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Model Description

Automobile jib crane KS-65721 with a lifting capacity of 60 tons is mounted on a Volvo FM400 8 × 4 chassis. Designed for loading and unloading and construction and installation works at dispersed facilities. The chassis has excellent maneuverability, reliability and ease of control, which allows the crane to be used on sites with different types access roads.

The crane installation is driven by twin gear pumps, which are driven by a motor base car through the gearbox. Crane mechanisms have an individual drive with independent control from hydraulic motors and hydraulic cylinders. The hydraulic system of the crane installation provides smooth control of all mechanisms with a wide range of speed control of working operations, as well as the ability to simultaneously combine several crane operations.

To control working operations on the crane, an electro-hydraulic proportional control system is used, which provides more accurate and smoother control of working operations.

In the manufacture of the supporting metal structures of the crane installation and the five-section telescopic boom, imported high-strength WELDOX steel is used. Boom sections are made of two bent all-metal profiles and, in accordance with modern trends in the world crane building, have a non-rectangular cross-section with an elliptical bottom chord. The boom length in the retracted position of 11.7 m provides the crane with a compactness and maneuverability when moving. With all five sections fully extended, the boom is 42 m long, providing a large working area and maximum load travel during operation. The possibility of telescoping the boom with a load on the hook allows the crane to perform special tasks: to install loads in hard-to-reach places, carry them among the mounted structures. For the convenience of working in cramped conditions, a mode of operation with loads is provided when the outrigger beams are not fully extended. The maximum size of the support contour (7.56 x 7.2) is achieved through the use of a non-standard design of the lower frame and outriggers, due to which the crane has the ability to work with loads in a circular area of ​​360 degrees without loss of cargo height characteristics in the front working area "above the cab ". The ability to work in a 360-degree area minimizes the number of permutations during work on the site and increases operational efficiency.

Additional equipment of the boom with a telescopic jib with a total length of 15.0 m (9.0 m - a stationary part and a telescopic part with a length of 6.0 m) with the possibility of installation at an angle of 0, 15 and 30 degrees in relation to the longitudinal axis of the boom significantly expands the area of ​​crane use , the area of ​​its service area and the size of the firing area. In addition, a single block can be installed on the boom head for operation with an auxiliary winch with a one-time reserve of the cargo rope.

The use of additional removable counterweights during operation makes it possible to significantly increase the crane's cargo characteristics at medium and long overhangs, which provides the best performance among similar cranes of this size group.

Installation of jibs and additional counterweights in the working position is carried out without the use of additional lifting equipment and human resources.

The crane can be equipped with two cargo winches for the main and auxiliary hoist, which removes the need to re-hoist the rope and allows independent work on the main boom and jib or a single block (beak).

Gearbox for lifting and slewing mechanisms of a planetary crane with disc brakes, which meets modern requirements for hoisting machines. In many crane units, imported components are used, which do not require replacement and repair for the entire service life of the crane. An autonomous diesel heater is used to heat the crane driver's cab. The crane operator's cabin has a panoramic windshield which, together with the reclining seat of the crane operator, increases the viewing angle in the vertical plane, thereby providing excellent visibility of the working area at any boom length and any boom angle.

Safe operation of the crane is ensured by a set of instruments and devices, including a microprocessor-based load limiter with digital indication of operating parameters on the display in the driver's cab. The device automatically protects the crane against overload and overturning, is equipped with a crane coordinate protection system necessary for working in cramped conditions, has a built-in telemetry memory unit ("black box") and a crane protection module against dangerous voltage (MZON) for operation near power lines.


Maximum lifting capacity, t / departure, m - 60 / 2.5
Boom length, m - 11.7 - 42
Jib length, m - 9 or 15
Maximum lifting height of the hook, m
- with the main boom 42 m - 42.5
- with the main boom 42 m and jib 9 m - 51.4
- with the main boom 42 m and jib 15 m - 57.3
Max. lowering depth of the hook with an arrow of 11.7 m at an outreach of 6.0 m, m - 8.0
The mass of the load at which the extension of the boom sections is allowed, t - 6.0
Load lifting-lowering speed, m / min
- nominal (with a load weighing up to 60.0 t) - 2.78
- increased (with a load weighing up to 9.0 t) - 5.56
- maximum (frequency of the chain hoist 1) - 39.0
Loading speed, m / min - 0.15
Rotational speed of the rotary part, rpm - 0 ... 1.76
Crane travel speed under its own power, km / h - up to 50
The size of the support contour along the chassis axis x across the front supports x across the rear supports, m
- with extended beams outriggers 7.56 x 7.2 x 7.2
- with partially extended outrigger beams 7.0 x 5.66 x 4.73
Crane weight in transport position, t (with counterweights and jib) - 44
Wheel formula of the base car 8 x 4
Base vehicle engine, model D13A400
Crane dimensions in transport position, m (length x width x height) 14.12 x 2.5 x 3.98
Operating temperature, deg. From -40 to +40

The crane installation is mounted on a special crane chassis of the KamAZ-53228-1960 vehicle. The chassis is equipped with locking mechanisms for interwheel and center differentials and stabilizers for lateral and longitudinal stability. Transfer case mechanical chassis, two-stage with blocking center differential... The chassis of the KS-55713-4 auto crane has a 10-wheel configuration with 280R508 tires, one on the front axle and two on the rear axles on each side.

To facilitate starting the engine in cold weather, the chassis is equipped with an autonomous system preheating, which simultaneously serves as an autonomous heater for the driver's cab. In this case, the cab can be heated when the engine is not running.

The crane installation is driven by two axial piston hydraulic pumps driven by the engine of the base chassis. All crane mechanisms have an individual drive with independent control from hydraulic motors and hydraulic cylinders. The crane is equipped with outboard hydraulic supports with retractable support beams. The hydraulic system allows easy and smooth control of crane mechanisms in a wide range of speed control of working operations, provides the ability to simultaneously combine three crane operations.

The Galician's three-section telescopic boom, 9.7-21.7 m long, ensures the compactness and maneuverability of the crane when moving, a large area and a large lifting height during operation. To increase the hook lifting height and the size of the boom space, the crane can be equipped with a 9 m long lattice jib, which is attached to the boom head. In the transport position, the jib is turned and fixed on the side of the boom. The transfer of the jib from the transport position to the working position and vice versa is done manually without the use of lifting equipment.

The boom telescoping system includes two hydraulic extension cylinders, which provides independent control of the extension-retraction of each of the two movable sections. The possibility of telescoping the boom with a load on the hook allows the crane to place loads in hard-to-reach places, carrying them among the mounted structures.

Safe operation of the crane is ensured by a set of instruments and devices, including a microprocessor-based load limiter (ONK-140) with digital indication of parameters on the display in the driver's cab. The load limiter can operate in the crane coordinate protection mode, has a built-in device for fixing characteristics - a "black box" and a built-in crane protection module against dangerous voltage (MZON) to protect the crane when working in dangerous proximity to power lines.

Technique GALICHANIN- these are high-performance, reliable and high-quality truck cranes with a lifting capacity of 25, 32 and 50 tons. Our company offers you the whole the lineup truck cranes on the most favorable terms... If you want to buy GALICHANIN truck cranes, you can call the contact numbers listed on our website or write by e-mail [email protected] We sell GALICHANIN truck cranes at manufacturer's prices.

GALICHANIN - the best domestic truck cranes

The products of the Russian crane building are in great demand in many countries of the world. Historically, this branch of the domestic industry has always developed at a rapid pace. And today, more than a dozen manufacturers offer lifting equipment to construction and industrial companies. Truck cranes GALICHANIN- one of the most demanded. Not only domestic but also foreign buyers prefer reliable and efficient truck cranes.

Today, no construction company can do without cranes on a truck chassis. The importance of truck cranes in the domestic industry is enormous. Truck cranes GALICHANIN- one of the most popular among domestic lifting equipment. They have excellent technical characteristics, while being sold at affordable prices. The high competitiveness of truck cranes ensures the annual growth in sales of this equipment.

GALICHANIN truck cranes are modern lifting equipment. Truck cranes are manufactured taking into account the latest technologies... All models undergo pre-sale training and are provided with a factory warranty. Truck cranes are assembled exclusively from high quality components. All assemblies, parts and mechanisms are rigid technical control. GALICHANIN- lifting equipment High Quality at an affordable price.

Truck cranes are represented by truck cranes GALICHANIN with a lifting capacity of 25 t (models KS-55713-6, KS-55713-5, KS-55713-4, KS-55713-3, KS-55713-1); with a lifting capacity of 32 tons (truck cranes KS-55729-1V, KS-55729V, KS-55729-5V); 50-ton trucks (KS-65713-1 truck crane).

The lineup GALICHANIN 25 t includes 5 modifications. These are medium-duty truck cranes. Today, 25 t truck cranes are in the greatest demand. They are versatile, economical and different high performance... Truck cranes GALICHANIN 25 t can be used on almost any construction site. Their main advantages are versatility, ease of maintenance and high quality of work performed.

Truck cranes GALICHANIN with a lifting capacity of 30 tons are presented in 3 modifications. They are used for work on remote and hard-to-reach objects. Truck cranes GALICHANIN 30 t are mounted on powerful wheeled chassis (MAZ, KAMAZ), individual models have four-wheel drive... GALICHANIN 30 t truck cranes demonstrate excellent maneuverability on rocky or soft ground, on roads with poor coverage. They easily overcome snow drifts, sands, off-road terrain.

The most powerful mobile cranes GALICHANIN- with a lifting capacity of 50 tons. This technique has excellent cargo-altitude characteristics, capable of lifting loads to a height of 50 meters. Truck cranes are used to perform large-scale works. They are indispensable for the laying of oil pipelines, gas pipelines, the installation and maintenance of oil equipment, for the construction and repair of residential buildings, structures of medium height.

All truck cranes GALICHANIN found wide application in many regions of Russia - from the far north to the southern regions of our country. They can withstand a wide range of temperatures (-40 - +40 degrees). In addition, there is an increase in export sales of GALICHANIN truck cranes to foreign countries. The bulk of exports goes to the CIS countries. The main advantages of truck cranes include:

  • large lifting capacity of truck cranes;
  • robust telescopic boom design;
  • the possibility of completing truck cranes with additional attachments;
  • powerful and reliable chassis of truck cranes.

High technical characteristics of GALICHANIN truck cranes

Truck cranes GALICHANIN demonstrate excellent specifications... When choosing mobile cranes, the main attention is paid to such basic indicators as carrying capacity, basic cargo-height characteristics, telescopic boom length, stability of the truck crane when working at high heights with heavy loads, etc.

However, the main advantage of cranes on a truck chassis over other types of lifting equipment is that they are mobile, able to independently quickly and easily get to hard-to-reach objects (in contrast to gantry, tower and other cranes transported using special equipment). Therefore, the patency of truck cranes is of great importance. GALICHANIN.

Truck cranes GALICHANIN can overcome any road surface, off-road, snow drifts, soft or rocky ground. The high maneuverability of the truck cranes is ensured by the powerful chassis. For example, truck cranes are mounted on the chassis of domestic trucks MAZ, URAL, KAMAZ. Economical diesel engines allow you to develop a power of 240-250 hp. And the engine of the KS-65713-1 truck crane 50 t (KamAZ-740) has a power of 360 hp.

In addition, the patency of truck cranes GALICHANIN provided by the tire inflation system (in particular, the KS-55729-5V model), braking system with ABS, the ability to lock interaxle and interwheel differentials and other options. Truck cranes can move freely in the busy city traffic. They are maneuverable due to their small size; no special permission is required to move them on public roads.

Truck cranes GALICHANIN designed for work on dispersed objects. In order for truck cranes to travel considerable distances without refueling, they are equipped with fuel tanks large capacity. This is especially important for working at remote sites, since there may be no gas stations nearby for hundreds of tens of kilometers.

Truck cranes GALICHANIN 25 and equipped with a telescopic boom consisting of three sections. In turn, models with a lifting capacity of 32 and 50 tons have a four-section telescopic boom. The boom is designed with advanced technology. All boom sections are manufactured from high strength Swedish steel (Weldox).

In order to expand the area of ​​the underfloor space, as well as to increase the speed of the performed cargo operations, the telescopic boom of truck cranes is equipped with an additional lattice jib. In addition, the jib with a hook allows you to lift loads to great heights. Thus, the performance of truck cranes GALICHANIN will increase significantly if the telescopic boom is equipped with an additional jib.

Jib for boom of mobile cranes GALICHANIN made according to individual order. It attaches to the boom at an angle of 0 to 30 degrees. This increases maneuverability when carrying out load operations. It becomes possible to perform complex operations, for example, carry various loads among the assembled metal structures. In addition, GALICHANIN truck cranes can telescopic loads on a boom weighing up to 4-5 tons. It can be noted that this is the best indicator among its competitors.

Truck cranes GALICHANIN have a reliable hydraulic control system for all crane installation mechanisms. At the same time, these mechanisms have an individual drive that does not depend on hydraulic cylinders and hydraulic motors. The hydraulic control system allows working operations to be carried out accurately and smoothly. Truck cranes can combine up to several working operations, which significantly increases the level of their productivity.

Truck cranes GALICHANIN work with large loads - from 25 to 50 tons. Moreover, they can lift loads to a height of 30 - 50 meters (depending on the model). Therefore, it is very important to ensure the stability of truck cranes when carrying out operations with loads, especially at medium and long boom reach. So, the stability of truck cranes when working with heavy loads at high heights is ensured by:

  • wide supporting contour of truck cranes;
  • additional counterweights;
  • robust boom construction.

Some models of truck cranes GALICHANIN can work effectively in a 360 degree working area. The circular work area ensures maximum use of the truck crane's capabilities. Also, the number of rearrangements of truck cranes when working on construction sites is reduced. This helps to reduce the preparatory time and, accordingly, increases the time for carrying out directly working operations.

Truck cranes GALICHANIN equipped with a comfortable operator's workplace. The operator's cab of the truck crane is comfortable and ergonomic. The control panel for all mechanisms is functional. All devices are in sight. Large glazing provides good visibility when handling loads. The cab is equipped with a comfortable adjustable seat. A good heating and ventilation system will allow the driver of the GALICHANIN truck crane to feel comfortable at any time of the year.

How comfortable the crane operator will feel GALICHANIN, the quality of the performed cargo operations depends. A convenient workplace will ensure the comfort of the truck crane driver during a long shift. Thus, the high quality of work will affect the growth of the efficiency of the GALICHANIN truck crane.

Thus, truck cranes GALICHANIN Is the best domestic lifting equipment. It is distinguished by its reliability, high quality components, and productivity. At the same time, not only large, but also small construction companies can buy GALICHAN truck cranes. In addition, among the cranes on a truck chassis, GALICHANIN truck cranes have the best performance indicators, such as:

  • patency;
  • mobility;
  • maneuverability of GALICHAN truck cranes in dense traffic.

Truck cranes GALICHANIN economical to operate. They are also easy to maintain. All components are of high quality, durable and durable. GALICHANIN truck cranes have a quick payback period due to an affordable price level and high performance. Construction companies will be able to get the expected profit even in the short term. Therefore, the purchase of GALICHANIN truck cranes is a profitable investment.

Truck cranes GALICHANIN can compete not only with domestic truck cranes, but also with foreign counterparts in terms of price. Affordable price equipment GALICHANIN makes them an attractive acquisition for almost any construction company. Sale of GALICHANIN truck cranes in our company is carried out with an individual approach to each client. Big choice and a flexible system of discounts will allow you to choose and buy a GALICHANIN truck crane that is best suited for your purposes.

Description of the truck crane "Galichanin" KS-65713-5

Automotive hydraulic crane KS-65713-5 has a lifting capacity of 50 tons. The crane installation is mounted on a four-axle chassis of a KamAZ-6560 vehicle with a wheel arrangement of 8 × 8. This truck crane is designed for loading, unloading, construction and installation work with poor access roads. Single-sided wide-profile tires, a powerful chassis engine, the ability to change the tire pressure while driving, depending on the road surface, the presence of inter-axle and inter-wheel locks on the chassis, including on all four wheels of the rear bogie at the same time - all this makes this crane indispensable in hard-to-reach places with bad road conditions, in off-road conditions.

Crane hydraulic system provides smooth control of all mechanisms with a wide range of speed control of working operations. Simultaneous combination of several working operations is possible. The lifting unit is driven by hydraulic pumps. The lifting mechanisms are individually driven by hydraulic cylinders and hydraulic motors.

Crane installation metal structures are made of high quality WELDOX steel. The booms of the crane are made according to modern world standards of crane construction, from bent all-metal profiles, have a non-rectangular cross-section with an ellipse-shaped bottom chord. The length of the boom in the folded state is 11.5 m, which allows the crane to provide the necessary compactness and maneuverability when moving. In working condition, the boom length is 34.1 m, due to which a large working area and the greatest height of the load movement during operation are provided. The possibility of extending the boom with a load allows the truck crane to perform tasks of varying complexity, such as transferring loads among installed structures, installing them in hard-to-reach places. The maximum size of the support contour is 7.0m by 7.0m, this area is achieved through the use of a non-standard design of the lower frame and outriggers. Thanks to this design, the truck crane has the ability to carry out lifting work in a circular area. The ability to carry out these works allows you to minimize the number of required permutations of the crane during work at the facilities.

For this crane it is possible to install additional removable counterweights, weighing 10 tons, which significantly increases the crane's cargo-height characteristics. Installation of additional counterweights in the working position is carried out without the use of additional lifting equipment and human resources.

Load lifting gearboxes and swing of a planetary crane with disc brakes, which meets modern requirements for hoisting machines. In many crane units, imported components are used, which do not require replacement and repair for the entire service life of the crane. An autonomous diesel heater is used to heat the crane driver's cab.

Set of instruments and devices ensures the necessary safety of the crane. A device such as a microprocessor-based load limiter automatically implements rollover and overload protection.

Freight-height characteristics of the "Galichanin" KS-65713-5 truck crane, based on KamAZ-6560, all-terrain vehicle, with a carrying capacity of 50 tons:

Technical characteristics of the "Galichanin" KS-65713-5 truck crane, based on KamAZ-6560, all-terrain vehicle, with a carrying capacity of 50 tons:

Maximum load moment, tm 160
Maximum lifting capacity, t / departure, m 50/3,2
Boom length, m 11,5 - 34,1
Jib length, m 9,1; 15,1
Maximum lifting height of the hook, m
- with the main boom 34.1 m 34,5
- with main boom 34.1 m and jib 15.1 m 50,4
Max. lowering depth of the hook with an arrow of 11.5 m at an outreach of 5.0 m, m 8,0
The mass of the load at which the extension of the boom sections is allowed, t 6,0
Load lifting-lowering speed, m / min
- nominal (with a load weighing up to 50.0 t) 3,6
- increased (with a load weighing up to 10.0 t) 7,2
- maximum (frequency of the chain hoist 1) 38,0
Loading speed, m / min 0,15
Rotational speed, rpm from 0.1 to 1.2
Crane travel speed under its own power, km / h up to 40
The size of the reference contour along x across the chassis axis, m
- with fully extended outriggers 7.2 x 7.0
- with retracted outrigger sections 6.73 x 4.63
Crane weight in transport position, t
- with the main boom, without counterweights 38,8
Wheel formula of the base car 8 x 8
Base car engine diesel
- model KamAZ-740
- power, h.p. 400
Crane dimensions in transport position, m, (length x width x height) 13.9 x 2.5 x 3.99
Operating temperature, deg. WITH from -40 to +40

Truck crane Galichanin 25 tons based on KamAZ is an automobile jib crane, which is used for the implementation of construction, high-rise, communal and rescue operations. The device has a lifting capacity of 25 tons. It is mounted on the chassis of cars of the Kama Automobile Plant. Carries out loading and unloading operations. The design is characterized by high maneuverability, maneuverability, can be operated in off-road conditions, during temperature extremes, snowfalls and icy conditions. The manufacturer cares about the quality of all components, so the cars are reliable for drivers and can be easily used on construction sites.

Advantages and disadvantages of technology

Among the key advantages of the models are:

  1. Long crane boom length, which allows you to raise loads to the desired height.
  2. High lifting capacity, which provides the possibility of loading and unloading of any volume.
  3. Technical characteristics of the truck crane Galician 25 tons meet all modern standards and requirements.
  4. The high speed of the boom telescoping makes it possible to implement construction, assembly, loading and unloading operations as quickly and easily as possible.
  5. The chassis is different increased cross-country ability, thanks to which the structure can be used even in off-road conditions.
  6. Increased bearing capacity.
  7. Increased wear resistance and durability of equipment.

As for the shortcomings, this is, first of all, the cost, so this equipment is best rented. Renting a truck crane will be much cheaper than buying it and further maintenance, implementation renovation works, as well as conducting regular preventive examinations and paying salaries to drivers and operators.


The device of a truck crane Galichanin 25 tons on the basis of KamAZ is of various models, including:

  • KS 55713 - 1
  • KS 55713 - 1 V
  • CS 55713 - 3
  • KS 55713 - 4.4 V
  • KS 55713 - 5.5 L, 5 V
  • CS 55731 - 4

They differ in the type of chassis that the model is equipped with. The following chassis can be used: 65115, 43118, 6540, 65222. The wheel arrangement is also different, sometimes 6x6 and 6x4.


Consider the technical characteristics of the Galichanin truck crane of 25 tons based on KamAZ using the example of the KS 55713-1 model.

Maximum load moment, tm80
Maximum lifting capacity, t / outreach, m25/3,2
Boom length, m9,7 — 21,7
Jib length, m9
Maximum hook lifting height, m
- with the main boom 21.7 m21,9
- with main boom 21.7 m and jib 9 m30,0
Max. lowering depth of the hook with an arrow of 9.7 m at an outreach of 5.0 m, m12
The mass of the load at which the extension of the boom sections is allowed, t4,0
Load lifting-lowering speed, m / min
- nominal (with a load weighing up to 25.0 t)5
- increased (with a load weighing up to 6.0 t)12
- maximum (frequency of the chain hoist 1)96
Loading speed, m / minno more than 0.3
Rotational speed, rpmfrom 0.15 to 1.4
Crane travel speed under its own power, km / hup to 60
The size of the reference contour along x across the chassis axis, m
- with extended outrigger beams4.2 x 5.6
- with the outrigger beams retracted4.2 x 2.28
Wheel formula of the base car6 x 4
Base car engine:diesel
- modelCummins ISB6.7e4 300
- power, kWt219
Crane dimensions in transport position, m (length x width x height)12 x 2.5 x 3.6
Operating temperature, deg. WITHfrom -40 to +40
Standard service life of the truck crane, years12

The device and controls of special equipment

The Galichanin truck crane of 25 tons has a special drive of the crane installation, which is realized thanks to two axial piston hydraulic pumps. They start rotating by moving the gearbox and power take-off. The slewing support has an individual drive, there is an independent control from the hammer and the hydraulic cylinder. Concerning hydraulic system equipment, it is characterized by smooth control, it is possible to regulate the speed of the implementation of working operations. It is also possible to simultaneously carry out several operations using a crane.

The mechanism of the telescoping system includes a three-section telescopic boom, the length of which on various models varies from 9.7 to 21.7 m. The boom can be in a retracted and extended position. In the retracted position, it is compact enough, so the device lends itself to easy transportation, and in the extended position, it easily moves loads to the required height during the implementation of any type of work. Most often, booms are additionally equipped with lattice jibs, due to which the space under the boom itself is increased.

The lifting mechanism is extremely simple. The device of the boom of the Galichanin truck crane is made in such a way that the load on the hook evenly distributes its weight, therefore, it is possible to implement various tasks, including loading and unloading operations in a narrow space, installing loads in hard-to-reach places. You can also turn on the operation mode of the equipment on supports with retracted beams with outriggers.

In the driver's cab there are special devices that control the safety of the operation of special equipment. This is a microprocessor-based load limiter with digital indication of operating parameters, and a black box in which telemetry memory is automatically recorded, and equipment protection against overvoltage from power transmissions.

The driver's cabin itself is distinguished by increased comfort, high noise insulation and vibration isolation.

As for the chassis, it is of different types. You can choose, in principle, the most suitable for you. The instructions for using the Galician 25 ton truck crane will help you figure out the type of chassis.


The equipment is produced by the Galicia Truck Crane Plant, which is the owner of unique equipment that is used in the manufacture of cranes. Manufacturers take care of all components, quality and reliability of equipment. It is also important to pay attention that the plant does not purchase unnecessary components, in this regard, the cost of special equipment is quite low compared to other equipment. The Galicia plant carefully checks all components and monitors the quality of every detail, since the efficiency of the equipment depends on the spare parts. The advanced technologies of the plant have reduced the dynamic load of the equipment, also reduced the coefficient of friction, reduced the effort on rotation, and also increased the smoothness of turns.


An analogue of Galichanin is the equipment of Ivanovets truck cranes, which has similar technical characteristics and is also distinguished by high performance. The Ivanovets machinery is produced by the Ivanovo Truck Crane Plant.


The Galich Truck Crane Plant produces equipment with a lifting capacity of 25 tons and more. It is distinguished by high wear resistance, reliability and long service life. This plant is one of the leading manufacturers of specialized equipment that implements construction, high-rise, utilities, assembly and handling operations. Special equipment is installed on the base of domestic chassis, can be used in snow, ice, and rain, it is not affected by temperature drops. The device itself has an extremely comfortable cab for the driver, a long boom, which is capable of lifting loads to the required height. When choosing equipment, you should pay attention to such technical specifications: maximum lifting capacity, boom reach, jib length, maximum service life of equipment, as well as features of its maintenance.


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