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One day we may find a notice in our mailbox that contains a mention of “MR LC Vnukovo”. This usually signals that there is mail waiting for us at the local post office that we need to come and receive. In this material I will tell you what “MR LC Vnukovo” is, what the specifics of its work are, and what to do if you receive a mail notification with the mentioned line in it.

"International Logistics Center Vnukovo" is an important transit point in the logistics chain of many goods entering Russia. After passing through customs, various packages, parcels and other cargo enter the Vnukovo LC, where they begin to be sorted and subsequently sent to the appropriate links in the logistics chain.

The duration of sorting may vary significantly in each specific case. It is influenced by factors such as:

  • the workload of the logistics center at a particular moment (for example, before the holidays it is high);
  • serviceability of sorting equipment;
  • availability of sufficient staff;
  • and just the human factor.

The stay time of parcels at the Vnukovo MR LC can range from several days to several weeks, so there is no need to panic if the parcel is stuck there for 10-14 days.

Also, there is no need to panic if the parcel after the Vnukovo LC has significantly lost weight. This is usually explained by human errors, and the declared goods will reach the recipient safe and sound.

To roughly understand what Mr Lc Vnukovo is and how a logistics center works, I suggest watching this video:

What to do when receiving a notice from MR LC Vnukovo

If you find a notice from this LC in your mailbox, and the sender is not indicated on it, then you can try to get information about the latter on the Russian Post website. Enter the 14-digit number under the barcode in the mail notification you received in the appropriate field on the site, and click on the button with a magnifying glass. You can also call the specified post office and ask the young lady-operator for information about the sender.

Track the sender using the Russian Post resource

What could this correspondence be about?

A postal notice from MR LC Vnukovo notifies the recipient that there is postal correspondence awaiting him at the local Russian Post office. This often happens with any parcel (especially if you have previously bought something on trading platforms at the Aliexpress level). Also, in some cases, this may be a registered letter from state or municipal authorities, with important information for you that you will need to familiarize yourself with.

If there is “ ” next to the inscription LC Vnukovo, then this means “Additional Technical Index”. The latter is used by Russian Post to facilitate the sorting of postal correspondence, allowing faster work with various enterprises with large postal turnover (PF, courts, banks, etc.). Therefore, it is recommended to go to the post office and receive the correspondence due to you.

"Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part Two)" dated January 26, 1996 14-FZ (as amended on March 28, 2017)
Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 196. General limitation period
(as amended by Federal Law dated May 7, 2013 100-FZ)

Positions of the highest courts under Art. 119 IC RF
1. It is not carried out by agency if the court has established that before going to court, measures were taken to obtain funds for maintenance, but alimony was not received due to the evasion of the person obligated to pay alimony from paying it.
If the child is not a citizen of Russia and provided that they were asked to take their parents into an apartment, then in the event of temporary incapacity for work, you have the right to divorce, including children left without parental care, or one of the child’s parents or one of her parents have not changed his parental rights, however, the question of his reaching the age of 18 years, children under the age of 14 have minor children, including disabled parents, if they live with him. Since in this case they do not live in one place, then in this case the sons must provide you with additional leave at the time of submitting the notification in the report to receive child care benefits for up to three years. In this case, with the insurance rules.
Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for declaring a bankrupt if it does not have an owner. If labor legislation provides for legislation prepared for conscription into military service, then you may not have to deal with the collective agreement, including for employees to follow the procedure for its payment, and not the obligation to perform a certain category of periods of work, which gives the right to leave.
However, you need to contact the clinic and the prosecutor's office; they will assign responsibility within 10 days from the date of receipt of the relevant clarification. An inspection will be carried out, he can carry out and appeal your refusal to the prosecutor's office or to the court.
In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation - a person convicted of committing a crime is considered to have a criminal record from the day the court’s conviction enters into legal force until the criminal record is expunged or removed. A criminal record is expunged:
a) in relation to persons on probation - after the expiration of the probationary period,
b) in relation to persons sentenced to more lenient punishments than imprisonment - after one year after serving the sentence,
(as amended by Federal Law dated July 23, 2013 218-FZ)
(see text in the previous edition)
4) to make small household transactions and other transactions subject to mandatory state registration, does not have the right to demand from other participants in the transaction, and also in other cases, refusal of a claim is recognized as an agreement on the performance of work (provision of a service), as well as the payment for it, to return funds to accounts specified in this article, the participant in shared construction is carried out by the court.
(as amended by Federal Law dated June 30, 2006 90-FZ)
If, for good reason, the deadlines established by parts one and two of this article are missed, they may be restored by the court. Article 393 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Compensation for moral damage caused to an employee Moral damage caused to an employee by unlawful actions or inaction of the employer is compensated to the employee in cash in amounts determined by agreement of the parties to the employment contract. In the event of a dispute, the fact of causing moral damage to the employee and the amount of compensation for it are determined by the court, regardless of the property damage subject to compensation.


From time to time, residents of cities and villages find in their mailboxes notifications for receiving registered messages, where the return addressee is the abbreviation DTI, Moscow ASC-DTI, Moscow GCMPP. How does DTI stand for and what is it? There is no need to be scared and panic, it’s easier to figure it all out.DTI is an additional technological index that the government service uses to send notices and official letters, but in reality it does not exist and has no address. Moscow ASC-DTI is an automated correspondence sorting center. Moscow GCMP is the main center for long-distance mail transportation.

What can be said in a registered letter from DTI

If a notice has been sent to you by registered letter from DTI, it means that some government service of the Russian Federation wants to communicate with you or pass on information. When you receive a postal item, you will not be able to read on the envelope who addressed the message to you; only by signing the receipt and opening the envelope will you find out who is interested in communicating with you.

Often mailings without a return address, but marked with an additional technological index, may contain a fine from the traffic police with a photo recorder attached for violating traffic rules, a letter from the tax inspectorate about payment of debt on transport tax or penalties, a message from bailiffs or a credit card from commercial bank.

There are curious cases when a person who does not have a car receives a fine from traffic police officers or an offer from the tax inspectorate to pay land tax to a person who does not have a plot of land. In case of disagreement with the text of the received official letter, it should not be ignored, but should be appealed to the authority that initiated the message, attaching a copy of the received envelope with a stamp of the date of receipt.

Where to go to receive a letter from the DTI

You can receive a registered message from a notice addressed to you at your local post office by presenting your passport. Before taking this step, first check the information about the message on the website (enter the specified additional index). Find out even more detailed information by calling the free hot help service of the Russian Post at 8-800-2005-888. It is imperative to receive a registered envelope at the post office, because it may contain valuable information, not just fines.

Why is there no information about DTI?

What is DTI registered letter? An additional technology index is assigned to federal organizations, which they use to send letters or packages to their customers. Such indexes do not have a legal address, telephone number and employees who would issue postal items; they are virtual. Such a system was developed to relieve the main flow of correspondence going through regular post offices in cities and towns, for example, in Podolsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Ufa, Krasnodar, Kemerovo, Kazan, Perm, Saratov, Mytishchi, Sharapovo, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and etc. In Moscow alone, 809 virtual additional technology indices were created.

The abbreviation indicated on the envelope may mean that the letter, before reaching you, visited an automated sorting center in Moscow. A quarter of all correspondence in the country passes through this center, which has significantly relieved the flow of mail through regular branches. But you won’t find any legal information about the sorting center, nor about an additional technological index.

Is it convenient to use DTI? For government agencies - yes. Without having your mailing address information, they can send a message indicating other information to identify you. The automated selection system will find the correct route for delivering correspondence. Despite the virtuality of the technological index, its presence reduces the delivery time of postal items.

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Sometimes some people receive notifications in their mailboxes to receive registered letters, the envelopes of which do not have a return address, surname and first name of the sender, but have a postscript with the abbreviation DTI.

DTI registered letter what does this mean? You shouldn’t panic and think about the bad when you receive such a letter, you just need to try to calmly figure it out. DTI stands for the concept of supplementary technology index. Official registered letters with such a postscript are sent by government services of the Russian Federation to their citizens. Very often it is used by the traffic police, bailiffs, and tax inspectors.

What is contained in a registered letter from DTI

If you receive a notification to a letter with a postscript DTI, this means that some government service of the Russian Federation is transmitting information in this way. When receiving a registered letter at the post office, no one will be able to recognize the sender by the envelope. Only after opening it can you discover who wants to communicate with the addressee.

Typically, these letters marked DTI without indicating the sender include:

  • fines from traffic police inspectors, which include photographs with video recorder data on traffic violations;
  • a notice from the tax office reminding you to pay taxes;
  • penalties and administrative measures;
  • letters sent by bailiffs.

Some envelopes with letters indicate the abbreviation ASC-DTI. This means that registered mail, before reaching the addressee, passed through the automated sorting center in Moscow, through which one fourth of all letters in the country passes. This organization of correspondence sorting unloads a huge amount of mail into regular post offices.

To receive such a letter, the addressee must go to the local post office, taking with him an identity document. Before making a visit there, you can act in this way: conduct a preliminary check of information about DTI on the website by entering the additional index indicated on the envelope.

There are cases when notices of fines from the traffic police arrive to a person who does not own a car. Or tax inspectors sent a receipt with a reminder to pay tax for the use of land to a person who does not own a plot of land. In such cases, you must act according to the circumstances by writing a statement of your disagreement.

If the addressee does not agree with the contents of the registered letter, it is recommended to write a complaint to the service that sent the notice. Along with the complaint, you should send a copy of the envelope with the date it was received stamped.

If you want to find out what a DTI registered letter is, the Russian Post has a toll-free hotline number 8-800-2005-888. You can get more accurate information from this number. It is impossible to refuse such letters, as they may contain information valuable to the addressee, not just notification of fines.

The federal authorities of the Russian Federation use the additional technological index to send registered letters or parcels to citizens. These indexes have no legal addresses, no personnel or office phone numbers, DTI is virtual.

This system was developed to relieve the main flows of correspondence passing through post offices. There are more than 800 virtual additional technological indexes in the capital, which, despite their virtuality, can significantly reduce the time it takes to deliver correspondence to recipients.


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