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Libras should take care of their health.

You can plan changes that you have long wanted to make. Now is a favorable period for changes in the professional field of activity. The only warning is not to step over the people you work with. The day may be promising in matters related to love.

Try to plan as much as possible for this day. Business negotiations will go well. It's worth meeting people you care about. Pleasure can come from working with information, reading, chatting with friends or chatting on the Internet.

Soon you will experience changes in your professional activities, so start preparing the ground now and collecting the necessary information. In love affairs, you may get a second wind. And some will find their love. Stay away from people with colds, take care of yourself.

Don't allow yourself to be lazy. You may have some interesting ideas. And do not hesitate to contact those who can help in their implementation. Be attentive to your loved one in order to avoid insults and quarrels. You need to seriously analyze your financial capabilities and think about how to avoid losses and maintain stability. There is no point in borrowing money now.

Even those ideas and thoughts that at first glance may seem unrealistic will soon find a foundation. However, you should be more careful while driving, and if your inner voice is against the road, then it is better to stay at home.

This period will become favorable only if, before you say anything, you think about the consequences of your words. Now you may show inappropriateness towards your interlocutor, or simply undeservedly offend a person. This will be disadvantageous primarily for you.

Try not to involve anyone in solving your problems. This day is conducive to harmonious relationships in the family. Luck can smile in love, but only if your intentions are not aimed at achieving selfish goals. It is useful to start a course of wellness treatments.

On this day, everything will depend only on your desires. However, try to avoid large crowds of people, as not entirely pleasant surprises may await you in the crowd, ranging from open rudeness to empty pockets.

You will be like a little light that can not only warm those around you with your warmth, but also ignite a spark of enthusiasm and optimism. In love, pleasant surprises await you, and some representatives of this sign will encounter promising acquaintances.

You will have the opportunity to realize your plans and the chance to succeed in a completely new business. However, you need to act quickly. The day is favorable for love. Interesting meetings and promising acquaintances are possible. There is a chance to solve some long-standing family problems.

On this day you may receive an interesting business proposal. But don't rush to rejoice. First, think everything through and weigh the pros and cons. Pay more time and attention to your loved ones. Otherwise, conflicts and resentments may arise.

This day can hardly be called fateful. Try to diversify your work and free time without relying on others to amuse you or fulfill your responsibilities. In love now you have to give more than you take. Be attentive to those who are dear to you.

As of October 4, 2017, it is favorable for business and active people. Things will be successful if you avoid harshness in communication. Otherwise, all your endeavors will come to nothing. Those who consider themselves undervalued at work can report this to their manager. Try to keep your requirements specific, clear and reasonable. Overall the day will go well. All possible conflicts will be irrelevant in a couple of days.

Horoscope for October 4, 2017 Aries

Today, Aries has a reduced tone, and the available energy reserve is not always spent usefully. Possible lethargy, suspiciousness, uncertainty, absent-mindedness, disorientation. An attempt to mobilize and achieve something through an effort of will is fraught with a rollback. The lack of the right people, tools, and external conditions makes progress in any matter difficult. The positive effect of the work performed may be delayed, including actions aimed at repairing things, training pets, and treating diseases.

Horoscope for October 4, 2017 Taurus

Taurus today lacks confidence in themselves or in other people. The ambiguity of the situation and the uncertainty of the future may be disturbing. Perhaps your belief in fate, in bad omens, will become more active. The most impressionable Taurus will be influenced by the situation, third-party suggestions, and their own memories and associations until nightfall. It is advisable to exclude undertakings, since already at the start the wrong course may be taken, there is a great danger of not noticing obvious things, of missing an important detail.

Horoscope for October 4, 2017 Gemini

Geminis should not take responsibility, launch new projects, or take on an official position. Activities such as interviews, consultations, participation in tenders or castings are not recommended. Not a very productive day for work: you may rush between several directions or pursue a ghostly goal. There is no point in rushing to carry out orders and realize your own desires: the plan or the situation itself may soon change, clarifications or cancellations are possible.

Horoscope for October 4, 2017 Cancer

Cancers should not increase their workload; it is enough to cope with the existing workload. If the morning brings disappointment, hope for the best will return during the day. There may be a tendency to live in the virtual world; your thoughts and feelings may be far from your physical location. You should not rush to conclusions regarding the results of your efforts and prospects for the future: uncertainty can be a blessing if you are not yet ready to accept the truth and want to prolong the period of passivity, expectations, and dreams.

Horoscope for October 4, 2017 Leo

Leos can spend the day in a world of illusions, subtle sensations, and vague associations. There may be mood swings, ambivalent or utopian desires, uncertainty about feelings or the true value of something. The balance of positive and negative emotions will depend on your state of mind. Belief in fate and omens may become more active. During the day, moments of uncertainty, mysterious coincidences, and misunderstandings are likely. Not the best moment for business transactions, starting projects, or protecting your interests.

Horoscope for October 4, 2017 Virgo

Today, Virgos find it difficult to understand someone else’s mood, to grasp the true needs of a partner or loved one, and to reveal the true motives of ill-wishers. In the positive version, the day enhances mutual tolerance and forbearance, adds intrigue to the love game, in the negative, it can fuel general or individual illusions, one-sided or mutual suspicions. Your question may remain unanswered. Oddities in the behavior of others can be puzzling. There is no need to sign the contract.

Horoscope for October 4, 2017 Libra

Libra should reduce the load to a minimum. The day may pass in doubt, dependence, weakness, vulnerability are possible. Work may get stuck due to too many options or obsessing over details; perhaps long-standing errors will come to light. You will probably have to be flexible and hide something. Confusion in connection with treatment and repairs is possible. It is not advisable to rush to conclusions; any diagnosis may turn out to be incorrect. You should not recruit a staff of assistants, exchange services, or participate in intrigues.

Horoscope for October 4, 2017 Scorpio

Today, the inner voice will successfully replace all other guidelines for Scorpios and become the main advisor. The day is not conducive to radical unambiguous decisions, final breaks, and allows you to benefit from chaos and uncertainty. Thanks to good instincts, you can find a witty, unconventional way out of a labyrinth full of dead ends, while avoiding serious risks and obvious damage. You shouldn’t “burn bridges” in case of separation, put forward ultimatums, or renounce anything forever.

Horoscope for October 4, 2017 Sagittarius

The main problem for Sagittarius may be a lack of confidence. There is a high probability of finding yourself in a familiar situation involving choice, mystery, compromise, balancing between extremes, or some “slippery” moral aspect. Instability will make it difficult to plan things and predict outcomes. You should not rely entirely on your close environment and your intuition. It is not advisable to approve decisions related to family or work status, real estate, health, or place of residence.

Horoscope for October 4, 2017 Capricorn

This day will not allow Capricorns to demonstrate a steely will. Good intentions will come to a dead end, and your plans will probably have to be postponed. By persisting or “bending” to the situation, you risk finding yourself in an ambiguous role and ruining what you have done. Moments of despondency and confusion, doubts about the correctness of the chosen path and the existing system of views are not excluded. You should not look for support outside, it is better to try to achieve internal balance. This is not the right moment for an initiative or a diplomatic mission.

Horoscope for October 4, 2017 Aquarius

Aquarians should not expect rapid progress in business, quick response from other people, or complete clarity. The day makes logical thinking difficult and makes it almost impossible to rationally analyze what is happening, but it will be interesting if you are sensitive to symbols, signs, and non-verbal messages. You should not deal with questions of a practical nature, since today the likelihood of making a mistake and overlooking a serious shortcoming increases. Purchases and payments, exchange transactions, and mutual settlements are undesirable.

Horoscope for October 4, 2017 Pisces

Regardless of the line of behavior and decisions made, Pisces will spend the day in doubt. Lack of confidence can push you into a familiar vicious circle, increasing external or internal vulnerability. Loss of reference points is possible, up to the inability to distinguish “black from white.” The stars advise you to experience a moment of weakness alone, using proven personal means of combating the blues. You shouldn't reveal your soul to anyone. It is advisable to refrain from assessing your own and others’ actions and the situation as a whole.

If possible, go into the shadows. Obediently follow your desires. Pay a little less attention to the behavior of other people, do not make any comments to them.

October 2017 Tips for Cancer

White color
Talisman: pearl
Lucky: 4, 7, 21, 30
Dangerous: 1, 10, 23, 28
Motto: “Everything ingenious is simple.”

Cancer mood in October 2017

You've probably noticed that October is usually a rather difficult month for you. The mood is at zero, the state of health is unimportant, and in general everything is wrong and everything is wrong. And that's okay! The stars just give you the opportunity to rest a little. Therefore, until the middle of the month, refrain from initiatives and active actions at work, and throw off some of your family responsibilities. Don’t go against yourself and your desires, be alone with yourself, take care of your health.

Take care of yourself every day, drink more water, take herbal baths more often, and compensate for the lack of vitamins with the right food. Your menu must include liver dishes and dairy products.

Cancer work in October 2017

There are no major career achievements planned for October. Don't do anything serious. Use the time to gain strength before taking the plunge. The less work there is, the better for you. Reduce business contacts to a minimum - they will bring nothing but constant irritation and a spoiled mood.

And if you still have to go to work, then do not take on the solution of complex problems, do not promise anything to management. In a word, be quieter than water, lower than the grass. And in order to avoid conflicts and disputes with colleagues, take an observant position, agree even with what you would never agree with before.

Cancer love in October 2017

Love relationships at the beginning of October will freeze at the stage of uncertainty. The violent passions and experiences that exhausted you both emotionally and physically will remain in the past. You will probably agree to play with one goal and by someone else's rules. And it is right! Why bang your head against closed doors? This is not only useless, but also harmful to health.

In the current stellar situation, it is wise to step aside and completely turn attention exclusively to yourself. As soon as this happens, everything will immediately begin to change, and your personal life will return to a calm direction. Because you will make an important discovery for yourself: the more you value and respect yourself, the more interesting you are to others.

Young and free Cancers will remember the month for interesting romantic acquaintances. True, one should not expect serious consequences from them.

According to the Chinese Book of Changes, October will pass under the sign of the symbol Liberty. He reports that the sun of your luck is already rising on the horizon. You just have to wait a little and many wishes will come true. But do not give in too much to various hobbies, refrain from gambling, be prudent, do not spend more than you receive. Remember also that to succeed in implementing your plans, you need to eliminate pettiness and commercialism in relationships with people.

The card takes you under its wing Queen of Swords. She symbolizes an intelligent woman whose mind leads her heart. The card encourages you to step back somewhat from the world around you in order to gain independence and determine your true desires and needs. Thanks to a heightened sense of justice, you will be able to achieve a good position. However, by searching for opportunities to satisfy your ambitions, you deny yourself love. Well, such experience is useful.

Behavior style: independent, aloof, self-sufficient.

Personal qualities: insight, analytical thinking, strong will.

Mascot people: widows, educated women of humanitarian professions.

Mudra of the month for Cancer for October 2017

Be sure to master mudra Lifting and throughout October, practice it at least once every three days for 5-10 minutes. Effect: immunity increases, the risk of colds, sore throats and pneumonia decreases. However, this mudra should not be overused, as it can cause apathy.

Place your palms together and cross your fingers. Wrap the thumb of one hand with the index and thumb of the other hand and leave it to the side.

This day is good for communication. It will be easy to get along with management, potential business partners, and influential people. You will receive support that you did not even seriously count on, and thanks to it you will be able to complete what you started before. Cash receipts, including significant and expensive gifts, are not excluded.
You are kind and friendly, trying to take care of others and support those who find themselves in difficult situations. It's no wonder that people who need help are drawn to you. Be careful: it is possible that someone will try to take advantage of you.

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Love horoscope - Cancer

It is possible that tomorrow Cancer will not be able to communicate with their loved one, but he will understand the reason for your busyness.


Love sometimes requires from us not only strength, but also courage to accept certain truths. Don't close your eyes to the obvious and don't have your head in the clouds when the facts tell you something completely different. Don't waste time, then your life will seem less boring and even difficult.


Family horoscope – Cancer

Don't let others interfere in your family's affairs. Even the best advice can be harmful and only confuse everything even more. Rely solely on your own judgments, especially since under the influence of Mercury they will be extremely clear.

Business horoscope – Cancer

Difficulties may arise in matters, try not to confuse things even more, you can consult with specialists.


Under the influence of Saturn, which will have a tangible influence on your sign, you will be able to enlist the support of competent and influential people. Show yourself worthy of their trust, listen to their advice and especially to their warnings against evil-minded people.

Health horoscope – Cancer

It’s a good day to start health-improving activities; if you don’t feel energetic enough, then start as soon as possible. Exercise and a cold shower in the morning will help Cancers collect their thoughts and get into a business-like mood. Be attentive to the needs of your body, strengthen your immune system if you don’t want to catch a cold.


Any excesses are contraindicated for you, otherwise there is nothing to count on in good physical shape. Fight your tendency to “solve” emotional problems and cope with disappointments with food, alcohol, and smoking.

Mobile horoscope – Cancer

You have something to say to others, but you are worried that your opinion will not be received appropriately. It seems to you that you are expected to understand things that you do not entirely agree with. However, you still need to remain true to yourself and your beliefs, despite any possible disagreements. You will not regret that you stuck to your opinion, because honesty is always better than hypocrisy.

Beauty Horoscope – Cancer

Today is a great day to think seriously about your usual beliefs and ideals and conduct a kind of reassessment of values. If necessary, consult with your friends. Your comrades will be able to help you restore order in your soul and once again feel solid ground under your feet.

Next new moon: October 19, 2017 at 22:10. Next full moon: October 5 at 21:38.

Horoscope for today 10/04/2017

You will be overwhelmed with tasks, which will not be an easy task to cope with. But now is the time to turn to people for help. It is unlikely that you will encounter a refusal. Just remember to subsequently thank those who provided you with a selfless service.

This period is more conducive to completing things; you should not start new projects. Don't try to save something that no longer has any value to you. Now is not a very good time to develop a love relationship, as quarrels, deceptions and other troubles are possible.

Now you may find yourself unable to objectively assess the current situation, both professionally and in personal relationships. Try to treat everything that is offered or promised to you with some caution.

You can plan changes that you have long wanted to make in your professional field. The only warning: do not step over the people you work with. The day may be promising in matters related to love.

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Focus on the problems that you can easily solve, and ignore everything else. Stay away from people you don't like and don't do anything with them. Individuals with bad thoughts and criminal habits may be drawn to you.

Not all of your ideas will find support from others. This can make you feel resentful and irritated. But in the near future, prospects regarding professional activities may appear. And although there will be no final clarity yet, start collecting the necessary information.

On this day, you should not ask anyone for help or support, since you yourself are able to cope with any task. You will draw your strength and inspiration from your relationship with your loved one. A new acquaintance can also affect your mood.

Now everything will depend only on your desires. However, try to avoid large crowds of people, as not entirely pleasant surprises may await you in the crowd - from rudeness to theft.

Don't be afraid of change. The fast pace of life and variety of events on this day will not allow you to stand still. During this period, you need to be especially responsible about the promises you make. If you fail to keep your word, you run a greater risk than usual of losing your good name.

Try not to miss events, they can affect your future. Even if you are just invited to a party or presentation, be sure to go, as now is your chance to grab luck by the tail. You will be able to make useful contacts.

Your mood may worsen because you will not feel solid ground under your feet. Try to find something to do that will help you detach yourself from negative thoughts. It is not advisable to plan activities related to serious physical activity.

Now is a good time to honestly resolve any issues, but if you start being cunning, you will get confused and make mistakes. The day is conducive to active activity, so try to plan things that you haven’t gotten around to doing for a long time.

© Horoscope for today 10/04/2017 was compiled by astrologer Marina Alexandrova specifically for the site.

Lunar calendar, sunrise, sunset and moon data for October 4, 2017 are given for Moscow and the Moscow region.


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