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When planning the construction and arrangement of a garage for a car, it is necessary to carefully consider in advance its future dimensions, the occupied area and the features of the internal layout. This is especially important when building a garage with your own hands.

Important: will the room be part of a residential building or adjoin it? Typically, such garages have a roof in common with the house, and redesigning its structure will be a difficult and costly job.

Things to Consider When Planning Your Garage

The most common mistake when creating is that the owners calculate the dimensions of the garage for 1 car, which is currently available. At the same time, few people envisage the appearance of another car, which, in terms of its dimensions, may not fit into the existing room.

Important. When planning, it must be remembered that the garage is being built for a long time, during which the owners can change several cars from different sizes... Try to calculate the inside dimensions of the garage based on the average size of the standard passenger car... If in the future it is possible to purchase an SUV or a minibus, then it is better to take care of the ceiling height in advance.

Creating for yourself the optimal size of a garage for 1 car, you need to answer in advance such questions as:

  • Will the garage be used only for temporary storage of the car or is it also planned to carry out a planned Maintenance, such as changing tires, changing oil and other working fluids, carrying out minor repairs;
  • Will there be water supply and sewerage, which will entail an increase in space for the installation of plumbing and heaters;
  • Whether the premises will be used as a warehouse for spare parts or food for long-term storage.

All these points are very important, and if they are available, the area of ​​the garage for 1 car is significantly increased.

Dimensions and regulatory requirements for the dimensions of garages

Certain requirements for the minimum size of the garage premises are prescribed in the regulatory acts of state authorities, however, these standards are advisory in nature and for dimensions. modern cars unsuitable. It is important to remember that the standard dimensions of a garage for 1 car should provide not only sufficient storage space for the car itself, but also your comfort when servicing it.

The standards provide for:

  • The minimum length is 5 meters;
  • The minimum width is 2.3 meters;
  • The space from the car door to the inner wall of the garage must be at least 500 cm;
  • The height of the room is not less than 2.2 meters.

For your information. It is worth noting that the minimum width of the garage for 1 car is indicated here, provided that it is a detached building intended solely for storing a car. The length and height of the room were also calculated taking into account the dimensions of Soviet-made cars.

Obviously, a modern domestic or imported car will hardly fit into such a garage, and there is no need to talk about comfortable movement and even more service.

If we consider the modern requirements for the garage, especially if it is an extension to a residential building (see), then it is better to foresee a place in it for installing shelving and storage rooms. This garage will store seasonal tires, spare wheels, fuel lubricants, a set of tools, as well as canned food and things that are rarely used by residents.

Of course, the cost of such a garage will increase significantly, but this is a necessary price for your comfort and convenience. However, making the room unjustifiably large is also not worth it, since every square meter of the building has a cost.

All space should be used rationally.

Optimal dimensions and space layout

In order to deduce your standard size of a garage for 1 car, first plan the interior space taking into account the arrangement of the shelving (see). The room will be visually perceived comfortably if its width is half the length.

Try to use shelves with doors in order to hide small things as much as possible, this will create a sense of order.

Important. The unspoken instructions for determining the size of the garage says that the optimal size of the room is calculated as follows: we take the average dimensions of the car, add the necessary space for movement to them, then add the area of ​​shelves and other structures. As a result, we will get the overall internal dimensions of the room.

If your financial resources or the size of the site are limited, then such calculations are made as follows:

  • The average width of a passenger car is 1.7 meters. We add at least another 1 meter to this size so that you can safely open the door and get out of the car. As a result, we get standard width a garage for 1 car at 2.7 meters, which is usually rounded up to 3 meters;
  • Next, we take the average car length of 5 meters and add another 1.5 meters to this value. Usually 0.5 meter is added at the front of the car and 1 meter at the rear in order to be able to open and calmly unload the trunk. As a result, we get a length of 6.5 meters, to which we add an additional 0.5 meters for shelving.

Important. It is better to install racks for storing spare parts and spare rubber at the end of the garage in front of the car, as shown in the photo below. This will shorten the width of the room but make it longer. In addition, this placement will help to avoid accidental scratches on the sides.

  • The height of the garage should be 30-40 cm higher than your head, and if the car is taller than you, then the height is measured from the roof of the car. When calculating the height, be sure to take into account the type of body. For example, the height of the garage should allow the trunk lid to be fully opened and have a margin of at least 10 cm.

So, we get a structure with such dimensions as: 7 meters long, 3 meters wide and 2.5 meters high, depending on the height and type of body. Such dimensions of a garage for 1 car are optimal for saving space and finances.

Important. As a result of simple calculations, we obtained the dimensions of the internal area of ​​the room, and in order to obtain the external dimensions, the thickness of the future walls and floors must be added to the existing dimensions.

The garage can be a detached building on a suburban area, part of a house or one of the boxes in a garage cooperative. When planning construction for one machine, in addition to its size, one should take into account the parameters of the site, the regulatory requirements for construction and the climatic conditions of the region. If a viewing pit is also planned, then a study of the groundwater level will be required. Any of these factors can affect the size of the building.

Things to consider before building a garage

Garages for one or several cars are built for many years and you need to approach the construction with all responsibility.

Certain nuances must be taken into account.

  • The most common mistake is drawing up a project taking into account the parameters of the machine that exists at the moment. Next car may be large sizes, then the garage will be small for him. If you do not plan to purchase an SUV or minibus, the building should be designed based on standard average sizes. passenger cars mobiles.

  • All calculations of the building are made based on the needs of the interior; to install a real structure on the site, the thickness of the garage walls is added to the values.
  • It is necessary to organize convenient travel from the street to the building.
  • If the gates are swing gates, you need to calculate in advance whether there is enough space for them to open the doors.

In addition to storing the machine, you should decide for yourself before drawing up a project.

  • Will the maintenance room be additionally used, will you need racks for automotive equipment and an inspection pit. This makes its own adjustments to the minimum footage of the building.
  • Perhaps combining a garage with a workshop. In this case, the size of the box will increase not only due to the shelves, you will need a workbench or something else. Everyone has their own ideas about the workplace.

  • Sometimes they build a garage with an attic, living space on the upper level.
  • Do you need communications: water supply, sewerage and how far are the connection points from the construction site?

  • The garage can be on two levels: at the bottom they equip a cellar for storing vegetables or a utility room.
  • Sometimes the building is made deliberately large in order to organize a recreation area behind a light partition in it, for example, a tennis table or a sofa and a TV set for communicating with friends in a male company. If another car appears, the recreation area can be easily transformed into an additional parking lot. Most best size a garage for one car is one in which you can place another car. For those who are on a budget, the construction will have to build on the average car standards.

Regulatory Requirements

The regulatory requirements for the minimum size of the garage were developed by one of the research institutes back in Soviet times. Now there are not so many cars for which such a footage would be comfortable. The proposed building of the following dimensions: minimum length - 5 m, width was 2.3 m, height - no more than 2.2 meters. The distance from the car to the wall was determined at half a meter. In these conditions, it was necessary to open the door and try to get out. Nowadays, no one adheres to strict norms. People have different machines and the minimum size of the building is also not the same.

There are other rules that relate to the safety and legality of the building itself. When building a garage, it is necessary to adhere to them, otherwise the neighbors will file a complaint, and the garage will have to be dismantled.

If a land plot is provided for persons not related to entrepreneurial activity (Article 51, Clause 17 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation of 2016), no special permits for the construction of a garage will be required, but to be sure, this issue can be clarified with the local administration.

Fire safety(SNiP 21.01.97 "Fire safety of buildings and structures"), standards must be observed. They relate to the distance from the building to the surrounding objects. According to the rules, the distance from the fence to the garage must be at least one meter. From the garage to any building on the site - six meters. This will make it easier to extinguish the fire in case of fire, moreover, it will not spread to other buildings. A distance of at least six meters is also necessary to the buildings of neighbors. Since the garage is a fire hazardous facility, non-combustible materials are used for its construction.

Optimal garage parameters

The size of the garage will depend on the plot on which it is going to be built. In a garage cooperative, there are fewer opportunities than in a private estate. If, in addition to storing the car, the building will perform other functions, this will increase the required area of ​​the premises. Optimal sizes do not mean minimum, they are different for each case.

Here are the calculations for a standard medium-sized car.

  • Width. For a medium-sized car, it is 1.7 m, to which one more meter should be added for optimal drive and the ability to open the door. The resulting 2.7 m can be rounded to three.
  • Length. It is necessary to add another 1.5 meters to the average length of the car (5 meters): 0.5 in front of the car and one meter behind it, so that you can safely drive in, as well as open and load the trunk. The length of the garage is 6.5 meters. If you plan to install a rack, you should add another 0.5 m. As a result, the length of the structure is 7 meters.

  • Height. It should be 50 cm higher than the head of the tallest family member, and if the open trunk of the car is higher than the driver, then 20 cm - above the trunk. The height of the gate should be at least 20 cm higher than the car, but it is better to make it "for growth" for the next car.

Let's summarize

The minimum dimensions of a garage with a rack in the end part for an average car: width - 3 m, length - 7 m, height about 2.5 m, more precisely, depends on the type of body and the driver's height.

Knowing the size of your car, you can correct these standards. All calculations are given for the inside of the garage, in order to understand the real dimensions of the building, you should add the thickness of the walls and their decoration.

If you are planning racks, a workbench, or any machines, you must take these dimensions into account and remember that there must be at least 50 cm between the machine and any objects. By lengthening the room, you can make a light partition and get a working room.

The entrance to the garage must be at least one meter more car to get into the gate without any problems. One should not forget about the possibilities of the future car, so it is better to choose the width of the gate with a margin.

So that the car can confidently enter the garage even in dark time days, you can draw two bright lines on the concrete floor to the width of the wheels.

When building a garage, you need to choose the right lighting, it will also depend on the size of the room.

Observation pit

There is often a viewing hole in garages. To build it, you need to know about the state of the groundwater under the garage. The lower level is built half a meter higher than the boundary of groundwater and freezing. Reinforced insulation will also require certain dimensions, at the bottom it is thicker than on the upper building. Even before the start of construction work, a water seal (about 30 cm) is laid so that water does not enter the basement. Gravel and clay are used for it. You will need more finishing and insulation. All of these parameters affect the depth of the inspection pit.

The width of the pit depends on the vehicle. It should be twenty centimeters narrower than a pair of wheels, in order to avoid the wheels falling into the pit. If you go back to the standard parameters medium car, then the width of the recess will be approximately one and a half meters.

When calculating the length of the inspection pit, you should start from the size of the car. It should be of such a length that it provides comfortable access to the machine. Installation of the ladder will take another half meter.

Having calculated all the dimensions of the inspection pit itself, you need to correctly determine its location in the garage, it is located strictly under the car.

When planning the construction of a garage on their site, the owners must first of all, of course, choose a convenient place for it. But it is equally important to accurately calculate the optimal size of the garage so that it is comfortable and spacious enough. The RMNT website decided to help you understand this issue.

In order for the size of the garage to be optimal, they must allow:

  • Free to fully open the doors of the car inside the building, without fear of scratching them on the walls.
  • Calmly unload the trunk, which should open completely even on hatchbacks.
  • Allow yourself to service, inspect the car and carry out minor repairs.
  • Provide space for shelves with spare parts and various tools.

To begin with, we note that you should be guided by the norms that are spelled out in SNiP 2.07.01-89 “Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements ", as well as SNiP 21.01.97" Fire safety of buildings and structures. " They concern, among other things, the choice of a place for a garage, which should be at least six meters from neighboring buildings.

Now let's calculate what will be the minimum size of a garage for one ordinary passenger car. Take, for example, such a popular model in our country as the Lada Granta. Its standard dimensions are 4118x1700x1538 mm. There must be at least half a meter on each side of the car so that you can get out of it, go around and not get dirty at the same time. It turns out that the length of the garage should be at least 5.1 meters, width - 2.7 meters, and height - 2 meters. Not enough, you say. And you will be right!

Important! Even in Soviet times, the typical dimensions of box garages in cooperatives were 3x6 meters. Today even these dimensions are considered small - given the average width of modern cars, the garage should be at least 4 meters wide. So for the minimum size of the garage we take 4x6 meters with a ceiling height of at least 2.5 meters.

The presence of an inspection pit in the garage, the arrangement of which the portal site is about, will not affect its size in any way. You just have to go deeper. But if you decide to install a lift, then the height of the ceiling must be calculated taking into account its parameters, adding centimeters up.

Important! For SUVs and crossovers, the minimum garage size should be 5 meters wide, 8 meters long and 3.5 meters high. Please note that these are the dimensions of the indoor space!

Important! The width of the garage door should ideally be two meters wider than the width of the car, so that there are no problems with the entrance.

The minimum dimensions indicated by us will be sufficient for the very light car and the minimum operations with it. But this is not enough for storage locations! For example, you decide to place two shelves, half a meter wide and two meters long, along the side walls. This is plus a meter to the width of the entire garage.

If you need space for a workbench, home workshop, get ready to add about 6 square meters to the garage space.

Important! As practice shows, most often, site owners build garages for one car with a length of 9 meters, a width of 4.5 meters and a height of 3 meters. It is these dimensions that allow you to equip storage areas and a small home workshop.

If you need a garage for two cars, then you do not need to simply multiply the dimensions we indicated! The length of the building will remain the same - at least 7, and preferably 9 meters. The width will be increased from 4-5 meters to 7 meters. The optimal height, of course, does not change - 3-3.5 meters. Practice shows that in a square garage of 7x7 meters, two ordinary cars fit perfectly.

Experts remind that you should not get too carried away by increasing the size of the garage more than those indicated by us. This will seriously raise construction costs. If you really need a restroom or storage room, consider building a second floor or attic above the garage. The presence of a basement, which will not increase the dimensions of the garage, will allow you to solve the problem with storage.

Let us state: if you need a minimum parking space for a car, without additional functions, then you will be satisfied with a 6x4x2.5 meter garage. If you also need a storage place, a small workshop, then the dimensions need to be increased to 9x4.5x3 meters. For two cars, a box with the same length and height, but increased to 7 meters wide, is enough.

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When deciding on such an important step as building a garage, you just need to carefully plan everything. Firstly, it is very important that it is sufficiently spacious and comfortable, on the other hand, a too large garage is an extra cost for both building materials and its maintenance in the future. The standard dimensions of a garage for 1 car are 4X6 meters, that is, at the rate of one meter for passage on the sides and from the ends, plus 1 meter in length for the equipment of the workplace. Such a room is quite enough for the maintenance of a passenger car and is quite economical in repair and heating in winter period... But in cases where the garage is planned to be used as a utility room, or the purchase of a larger car is planned, the dimensions may change upward.

Garage layout: optimal dimensions, height, width, dimensions; typical project of a garage for two cars

The plan for building a garage largely depends on the size of the car itself and on the available space for construction. In any case, the internal space should be sufficient not only for the car itself, but also for the passage, installation of shelving and storage of the necessary components. Agree, it will not be pleasant if, after finishing the construction and decoration, you find that by abruptly opening the door, you risk scratching it against the walls or shelves.

If in the coming years you plan to change the car for a larger one, then the building must be planned taking into account its dimensions. Today one of the optimal, one might say spacious, garages for passenger cars can be called 7x4 and 3 meters high. This is quite enough to maintain and service any modern passenger car.

It makes sense to build a large garage only for special needs, for example, to use it as a workshop in which dimensional equipment will be installed. Otherwise, this is just extra costs for the construction of the building itself and for heating it in the future.

The size of a garage for two cars should be at least two cars wide (on average, 1.7-2 meters) and have aisles of at least 0.5 meters on each side. That is, this value should be at least 4.5-5 meters. But any sensible car enthusiast realizes that this is too little. Firstly, such a small supply of free space will require just virtuoso parking, and secondly, there will be no free space at all.

Garage construction plan: design, types, minimum dimensions and area, construction standards

In addition to personal convenience, the garage layout plan should take into account the peculiarities of its location. It is necessary to take into account the standards of fire and sanitary safety. According to existing standards, a garage made of non-combustible materials must be located at a distance from residential materials at least 6 meters, and from combustible materials - at least 10 meters. If a personal parking lot is part of a residential building, then the door between it and the living quarters must have a fire resistance rating of at least 30 minutes.

The requirements for garages also regulate the mandatory presence of ventilation; special attention should be paid to this issue if the room is adjacent to or is part of a residential building. Also in this case, it is very important to pay attention to noise protection.

The minimum height can be 2.2 meters. But a person feels comfortable only if there is at least 50 cm above his head. Therefore, it would be wiser to calculate the size of the garage taking into account the tallest member of the family.


What are the dimensions of a car?

The classification of cars in different countries is different. It does not depend on the manufacturer. A light vehicle is a car for the transport of 2-8 people, and its mass does not exceed 3.5 tons in Russia, and in the USA - 3.904 tons. In Germany, models with station wagons, if removed rear seats, and the glass of this compartment is painted black, then such a car is registered as a truck. Russia uses the European classification of machine sizes. Class A: "small cars", the width of a passenger car in this segment is up to 1600 mm, and the length is up to 3600 mm. The largest vehicles are considered to be F class. Their parameters: length - from 4600 mm, and width - from 1700 mm.

What is the size of a standard garage, how to lengthen it?

When buying a new vehicle, its owner involuntarily thinks about the place of storage of the car. People living in the private sector have the opportunity to build a garage in accordance with the dimensions of the car, the growth of the owner. In addition, if the building is to be used as a workshop, additional floor space will be required before equipment can be placed.

But the owners of vehicles living in apartments have almost no choice. The standard size of a garage for 1 car in cooperatives is unchanged - 3x6x2.4 m. It is calculated taking into account the length / width of the usual passenger car, average height of a person. And for ease of use, 0.5 m has been added to the dimensions of the vehicle along the entire perimeter of the garage. This makes it easy to open the doors / trunk / hood. Also, another 1 m is laid in the length of the building for installing a workbench, a rack for tools / spare parts.

What is the minimum and maximum width of a passenger car?

European classification:

Class Typical representatives Vehicle width, mm Length, mm
min max min max
A "Oka" 1600 3600
B "Tavria" 1500 1700 3600 3900
C "Zhiguli" 1-15 models 1600 1750 3900 4400
D Volga 1700 1800 4400 4700
E BMW (5 series) 1700 4600
F GAZ 13, 14 models 1700 4600

In addition to the above types, there are a number of Vehicle that do not fall under the classification - SUVs and body models:

  • "Coupe";
  • "Station wagon"
  • "cabriolet".

Based on the vehicle purchased, the width of the garage is also calculated. Moreover, the minimum value of this value for placing a simple "passenger car" is 3 m.

Optimal garage height - what is it?

There are 2 calculation options:

  1. For the calculation, it is recommended to take the height of the tallest adult member of the family, add 0.5 m to this indicator. And if there is a need to install a lifting device, for example, a hoist, then you will have to increase the height of the room. When building an individual garage, the value of this parameter is 3 m. This height will definitely suit everyone. But for a typical building, the height is taken from 2.2 to 2.5 m.
  2. The height of the garage depends on the vehicle model that will be stored in it. Considering that the maximum value of the parameter for a passenger car is up to 1.9 m, it will be enough to add another 0.5 - 1.1 m, so that it is convenient to enter the open gates, even when the height of the car is increased by the trunk located on top.

Garage for two cars - what should be the dimensions?

If it is necessary to build a room for parking and servicing 2 vehicles, then their dimensions are taken into account - height / length / width, as well as the obligatory passage between them and the distance to the walls. The minimum value required to bypass one car is 0.5 m. Do not forget that a beginner cannot squeeze into such a garage for two cars. There is a possibility of damage to the coating. Therefore, if possible, the size of the garage is increased. Although there is a reasonable limit, because a large area, especially if it is an extension to a house, needs increased heating costs. And the construction itself in this case will also significantly rise in price.

What is the difference between a garage plan for 1 or more cars?

In modern society, a car storage room already performs not only the function of a shelter, but also introduces a design element of decorating the entire local area. The garage plan for 1 car also provides for a repair shop, storage space for tools, a second set of rubber, spare parts. Depending on the needs of the family, it can be with an add-on, in which there is a room, a bathroom. The layout of the premises should take into account the size of the vehicles that will be stored there, that is, the minimum size of a garage for 1 car is 4x6 m.And if the family has not one, but 4 cars, then, naturally, the plan should be drawn up taking into account their dimensions and service aisles.

What should be the project of a garage for 2 cars?

Any building must comply with building and sanitary standards. The garage for 2 cars is calculated based on the size of the cars that are supposed to be installed there. Its width is the sum of the corresponding dimensions of the vehicles, to which a minimum of 0.5 m is added to bypass each of them. In length, in addition to the parameters of the car and the service area, an additional 1-2 m is laid for the installation of repair workbenches, racks, storage places for bicycles / scooters. The height of the garage consists of the height of the owner, to which is added from half a meter to 1 m.

The very concept of the word "Garage" defines the parking lot of the passenger car and the place possible repair and service. For personal use, a garage is, as a rule, a place for storing spare parts, Supplies, tires and so on.

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Location of garages

First of all, you need to determine where will the storage location of the machine be located, it could be:

  1. Parking space in the parking lot of the apartment building;
  2. Parking space on the adjacent territory of an apartment building;
  3. Multi-level detached parking;
  4. Garage on the site of individual housing construction;
  5. Garage in the garden;
  6. Separate box in the garage cooperative;

Garages for one car can be:

Determining the size of parking spaces and garage

Construction or arrangement of a parking space for a passenger car in the Russian Federation is subject to the laws of the country and in particular:

  1. The Urban Planning Code;
  2. Fire safety rules;

Parking space in the parking lot of an apartment building

Parking device in an apartment building is provided at the stage of development of design and estimate documentation and the size of a parking space for one car is determined in accordance with SP 113.13330.2012, which are an updated version of SNiP 21-02-99 *.

According to these documents, the size of the parking space should be 5.3 X 2.5 meters for an ordinary passenger car and 6.0 X 3.6 meters for vehicles transporting or driving disabled people, including disabled people who use wheelchairs.

If you find a parking space in the parking lot of an apartment building, use it for storing spare parts, tires, and even more so for storing fuels and lubricants not allowed.

Parking space in the adjoining territory of an apartment building

Parking spaces on the adjacent territory of an apartment building should be provided for when developing design estimates for a capital construction object in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Size of one parking space for a car is determined by SP 113.13330.2012 and is 5.3 X 2.5 meters for an ordinary car and 6.0 X 3.6 meters for vehicles carrying or driven by disabled people.

Russian laws prohibit unauthorized occupation of any place in the parking lot near an apartment building. These places are considered common areas and everyone can park their car in any free space.

However, the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for cases in which the general meeting of homeowners in an apartment building may decide on the distribution of parking spaces among themselves and determine each named parking lot. But even in this case, it is not allowed to erect any enclosing structures around the perimeter of the parking space. The only assumption is that a common standard shed is set up by the homeowners' meeting.

Multi-level detached parking

Multi-level free-standing parking is an object of capital construction. Such a parking lot is being built according to the previously developed design and estimate documentation, which has passed the State or non-departmental examination. The sizes of parking spaces are determined, as in the case of apartment buildings, by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Garage on the site of individual housing construction

If in the previously considered cases the sizes of parking spaces and the standard sizes of a garage for 1 car were determined by the legislation of the country, then box size for one car near your own home are determined only by the owner's imagination, his financial capabilities and a reasonable approach to this issue when developing a project for a garage for one car.

But in any case, to determine the size of a garage for a car, you need to take the standard dimensions of a parking space as a basis, 5. 3 X 2.5 meters. Next, you need to open all the doors of the car and see how comfortably you can get around the car if there are walls. Depending on the car model, the comfortable perimeter of the parking space will be determined.

But again, does the box owner's imagination imply the presence of any racks near the longitudinal walls? If "Yes", then the width of the shelves is added to the result. The next question that arises is: "Where to put the locksmith's workbench?" The most convenient location is the inner end wall. Therefore, to the length of the parking space, you need to add a distance that will ensure comfortable performance of locksmith work on the workbench.

The next important question is optimal box height... High-quality maintenance and repair of a car without access to the underbody is impossible. It is necessary to decide how to provide this access:

  1. With the help of a viewing hole;
  2. With the help of a lift;
  3. With the help of a tipper;

The observation pit does not require raising the ceiling of the box, but requires going deeper into the ground to a depth that will be comfortable for work and will be individual in each case.

The lift device will increase the height of the ceiling, which will depend on the make and model of the device. In this article, the task was not set to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of lifting devices, methods and conditions for their installation, but the task was to consider the factors affecting the size of the box for one car.

A car tipper is a device in which a car is fixed in one way or another, and then flips over on one side or the other. The device allows access to the underbody of the car, completely safe for the vehicle and the operator. But in this case, it must be taken into account that the width of the garage must be increased.

When servicing a car and even more so during repairs, the owner is often faced with the need to use lifting devices... This could be:

  1. Hand hoist;
  2. Electric hoist;

The type of lifting device installed is determined by the capabilities of the car owner during the development of the car parking device project.

The hoist can be installed:

  1. At a certain point on the ceiling of the garage;
  2. On a monorail along the axis of the box. In this case, the monorail is attached to the ceiling, and the hoist itself has the ability to move along the box.
  3. The device of a suspended or supporting crane beam.

The device of the lifting mechanism significantly reduces the labor costs of the car owner during its maintenance and repair, but significantly affects the optimal size of the garage for one car.

Garden garage

The project of the device of a garage in a garden area must correspond to its purpose. If a garage is needed only to shelter the car from bad weather or from the scorching rays of the sun, then the construction of a capital facility will be clearly unjustified. In this case, a lightweight structure made of metal enclosing structures with dimensions comparable to the standard 5.3 by 2.5 meters or, in extreme cases, with a garage size of 6.0 meters by 3.6 meters, is sufficient.

But if a decision is made to build a garage for one car with the possibility of performing a full range of works, then the determination of the size of the box should be approached in the same way as in the case of an individual housing construction site.

Separate box in the garage cooperative

The dimensions of the garage when building it in a garage cooperative are determined by the size of the allocated area and a certain height, adopted by the general meeting of the cooperative's shareholders. As a rule, garage cooperatives are built according to an individual project, which are carried out by a contractor design organization and the dimensions of a garage for one car with metal swing gates are laid down in the design and estimate documentation.

What you need to consider when developing a project, building a capital garage and determining its size. The minimum dimensions of the box can be influenced by the type of gate. If swing gates are installed, then it must be borne in mind that they open outward and the possibility of clearing them from snow must be provided.

When installing sliding gates they, as a rule, fit into the minimum dimensions of the box. Installation of roller shutter gates is associated with some design-related inconveniences. But such gates allow you to keep the dimensions of the box and fully automate the opening and closing of the entrance.

Before starting design work, it is imperative that you familiarize yourself with the archival engineering and geological surveys. The presence of nearby groundwater or heaving soils can nullify all efforts to develop a project and build a garage and even more really affect the size and design features buildings.

It is imperative to develop a garage project, consider in detail the structural units, clearly define the dimensions of both the box itself and the equipment. Consider and apply all fire safety requirements. Safe work practices must be provided to ensure that injury is avoided. When designing a garage, it is not necessary, but it is advisable to provide for the possibility of rest when doing any work with the car.


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