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Very often you can meet columns of moving buses with children, who are taken to rest in children's camps. Increased safety requirements apply to such transportation of groups of children.

We will consider in this article what rules for transporting children on the bus are in effect in 2018 and what features you need to know.

During their studies, schoolchildren are regularly transported in organized groups on buses to various holidays and events. The organizers of such excursions must comply with certain requirements and rules that are developed by the Ministry of Transport of Russia.

The general rules that must be followed are contained in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation under the number 1177, adopted at the end of 2013 (of December 17). Legislators have made some new changes, which are contained in the Decree of June 30, 2015 under number 652.

The updated rules for the carriage of children on the bus have undergone a number of changes that have affected the requirements for organized transportation, documents for its implementation, as well as some conditions and norms affecting the bus driver and the vehicle itself.

What changes have appeared?

The earlier wording “ Organized transportation children "received another justification:

Previously: transportation of children on the bus, except for public transport, in the amount of more than 8 people.

Now the following condition has been added: transportation is carried out in the absence of both parents or their representatives. They are allowed to be present only if they are paramedics or group escorts.

Based on this change, it turns out that if, in addition to the children, there are also their parents on the bus, then the implementation of the transportation rules is not required. They must take all safety measures while driving on the route themselves. They must take care of all possible emergencies in advance.

The new regulatory document included the mandatory fulfillment of the following conditions:

  • children must be more than 8;
  • the bus should not stand on the route and be public transport at the moment;
  • the number of buses participating in the transportation of children must be at least three;
  • the bus driver is obliged to have with him a permit issued by the state traffic inspectorate. Since 2016, it is allowed to provide the traffic police inspector not with the original, but with a copy. Upon completion of the event, this document must be in the organization for 3 years.
  • the time of transportation should be selected during daylight hours, from 6 am to 11 pm. An exception to this is possible in two cases: if railway or air communications are used as transport, or in exceptional measures associated with difficult weather conditions, etc.

It is worth noting that if a group of children still has to move at night, then the length of the path to the destination should not exceed 50 km. Otherwise, you should not start moving, but it is better to wait for the morning.

With regard to the new requirements related to the driver and vehicle, then they will be described below.

Escorting a group of children from the traffic police

If you plan to travel on buses of a group of a large number of children, namely more than 8, then the route must be reported to the traffic police inspection.

Initially, you need to decide on the transport company or other person who will carry out the transportation. Further, a charter agreement is concluded between the person responsible for the group of children and the performer himself. On the basis of this agreement and the message of data on the route, an appropriate notification is made about the transportation of children by bus to the traffic police. If the number of buses that will be involved is 2 or less, then it is enough just to submit a document - a notification. If 3 or more buses are planned for groups of children, then it is necessary to fill out the corresponding application for obtaining escort by traffic police cars.

It is necessary to inform the traffic police about the planned transportation of children in advance, namely at least 2 days before the start.

As a result, the person responsible for the children must receive one of the following documents from the traffic police: a copy of the notification of the transportation of children by bus or a copy of the approved convoy escort by traffic police cars.

An application for a vehicle to be accompanied by the State Traffic Inspectorate must contain the following data:

  • the number and time of the route;
  • route data;
  • the number of buses involved, their make and model with license plates, as well as data driving license their drivers;
  • customer name;
  • Name transport company or carrier;
  • data of the person responsible for children;
  • the total number of children.

Required Documentation

To transport children, you need to prepare a large package of accompanying documents, which should include the following:

  • list of products for children, available rations and drinking water. Until 2016, such a list was needed only when the time on the route exceeded 3 hours.
  • travel route with calculated travel time;
  • all the details of the route: places and times of stops, addresses of hotels with their legal data, etc.
  • each bus must have a serial number in the moving column;
  • Full names of all children and leaders;
  • the pick-up points for each child on the bus;
  • a document on the presence of a medical worker who must accompany the children if the travel time takes 12 hours or more. Previously, it was required if the time took more than 3 hours.

During the movement of the convoy, there should be no one in the cabins, except for those persons who are included in the lists drawn up. If it is planned that someone will be hooked up while driving, then he must be included in the list in advance.

Requirements for the driver and vehicle

For an organized column of children, there are established requirements directly for the bus drivers themselves and those involved in the transportation of vehicles.

The following driver is allowed to drive the bus:

  • driver's license with an open category "D";
  • 1 year experience over the past 3 years;
  • <за последний год не имеется нарушений ПДД, за которые предусмотрен арест или лишение прав;
  • the driver must be instructed on the rules for transporting children and on safety;
  • the driver must undergo a medical examination before the flight, in accordance with the established procedure.

It is worth noting that until 2015 the driver had to have continuous experience for 12 months. If there was at least one day, then it was automatically not allowed to control.

Buses must meet the following requirements:

  • the age of the bus is up to a maximum of 10 years;
  • a mandatory tachograph device is installed on the bus;
  • there is a navigation system (GPS or domestic GLONASS);
  • passed diagnostic card.

Liability for incorrect transportation

Every organized transportation of children must be carried out in accordance with accepted and established rules. For each unfulfilled requirement, a fine is provided in accordance with Art. 12.23 of the Administrative Code.

Based on the Code of Contraventions, a fine is issued for the incorrect transportation of children in any of the following cases:

  • the transportation of children does not meet the requirements;
  • the driver does not meet the requirements;
  • there is no charter agreement;
  • route inconsistent;
  • there is no list of children and those responsible.

For drivers, the fine will be 3,000 rubles, for must. persons 25,000 rubles, for legal entities - 100,000 rubles.

There is also a penalty for transporting children at night:

  • for drivers 5,000 rubles or deprivation of VU for 4-6 months., for must. persons 50,000 rubles, for legal entities - 200,000 rubles.

In order to comply with safety rules, transportation of small children must be carried out in accordance with Resolutions No. 1177 and No. 652. From time to time, the Government of the Russian Federation makes changes to these documents, so you need to regularly familiarize yourself with them and be aware of them.

The rules for transporting children on the bus have been drawn up and approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in order to ensure the maximum safety of young passengers on the road. For ignoring these requirements, punishment is provided, up to a criminal one. On January 1, 2017, the existing rules were updated. Next, let's look at the key points.

Current rules for transporting children on buses

Let's outline the basic requirements that must be met when it comes to the organized transportation of children:

  • Children under 7 years old are allowed to transport no more than 4 hours.
  • At night (from 23:00 to 06:00) children can only be transported to transport points (train stations, airports, etc.). The total distance covered during this time should not exceed 50 km.
  • If you intend to travel outside the city for 3 or more hours, the group must include a medical worker.
  • If the estimated travel time is 3 or more hours, you must have food products approved by Rospotrebnadzor.
  • The local traffic police must provide a notice of the upcoming trip.
  • If the number of buses in which children are transported is 3 or more, such a group must be accompanied by a traffic police vehicle.

What documents will be required

According to the requirements of the government, to transport a group of children, you will need to provide the following list of documents to the traffic police:

  • Charter contract. Based on this document, the transport company obtains the right to transport children. It is necessary to indicate the purpose of transportation (children) and the exact route. On the basis of the contract, the transport company undertakes to provide a vehicle that fully meets all the requirements for the transport of children. If the trip is supposed to be outside the city limits, the customer must provide the transport company with a list of the group (with all the data of the children), certified by the school's seal.
  • List of children and their attendants. It should also contain parental contact information (needed in case of emergencies).
  • List of food products. It must meet the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor (one of the rules - there must be a dry ration).
  • The program of the upcoming trip. The following points should be indicated in it: traffic schedule, stopping points, resting places. If it is planned to stay in hotels, then the legal information about them is attached.
  • Full name and contact telephone number of the driver. Can be presented as an information letter from a carrier.
  • If there is a medical worker in the group, then information about him, including a license to work in his field, as well as a copy of the agreement with the institution in which he works.
  • Route list and voucher. Must be "in the hands" of the driver.
  • A copy of the notification to the traffic police. This is one of the key documents, so we will dwell on it in more detail.

Rules for drawing up a notification to the traffic police about the upcoming transportation of children

The need for this notification is indicated by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 941, which entered into force on 01.04.2017. This document is transferred to the traffic police at the place where the movement starts (as a rule, it starts from the walls of the school). If the traffic police department is absent in the area of ​​departure, the notification is sent to any traffic police department in the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

According to the departmental order, the notification must contain the following information:

  • information about the customer of the transportation (school, or the person in charge);
  • information about the carrier (charterer);
  • full timetable;
  • information about the vehicle and drivers, if the notification is submitted from a legal entity, then information about it.

The notification is submitted by the head of the institution, or by the person responsible for the trip (in particular, compliance with road safety). This can be done in electronic form using the official website of the traffic police. If the organized train is carried out under a charter agreement, then an application is submitted by one of the parties (carrier or customer), by prior arrangement.

The deadline for submitting a notification is strictly regulated - this must be done no later than 2 days before the trip. This time is necessary for government agencies in order to verify the information received (registration of the bus, its maintenance, etc.). Also, at the time of application, you will need to provide a driver's license (category "D" must be open).

The traffic police check for the driver's unpaid fines. If they are available, the traffic police will be forced to refuse the driver to obtain permission to transport children. There are 2 ways out of this situation: to appoint another driver or pay the existing fines. In case of an approving decision, the corresponding document is issued in 2 copies.

On the video about the rules for transporting children

When transporting children by buses, the traffic police provides safety instructions. State authorities are interested in ensuring that such trips are carried out in compliance with all the rules and regulations, since the transportation of children is one of the most difficult procedures in terms of control.

Our organization Himkibus decided to collect information for our customers and readers on the transportation of groups of children and the need for medical personnel to participate in this process. We hope this will help you find the answer to your question.

We also perfectly understand that the transfer of young children is a risky event and we want parents to prepare a number of questions for its management before contacting any company.

On our own behalf, we want to add that we will be happy to answer and explain all the difficult points and provide the necessary documentation.

All materials are taken from open sources. We hope you find them useful.

Do you need a health worker?

In July 2015, a government decree came into effect, which introduced some clarifications and new standards that increase the safety of children when transported by buses. In this article, we will discuss the existing changes in the rules for the organized movement of a group of minors by minibuses for 2016, as well as talk about the innovations that will take effect in 2017.

Rules for the organized transportation of a group of minors by buses 2016

The new document introduces the following changes:

The term "Organized transportation of a group of children" has been changed, which now means a trip in a bus that is not a fixed-route transport, a group of 8 people or more, carried out without their legal representatives, except for cases when an accompanying person or a medical worker is appointed as a legal representative. Thus, when children move with legal representatives, the requirements of these rules cease to apply, and they are equated to passengers for whom the usual traffic rules apply.

The traffic police must accompany the trip of small passengers only if it is carried out on 3 or more vehicles, however, the organizer in all cases must notify the traffic police that the transportation will be carried out.

A detailed itinerary program is required, including all planned stops and data from organizations that provide hotel services.

Before embarking on a flight, the driver must be instructed in the rules for the safe transportation of children on the bus, as well as undergo a medical examination before the flight.

If the route is short, then the presence of a medical professional is no longer required. But if the estimated time of the route is more than 12 hours, the presence of a medical worker is mandatory. Previously, the presence of a doctor on the bus was required even if the route was more than 3 hours long.

There must be no unauthorized persons in the cabin who are not included in the list of passengers.
To be admitted to an organized trip for a group of children, the driver must have at least 1 year of experience on the bus. Also, the driver will not be allowed to drive if in the last year there were traffic violations for which he was deprived of his driver's license to drive a vehicle, or was involved in administrative arrest.

Corrections have been made to the list of documents for the organized transportation of a group of children. Now, instead of a decision on the appointment of a traffic police car as an escort of buses, or a notification of a negative decision on an application, only copies of these documents need to be provided for such escort.

Rules for the organized transportation of a group of children by buses 2017

By a decree of the government of the Russian Federation of June 30 last year, the entry into force of clause 3 of the rules for the organized transportation of a group of minors by buses was postponed to January 1, 2017. This paragraph provides for the transfer of a group of children only on buses, from the year of production of which has not passed 10 years.

Also, vehicles must be equipped with tachographs, satellite navigation GLONASS or GLONASS / GPS. Initially, they wanted to put these requirements into effect from July 2015, but decided to postpone them until January 1, 2017, so that carriers of organized groups of children could update the bus fleet in accordance with the new requirements.

The bus must comply with all standards and have permission to carry children. In addition, he must have a tachograph and a GLONASS satellite navigator (GLONASS / GPS is also possible). From 01/01/2017, babies can be transported on buses, the "age" of which is no more than 10 years.

List of documents for transportation:

  • driver (s) data;
  • a charter agreement between the company that provided the bus and the organization that sent the little passengers on the trip;
  • route (timetable, places of planned rest, estimated time of the route);
  • medical worker's documents (including a copy of the license for the right to conduct medical activities);
  • a copy of the notification for the traffic police about the organized trip of children or a copy of the decision to accompany the convoy of buses with children by traffic police cars;
  • list of passengers;
  • list of accompanying persons;
  • a list of a set of products (water, dry rations);
  • a document defining the procedure for boarding the bus.

All documents are submitted in advance, no later than a day before the start of the movement.
The originals of the above documents are kept for three years.

Drivers are allowed to drive the bus with children:

  • with at least three years of driving experience, one of which is driving category D vehicles;
  • have not violated the traffic rules for at least a year before the trip;
  • those who have been instructed in the transportation of children;
  • passed the pre-trip medical examination.

When organizing the transportation of groups of children, it is necessary to take into account:

Babies up to seven years old can travel by busesno more than 4 hours in time.
If children travel in three or more buses -it is necessary to be accompanied by traffic police cars.
When a convoy of buses moves for 12 hours or more -an accompanying paramedic is needed, who is located on the last bus.
Accompanying persons must be distributed evenly across the buses,they are placed at each door of the vehicle, one of the attendants is the main one.
Among all the accompanying persons -one senior, he is on the last bus.
Dry rations are given to children while drivingfor 3 or more hours.
Buses are not allowedoutsiders.

At night (from 23:00 to 6:00), the carriage of minors is allowed only in the following cases:

  • if you need to get from the station to the place of accommodation;
  • if you need to get from the accommodation to the train station;
  • if you need to get to the location for the night (in case of an unforeseen delay on the way), but no more than 50 km.

What documents are required when transporting children's groups in accordance with Resolution 1177?

Organized transportation of children will require a significant number of documents. First, we list the papers that will be needed in all cases of such transportation:

  1. A list of children, which lists their surnames, names, patronymics and age.
  2. List of escorts with their phone numbers.
  3. A document that reflects information about the driver, his phone number.
  4. The layout of the children on the bus.
  5. The timetable with the indication of the places of stops.

When preparing for the transportation of a group of children, its organizer must submit an application for escort to the traffic police. Based on the results of its consideration in the traffic police, both a positive decision and a notice of refusal can be received - these papers are also included in the collected package of documents.

If the estimated time on the road is more than 3 hours, then you will need a list of prepared food and water, as well as documents for a health worker (a copy of a passport, license or employment contract with a medical institution, a certificate of the position held). If a hired vehicle is used for transportation, then a charter agreement is drawn up.

It should be noted that all named documents must be kept for at least 3 years after each trip.



When transporting a group by bus, passengers can be not only adults, but also children. To ensure the maximum degree of safety when transporting children, special rules have been developed and adopted.

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This article is devoted to the consideration of the rules and requirements for drivers, escorts and vehicles used for transportation.

When and by whom the rules were adopted

In this situation, parents or legal representatives must independently ensure the safety of the child on the basis of and the rules for transporting children in the traffic rules bus 2020.

Rules for the organized transportation of children by buses

So, with the organized transportation of small passengers, you need to pay special attention to:

  • the need to be accompanied by a car inspection crew;
  • completeness of documentation;
  • requirements for the driver and buses;
  • requirements for persons accompanying children;
  • the rules of boarding a vehicle.

Traffic police escort

To receive an escort of a convoy of buses, consisting of 3 or more buses, by the traffic police, it is required to submit a written application for escort no later than two days before the start of transportation.

The document must indicate:

  • the time period in which support is required;
  • the route of the column;
  • the number of children and the name of the accompanying group;
  • a list of buses with state registration plates, names and details of driver's licenses of all drivers.

The application is submitted by a representative of the carrier organization to the regional department of the State Traffic Inspectorate. The response from the traffic police is also drawn up and transmitted to the applicant in writing.

If the transportation of children is carried out by one or two buses, then at the traffic police department (also a maximum of 2 days before the trip), a notification about the transportation of children is given.

The document must contain:

  • information about the company organizing the transportation;
  • information about the carrier company;
  • date of transportation;
  • the route of the bus, supplemented by the names of the starting and ending points;
  • the number of children transported, indicating the age category;
  • the make and license plate number of the bus delivering children;
  • data of the person accompanying the group.

The notice must be marked that the State Traffic Inspectorate knows and allows the transportation of children along the specified route and at the specified time.

A copy of the application for escort or notification of transportation is a mandatory document that must be kept by the driver.


To transport children, the following documents must be drawn up:

  • or carriage, concluded between the organizer and the performer of the carriage;
  • a document containing information about a medical worker who is obliged to accompany a group of children when a convoy or a bus moves for more than 12 hours. Previously, the presence of a medical worker was required if the duration of transportation was more than 3 hours;
  • copy of the transportation permit;
  • copies of the notice of carriage or application for escort;
  • list of persons accompanying the group. The list requires specifying not only the full names of people, but also passport data, and contact numbers for emergency communication;
  • list of children (full name and age);
  • a list of food products that children may have during transportation. Most often, the list includes dry rations and bottled water. Previously, the availability of products was allowed in transit, which took more than 3 hours. From 2020, such a list should be available for any transportation, regardless of its duration;
  • a document reflecting information about bus drivers involved in the transportation of children. The document must reflect: full name of drivers, details of driver's licenses, contact numbers;
  • a document reflecting the procedure for boarding children on the bus, indicating a separate seat for each person. The document can be drawn up:
    • trip organizer;
    • accompanying person;
    • a medical professional, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child;
    • a representative of the carrier company, if this condition is an integral part of the concluded contract of carriage.
  • a document containing the itinerary of the trip, which includes:
    • bus schedule with the definition of the time interval of movement;
    • places of stops for rest, meals, excursions, indicating the name of the organization providing the corresponding action. For example, the name of the hotel in which children should stay for recreation or the names of organizations that conducted excursions. Previously, the indication of specific organizations in the document was not required;
    • dates and estimated time of stops for the needs of passengers.

When a convoy of buses moves, each vehicle is assigned a serial number, which it must adhere to when driving.

All documents must be handed over to the driver one day before the transportation of children.

Requirements for drivers and transport

The driver can be admitted to the organized transportation of children, if all the requirements are met, including the following aspects:

  • you have a driving license of category D;
  • driving experience of buses belonging to category D is at least 1 year out of the last 3 calendar years;
  • during the last year, the driver has not committed administrative offenses for which the deprivation of a driver's license is provided;
  • before the flight, the driver was instructed on the rules for transporting children, approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation;
  • a qualified medical professional has issued a medical certificate before the flight, confirming the suitability of the driver for work.

The new requirements for drivers are the most loyal, as previously it was required to have continuous work experience for 1 year.

For example, if a driver moved from one transport organization to another, while his driving experience was interrupted for several days, then such a person was not allowed to transport children.

The rest of the requirements for drivers remained unchanged.

As for the admission of vehicles to the organized transport of children, the new requirements should come into force on January 1, 2020.

These include:

  • availability or technical inspection coupon confirming the good condition of the bus;
  • the age of the bus must not exceed 10 years from the date of issue of the vehicle;
  • all buses must be equipped with tachographs - special devices for tracking the speed of the vehicle, observing the work and rest regime of drivers (the obligatory presence of tachographs is due to the technical regulations adopted in 2010);
  • all buses must be equipped with GLONASS satellite navigation systems, which allows to determine the location of the vehicle at any time.

Requirements for accompanying adults

When transporting children, accompanying persons must be appointed, the main duties of which are:

  • coordination of the movement of the bus in case of unforeseen circumstances, for example, in case of worsening weather conditions;
  • tracking the behavior, health and nutrition of children during transportation.

The number of accompanying persons in one bus is determined by the number of doors that each vehicle has.

That is, an adult responsible for children during transportation must be at each door to avoid accidents while driving.

If there are several accompanying persons on the bus, then a responsible person is appointed among them, coordinating the work of all adults.

Bus admission

The group for transportation can include children of different age categories. The only restriction applies to children under the age of 7.

Such persons can be transported in groups only if the travel time is less than 4 hours. In other cases, transportation of small children in groups is prohibited.

Attention! JSC "Russian Railways" informs about a change in the procedure for boarding children under the age of 14 on long-distance trains. To board the train, it is allowed to present a notarized copy of the birth certificate instead of the original birth certificate.

The corresponding change was made to the "Rules for the provision of services for the carriage of passengers by rail, as well as cargo, baggage and cargo luggage for personal, family, household and other needs not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activity" Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 17, 2015 No. 597.

Free for children under 5 years old without occupying a separate seat (1 child per 1 passenger), a ticket is issued.

According to the rate for children from 5 to 10 years old.

It is not allowed for children under 10 years of age to travel on long-distance trains unaccompanied by adults, except for the travel of students using railway transport to visit educational institutions.

The child's age is determined on the day the trip starts. If the child turns 10 years old on the day of the train departure, then a travel document (ticket) is issued for him at the rate for the carriage of children.

When boarding schoolchildren on preferential travel documents it is necessary to present a certificate from general education institutions of full-time education, confirming training in this institution.

Help should contain Full name of the student, requisites and legal address of the school, number and date. The certificate must be certified by the seal of the school and the signature of the head of the educational institution or a person replacing him.

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of January 21, 2014 N 3 Moscow "On the approval of SP 2.5.3157-14" Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the transportation of organized groups of children by rail "

Resolution on the approval of sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the transportation of organized groups of children by rail. (abridged)

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of January 21, 2014 N 3 Moscow

"On the approval of SP 2.5.3157-14" Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Carriage of Organized Groups of Children by Rail ""

Date of signing: 01/21/2014

Publication date: 02.04.2014 00:00

Registration N 31731

In accordance with the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population" ... I decree:

1. To approve the sanitary and epidemiological rules of SP 2.5.3157-14 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the transportation of organized groups of children by rail" (Appendix).

SP 2.5.1277-03 "Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Carriage of Organized Children's Groups by Rail", approved by the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated 04.04.2003 N 31 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 09.04.2003, registration number 4397);

SP 2.5.2775-10 "Amendments and additions N 1 to SP 2.5.1277-03" Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the transportation of organized children's groups by rail ", approved by the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of November 22, 2010 N 152 (registered by the Ministry of Justice Russia 15.12.2010, registration number 19184).

Acting head A. Popov


Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Carriage of Organized Groups of Children by Rail Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules SP 2.5.3157-14

I. General provisions and scope

1.1. These sanitary rules establish sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions of transportation by rail for organized groups of children in travel routes over 10 hours, and are aimed at protecting the health of children and adolescents when they are on the way in passenger cars of railway transport, as well as in railway station buildings at stations of departure and arrival.

1.2. When organizing the transportation of organized groups of children by rail, the requirements of these sanitary rules, as well as sanitary rules for the organization of passenger transportation by rail, must be observed.

1.3. These sanitary and epidemiological requirements are mandatory for execution by legal entities and individuals, including individual entrepreneurs involved in organizing travel by rail to the destination and back organized groups of children(hereinafter referred to as groups of children) in under the age of 18 in the amount of 8 children or more.

1.4. Control over the implementation of these sanitary rules is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation by bodies authorized to exercise federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

II. Requirements for the organization of travel by organized groups of children by rail

2.1. By organizers of train trips for organized groups of children:

- the accompaniment of organized groups of children by adults is provided at the rate of 1 accompanying person for 8-12 children(teachers, educators, parents, coaches and others) during the journey to the destination and back;

- meals are organized for organized groups of children at intervals of no more than 4 hours;

Organized by drinking regime on the way and when transporting organized groups of children from the station to their destinations and back, as well as when finding organized groups of children at the station.

2.2. Organizers of trips for organized groups of children are sent information to the Rospotrebnadzor authorities on the planned dates sending organized groups of children and the number of children according to the form (Appendix N 1) not less than 3 days in advance before departure organized groups of children.

2.3. Every child who is part of an organized group of children there must be a medical certificate about the absence of contact with infectious patients, issued during the formation of the group no more than 3 days before the start of the trip.

2.4. Boarding a passenger train sick children are not allowed. If a child with symptoms of an acute illness is detected before departure or during boarding a passenger train or en route, the child is hospitalized.

The form for providing information to the Rospotrebnadzor authorities about the departure of organized groups of children by rail

Rail exit information
organized groups of children

Initial data

To be completed

Leisure organizer (institution, company, foundation, organization)

Address of the location of the organizer of children's recreation

date of departure

Departure station

Type of carriage (interregional, sleeping, compartment, soft)

Amount of children

Number of accompanying persons

Availability of medical support (number of doctors, nurses)

Destination station

Name and address of the final destination (children's health institution, educational organization)

Planned type of meals en route (dining car, passenger car)


organizing the trip ______________

III. Requirements for the organization of meals for groups of children when they are on the way

3.1. For organized groups of children when they are on the way food is organized. Intervals between meals should be no more than 4 hours in the daytime.

The frequency of food intake is determined by the time spent by groups of children along the route, time of day and in accordance with physiological needs.

If you are on the way for more than a day, full-fledged hot meals are organized(soups, side dishes, meat or fish dishes).

If you are on the route for less than a day, the organization of meals for children is carried out taking into account the approximate list of food products for the organization of meals for children and adolescents when they are transported by rail for less than 24 hours (Appendix N 2).

3.2. Full-fledged hot meals are organized in the restaurant carriages of passenger trains or at the place where organized groups of children are accommodated in passenger carriages.

It is not allowed to use in the nutrition of organized groups of children products and dishes that are prohibited by sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of meals for students in general education organizations, organizations of primary and secondary education.

3.3. When organizing hot meals, the distribution of the total calorie content of the daily diet should be: breakfast - 25-30%, lunch 35-45%, dinner - 25-30%. Recommended average values ​​of calories per day (hereinafter - kcal / day): up to 10 years - 2100 kcal / day, from 11 and older - 2550 kcal / day. The recommended ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 1: 1: 4.

3.4. When organizing catering, food products, in terms of safety indicators, must comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation and be accompanied by documents certifying their quality and safety.

Drinking water, including bottled and packaged in containers, must meet the quality and safety requirements for drinking water.

IV. Requirements for medical support of organized groups of children when transporting them by rail

4.1. When an organized group of children in the amount of more than 30 people is on the route for more than 12 hours, the organizer of the trip will provide an organized group of children with a medical worker or accompanying persons trained in first aid in accordance with the established procedure.

4.2. When organizing trips for organized groups of children with specialized railway rolling stock, intended for the transportation of organized groups of children, the organizer of the trip ensures that organized groups of children are accompanied by a qualified medical worker (doctor).

V. Basic hygienic and anti-epidemic measures taken by medical workers when transporting organized groups of children

5.1. The medical worker carries out:

Interaction with the head of the passenger train, bodies of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision;

Monitoring the health status of children in organized groups;

Survey on the state of health of children before boarding the train;

Checking the availability of medical certificates that children have no contact with infectious patients;

Making a decision to suspend children with obvious signs of an acute illness from boarding a passenger train;

Providing medical care to sick children along the route;

Timely isolation of infectious sick children from healthy children and organization of hospitalization of patients. If an infectious patient is identified or an infectious disease or food poisoning among children is suspected, the sick children are isolated by the medical worker together with the train conductor and immediately reported to the nearest medical station along the route and the Rospotrebnadzor body;

Interviewing and compiling a list of children who have been in contact with sick children;

Monitoring children's compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;

Control over the organization of the drinking regime and nutrition of children.

5.2. In order to prevent food poisoning, a medical worker, together with accompanying persons:

To exclude cases of the use of perishable food products by children, as well as products that are not allowed to be used in children's nutrition by the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of meals for students in general educational organizations, organizations of primary and secondary education;

Conversations are held with children on the prevention of infectious diseases and food poisoning and on the observance of the rules of personal hygiene;

The provision of children with bedding and bed linen is checked.

5.3. First aid and medical aid are carried out in accordance with the established procedure.

Vi. Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Accommodation of Groups of Children in Railway Station Buildings and in Passenger Cars

6.1. Organized groups of children are accommodated in waiting rooms, lounges or other areas of railway stations.

6.2. On the way, organized groups of children are provided with bed linen and bedding, as well as drinking water in accordance with the requirements of sanitary rules for the organization of passenger transportation by rail. It is recommended to organize a drinking regime using bottled drinking water.

1 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.06.2013 N 476 "On issues of state control (supervision) and invalidation of certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 24, Art. 2999).

Appendix N 2 to SP 2.5.3157-14

An indicative list of food products for organizing meals for children and adolescents when they are transported by rail in less than 24 hours

1. Bakery and pastry without cream:

Small-piece bakery products in an assortment of wheat flour of the highest grade in individual industrial packaging, packaged up to 150 grams;

Puff pastry products in assortment in industrial individual packaging, packaged up to 150 grams;

Rusks, dryers, gingerbreads in vacuum packaging of industrial production, packaged in 150-300 grams;

Cookies, waffles in assortment in vacuum packaging of industrial production for single use with the possibility of long-term storage at room temperature, packaged in 25-50-100 grams;

Cupcakes in individual industrial packaging, packaged in 50-75 grams;

Milk cakes in individual industrial packaging, packaged in 50-100 grams and other products.

2. Milk in disposable industrial packaging with a long shelf life (more than 10 days) and the ability to store at room temperature with a volume of 150-250 milliliters.

3. Processed cheese in industrial packaging weighing 25 - 50 grams.

4 . Packaged sugar in disposable packaging.

5. Tea bags in a single-use package (without flavorings and food additives).

6. Still mineral water in industrial packaging up to 0.5 liters.

7. Fruit juices, industrial nectars in single-use packaging with the possibility of long-term storage at room temperature in a volume of 150-200 milliliters.

8. Fresh fruits (apples, pears, bananas, tangerines), ready-to-eat in packaging, pre-washed and dried.

9. Nuts, ready to eat, in industrial packaging, packaged in 10-25 grams.


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