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For proper car care, you should always check the technical fluids that provide it smooth operation... In no case should you allow situations in which the level of these liquids reaches the minimum and below. Later in this article I will tell you what five points you should pay special attention to!

Engine oil

Engine oil reduces friction between moving parts, creating a thin oil film on their surface. The engine oil level below the minimum does not allow adequate washing of the moving surfaces, which leads to their premature wear.

How to check the engine oil level?

Checking the oil level is extremely easy. Check engine oil level follows on a muffled car, standing on a level surface.

On vehicles equipped with an oil dipstick:

  1. We take out the dipstick.
  2. Wipe it off the oil and put it back.
  3. We take it out again and look at the oil trail.
  4. The top of the oil track should be between the MIN and MAX marks on the dipstick.

If the level is low, add oil immediately. At high - only oil change will help (the method of vacuum pumping of oil through the dipstick is also possible).

On vehicles without an oil dipstick, there is an oil level sensor on dashboard... If it is off, then the engine oil level is normal.

Check interval - at least once a month.

How often should the engine oil be changed?

Different manufacturers have their own replacement times, but on average the recommendation for changing the oil is once every 15,000 kilometers or once a year, whichever comes first. However, as practice has shown, it is worth changing the oil. at least once every 10,000 km of run... Remember, changing your oil more often will extend the life of your engine!

Transmission oil

Transmission oil Is one of those fluids that motorists forget to check, especially on cars without a gearbox oil dipstick. There are frequent cases of complete oil leaving the box due to the fault of a burst. Leaving the oil out of the box entails major repairs.

How to check the transmission oil level?

On vehicles equipped with a gearbox oil dipstick, the check is performed in the same way as when measuring the oil in the engine.

On cars not equipped with an oil dipstick, unscrew the oil filler plug at the gearbox and if oil oozes out of it a little, then the level is normal. If the oil does not run, try testing with your finger. In case the level is slightly lower filler plug, it's okay, otherwise you should add oil or replace it.

How often do you change the oil in the gearbox?

Manufacturers do not recommend changing the oil in the gearbox at all throughout the life of the car. However, as practice has shown, on cars with mechanical box gear change interval approximately once every 90-100 thousand km. On cars with automatic transmission - 60-80 thousand km.


Antifreeze (aka Tosol) helps to remove heat from the engine, as the name suggests. A liquid level below the minimum leads to overheating of the engine. It is necessary to top up the coolant in a timely manner above the minimum permissible level.

How to check the coolant level?

Antifreeze is in the radiator, but its level is checked by the marks on the expansion tank. Usually in many cars it is located in the most visible place, so you should have no problem checking it.

The coolant level should be checked at least twice a year, and it is better every time you open the hood of your car, since this is not difficult to do.

Coolant change interval

Antifreeze should be changed at least once every 2-3 years, and refilled as needed. Replenish / replace coolant only in the same color as it was before, i.e. if yellow antifreeze was poured, then add yellow antifreeze. When changing the brand of antifreeze, a complete flush of the cooling system is required.

Brake fluid

Brake fluid transfers pressure from the brake master cylinder to the wheel caliper cylinders. The brake level should be monitored regularly, because the braking efficiency of the car depends on it.

Checking the brake fluid level

Verify brake fluid you can use the marks on the tank. The reservoir is located under the hood, usually next to the coolant reservoir. Usually, TJ is not topped up, but only changed.

When to change the brake fluid?

Brake fluid has the effect of hygroscopicity (it absorbs moisture from the atmosphere), so experts advise changing it every 2 years or more often. Also, an indication for replacing the liquid is a change in its color from golden to brown or even black.

Power steering fluid

Power steering fluid contributes to a smoother steering wheel turn. When the level gets low, you can feel the steering wheel weighing heavily and hear extraneous sounds when turning the steering wheel. It is not worth allowing a serious decrease in the power steering fluid level - the pump may fail.

How to check the power steering fluid?

The power steering fluid check interval is at least once a month. It is checked in the same way as the level of coolant or TJ.

How often to change?

The manufacturer does not recommend changing the power steering fluid, as it is designed for the entire life of the vehicle. However, there are times when the fluid loses its properties, you will understand this by the effort on the steering wheel. So it needs to be changed as needed.

Well, that's all I would like to say about checking technical fluids in a car. Take care of your car and she will answer you in kind!

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All of us were taught that in the market it is imperative to look for fresh meat, and before frying it, you need to thoroughly wash it under the tap. But is this true?

site collected for you 5 popular myths about meat, which are high time to debunk.

Washing does not remove bacteria from meat

It is generally accepted that washing removes harmful bacteria from the surface of the meat. In fact, even the strongest jet of water will not kill dangerous microorganisms, but the risk of "splashing" them onto the surface of the sink and infecting other products is very high. However, you can remove the fragments of bones left after cutting the carcass by just washing the meat.

Inside the cut, the meat is absolutely sterile, and the high temperature required for cooking easily destroys all possible bacteria living on the surface of the piece.

Fluid Leaking From Meat Is Not Blood

Despite the red color, the liquid flowing out of the meat is mostly water. The color is given to it by the protein myoglobin, which is responsible for color. It is myoglobin that changes the color of meat during cooking: the iron contained in it is oxidized and the cooked steak turns gray.

Steamed meat is not the best

If you cook the meat immediately after cutting the carcass, then it will turn out tough and, as they say, rubber. For the steak to be juicy and soft, the meat must be aged for at least 2–4 hours: during this time, the muscle fibers will soften.

Veal is not in every way healthier than beef

WikiHow works like a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. To create this article, 19 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time.

Your car is a big investment. Regularly checking the level of fluids in the car prevents breakdowns, mechanical damage and even possible accidents. Learn to check your car's fluid levels yourself and do it regularly. Once you get your hands on it, it won't be time-consuming to check.


    The car's manual tells you when you should check the fluid level, but this is only the minimum to maintain the warranty. Mark the last time you checked in your calendar, or just check it often.

    Park your vehicle on a flat, level surface and place it on the handbrake.

    Open the hood.

    Check engine oil. The engine oil level can be checked after the vehicle has cooled down for about an hour, when oil has drained from the longitudinal channels, cylinder head cavities, etc., to obtain accurate results. Find the dipstick (refer to the operating instructions). Slide your finger into the loop and pull out the dipstick, first loosening the latches that can hold it. Use a paper towel or rag to wipe it clean until it is clean for accurate results. Insert the dipstick into the hole and push it all the way. Pull it out for oil level information. Replace the dipstick when you're done.

    Check the transmission fluid (if you have an automatic transmission, see instructions for tips). This is usually done with the engine running and fully warm, in neutral or parked, depending on the model and manufacturer. A second probe is used for this. As in the case with the oil dipstick, find it, then pull it out (removing the latches that hold it), wipe it and insert it back until it stops, then you can pull it out to find out the liquid level. Look at the level between the two marks on the dipstick.

    Check the brake fluid. Look in the manual or look around to find a plastic reservoir like the one in the picture labeled "brake fluid". If the tank looks like this, you can see the liquid level right through it. Wipe off any dirt on the outside of the tank for a better view. You can also shake the vehicle or its suspension slightly with your hips, arms, or knees to slightly shift the fluid level. If you still can't see it, remove the cover and look inside.

    • Cars must not consume brake fluid. A low brake fluid level may indicate a brake leak or a worn brake surface. If the brake fluid level is low, check the vehicle to find out the cause. A vehicle with a low or leaking brake fluid level may not apply the brakes.
  1. Check power steering fluid. Usually this is also a plastic tank. Look at the fluid level through the plastic reservoir, as you did with the brake fluid, and if necessary, remove the cap and add the appropriate amount of fluid to the required level. There can be two level markings on the reservoir, the first for a hot engine and the second for a cold one. Focus on the designation that suits the current state of the car.

  2. Check the coolant. Make sure the engine is cool, otherwise hot water may splash when you open the reservoir! The coolant reservoir should be located somewhere in the front, next to the radiator.

    • Antifreeze is used as a coolant for cars, not water. Antifreeze is a mixture that has a lower freezing point and generally a higher boiling point than water. If you need to top up antifreeze, purchase a bottle of the appropriate fluid.
    • Read the label on the antifreeze. Some liquids need to be mixed 50-50 with water, others can be added immediately. Everything should be indicated on the label.
  3. Check the windscreen washer fluid.

    • Windshield washer fluid will not affect the performance of your car in any way, but it is what you use to clean your glass while driving.
    • A liquid designed to clean glass from bugs and other road dirt is not expensive, although in extreme cases you can add a little water.
    • There will be no harm to the car if the wiper fluid level is low. You use it to clean glass while driving. Just fill the tank before the liquid runs out completely.
    • If frost is expected outside, use a liquid that will not freeze at low temperatures. Low freezing wiper fluid is labeled accordingly.
  4. Check tire pressure. It is not one of the fluids under the hood, but tire pressure is very important to a vehicle's performance and your safety. You should check it even more often than the engine fluid levels. At the same time, you can check the wear of the car tires.

    • It's time to service your vehicle. When was the last time you changed your engine oil or checked Maintenance car systems? When is the next maintenance? Have you changed your tires recently?
    • If you find low level liquid, check it again after a short period of time and do it as often as possible. Also watch for any fluid leaks from the machine. If the leak is confirmed, contact a service station.
    • The standard transmission uses lubricant, which must also be checked, and this is done from the underside of the vehicle.
    • A cold engine is an engine that has not been running for several hours. A hot or warm engine from a recently driven car.
    • It is also a good idea to check frequently air filter... They come in a variety of shapes and sizes and are installed in a variety of enclosures. It is not recommended to blow through the filter with a compressor as this may damage it. The money spent on changing the filter will be returned to you as fuel savings.
    • Cars with a manual gearbox can also have a clutch master cylinder reservoir, which, like the master brake cylinder may be leaking and need to be refilled.
    • Take notes of what is special you notice, what you need to pay attention to. Also note yourself about fluid changes and maintenance.
    • In rear wheel drive vehicles, also check the differential housing.


    • The brake fluid must be perfectly clean and free of moisture. It is therefore extremely important to thoroughly dry all surfaces before opening the brake fluid reservoir. The slightest impurities can interfere with the operation of the brake system. Also, do not use brake fluid that has been open for more than a month. An unsealed brake fluid container can absorb moisture from the air. Too much moisture in the brake system can lead to brake failure. If you are in doubt about how long the container has been open, purchase a new sealed brake fluid container.
    • Do not check the engine oil level immediately after turning off the engine. Wait a while for the oil to drain from the engine into the reservoir. Otherwise, you may see a low oil level, which is actually not true, and you may be pouring too much of it.
    • When refilling any vehicle fluids, make sure you use the correct type, otherwise you may damage your vehicle. If your car requires transmission fluid Mercon V, and you filled in the usual Mercon / Dexron "3", you can damage your transmission.
    • Never pour automotive fluids onto the ground, gutter, or sink. Drain them into one bottle and ask your local auto shop or service station to recycle or dispose of them properly. Antifreeze attracts pets and is highly toxic.
    • Avoid spilling car fluids on the body paint, some of them may damage paintwork... If something does get on the surface of the car, clean the area well.

Design modern car in many ways resembles the human body, because, just like humans, it has a kind of heart, brain (ECU), legs and even blood, presented in the form of all kinds of technical fluids.

All parts and mechanisms of piston and rotary motors internal combustion constantly interact with each other, due to which friction is formed. Therefore, in order to avoid damage to the rubbing elements, it is necessary to use a special lubricating fluid, which is engine oil. All oils for automobiles produced today consist of a base (usually distillate oils and residual components with different viscosities), as well as additional additives that improve their properties. Most multigrade engine oils are produced by thickening the base with macropolymer additives.

Various engine oils can have a different viscosity index. So, liquids are released from low temperature viscosity(0W, 5W, 10W, 15W, 20W) and high temperature viscosity. If in the first case everything is clear enough, for example, 0W means that the oil is intended for use at a temperature of -35 ° C, and 5W - at -30 ° C, then the value of high-temperature viscosity will not be easy to decipher, since it acts as a general indicator showing the minimum and maximum viscosity of the oil at temperatures from 100 ° C to 150 ° C. The higher the number, the higher the viscosity of the composition at high temperatures.

There is one more criterion for the classification of the described lubricating fluids... It is based on the peculiarities of the chemical composition of the oil and the method of obtaining its base (base). It is these factors that made it possible to combine all engine oils into three groups: synthetic, semi-synthetic and mineral(or oil). It should be noted that the base of such lubricants is usually light in color, and synthetic fluids (before the addition of additives) are almost completely transparent.

As soon as active substances that are dissolved in oil get into the liquid, the shade becomes light yellow or even honey. The use of dark brown or black additives also affects the color of the finished product. Moreover, some manufacturers add dyes to the oil, which gives it a reddish, greenish or bluish tint. After using the dyes, the base product will never become lighter, but too dark an oil color is a good indicator of its aging.

When replacing used lubricant, avoid eye contact or excessive skin exposure. Of course, nothing terrible will happen to you from the fact that oil gets on your hands, but often constant contact with motor lubricant causes the removal of the natural fatty coating of the skin, which contributes to its drying out, the appearance of irritation and dermatitis.

What's more, all motor oils we use contain potentially harmful ingredients that can lead to skin cancer. To avoid such undesirable consequences, always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and cream. Do not use other automotive fluids such as gasoline, kerosene or diesel fuel also do not use a solvent.

Interesting to know! The first motor oil was "born" with the help of Dr. John Ellis in 1873. It was he who, studying the properties of crude oil in 1866, discovered its high lubricating capabilities, after which he poured the composition into a jammed large V-shaped steam engine.

Fluids used to lubricate the rubbing surfaces of the gearbox, transfer cases or the main gears of the driving axles, it is customary to call transmission oils... The basis for creating a lubricant is usually extracts obtained as a result of the selective purification of residual petroleum oils, to which are added distillate oils and special additives (containing chlorine, phosphorus, sulfur, and molybdenum disulfide). Until cars with high-load transmissions appeared, nigrol was also used.

Corresponds to a value of 6-20 mm² / s at 100 ° C, and for open gears, highly viscous residual oils and additives are used with a value of 50-500 mm² / s at 100 ° C.

Like engine oils, transmission fluids have their own SAE quality standards and API viscosity grades. They are also subdivided into "synthetics", "semi-synthetics" and "mineral water". The most common oil viscosity indices for gearboxes are 9, 12, 18 and 24 cSt, and the W viscosity index is directly related to the SAE quality index, for example, 9 cSt corresponds to 75W, 12 cSt - 80W, 18 cSt - 90W, and 24 cSt - 110W.

The lower the number in front of the W index, the lower the temperature that the grease can withstand before thickening in the cold. The most famous manual transmission oil is 75W-90, which is considered a universal formulation suitable for most Vehicle.

For automatic boxes, manufacturers produce special oils(ATF), and already have special viscosity and foam requirements. So that such liquids are not accidentally confused with compositions for manual transmissions, dyes of bright colors (most often red) are added to them.

I must say that transmission fluid is not a very toxic composition, therefore, when working with it, it is enough to take standard precautions: wear glasses, gloves and try to avoid contact of the oil with open areas of the body. If all the precautions do not bring the desired result, then simply rinse your skin or eyes with plenty of clean water. If the lubricant gets inside the body, it is better to immediately consult a doctor.

Owners of cars with a power steering system are probably familiar with another type of lubricating fluids that are intended to lubricate the elements of the power steering. Many car owners distinguish between such oils only by color, although the real differences lie much deeper - in the composition of fluids, type of base, viscosity and additives. That is, according to their characteristics, oils of the same color can be completely different, which excludes the possibility of mixing them.

There are three main colors of power steering fluids: green (mineral and synthetic oils do not mix), yellow (usually used in Mercedes vehicles) and red (mineral and synthetic oils must not be mixed). Red lubricants belong to the Dexron family, and they all belong to the class of lubricating fluids for automatic boxes transmissions (in some cases also for power steering).

If your car's power steering system is dear to you, then you should know about some rules for the use of lubricating fluids. Firstly, you cannot mix green oils with any others, and secondly, you cannot mix synthetic and mineral fluids. In this case, yellow and red mineral oils can be combined with each other.

Standard precautions should be followed when handling power steering oil (it is best to wear gloves and avoid prolonged skin contact), and if fluid gets on your body, rinse the area immediately with plenty of water.

Interesting fact! The first domestic car, on which the power steering was installed, was the MAZ-525 mining dump truck, but among passenger cars the championship in this area went to the ZIL-111 top-class vehicle in 1958.

It cannot do without a special liquid and brake system car, and given the importance of the proper functioning of this unit, the selected composition should have simply excellent qualities. All brake fluids are classified into groups according to boiling point and viscosity according to DOT standards. Also distinguish between the boiling point of "dry" (does not contain water) and "wet" (contains 3.5% water) substances.

The viscosity is determined based on two temperature values: + 100 ° C and –40 ° C, which meet the Federal Vehicle Safety Standard of America (FMVSS No. 116). Similar requirements can be found in other international and national standards such as ISO 4925, SAE J 1703, etc.

Representatives of various classes of brake fluids are mainly used on following cars:

DOT 3 used in relatively slow-moving vehicles equipped with drum or disc front brakes.

DOT 4 used on high-speed vehicles produced today, mainly with disc brakes.

Designed for road sports vehicles where higher thermal loads are placed on the brakes. It should also be noted that DOT 5 is hardly ever used on conventional vehicles.

Not so long ago, BSK liquid was used on domestically produced cars. This brake fluid was formulated with butyl alcohol, castor oil, and organic dye to help give the fluid an orange-red color. Nowadays, there are different compositions with different shades, but most often there is a product of amber-yellow color, characteristic of lubricants such as DOT 3, DOT 4, DOT 5.1. Hydraulic mineral oil(not DOT) is green and DOT 5 is pink.

Whatever composition you use, do not forget that you need to store brake fluid only in a closed container and as far as possible from open fire (you also cannot smoke near the canister). Moreover, all brake fluids are highly toxic and, if ingested, can lead to death. Therefore, it is necessary to try to avoid direct contact with the brake fluid, and if exposed to the eyes or stomach, they should be rinsed with plenty of water and consult a doctor.

Do you know? In Soviet times, brake fluid was often poured into the headlights, and red fluid was in particular honor. Drivers believed that such a compound would prevent corrosion, thereby extending the life of the headlight reflector.

Using a special cleaning fluid windshield car is the most effective way to remove dirt from this surface. All such compositions are divided into summer (have a normal freezing point) and winter (with a low freezing point). The "winter" cleaner is most often presented in the form of a blue liquid, while the summer one has a fairly large color palette: often there are compositions of yellow, pink and green.

Any such liquids are based on various alcohols: methyl (poisonous even in the form of vapors), ethyl (not poisonous), isopropyl (not very poisonous, but has a pungent odor). Moreover, ethylene glycol is added to many formulations, which is able to lower the freezing point and prevent the crystallization of the liquid. However, at the same time, it is one of the strongest poisons of synthetic origin, which means that when pouring the composition into the tank, it is better to avoid contact with it.

Interesting to know!In Russia, in the mid-90s of the 20th century, instead of "glass wash", drivers often used ordinary cheap vodka, which froze at an air temperature of -20 ° C. The ethyl alcohol content in it was 40% by volume of the liquid, that is, approximately 35% of the total weight.


Cooling liquid (antifreeze) has a much lower freezing point than water, which avoids its volumetric expansion when exceeding the limits of normal operating temperatures. But even this fact will not be able to completely save you from problems, since when it freezes, this composition becomes a "porridge" that interferes with the normal functioning of the power unit.

The coolant contains water, glycol and a number of special additives that protect the engine cooling system from corrosive effects, and the substance itself from thermochemical destruction. Ethylene glycol-based refrigerants are mainly used today. Propylene glycol types are not so toxic, but due to their expensive production and lower boiling point, they are not yet very popular. It is strictly forbidden to mix these two types of compositions.

All glycol-based coolants are highly toxic and, if swallowed, cause weakness, vomiting and loss of coordination, and due to their sweet taste there is a serious risk of poisoning children and pets. Therefore, keep the liquid out of their reach.

Antifreeze color by itself does not play a significant role.(can be blue, green, red, or even purple), and tint it only for the convenience of monitoring the level of the composition in the expansion tank. If we take into account the markings accepted all over the world, then the color of the coolant should correspond to its composition, but in practice, unscrupulous manufacturers often do not adhere to this rule and paint a cheap liquid in a more expensive color.

Urea liquid AdBlue

It is no secret that the composition of urea includes ammonia, which easily reacts with nitrogen oxides, which are present in an automobile catalyst. As a result of this interaction from exhaust pipe nitrogen and water vapor, absolutely safe for the atmosphere, are emitted. AdBlue® is a registered trademark of the German Association for the Automotive Industry (VDA) and its product (blue AdBlue) is a solution of pure urea (32.5%) combined with demineralized water (67.5%).

The composition is used as an additive working fluid for diesel engines which operate on the basis of SCR technology. This term is usually understood to mean the metered injection of AdBlue into the exhaust gas stream in the presence of a catalyst. Simply put, the use of AdBlue allows diesel power plants meet the requirements of environmental standards Euro 4, - 5 and -6.

This liquid should not be confused with ordinary urea, since the preparation technologies for these products vary greatly, and any amateur activity will inevitably lead to expensive repairs. It should also be remembered that when in contact with the skin, the urea liquid causes severe irritation, and the effect of AdBlue spilled on the electrical connectors is in no way comparable to the effect of ordinary water. This aggressiveness forces car manufacturers to manufacture SCR parts and exhaust system made of corrosion-resistant materials, which significantly increases their cost.


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