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4th grade

Description of the work. Control cars all types, trucks(road trains) of all types with a carrying capacity of up to 10 tons (road trains - according to the total carrying capacity of a car and a trailer), buses with an overall length of up to 7 meters. Control of the lifting mechanism of a dump truck, a crane installation of a truck crane, a pumping installation of a tanker truck, a refrigeration unit of a refrigerator, sweepers and other equipment of specialized vehicles. Refueling vehicles with fuel, lubricants and coolant. Examination technical condition and taking the car before leaving the line, handing it over and staging it at the designated place upon returning to the vehicle fleet. Car supply for loading and unloading of goods and control over loading, placement and securing of goods in the car body. Elimination of minor malfunctions that have arisen during operation on the line that do not require disassembly of mechanisms. Announcement by the bus driver of stopping points and the procedure for paying for travel using a radio installation, installing composters, selling subscription books at stopping points. Registration of travel documents.

Must know: purpose, device, principle of operation and operation of units, mechanisms and devices of serviced vehicles; regulations road traffic and technical exploitation cars; causes, methods of detecting and eliminating malfunctions that have arisen during the operation of the car; the procedure for carrying out maintenance and the rules for storing cars in garages and in open parking lots; operating rules rechargeable batteries and car tires; rules for running in new cars and after major repairs; rules for the carriage of perishable and dangerous goods; the influence of weather conditions on the safety of driving a car; ways to prevent road traffic accidents; radio installation and composters; rules for supplying buses for boarding and disembarking passengers; the procedure for emergency evacuation of passengers in case of road traffic accidents; rules for filling out primary documents for accounting for the operation of the serviced car.

Car driver

5th grade

Description of the work. Driving trucks (road trains) of all types with a carrying capacity of more than 10 to 40 tons (road trains - according to the total carrying capacity of a car and a trailer), buses with an overall length of 7-12 meters, as well as driving cars equipped with special sound and light signals, giving the right to take advantage of traffic on the roads. Elimination of operational malfunctions of the serviced vehicle that occurred during operation on the line, which do not require disassembly of the mechanisms. Performing adjustment work in field conditions in the absence of technical assistance.

Must know: purpose, device, principle of operation, operation and maintenance of units, mechanisms and devices of serviced vehicles; signs, causes, ways of identifying and eliminating malfunctions; volumes, frequency and basic rules for performing maintenance work on the vehicle; ways to increase the between-repair runs of cars; features of the organization of maintenance and repair of cars in the field; ways to increase tire mileage and battery life; rules for using radio communications on vehicles; features of the organization of intercity transportation.

Car driver

6th grade

Description of the work. Management of fire trucks and ambulances, as well as trucks (road trains) of all types with a carrying capacity of over 40 tons (road trains - in terms of the total carrying capacity of a car and a trailer), buses with an overall length of over 12 to 15 meters.

Must know: the impact of individual performance indicators of vehicles on the cost of transportation; ways to ensure high-performance and economical use of cars; the main technical and operational qualities of the serviced vehicles and their impact on traffic safety.

When driving buses with an overall length of over 15 meters - 7th grade.
Note. Car drivers are charged one category higher in the following cases:

Works on 2-3 types of vehicles (cars, trucks, buses, etc.);

Performing the whole range of works on repair and maintenance of a driven vehicle in the absence of a specialized vehicle maintenance service at the enterprise, organization, institution.

2nd category

Description of the work. Preparation for the supply and delivery of vehicles from the main conveyor to the areas of bench testing and elimination of equipment defects, to storage areas, places of loading onto railway rolling stock and special vehicles. Visual inspection of the technical condition of vehicles. Checking the lock of the hood, doors, trunk and glass lifters.

Must know: the principle of operation of serviced vehicles; rules and instructions for their reception and safety; schemes for placing cars at storage areas and at places of loading.

3rd rank

Description of the work. Carrying out certain types of tests according to standard methods. Disassembly, assembly and adjustment of tested units, assemblies and devices under the guidance of a test driver of a higher qualification. Loading vehicles by driving onto railway rolling stock and special vehicles with their installation at the attachment points.

Must know: device of serviced units, assemblies and devices; the principle of operation of instrumentation, test instruments and stands; the rules for loading cars by entering the railway rolling stock and special vehicles and their placement schemes.

4th grade

Description of the work. Carrying out certain types of tests according to standard methods. Disassembly, assembly and adjustment of the tested units, assemblies and devices. Preparation of motorcycles, mopeds, cars, trolleybuses, cranes, tractors, combines, self-propelled mowers and others Vehicle to the tests. Running in and identifying defects and design flaws in them. Maintenance a fixed vehicle, tractor, trolleybus and motorized vehicles. Complex maneuvering of vehicles on the loading platform, their installation on the rotary device of the loading retractable platform, followed by their feeding into the two-tier devices of the cars and their installation on the attachment points. Car delivery to quality control department according to technical conditions.

Must know: device and principle of operation of the loading retractable platform with a rotary device of the serviced units, assemblies and devices; purpose and use of instrumentation and test instruments and stands; technical conditions for the installation, adjustment and acceptance of the main components and assemblies; causes of individual malfunctions and defects arising in the testing process, methods of their elimination; wiring diagrams of electrical equipment; methodology for certain types of tests of serial and experimental motorcycle vehicles, cars, trolley buses, tractors, combines.

5th grade

Description of the work. Carrying out tests according to approved programs in various road and climatic conditions. Disassembly, assembly and adjustment of the tested complex components and assemblies. Technological test runs of cars, trolley buses, cranes, tractors, self-propelled mowers, motorcycles and other vehicles. Field tests of combines, running tests in road conditions experimental samples of motorcycles. Elimination of detected defects.

Must know: purpose, structure and principle of operation of complex units, assemblies and instruments, instrumentation and test equipment; manufacturing technology; technical conditions and requirements for the quality of assembly and for the commissioning of motorcycles, cars, trolley buses, tractors and combines; wiring diagrams; causes of defects in the testing process, ways to eliminate them; test methodology for cars, trolleybuses, tractors, self-propelled mowers, combines and experimental tests of motorcycles,

6th grade

Description of the work. Carrying out run and complex tests in various road and difficult natural and climatic conditions. Carrying out experimental tests of cars and tractors of all classes and types. Testing of special motorcycles designed for road circuit racing.

Must know: purpose, structure and principle of operation of especially complex units, assemblies and instruments, special instrumentation, instruments and test equipment; a methodology for experimental testing of cars and tractors of all classes and types.

Secondary vocational education is required.


dated November 10, 1992 No. 31



(as amended by the Resolutions of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of January 15, 1993 No. 3,

dated 28.01.1993 No. 10, dated 05.02.1993 No. 17, dated 03.03.1993 No. 43,

dated 05.04.1993 No. 74, dated 05.04.1993 No. 75, dated 12.07.1993 No. 134,

dated 04.11.1993 No. 168, dated 28.12.1994 No. 88, dated 31.01.1997 No. 5,

dated 04.02.1997 No. 7, dated 01.06.1998 No. 19, dated 12.08.1998 No. 33,

dated 04.08.2000 No. 56, dated 16.07.2003 No. 54,

Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of October 24, 2005 No. 648,

dated 24.11.2008 No. 665,

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 14, 1992 No. 785 "On differentiation in the levels of remuneration of workers in the public sector on the basis of the Unified wage scale", the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation decides:

Approve tariff and qualification characteristics for industry-wide professions workers according to the Appendix.

Deputy Minister of Labor

Russian Federation



to the Decree of the Ministry of Labor

Russian Federation



The tariff and qualification characteristics for the industry-wide professions of workers according to the tariff categories for which monthly salaries were established were developed in accordance with the introduction of the Unified tariff scale for public sector workers, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation Decree No. 785 dated October 14, 1992.

Tariff and qualification characteristics are intended to establish the category of workers in terms of the complexity of the work they perform.

Professions of workers for whom wage grades were previously established are charged in accordance with the editions of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Work and Occupations of Workers, taking into account the additions and changes made to them, approved by resolutions of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions Secretariat, which, in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 12 May 1992 No. 15a are used in enterprises (including joint ventures), in organizations, in cooperatives and public organizations located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

If it is necessary to make changes and additions to the tariff and qualification characteristics, one should be guided by " General provisions", placed in the 1st issue of the Unified tariff and qualification reference book of workers' jobs and professions.

The ministries and departments of the Russian Federation may classify other professions of workers for whom monthly salaries are not provided for in this Appendix to the categories of remuneration of the Unified Wage Schedule, in agreement with the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation.

Onboard operator for checking trunk pipelines

3rd rank

Description of the work. Observation from helicopters, airplanes of the state of the route and pipeline transport facilities in order to detect emergency exits of oil, oil products and gases, violations of the operating regime of the security zone of pipelines, damage to communications, etc. Determination of the zone of distribution of a fire and explosive mixture and notification by the ejection of a pennant through the communication system. Rendering first medical care victims, organization of their delivery to the nearest medical centers. Participation in emergency work on the pipeline route. Organization of delivery of emergency teams, equipment and mechanisms to facilities.

Should know: the technological scheme of the location of pipelines and structures on the route; methods for identifying and eliminating malfunctions in the operation of pipelines and equipment; installation of shut-off valves, control and measuring devices, control points of telemechanics and objects of electrochemical protection; electrical and kinematic valves control systems; physical and chemical properties of oil, oil products and hydrocarbon gases; communication system in the region through which the pipeline passes; emergency notification scheme; plumbing in the amount of work performed; technical data of the aircraft on which the flights are performed.

While doing graphic works on situational sketching of track sections, preparation and adjustment to the operating mode of the equipment necessary for monitoring the track, ensuring localization (if possible, localization of emergency situations) - 4th category.

Coastal boatswain

2nd category

Description of the work. Systematic inspection of the berths and the implementation of minor repairs. Keeping in constant readiness of fire-fighting equipment, fire passages to the berths and in winter period firemen lanes. Providing workers necessary tool and work equipment. Ensuring safety measures when mooring ships.

Should know: the rules and procedure for the mooring of ships; rules for the use of rigging, inventory and tools when mooring ships; types, sizes, brands of skipper's property and other materials and rules for their storage; the purpose of the rigging; all types of rigging, methods of manufacturing and repairing items of skipper's property (mats, fenders, etc.); safety rules.

Coastal boatswain

3rd rank

Description of the work. Checking the readiness of berths for mooring ships. Ensuring the safety of anchorage at the berth of small craft. Reception, storage, issuance and accounting of skipper's property and other materials, drawing up applications and requirements for their receipt. Guidance of coastal sailors and workers in the performance of mooring and repair work on the skipper's property. On technical sections of the route, sea canals, track distances and hydrographic bases, in addition: performance of routine repairs of small boats and their painting; management of loading and unloading operations; ensuring the safe transportation of people and goods by small craft.

Should know: the rules and procedure for the mooring of ships; commands and alarms given from the ship and the shore; safety rules; rules for the use of lifting mechanisms; ways of performing carpentry, plumbing and painting work; rules for breaking down and marking a hand lot and a measuring cable; rules for managing a rowboat and motor boat (dinghy); maximum permissible carrying capacity and passenger capacity of the serviced floating craft; rules for maintaining receipts and expenditures.


1st rank

Description of the work. Weighing loads on scales different types and designs. External inspection of goods and checking the serviceability of the packaging. Checking the compliance of the name, weight and other characteristics of the goods with the accompanying documents. Registration of accompanying documents and drawing up acts for shortage and damage to goods. Accounting for weighed goods. Maintenance of the balance and checking the correctness of their readings. Management of stacking and direct participation in the stacking of weighed goods on the scales. Monitoring the completeness of loading transport containers.

Should know: the range, assortment and range of weighed goods; the device of the serviced scales, the permissible load on them; methods of checking scales and adjusting weighing accuracy; weight measures; rules for weighing, stowing, storing and storing goods; types of transport containers and their carrying capacity; rules for accounting for weighed goods and registration of accompanying documentation for goods.


1st rank

Description of the work. Transportation of various goods, sewage, garbage and other goods on horses, oxen, mules and other draft animals; harnessing, unharnessing and caring for animals during work. Cleaning of cesspools, garbage cans and sewage wells from sewage manually with a scoop or using pumps and special-purpose mechanisms. Opening and closing sewer wells, connecting and disconnecting the suction hoses to the tank pump. Disinfection of cesspools and garbage bins, minor repairs and lubrication of transport equipment and harnesses. Loading, securing, unloading and monitoring the safety of goods during transportation. Removal of sewage and garbage to designated places. Registration of travel documents.

Should know: the rules of caring for horses and other draft animals; the maximum permissible weight of the transported cargo; sanitary rules for cleaning, transportation of sewage and rules for disinfection of cesspools and garbage bins; the device of pumps and the rules for their operation; rules for caring for transport equipment and harnesses; traffic rules; the procedure for processing travel documents for the acceptance and delivery of goods; locations of cesspools, sewer wells and landfills.

Car driver

4th grade

Description of the work. Driving passenger cars of all types, trucks (road trains) of all types with a carrying capacity of up to 10 tons (road trains - according to the total carrying capacity of a car and a trailer), buses with an overall length of up to 7 meters. Control of the lifting mechanism of a dump truck, a crane installation of a truck crane, a pumping installation of a tanker truck, a refrigeration unit of a refrigerator, sweepers and other equipment of specialized vehicles. Refueling vehicles with fuel, lubricants and coolant. Checking the technical condition and accepting the car before leaving the line, handing it over and storing it at the designated place upon returning to the vehicle fleet. Car supply for loading and unloading of goods and control over loading, placement and securing of goods in the car body. Elimination of minor malfunctions that have arisen during operation on the line that do not require disassembly of mechanisms. Announcement by the bus driver of stopping points and the procedure for paying for travel using a radio installation, installing composters, selling subscription books at stopping points. Registration of travel documents.

Should know: purpose, device, principle of operation and operation of units, mechanisms and devices of serviced vehicles; rules of the road and technical operation of cars; causes, methods of detecting and eliminating malfunctions that have arisen during the operation of the car; the procedure for carrying out maintenance and the rules for storing cars in garages and in open parking lots; rules for the operation of batteries and car tires; rules for running in new cars and after major repairs; rules for the carriage of perishable and dangerous goods; the influence of weather conditions on the safety of driving a car; ways to prevent road traffic accidents; radio installation and composters; rules for supplying buses for boarding and disembarking passengers; the procedure for emergency evacuation of passengers in case of road traffic accidents; rules for filling out primary documents for accounting for the operation of the serviced car.

Car driver

5th grade

Description of the work. Driving trucks (road trains) of all types with a carrying capacity of more than 10 to 40 tons (road trains - according to the total carrying capacity of a car and a trailer), buses with an overall length of 7-12 meters, as well as driving cars equipped with special sound and light signals, giving the right to take advantage of traffic on the roads. Elimination of operational malfunctions of the serviced vehicle that occurred during operation on the line, which do not require disassembly of the mechanisms. Performing adjustment work in the field in the absence of technical assistance.

Must know: purpose, device, principle of operation, operation and maintenance of units, mechanisms and devices of serviced vehicles; signs, causes, ways of identifying and eliminating malfunctions; volumes, frequency and basic rules for performing maintenance work on the vehicle; ways to increase the between-repair runs of cars; features of the organization of maintenance and repair of cars in the field; ways to increase tire mileage and battery life; rules for using radio communications on vehicles; features of the organization of intercity transportation.

(Modified edition, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 03.03.1993 No. 43).

Car driver

6th grade

Description of the work. Management of fire trucks and ambulances, as well as trucks (road trains) of all types with a carrying capacity of over 40 tons (road trains - in terms of the total carrying capacity of a car and a trailer), buses with an overall length of over 12 to 15 meters.

Should know: the impact of individual performance indicators of vehicles on the cost of transportation; ways to ensure high-performance and economical use of cars; the main technical and operational qualities of the serviced vehicles and their impact on traffic safety.

When driving buses with an overall length of over 15 meters - 7th grade.

(Modified edition, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 03.03.1993 No. 43).

Note. Car drivers are charged one category higher in the following cases:

Works on 2-3 types of vehicles (cars, trucks, buses, etc.);

Performing the whole range of works on repair and maintenance of a driven vehicle in the absence of a specialized vehicle maintenance service at the enterprise, organization, institution.

(Changed edition, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of December 28, 1994 No. 88).

Snowmobile driver

3rd rank

Description of the work. Driving snowmobiles when transporting people and goods on snow and water. Snowmobile maintenance: pre-trip, post-trip and route inspection; performance routine maintenance, current, emergency repair and participation in overhaul... Ensuring the safety and smooth operation snowmobile. Use and maintenance of the radio station. Monitoring the correct placement of cargo in the snowmobile during loading operations. Maintaining a form on a snowmobile, drawing up acceptance documents, documentation for transported goods, maintenance and repair.

Should know: arrangement of equipment, engines and devices of the serviced snowmobile; purpose, device and principle of operation of radio receiving and radio transmitting equipment; operating instructions and safety instructions when working on a snowmobile; specifications for fuel and lubricants; the main causes of equipment malfunction and how to eliminate them; traffic rules on roads, navigation on inland waterways; the procedure for registration of forms, acceptance documents for transported goods and mail, waybills and other technical documentation.

Motor vehicle driver

3rd rank

Description of the work. Driving motonarts, motorcycles, motor scooters and other motor vehicles in compliance with the traffic rules. Checking the technical condition and accepting motor vehicles before leaving the line, handing them over and placing them in the designated place upon returning from work. Refueling motor vehicles with fuel, lubricants. Submission of motor vehicles for loading and unloading cargo or embarking and disembarking passengers, control over the correct loading and securing of cargo. Elimination of minor operational faults that have arisen during operation on the line. Registration of travel documents.

Must know: purpose, device, principle of operation and maintenance of motor vehicles; rules of technical operation and procedure for maintenance of motor vehicles; signs, causes and consequences of malfunctions arising during the operation of motor vehicles, and ways to eliminate them; Traffic Laws; the impact of weather conditions on the safety of driving motor vehicles; techniques for providing first aid in case of accidents; the procedure for filling out primary documents for accounting for the work of motor vehicles.

(Introduced additionally, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 12.07.1993 No. 134).

Tram driver

3rd rank

Description of the work. Management of tram trains operated in this economy, observing the timetable and traffic safety rules in the depot and on the line. Carrying out the coupling of trains for towing and control of the towed train. Monitoring compliance with the rules of embarkation and disembarkation of passengers, loading and unloading of goods. Announcement using a radio installation of stopping points and a fare payment procedure, installation of composters. Performing preparatory work before leaving the line and after returning to the park. Elimination of the simplest faults on the line. Registration and filing of applications for the elimination of malfunctions of rolling stock. Sale of subscription books at stopping points.

Must know: device, principle of operation and possible malfunctions tram cars and their equipment; rules of the road, technical operation and use of trams; features of driving trams in autumn-winter conditions and the procedure for their operation on routes with difficult traffic conditions; composter and radio installation; energy saving instructions; frequency of inspections and repairs of trams; forms of travel tickets; the procedure for issuing travel documentation.

(Introduced additionally, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 12.07.1993 No. 134).

Tram driver

4th grade

Description of the work. Control of new types of tram trains, articulated trams and multi-unit trams. Regulation braking systems trams. Carrying out scheduled inspections of trams using special equipment, instrumentation and tools and running them in after repair.

Should know: the device, the principle of operation and possible malfunctions of the mechanical, pneumatic and electrical equipment all types of trams, including articulated and multi-unit trams; profile and features of the route of the routes served; device of special equipment, control and measuring devices and tools used during routine inspections; methods of trouble-free work; techniques and methods of tram driver apprenticeship training.

(Introduced additionally, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 12.07.1993 No. 134).

Tram driver

5th grade

Description of the work. Control of all types of tram trains, regulation of all types of equipment. Carrying out planned types of repairs in the depot using special equipment, instrumentation and tools.

Should know: the rules for adjusting all types of tram equipment, the nature, reasons and rates of its wear; arrangement of special equipment, mounting devices, instrumentation and tools used in carrying out a planned type of repair in a depot; profile and features of the path of all routes of the city.

(Introduced additionally, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 12.07.1993 No. 134).

Transport harvester driver

3rd rank

Description of the work. Management of transport and harvesting machines of various systems and carrying capacity during the transportation of garbage from railway and station areas, aprons and passenger platforms, streets, etc. Monitoring loading and unloading. Maintenance and upkeep of the transport harvester.

Should know: the structure and rules of maintenance of transport and harvesting machines; fuels and lubricants; purpose, timing and methods of charging batteries; traffic rules and traffic rules on the territory of the enterprise and station routes; installed alarm.

(Introduced additionally, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 12.07.1993 No. 134).

Trolleybus driver

4th grade

Description of the work. Management of trolleybuses operated in this farm, in compliance with the schedule and traffic safety rules in the park and on the line. Performing preparatory work before leaving the line and after returning to the park. Carrying out the coupling of trolleybuses and control of the towed trolleybus. Determination and elimination of the simplest malfunctions that occurred during operation on the line. Monitoring compliance with the rules of embarkation and disembarkation of passengers, loading and unloading of goods. Registration and filing of applications for elimination of malfunctions. Announcement using a radio installation of stopping points and a fare payment procedure, installation of composters. Sale of subscription books at stopping points.

Should know: the device, the principle of operation and possible malfunctions of the serviced trolleybuses and their equipment; traffic rules and technical operation; features of driving trolleybuses in autumn-winter conditions and the procedure for their operation on routes with difficult traffic conditions; energy saving instructions; existing forms of travel tickets; the procedure for issuing travel documentation; the frequency of inspections and repairs of trolleybuses; device of composters.

(Introduced additionally, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 12.07.1993 No. 134).

Trolleybus driver

5th grade

Description of the work. Driving new types of trolleybuses, articulated, working with trailers and multi-unit systems. Adjustment of brake systems of trolleybuses. Conducting scheduled inspections using special equipment, instrumentation and fixtures, running in repaired trolleybuses.

Must know: device, principle of operation and possible malfunctions of mechanical, pneumatic and electrical equipment of all types of trolleybuses; profile and features of the route of the served route; device of special equipment, control and measuring devices and tools used during routine inspections; techniques and methods of traineeship for apprentices of trolleybus drivers; methods of trouble-free work.

(Introduced additionally, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 12.07.1993 No. 134).

Trolleybus driver

6th grade

Description of the work. Management of all types of trolleybuses and regulation of all types of equipment installed on them. Carrying out planned repairs in the park with the use of special equipment, instrumentation and fixtures.

Should know: the rules for regulating all types of equipment installed on serviced trolleybuses, the nature, reasons and norms of its wear and tear; arrangement of special equipment, mounting devices, instrumentation and tools used during scheduled repairs in the park; profile and features of the path of all routes of the city.

(Introduced additionally, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 12.07.1993 No. 134).

Electric and car driver

Description of the work. Control of electric and carts of various systems, their lifting platforms and cranes. Timely, in accordance with the schedule of arrival and departure, delivery of self-propelled ladders to aircraft and cleaning from aircraft. Transportation of parts and spare parts for rolling stock repair, bedding and coal for equipment passenger cars, baggage and other goods on the territory: sections, workshops, railway stations, airports, sea and river ports. Monitoring the correct loading, fastening, unloading of goods or carrying out the loading and unloading of goods on their own. Transportation and safety of goods. Checking battery charging, braking performance and reporting deficiencies to a senior official. Maintenance of mechanisms and carrying out routine repairs. Registration of documents for acceptance and delivery of cargo.

Should know: design, carrying capacity, basic operational data of electric and car trolleys, self-propelled mechanisms of various systems; terms and methods of battery charging; how the engine works internal combustion; fuels and oils; driving rules and instructions for the safe movement of electric and carts; rules for loading and unloading cargo, stowing and securing them; permissible dimensions of cargo; the procedure for registration of documentation for the acceptance and delivery of goods.

When driving electric and carts with a carrying capacity of up to 2 tons - 2nd category;

when driving electric and carts with a carrying capacity of up to 2 tons, equipped with lifting mechanisms or trailed devices for the carriage of goods, - 3rd category;

when driving electric and carts with a carrying capacity of more than 2 tons, equipped with lifting mechanisms or towing devices for transporting goods through the territory of railway stations, airports, sea and river ports, near mobile transport in working order - 4th category.

(Modified edition, Resolutions of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 01.06.1998 No. 19).


4th grade

Description of the work. Rescue diving operations. Provision of first (first aid) aid to people in distress on the water. Inspection and preparation of life-saving appliances for work.

Must know: rules for storing, checking and preparing diving equipment; techniques for eliminating minor malfunctions of diving equipment; techniques and methods of swimming, diving, liberation from captures by a person in distress on the water, techniques for towing him, methods of providing first (first-aid) aid after being pulled out of the water; fundamentals of diving medicine, physical and physiological characteristics of diving descents; organization of service at the rescue station.


5th grade

Description of the work. Inspection of the underwater part of hydraulic structures, laid in underwater trenches of pipelines and cables, searching for them with the help of locators and determining the depth of occurrence. Inspection of stone slopes of canals, locks, dams, dams and other structures for mooring ships, floating signs, track conditions and aids to navigation. Development of underwater soil with the help of hydraulic washing agents for the purpose of deepening and cleaning the bottom. Rough alignment of underwater crushed stone and sand beds under the foundations of hydraulic structures or underwater facilities. Drilling bore holes under water, sawing wooden structures, installing thorns on piles, placing wooden plugs in holes and gaskets in the gaps of wooden structures, etc. work. Installation of heads and arrays weighing up to 20 tons. Laying of concrete mixture under water. Slinging and undoing objects under water. Maintenance of scientific research works: conducting a preventive inspection of the vessel, cleaning the underwater part of the hull, propellers, underwater slipways and slipways from fouling and clogging; performing simple installation, locksmith, carpentry and rigging works under water. Extraction of seafood, underwater observations of commercial fishing tools. External inspection of the hulls of sunken ships. Unloading cargo from the hull of a sunken ship that does not require balancing. Removal of sediment from the hull of a sunken ship. Inspection and cleaning of water areas intended for mass recreation. Search work related to the detection and recovery of casualties from the water using different types life-saving means. Charging diving vehicles with compressed air.

Must know: the rules of diving descents; device of control and measuring devices and tools used when working under water; methods and technology for surveying water areas, laid pipelines and cables; technology for searching and lifting objects under water; rules for drawing up diagrams, sketches and acts based on the results of surveys; methods of development of underwater soil, methods of filling and leveling underwater beds, alignment and tamping of rail tracks of ship-lifting structures; rules for installing and joining water intake and outlet headers, blocks and arrays; methods of diving seafood, technology for observing industrial fishing tools, types of seafood and dangerous marine animals and means of protection against their attack; rules and sequence of inspection of the hulls of sunken ships; methods for measuring holes in hulls and damage to hydraulic structures; techniques for the production of locksmith, carpentry and rigging works; ways of troubleshooting and methods of carrying out preventive repair diving equipment and means of providing diving descents.

(Introduced additionally, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 05.04.1993 No. 75).


6th grade

Description of the work. Survey of rifts and ship-lifting structures. Full inspection and repair work of the underwater part of hydraulic structures. Laying siphons, underwater pipelines and cables and monitoring the correctness of their laying, measuring the deflection of pipelines laid in trenches. Installation of loads on underwater heads weighing over 20 to 50 tons, ryazh and other structures of hydraulic structures. Installation and disassembly of all types of formwork under water, installation of fittings on holes, ties and guy wires. Inspection and repair of support-running parts of locks and gates on sluices. Washing deep trenches and tunnels under the hull of a sunken ship, putting conductors into tunnels. Maintenance of research work carried out from manned underwater vehicles and underwater laboratories. Unloading cargo requiring balancing from the hull of a sunken ship, work in the flooded compartment of the ship. Measurements of holes in the hulls of ships and damage to hydraulic structures. Correction of steering gear, propeller blades. Sealing of damage to pipelines. Installation of vessels on ship lifting structures. Rescue operations in difficult conditions. Rescue of people from sunken river boats (small size vessels), cars, tractors and other equipment. Leadership of a group of diving stations or a rescue station. Self-driving boat.

Should know: organization of work at a diving station at a depth of 45 m; construction of hulls of ships and various hydraulic structures; techniques and methods of inspection and repair of the underwater part of hydraulic structures; rules for inspection and preparation of underwater vehicles for submersion under water and for lifting them on board the carrier vessel; techniques and methods of balancing loads, lifting sunken equipment; methods of laying underwater pipelines and cables, rail tracks of ship-lifting structures and monitoring the work performed; methods of flushing trenches and tunnels for inserting conductors during ship ascent; rules and terms for disinfection of diving equipment; rules and methods for charging diving vehicles with compressed air; methods of providing first aid for diving diseases before the arrival of a medical worker; instructions for maintaining all types of diving documentation and reporting; guidelines for the rescue service; methodology and methods of teaching subordinate diving personnel new techniques for performing rescue operations; rules for driving a boat and rules for sailing on inland waterways.

(Introduced additionally, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 05.04.1993 No. 75).


7th grade

Description of the work. Compilation of depth charts with determination of soil characteristics. Performing complex measurements when examining sunken ships. Installation of heads and arrays weighing over 50 tons. Control of television installations during the inspection of ships and hydraulic structures. Removal and production of contour and volumetric templates of holes in ship hulls and damage to underwater parts of hydraulic structures. Underwater cutting and welding of metal, blasting operations. Change of propellers or their blades, repair and change of sensors of electro-radio navigation and search devices installed on the hulls of ships. Marking the locations of tunnels, pits and beds. Leadership of applying patches to holes. Works to eliminate water flow in the underwater hull of the damaged vessel. Fastening of ship lifting slings, towels and other devices, alignment and lashing of ship lifting pontoons, connecting hoses to ship lifting pontoons. Practical training of divers in their work specialization group. Execution of all complex rescue, rescue, ship, ship repair, ship lifting and other diving operations. Use of all types of diving equipment and repair of this equipment. Management of all types of diving search operations related to the detection and recovery of casualties from the water.

Should know: organization of work and management of a diving station or a group of diving stations at depths of up to 60 m; rules for the use and repair of all types of diving equipment; principles of the design and application of television and other radio technical equipment used by divers under water; the procedure and rules for examining the technical condition of the underwater parts of hydraulic structures, performing repair and emergency recovery work on them; the principle of operation of electric welding machines and devices for welding and cutting metals; rules for servicing electric welding machines, the main properties of the metals being welded; basic properties of gases and liquids used in cutting and welding metals under water; the appointment of electrical measuring instruments and devices used for control; the main properties and features of the explosive materials and equipment used and precautions for handling them; calculations for the lifting of sunken ships and the placement of ship-lifting pontoons along the length of the sunken ship; technology for diving operations to lift sunken ships and cargo.

When carrying out underwater technical work by the method of long-term stay in a deep-water diving complex at depths of more than 60 m; management of rescue and rescue operations in difficult conditions; performance of experimental diving operations and testing of new samples of diving equipment and technical means intended for work under water - 8th grade.

Note. The class rating for divers is established in accordance with the Unified Occupational Safety Rules for Diving Operations.

(Introduced additionally, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 05.04.1993 No. 75).

Port water dispenser

3rd rank

Description of the work. Duty at the water pumping station. Release of water on applications for vessels and execution of the relevant documentation. Checking the condition of the water pumping station equipment and performing minor repairs.

Must know: device specifications and the rules for the operation of serviced units, instrumentation and other devices of the water pumping station; locksmith work in the scope of work of a mechanic - repairman of the 3rd category; rules for the preparation of documentation for the supply of water.

(Introduced additionally, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 12.07.1993 No. 134).

A caller of locomotive and train crews

2nd category

Description of the work. Timely call of locomotive and train crews to the place of work in accordance with the order, order of the duty officer or contractor of the locomotive depot.

Should know: location of districts and streets of the city; the shortest routes of public transport to the place of residence of workers of locomotive and train crews; safety rules for being on station and depot tracks.

(Introduced additionally, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 12.07.1993 No. 134).

Cloakroom attendant

1st rank

Description of the work. Acceptance for storage of outerwear, hats and other personal belongings from employees and visitors of the enterprise (institution); ensuring the safety of the things handed over. Issuance of a token to an employee or visitor indicating the number of the storage location and issue of clothes and other things upon presentation of the token. Keeping the dressing room clean and tidy. Assisting disabled and elderly visitors with undressing and dressing.

Should know: rules for receiving and storing personal belongings; rules for processing documents in case of a lost token; the operating mode of the enterprise (institution).


1st rank

Description of the work. Cleaning and keeping clean living rooms of hotels, hostels, bathrooms and other fixed premises. Change of bed linen and towels after each departure of the resident. For long-term stays - cleaning of beds within the timeframes stipulated by the "Rules of use and internal regulations in communal hotels". Acceptance of linen from residents upon departure from the rooms. Upon detection of damage to property and equipment by residents, report to the senior maid or floor attendant. Acceptance of orders from residents for personal services and ensuring their timely execution. Compliance with safety regulations.

Should know: "Rules of use and internal regulations in communal hotels"; safety rules; the device of electric vacuum cleaners and electric polishers; location of local valves.

When performing the duties of a senior maid - 2nd grade.


1st rank

Description of the work. Loading, unloading and intra-warehouse processing of goods - sorting, stacking, carrying, re-weighing, packing, etc. manually using the simplest handling equipment. Rolling up (rolling away) of wagons in the process of work. Opening and closing hatches, sides, doors of rolling stock. Cleaning of rolling stock after the cargo is unloaded. Cleaning and lubricating serviced handling equipment. Carrying shields and ladders.

Should know: rules for loading and unloading goods; rules for the use of the simplest loading and unloading devices; permissible dimensions when loading goods onto open railway rolling stock and motor vehicles, when unloading goods from railway wagons and stacking them.


2nd category

Description of the work. Loading, unloading and intra-warehouse processing of goods using transportation means: wheelbarrows, trolleys, conveyors and other lifting and transport mechanisms. Installation of winches, lifting blocks, temporary ramps and other devices for loading and unloading cargo. Fastening and shelter of goods in warehouses and vehicles. Cleaning and lubricating the serviced transportation means.

Should know: the rules of stowage, fastening, shelter of goods in the warehouse and vehicles; rules for the use and use of means of transportation; conditional signaling during loading and unloading of goods by lifting and transport mechanisms; location of warehouses and places of loading and unloading of goods.


2nd category

Description of the work. Reception at the bases of a batch (herd) of livestock, vehicles, necessary property, inventory. Participation in weighing, veterinary treatment, sorting of livestock by sex and body condition. Bringing livestock to the destination. Grazing, feeding and watering livestock on the way. Loading and unloading livestock from wagons, barges and cars at the points of destination and feeding. Accompanying and ensuring the safety of livestock on the way, care and maintenance of it at the sales base. Transfer of livestock to consumers, registration of the established documentation for the acceptance and delivery of livestock. Preparing wagons for cleaning after unloading livestock.

Should know: the basics of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine; the procedure for the reception and delivery of livestock; ways of driving, transporting, grazing livestock; diet and timing of feeding; ways to prevent diseases, injuries, death of livestock; rules for the provision of first veterinary aid; registration of acceptance documents.

(Introduced additionally, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 12.07.1993 No. 134).

Street cleaner

1st rank

Description of the work. Cleaning of streets, sidewalks, areas and areas adjacent to serviced households. Timely cleaning of sidewalks, pavements and paths from snow and ice, sprinkling them with sand. Cleaning fire wells for free access at any time. Digging and cleaning of grooves and trays for water drainage. Washing street bins and periodically cleaning them from debris. Monitoring the timely cleaning of yard waste bins, public toilets and their sanitary condition; for the serviceability and safety of all outdoor household equipment and property (fences, stairs, cornices, drainpipes, trash cans, signboards, etc.); for the safety of green spaces and their fences. Hanging flags on the facades of houses, as well as removing and storing them. Timely lighting and extinguishing of lanterns in the serviced area. Participation in bypasses of households, conducted by the police. Providing assistance to persons affected by accidents, the elderly, the sick, children, etc.

Should know: Resolutions of the Council of People's Deputies on sanitation, improvement, external maintenance of buildings and public order; addresses and phone numbers: police station, local district police inspector, ambulance, fire station, nearest medical aid facility, pharmacy, children's room, etc.

Escalator attendant

Description of the work. Turning on, monitoring the work and turning off the escalators of subways, in shops, at air and railway stations and in other organizations. Informing passengers on loudspeaker communication about the rules for using escalators. Taking measures to change the operating mode of escalators depending on the passenger traffic. Informing passengers about the shortest journey to the metro station of interest to them, the location of trade departments, sections, office premises, etc. Providing assistance to elderly citizens, disabled people and passengers with children when entering and leaving the escalator. Stopping the escalator in case of malfunctions and accidents, providing the first necessary first aid to the injured. Calling electricians, escalator driver or emergency workers in case of escalator malfunction.

Should know: the principle of operation and operation of escalators, their electrical and radio equipment; location of the first-aid post, escalator driver, maintenance personnel and emergency workers; rules for providing first aid to victims; the rules of acceptance and delivery of the shift; the scheme of the subway, the location of departments and sections of shops and office premises of aero-, railway stations and other organizations.

When observing the operation of escalators with a passenger traffic of up to 30 thousand people per day - 2nd grade;

when observing the operation of escalators with a passenger traffic from 30 thousand people to 80 thousand people per day - 3rd category;

when observing the operation of escalators with a passenger traffic of over 80 thousand people per day - 4th grade.

(Changed edition, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 01.06.1998 No. 19).


2nd category

Description of the work. Disinfection (destruction or weakening of pathogens or transmitters of infection, infection) and deodorization of clothing, household items, equipment, machinery, raw materials, semi-finished products, vehicles, territories, industrial premises, buildings, structures, etc. physical, chemical, biological and combined methods. Disinsection (destruction and prevention of reproduction of harmful insects), deratization and deodorization (extermination of rats, mice and field rodents - pests) with poisonous chemicals manually. Bringing the objects to be treated to the disinfection chambers, loading and unloading them.

Should know: purpose, types and properties of substances used for disinfection, disinsection, deodorization and deratization; methods of loading and unloading disinfection chambers, personal and public safety measures during disinfection, disinsection and deratization; safety rules for working with pesticides; rules for the use of personal protective equipment.


3rd rank

Description of the work. Disinsection (destruction and prevention of reproduction of harmful insects), deratization and deodorization (extermination of rats, mice and field rodents - pests) with poisonous chemicals and insecticides using special machines and equipment. Preparation and maintenance of machinery and equipment, preparation and use of pesticides and other substances for disinfection, disinsection and deratization. Reception, accounting, storage and release of pesticides and products for the preparation of baits in accordance with the requirements of the instructions. Checking the quality and serviceability of protective equipment: gas masks, overalls, equipment, etc. - from the action of toxic substances.

Should know: purpose, properties and methods of preparation of substances used for disinfection, disinsection, deodorization and deratization; device and principle of operation of disinfection machines and devices for applying pesticides; the device and mode of operation of the disinfection chambers, depending on the nature of the objects to be disinfected; methods of hydraulic testing of equipment working under pressure; signs of poisoning and the rules for providing first aid in this case; safety rules for working with pesticides; the timing of the exposure during disinfection and deodorization.

Clothing demonstrator

3rd rank

Description of the work. Demonstration of clothing models at technical, art councils, methodological meetings, fashion congresses, sessions in showrooms, exhibitions, public lectures at enterprises and other screenings. Production fitting of models during their manufacture. Processing of the scenario plan for displaying models. Posing for artists - sketchers, as well as for photography and filming. Studying the direction of fashion in Russia and abroad.

Should know: rules for displaying clothing models, depending on its nature; the history of costumes and the direction of fashion in Russia and abroad.

(Introduced additionally, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 12.07.1993 No. 134).

Hairstyle demonstrator

2nd category

Description of the work. Demonstration of hairstyle models at competitions and seminars. Participation in experiments to create new hairstyle models. Posing for artists, as well as for photography and filming.

Must know: rules and techniques for demonstrating hairstyle models.

(Introduced additionally, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 12.07.1993 No. 134).

Train Document Delivery Service

1st rank

Description of the work. Delivery of freight traffic documents within the station to all objects and trains. Acceptance of documents according to the entry made in a special book for submission of documents. Checking the number of accepted documents, the correspondence of their names to those recorded in the change book, submission of documents against receipt.

Should know: the rules of admission and delivery of documents; location of points of acceptance and delivery of documents and other institutions; safety rules while on the station tracks; a rational scheme for the delivery of shipping documents.

Harvester of products and raw materials

3rd rank

Description of the work. Purchase of agricultural and other products and raw materials from the population. Organization of collection and delivery of secondary raw materials to procurement points. Collection and delivery of wild-growing medicinal and herbal raw materials. Organization of collection and delivery of food waste to livestock farms. Carrying out explanatory work about the value of harvested products and raw materials. Registration of acceptance receipts or statements in the prescribed manner.

Should know: rules for the purchase of products and raw materials; quality attributes of products and raw materials; the procedure for the collection and delivery of secondary raw materials by enterprises, institutions and organizations; rules, procedure for collection and delivery of wild-growing medicinal plant materials and food waste; settlement rules for prepared products and raw materials.

(Introduced additionally, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 12.07.1993 No. 134).

Watering machine tanker

2nd category

Description of the work. Filling water sprinkler tanks with water. Connecting the filling pipe with a plug valve to the tank of the water washer, fire pump (stand) and to the hydrant of the water well, disconnecting them. Opening and closing the water well cover. Maintain the filler pipe, stander and hydrant in good condition. Minor repairs to the filler pipe, stander and fire hydrant.

Should know: the device of hydrants, standers and the rules for eliminating minor faults in them.

Zoo laboratory assistant serpentarium (nursery)

Description of the work. Breeding, rearing and care of captured poisonous snakes. Planting snakes from cages, aviaries, delivering them to the place of venom collection and back. Assisting the herpetologist in the selection of venom from poisonous snakes. Removal of molded teeth with tweezers, treatment of the snake's mouth with drugs, electrodes. Feeding snakes and food animals, cleaning cages, aviaries, washing floors, changing bedding, cleaning up dead snakes and food animals, excrement, crawling. Removing drinkers, feeders, trays and other equipment from the cages, washing and disinfecting it. Maintaining the temperature, lighting, humidity and ventilation regime in the serpentarium (nursery).

Should know: the design and purpose of the cage and aviary systems of the serpentarium; rules for determining the sex of venomous snakes; rules and hygiene for feeding and drinking snakes; sanitary requirements for workplaces; purpose, rules and methods of disinfection; rules and methods for regulating the microclimate in the serpentarium; biological characteristics of each type of snake; labor safety rules when working with snakes; methods of providing first aid to a victim of bites.

When working with dangerous poisonous snakes - 3rd category.

When working with especially dangerous poisonous snakes - 4th grade.

When working with any poisonous snakes and supervising the work of zoo laborers of lower categories - 5th grade.

Navigational situation informant

3rd rank

Description of the work. Collecting from the workers of the posts of the navigational situation on the assigned area of ​​daily information on the results of daily measurements of the dimensions of the navigable channel, changes in the location of signs of the navigable situation and the location of ships and technical fleet (dredgers, korchekrans, etc.), as well as prospecting channel and straightening parties. Processing and communication of this information to the technical section of the track (the area of ​​hydraulic structures) by telephone, radio or other means. Transmission of instructions and orders technical area paths to the situation brigades for the commanders of dredging and bottom cleaning shells, prospecting channel and straightening parties and other production units. Ensuring the safety and correct operation radiotelephone equipment and fixed means of transport.

Should know: the purpose of all types of situational signs, the procedure and methods for measuring the depth and width of the fairway, planned guaranteed and differentiated track dimensions on the serviced section; rules of navigation on inland waterways concerning the navigational situation, visual and sound signals; radio station operating rules and communication schedule with production units.

When performing work in areas with intensive navigation and the production of dredging, dredging - 4th grade.

(Introduced additionally, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 12.07.1993 No. 134).

Prosthetic and Orthopedic Products Tester

Description of the work. Testing of prosthetic and orthopedic products according to established methods in various conditions. Studying the designs of the test items and putting them on. Participation in the preparation of products for testing: disassembly, assembly and, if necessary, adjustment of the tested units of prosthetic and orthopedic products; checking the functionality and interaction of various nodes and mechanisms. Identification of defects and design flaws in the tested products. Delivery in accordance with the established procedure of tested products in accordance with technical specifications. Participation in the preparation of test reports.

Must know: purpose, device and design features prosthetic and orthopedic products and their modules, instrumentation and test equipment; rules for preparing products for testing and test methods; the purpose and interaction of all parts of the tested products; technical conditions and requirements for the quality of assembly of products; causes of defects in the testing process and methods for their elimination; fundamentals of anatomy and biomechanics of human movements.

When testing prosthetic and orthopedic products:

shins, feet, hands, forearms and other products of typical cases of prosthetics - 3rd category.

When testing prosthetic and orthopedic products for atypical cases of prosthetics, as well as products with external energy sources - 4th category.

(Introduced additionally, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 12.07.1993 No. 134).


1st rank

Description of the work. Heating of stoves with solid and gaseous fuels and their maintenance in residential premises, cultural, educational, office and other institutions. Loading, shurovka and minor repairs of furnaces. Monitoring the good condition of furnaces and chimneys, cleaning furnace furnaces from ash and slag. Removal of ash and slag from the premises to the designated place. Maintaining the required temperature in heated rooms. Chopping and sawing wood, crushing coal, preparing and supplying fuel to the stoves. Keeping records of fuel consumption. Drawing up and submitting fuel applications.

Should know: rules for stoking heating stoves with solid and gaseous fuels; types of fuel and rules for its combustion; location of chimneys; methods for shuraing and cleaning fireboxes; fuel consumption rates; rules for the use of fire extinguishers and other fire-fighting equipment; rules for drawing up fuel bids.


2nd category

Description of the work. Maintenance of the subway drainage system and ensuring its uninterrupted operation. Prompt switching of power supply on electrical assemblies when voltage is removed with the permission of the command post. Monitoring the proper operation of electrical appliances, shut-off valves and the condition of the sump and drainage receiving devices. Identification and elimination of equipment malfunctions. Maintaining an operational log.

Should know: the device and maintenance rules of the drainage system; characteristics of pumps, permissible loads in the course of their work; drainage system communications diagram; location of valves and safety devices.

(Introduced additionally, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 12.07.1993 No. 134).

Ticket cashier

2nd category

Description of the work. Issuance and sale of tickets, season tickets, boarding passes and other travel and transportation documents for transport (air, sea, river, rail, road, city electric transport, etc.), theaters, cinemas, circuses, clubs, parks, stadiums and other entertainment establishments manually and using ticket printing machines and vending machines, terminal equipment, automated systems for selling and booking seats. Transfer of information on the availability of tickets, season tickets, boarding passes and other travel and transportation documents sold at the box office. Service of ticket printers, ticket sales and change machines; money change for passengers to use ticket printing machines. Registration, pre-sale and sale of tickets (season tickets) and other travel and transportation documents upon request. Receipt, storage and delivery of funds, forms of documents and other material values ​​in the prescribed manner. Acceptance of travel and other documents from citizens in cases of their refusal to travel, flight, etc. and the return of the money paid by them in the prescribed manner.

Should know: the rules for the carriage of passengers and baggage by the appropriate mode of transport; application of tariffs and established surcharges and fees; the procedure for recalculating the cost of travel from one type of transport to another; forms of travel documents; rules for issuing preferential tickets; layouts of seats in carriages, ships, buses, in the halls of entertainment establishments, etc .; diagrams of the corresponding transport networks; main routes and timetables of transport; instructions for the receipt, storage and delivery of funds, forms of documents and other material values.

Ticket cashier

3rd rank

Description of the work. Registration and sale of travel and carriage documents by means of transport in international, mixed, direct (cabotage), local and suburban communications, for sightseeing, walking and tourist flights, for cruise flights, upon preliminary orders, collective applications, for travel with a "direct reserved seat "and check-out. Allocation of seats between ticket offices and transfer of information about the remaining free seats after the departure of a train, ship, bus, plane. Distribution of tickets and season tickets in theaters, cinemas, circuses, clubs, parks, stadiums and other entertainment establishments by cashiers (cashiers). Drawing up cash reports on ticket sales in accordance with the established frequency. Introduction of approved changes to tariff and auxiliary guidelines. Participation in the maintenance, adjustment and repair of the equipment used.

Should know: the rules for conducting cash and banking operations in terms of accounting and reporting; forms of travel documents for domestic and international transport; the procedure for issuing and selling tickets for travel to special zones; purpose, structure and rules of maintenance of the equipment used; rules for recording and transferring information on the availability of free seats on trains, buses, airplanes, on ships; the established reporting and the procedure for its preparation.

Cashier of the trading floor

2nd category

Description of the work. Paying customers for goods and services, receiving money, punching a check, issuing change. Refund for an unused check. Checking the serviceability of the cash register, refueling the control and receipt tapes, recording meter readings, translating the numerator to zeros and installing the donor. Elimination of minor malfunctions of the cash register. Receiving a bargaining chip and placing it in the cash drawer. Familiarization with the range of available goods and their prices. Counting money and handing it over in accordance with the established procedure, reconciling the amount of sale with the readings of cash counters.

Should know: the device and rules of operation of cash registers; rules for settlements with buyers; the procedure for receiving, storing and issuing funds, signs of the solvency of state banknotes; assortment and retail prices of commercially available goods; the procedure for maintaining a cash book, drawing up cash statements.

When performing work on maintaining a cash book, drawing up a cash report - 3rd category.

(Introduced additionally, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 12.07.1993 No. 134).


1st rank

Description of the work. Sorting of used clothes, linen, etc., labeling them, handing over for washing, minor repairs and ironing after washing. Participation in drawing up acts for the cancellation of worn-out special and sanitary clothing, footwear, linen and other items.

Should know: terms of wearing special and sanitary clothing, footwear, underwear, etc., exchange and tag rules.


2nd category

Description of the work. Receiving, checking and issuing overalls, footwear, sanitary clothes, linen, removable equipment (covers, curtains, etc.) and safety devices. Keeping records and control over the correct use of overalls, linen, etc. Registration of the established documentation.

Must know: the procedure for receiving, issuing, storing and writing off due to wear and tear of special and sanitary clothing, footwear, linen, safety devices; the procedure for maintaining the established documentation.

§ 6. Test driver 2nd category

Description of works... Preparation for the supply and delivery of vehicles from the main conveyor to the areas of bench testing and elimination of equipment defects, to storage areas, places of loading onto railway rolling stock and special vehicles. Visual inspection of the technical condition of vehicles. Checking the lock of the hood, doors, trunk and glass lifters.

Must know: the principle of operation of serviced vehicles; rules and instructions for their reception and safety; schemes for placing cars at storage areas and at places of loading.

§ 7. Test driver of the 3rd category

Description of works... Carrying out certain types of tests according to standard methods. Disassembly, assembly and adjustment of tested units, assemblies and devices under the guidance of a test driver of a higher qualification. Loading vehicles by driving onto railway rolling stock and special vehicles with their installation at the attachment points.

Must know: device of serviced units, assemblies and devices; the principle of operation of instrumentation, test instruments and stands; the rules for loading cars by entering the railway rolling stock and special vehicles and their placement schemes.

§ 8. Test driver of the 4th category

Description of works... Carrying out certain types of tests according to standard methods. Disassembly, assembly and adjustment of the tested units, assemblies and devices. Preparation of motorcycles, mopeds, cars, trolley buses, cranes, tractors, combines, self-propelled mowers and other vehicles for testing. Running in and identifying defects and design flaws in them. Maintenance of a fixed vehicle, tractor, trolleybus and motor vehicles. Complex maneuvering of vehicles on the loading platform, their installation on the rotary device of the loading retractable platform, followed by their feeding into the two-tier devices of the cars and their installation on the attachment points. Car delivery to quality control department according to technical conditions.

Must know: device and principle of operation of the loading retractable platform with a rotary device of the serviced units, assemblies and devices; purpose and use of instrumentation and test instruments and stands; technical conditions for the installation, adjustment and acceptance of the main components and assemblies; causes of individual malfunctions and defects arising in the testing process, methods of their elimination; wiring diagrams of electrical equipment; methodology for certain types of tests of serial and experimental motorcycle vehicles, cars, trolley buses, tractors, combines.

§ 9. Test driver of the 5th category

Description of works... Carrying out tests according to approved programs in various road and climatic conditions. Disassembly, assembly and adjustment of the tested complex components and assemblies. Technological test runs of cars, trolley buses, cranes, tractors, self-propelled mowers, motorcycles and other vehicles. Field tests of combines, carrying out test runs in road conditions of experimental models of motorcycles. Elimination of detected defects.

Must know: purpose, structure and principle of operation of complex units, assemblies and instruments, instrumentation and test equipment; manufacturing technology; technical conditions and requirements for the quality of assembly and for the commissioning of motorcycles, cars, trolley buses, tractors and combines; wiring diagrams; causes of defects in the testing process, ways to eliminate them; test methodology for cars, trolley buses, tractors, self-propelled mowers, combines and experimental tests of motorcycles.

§ 10. Test driver of the 6th category

Description of works... Carrying out run and complex tests in various road and difficult natural and climatic conditions. Carrying out experimental tests of cars and tractors of all classes and types. Testing of special motorcycles designed for road circuit racing.

Must know: purpose, structure and principle of operation of especially complex units, assemblies and instruments, special instrumentation, instruments and test equipment; a methodology for experimental testing of cars and tractors of all classes and types.

Secondary vocational education is required.

Description of the work.

Carrying out tests according to approved programs in various road and climatic conditions. Disassembly, assembly and adjustment of the tested complex components and assemblies. Technological test runs of cars, trolley buses, cranes, tractors, self-propelled mowers, motorcycles and other vehicles. Field tests of combines, carrying out test runs in road conditions of experimental models of motorcycles. Elimination of detected defects.

What you need to know:

  • purpose, structure and principle of operation of complex units, assemblies and instruments, instrumentation and test equipment
  • manufacturing technology
  • technical conditions and requirements for the quality of assembly and for the commissioning of motorcycles, cars, trolley buses, tractors and combines
  • wiring diagrams
  • causes of defects in the testing process, ways to eliminate them
  • test methodology for cars, trolley buses, tractors, self-propelled mowers, combines and experimental tests of motorcycles.


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