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Motoblocks are very useful in the economy. But it often happens that people do not use old models. The fate of such equipment very often becomes an aimless stay in the garage and gradual rusting. The problem is that many do not know that even the old-style walk-behind tractors can be used to build the necessary equipment, for example, a do-it-yourself mini tractor.

Application area

This machine will be extremely useful in agriculture, because with it you can do a wide range of work, such as snow removal using a mini tractor. Therefore, even old walk-behind tractors can be very successfully used to create mini tractors that will be more than useful to you.

You can also do this from a new walk-behind tractor if you think that you need a compact tractor.

In agriculture, technology plays a very important role. She is a way of transportation, and an excellent assistant, and a tractor, and a strong man. Therefore, there is nothing better than a private house with a farm, which has a full fleet of all necessary equipment. Tractors are especially widely applicable (for example, MTZ tractors).

They do not have to be large and powerful, because even a small and compact tractor can provide significant assistance, become a good vehicle and a way to transport goods. In a word, applications for such equipment can be found as convenient as when working on the ground, you can come up with almost any “tasks”.

But small tractors are most often used precisely as vehicles, as well as mobile platforms on which various agricultural equipment can be installed.

If you equip a mini tractor with a bucket, you get an analogue of an excavator (see, for example, a Hyundai excavator), with which you can dig and loosen the ground, which is simply necessary in agriculture.

In addition, with a minitractor, you can even graze cattle comfortably, because instead of walking, you will ride on your steel horse.

Is it possible to make a mini tractor yourself? If you have no idea how to make a mini tractor out of a walk-behind tractor with your own hands, then we are ready to please you: everything is easier than it seems. To get inspired, you can look at how to make a mini tractor from a walk-behind tractor with your own hands video. Also, we suggest watching a video about homemade minitrators -.

Breaking and reworking technology is not the most difficult process. In addition, you do not have to do absolutely everything yourself. There are special kits that will allow you to easily turn one type of equipment into another in a short period of time. This set includes the following parts:

  • Frame with special installation space for the engine
  • Pedals
  • seats
  • Levers to disable the blocking of the axle shafts
  • Wings
  • Front beam and rear linkage

This set is ideal for those who are wondering how to convert a walk-behind tractor into a mini tractor quickly. But there are many people who approach this idea with genuine enthusiasm, and therefore want to do all the work on their own, without using ready-made sets of parts.

It is for them that we will tell you how to make a mini tractor from a walk-behind tractor yourself.


You can easily create a mini tractor from walk-behind tractors from various manufacturers (for example, from a walk-behind tractor Foreman). So, if you have Agro equipment, then you should produce a tractor according to the following instructions. For manufacturing you will need:

  • Motoblock Agro
  • Steel sheets and profiles
  • Car seat
  • Steering wheel from a car of any model
  • One or two pairs of wheels can be changed as all, and leave one "native".

In general, this “formula” is suitable for walk-behind tractors of any manufacturer, because the details for manufacturing are not much different.

Design features

Making a mini tractor with your own hands, you can feel like a real designer. Before you make a mini tractor from a walk-behind tractor yourself, you need to decide on the purpose of this technique, because the design of the machine is developed depending on it.

For example, if you need a tractor for agricultural work, and not, say, for movement, then the best choice hull design - solid frame. But if you need a car not only for work, but also for moving through hard-to-reach places, then it is better to choose a broken frame.

It will provide much higher maneuverability, make it possible to pass even really difficult sections of the road. Another type of design of such equipment is the so-called "adapter". This type of mini tractor is equipped with a removable trailer. With little effort, you can make a do-it-yourself trailer for a walk-behind tractor.

In addition, if you want to use the tractor for agricultural work, then it is better to place the engines at the rear of the structure. Of course, the front position provides better maneuverability, however, it also gives too much high pressure on the front wheels, and the transmission for such equipment will be a real problem.

How to assemble a homemade tractor

The very production of a minitractor is as follows: according to the drawing, you weld steel profiles and sheets, forming the frame of the future tractor. This, in fact, is the body of the machine. Next, it is mounted on the equipment of its "internal organs" - the engine, transmission, chassis.

When installing and fastening these parts, it is extremely important to carry out all work correctly and in full accordance with the drawings. After you have installed these critical parts of the minitractor, you should add the "icing on the cake": install the seat, wheel, as well as stops and turn signals if you are going to drive on the roads.

Usually the last point is unnecessary, but you may want to make your technique really perfect.


However, it is worth considering some features of walk-behind tractors that will manifest themselves when using a mini tractor made from it. So, Agro walk-behind tractors are distinguished by such a disadvantage as weak over-axle arcs.

For more details about the Agro walk-behind tractor, see the video:

Of course, for the walk-behind tractor itself, this is completely invisible, but for the design of a mini tractor, this can be critical, especially if you want to transport gravity on your equipment.

How to make mini tractors from walk-behind tractors of various models?

From the motoblock Zubr

If you need a mini tractor with high power, then it is best to use the Zubr walk-behind tractor as a base. The drawings that will help you create a small tractor yourself involve the use of the same parts as the previous version.

The manufacturing procedure for this type of equipment is identical to that of a mini tractor based on Agro.

How to make your own hands from the Neva walk-behind tractor

If you don't want to spend a lot of money creating homemade technology, then you can use the Neva MB 1 walk-behind tractor as the basis for it (see how to make a snow blower from this walk-behind tractor, as well as how to make an adapter for the Neva walk-behind tractor with your own hands drawings and dimensions) You can buy this type of walk-behind tractor for a penny, and after your processing, it will turn into an indispensable assistant in the economy.

The only thing is that it will be difficult to find suitable new parts for it, since MB 1 walk-behind tractors have some design features.

Fracture from the Cascade walk-behind tractor

If you want to use exactly new walk-behind tractor, but buy it for little money, then one of the best options can be called Cascade.

It will also be very beneficial to buy MTZ 05.

Cultivator from the motor-block Centaur

For those who appreciate maneuverability, power and the ability to perform a wide range of work, we can also advise the Centaur walk-behind tractor. However, keep in mind that it is quite expensive. But this base for a minitractor can be safely called one of the best, because it will work like a clock.

Oka walk-behind tractors are often used as the initial raw material for the manufacture of do-it-yourself mini tractors.

For the manufacture of a mini tractor, the Salyut S walk-behind tractor is also suitable.

Here, domestic-made walk-behind tractors are specially selected, as they are cheaper than foreign counterparts. You hardly want to spend extra money on a product that will be remade and improved anyway. Therefore, the models listed above are ideal as a base.

Advantages and disadvantages of a homemade mini tractor

Now you know how to make a mini tractor from a walk-behind tractor with your own hands. But what is the advantage of such a transformation? First, financial savings. After all, compact tractors on the market are expensive, so it will be much cheaper to buy a walk-behind tractor and modify it yourself.

If you follow the instructions and drawings, it's not that hard. Secondly, you will know the design of your equipment 100%, so you can fix almost any problem yourself. That is, you do not have to contact the services, which will save time and money.

Thirdly, you will get a very useful experience, so you can deservedly call yourself the Kulibin of our time. After all, such an alteration is far from being possible for everyone, therefore, if you succeeded in it, then this may well be considered a well-deserved reason for pride.

For a real owner there is no limit to perfection. As soon as the summer resident acquires an auxiliary device in the form of a walk-behind tractor, an irresistible desire immediately arises to turn it into something much larger and more functional. Converting a walk-behind tractor into a mini-tractor is the most common transformation that gardeners-designers bring to life. After all, not everyone can afford to buy a mini-tractor, but in terms of the functionality it receives, it will far exceed the same walk-behind tractor!

The question, of course, is rhetorical, but for a start it is worth deciding what and, most importantly, how will we redo it? That is, we begin, as always, with the preparation of a sketch and drawing of the main components and elements of the unit.

The mini tractor is a self-propelled vehicle, which has all the necessary nodes inherent in
such. This is a platform on which the power unit is installed and to the base of which all additional components and elements are attached, 4 wheels, steering, brake system, pedals, gearbox, electrical wiring, driver's seat. When converting a walk-behind tractor into a mini-tractor, all these missing nodes will need to be bought ready-made or built independently. As a result of the alteration, it is necessary to obtain not just a four-wheeled vehicle. We need a full-fledged agricultural machine capable of not only cultivating the land in the same way as a walk-behind tractor, but also be able to do much more! After all, if after the re-equipment the functionality of the unit does not expand, what is the point of starting everything?

Necessary tools and equipment

Before proceeding directly to the conversion of the walk-behind tractor, it is necessary to decide on the minimum list of tools that will be needed in the process of work:

In order to turn a walk-behind tractor into a full-fledged mini-tractor, you will need to acquire the following:

  • metal profile pipe for the manufacture of the frame and load-bearing structures;
  • wheels;
  • front wheel hubs with brake system;
  • steering wheel, steering rod, steering rods;
  • worm gear;
  • Transmission;
  • footboards with pedals;
  • container for brake fluid;
  • driver's seat;
  • dashboard;
  • wheel protection (wings);
  • additional attachments, with the help of which it is planned to expand the functionality of the mini-tractor.

Frame device

The first thing to start with the conversion of a walk-behind tractor is the construction of the main supporting structure of a mini-tractor or
frames. For its manufacture, you can use a metal profile pipe with a cross section of 20 by 40 mm or 40 by 60 mm and a wall thickness of 2.5–3 mm. The choice of the original tube diameter is not critical. If somewhere in the bins there is a profile pipe of a slightly different section and in sufficient quantity, it can be safely used.

Cutting blanks to create a frame is carried out using a grinder. After all the components are prepared, they must be reduced to a single design. To do this, on a flat horizontal surface, they are compared with a square and fixed with clamps. Further, using a welding machine, they are grabbed from several sides to each other. After the frame blanks are connected, the geometry of the entire structure is once again checked for correctness and all seams are finished scalded. Places that will have an increased load or vibration must be further strengthened.

Useful advice. Do not worry if you suddenly cannot fully calculate the entire design of the mini-tractor frame. Start with just a basic frame for mounting the wheels, based on the overall length of the frame of the mini tractor. The remaining parts can be added during the manufacturing process.

In the rear, as well as in the front of the frame, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of attaching auxiliary attachments (ploughs, cultivators, mowers, etc.). Additionally, it is worth installing a tow bar at the back, which will allow you to tow a trailer with a payload.

Mounting the front chassis

After the manufacture of the main frame element is completed, it's time to proceed with the installation of the chassis. Due to the ease of organizing the design and doing the installation with your own hands, some suspension units can be simplified (in particular, the installation of shock absorbers and springs). And although working on such a mini-tractor may seem harsh, simplifying the design will save you a lot of technical hassle.

The front suspension can be mounted as follows. At the car market, among used spare parts, you must purchase two front wheel hubs with brake system complete, if possible with a set of steering rods, gearbox, steering column and steering wheel. They will be used to make the front undercarriage of the mini tractor.

First, a section of a profile pipe is selected that matches the width of the front axle. Next, the wheel hubs are fastened to the ends of the prepared tube. After we find the center of the axis, we drill a hole in it and with the help of a bolt we fasten it to the end in the center (longitudinal axis) of the frame. Thus, being rigidly fixed to each other on the axis, the front wheels of the mini-tractor can freely tilt relative to the entire body.

Useful advice. If you use hubs from passenger car, then subsequently there is no need to invent something with rubber. It remains only to stock up on used tires of the right size.

Next, tie rods are installed, compared with a worm steering gear and it is fastened to the frame. After the gearbox is fixed, mount the steering rod and steering wheel. It is worth considering that during the installation of the steering rod, it may have to be additionally fixed. When steering column assembled, you can proceed with the installation of the driver's seat, as well as the rear wheels.

Mounting the rear chassis

Mounting the rear wheels has its own characteristics, since it is here that the torque from the engine will be transmitted. To simplify the design, the wheels can be made rigidly coupled, that is, without installing a differential. This solution has several advantages:

  • firstly, the design of the mini-tractor is greatly simplified;
  • secondly, a rigidly fixed rear axle will minimize the slippage of the tractor when working on open ground.

It is worth remembering that with a rigidly fixed rear axle it will definitely be difficult to move on asphalt, especially when cornering, since such equipment will contribute to increased rubber wear.

Mounting the rear axle is best done using bearings, rigidly pressed into the bushings. On the axis itself, it is necessary to pre-install a pulley or sprocket to transfer force from the engine. As rear wheels, it is better to purchase special models for a mini-tractor, which will have an increased size and a large tread pattern. With such wheels it will be convenient to move around the plowed land.

To protect against dirt, water and stones, the front and rear wheels it is necessary to close it with protective wings, which can either be made independently from a galvanized sheet, or a suitable ready-made version can be purchased.

Engine mounting

Engine mounting internal combustion produce in front of the mini tractor. This is done in order to change the redistribution of weight and create additional weight in front. After all, the main load at the back will be created by trailing equipment. The type of fastening and installation nuances depend on the specific walk-behind tractor that is planned to be converted, as well as the engine on it.

Before installing the motor for it, the mounting is mounted on the frame of the mini-tractor. In order to be able to adjust the tension force of the belt drive, the engine mount to the frame can be made sliding by creating the appropriate slots for the bolts.

Useful advice. Among the engines installed on a mini-tractor, preference should be given to those that have
water cooling. If you choose a motor with air-cooled sufficient air circulation must be provided to ensure adequate cooling.

It is recommended to organize the transmission of torque from the engine to the rear wheels using a belt drive. It is necessary to install the motor in such a way that the power take-off shaft pulley is on the same axis as the pulley installed on the rear axle. This will prevent the belt drive from jumping off during operation, as well as its increased wear. After mounting the belt drive, it must be closed with a protective cover throughout.

If the engine has an installed gearbox, it should be possible to change gear from the driver's seat using special rods. It is also necessary to provide a place for attaching the clutch pedal.

Installation of the brake system

After the engine is installed, proceed to the installation of the brake system. As parts for it, you can use unified parts of a car.
The first step is to determine the location of the brake pedal. In this place, you should install the pedal mount, as well as mount the main brake cylinder. After that, the brake cylinder is connected to the brake drums of the front wheels using metal and rubber hoses. Next, the brake system must be checked for leaks and pumped in order to remove residual air and ensure proper functionality.

Installation of electrical equipment

Depending on the type installed engine on the instrument panel, you can display the ignition key, coolant temperature sensor, fuel gauge in the gas tank. If it is planned to move and work on a mini-tractor at dusk or at night, it is necessary to install a headlight in front, and additional marker lights in the back and sides. Also, if the possibility of moving on roads as part of the main traffic flow of cars is not excluded, the mini-tractor must be equipped with brake lights and direction indicators.

Connecting additional equipment

At the front of the mini tractor, a bucket can be installed as an accessory, and at the rear -
the whole range of agricultural machinery for cultivating the land. In addition, it is recommended to equip it with a hydraulic pump and hydraulic cylinders. With their help, it will be possible to lower and raise attachments, to perform other manipulations. If an additional power take-off shaft is provided from the engine (for example, using an additional cardan gear), then it will be possible to connect not only static, but also mobile, dynamic equipment. This will greatly expand the scope of the mini-tractor.


With a little skill and a great desire, in just a few days the walk-behind tractor can be turned into a full-fledged mini-tractor, which will become an indispensable household and household helper. Using a huge additional arsenal of attachments and trailers, the mini-tractor can be turned into a versatile agricultural machine!

Video from Youtube about the conversion of a ZUBR walk-behind tractor into a minitractor.

It is very difficult to work on a country site without equipment. A minitractor from a walk-behind tractor facilitates many types of work and saves time. Attached equipment, used together with machinery, allows you to plow and harrow the ground, plant and dig up potatoes, and harvest animal feed.

A minitractor from a walk-behind tractor is convenient and functional, since its main characteristic is the ability to transform from one machine to another. This convenient feature, which allows you to convert a walk-behind tractor to a mini tractor, eliminates the need to buy expensive equipment. The finished unit has steering and front wheels. Carrying out its transformation will require the purchase of a kit for converting a walk-behind tractor into a mini tractor.

Before converting the walk-behind tractor, you will need to prepare drawings of the main elements, as well as equipment components. The minitractor is a self-propelled vehicle with all necessary elements and nodes. The conversion of a walk-behind tractor into a minitractor provides for the installation of an engine on the platform. Additional components, wheels (4 pcs.), Pedals, steering, electrical wiring, brake system, gearbox, driver's seat should be strengthened to its base.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the conversion of a walk-behind tractor into a minitractor is possible only if the walk-behind tractor belongs to the heavy class and weighs more than 200 kg. This is the only way to get a multifunctional vehicle on four wheels.

What is a mini tractor?

Before you make a mini tractor yourself, you need to accurately determine the entire set of elements and assemblies included in its design. This type of equipment, the size of a passenger car, can have a power of 15 - 40 hp. When deciding on the choice of a mini tractor model, one should take into account all the functions that it must perform. When choosing a basic kit for converting a walk-behind tractor into a mini tractor, the purchase of attachments must be carried out separately. At the same time, it is important that the attachments of the equipment to the machinery are suitable.

Some models may have 2 driving wheels or 4. When choosing the type of drive, they usually take into account the terrain where the tractor is planned to be used. The cost of all-wheel drive mini tractors is much higher, but they are more powerful. After that, it is determined which engine will be installed on the minitractor: diesel or gasoline.

The latter are installed on many models, but they may already be outdated. Diesel engines are more expensive than gasoline engines, but they are more durable and economical. diesel engine, equipped with water cooling, fits perfectly.

When choosing the power of a minitractor, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe land is usually taken into account. If you need to cultivate a plot of land up to 2 hectares and mow lawns, then the engine is up to 5 - 6 hp. fits perfectly. You can work on a plot of up to 5 hectares and remove snow on a mini tractor, the engine of which has a volume of up to 13 hp. Processing of larger areas is carried out by equipment with engines of 15 - 40 hp. It must be remembered that more attachments are suitable for a machine with more power.

What is common between a walk-behind tractor and a mini tractor?

To equip a mini tractor based on the design of a walk-behind tractor allows a sufficient number of common design characteristics between these technologies. The walk-behind tractor has several main working units, including the power unit, controls, transmission, chassis. Motoblocks are equipped with 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines, which are distinguished by the type of fuel used - diesel or gasoline. There are models that run on electricity. As controls, levers and buttons are used, which are located on the control handle to facilitate the work of the operator. The transmission can be gear, belt-tooth-chain, gear-worm and hydrostatic.

Mini tractors have a similar structural structure, including all the same elements. Specifications the main working nodes have some differences. The design of the minitractor consists of an engine, transmission, running gear, controls, and an aggregation system. Gas engine a mini tractor can have a power of 18 hp, and a diesel one - 12 - 50 hp. Usually the wheelbase consists of four wheels, but caterpillar minitractors are found. The transmission of the unit includes a clutch, a gearbox, a final drive, a differential, final drives, and a power take-off system.

The drawings of the controls of the minitractor and walk-behind tractor are different, since in the first case steering is used and dashboard with levers and buttons. The main difference is that mini tractors have a place for the driver. Having converted a tractor from a walk-behind tractor with your own hands, you can get more high performance.

Stages of work on the re-equipment of equipment

Preparing the tools and kit

Starting the alteration of a mini tractor from a walk-behind tractor with your own hands, you should consider the issue related to the location of the engine. If the power unit is located behind the driver's seat, then such an installation will be more acceptable. This ensures the creation of a more reliable grip of the drive wheels with the ground. The driver's weight, which will increase the additional pressure on the front axle at the same time as the power unit, will not allow the machine to tip back when plowing on hard ground.

Along with the drawings, kinematic diagrams will also be required, which will allow you to make the correct calculation of the load on the frame. At the same time, the schemes allow you to calculate the traction force that is necessary to complete all work on the plot. The conversion of a walk-behind tractor into a mini tractor begins directly with the preparation of all the necessary tools:

  1. Apparatus for welding.
  2. Electric drill or drilling machine.
  3. Bulgarians.
  4. A set of ring and socket wrenches.
  5. Cutting wheels for metal.
  6. Discs for grinders, electrodes, a set of drills for metal.
  7. Bolts, nuts and washers.
  8. Hammer.
  9. Screwdriver set.
  10. Lubricant.

The materials, including the main components and elements that will be required to create a homemade tractor from a walk-behind tractor, may be as follows:

  1. Dashboard.
  2. Wheel.
  3. Wheels (4 pcs.).
  4. Front wheel hubs with brake system.
  5. The driver's seat and its base.
  6. Metal profile pipe for the manufacture of frames and load-bearing structures.
  7. Steering rod.
  8. Footboards with pedals.
  9. Steering traction.
  10. Worm gear.
  11. Capacity for liquid (brake).
  12. Transmission.
  13. Wings (wheel protection).
  14. Mounted equipment.
  15. Brake cylinder.
  16. Frame.

The elements of this kit, that is, the kit kit, are designed to simplify a large number of different jobs in the garden or in the garden. Before starting the conversion of a walk-behind tractor into a motor-tractor, the listed missing components will need to be bought ready-made or mounted by hand.

Using a kit for converting a walk-behind tractor into a mini tractor will allow you to use the elements of the finished device in complete set, which will provide great opportunities when working with a mini tractor.

The principle of converting a walk-behind tractor into a minitractor

They begin to remake a mini-tractor based on a walk-behind tractor, usually with the manufacture of a frame. It must be metal. You will need to cut the metal that was prepared in advance into separate segments of the desired length. They are fastened using electric welding or conventional bolts. After assembling the frame, you can proceed to the installation of the chassis. When assembling a tractor from a walk-behind tractor with your own hands, it is necessary to provide for the track width depending on the location power unit, which can be located behind or in front.

If the engine is located in front of the machine, then the track width should be determined by the base wheels of the walk-behind tractor. When converting a walk-behind tractor into a minitractor, the rear wheels are fastened to the frame using an additional axle. It can be made from a pipe of a certain width. Bushings equipped with bearings must be pressed into the ends of the pipe. When assembling a mini tractor from a walk-behind tractor with your own hands, wheels are installed on them at the last stage of assembly.

If homemade mini tractor will have an engine located at the rear, then the track width is usually expanded. Otherwise required by the machine balancing will not be achieved. First you need to shoot from the base wheels from the walk-behind tractor and install them on a wider axle. Assembly is carried out in the same way as in the version with the engine in the front. A home-made mini-tractor from a walk-behind tractor should have lugs to improve the adhesion of the unit to the soil.

The steering can be handles from a walk-behind tractor. In this case, the minitractor will resemble a motorcycle. When driving in reverse this type of management will cause a lot of inconvenience. When remodeling a mini-tractor from a walk-behind tractor, it is better to install a conventional steering column on it. This will make reversing easier. The driver's seat is installed on a slide that is welded to the frame.

Recommendations for converting a walk-behind tractor into a mini tractor

How to choose a seat and wheels?

When choosing a seat for a mini tractor, you should pay attention to its dimensions. It should be such that it is convenient to be and work in it. A homemade mini tractor is best equipped with a seat from a car, since it can be easily adjusted. Seats from old cars that can be found at car showdowns are ideal.

Another important point in the process of converting a walk-behind tractor into a minitractor, this is to determine the height of the steering wheel. Having completed the installation of the driver's seat, you should sit in it, taking the position in which you will be when plowing on a mini tractor. After that, it will be possible to immediately understand what height of the steering wheel will be optimal. You can make a mini tractor from a walk-behind tractor easy to operate by ensuring easy accessibility of the steering wheel for hands. The main thing is that it does not interfere with the free position of the knees.

When choosing a kit for converting a walk-behind tractor, it is important to pay close attention to the wheels. Wheels from old cars are quite suitable. Making a choice optimal size rim, it is better to give preference to wheels 12 - 14 inches. Their installation is carried out in the front axle of the minitractor. An all-wheel drive minitractor sometimes provides for a rear axle with wheels large sizes than the front. Not right choice front wheels of a smaller size can lead to the fact that the walk-behind tractor will begin to bury its nose into the ground.

The correct choice of the size of the wheels for the front axle will allow you to avoid heavy steering, otherwise it will be possible to turn the steering wheel only with effort. Tires should be selected that are intended only for mini tractors. The use of a homemade mini tractor is also possible in dark time days using parking lights and headlights. If necessary, additional skin parts are installed on the converted equipment.


To make it as convenient as possible to carry out country and agricultural work, the walk-behind tractor can be converted into a mini tractor. Re-equipment with a complete set is within the power of almost anyone who has even minimal skills. After assembling a mini tractor, which is converted from a walk-behind tractor, the car should be run in. Using a home-made unit, you can process large areas of land without the application of physical effort.

As an alternative to the factory tractor for small farms, you can use "folk" designs.

The home-made mini-tractor described below from a walk-behind tractor was created from the parts of the Ant cargo scooter - it has proven itself well when working in small-sized rural areas. You can create such a mini-tractor with your own hands if you have a small workshop and a sufficient share of skill.

The design of a homemade mini-tractor

This design was developed and tested in practice by students of the Kharkov Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture.

You can make such a mini-tractor yourself from scrap: various components and parts from old serial machines produced by the domestic industry.

The unit can be equipped with a wide range of interchangeable trailed and mounted implements. Thanks to this, the walk-behind tractor can be considered a universal assistant in home gardening. It can be used for plowing and harrowing, cultivating and hilling, as well as for other operations related to tillage and plant care.

This tractor can also be used in conjunction with a single-axle trolley to transport various household goods, garbage from the site, soil, sand. To do this, a slight modification of the tractor is made, and the driver is placed on a sprung seat in front of the bogie.

The main parts of a homemade mini-tractor are the VP-150M engine, transmission, power take-off system, chassis, control system and hitch. All of them are arranged on a rectangular frame from a channel. The VP-150M engine from the Electron scooter or its equivalent, which has a power of 7.5 liters, can be considered the most suitable for the walk-behind tractor of this device. With. (5.5 kW), single-cylinder, two-stroke and carburetor. It has a compact integrated gearbox and clutch, and is equipped with electronic ignition. It is also valuable that this motor is equipped with a centrifugal fan, because other engines have to be cooled in various "handicraft" forced methods.

You can, of course, use other engines. But for comparison, it is enough to give the basic data on the VP-150M engine. Here, the transmission of torque to the gearbox is carried out by a helical pair of gears with a gear ratio of 3.045.

Gearbox - three-speed - with gears of constant meshing. gear ratios the steps are as follows: for the first gear - 4.883, for the second - 2.888, for the third - 1.800. The engine and gearbox are made in one monoblock. Special requirements for operation and maintenance there is no engine complete with clutch and gearbox, in this case they are regulated only by the manufacturer's recommendations.

The transmission of the walk-behind tractor is mechanical, gear-chain, consisting of a serial differential with reverse (from the Ant cargo scooter), an intermediate shaft, two final drives and a wheel locking mechanism. The intermediate shaft in this mechanism simultaneously serves for power take-off and for mounted implements. Therefore, the torque is transmitted from the engine to the intermediate shaft using a chain with a pitch of 12.75, and then further to the differential using a chain with a pitch of 15.875 mm. And then, again along the final drive chains with a pitch of 15.875 mm, to the drive wheels. The sprocket Z1 refers to the engine, Z4 is a kit along with the differential, and Z2 and Z3 are from the Voskhod motorcycle.

The intermediate shaft is made of steel 40, it is mounted in two ball bearings No. 180205. Standard flanged housings can be used for them (for example, from decommissioned agricultural machines); fastening to the side cheeks of the transmission casing.

The diameters of the shaft seats should be selected according to the dimensions of the sprocket hubs. The length depends on the width of the transmission housing plus a small margin (for installation on the right side of the double-groove drive pulley with a diameter of 100-120 mm).

Photo gallery

As you can see in the photo, this homemade mini-tractor is a two-wheeled vehicle driven by a person walking behind it.

How to make a mini tractor for the household

The frame of the walk-behind tractor can be welded from suitable profiles at hand. For the longitudinal side members of the frame, you can use channel No. 6, and for the transverse side members - No. 8. From below, to the horizontal side members of the frame and to the brackets, it is necessary to attach the bearing housings of the axle shafts with bolts. Here it is required to put bearings No. 180207 (two for each axle shaft). Cases for them should be selected standard (preferably from decommissioned agricultural machines).

The installation of these elements on the brackets must be carried out with particular care: it is necessary to observe the alignment of the wheels and the perpendicularity of the semi-axes relative to the longitudinal axis of the frame. This is important for the subsequent marking of the holes for fastening the housings with bearings and their further mounting on a one-piece mandrel axle, which subsequently must be sawn into two axle shafts.

At correct installation housings, the mandrel in the bearings of the axle shafts will rotate freely.

After that, corners 25 x 25 mm should be welded to the frame in its rear part. Next, a transmission casing made of steel sheet 5-6 mm thick is screwed to them. This element is necessary as a basis for installing the intermediate shaft, differential and control mechanism. The rear side of the casing should have a removable cover, and the front side should have a bracket for attaching the fuel tank.

The front part of the frame is equipped with welded corners from the inside, which will serve as a bracket for the engine with a forced cooling fan.

The axis (or half shafts) must be made of high-quality steel. The dimensions of this element can be adjusted depending on the available bearings and the dimensions of the wheel hubs. Next, two half-couplings must be mounted on the axle shaft from the inside.

The right clutch half must move freely on the square, and with the help of a lever mounted on the control rod, it must be engaged with the left clutch half. Thus, a rigid connection of the axle shafts is provided, i.e., the wheels are blocked.

The traverse must be rotated by 180 ° or by the required intermediate angle so that additional convenience is possible when controlling the walk-behind tractor during operation.

Watch the video "Homemade mini-tractor" to clearly see how this agricultural machine is designed:

Adaptation to a mini-tractor for quick watering

For quick irrigation of a large land plot, craftsmen offer another kind of homemade tractor. Rather, it is a device that attaches to a mini-tractor. In this case, a four-wheel version of a mini-tractor is used.

In addition to watering, a mini tractor for household with this attachment and with the help of various trailers and attachments, it can be used for various tillage jobs.

This design was developed on the basis of the UD-2 engine with a power of 8 liters. With. The tractor frame is recommended to be welded from pipes with a diameter of 40 mm. For its rigidity, it is necessary to weld squares measuring 35 x 35 on the sides. rear axle and cardan transmission can be taken from a Skoda car. These parts need to be cut a little and fit according to the drawing. The gearbox can also be taken from this car (it has three speeds for forward and one for reverse). Front axle it is quite possible to calculate and make it yourself from a 40 mm pipe in the form of a rocker arm. The rods are taken from a motorized stroller, and the steering column is taken from the Volga car. Brake system must be hydraulic, the brake cylinder - from the GAZ-51 car, the gas tank - from the grain loader. And the tractor seat can be taken from a beet harvester and redone a bit. The wheels for this tractor, front and rear, were taken from a tractor rake.

The result is a complete machine. On the front of the frame of the assembled tractor, only the irrigation unit is required. It should consist of a gear pump taken from hydraulic system tractor MTZ-5, which will be driven by a tractor engine.

At the end of the assembly, a water tank with a capacity of at least 200 liters must be installed on the tractor frame. During operation, the pump will pump water and deliver it through a hose, thus watering the ground within a radius of up to 10 m.

If you manage to make a mini tractor from a walk-behind tractor, then you can cultivate small plots of land in a short time and with minimal effort. Not every consumer will be able to buy a factory model, so you can improvise.

If you found an old walk-behind tractor in the barn, then you can independently convert it into a small tractor. And the purchase of a new walk-behind tractor will be cheaper compared to buying a full-fledged tractor. The technology of the work is not difficult, but to perform the manipulations, you need to familiarize yourself with the methodology.

Choice of walk-behind tractor

Not every walk-behind tractor is suitable for conversion, this technique must meet certain criteria, otherwise the tractor will not perform its main functions. Experts recommend paying attention to the following characteristics:

  • power;
  • Type of fuel;
  • mass of equipment;
  • price.

As for the first feature, it should be larger. In this case, it will be possible to process an impressive area. It is also important to pay attention to the type of fuel. It is better to prefer a model that operates on a diesel engine. Such engines are capable of processing large areas. In addition, this technique consumes fuel more economically when compared with gasoline counterparts.

When making a mini tractor from a walk-behind tractor, it is also important to take into account the mass. When a walk-behind tractor is purchased as a separate agricultural equipment, models with low weight should be chosen, this is due to their easy handling. However, in the described case, it is recommended to give preference to massive structures, since a home-made mini tractor must process the soil. And if the device is light, it will not cope with hard ground.

If you decide to make a mini tractor from a walk-behind tractor, it is also important to take into account the cost of the original equipment, it should not be too high, otherwise you will not be able to save. Do not immediately purchase a popular model of a well-known brand. In some cases, experts recommend giving preference to domestic manufacturers. As practice shows, walk-behind tractors of the following brands are excellent for the manufacture of a mini tractor:

  • "Agro";
  • "Neva";
  • "Bison";
  • "Centaur".

For these models, you can purchase a ready-made conversion kit, in which case the work can be completed in a short time.

If you decide to make a mini tractor from a walk-behind tractor, then you should consider all of the above models, however, the Agro option has some design flaws, which are low fracture strength. This defect does not affect the operation of the walk-behind tractor. But if you convert it into a minitractor, then the load on the axle shaft will increase. Therefore, it will be necessary to strengthen the problem node.

You can carry out these works by installing wheel gears. All of the models listed above have proven themselves in tillage. If a breakdown occurs, then problems with spare parts should not arise.

Making a tractor from a Centaur walk-behind tractor

When home craftsmen make a mini tractor with their own hands from a walk-behind tractor, they quite often prefer the Centaur model. This agricultural equipment belongs to the class of professional equipment, which indicates the high performance of the device.

In this case, the engine acts as a key node, the power of which is 9 liters. With. To convert a walk-behind tractor into a tractor, it will be necessary to make a frame using a metal profile. Additionally, you will need to install a seat and wheelset. Such a walk-behind tractor can be equipped with a trailer for transporting small loads. Additionally, you can use a blade and a single-fur plow.

Use and "Agro"

If you are thinking about the question of how to make a mini tractor out of a walk-behind tractor, then as an example, consider the Zubr model. As in the case above, this device has a good power plant, it functions by diesel fuel. To make a mini tractor, you need to prepare:

  • hydraulic system;
  • additional wheels;
  • brake system;
  • steering.

As for hydraulics, it will be required for the operation of the device in conjunction with attachments. Additional wheels can be borrowed from a car.

Before you make a mini tractor out of a walk-behind tractor, you can try to find the Agro model. In this case, the approach will be more serious. You will need to strengthen the drive axle and wheel gears. As a manufacturing option, you can position the engine at the back, this will distribute the load as evenly as possible.

You can convert a walk-behind tractor into a mini tractor using technology that is the same for all models. An exception is a tractor manufactured on the basis of MTZ. Before starting work, prepare tools and parts.

  • welding machine;
  • wrench;
  • fastener;
  • electric drill with a set of drills;
  • grinder;
  • nuts and bolts;
  • discs for cutting metal.

Frame manufacturing features

For the manufacture of the frame, it is necessary to supplement the supporting structure, because it will require the installation of two more wheels. For this, pipes or metal corners are used. The cross section does not play a special role, the main thing is that the frame can withstand loads. The conversion of a walk-behind tractor into a minitractor at this stage involves cutting and fastening blanks together. To increase the reliability of the structure, a cross beam should be installed.



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