchanges, pedestrian crossings. Streams in time are separated using
road signaling, primarily traffic lights. In some cases
the separation of streams is ensured by the Rules of the Road.


The term - the organization of road traffic is defined as "a complex of organizational and legal, organizational and technical measures and administrative actions for
traffic management on roads. "
Within the framework of the studied discipline, it should be understood that organizing traffic -
this means, with the help of engineering, technical and organizational measures, to create
the existing road network (road network) conditions for a sufficiently fast, safe and
convenient movement of vehicles and pedestrians. Based on the analysis of domestic
and foreign experience engineering activities in the organization of road traffic can
be presented in the form of enlarged blocks (Figure 1.1).
1. The basis for the development of measures for MLT is information on the state of
the existing organization of traffic and data on the intensity, composition of transport and
pedestrian flows (PP), other traffic information. This information
usually collected by an organization (design, road maintenance, utilities),
which was instructed to develop a set of measures to improve the organization of traffic.
This information is collected in the process of periodic inspections of the road traffic system and road
2. Work to identify the places of concentration of road accidents on the existing road traffic system, places with limited
throughput, areas where traffic delays and
pedestrian flows, based on data from accident statistics, information from the State Traffic Inspectorate about
violations of traffic rules, assessment of the throughput of individual
elements of the UDS, the results of studying traffic conditions with the help of running laboratories.

Figure 1.1 - Structure of activities by
road traffic.

Law "On road safety" term
defines road traffic as "... the aggregate
social relations arising in the process
moving people and goods using transport
funds or not within the limits of the roads. "
The term road traffic was first widely introduced in
treatment by the international convention on road
movement adopted within the UN in 1949, which in
1968 was revised and supplemented in 1993.
Specific features and problems of the road
movements are primarily due to the "driver
- car - road - driving environment "(VADS).
In what follows, the environment of motion (the surrounding
Wednesday) will be called the environment.


This system can be represented in the form of interconnected components of the WADS,
operating in environment C (Figure 1.2). In addition, in the structure of the system
it is possible to distinguish the mechanical subsystem of HELL - "Car-Road" and
biomechanical subsystems VA - " Driver- Car"and VD -" Driver
- Road ", as well as subsystems CB, SA, SD.
Figure 1.2 - VADS system
Figure 1.3 - Interaction of system components


lр is the driver's reaction time, i.e. a parameter entirely dependent on the characteristics of the driver and
related to component B (see figure 1.2), c;
tav - the response time of the brake drive, measured from the moment the driver touches it
brake pedal until the maximum deceleration value is reached, sec.
This indicator depends both on the design and technical condition of the braking system, as well as
and on the speed of the driver's actions.
This component belongs to the VA subsystem;
Vа - vehicle speed at the start of braking, km / h,
CE - coefficient of operating conditions of braking, depending on the mass of the vehicle and
design parameters of its braking system and, therefore, related to component A,
(φ is a coefficient characterizing the adhesion of tires to the road. It depends on the quality and condition
road surface and at the same time on the properties and condition of the tires of the car, i.e. refers to
the blood pressure subsystem; Ð is the longitudinal slope (in fractions of a unit) of the road, is a characteristic only of
roads (component D)

Characteristics of the system driver - car - road - environment "

Road safety is influenced by
many factors:
as objective (design parameters and road condition,
traffic intensity of vehicles and pedestrians,
arrangement of roads with structures and means of regulation,
season, hours of the day) and subjective (the condition of drivers
and pedestrians, violation of the established rules).
Thus, on the roads there is a difficult
a dynamic system that includes a set
elements man, car, road, functioning
in a certain environment. These elements of a unified road transport system are located in certain
relationships and connections with each other and form integrity.
They form risk factors that can lead to
Road accident. In terms of road safety
of interest for systemic study are both themselves
risk factors and their various combinations, namely:
man is a car;
car - road;
the road is a man.
Rice. 1.4 The role of risk factors and their
combinations in the occurrence of road accidents

psychophysiological qualities of the driver, his condition
comes to light
challenger and comparisons with predefined criteria.
Working capacity depends on the mode of work and rest, conditions
in the workplace, health status, diet,
the use of various medicinal products, lifestyle and
the presence of
the required amount of knowledge and skills that are acquired in
the result
self-learning in the process.
Motivation is closely related to psychology and is expressed in
the driver's interest in a safe work process,
work results, job satisfaction in general.
The motive is that for the sake of which this or that is done
action. It is the motives, not the goals of the activity, that are best
reveal human motives and can explain
human behavior on the road.

Human factors

World experience shows that the majority of accidents associated with alcohol
intoxication of drivers, occurs when taking small doses of alcohol. it
is explained by the fact that when a person drinks a significant amount of alcohol,
he feels a state of intoxication. If in such a state a person decides
get behind the wheel, he tries to drive the car as carefully as possible so that
compensate for the decrease in their physiological functions. However, if a person
drinks a small dose, he usually does not feel drunk, because
such a dose of alcohol tones up the body, the person feels a rise in strength, not
noticing a simultaneous decrease in their physiological parameters.
As a result, he begins to inadequately assess his capabilities and is inclined to
underestimate the complexity and danger of situations. Statistics confirm that
it is a weak alcoholic intoxication, which imperceptibly reduces physiological
human function is the most dangerous.
Dangerous conditions also include fatigue and fatigue, which are
different concepts. Fatigue as a complex of physiological changes in
the human body caused by hard or prolonged work is
conflict between job demands and physiological decline
performance. Statistically speaking, during two overtime hours
accidents and injuries at work increase 2.5 times. For
Elimination of fatigue requires long rest and sleep. It has also been proven that
the risk of an accident appears already with the appearance of fatigue, which means
a state that occurs during monotonous, uninteresting work, when
physiological decline in performance has not yet occurred.

Human factors

In recent decades, with the increase in travel distances and speeds
movement, a new category of the dangerous state of the driver has appeared - monotony
- mental state caused by:
or information overload(repeated repetition of some and
the same movements and the arrival of a large number of identical signals in
the same nerve centers),
or informational insufficiency (monotony of perception, when
the body is in a slightly changing environment, for example, when
long-term driving on long straight sections of flat
roads in monotonous, uninteresting terrain).
Monotony is a consequence of a violation of mental self-regulation
the driver and is expressed by a state of fatigue, "road hypnosis",
lethargy, drowsiness.
To overcome this state, the driver, by volitional effort, tries to
"Shake it off" from yourself, maintaining the necessary level of attention.
Unlike fatigue, which requires relatively
long rest, monotony can quickly disappear when conditions change.
However, if a person for a long time periodically
experiences monotony, it "accumulates" and even a short
a monotonous ride quickly puts a person in a sluggish state.
For the human psyche to return to normal after repeated experiences
monotony, it will take a long enough rest or even

Human factors

Research confirms that driving without adherence
a regulated break after 4.5 hours of work and
maximum daily driving time
9 hours increases the risk of road accidents. The risk increases in
to a greater extent for an accident with victims than for an accident without
indication of the severity. Exceeding the maximum
the duration of the driver's daily work leads to
a greater increase in the risk of accidents than driving without
Table 4 Influence of the continuous duration of the driver's work
to relative
Continuous risk of road accidents
duration of work
driver, h
Relative risk of road accidents
Oscillation limits
relative risk of road accidents
1,05 - 1,45
1,08 - 1,53
More than 8
1,2 - 2,7

Human factors

Table 5
time of drivers for the relative risk of road accidents
working hours
Relative risk of road accidents
Oscillation limits
relative risk of road accidents
Work week
Up to 30 h
30 ... 37.5 h
Overtime per month
1 ... 10 h
10 ... 20 h
20 ... 30 h
More than 30 hours
Shift of work
Working only during the day
Shift work

To factors related to the vehicle and
determining the potential risk of an accident and its severity,
include the choice of travel method, size and
vehicle weight, engine power and
speed characteristics, technical condition and
vehicle equipment.
Rice. 1.5 Average risk of injury with different ways movement

Vehicle related factors

Dimensions and weight of the vehicle. In the event of an accident, the driver and
car passengers are more protected than,
for example, a motorcyclist. While in a large vehicle, the driver and
According to
studies, the risk of death in an accident is reduced by about 2 times by
every 800 kg of additional vehicle weight. With mass
car 2400 kg, the relative risk of death in an accident is 1, with
1600 kg - 2, at 800 kg - 4.
Engine power and speed characteristics. This factor
closely related to other risk factors such as weight and size
car, personal qualities of the driver, vehicle mileage, etc.
However, some research suggests that
cars with high power have a 15 ... 20% higher risk of road accidents
compared to normal power for the same vehicle weight, i.e.
That is, the risk of an accident increases with an increase in engine power.
Technical condition and equipment of vehicles.
World studies confirm that the presence of a mandatory
certification and technical control when registering transport
funds in combination with periodic technical inspection affects
road safety and this influence determines
requirements for vehicles that
are constantly getting tougher.

Road factors

an integrated
transport structure is the ability to provide
safe calculated traffic flow with an average
speed close to optimal, during the standard or
a given road service life with sufficient values ​​of other
The criteria for the operational reliability of automobile
the roads are as follows:
- continuous, safe and comfortable traffic
- performance as the state of the road, in which it performs
specified functions with parameters specified by requirements
technical documentation;
- the actual, in comparison with the required, service life of the road;
- the degree of safety in terms of traffic capacity and strength
prevention and detection of the causes of failures,
damage and elimination of their consequences by carrying out repairs and

Road factors

Geometric parameters of the road. Lane and carriageway width
parts are important factors affecting road safety.
For example, if the width of the road lane outside the settlement is 3 m during
oncoming crossings, safety is ensured only on a small
speed. Otherwise, a collision or exit of transport
funds to the sidelines. On the roads of lower categories, the shoulder has no
improved coverage, so driving on it can lead to
side slip and rollover of the vehicle. With width
lanes of 3.5 m, the safety of the crossing is significantly increased. Band
movement with a width of 3.75 m allows for oncoming passing of vehicles
without reducing the speed, even if it is close to the maximum for both
Intersections and adjacencies. According to statistics, with an increase in the number
intersections and junctions per 1 km of the road, the number of accidents increases, since
the likelihood of an incorrect assessment of the situation and the occurrence of
driver errors:
Arrangement of intersections. The main risk factors for road traffic accidents associated with
arrangement of intersections, includes the number of intersecting roads, the share
vehicles entering the main road from secondary roads,
way of organizing traffic at an intersection, speed mode, technical
equipment of the intersection and the quality of its content.

Environmental factors

Night time. It was found that in the dark, the relative number of accidents
about 1.5 - 3.5 times higher compared to daylight hours.
Unfavorable weather conditions. Statistics confirm that during
time of precipitation the number of road accidents increases. Revealed patterns that unexpected
precipitation after a long dry period causes a sharp increase in the risk of road accidents,
and prolonged precipitation causes adaptation of drivers, as a result of which the number of accidents
gradually decreases.
The condition of the road surface. On a slippery road surface, immediately after
the onset of ice, the risk of road accidents increases.
As drivers adapt to difficult road conditions, the number of accidents gradually
decreases, the influence of an unfavorable external factor decreases.
Road congestion by vehicles. Traffic in saturated
traffic flow is characterized by increased stress on the psyche of drivers,
since driving in such conditions requires a quick reaction from the driver,
intense attention, predicting the actions of other drivers, and
limits room for maneuver.
Carrying out road repair works. The presence of sections on the road where
road repair work, creates an obstacle to the smooth movement of transport
flow, limits the capacity of the road. On such a site, there may be
congestion of the road, which leads to an increase in the risk of road accidents. Road works
act as a factor of surprise for the driver, it is especially dangerous on the site,
which the driver habitually uses on a daily basis.


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