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The question that now worries all parents - what changes in the rules for the carriage of children will be in 2018?

The latest changes to the rules for the carriage of children came into force on July 12, 2017. No changes are expected in 2018.

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  • Transportation of children under 7 years old

    In the back, in the front seat, in the cab of a truck- the use of a child restraint is mandatory.

    Transportation of children from 7 to 12 years old

    Children who have turned 7 years old are allowed to be transported in the back seat of a passenger car and in a cargo cabin without using car seats or any other means. It is enough to fasten them with a regular seat belt.

    On the front seat of a passenger car, it is compulsory to use a car seat until the child reaches the age of 12.

    Transportation of children after 12 years

    According to the rules road traffic children over the age of 12 are subject to the general obligations of passengers as for adults.

    Leaving the child in the car

    It is forbidden to leave a child under 7 years old in the car in the absence of an adult when parking the car.

    Please note that the prohibition applies only to the parking time. The rules allow leaving the child when making a stop for a period of no more than 5 minutes.

    Points of the Road Traffic Regulations

    The rules for the transportation of people are described in chapter 22 of the Rules. Children are mentioned in clause 22.2 - carriage in the back, clause 22.6 - organized carriage of children and clause 22.9 - special requirements for the carriage of children. It is paragraph 22.9 from July 12, 2017 that is set out completely in a new edition. New paragraph from 12 July 2017 in clause 12.8 - leaving the child in the car.

    22.2. The carriage of people in the body of a flatbed truck is permitted if it is equipped in accordance with the Basic Provisions, and the carriage of children is not allowed.

    22.6. Organized transportation of a group of children must be carried out in accordance with these Rules, as well as the rules approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, in a bus marked identification marks"Transportation of children".

    Organized transportation of a group of children, in addition to the Traffic Rules, is regulated by a separate document "Rules organized transportation groups of children by buses ”.

    22.9. Carriage of children under the age of 7 in passenger car and the truck cab, which are designed with seat belts or seat belts and the ISOFIX * child restraint system, must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) appropriate for the weight and height of the child.

    The transportation of children aged 7 to 11 years (inclusive) in a car and a truck cabin, the design of which provides for seat belts or seat belts and a child restraint system ISOFIX, must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) appropriate for the weight and height of the child , or using seat belts, and in the front seat of a passenger car - only using child restraint systems (devices) appropriate for the weight and height of the child.

    Installation of child restraint systems (devices) in a passenger car and a cab of a lorry and placement of children in them must be carried out in accordance with the operating instructions for these systems (devices).

    Children under 12 years of age must not be transported in the back seat of a motorcycle.

    * The name of the ISOFIX child restraint system is given in accordance with Technical regulations Customs Union TP PC 018/2011 "On the safety of wheeled vehicles"

    It is forbidden to leave a child under the age of 7 years in the vehicle during its parking in the absence of an adult.

    Traffic police fine for violation of the rules for transporting children

    Penalty for violation of the rules for the transportation of children established by part 3 of article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and amounts to from 3,000 to 100,000 rubles.

    3. Violation of the requirements for the carriage of children established by the Rules of the Road -
    shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on the driver in the amount of three thousand rubles; for officials - twenty five thousand rubles; for legal entities - one hundred thousand rubles.

    Therefore, do not be surprised if a taxi driver refuses to transport a child without a child seat. For such a violation he is threatened.

    If a taxi driver agrees to take a child without a child seat, you should be wary, firstly, this is a threat to the safety of your child, and secondly, such a taxi driver most likely works illegally and does not have a license to transport people. For individuals no such license is issued.

    Leaving a child under 7 years old alone in a car is a violation of the rules for stopping and parking. Liability is provided for in part 1 of article 12.19 in the form warnings or a fine of 500 rubles.

    12.19.1. Violation of the rules for stopping or parking vehicles, with the exception of cases provided for by part 1 of Article 12.10 of this Code and parts 2-6 of this Article, -
    shall entail a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

    In Moscow or St. Petersburg, this violation is qualified under Part 5 of Article 12.19 - in the form of a fine of 2,500 rubles.

    12.19.5. The violation provided for in part 1 of this article, committed in a city of federal significance Moscow or St. Petersburg, -
    shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of two thousand five hundred rubles.

    Perhaps in the near future a separate article will be highlighted for this violation.

  • In the media and social networks, publications about new rules for the carriage of children from July 1, 2017... It is reported about the ban of FEST devices, the ban on the transportation of children under 7 years old on front seat etc. To what extent this information corresponds to reality and how will the rules for transporting children change in July 2017.

    The media pages are full of reports that with 1 july 2017 children under 7 years old can only be transported in a child seat and only in the back seat of a car. Children aged 7-11 years in the front seat can only be transported in a car seat, and all other devices such as FEST adapters will be completely prohibited. However, this information is not true.

    Transportation of children under 7 years old from July 1, 2017

    The portal site has previously written thatall these amendments were supposed to enter into force yet January 1, 2017... However, the bill was never considered by the State Duma and was not signed by the government.At the same time, this bill, posted on the Federal portal of regulatory legal acts as early as June 22, 2016, has not been considered by the State Duma until now. That is, the above amendments torules for the carriage of children from 1 July 2017 of the year not accepted and not entered into force .

    Prohibition of FEST adapters from July 1, 2017

    The same applies to FEST adapters. To date, the traffic rules clause concerning the transportation of children has not changed and still sounds like this:

    "The transportation of children under 12 years of age in vehicles equipped with seat belts must be carried out using child restraints appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or other means that allow you to fasten the child using the seat belts provided for in the design. vehicle, and in the front seat of a car - only with the use of special child restraints".

    In the summer of 2017, they planned to introduce a fine for transporting children without a car seat: in the case of transporting children using FEST adapters or similar devices, drivers were to be fined 3,000 rubles.According to Natalia Agra, Deputy Chairperson of the Public Council under the Ministry of Transport, the government document toughening the rules for transporting children was planned to be adopted by June 2017.According to the initiative, it was proposed to leave only the car seat in the permitted ways of transporting children, and a booster for older children. Various devices of the "FEST" type and similar ones were proposed to be banned at the level of traffic rules, and for violation to be fined in the same way as for the absence of a car seat - by 3000 rubles.

    However, these amendments are still even not considered by the State Duma .

    Rules for the carriage of children by buses from July 1, 2017

    The only change in the rules for the transportation of children, which really comes into force from July 1, 2017, is the new requirements for the organized transportation of children by buses.

    On July 1, 2017, Resolution No. 652 of June 30, 2015 "On Amendments to Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation in terms of improving the rules for the organized transportation of a group of children by buses" comes into force. According to the document, from July 1, 2017, only a bus can be used for the organized transportation of a group of children, from the year of production of which no more than 10 years have passed, which corresponds in purpose and design technical requirements to the carriage of passengers, admitted in accordance with the established procedure to participate in road traffic and is equipped in accordance with the established procedure with a tachograph, as well as satellite navigation equipment GLONASS or GLONASS / GPS.

    In May of this year, the State Duma spoke about the need to lift this ban, but the relevant documents were never adopted.

    Surely the majority of motorists and just parents have already heard that the rules for transporting children have been changed since January 1, 2017. These changes are recorded in the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation, which come into force on January 1, 2017.

    The innovations under consideration, at first glance, may seem too strict, as well as the sanctions for violating the new rules - but it is worth thinking about the reasons for making these amendments to the set of rules governing road traffic in the Russian Federation.

    Changes in the rules for the carriage of children from January 1, 2017: rationale and nature

    Transportation of children by road and other types of transport is an urgent problem, since it concerns not only traffic rules, but also compliance with safety measures and protection of the rights of the child, as well as his life and health.

    Many drivers, without hesitation, risk the lives of their children, transporting them in violation of basic safety rules. Such negligence often leads to emergencies and even tragic consequences.

    Therefore, in order to minimize the risk of traumatic accidents, new rules for the transport of children were introduced in 2017, which are characterized by a much stricter attitude towards compliance with the recommended safety measures.

    Parents of a child, having put him in a vehicle, must take into account the degree of responsibility for the safety of the life and health of a minor passenger who is under their care. If personal consciousness for some reason is not enough, state sanctions come into force.

    According to the approved regulations, the transportation of children from January 1, 2017 is carried out as follows:

    • children who have reached the age of seven can be transported on back seat a car without the use of special fasteners;
    • anterior passenger seat when transporting a passenger under the age of 12 years must be equipped with a special child seat;
    • automotive Baby chair must be adapted to the individual parameters of the child, while the design takes into account his height, weight and other features.

    Sanctions for violation of the rules for the transportation of children

    According to the new rules for the transportation of children, from 2017, increased penalties will also be introduced for violation of the established norms.

    Not only the logic of the application of fines has changed, but also the procedure for their accrual.

    In particular, if the child is not in an appropriate restraint while being on front seat next to the driver, the amount of the fine will be up to 3 thousand rubles.

    An important innovation is also the provision, which will come into force from the beginning of next year, according to which it is strictly forbidden to allow young children under the age of 7 years to be found in vehicles without adult supervision.

    Such a situation is unacceptable in principle - even if one of the parents needs to be absent for a minimum time. The logic of such a prohibition is simple and obvious - in the event of a emergency in the car itself, or with its indirect or direct participation, the child who is in the cabin himself finds himself in a critical situation without the help of an adult. Such cases in the past, alas, were not isolated and their consequences were often tragic. The critical mass of such precedents prompted state bodies to introduce this ban at the official level in the traffic rules of the Russian Federation.

    It should be noted that the fine for the first violation of the considered paragraph is not high and amounts to about 500 rubles. This measure should rather be seen as a reminder to parents and a call to responsibility for the life and safety of their own child.

    New rules for the transportation of children - a step towards the formation of a responsible consciousness of the parent and the motorist

    The updated rules for the transportation of children from January 1, 2017 caused a lively resonance in society, and the reviews are not always positive.

    Many motorists complain that the design of special car seats for children under 12 years of age is not always adapted to real indicators height and weight of the child. Sometimes it is quite difficult to seat an 11-year-old boy about 150 centimeters tall in a portable baby device.

    But these difficulties are quite surmountable - you just need to show a little initiative and consciousness. Indeed, the purchase of additional devices for transporting children requires financial costs - but keep in mind that this is about the life and safety of your child.

    The same applies to the prohibition to leave children in the car. Many parents frivolously ignored this recommendation, until a clause on the imposition of fines on such would-be motorists appeared in the traffic rules. After all, having gone away, as you think, for a minute, you can find yourself in an unforeseen situation, and the child, in the meantime, will be in a potentially unsafe environment, without the opportunity to receive the necessary help.

    Therefore, we study the new rules for the transportation of children, adhere to the prescribed recommendations - and travel with the little ones for our common pleasure, safely and comfortably.

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    On the eve of the new 2017 year, many motorists with small children are interested in the question of how the rules for transporting children in a car will change in 2017? What is new in the traffic rules in this case?

    First, let's look at the existing traffic rules and note important points for ourselves regarding the rules for transporting children in a car.

    Any driver, before putting the kids in his car, should remember that carrying children in a car is a very responsible occupation. Leaving on the road with children, the driver assumes additional responsibility for the life and health of young passengers. To prevent accidents while driving a car with children in its cabin, there are certain rules, which state that, firstly, transportation of children under 12 years old in the front seat of a car (not equipped with special safety equipment) is prohibited, and secondly, transportation children under 12 years of age in vehicles equipped with seat belts must be carried out using child restraints appropriate for the child's weight and height, or other means that allow the child to be fastened using seat belts.

    This means that to transport children, the car must be equipped with seat belts and car seats.

    The child car seat can be installed both in the rear and in the front seats, but with the obligatory deactivation of the airbag deployment mechanism. If the child is already 12 years old, then when transporting him in the front seat, the airbag safety system must be activated.

    Considering the rear sofa of a car as a place for installing a child seat, we note that the center rear seat will be the best for its installation, since, according to statistics, this is the safest place. If you have absolutely little kid, he will need a special seat or car seat in the car.

    New rules for transporting children in cars. Choosing a car seat!

    According to the current rules, if a driver transports an adult passenger without a seat belt, he can be fined 500 rubles. If the passenger is a child, then the fine will already be 3000 rubles. (Part 3 of Article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

    Let's consider the most typical concrete case of an offense. The driver is carrying a child in the back seat who has not yet turned 7 years old, the child is not wearing a seat belt. In this case, the driver violated part 1 of article 12.23 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation and his fault is that he allowed the carriage of a child under the age of 7, not wearing a seat belt, in the back seat of a car. The Traffic Rules (clause 22.9) contain the following rule for the carriage of children: it is allowed to transport children under 12 years old in a car equipped with seat belts, transportation must be carried out using special child restraints appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or other means that allow you to fasten the child using the safety belts provided for the design of the vehicle, and in the front seat of the car - only with the use of child restraints. Consequently, when transporting children under the age of 12, it is mandatory either to use special restraints appropriate for the weight and height of the child, which do not use the seat belt provided for by the vehicle design, or the use of special means that allow the child to be fastened using seat belts. Responsibility for violation of the rules for the transportation of people is provided for in part 1 of article 12.23 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. This norm, in case of violation of the rules for the transportation of children established by paragraph 22.9 of the Traffic Rules, is special in relation to Article 12.6 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, which establishes responsibility for driving a vehicle by a driver who is not wearing a seat belt, transporting passengers who are not wearing seat belts, if the design of the vehicle seat belts are provided.

    To date, with the introduction of amendments and additions to Chapter 12 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation, the sanction of Article 12.6 "Violation of the rules for using seat belts or motorcycle helmets" has been changed upward from five hundred rubles to one thousand rubles, and article 12.23 "Violation of the rules for transporting people" is supplemented with a part the third with the following content: "Violation of the requirements for the carriage of children established by the Rules of the Road shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of three thousand rubles."

    Changes in the rules for the carriage of children in 2017

    The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation has prepared a new draft law regulating the procedure for the transportation of children by car... It was planned to be adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in December 2016, and it should have been applied from January 1 of the new year. However, most likely, this law will not be adopted until January 1, 2017, which means that for now we will be guided by the old procedure for using child seats in cars.

    Of course, sooner or later, and with a high probability, new rules for transporting children in cars will be adopted.

    What does the Ministry of Internal Affairs propose to change in the rules for transporting children?

    The draft law addresses new requirements for child car restraints.

    To our surprise, the new rules are not aimed at toughening them, increasing penalties and driver liability. If the amendments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are adopted, they will, on the contrary, simplify the procedure for transporting minors in cars, because paragraph 22.9 of the Road Traffic Rules is proposed to be stated in the following abbreviated version:

    "22.9. Transportation of children under the age of 7 years in a passenger car and in the cab of a truck, which are designed with seat belts, must be carried out using child restraint systems appropriate for the weight and height of the child. "

    That is, from paragraph 22.9 of the Rules, the phrase "or other means that allows you to fasten a child with the help of seat belts provided for by the design of the vehicle" is excluded.

    Why did the Ministry of Internal Affairs take such a step? It's all about the practical experience and experiments that were carried out with these "other means." It was concluded that just the additional devices used in conjunction with standard seat belts greatly increase the risk of injury and lead to an increase in the risk to the health and life of children in the car. The use of a conventional seat belt has proven to be the safest option in this regard.

    That is why, in the new 2017 regulations, children between the ages of 7 and 11 can be transported in the back seat both in restraint seats and using standard seat belts.

    At the same time, the new rules will preserve the procedure for transporting young children in the front seat. (regarding the need to use child restraint seats). The baby must be carried only in a child restraint car seat.

    Another feature of the new 2017 rules for the carriage of children in a car is the prohibition on leaving young children (under 7 years old) alone in the car without adult supervision. For leaving a child in the car while parking unattended, a fine of 500 rubles is provided.

    By such a prohibition, the legislator intends to reduce the consequences of being in a car in the absence of an adult that are dangerous to the life and health of a child.

    Thus, in 2017, a new procedure for transporting children in cars may come into effect. The main thing in it: children over 7 years old will be allowed to drive in a car in the back seat without a child car seat, but at the same time, he must be fastened with a regular seat belt; in the front seat, a child (up to 12 years old) must be secured with a special restraint device corresponding to his height and weight; if children are left in the car without adult supervision, a fine of 500 rubles is imposed.

    Some statistics

    And finally, in order to draw your attention to the seriousness of the situation with child injuries when driving in cars, here are some statistics: child mortality in road accidents with the use of restraints is 54% less than without them, and devices is reduced by 70%.

    Video: "New rules for the transportation of children"

    Effective from July 1, 2017. Here, the measures have been significantly tightened. Now buses produced more than 10 years ago are not allowed to such a responsible event. Transport of a younger age, in addition to the established requirements for technical condition, must be equipped with a tachograph and the GLONASS satellite system.

    Grounds: Resolution No. 652 of June 30, 2015 "On amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation in terms of improving the rules for the organized transportation of a group of children by buses."

    Regarding the transportation of children by light vehicles, there have also been changes in traffic rules: now child seats can only be installed in the rear seat... Accordingly, children under seven years of age can only move in a light vehicle in the back seat. At the same time, they must be fixed in a restraint device, which must correspond to the parameters of the child.

    Now attention: this innovation makes it clear that children cannot sit in the front seat even if the child seat is installed there. Until January 1, this moment remained unworked. Now, the decree strictly specifies the place where it is allowed to install a child seat, and the fact that it is prohibited to transport a child without it.

    Accordingly, it will no longer work to put your child next to the driver - a fine of 3,000 rubles. For leaving a child unattended in a car - a fine of 500 rubles.

    Inspection: 2017 innovations

    According to the new law, now all vehicles must pass inspection, regardless of purpose. Penalty for lack of technical inspection will be from 500 to 800 rubles, but this is only for the first time.

    The second hit threatens the driver with either a larger fine (5,000 rubles), or deprivation of rights for a period of 1-3 months.

    However, the government has provided for some changes in the maintenance procedure. This was primarily reflected in the prices. According to the new bill, the prices for passing maintenance will have two redistributions: maximum and minimum.

    Car rental by officials

    Effective January 1, 2017.Until the beginning of 2017, officials could lease or rent cars with a capacity of more than 200 hp. and worth more than 2.5 million rubles, but not for budget money. That is, they could buy an expensive car with their own financial resources and use it as a worker. Now these restrictions have been imposed on personal finances as well. Now,officials cannot even buy or rent a powerful car for their own money... Moreover, even taking a taxi with a power of more than 200 hp would be a violation of the law for them.

    Grounds: Resolution "On supplementing the requirements for certain types of goods, works, services purchased by state bodies and state extra-budgetary funds." The bill was signed by Dmitry Medvedev on December 5, 2016 and entered into force on January 1, 2017.

    Interesting infographics:


    Effective January 1, 2017. One of the most painful topics of car owners is the punishment for tinting. However, the government does not make concessions and does not soften its demands. Rather, on the contrary, the fine for toning has been increased and measures have been toughened in case of a repeated violation.

    So if until 2017 the car owner could simply remove the film from the windows in the presence of a traffic police officer and calmly drive on, now this maneuver is no longer possible. The Duma has developed a whole algorithm of punitive measures for lovers of darkness in the cabin:

    1. On the first hit - a fine of 500 rubles. To remove the film in this case is already useless. The specified amount will still have to be paid.
    2. The second hit - a fine of 5000 rubles.
    3. The third hit - deprivation of rights for a period of 2-6 months.

    Thus, the most inveterate tinting enthusiasts may be left without a license for six months.

    CTP policies in 2017

    Regarding OSAGO policies for 2017, it is provided immediately three innovations:

    Effective January 1, 2017 the law according to which all insurance companies must provide their customers with the opportunity registration of OSAGO policies in electronic form... This should greatly facilitate the procedure for obtaining insurance and exclude the imposition of various additional services that has become habitual.

    If the insurance company does not provide such a service, then it may incur a fine of 300,000 rubles. The bill is still designed for 6 months.

    If during this period the situation with obtaining insurance does not improve, then the government promises to monopolize the entire system. This means that there will be one company that will specialize only in issuing OSAGO policies. The rest of the insurance companies will only be intermediaries between this company and the car owners.

    Grounds: Federal Law of June 23, 2016 N 214-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance of Vehicle Owners ".

    Effective January 1, 2017. Another new change in traffic rules: now, when calculating its cost, not 9 factors will be taken into account, as it was before, but 10. The tenth factor will be number of traffic violations... Thus, those who like to break the rules will now incur additional losses.

    For 2017, more precisely until July 1, extended pre-trial procedure for resolving disputes with insurance companies... If until 2014 in order to obtain insurance it was necessary to go to court without fail, then starting from 2014 the need for this arises only if the insurance company refuses to pay insurance.


    Effective January 1, 2017. Since 2017, the ERA-GLONASS system will become mandatory for all imported vehicles... This includes vehicles that must receive an OTTP (Vehicle Type Approval) after the start of 2017. If the deadline for obtaining the OTTP has expired, then the ERA-GLONASS installation is not needed.It should be added that the procedure for connecting the car to the system will cost the car owner a rather large amount. This may lead to the refusal of foreign automobile concerns to supply cars to the Russian Federation.

    For example, BMW has already withdrawn its 4 and 6 series convertibles. the installation of GLONASS significantly affects the cost of the car itself, which is already too high.

    The system should facilitate the accident notification system. In the event of an accident involving a light vehicle, notification occurs automatically, with the participation of commercial vehicles - notification is made manually using a button.

    Replacement and obtaining a driver's license in 2017

    Effective from February 1, 2017. And here the situation has become more attractive. In order to replace the license, you no longer need to go to the traffic police. This service, starting from February 1, will be provided by multifunctional centers (MFC). Among other changes, it is also planned to increase the state duty for obtaining a driver's license and for a vehicle registration certificate. So far, the amount of these fees is 2,000 and 2,850 rubles, respectively. How much they will change is still unknown.


    The difficult situation with the Platon payment system continues to grow. In 2017, the size of the fee for trucks will double... In February 2017, the amount of payment for 1 km for trucks will be 2.6 rubles, and in June - 3.06.

    Parking in a mortgage

    Effective January 1, 2017. The Duma tried to solve the problem with the lack of parking spaces. Now parking spaces can become the private property of the car owner. You can buy a parking space in any territory adjacent to buildings and structures, marked in the cadastral register. Also, there should be marked boundaries and markings of the territory.

    When buying a parking space, the car owner can mark it with paint on the floor, special stickers or any other barrier elements that do not go beyond the purchased territory. The government foresees the possibility buying a parking space in a mortgage and registration of a place in the property.

    Ban on non-environmentally friendly cargo vehicles in Moscow

    Starting out from January 1, 2017 trucks with engines of class less than "Euro-3" will it is forbidden to enter the TTK... Cars of class "Euro-2" and below will not be able to move both inside the Third Transport Ring and inside the MAD. Such measures should improve the environmental situation in Moscow.

    Electronic OB van

    From July 1, 2017 comes into force electronic PTS law... In the Eurasian Economic Union, a similar system has been functioning since August 2016. This innovation gives car owners several advantages at once:

    1. When buying a used car, the buyer can easily find out all the information about the car and about its owner;
    2. In the electronic PTS it will be possible to save information about the passed renovation work, THEN, etc.
    3. If the car is a pledge property in the bank, then this fact will also be reflected in the electronic PTS.

    Important: Electronic PTS will help to avoid fraudulent schemes in which car owners sell their cars that are pledged to the bank and stop paying loan payments. This leads to the fact that the pledged car is confiscated, and the new car owner is left without money and without a car.

    Property tax for businesses on a car

    In 2017, a law should come into force, according to which legal entities may not pay car tax if the vehicle is less than 3 years old. Such a measure, according to Dmitry Medvedev, should solve two problems at once: instruct business owners to regularly update their fleet andto increase the demand for domestic cars.

    GOST for traffic police cameras

    Effective from June 1, 2017. The Federal Regulatory Agency has compiled a list of requirements that all visual surveillance equipment used by the traffic police must meet. Fixation equipment can be magnetic, inductive, radar, piezoelectric, laser. Regardless of the type of equipment, it must meet the following requirements:

    1. The range of measured speeds should be 20-250 km / h;
    2. Recognition of vehicle numbers must be 90% accurate, regardless of the time of day and weather conditions;
    3. The snapshot provided by the hardware must be High Quality and allow decals to be found on the vehicle.

    Existing cameras that do not meet the specified requirements must be replaced by June 1, 2017. Additional cameras should be installed in places of increased danger and in areas where more than 3 accidents occurred during one year.

    Fines for car tuning

    In 2017, drivers will no longer be able to tune a car with impunity and supplement it with original attributes. Most of the reconstruction of the vehicle can cost the car owner a small fine - only 500 rubles. But it is worth noting violations that are fraught with large losses for the driver:

    1. Installation of red headlights on the front side of the vehicle - for such a violation, the driver is threatened with deprivation of his license for a period of 4-6 months;
    2. Installation of flashing lights and / or sound annunciators - deprivation of rights for a period of one to one and a half years;
    3. Using the sign "disabled" on the body of a car - a fine of 5,000 rubles;
    4. Using Service Color Schemes emergency- deprivation of rights for a period of one to 1.5 years;
    5. Installation of taxi colors - a fine of 5,000 rubles.

    There are also violations that the driver can get rid of. a fine of 500 rubles:

    1. Use of additional fuel tanks;
    2. Dismantling and installation of LPG, changes in traffic rules in 2017 add these works to violations;
    3. Replacement of the vehicle body type;
    4. Installation of winches and hoists on cargo vehicles;
    5. Use of xenon and diode lamps as external lighting devices or in addition to them;


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