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Libra will become more interested in the opportunities around them to change their personal lives. Some of them will be unpleasantly surprised by the rapid development of events. April prepared for Libra the need to make responsible decisions regarding the future. The love horoscope for April will tell you how Libra’s feelings will develop.

Many lonely representatives of the Libra sign will experience events in their personal lives in April of this year, the occurrence of which they did not even suspect. Meeting old acquaintances during this period will stir up memories and make passion flare up in the heart. However, Libra’s decision to repeat their past relationships will not be correct: they will not bring anything good, but will only take up time and open old wounds in the soul. The love horoscope for Libra for April recommends spending more time making new acquaintances and sharing pleasant emotions with new people.

For Libras in a marital relationship, April will show their mistakes in family behavior. For many representatives of this zodiac sign, the first priority will be the need to receive attention and care from family members. However, those born under the constellation Libra should forget about their own selfishness for a long time and provide moral support to their partner. At the moment, the chosen one needs her more than ever. Otherwise, Libra’s behavior may cause a severance of family ties, which will come with complications in the form of the division of common property.

Love horoscope for Libra women for April 2017

For free representatives of the Libra sign, April offers the opportunity to have a fun time with friends and acquaintances. In such conditions, the emergence of new acquaintances and meetings with interesting people is almost guaranteed. During this period, Libra girls are able to have a short-term romance with a new acquaintance, not paying attention to the disapproving glances of their relatives and the advice of friends. In April, the stars advise single girls born under the sign of Libra to pay more attention to loved ones and friends.

Married women born under the constellation Libra will feel a lack of attention from their spouse in April, which can cause a wave of whims and discontent. This may be due to your loved one’s busyness with work matters, problems of other relatives, or financial issues. Libra women should slightly reduce their demands and not displease their spouse, as this can lead to a breakdown in family relationships. The love horoscope for April of this year for Libra women advises devoting more time to their spouse and children, helping them in everyday matters, and engaging in family leisure activities that will unite the family.

Love horoscope for Libra men for April 2017

The possible appearance of old acquaintances of the opposite sex in the lives of single Libra men may negatively affect the development of new acquaintances. In this situation, it is better to give preference to fresh and promising relationships that can give a lot of new feelings and emotions. Free men belonging to the sign of Libra may soon find themselves fascinated by a young and pretty representative of the fair sex. Such relationships, most likely, will not bring fateful changes to Libra men in April, but will fuel interest in a faster change of marital status.

For Libra, April 2017 will be held under the slogan “scandals, intrigues, investigations.” Moreover, it will not be you who will “scandalize” and “intrigue”, but the people whom you unwittingly cross the road with! No matter how frightening it may sound, this is exactly the case - in the middle of this spring you will find fierce envious people, and these people will do everything in their power so that the joy from their April victories for you does not become so large-scale. But what are we all about the bad? Perhaps, we need to start with the most important thing - April 2017 will become a landmark period in your life, during which you will both increase your capital and find personal happiness.

The love front will bring you the greatest amount of joy. If you have a regular partner, in April 2017 expect a very expensive gift from him (and not of a material nature). If you have not yet legalized your love union, rest assured that you will receive a beautiful marriage proposal, which you will not even think about refusing! If you and your chosen one have already been married, in April your couple will learn the news that you are soon destined to become parents. The upcoming addition to the family will cause you great delight, and you will immediately begin to prepare for it with the enthusiasm inherent in your couple. To begin with, your married couple will completely change their habits (you will say “no” to noisy friendly gatherings, which are usually fueled by a fair amount of alcohol). Perhaps ill-wishers and envious people will appear at the very moment when you and your companion go into the mode of waiting for future offspring (beware of that couple who does not have children, constantly sorts things out among themselves, and generally does not meet the idea of ​​a happy marriage).

Libras, who are singles, will spend April 2017 extremely eventful. You will be surrounded by an endless carousel of parties, birthdays and picnics, where you will be surrounded by the attention of people of the opposite sex. However, you will begin your new romance not with any of these people, but with a person whom you have known for quite a long time. You and your friend of the opposite sex, finding yourself at the next party, birthday or picnic, look at each other in a new way and it’s as if a bolt of electricity will pierce both of you. This will begin a very beautiful romance, which, it should be noted, will have many envious people (well, a couple of people who had their sights on you will not like the fact that you suddenly got rid of loneliness). By the way, your new partner will also pull behind him a long “tail” of offended fans or admirers...

The success that you are able to find in your personal affairs will significantly enhance your professional sphere. In April 2017, the efforts that you have always made in the performance of your official duties will finally receive a worthy reward. It is you, and not someone else, who will be appointed to a promising position (perhaps you will receive a higher professional rank, a transfer to a new branch of your company, or another event will happen to you to which your colleagues will react sharply negatively). How many dirty words will be spilled about your sensational victories (words about your affair with your superiors, of course, will also be present among them)! In general, you need to mentally prepare yourself that in the barrel of your April victories there will be a couple of fly in the ointment (more precisely, envy, lies and everything that accompanies the successes of others in a gray society).

Attention, the Libra horoscope for the month of April 2017 has been published in an abbreviated form. In order to have a complete picture of the coming Red Rooster 2017, you should make a personal forecast for 2017 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

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Never before have Libra been satisfied with their personal life, even when objectively they had no reason to complain. Will representatives of the sign maintain this style of assessing success in April or will they really have real reasons to feel unhappy in love? Only the love horoscope for Libra for April 2019 will give the exact answer.

Love horoscope for Libra for April 2019

It is unlikely that any of the zodiac signs hopes for a positive love forecast for April as much as Libra does. They see the second month of spring as a very successful time to realize all their ideas. The stars decided to please the people of the Libra sign by presenting them with a unique gift - the opportunity to make their deepest dreams come true.

The love horoscope will also please the family Libra. In April, they will be able to establish relationships not only with their spouses, but also with their immediate circle, which will only affect their feelings in a positive way.

All month long, lonely Libras will try to arrange their personal lives, but often without success. Taking pity on them, the stars decide to help. As a result, in April of this year, especially diligent Libra will be able to meet their soul mate at the most unexpected time.

Love horoscope for Libra women for April 2019

The love horoscope predicts a good period for Libra girls in April. Young representatives of the sign will be able to meet a wonderful person. In April, the long-awaited acquaintance will take place quite predictably, just as the Libra girls dreamed of it. In addition, this spring, the beautiful wards of Venus risk meeting exactly the man whose image has long troubled them in their sweetest dreams.

April 2019 will show Libra girls who are in problematic relationships which of their close people really wishes them well, and who is just pretending to, pursuing their own goals. Representatives of this sign, thanks to such awareness, will be able to quickly dot the I’s and solve all their heart problems.

The love astrological forecast predicts significant life changes for married Libra girls in April. Whether it will be a pregnancy or an amazing discovery in the relationship of a married couple, the stars have not yet said. But this event will definitely leave a mark on the soul of Libra girls.

Love horoscope for Libra men for April 2019

Despite the apparent stability, many Libra men have not felt truly happy in their love relationships for a long time. Matters of the heart will be settled between them in April. Any communication with women will turn out to be extremely successful for Libra. In April they will have to worry a lot, but all of these will be pleasant and positive feelings.

In April, single Libra men will definitely meet a beautiful and kind woman. Soon they will begin an affair, but there is no need to expect passion from him at first. The relationship will develop very slowly, but surely and steadily.

The horoscope also gives good predictions for family Libra. Strong representatives of the sign will be able not only to improve relationships with their spouses, but also to strengthen their own authority in the family. Feelings in a couple will flare up with renewed vigor, which is very important at the present time.

The horoscope also gives good omens to Libra, who has recently become single. The stars do not forbid them to start building new relationships. On the contrary, heavenly patrons will contribute in every possible way to this. Libra should show their interest, otherwise there will be a risk of immersion in unnecessary experiences and completely unbearable suffering.

Love horoscope for Libra for other months of 2019

Surprisingly, Libra themselves will have little desire for the title of “leader” in April 2017! Probably the reason why you will ultimately become the leader of a certain group of people is hidden not in you personally, but in the position of your heavenly leaders. Judge for yourself. There will be several powerful planets on your side, each of which can easily give you leadership status.

Your main patron in April 2017 will be Saturn. It is he who will send you peace of mind and incomparable worldly wisdom. You will begin to boldly look only forward, without worrying for a minute about what happened to you in the recent past.

Your second guide to the world of peace and harmony will be the “red planet”. Yes, yes, don’t be so surprised that it is warlike Mars that will push you towards creativity and positivity! This planet can not only play pranks, but also sow a unique creative atmosphere around itself. Say “thank you” to Mars for the fact that in the middle of this spring he will save you from stereotypes in words and actions. Here is the answer to the question - why you, independently of yourself, will become an ideological mentor for someone (you must admit, a person who does not think like everyone else is capable of captivating huge crowds of people).

However, when describing the location of the leading planets in April 2017, one cannot help but say that among the celestial leaders you will have obvious opponents. They will be the Sun and Pluto, from which you will periodically receive “cuffs” and “scoldings”. Most likely, the negativity coming from these planets awaits you in such aspects as business and career (this was to be expected, because social life will absorb you so much that you will practically stop thinking about work).

For those born under the sign of Libra, April 2017 will be an unusual month in many respects. The fact is that you will meet the blossoming of spring with the powerful support of not only Saturn, your main celestial patron, but also Mars, which is usually quite skeptical about you (and this is to put it mildly). It will be an amazing time, full of significant achievements. Now no one and nothing will stop you from moving towards a goal that you consider important and necessary. Under no circumstances should you stop in the middle of the path; you need to act powerfully, boldly, and sometimes without looking back. After all, it is obvious that now luck will favor you. On the other hand, you will encounter situations that cannot be resolved immediately, that is, sometimes (rather rarely) you will have to plan ahead more than work in a tactical, momentary manner. All directions of your life will be balanced and promising. But due to the unfavorable position of the Sun and Pluto, there is a risk of sudden problems. No one is protected from accidents, but here, in order to minimize the risk, it is enough not to lose vigilance and not to relax ahead of time.

In April 2017, Libra will have many prospects, but the work area will be quite diverse for them and there is no need to rush to conclusions at the beginning of the month. It is likely that now you will be implementing projects that have already been formed and are ready to become something “materialized”. This will be an extremely successful option, because April, when projected onto your sign, gravitates towards development and success. What else is needed for absolute satisfaction? Don't forget about those who are next to you! Self-employed Libra will focus on their colleagues; now, under no circumstances should you miss corporate parties or other public holidays designed to unite the team. This is an important moment that will allow you to establish new and important contacts, although the stars warn: do not allow familiarity. Those who work for themselves can be recommended to focus on personnel policy. It is not necessary to immediately fire the offending employee, but if this is necessary, there is clearly no point in delaying it. Now, due to the negative attitude of Pluto, situations will turn out to be losing when you are not ready to make a decision, or when the decision is made untimely.

It is important to note that in April 2017, the “love front” can give people born under the sign of Libra a lot of joy and warmth, in the literal sense. You will be pleased not only by the weather outside the window, but also by the “weather in the house.” Probably, the lion's share of conflicts will resolve themselves, even without any attention on your part. But this does not mean that you should relax ahead of time! Concentration will allow you to identify problematic issues in time, those very “weak links” that can break at the most crucial moment. It is unlikely that something large-scale awaits you or your relatives now, such as the conclusion of a family union or the birth of a child, but there is such a possibility, so do not forget to adjust your plans if necessary. Family Libras can be recommended to spend more time outside the home, with or without household members - it doesn’t matter. This way you will reduce the risk of conflicts developing. Singles, on the contrary, will benefit if they decide to leave the house less often. But don't overdo it! Reclusion is not an option for you. Especially when taking into account the negative tandem of the Sun and Pluto. Now outright inertia and lack of obvious motivation can ruin you, so be careful.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for April 2017 for the zodiac sign Libra, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such an astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Libra. You can find out a more accurate horoscope by drawing up one of the personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the sign Libra: Personal horoscopes for the sign Libra:


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