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Faced such a problem: I bought a car (Honda Civic 1993). PrEP concluded, went to register. At the inspection, the policeman saw that the engine (D15B - 1.5L) was different from the native one (D13B - 1.3L), and said that he would not register it, because the PTS had one engine, in fact, another. Says, go to another REO of the traffic police in the conversion department, look for documents for this new engine and enter it into the TCP, then only, they say, I'll put you on record.
I phoned the former owner of the car, he said - “there are no documents, I manually installed this engine from another car.
Now I sit and think about what to do. Like, I heard that no one looks at the engines at the inspection, but here it is. Neither I nor the previous owner want to return the money and the car. I would like to hear advice on what and how to say. Maybe gentlemen police "on the paw" want?

Replacing the power unit on a car can be caused by several reasons: someone is not satisfied dynamic characteristics and the power of the car, someone wants to install a different engine on the car, because old motor has fallen into disrepair due to a long service life, accident or improper operation. In addition to purely technical issues, the question arises whether it is necessary to register the replacement of the engine with the traffic police and, if so, what needs to be done for this. In 2011, it was possible to install a different engine on the car, as the engine was a common spare. But today the situation has changed.

Why change the engine

Most car owners want to replace power unit on your car due to the fact that it makes no sense to restore the old one (for example, after an accident, or) or there is simply no way to restore the engine, since all the repair dimensions of the cylinder-piston group have been passed. Many people change their motor due to high consumption fuel. For example, an American Daimler Chrysler, which has a power of 152 hp, can be installed on a Gazelle. and a cylinder volume of 2.4 liters. fuel consumption with such an engine when driving around the city will be only 11 liters, along the highway 9 liters.

Replacement with a similar engine

This is the easiest option. In this case, if we talk about the technical side of the matter, no changes in the design of the car are expected: all fastenings on the new unit will fit the car body in the engine compartment. The paperwork will not cause any particular difficulties either: it is enough to present a receipt, a waybill from the store. The same applies to used motors. Only here, instead of a shop check and a waybill, you will have to provide a purchase and sale agreement.

Installation of a contract engine

In Europe and Japan, it is customary to change cars every 3-5 years. It should be borne in mind that the cars were operated in almost ideal conditions: they drove along excellent tracks, were serviced on time and refueled with high-quality fuel and the same oil. Such engines will be able to serve for more than one year, and are much cheaper than new units. When they are drawn up, the role of a supporting document will be played by a supply agreement or a purchase and sale agreement, if the motor is purchased from hands, and not imported directly from abroad.

Replacing the engine with a more powerful one

If you want to install a different, more powerful engine, then you will have to adjust the appropriate seats for it, in some cases, slightly alter the electrical wiring, achieve an exact match of the clutch basket and cylinder block mountings. Possibility to remodel exhaust system if on the motor. It will not work out quickly either: you will have to adhere to a certain algorithm of actions:

  1. Take a special application form from the traffic police (or download it on the Internet) and fill it out.
  2. You will need to contact an expert organization: (for example, NAMI), so that its specialists evaluate the new engine, inspect the car and draw up a conclusion according to which the installation of another unit on the car will not lead to a decrease in safety during its operation.
  3. Install another engine. Technical centers that have the appropriate license have the right to carry out such an operation. However, it is not forbidden to replace the engine with a more powerful one yourself.
  4. Submit documents from an expert organization to the traffic police. In return, you will receive a declaration statement. You must fill it out yourself or let the representative of the technical center, in which the engine was changed, do it.
  5. Go through a checkup and get a diagnostic card.
  6. Submit the collected documents to the traffic police and provide the car for inspection.

Another problem that you may encounter when installing an engine from a more powerful model is that the software in the engine control unit does not match. To fix this, the engine control unit will need to be under the corresponding version of the internal combustion engine.

Installing an engine from another car model

From 01.01.2017, it is not allowed to change the factory design of the car without the knowledge of the State Traffic Inspectorate. If you decide to change the engine and supply the unit from another model in accordance with the legislation, then the following steps must be taken:

  1. Submit an application to the nearest traffic police department (MREO) with the provision of a car in order for specialists to assess the possibility of replacing the engine.
  2. Carry out diagnostics of the vehicle with the issuance of an expert opinion on the possibility of installing another motor.
  3. Visit the traffic police: on the basis of the above diagnostics, its employees will issue their permission.
  4. Install the engine: the process is carried out in a licensed technical center under the supervision of traffic police officers.
  5. Recheck the technical performance characteristics power unit.
  6. Get an opinion - a declaration statement issued by the specialists of the technical center, which indicates the volume of the installed engine, its other parameters and describes the work performed.
  7. Go to the TO point to issue a new diagnostic card.
  8. Submit a new application to the traffic police: you will be given a certificate of the car's compliance with safety requirements and the changes made.
  9. Get a new title.

As for the technical part, the engine swap (this is how the installation of another motor is called) in most cases implies a complete or partial replacement transmissions. It is also worth noting here that experts will refuse to issue a positive declaration statement if in the engine under study:

  • exhaust gas emissions contain the amount of harmful substances in excess of the standards according to GOST;
  • the power supply system is depressurized;
  • the exhaust system is not functioning efficiently;
  • the noise level generated by the engine exceeds the permissible standards according to GOST;
  • crankcase ventilation is depressurized.

Installing the motor without documents

Oddly enough, but there are no special difficulties here if the newly installed power unit meets the requirements set out below:

  1. Engine by model and others technical parameters completely coincides with the old one.
  2. The unit number is freely readable and does not bear traces of interference (attempts to interrupt, etc.).
  3. The engine is not in the traffic police database for theft.

How to arrange an engine replacement at the traffic police

According to the Order of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate No. 1001, from July 10, 2017, the engine installed on the car ceased to be considered a spare part. Now it is again a numbered unit with the ensuing consequences: the need for registration. That is, the replacement of the engine with another, even of the same type, will have to be formalized. This means that after passing the document verification procedure, the vehicle license plate will have to be changed: otherwise, it will not be possible to register the car. It is not required to obtain a new registration certificate (laminated card): the number of the power unit is not entered into it.

What documents are needed to replace the engine

In each specific case of replacing the engine, you need your own package of documents, as described above. However, there is a list of mandatory papers that will most likely be required:

  • general passport of the owner of the car on which the engine is supposed to be replaced;
  • application to the traffic police;
  • expert opinion on the results of the conducted technical expertise;
  • documentation for the newly installed motor, if its parameters differ from the characteristics of the standard power unit;
  • diagnostic card, if a more powerful motor is installed or from another model;
  • car purchase agreement;
  • vehicle registration certificate (PTS);
  • registration certificate.

Also, don't forget to pay the state fee. If the parameters of the new motor correspond to the replaced one, then 350 rubles will have to be paid into the treasury. In more complex cases (for example, replacing a motor with a unit from another model), this amount can increase to 2850 rubles (data at the beginning of 2018).

Refusal to register

This happens quite rarely. The grounds for refusal to register a vehicle with a replaced engine are:

  • signs of counterfeiting, destruction or change in the number of the power unit;
  • inconsistency of the numbers indicated in the papers with the real designations on the motor;
  • provision of false documents for a car or an examination of an engine;
  • the presence of the engine number in the traffic police database about stolen Vehicle Oh.

Cancellation of registration

It so happens that the fact of falsification of the unit number or documents for it is found out after the car is registered. In this case, the traffic police department begins its own investigation, sending requests to the place of the previous registration of the car. If it turns out that the car or its replaced units are on the wanted list, then the registration is canceled and the owner is obliged to submit documents and state numbers to the traffic police.

In case of unsatisfactory operation of the car engine or in the presence of serious breakdowns, you can replace the car engine with another. However, the engine is not just an ordinary spare part, it is the heart of the car, which has its own individual number. Do I need to register a motor replacement? Of course! After all, the installation of another engine on a car must be carried out in compliance with a certain algorithm, which will ensure the legitimacy (legality) of making changes to the design.

Engine registration instructions

In order to correctly install another engine on a car and register it, you need to obtain reliable information about this unit in advance before purchasing.

IMPORTANT! Be sure to check the correctness of filling out the documents when making a purchase and sale transaction, keep the issued receipts.

After making a choice desired engine and the service station that gives a guarantee for its work, follow this algorithm of actions:

  1. Check with the experts if there is any damage to the engine that you are going to install, and also check the following fact: if a car with the same engine number is listed as stolen.
  2. Contact the department of the state traffic police at the place of registration of the car.
  3. Write a statement in a form established by the organization that summarizes the essence of the appeal. Do not forget to include your personal and contact details, vehicle information, old and new engine numbers.
  4. To determine the safety of operating the car in the future, an examination will be assigned to your car, after which, if the result is positive, you will be given an answer about the possibility of a replacement.
  5. After a short wait (the time of this waiting will be communicated to you separately by the responsible employee of the organization) an official permit will be made for you, without which it is impossible to legally change the car engine to a new one.

What documents are needed for registration:

  • car owner's passport;
  • technical certificate on the car;
  • a document on the disposal of a faulty engine;
  • payment document (receipt) on payment of the state duty;
  • power of attorney from the owner of the car (if the conversion is not carried out by the owner).

If the car does not belong to an individual, but to a legal entity, you will need additional documents confirming the fact of ownership and a power of attorney to carry out the conversion of the car.

Features of the engine replacement procedure

Among the features of the engine replacement procedure, the following points should be highlighted:

  • If you decide to replace an outdated or broken engine with a different one, but similar to the previous one, an examination may not be necessary. The only nuance that should be checked in this situation is the need to document the purchase of a new or used engine.
  • Be prepared for the fact that the traffic police department in which you will register the car will check the origin of the motor. This is necessary in order to avoid the installation of stolen engines or car engines that are listed in theft.
  • When receiving a preliminary technical examination report, check whether the following fields of this document are filled in correctly: information about the owner, a description of the changes that will be made, the possibility of making them, the nature of the work that must be carried out to reinstall the engine.

IMPORTANT! Pay attention to the last paragraph of this document called "Conclusions". It should clearly state the possibility (or impossibility) of carrying out the desired procedure.

The legislative framework

Manipulations and procedures related to the conversion of the machine, a change in the operational characteristics of the vehicle as a result, in Russia are regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the rules road traffic", Which is registered under No. 1090, with all the changes and additions introduced.

In particular, according to an additional document attached to the "Rules ..." entitled "Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation ...", paragraph No. 6 ("Engine"), a car cannot be approved for use if:

  • the content of fumes emitted by the engine is higher than the permissible norms (established by state standards GOST_R_52033-2003, GOST_R_52160-2003);
  • power supply system, its tightness is broken;
  • the exhaust system is not working properly (Government Decree No. 767);
  • the noise level that the engine creates during its operation is higher than the permissible (this norm is regulated by the state standard GOST_R_52231-2004);
  • the crankcase ventilation system is not tight.

In addition to the above decision, the proper state of vehicle regulated by the technical regulations of the customs union, called "On the safety of wheeled vehicles."

In paragraphs No. 75-80 (the fourth section of the fifth chapter) of this normative act it is said that:

  • design changes should be controlled at a preliminary stage (preliminary verification of compliance with operational safety requirements), as well as after the implementation of these changes (post-verification);
  • inspection should not be carried out on those wheeled vehicles that undergo serial design changes or on which parts are installed that have passed the conformity assessment as part of a particular vehicle.
  • to certify changes to the design, an official certificate is issued, the number of which is entered in the document identifying the vehicle.

In the video about replacing the engine

The described algorithm for registering a car with a replaced engine will be useful for those drivers who care about compliance with all the latest legal requirements regarding the operation of cars on the roads of Russia.

This is not a simple issue that requires detailed consideration, therefore this article will touch upon the nuances of the practical part of replacing the engine, and the legal one.

First of all, you need to figure out why you need an engine replacement. In 95% of cases, the engine has to be changed due to the failure of the old one, and the inexpediency of its repair. In the second case, the rarest, but most desirable for most car owners is the desire to get a more powerful power unit for their car. But not everyone is ready to practice this tuning method.

Also, it is worth warning briefly that replacing the engine is a very long and laborious process. Even at a quality station Maintenance, replacing an old engine with a similar engine with appropriate mountings can take more than one day. Not to mention the home-garage conditions, in which the replacement can take a week.

Engine types

Almost all car owners know that engines internal combustion conditionally divided into gasoline and diesel. And each type of engine has its own pros and cons. For example, diesel engines are more economical in fuel consumption compared to similar gasoline engines, while they have higher power, efficiency and higher torque for low revs... But they have a big drawback, expressed in whimsical fuel quality and difficulties in working at very low temperatures. The fact is that at negative temperatures, diesel fuel without special additives, it begins to thicken, and starting a diesel engine turns into a complex procedure. Also, diesel engine is more expensive to maintain than gasoline.

Gas engine in turn, more familiar to most people, but this does not mean that modern gasoline units are easier to maintain than diesel ones. Also, you can note the possibility of installing gas equipment for greater savings in money, but at the same time, part of the motor power is lost.

How to choose an engine

If you change the engine as needed, if old unit completely out of order, and repairs are more expensive than buying, then you should heed the following tips. The selection of a new or used engine should be carried out relying entirely on the native engine, since the installation of a non-native engine may be impossible or will require alteration of the mountings in the car body and replacement additional equipment and gearboxes. To do this, you can see the marking of the engine on the cylinder block or in the technical passport of the car.

Also, it is worth considering different generations motors because. One engine model can be produced for several decades. At the same time, without changing its configuration and working volume, but in different generations. The attachments of the engine itself to the car and attachments of attachments may differ. Remember, there is no need to rush when choosing and searching for the right engine.

It is worth noting that when buying an engine, you should be careful about the price and condition of the engine. A knowingly inoperative or "dying" engine can be sold to an ignorant person, or the cost can be overestimated by several orders of magnitude. Therefore, it is better to seek help from knowledgeable and experienced people. You can buy the engine from authorized dealer your car brand is the safest method, but the most expensive. In this case, you will receive a new power unit with a guarantee and which is known to be suitable for the car. In another case, you can search for a suitable engine in various car dismantling, auto parts markets or through advertisements on the Internet. But it should be borne in mind that the motor has a rather large weight, and when ordering via the Internet, you will have to pay a rather large amount for delivery. Also, you can read our article about a contract engine, which will help you choose the right engine for purchase.

Also, if you decide to change the engine yourself, then do not forget about the additional costs for various materials. Will have to buy car oil, new antifreeze, gaskets for the exhaust system and so on. And you shouldn't rely only on own strength, without the help of a second person, it will be very difficult to cope with the work. And do not forget about the need for some kind of lifting mechanism to dismantle the old engine and install a new one. And it is desirable to have a set of quality tools that will not let you down in the process.

How to remove the engine

First of all, it is worth familiarizing yourself with detailed instructions for dismantling the power unit for your car model. Fortunately, now on the Internet you can find a lot of similar information describing the process in all details and with photographs or video materials.

But in general terms, the process boils down to removing the hood cover - this will facilitate access to all engine components and facilitate its removal, and will also protect the hood itself from all kinds of damage. Then you need to disconnect all wires going to the motor, starting with disconnecting battery... To secure your own memory during reassembly, you can take photographs of the assembled engine and then navigate and compare with the subsequent result.

The next step is to drain all technical fluids. More precisely, you need to drain the coolant from the system and the engine block. Also, oil is drained from the oil pan.

After that, the most responsible and laborious process begins. It is necessary to remove the engine from the car, while not damaging anything from the equipment and observing safety precautions)) the weight of the engine can start from 100 kg. First, you need to remove the excess attachments from the engine and disconnect the exhaust system. We also disconnect all pipes of the cooling system and pipes of the fuel line. After that, fixing the motor on the winch or substituting a special tray under the car on the lift, we begin to unscrew the engine itself from the mounts. Usually it is mounted on 3 elements - pillows, which absorb vibration of the motor during operation.

The motor can be removed in two directions. The easiest for garage conditions is to lift it out of the car using a winch. In this case, the car then rolls out. Otherwise, if the car is on a lift, then the engine is pre-propped from below by a special tray with adjustable height. After releasing the motor from all fasteners, the car is lifted on the lift, and the engine remains on the tray.

Installing a new engine

Having previously prepared the workplace and removing all sorts of unnecessary parts, you can proceed with the installation of a new unit. The whole process is carried out in reverse order. Also, it is advisable to replace all the engine mountings so that you do not return to this for a long time.

As already mentioned, the assembly is carried out in the reverse order, therefore, after attaching the engine, it is worth putting the exhaust system back in place by putting new gaskets and connecting all the pipes of the fuel line. Then all the electronics are connected, to check the result, we use the photographs taken in advance.

Then, it remains to connect the cooling system and refill the car oil and antifreeze. But remember, you should not use used technical fluids. It is necessary to purchase new ones, according to technical regulations Your car.

The last step is to check and test the engine. Consider this point very carefully. Check carefully all connected sensors, tubes and wires. Nothing should leak from the engine either during idle time or during the first start.

New engine registration

Do not forget that the power unit is a numbered element of the car, serial number which is entered in the technical passport and monitored by law enforcement agencies. Therefore, the installation of a new unit should be registered with the traffic police and made new number engine in the technical passport of the car.

The situation is more complicated with the registration of a more powerful engine. In this case, information on the changes and new characteristics of the car is entered into the technical passport. Unfortunately, this procedure is impossible without special diagnostics and expert opinion. Therefore, before installing a more powerful engine, you need to consult with experts so that there are no problems with further registration.

Reading time: 4 minutes

Cars, even the most technically advanced ones, are not insured against breakdowns. Therefore, every car enthusiast is faced with the need for repairs. The engine can also fail, then it has to be changed. In some cases, the law prescribes to register such a change in the design of the car. Let's see how the engine replacement is processed in the traffic police in 2019.

Why change

A new engine is installed not only when the original cannot be repaired: sometimes car owners simply want to increase the power of the car. When in the new (2011) the engine was recognized as one of the spare parts, information about its number was excluded from the mandatory registration of the car. And many motorists mistakenly decided that now the engine can be reinstalled without permits, and such a procedure as registering a car with a different engine is not needed.

Yes, the engine number is no longer entered in the registration certificate, but the data about it must be indicated in the vehicle's passport. But the installation of a new engine can be recognized as a constructive change, and such a modification, in some cases, requires special certification and declaration.

If you install an engine of a different model, with more or less power than provided for by the design of the car, this will inevitably entail the replacement of its other systems, which may affect the safety of yours and other motorists. You will have to collect a decent set of permits and go through several special procedures.

Registration of an engine replacement in the traffic police in 2019 is governed by the rules that are defined in section 4 of chapter V "TR CU 018/2011. On the safety of wheeled vehicles "(approved by the Decision of the Customs Union Commission dated 09.12.2011 N 877).

Information on how to register a car with the traffic police can be found in the article: "".

Please note: if the engine model you are installing differs in volume and other parameters, this may affect the magnitude.

Now you know if you need to re-register your car when you change the engine. Do not forget to also inform the number of the new motor and its power, if it is not the same, in the place where the policy was issued, otherwise it will arise in the event of an insured event.

What documents will be needed

So, let's take a closer look at how to arrange an engine replacement in the traffic police in 2019. To make changes to the design of a car, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. Conduct a preliminary examination, which will determine whether it will deteriorate technical condition car as a result of installing a new engine.
  2. Obtain permission for refurbishment from the traffic police.
  3. Replace the engine.
  4. Obtain a protocol of technical expertise based on the results of the conversion.
  5. Again contact the road inspection - this time for a certificate of compliance of the car with safety requirements, and then write a statement asking to change the data in the TCP.

The given procedure describes how to register a car with a different engine, that is, with technical parameters that differ from the factory one. If you change the engine to a similar one, you do not need to conduct an examination, obtain permits, protocols and certificates of compliance with safety standards. You just need to change the data on his number in the registration certificate.


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