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Each car owner must be able to decipher the marking of the engine oil applied to the product packaging, because the guarantee of durable and stable engine operation is the use of a high-quality engine that meets all the requirements of the manufacturing plant. Such serious requirements are imposed by them due to the fact that oils have to work in a wide temperature range and under great pressure.

From this article, you will learn:

Engine oil marking contains all the necessary information for the correct choice, you just need to be able to decipher it

In order to streamline and simplify the procedure for selecting oil for a specific type of engine according to the required characteristics and tasks assigned to it, a number of international standards have been developed. World oil producers use the following generally recognized classifications:

  • ACEA;
  • ILSAC;
  • GOST.

Each of the types of oil labeling has its own history and market share, the decoding of the meaning of which allows you to navigate in the choice of the necessary lubricating fluid. Basically, we use three types of classification - API and ACEA, as well as, of course, GOST.

There are 2 main classes engine oils, depending on the type of engine: gasoline or diesel, although there is also a universal oil. The intended use is always indicated on the label. Any engine oil consists of a base composition (), which is its base, and certain additives. The basis of the lubricating fluid is oil fractions, which are obtained during oil refining or artificially. Therefore, by chemical composition, they are divided into:

  • mineral;
  • semi-synthetic;
  • synthetic.

On the canister, along with other markings, the chemical is always indicated. composition.

What can be on the oil canister label:
  1. Viscosity grade SAE.
  2. Specifications (edit) API and ACEA.
  3. Tolerances car manufacturers.
  4. Barcode.
  5. Batch number and production date.
  6. Pseudo-labeling (not a generally recognized standard labeling, but used as a marketing ploy, for example, fully syntetic, HC, with the addition of smart molecules, etc.).
  7. Special categories of motor oils.

To help you buy the one that works best for your car's engine, we'll decipher the most important engine oil markings.

SAE Engine Oil Labeling

The most important characteristic that is indicated in the marking on the canister is the SAE viscosity index, which is an international standard that regulates at plus and minus temperatures (boundary value).

In accordance with the SAE standard, oils are indicated in the XW-Y format, where X and Y are some numbers. First number- this is symbol the minimum temperature at which the oil is normally pumped through the channels, and the engine cranks without difficulty. The letter W stands for english word Winter is winter.

Second number conventionally means the minimum and maximum value of the high-temperature viscosity limit of the oil when it is heated to the operating temperature (+ 100 ... + 150 ° С). The higher the number, the thicker it becomes when heated, and vice versa.

Therefore, oils are necessarily divided into three types depending on the viscosity value:

  • winter oils, they are more fluid and provide trouble-free starting of the engine in the cold season. In the designation of the SAE index of such an oil, the letter "W" will be present (for example, 0W, 5W, 10W, 15W, etc.). To understand the boundary value, you need to subtract the number 35. In hot weather, such oil is not able to provide a lubricating film and maintain the required pressure in the oil system due to the fact that at high temperatures its fluidity is excessive;
  • summer oils are used when the average daily temperature is not lower than 0 ° C, since its kinematic viscosity is high enough so that in hot weather the fluidity does not exceed the required value for good lubrication of engine parts. At subzero temperatures, starting an engine with such a high viscosity is impossible. Summer brands of oils are indicated by a numerical value without letters (for example: 20, 30, 40, and so on; the higher the number, the higher the viscosity). The density of the composition is measured in centistokes at 100 degrees (for example, a value of 20 indicates a boundary density of 8-9 centistokes at an engine temperature of 100 ° C);
  • all-season oils the most popular, since they are able to operate at both minus and plus temperatures, the boundary value of which is indicated in the decoding of the SAE indicator. This oil has a double designation (example: SAE 15W-40).

When choosing the oil viscosity (from those approved for use in the engine of your car), you need to be guided by the following rule: the more mileage / older the engine, the higher the high-temperature viscosity of the oil should be.

Viscosity characteristics are the very first and important element classification and labeling of engine oils, but not the only one - choosing an oil purely in terms of viscosity is not correct... Is always it is necessary to choose the right property relation oil and its operating conditions.

Each oil, in addition to viscosity, has a different set of performance properties (detergent, antioxidant properties, antiwear, tendency to form various deposits, corrosiveness and others). They allow you to determine the possible area of ​​their application.

In the API classification, the main indicators are: engine type, engine operating mode, oil performance, conditions of use and year of manufacture. The standard provides for the separation of oils into two categories:

  • Category "S" - shows intended for gasoline engines;
  • Category "C" - indicates the purpose for diesel vehicles.

How do I decode API markings?

As already found out, the API designation can begin with the letter S or C, which will speak of the type of engine into which you can fill, and another letter of the oil class designation, indicating the level of performance.

According to this classification, the decoding of the marking of engine oils is carried out as follows:

  • abbreviation EC which is right after the API, stand for energy saving oils;
  • Roman numerals after this abbreviation talk about the level of fuel economy;
  • letter S(Service) denotes applications petrol engine oils;
  • letter C(Commercial) are indicated by;
  • after one of these letters follows performance level indicated by letters from A(most low level) to N and further (the higher the alphabetical order of the second letter in the designation, the higher the oil class);
  • universal oil has letters of both categories across the oblique line (for example: API SL / CF);
  • API markings for diesel engines are divided into two-stroke (number 2 at the end) and 4-stroke (number 4).

Those motor oils, who passed API / SAE test and meet the requirements of the current quality categories, indicated on labels with a round graphic symbol... At the top there is an inscription - "API" (API Service), in the middle is the SAE viscosity, as well as the possible degree of energy saving.

When using oil according to its “own” specification, wear and tear and the risk of engine breakdown are reduced, oil wastage, fuel consumption, noise is reduced, engine performance is improved (especially at low temperatures), and the service life of the catalyst and exhaust purification system is increased.

ACEA, GOST, ILSAC classifications and how to decipher the designation

The ACEA classification was developed by the Association of European Automobile Manufacturers. It indicates the performance properties, purpose and category of engine oil. ACEA classes are also divided into diesel and gasoline.

The latest edition of the standard provides for the division of oils into 3 categories and 12 classes:

  • A / Bgasoline and diesel engines passenger cars, vans, minibuses (A1 / B1-12, A3 / B3-12, A3 / B4-12, A5 / B5-12);
  • Cgasoline and diesel engines with catalyst exhaust gases (C1-12, C2-12, C3-12, C4-12);
  • Ediesel engines trucks (E4-12, E6-12, E7-12, E9-12).

In the ACEA designation, in addition to the class of engine oil, the year of its introduction into force, as well as the edition number (when there were updates technical requirements). Domestic oils also undergo GOST certification.

Classification of engine oils according to GOST

According to GOST 17479.1-85, motor oils are divided into:

  • kinematic viscosity classes;
  • performance groups.

By kinematic viscosity oils are divided into the following classes:

  • summer - 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24;
  • winter - 3, 4, 5, 6;
  • all-season - 3/8, 4/6, 4/8, 4/10, 5/10, 5/12, 5/14, 6/10, 6/14, 6/16 (the first number indicates the winter class, the second for summer).

In all of these classes, the higher the numerical value, the higher the viscosity.

By area of ​​application all engine oils are divided into 6 groups - designated from the letter "A" to "E".

Index “1” denotes oils intended for gasoline engines, index “2” - for diesel engines, and oils without an index indicate its versatility.

ILSAC classification of engine oils

ILSAC is a joint invention of Japan and America, the International Committee for Standardization and Approbation of Motor Oils has issued five standards for motor oils: ILSAC GF-1, ILSAC GF-2, ILSAC GF-3, ILSAC GF-4 and ILSAC GF-5. They are completely similar to API classes, the only difference is that oils corresponding to the ILSAC classification are energy-saving and all-season. This classification is best for Japanese cars.

Correspondence of ILSAC categories regarding API:
  • GF-1(obsolete) - oil quality requirements similar to API SH categories; by viscosity SAE 0W-XX, 5W-XX, 10W-XX, where XX-30, 40, 50,60.
  • GF-2- meets the requirement by quality API oils SJ, and viscosity SAE 0W-20, 5W-20.
  • GF-3- is an analogous to the API SL category and put into effect since 2001.
  • ILSAC GF-4 and GF-5- respectively analogs of SM and SN.

In addition, within the framework of the standard ISLAC for Japanese cars with turbocharged diesel engines, used separately JASO DX-1 class... This marking of automotive oils provides for engines modern cars with high environmental parameters and built-in turbines.

The API and ACEA classifications formulate minimum baseline requirements that are agreed upon between oil and additive manufacturers and vehicle manufacturers. Since the designs of engines of different brands differ from each other, the operating conditions of the oil in them are not quite the same. Some major engine manufacturers have developed their own classification system motor oils, so-called tolerances which complements the ACEA classification system, with its own test engines and tests in field conditions... Engine manufacturers such as VW, Mercedes-Benz, Ford, Renault, BMW, GM, Porsche and Fiat predominantly use their own approvals when choosing an engine oil. The operating instructions for the car must contain specifications, and their numbers are applied to the packaging of the oil, next to the designation of its class of performance properties.

Consider and decipher the most popular and frequently used tolerances present in the designations on canisters with engine oils.

VAG approvals for passenger cars

VW 500.00- energy-saving engine oil (SAE 5W-30, 10W-30, 5W-40, 10W-40, etc.), VW 501.01- all-season, designed for use in conventional gasoline engines manufactured before 2000, and VW 502.00 - for turbocharged ones.

Tolerance VW 503.00 provides that this oil for gasoline engines with a viscosity of SAE 0W-30 and with an extended drain interval (up to 30 thousand km), and if exhaust system with a three-component neutralizer, then oil with VW 504.00 tolerance is poured into the engine of such a car.

For Volkswagen, Audi and Skoda cars with diesel engines, a group of oils with tolerances is provided VW 505.00 for TDI engines manufactured before 2000; VW 505.01 recommended for PDE engines with unit injector.

Energy saving engine oil with viscosity grade 0W-30 with a tolerance VW 506.00 has an extended replacement interval (for V6 TDI engines up to 30 thousand km, 4-cylinder TDI up to 50 thousand). Recommended for use for diesel engines new generation (after 2002 release). For turbocharged engines and unit injector PD-TDI, it is recommended to fill with oil with a tolerance VW 506.01 having the same extended drain interval.

Mercedes passenger car approvals

The auto concern Mercedes-Benz also has its own approvals. For example, engine oil marked MB 229.1 intended for diesel and gasoline engines Mercedes manufactured since 1997. Tolerance MB 229.31 introduced later and meets the SAE 0W-, SAE 5W- specification with additional requirements that limit the sulfur and phosphorus content. MB 229.5 Is an energy saving oil with extended service life for both diesel and gasoline engines.

BMW engine oil approvals

BMW Longlife-98 such an admission is possessed by motor oils intended for filling into the engine of cars manufactured since 1998. Extended service interval is provided. Meets basic ACEA A3 / B3 requirements. For engines manufactured at the end of 2001, it is recommended to use oil with a tolerance BMW Longlife-01... Specification BMW Longlife-01 FE provides for the use of a motor oil when operating in harsh conditions. BMW Longlife-04 approved for use in modern motors BMW.

Renault engine oil approvals

Tolerance Renault RN0700 was introduced in 2007 and meets the basic requirements: ACEA A3 / B4 or ACEA A5 / B5. Renault RN0710 meets the requirements of ACEA A3 / B4, and Renault RN 0720 by ACEA C3 plus additional Renault. RN0720 approval designed for use in latest generation diesel engines with particulate filters.

Ford approval

SAE 5W-30 approved motor oil Ford WSS-M2C913-A, intended for initial and service replacement. This oil meets the ILSAC GF-2, ACEA A1-98 and B1-98 classification and additional Ford requirements.

Oil with tolerance Ford M2C913-B intended for initial filling or service replacement in gasoline and diesel engines. Also meets all ILSAC GF-2 and GF-3, ACEA A1-98 and B1-98 requirements.

Tolerance Ford WSS-M2C913-D was introduced in 2012 and is recommended for all Ford diesel engines with the exception of Ford Ka TDCi models manufactured before 2009 and engines manufactured between 2000 and 2006. Provides the possibility of an extended drain interval and refueling with bio-diesel or high-sulfur fuels.

Certified oil Ford WSS-M2C934-A provides extended drain intervals and is intended for use in vehicles with a diesel engine and a particulate filter (DPF). Ford WSS-M2C948-B, based on class ACEA C2 (for gasoline and diesel engines with catalytic converter). This tolerance requires an oil with a viscosity of 5W-20 and reduced soot formation.

When choosing an oil, there are a few key points to keep in mind - these are right choice the required chemical composition (mineral water, synthetics, semisynthetics), the viscosity classification parameter, and know the necessary requirements for the set of additives (defined in the API and ACEA classifications). Also, the label should contain information on which brands of machines this product is suitable for. It is equally important to pay attention to additional designations engine oil. For example, the Long Life mark indicates that the oil is suitable for machines with an extended service interval. Also, among the features of some formulations, compatibility with engines with turbocharging, an intercooler, cooling of recirculation gases, timing control and valve lift can be distinguished.

The article will consider a test of the well-known ZR magazine, carried out on SAE-5W30 oils, in conditions close to real ones, namely, on brand new Ford Focus cars ( Ford focus) just released from the factory.

Test conditions

All 5w-30 oils were tested under the same conditions.

Conditions under which 5w30 engine oils were tested:

  • 10,000 km, of which idle - 54 hours,
  • 100 hours at 6000 rpm, which included the urban cycle in traffic jams, and 45 cold starts.

Moreover, it is worth paying attention to the fact that oil was constantly added to the cars, respectively, this casts doubt on the validity of testing.

Test results

As a result of the experiments, Castrol, G-Energy and Mobil were included in the top three. The entire table of contenders for the title of the best is formed below.

1. Castrol Magnatec A1 5W-30

Synthetic car oil 5W-30 - Castrol Magnatec A1.

The manufacturer has declared increased cleaning of engine parts for long-term action, based on molecular structure using Intelligent Molecules technology. The base of the oil is synthetics. Recommended for all types of modern engines.

Test indicators - for fumes, Castrol gave not bad indicators, but among the tested oils it turned out to be average, the iron residue in working out did not exceed the norm by much, which indicates good washing abilities only at the beginning, the residues in chemical. oxidation also exceeded the norms, so it is recommended to change the oil after 10000 km, for it this is a critical indicator.

2.G-Energy F Synth EC 5W-30

Synthetics by G-Energy F Synth EC.

Manufacturer's claim for super protection, both at low and high temperatures, thanks to a stable protective film. The feature of this oil for increased energy saving was highlighted, which implies use in Ford supernova engines (recommendation from Ford). The product is suitable for all types of engines and can be used on vans, jeeps and all types of passenger cars.

Testing - average values ​​for viscosity change, not bad for iron content, fumes are normal - average oil from Gazprom, but of Italian origin. G-Energy F Synth EC is not designed for long runs without replacement, its stock of detergent reserves is very low.

3. Mobil Super FE Special 5W-30

Synthetic motor oil Mobil Super FE Special.

A loud statement from the manufacturer - what exactly this engine oil belongs to the VIP class, and guarantees reliable and high-quality protection of the car engine at extreme loads over long distances. The base is a hydrocracking base. Application - supernova engines of passenger cars.

Test indicators - the oil really confirmed its excellent detergent properties, but it took first place from the end in terms of fumes, so it cannot be called economical in any way. Further, the test showed a very high iron content during fusion, which is also not very good and the oil still needs to be changed after 10,000 without experimenting with long distances.

4. Motul 8100 Eco-nergy 5W-30

Synthetic oil Motul 8100 Eco-nergy.

A statement from a French manufacturer - economical, with excellent detergent and protective characteristics, with the presence of anti-wear effect, good anti-corrosion properties, stop foaming, antioxidant. The manufacturer recommends the use of oil for all car groups A1 / B1 and A5 / B5 according to ACEA.

Tested - a good oil with all average performance, with stable average performance under medium loads, stable middle class.

5. Shell Helix Ultra Extra 5W-30

Motor synthetics Shell Helix Ultra Extra.

Presentation from the manufacturer - synthetic motor oil of the "Premium" class, with excellent detergent characteristics and full protection of all car parts. Economical in consumption, it can work on any engine under extreme loads with an extended drain interval. It has the eco characteristic of all Shell products due to its reduced chlorine content. Recognized by concerns Mercedes benz, VW and BMW. Ideal for modern diesel engines and legacy powertrains.

Testing - the oil showed the highest performance and fully corresponded to the declared one. The iron content is low, the waste is minimal, which confirms its operation without top-ups, the acid rate of mining is not high, the viscosity parameter is stable without coordination jumps, taking into account temperature changes.

6. THK Magnum Professional F 5W-30

Synthetic engine oil THK Magnum Professional F.

The manufacturer's application is a fully synthetic oil with good energy efficiency, focused on cars from Ford, as confirmed by the automaker. Stay-in-grade job characteristics. Indicated for use in gasoline engines (and with modifications turbocharging and direct injection) in passenger cars.

Test results - The oil showed itself very well, became the leader in terms of waste parameters, perfectly preserved the engine parts, since the iron content in the mining was minimal, the alkaline number also changed within the permissible range (in Russia). An interesting product that is worth paying attention to, given its low cost, THK Magnum Professional F will clearly take first place.

7. Total Quartz 9000 Future fuel economy 5W-30

Synthetic oil for cars Total Quartz 9000 Future fuel economy.

Multigrade oil with stable characteristics, shown to work in all modes - city, highway, traffic jams. Provides good engine protection by preventing dirt and sludge from entering the engine. Economical, not designed to exceed replacement distances, maximum 10,000 km.

Test - the oil did not pass the test even for 10,000, it had to be topped up every 4000 km. At the same time, its viscosity turned out to be very low, the oil thickened and formed lumps of soot.

8.ZIC XQ LS 5W-30

Synthetic oil ZIC XQ LS.

From the manufacturer - base for ZIC XQ LS YUBASE oil + additive package from Lubrizol, Infinium, Oronite (USA) using VHVI technology. Such parameters guarantee low consumption engine oil, perfect engine protection, exceptional cleaning performance, extended drain cycle. Actually, we have already met such parameters when testing the ZIC XQ LS 5W40, then the oil proved to be excellent and practically became the leader.

The test data is resistant to burning, but does not keep the viscosity too large changes, the iron content in the working out is higher than the norm, which indicates poor engine protection, the base number also exceeded the permissible limits in the change. Why almost two identical products showed such different results is not clear, perhaps the reason is in the additives - thickeners, the content of which is higher in 5W40.

A large number of products and variety on the fuel and lubricants market have recently been the main reason that the selection of engine oil involves certain difficulties. Motorists constantly focus not only on quality, but also on issues of seasonality, mixing, compatibility and interchangeability of oils of various brands.

It is also well known that the viscosity index of a lubricant is one of the key parameters along with the base base used in the manufacture of a lubricant (). In other words, the quality and price of the product will depend on the base and additive package.

With regard to viscosity, this parameter determines both the general possibility of using a lubricant in a particular engine, taking into account the recommendations of the power unit manufacturer itself, and the expediency of operating an internal combustion engine on a product with a particular viscosity.

In this article, we intend to talk about popular oils 5w30 and 5w40, what is the difference between these products, what are the characteristics of 5w30 and 5w40 oils, is it possible to fill in 5w40 oil instead of 5w30, and which oil is better, 5w30 or 5w40 in winter and summer.

Read in this article

Engine oil viscosity and seasonality

Let's start with what many drivers have heard and some have come across a situation when the engine cannot be started in winter due to the fact that the lubricant thickens heavily in the crankcase. This means that with a charged and fully functional starter, it is still not possible to crank the crankshaft at the required frequency, which is necessary for starting.

It turns out that in this case the material has too high viscosity and is not suitable for use in winter conditions... In other words, the so-called seasonality of fuel and lubricants for the engine was not taken into account. This is not surprising, since today there is no clear division into summer and winter products.

The entire modern classification of oils boils down to the fact that the driver can choose a product from the catalogs of multigrade engine oil. These lubricants come in a variety of viscosities, tolerances, base bases and additive packages. Moreover, in recent years, more and more actively practiced use, which can be equally poured into both gasoline and diesel engines.

So, back to the conventional classification by season:

  1. Without going into details, the so-called summer grease has a high viscosity index (index), which allows the material to work normally in the engine when the outside temperature does not drop below zero. At the same time, a more viscous product forms a "thick" protective film on the parts, reliably protecting the surfaces from wear.
  2. Winter lubricant has a low viscosity, such a lubricant allows you to start the engine in severe frosts without much difficulty. However, a more "liquid", low-viscosity substance, after warming up the internal combustion engine, forms a thin protective film, inferior in the quality of engine protection to summer counterparts.
  3. Multigrade engine oil, unlike winter and summer oil, does not imply seasonal replacement, that is, it does not need to be changed according to the season and can be operated all year round. Given the fact that almost all modern products are all-season, such products represent optimal balance, combining the necessary properties for summer and modernly suitable for winter use

In order to separate lubricants, taking into account the dependence of the viscosity index on temperature, there is a special classification according to SAE (a specification that was developed by the Society of Automobile Engineers). The SAE classifier determines that summer products are rated between 20 and 60. Winter lubricants are rated from 0W or 5W to 25W.

The combination of these two indicators is separately indicated on multigrade oil and is well known to motorists (for example, oil 0W20, 5W30, 10W40, etc.). Now let's figure out what the viscosity of the popular 5w30 and 5w40 oil is, as well as what exactly the decoding of 5w30 and 5w40 oils will mean. We add that the topic of choosing a 5w30 or 5w40 oil for assumes the same answers to the questions posed in this article.

What is the difference between 5w30 engine oil and 5w40

In order to accurately determine the viscosity of all-season grease in winter and summer, it is necessary to look at the numbers before and after the letter W in the designation. The specified letter is an abbreviation for Winter (English winter). For example, 5W30 indicates that 5W indicates the SAE viscosity at low temperatures.

The number 30 is the SAE temperature rating for product performance at high temperatures. Both the ease of starting, the fluidity and pumpability of cold grease in winter, and the stability of the protective film on the surface of loaded parts at maximum temperatures will depend on these two specifications.

If you wonder how the 5w40 oil differs from 5w30, then it should be noted that these oils have identical indicators that characterize the suitability for operation in winter period... The 5W classification clearly indicates that such an oil provides a confident start of the internal combustion engine down to -30 degrees of frost.

Now let's take a look at the SAE high temperature viscosity, that is, the difference between 5w30 and 5w40. General comparative analysis of the data indicates that the kinematic viscosity of 5W30 when heated to 100 degrees Celsius is from 9.3 to 12.5 mm2 / sec. At the same time, 5W40 under similar conditions has a viscosity index from 12.5 to 16.3 mm2 / sec.

This comparison also shows that the minimum HTHS viscosity in the case of 5W30 is at around 2.9. At the same time, for 5W40 this value is also 2.9, while the parameter can reach 3.7, which is noticeably higher.

The above data allows you to determine which oil is thinner, 5w30 or 5w40. In simple words, under high heating conditions, 5W40 differs markedly from its counterpart 5W30 in terms of high-temperature viscosity. Otherwise, the answer to the frequent question of which oil is thicker, 5W40 or 5W30, will be exactly the first option, that is, 5w40.

Which oil is better: 5w30 or 5w40 in summer

Considering that 5W40 oil is more viscous, it creates a strong and stable oil film on the surface of parts compared to the competitor. As it might seem at first glance, such a product is no different during winter operation and protects the engine better in summer.

Note that this statement is only partially true. First of all, you need to consider design features of one or another internal combustion engine, as well as individual recommendations of the motor manufacturers. The fact is that even a slight increase in the viscosity of the oil in some units can lead to the fact that pumpability becomes worse, that is, the lubricant will not flow to the friction pairs in the proper amount.

Also, when choosing a summer viscosity index, it should be borne in mind that too "liquid" lubricant (for example, 5w30) can lead to leakage of lubricant through oil seals, gaskets and other seals. When low-viscosity oils are used, the oil film on the parts can turn out to be thin, as a result of which the wear of the assemblies increases significantly, the temperature of the internal combustion engine rises.

In other words, before opting for 5W40 or 5W30, you must:

  1. Separately, make sure that both types of oil are on the manufacturer's recommended list for a particular motor.
  2. Also, it will not be superfluous to take into account the peculiarities of engine operation.

For example, a viscosity index of 30 means that the declared characteristic of the engine oil will be maintained at operating temperatures only up to 150 degrees.

If the car is located in a region where the outside temperature rises significantly in the summer, while the driver constantly "turns" the engine to high revs, practices an aggressive driving style and puts a lot of stress on power unit, then the oil temperature will be as high as possible. In this case, it is worth thinking about increasing the "summer" viscosity index.

Compatibility of oils 5w30 and 5w40

Quite often, especially in the event of an emergency, it becomes necessary to add oil to the engine. In such a situation, the lubricant of the very manufacturer whose product was initially poured into the power unit is far from always at hand.

The same is true for the viscosity index. For this reason, it is important to know if 5w30 and 5w40 oils can be mixed. At the very beginning, we note that it is often not particularly recommended to mix mineral oils with products in which the base is completely synthetic. In other words, mineral water cannot be mixed with synthetics. It is also not recommended to mix semisynthetics with synthetics, etc.

As for 5W30 and 5W40, it is theoretically possible to mix these oils with minimal risks if both products are from the same manufacturer. V emergency situation mixing oils from different manufacturers is allowed, but only taking into account the fact that they have the same base base.

This means that mineral oil is mixed only with mineral oil, semi-synthetics with a similar product, etc. At the same time, it still does not work to give an unambiguous answer to the question of whether it is possible to add 5w40 to 5w30 oil. The fact is that for each type of oil, manufacturers use special additive packages that can react after mixing.

In any case, even if there are no obvious consequences after topping up, it is still an emergency measure. After repairing the breakdown, immediately drain such a mixed grease from the engine,. Also, in some cases, it may be needed additionally.

Let's summarize

In view of the above, it becomes clear that the viscosity of the oil and the stability of this characteristic at different temperatures determines the main characteristics of the lubricant, as well as the price of the product.

The best choice can be considered an oil in which the viscosity indicators are within the tolerances of the ICE manufacturer. In parallel, you should pay attention to the basic basis, since the more expensive semi-synthetic oil, for example 5W40, will be better in terms of service life and quality compared to the same, but mineral 5W40.

For owners of old cars, the choice of oil must be approached with special responsibility. On the one hand, there is an intensive development of technologies in the field of production of fuels and lubricants. This means that the information on lubricants in the operating instructions may be outdated.

Moreover, if you have to select the lubricant yourself, you need to take into account a number of features that we talked about above. To put it simply, not always expensive low-viscosity synthetics will mean that old motor on such modern high-tech oil it is reliably protected in summer and winter.

Finally, we add that when choosing an oil, you need to adhere to a certain middle, and also take into account the individual characteristics of the operation of the internal combustion engine. This means that the lubricant should not strongly liquefy and lose its properties, taking into account the maximum possible heating, and also remain fluid with the onset of cold weather.

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Features of the selection of engine oil for winter. What kind of oil among all-season ones is considered winter according to the marking, what should be taken into account when choosing.

The main parameter when choosing an engine oil is the degree of its viscosity. Many motorists have heard this term, met it on the labels of oil cans, but not everyone knows what the numbers and letters depicted there mean, and why it is necessary to use this process fluid with a certain degree of viscosity on a certain motor. Today we will reveal the secrets of the viscosity of motor oils.

First of all, let's determine the significance of the viscosity of the oil for the engine. The engine has many parts that come into contact with each other during operation. In a "dry" engine, the work of such parts will not last long, since due to mutual friction they wear out and fail relatively quickly. Therefore, engine oil is poured into the engine - a technical fluid that covers all rubbing parts with an oil film and protects them from friction and wear. Each oil has its own degree of viscosity - that is, the state in which the oil remains sufficiently liquid to perform its main function (lubrication of the working parts of the engine). As you know, unlike the coolant, the temperature of which is always stable during driving and is at the level of 85-90 degrees, the engine oil is more exposed to external and internal temperatures, the fluctuations of which are very significant (under some operating conditions, the oil in the engine heats up to 150 degrees).

To avoid boiling oil, which can cause damage to the engine of the machine, specialists in the manufacture of this technical fluid determine its viscosity - that is, the ability to remain in working condition when exposed to critical temperatures. For the first time, the viscosity of the oil was determined by the specialists of the American Association of Automotive Engineers (SAE). It is this abbreviation that is found on oil packages. It is followed by numbers, separated by the Latin letter W (it means the suitability of the engine oil to work at low temperatures) - for example, 10W-40.

In this row of numbers, 10W denotes low-temperature viscosity - the temperature threshold at which a car engine, filled with this oil, can start “cold”, and the oil pump pumps the technical fluid without the threat of dry friction of engine parts. In this example, the minimum temperature is "-30" (we subtract 40 from the number in front of the letter W), while subtracting 35 from the number 10, we get "-25" - this is the so-called critical temperature at which the starter can crank the engine and start. At this temperature, the oil becomes thick, but its viscosity is still sufficient to lubricate the rubbing parts of the engine. Thus, the larger the number before the letter W, the lower the minus temperature the oil will be able to pass through the pump and provide "support" to the starter. If there is 0 in front of the letter W, then this means that the oil is pumped by the pump at a temperature of "-40", and the starter will turn the engine at the lowest possible temperature of "-35" - naturally, given the viability battery and serviceability.

The number "40" after the letter W in our example denotes high temperature viscosity - a parameter that determines the minimum and maximum viscosity of the oil at its operating temperatures (from 100 to 150 degrees). It is believed that the higher the number after the letter W, the higher the viscosity of the engine oil at the specified operating temperatures. Exact information about which high-temperature viscosity oil is required for a particular engine is exclusively available to the car manufacturer. So we recommend that you comply with the car manufacturer's requirements for engine oils, which are usually indicated in the owner's manual.

The degree of viscosity of the oil is determined according to the internationally accepted nomenclature SAE J300, in which oils are divided into three types according to the degree of viscosity: winter, summer and all-season. TO winter oils the viscosity grade includes fluids with the parameters SAE 0W, SAE 5W, SAE 10W, SAE 15W, SAE 20W. Summer oils in terms of viscosity include fluids with the parameters SAE 20, SAE 30, SAE 40, SAE 50, SAE 60. Finally, the most common oils currently in terms of viscosity include multigrade oils - SAE 0W-30, SAE 0W-40, SAE 5W-30, SAE 5W-40, SAE 10W-30, SAE 10W-40, SAE 15W-40, SAE 20W-40. They are the most practical of all, as their temperature parameters are optimally balanced for use at various critical temperatures.

To select the oil with the optimum viscosity for your engine, you need to follow two rules.

1. The choice of the viscosity of the oil for climatic conditions. It is no secret that oil with the same viscosity (for example, SAE 0W-40) will behave differently when the car is operated in a region of a country with a hot or, on the contrary, a cold climate. Therefore, when choosing an oil, you need to remember that the higher the air temperature in the region in which the car is operated, the higher the viscosity class of the engine oil should be, which can be determined by the number in front of the letter W. This is how the temperature conditions look like, at which it is recommended to use oil with varying degrees of viscosity:

SAE 0W-30 - from -30 ° to + 20 ° C;

SAE 0W-40 - from -30 ° to + 35 ° C;

SAE 5W-30 - from -25 ° to + 20 ° C;

SAE 5W-40 - from -25 ° to + 35 ° C;

SAE 10W-30 - from -20 ° to + 30 ° C;

SAE 10W-40 - from -20 ° to + 35 ° C;

SAE 15W-40 - from -15 ° to + 45 ° C;

SAE 20W-40 - -10 ° to + 45 ° C.

2.The choice of the degree of viscosity of the oil for the period. The older the car, the more rubbing pairs wear out in it - parts that come into contact with each other during the operation of the power unit, and the gaps between them increase. Accordingly, in order for these parts to continue to perform their functions, it is necessary that the oil film on their surfaces be more viscous. That is, for engines that have exhausted half of their resource, it is necessary to buy oils with a higher degree of viscosity, and for new ones - with a lower one.

The labeling of engine oils helps owners choose the right lubricants for cars. Before purchasing, there is always the opportunity to study the product. The manufacturer's data and main characteristics can be read on the label if you know the decoding of all designations.


Choosing engine oil by composition

A well-chosen engine oil can prolong the life of the engine for a long time, while an unsuitable composition, on the contrary, will shorten its service life. Today there are three main groups of oils produced.

Synthetic (Fully Synthetic)

Drivers refer to the oil as “synthetic” because the manufacturers obtain it through the synthesis of chemical components. This is a complex process, in which a number of necessary parameters and the amount of additives are initially laid in the basis of the future oil.

Such lubricants have the following qualities:

  • reliably protect the motor;
  • have excellent cleansing properties;
  • do not thicken in severe frost;
  • able to withstand the maximum possible heating of the unit during operation.

When using a synthetic type lubricant, the engine system elements are less worn out, since the product burns well with a minimum amount of deposits.

This oil evaporates very slowly, so you will have to change it less often. But one drawback of "synthetics" still has - it's high cost.

Semi Synthetic

Inexpensive Alternative option for thrifty car owners. In composition, it is a cross between "synthetics" and "mineral water". The base of the grease is mineral, but to improve its characteristics, manufacturers add a large amount of additives. This makes the oil semi-synthetic. As a result, a liquid is obtained with the content of natural ingredients and improved qualities due to the presence of chemical additives in it.


Oil is obtained in the course of refining petroleum products. According to its characteristics, it is not inferior to synthetic analogs, however, it is more difficult for natural components to resist the influence of the natural environment - low temperatures, as well as engine overheating and oxidation. When the liquid boils, slags are formed, which are deposited in the motor. Replacement will have to be done frequently to keep the components in good working order.

Why do you need to label engine oils

Thanks to the marking, consumers can quickly and accurately select suitable lubricant to protect the engine.

The classification is made according to two parameters:

  • scope of use - gasoline, turbodiesel engine or diesel;
  • the degree of viscosity and the ability to service the power unit in summer or winter.

The most common oil classifications are the Automotive Engineers' Community (SAE) and the American Petroleum Institute (API).

The PARTBOX channel tells you which oil to choose so as not to damage the engine.

SAE Engine Oil Labeling

In accordance with SAE, oils are labeled by viscosity - the most important parameter for all fuels and lubricants. It indicates the level of friction of the elements and the resistance of the engine to wear. This indicator is especially important for motorists living in the northern regions of our country.

In turn, SAE is divided into three classes:

  • summer (liquid);
  • winter (thick);
  • universal.

Most modern products are in the third class, which means that they can be used regardless of the season. Oils are marked with two numbers, separated by a hyphen, and the letter "W" is indicated in the gap - winter (winter), which means the lubricant can be used in the winter season. The first number is the lowest temperature the oil can withstand. The second indicates the highest temperature mark at which the liquid will remain in working condition and not boil.

To make the meaning of the meanings clearer, we will characterize several popular designations:

  1. 5W-30 - the brand is used for filling cars of European manufacturers in engines. The number 5 indicates the cold viscosity of the oil when the engine was initially started. The letter "W" - the ability to use in cold weather. The figure "30" defines the viscosity of the composition after heating the engine.
  2. 5W-40 - suitable for the fastest sports cars... The viscosity range in cold and hot conditions will be 5 and 40, respectively. The letter "W" also indicates the possibility of use in harsh winter conditions.

Explanation of SAE engine oil marking

SAE oil grades and temperatures at which fluids can operate.

Classt, ° CTemperature for bleeding / cranking the crankshaft, ° CDensity, mm2 / s at 100 ° C
0Wfrom -40 to 10-35/-30 3,8
5Wfrom -35 to 10-30/-25 3,8
10Wfrom -30 to 0-25/-20 4,1
15Wfrom -25 to +5-20/-15 5,6
20Wfrom -15 to +15-15/-10 5,6
30 from -5 to +35+20/-25 9,3
40 from +10 to -40+35/-40 12,5
50 from +10 to -50+45/-50 16,3
60 from +10 to -60from +5021,9

As the first digit rises, the viscosity of the oil rises. So, 5W-40 liquid can be used at air temperatures from -35 frost to +40 degrees Celsius.

API Engine Oil Labeling

The specialists of the Petroleum Institute regularly conduct quality tests of motor oils and, based on their results, assign an index to each type of product, in accordance with the requirements of manufacturers. Labels are labeled with the quality class symbols first, followed by the API marker.

According to API, the type of oil is designated by two capital Latin letters. Gas engine has a S mark, diesel - C. The second letter indicates to drivers under what conditions it will be possible to apply this type of oil. It all depends on the unit itself - it is new or worn out, turbocharged or ordinary. If the lubricant is suitable for all types of engines of this category, then the designation will be double with a dash, for example, SJ / CF.

If the car owner decides to change the oil class, then you need to choose from those that are 1-2 points higher.

You can use a higher grade liquid, but you should not choose a lower one. Oils of each subsequent class in ascending order, as a rule, are produced with all the necessary additives for the previous category. If SE oil was previously filled in the system, then products labeled SF or SG will do instead. But SJ and other fluids for modern machines it is not recommended to take it right away. You can try using SM if the motor is not very old.

How to decipher API markings

In total, the API system has 10 classes for gasoline units and 9 classes for diesel engines.

API marking of engine oils for engines using gasoline.

Engine oil classYear of release from the factory conveyorAvailability for sale
SCBefore 1964Not issued
SD1964 to 1968Not issued
SE1969 to 1972Not issued
SF1973 to 1988Available for sale
SG1989 to 1994 (harsh conditions)Available for sale
SH1995 to 1996 (stringent conditions)Available for sale
SJ1997 to 2000 (energy saving function)Available for sale
SLFrom 2001 to 2003 (increase the service life of the unit)Available for sale
SMsince 2004 (extend the drain interval, do not oxidize, prevent the formation of deposits, frost-resistant)Available for sale
SL +Newly developed with high oxidation resistanceLess common
DesignationYear of car production
CBBefore 1961 - contains sulfur
CCUntil 1983 - for difficult conditions
CDBefore 1990 - combines the features of the previous classes
CELeft the assembly line before 1990, for a motor with a turbine
CFOff the assembly line in 1990 and later
CG-4Off the assembly line in 1994
CH-4Off the assembly line in 1998, low percentage of toxic emissions
CI-4New models with EGR valve
CI-4 plusReduced toxicity, meets high standards

ACEA engine oil classification

There is also a classification according to the system of the Association of European Producers (ACEA). Product quality requirements are similar to the API system, but some parameters are very strict. Gasoline engines are designated by the letter "A", diesel - "B". On labels, letters are combined with numbers. The larger the number, the more demanding the lubricant must meet. So, oil marked ACEA A3 / B3 belongs to the API SL / CF class.

For compact turbine units, Europeans specially develop oils with increased protective properties and reduced viscosity. This improves the environmental performance of the product and reduces fluid loss due to friction between parts. So, ACEA A5 / B5 oil performs much better than API SM / CI-4.

Classification of engine oils according to GOST

GOST divides engine oils into classes, taking into account the degree of viscosity, as well as into groups by type car engine and the nature of the application of the product.

Indicators of kinematic viscosity

The oil groups according to GOST and their purpose can be found in the table.

Oil groups according to GOST 17479.1-85Purpose and operation
AConventional unpowered engines, diesel and gasoline
BB1Engines with slightly increased power, have low anti-corrosion performance and leave deposits when heated
VIN 1Engines with medium power boost
IN 2Medium forced with higher requirements for oil quality
GD1High Power Boost (Gasoline) Engines for Heavy Duty
G2Highly forced diesel motors with or without moderate turbocharging
DD1They have the same characteristics as the previous group, but operate in conditions heavier than category G oils
D 2For turbocharged diesels
EE1Gasoline engines with increased power, operating in conditions more difficult than group D
E2Diesels of high power

ILSAC classification of engine oils

The Japanese manufacturers' community, together with their American counterparts, organized the International Committee for Licensing and Certification, presenting their own way of differentiating oils by quality level.

The classification was developed as a system for checking the quality of oils for engines of foreign cars made in Japan and America. Standards are like APIs.

Characteristics distinguishing oils that are classified according to ILSAC:

  • have energy saving properties;
  • save fuel (proven by tests);
  • have a low viscosity;
  • evaporate slowly;
  • filtered at low temperatures;
  • resistant to foaming;
  • increased shear stability;
  • protective properties.
  1. GF-5. Saves fuel, makes all parts of the car work more efficiently, and not just the engine. Reliably protects components from deposits when heated. Compatible with seals.
  2. GF-4. Evaporates little, saves fuel, keeps oil parameters stable. It is characterized by improved detergent properties, contains 0.08% phosphorus, which reduces exhaust toxicity. There is a friction modifier.
  3. GF-3. It is economical, evaporates slowly and reduces deposits. Differs in stability during the entire operational period.
  4. GF-2. Contains phosphorus up to 0.1%. Can be used at low temperatures, prevents deposits and overheating.
  5. GF-1. Created in the 90s. Has an acceptable minimum of oil requirements - antiwear properties, reduced deposits, lower fuel consumption. The phosphorus rate in the total volume is 0.12%.

A new class of oil is under development - ILSAC GF-6.

Correspondence between ILSAC categories relative to API

Let's list some matches:

  • ISLAC class GF-1 is similar in characteristics to API SH;
  • ISLAC GF-2 is similar to API SJ, as well as 0W-30, 40, 5W-20 and up to 5W-50, 10W - from 30 to 50;
  • ISLAC GF-3 is compliant with API SL;
  • ILSAC GF-4 is similar to API SM (testing takes place together).

Video "How to choose the viscosity of engine oil"

The choice of engine oil viscosity is described in the video from TOKO. ru.


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