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If you have already thought about what to “put on” your car for the winter, we will tell you about the trends of this season, help you with the choice and give you guidance in understanding the issue. So, winter tires are a way to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Winter tires: what? where? when?

Tires are one of the main and constant expense items for car maintenance, and if you still have not figured out what winter tires are, we will try to get to the bottom of it.

Winter tires are car tires, which are specially designed for operation in the cold season at temperatures not exceeding + 7 ° С. And what is the difference between winter tires and summer tires, and how fundamentally is this difference?

Winter tires will help your car through the winter without incident

It is believed that the main difference between winter tires and summer tires is the tread pattern, but in fact this is not the main difference. You should remember from childhood what happened to an ordinary eraser in the cold - it literally broke and crumbled. In other words, rubber is a material that loses its properties (in this case, elasticity) at low temperatures. That is why modern tire manufacturers use all their experience in order to invent such chemical compositions of rubber that would be "sharpened" for a particular season, a particular temperature range.

When to change and buy winter tires

The time of changing summer tires to winter tires is not stipulated by law in our country. In principle, in Russia, no one forbids driving in severe frosts on summer tires, so if you don't care about your own life from a high bell tower, you can close this page, forget about existence winter tires and continue your suicidal race.

The bulk of car owners know that the car should be “changed” when the thermometers sleepily creep to + 5 ° C, and the temperature continues to fall every day, like the ruble exchange rate against the background of news from the Persian Gulf countries. If we talk about this in terms of calendar measurements, then this is October-November.

As for the purchase of winter tires, it is important to remember that you need to prepare the sled in the summer. Summer prices will delight you. And then you will need no more than half an hour to change summer wheels for a prepared winter kit.

Types of winter tires and their characteristics

The construction of winter tires is rather complicated. Their main element is the tread, which is made of wear-resistant rubber. The base connects the tread to the inner layers of the tire and is responsible for reducing rolling resistance and reducing bumpy shock.

Steel cord works to increase the stability of the tire shape, increase driving stability and increase the mileage.

Under the steel cord there is a liner made of textile cord to resist internal overpressure.

The tire bead is protected by a carcass made of special strips, which, in turn, are made of rubber.

Smooth shock absorption, as well as stability of handling is ensured by means of a fender tape, which is soldered into the edge of the tire, closer to the wheel.

However, all these are just general characteristics that are inherent in all winter tires. We need to understand their main types in order to understand what our car will be wearing this winter.

Studded winter tires

This type of tire is designed for driving on an icy road. If you try to conquer the asphalt on thorns, know that your attempt in absentia is doomed to complete failure. On tarmac road surfaces, the grip of the studded tires is poor.

Studded tires designed for icy roads

Studded tires have an extremely negative effect on the road surface, increasing the degree of wear in just one winter by 5-8 times. Despite this, about 70% of Russian car owners prefer this particular type of tire.

On such a surface, you can only ride on studded tires.

For those who have decided to purchase "spikes", it will be useful to know that such tires must be run in before serious loads, which will allow the spikes to grind and fix them in the tread. For the first 500 or 1 thousand kilometers, try not to develop a speed of more than 80 km / h and exclude emergency braking from the "diet" of your car.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Studded Tires

pros Minuses

Spikes work great on snowy and icy roads

The wet road crosses everything positive traits studded rubber. On wet and dry asphalt, the studs significantly lengthen the braking distance and reduce skid resistance. In loose snow, as well as on a swampy dirt road, studded tires “dig in” the car faster and can even put it “on the belly”.

The braking distance on ice for a studded tire is much shorter than that of a "smooth" tire.

Ride comfort is reduced by the noise of the studded tires

Spikes destroy the asphalt road surface (in some countries, for this reason, studded tires are illegal)

Such tires, albeit slightly, but still increase fuel consumption.

Non-studded winter tires

Rubber without studs is divided into European and Scandinavian grades. The former was designed to provide the best grip on wet or sleet roads. The main feature of such tires is a network of drainage channels on the tread and powerful lugs on it.

Non-studded ones do an excellent job with wet snow winter tires

The Scandinavian class of winter tires was developed for roads that winter hides under the snow. They are perfect for Russia. The sparse tread pattern, consisting of rectangles and rhombuses, provides ideal grip on icy or snowy roads.

Colored marks on tires

Each tire manufacturer applies labels to their products, which are designed to help guide the installation of tires. After installation, the label should be located next to the nipple. By the way, this is a great way to check the qualifications of the tire service workers you are servicing. Every professional should know the nuance about color marks.

Tire-ABS connection: a problem that doesn't exist

The bulk modern cars equipped with anti-lock braking system, which is often referred to as an "electronic collar". That is why it is not surprising that many foreign tire manufacturers focus their products specifically on cars with electronic systems. For example, if the vehicle is equipped with a stability control system, then when cornering best result will be achieved if the tire tread is cut by longitudinal sipes. The same situation is with the ABS. If the tire slip rate is less than 10%, slotted tires will have a significantly higher pavement rate than “grooved” tires, which can be called classic. In the event that there is no anti-lock braking system, then the situation is exactly the opposite - it is the transverse sipes that work best when locking the wheels.

Thus, the designers of modern tires are wondering how to find a compromise between the properties of tires in the presence or absence of electronic systems. The trend of the last decade is such that preference is most often given to qualities that are manifested only if there is an ABS and a system of exchange rate stability.

And what about those who drive a car without an ABS? Do you constantly use intermittent braking? This is hardly an effective solution, because tires designed for cars equipped with ABS will not brake better from this. The thing is that it is simply impossible for a person to ensure the constancy of the slippage coefficient within 10-15 percent. It would be like if a person were able to provide the frequency of impacts on the brake pedal that the anti-lock braking system is capable of - up to 15 brake strokes per second. Therefore, there is only one way out - to choose "shoes" for your car, which would be ideal for a car without electronic systems.

At first glance, all this may seem insignificant and petty, but the difference in stopping distance between tires that are designed for cars with ABS and tires that are capable of showing good results with a high coefficient of slippage can be up to 10 or even 15 percent. If we translate these numbers into more familiar values ​​for us, it turns out that when braking to the floor at a speed of 50 km / h in the presence of ABS, the difference can be almost 10 meters. Do you still think these are small things?

We will try to sort out some of the tire models that are very popular among drivers. And we will do it on a non-obvious basis - along the braking distance that a car travels without an anti-lock braking system.

Best winter tires 2011 - 2012

Drawing Brand
Tires come first Michelin x-ice north, the soft composition of the rubber compound of which and the presence of a large number of transverse sipes make braking as effective as possible. Even when the wheels are completely blocked, these tires provide an acceptable stopping distance.
Second place was given to tires Goodyear ultra grip, which demonstrate good braking qualities both with complete blocking of the wheels and on the verge of blocking. Among other things, the goodyear winter tires feature is that the driver can quite easily sense the moment when the wheels begin to lock and apply intermittent braking. These tires are the best option for those drivers who are proficient in intermittent braking on vehicles without ABS.
Third place went to domestic tires Amtel Nordmaster... Apparently, the designers of these tires took into account the fact that the bulk of cars in Russia are not equipped with an anti-lock braking system. That is why these tires allow you to feel well the moment when the wheels are locked.
Tires are in fourth place Nokian Hakkapeliitta , which slow down well by "skidding", but the moment when the blocking starts is felt on them, frankly speaking, it does not matter. This greatly complicates the application of the intermittent braking method. However, in a car equipped with ABS, these tires behave just fine.
TOP-5 is closed by tires Continental ContiWinterViking, which are ideally geared towards "electronic assistants".

Specific brands of tires were not specifically indicated, because the problem of the behavior of this or that rubber on cars without ABS can be called more ideological than technological. That is why all manufacturers choose their own strategy: Continental is focusing on cars with "electronic assistants", Michelin prefers balance of performance, Nokian is betting on ... unpredictability.

Ways to save on winter tires

Illiterate economy

Use of summer rubber in winter.
By and large, there is nothing to talk about. Driving in icy conditions on summer tires is an unjustified and fatal risk.

Use of used winter tires.
50% worn out winter tires, despite the fact that they look like new ones, do not have the qualities that are characteristic quality tires for driving in winter. Considering that you will be able to use such a "used" no longer than one season, then the savings in this case is a phantom that gave rise to your desire to save.

The service life of winter tires, as a rule, is no more than 2-4 seasons. It all depends on the thousands of kilometers that the odometer of your car had to measure.

Use of "all-season".
Immediately it is worth telling blindly believers that there is no all-season rubber in nature. You should also realize the fact that there are only summer and winter tires, and "all-season" is just a way of compromise. In the West, this compromise is quite justified, because the mild winter of Europe is far from the harsh climate of Russia, in which the annual temperature range is something around 60 degrees. Are you going to walk in the snow with flippers if there are skis in the corner?

Choose tires with the same tread to avoid skidding

Using an incomplete set.
If you don't have enough money for four tires, and winter is already breathing down your neck, then buy ... four tires. In this case, the difference between two and four winter tires could cost you your life. And this is without exaggeration and unnecessary intimidation.

Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses states that a car owner may be fined if studded and non-studded tires are installed on the car at the same time or if there are different tires on the same axle of the car.

Competent economy

You can save on the purchase of tires if you play with the sizes. Nobody tells you to radically deviate from the recommendations given by the car manufacturer regarding the tires used. But you also shouldn't take everything literally. The cost of tires depends on parameters such as rim diameter and profile.

In addition, pay attention to the tire speed index - the higher its value, the more "green American presidents" will move from your wallet to the seller's pocket. If you never drive faster than 150 km / h, there is no point in buying tires with a speed rating higher than P.

Indexes maximum speed tire

index max speed km / h
F 80
G 90
J 100
K 110
L 120
M 130
N 140
P 150
Q 160
R 170
S 180
T 190
H 210
V 240
W 270
Y 300

How to choose the right winter tires

If you keep quality in sight, then immediately abandon domestic tires, the quality of which, to put it mildly, is unstable. You should pay attention to the products of such famous brands as Nokian, Bridgestone, Pirelli, Gislaved or Michelin. If budget is important to you, then be prepared for the fact that such tires will have a rapid degree of wear. Domestic tires cost in the range of 2-2.5 thousand rubles, while a product of overseas production will cost about 3.5-4.5 thousand rubles per wheel.

Tread pattern.
The choice of this parameter depends entirely on the conditions in which the car is operated. If you are fortunate enough to drive on a good road in winter that is regularly cleaned, opt for small checkers. But in the event that you constantly have to conquer the Chomolungma of snowdrifts, choose a more aggressive pattern.

Model age.
The new models are definitely more expensive than the old ones, but at the same time it is not necessary to abandon what was relevant a year ago. The only downside to older models is that it can be difficult for you to find a single tire to replace a failed tire when needed.

Planned mileage.
In the event that you know for sure that the car's mileage for the season will be impressive, do not skimp on good tires, because cheap ones will wear out quickly enough, and your savings will play into the box before you realize it.

The best manufacturers and brands of winter tires

Many publications conduct independent tests of winter tires, and if you compile the results, you get a good guide to choosing tires.

Drawing Brand
1 Nokian(minimum price 2.5 thousand rubles): excellent braking performance on an icy road, as well as unrivaled vehicle control in any conditions.
2 Michelin(minimum price 3.2 thousand rubles.): products of the highest quality, the company built a plant in the territory of the Russian Federation, which made it possible to significantly reduce prices.
3 Gislaved(minimum price 2.8 thousand rubles): winter tires of the “nord frost” series of this Swedish manufacturer are especially popular.
4 Pirelli(minimum price 2.55 thousand rubles): a huge selection of standard sizes, low noise and high speed characteristics.
5 Goodyear(minimum price 2.65 thousand rubles): a variety of technical characteristics and a wide range, allowing you to choose tires for any car.
6 Dunlop(minimum price 2.65 thousand rubles): the British company Dunlop is the world's oldest manufacturer of tires.
7 Vredestein(the minimum price is 1.5 thousand rubles): the most reliable adhesion to the roadway and comfort while driving.
8 Cordiant(minimum price 2.1 thousand rubles.): excellent tires, designed specifically for use on Russian roads.
9 Bridgestone(minimum price 2.8 thousand rubles): strong lateral cords make it possible to use tires on poor-quality road surfaces, and modern technologies are a guarantee of confident control over the car.
10 Hankook(minimum price 1.4 thousand rubles): tires from a Korean manufacturer provide quite high quality at a relatively low price.
11 Kama(the minimum price is 1.5 thousand rubles): maximally adapted to the harsh conditions of the Russian winter and domestic roads.

  1. Nokian
  2. Bridgestone
  3. Michelin
  4. Continental
  5. Goodyear
  6. Vredestein

In the next article on winter tires, we will present an overview of the best tire models of this season. Don't switch!

We do not argue that experience and skill are very, very important. However, no matter how brilliant the artist is, it will be difficult for him to paint a masterpiece if he has bad paints and a torn canvas. The same can be said for a car with tires. Good tires will allow a smart driver to steer the car reliably, brake on time and accelerate quickly if necessary. And forget forever all these tales about Mikhalych from the garage, who during his youth rode summer bald tires in the winter and "nothing happened to him." Mikhalych was just lucky.

True, this truth has a downside - no matter how good the tires are, you can do trouble with a bad head.

Myth number 2. In Europe, winter tires are generally prohibited. And nothing!

In many European countries, only studded tires are prohibited. This is due to the fact that the roads there are constantly cleaned in winter, and they are cleaned to asphalt. But even in such countries, when entering mountainous regions, there are often signs "no passage without chains". And in Scandinavia, thorns are allowed! Moreover, winter tires are mandatory there in the cold season.

Myth number 3. Four-wheel drive does not need winter tires

A damn dangerous fallacy. Even assuming that four-wheel drive vehicle will accelerate normally on snow, then do not forget about handling. And the main thing is about braking.

The laws of physics cannot be fooled. When braking - the most important characteristic for safety - it doesn't matter which transmission is installed on the machine. When the car slows down in winter, it is the tires that come first. If they're good, that's okay. If you brake in the snow on summer tires - expect trouble.

Fedor Zharinov

Myth number 4. It is better to buy wide tires for the winter.

But no. The big one we ran in northern Finland showed that the car behaves best with winter tires ... standard size... We compared 195 / 65R15 narrow tires, 205 / 55R16 "regular" tires and 225 / 45R17 large tires. And it turned out that it was the broad ones that showed themselves worst of all. Moreover, on ice, they completely failed the tests - a large area of ​​contact with the surface led to a low specific pressure of the studs on the ice (we took a Volkswagen Golf as a test subject). And in the snow, a car on such tires starts to demolish early.

Narrow tires behave better on ice, but the insufficient width of such tires led to sharp breakdowns in turns on snowy surfaces. .

Myth # 5. If there is no money, it is better to buy only a couple of expensive tires and put them on one axle.

For the spread of such myths, it is probably necessary to introduce criminal punishment. If there are winter tires on one axle, and summer tires on the other, then the risk of loss of control increases many times over. After all, one of the axles will hold onto a slippery surface well, and the other ... Put the winter ones on the rear axle - get ready for demolition in turns. To the front - you will dream about drifts at night.

Therefore, if you are on a budget, your best bet is to buy cheap winter tires. But only 4 pieces. And no options.

Myth number 6. In cold weather, thorns on ice are useless

This year, during our weather, we were lucky, and we carried out part of the measurements at -23 C. Despite all the legends, it was the studded tires that became the best, and the friction ones gave way in cold weather, although they showed a decent result. By the way, the thorns gnawed the ice so well in the frost that after each passage we asked the harvesting equipment to sweep the ice crumbs off the track for accurate measurements.

Don't forget that modern high quality studded tires have new generation studs. Which, thanks to their shape, quality of materials, all kinds of notches and other know-how, are able not only to bite into even very hard ice, but can also quickly remove ice crumbs from themselves.

Fedor Zharinov

expert of the Pirelli quality department

Myth # 7. You can buy good non-studded winter tires and ride them all year round, even in summer.

More than a strange statement. Summer and winter tires (especially of the Scandinavian type, designed for operation in a cold snowy winter) differ not only in the tread pattern. But also the composition of the rubber. Experts unanimously say - at plus 5-7 degrees and below summer tires work worse and worse. In turn, the winter at a temperature of plus 7-10 degrees also changes its characteristics. Therefore, no need to experiment! In winter - winter, in summer - summer.

Myth No. 8. If you drive on studded tires on the asphalt, then all the studs will immediately fly out.

If you bought the cheapest rubber, then, perhaps, this myth is justified. But this is due solely to the quality of the products. And thorns on modern good tires hardened so hard that it’s damn hard to pull them out. In addition, the tire is designed in such a way that when driving on asphalt, the upper part of the stud sinks deep into the tread under the weight of the car.

The topic of seasonal tire change does not lose its relevance - we see a great interest in our publications on this topic, and it is the more acute, the closer the next shoe season is. As a reminder, visitors to the Za Rulem.RF website have the opportunity to ask their questions online and get answers from professionals. In touch with you Sergey Mishin - head tire test group... He is assisted by testers Evgeny Larin, Valery Pavlov, Andrey Obrazumov, Dmitry Testov, Anton Mishin, Yuri Kurochkin and Anton Ananiev.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the answers to the most typical and most unexpected questions from the readers of Za Rulem.RF. Perhaps among them you will find information that interests you. If you haven't found it, ask your question in the comments below.

Ivan Ivanovich: So all the same spikes or Velcro?

Vyacheslav Subbotin, ex-curator tire group: Velcro, thorns! We ran a special test on this topic. The temperature range, when Velcro and spikes behave in the same way, say, show the same stopping distance, is minus 13-15 0 С. At lower temperatures friction tires begin to outperform the thorns. The spike may not always pierce hard ice. And due to the developed sipes, friction tires have a large area of ​​contact with ice, especially rough. At higher temperatures, studded tires are better. But there are nuances. At minus 20 0 С, the difference between spike and Velcro will be about 20%. And at minus 2–3 0 С, the stopping distance of Velcro will be almost twice as long. Therefore, choose the type of tires primarily based on the average daily operating temperature. Details. It was a great job!

Anonymous: Is it essential to take the Duster? In terms of weight, it is at the level of foreign cars. Interested, for example, are Pirelli Winter Carving Edge tires (listed as for a passenger car / crossover) and Pirelli Ice Zero (listed as for a crossover, i.e. SUV).

Vyacheslav Subbotin: It doesn't matter! The difference between SUV tires and tires with the same tread pattern, for example for sedans, is mainly in the reinforced sidewall. Mixtures, belt design, etc. the same. But it often happens that for this or that crossover, you simply cannot find ordinary tires without an SUV prefix - there is no such size.

Evgeny Korchagin: In all tests, not a word about tire RESOURCE. Here I choose the average price spike 215/65/16 for Qashqai. Tests praise "Nordman" and "Gislaved", but according to reviews, it is better to throw out both after two, maximum three seasons - there is a problem with the cord, and the spikes are losing. For comparison, "Ice Cruiser 7000" does not shine in tests, but freely nurses four seasons, many have no spikes at all. I myself bought "breeches" for the last car, on the whole I liked it, but there is nothing to compare it with by experience. So the dilemma turns out: to take tires according to tests, but for two or three seasons, or still think about the resource?

Vyacheslav Subbotin: Evgeny! We've done endurance tests a couple of times in our long history of tire testing. But the pleasure is expensive. How much gasoline you need to burn. The last such test was about five or six years ago. After a long run of tens of thousands of kilometers, we checked the driving characteristics of the tires. Won then Michelin. According to the data obtained, his qualities turned out to be closest to the initial ones, but in others they fell greatly.

However, on some models, especially the leader ones, we ride for a long time. They are on our editorial machines. And as experience shows, "Nordman" and "Gislaved" (and other models of well-known tire brands and their own tires of the second echelon), even after four seasons, practically do not lose their studs. There is even no need to talk about a broken cord. To destroy it, you need to leave the season with a pressure of one atmosphere. In general, Continental has the most durable spike sealing - they glue them. We tried to rip them out with ticks, such a dispute went with the manufacturer. They puffed like steam locomotives while dragging. They ripped out ... with a piece of rubber. :-)

Mikhail Kiselev: Tell us about the behavior of Chinese tires (for example, everyone's favorite Triangle), Korean (Nexen or Kumho) and compare them with Russian and, if possible, Japanese used tires (most likely 50% and more tread), because the tests "Behind the wheel" are of little interest in the Far East.

Vyacheslav Subbotin: Chinese tires in the domestic market still occupy a negligible share. Our motorist is just looking at them. So we do not yet take these tires into regular tests, although we are also studying products from the Middle Kingdom. You know, according to first impressions, they are of the same quality as Chinese cars. Driving properties are not very good. I wouldn't buy one for myself. But the low price can serve as a weighty argument. An experienced motorist who has driven all his life on summer tires in winter can afford it. It is likely that in the next tests we will taste the Chinese novelties. But the result can be predicted in advance. Tires "Nexen" or "Kumo" from the second tier of Korean tire manufacturers do not shine with test results. Hankuk looks much better against their background. They seriously approached the design of tires for Russia, Scandinavia and other winter countries. For example, they have a powerful research center along with a test site in Europe. Therefore, the results of our tests are high. We do not ride used tires. And we believe that it is risky to buy such and drive them. As a rule, they are badly worn out and can be with hidden damage. In the 90s, I myself rummaged through a pile of tires that had served in Europe. Then the whole capital was in such dumps. Found four what I thought were excellent tires. I put it on the "Moskvich-2141", so it, poor fellow, immediately began to lead to the side. And by the end of winter, a cord got out of two tires. I threw the money down the drain.

Tatiana Rzhannikova: "Hakkapeliita" is always ahead in the tests. And the price is also the leader. But is "Nordman" the "Hakka" of past models? Or, in all respects, a different tire made using simplified technologies?

Vyacheslav Subbotin: "Nordman" is really "Hakka" of previous generations, and it is prepared on the same molds. The technology is exactly the same as that of Hakki. But the materials are used a little easier. Let's say a simple cylindrical spike. It would be different, and the price would have increased significantly. However, this does not mean that "Nordman" is bad. Look at the test results, table of measurements and expert assessments. Sometimes he sets the stage for new models of leading companies.

Anonymous: Good afternoon, advise winter tires for Ford Mondeo 1.5 tons, front-wheel drive, 215/55 / ​​R17, and which is best for my region. I live in Saratov, winter temperature is from -15 to -25, studded or Velcro? I don't leave the city in winter, roads in the city are rarely uncleaned, more often it is wet snow.

Vyacheslav Subbotin: Colleague, I also ride on! Studded "Nord-Frost 5" have been standing for the fourth year already. For this machine and a variety of operating conditions - what you need. And I go skiing to the mountains on them, and I choke in traffic jams in slushy Moscow. Therefore, I recommend to you studded tires, and from the top line. Whatever one may say, "Mondeo" is a big, heavy and also nimble car. He needs predictable reactions. After all, his connection with the road is not so hot - the steering wheel and brakes are not informative enough. Good tires will correct this deficiency. "Nord-Frost" chose, first of all, from the driving characteristics, but looked at the price / quality ratio. Now the wear is not great, rare spikes have taken off. I looked closely at Michelin X-Ice North 2 before. The characteristics are similar, but confused by the high price. Perhaps next season I will still put myself a studded Michelin.

Yuri Rogov: Tell me, please, what is the difference between the "ContiIceContact" tires with the BD and HD indices?

Sergey Mishin: These indices appeared on the tires of "ContiIsContact" in 2013. The BD index suggests that you are looking at ordinary, "old" ones, with so-called diamond spikes. Tires with the HD index - redesigned, modified to comply with the new Scandinavian road surface wear regulations, which came into effect on July 1, 2013. HD differs from regular (BD) pimples and modified composition. The number of studs in HD and BD tires is the same. In 2013, HD was supplied to the Scandinavian market, BD - only to Russian market... Since 2014, Continental has promised to produce and supply only HD tires to all markets.

Sergei Amosov: If possible, show the difference in numbers between "European" and "Scandinavian" friction tires (Velcro).

Sergey Mishin: "Scandinavian" friction tires - the main tires for our market - for severe winters, have softer tread rubber (50-55 Shore units), which provides best performance on ice and snow. Cons - relatively "loose" behavior on the asphalt and not the best brakes. "Central European" friction tires are focused primarily on damp, warm winters. "Sharpened" for handling and brakes on wet asphalt and wet compacted snow, they are distinguished by higher resistance to aquaplaning and slashplanning. Cons - low grip on ice.

They are divided into soft (hardness 58-60 Shore units) and hard (60-65 units). Can be used in warm regions of Russia and megalopolises (Moscow, St. Petersburg), where ice is practically not found on the roads. The harder the rubber, the better the brakes and behavior on the asphalt, but the worse the grip on the ice.

Maxim Sysolyatin: Still, I would like to return to the resource of studded tires. Are there any criteria (besides the loss of studs) that you can rely on and understand that it's time to change tires? Another question: you said that your editorial machines have different tires with different service life, maybe just check them - compare with the same new ones. That will be interesting!

Sergey Mishin: The main criterion for assessing the condition of winter tires is residual. In reality, a winter tire ceases to exist when there are 4 or less millimeters left. At the same time, tire manufacturers allow the use of such worn tires in the summer. It is incorrect to compare new tires with worn ones for several years, since almost all manufacturers ANNUALLY upgrade their models (in terms of mixture composition, materials and design). Even new tires of the same model, but with different years of production, differ in characteristics.


Maxim Sysolyatin: Just a few questions. Why don't heavy trucks and city buses "change their shoes"? At the interchanges of the Moscow Ring Road, they are the main cause of congestion! How to find out the date of production of tires and what is the shelf life? Finally, is it true thatis it better to use smaller tire widths for winter than for summer?

Sergey Mishin: About heavy trucks and buses. In our country, there are no laws (as in the Scandinavian countries) on the mandatory use of winter tires. It is very expensive to “change shoes” on trucks and buses, and the issue of storing summer tires is difficult. But by and large you are right, such a law is long overdue. About. On the sidewall of any tire, you can find an "embossed" combination of four numbers, for example 2014. The first pair means the week of manufacture, the second - the last two digits of the year of manufacture. About the shelf life of tires. According to Russian laws passenger tire must serve for at least 5 years. Further, the consumer is advised to evaluate the condition of the tire himself by the presence or absence of small cracks on the sidewall. Tire manufacturers do not recommend using tires for more than 7–8 years, the critical age is 10 years, even if the tread looks like new. During this period, rubber significantly loses its characteristics. About. Take a look at our tire tests in the 14 "size. In the summer we test tires 185 / 60R14, in winter on the same 175 / 65R14 tires. A wider tire provides better grip on asphalt in summer. A narrow one allows you to achieve a higher specific pressure in the contact patch, which means it will better cling to ice. In addition, narrow tires “cut” the snow slurry on the road more easily and do not float so easily in puddles.

Evgeny Arefiev: Tell me which studded rubber to choose for the Duster within 4000 rubles per wheel? I live in Volgograd, roads are poorly cleaned in winter, so the defining qualities of a tire should be cross-country ability and handling on snow and ice. I lean more towards Cordiant Snow Cross or Nokian Nordman 4. Which is better?

Sergey Mishin: For snow and ice nordman 4 would work better. After all, the tread of this tire mimics the pattern of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 4, a multiple winner of many tests.

Andre M: My BMW X3 E83 has a summer 17R 235/55, tell me what size to put on a winter one?

Sergey Mishin: BMW does not provide narrower tires for your car. So for the winter you will have to stay at the same size. I recommend choosing tires with a directional tread pattern, which more effectively clear the road from water and snow in the contact patch.

Alexander Taubinsky: My Octavia normally has a summer 16R205 / 55, I decided to save money and buy on 15R195 / 65 disks, which, other things being equal, turns out to be cheaper than buying only 16R205 / 55 tires, plus savings twice a year on re-shoes. What are the pros / cons of lowering the radius?

Sergey Mishin: Changing to size 195 / 65R15 instead of 205 / 55R16 in winter conditions- a technically very competent solution. The rolling radius of these tire sizes is almost the same, so there will be no distortion in the speedometer readings. 195 mm wide tires float on water and slush at a higher speed compared to 205 mm and are therefore safer. On snow and ice, these tires will have a slightly better grip, since their specific pressure per unit area is slightly higher. In addition, the increased profile makes the tire more comfortable, adding a smoother ride on bumps, and road bumps and bumps are more common on winter roads. Cons of narrower and taller tires - slightly worse brakes on asphalt (different laws of physics work here, the width of the contact patch is reduced). And also - less distinct reactions on the same asphalt, due to the fact that a tall tire deforms more under the influence of lateral forces. But since the points described in the previous paragraph, then 195 / 65R15 tires are preferable. At the same time, as you noted, the 15th tires are significantly cheaper than the 16th ones.

TSHG: Why in the last two tests of winter tires published on the website, the tires of "ContiIceContact" showed different results - 2nd place in passenger sizes and 4-5th place in SUVs?

Sergey Mishin: Firstly, the lists of competitors in these tests are different - in 1-4 there were no such strong rivals as Goodyear UltraGrip Ice Arctic and Pirelli ice Zero Secondly, I believe that small and large pies, even made from the same dough, will taste different - because they are baked differently. One of the factors affecting tire grip and handling is the pressure distribution across the contact patch. Probably, these characteristics differ in the Continental ContiIceContact tires in sizes 175 / 65R14 and 215 / 65R16. The different weight of Lada Priora and Renault Duster is also important - they load tires in different ways. Compare measured results, such as braking distances on asphalt. At 175 / 65R14, Conti's performance on wet asphalt (20 m) is better than the Pirellian Formula Ice (21.1 m) per meter, and on dry (34.2 m versus 34.6 m) it is almost half a meter better. And in the size 215 / 65R16, on the contrary, Formula Ice (20.0 m) on wet road surfaces outperforms Conti (21.1 m) for the same meter. On dry land, their results - 33.6 m and 33.7 m - are comparable.

Olegg: Are spikes ever quiet?

Sergey Mishin: One of the main disadvantages of studded tires is the increased noise level. But this is not the main evil: spikes also increase the braking distance on asphalt (iron slides on it better than rubber even on cars with ABS) by about 5 percent relative to the friction ones.

Today, only Nokian has succeeded in implementing a tire (with HKPL 8 tread) in a working prototype, capable of releasing and retracting studs as needed - see photo. But at the same time, the company's specialists admitted that these prototypes are still far from a finished product that can be offered to the market. In my opinion, there are studded tires that are less noisy than others, but only at city speeds - 50-60 km / h. These are tires that have been reduced in studs in accordance with the latest regulations in Scandinavian countries. I advise you to pay attention to Gislaved Nord frost 100 and Michelin X-Ice North 3.

Artem Plasteev: Why are Maxxis not found anywhere in the tire tests? Normal tires for reasonable money, and even with a lifetime warranty, not China, but Taiwan after all. But yes, a lot of expensive tests ...

Sergei Mishin: Not quite a correct question. This can be set for any model not present in the test. In 2010, we tested winter off-road tires where this brand met. Then the tested tire took the fifth place.

Nicholas K: I have a problem: a bump is swollen on the sidewall of the tire. Is it possible to continue driving, and if not, what is the best way to do it? Buy a new one of the same model or a pair of more modern ones? The condition of the tires is good - Bridgestone is fitted with Velcro, I think maybe I can take a couple of HKPL R2 and leave the second BR wheel as a spare wheel?

Sergei Mishin: A bump is bad. It can burst at any moment, the wheel will release air very sharply, the car can be "lost" at this moment. The surest option is to buy the exact same tire model. The other pair will differ in characteristics, so that the car's behavior in the corner will change: steering may become excessive (there will be a tendency to skid) or insufficient (pronounced drift may occur).

Andrey Khakhulin: We need advice. When buying a used car, there was winter tires, but in this set: Dunlop SP Winter Ice 01 - two pieces, Toyo Observe G3-Ice - two pieces. The condition of the tires is the same. Actually, what would you advise to buy, Toyo or Dunlop? I don't like it when different tires are installed on the car ...

Sergey Mishin: The Toyo Observe G3-Ice model is much fresher than the old Dunlop SP Winter Ice 01, which has already replaced the Dunlop SP Winter Ice 02 today. I hope it's clear which tires are better to buy.

ALEX S: Recommend R17 SUV studded tires, optimal in terms of price and quality. The more I read, the more I doubt what to choose ...

Sergey Mishin: Read the results of our 235 / 65R16 SUV tire test. The sizes R16 and R17 are similar. I would choose the Nordman 5 SUV for myself - quite good tires, while relatively inexpensive. In second place is the Gislaved Nord Frost 100 SUV.

Andress: I hold in my hands two issues of the magazine: one for September 2015, the other for September 2014. In both tests, 14-inch winter tires with a striking performance difference. For example, braking on ice 30-5 km / h this year Nokian HKPL 8 brakes 13.6 m, and that year as much as 18 m! And so with all tires. What, one wonders, to believe?

Sergey Mishin: The absolute results of measurements on ice are not at all the same as on asphalt, on which the results can vary by two to three meters from year to year. On ice, they are much more than on asphalt, depending on the ambient temperature, humidity and many other weather parameters. Even on the same ice on different days, the same tire will have different results. Not to mention the difference from year to year. You can believe the difference between the tires as a percentage.

Andrey Veledeev: How should tires be marked that can be driven in winter in accordance with the new law? Is it enough a snowflake, M + S, or just a "snowflake in the mountain"?

Sergei Mishin: The technical regulations describe winter tires quite extensively. Literally: “marked with a sign in the form of a mountain peak with three peaks and a snowflake inside it, as well as marked with signs“ M + S ”,“ M&S ”and“ MS ”... But at the same time, the residual tread depth permissible during operation is clearly limited - at least 4 , 0 mm.

Olga Maryasova: It's time to buy winter tires, the manufacturer recommends 165 / 70R14 or 185 / 60R14. I do not understand which standard size to choose for the winter for a Skoda Fabia car of 2008 onwards. with a 1.4 liter engine. Since I do not consider myself an ace, the choice fell on the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8, but the size 185 / 60R14 is missing. The consultant suggested 175/65. Can you deviate from the recommendations of the automaker? R14 is due to the existing discs, which have old tires.

Sergey Mishin: Whether or not to deviate from the recommendations of the car manufacturer, such a decision will have to be made only by you. Tires of dimension 175 / 65R14 are suitable for your car if they correspond to the load capacity index. The rolling radius will be very close to 165 / 70R14 or 185 / 60R14 tires.

Alexey Sergeevich: Some manufacturers offer all-season tires. Tell us about them. How effective are they in winter in urban environments?

Sergey Mishin: All-season tires are universal tires for year-round operation in conditions of mild winters with little snow and cool summers. Do not expect high grip from them on asphalt in summer and on ice in winter. In urban conditions in the summer, you can live on such tires if there is no heat and you do not drive aggressively. It is more difficult in the real Russian winter. You can feel confident only on the asphalt, cleared of snow and ice. But in yards covered with snow, in an icy track, such tires are helpless.

Victor A .: Good afternoon! I read all the possible tests of winter studded tires and opted for the Gislaved Nord Frost 100 SUV. One problem - the size 225/60 R17 I need (at the request of the manufacturer) is missing from Gislaved. Close - 225/65 R17, but in this case the wheel diameter increases by 22 mm (I'm afraid it will cling to the arches when the steering wheel is completely turned out). Please advise a worthy analogue for Subaru forester IV. Operation - Moscow and nearby countryside. P.S. Watched Continental ContiIceContact but pricey. Maybe Yokohama see (full-time all-season), for example IceGuard Stud IG55? What is your relationship to this brand? For some reason, it is not in your tests.

Sergei Mishin: It seems to me that you have a strange attitude towards magazines and tires. At first, Yokohama tires IceGuard Stud IG55 has been featured twice in our tests this year: in the September issue in 175 / 65R14, and in the October issue in 205 / 66R16. Secondly, this is not an all-season tire, but a real studded tire, which cannot be standard on any car, even on the Subaru Forester IV. Read the magazine carefully!

Ivan Nikolaev: I choose non-studded winter tires for Nissan X-Trail. My eyes settled on the Michelin X-Ice, but I can't decide whether to take the new Xi3 or the old Xi2. Do you think it makes a big difference for trips around Moscow?

Sergey Mishin: Any new models are always better than the previous ones. The question is the magnitude of the difference between them. I have never compared these two tires with each other, but I suppose the difference will be almost indistinguishable on city trips. But there is one caveat. Michelin may discontinue production at any time old model and it will disappear from the shelves. If you damage a wheel, you will have to buy not one, but a whole set of new ones or from another manufacturer.

Shahin Tarverdiev: Help me choose winter tires. Friends advise Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8 or Gislaved NordFrost 100. The first, as I saw, is 1000-1500 rubles. expensive. Is it worth it? For me, stability and noiselessness are important, since on my Lifan solano no insulation. Recommended sizes 195/60 and 185/60 are indicated on the car door, is it possible 185/65? As I understand it, 195 is for summer, 185 is for winter. Thank you in advance.

Sergei Mishin: Typical Russian approach: "I would have good tires, but not expensive." There is only one place for free cheese ... Gislaved NordFrost 100 is perhaps one of the quietest spikes. You are right, tires are narrower - for winter, wider - for summer. As a rule, wheel arch contact occurs when using wider tires, and 5% of the profile height should not be critical. To understand whether higher tires are suitable for your car, you should try them on: just assemble and put one front wheel... Squeeze the suspension, turn the steering wheel all the way to the left and right, pay attention to the gap between the tires and the edge of the arch.


x x: What can you say about re-studding the wheels?

Sergei Mishin: I do not trust repeated studding. First, you need to understand why the studs fell out of the tread. If the holes are slightly larger in diameter than required, then new spikes will fall out again. If the spikes of a reduced diameter are to blame, you need to find the right ones. Secondly, you need to find the same studs with which the tire was originally studded. It’s not that easy. They differ in size, configuration (single-flanged, double-flanged, three-flanged), in materials, in the shape of a carbide insert ... Thirdly, road dirt, sand, etc. has already entered the open hole, it is unlikely to be perfectly cleaned. Those remnants of dirt that could not be removed will work like an abrasive, intensively wearing out the new stud and the rubber around it, which will lead to repeated loss of studs.

Yura Baranov: Tell me - there are wheels on r14 tires 205–70! the question is, can I put tires 185–70 on these wheels?

Sergei Mishin: In your case, you need to clarify the rim width of the available disks. Look for the embossed rim width markings on the surface of the rim (under the tire). It is a number representing the width of the rim in inches, followed by the letter J. The ratio of tire to rim width is shown in the table.

Archi Thomas: There was a question about the choice of winter tires for the VAZ "classics". The choice fell on the Nordman 4 or 5, Yokohama IC35, also considering the Tunga Nordway. I understand that Tunga does not fit into this company, but I have never met her in tests. Actually the question: what is better to put, and what do you say about Tungu? Standard sizes 175 / 70R13 ...

But when choosing tires for the winter for your car, it is difficult to understand the many details that fall on the owner's head.

Let's say right away that there is no universal rubber that is suitable for all cars and drivers. There are many factors to consider when choosing winter tires.

We will try to describe, using the example of typical situations, which winter tires should be chosen in certain versions.

Thorns or not?

Sooner or later, every car owner is faced with the question of buying studded tires or choosing Velcro. If you look at various automotive forums and sites, you can see the ongoing wars of supporters of both one and the second option. The answer to this question is simple and complex at the same time. Simple because the coarse studded rubber is well suited for areas where the weather is usually dry in winter and the road surface is densely packed with ice. But at the same time, when driving, such tires make more noise.

If there is a slush on the roads in winter, the spikes do not provide sufficient grip of the car with the road. Also, studded tires are not the best choice when driving on clean asphalt in winter. Spikes are not recommended for those who like to drive their cars.

An alternative to studded rubber is non-studded rubber.

Non-studded winter tires are presented in two types:

European rubber;

Scandinavian rubber.

The difference between these types of tires lies in the characteristics of the weather conditions that the driver encounters on the road in winter.

In the first case, tires are designed to grip the road in bad weather conditions (rain, sleet). The European type of winter tires allows driving at high speeds. There are four speed indices for it - W (270 km / h), V (240 km / h), H (210 km / h) and T (190 km / h).

But these tires perform poorly on ice or packed snow. Fans of dynamic driving need to remember that on slippery surfaces you need to be especially careful when riding these tires. It is not recommended to use this rubber when driving in warm weather, as high temperatures impair the braking performance of these tires.

In the second case, optimal wheel grip is ensured on an icy road and on a road surface with a snow crust. Due to the soft rubber, tires of this type feel good at very low temperatures.

But when using such tires, it is necessary to abandon the aggressive driving style: sharp braking and lane changes or sharp cornering.

The importance of the tread pattern

In a store from one manufacturer, several models of winter tires are presented and, in addition to the presence of studs, it differs in a different tread pattern. This is due to the fact that tires perform different functions on different roads, which is reflected in the nature of the tread pattern:

If the car is driving on a road on which there is a good layer of compacted snow, then it is necessary that the wheels provide good braking and no slippage when driving. To do this, the tires must "bite" into the snow as much as possible. In this case, winter tires are required, the tread of which consists of individual diamonds, cubes, snowflakes, which are separated from each other by sufficiently large gaps.

When driving on a road on which there is snow porridge, the drainage of water and snow from under the wheels and resistance to skids come to the fore.

If we are driving on dry asphalt in frosty conditions, the tires are required to have maximum grip on the road.

We correctly read the markings on the tires

The tire manufacturer puts on it all the properties that are important to the consumer, you just need to know how to read them. With this knowledge, the process of choosing winter tires for your needs can be minimized.

When inspecting the surface of a winter tire before purchasing, you can obtain the following information:

Manufacturing date... It is designated in the form of four digits on the sidewall of the tire (the first two digits mean the week of the year, the second two are the year of manufacture);

Wear resistance... On the surface of the tire is indicated by the inscription "Treadwear" and is measured in units. The standard wear resistance is 100 units, which is enough for 48,000 km. mileage (average mileage for the season);

Speed ​​index... Encrypted with the letters of the English alphabet - from N (140 km / h) to ZR (above 240 km / h). For those who are interested in driving speed and such an indicator as low wear, it is best to take tires marked "S"

Load indicator... At its core, it means how much weight is on each wheel. According to experts, this index should be in the range of 30 - 35 percent of the weight of the equipped car;

Tire type... For winter tires, “M + S” (Mud + Snow) and / or “Winter” must be indicated, which means “mud and snow” and / or “winter”. You should be very careful when choosing tires marked "All season" - "All-season" or "All weather" - "All-weather". A number of manufacturers produce tires with similar markings for countries with warm climates, where in winter the temperature drops only to zero;

Certification... Compliance with the quality of rubber to the requirements of the European Union is indicated by the letter "E", and to the requirements of the United States - "DOT". Both of these markings can be found on some tires.

Signs such as wet grip (A to G), fuel efficiency (A to G), and acoustic comfort (1 bar - optimal, 3 bars - weak) are additionally marked. It is also worth recalling that professional off-road and racing tires are not labeled, as well as welded, studded and some other types. This should be considered when buying.

Regardless of which winter tires the owner of the car chooses, you must remember about simple rules:

1. Change summer tires it is necessary on all wheels at once, installing the same type of winter tires.

2. Do not pull when changing tires. As soon as the air temperature dropped to plus 5 degrees, you can safely go and change your car into a winter set of tires.

3. In winter, you should be more careful on the roads and, if possible, avoid aggressive driving style.

4. If the car is wearing studded tires, you should be especially careful when driving on bare asphalt, and it is recommended to reduce your speed limit.

And, perhaps, the most important criterion when choosing winter tires is quality. The retailer must ensure that the tires they own meet the stated properties.

The online store sells only high-quality winter tires from well-known manufacturers. Buyers are provided with a wide selection of winter tires, both domestic and imported, at competitive prices. You can get acquainted with the assortment and choose winter tires for your car at. We are glad to inform you that a special offer is currently being held on our website by using which you can buy a set of winter tires at even more favorable prices.

Hello lovers of pro-boxes and prosperous cars! Soon I will get into your ranks of happy motorists of these car models uraaaa! Well, in general, on the topic of tires, I will say from the point of view of a professional in this area. I trade myself in tire center this good is already 4 years old! I go to seminars of different manufacturers of imported tires consistently 2 - 3 times a year and communicate with people about it 11 hours a day and 5 days a week!
I'll start with the mistakes of everyone who believes in some kind of "ratings")) tires - sorry for the expression garbage because to test tires in different weather conditions + on different cars + different standard sizes + purchase of this very rating (no one was caught by the hand, but it is not excluded), tests are a lot, believe us, not our budget magazines such as driving, auto review, etc. True estimates can be given by German independent companies TUV SUD, ADAC, if anyone is interested, look at the off sites, but there is one thing, but this is the climate and, again, everyone has their own climate. There is a FACT that at a temperature of -20 the density of ice becomes such that the spike does not pierce it, but scratches it! At the expense of all-seasons, there is no such rubber compound in nature that it would be suitable for everything temperature conditions summer, respectively - summer, winter - winter, an all-season tire, of course, is used by our grandfathers, fathers. it was not particularly possible to choose, and then try to find at least something in Soviet times) an all-season tire is summer, autumn, spring, but not winter! it dubs in the cold and loses its properties. At the expense of the opinions that they say that I was buying a Nokia, she just went all the way and went, say, on the Michelin all the spikes for the season lost trouble and not rubber, I can comment on this - take at least the most domestic slag and roll the spike normally i.e. the first 100 km without excessive acceleration and deceleration of sharp no more than 60 km per hour, and even Yaroslavka will delight you with its studding is a fact !!! At the expense of Nokia, I can say one attention! - if your climate is not severe throughout the winter of asphalt, then this is your choice because it has a large spike protrusion, but on the asphalt the car on nokia is like a cow on ice, believe me) for ice, yes, it is very much nothing again, up to -20, and if it is still moderate winter in your city and mostly asphalt, take a michelin xin2 there with spike protrusion everything is OK. For icy roads gislaved nord frost 5 behaves very well and continental ice contact has tried no complaints except noise, and without it, it’s not like thorns! From Russian manufacturers I can advise Cordiant Snow Max, unlike cam, etc. more elastic and soft + holds not badly, I note in comparison with imports, this is heaven and earth in all respects, even in terms of shock resistance, imports will be more interesting! At the expense of friction rubber (in common people, Velcro), rubber is better on snow than spikes, but spikes are more effective on asphalt! I consider Bridgestone revo gz one of the best friction clutch the Japanese know how to make it, half of my colleagues ride it both in the city and on the highway! I won't tell you a lot about expensive rubber, comrades don't have to think that I've bought the most expensive imports and I won't have any problems, they will! It must be understood that it is first of all necessary to observe the speed limit, especially for those who do not have a lot of driving experience, regardless of import or domestic tire!
I won't say much about summer, some think that the harder the sidewall, the stronger it is again a delusion! There is such a property as elasticity, let's take the example of Bridgestone and Michelin, the bridge seemed to be a very strong sidewall, harsh rubber, but there are fewer repairs to the Michelin share (I talked with tire fitters and I know about it myself). they know how to do it. Winter and nokia is not very bad, but summer is neeeeeee) very weak sidewall, keep your tit in the wheel a little bump and wait for the disc to be edited more than once!
Well, perhaps all dear members of the forum, if there are any clarifications or questions about tires or disks, ask the experience there is in this and not frail, I will answer everyone. Good luck on the road and God bless you!


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