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The topic of seasonal tire change does not lose its relevance - we see a great interest in our publications on this topic, and it is the more acute, the closer the next shoe season is. As a reminder, visitors to the Za Rulem.RF website have the opportunity to ask their questions online and get answers from professionals. Sergey Mishin, the head of the tire test group, is in touch with you. He is assisted by testers Evgeny Larin, Valery Pavlov, Andrey Obrazumov, Dmitry Testov, Anton Mishin, Yuri Kurochkin and Anton Ananiev.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the answers to the most typical and most unexpected questions from the readers of Za Rulem.RF. Perhaps among them you will find information that interests you. If you haven't found it, ask your question in the comments below.

Ivan Ivanovich: So after all, thorns or Velcro?

Vyacheslav Subbotin, ex-curator of the tire group: Velcro, thorns! We ran a special test on this topic. The temperature range, when Velcro and studs behave in the same way, for example, show the same stopping distance, is minus 13-15 0 С. At lower temperatures friction tires begin to outperform studs. The spike may not always pierce hard ice. And due to the developed sipes, friction tires have a large area of ​​contact with ice, especially rough. At higher temperatures, studded tires are better. But there are nuances. At minus 20 0 С, the difference between spike and Velcro will be about 20%. And at minus 2–3 0 С, the stopping distance of Velcro will be almost twice as long. Therefore, choose the type of tires primarily based on the average daily operating temperature. Details. It was a great job!

Anonymous: Is it essential to take the Duster? In terms of weight, it is at the level of foreign cars. Interested, for example, are Pirelli Winter Carving Edge tires (listed as for a passenger car / crossover) and Pirelli Ice Zero (listed as for a crossover, i.e. SUV).

Vyacheslav Subbotin: It doesn't matter! The difference between SUV tires and tires with the same tread pattern, for example for sedans, is mainly in the reinforced sidewall. Mixtures, belt design, etc. the same. But it often happens that for this or that crossover, you simply cannot find ordinary tires without an SUV prefix - there is no such size.

Evgeny Korchagin: In all tests, not a word about tire RESOURCE. Here I choose the average price spike 215/65/16 for Qashqai. Tests praise "Nordman" and "Gislaved", but according to reviews, it is better to throw out both after two, maximum three seasons - there is a problem with the cord, and the spikes are losing. For comparison, "Ice Cruiser 7000" does not shine in tests, but freely nurses four seasons, many have no spikes at all. I myself bought "breeches" for the last car, on the whole I liked it, but there is nothing to compare it with by experience. So the dilemma turns out: to take tires according to tests, but for two or three seasons, or still think about the resource?

Vyacheslav Subbotin: Evgeny! A couple of times in our long history of tire testing, we have run endurance tests. But the pleasure is expensive. How much gasoline you need to burn. The last such test was about five or six years ago. After a long run of tens of thousands of kilometers, we checked the driving characteristics of the tires. Won then Michelin. According to the data obtained, his qualities turned out to be closest to the initial ones, but in others they fell greatly.

However, on some models, especially the leader ones, we ride for a long time. They are on our editorial machines. And as experience shows, "Nordman" and "Gislaved" (and other models of well-known tire brands and their own tires of the second echelon), even after four seasons, practically do not lose their studs. There is even no need to talk about a broken cord. To destroy it, you need to leave the season with a pressure of one atmosphere. In general, Continental has the most durable studs - they glue them. We tried to rip them out with ticks, such a dispute went with the manufacturer. They puffed like steam locomotives while dragging. They ripped out ... with a piece of rubber. :-)

Mikhail Kiselev: Tell us about the behavior of Chinese tires (for example, everyone's favorite Triangle), Korean (Nexen or Kumho) and compare them with Russian and, if possible, Japanese used tires (most likely 50% and more tread), because the tests "Behind the wheel" are not very interesting in the Far East.

Vyacheslav Subbotin: Chinese tires in the domestic market still occupy a negligible share. Our motorist is just looking at them. So we do not yet take these tires into regular tests, although we are also studying products from the Middle Kingdom. You know, according to first impressions, they are of the same quality as Chinese cars. Driving properties are not very good. I wouldn't buy one for myself. But the low price can serve as a weighty argument. An experienced motorist who has driven all his life on summer tires in winter can afford it. It is likely that in the next tests we will taste the Chinese novelties. But the result can be predicted in advance. Tires "Nexen" or "Kumo" from the second tier of Korean tire manufacturers do not shine with test results. Hankuk looks much better against their background. They seriously approached the design of tires for Russia, Scandinavia and other winter countries. For example, they have a powerful research center along with a test site in Europe. Therefore, the results of our tests are high. We do not ride used tires. And we believe that it is risky to buy these and drive them. As a rule, they are badly worn out and can be with hidden damage. In the 90s, I myself rummaged through a pile of tires that had served in Europe. Then the whole capital was in such dumps. Found four what I thought were excellent tires. I put it on the "Moskvich-2141", so it, poor fellow, immediately began to lead to the side. And by the end of winter, a cord got out of two tires. I threw the money down the drain.

Tatyana Rzhannikova: "Hakkapeliita" is always ahead in the tests. And the price is also the leader. But is "Nordman" the "Hakka" of past models? Or, in all respects, a different tire made using simplified technologies?

Vyacheslav Subbotin: "Nordman" is really "Hakka" of previous generations, and it is prepared on the same molds. The technology is exactly the same as that of Hakki. But the materials are used a little easier. Let's say a simple cylindrical spike. It would be different, and the price would have increased significantly. However, this does not mean that Nordman is bad. Look at the test results, table of measurements and expert assessments. Sometimes he sets the stage for new models of leading companies.

Anonymous: Good afternoon, advise winter tires for Ford Mondeo 1.5 tons, front wheel drive, 215/55 / ​​R17, and which is best for my region. I live in Saratov, winter temperature is from -15 to -25, studded or Velcro? I don't leave the city in winter, roads in the city are rarely uncleaned, more often it is wet snow.

Vyacheslav Subbotin: Colleague, I also ride on! Studded "Nord-Frost 5" have been standing for the fourth year already. For this machine and a variety of operating conditions - what you need. And I go skiing to the mountains on them, and I choke in traffic jams in slushy Moscow. That is why I recommend to you studded tires, moreover, from the top line. Whatever one may say, "Mondeo" is a big, heavy and also nimble car. He needs predictable reactions. After all, his connection with the road is not so hot - the steering wheel and brakes are not informative enough. Good tires will correct this deficiency. "Nord-Frost" chose, first of all, from the driving characteristics, but looked at the price / quality ratio. Now the wear is not great, rare spikes have taken off. I looked closely at Michelin X-Ice North 2 before. The characteristics are similar, but confused by the high price. Perhaps next season I will still put myself a studded Michelin.

Yuri Rogov: Tell me, please, what is the difference between the "ContiIceContact" tires with the BD and HD indices?

Sergey Mishin: These indices appeared on the tires of "ContiIsContact" in 2013. The BD index suggests that you are looking at ordinary, "old" ones, with so-called diamond spikes. Tires with the HD index are redesigned, modified to comply with the new Scandinavian road surface wear regulations, which came into effect on July 1, 2013. HD differs from regular (BD) pimples and modified composition. The number of studs in HD and BD tires is the same. In 2013, HD was supplied to the Scandinavian market, BD - only to the Russian market. Since 2014, Continental has promised to produce and supply only HD tires to all markets.

Sergei Amosov: If possible, show the difference in numbers between "European" and "Scandinavian" friction tires (Velcro).

Sergey Mishin: "Scandinavian" friction tires are the main tires for our market - for severe winters, they have softer tread rubber (50–55 Shore units), which provides the best performance on ice and snow. Cons - relatively "loose" behavior on the asphalt and not the best brakes. "Central European" friction tires are focused primarily on damp, warm winters. "Sharpened" for handling and brakes on wet asphalt and wet compacted snow, they are distinguished by higher resistance to aquaplaning and slashplanning. Cons - low grip on ice.

They are divided into soft (hardness 58-60 Shore units) and hard (60-65 units). Can be used in warm regions of Russia and megalopolises (Moscow, St. Petersburg), where ice is practically not found on the roads. The harder the rubber, the better the brakes and behavior on the asphalt, but the worse the grip on the ice.

Maxim Sysolyatin: Still, I would like to return to the resource of studded tires. Are there any criteria (besides the loss of studs) that you can rely on and understand that it's time to change the tires? Another question: you said that your editorial machines have different tires with different service life, maybe just check them - compare with the same new ones. That will be interesting!

Sergey Mishin: The main criterion for assessing the state winter tires- residual. In reality, a winter tire ceases to exist when there are 4 or less millimeters left. At the same time, tire manufacturers allow the use of such worn tires in the summer. It is incorrect to compare new tires with worn ones for several years, since almost all manufacturers ANNUALLY upgrade their models (in terms of mixture composition, materials and design). Even new tires of the same model, but with different years of production, differ in characteristics.


Maxim Sysolyatin: Just a few questions. Why don't heavy trucks and city buses "change their shoes"? At the interchanges of the Moscow Ring Road, they are the main cause of congestion! How to find out the date of production of tires and what is the shelf life? Finally, is it true thatis it better to use smaller tire widths for winter than for summer?

Sergey Mishin: About heavy trucks and buses. In our country, there are no laws (as in the Scandinavian countries) on the mandatory use of winter tires. It is very expensive to “change shoes” on trucks and buses, and the issue of storing summer tires is difficult. But by and large you are right, such a law is long overdue. About. On the sidewall of any tire, you can find an “embossed” combination of four numbers, for example 2014. The first pair means the week of manufacture, the second — the last two digits of the year of manufacture. About the shelf life of tires. According to Russian laws, a passenger tire must serve for at least 5 years. Further, the consumer is advised to evaluate the condition of the tire himself by the presence or absence of small cracks on the sidewall. Tire manufacturers do not recommend using tires for more than 7–8 years, the critical age is 10 years, even if the tread looks like new. During this period, rubber significantly loses its characteristics. About. Take a look at our tire tests in the 14 "size. In the summer we test tires 185 / 60R14, in winter on the same 175 / 65R14 tires. A wider tire provides better grip on asphalt in summer. A narrow one allows you to achieve a higher specific pressure in the contact patch, which means it will better cling to ice. In addition, narrow tires more easily "cut" the snow slurry on the road and not so easily float in puddles.

Evgeny Arefiev: Tell me which studded rubber to choose for the Duster within 4000 rubles per wheel? I live in Volgograd, roads are poorly cleaned in winter, so the defining qualities of a tire should be cross-country ability and handling on snow and ice. I lean more towards Cordiant Snow Cross or Nokian Nordman 4. Which is better?

Sergey Mishin: For snow and ice nordman 4 would work better. After all, the tread of this tire mimics the pattern of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 4, a multiple winner of many tests.

Andre M: My BMW X3 E83 has a summer 17R 235/55, tell me what size to put on a winter one?

Sergey Mishin: BMW does not provide narrower tires for your car. So for the winter you will have to stay at the same size. I recommend choosing tires with a directional tread pattern, which more effectively clear the road from water and snow in the contact patch.

Alexander Taubinsky: My Octavia normally has a summer 16R205 / 55, I decided to save money and buy on 15R195 / 65 disks, which, other things being equal, turns out to be cheaper than buying only 16R205 / 55 tires, plus savings twice a year on re-shoes. What are the pros / cons of lowering the radius?

Sergey Mishin: Changing to size 195 / 65R15 instead of 205 / 55R16 in winter conditions is a very smart decision from a technical point of view. The rolling radius of these tire sizes is almost the same, so there will be no distortion in the speedometer readings. 195 mm wide tires float on water and slush at a higher speed compared to 205 mm and are therefore safer. On snow and ice, these tires will have a slightly better grip, since their specific pressure per unit area is slightly higher. In addition, the increased profile makes the tire more comfortable, adding a smoother ride on bumps, and road bumps and bumps are more common on winter roads. The disadvantages of narrower and taller tires are slightly worse brakes on asphalt (different laws of physics work here, the width of the contact patch is reduced). And also - less clear reactions on the same asphalt, due to the fact that a tall tire deforms more under the action of lateral forces. But since the points described in the previous paragraph, then 195 / 65R15 tires are preferable. At the same time, as you noted, the 15th tires are significantly cheaper than the 16th ones.

TSHG: Why in the last two tests of winter tires, published on the website, the tires of "ContiIceContact" showed different results - 2nd place in passenger sizes and 4-5th place in SUVs?

Sergey Mishin: Firstly, the lists of competitors in these tests are different - in 1-4 there were no such strong rivals as Goodyear UltraGrip Ice Arctic and Pirelli Ice Zero Secondly, I believe that small and large pies, even made from the same dough, will taste different - because they are baked differently. One of the factors affecting tire grip and handling is the pressure distribution across the contact patch. Probably these characteristics in tires Continental ContiIceContact in sizes 175 / 65R14 and 215 / 65R16 differ. Different masses also matter Lada cars Priora and Renault Duster - They load tires differently. Compare measured results, such as braking distances on asphalt. At 175 / 65R14, Conti's performance on wet asphalt (20 m) is better than the Pirellian Formula Ice (21.1 m) per meter, and on dry (34.2 m versus 34.6 m) it is almost half a meter better. And in the size 215 / 65R16, on the contrary, Formula Ice (20.0 m) on a wet road surface outperforms Conti (21.1 m) for the same meter. On dry land, their results - 33.6 m and 33.7 m - are comparable.

Olegg: Are spikes ever quiet?

Sergey Mishin: One of the main disadvantages of studded tires is the increased noise level. But this is not the main evil: spikes also increase the braking distance on asphalt (iron glides on it better than rubber, even on cars with ABS) by about 5 percent relative to friction ones.

Today, only Nokian has succeeded in implementing a tire (with an HKPL 8 tread) in a working prototype, capable of releasing and retracting studs as needed - see photo. But at the same time, the company's specialists admitted that these prototypes are still far from a finished product that can be offered to the market. In my opinion, there are studded tires that are less noisy than others, but only at city speeds - 50-60 km / h. These are tires that have been reduced in studs in accordance with the latest regulations in Scandinavian countries. I advise you to pay attention to Gislaved Nord frost 100 and Michelin X-Ice North 3.

Artem Plasteev: Why are Maxxis not found anywhere in the tire tests? Normal tires for reasonable money, and even with a lifetime warranty, not China, but Taiwan after all. But yes, a lot of expensive tests ...

Sergei Mishin: Not quite a correct question. This can be set for any model not present in the test. In 2010, we tested winter off-road tires where this brand met. Then the tested tire took the fifth place.

Nicholas K: I have a problem: a bump is swollen on the sidewall of the tire. Is it possible to continue driving, and if not, what is the best way to do it? Buy a new one of the same model or a pair of more modern ones? The condition of the tires is good - Bridgestone is fitted with Velcro, I think maybe I can take a couple of HKPL R2 and leave the second BR wheel as a spare wheel?

Sergei Mishin: A bump is bad. It can burst at any moment, the wheel will release air very sharply, the car can be "lost" at this moment. The surest option is to buy the exact same tire model. The other pair will differ in characteristics, so that the car will change its cornering behavior: steering may become excessive (there will be a tendency to skid) or insufficient (pronounced drift may occur).

Andrey Khakhulin: We need advice. When buying a used car, there was winter tires, but in this set: Dunlop SP Winter Ice 01 - two pieces, Toyo Observe G3-Ice - two pieces. The condition of the tires is the same. Actually, what would you advise to buy, Toyo or Dunlop? I don't like it when different tires are installed on the car ...

Sergey Mishin: Toyo Observe G3-Ice is much fresher than the old Dunlop SP Winter ice 01, which has already replaced the Dunlop SP Winter Ice 02 today. I hope it is clear which tires are better to buy.

ALEX S: Recommend R17 SUV studded tires, optimal in terms of price and quality. The more I read, the more I doubt what to choose ...

Sergey Mishin: Read the results of our 235 / 65R16 SUV tire test. The sizes R16 and R17 are similar. I would choose the Nordman 5 SUV for myself - quite good tires, while relatively inexpensive. In second place is the Gislaved Nord Frost 100 SUV.

Andress: I hold in my hands two issues of the magazine: one for September 2015, the other for September 2014. In both tests, 14-inch winter tires with a striking performance difference. For example, braking on ice 30–5 km / h this year Nokian HKPL 8 brakes 13.6 m, and that year as much as 18 m! And so with all tires. What, one wonders, to believe?

Sergei Mishin: The absolute results of measurements on ice are not at all the same as on asphalt, on which the results can vary by two to three meters from year to year. On ice, they are much more than on asphalt, depending on the ambient temperature, humidity and many other weather parameters. Even on the same ice, the same tire will have different results on different days. Not to mention the difference from year to year. You can believe the difference between the tires as a percentage.

Andrey Veledeev: How should rubber be labeled, which can be driven in winter in accordance with the new law? Is it enough a snowflake, M + S, or just a "snowflake in the mountain"?

Sergei Mishin: The technical regulations describe winter tires quite extensively. Literally: “marked with a sign in the form of a mountain peak with three peaks and a snowflake inside it, as well as marked with signs“ M + S ”,“ M&S ”and“ MS ”... But at the same time, the residual tread depth permissible during operation is clearly limited - at least 4 , 0 mm.

Olga Maryasova: It's time to buy winter tires, the manufacturer recommends 165 / 70R14 or 185 / 60R14. I do not understand which standard size to choose for the winter for a Skoda Fabia car of 2008 onwards. with a 1.4 liter engine. Since I do not consider myself an ace, the choice fell on the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8, but the size 185 / 60R14 is missing. The consultant suggested 175/65. Can you deviate from the recommendations of the automaker? R14 is due to existing discs with old tires.

Sergey Mishin: Whether or not to deviate from the recommendations of the car manufacturer, such a decision will have to be made only by you. Tires of dimension 175 / 65R14 are suitable for your car if they correspond to the load capacity index. The rolling radius will be very close to 165 / 70R14 or 185 / 60R14 tires.

Alexey Sergeevich: Some manufacturers offer all-season tires. Tell us about them. How effective are they in winter in urban environments?

Sergey Mishin: All-season tires are universal tires for year-round operation in conditions of mild winters with little snow and cool summers. Do not expect high grip from them on asphalt in summer and on ice in winter. In urban conditions in the summer, you can live on such tires if there is no heat and you do not drive aggressively. It is more difficult in the real Russian winter. You can feel confident only on the asphalt, cleared of snow and ice. But in yards covered with snow, in an icy track, such tires are helpless.

Victor A .: Good afternoon! I read all the possible tests of winter studded tires and opted for the Gislaved Nord Frost 100 SUV. One problem - the size 225/60 R17 I need (at the request of the manufacturer) is missing from Gislaved. Close - 225/65 R17, but in this case the wheel diameter increases by 22 mm (I'm afraid it will cling to the arches when the steering wheel is completely turned out). Please advise a worthy analogue for Subaru Forester IV. Operation - Moscow and nearby countryside. P.S. Watched Continental ContiIceContact but pricey. Maybe Yokohama see (full-time all-season), for example IceGuard Stud IG55? What is your relationship to this brand? For some reason, it is not in your tests.

Sergei Mishin: It seems to me that you have a strange attitude towards magazines and tires. First, the Yokohama IceGuard Stud IG55 tires are featured twice in our tests this year: in the September issue in the 175 / 65R14 dimension, and in the October issue in the 205 / 66R16 dimension. Secondly, this is not an all-season tire, but a real studded tire, which cannot be standard on any car, even on the Subaru Forester IV. Read the magazine carefully!

Ivan Nikolaev: I choose non-studded winter tires for Nissan X-Trail. My eyes settled on the Michelin X-Ice, but I can't decide whether to take the new Xi3 or the old Xi2. Do you think it makes a big difference for trips around Moscow?

Sergey Mishin: Any new models are always better than the previous ones. The question is the magnitude of the difference between them. I have never compared these two tires with each other, but I suppose the difference will be almost indistinguishable on city trips. But there is one caveat. Michelin can discontinue the production of an old model at any time, and it will disappear from the shelves. If you damage a wheel, you will have to buy not one, but a whole set of new ones or from another manufacturer.

Shahin Tarverdiev: Help me choose winter tires. Friends advise Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8 or Gislaved NordFrost 100. The first, as I saw it, is 1000-1500 rubles. expensive. Is it worth it? For me, stability and noiselessness are important, since on my Lifan solano no insulation. Recommended sizes 195/60 and 185/60 are indicated on the car door, is it possible 185/65? As I understand it, 195 is for summer, 185 is for winter. Thank you in advance.

Sergei Mishin: Typical Russian approach: "I would have good tires, but not expensive." There is only one place for free cheese ... Gislaved NordFrost 100 is perhaps one of the quietest spikes. You are right, the tires are narrower - for winter, wider - for summer. As a rule, wheel arch contact occurs when using wider tires, and 5% of the profile height should not be critical. To understand whether higher tires are suitable for your car, you should try them on: just assemble and put one front wheel... Squeeze the suspension, turn the steering wheel all the way to the left and right, pay attention to the gap between the tires and the edge of the arch.


x x: What can you say about re-studding the wheels?

Sergei Mishin: I do not trust repeated studding. First, you need to understand why the studs fell out of the tread. If the holes are slightly larger than required, then new spikes will fall out again. If the spikes of a reduced diameter are to blame, you need to find the right ones. Secondly, you need to find the same studs with which the tire was originally studded. It’s not that easy. They differ in size, configuration (single-flange, double-flange, three-flange), in materials, in the shape of a carbide insert ... Thirdly, road dirt, sand, etc. has already entered the open hole, it is unlikely to be perfectly cleaned. Those remnants of dirt that could not be removed will work like an abrasive, intensively wearing out the new stud and the rubber around it, which will lead to repeated loss of studs.

Yura Baranov: Tell me - there are wheels on r14 tires 205–70! the question is, can I put tires 185–70 on these wheels?

Sergey Mishin: In your case, it is necessary to clarify the rim width of the available disks. Look for the embossed rim width markings on the surface of the rim (under the tire). It is a number representing the width of the rim in inches, followed by the letter J. The ratio of tire to rim width is shown in the table.

Archi Thomas: There was a question about the choice of winter tires for the VAZ "classics". The choice fell on the Nordman 4 or 5, Yokohama IC35, also considering the Tunga Nordway. I understand that Tunga does not fit into this company, but I have never met her in tests. Actually the question: what is better to put, and what do you say about Tungu? Standard sizes 175 / 70R13 ...

Summer is over, very autumn has come, the air temperature is gradually dropping, the rains begin, and then the thought comes to mind - "But I will soon need winter tires." That is why, in order to prepare you for the conscious choice of tires, we have prepared an article with the 2014 winter tire rating below.

It's no secret that good winter tires are the key to your safety. Providing good grip, preventing your car from skidding. In this article we will look at the rating TOP 10 winter tires 2014-2015... We will start this ranking not as usual with the tires that scored the lowest points, but with the best winter tire of 2014:

1. Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8 - Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8

Best winter tires 2015 according to the rating "Behind the wheel", she scored 949 points out of a possible thousand, taking the first line in the competition.

2. Goodyear UltraGrip Ice Arctic

These tires use a completely new shape of studs, as well as their unusual placement, aimed at increasing the contact patch and improving traction. For better handling on snowy roads, a new tread pattern has been specially developed for this winter tire.

3. Michelin X-ICE North XIN3

Michelin winter tires are ranked among the leading tires every year. X-ICE North XIN3 is a new development of the company, which allowed to reduce the braking distance by 10% on slippery roads.

4. Nokian Nordman 5 - Nokian Nordman 5

In the production of these tires, the "bear's claw" technology has been applied, which has proven itself in the Hakkapeliitta series. In the center zone, the tread pattern has integrated checkers, which make the steering transfer more sensitive.

5. Gislaved NordFrost 100 - Gislaved NordFrost 100

The tires are lightweight and feature an optimized stud head geometry. The tread pattern is divided into blocks, the edges of each of which have multidirectional corners. This pattern provides traction and precise handling both on snow and on ice-covered roads.

6. Nokian - Nordman 4 -

The tires feature a wide tread, as well as a unique reinforced steel breaker, which together provide stable behavior on any road surface. Tires provide low level noise as well as unrivaled softness thanks to the elastic pad located under each stud, making it a great mid-range option.

7. Bridgestone Blizzak Spike 01 -

This series has replaced the Ice Cruiser. The novelty is equipped with new cruciform studs for maximum grip on icy roads. The winter tire test showed a 9% reduction in braking distances on average compared to the previous series.

8. Dunlop Ice Touch -

The tread of these tires is characterized by a multidirectional pattern and the presence of retractable grooves. At first glance, the spikes on the tires are randomly located, in fact, this arrangement provides maximum contact with the road.

9. Pirelli Ice Zero -

The best rubber of the Italian brand showcases a new studding technology, similar to a chaotic placement. The multidirectional design of the cleat contributes to a decrease in the mobility of the cleat, and the wide base optimizes the distribution of the load.

10. Yokohama Ice Guard AyZhe 35 -

Japanese tires are equipped with 3G sipes for improved handling on icy and snowy roads. For better removal of slush and snow, the surface of the tires is covered with semi-radial grooves. The special rubber compound prevents the spikes from falling out and prevents

In the USA, closer to the north of Detroit (about 300 miles from Detroit), various tests were carried out on winter, popular tires of the 2013-2014 model range. The ship brought 11 pairs of different winter tires - and six of them with spikes, and five without any spikes, in common use velcro. For subsequent tests, a standard Hyundai Sonata was used, the wheel dimensions of which are 215/55 R17 (R16 in the factory version). During the tests, the driver of this car was the well-known race car driver Richard May, who previously tested winter tires for, SUVs and station wagons.

Read also:

Tires tested:

Out-of-competition tests:

Before testing, all tires were checked and weighed, and also checked the hardness of the rubber, compared the speed index and measured the entire reach of the studs. We checked the strength and all seemingly unimportant parts of the tires, since the tests are not easy, and some are even very dangerous.

Testing was conducted on ice as this is the best way to test and evaluate braking distances and acceleration dynamics. Eight races were required for each test tire. The best test results, as you might have guessed, showed the studded tires! - This was expected by everyone and it did not surprise anyone, but the following indicators are truly amazing ...

Surprisingly and shockingly, the Yokohama and Hankook brands, given all testing conditions, performed the worst. - After that, repeated testing was carried out, which showed that brands should find their place in the last rows of the test result. - The results leave much to be desired ...

Some of the most popular tires in the Far East are Toyo and Dunlop. These tires do not have spikes, which are commonly called "Velcro". - However, during testing they did not show themselves with Velcro, and despite the fact that all tests took place at a temperature of minus 9 degrees, they simply had no chance.

Later, the next day of testing, when the thermometer showed only one degree above zero, and all tests for tires of numb spikes were repeated. The tires slipped ... The best result was 34.7 meters, and on the last day of testing the results reached only 16-19 meters. The acceleration speed has doubled! The reason for such misunderstandings was water, which on the first day of testing was formed at the point of contact of tires with ice. Finally, Japanese technologies were able to really show themselves and an excellent result was obtained - which is really amazing! Dunlop tires performed well, while Toyo tires failed to perform better, even after testing again at 1 ° C.

It is also necessary to separately highlight the Michelin X-lсe 2 tires, which showed nice results regardless of weather conditions. It is a versatile tire that is recommended for everyday driving today.

So, three test leaders who showed the best results: Nokian, Continental, Michelin. Unfortunately and even to a great surprise, Michelin X-lсe 2 tires did not show the best result. Many were surprised by this, because they made a big bet. This led to the conclusion that these tires perform better in the longitudinal direction than in the transverse direction. And the use of Michelin X-lсe 2 in the transverse direction is not recommended by many experts and experts who also did not expect such results from this brand.

The track on which all the tests were carried out, the tests were periodically checked and some changes were made. It was easier and easier to determine the test results of snow tires. The snow cover was stable, the area was much larger, which is why each brand of tires had to carry out 12-14 runs. The best results were achieved by Michelin tires, which are considered to be among the best tires for snow. Studless X-Ice 2 turned out to be the best during acceleration. When braking, the best results were shown by studded tires X-lce Nоrth. Tests have shown that nothing depends on the spikes on the training ground!

The authors of the testing were amazed at the result of the Sonata, which had an automatic transmission and showed its results, which already spoke for themselves. It turned out that the tires run freely and quickly on the snow, and at the same time the driver gets great pleasure!

But the Continental ContilceContact and Nokian Hakkapeliitta 7 tires proved to be indispensable for traction on icy and slippery roads.

Miсhelin tires have proven to be the best choice for urban, everyday driving, and have proven reliable handling.

Also, after all the tests, one more test was carried out on the loss of thorns. It turned out that not a single brand had lost a single one over the entire testing period, which actually amazed many journalists who watched the whole process.

This testing dispelled the myth that studded tires perform worse than non-studded tires on asphalt tracks.

The last test was the slashplaning resistance. A special Volkswagen Transporter is involved in this test. The car must drive onto asphalt covered with 3.5 cm thick snow, and accelerate until it loses absolute contact with a generally hard surface. In this test, only speed was important, and it was considered the speed of the beginning of the slash. Сontinentаl СntiViking Сontact 5 and Nokian Hakkapeliitta 7 - showed the best results in this testing. No one imagined that these two brands would be the most persistent in this test.

All tests were evaluated on a ten-point scale and here they are the test winners:

The best studded tires turned out to be the Nokian Hakkapeliittа 7 tires, with a very small gap behind the following tires: Michelin X-lсe Nоrth 2 and Сontinentаl СontilсeContact, which are almost also winners!

The best non-studded tires turned out to be CоntiVikingContact 5. Then comes the Nоkian Hаkkаpеliitta R, which is only 0.05 points behind the winner - CоntiVikingContact 5.

Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8

  • Winner of tests "Behind the wheel" and "Auto Review"
  • New directional and symmetrical pattern
  • New design and concept of Nokian Eco Stud 8.
  • Noise on par with studless tires

Nokian Hakapelita 8 price in Moscow

R14 from 3700 rub
R15 from 4400 rub
R16 from 6950 rub
R17 from 8900 rub
R18 from 11000 rub

Michelin X-Ice North XIN3 price in Moscow

R14 not supplied
R15 from 4600 rub
R16 from 5500 rub
R17 from 8900 rub
R18 from 9900 rub

Gislaved NordFrost 100 price in Moscow

Price in Moscow:

R14 from 2400 rub
R15 from 3000 rub
R16 from 4300 rub
R17 from 6500 rub
R18 from 8400 rub

Continental Conti4x4IceContact

Continental Conti4x4IceContact price in Moscow

R14 not supplied
R15 from 5500 rub
R16 from 6000 rub
R17 from 8400 rub
R18 from 9900 rub

Bearing in mind the crisis, we chose the most popular and most affordable studded tires, not forgetting about the Chinese ones. Seven of eleven of these tires turned out to be less than 2,500 rubles. There are not many new products in the "VAZ" standard size, but we "had it with us" - the Continental ContiIceContact 2 tires are just entering the market. For the first time, almost the most affordable domestic "spike" Avatyre Freeze (1770 rubles), Polish Sava Eskimo Stud tires (2135 rubles), Chinese Aeolus Ice Challenger (2140 rubles) and Japanese Yokohama iceGUARD iG55 (2590 rubles) are participating in our tests. Among the "Scandinavians" the choice is much more modest. According to manufacturers, the share of spikes in the Russian market ranges from 65 to 80%, that is, there is very little space for neships. We found only seven sets. The cheapest are the Cordiant Winter Drive for 2050 rubles and the Nordman RS for 2225 rubles. The middle price category (2500-3000 rubles) is represented by the "Japanese" Bridgestone Blizzak VRX and Toyo Observe GSi-5, as well as Polish-made Goodyear UltraGrip Ice 2. We did not even disdain a couple of top models Nokian and Continental, which are more expensive than 3000 rubles apiece.

The tests were carried out in January - February at the AVTOVAZ test site, near Togliatti. The winter was not very frosty: the temperature jumped in the range of -25 ... -5 ºС. The asphalt part was rolled out in early May, on dry roads. We worked at night when the temperature did not rise above + 5 ... + 7 ºС. It is this temperature that tire workers consider transitional from winter tires to summer tires and vice versa. Test car - Lada Kalina, equipped with ABS.


The most important part of testing a winter tire is running it in. After all, it depends on it how well the tires will work on snow and ice and how long they will last. Incorrect running-in "spikes" can be easily spoiled: when driving aggressively on non-rolled tires, the spikes will simply start flying out. We ran each set of studded tires for 500 km. Without sudden acceleration and deceleration, so that each spike falls into place and the rubber grips its base tightly. To do this, we divide the entire run into three or four parts, making a break in movement for an hour or two after each. For running in non-studded soft "Scandinavians", popularly referred to as "Velcro", 300 km is enough. And the driving style should be more aggressive, with slight slip during acceleration. Here, the primary task of running-in is different - to completely remove from the tread sipes the residual grease that was applied to the mold (grease is needed in order to exclude damage to the tread with 3D cuts when removing the newly welded tire from the mold). In addition, on these tires, you need to remove a thin surface layer of rubber, which after baking turns out to be slightly harder than the core. There is no need to worry about the wear of the sharp edges of the lamellas: on modern models they are designed in such a way that they self-sharpen with mutual friction. This ensures the stability of the characteristics of the non-studded tires throughout the entire service life.


On run-in tires, we measure the hardness of the rubber and the amount of protrusion of the studs, comparing the results with those obtained on virgin tires. After running-in, the Shore hardness of the rubber, as a rule, changes by several units in one direction or another. The thorns, too, can crawl out or go deep, as they fall into place. In Russia, the amount of stud protrusion is not regulated. But in the countries of the European Union, where the use of studded tires is allowed, it is limited - no more than 1.2 mm on new tires. This compromise value was determined by life: a smaller protrusion will not allow achieving effective grip on ice, a larger one will deteriorate grip on asphalt and lead to a quick loss of "studs" during operation. In our long-term tests, the average stud protrusion after running in is 1.3 to 1.6 mm. And now almost all tires fall into this range with a deviation of one tenth of a millimeter. The exceptions were four models. Firstly, this is the Chinese Aeolus: its spines protrude only 0.5-0.8 mm. It is immediately clear that on the ice he will not have enough stars from heaven. Secondly, Cordiant: the protrusion of the studs reaches 2.0 mm - the maximum permissible value in Europe (although no one checks this parameter on machines). But Bridgestone and Sava are alarming: after running in, some of their studs stuck out by 2.3 mm! Moreover, not only the hard-alloy spike insert rises above the protector (it, as a rule, protrudes 1.2 mm above the body), but also almost a millimeter of its cylindrical body. It is clear that on ice these tires will have an advantage over "law-abiding" ones. At one time, we checked how the protrusion of the studs affects the grip properties of tires on ice. Every tenth of a millimeter reduces the braking distance by 2.5–3%. Spikes with a projection of 2.3 mm will outperform those that stick out only by 1.3 mm by at least 25-30%!

I repeat that in our country the protrusion of thorns is not limited by any laws. But according to Technical regulations Of the Customs Union, which unites Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, for tires manufactured from January 1, 2016, for the protrusion of spikes on new tires, a value of 1.2 ± 0.3 mm is set. That is, the stud should protrude above the tread by at least 0.9 mm and no more than 1.5 mm. It will be interesting to see Bridgestone and Sava tires next year.

To get acquainted with the test results (they are summarized in tables), follow the links: table number 1 and table number 2.


In the test sequence, we first measure acceleration and deceleration on snow and ice. Why? During testing, the studs are subjected to increased loads, under which the studs can slowly move outward, and if these measurements are taken last, the studs will protrude more. After measuring the longitudinal adhesion, we check the tires on an ice circle, test them on a rearrangement. And after that we evaluate handling, directional stability, cross-country ability and comfort. At the end of all tests on the "white" roads, we again check the protrusion of the studs. If during testing it has not changed, then the spikes are held securely in the rubber, and this is a guarantee that they will walk for a long time. The most stable were Continental, Nordman, Yokohama and Bridgestone, with these tires remaining unchanged during all tests. Nokian's thorns crawled out by one "ten", we also consider this result excellent. Toyo and Aeolus look quite tolerable: their spikes have increased from zero to 0.2–0.3 mm. But the Avatyre, Cordiant, Formula and Sava tires have a menacing increase - up to 0.4–0.5 mm. There is a suspicion that at such a growth rate, the spikes will not stay in the tires for a long time. Sava is the absolute record holder in terms of stud protrusion: some studs sticking out 2.7 mm after the tests!

Asphalt tests are also carried out taking into account the intensity of rubber wear. We start with the assessment and measurement of rolling resistance and only in the final we carry out braking on the asphalt. Can you guess why? If not, let's answer in the words of specialists from Continental, who call emergency braking on asphalt stress for winter tires - even with ABS. And they believe that after a dozen or a half of such braking, the tires become unusable. But we just brake six or eight times on dry land and the same amount on a wet road. After testing, we thoroughly inspect the spikes and protectors of "stressed" tires. The three models with more than 2mm of stud protrusion (Bridgestone, Cordiant and Sava) differ from the others by the pits in the rubber near the studs. When braking, tall studs tilt strongly and pull out pieces of the tread. And the housings of the spikes themselves are worn down, have lost their cylindrical shape and now look like cones. Surprisingly, none of these tires have lost their studs. Trouble came from where they did not expect - the well-bred Toyo parted with 14 spikes on four wheels. It is noteworthy that last year, when the spikes at the end of the tests stuck out a little more (up to 2.3 mm) than now (up to 1.9 mm), she had no losses.


So what to prefer - "spikes" or "Scandinavian"? When choosing, remember the main advantages and disadvantages of both. Studs have more stable grip on all surfaces, but they are less comfortable. Softer and quieter Velcro is more demanding on the level of driving skills on ice. In addition, I would not dare to recommend "Scandinavians" for cars without ABS: when the wheels are blocked on ice, their grip drops significantly, and this is extremely dangerous. The undisputed winner of our test was the Nokian tires, which in recent years have been the trendsetter in winter fashion: in the class of studded tires, the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8 became the leader, and among the Scandinavians the Hakkapeliitta R2 took the lead. But they are also the most expensive. So the choice is not easy - and our tables with recommendations for each tire will help to make it.

We warn those who are particularly corrosive: you should not compare the results of "spikes" and "Scandinavians" with each other, they are not without reason given in different tables. We know from our own experience that the difference depends on the temperature. In severe frost (-20 ºС and below), soft "Scandinavians" will win on ice, in "greenhouses" (above -10 ºС), the best results will be at "spikes". Perhaps only the behavior on the asphalt can be compared. But it should be remembered that tire workers do not compare the data obtained on different days. Indeed, the measurement result is influenced not only by the temperature of the air and asphalt, but also by humidity, wind strength, the amount of ultraviolet radiation and much more. Together with the author, Anton Ananiev, Vladimir Kolesov, Yuri Kurochkin, Evgeny Larin, Anton Mishin, Andrey Obrazumov, Valery Pavlov and Dmitry Testov took part in the tire tests. We would like to express our gratitude to the tire manufacturing companies that provided their products for the test, as well as to the employees of the AVTOVAZ test site and the Togliatti company Volgashintorg for technical support.

Braking performance tests were carried out at different speeds depending on the type of surface. The tests on ice and snow were carried out both outdoors and indoors, where, due to the control over temperature and humidity, it is possible to eliminate the influence of weather. The controllability was evaluated in two ways. Lap times were determined first, and a combination of fast acceleration, high lateral grip and effective braking was required from the tires to perform well. Following this, the pilots expressed subjective impressions of each model. Separately, subjective assessments were given to tires for directional stability.

All tires were bought from regular stores so that manufacturers could not send modified versions of the tires. In the event that the model was not yet available commercially, the tires were shipped from the factory, but after they appeared in stores, control tests were carried out to determine if there were any differences.

Scandinavian type winter tire test (studded tires)
Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8 / Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8 FRT - winter studded tires of the Scandinavian type, test


Thanks to the unique studding technology, the Finnish manufacturer promises to provide unprecedented grip on ice and snow. According to them, the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8 behave well in extreme situations, are distinguished by acoustic comfort, rotate easily, save fuel and reduce impact on the road surface.

New tread design

The directional and symmetrical tread pattern of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8 with increased tread number allows wide stud spreading, which in turn provides excellent traction, durability and low noise levels.

Due to the increased number of grooves in the tread, the edges of the sipes better cling to snow and ice when they touch the road surface. The small size of the tread blocks reduces the thermal heating of the tire, and this affects the increase in mileage and the increase in tire wear resistance.

The blocks of the center part of the tread are firmly connected to each other, which improves the stiffness of the tire and increases the stability of behavior. Deep grooved tread and open shoulder areas provide excellent self-cleaning of snow and slush.

The new Nokian EcoStud 8 stud concept improves the safety and handling of winter tires in extreme situations. The Nokian EcoStud 8 concept includes a new generation anchor spike, the flange shape reduces spike deflection, and an EcoStud cushion under the spike, made of a special soft rubber compound. This layer improves stud performance and softens road contact. This innovation has already been used in other Nokian Hakkapeliitta winter tires, but the cushion thickness in the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8 has been increased.

Studded Nokian tire The Hakkapeliitta 8 has unparalleled longitudinal and lateral grip on ice. The location of each spike has been optimized using computer simulations. The studs are evenly distributed over the entire tread surface.

Updated two-layer tread structure (cap & base)

The technology used in the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8 improves braking grip. The especially durable rubber compound inside the tread reliably blocks the stud in the block, stabilizes the tire's movement on dry roads and ensures even tire wear.

Hakkapeliitta Cryo-silane Gen 2 tread compound based on second generation cryosilane.

Excellent grip in winter at all temperatures, durability and lower fuel consumption. At low temperatures, rapeseed oil (a type of rapeseed) enhances the interaction of silica and natural rubber. The rubber compound of the tread retains its elasticity under all conditions. The lamellae of the tread blocks are active and maintain a good level of grip when the temperature changes. The rapeseed oil improves the tensile properties of the rubber compound and also improves grip on icy and snowy surfaces.

Brake boosters

The new tire has improved braking grip. Snow traction has been improved with brake boosters at the rear of the tread blocks. The serrated pattern of the brake boosters increases the grip area and improves traction, especially on snowy road surfaces.

Diagonal support 3D sipes

In the central part of the tread, 3D lamellas reinforce it. The tire responds quickly and responsively to steering wheel maneuvers for improved driving confidence and responsiveness. Self-locking 3D sipes for more precise handling. 3D-lamellas located in the outer part of the shoulder zones, when touching the road, fix the checker blocks, connecting them into one whole, which improves the properties of movement and controllability when moving along an arc and maneuvers on the track. The new rigid belt pack allows the tire to maintain its shape despite the bumps in the road. Impact-absorbing sidewall components and a choice of materials that effectively reduce the noise levels in the interior contribute to a more comfortable driving experience.

Tread wear indicator and winter wear indicator

The tread wear indicator (DSI - Driving Safety Indicator) is located in the center of the tread and shows the residual tread depth in millimeters. As the tire is used, the numbers are erased in descending order. The snowflake winter wear indicator persists as long as the tread groove is at least 4 mm deep. After the snowflakes have disappeared, the tires are considered unsafe for use in winter conditions and it is recommended that they be replaced. In addition, the info-area is located on the sidewall of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8. During seasonal tire changes, you can make notes on the recommended tire pressure and location, as well as enter the tightening torque of the bolts for fastening the rims.

59 sizes from 13 to 20 inches

The range includes tires for both the small family car and the large luxury sports car. The range includes tires made with RunFlat technology and reinforced XL tires with an increased load capacity index.


The eighth generation of the famous "Hakkapeliitta" this season marks its second year. Of course, this tire is still the benchmark for snow / ice disciplines thanks to its large number of studs. So, for example, in a tire with a dimension of 205/55 R16 there are almost two hundred of them (190 pieces). In addition, each model of the first echelon is a priori being developed with the future in mind. It is no coincidence that the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 7, produced since 2009, still rides with dignity. But the "eighth" Hakkapeliitta feels even more confident on the winter road. But the most progressive of all the new model Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8, in comparison with the seventh generation, turns out to be on the asphalt. Tuulilasi experts noted that there will be no problems with handling in the rain. On dry asphalt, the tires also stop quickly and behave confidently in emergency situations. Journalists from Za Rulem were in solidarity with the Finnish experts, praising them for their ideal behavior on ice and snow, high-quality braking on asphalt, good handling, acceptable economy and decent cross-country ability. Experts from Auto Review, like the testers of TestWorld, also found the behavior of the "eighth" Hakkapeliitta on ice and snow outstanding, but in terms of driving on asphalt they were somewhat more restrained in their praise. The most significant complaint of the experts was the noise. Although not only this made them notice that for operation in large cities, where they have to drive mainly on asphalt, this is not the best option.

"Behind the wheel": 1st place. Tuulilasi: 1st place. Auto Review: 1st place. TestWorld: 1st place.

Continental Conti IceContact / Continental ContiIceContact HD - Scandinavian studded winter tires, test


In Sweden, Norway, Finland and Russia, cars need stronger grip on winter roads to drive safely.

This applies more to driving on ice than on a snowy road, which requires good grip from the tires and a soft rubber compound that remains flexible even at low temperatures.

Since autumn 2010, the Continental product line has been expanded with the ContiIceContact, a tire specially designed for harsh conditions. Designed for cars and 4x4 vehicles. The tire has better grip than its predecessors, thus providing greater safety in extremely harsh winter conditions.

The tire is universal and suitable for cars and crossovers of different classes.

Asymmetric tread pattern for optimal traction

The asymmetric tread design concept allows you to meet a variety of tire requirements. Differences in design on the outside and inside of the tread not only affect handling, but also braking distance and traction when starting to travel. When developing the Continental ContiIceContact, engineers used three-dimensional stepped grooves on the inner side of the tire tread, which allow it to interact with snow and ice, ensuring optimal transmission of forces to the road surface during starting and braking.

The outer side of the tire, responsible for the transmission of forces during cornering, also has three-dimensional, but already wavy grooves. They provide cornering grip by closing under lateral loads.

To prevent the tread lugs from closing, they are separated by grooves in the center of the tire. As a result, the traction edges remain open, even under heavy loads, and provide maximum traction and handling stability. Another advantage of the asymmetric tread pattern is even wear, which increases the tire's mileage. The tread design, with grip edges on the sidewalls and a defined stud arrangement, is suitable for a variety of tire sizes. Thus, new developments have influenced the driving performance of all tire sizes, even a reduction in noise is one of the advantages of this concept.

Note: The asymmetrical tread pattern of the ConiIceContact tire on all sizes of this model does not provide for special tires for the left or right side of the vehicle.

New stud technology for better grip on snow and icy roads

To improve traction, engineers at Continental, a leading tire manufacturer in Europe, have developed the new Diamond Plus stud technology used in the ContiIceContact tire. The special tungsten carbide stud bites firmly into the ice, providing excellent grip during acceleration and braking, as well as good handling in general. The cleat is shaped to maximize the length of the grip edges, thus improving the efficiency of the interaction between the tire tread and the cleat.

The advantages of such a stud are reflected, first of all, in a significantly shorter braking distance - a car on such tires has a braking distance 10% less than on tires with a conventional stud. In addition, a revolutionary new cleat seating technology has been used that allows the cleats to be retained in the tread for greater safety when braking and cornering. To improve traction, the new cleat technology includes so-called ice grooves located around the cleat. When a spike scratches the icy surface of the road, ice chips form, which collect in these grooves, instead of sticking to the spike and reducing the contact area with the road. Thus, this technology allows an increase in the number of grip edges, which improves traction and improves safety when driving on icy surfaces or on packed snow.

Low temperature rubber compound

Continental chemists have optimized the rubber compound for the ContiIceContact, a completely new, fully synthetic softener that keeps the rubber soft at very low temperatures throughout the tire's life cycle to ensure that the tread lugs and sump edges are perfectly aligned with the road. As a result, even after several winter seasons, the tire remains elastic while maintaining all its driving characteristics.

Safety-related performance improved by more than 10%

In terms of safety, the developers of the ContiIceContact bus have achieved particularly notable results. For example, braking distances on ice decreased by 13% (tires for 4WD vehicles) and 11% (tires for passenger cars) Traction on ice increased by 12% and 10%, respectively, and handling on a winter road by 6% (in in each case a comparison with the predecessor).

Starting in autumn 2010, the ContiWinterViking1 and 2 as well as the Conti 4x4 IceContact will be completely replaced by the ContiIceContact range.


Continental has redesigned its ContiIceContact studded tires to comply with the new European stud regulations effective 1 July 2013. The composition of the mixture has changed, but the main thing is that instead of the previous "diamond" spikes, lightweight "hybrid" spikes of a slightly smaller size and with less aggressive edges of a carbide insert are now also used, glued into the holes, and with less aggressive edges of a carbide insert. gave the "silver" studded Continental ContiIceContact. This model has been showing consistently high results for many years and has not left the pedestal of reputable commissions. The Continental handles well and brakes quickly on ice. Thanks to its high grip, the car is stable and controlled in sliding. On a snowy surface, the car accelerates confidently and decelerates just as confidently. The experts also had no complaints about the management. In winter disciplines Continental ContiIceContact were generally among the best, barely yielding to the more modern and generously studded Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8. On asphalt, the behavior of the German tire is confident, although not standard. The weakest side of the Continental ContiIceContact is its resistance to slashplanning, however, this parameter, against the background of its competitors, looks very worthy.

"Behind the wheel": 2nd place. Tuulilasi: 2nd place. "Auto Review": 3rd place. TestWorld: 2nd place.

Pirelli Winter Ice Zero - Scandinavian type studded winter tires, test


The new Pirelli Winter Ice Zero tire is the first studded tire in the P Zero collection. A completely new generation of winter studded tires, developed by Pirelli engineers using 40 years of experience in rallying.

Pirelli Winter Ice Zero provides the highest performance in the harshest winter conditions of the Nordic countries: dense snow cover and extremely low temperatures.

Pirelli Winter Ice Zero uses a new technology for studding PIRELLI DUAL STUD tires.

Tested in the harshest winter conditions. Pirelli tests its products where the atmospheric conditions are extreme, because its goal is always to deliver the best results.

Developed from 40 years of experience in rally racing. A radical test area for tires that are designed for rough, uneven surfaces, ice and snow. A story that combines Pirelli and rally races, in which more than 200 victories have been won.


The third place in the Finnish Tuulilasi rating was taken by the Pirelli Winter Ice Zero tire. The Russian magazine "Za Rulem" has not tested this tire this season. The Italian model received such a high line thanks to the confident behavior on the icy road. Acceleration, braking, handling - everything is normal. At the same time, Pirelli Winter Ice Zero traditionally abruptly break into sliding with the rear axle, which requires constant concentration from the driver. In addition, after the ice tests, the projection of the studs increased by 0.3 mm, which causes slight concerns regarding the quality of the stud. On snow, the Pirelli Ice Zero tires behave even slightly better than on icy surfaces. But asphalt and slush are hard for this rubber. In the Tuulilasi standings, in this sense, the Pirelli tires are outsiders. Braking on wet pavement is good, but Pirellis lose traction easily in corners. In addition, the braking distance is very long on dry surfaces. In addition, the Pirelli Ice Zero is a noisy tire, although rolling resistance is not particularly strong.

"Behind the wheel": not tested. Tuulilasi: 3rd place. Autoreview: not tested. TestWorld: not tested.

Nokian Nordman 5 - winter studded tires of the Scandinavian type, test


On the Nokian Nordman 5 it is written: "The new Nokian Nordman 5 studded tire is an accurate and balanced tire for difficult winter conditions." Although in reality it is not entirely new, because it is the well-known Nokian Hakkapeliitta 5. The tread pattern and design solutions are similar to those used in it.

The round and lightweight cleat works well when combined with the new harder rubber compound, the cleat is firmly anchored inside the tread. This has a positive effect on grip and reliability. Nokian Hakkapeliitta's bear claw technology improves grip. The shoulder areas of the Nokian Nordman 5 have special lateral grip grooves. The integrated tread blocks in the center zone make steering control more precise. The tread pattern makes contact with the road smoother and allows the tire to turn more easily.


The Nokian Nordman 5 winter tire is a simplified Hakkapeliitta 5. But the potential laid down by the engineers makes it still a worthy model. At the same time, against the background of more modern and expensive competitors, it objectively looks weaker. Bronze in the test "Behind the wheel" she received only because of the cost. Nokian Nordman 5 tires are significantly cheaper than Hakkapeliitta 8 or ContiIceContact. And the magazine "Za Rulem" in many respects made a rating based on the combination of price and quality. Sergey Mishin recorded good grip on snow, lateral grip on ice, moderate fuel consumption and a clear course on asphalt as a plus for the Nokian Nordman 5; and also noted the weaknesses of the tire: satisfactory handling, directional stability on snow, cross-country ability and level of comfort.

"Behind the wheel": 3rd place. Tuulilasi: not tested. Autoreview: not tested. TestWorld: not tested.

Nokian Nordman 4 - winter studded tires of the Scandinavian type, test


Thanks to its wide stud distribution, the Nokian Nordman 4 offers effective traction and low noise levels. The elastic pad located under the cleat softens the touch with the road, dampens noise and increases the strength of the cleat. The tire is also safe on snow slush - the swept tread pattern and lateral grooves effectively remove slush from under the tire. The wide tread and reinforced steel belt ensure stable tire behavior, even on rugged roads.

The wear indicator (DSI) shows the residual depth of the tread grooves in millimeters. The O-ring prevents small stones and dirt from getting between the rim and the tire bead and protects them from damage. On the info site, you can make notes on the recommended pressure, as well as indicate the location of the tires on the car.

The Nokian Nordman 4 tires in the size 165/70 R 14 81 T are available with the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 2 tread pattern.


The studded Nokian Nordman 4 has received only one source of attention this season, and a very unexpected one. These tires were included in the test program by the TestWorld committee, giving these tires only the eleventh, that is, the penultimate line. The Finnish experts did not like the behavior of the Nokian Nordman 4 tires on ice the most. On the snow, however, their performance also seemed weak to them, as well as their properties on wet asphalt. At the same time, in previous years, the Nokian Nordman 4 tire showed more favorable behavior, especially in the tests of Russian publications. Of course, they did not shine on the podium, but they were confident average.

"Behind the wheel": not tested. Tuulilasi: not tested. Autoreview: not tested. TestWorld: 11th place.

Goodyear UltraGripIce Arctic - Scandinavian studded winter tires, test


Goodyear's UltraGripIce Arctic winter tires give the rider superior grip and handling on ice. Which the user gets thanks to Goodyear's Multi ControlIce technology. This revolutionary stud technology increases the contact area between the stud and the road surface for superior grip and handling on ice. Due to this, the shape of the cleat makes it even more stable, which maximizes the braking force on ice and reduces the braking distance.

Specially designed unique V-notches on Goodyear Ultra GripIce Arctic winter studded tires and serrated grooves improve snow traction. Due to this, handling on snow is improved, and when moving through deep snow, specially designed shoulder blocks cling to the snow on the side.

Goodyear UltraGripIce Arctic winter tires perform well on wet, melting snow or ice roads. Hydrodynamic grooves in the tread quickly drain water from the surface of the tire, reducing the risk of aquaplaning. A special silicon polymer improves grip and braking on wet roads.


The fourth line of the Tuulilasi test was submitted by Goodyear Ultra GripIce Arctic. They are not much worse than Pirelli Ice Zero and even more so Nokian Nordman 5. Here, the priorities are only slightly shifted. On ice and snow, everything is worthy, without fail. That being said, Goodyear is very effective on slush and wet asphalt. On dry surfaces, the tires have good braking properties, but in emergency situations they react a little slower, which, however, is normal. Goodyear Ultra GripIce Arctic - a good option for driving in a large city, where a significant part of the time under the wheels lies cold asphalt, periodically watered with reagents, but at the same time snow or ice is quite possible.

"Behind the wheel": not tested. Tuulilasi: 4th place. Autoreview: not tested. TestWorld: 4th place.

Gislaved Nord * Frost 100 - winter studded tires of the Scandinavian type, test


The manufacturer draws the attention of buyers to the fact that winter tires Gislaved Nord Frost 100 are distinguished by an improved design of studs that increase both longitudinal and lateral grip on icy surfaces. This also reduces the braking distance on ice. Multiple engagement edges and wide snow gripping grooves also provide increased traction in winter conditions. "

Technical details

Gislaved Nord Frost 100 winter tires use a special stud design, which achieves improved grip on ice, as well as increased wear resistance and reduced the likelihood of ice loss. The stud is made of aluminum, it is 11 mm long and 8 mm in diameter, produced exclusively for Continental at the Tikka plant in Finland. (Gislaved is a Continental brand)

It also uses an optimized stud arrangement on the Gislaved Nord Frost 100, which achieves excellent traction on the icy road in both the longitudinal and lateral directions, which guarantees high stability, excellent traction on ice, and also contributes to a shortened braking distance.

The Gislaved Nord Frost 100 mid-center tread block with straight sipes and a large number of sharp engagement edges provides a large contact patch with the road surface, thereby increasing grip on icy roads.

The two-step structure, with a large number of shoulder sipes and straight sipes, also contributes to traction and braking on loose snow.

At the same time, thanks to the optimized angular end measure of the edges of the engagement edges in all directions, a large cross-sectional area is achieved in the snow, which improves the lateral grip of the Gislaved Nord Frost 100 when cornering.

The manufacturer also notes the unique tread pattern and internal sipes, which are located in the shoulder contact with the road surface. Their work guarantees a high level of handling on dry roads.

In the development of the Gislaved Nord Frost 100, the stud sequence was optimized using computer simulations. This allowed us to create a wide frequency range of possible sound vibrations, and, as a result, the tire has a low noise level.


The fourth position in the test of the magazine "Za Rulem" went to the relatively new winter tire Gislaved Nord * Frost 100. This is a very decent tire. If she participated in the European test, then, most likely, she would have made adjustments to their rating. Like the GoodyearUltra GripIce Arctic, the Gislaved Nord * Frost 100 winter tire is well suited for the Moscow winter, where slush and warmth are periodically replaced by heavy snowfall, frost and ice. At the same time, the main criticism of the magazine "Za Rulem" seemed rather weak cross-country ability, as well as the level of comfort and lateral stability on ice and snow.

"Behind the wheel": 4th place. Tuulilasi: not tested. Autoreview: not tested. TestWorld: 5th place.

Hankook Winter i * Pike RSW 419 - Scandinavian studded winter tire, test


The Hankook Winter i * Pike RS W419 studded tire is one of the novelties prepared for domestic motorists by a renowned Korean tire manufacturer. This bus is a logical continuation of another popular model W409 in our country.

The new tire has a V-shaped directional symmetrical tread pattern. In the center of the tread there is now a more massive longitudinal rib, the high rigidity of which provides excellent directional stability and high control efficiency when driving on winter surfaces. Two adjacent ribs are massive free-standing blocks that are located at a sharper angle relative to the direction of travel. The tread blocks have become significantly larger, and the distance between them has increased significantly.

Another notable innovation was a new rubber compound with greater elasticity, which was compensated for by an increase in the number of sipes. In addition, the number of studs has significantly increased - now there are more than 120 of them depending on the size, and their placement has been optimized for better grip on ice.


The fifth line of the foreign test of winter tires of the Scandinavian type unexpectedly went to the Korean tire Hankook Winter i * Pike RS W419. Throughout the years, Korean winter tires rarely made it to the middle, but this season it turned out differently. The new Hankooks have significantly increased the number of spikes. Now there are 180 instead of 128. Measurements of acceleration and braking on ice gave average results, but in corners the tires were able to show the best lap times. Although the reactions are somewhat vague. On the snow, the Hankook i * Pike RS W419 performed well on slopes, on a circular track, and on tamped forest trails. In addition, Hankook has convincing results on slush, dry and wet asphalt. Good tires with no obvious flaws, showing that the Korean tire industry is moving forward. This was also noticed by the Autoreview team. If in the last test they encountered an extremely low quality of studding, now they have no complaints about the studs: they are planted evenly, protrude above the tread by the prescribed 1.2 mm. This is reflected in the performance of the Hankook i * Pike RS W419 tires. So much so that the newspaper "Autoreview" put this tire in the second place of its rating! The Finns from the TestWorld committee gave the Korean tire only sixth place, but did not highlight any particular misses, except that the pilots noted that the Hankook can behave a little more nervously on the snow than other tires.

"Behind the wheel": not tested. Tuulilasi: 5th place. Auto Review: 2nd place. TestWorld: 6th place.

Formula Ice - Scandinavian type studded winter tires, test


The new Formula Ice studded tire expands the product line of the new Formula brand. The balanced winter tire for passenger cars and SUVs provides good performance characteristics and a high level of security.

The directional tread pattern with a center rib makes the car more precise on dry and wet pavement, preventing aquaplaning when driving in melted snow and thick water film.

Massive blocks of the shoulder areas give the car directional stability. The tire has excellent driving and braking performance on ice due to the use of an aluminum hexagon stud. An excellent choice for those who value value for money.


After the Gislaved Nord * Frost 100, the test line of winter tires of the magazine "Za Rulem" consists entirely of weak tires, either domestically produced, or unknown foreign manufacturers. An exception, perhaps, is the Bridgestone Blizzak Spike-01, but after the Gislaved Nord * Frost 100 in the list of preferences of the magazine "Za rulem", they were not at all located, but the winter tires called Formula Ice, akin to the Pirelli company. This rubber has demonstrated good braking properties on dry asphalt and excellent ride quality, while virtually failing the snow and ice tests.

"Behind the wheel": 5th place. Tuulilasi: not tested. Autoreview: not tested. TestWorld: not tested.

Michelin X-IceNorth 3– winter studded tires of the Scandinavian type, test


To maximize the performance of the new MICHELIN X-ICE North 3 tires, Michelin engineers have rethought all tire safety parameters on icy and other hazardous road surfaces, with particular attention to tread and studding. The emphasis was placed on the shape of the studs, their placement, the tread pattern, as well as the composition of the thermosetting rubber compound. The process of creating these tires was considered as a whole and was aimed at achieving the best possible grip on ice and snow, combined with a longer service life.

The latest generations of MIСHELIN X-ICE North tires had a two-layer tread, where the upper rubber layer was responsible for grip, and the lower, inner layer was responsible for fixing the studs. With the introduction of the new MICHELIN X-ICE North 3 studded tire, Michelin is pleased to showcase a masterpiece of technical and chemical thought - thermosetting rubber compound. It is designed exclusively for use in studded tires as a basic, internal tread base.

It is she who is responsible for the reliable fixation of the stud base, as well as for the force of the stud puncture in the MICHELIN X-ICE North 3. The mixture can change its properties depending on the temperature. Thus, in warm weather, the tire remains relatively soft, which allows the studs to press into the tread when used on asphalt. At the same time, dry and wet grip is improved by reducing the skating effect. With a decrease in temperature, the rigidity of the thermoactive rubber compound increases, the studs get a very hard base, which increases the force of the stud puncture and allows them to effectively "bite" into the ice, providing the necessary grip during acceleration or braking. All this makes it possible to demonstrate high grip characteristics on ice, regardless of its condition and temperature.

In the development of the MICHELIN X-ICE North 3, special attention has been paid to the tread space around the stud. When driving on ice, ice crumbs form around the studs, which impede the operation of not only the studs, but also the rubber compound. This effect significantly impairs grip on ice, lengthening the braking distance and increasing the acceleration time.

To combat this problem, special wells have been created to collect ice chips formed during the operation of the studs, which significantly improves grip on ice.

The new cleat has the classic circular cross-section of both cleat flanges and a carbide insert. However, the shape of the spike has features that distinguish it from its predecessor. On the wider base of the spike (now it has become 9 mm in diameter instead of 8 mm), a cone-leg is installed, and then an upper flange with a carbide insert. This shape of the stud with elements expanding towards the bottom significantly improves the fixation of the stud in the tire tread, preventing premature falling out. The new MICHELIN tapered stud lasts 25% longer than the previous generation.

Compared to the previous generation, the new MICHELIN X-ICE North 3 tread has three unique properties:

The number of tread sectors has been increased by more than 15%! And now the MICHELIN X-ICE North 3 tire in the size 205/55 R16 has 70 massive edges located across the entire tread width (instead of 59 in the predecessor). Such a significant increase in the elements responsible for traction on the snow has improved the performance not only of acceleration, but also of cross-country ability.

The MICHELIN X-ICE North 3 protector uses a special "StepIn-StepOut" shape of the shoulder area. Having paid attention to the peculiarities of the structure of the tread of mud tires, the developers have adopted the toothed structure of the shoulder zone (when its blocks have a different protrusion). This structure can significantly improve the tire's permeability in deep snow and snow slush.

The tire drainage system has been changed to improve handling on snow and water slurry. The grooves are now positioned towards the outer edge, which facilitates the evacuation of snow and reduces the risk of aquaplaning.

The MICHELIN X-ICE North 3 tire not only features improved winter safety and durability, but also a strong sidewall that reduces the likelihood of tire damage or burst. Strength is achieved through the use of MICHELIN IronFlex technology (a first in MICHELIN winter tires), which increases the sidewall hardness and its ability to deform for optimal obstacle clearance. MICHELIN IronFlex technology is a high-strength carcass yarn with exceptional flexibility and a special sidewall construction that quickly dissipates peak loads.


It's a bit unexpected to see Michelin tires in the second half of the rankings. But in recent seasons, in the case of winter tires, this is somehow the case. This is partly due to fewer studs, and poor performance in acceleration and braking tests on ice may be due to this factor. The Michelin X-IceNorth 3 also had the worst lap times on an icy track. At the same time, on the snow, they have good acceleration, but a long braking distance. When driving on snow, the tires hold grip well, but only when driving in a straight line, and lose stability in corners. At the same time, slush is not an obstacle for Michelin, and on dry asphalt they have the shortest braking distance from 100 km / h. Emergency behavior is stable, but noise is relatively high. Suitable tires for winter in a big city, where snow and ice are rare companions on the road.

"Behind the wheel": not tested. Tuulilasi: 6th place. Autoreview: not tested. TestWorld: 8th place.

Bridgestone Blizzak Spike-01 - Scandinavian type studded winter tires, test


The main indicator of studded tires is their grip on ice. Bridgestone BLIZZAK Spike-01 tires are equipped with a new spike shape called "Cross-EdgePin" for the cross-shaped notch on the center of the cleat. These cruciform notches allow for better ice contact and longer traction. As a result, these tires have better grip and more aggressive braking on ice, regardless of their direction of travel. The improvement in performance is shown in the graph.

Using the latest in modeling technology, the tread design of the Bridgestone BLIZZAK Spike-01 has undergone significant changes. V new rubber the cross grooves have widened intersections, due to which they grip snow more efficiently. The tread has self-cleaning sipes that allow snow and ice dust to escape from the stud, thereby improving traction efficiency. At the same time, shoulder lugs that increase traction when passing deep snow.

Bridgestone has improved not only the cleats, but also the cleat hole. Thanks to computer simulation, a special shape of the hole was developed, which made it possible to optimize the holding force of the cleat.

Although tires in Russia and the CIS countries are subjected to particularly tough and difficult operating conditions, the BLIZZAK Spike-01 is able to maintain high performance for 3-4 seasons.


The Bridgestone Blizzak Spike-01 passed three of the four tests. In the test of the Russian magazine, they got the sixth position out of ten possible, and in the measurements of the Finns from Tuulilasi they turned out to be outsiders, taking the last eighth place. Both authorities praised this tire for its ability to behave on the ice. Otherwise, Japanese tires were rich in contradictions. In "Za Rulem" they were scolded for increased fuel consumption, poor cross-country ability, bad behavior on the asphalt and a low level of comfort. In Finnish magazine Tuulilasi, Bridgestone tires showed excellent slash-resistance but relatively long braking distances on wet pavement. Experts also noticed vague reactions to steering turns on dry surfaces. The snow reactions are not as sharp as the best tires, but the braking distances are short. In addition, there is a tendency to oversteer in the snow. The noise is relatively quiet, but the rolling resistance is too high for today's eco-friendly standards.

"Behind the wheel": 6th place. Tuulilasi: 8th place. Autoreview: not tested. TestWorld: 9th place.

Dunlop Ice Touch - Scandinavian winter studded tires, test


Dunlop Ice Touch is a winter studded tire for harsh European winters that provide excellent handling on difficult winter roads: on ice, slush and packed snow.

The DunlopIceTouch tire is made using the same technologies as the Goodyear Ultra GripIce Arctic.

The Dunlop Ice Touch features a directional tread pattern with wide drainage grooves that taper from center to center. Numerous sipes at different angles, sharp engagement edges and somewhat erratic studs provide excellent grip and safe braking in the winter season.

The wide center rib of the Dunlop Ice Touch tread increases the contact area for efficient acceleration and braking. The special rubber compound increases traction and grip thanks to polymers that give the tire elasticity at low temperatures.

The weight of Dunlop Ice Touch winter tires is optimized to reduce rolling resistance, which reduces fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. Optimum tread stiffness for maximum handling on dry roads.


Better than the Bridgestone Blizzak Spike-01 in the Tuulilasi test was the Dunlop Ice Touch. They are similar in design to the Goodyear Ultra GripIce Arctic. Despite this, experts discerned somewhat different characteristics in them. On ice, Dunlop accelerates slowly, but brakes confidently. In terms of controllability, they are somewhat inferior to the leaders, since a skid can start relatively early, but still - with dignity. On snow, acceleration and braking performance is better than on ice, and handling is also prone to sudden loss of traction, even at low speeds. Braking distances on wet pavement are short and Dunlop Ice Touch will generally behave well in rain. In addition, Dunlop winter tires respond very quickly to steering turns on dry surfaces, where they do well in emergency maneuvers. And as a bonus - low noise level.

"Behind the wheel": not tested. Tuulilasi: 7th place. Autoreview: not tested. TestWorld: 7th place.

Cordiant Snow Cross - winter studded tires of the Scandinavian type, test


The Cordiant Snow Cross tire was developed by a team of engineers specifically for use in the unpredictable and harsh Russian winter. This is how the manufacturer himself describes his product.

When developing the Cordiant Snow Cross, special attention was paid to safety while riding. The tire perfectly combines reliable grip, precise braking and excellent handling on a winter road covered with snow or ice.

Ice-Cor technology guarantees predictable behavior of the machine on ice, "shod" in tires Cordiant Snow Cross.

For safe driving on snowy roads and in thaws, Cordiant specialists have applied Snow-Cor technology, which provides the tire with ideal grip on snow.

The tire also features a new green Cor-Fix compound with an increased silica content, which maintains the Cordiant Snow Cross performance even at low temperatures and improves wet grip performance.


Seventh place in the "Behind the wheel" test was taken by Russian Cordiant Snow Cross. Sergei Mishin recommended these tires fit outback with icy, snowy roads, rich in snowdrifts. This is because this rubber feels best in such an environment. At the same time, handling on ice and snow is not a masterpiece. It's even worse on the pavement. Especially the braking distance.

"Behind the wheel": 7th place. Tuulilasi: have not been tested. Autoreview: not tested. TestWorld: not tested.

Toyo Observe G3-Ice - Scandinavian winter spike tires, test


The manufacturer says the Toyo OBSERVE G3-ICE is designed for optimal traction and braking on ice and snow. The stable performance of the tire throughout its life makes it ideal for use in extreme winter conditions.

Improved stud distribution combined with Toyo's unique "Microbit" technology (natural micropips - walnut shell particles in the tread compound) provide superior traction and braking performance in the harshest winter conditions. In addition to reliable grip on snow and ice Toyo tire The OBSERVE G3-ICE also provides a high level of comfort.


The Japanese Toyo Observe G3-Ice turned out to be worse than the Cordiant Snow Cross. Asphalt is contraindicated for this model. However, ice and snow are also not its habitat. No more than satisfactory.

"Behind the wheel": 8th place. Tuulilasi: have not been tested. Autoreview: not tested. TestWorld: not tested.

Amtel Nord Master ST 310 - winter studded tires of the Scandinavian type, test


Improved handling, zigzag longitudinal and transverse grooves with acute-angled edges of the Amtel Nord Master ST 310 increase mechanical clutch with a road surface, improve handling, lateral stability. At the same time, lug ribs provide excellent cross-country ability on loose snow.

The short braking distance of the Amtel Nord Master ST 310 is provided by all the tread elements, which are extremely saturated with zigzag sipes, which significantly shortens the braking distance and acceleration time, prevents slipping and slipping.


Amtel Nord Master ST 310 tires are in demand on the Russian market. The vocation of this rubber is asphalt. On wet and dry asphalt, the braking distance is almost the best. But on a winter road, things are much worse. Acceleration is weak, braking is also, exactly, as is the behavior.

"Behind the wheel": 9th place. Tuulilasi: have not been tested. Autoreview: not tested. TestWorld: not tested.

Kama EURO 519– winter studded tires of the Scandinavian type, test


Car tire Kama Euro 519 is a winter tire with studs for passenger cars.

The tread of the Kama Euro 519 tire consists of two layers. The bottom layer has a dense texture. The blocking of the studs is achieved precisely due to the lower tread layer in the Kama Euro 519 tire. And the upper one allows you to maintain elasticity during operation in harsh climates, due to the high content of natural rubber in the tire. The tread pattern guarantees a long service life during long-term use.

Technical characteristics of the Nizhnekamsk tire Kama Euro 519:

- Provides excellent grip on difficult road sections (ice, snow) with the fan-shaped arrangement of sipes in the tread;

- correct positioning of the studs on the tire reduces the noise level and improves grip;

- low fuel consumption due to the use of the latest modern technologies;

- tires adapted to the harsh Russian winter conditions;

- a holographic sticker on the tire confirming the process of studding the tire at the factory. Thus, guaranteeing a precise fit of the stud and avoiding tire damage.

- V-grooves on the tread help the tire self-cleaning from dirt and snow.


Nizhenekamsky winter tire - Kama Euro-519 turned out to be the worst in the ZR test. They brake well on dry asphalt. Satisfactory directional stability on a winter road. At the same time, they have the worst grip on ice and weak on snow, which translates into difficult handling on a winter road, limited cross-country ability and a low level of comfort.

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