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Marker lights of a car are called barely glowing dipped headlights and tail lights, or reflectors.

In North America, parking lights are called parking lamps; in the UK, they are front lights. You can also find such names: parking lamps, sidelights.

In North American countries, lanterns can be either white or amber, but in all other countries only white. The luminescence intensity of the side lights should be in the range from 4 to 125 cd.


For the first time, the mandatory installation of side lights on a car was enshrined in the regulations of Canada and the United States.

January 1, 1968 by the U.S. National Security Administration road traffic a resolution was adopted, according to which on cars, trucks mobiles, buses must be installed parking lights. It must be said that the introduction of this rule helped to reduce the number of accidents by half.

Types and arrangement of side lights

The side lights are fitted to the front and rear. They are on the sides vehicle... The front lights can be part of the headlamp unit or located separately.

The light source is LEDs, LED units or halogen lamps. When installing non-standard light sources, it must be remembered that the rear parking lights of the car should burn less brightly than the brake lights.

The side lights are switched on separately or automatically when the dipped beam is switched on. Some cars have a function to turn on the side lights on one side to indicate their dimensions in a tight, poorly lit parking lot.

Pros and cons of side light bulbs

Today, LEDs are increasingly used in side lights. Compared to conventional incandescent bulbs, LED bulbs are much brighter and consume less energy. The service life of LED side lights is quite long (about 100,000 operating hours), they are resistant to overloads, vibrations and temperature extremes.

The only drawback of LED bulbs is the higher price compared to incandescent bulbs.

Purpose of parking lights

Front parking lights

Side lights, which are weakly glowing front lights and reflectors, first of all, give an understanding and idea to other drivers and road users what size your car is, as well as where the left side of the car is and where the right side is. The purpose of the side lights is to give orientation to other drivers, moving towards or along the way, the overall parameters of your car, for example, when it is moving from behind (see ""). The rest of the information about the parameters and dimensions of your car is given by the flashing beacons, which are usually installed on the roof of the cab. As a rule, drivers turn on the parking lights when the vehicle is parked for quite a long time in conditions of insufficient natural light. The light from the headlights behind the moving vehicle will be returned to the driver by reflectors. Of course, the side lights on the car are much brighter and more striking.

Rear parking lights

Rear parking lights are used to mark the vehicle as in dark time days, and in conditions of insufficient visibility. In case of fog on the road and poor visibility, they are used in conjunction with rear fog lamps. The color of the taillights is red. The machines use a pair on both sides on the same line. In this case, the viewing angles of the emitted light and the side are normalized. Tall vehicles (buses, trucks, etc.) must have parking lights at the top as close to the edges as possible.

Malfunction of side lights

In the traffic rules, it is prohibited to drive with missing or disabled headlights and rear marker lights in the dark. And if at least one size light bulb on the car burns out, then this is the reason why you can earn a fine for using the car in a faulty condition.

Often, when replacing halogen lamps with LEDs, the indicator lamp of the malfunction sensor of side lights and brake lights comes on. This is due to the fact that the power of the LED is lower than the power of the incandescent lamp, which means that on-board computer she simply does not see it. To solve this problem, a resistor can be placed in front of the diode to reduce and stabilize the voltage.

However, LEDs are not suitable for all cars, so sometimes it is better to leave halogen bulbs, anyway, the difference in electricity consumption will be minimal.

Occasionally, drivers may forget to turn off the side lights, which drains the battery. Some automakers have solved this problem quite in a simple way: When the door is open and the side lights are on, an audible signal sounds to remind the driver of the included dimensions. Today modern cars"Learned" to turn off the lighting on their own, if the driver forgot to do it.

Usually, all side light bulbs have a long service life, but if there is a need to replace or repair bulbs, then this procedure does not take much time.

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Today we will talk about the side lights of the car. The difference between side lights and headlights is that they serve as dimensions to improve visibility and indicate the dimensions of your car, in the dark or when visibility is poor.

Many beginners forget about side lights, which cannot be done. If in old cars the side light was turned on together with the instrument lighting, and it was impossible to forget about it, in new cars everything is divided, and by turning on the instrument lighting, you can forget about the dimensions - this cannot be done.

How to include

Let's start with how to include dimensions. When buying a car, first of all, study not the engine power, but the location of the external lighting controls.

V different cars control can be done in different ways, and it is necessary to clearly know where the dimensions, headlights, and hazard warning lights are turned on.

In addition, the side lights of different brands may differ structurally: there may be conventional gauges and bulbs in the headlights, or they may be separate. In any case, carefully study the service manual of your car, and remember the location of the controls.

When to turn on

When visibility deteriorates. Fog, snow, rain, twilight, tunnels. There is one caveat here: Do not confuse parking lights with running lights... The running lights are always on (or the dipped headlights), but the dimensions - in case of insufficient visibility - do not confuse these concepts. In a word: visibility began to deteriorate - the side lights were turned on. Make life easier for yourself and for oncoming traffic. Side lights in fog are especially important: the most difficult movement is movement in fog, especially in the dark. Do not be fooled by sufficient visibility - at the slightest sign of fog, turn on the side lights.

It is necessary to clearly understand - if you see well, this does not mean that the driver of the oncoming car sees as well. And by turning on the side lights, you can mark the boundaries of your car. Also, when stopping on the side of the road, in poor visibility conditions, in no case forget about the side lights. Believe me: a car emerging from the dark on the side of the road is very bad. If you have come across this at least once, you know.

During a stop on the side of the road at night, additionally turn on the emergency gang for better visibility.

A responsibility

12.20 Violation of the rules for the use of external light devices, sound signals, emergency signaling or emergency stop sign: warning or a fine of 100 rubles.

Remember: turning on the side lights is safe on the road. Do not forget to include the dimensions, and do not wait until it gets completely dark. The visibility has slightly deteriorated - the dimensions have been turned on, and your path will become safer.

In order to ensure the safety of vehicles on the road, drivers are required to use parking lights. If the dimensions are not used in the necessary situations, the traffic police inspector has the right to fine the road user. What are the side lights intended for, and in what situations can the owner of the car incur an administrative penalty?

What are parking lights?

Parking lights, called parking lights, are lights that are located on the side, front and rear of the vehicle.

The side lights must be switched on if you are driving at night, during braking and stopping, as well as when you park your car on the carriageway or roadside.

Front dimensions

The dimensions located on the front of the car are called sidelights and parking lamps. They are located on the same line along the edges at the front of the vehicle. Dimensions on trucks placed on the wings. The front position lamps shall be in an exceptionally white light.

According to the traffic rules of the Russian Federation, the front dimensions are switched on at night in low visibility conditions together with other optical devices, such as fog lights, lights high beam and neighbor.

Rear dimensions

Rear dimensions are installed in the corresponding part of the car from the sides along one line and are a component of the headlights. Rear dimensions should be only red and turn on at night when driving and stopping at the edge of the road. On trucks and buses, dimensions are set both at the top and at the bottom.

Drivers often confuse light dimensions with running headlights of low and high beam and fog lights, which should not be allowed. All headlights have their own purpose.

What are they needed for?

Position lights are of particular importance when driving vehicle... The purpose of the side lights:

  • designation of the size of the vehicle when visibility on the road is insufficient;
  • as lighting when stopping;
  • attracting the attention of other road users.

When to turn on?

Situations when it is necessary to turn on the side lights:

  1. In case of poor visibility caused by natural phenomena: fog, snow, rain, twilight.
  2. When crossing road tunnels.
  3. In the event of a stop on the side of the road in poor visibility conditions.

If the car is equipped with a trailer, then at night in the tunnel in conditions of poor visibility, the parking lights are turned on.

It is not necessary to turn on the parking lights in daylight in clear weather, since they are low power and almost invisible in sunlight.

Punishment for not included dimensions

There is no special article in the administrative code of the Russian Federation that directly relates to side lights.

Fine amount

However, in the Code of Administrative Offenses there is a separate article (Article 12.5 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), which is interpreted as follows: for various inconsistencies in lighting devices with the basic provision on the admission of a vehicle to operation a warning is issued or penalty in the amount of five hundred rubles.

The driver may incur an administrative penalty if the dimensions:

  • shine with a different light that does not meet the requirements of traffic rules;
  • contaminated;
  • does not work.

The decision to impose a fine or issue a warning is made by the traffic police inspector at the place of detention of the driver, guided by the specific situation on the road and the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 185. If you are detained by a traffic inspector and you doubt his legitimate actions, contact our lawyers for help.

Remember that road safety is directly related to the visibility of your vehicle to other road users. Therefore, do not forget about the timely inclusion of the headlights of the side lights, especially in foggy conditions.

The road and the car are a wonderful tandem and at the same time require concentration and attention from the driver. Any driver will tell you that in order to drive safely, you need to take into account a large number of subtleties and strictly adhere to the rules of the road. Unfortunately, many novice drivers miss out on a number of important road rules. One of these nuances is the timely inclusion of the side lighting of the machine. Drivers also call them differently - dimensions, sidelights, parking lamps. Let's take a look at what it is, study the types and location of the dimensions, as well as what penalties may result from the neglect of these light signs of the car.

As stated in the Rules of the Road (SDA), parking lights are light bulbs (optical devices), the main function of which is to visually indicate the size of a moving or stopped vehicle. In order not to confuse the dimensions with other automotive lighting equipment, you need to know exactly where the parking lights are located near the car. They are located on the sides of the machine, as well as in the front and rear, they are installed in pairs and in one line. Dimensions are either part of the headlights or are a separate unit.
Such automotive lighting equipment is turned on in the following situations:

Parking lights are needed to visually indicate the size of a moving or stopped vehicle.

  • poor visibility on the road. According to the traffic rules, the dimensions are turned on during snowfall, heavy and not very fog, heavy precipitation, twilight;
  • movement in tunnels;
  • in the role of designation of the car when parked at night. Sometimes, in addition, drivers also include an emergency light.

Including sidelights, you will mark your transport, making it easier for yourself and oncoming vehicles to drive. Novice drivers are often convinced that side lights are daytime running lights but it is not. The brightness of the sidelights is much lower than that of daytime running lights. Do not repeat this mistake!

What color should the dimensions be

Car side lights

It should be noted that the color of the parking lights of the car is clearly marked according to traffic rules. According to the legislation of our country, the front side lights must be exclusively white. The front dimensions can be installed, as component, or separately. As for the rear sidelights, there are no options here - they should burn exclusively in red. The color of the side marker lights should be orange, sometimes yellow or blue is allowed.

A fine or how not to forget about the sidelights

Since the situations of turning on this type of lighting equipment to indicate the size of the car are strictly regulated by legislative acts, the penalty for driving without parking lights is also clearly indicated. So why the inspector can issue a warning or issue a fine:

The fine for faulty side lights on a car is up to 500 rubles.

  • not visible (dirty) or not turned on at least one of the designating lamps;
  • the color of the fire does not correspond to those indicated in the traffic rules.

In the case of the above situations, you may be issued a fine for faulty side lights (up to 500 rubles), and a warning. It all depends on the consequences of faulty or not included dimensions.
Please note that in older cars, this lighting technology is turned on at the same time as other headlights; in newer models, the dimensions can be turned on separately. Therefore, be sure to check if the side light icon on the panel comes on.
The question often arises, is it possible to drive with parking lights during the day? No. It is necessary to turn on either the running lights or the dipped beam.

Additional light signs of the car

In view of the fact that trucks have a fairly large size, it is imperative to install additional side lights on them. In addition to the standard (front and rear), additional parking lights for trucks are also mounted on the sides. Be sure to make sure that the bulbs do not differ in brightness, luminescence intensity and type. As for passenger cars, side marker lights for trucks should be orange or amber. Sometimes car owners want to install blue side lights, this is allowed, but only if these are side dimensions. A prerequisite for fixing light bulbs is symmetry and it is advisable to buy bulbs from one manufacturer. This will ensure that the bulbs look the same on your car.
Although jeeps and other large cars are classified as passenger cars, very often the owners install parking lights on the roof of the car. It not only looks beautiful and fashionable, but also allows oncoming traffic to more accurately determine the size of a moving car.

LEDs or halogens

Side marker lights

Often halogen bulbs are used for side lights, but today manufacturers are increasingly using LED lamps for car side lights. This choice is based on the functionality of the LEDs. LED parking lights last much longer (up to 100,000 hours), the brightness of such bulbs is better, they consume less electricity, they are resistant to temperature fluctuations, vibration, and incorrect operation. Despite the increased cost of LEDs, their characteristics completely cover this drawback and quickly pay off.
The main thing is, no matter what bulbs you choose for the dimensions, remember - they should not burn brighter than brake lights.

Faults or how to replace the dimension

About warnings about parking lights not turned on was written above, but what to do if this happens and the sidelights do not burn. If you notice that the light bulb has burned out or started flashing, be sure to replace it.
This type of lighting technology can not "burn" in two cases:

The main thing is, no matter what bulbs you choose for the dimensions, remember - they should not burn brighter than brake lights.

  • the light bulb itself has burned out;
  • side light fuse blown.

The question of how to replace the side light bulb is quite simple to solve. It is necessary to open the hood of the car, remove the cover on the back of the headlight. Pull out and unscrew the base, replace the bulb with a new one.
In the second case, they are often interested in where the side lights fuse is located? Look for it under the steering wheel on the right. You can check the fuses with a tester. Unfortunately, it is difficult to say which of the fuses is responsible for the dimensions specifically in your car brand, so study this question in the manual for the car.
We hope that our article helped you figure out what side lights look like, the rules for their operation, the possibility of choosing and replacing bulbs.


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