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It's hard to overestimate the value lubricants for the car engine. So, motor Mitsubishi oil, made by one of the most famous car manufacturers in the world, effectively prolongs the "life" not only of the vehicles of this popular Japanese brand, but also power plants of machines of other world brands.

With today's wide variety of these products, specific qualities and functions that are assigned to motor oil by its manufacturers are of great importance. Consider the features of the oils of a Japanese company and its most common products. What are Mitsubishi Genuine Oils?

This company, along with the production of popular cars, pays a lot of attention to the creation of high-tech lines of lubricants for engines. Thanks to this, universal products have been created, which are used with equal success both in Mitsubishi cars and in cars of other manufacturers. The quality of lubricating fluids, in particular, is affected by the fact that the creation of a new family of oils and special fluids is accompanied by lengthy tests.

Thus, each engine oil is tested for compliance not only with the in-house quality criteria of Mitsubishi Motors Corporation, but also with the strictest international standards. Manufacturing program the Japanese company includes the creation of all three main types of engine oils - mineral, synthetic and semi-synthetic.

Mitsubishi synthetic oils

Synthetic oils include lubricants, which are produced on the basis of the synthesis of various chemicals. Thanks to the specified parameters, such engine oil obtains certain properties necessary in certain operating conditions. car engine... Compared, for example, with mineral oils, "synthetics" has a number of advantages. In particular, it is more fluid.

For this reason, synthetic materials remain on the surfaces of engine parts and assemblies much longer, which leads to a decrease in friction between them and, as a result, to an increase in the power of the entire unit and a decrease in fuel consumption. Besides, synthetic oils Mitsubishi brands are characterized by a fairly low pumping temperature (reliable engine operation at relatively low temperatures) and a high evaporation temperature (reduced oil sensitivity to overheating).

Use of Motors Genuine Oil SAE 0W30 SM will reduce wear of engine parts

Also, "synthetics" from a Japanese company do not undergo oxidation and waxing for a long time. Currently, the following synthetic original oils are the most common.

    1. Motors Genuine Oil SAE 0W30 SM. This oil, meeting API and ILSAC quality grades, has outstanding antiwear properties. Low level viscosity provides increased engine efficiency and economical consumption of vehicle fuel. The presence of modern synthetic components and additives in its composition contributes to an excellent "cold" engine start. The car starts up easily even at very low temperatures.
    2. Genuine Oil SAE 0W20. Energy-saving "synthetics" High Quality... Quality classes: API and ILSAC. Optimally suited for use on Japanese auto maker models such as the Pajero IV, Pajero sport, ASX, Outlander, Lancer, Colt, Grandis.
    3. Protection SAE 10W-40. Produced on the basis of hydrocracking oil. It is used both in gasoline and diesel power units (with and without turbocharging) of the Mitsubishi brand.
    4. Engine Oil Fully Synthetic SAE 5W-40 SM / CF. Fully synthetic multigrade engine oil. Used in Mitsubishi gasoline and diesel engines. Thanks to its increased wear protection properties, this lubricant significantly increases the service life of the motor. With its regular use, various noise and vibration of the car engine are noticeably reduced.

Mitsubishi Perfomance SAE 5W-40 is suitable for gasoline and diesel engines
  1. Perfomance SAE 5W-40. It is used in gasoline internal combustion engines and diesel units both turbocharged and non-turbocharged. Manufactured using base oil hydrocracking technology. Provides excellent engine protection at very low temperatures, aided by programmed high oil fluidity in freezing weather. Moreover, it has been showing all its advantages for quite a long time.
  2. Diamond Evolution SAE 5W-30. The lubricant is based on hydrocracking oil. Scope of application - gasoline and diesel power plants of cars. It can also be used in engines equipped with a unit injector and a soot filter. Almost all-season original oil, well proven when the engine is running under a wide variety of loads.
  3. Motor Oil SAE 0W-20 SM. Oil of API and ILSAC quality classes. It is mainly used in gasoline engines of the Pajero IV, Grandis, Pajero Sport, ASX, Lancer, Outlander and Colt models.
  4. Clear Tec SAE 0W-20. "Synthetics" of the highest quality level. Designed for use in passenger car engines.
  5. DiaQueen Diesel 5W-30 DL-1. Original brown oil for diesel power plants of Japanese cars. It fights well with carbon deposits, effectively prevents the occurrence and spread of corrosion. Acts as an excellent detergent.
  6. DiaQueen 5w20 SL. The specified oil is optimal for work at low temperatures and has excellent detergency properties. A good antioxidant. With it, the machine starts easily and the engine runs reliably. Demonstrates high efficiency in fairly old motors.
  7. DiaQueen 5W30 SM GF-4. Designed specifically for turbocharged gasoline and diesel engines of the Mitsubishi brand. Complies with API and ISLAC quality standards. It has good anti-combustion, anti-corrosion and detergent properties.
  8. Dia Queen Motor Oil SAE 0W-20 API SN / GF-5. Energy saving multigrade engine oil. Synthesized on the basis of hydrocracking. It guarantees easy starting and reliable operation of the motor in almost any weather. Scope of application: mainly in Mitsubishi vehicles manufactured after 2001. It is recommended to change this oil every 10 thousand kilometers.
  9. DiaQueen 0W20 SM / GF-4. Applicable at any time of the year. It performs especially well at low temperatures. It provides easy engine start and reliable operation of the mechanism.

Mineral and semi-synthetic oils produced by Mitsubishi

Mineral motor oil is produced by a refining and crude oil distillation process. For this reason, it is sometimes called oil. Among mineral products The following names are most popular among Japanese auto companies.

DiaQueen 5W-30 SJ is perfect for car operation in winter
  1. DiaQueen 5W-30 SJ. The presented liquid has optimal working low-temperature properties. High quality grease has good detergency properties. An excellent antioxidant. With its help, the car starts quickly and easily, and the operation of the engine is highly reliable.
  2. DiaQueen Diesel 10W30 CF-4. This multigrade oil is designed to fill the lubrication system of turbocharged Mitsubishi diesel engines. Produced by hydrocracking. Prevents carbon deposits and corrosion.
  3. DiaQueen 10W30 SJ / CF. Original oil with a well-balanced additive package. Ensures excellent performance gasoline engines equipped with GDI injection system.
  4. DiaQueen 10W30 SL. Mineral oil designed for use in gasoline cars with GDI injection system. Complies with ILSAC and API quality standards.

The semi-synthetic type of oils includes liquid materials created by mixing mineral and synthetic bases. This results in an oil that has improved performance (compared to mineral oils), but at a price that is not as expensive as a synthetic one.

Universal grease for various types of motors

Basically, "semi-synthetics" are used in a fairly moderate climate and at medium engine loads. Such products are very popular.

  1. Engine Oil Semi-Synthetic SM / CF SAE 5W-30. A multipurpose oil that is equally applicable in both gasoline and diesel power plants... Significantly extends the life of the motor, reduces vibration levels.
  2. Lubrolene SM-X SAE 10W-30. High quality multigrade engine oil. Designed for use in gasoline engines... Lubricates rubbing parts quickly and effectively, thereby reducing the risk of rapid wear. Prevents harmful deposits and corrosion on internal engine parts.

What to consider when using engine oil? For long-term operation of the engine, it is necessary to use engine oil only of the recommended technical characteristics. Before a long trip and at regular intervals, it is necessary to check the oil level in the engine.

We must always remember that the amount of lubricant consumed directly depends on the load of the car, the crankshaft speed, and the nature of driving. Poor roads, driving in high altitude, rough terrain and other unfavorable operating conditions of the machine adversely affect technical parameters lubricants. This use of automotive technology involves frequent replacement oils.

Taking into account all the features of engine oils and choosing the most suitable one, any driver can easily provide his car with excellent service and long service life of its power plant.

It is not always possible to buy original car oils, so you have to look for alternative lubricants. They must be no worse than the original fluids in terms of parameters, so as not to harm the engine. Of course, ideal option there are lubricants that have tolerances on the canister, but even these can not always be found. To carry out correct selection motor fluid can be by class, oil and its viscosity. This article describes the recommended engine oil for Mitsubishi lancer.

Gasoline power units

1994 model

For the 4G92, 4G93, 4G13 engines of Mitsubishi Lancer, the car manufacturer recommended the use of SG class motor oils according to the API system. The viscosity of the lubricant is determined according to Scheme 1, taking into account the temperature of the region in which the car will be operated.

Scheme 1. Dependence of the viscosity of the lubricant on the ambient temperature.

According to Scheme 1, it is necessary to use the following lubricants:

  • at a temperature of less than -30 0 С, SAE 5w-20 motor oils are poured;
  • if the temperature is less than +10 0 С, SAE 5w-30 is used;
  • at a temperature indicator below +20 0 С pour 5w-40, 5w-50;
  • in temperature conditions from -30 0 С to +40 0 С, 10w-30 is poured;
  • if the thermometer is above -30 0 С use 10w-40, 10w-50;
  • if the temperature indicator is higher than -15 0 С, 15w-40, 15w-50 are used;
  • if the air temperature is more than -10 0 С they pour 20w-40, 20w-50.

The operating instructions for the Mitsubishi Lancer indicate the following volumes of engine oil required when replacing:

  • 3.8 l for engines 4G92, 4G93;
  • 3.3 L if engines are 4G

Diesel car engines

According to the manual by the Mitsubishi Lancer manufacturer for 4D68 engines, it is recommended to use the CD oil type (or higher) according to the API system. It is necessary to choose the viscosity of the motor oil according to scheme 2.

Scheme 2. Dependence of the viscosity parameters of the oil on the ambient temperature.
  • SAE 30 if the temperature range is from 0 0 С to +40 0 С;
  • 20w-40 with a thermometer reading more than -10 0 С;
  • 15w-40 if the temperature indicator is more than -15 0 С;
  • 10w-30 at temperature conditions -20 0 С to +40 0 С;
  • 5w-40 if the thermometer is less than +20 0 С;
  • 5w-30, 5w-50 at a temperature indicator less than +10 0 С.

The volume of engine oil required when replacing for a 4D68 engine is 5.1 liters.

Mitsubishi Lancer 7 (CK, CM) 1995-2000 model years

1997 model

Recommended engine oil for Mitsubishi Lancer (configuration 4G92, 4G13) must meet oil class SG or higher in accordance with API standards. to select the viscosity of the lubricant, use Scheme 3.

Scheme 3. Dependence of the viscosity of the car oil on the temperature outside the car.

Decoding scheme 3:

  • 20w-40, 20w-50 are poured with a thermometer reading over -10;
  • 15w-40, 15w-50 are poured if the temperature is more than -15 0 С;
  • 10w-40, 10w-50 are poured at temperatures above -30 0 С;
  • 10w-30 is used if the temperature range is from -30 0 С to +40 0 С;
  • 5w-40 is poured if the temperature is below +20 0 С;
  • 5w-30 is used at temperatures below +10 0 С.

The volume of engine fluid required when replacing is:

  • 3.3 l for 4G13 car engines;
  • 3.8 l if engines are 4G92;
  • for oil filter need 0.3 liters of grease.

Mitsubishi Lancer IX (CS) 2000-2007 years of release

2005 model year

Based on the operating instructions, for the Mitsubishi Lancer car it is necessary to apply motor fluids corresponding to the parameters:

  • type of motor oil A1, A2 or A3 according to ACEA standards;

The choice of viscosity is carried out according to scheme 4.

Scheme 4. Influence of ambient temperature on the selection of the viscosity parameters of the lubricant.

According to scheme 4, it is necessary to use the following motor lubricants:

  • 0w-30, 5w-30 is poured at temperatures below +40 0 С;
  • 0w-40, 5w-40 is used for temperature range from -35 0 С (and below) to +50 0 С (and above);
  • 10w-30 is poured under temperature conditions of -25 0 С to +40 0 С;
  • 10w-40 or 10w-50 is poured if the temperature is more than -25 0 С;
  • 15w-40, 15w-50 is used if the temperature indicator is above -15 0 С;
  • 20w-40, 20w-50 is used if the temperature indicator is above -10 0 С.

The use of lubricants with a viscosity of 0w-30, 0w-40, 5w-30, 5w-40 is allowed if they have the following characteristics:

  • type of car oil A3 according to ACEA standards;
  • grease class SG (or higher) according to API standard

The maximum consumption of engine oil is 1 l / 1,000 km. The volume of lubricant required when replacing is 4.0 liters, the volume of the car oil in the oil filter is 0.3 liters.

Mitsubishi Lancer X (CY) 2006-2016 years of release

2008 model

The manufacturer for Mitsubishi Lancer is allowed to use lubricants that meet the requirements:

  • oil class SG or higher according to API classification;
  • the car oil must be ILSAC certified;
  • type of car oil according to the ACEA standard A1 / B1, A3 / B3 or A5 / B5.

The selection of viscosity is carried out according to scheme 5 and depends on the air temperature outside the car. It should be borne in mind that the use of lubricants 0w-30, 5w-30 and 5w-40 is permissible if they comply with ACEA A3 / B3, A3 / B4 or A5 / B5 and the API class SG. Based on Scheme 5, at a temperature, for example, more than -25 0 С, you need to fill in 10w-40 or 10w-50 lubricants, and for a temperature range from -35 0 С (and below) to +50 0 С (and above), use oils 5w-40. The interpretation of the remaining dependences of viscosity on temperature is similar to scheme 4.

Scheme 5. Dependence of the viscosity parameters of the motor oil on the ambient temperature.

The volume of engine oil in the oil pan is 4.0 liters, the volume of lubricant in the oil filter is 0.2 liters for models with 1500 cm 3 engines and 0.3 liters for models equipped with 2000 cm 3 engines.


The recommended engine oil for Mitsubishi Lancer contains all the necessary additives to protect the car engine from wear and ensure high efficiency, therefore, the use of any additives is unacceptable: they can react with the oil and harm the engine.

An important role in the choice of lubricant is played by the temperature outside the car: low-flow lubricants are poured in in the summer, very liquid oils are poured in the winter. Choosing all-season car oils, you should give preference to synthetic or semi-synthetic oils, since they have a wider operating temperature range than mineral oils.

Recommended engine oil for Mitsubishi outlander Recommended engine oil for Mitsubishi Pajero

Mitsubishi Motors was founded in 1970 as the automotive division of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. Cars of this brand are quite popular in Russia, the Lancer model is in high demand, as well as the line of Mitsubishi SUVs. In 2010, the company, in partnership with PSA, opened an assembly plant at a plant in Kaluga, where the Outlander model was launched.


For some Mitsubishi cars In recent years, it is recommended to use a low viscosity oil that meets ILSAC standards. Engine oil for Mitsubishi TOTAL QUARTZ 9000 FUTURE GF-5 0W20 is specially developed for Japanese cars and meets the ILSAC GF-5 specification. This oil is characterized by a reduced phosphorus content, which guarantees correct operation of the exhaust aftertreatment systems, and increased fuel efficiency. According to the results of tests for compliance with the GF-5 standards, this oil showed fuel consumption below the required level by 3.1%, and engine wear - by 70%. TOTAL QUARTZ 9000 FUTURE GF-5 0W20 is intended for Mitsubishi of the following models:

  • Lancer X generation
  • Outlander since 2007
  • ASX / RVR
  • Colt 1.1 / 1.3 since 2007


Engine oils TOTAL QUARTZ INEO FIRST 0W30, TOTAL QUARTZ INEO LONG LIFE 5W30 and TOTAL QUARTZ INEO ECS 5W-30 belong to the Low SAPS category. TOTAL specialists recommend using these oils for Mitsubishi diesel engines with a particulate filter (DPF). Thanks to their low content of sulphated ash, phosphorus and sulfur, they prevent premature filter clogging and optimize filter performance by reducing particulate emissions. These oils meet international standards ACEA C2 / C3 and can be used when changing oil in Mitsubishi with diesel engines most models.

In this article we will try to tell you in detail about changing the oil in the Lancer 9 engine, replacing the oil filter.

Useful information:

The total volume of oil filled in (including the volume inside the oil filter) in the Lancer IX engine:
Engine 1.6 / 1.3 - 3.3 liters.
Engine 2.0 - 4.3 liters.

Site editor's note: About oil, I would add that 3 liters is enough for replacement. For 1.6 and 4 liters. For 2.0, respectively. Since it is quite difficult to drain the last 0.3 of the old one, it is almost never drained. Therefore, I think it makes no sense to overpay about 400-500 rubles for another liter, if the oil is good, especially if there is no consumption.

Catalog numbers on oil filter for Lancer 9:
Engine 1.6 / 1.3 - MD 348631

MD 365876
MD 360935
MZ 690070
MD 348631
Engine 2.0 - MD 136466

MD 356000
MD 322508
MZ 690150

The use of any additives to Lancer 9 engine oil is not recommended. This may impair the effectiveness of the additives already present in the engine oil. As a result, damage to engine components and parts is possible.

1. Choose engine oil for Lancer 9 with the appropriate SAE viscosity-temperature characteristic, based on the expected air temperature for the period until the next engine oil change. Use only oils meeting ACEA A3 and API SG specifications (or higher) with viscosity OW-30. OW-40, 5W-30 or 5W-40.
2. Use engine oils that meet the following classification:
According to ACEA standards:
For servicing Al, A2 and A3
API standards:
For service SG or higher.

Changing the oil in the Lancer 9 engine and the Lancer 9 oil filter

In severe operating conditions in a large city or in a very dusty area, change the oil and filter every 7.5-10 thousand km.
The oil and oil filter in engines of both types is changed in almost the same way, only the form of the engine components associated with this work differs.
You will need: engine oil, an oil filter, a clean rag, a container for drained oil with a capacity of at least 3.5 liters, a "17" wrench, a special wrench for unscrewing the oil filter.

Drain the oil after driving while the engine is still hot. If the engine is cold, start up and warm it up to operating temperature.
Fill with the same grade of oil as the oil in the engine. If you do decide to change the brand of oil, then flush the lubrication system with flushing oil or oil of the brand that will be used. To do this, after draining the old oil, fill in new oil up to the lower mark of the oil level indicator. Start up the engine and let it run for 10 minutes for Idling... Drain the oil and only then replace the oil filter. Now you can add new oil to the required level (upper mark on the dipstick).

Do not pour used oil onto the ground.

1. Remove the right side of the engine guard.

2. Clean the oil drain plug on the engine oil sump with a metal cheek piece and then a rag. Unscrew the drain plug, first substituting a container for the drained oil, and drain the oil.
Be careful: the oil is hot!
3. Replace the plug.
4. Remove the oil filter with a special wrench. If you do not have a special key, then you can carefully punch the filter across with a screwdriver and use it as a lever.

The oil filter is installed on the back of the engine block in the area of ​​the 1st cylinder.
5. ... and unscrew it from the cylinder block union.
6. Fill in a new one oil filter Lancer 9 about 2/3 the volume of clean engine oil ...
Pouring oil into the Lancer 9 filter is required so that when the engine is first started after changing the oil, the oil channels fill up faster, and the valve drive parts work as little time as possible under oil starvation conditions.
7.… lubricate the O-ring with clean engine oil, if it has not been treated by the manufacturer with grease or talcum powder, and screw the filter back into place by hand without using a tool ¾ turn from the moment the ring and the flange of the cylinder block come into contact.
8. Remove the engine oil filler cap by turning it approximately 90 ° counterclockwise.
9.fill in clean oil (read more about filling oil in the Lancer 9 engine below). Replace the oil filler plug.
10. Start the engine and let it idle for a few minutes (the warning lamp for the emergency drop in oil pressure should go out 2-3 after starting the engine). While the engine is running, check for oil leaks from the drain plug and oil filter. Stop the engine, check the oil level, add oil if necessary, tighten the drain plug and the filter.

Checking the level and adding engine oil to the Lancer 9 engine

The engine oil used has a significant effect on performance characteristics engine, its service life and starting characteristics. Use only oil of the recommended quality and viscosity.
Under normal operating conditions, all engines consume a certain amount of engine oil during operation. Oil consumption is highly dependent on vehicle load, engine speed, etc. Therefore, it is important to check the engine oil level at regular intervals (based on operating time or vehicle mileage) as prescribed by the maintenance schedule. In addition, it is advisable to check the engine oil level before starting a long journey.

For the duration of the operation of the power plant before the onset overhaul many factors affect. Among them, an important role is played by the quality of the oil used and the observance of the terms of its replacement.

Engine oil filled in power unit performs a lot of functions. It prevents dry friction of metal surfaces, removes heat, reduces shock and vibration, and has anti-corrosion and detergent additives. During operation, the lubricant is exposed to heat and oxidation by combustible fuel. Therefore, it becomes necessary to change the oil on time. Otherwise, it becomes incapable of performing the functions assigned to it.

The choice of oil to be poured into the engine

Synthetics are preferred as the base for the oil. It is also allowed to use a semi-synthetic lubricant. It is not recommended to use mineral oil in mitsubishi engines due to the inability to fully perform its functions.

The amount of oil to be poured depends on which power unit is installed. The table below shows the indicative capacities for lancer x.

If the engine does not eat oil, then a 4-liter canister should be purchased. If the car is chasing a masloger, then it is better to buy 5 liters of grease.

The viscosity of oil for Lancer 10 should be selected depending on climatic conditions and the season. From the factory in the internal combustion engine is filled with the original SAE oil 0W20 and SAE 5W30. This oil the recommended official dealers in the first 1-3 years of operation. The first is used mainly in 1.5 and 1.6 liter engines, and the second in 1.8 and 2.0 liter power plants. If necessary, fill in a similar lubricant.

Viscosity dependence motor lubricant from ambient temperature

Referring to the reviews of car owners and the recommendations of auto experts, the following list of recommended brands of oils with the required viscosity, depending on the year of car production, has been compiled. When buying oil, it is important to check that it is an original and not a fake.

Required oil for Lancer X, depending on the year of production

The cost of a liter of oil can vary from 350 to 800 rubles per liter. A four-liter canister, respectively, can cost from 1400 to 3200 rubles. The best oil provides a longer resource for the engine, which ultimately allows the car owner to have no capital repair costs longer.

Oil consumption in the power unit

The manufacturer indicates the same oil consumption rate for engines of the entire line. It is one liter of grease per thousand kilometers. These tolerances are too high. In reality, only a 1.5-liter engine suffers from a masloger. For other engines, the reduction in oil is almost negligible. The appearance of lubricant consumption is possible only if the motor is flowing.

As a result of coking piston rings or if an oil filler leak appears, initially a flow rate of up to 200 grams per 1000 kilometers may be observed. With a further increase in the oil meter, it is recommended to repair the power plant.

Oil change interval

The manufacturer recommends replacing every 15 thousand kilometers. Such a long interval can be maintained only in the absence of difficult operating conditions. Dynamic driving, standing in traffic jams and other additional loads on the engine lead to the need to halve the replacement interval. Therefore, car owners recommend pouring new oil with a mileage of 7.5-10 thousand km. Replacement at an earlier date is not advisable for the Lancer 10 used in normal conditions. For sports versions, the production of which has been established since 2008, with dynamic driving, the oil change interval is 5-6 thousand km on the odometer.

An oil change may be required earlier if the engine has overheated. Additives can completely cease to function as a result of thermal degradation. Also, you will have to fill in new oil ahead of time if another technical fluid gets into it. If a situation has occurred when the lubricant level rises, then the cause of this must be eliminated before changing the oil.

DIY oil change process

Do-it-yourself oil change is not particularly difficult. To do this, it is recommended to follow the sequence below:


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