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Influence of operating conditions on change technical condition rolling stock road transport

The operating conditions under which the car is used affect the operating modes of units and parts, accelerating or slowing down the change in the parameters of their technical condition.

When operating cars, all the many factors acting on it are usually divided into:

1) road conditions;

2) traffic conditions;

3) climatic and seasonal conditions;

4) transport conditions (or conditions of carriage).

Road conditions first of all, they predetermine the modes of operation of the vehicle units (range of loads and speeds; transmitted torque, speed crankshaft, dynamic loads from uneven roads, gear ratios transmission). They are characterized by the technical category of the road, the type and quality of the road surface and the terrain (the location of the road in height above sea level).

The wear and performance of individual elements of the car depends on these modes. So, calculations show that the greatest wear of the parts of the cylinder-piston group of the engine is observed when the car is moving in the first gear, and the least - in direct and overdrive. Each gear corresponds to a certain speed at which engine wear will be minimal.

However, it is far from always possible to realize the optimal mode of movement that ensures the minimum wear of parts. So, for example, when cars move on uneven roads, continuous oscillations of sprung and unsprung masses occur, the amplitudes and accelerations of which reach significant values. In cases of moving individual irregularities at high speed, vertical acceleration reaches 20-30 m / s 2. All this makes it impossible to maintain optimal conditions on roads with poor coverage.

Existing regulatory documents, depending on the type and quality of the road surface, are divided into six categories:

D 1 - cement concrete, asphalt concrete, paving stones, mosaic;

D 2 - bitumen-mineral mixtures (crushed stone or gravel treated with bitumen);

D 3 - crushed stone (gravel) without processing, tar concrete;

D 4 - cobblestone, chipped stone, soil and low-strength stone, treated with binders, winter roads;

D 5 - soil, strengthened or improved with local materials; plank and log coverings;

D 6 - natural dirt roads; temporary intra-quarry and dump roads; driveways that are not paved.

When driving on roads with different surfaces, the rolling resistance coefficient changes significantly.

So, when driving on a road of the first category, the rolling resistance coefficient is f "0.014, and on natural soil (category VI) f" 0.08, i.e. increases by 5-6 times. The realized speed drops by 3 times. The average number of revolutions of the engine crankshaft per 1 km of track increases from 2200 to 4822. The number of brakes per 1 km increases from 0.24 to 0.9, and the number of gear changes from 0.52 to 3.2. All this leads to a significant increase in the intensity of wear of parts and assemblies of the car.

The terrain type is determined by the height above sea level and is divided into five categories:

R 1- flat (over 200 m);

R 2- slightly hilly (over 200 to 300 m);

R 3- hilly (over 300 to 1000 m);

R 4- mountainous (over 1000 to 2000 m);

R 5- mountainous (over 2000 m).

Driving conditions are characterized by the influence of external factors on the driving modes and, consequently, on the operating modes of the vehicle and its units. So, the operating mode trucks with heavy city traffic, it differs from the modes of operation on country roads (with the same coverage) as follows: the speed in the first case is 50-52% less, the average crankshaft speed is 130-136% more, the number of gear changes is 3-3 , 5 times, the specific work of friction of the brake mechanisms is 8-8.5 times more, the mileage with a curvilinear trajectory is 3-3.6 times more.

Regulatory documents distinguish three groups of traffic conditions:

U 1- outside the suburban area;

U 2- in small towns with less than 100 thousand inhabitants;

U 3- in large cities with a population of over 100 thousand people.

The cumulative effect in actual operation of possible combinations of road conditions, traffic conditions and terrain is reflected in the category of operating conditions. The classification of categories of operating conditions is shown in table 4.1.

The concept of a category of operation is essential in technical exploitation since all of its standards are somehow tied to it, and it is the basis for resource adjustment of standards. So the standards of maintenance and repair, given in the “Regulations ...” are designed for full or partial combination of the following conditions: Category I of operating conditions; basic models cars; at a trucking company is carried out Maintenance and repair of 200-300 units. rolling stock comprising three technologically compatible groups; mileage from the beginning of operation is 50-75% of the mileage to overhaul; rolling stock operates in a temperate climatic region; equipping ATP with mechanization means - according to the Table of technological equipment.

Table 4.1 - Classification of operating conditions

Environment category Driving conditions
Outside the suburban area (more than 50 km from the city border) In small towns (up to 100 thousand inhabitants) and in the suburban area In big cities (over 100 thousand inhabitants)
I D 1 - R 1, R 2, R 3 - -
II D 1 - R 4 D 2 - R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4 D 3 - R 1, R 2, R 3 D 1 - R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4 D 2 - R 1 -
III D 1 - R 5 D 2 - R 5 D 3 - R 4, R 5 D 4 - R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4, R 5 D 1 - R 5 D 2 - R 2, R 3, R 4, R 5 D 3 - R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4, R 5 D 4 - R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4 , R 5 D 1 - R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4, R 5 D 2 - R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4 D 3 - R 1, R 2, R 3 D 4 - R 1
IV D 5 - R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4, R 5 D 2 - R 5 D 3 - R 4, R 5 D 4 - R 2, R 3, R 4, R 5 D 5 - R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4, R 5
V D 6 - R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4, R 5

When the rolling stock operates in conditions different from those indicated, the standards are adjusted taking into account the specific operating conditions.

The transport conditions for the operation of vehicles are characterized by the conditions of the routes, which are determined by a number of coefficients and indicators:

- l - length of a loaded ride, km;

- β – mileage utilization factor;

- γ – load capacity utilization factor;

- i - average slope on the road,%;

- K pr - coefficient of use of trailers;

P is the coefficient of noise saturation of the route (the ratio of the speed of the car on this route to the speed of the car on the suburban section of the road of the 1st category;

The kind of cargo transported.

Table 1

Operating environment categories Driving conditions
Outside the suburban area (more than 50 km from the city border) In small towns (up to 100 thousand residents and in the suburban area) In large cities (up to 100 thousand inhabitants) and in the suburban area)
I D 1 - R 1, R 2, R 3 - -
II D 1 - R 4 D 2 - R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4 D 3 - R 1, R 2, R 3 D 1 - R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4 D 2 - R 1 -
III D 1 - R 5 D 2 - R 5 D 3 - R 4, R 5 D 4 - R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4, R 5 D 1 - R 5 D 2 - R 2, R 3, R 4, R 5 D 3 - R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4, R 5 D 4 - R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4 , R 5 D 1 - R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4, R 5 D 2 - R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4 D 3 - R 1, R 2, R 3 D 4 - R 1
IV D 5 - R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4, R 5 D 2 - R 5 D 3 - R 4, R 5 D 4 - R 2, R 3, R 4 D 5 - R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4, R 5
V D 6 - R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4, R 5
Road surfaces: D 1 - cement concrete, asphalt concrete, paving stones, mosaic; D 2 - bitumen-mineral mixtures (crushed stone or gravel treated with bitumen); D 3 - crushed stone (gravel) without processing, tar concrete; D 4 - cobblestone, chipped stone, soil and low-strength stone, treated with binders, winter roads; D 5 - soil, fortified or improved with local materials; plank and log coverings; D 6 - natural dirt roads, temporary intra-quarry and dump roads, access roads that do not have a hard surface. Terrain type (determined by the height above sea level): Р 1 - flat (up to 200 m); Р 2 - slightly hilly (over 200 to 300 m); Р 3 - hilly (over 300 to 1000 m); Р 4 - mountainous (over 1000 to 2000 m); Р 5 - mountainous (over 2000 m).


table 2

Environment category Standards
Maintenance intervals Specific labor intensity maintenance Mileage before overhaul (**) Spare parts consumption (**)
I 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,00
II 0,9 1,1 0,9 1,10
III 0,8 1,2 0,8 / 0,7 1,25 / 1,4
IV 0,7 1,4 0,7 / 0,6 1,40 / 1,65
V 0,6 1,5 0,6 / 0,5 1,65 / 2,0
Note. The numerator contains the coefficients TO 1 to adjust the mileage before overhaul and the consumption of spare parts for the car as a whole, and in the denominator the coefficients K 1 for engines. * After determining the adjusted maintenance frequency, its frequency between services is checked, and then rounded to the nearest hundred kilometers. ** When adjusting the mileage rate before the engine overhaul, the coefficient TO 1 is taken equal to: 0.7 - for category III of operating conditions; 0.6 - for IV category and 0.5 - for V category. *** Accordingly, the coefficient TO 1 correction of consumption rates of spare parts for the engine is: 1.4 - for category III of operating conditions; 1.65 - for IV category and 2.0 - for V category.


Table 3

Characteristics of the area Standards spare parts consumption
maintenance intervals specific labor intensity of current repair mileage before overhaul
Coefficient TO 3 "
Moderate 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0
Moderately warm, moderately warm humid, warm humid 1,0 0,9 1,1 0,9
Moderately cold 0,9 1,1 0,9 1,1
Cold 0,9 1,2 0,8 1,25
Very cold 0,8 1,3 0,7 1,4
Coefficient TO 3 ""
With a highly aggressive environment 0,9 1,1 0,9 1,1
Note. 1. Correction of standards is made for serial car models, the design of which does not take into account the specific features of work in other areas; 2. The zoning of the territory of Russia according to natural and climatic conditions is given in; 3. For areas not listed in table. 13.6, correction factor TO 3 "is 1.0; 4. The aggressiveness of the environment is taken into account with the constant use of cars in the areas indicated in Table 13.6, and when transporting chemical goods that cause intense corrosion of parts.

An example of adjusting maintenance standards
and repair of fire trucks

Baseline conditions:

The garrison of the fire brigade, located in a cold climatic region, is armed with general-purpose fire trucks on the ZIL-130 chassis. The population of the protected city is 200 thousand inhabitants. In the exit area, the roads are predominantly asphalt and concrete surfaces, the terrain is flat.

It is required to define:

Rates of mileage before overhaul, frequency of TO-2, labor intensity of TO-2 and current repair of these fire trucks.


1. Road conditions refer to the III category of operating conditions (table 1).

2. Standards for the maintenance and repair of fire trucks on the ZIL-130 chassis for a temperate climatic region and category III of operating conditions are:

- mileage before overhaul - 170 thousand km (Appendix 21, Appendix 19);

- the frequency of TO-2 is 7000 km (Appendix 14);

- labor intensity of TO-2 - 68 man-hour;

- labor intensity of current repairs per 1000 km total mileage- 17.5 person-hours.

3. The coefficient of adjustment of standards depending on natural and climatic conditions (table 3) is equal to:

TO 3 = TO 3 "× TO 3 "",

where: TO 3 "- coefficient taking into account natural and climatic conditions;

TO 3 "" is a coefficient that takes into account the aggressiveness of the environment and the transportation of goods that cause intensive corrosion of parts (for fire tankers with capacities for a foaming agent, the value of the coefficient K 3 is taken according to Table 3).

4. The design standards for fire trucks on the ZIL-130 chassis for the given conditions are:

Mileage before overhaul

T KR= 170 × 0.8 × 0.9 = 122.4 thousand km.

Frequency of TO-2

T TO-2= 7000 × TO 3 = 7000 × 0.9 × 0.9 = 5670 km

Labor intensity TO-2

t TO-2= 68 × TO 3 = 68 × 1.2 × 1.1 = 89.76 man-hours.

Labor intensity of current repairs per 1000 km of run

t TP= 17.5 × TO 3 = 17.5 × 1.2 × 1.1 = 23.1 man-hours.

Appendix 10

Conventional graphic symbols of equipment on building plans
subdivisions technical service

Door, double-sided sliding gates Q= 2 t Gantry crane Steam supply
Swing door Q= 1 t Support stacker crane Drainage
Capital wall, blind partition Q= 0.25 t Pneumatic monorail with a lift Gas supply
Partition made of translucent materials Drive - tensioning overhead conveyor Cold and hot water supply

Prefabricated panel partition Q= 0.35 t Monorail with telpher Draining waste and coolant
Metal partition made of sheet Load and traction branches of the overhead conveyor Local ventilation suction
Mesh partition Overhead conveyor lowering section Local lighting
Staircase, staircase +5,5 +2,2 Lifting and lowering the overhead conveyor Workplaces
Column, metal with a foundation Band conveyer Lot number

Appendix 11

Indicative list technological areas (posts) of technical service units and equipment for maintenance and repair of fire and rescue equipment

To carry out operations of maintenance, repair and manufacture of fire fighting equipment in the subdivisions of the technical service, production areas (posts) with the appropriate technological equipment should be provided.

P / p No. Post name (site) Name and number of positions in Appendix 12
Site (post) of acceptance and delivery of equipment PA in plan
Site (post) cleaning and washing works 1, PA in plan
Section (post) diagnostics
Equipment maintenance area (maintenance posts No. 2) 2, 3, locksmith's bench, inspection ditch, 58, 56, 55
Equipment repair area (repair posts) Inspection ditches, 9, 40, 52, 56, girder crane, workbench
Aggregate-mechanical section 9, 4, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 33, 11, 5, 57
Locksmith and mechanical department 9, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 36, 51
Electrotechnical (electrical repair) section Workbench, control and test benches (mod. 532M, E - 211 (950´800)
Equipment manufacturing area
Area (post) painting 7, PA in plan, spray guns, ventilation system, automatic system fire extinguishing
Bodywork area Trolley 1700´1000, supply and exhaust ventilation, 7, 9, 31, 35, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, bath for checking radiators (1100´800)
Lubrication post PA in plan
Control and picking area (post)
Wallpaper-joinery area 9, circular saw, 34
Tire workshop (post) 9, 37, 41, 38, 7, 50, 53
Battery service area (post) 9, Charger, supply and exhaust ventilation, 39, 31, 29, 28, 30, 32
Fuel equipment service area (post) 31, 1, 54
Spare parts warehouse
Note. 1. For technological sites (posts), the list of equipment of which is not presented in this table, students are recommended to independently search for the list of necessary technological equipment in special literature or using other sources of information. 2. It is allowed to make changes to the list of necessary equipment for technological sections (posts) of the projected division of the technical service. 3. Carrying out lubrication works can be foreseen at areas (posts) of repair and maintenance of equipment in order to save space production zones divisions of technical service.

Appointment of technological sections (posts) of the technical service division

Plot (fast) acceptance and issue- designed to perform external inspection of a fire engine and check its configuration, paperwork.

Plot (fast) cleaning and washing works- designed for cleaning the cabin, interior and compartments of a fire engine, washing the car from the bottom and from the top. The site must be provided with water treatment facilities.

Plot (fast) diagnostics- designed to determine the technical condition of elements of a fire engine without disassembly.

Fire fighting equipment maintenance area- designed to carry out a preventive complex of works aimed at preventing failures and malfunctions of a fire engine.

Repair area- designed to perform a set of works on the repair of units and assemblies of a fire engine, the malfunction of which cannot be eliminated by adjusting operations.

Aggregate (aggregate-mechanical) plot- designed to perform disassembly and assembly, washing, repair and restoration and control work on the engine, gearbox, power take-off, steering, front and rear axles, fire pump and other units, components and parts removed from the car, as well as mechanical work using screw-cutting lathe, drilling and other machines.

Electrotechnical (electrical repair) plot- designed to test units and electrical equipment, the malfunction of which could not be eliminated at the repair site (post), testing them on special installations.

Equipment manufacturing area- intended for the manufacture of equipment not produced by the industry.

Plot (fast) coloration- designed for painting parts, assemblies, cars, applying anti-corrosion coating.

Bodywork area- intended for replacement of individual body parts, as well as for carrying out tinsmith, welding, copper and forging and spring works, manufacturing necessary for replacing body parts.

Lubrication post- designed to change the oil in the engine and units, lubricate the joints cardan shafts, chassis, control mechanisms, body points. Lubrication work can be carried out in the areas of repair and maintenance of equipment.

Control and picking section (fast) - intended for control of component parts and materials, as well as for completing products intended for assembly.

Wallpaper-joinery area- designed for the repair of seats and backs, wooden fittings for cab doors, as well as the manufacture of insulating covers, etc.

Tire workshop (fast) - designed for dismantling and mounting tires, repairing tubes, replacing disks, tubes and tires, balancing wheels.

Plot (fast) battery maintenance- designed for the production of recharging, charging and repairing batteries, as well as the preparation of distilled water and electrolyte.

Plot (fast) fuel equipment maintenance- designed for maintenance and elimination of defects in the fuel equipment of carburetor and diesel engines, as well as its tests after repair.

Test area for engines and units- designed for running in engines and units after repair.

Spare parts warehouse- designed for storage of spare parts, circulating units, materials and tools.

Radio equipment repair workshop- designed for the prevention and repair of radio equipment used in the GPS units.

Test area for instrumentation- designed for verification, testing and repair of instrumentation.

Note. When using the standard project 164-35 of the technical service division, the distribution of posts and areas is in accordance with the explication of the premises of the production building.

Appendix 12

Before calculating production program and the annual volume of work, the frequency of TO-1 and TO-2 is established, and the estimated labor intensity of a maintenance unit of this type and the labor intensity of a TR per 1000 km of a car's mileage is determined, the car's mileage to KR is determined, which are taken from the Regulations on the maintenance and repair of rolling stock of road transport and are adjusted depending on the category of operating conditions (CUE) of vehicles (multiplied by the appropriate factors).

Correction factors take into account the following:

Maintenance frequency;

Vehicle mileage to КР;

Labor intensity of TO;

Labor intensity of TR.

The correction factor is one if the following conditions are met:

Car models - basic;

Climatic zone - temperate with moderate aggressiveness of the environment.

Consider the case of adjusting the standards for the frequency of maintenance.

The regulation sets the frequency of TO-1 and TO-2 ( L 1 L 2 respectively) for rolling stock of cars produced after 1984, operating in KUE I (temperate climatic zone with moderate aggressiveness of the environment).

Since the operation of the rolling stock of the fleet in question is carried out in KUE I and a different climatic zone with a moderate aggressiveness of the environment, it is necessary to adjust the frequency of TO-1 and TO-2 for these conditions.

Maintenance intervals

L i = L i n K 1 K 2

where L i n - the normative frequency of this type of maintenance; K 1-factor for adjusting the standard maintenance frequency depending on the category of operating conditions (Table 2.2); K 2- coefficient of correction of the standard maintenance frequency depending on climatic operating conditions (Table 2.3).

Table 2.2. Values ​​of the correction factor (K1) of the standard indicators depending on the category of operating conditions

Table 2.3. Values ​​of the correction factor (K3) of the standard indicators depending on the climatic conditions of operation

When operating vehicles in a highly aggressive environment, the standard indicators are multiplied by the following factors: service life up to KR and maintenance frequency by 0.9; specific labor intensity and consumption of spare parts by 1.1.

The classification of vehicle operating conditions is given in table. 2.4.

Table 2.4.Classification of vehicle operating conditions

Environment category Driving conditions
U 1 U 2 U 3
D1-R1, R 2, R 3 - -
II D 2 -R 4 D1-R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4 -
D 2 -R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4 D 2 - R 1
D 3 -R 1, R 2, R 3
III D 1 -R 5 D 1 -R 5 D 1 -R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4, R 5
Dz-Rz D 2 - R 2, R 3, R 4, R 5 D 2 - R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4
D 3 -P 4 -P 6 D 3 -R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4, R 5 Dz-R 1, R 2, R 3
D 4 - R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4, R 5 D 4 -R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4, R 5 D 4 -R 1
IV D 5 - R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4, R 5 D 5 -R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4, R 5 D 2 -R 5
D 3 - R 4, R 5
D 4 -R 2, R 3, R 4, R 5
D 5 -R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4, R 5
V D 6 - R 1, R 2, R 3, R 4, R 5


D 1 - D 6 - road surfaces:

D 1 - improved capital (concrete monolithic, reinforced concrete or reinforced prefabricated, asphalt concrete, paving stones and mosaics on a bituminous base);

D 2 - improved lightweight (from crushed stone, gravel and sand, treated with binders, from cold asphalt concrete);

Dz - transitional (crushed stone and gravel);

D 4 - transitional (from soils and local stone materials treated with binders, cobblestone pavements, winter roads);

D5 - low (pound, fortified or improved with additives, plank and log cover);

D 6 - natural dirt roads, temporary intra-quarry and dump roads, access roads that do not have a hard surface.

Р 1 -Р 5 - type of terrain (determined by the height above sea level):

Р 1 - flat (up to 200 m);

Р 2 - slightly hilly (over 200 to 300 m);

Р 3 - hilly (over 300 to 1000 m);

R 4 - mountainous (over 1000 to 2000 m);

Р 5 - mountainous (over 2000 m).

У 1 -У 3 - traffic conditions:

U 1 - outside the urban area (more than 50 km from the city);

U 2 - in small towns (up to 100 thousand inhabitants);

In 3 - in big cities (over 100 thousand inhabitants).

After determining the corrected maintenance frequency, its multiplicity is checked, followed by rounding to the nearest hundreds of kilometers.

Since setting up vehicles for maintenance is carried out taking into account the average daily mileage ( l ss) after an integer number of working days, then the runs to TO-1, TO-2 and KR must be multiples l ss and among themselves.

Self-test questions

1. What are the basics of the "Regulations on the maintenance and repair of rolling stock of road transport."

2. What types of maintenance are there?

3. Give the characteristics of the basic units and parts of cars.

4. What are the standards for maintenance and car repair

5. What is the adjustment of the standard indicators for maintenance and repair of specific operating conditions of vehicles?

6. How is the frequency of maintenance of the rolling stock determined?

Similar information.

Appendix 4. Classification of operating conditions of motor vehicles

Appendix 4
to the Rules of technical operation

Classification of operating conditions of motor vehicles

Service conditions categoryDriving conditions
Outside settlementsIn settlements with a population of up to 100 thousand inhabitantsIn settlements with a population of more than 100 thousand inhabitants
ID1 - P1, P2, P3- -
IID1 - P4D1 - P1, P2, P3, P4-
D2 - P1, P2, P3, P4D2 - P1
D3 - P1, P2, P3
IIID1 - P5D1 - P5D1 - P1, P2, P3, P4, P5
D2 - P5D2 - P2, P3, P4, P5D2 - P1, P2, P3, P4
D3 - P4, P5D3 - P1, P2, P3, P4, P5D3 - P1, P2, P3
D4 - P1, P2, P3, P4, P5D4 - P1, P2, P3, P4, P5D4 - P1
IVD5 - P1, P2, P3, P4, P5D5 - P1, P2, P3, P4, P5D2 - P5
D3 - P4, P5
D4 - P2, P3, P4, P5
D5 - P1, P2, P3, P4, P5
VD6 - P1, P2, P3, P4, P5

Road surfaces:

D1 - cement concrete, asphalt concrete, paving stones;

D2 - bitumen-mineral mixtures (crushed stone or gravel treated with bitumen);

D3 - crushed stone (gravel) without processing;

D4 - cobblestone, chipped stone, soil and low-strength stone, treated with binders (winter roads);

D5 - soil, strengthened or improved with local materials; plank and log coverings;

D6 - natural dirt roads; temporary intra-quarry and dump roads; driveways that are not paved.

Terrain type (determined by the height above sea level):

Р1 - flat (up to 200 m);

P2 - slightly hilly (over 200 to 300 m);

Р3 - hilly (over 300 to 1000 m);

Р4 - mountainous (over 1000 to 2000 m);

Р5 - mountainous (over 2000 m).

The main sources of published texts of normative legal acts: the Kazakhstanskaya Pravda newspaper, a database, Internet resources,, and other mass media on the Web.

Although the information was obtained from sources that we believe to be reliable and our specialists have used maximum efforts to verify the correctness of the received versions of the texts of the given normative acts, we cannot give any confirmation or guarantees (either explicit or implicit) regarding their accuracy.

The company is not responsible for any consequences of any application of the wording and provisions contained in these versions of the texts of regulatory legal acts, for the use of these versions of the texts of regulatory legal acts as a basis or for any omissions in the texts of regulatory legal acts published here.


The reliable operation of the vehicle depends to a large extent on timely and quality maintenance.

Works related to adjustments and maintenance of devices for the engine power supply system, electrical equipment, ABS, as well as nodes hydraulic systems, air suspension, should be performed at a service station or a special workshop, where experienced specialists, using the necessary tools, instruments and stands, will do this work efficiently and quickly.

After carrying out work related to the removal of elements of pneumatic, electrical and hydraulic systems from the car, check and, if necessary, eliminate harmful contacts of these systems with the car parts.

Service power unit(engine, clutch, gearbox) is produced according to the manufacturer's instructions.

9.1.Car maintenance during the warranty period

After registering the car with the State Automobile Inspectorate (GAI), the "Consumer" must register it at the nearest service station (STO) to the place of operation and conclude with it an "Agreement on the maintenance and repair of MAZ vehicles during the warranty period. ".

When operating a car in a region where there is no service station, the "Consumer" informs (by letter, telegram, fax) about the presence of transport companies that have state licenses to perform technical maintenance of motor vehicles to the MAZ Service and Sales Center ("C" C " Ts MAZ "), t. 244 - 92 - 83; 299 - 61 - 91; 244 - 96 - 99; fax 299 - 66 - 03.

Having received the message and being guided by the information about the location of the service station, the director of the "CCC MAZ" gives permission to the "Consumer" to conclude an agreement with an enterprise licensed to perform technical maintenance of automotive equipment. Any maintenance performed on the vehicle must be noted in service book.

The above permission is communicated (by letter, telegram, fax) to the "Consumer". "CCTs MAZ" keeps records of issued permits.

In case of purchasing automobile equipment through the dealer network of RUE "MAZ", the dealer organization determines the procedure for performing technical maintenance, since it is responsible for the warranty obligations for the sold automobile equipment.

In the absence of marks in the service book about carrying out numbered technical maintenance, claims under the warranty are not accepted and not considered by the factory.

9.2 Types and maintenance intervals

Car maintenance according to the frequency, operations performed and labor intensity is divided into the following types:

Daily maintenance (EO);

Maintenance after running in (MOT - after running in);

First maintenance (TO -1);

Second maintenance (TO - 2);

Seasonal maintenance (CO).

The frequency of TO - 1 and TO - 2 is set after certain runs depending on the operating conditions and is given in table 1 5.

The scope of maintenance after vehicle break-in is given in the section 7 "Running in".

Seasonal maintenance is combined with TO - 2 (or TO - 1) and is carried out twice a year when preparing the car for operation in winter and summer.

Table 15

Working conditions of cars

Frequency of maintenance, km



Highways of I, II, III technical categories outside the suburban area on flat, slightly hilly and hilly terrain, having cement-concrete and asphalt-concrete pavement



1. Highways of I, II and III technical categories outside the suburban area in mountainous terrain, as well as in small towns and in the suburban area (in all types of relief, except for mountain), having cement-concrete and asphalt-concrete types of pavements.



2 Highways of I, II and III technical categories outside the suburban area (in all types of relief, except for mountainous), as well as in small towns and in the suburban area on flat terrain with a coating of bitumen-mineral mixtures.

3, Highways of III and IV technical categories outside the suburban area, having crushed stone and gravel surfaces in all types of relief, except for mountainous and mountainous.

1 Highways of I, II and III technical categories outside the suburban area, car roads in small towns and suburban areas (mountainous areas), as well as in large cities, with cement-concrete and asphalt-concrete pavement.



* - For vehicles with MAN D28 ... power units performing long-distance transportation with an annual mileage of over 80,000 km. in the conditions of the I category of operation, the following frequency of maintenance is established:TO1-22500 km; TO2 - 45000 km.

end of table 15

Working conditions of cars


maintenance, km



2. Highways of I, II and III technical categories outside the suburban area (mountainous terrain), highways in small towns and suburban areas (in all types of relief, except for flat), as well as in big cities (in all types of rail, except mountain), having crushed stone and gravel cover.



3. Highways of III, IV technical categories outside the suburban area in mountainous and mountainous terrain, highways in the suburban area and streets of small towns, streets of large cities (all types of relief, except for mountainous and mountainous), having crushed stone and gravel cover.

4. Highways of III, IV, V technical categories outside the suburban area, highways in the suburban area and streets of small towns, streets of large cities (flat terrain), covered with cobblestone and crushed stone, as well as coatings from soils treated with binders materials.

5. Intra-plant highways with improved coatings.

1. Streets of large cities with coatings of bitumen-mineral mixtures (mountainous terrain), crushed stone and gravel coatings (mountainous and mountainous terrain), coatings of cobblestone and crushed stone, from soils treated with binders (all types of relief, except for plain).



2. Motor roads of the V technical category outside the suburban area, motor roads in the suburban area and streets of small towns (flat terrain), which have unpaved unreinforced or reinforced with local materials.

1. Natural dirt roads, on-farm roads in rural areas, inside quarry and dump roads, temporary access roads to various types of construction sites and places of extraction of sand, clay, stone, etc. during periods when movement is possible there.



Daily maintenance

Carry out cleaning and washing work, if necessary.

Before starting the engine, check:

Fuel supply in the tank (according to the index);

Lighting and light signaling devices;

Condition of the fifth wheel or towing device;

Engine oil level;

Tire condition;

Sufficient coolant level.

After starting the engine, check:

Oil pressure;

Air pressure in the pneumatic system;

The operability of the tachograph;

The functioning of the braking system, incl. Parking brake.

Check weekly:

Windshield washer fluid level;

Check, if necessary, tighten the wheel nuts, including the spare wheel, the nuts securing the spare wheel bracket to the frame, check the condition of the disks:

Check the tire pressure if necessary.

Work performed every two weeks (upon returning from the flight, at the base):

Check for leaks of oil, fluids from the engine, gearbox, drive axles, steering, heating system, suspension shock absorbers, hydraulic cylinders of the cab lift mechanism:

Check the fluid level in the clutch control drive reservoir;

Check the absence of condensation in the receivers;

Check the degree of contamination air filter:

Check the electrolyte level in the batteries and top up if necessary;

In winter, check the state of charge of the storage batteries according to the electrolyte density and, if necessary, recharge;

Check the free play of the steering wheel, the absence of play in the joints of the steering rods (by swinging the steering wheel).

Work performed monthly:

Check the functioning of the independent liquid heater (according to the OM of independent liquid heaters 15.8106, "Webasto").

First maintenance (TO - 1)

When servicing the car after the specified mileage, perform the work provided daily service and besides:

1.Check and, if necessary, balance the wheels.

2.Check the cotter nuts of the ball pins of the steering rods, pins of the forks of the brake chambers and, if necessary, eliminate the malfunctions.

3.Check the condition of the rubber connections of the air ducts of the intake tract of the engine and, if necessary, tighten the connections.

4. Check the condition and fastening of the storage batteries, clean them of dust, dirt and electrolyte traces, clean the ventilation holes. Check the connection of the wire lugs to the terminals. Lubricate the terminals with Litol - 24 grease. Check and, if necessary, tighten the fastening bolt of the electrical connection of the "ground" wires on the side bracket of the engine support.

5.Check the stroke of the brake chamber rods. If the stroke of the rods is not maintained in the size of 38 - 44 mm, replace the lever.

6.Check and, if necessary, tighten the nuts securing the platform of trucks to the frame, adjust the locks of the side and rear sides of the platform, ensuring that the locks of the side and the pillars of the struts fit snugly. Tighten the locknuts to a torque of 55 - 80 N.M (5.5 - 8 kgf.m).

7.Check and, if necessary, adjust the tension of the steering pump belts.

8. Make lubrication of the vehicle units in accordance with the chemotological chart.

Checking the car after service. After servicing, check the operation of the engine, instruments, the action of the steering, brakes and other units and systems on the move or at the diagnostic station.

Second maintenance (TO - 2)

After the specified mileage, carry out the first maintenance and additionally carry out the following:

1.Check the thickness of the brake pads through the holes in the brake shields or with the brake drums removed (for seasonal service). The thickness of the overlays must be at least 6 mm. With a 1mm stock. before the control flange or before the rivet, the linings (or pads) must be replaced.

2.Check and, if necessary, tighten the nuts securing the engine mountings.

3.Check the condition of the front axle, the amount of toe and the angles of rotation of the wheels.

4. Check the free play and ease of turning the steering wheel with the engine running.

5.Inspect by inspection the condition of the frame, the bolted joints of the frame and, if necessary, tighten, the condition of the spring brackets and the fastening of the bracket liners. Check and, if necessary, tighten the nuts securing the bracket of the transverse air suspension rod to the frame, check the force developed by the shock absorbers of the rear air suspension (tensile force - 7000N, not less; compression force - 1 500N, not less).

6.Check and, if necessary, tighten the nuts of the ladders of the springs, the fastening of the brackets of the pneumatic bellows rear suspension, balancer brackets.

7.Check and, if necessary, tighten the nuts securing the brackets and clamps of the fuel tank, brackets battery, brackets of the cab locking mechanisms.

8.Check the condition of rubber covers and hoses on the plug and socket connectors of electrical equipment. Ensure the tightness of these connectors.

9.Check the fastening of the fifth wheel to the frame, the condition of the claws, the locking knuckle and the spring of the latch and the saddle brackets, if necessary tighten the bolted connections.

10.Check and, if necessary, adjust the headlights.

11.Check and, if necessary, tighten the brake chambers mounting ticks.

12.Check the backlash of the front and rear wheel hub bearings and, if necessary, adjust the bearing preload. The backlash is checked by swinging the wheel when the wheel is hanging.

13. With increased free travel of the steering wheel and no play in the steering joints, dismantle the steering mechanism and adjust it (see Section 4.4).

Lubricate the car in accordance with the chemical map.

Car check after service... After servicing, check the operation of the units, mechanisms and systems of the vehicle on the move or at the diagnostic station.

Seasonal maintenance

In addition to the above works in autumn and spring, do the following:

1.Change oils, fuel and coolant according to the season.

2. Replace the air filter element (once a year).

3. Replace the filter element of the compressed air dryer (every 1 - 2 years).

Car lubrication

Car units and assemblies should be lubricated in accordance with the chemical chart.

The components and assemblies of the power unit (engine, clutch, gearbox) should be lubricated in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Attention of the driver!

The oils for the ZF gearbox and the oil change intervals are given in the ZF manual or in the TE - ML 02 specification, which is available on service centers or on the internet .


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