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Excellent, in truth, the car "Lada Priora". But sometimes with her, like with any other car, troubles occur. For example, launching is difficult. This can happen in the morning and after the trip. What is the reason for these problems? And there are many reasons for these. And this article will tell you how to deal with this.

Attention! "Lada Priora" is a car with a distributed fuel injection system. That is, the process is controlled by an electronic control unit (ECU), so you need to remember that computer diagnostics in any case, the most reliable way to check.

The main types of "bad" start-up

Usually, experienced drivers immediately assess the malfunction in the following way: “ Bad hot start". That is, it is clear that there are 3 types of bad startup:

  1. Bad cold start.
  2. Starts badly when the engine is hot.
  3. Starts poorly in any condition.

This means that these three types have their own characteristics, although they are united by one sign - the car does not start well. But in the first case, this happens only when the car is cold. Either this is the first morning launch, or the Priora has stood long enough for the engine to cool down completely or a harsh winter.

In the second case, "Priora" does not start immediately, but only after several full turns of the crankshaft with the starter only when the engine has a temperature above 90 degrees. That is, a fully warmed up engine. Usually after some run.

Well, and the third option, when "Priora" is capricious in any conditions. Whether in the morning, at lunchtime or in the evening, on a hot and cold engine.
Here we will consider the minimum possibilities that the owner has to solve this problem on his own.


So, the car drove some distance. Started up in the morning with a half turn, and forward. But then a certain distance was covered, a stop was made, the key to "start" and ... Several painful revolutions, and only then the engine started working. What happened? As a rule, there can be many reasons. They can be conditionally divided into groups:

  • The fuel system is screwing up.
  • Errors or breakdowns of sensors or actuators of the control system.
  • Engine wear.

Attention! The first group has its own characteristics when manifesting in all forms. When it is bad to start on hot, cold and in both cases.

The first step is to look at the presence of fuel in the injector frame. Gasoline supply is the most likely cause of a problem. To do this, you need to open the hood and remove the decorative strip from the motor. An intake manifold runs between the engine and the Priora's radiator. There is a fuel frame under it. In the end part there is a special bypass valve closed with a plastic cover. It needs to be unscrewed and pressed on the core. There should be a strong blowout of fuel.

Important! It is best to have a dedicated fuel gauge for this test. This will give a 100% guarantee of the accuracy of the check.

When connecting this device, you need to turn on the ignition without trying to start. The pressure must be at least 2.6.
There is another option. Not so reliable, but quite usable. Perform injection several times before starting, if the Priora does not start well. That is, without turning on the starter, wait for the fuel pump to turn off, turn off the ignition and turn it on again without the starter. This is done several times. And then turn the motor. If the start-up has improved, then the pressure was not enough, and you need to check the filters and the gas pump.

And one more reason associated with the fuel system is the banal clogging of the injectors, it gives the effect of poor starting to the same extent. But here it is only a specialist check of the entire fuel frame at a special stand.

Electronic part of the check

It is worth clarifying here right away. There can be no talk of any full-fledged installation of the cause of a poor start without computer diagnostics. Although several positions can be checked.
The easiest way is to check the performance of the Priora cylinders. To do this, you need to remove the decorative cover, start the engine and leave it on idle... Give it a little work and take turns trying to remove the connectors from the ignition modules.

Good hearing and attentiveness are needed here. It is necessary to clearly determine when which of the cylinders is turned off, the work rhythm changes the least.

  1. Unscrew the mounting bolts of the modules from the "bad" cylinder and any other cylinder with a 10 key.
  2. Swap and secure.
  3. Repeat the procedure with listening. If the signs of a "bad" start have moved to another "boiler", then the ignition module is to blame. And replace it.
  4. If there is no change, then swap the spark plugs.
  5. Repeat the procedure again. If there are no changes, then either the injector or the wear in the cylinder is to blame.

In addition, one of the main sensors that control the launch of the Priora is the mass air flow sensor (MAF).

It is a very delicate instrument. It is the DMRV that reads the amount of fuel passing into the cylinders, and based on its data, the control unit doses the supply of gasoline. When the sensor starts to junk, the computer pours fuel in "emergency" mode. That is, as if pouring fuel. This is because the sensor is showing more air than it actually is.
We'll have to repeat, as in any case, only computer diagnostics can reveal this. However, an experienced craftsman, or an experienced owner, can detect irregularities in the operation of this sensor by removing the connector during operation. Depending on the type of control unit, the revolutions should either fall and the car stalls, or rise to 1,500 rpm.
May also affect poor starting and position sensor throttle(ДПДЗ), and the executive mechanism - the regulator idle move(IAC). But only diagnostics can reveal them.

Crankshaft position sensor

This is the main starting signaling device. If it fails, the car simply won't start. But there is small nuance... If the damper is dirty, or a lot of dirt has adhered to the sensor itself, a "bad start" effect may appear. But this is easy enough to check. This device is installed on the oil pump housing to the left of toothed pulley... With a poor start, just visually examine its condition, if necessary, clean it.

Poor starting due to engine wear

This is a fairly rare occurrence. In general, the engines of the VAZ 2170 "Priora" are quite durable with proper care. But as they say, there is a hole in the old woman. In this case, engine wear is determined by the dark exhaust from the pipe and increased consumption oils.
Well, in general, and here you need a specialist consultation. The motor must be inspected by a mechanic. And measure the compression.

To the cold

Morning, the key to the start. The starter turns the engine, but the Priora does not start right away. Where to start? In general, most of the reasons are the same as for a bad hot start. The only difference between the second option is that here, more often there is a breakdown in the electronic part. That is, the sensors and actuators of the "Priora" are junk. By the way, the launch of Priora in frost is a separate topic. Although cars with distributed injection themselves tolerate frost an order of magnitude better than carburetor ones. While with a "hot start", more often the problem is in fuel system.
At the same time, if the "Priora" does not start well in any condition, then most often it is engine wear.

But it is imperative to be reminded that the most reliable test method for Priora is computer diagnostics. The methods described here, of course, will help an experienced driver find and fix a small breakdown, but only diagnostics will reveal a specific malfunction.

By the way! Recently, mobile scanners have become very popular. Yes, this is a good help. You just need to know that in addition to a "smart" device, you need at least knowledge and experience. The fact is that many of the troubles described here are not identified by the control unit as a breakdown. They can only be identified by an experienced diagnostician using graphic observations.

Lada Priora is a family of cars from the Volga Automobile Plant, which replaced the Lada 110 family of cars. The Priora has been significantly improved and improved. But, as with most domestically produced cars, problems often arise with it. One of the most common problems is that the car won't pull.

Whether or not a car pulls depends on many factors, most of which are related to the operation of the power plant. Although there is a likelihood of failure of other mechanisms of the Lada Priora.

Loss of traction unrelated to the engine

The motor is the tireless heart of the car

If the operation of the engine is not suspicious, and the car does not pull, then this signals a clutch malfunction. Destruction of the clutch disc linings or damage to the springs lead to the fact that the clutch transmits torque from the engine to the gearbox only partially, and clutch slip occurs.

With such a malfunction, any car, including the Priora, pulls very badly.

It is quite easy to identify this malfunction. When slipping, the lining of the driven disk overheats, and a specific smell appears. The malfunction is eliminated by replacing worn or damaged clutch elements.

Loss of traction due to power failure

But still, if a drop in power is noticed, and the car pulls poorly, you need to look for the reason in the power unit.

As with most cars, on the Priore, in the event of a malfunction such as loss of power, the check must begin with the engine power supply system, the ignition system and the gas distribution mechanism.



Low-quality fuelSuch gasoline, having a large amount of impurities and water, causes interruptions in the operation of the engine and a loss of power. In order to get rid of the consequences of using low-quality gasoline, it will be necessary to flush the power system.
Gasoline pump.In some cases, when the car drives normally at low revs, and a drop in power is observed only at high revs, it signals that the performance of the gasoline pump does not match for these revs. To eliminate the malfunction, you need to check the condition of the fuel pump, rinse it if necessary and check the performance.
Fuel filterWith severe contamination, its throughput is significantly reduced, and the required amount of fuel does not enter the cylinders.
InjectorsIn case of malfunctioning of these elements of the power supply system of the power unit, its unstable operation and a drop in power occur. Often the problem of malfunctioning injectors is solved by flushing the power system.

Diagnostics of the fuel pump

If all fuel supply mechanisms are working properly, check the air supply system:
You need to check the status air filter, in case of heavy pollution, it is replaced.

After checking the filter, you need to pay attention to the operability of the MAF sensor and the throttle position sensor.

If they work improperly, they give readings to the electronic control unit that do not correspond to the driving mode, which leads to loss.

If everything is in order with the power system, and the car does not pull, you should check the oxygen concentration sensor in the exhaust gases, it is also a lambda probe. If it malfunctions, the car starts to overspend fuel and a drop in power.

Loss of traction due to faulty ignition system

Followed by . The glow plugs are checked first. They must supply a spark to the cylinder at the right time. If you notice interruptions in the operation of the spark plug, you should also check the ignition coil, which supplies voltage to the faulty plug, it is quite possible that the malfunction lies in it.

After checking the candles and coils, you need to pay attention to the crankshaft position sensors and camshafts... Incorrect data from these sensors, which they transmit to the control unit, can cause interruptions in engine performance. In the event of an interruption in the functioning of these sensors, they are replaced.

The last in the ignition system is the electronic control unit (ECU), since it is responsible for the fuel supply and the correct sparking moment. A malfunction in its operation often leads to a significant loss of power. In some cases, in order to restore the operation of the ECU, you need to flash it. Often the firmware removes the problem of power loss in the power plant. But there are also times when the control unit needs to be replaced.

Loss of thrust due to improper assembly or engine wear

Often the problem of loss of power of the power unit is the mismatch of the position of the mark camshaft with a mark on the body, due to which the engine's valve timing is violated.

First, the coincidence of the camshaft marks is checked. With the correct position of the marks on the camshaft, you should also check the coincidence of the marks and on crankshaft... Often there is a discrepancy in labels on it.

The classic way to start a broken car

Incorrect adjustment of the valve clearances of the gas distribution mechanism can also cause a loss of power in the power plant. With incorrectly set gaps, the valve timing is violated, which leads to a decrease in the power of the power plant. To eliminate the malfunction, check the valve clearances and, if necessary, make adjustments.

Finally, you should check the compression in the engine cylinders. With severe wear of the compression rings, the compression in the cylinders decreases, which leads to a decrease in engine power. The malfunction is eliminated by replacing the rings.

Priora engine resource: we study design and resource features

One of the most popular on Russian market produced by AvtoVAZ is budget car LADA Priora... As is typical for all cars, Priora has undergone many improvements and changes since entering the market, but unfortunately, vulnerabilities remained. Therefore, further we will consider weak sides, diseases and disadvantages of the domestic car Lada Priora. In this material, there will be no mention of the engine and gearbox, since there are cases of failure of individual elements of these units, but this is not a mass phenomenon.

Weaknesses LADA Priora

  • Thermostat;
  • Electric power steering;
  • Electronics in general;
  • CV joints and support bearings;
  • Sensors;
  • Ignition coil;
  • Fuel pump fuse;
  • Voltage regulator.

Now in more detail ...

The thermostat is one of the problem areas cooling system of the Lada Priora engine. Even before the required operating life of the thermostat, the thermostat valve may fail. Therefore, the most unpleasant thing is to constantly monitor the engine temperature indicator. The main reasons why the thermostat can fail are scale, dirt and corrosion. When buying, you need to ask the owner when was the last replacement of this element in the cooling system. And for the future, it is necessary to fill only high-quality coolant.

Electric power steering.

Before buying, you need to check the operation of the electric booster during a test run. In case of jerks or when turning, it becomes noticeably harder to steer, these are the most important signs of failure of the electric power steering. It is important to know that on most Priora cars, the malfunction may not be in the electric power steering itself, but in the contacts. Therefore, in the future, in the event of a similar problem, it is necessary to check and clean the contacts.


As in earlier releases of Priora, electronics to this day do not surprise the owners of these cars with their quality. First of all, the power windows can fail. Further, trouble can bring a heater fan, etc. It is important to remember that eliminating "jambs" in electronics is not such an expensive job, but irritation in this case is one thing - this is the frequency of their manifestation.

CV joints and thrust bearings.

The problem with CV joints is known to all owners of these cars firsthand. Indeed, quite often the CV joints cause a lot of trouble, although the manufacturer is assured that the CV joints are made of durable materials. Therefore, we can conclude that this is a design flaw. When inspecting and checking a car before buying, you must also drive, listen and feel if there is a characteristic crunch when cornering or sharp acceleration. It is important to remember that often, even when running warranty car CV joints were out of order in the area of ​​2000-5000 km. mileage.

With bearings, too, everything is clear. But in this case, I would like to say that this element is subjected to heavy loads and is the main working element of the upper support of the front shock absorber. But again, more wear-resistant bearings could be installed. A characteristic sign of failure of the "support" is knocking at the top of the rack when driving over bumps.

Sensors in particular for the engine.

Sensors are a really serious illness of the Lada Priora. Moreover, these elements can fail, regardless of the service life and mileage of the car and repeat periodically. Before buying a car, you need to know about this.

Voltage regulator.

The voltage regulator can be said not modified. There is no escape from this and you will have to put up with it, although some craftsmen are working on it themselves and the problem with the frequent discharge of the battery disappears. Therefore, before buying, you need to know about this and ask the seller if any work was done in this direction during the period of its operation of the Priora.

Fuel pump fuse.

Often on the Priore, the fuel pump fuse may fail. It is worth noting that this element is not an expensive thing, but it does cause problems. A sign of failure is a noticeable phenomenon for everyone - it's just that the car will not be possible to start.

Ignition coil.

Everyone knows such a thing as a troit engine - therefore, the ignition coil is probably out of order. The motor does not start to run at full capacity.

Like most domestic cars The paintwork on the Priora is not famous for its quality. The arches of the front and rear wheels are most susceptible to corrosion, as well as the bottom of the front and rear doors... When buying a car, you need to inquire whether the treatment was done by the previous owner with anti-corrosion mastic. Otherwise, it must be done after purchase.

The main disadvantages of the Lada Priora (VAZ-2170)

  1. Very weak insulation;
  2. Poor build quality inside ("crickets", etc.);
  3. Uneven distribution of air flows among the driver when the stove is turned on on his feet;
  4. Low resource of spare parts;
  5. Little room for rear passengers.


In conclusion, we can say that according to the majority owners of LADA Priora this car is worth the money. Yes! There are individual elements that often fail, but their price is not cosmic. The most important thing when buying is to take a responsible approach to inspecting and checking the car for the absence of visible and invisible defects.

P.S: Write in the comments about the shortcomings and weak points ah your car.

Weaknesses and disadvantages of Lada Priora (VAZ-2170) was last modified: October 19th, 2018 by Administrator


Lada Priora (2171) is one of the sales leaders among domestic cars. Not so long ago, this car replaced the tenth Vaz family on our roads. And although in its essence Priora is a restyled version of the "ten", but, nevertheless, it is absolutely new car and, not only externally, but also technically. But, is it worth buying a used Lada Priora or is it better to prefer an older foreign car, we will try to answer this question today.

A bit of history:

The debut of Lada Priora on the domestic market took place in 2007, although the prototype was presented back in 2003 year. At first, the car was produced only in the sedan body, a little later, when the model began to gain popularity, the manufacturer began to produce a car in the body - a hatchback, a station wagon and even a coupe. The Priora was developed to replace the 10th Lada family, and unlike its predecessors, the novelty received completely new components and assemblies, which were manufactured according to new technology... In 2008, he refined the body, which made it possible to significantly improve not only its rigidity, but also passive safety car.

Problem places Lada Priora with mileage

The paintwork and anti-corrosion treatment of the body is not itself best quality As a result, corrosion on the car body is quite common. Rust strikes most quickly: wheel arches (in the places where the wheel arch liners are attached), the inside of the front and rear doors, sills and the hood. Also, head light bulbs are not famous for their quality and reliability. It is not uncommon, after rain in the trunk in the niches under the headlights, moisture can be found, but, according to the manufacturer, this drawback does not require modifications, since there are plugs for draining water.


Lada Priora was equipped only with gasoline power units 1.6 - index 21126 (98 HP) and 21127 (106 HP). Operating experience has shown that both types of engines are quite reliable and unpretentious in maintenance, but, nevertheless, some shortcomings in them have been identified, the main of which are considered: loss of power and precarious work engine. One of the weakest points of motors are the sensors, they can fail on any run, and believe me, they do it quite often. Another common problem is the failure of the throttle valve and the burnout of the cylinder head gasket. Also, on some specimens, in severe frosts, it squeezes out the camshaft plugs, as a result of which oil flows out of the engine very quickly.

It happens that in the early stages of life the thermostat valve fails, therefore, do not forget to periodically glance at the engine temperature indicator. Ignition coils are not famous for their durability and fuel pump... The timing drive is equipped with a belt, the manufacturer claims that its service lines are about 200,000 km, however, practice has shown that the reason for the meeting of valves and cylinders is jamming of the support or tension roller or pump failure. Therefore, it is recommended to change the rollers at least twice as often as prescribed in the regulations, and also periodically check the degree of tension and condition of the belt.


Lada Priora was equipped with only a five-speed mechanical box gear. This box is not a standard of quality and reliability, as a result, the transmission constantly requires improvement and adjustment. The main disadvantage of Priora, as in principle, and other models produced by AvtoVAZ, are weak synchronizers. A signal about their wear and the need to replace them will soon serve as a crunch when shifting gears. In this model, a reinforced clutch of the LUK company is installed, however, the problem of a lagging release bearing at idle speed is found on every second car. Also, many owners blame the constant noise in the box, which disappears only when the clutch is depressed. The manufacturer does not recognize this noise as a breakdown and calls it a "feature of the unit operation". In order to extend the lines of the transmission service, many servicemen recommend changing the oil in the box at least once every 75,000 km.

The reliability of the Lada Priora chassis

Owners of foreign cars like to tell stories about the Lada suspension, about how the car falls apart on the move. Perhaps these rumors were previously justified, but now we can say with confidence that the reliability of the suspension is not much inferior to most budget foreign cars. Like everyone else modern cars, in front of the Lada Priora there is a MacPherson-type suspension, in the back there is a transverse beam. Changing the damper settings, revising the springs and reinforcement front stabilizer made the Priora chassis more knocked down, also, this made it possible to increase the service life of many suspension parts.

Most often, bushings and stabilizer struts bother the owners, they have to be changed every 10-20 thousand km. Steering tips and hub bearings, on average, take care of 40-50 thousand km. Ball joints and shock absorber support bearings can withstand no more than 70,000 km. CV joints, silent blocks and shock absorbers have a sufficiently large margin of safety and, with careful operation, can travel up to 100,000 km. The quality of original brake pads leaves much to be desired, therefore, it is better to replace them with better quality analogues. When diagnosing, pay attention to the behavior of the electric power steering, the fact is that on cars of the first years of production, this unit may not work correctly, which can cause you to unexpectedly fly off the road. A signal about the presence of a malfunction of the amplifier will be: a heavy steering wheel and jerks when turning the steering wheel slowly. To fix the problem, it is necessary to clean or restore the electrical wiring contacts of the unit.


Compared to previous AvtoVAZ models, Lada Priora looks more like a foreign car, but this is not the merit of a domestic manufacturer, for example, the dashboard design was borrowed from Ford Mondeo 3. But, unfortunately, the quality remained as before - at a very low level. Everything is thundering in the salon, and the older the car gets, the more instruments this orchestra has. Pasting the joints of plastic elements with absorbent materials will help to partially eliminate creaks and mortars. Electrical equipment is not famous for its reliability either. Most often they fail: power windows, a stove fan, and all kinds of sensors often fail. Fortunately, no major investment is required to eliminate any of the above problems.


Answering the question: "Is it worth buying a used Lada Priora?" Even after realizing that this car suffers from a large number of "sores" and shortcomings, it can still be recommended for purchase. It is worth noting that for most of the above problems, treatment methods have long been invented and tested in practice. In addition, the cost of spare parts is much lower than that of most competitors, and if you have even the slightest idea about the structure of the car, you can perform simple repairs yourself.

If you are the owner of this car model, please describe the problems that you had to face during the operation of the car. Perhaps it is your feedback that will help the readers of our site when choosing a car.

Best regards, editors AutoAvenu

Often, Russian motorists who operate the Lada Priora complain that the stove does not work well in the cabin vehicle cool, side freezes and windshields car. In order to understand why the stove on the Prior stopped working, consider the device of the entire heating system on cars of this modification.

Interior heating system Priora

The vehicle is equipped with a stove (heating system) with a climate system, which serves for comfort during a trip in a car. They are designed to eliminate problems in the event of a cold snap or other weather changes. Already no one will ask the question why the stove in the Priora does not work, neither the driver, nor the passengers.

The climatic complex of the car includes:

  • the actual stove (heater);
  • stove fan device;
  • temperature sensor in the cabin;
  • housing part of the air distributor;
  • air lines;
  • deflectors (guides for the flow of air masses).

The air flow from the stove is transmitted to the housing part of the air distributor, from where it is directed through the air lines. Through the air ducts, the flow rushes to the blow-off grilles of the windshield and side windows, to the air mass flow guides in the center and side dashboard, as well as in the lower plane of the passenger compartment to the floorboards on the underbody. With the arrival of frost, defects in the heating system appear, the most unpleasant of which is the fact that the Lada Priora stove does not work and other malfunctions.

Vehicle heating system malfunctions

In a Lada Priora car, the stove regulator does not work due to a malfunction of the multi-position switch or a defect in the blower fan. When eliminating this malfunction, when the fan of the Priora stove is not working, you should look at the fuse box, which serves as the main supplier of troubles for the operation of the ventilation device. Many defects in the car's climate system are directly related to the operation of the vehicle's cooling system.

If the fan device is serviceable, but the stove on the Prior does not heat well, then the defect should be looked for by a sequential method of cutting off the checked elements. So, the stove on the Priora does not work well and the cabin is cool enough:

First step: on the motor, brought to the optimum temperature, we check the 2 pipes connected to the heater for temperature values. If both products are hot, then there is no circulation of air masses, and if one pipe is hot and the other cold, then this indicates the absence of a circulation of the aqueous solution in the system. We carry out diagnostics of the heater tap in order to deal with the solution of the cooling system (water, antifreeze).

To this end, we open the hood and move the tap from one position to another. If there is a leak from the heating system, then it must be eliminated, because an insufficient amount of coolant can provoke a situation when blowing from the Priora stove cold air and it gets cool in the cabin. If the tap is rusty and not adjustable, you can leave it in this position during the summer when the heating system is not in use. Closer to cold weather it needs to be replaced.

Second phase: when the faucet is in working position and the stove refuses to work, we remove filler plug radiator reservoir and look for the presence of a cooling fluid. In the case of the formation of the so-called. "Plugs from the air" the level of the coolant is brought to the maximum value (sometimes it happens that cold air blows from the stove in the Priore due to a lack of coolant fluid). After that, turn on power plant and sharply press the accelerator pedal several times, which will provoke a circulation of the cooler and, under its influence, the water pump will squeeze out the plug of the air layer.

In order for the air masses to move faster to the output level, it is necessary to enter an elevation so that the radiator is below the radiator of the cooling system. So, the circulation of the cooler is restored, 2 pipes became hot, but the stove on the Priora does not work well anyway?

Third stage: the dampers may not work, because an open lever on the dashboard does not mean at all that the dampers have duplicated this command. Failure of the dampers may be associated with loosening of the rods and heater taps, which blocks them in the summer mode.

It will not be superfluous with open hood check whether the Priora stove dampers are working or not, and also clean the heater from last year's debris and foliage. If after these measures for cleaning the system, the interior heater does not work well or does not function at all, then we go directly to the pipes.

Fourth stage: check temperature regime nozzles when the stove is on. If the fan is in working order, two pipes are hot, but one starts to cool down after a while - it is necessary to change the water pump due to the weak circulation of the cooler. Some car enthusiasts manage to install a small water pump under the stove radiator.

Having started testing the heating system, we bring the technological process to the end:

  1. The coolant level in the expansion tank must be between the "min" and "max" marks.
  2. We test the circulation of the coolant in the expansion tank. Its absence is defined as a defect in the water pump or clogging of the cooling complex.

This completes the diagnostics of the heating system.


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