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When choosing a new or used car, buyers pay special attention to which engine is located in the engine compartment, look at its characteristics, strength and weak sides, as well as possible malfunctions.

All this makes it possible to understand how correct and rational the purchase of a particular vehicle will be. In the history of each auto company there are both ups and downs regarding the creation of power plants. Some motors become exemplary, while others you want to forget about.

One of the frequently discussed engines is the Korean CRDI. Development belongs to engineers. Here we are talking about a diesel power unit equipped with a direct fuel injection system. It is this motor that is installed only on korean cars different models... But if we talk purely about design features, then similar ICEs are found on the cars of European companies.

Features of the device

Motorists and potential buyers of Korean cars are naturally interested in the question of what CRDI engines are and what distinctive features they have. Let's start simple. Namely, from the decryption.

Some already know what this abbreviation CRDI stands for. This is the motor mark indicating Common rail Direct Injection. The first two words make it clear that one common fuel line, which is used in Korean diesel engines and their analogues.

Sometimes such a highway is called nothing more than a rail. At the same time, the fuel inside this line is not only under constant, but also under sufficiently high pressure. The pressure itself is formed due to the operation of the fuel pump high pressure, familiar to many by the abbreviation injection pump.

But when compared with classical high-pressure pump systems, here the opening of the nozzles does not occur under the influence of excessive pressure parameters. This function is performed by solenoids, which are controlled by the ECU.

The pressure in the CRDI does not depend in any way on the frequency of rotation of the crankshaft or the amount of fuel itself. The driver can control and somehow influence exclusively the amount of fuel that is injected into the system. As for the lead angle and injection pressure of diesel fuel, these tasks are fully controlled and regulated by the control unit, that is, the ECU. Such a scheme of work makes it possible to separate the creation of working pressure and the process of fuel injection itself.

This allows more than one injection headlight to be used at a time. Initially, CRDI type motors were only two-phase. But already now, on certain power plants, there can be about 9 phases only for 1 cycle.

We can say that the type of Korean CRDI and all existing full-fledged analogs is as follows. Here, fuel is supplied to the injection nozzles using a common reservoir. All diesel fuel comes from there. In this case, the fuel itself is under the influence of high pressure.

This makes the CRDI significantly different from classic diesel powertrains that use a fuel pump and cam drive.

Considering all design features, the process of operation of the motor in question can be described as follows:

  • when the driver turns the key in the ignition lock, the fuel injection process takes place in the fuel rail due to the work of a special pump installed in the structure;
  • in this case, the rail acts as this very reservoir or container with fuel;
  • in the rail, the fuel pumped by the pump is constantly under pressure, which is necessary for injection;
  • then from the rail it is supplied under pressure to the injection nozzles through the corresponding pipelines.

Similar engineering solutions allowed to obtain a CRDI engine a number of objective advantages.

At the same time, we must not forget that the motor also has certain drawbacks and problems that may arise during operation. Although this is typical for any engine.

Existing analogues

In addition, companies that produce similar power plants use their own labeling options. It is worth highlighting a few really worthy analogs:

  1. FIAT offers a diesel power unit in its models, in many ways reminiscent of the Korean CRDI. Only the Italian stable marks its engine as CDTI.
  2. A similar motor is present in the arsenal of the leading American. On their machines are offered diesel units with direct injection, which are called TDCI.
  3. Another American auto giant General Motors equips its cars with diesel engines. They are identified by the abbreviations VCDI or CDTI, as is the case with FIAT.
  4. And of course it should be noted Volkswagen, which has a range of TDI engines.

Some other companies also have Korean CDRI counterparts, but they are not as popular and widespread as the reviewed counterparts.

All presented motors are in many ways similar to each other and they are united by one common concept. At the same time, there are certain design differences between them. But if you take into account only the basis, then all these are diesel power plants equipped with a direct diesel injection system.

Potential problems and malfunctions

Compared to Western countries, the demand for diesel power plants in Russia and the CIS countries is much lower. There are certain objective and sometimes subjective reasons for this.

CRDI engines have certain drawbacks that can lead to malfunctions.

Several examples and explanations can be given on this score.

  1. CRDI is considered more reliable than the classic diesel engine, which uses a high pressure pump. Moreover, all parts require a high level of precision. Plus, the motor contains a large amount of electronics. Therefore, increased reliability is only a conditional concept.
  2. Motors of this type are very dependent on the quality of diesel fuel, which in our conditions provokes a whole range of malfunctions and problems. The diesel fuel quality at our filling stations leaves only the very best to be desired. Hence the corresponding problems during operation.
  3. Rapid wear. When planning to operate a car with a CRDI engine, be prepared to regularly change fuel filter... The reason for this is the same low quality of diesel fuel. Impurities and all kinds of impurities quickly clog the filter element. If it is not changed in time, it can lead to serious negative consequences.
  4. Dependence of performance on electronics. While electronics can improve engine performance in many ways, automate many processes and provide optimal performance, any breakdown can minimize the benefits of such diesel engines.
  5. Problems arising during severe frosts. CRDI is not particularly friendly with the Russian cold weather, which is why in winter there are often all sorts of troubles and malfunctions. This is mainly due to poor fuel and the inability of diesel fuel to function normally in the engine system. This can provoke overheating, failure of some elements and the final costly repair.

In order to prevent the occurrence of certain problems, one should clearly adhere to the rules of operation, follow the recommendations for maintenance, and change consumables in a timely manner.

But still, the quality of the diesel fuel used can be considered the main factor of a long, trouble-free and trouble-free CRDI service. If you refuel at really good and proven gas stations, where the fuel quality is at a decent level, there should be no serious problems with this diesel engine equipped with a direct injection system.


If we compare a diesel power unit of the CRDI type with classic versions of engines running on diesel fuel, then an internal combustion engine with a direct injection system has a fairly wide list of advantages.

Among the most significant advantages are the following:

  • high rates of efficiency. The created high pressure, which will remain in the fuel system on a constant basis, makes it possible to redirect diesel fuel much more efficiently for further engine operation. The used injection system allows the maximum amount of fuel to be burned. This automatically helps to reduce fuel consumption for the engine to perform its functions, that is, to give the car acceleration. Although diesel engines are already considered fuel efficient, CRDI has taken another big step forward;
  • excellent environmental friendliness. This advantage stems from the previously presented motor feature. Since CRDI can burn fuel to the maximum and consumes less diesel fuel, due to this, the total toxicity of the resulting exhaust is reduced. This is especially noticeable when high-quality fuel is poured into the tank;
  • constant pressure system. In diesel systems where direct fuel injection is provided, the pressure does not depend in any way on the speed at which an element such as crankshaft... Also, it does not depend on the volume of fuel or other parameters. This is because the fuel is constantly injected in the fuel rail, that is, it is under constant pressure. This improves the efficiency of the motor;
  • fuel is supplied by an electronic unit called EDC. The needle in the fuel injection nozzle rises due to the fact that the electronic unit gives the appropriate command and it is implemented through a controlled solenoid. This eliminates the need for the fuel itself to influence the lifting of the nozzle needle;
  • availability of electronic control. Engines of the CRDI type outperform competitors due to the fact that the amount of fuel supplied, the injection pressure and the same injection timing are electronically determined and controlled using a control unit. Thus, the system can automatically select the optimal parameters and set them during engine operation in different conditions and operating modes. At the program level, here you can set the required injection pressure parameters, which depends on the speed of movement, the load on the car and other nuances;
  • lack of high noise levels. Among all its competitors, CRDI engines can be considered virtually silent. Yes, they cannot work completely silently, but the created noise effect is insignificant. This is because the system uses a so-called phased injection. On certain modern motors the number of phases reaches 9. This feature affects not only the improvement speed characteristics vehicle... It also helps to reduce the noise level during the operation of the diesel power plant;
  • fuel is under high pressure. It is extremely difficult to achieve high pressure in standard diesel engines. Usually this parameter does not exceed 300 kg / cm2. If we talk about CRDI, then such a system, due to the work of direct injection, reaches parameters of more than 2000 kg / cm2.

As you can clearly see, CRDI has a really extensive list of objective merits. It is they who allow these engines to be in many ways the priority choice for the buyer when purchasing a car with a diesel power plant.

But before making final conclusions regarding diesel engines with a diesel fuel direct injection system, first it is worth examining their characteristic disadvantages.


In fact, the technology behind the CRDI diesel powertrain and its counterparts is vastly superior to standard diesel engines. But the system also turned out to be much more complicated, which gives rise to a list of certain shortcomings.

  1. High level of sensitivity in relation to the quality of the filled diesel fuel. If in Europe this drawback is not very pronounced, then in Russia and the CIS countries such sensitivity makes itself felt almost immediately after the start of operation. The engine uses a complex system and multi-level design. If debris and various kinds of contamination get into the fuel pump, injectors and any other elements responsible for the supply and processing of fuel, this can potentially provoke serious problems and malfunctions. Therefore, it should not be allowed that such contaminants are contained in the fuel. This provides for the mandatory need to use exclusively high quality fuel. Since it is not so easy to find gas stations in Russia with clean diesel fuel that really meets all European norms and standards, car owners have to choose gas stations with special care. To minimize the risks, you should periodically check the condition of the filters and change them in time.
  2. Relatively high cost. If we compare it with ordinary traditional diesel engines, then implemented using technology such as CRDI motors will initially cost the buyer more. This is due to the complexity of the design and the direct injection system of diesel fuel, which increases the production costs for manufacturing. This also entails an increase in the cost of the motor during its implementation. In order for CRDI to work correctly and correctly, it is equipped with special sensors, a special setting is carried out in advance, the electronic unit is programmed. This entire list of mandatory measures that are carried out during the assembly and direct preparation of the engine for operation requires resources from automakers. Therefore, companies simply cannot sell CRDI at a price similar to standard diesel engines. This will be a direct loss that no one is interested in.
  3. The complexity of the repair and the high cost of maintenance. And this drawback is directly related to the fact that CRDI with direct injection of diesel fuel is much more complex in design and construction. Because of this, the process of repair and maintenance becomes more complicated, more resources are required for complex diagnostics. Since now such motors can be called conditionally new developments that have recently entered the market, so far not every car service is ready to take on the maintenance and repair of such a power unit. Most craftsmen simply lack the experience and knowledge of the complex structure of such an engine. They are not able to serve him well.
  4. Difficulty finding masters. A drawback arising from all the previous minuses, which is quite relevant for motorists from Russia and the CIS countries. All the same complex structure of the system provokes such a problem as a shortage of personnel capable of servicing and high-quality repair of CRDI engines. The best solution is considered to contact certified and official service centres directly associated with companies that sell cars with the appropriate power plants. But this automatically raises the cost of repairing and maintaining a machine that has already expired.
  5. Low level of maintainability. Unlike the same classic diesel engines, where a huge number of individual parts must be repaired, restored and replaced, CRDI cannot boast of such characteristics. The maintainability of the considered diesel engines with a direct fuel injection system and fuel supply under pressure is rather insignificant. A large number of elements cannot be restored if they fail. Here the problem can be solved only by replacing. Moreover, some components change exclusively modularly. This automatically significantly increases the costs associated with the maintenance and maintenance of such an engine. Instead of buying one small part and replacing it, you have to purchase a whole module.

But here you should be extremely objective. All the considered disadvantages are rather conditional, since they arise from only one nuance. And we are talking about increased sensitivity to the quality of the fuel used. This has led to the misconception that CRDI engines have low level reliability. This statement is completely untrue.

It is enough to fill in fuel tank good diesel fuel, and all these problems will not concern the car owner at all. Yes, there are a number of other factors that can lead to breakdowns and rapid wear. But all of them are associated with aggressive driving style and neglect of the car.

It is the low quality of diesel fuel that leads to more than 90% of malfunctions with CRDI engines. In fact, it is enough to solve one problem, and the attitude towards this motor will change.

Buying a car with a CRDI power plant is a personal matter for everyone. You should carefully study all the features of the motor, consider its strengths and weaknesses, on the basis of which the appropriate decision should be made.

How long the engine will serve and how much you will be able to experience all the objective advantages of CRDI depends precisely on the attitude of the driver to his vehicle... Adhering to the manufacturer's recommendations for timely maintenance and replacement Supplies, as well as trying to visit proven gas stations, this motor will be able to show all its best qualities... And then there will be no talk of any complicated and expensive repairs.

CRDIs truly are the next step in the development of powerful and highly efficient diesel engines that deliver superior performance technical characteristics with excellent economic performance. But objectively, domestic diesel fuel is not yet ready for such engines.

The D4EA 2.0 diesel engine has a traditional arrangement of four cylinders in one row. Fuel system This power unit provides for the installation of a Common Rail ramp. The nozzles are designed to operate at very high pressures. A cylinder head with either one shaft or two, it all depends on the number of valves installed on the engine modification.

The D4EA 2.0 CRDI engine, reviews of which are located on this page, is distinguished by direct fuel injection provided by an injector. This is evidenced by the CRDI prefix in the marking. This makes it possible to obtain a very clean exhaust, as well as to provide a relatively low fuel consumption, given the displacement.

The turbine of the D4EA engine was usually chosen by WGT or TCI, and also worked with an air pre-cooler - an intercooler. But this does not happen everywhere, for example, the Santa Fe classic D4EA is equipped with another supercharger - TD025M from Mitsubishi. Modern models of superchargers are capable of delivering more power to the power unit, so the relationship between release date and power is directly proportional.

Therefore, the Hyundai D4EA engine, which is equipped with an additional WGT supercharger, is capable of delivering only about 113 hp - 120 horsepower. The motors on which the TCI or VGT turbine is installed can develop power of 150 and 140 Horse power... With all this, regardless of the power, the volumes of the combustion chamber remain identical, and only the compression ratio of the fuel changes. The VGT turbine can work without an intercooler, but it is not worth experimenting, since the air pressure is greatly increased. In addition, this model of the supercharger provides for work with an individual high pressure fuel pump.

The santa fe 2.0 diesel D4EA engine also has a very important feature, which does not apply to the model of the installed turbine. This feature consists in individual adjustments of parameters for a specific car body. Depending on whether you have a crossover, sedan or minivan, the parameters will be different.


The D4EA 2.0 CRDI engine, which has a very long resource, is not a classic diesel engine, it is something more. Against the background of similar engines, it stands out for its design features, which are as follows:

  • Cylinders and drainage channels for lubricants and coolants are bored directly into the cylinder block, which is made entirely of cast iron.
  • The device of the motor provides that a durable crankshaft made of steel and cast camshaft fixed by five supports.
  • The reliability of the power unit is ensured by the fact that the cylinder head is made of aluminum, as well as the body of the water pump.
  • The fuel starts to burn in a separate vortex chamber, which provides additional power.
  • For the gas distribution mechanism, two schemes, SOHC and DOHC, are used, which are the most optimal.
  • The high pressure fuel pump is driven by a gear train from the camshaft.
  • The D4EA timing belt drives the timing gear, which is more reliable than a chain drive.
  • The CRDI 2.0 engine provides for the installation of an intercooler, which is made of aluminum and is made in a plate design.
  • The turbine together with the air blower are brought together in one common unit, which allows for the highest efficiency.
  • The compressor description is based on a combination of exhaust gases and clean air from the environment.
  • Thanks to the installation of a special bypass valve, it is possible to relieve excessive pressure from the system, which allows to extend the life of the power unit.

The D4EA motor, the characteristics of which are presented above, differs quite interesting work single shaft cylinder heads. In this case thermal clearances valves are configured in automatic mode using hydraulic expansion joints. The DOHC dual-shaft head is not equipped with such a system, so the valves have to be adjusted manually.

The D4EA motor, the reliability of which leaves no doubt, in 8 and 16 valve versions also differs in the exhaust gas distribution schemes and the location of some attachments... Other components remain identical, including the ignition system and glow plugs on the D4EA 2.0 CRDI. The D4EA engine injector is also identical for both engine versions.

Flywheels are absent only on those models of the power unit that were installed on kia sportage 2006 and worked in tandem with automatic transmission gear shifting. In any other case, the motor works with flywheels.

If pouring quality oil into the D4EA engine and use only high-quality diesel fuel, then the resource of the D4EA engine will be relatively long. Power unit works without any particular complaints and does not have typical problems, so it got quite widespread on secondary market and acquired an army of fans. This phenomenon is also evidenced by the reviews left by the owners of cars with such power units.

586 | 21.09.2018

The first Korean Common Rail turbodiesels appeared in 2000. That is, the Koreans did not lag behind the global trends in the creation of diesel engines. The firstborn in the CRDI family is the 4-cylinder 2.0-liter engine with. It was followed by a 3-cylinder 1.5-liter engine with the designation D3EA. In 2002, the 2.2-liter version (D4EB) appeared, based on the 2-liter CRDI.

In this article we will talk specifically about the first version of the engine - 2.0 CRDI (D4EA). Much that has been said about him is also true for his closest relatives with a volume of 1.5 and 2.2 liters. You can watch a video about the device and engine problems on our YouTube channel

Buy contract engine Hyundai or Kia 2.0 CRDI (D4EA) you can have.

The 2.0 CRDI (D4EA) engine has a cast iron block, an aluminum cylinder head has 16 valves, one camshaft, a valve drive with roller levers (rockers), with hydraulic compensators. Timing belt drive. D4EA engine power ranges from 112 to 150 hp. Versions more powerful than 125 hp. equipped with a Garret variable geometry turbine. We are examining the basic version of the engine with a turbine with a wastegate. Common Rail fuel system from Bosch with CP1 injection pump.

By the way, this engine was widely used in Russia on the Santa Fe Classic model, which was assembled at TagAz until 2010. And in Ukraine they assembled the first "Santa" with this engine until 2006.

Reliability and resource of the engine 2.0 CRDI (D4EA)

There is a lot of conflicting information about the reliability of this engine. Many of these engines serve without problems even with a mileage of more than 400,000 km. At the same time, quite a few 2.0 CRDI engines went to the capital or were replaced at a mileage of about 150,000 km. Much depends on the quality of service, the "observation" of the owner and the quality of the fuel.


The turbine on this engine is quite reliable, resourceful and usually does not cause problems. But the boost sensor, especially on 2.0 CRDI engines with a capacity of more than 125 hp. pretty buggy. In 2014, the Koreans even announced a revocable campaign that changed the boost sensor on all 2.0 CRDI high-power engines manufactured before March 10, 2014.

Glow plugs

Glow plugs on a 2.0 CRDI engine should be replaced every 3 years - they don't last longer.

One of the reasons for the oil

The basic 112-horsepower version of this engine lacks an oil trap for the crankcase ventilation system. Here, in the valve cover, there is simply an oil baffle plate. Resourceful owners of cars with this engine installed an oil trap of their own design. Because of this frankly simple solution a lot of oil vapors, especially when the oil separator plate is dirty, simply flies into the intake and burns out in the cylinder chambers. Cleaning of the valve cover is required periodically to eliminate this cause of oil consumption.

The problem with the clogging of the breather of the crankcase ventilation system, which can be judged by the vaping from the oil filler neck, should in no case be started. You can drive up to a strong oil zhora, a critical decrease in its level and until the lubrication of the crankshaft journals is broken with the resultant turning of the liners and even the destruction of the connecting rod journals. Yes, yes, all these troubles can happen simply due to the "wrong balance" of gases in the engine crankcase.

The VKG valve on a 2.0 CRDI engine is diaphragm and usually there are no questions about it: the membrane serves for a very long time.

Fuel systemBosch

The fuel system is capricious and very sensitive to fuel quality. Worn out injectors begin to drain a lot of fuel into the return line, which is why the 2.0 CRDI engine starts poorly and stalls. For uncertain engine operation, one injector pouring into the return line is enough.

But if the nozzle starts to spray fuel incorrectly, to inject fuel early, then you can get into overhaul engine. Due to improper combustion of the fuel mixture, the piston in the cylinder with incorrect fuel atomization is burnt and destroyed. In general, injectors on a 2.0 CRDI engine require close inspection and preventive testing at the bench.

In addition, under the nozzles, naturally, refractory copper washers burn out, due to which both the sockets of the nozzles and the cylinder head cavity are coked up, excessive pressure arises under the valve cover and in the ventilation system of crankcase gases.

Buy diesel fuel injectors for Hyundai engine or Kia 2.0 CRDI (D4EA) you can u.

Failed fuel pressure regulators and a fuel pressure sensor installed on the rail cause separate troubles. If the regulator malfunctions, the 2.0 CRDI engine stalls during acceleration, starts uncertainly. In the event of a pressure sensor malfunction, it does not develop speed.

You can buy a fuel pump (TNVD) for the Hyundai or Kia 2.0 CRDI (D4EA) engine from.

Cylinder head problems

Many problems with a 2.0 CRDI engine arise in its block head. The hydraulic compensators turned out to be unreliable here, they can fail. Moreover, in the saddest case, a rocker can fly off a faulty hydraulic compensator or a valve can dry out. In this case, mechanical damage to the engine will hit the owner's pocket hard.

The 2.0 CRDI engine block head is not favored due to valve wear: the development of a working chamfer in a pair of valve plate-valve seat. Also, the cylinder head can simply crack along the channels of the glow plugs or deform.

There is a fairly fair opinion that all these troubles are due to incorrect operation of worn out fuel injectors. Therefore, if the 2.0 CRDI engine was brought to the capital, then it is important to find the reason and be sure to check all the injectors.

Cooling pump

Also behind the 2.0 CRDI engine there is such a sin as pump jamming. Since the pump is driven by a gear timing belt, then its jamming leads to a broken belt and "stalingrad": the pistons and valves will collide, damage each other.

Piston group

2.0 CRDI engine pistons can be destroyed piston rings, the partitions collapse. And again, this is due to improper mixture formation, when the injector does not inject fuel into the recess in the piston crown, but too early - throughout almost the entire volume of the cylinder, which causes excessive heating of the piston top land.

And with frequent short city trips, when the engine does not have time to warm up or when saving on oil service, the piston rings on the 2.0 CRDI engine lie.

Modern cars are increasingly equipped with diesel engines. This is especially true for mid-size and large cars. But the subcompact class is increasingly equipped with heavy fuel engines.

The dominant diesel engine option in recent years is the CRDI system (abbreviation stands for Common Rail Direct Injection). What is a CRD engine, what are its advantages and disadvantages, why is it better than previous systems, we will talk about this in this article.

Common Rail in the name of such engines tells us about the presence of one, common fuel line. Indeed, CRDI engines use such a line, sometimes called a rail, in which the fuel is under constant, high pressure. This pressure is provided by the high-pressure fuel pump - injection pump, familiar to motorists from previous diesel systems. But unlike the classic injection pump system, the injectors do not open under the influence of overpressure, but with the help of special solenoids, which are controlled by the EDC unit. In Common Rail Direct Injection, the pressure in the system does not depend on the crankshaft speed or the amount of actual fuel. Here the driver can only influence the amount of fuel that is injected, but the advance angle and the pressure with which diesel fuel is injected are all regulated by the electronic engine control unit. This solution makes it possible to separate the working pressure injection and the actual injection. And this, in turn, makes it possible to use more than one injection phase in one stroke. At first, CRDIs were produced in two-phase, but now some engines use up to nine injection phases per stroke.

Benefits of CRDI

Common Rail Direct Injection has a lot of advantages, we will list and analyze only the most important ones.

  • profitability;
  • power;
  • reduction of harmful emissions;
  • longer service life in comparison with the previous system;
  • increased responsiveness and throttle response;
  • smoother and quieter work;

By creating and maintaining a constant high pressure, the fuel is atomized more efficiently, which has a very positive effect on its combustion. And this is power, and e efficiency, and reduced emissions.

Thanks to the use of multiphase injection, it is possible to achieve really soft and smooth engine operation throughout the entire rev range. This has a positive effect both on the ride itself and on the comfort of the driver and passengers.

One of the main disadvantages of the classic injection pump is the peculiar waves that arise during the operation of the motor. These pressure drops have a very negative effect on the service life of the system. In CRDI engines, this problem is absent, which allows them to operate much longer. All these advantages have made CRDI diesels popular not only among motorists, the same or a similar system is used in new models of locomotives and in shipbuilding.

Possible problems with CRDI

Nevertheless, diesel cars in our country are not as popular and popular as in the West. There are reasons for this, and such a system also has its drawbacks.

For example, although Common Rail Direct Injection is more reliable than conventional systems with high-pressure fuel pumps, the highest accuracy of all parts and elements, as well as the presence of many electronic components, make it not so reliable. The increasing complexity of the system, almost always leads to a decrease in its reliability. This is especially felt by domestic motorists. After all, the most important parameter for a long and stable operation of a CRDI engine is the quality of the fuel. Serious problems often arise with this at domestic gas stations. So, simply and imperceptibly bad diesel fuel kills even the most reliable and high-quality motors.

The high cost of repairing or replacing CRDI engine elements is also well known to the owners of such machines. The cost of repairing modern diesel engines is orders of magnitude higher than the cost of the same work for engines running on gasoline. In addition, to carry out repairs in such motors, you need special equipment and highly qualified professionals. And if there are not so many problems with the first one, then an experienced diesel engine repair specialist, especially in the provinces, is a real treasure.

And of course, the climatic features, and more specifically low temperatures in winter, can also create serious interference with the normal operation of the engine on heavy fuel, regardless of the system of this engine. And it is necessary to install fuel preheaters, autonomous stoves and other equipment designed to reduce the negative impact of frost on diesel fuel. For this purpose, various antigels and other additives are also used.

Generally, correct selection auxiliary means allows you to eliminate most situations when a diesel car refuses to start in cold weather. But since gasoline engines such problems do not arise at all. So people try not to mess with diesel engines unnecessarily. Nevertheless, every year there are more and more of them on our streets and roads. Specialists appear who are able to qualitatively repair CRDI and other types of diesel engines, the quality of diesel fuel improves, and the experience of operating such systems appears and expands. All this contributes to an increase in the number of heavy fuel vehicles.

As a result, we can say that Common Rail Direct Injection today is the best way systems for diesel engine and with a careful attitude towards it, such a motor will fully manifest all its advantages and positive qualities. Meanwhile, such engines have a number of disadvantages that make you think carefully before purchasing a car equipped with a CRDI engine.

"Kia-Sportige-2.0CRDi-AT-Premium", from 1,379,900 rubles, CAR from 12.80 rubles / km

As a riding instructor recently explained to me, the main purpose of thoroughbred horses is to race. Due to their explosive nature, excessive energy, they are not suitable for ordinary amateurs. These four-legged aristocrats need daily gallop relief and the hand of a master, otherwise the consequences can be unpredictable. Indeed, even their heart is larger and more powerful than that of horses of other breeds, their lung capacity is larger.

For some reason, this information came to my mind when I found myself at the wheel of a 184-horsepower "Sportage". Calm rhythm of everyday life road traffic, whose average speed does not exceed 50 km / h, he definitely does not like it. My thoroughbred horse even started up the hill so that just hold on, and instantly reacted to any pressing of the accelerator pedal, every minute trying to overtake the ride that had suddenly become unusually slow. He did it so briskly and playfully that it was almost impossible to resist the urge to play around.

Height adjustment and lumbar support to help the driver find a comfortable fit

However, it is not surprising. The aluminum R-series diesel four, which Sportage (and its ix35 cousin) received in 2009, is the pride of the Kia and Hyundai engineers. Equipped with a turbocharged air aftercooler and third-generation Common Rail injection from Bosch, it delivers 136 horsepower in its quietest version. But the variable geometry of the turbine blades made it possible to increase the power by 48 hp. with., and the torque at 63 N.m. Considering that the mass of the 184-horsepower car did not increase by a single gram, it is clear where such an impressive vigor appeared in the character of such a "Sportage".

True, at good speeds in the car, the noise of the wheels and the sounds of cars passing by is well heard. And the crossover's suspension is pretty stiff. Cracks and small potholes in the asphalt do not interfere, but on more serious obstacles "Sportage" begins to rumble noticeably, and the fifth point feels well the road seams and holes. But all the maneuvers on the road, my four-wheel drive "Kia" performed easily and naturally.

The 18-inch rims suit the Sportige very well. However, on our roads, wheels that are smaller by an inch, perhaps, should be recognized as much more practical.

Just do not expect special economy from such a high-spirited horse. And in any case, the wonderful six-plus liters per hundred, which is promised by the official characteristics. My "Sportage", equipped, by the way, with everything that can be placed in a car, and even with the heater working at full capacity, ate at least 10-11 liters on average. After all, such a powerful and fast car I just want to drive, so my purebred stallion begins to whip "diesel fuel" with buckets. Remember that the Arabian horses in the stables of the sheikhs are fed with hay, which is transported by air from Canada. So that…

So the diesel "Sportage", which reaches a hundred in 9.8 seconds, is prepared exclusively for those who do not want to put up with the calm character of his younger diesel brother and do not agree to a petrol horse. This stallion is for those who want the fastest and fastest version of all the existing ones. At the same time, the buyer has no choice: if he wants a nimble diesel engine, then a premium set of several dozen necessary and not particularly options with four-wheel drive and he is obliged to buy it “automatically”, having paid 1,379,900 rubles for it. And the brother of our thoroughbred horse is not supposed to have such a configuration at all, the ceiling of the 136-horsepower "Sportage" is a version of "Laksheri". It does not have a panoramic roof, leather interior and parking lot, and instead of 18-inch discs are installed an inch smaller in diameter.

We decided:

The most powerful diesel "Sportage" will delight its owner with impressive agility and almost exhaustive equipment. True, you will have to pay for this with a ruble: it is 80 thousand more expensive than the equally richly equipped petrol and 130 thousand less powerful diesel counterpart.

Unlike the rest of the world, where "Sportidge" has as many as seven different engines, in Russia the choice of buyers is not so great - only three engines. The most powerful "Sportage" is 2.3 seconds faster than its younger diesel brother and almost a second outperforms the petrol version with mechanics. And good horses, of course, are always valuable ...


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