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Oil change in the Ford Focus 3 robot is the main planned maintenance procedure for the robotic box of this model. The focus of the 3rd generation did not win the laurels of the bestseller of the market, unlike the previous model, however, nevertheless, it was sold in rather impressive circulations. The reason for the decrease in demand was just the imperfect design of the robotic box, which is virtually uncontested on this car.

When to change the oil in the automatic transmission Ford Focus 3 Powershift

In accordance with the procedure for the maintenance of this model, the scheduled Powershift oil change Ford focus 3 is made every 120,000 kilometers. Previously, such a procedure was completely absent from the list of necessary ones; it was believed that the transmission fluid was filled for the entire service life of the unit. And in practice, not everyone managed to achieve the declared unit resource of 150,000 kilometers without carrying out any work to eliminate emergency situations, and even more so without changing the oil.

However, the problems with the operation of the box that the owners have already on runs of 100-130 thousand kilometers forced the manufacturer to include this oil change procedure in the list of necessary work.

At the same time, even an interval of 120,000 kilometers does not allow us to speak with confidence about an increase in reliability in the event of a replacement. Due to the specifics of the design, the Ford box contains a large number of design flaws, which are reflected not only in a comfortable ride, but also have a rather strong effect on reliability. So, the problem of overheating and failure of individual mechanical parts, and in some cases the electronic control unit together with the actuators, has not been resolved.

Given the high mileage, the replacement of the transmission is practically not covered by the warranty of working with the box. That is why responsible car owners, in order to extend the service life of the unit, at least to those declared by the manufacturer, significantly reduce the specified interval, changing the oil at least every 30-40 thousand kilometers. At the same time, regardless of the type of such a change, the oil filter with magnets also changes, since the formation of an excessive amount of metal shavings during operation is also included in the list of incurable "sores" of this box.

Important! When purchasing materials for changing the oil, the transmission fluid itself and the oil filter with magnets, you must carefully consider the issue of their authenticity. When ordering from an unofficial dealer, it is imperative to check the marking with the original one indicated on the website of the oil manufacturer. Otherwise, the robotic box will not be able to travel even several thousand kilometers, completely becoming unusable.

What oil in the box Powershift Ford Focus 3

The vehicle manufacturer in the owner's manual lists the names of various brands that have passed strict certification for the suitability of their products for use in combination with this robot. All of them comply with ATF-IV standards, which regulates not only the composition and washing properties of the transmission fluid, but also the temperature regime of vehicle operation. In addition, there are 3 types of oils on the market among other manufacturers, among which the owner, at his discretion, can also choose required material for oil change:

  • Semi-synthetics are not very popular in these units, since in their characteristics they are significantly inferior to more modern synthetics with a small difference in cost. However, such a composition with the use of modern additives is rarely subject to counterfeiting and has less fluidity, which explains its popularity.
  • Minerals practically not used in these models due to their mediocre cooling and washing properties, even taking into account the lowest cost. Due to the archaic composition of such material, it simply cannot provide the proper temperature regime in a modern unit, as well as prevent wear of mechanical parts as a result of friction. Accordingly, this type is the least popular.
  • Synthetics are the most popular type among all competitors, despite the high cost and a certain chance of acquiring a counterfeit product. In terms of its characteristics, it is much superior to competitors, it is these oils that are recommended by the manufacturer for use. It is manufactured with the use of a large number of modern additives, which allows maintaining the basic properties for a fairly long time, effectively washing the unit, preventing mechanical damage to the destruction of individual parts, and also maintaining the optimal temperature of the box at high temperatures.

The volume of oil in the Ford Focus 3 robot

The volume of the robotic box in this model is 5 liters. Compared to other automatic units given value considered small, which comes from the specifics of the design of the robot - in fact mechanical box with multiple clutches and an electronic shift control unit. At the same time, the volume indicator does not in any way affect the reliability and resource of the box itself. The main condition is to maintain this level in a regulated state. In the process of changing the liquid when overflowing and exceeding the volume of the substance, it is necessary to drain the excess through the drain plug to the optimal value.

Accordingly, for a complete replacement with the replacement of the spent substance, about 9-10 liters of liquid will be required, while for a partial flood of about 3 liters. In the event of a shortage of material and underfilling to an optimal state, the manufacturer strongly discourages the operation of the car in order to avoid overheating, breakdowns of mechanical parts and the occurrence of errors in the electronic unit.

Do-it-yourself oil change in Powershift Ford Focus 3

The procedure for changing the oil in the Powershift Ford Focus 3 box with your own hands, with a certain tool and repair skills, does not seem particularly time consuming. To carry out a complete replacement with the replacement of the spent substance, it is necessary:

  1. Raise the vehicle on a lift and inspect the body for leaks and fogging.
  2. Through the drain hole, begin to drain the waste material by gravity into a specially prepared container. This procedure will take about 2 hours.
  3. Open the case of the box to replace the oil filter and magnets, as well as remove the residual waste material.
  4. Pour the substance through the filler hole located in the engine compartment using a simple funnel to the level determined on the control plug.
  5. Check the performance of the unit while the engine is running while standing still.
  6. Carry out the replacement procedure one more time, completely draining the substance and filling in new material.

A partial change consists of draining the waste material and a simple top-up with opening the box to change the filter. Topping up must be done in accordance with the divisions on the control plug.

Checking the oil level in the box of the Ford Focus 3 robot

To check the Ford Focus 3 Powershift transmission oil level, a special check plug is used. This part is located on the bottom of the housing next to the drain plug. To check the level, you need to raise the car on a lift and see the current fluid level using special indicators. In this case, the procedure must be carried out only on a warmed-up unit, since the transmission fluid naturally lowers to the "cold" transmission fluid. Unlike the classic dipstick, when checking the level with a plug, it is impossible to assess the current state of the liquid itself and the presence of an excessive amount of metal chips. That is why, with each topping up or complete change of fluid, it is necessary to replace the oil filter, which will require partial opening of the case of the box itself.


As a result, changing the oil in the Ford Focus 3 robot seems to be the most important, due to the specifics of this unit, a procedure for maintaining its performance. Without reducing the interval to minimum values, this box is likely to require significant investment in renovation work before reaching the established mileage of 150 thousand kilometers.

The 3rd generation Ford Focus car replaced its predecessor, and did it quite successfully. The car has remained reliable, has become more modern, and is equipped with up-to-date electronics. NSit is not the most expensive representative of the carmaker Ford, but it is the Focus that is one of the best-selling cars in the world. Automatic transmissions installed on the Focus 3 raise many questions. This is a rather controversial gearbox option, which not everyone decides to buy. Although in practice the transmission works well, without any complaints about efficiency and durability.

Replacement frequency

Until now, motorists and experts cannot come to a consensus on changing the oil in an automatic transmission at Ford Focus 3. Therefore, you need to consider this issue in detail and give appropriate recommendations to car owners.

Let's start with the information provided by the official owner's manual for the 3rd generation Ford Focus. It indicates that the oil in the automatic transmission (PowerShift) lasts for the entire period. That is, you do not need to change it. Because of this, some difficulties arise regarding the replacement procedure for those who decide to change in the automatic transmission contrary to the manual working fluid.

Experts still advise not to build on the official operating manual, but periodically change the lubricant in the gearbox. The only question is when you will change the oil, and at what mileage the replacement will become a necessity.

In the case of an automatic transmission installed on a Ford Focus 3, replacement should be carried out every 100 thousand kilometers. This is the average optimum running time of the lubricant.

If the operating conditions are difficult, then the service interval is reduced to 60 - 80 thousand kilometers. Practice shows that even in Russia the Focuses 3 behave well, the boxes can withstand the local climate and the rather low quality of roads. Therefore, most car owners will easily cover 100 thousand kilometers and even more.

Nothing eternal exists, so the statement about the "indestructibility" of the factory lubricant in the Focus automatic transmission cannot be considered fair. With use, the oil will lose its properties and characteristics. The box will start to work intermittently, there will be serious malfunctions and breakdowns. As a result, expensive repairs will be required.

Given these facts, it is better to periodically change the lubricant and extend the life of the gearbox than to engage in complex and financially costly repairs. If the automatic transmission is severely worn, it may be required complete replacement.

Try to keep track of how many kilometers. you ran on old oil, periodically checking its condition. If you notice clear signs of fluid wear, be sure to send the car to a car service or change the lubricant yourself. In the case of a Ford Focus 3 car, changing the oil in a robotic automatic transmission can be done by hand with the appropriate tools, conditions and skills.

Volume and condition

Since the gearbox on the Ford Focus 3 model belongs to a maintenance-free automatic transmission, there is no traditional dipstick. This somewhat complicates the procedure for measuring the volume of liquid in the crankcase, but does not make it impossible.

Before checking the gearbox oil level, you need to support the machine and gain access to the underbody. Here it is not necessary to dismantle the oil pan, since it is quite possible to do without these manipulations.

A control hole is provided on the body of the automatic transmission, which is used in the case of checking the level and condition. Take a look into it and see how much is inside lubricating fluid.

If the hole is dry and has no traces of oil on its surface, this indicates insufficient lubrication. Take a special filling syringe and add a small amount of the substance. When oil begins to flow out through the control hole, the level is returned to normal. You can close the cap.

But sometimes topping up does not solve the problem of gearbox wear. Having figured out how to check the oil level in an automatic transmission, you should also take a sample of the composition for analysis. Liquid testing is extremely simple. There are three characteristic signs that indicate the deterioration of the substance and the loss of its physicochemical properties:

All this suggests that the oil used in the box is no longer suitable for further use. Just topping up the missing amount of liquid, you will not correct the situation. It is necessary to completely drain the grease and fill in a new crankcase in order to eliminate the likelihood of failure automatic transmission on your Ford Focus car 3.

Oil selection

Mixing old and new oil is definitely not an option. Therefore, if it is necessary to change the working fluid, a natural question of choice arises. Motorists are often interested in what kind of oil to pour into the box so that their Ford Focus 3 is not damaged and can change gears as efficiently as possible.

This is a really important question, as Ford is very picky about good lubrication. The better it will be transmission oil, the longer the machine will last. Having filled the crankcase with a low-grade composition, expect troubles in the form of breakdowns and expensive repairs in the near future.

For an automatic transmission, which is installed on the Ford Focus 3, only synthetic oil... In extreme cases, you can use semi-synthetics. But this is done only when the car has been in operation for a long time and has a high mileage.

The ideal solution for the Ford Focus 3 will be the original Ford oil, which has the designation WSS-M2C200-D2. This oil is called Ford Motorcraft Mercon V. There are no problems with access to it, therefore, it can be purchased without any particular difficulties.

Purchase grease only from authorized dealers, certified retailers, and trusted stores. If for some reason you cannot buy the original composition or do not want to, look for an alternative lubricant among the leading manufacturers of gear oils:

  • Castrol;
  • Shell;
  • Motul;
  • Liqui Moly.

The experience of Ford Focus 3 car owners shows that it is not worth taking risks and experimenting here. The original oil is quite adequate in price and is cheaper than some analogues. But you will be completely sure that the operation of the box on this lubricant will not bring any unpleasant surprises. Filling with non-original composition is always accompanied by certain risks.

Required quantity

With the choice of oil sorted out. Now it's time to find out how much oil you need to fill in the automatic transmission car ford Focus 3rd generation.

Most gearboxes require a minimum of 4 to 5 liters of lubricant. In some cases, the volume reaches 8 - 10 liters on conventional passenger cars.

But the robotic automatic transmission, which is called PowerShift and is installed on the Ford Focus as an automatic transmission, has a filling volume of only 2.0 liters.

Consider one important point. Filling volume does not correspond to the one that you can fill with self-replacement. In practice, only if the crankcase is completely cleaned is it possible to use 2 liters of new grease. For this, flushing compositions and special devices are used. They flush all the old fluid out of the system.

If you skip the flushing step, which, in fact, does not give serious changes in terms of the behavior of the gearbox, then you will be able to fill in 1.6 - 1.8 liters of new transmission oil.

In any case, buy a 2 liter canister. Since the composition has a shelf life of more than 5 years, you can purchase a 5 liter container so that you can then change the lubricant after the service interval has expired. Decide for yourself.

Tools and materials

The main mistake of most of those who decide to change the oil in an automatic transmission on a Ford Focus 3 on their own is to rush. Trying to do everything quickly, car owners often break the sequence, make mistakes, which leads to the need to correct the situation already at the service station.

Such cases have become a weighty argument for car services to say that only professionals can correctly change the oil in a box on the Focus of the 3rd generation. As you already understood, this is not entirely true.

To do the whole range of work with your own hands, you need to prepare tools and consumables. You will need:

If you are going to flush the system, then take a 5 liter oil canister. Otherwise, you will not have enough fluid to simultaneously clean the crankcase and fill it with fresh lubricant.

The process has its own characteristics and nuances. But you should not be afraid to service the car yourself. Most Ford Focus 3 owners can easily cope with the task, so you can do it too.

Step-by-step instruction

Such services in specialized Ford service centers are quite expensive. This is one of the key factors in the transition to self-service.

To change the oil in an automatic transmission on a Ford Focus 3, you should follow the step-by-step instructions.

That's it, this is the procedure for changing the oil yourself in automatic box gear shifting on the Ford Focus 3rd generation car is complete.

The job is not easy when compared to some other machines. But there is nothing that an ordinary car owner cannot do, having at his disposal a standard set of tools and a viewing hole in the garage.

If you are not confident in your abilities or just do not want to take risks, then contact the service center. It is better to do this at specialized service stations of the Ford company, since their specialists are well aware of all the features and nuances of working with an automatic transmission of such a model as Ford Focus 3.

Watch an interesting video on this topic:

Automatic 6-speed PowerShift 6DCT250 dry double clutch and electronic control- an innovative product. The developers have successfully combined the advantages of a conventional machine gun and mechanics in it, having obtained a very effective result.

  • The transmission is installed with a front-wheel drive layout with a transverse engine arrangement for compact cars.
  • These are used by many motorists. This segment, in particular, includes the popular Ford Focus 3.

There are different opinions among the owner regarding the reliability of the robotic transmission. The main subject of disputes is the correctness and frequency of maintenance, on which the service life depends.

The question of car owners concerns, first of all, the need to change the oil for PowerShift. Do you need it? If so, when to change the fluid and how to carry out the procedure correctly?

Change or not change oil in PowerShift 6DCT250

There is not a word in the manufacturer's recommendations about changing the oil. The robotic box is considered maintenance-free. Moreover, among design features- drain and filler neck for transmission fluid. So, the replacement is still provided?

Why is the gearbox service not negotiated by the manufacturer? It's a matter of mentality: in European countries, cars with a mileage of more than 100 thousand km are practically not used. With such indicators, the oil resource of a regular factory fill is quite enough. In Russia, the mentality and opportunities are different.

  1. Most domestic car owners are not ready to change a car every 100 thousand kilometers. It is easier to change the oil if possible so that vehicle served further. Scheduled maintenance of the gearbox allows them to extend the life of the transmission.
  2. Another reason is the climatic features of the country. Operating a car in our harsh conditions, which differ from European ones, that is, with a wide range of temperatures and their constant drops, requires careful attention to the state of the transmission fluid.
  3. The third reason is the condition of the road surface. In most regions of the Russian Federation, it is far from ideal. Even in large cities, the transmission often operates in overload mode, which reduces the resource of the unit.

If car owners argue, then the opinion of the masters is the same: the oil needs to be changed every 60-65 thousand kilometers. What is the reason for this? Due to the fact that specialists constantly have to repair robotic gearboxes with different mileage. They have the opportunity to compare the condition of the technical fluid and see the results of the absence scheduled maintenance:

  • over time, impurities appear in the oil, its viscosity changes;
  • with a mileage of over 60-65 thousand km, the transmission fluid loses its properties;
  • protection of parts from premature erasure is reduced;
  • the process of normal cooling of the gearbox can no longer be expected.

If not serviced, the life of the 6DCT250 will be significantly reduced. As a result, it is no longer necessary to change the oil, but the entire set of units and mechanisms of the box. Even replacing part of the transmission units is an impressive expense, noticeably higher than with timely maintenance.

Which oil for 6DCT250 to choose

For robotic gearboxes, the category of which is 6DCT250, a transmission fluid with the specification WSS-M2C200-D2 is used. The manufacturer recommends 74W FE 7U7J-M2C200-BA / CA oil. Other oils can be purchased that meet the above specification. Castrol Transmax Dual, Motul Multi DCTF will do.

Do not fill in cheap transmission fluids, oils with a different viscosity. This will lead to premature failure of your 6-speed robotic transmission.

Do not risk taking transmission fluid from random sellers. Counterfeiting or counterfeiting is another reason for transmission failure. Service center specialists know all the parameters and will give their recommendations when buying an oil suitable for your car. This choice will be unmistakable.

Oil change procedure

A lift or pit garage is required for routine maintenance on the PowerShift 6DCT 250. You will also need:

  • container for collecting used transmission fluid;
  • a canister with new oil (the required volume of liquid is 1.8 liters);
  • vacuum unit;
  • TORX 50 key;
  • a large syringe for filling oil into the neck.

The procedure is carried out in stages.

Draining old technical fluid

The car is lifted or driven into a hole. To gain access to the gearbox, you will need to remove the engine mudguard. The drain plug is located on the underside of the box. It is clearly visible. Unscrew it with a TORX 50 wrench. Next, drain the oil into a prepared container.

The used oil will have to be completely removed from the gearbox. For this, a vacuum unit is used. It is inadmissible to mix the remains of the old transmission fluid with the new one.

It is recommended to use a special flushing agent if the time for a scheduled oil change is missed or if you plan to fill in a transmission fluid that differs from the factory / previous one. Each flush comes with instructions, which it is important to adhere to exactly.

If the oil drain cap O-ring remains intact, the plug can be reused. If damaged, you will have to replace it with a new one so that there is no leakage.

After draining the old oil and flushing fluid, it is important to tighten the plug carefully.

Mandatory filter replacement

When changing the transmission fluid, it is also important to replace the filter. Otherwise, the new oil will be defectively cleaned of impurities. It will quickly deteriorate. You will need to repeat the procedure unscheduled.

To replace the filter element, the liner is removed. After removing the old filter, inspect it. You will see that it is heavily soiled. This once again confirms: replacement is necessary. It is important to fill the new filter with oil before installation.

How oil is poured into the neck

The 6DCT250 gearbox filler plug is located at the top of it. You will have to get to it through the engine compartment:

  • to open access to the neck, you will have to remove the air filter, which is fixed with two bolts;
  • take the air filter to the side - access to the filler plug will open;
  • use the same TORX 50 wrench.

The transmission fluid filler neck is narrow, which is why it is convenient to use a large syringe. It is important not to be mistaken with the amount of oil. For this, the volume of technical fluid drained from the box is measured. It is necessary to fill in the same amount. It remains to tighten the plug well and return the air filter to its place, fixing it with bolts.

Is it possible to change the oil in PowerShift 6DCT250 on my own

The PowerShift 6DCT250 oil change procedure is quite simple. However, it requires care and dexterity. A master in a car service conducts maintenance quickly and efficiently thanks to his rich practice, but many car owners prefer to do it on their own if there is a garage with a pit, tools and desire.

  • It usually takes a long time for newbies who decide to service for the first time. They do not immediately succeed in unscrewing the drain cap.
  • Access to the top plug is difficult, which often causes confusion.
  • The failure of beginners is primarily associated with an attempt to get to the neck without dismantling air filter.

Another difficulty with self-replacement is the lack of a vacuum installation for most motorists. Without this device, a certain amount of technical fluid will certainly remain in the checkpoint. This is a negative factor.

Be sure to use oil of the same brand in this case, that is, it is important to get accurate data beforehand. Transmission fluids of different brands must not be mixed.

What will happen if you do not change the oil in the box

Owners of cars with a 6-speed DCT250 robot claim that after changing the oil, the speeds change more smoothly, when the movement starts, the uncharacteristic sounds that worried them disappear. This further confirms the conclusion of the masters: maintenance of the transmission is necessary. What happens if you don't change the fluid?

  1. With prolonged operation, the transmission fluid, as already noted, loses its viscosity. At the same time, each part is no longer covered with an oil film. This leads to premature wear of the metal components.
  2. A wide variety of impurities accumulate in the old fluid - from dirt to fine metal shavings. These fractions leave micro-scratches on the parts, which inevitably leads to a gradual malfunction of the unit.
  3. The 6DCT250 box does not have its own cooling system. Temperature regime maintained by air and oil circulation. Old transmission fluid is unable to properly regulate temperature. A dry robotic transmission that has not been serviced on time is prone to overheating.

Are you a caring owner interested in long-term and trouble-free operation of your vehicle? Do you want to face a breakdown on the road, away from the service station?

Do not forget about the planned oil change after 60-65 thousand km! The mileage between replacements can be reduced if the car has been operated for a long time in difficult conditions, with overloads.

The Powershift manual transmission is extremely sensitive to the quality and condition of the transmission oil, as well as to its level in the system. All common Powershift manual transmission faults are primarily caused by low oil levels or contamination.

The cost of changing the oil in the manual transmission Powershift

Our car services have some of the most reasonable prices for the repair and maintenance of Powershift Ford and Volvo transmissions (6DCT250 or 6DCT450). In particular, the cost of oil change services for the RKPP Power Shift "turnkey" is only 10,500 rubles.

This price includes:

  • fine oil filter (external);
  • proprietary gear oil for robotic boxes Ford and Volvo;
  • work on changing the oil in the gearbox.

Why is it necessary to change the oil and oil filter

During the operation of the car, there is a natural wear and tear of its parts. The same thing happens with the transmission elements. The clutch friction discs are being erased, the internal elements of the gearbox are worn out. The resulting mechanical dirt is distributed in the oil, then enters the "mechatronics" valve body, is deposited in its channels, disables the solenoids and promotes sticking of the valves.

To clean the oil, the Powershift manual transmission has 2 filters: internal (coarse) and external (fine). When the filter is dirty, the oil pressure in the gearbox is disturbed, which leads to its incorrect operation and causes further wear of the mechanical part of the transmission:

  • failure of the forks for engaging and disengaging gears;
  • significant increase in the set transmission temperature;
  • collapse of bearings and gears of primary and secondary shafts;
  • loss of elasticity, "extrusion" of gaskets, oil seals and seals;
  • the appearance of "scuffs", because some of the transmission components will run without lubrication.

  1. chamber of the electronic-mechanical unit TCM (mechatronics);
  2. chamber of the mechanical part (gearbox);
  3. clutch chamber.

In this regard, it is fundamentally necessary to change the external oil filter on the Power Shift box more often in principle, as well as monitor the level and condition of the oil in the transmission. This procedure is especially important for vehicles operating in heavy road conditions(frequent traffic in traffic jams, operation at temperatures below -10, "slipping", "aggressive" driving style) and cars whose mileage is more than 100,000 km.

Oil and Oil Filter Change Procedure

Replacing the external oil filter in the Powershift gearbox without changing the transmission oil should be done every 20,000 - 25,000 km. And every 40,000 - 45,000 km of run or 2 - 3 years of operation (whichever comes first), it is recommended to completely replace the filter and transmission oil.

The main stages of work on changing the oil in the Powershift gearbox

For correct replacement oil in the Power Shift gearbox, it is necessary to carry out the following manipulations:

  1. Start the engine and warm up the transmission to a temperature of 39-40 degrees. Alternately move the gearshift lever to each of the available positions, with a delay in each of 20 seconds and turn off the engine.
  2. Remove engine protection and air filter.
  3. Unscrew all plugs: "filler", "drain" and "control". Drain the oil.
  4. Replace external filter.
  5. Screw on the drain plugs. Fill in oil. Tighten the inspection and filler plugs.
  6. Further, the actions specified in clause 1 are performed.
  7. Then you need to adjust the oil level and replace the engine protection and air filter.

Do not underestimate the importance of such an event as changing the oil and the external filter (fine filter) in the Powershift transmission on Ford Focus 3, Mondeo or Volvo S60 vehicles. This procedure may not seem complicated, but for its implementation it is better to contact a specialized service, where, in addition to a high-quality change of the oil in the box, they will also assess its condition. Such an analysis is necessary because if characteristic signs of wear are found in the oil (the presence of fine metal dust, the black color of the oil combined with a burnt smell), additional system diagnostics will be required with the issuance of recommendations.

Important! Check the transmission oil level in the Powershift box at least as often as during each routine maintenance. If you ignore the maintenance of the transmission, changing the oil and oil filter, the Powershift manual transmission on your Ford Focus 3 or Volvo S60 can fail very quickly and its restoration will require large financial costs.

Replacement oils in a box robot ford focus 3

How many liters of oil do you need to fill in the automatic transmission Ford Focus 3

Transmission oil - consumable, which maintains the efficiency of the gearbox for a certain period. Oil change is carried out in accordance with the regulations. It also takes into account the various parameters of the compatibility of the oil with the gearbox. Today, the amount of oil to be poured is two or more important. The procedure for selecting and changing oil does not take a long period, even an inexperienced motorist can cope with this - nettle, the average owner of a foreign car Ford Focus 3. The information in this publication will be relevant to owners of a popular car equipped with automatic transmission.

Replacement frequency

Third Ford generation The Focus is equipped with a semi-automatic Powershift when the transmission oil is designed for full life.

When, the manufacturer does not indicate the exact replacement schedule. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the condition of the oil, since under the influence of negative factors, the liquid will at some point lose its useful properties to our client. An oil change is likely to be needed in special cases.

Let's name some models:

  • Overspeed, constant engine running on high revs, sharp maneuvers
  • Variable climate - frosts give way to warming, or vice versa
  • Dust, dirt and slush on the roads, off-road

The harsh conditions will make themselves felt over time, and at the most unexpected moment. The frequency of transmission breakdowns due to bad oil is so unpredictable that transmission repairs may soon be required. The only way out of this situation is to establish a certain replacement schedule yourself, and initially rely on it.


Nettle, the replacement period is on average 80 thousand kilometers - this is most likely the worst - the regulations will have to be reduced to 60 thousand. The situation can become more complicated if the fault for several days of oil service lies with the drivers themselves, who often violate traffic rules and exceed the speed, regardless of difficult weather. But on the other hand, the car often has to be subjected to high loads, which can be explained by the difficult climate and poor-quality roads. Besides more frequent replacement, Russian owners should regularly check the volume of the liquid, and monitor its condition.

Checking the volume and condition of the oil

Powershift transmission in a car Ford focus 3 is maintenance-free and does not include a traditional dipstick. Of course, there is only one way to check the amount of remaining oil in the transmission - to install the car on supports, and thereby provide access to the bottom of the car. It is not necessary to completely remove the oil pan. There are, of course, three holes on the gearbox housing - drain, filler and control. It is necessary to open the control hole and make sure that the oil level is sufficient. If the oil drain is dry and you do not see any traces of oil on it, then you will need to top up. Topping up should be performed without performing a high-quality setting of the moment when oil begins to appear, in other words, flow out of the control hole.

Please note that one book of oil refilling will not be enough if the consumable has lost its useful properties to our client, and what simply does not have the ability to protect the gearbox components from overheating and provide them with good cooling. There is an option to determine the unfitness of the oil by three signs - by a specific smell (it can smell burnt), the presence of sediment and metal shavings, and an additional color change - from transparent to dark brown. Everything clearly indicates that butter is outdated and cannot be mixed with new oil. Under such circumstances, you must first drain the old butter.

Oil change of manual transmission ford focus 1.6.

Choosing oil for automatic transmission Ford Focus 3

Before filling in a new fluid, you need to make sure once again that it meets all the parameters described in the instruction manual. So, the manufacturer Ford advises to fill only the original product with the designation WSS-M2C200-D2. This oil has optimal viscosity characteristics, is resistant to low temperatures and is designed for a long shelf life. As for the type of oil, only synthetics are suitable for the "robot" Ford Focus 3. As a last resort, you can also fill in semi-synthetics, but only with high mileage.

How much to fill

The semi-automatic Powershift gearbox, which is equipped with the Ford Focus 3, holds about 2 liters of oil. So much fluid will go in when completely replaced, that is, after the transmission is completely cleared of old oil. This procedure is carried out using a flushing agent. Flushing is carried out throughout the gearbox with the engine running. Then the waste liquid is drained, after which new oil is poured in full. If flushing is not performed, it will be possible to pour in no more than 1.6-1.7 liters of oil.

repair of "robot" Powershift on Ford Focus

Robotic gearboxes with two clutches. not a conspiracy of manufacturers. This is an attempt to combine all the advantages of a classic automatic machine and mechanics in one unit. From the first, the preselective "robots" got everyday comfort, from the second. general efficiency and relative cheapness of manufacture. As a bonus, the owner gets a high speed of changing the steps, and most importantly. continuity of the thrust flow. Who tried it. he understands, and who did not have a headache with a "robot". will never give it up!


"Ford" Powershift transmission. perhaps the second most popular " robot"in the automotive industry after the notorious DSG, and Russians are familiar with this unit. The preselective gearbox is installed on almost all modern Ford models, but today we will talk about the most problematic version of the 6DCT250. With" dry "clutches. Today it can be found only in conjunction with a 1.6-liter aspirated 105/125 hp, and earlier such a box was combined with a 2-liter engine.

After restyling, the role of the flagship engine was taken by a 1.5 liter EcoBoost turbo engine with 150 hp, which is equipped with a conventional automatic machine.

Here is how the manufacturer describes the work of the Powershift robotic gearbox at Focus:

This modern 6-speed automatic transmission combines the convenience of an automatic transmission with the efficiency of a manual one. PowerShift preselects the next gear to avoid loss of power when shifting. With this automatic gearbox, you can change gears quickly and smoothly, reducing fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.

From Ford marketing materials.

Everything sounds beautiful in press releases, but in reality? But in fact, the owners of Ford Focus III generations have earned so much trouble on their necks that they are just right to become related with the owners of fragile copies of the DSG! Thousands of angry posts on the club forums about breakdowns, hundreds of appeals to the Russian representative office of Ford. the scale of the Powershift problem is astounding. This "robot" has several sores at once, but the symptoms are the same. jerks and vibrations when switching and starting off, as well as the transition of the box to emergency mode.


The most common diagnosis. profuse oil seal leak input shaft as a result of which transmission oil gets on the clutches, causing them to slip. The trouble can happen regardless of the mileage. at least 5,000, at least 50,000 km. Clutch forks often jam. Powershift has two of them. The problem is solved by replacing the clutch, forks and oil seals (new model). A lot of trouble is also caused by the TCM module with executive electric motors, which is responsible for shifting gears and squeezing the clutches. There is also no other control for a faulty manual transmission control unit, except for a replacement with an improved unit.

The saddest thing is that these defects could fall on the head of the "trickster" not only individually and in different combinations, but also in one magnificent bouquet! AvtoVesti simply could not pass by without understanding the real cost of repairing the "robot" Powershift. We took the most difficult case (and this, believe me, is not uncommon), when in one order or another it is necessary to eliminate all the above malfunctions, and turned to the official Ford dealers in Moscow.

Here's what happened in the end: a set of two new original clutches costs 86,760 rubles, for large and small forks (actuators) for engaging the clutches, you will have to pay 67,780 rubles, and the TCM control module costs 48,920 rubles. Let's add 1,300 rubles here for new input shaft seals and another 17,850 rubles for work on replacing problem parts. Together. 216 610 rubles! An absolutely shocking figure for owners of relatively budget Ford Focus.

Read also:

Changing the oil in the Ford Focus engine 1.

Installation work

The situation is, of course, frightening, but not always fatal. At first, Ford company Sollers is well aware of weak points Powershift and has already carried out work to upgrade the problem parts. When the "robot" breaks down official dealers promptly carry out repairs and change necessary spare parts within the scope of the warranty. Secondly, the manufacturer has an extended warranty program, when, for a certain amount, Ford's warranty obligations are extended for a certain period (we recommend using this service to owners of those Focus copies for which the box has not yet been repaired).

Oil change in automatic transmission PowerShift Ford Focus 3

Replacement transmission oils in an automatic PowerShift box Ford Focus 3 Even more useful in the group.

And if, when choosing a Ford Focus III on the secondary, you should still be more vigilant, then new cars after restyling with the Powershift "robot" seem to be more or less easy to buy. At the very least, the manufacturer swears that the number of complaints about the box for such machines is practically reduced to zero.

P.S. If you think that there is nothing so terribly expensive in your car. then you just haven't read our new research, stay tuned. We promise new tears every week. 🙂


Ford automatic transmission. Self replacement oils in the PowerShift box on Ford Kuga 1

The presented photo report is intended for owners of Ford Kuga 1 cars, which are equipped with a preselective robot or, as they say, a box with two PowerShift clutches. Who is interested in the device and principle of operation of a robotic transmission with automatic switching on we read the programs here. In the presented publication, we will talk about how to change the oil in the PowerShift box installed on the first generation Ford Kuga.

Instructions for changing the oil and filter in the PowerShift box

  1. According to the Ford Kuga I maintenance regulations, the oil in the PowerShift automatic transmission is changed once every three years or every 60,000 km. Since the PowerShift box consists of two halves, which are separated by a partition, the oil is drained from two drain holes. The approximate volume of oil that will be drained is about 7 liters, so prepare an empty container in advance.
  2. You also need to buy gear oil specification WSS-M2C936-A (BOT341)
  • To get to the drain plugs, it is necessary to dismantle the lower engine protection.
  • Using a hexagon, unscrew the drain plug of the main chamber and the plug of the chamber with a gearbox.
  • It is also necessary to unscrew the control plug, which is located on the side of the box near the axle shaft.
  • Oil change box automatic ford focus 3.

    We drain the oil and unscrew the filter.

    Ford Kuga I. Change the oil and filter in the PowerShift box

    This is what the removed filter looks like.

    After all the oil is drained, install a new filter with a housing that is supplied with the kit.

    Then we degrease the plugs and grease their seats with a sealant and tighten them back.

    Note! The plugs have no copper gaskets. The use of a sealant is MANDATORY.
    Remove the air filter housing and, using a hexagon, unscrew the filler plug from the top of the box and, using a watering can with a hose, fill in oil until it flows from the control hole and twist it.

    Ford Kuga I. Change the oil and filter in the PowerShift box

    In the publication on how to change the oil in a PowerShift automatic transmission on a first generation Ford Kuga, information from the site was used

    Read also:

    Ford Focus 3 engine oil change

    The popularity of the Ford Focus car is confirmed by high sales rates. It is due to a combination of dynamism, a high level of comfort, modern functionality and not so high consumption fuel. Of all the budget options presented Ford Focus 3 is the most suitable one.

    Motors are installed on Ford, which can work reliably for a long time. If you take good care of them, they will not fail in inappropriate situations. Engine oil is used to reduce frictional force. Using transmission fluid, the system is cooled after operation.


    PowerShift automatic transmission Ford Focus 3

    PowerShift is a dual clutch box. She combines positive traits manual transmission and automatic: high efficiency, fast and smooth gear shifting. The peculiarity of this automatic transmission: two rows of gears connected to the flywheel with a separate clutch.

    The PowerShift mechanisms are controlled using the TCM (a block located on the box body). It is designed to collect and analyze incoming signals from the sensor, shift the clutch, adjust the gear change system.

    The engine oil ensures smooth operation of the PowerShift transmission, avoiding friction between the gears. In addition, it binds substances that are formed during the operation of the engine components.

    Refreshing the oil will keep the motor running smoothly

    This procedure is required for every car, regardless of model and brand. Timely oil change will ensure reliable engine operation. It is important to determine the frequency of renewal of the transmission fluid in the engine; it is necessary to take into account its type, operating conditions, and the brand of lubricant.

    Lubricant renewal

    With frequent use of the car engine oil is worked out, loses its original qualities and becomes unusable. Experts advise changing the lubricant every 15,000 km. If you ignore these recommendations and do not change the waste fluid, in the future you will have to pay a lot of money for overhaul... Or a complete replacement of the motor will be needed.


    The spent material is drained together with impurities, a new substance is poured in instead. During the technical procedure, it is necessary to replace the old filter with a new one, this will increase the efficiency of the work. It should be remembered that there must be a separate filter for the gasoline and diesel engines.

    Self replacement transmission mixture is possible with certain skills and experience in maintenance car. You can always contact the masters from the car service. But if you want to save money and have confidence in own forces- you can do everything yourself, especially since it is not very difficult. The work will need to be done carefully, as liquid may spill onto the floor.

    What is a scratch remover?

    We are constantly receiving questions in the comments about what these funds are " liquid glass", and in general what a bunch of advertisements on auto topics are on the market now. As a result, we decided to test in practice how much this is true. Let's just say, we used 3 tools. One tool proved to be so-so, after application a burnt spot remained in this place. The second tool, when applied, showed no effect at all.

    The third remedy SILANE GUARD, at first it was felt that there would be no effect. but nevertheless, after the solution was on the surface for several minutes, the effect was excellent. Of course, not everything is as beautiful as advertised.


    Conducted a discussion at a local service station, they said that the means, yes, are effective, but they should be used only according to the instructions. And not as anyone pleases.

    Which transmission fluid is suitable?

    When changing the engine oil Ford Focus 3, only the brand recommended by the manufacturer should be used. The substance must be suitable for all basic parameters. For gasoline Ford Focus engines, a product labeled WSS / M2C948 / B-5W20 is required; Castrol Magnatec Professional E5W20 meets this requirement. How Alternative option, products with WSS / M2C913 / C-5W30 definition can be used. Lubricants many manufacturers meet this parameter.

    The amount of the mixture will depend on the type of engine that is installed on the Ford Focus 3. For a 1.4 liter engine, 3.7 liters of transmission fluid will be needed, for 1.6 and 2.0 - 4.2 liters. Do not mix products of different brands, it is recommended to completely replace the lubricant.

    If a decision is made to change one type of liquid to another, you will need to purchase a special flush. A good option is Mobil Special or Liqui Moly Motor Clean. Also, other products from trusted manufacturers will do.

    Self-replacement of engine fluid

    To complete the procedure, you will need to raise the car. This can be done using stands, jacks or a viewing hole in the garage. In car services, the fluid is changed using special pumps that pump it out. This is very convenient, because the spent mixture does not spill. In garage conditions, the oil is drained into an empty container. The escaping liquid will be hot, so all actions must be performed carefully so as not to burn yourself.

    Ford focus gearbox oil change 2.

    Key rules for renewing engine lubricant

    What do you need?

    1. Engine oil.
    2. Oil filter.
    3. Sealing ring. It will help solve the leakage problem.
    4. Filter remover. Useful if you can't unscrew the filter.
    5. Empty container or old bucket.
    6. Rubber gloves. Protect from the harmful effects of the mixture on the skin of the hands.
    7. Spanners.
    8. Watering can or funnel.


    Waste material draining

  • Then install a new ring on the drain plug, lubricate it.
  • Unscrew the oil filter and install a new one in its place. The old part is no longer usable and must be discarded.

    After attaching the filter, you can start filling with new fluid. When the required level is reached, the emergency pressure lamp will go out.

    Filling with lubricant

  • Tighten all plugs well.

    What kind of lubricant to fill in PowerShift Ford Focus 3?

    For a Ford Focus 3 with a diesel engine, a Ford WSS-M2C924-A is suitable, you will need about 8 liters.

    For automatic transmission with gasoline engine 2 liters of lubricant is required. It is best to use original 75W90 B0 FORD oil.

    In the instructions for use, manufacturers indicate the recommended frequency of fluid renewal. Other factors should be taken into account: intensity of use, weather conditions, season. Regulated frequency - after every 50,000 km run.

    Considering that the PowerShift box is split into two halves, the substance will drain out of the two holes. To update the lubricant in Ford Focus 3, you will need the following:

    • transmission fluid;
    • an empty bucket of 10 liters;
    • sealant;
    • set of hex keys;
    • watering can.

    How is the replacement of the spent substance in the automatic transmission carried out?

  • Using a wrench, unscrew the plugs of the main chamber, the chamber with the gearbox, and also the control one, which is located on the side of the PowerShift box.
  • Drain old fluid from both chambers. Unscrew the used filter (it is closer to the front) and replace with a new one.
  • Waste material draining

    When the waste material has completely drained out, thoroughly wipe the drain plugs, apply sealant and reinstall them. Leave the filling and inspection holes open.

    Filling with lubricant in the gearbox

  • Using a watering can and a hose, slowly pour the new mixture into the hole provided for this, which is located on top of the PowerShift. When the liquid begins to flow out of the control hole, it means that the level of the filled mixture is sufficient.
  • Close all openings immediately and refit parts. The replacement is complete.

    Leakage of liquid from the control passage does not always mean that the required amount has been filled. The level can be checked in this way: when the spent mixture pours through the control hole, you need to start the engine and turn on all the selector positions in turn. Then add 200 g of liquid and see how much will flow out through the "control". If 200 g has merged, it means that a sufficient level has been filled. If less - repeat the procedure again.

    And a little about the secrets of the Author

    My life is not only connected with cars, but also with repair and maintenance. But I also have a hobby like all men. My hobby. fishing.

    I started a personal blog where I share my experience. I try a lot of things, various methods and ways to increase the catch. If interested, you can read it. Nothing more, just my personal experience.


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