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There are several sections of roads in Russia where you can ride with the breeze without breaking any rules. We are talking about federal highways, where the maximum permitted speed reaches 110 - 130 km / h.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the country started a conversation about increasing the maximum permitted speed on some roads of Russia. Although even earlier, the State Company "Avtodor" applied to the traffic police with a request to "allow" them to allow 130 km / h on some subordinate highways (then the matter did not end with anything - author). The question was "solved" by the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, who "On Amendments to the Rules road traffic". Almost a year has passed since the decree was issued (the document was published on July 26, 2013 - author). During this time, it was really allowed to "drive" 130 in some places. At the same time, only 110 km / h are still allowed on most of the roads in Russia, which are classified as “main roads”.

Good quality - high speed

In order to be allowed to drive at a speed of 110 km / h on the highway, the road must be have a dividing line oncoming traffic and vice versa have no ramps and intersections at the same level between oncoming lanes. In addition, the quality of the highway coverage must meet all the requirements of GOST. If we speak in the language of road workers, the route should be of category IA ("Highway") or IB ("High-speed road").

If you collect all sections of Russian roads that meet these requirements, you will get a track five times less than the Great Wall of China. Or a track as long as the Volga River. All in all, such roads in our country are 4 thousand km or 8% of the length of the entire road network of Rosavtodor(it, by the way, is 50 thousand km). But there are two more sections of roads under the jurisdiction of the State Company Avtodor, on which it is also allowed to drive at speeds of up to 110 km / h.

"Before increasing the speed limit on federal highways, Rosavtodor compulsorily checks the compliance of the geometric elements of the plan and the longitudinal profile with the requirements of GOST R 52399-2005, the flatness and adhesion coefficient of the pavement, as well as the arrangement of sites with technical means of traffic management", - the head Rosavtodor Roman Starovoit.

So, now the maximum speed of movement 110 km / h permitted on the following roads:

Maximum speed 110 km / h are planned to be allowed:

130 km / h - so far the limit

There are three sections of the federal highway M-4 “Don” in Russia, along which you can ride even faster and not pay anything to the state treasury “for speeding”. Along these small sections you can drive at a speed of 130 km / h:

In August 2013, the first highway with an intelligent traffic control system appeared in Siberia, more precisely in the Kemerovo region. Moreover, this road is not federal, but only of regional significance, which is surprising. On new highway "Kemerovo - Leninsk-Kuznetsky" too (i.e. without paying a fine later or paying a fare on the road). The construction of two sections of this highway with a length of 45 km cost 12 billion 700 million rubles.

A bit of math

For example, now let's count a little. The total length of roads in Russia that can be driven at a speed of 110 km / h is 193 km. Suppose it is one road. Imagining that we are driving a good car and on a free road that does not pass through settlements, we come to the conclusion that we would have covered this road in 1 hour and 45 minutes (if we round up). Meanwhile, this is the distance from Veliky Novgorod to St. Petersburg or from Mamadysh to Agryz (Tatarstan).

And if we put together the sections where you can drive at a speed of 130 km / h, and go along this road 130 km / h, then in less than an hour we will get from the center of Moscow to Klin (about 96 km). At the same time, along the Leningradskoe highway and then along the M-10 highway, under current conditions, we are in best case we will be able to cover this distance in more than two hours, taking into account traffic jams.

“Even now I can drive this distance just as quickly,” you say. But they come up with a reason. By increasing your speed in the wrong place, you risk yourself and others. So it's better to follow the rules and go somewhere slowly than go very slowly and with your feet forward.

Lydia Terekhova, "DorInfo"

Traditionally, special attention in traffic rules is paid to traffic in settlements. The speed of movement in cities and towns is always significantly lower than on highways. This limitation is easy to explain. Pedestrians are very vulnerable to accidents, they are not protected by the airbag and the metal frame of the car. Even a low speed of 80 km / h by automotive standards can become fatal for a pedestrian or lead to extremely serious injuries.

Traffic speed

Traffic rules regulate in detail the speed limit for all types of cars. The main categories are the following parameters:

  1. Terrain;
  2. Vehicle type - truck / car;
  3. The presence of dangerous goods in the car;
  4. The presence of people in the car - the movement is carried out without passengers or there are people in the vehicle (especially children or groups of people).

In addition, additional road signs can regulate the maximum speed limit. You cannot ignore them and allow speeding.

The rules are based on two important concepts:

  • The first concept is the braking distance of vehicles.... The concept is derived exclusively from physical laws. The braking distance is the distance that the vehicle travels with the brake pedal depressed. Distance is influenced by speed, road surface, vehicle weight.
  • The second concept is stopping distance... The concept means the distance in meters that the car will travel to a complete stop from the moment the driver detects a dangerous situation. As you might guess, the stopping distance consists of two components - the speed of the driver's reaction to a dangerous situation, plus the braking distance itself. Many factors affect the reaction rate. These factors include visibility and a relatively subjective concept - the psychophysiological state of the driver.

If there is poor lighting or fog on the roadway, all this will lead to a slower reaction of the driver in case of danger. In addition, the driver himself may not concentrate (for example, due to lack of sleep), which will similarly lead to an increase in stopping distance. Safety depends on concentration - personal, pedestrian, and other drivers. If you approach the issue inattentively, drive with violations, for non-compliance with traffic rules, you should prepare to pay a fine or even criminal punishment.

Based on physical laws, statistics and international practice in the traffic rules, speed limits were developed, provided for different areas and conditions.

Car speed

Cars are the most common vehicles; almost every family has it.

The standard limits for "cars" are the following frames:

  • Speed ​​limit in the village - 60 kilometers / hour;
  • The maximum speed outside the city (settlements) is 90 kilometers / hour;
  • The permitted speed on the highway and on the motorway is 110 kilometers per hour.

There is one more important nuance in this list. In courtyard areas, that is, directly in residential areas, the speed is limited to a minimum, no more than 20 km / h. The risk of an accident with a pedestrian in a residential area is much higher than just on a busy road that passes at a relative distance from apartment buildings. Therefore, speed limiting is a valid and reasonable requirement.

If towing is in progress Vehicle, then for all types of terrain, a limit of 50 km / h is set. But for courtyard areas, the entire previous rule applies - no more than 20 km / h. In addition, when driving, you should pay attention to the signs.

There are three types of signs (see below):

  • Prohibition sign(# 1 and # 2) - reduces the maximum speed, can often be found in areas under repair or near schools, hospitals, and other public places;
  • Prescriptive sign(№3) - sets the speed for this section of the road. For example, it can be equal to 90 kilometers per hour, so as not to create unnecessary traffic jams;
  • Recommended sign(No. 4 and No. 5 (ending zone)) - similar to the prescriptive sign, but it is advisory, not mandatory.

  1. speed limit sign;
  2. speed limit sign temporarily;
  3. sign limiting the minimum speed of movement by car;
  4. recommended speed sign;
  5. the end of the sign's coverage area, the recommended speed.

Truck Speeds

Trucks are subject to increased demands for many reasons. A cargo vehicle is more difficult to control due to its weight and dimensions. The braking distance of a truck will be much longer than that of a passenger car. Besides, truck turns hard, driving requires a lot of experience and dexterity from the driver.

For "light" trucks weighing up to 3500 kilograms, there are restrictions:

  • the maximum speed in the village is up to 60 km / h;
  • the maximum speed outside the city and on the motorway is up to 110 km / h.

But freight transportation are often carried out by more massive vehicles weighing several times the 3500 kilogram limit. These trucks have the following restrictions:

  • For a settlement - 60 kilometers / hour;
  • The maximum speed outside the city / village is 70 kilometers / hour;
  • The permitted speed on the motorway is 90 kilometers / hour.

If the vehicle is transporting dangerous goods, special rules apply. Depending on the type of cargo, different standards apply. Common to all is the ban on overtaking, overtaking is prohibited at speeds above 30 km / h. There are also urban areas where truck traffic dangerous cargo Absolutely forbidden.

Trucks with passengers in the back must adhere to the limit - 60 km / h... The rule also applies when transporting children. If organized transportation of children is made, for example, to a summer camp, then it is not allowed to exceed the established limit.

Table of speed limits on the roads of Russia

Vehicle type \ Road Motorway Outside the settlement In the village Living sector
Motorcycles 90 kmph. 90 kmph. 60 kmph 20 kmph.
Cars and trucks with GVW up to 3.5 tons. 110 kmph 90 kmph. 60 kmph
Light vehicles with a trailer 90 kmph. 70 kmph 60 kmph
Trucks with a GVW of more than 3.5 tons. 90 kmph. 70 kmph 60 kmph
Intercity and small buses 90 kmph. 90 kmph. 60 kmph
Other buses 90 kmph. 70 kmph 60 kmph
Trucks for transporting people 60 kmph 60 kmph 60 kmph
TS at organized transportation children 60 kmph 60 kmph 60 kmph
Vehicle when towing other vehicles 50 kmph 50 kmph 50 kmph

Video: Road speed and speed limits

A modern car with a powerful engine, streamlined body, improved suspension, high-quality rubber can reach speeds of 200 km per hour and more without any problems.

In practice, it has been established that the power qualities inherent in a car are necessary in cases of short-term acceleration when overtaking or when overcoming hills.

In reality, comfortable and safe control of the car is carried out at a speed of 100-150 kilometers per hour, and this is provided that the road along which the car is moving meets the standards and GOSTs.

There are few highways in Russia where you can reach the maximum speed allowed by the traffic rules.

In the traffic rules of the Russian Federation, with additions and changes as amended on July 25, 2017, the permitted speed on the motorway is set within 110 km per hour and up to 130 km per hour on certain sections.

In the new version of the traffic rules, we once again turn to the definition of a motorway and find an explanation that this is a road that has carriageways in each direction with a dividing strip or with a road fence between them.

The motorway does not intersect with other roads at the same level, nor does it intersect with the railway, tram lines, paths for cyclists and pedestrians.

The rules state that the motorway is marked with sign 5.1... It must have 4 or more lanes. For each lane, the width of 3.75 m is determined and the shoulder is at least 3.75 m, and a six-meter dividing strip is also installed.

In other words, on the motorway, the driver can accelerate the car to the speed allowed by the rules, and quickly and comfortably overcome the path.

Compared to other countries, there are few highways in Russia. Statistics give different numbers. We can say that such roads are only 8% of the total.

Most of the class 1A roads (this is how highways are designated) are located in the European part of the country, and they go mainly from Moscow in different directions.

These are the highways M2 "Crimea", M4 "Don", M9 "Baltia", M7 "Volga", M11 Moscow - St. Petersburg. In St. Petersburg, these are the KAD and WHSD roads. In other regions, the highways are Perm - Yekaterinburg, Kemerovo - Leninsk-Kuznetsky.

In the future, Rosavtodor and Avtodor, the main players in the road construction market, will reconstruct and build a relatively small number of highways.

In general, the country does not have a single interconnected motorway network. Highways are separate sections of federal highways.

There are no restrictions on the minimum speed on the roads for cars in Russia, but the restriction on the minimum speed on the motorway is established by the rules of the road.

So, in clause 16 "Driving on the motorway" it is indicated that the movement of vehicles that have specifications or the condition does not allow a speed of more than 40 km per hour.

Thus, you should drive on the motorway at a speed of more than 40 km / h..

If the car breaks down on the road and cannot travel at a higher speed, the rules instruct the driver to stop, move the car to the side of the right behind a solid line and take action to call a repair service or a tow truck.

For driving on the motorway at a speed of less than 40 km per hour, the driver can be fined.

In paragraph 10 of the rules "Speed ​​of movement" the legislator has established the maximum possible speed for various vehicles when driving on the motorway:

  1. For motorcycles, passenger cars and trucks with a maximum authorized mass of not more than 3.5 tons, a maximum speed of 110 km per hour is permitted.
  2. Intercity and small-seater buses - no more than 90 km per hour.
  3. Buses, cars with trailers, trucks weighing more than 3.5 tons - 90 km per hour.
  4. Trucks transporting people in the back - up to 60 km per hour.
  5. Transport for organized groups of children - up to 60 km per hour.

In the same paragraph of the road traffic rules, in a note, the legislator assigns to the owners or owners of roads the right to allow movement of certain types of transport on certain sections of highways at speeds of up to 130 km per hour.

The main requirement for the provision of such a speed limit is compliance with the conditions by the owner to ensure safe traffic on the specified section of the route.

Already now, the permitted maximum speed of 130 km / h on Russian highways has allowed owners of 1A motorways to provide the maximum speed limit in some sections.

For example, Avtodor has set a speed limit of 130 km per hour on the M11 Moscow - St. Petersburg highway from 1 August 2017 within the boundaries of 258 km - 334 km. At this point, the road bypasses the city of Vyshny Volochok.

According to the state-owned company Avtodor, the same speed exists on two small sections of the Don-M4 road located in the Moscow region.

Recall that drivers will be warned about the new speed limit on the road road sign 3.24 "Restriction maximum speed"With the number 130.

In 2009, by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, rules for the classification of roads were established and their categories were designated. According to the conditions of traffic and the possibilities of access to them, the roads were divided into the following classes:

  • motorway - road category 1A;
  • expressway highway(category 1B);
  • normal road (other categories established).

The main difference between a motorway and an expressway is that the motorway has no junctions at the same level, and the expressway allows single-level junctions for access to it no more than 5 kilometers later.

Roads of category 1A and 1B differ in terms of design speed... For the motorway it is 150 km per hour, and for the expressway 120 km per hour. The design speed is a measure that indicates the maximum speed allowed for safe driving conditions.

The maximum speed limits on certain sections of Russian highways are established after the owners have completed complex procedures that guarantee safe traffic and provide the infrastructure with maximum comfort for its participants.

The permitted speed limit is planned to be increased on several sections of the routes in the Pskov Region and the Perm Territory. In addition, the speed limit will be increased on the toll roads M-4 "Don" and M-11 "St. Petersburg - Moscow", the newspaper reports. "News" with reference to the Federal Road Agency (Rosavtodor).

The speed limit in the Pskov region will be increased from 90 km / h to 110 km / h on sections of the M-9 "Baltiya" highway, as well as on the R-23, R-56 and A-212 roads. The same changes await the section of the R-242 highway from Perm to Yekaterinburg.

Now in the Russian Federation there are 20 sections with a speed limit of 110 km / h. Rosavtodor plans to increase the limit on the routes R-22 "Kaspiy", A-289 from Krasnodar to Kerch, R-404 from Tyumen to Khanty-Mansiysk, as well as on the roads M-8 "Kholmogory", R-217 "Kavkaz", M -5 "Ural" and A-370 "Ussuri".

However, before increasing the speed limit, a number of conditions must be met, the agency stressed. It is necessary to provide separate traffic and pedestrian flows, install artificial electric lighting, build a barrier in the middle of the roadway and along the side of the road, install anti-glare screens.

Increasing the maximum speed limit while meeting increased safety requirements reduces the accident rate on the highways, added in. This is evidenced by the results collected in the course of research on test sites, starting in 2013.

The chairman of the "Movement of motorists of Russia" is convinced that certain conditions are necessary on the roads to increase the speed limit, reports NSN .

“If a highway mode has been created on some highway, then please, you can allow a speed of 110 km / h there, and 130 km / h on some sections. This is not prohibited by the current rules, but it should be precisely the highway mode: no pedestrians, no traffic lights, rigidly divided lanes in different directions, no left turns and turns, and good quality road bed. If these conditions are met, this is a highway with all the ensuing consequences, and there may be a permitted speed of 110 km / h or more, ”the automobile activist said.

Back in mid-December, Russia also received an order from the government - to prepare a project for the return of fines for exceeding the speed limit by 10 km / h. It is noted that exceeding the speed limit is one of the most common traffic violations: in 11 months of 2018 alone, 81.3 million decisions were issued for speeding by 20-40 km / h.

According to the president of the expert center "Movement without Danger", it is reasonable to reduce the speed threshold in cities, especially taking into account the need to ensure security in the area of ​​educational institutions. However, outside the city, the expert believes, it is possible, on the contrary, to think about the liberalization of the speed limit.

According to traffic safety expert Katerina Solovyova, there is no data that could confirm an increase in the number of accidents due to speeding by 10-20 km / h. FAN... “Where the authorities wanted to achieve a flow rate of 60 km / h, there have been signs“ 40 ”for a long time, so there is no problem,” the expert noted.

Previously, it introduced a moratorium on changes in traffic rules. According to Dmitry Mitroshin, head of the Scientific Center for Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation,

"Everyone is tortured and confused" by the amendments to the traffic rules. The moratorium concerns only the Ministry of Internal Affairs - both the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Transport will be able to amend the rules. “But we ourselves are determined to suspend this activity for now,” said Mitroshin.

Recently, the traffic police has adopted a large number of amendments to the rules of the road. Many car owners even require an extra course in driving schools to study these changes in traffic rules.

The speed limit on the highways of Russia may change: the State Duma proposes to allow acceleration outside the city to 100-110 km / h. Such an initiative was put forward by the head of the Duma Committee on Transport, Yevgeny Moskvichev, and the idea was supported by the Federal Road Agency (Rosavtodor). The opinions of independent experts were divided: some believe that such a decision is long overdue, others are sure that the road network in Russia is not yet ready for such speeds.

The head of the State Duma Committee on Transport, Yevgeny Moskvichev, said on Tuesday that it is necessary to "consider the issue" of increasing the maximum permitted speed. “We have to train specialists who would think together with us how to make sure that the maximum speed on the roads is not 90 km / h, but 100-110 km / h, I think it's time to put it on,” he said. Together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, we must think about this, because speed is important. "

Traffic rules set the speed limit, which is applied by default: in residential areas - 20 km / h, in urban areas - 60 km / h, on a suburban road - 90 km / h, for highways - 110 km / h. The maximum speed allowed by the traffic rules - 130 km / h - is entered on highways with special signs.

As Mr. Moskvichev explained to Kommersant, there will be no need to make changes to the traffic rules and other regulations: it will be enough to put new signs on the highways. According to him, to discuss this issue, it may be necessary to invite representatives of Rosavtodor and Avtodor to the transport committee. “Let them explain why this cannot be done,” he explained to Kommersant. “I believe that as a pilot passage, you can take, for example, the highway from Moscow to Rostov (section M4.- "B"), there is a bump stop, lighting, and look at the results. " Another option is to introduce a speed limit of 110 km / h only on the leftmost lane and maintain 90 km / h in the remaining lanes.

“We have had a 90-kilometer limit since the 70s, when the roads were completely different,” Evgeny Moskvichev told Kommersant. We need to make some kind of breakthrough in this area.

Now people have to constantly slow down, monitor the speed, and so a person will calmly go 110-120 km / h. On highways, in general, I think, it is possible to introduce limits of 130-150 km / h. "

Let us recall that the discussions about the maximum speed on highways and city streets have been going on for many years. In 2014, the Ministry of Internal Affairs developed a bill returning a fine for exceeding the limit by more than 10 km / h (now you can exceed the permitted speed by 20 km / h with impunity), but the amendments, as a result, did not reach the State Duma. The capital's authorities have also long advocated a toughening of the speed limit, but so far nothing has changed: on the Moscow Ring Road and the Third Transport Ring, the regime adopted under Yuri Luzhkov remains at 100 km / h and 80 km / h, respectively.

But in 2017, the authorities of the Moscow region installed 50 km / h restriction signs on many highways near Moscow (instead of the previous 60 km / h), reconfiguring the cameras. On federal highways, on the contrary, every year more and more sections are opened where it is allowed to accelerate to 130 km / h - such a restriction, in particular, is in effect on a number of M4 sections (this year it is planned to increase them by means of sections in Tula and Rostov areas), bypassing Vyshny Volochek.

The idea has already been supported by Rosavtodor. According to the ministry, out of 50.1 thousand km of federal highways, 15% are of the first category (let us assume a mode of 110-130 km / h), 41% - of the second category, 33% - of the third category, 9% - of the fourth category, 2% - the fifth category.

"An increase in the maximum permitted speed of cars from 90 km / h is possible, but subject to the requirements for ensuring traffic safety," the press service of the state-owned Avtodor company, which manages 2.8 thousand highways, explained to Kommersant.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has not yet reacted to the proposal of Mr. Moskvichev.

“On highways of the highest technical category, the speed can be increased to 130 km / h anyway, on the network of roads of“ junior ”categories it is pointless to increase it,” says Mikhail Blinkin, head of the Public Council of the Russian Ministry of Transport. For example, in the United States, many freeways used to be allowed to ride almost without restrictions, there were signs of 100 miles per hour. Now - 85, 55 ".

“Ensuring and increasing traffic capacity includes not only prohibitions on parking and installation of traffic lights, but also measures aimed at increasing traffic intensity and speed limits,” says lawyer, road safety expert Katerina Solovyova. “And this should be done at least for highways of federal and regional significance. It will also be necessary to carry out measures for the arrangement there ”. According to her, the implementation of the idea could "become an important milestone in the development of the organization of road traffic in the country."

Grigory Shukhman, an expert on photo and video recording systems, calls the initiative "unfeasible": "The traffic police will be against it, because taking into account the non-punishable excess, the drivers will drive 120-130 km / h." Petr Shkumatov, the traffic coordinator for Blue Buckets, believes that the speed should be limited in traffic rules to 90 km / h by default for routes without a bump stop, 110 km / h for roads with a bump stop and at least two lanes in one direction and 130 km / h - in the presence of artificial lighting.


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