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Regular scheduled vehicle maintenance is one of the most important points during operation. Whether you save money on future expensive repairs will depend only on you. Even if you are not a specialist in car repair and maintenance, the condition of the car will still depend on your attitude towards it.

Despite the fact that almost everyone knows that scheduled maintenance for any car must be completed, there is a certain part of drivers who believe that there is no need to undergo maintenance with periodic regularity.

We decided to find out whether it is necessary to regularly undergo maintenance and change after a certain time the spare parts of the car recommended by the factory, and give them that can be used for any types and brands of cars.

1) User manual for the car

Check the user manual that comes with your vehicle. Unfortunately, a large number of people neglect to read the book on. The manual usually lists the scheduled maintenance times recommended by the vehicle manufacturer.

After reading carefully the manual for the car, you will save yourself from guessing on the coffee grounds in order to find out the answer to the question: "When is it necessary to change the oil in the car?". Also, after reading the book on, you will save yourself from unnecessary expenses when changing the oil in the engine ahead of time, based on the common myth that the oil must be changed every 7,000-8,000 kilometers.

Also, the manual will help you find out when it is necessary to change the air and fuel filter, brake discs, pads, drive belts, timing belt (or chain) and much more. Including reading the manual for the car, you can find out the type of oil that needs to be poured into the engine. If you service a car yourself, it will help you find out if you are filling in the correct brand of oil.

Fortunately, most drivers know how important it is to have their car serviced regularly. But there are some drivers who do not even think about how the car works, believing that everything is eternal in it. Others, realizing that car maintenance is still necessary, still neglect it, trying to save their money on scheduled maintenance.

But in the end, these savings in the future can lead to serious expensive repairs due to the breakdown of an expensive car unit, due to irregular scheduled maintenance of the vehicle.

Including some drivers do not follow the recommendations prescribed by the car manufacturer specified in the instructions for the car. For example, what is recommended by the manufacturer or pour oil into the engine that does not correspond to the brand specified in the user manual.

In addition to the risk of removing the car from the dealer's warranty, the owner of the car finds himself at a huge risk of large damage as a result of a serious breakdown, which, thanks to the imaginary "savings" on maintenance, will eventually cost a round sum.

2) Routine car maintenance

By checking your car on a regular basis and changing the consumable parts of the car during the time, you make the basis for its long-term flawless operation, which will save you from expensive repairs in the future.

Fortunately, you can do a lot by yourself, even if you are not an expert on the car device. You can check many elements of a car yourself, which will save your money, which you would have given for diagnosing your car.

If you regularly inspect your car, you will eventually realize that it looks unusual at the next inspection.

- Make sure all headlights in your vehicle are in working order.

Check the tire pressure at least once a month. This will allow you to spot a puncture or other damage to the tire in time. Also, by controlling the required tire pressure, you will save money in case of a mismatch in the pressure recommended by the manufacturer.

- Regularly check the rubber for wear by checking the wear indicator or measuring the tread height with any coin. In case of excessive tire wear, be sure to replace the tires with new ones, as tires with high wear can contribute to accidents.

Even if you don’t know how to change the oil in the engine, the box, how to change the antifreeze, change the oil in the power steering, change the brake fluid and don’t even know how to fill the windshield wiper fluid, in any case, you should definitely know how to check the level of all these fluids. in the car.

Depending on the brands and models of cars, you can find out the level of various liquids in some by directly looking at the tank marks, which correspond to the minimum or maximum level value. But many cars also have various sensors and indicators (min. And max. Risks) by which you can find out whether the fluid level is at the optimal level or not.

Even if there is little information in the car owner's manual on how to check the level of various fluids, you can still check most of them with ease. Don't be afraid to open the hood and take a close look. If you find that some level of liquid is low, then do not be afraid to add it yourself to the optimal level.

3) Check the timing belt in your car

In case of wear, change the belt if necessary in a specialized car service. Don't believe the rumors of many car enthusiasts that the drive belts need to be changed every 60,000 km and the timing belt every 100,000 km. If you do not know exactly with what frequency it is necessary to change the drive belts and timing belt, then refer to the manual of your car, in which the automaker indicated the recommended periods for the planned replacement of "consumables". If there is no information in the instructions on belts, then refer to specialized forums on the Internet dedicated to your car model or to the club of fans of your brand, where you will surely find information about the timing of belt replacement.

If a car mechanic informs you that the timing belt or drive belts are worn out enough, then you need to change them in order to avoid unforeseen breakage of belts in the future, which can make car repairs even more expensive.

4) Check the engine oil level and remember to change it regularly

Regardless of whether your car has a dipstick for checking the oil level or it has been replaced with an electronic sensor that displays information on dashboard You should definitely know how to check the oil level in your car engine.

You should also know what the difference looks like between clean oil and oil that is already contaminated. This, which you can spend by changing the oil, ahead of time or, on the contrary, late. Note that you can buy a special one for an accurate determination of the period for changing the oil in the engine.

Remember that it is foolish to follow a certain theory, which, for example, says that the oil needs to be changed every 7,000-8,000 kilometers. Please note that on some car models, the oil is changed every 12,000 km and even every 15,000-20,000. But if you did not buy quality oil engine, the sequence of oil can be reduced to a minimum. You can also learn about the frequency of changing the oil in the engine from the manual for your car.

5) Change the windshield wiper blades in time

Believe it or not, there are people who did not change the wiper blades because they thought it was very difficult. Unfortunately, such people did not turn to the auto repair shop for power, not wanting to give extra money for replacing brushes. Remember that it is very easy to replace the wipers yourself. Do not wait until your worn out brushes are cleaning windshield... Note that a clean windshield is the foundation of road safety.

6) Replace the cabin filter

Replacing cabin filter, You will get rid of the polluted air in the car, which will make your trip more comfortable.

Most modern Vehicle, the cabin filter in an easily accessible place to replace it. It's easier than opening any box. To find out where the cabin filter is located in your vehicle, refer to the vehicle manual.

For a scheduled replacement of the filter, contact any auto parts store, informing the VIN of your car, which will sell you the filter you need. Of course, if you replace the filter at the wrong time, it will not lead to critical breakdowns in the car, but if you replace the cabin filter on time, then your car trips will become much more pleasant, and with self-replacement You will save money from your budget.

7) Replace the air filter

Depending on the make and model of the car, replacement air filter engine differs in varying complexity. In some machines, the filter can be changed very quickly. In others, on the contrary, it may take some time.

So, for some drivers, it can be problematic to replace the air filter on their own. However, regular replacement of the air filter is very important to your vehicle. The instructions for your car will give you information on the timing of the scheduled replacement of the filter. If you know how to check an air filter, then check the condition of the filter regularly.

If the filter has large contamination, then it must be replaced. Remember that, in spite of the recommended timing of the scheduled replacement of the air filter by the manufacturer, the filter should be replaced as needed.

So there is a difference in which mode you operate your car. If you go to work every day and stand in city traffic jams for a long time, then your filter may be heavily contaminated much earlier than the date specified in the car manual. And, conversely, if you use the car only on weekends for trips out of town, then your air filter will last much longer than indicated in the instructions.

8) Replace spark plugs regularly

If your car spark plugs are worn out or covered with various deposits, then. This can lead to unnecessary waste due to increased consumption fuel.

Checking and replacing spark plugs can seem daunting at first. But in reality it is not that difficult. If you do not know how to change the candles yourself, then read the manual for your car. There you will also find out how often the car manufacturer recommends changing the spark plugs. But from practice, in most cars, standard spark plugs serve, as a rule, from 45,000-50,000 km. But some modifications of candles can last up to 150,000 km.

These are just some of the automotive consumable parts that you can check yourself and, if necessary, easily change. But remember that more important information about the frequency of certain "consumables" of the car is in your car manual.

So for some types vehicles perhaps there will be some more recommendations from the automaker that we have not indicated here. If you do not have a manual for a car, then you can easily find it on the Internet, or order it at any auto parts store.

Keep in mind that this period may be different for different classes of cars, which is due to the quality of raw materials and alloys from which car parts are made, the accuracy of fitting these parts during their production and quality lubricants: engine oils, transmission oils and others Supplies... Also, the frequency of maintenance is influenced by the weather conditions of operation, such as the conditions of the far north, where temperatures drop to large subzero temperatures, or desert regions, where the temperature and sand are high, as well as difficult conditions with increased physical exertion.

  • Replacement of air and cabin filters -;
  • Changing the engine oil - every 10,000 km. mileage;
  • Replacing (conventional) spark plugs - every 10,000 km. mileage;
  • Replacement fuel filterevery 10,000 km. mileage;
  • Flushing the injector and nozzles - every 30,000 km. mileage;
  • Automatic transmission oil change - every 60,000 km. mileage;
  • Replacement high-voltage wiresevery 70,000 km. mileage.

Below we will consider what exactly needs to be replaced depending on the mileage (from 10,000 km to 120,000 km) and the year of operation (from 1 year to 12 years).

So, the first common option is 10,000 km... mileage or 1 year its operation or upon reaching the first of the limits.

Pivot table passing the vehicle maintenance:

10,000 km mileage or 1 year of operation


R- replacement

Replacing the air filter -
Replacing the fuel filter -
Replacing the cabin filter -
Replacing spark plugs -
Drive belts I
Replacing the timing belt and rollers -
Replacing the coolant I
Checking / changing oil in manual transmission I
Checking / changing oil in automatic transmission I
Checking tire pressure I

20,000 km mileage or 2 years of operation


R- replacement
I- check, if necessary, replace
- - not regulated, verification on request

Changing the oil and oil filter R
Replacing the air filter -
Replacing the fuel filter -
Replacing the cabin filter R
Replacing spark plugs R
Drive belts I
Replacing the timing belt and rollers -
Replacing the coolant I
Replacement brake fluid\ fluid for hydraulic drive I
Checking the suspension and chassis I
Checking the condition of the front brake pads I
Rear brake pad service I
Checking the condition and levels of technical fluids I
Checking / changing oil in manual transmission I
Checking / changing oil in automatic transmission I
Checking tire pressure I
Maintenance and general inspection of the machine may reveal various problems, breakdowns, etc. not included in the summary table, about them, without fail, you must be informed by the master carrying out maintenance work and general inspection.

30,000 km mileage or 3 years of operation


R- replacement
I- check, if necessary, replace
- - not regulated, verification on request

Changing the oil and oil filter R
Replacing the air filter R
Replacing the fuel filter R
Replacing the cabin filter -
Replacing spark plugs -
Drive belts I
Replacing the timing belt and rollers -
Replacing the coolant I
Replacing the brake fluid / hydraulic fluid I
Checking the suspension and chassis I
Checking the condition of the front brake pads I
Rear brake pad service -
Checking the condition and levels of technical fluids I
Checking / changing oil in manual transmission I
Checking / changing oil in automatic transmission I
Checking tire pressure I
Maintenance and general inspection of the machine may reveal various problems, breakdowns, etc. not included in the summary table, about them, without fail, you must be informed by the master carrying out maintenance work and general inspection.

40,000 km mileage or 4 years of operation


R- replacement
I- check, if necessary, replace
- - not regulated, verification on request

Changing the oil and oil filter R
Replacing the air filter -
Replacing the fuel filter -
Replacing the cabin filter R
Replacing spark plugs R
Drive belts I
Replacing the timing belt and rollers -
Replacing the coolant R
Replacing the brake fluid / hydraulic fluid R
Checking the suspension and chassis I
Checking the condition of the front brake pads I
Rear brake pad service I
Checking the condition and levels of technical fluids I
Checking / changing oil in manual transmission I
Checking / changing oil in automatic transmission I
Checking tire pressure I
Maintenance and general inspection of the machine may reveal various problems, breakdowns, etc. not included in the summary table, about them, without fail, you must be informed by the master carrying out maintenance work and general inspection.

50,000 km mileage or 5 years of operation


R- replacement
I- check, if necessary, replace
- - not regulated, verification on request

Changing the oil and oil filter R
Replacing the air filter -
Replacing the fuel filter -
Replacing the cabin filter -
Replacing spark plugs -
Drive belts I
Replacing the timing belt and rollers R
Replacing the coolant I
Replacing the brake fluid / hydraulic fluid I
Checking the suspension and chassis I
Checking the condition of the front brake pads I
Rear brake pad service -
Checking the condition and levels of technical fluids I
Checking / changing oil in manual transmission I
Checking / changing oil in automatic transmission I
Checking tire pressure I
Maintenance and general inspection of the machine may reveal various problems, breakdowns, etc. not included in the summary table, about them, without fail, you must be informed by the master carrying out maintenance work and general inspection.

60,000 km mileage or 6 years of operation


R- replacement
I- check, if necessary, replace
- - not regulated, verification on request

Changing the oil and oil filter R
Replacing the air filter R
Replacing the fuel filter R
Replacing the cabin filter R
Replacing spark plugs R
Drive belts I
Replacing the timing belt and rollers -
Replacing the coolant I
Replacing the brake fluid / hydraulic fluid I
Checking the suspension and chassis I
Checking the condition of the front brake pads I
Rear brake pad service I
Checking the condition and levels of technical fluids I
Checking / changing oil in manual transmission I
Checking / changing oil in automatic transmission I
Checking tire pressure I
Maintenance and general inspection of the machine may reveal various problems, breakdowns, etc. not included in the summary table, about them, without fail, you must be informed by the master carrying out maintenance work and general inspection.

70,000 km mileage or 7 years of operation


R- replacement
I- check, if necessary, replace
- - not regulated, verification on request

Changing the oil and oil filter R
Replacing the air filter -
Replacing the fuel filter -
Replacing the cabin filter -
Replacing spark plugs -
Drive belts I
Replacing the timing belt and rollers -
Replacing the coolant I
Replacing the brake fluid / hydraulic fluid I
Checking the suspension and chassis I
Checking the condition of the front brake pads I
Rear brake pad service -
Checking the condition and levels of technical fluids I
Checking / changing oil in manual transmission I
Checking / changing oil in automatic transmission I
Checking tire pressure I
Maintenance and general inspection of the machine may reveal various problems, breakdowns, etc. not included in the summary table, about them, without fail, you must be informed by the master carrying out maintenance work and general inspection.

80,000 km mileage or 8 years of operation


R- replacement
I- check, if necessary, replace
- - not regulated, verification on request

Changing the oil and oil filter R
Replacing the air filter -
Replacing the fuel filter -
Replacing the cabin filter R
Replacing spark plugs R
Drive belts I
Replacing the timing belt and rollers -
Replacing the coolant R
Replacing the brake fluid / hydraulic fluid R
Checking the suspension and chassis I
Checking the condition of the front brake pads I
Rear brake pad service I
Checking the condition and levels of technical fluids I
Checking / changing oil in manual transmission I
Checking / changing oil in automatic transmission I
Checking tire pressure I
Maintenance and general inspection of the machine may reveal various problems, breakdowns, etc. not included in the summary table, about them, without fail, you must be informed by the master carrying out maintenance work and general inspection.

90,000 km mileage or 9 years of operation


R- replacement
I- check, if necessary, replace
- - not regulated, verification on request

Changing the oil and oil filter R
Replacing the air filter R
Replacing the fuel filter R
Replacing the cabin filter -
Replacing spark plugs -
Drive belts I
Replacing the timing belt and rollers -
Replacing the coolant I
Replacing the brake fluid / hydraulic fluid I
Checking the suspension and chassis I
Checking the condition of the front brake pads I
Rear brake pad service -
Checking the condition and levels of technical fluids I
Checking / changing oil in manual transmission R
Checking / changing oil in automatic transmission R
Checking tire pressure I
Maintenance and general inspection of the machine may reveal various problems, breakdowns, etc. not included in the summary table, about them, without fail, you must be informed by the master carrying out maintenance work and general inspection.

100,000 km mileage or 10 years of operation


R- replacement
I- check, if necessary, replace
- - not regulated, verification on request

Changing the oil and oil filter R
Replacing the air filter -
Replacing the fuel filter -
Replacing the cabin filter R
Replacing spark plugs R
Drive belts I
Replacing the timing belt and rollers R
Replacing the coolant I
Replacing the brake fluid / hydraulic fluid I
Checking the suspension and chassis I
Checking the condition of the front brake pads I
Rear brake pad service I
Checking the condition and levels of technical fluids I
Checking / changing oil in manual transmission I
Checking / changing oil in automatic transmission I
Checking tire pressure I
Maintenance and general inspection of the machine may reveal various problems, breakdowns, etc. not included in the summary table, about them, without fail, you must be informed by the master carrying out maintenance work and general inspection.

110,000 km mileage or 11 years of operation


R- replacement
I- check, if necessary, replace
- - not regulated, verification on request

Changing the oil and oil filter R
Replacing the air filter -
Replacing the fuel filter -
Replacing the cabin filter -
Replacing spark plugs -
Drive belts I
Replacing the timing belt and rollers -
Replacing the coolant I
Replacing the brake fluid / hydraulic fluid I
Checking the suspension and chassis I
Checking the condition of the front brake pads I
Rear brake pad service -
Checking the condition and levels of technical fluids I
Checking / changing oil in manual transmission I
Checking / changing oil in automatic transmission I
Checking tire pressure I
Maintenance and general inspection of the machine may reveal various problems, breakdowns, etc. not included in the summary table, about them, without fail, you must be informed by the master carrying out maintenance work and general inspection.

120,000 km mileage or 12 years of operation


R- replacement
I- check, if necessary, replace
- - not regulated, verification on request

Changing the oil and oil filter R
Replacing the air filter R
Replacing the fuel filter R
Replacing the cabin filter R
Replacing spark plugs R
Drive belts I
Replacing the timing belt and rollers -
Replacing the coolant R
Replacing the brake fluid / hydraulic fluid R
Checking the suspension and chassis I
Checking the condition of the front brake pads I
Rear brake pad service I
Checking the condition and levels of technical fluids I
Checking / changing oil in manual transmission I
Checking / changing oil in automatic transmission I
Checking tire pressure I
Maintenance and general inspection of the machine may reveal various problems, breakdowns, etc. not included in the summary table, about them, without fail, you must be informed by the master carrying out maintenance work and general inspection.

Once again, we remind you that for each brand the frequency is different (see the book that was issued when buying a car or check with the dealer), we give only the most common scheme for carrying out maintenance.

If you do not keep a service book and are not serviced in specialized service centers of a dealer or car dealership, then adhere to the classic service scheme and your car will always be on the move.

The reliability of a car depends on the good condition of its components and assemblies, which are subjected to loads during each trip and wear out from use. Scheduled maintenance is carried out to periodically check systems and timely replace parts.

Each manufacturer has its own maintenance program. Some of them even include the so-called "zero" maintenance, which is performed with a mileage of 1000 km and a little more. But usually the first, second and subsequent procedures are carried out with equal steps when the car travels 10-15 thousand kilometers. If the operating conditions were more difficult (a trip in sand and dust, a sharp increase / decrease in temperature, overcoming water obstacles), then you do not need to wait for a scheduled check, but it is better to inspect the car when returning to operation under normal conditions.

What is included in TO

Maintenance includes replacing consumables (filters, fluids, oils) and checking all major systems. At high mileage the number of replacement parts is increasing.

The time of the maintenance, the mileage on which it was done, is reflected in service book car. Its presence, timely and correct filling characterizes the owner as a responsible person. It is easier to sell such a car because the buyer has confidence in a good technical condition car.

For new vehicles, maintenance is carried out by authorized dealer is directly related to the validity of the warranty, and refusal from it removes many obligations from the manufacturer. Cars not tied to a guarantee can be serviced anywhere.

Maintenance cost

The cost of maintenance depends on the policy of the brand in general and the service in particular. Some dealers "give" the first MOT when buying a car. For some companies, consumables are included in the general bill, others take money only for work, and spare parts are purchased separately - and it is important to clarify whether they are original or purchased outside the dealer. Usually, all this information is registered on the websites of dealers and representative offices. More expensive brands can remind you of the upcoming maintenance with calls and letters. Maintenance costs are related to the total cost of operating the vehicle.

In addition to the mandatory maintenance at official services, the driver must carry out maintenance on his own before each trip. Time costs are minimal, and confidence in the serviceability of the systems and assemblies of the car is invaluable.

  • Pay attention to any oil leaks or operating fluids under the car.
  • Walk around the car and check: the integrity of the body glass, tires and the presence of license plates.
  • Check the operation of the headlights, rear lights and direction indicators, parking brake and a sound signal.
  • At the start, pay attention to the readings of the instrument panel and the operation of the controls.

Tire companies recommend checking the tire pressure every two weeks, regardless of mileage, and tightening the bolts on the wheels every month. Almost every manufacturer of this or that part has its own recommendations. In order to know them, you just need to read the instructions.

There is also seasonal maintenance, which prepares the machine for operation in other climatic conditions. It usually involves changing tires, changing the oil to "winter" or "summer", and some do anti-corrosion treatment of the body. But if the seasonal maintenance is close to the mandatory in terms of time, then they can be combined.

Remember that if something happens to the car and it gets into an accident, then the presence of a malfunction will make its driver guilty.

For all the prescribed points of the car manufacturer's regulations, this is a guarantee of a long and smooth operation your Kia Rio.

These items include a list of work and operations with the replacement of fluids. And each MOT, depending on the mileage of the car and the period of its operation, carries different points.

Kia took 15,000 kilometers as the basis for the maintenance frequency of the Rio model.

Interesting! The first service, respectively, is carried out precisely with such a run, and then along a mathematical progression. Let's take a look at what the maintenance grid looks like on the Kia Rio and what regulatory features the manufacturer prescribes for Kia dealers.

First THAT. Maintenance of Kia Rio with a mileage of 15,000 km (year of manufacture from 2012 to 2015)

The first maintenance involves a small amount of work on replacing fuels and lubricants and components, as well as lubrication components:

Also, the manufacturer has identified several mandatory checks of systems and components for the quality of their work:

  • air filter attachment;
  • drive system;
  • Check point (for automatic transmission);
  • tire pressure;
  • steering;
  • lighting system;
  • air conditioning.

Cleaning work in progress individual elements:

  • drain holes of the body.

Maintenance work grid Kia rio at 15,000 kilometers implies a minimum number of operations for replacing fluids and components. The main focus of dealers is aimed at identifying factory defects.

Second MOT. Maintenance Kia Rio with a mileage of 30,000 km (year of manufacture from 2012 to 2015)

Replacement and lubrication materials and components:

  • replacement of engine oil;
  • replacement of the oil filter;
  • lubrication of all door hardware (including trunk and bonnet);
  • replacement of brake fluid;
  • exhaust system;
  • air filter attachment;
  • drive system;
  • Check point (for automatic transmission);
  • ball joints on the front suspension;
  • tire pressure;
  • steering;
  • full check brake system(without fluid replacement);
  • battery condition;
  • lighting system;
  • air conditioning.

Cleaning of individual elements:

  • filter of the supply system of the car;
  • drain holes of the body.

The work schedule for the second maintenance of the Kia Rio provides for checking the drive belt of the additional systems of the car.

Important! It is not necessary to change the belt. Its replacement is made on an individual basis.

Third MOT. Maintenance Kia Rio with a mileage of 45,000 km (year of manufacture from 2012 to 2015)

  • replacement of engine oil;
  • replacement of the oil filter;
  • lubrication of all door hardware (including trunk and bonnet);
  • lubrication of gearbox elements (for automatic gearbox);
  • replacement of air filter elements.

Checking systems and vehicle components:

  • exhaust system;
  • drive system;
  • Check point (for automatic transmission);
  • ball joints on the front suspension;
  • tire pressure;
  • steering;
  • complete check of the brake system (without changing the fluid);
  • battery condition;
  • lighting system;
  • air conditioning.

Cleaning of individual elements:

  • filter of the supply system of the car;
  • drain holes of the body.

Interesting! The maintenance schedule for the Kia Rio after 45,000 km includes the lubrication of the gearbox elements.

These works only apply to the Rio with automatic transmission.

Fourth MOT. Maintenance Kia Rio with a mileage of 60,000 km (year of manufacture from 2012 to 2015)

Replacement and lubrication of materials and components:

  • replacement of engine oil;
  • replacement of the oil filter;
  • replacement of spark plugs;
  • lubrication of all door hardware (including trunk and bonnet);
  • lubrication of gearbox elements (for automatic gearbox);
  • replacement of brake fluid;

Checking systems and vehicle components:

  • exhaust system;
  • tightness of the engine cooling system;
  • fuel pipes and hoses;
  • air filter attachment;
  • drive system;
  • Check point (for automatic transmission);
  • ball joints on the front suspension;
  • tire pressure;
  • steering;
  • complete check of the brake system (without changing the fluid);
  • battery condition;
  • lighting system;
  • drive belt for additional systems;
  • air conditioning.

Cleaning of individual elements:

  • filter of the supply system of the car;
  • drain holes of the body.

The Kia Rio maintenance schedule with a mileage of 60,000 km, the grid of which provides for the replacement of brake fluid, spark plugs, fuel filter and much more, is one of the most important.

Interesting! It is during this run that, most often, many factory flaws are revealed that could not be identified at an early stage.

Fifth TO. Maintenance Kia Rio with a mileage of 75,000 km (year of manufacture from 2012 to 2015)

Replacement and lubrication of materials and components:

  • replacement of engine oil;
  • replacement of the oil filter;
  • lubrication of all door hardware (including trunk and bonnet);
  • lubrication of gearbox elements (for automatic gearbox).

Checking systems and vehicle components:

  • exhaust system;
  • air filter element;
  • drive system;
  • Check point (for automatic transmission);
  • ball joints on the front suspension;
  • tire pressure;
  • steering;
  • complete check of the brake system (without changing the fluid);
  • battery condition;
  • lighting system;
  • air conditioning.

Cleaning of individual elements:

  • filter of the supply system of the car;
  • drain holes of the body.

Important! The regulatory features of the fifth MOT for the Kia Rio are what to change, in addition to the oil in power unit and filter to it, nothing is needed.

Sixth TO. Maintenance Kia Rio with a mileage of 90,000 km (year of manufacture from 2012 to 2015)

Replacement and lubrication of materials and components:

  • replacement of engine oil;
  • replacement of the oil filter;
  • lubrication of all door hardware (including trunk and bonnet);
  • lubrication of gearbox elements (for automatic gearbox);
  • replacement of brake fluid;
  • replacement of the air filter element.

Checking systems and vehicle components:

  • exhaust system;
  • valve clearance;
  • air filter attachment;
  • drive system;
  • Check point (for automatic transmission);
  • ball joints on the front suspension;
  • tire pressure;
  • steering;
  • complete check of the brake system (without changing the fluid);
  • battery condition;
  • lighting system;
  • drive belt for additional systems;
  • air conditioning.

Cleaning of individual elements:

  • filter of the supply system of the car;
  • drain holes of the body.

Interesting! The sixth maintenance schedule for the Kia Rio provides for the replacement of a large amount of lubricants.

Seventh TO. Maintenance Kia Rio with a mileage of 105,000 km (year of manufacture from 2012 to 2015)

Replacement and lubrication of materials and components:

  • replacement of engine oil;
  • replacement of the oil filter;
  • lubrication of all door hardware (including trunk and bonnet);
  • lubrication of gearbox elements (for automatic gearbox).

Checking systems and vehicle components:

  • exhaust system;
  • air filter element;
  • drive system;
  • Check point (for automatic transmission);
  • ball joints on the front suspension;
  • tire pressure;
  • steering;
  • complete check of the brake system (without changing the fluid);
  • battery condition;
  • lighting system;
  • air conditioning.

Cleaning of individual elements:

  • filter of the supply system of the car;
  • drain holes of the body.

Eighth TO. Maintenance Kia Rio with a mileage of 120,000 km (year of manufacture from 2012 to 2015)

Replacement and lubrication of materials and components:

  • replacement of engine oil;
  • replacement of the oil filter;
  • lubrication of all door hardware (including trunk and bonnet);
  • lubrication of gearbox elements (for automatic gearbox);
  • replacement of brake fluid;
  • replacement of spark plugs;
  • replacement of the fuel filter.

Checking systems and vehicle components:

  • exhaust system;
  • fuel pipes and hoses;
  • oil level in the gearbox (for mechanical box and automatic boxes);
  • air filter element;
  • ventilation hose and fuel tank cap;
  • valve clearance;
  • air filter attachment;
  • drive system;
  • Check point (for automatic transmission);
  • ball joints on the front suspension;
  • tire pressure;
  • steering;
  • complete check of the brake system (without changing the fluid);
  • battery condition;
  • lighting system;
  • drive belt for additional systems;
  • air conditioning.

Cleaning of individual elements:

  • filter of the supply system of the car;
  • drain holes of the body.

It is worth noting that the schedule of each car maintenance provides, in addition to the car's mileage, and the frequency of time.

Important! Regardless of how long your Rio drives, the warranty always provides for service at least once a year.

If it is important for you that the car remains under warranty and you rarely drive it out of the parking lot, you need to periodically remember how much time has passed since the last official inspection by the dealer's specialists.

Car maintenance, both for passenger cars and trucks, new or old, is an integral part of the operation. Maintenance for a new car is also a guarantee of the owner. If you skip such a service, then you can say goodbye to the car warranty. For a supported car, maintenance is also important, as it is a guarantee of your safety and a longer and more worry-free operation of your car.

What is maintenance

Do not forget that the driver must perform visual maintenance (inspection) before each trip by car. That is, the driver must check:

  • Wheel pressure;
  • Work of lighting devices and direction indicators;
  • Horn work;
  • Engine oil level;
  • Coolant level;
  • Brake fluid level;
  • Power steering fluid level (if equipped);
  • Washer fluid level.

All this is necessary in order to keep the car in good working order and to ensure the safety of your trip, especially if the trip is long.

The rest of the maintenance should be carried out by qualified personnel. dealerships or car services. For each car, the manufacturer sets its own standards, a list of works and mileage during maintenance. But in most cases, THAT are:

TO - 0 this is zero maintenance, in the common people it is called "Break-in" is carried out after 1000 - 1500 km. of the vehicle's run. On such a MOT, as a rule, they change engine oil, oil filter.

TO - 1 is carried out after 15,000 mileage, or a year of operation of the car, whichever comes first, regardless of whether the car drove or not.

TO - 2

TO - 3 carried out after 15,000 mileage or a year of operation from the previous maintenance (whichever comes first)

TO - 4 carried out after 15,000 mileage or a year of operation from the previous maintenance (whichever comes first)

How often do maintenance work for a supported vehicle?

For a supported car, maintenance should be carried out as follows:


  • Replacing the cabin air filter, for example: for Moscow, it is customary to change the cabin filter twice a year in spring and autumn.

Every 15,000 runs:

  • Engine oil change;
  • Replacing the oil filter;
  • Replacement of spark plugs;
  • Replacing the air filter;

Every 60,000 runs:

  • Replacing the coolant (antifreeze);
  • Changing the oil in the gearbox (gearbox). True, for very old cars, changing the oil in the gearbox can only do much harm!

What is included in the maintenance

Car dealerships carry out car maintenance:

  • Inspection of the steering mechanism;
  • Inspection of the brake system;
  • Suspension system inspection;
  • Checking electrical systems, including the battery;
  • Checking the tightness of the nuts on the wheels;
  • They replace consumables in accordance with the maintenance regulations.

How can you save on maintenance?

In order to maintain the warranty on the car, it is necessary to undergo maintenance only in the dealer auto centers authorized by the manufacturer. Taking advantage of such conditions, dealers impose their consumables, selling them to you at a good mark-up. At the same time, dealers do not offer you to go through MOT with your consumables, it is not profitable for them. The only thing you can save on is to purchase a set of consumables for maintenance and not overpay until 3000 rubles. The tech center has no right to refuse you to carry out maintenance with its consumables.

For the selection of ready-made kits for maintenance, I would like to recommend the TOEXPERT website to you, where you can select a kit for any MOT and for any car brand and at the same time save on MOT.


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