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The principles of operation of the KRIS-P radar were discussed at the Public Association "Society for Assistance to Motorists" - NGO "OSA".

The photoradar complex "KRIS" is a special device, the main purpose of which is to automatically record violations of traffic rules. In addition, the stationary photoradar complex KRIS-S (as well as its modified model - the photoradar mobile complex "KRIS-P") can also recognize vehicle license plates, run them through administrative police databases and transmit the received information to traffic police posts.

Operating principle of the KRIS-P (S) radar

The KRIS-P radar is usually installed near the edge of the road on a special tripod. The complex is oriented relative to the road surface in such a way as to cover all traffic lanes at once. The KRIS camera records the offender with all the data about him (this is facilitated by the built-in speed meter). The received information is transmitted to a central receiving point (often a mobile traffic police point) or an external computer designed for this purpose, on which a special program processes the data and generates a database of traffic violators. In addition to actually processing the received data, using a computer you can configure the radar and control its main operating parameters, in particular, set a threshold speed and obtain some selective data about intruders.

It would not be amiss to note that, unlike similar devices of other models, the "KRIS" sensor selects targets according to the direction of their movement at a fairly large distance. In turn, this significantly expands its capabilities and increases operational efficiency.

Data transmission to mobile traffic control posts and to external computers is carried out both through a regular telephone line and GSM cellular communications. Also, the KRIS-P device (thanks to the built-in module, is capable of transmitting information about the intruder via a radio channel. All data transmitted by the sensor is reliably protected by the built-in security system.

KRIS-P (S) radar technical characteristics, instructions

The technical characteristics of KRIS-P are as follows:

Speed ​​measurement range - 150 m, range of measured speeds from 20 to 250 km/h, measurement error KRIS-P ± 1 km/h. The maximum range of visual identification of a vehicle's fire protection zone from a photograph with an illumination of at least 50 lux in the control zone up to 100 m, less than 50 lux with infrared illumination is 50 m. The maximum range of data transmission via radio channel is 1.5 km, the maximum range of infrared illumination is 50 m. Maximum the number of frames saved on the sensor’s flash drive (2 GB) is at least 9000 frames. The permissible operating time from a battery with a capacity of 55A*h is at least 8 hours. The error of non-volatile clocks is no more than 2 seconds per day. Operating conditions of use: ambient temperature from -30 to +50 °C, relative humidity up to 90% at +30 °C, atmospheric pressure from 60 to 107.6 kPa. The average service life before decommissioning is at least 6 years. Interverification interval is 2 years.

Defense and appeal CRIS: the impossible is possible!

No matter how high-quality and accurate the photoradar mobile complex "KRIS-S" is, many special devices have already been produced that allow you to warn the owner of the vehicle about approaching the recording device. The radar detector for CRIS, regardless of the model and manufacturer, is capable of recording the location of a post with an installed speed meter and warning the driver when he approaches it. As a rule, a warning occurs with the help of a sound signal and after it sounds, the driver has the opportunity to slow down or go around the post on another road, since the response range of the radar detector is quite large.

It should be noted that today not every anti-CDI radar detector presented on the domestic market is able to effectively cope with its intended purpose. Some, as car owners complain, cannot register the presence of a radar on the road in time, while others, although they warn the driver, are too late when the registration device takes a picture and records the speed of movement. How to fool CHRIS P? Today, radar detectors of some models have proven themselves well in the fight against the KRIS-P speed meter. According to reviews from car owners who have installed such devices, they cope quite effectively with their intended purpose and promptly warn of the presence of the CRIS system on the roadway.

pravorulyaforum | October 18, 2014 00:20

So. Another letter of “happiness” containing, as usual, a resolution on the case and a photograph of the offender’s vehicle from an automatic recording camera.

Such an interesting angle that you can see the bottom of the car.
Don’t go to a fortune teller, it’s clear that the camera is on the ground.
We look at the instructions on ChrisP, namely, the “preparing for work” section,5.3.

Installation of the tripod and assembly of the Mobile Photo Radar. []

Quote: Adjust the height of the tripod using the extendable legs and secure with the clamp screws. The recommended height of the site is 0.9 - 1.1 m from the road surface.

There is no option for installation on the ground at all.

Article 19.19. Violation of legislation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements
[Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses] [Chapter 19] [Article 19.19]

1. Violation of legislation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements in terms of performing measurements related to the scope of state regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements, without the use of certified measurement techniques (methods), with non-compliance with the requirements of certified measurement techniques (methods), or non-compliance with the established procedure for notification of their activities for the release from production of units of measurement standards, standard samples and (or) measuring instruments intended for use in the field of state regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements, or for their import into the territory of the Russian Federation and sale, or non-compliance with the procedure for carrying out tests of standard samples or measuring instruments for the purpose of type approval, the procedure for verification of measuring instruments, or the use in the field of state regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements of standard samples of an unapproved type, measuring instruments of an unapproved type and (or) not verified in the established manner, or non-compliance with mandatory metrological and technical requirements for measuring instruments and mandatory requirements for the conditions of their operation, or non-compliance with the procedure for approval, maintenance, comparison and application of state primary standards of units of quantities, the procedure for transferring units of quantities from state standards, the procedure for establishing mandatory requirements for standards of units of quantities used to ensure unity measurements in the field of state regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements, the procedure for assessing compliance with these requirements and the procedure for their application, or the use in the field of state regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements of units of quantities not approved for use in the Russian Federation -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of twenty thousand to fifty thousand rubles; for legal entities - from fifty thousand to one hundred thousand rubles

There was a similar topic on our forum.
mihaly4 I never wrote back on the topic of what punishment the police received. I think we need to remind police officers of the need to read the instructions for the equipment they are entrusted with. And not only read, but also perform.

The Chris "P radar now has an error of +/-2 km/h according to instructions from 2013. It was 1 km/h, the manufacturers added another 1 km/h to account for inaccuracies when installing the tripod. So, take this point into account when studying the texts received regulations. There are no requirements for setting an angle of 25 degrees. True, I have not yet seen any changes in error in the description of the SI type, but this is the second thing.

I’ve already passed, TsAFAP refused to repent of violating the methodology and the prosecutor’s office did not notice any violations in such a photo, but if the record from the recorder had been preserved at that moment of fixing the APN (device on the ground) - then it would have been possible to fight effectively.

Complexes for measuring the speed of vehicles photoradar "KRIS-P" M (hereinafter referred to as complexes) are designed for measuring the speed of vehicles in automatic mode.


The operating principle of the complex is based on the Doppler effect. The complex emits an ultra-high-frequency electromagnetic signal. Reflecting from a moving vehicle (VV), this signal acquires a frequency shift (Doppler effect). This signal is received by the velocity meter and goes to a balanced mixer, which selects the Doppler shift frequency. The frequency of the latter is determined during subsequent digital processing. The speed of the vehicle is proportional to the magnitude of the Doppler shift.

Structurally, the complex consists of a photoradar unit (hereinafter FB) and a number of auxiliary devices (battery power supply, portable tripod, navigation module, mobile post, Wi-Fi communication antenna, cables, etc.) The composition of auxiliary devices can change at the request of the consumer.

The FB contains a radar, a video camera, an LED backlight, and a processing unit. The optical axis of the video camera coincides with the axis of the radar antenna radiation pattern.

The FB is installed on the side of the roadway, at an angle to the direction of movement, which provides speed measurement and photographing of the vehicle within the entire roadway. The processor built into the FB provides control of all FB components, their synchronization, formation and storage of photo frames with data entered into them about vehicle speeds, direction of movement, time and date. During operation, several vehicles may enter the radar coverage area at the same time. The decision to record the fact of speeding and enter information into long-term memory is made automatically, without operator participation. To avoid controversial situations, video information is not saved when more than one vehicle is detected in the radar coverage area. Long-term memory is implemented on a flash drive, from which information can be transferred to an external server of the “CRYSTAL” type, where a check is carried out against information databases, further storage and printing of a decision on an offense.

The FB is designed as a monoblock in a protective metal case.

The complex is designed to operate when installed on fixed supports and is equipped with an easily removable tripod for quick deployment.

Requirements for the installation parameters of the complexes are given in the Operation Manual GDYAK468784.019 RE, section 5.

The complex is configured using a mobile station, which is a laptop installed in the cabin of a stationary car. The mobile post also provides the ability to view in real time violations recorded by the complex and an audio alert when a violation is recorded.

A general view of the complex is shown in Figure 1.

The general view and place of filling of the FB complex is shown in Figure 2.


The built-in software is designed to control the radar and video camera, determine the speed of the vehicle and process and store the data obtained as a result of the operation of the complex.

Software identification data is given in table. 1.

Table 1

The level of protection of the software of the complexes from unintentional and intentional changes corresponds to level “C” according to MI 3286-2010.


Range of measured vehicle speeds, km/h 20 - 250

Limits of permissible absolute measurement error

vehicle speed, km/h ±2

Operating frequency of radiation, GG c 24.15±0.10

Speed ​​measurement range, m, not less than 150

Supply voltage range, V 11.5 - 13.0

FB power consumption, W, no more than 100

Continuous operation time, h, not less:

When powered from a mains power supply 24

When powered by battery pack 8 Operating conditions:

Ambient air temperature, °C minus 40 - 50

Relative air humidity at 25 °C, % 98

Atmospheric pressure, kPa 60.0 - 106.7 Overall dimensions of the photoradar unit, mm, no more than 400*280*250 FB weight, kg, no more than 9.5

Type approval mark

applied to the title page of the Operation Manual GDYAK468784.019 RE using computer graphics and to the body of the FB complex in the form of a sticker.




1. Complex consisting of:

Photoradar unit

GDYAK 468798.003

Battery pack

Wi-Fi wireless antenna

Available upon additional request

Navigation module

Mobile post consisting of:

Laptop with software;

Control module;

Antenna unit;

Carrying bag

Cable kit

2. Charger

3. Transport box

4.Operation manual

GDYAK468784.019 RE

5. Form

GDYAK468784.017 FO

6. Verification method

GDYAK 468784.022 MP


carried out according to the document GDYAK 468784.022 MP “Complexes for measuring the speed of vehicles photoradar “KRIS-P” M. Verification Methodology”, approved by the State Central Inspection Center of the Federal Budgetary Institution “Test-St. Petersburg” on June 16, 2014.

List of standards used during verification:

Movement speed simulator IS-24/2 (reg. No. 40725-09), speed reproduction range from 10 to 300 km/h, permissible error limits for speed reproduction ±0.3 km/h;

Electronic counting frequency meter Ch3-66 (reg. No. 9273-85), frequency range from 10 Hz to 37.5 GHz, PG ±5-10-7 Hz.

Information about measurement methods

Given in the Operation Manual GDYAK468784.019 RE, section 6.

Regulatory and technical documents establishing requirements for complexes for measuring the speed of vehicles with photo radar "KRIS-P"M

1. GOST 8.129-99 “GSI. State verification scheme for time and frequency measuring instruments.”

2. GOST R 50856-96 “Radar speed meters for vehicles. General technical requirements. Test methods".

4. TU 4278-029-31002820-2014 “KRIS-P”M modernized photoradar vehicle speed measurement complexes. Technical conditions".

Outside the scope of state regulation to ensure the uniformity of measurements.

  • Automatic photographing of vehicles in the control zone and entering into the frame the speed of movement, the date and time of the violation, the location of the sensor and other additional information.
  • Automatic recognition of vehicle license plates and checking them against various federal and regional databases.
  • Automatic saving of data on recorded violations on the sensor’s non-volatile flash drive. Data about the violation includes a digital photograph of the offender’s vehicle, license plate number and recorded speed of the vehicle, direction of movement, date and time of the violation, the value of the maximum permissible speed on a given section of the road, location of the violation and OKATO code, serial number of the sensor.
  • Video surveillance and recording of road conditions to record various traffic violations not related to speed violations.
  • Real-time transmission of recorded frames and data to a mobile post laptop via a wireless communication channel over a distance of up to 1.5 km.
  • The ability to create and store a database of recorded violations, sort and search by various parameters, and the ability to print saved frames.
  • Ability to work at night thanks to built-in infrared illumination.
  • The use of a radar with a flat directional antenna and a narrow radiation pattern ensures that the speed of only those targets that are in the frame is measured.
  • Autonomous power supply of the complex, allowing you to choose any place convenient for work.
    Additional functions (if there is a centralized information processing post):
  • The ability to transfer data about recorded violators to a single database on the server of the central post using a flash drive.
  • Automated preparation of decisions on an administrative offense case for sending them to the offender.


The main functional part of the complex is Mobile Photo Radar (PF), with which it can connect via radio channel Mobile Post (MP).
I. MOBILE PHOTO RADAR (PF) installed on the side of the controlled section of the road. The PF includes:

  • Photoradar sensor with flash drive for transferring data to a central server.
  • Tripod.
  • Battery box and power cable.
  • Box for transporting the sensor.

The photoradar sensor is mounted on a tripod, oriented relative to the road surface and connected to the battery box. Setting the required operating parameters of the complex (controlled direction of vehicle movement, entering the installation location and the maximum permitted speed on a given section of the road, adjusting the video camera zoom and image brightness) is carried out through the Web interface using the Mobile Post laptop. After configuration, the sensor switches on to automatically photograph traffic violations.
Data about detected speed violators is automatically saved to a log on a flash drive installed in the photo radar sensor. This data can be imported from a flash drive into a single database on the server of a centralized information processing post* for automated preparation of decisions on an administrative offense case.
*NOTE: A centralized information processing post is a stationary set of software and hardware, including “CRYSTAL” P or “CRYSTAL” S servers, operator computers and communication equipment. The post is intended to form a unified database of violators from mobile and stationary systems.
II. MOBILE POST (MP) installed in the interior of a patrol car.
The mobile post allows you to remotely configure the complex and receive recorded traffic violations in real time (view recorded footage received via radio channel on a remote laptop), which provides the traffic police inspector with the necessary time to stop the violator.
The mobile post can also be used to search for stolen or hijacked vehicles, as well as to solve “hot pursuit” other crimes related to the use of vehicles. To carry out operational search activities, federal and/or regional search databases are installed on the MP laptop.
The MP includes:

  • Laptop with specialized software.
  • Antenna unit attached to the windshield using a suction cup.
  • Control module and connecting cables.

To ensure reliable reception, the mobile post must be located in the “line of sight” zone at a distance of up to 1.5 km from the PF.
NOTE: The "KRIS"P complex can be supplied without a Mobile post. In this case, data about violators will be processed by operators only at centralized information processing posts.




Speed ​​measurement range

up to 150 m

Measuring speed range 1)

20-250 km/h

Speed ​​measurement error 2)

±1 km/h

Speed ​​meter operating frequency

24.15±0.1 GHz

Discreteness of setting the speed threshold value

1 km/h

Maximum range of visual detection of vehicle fire protection from a photograph in bright light
- at least 50 lux in the control zone
- less than 50 lux with infrared illumination

Up to 100 m
up to 50 m

Angle between the sensor axis and the vehicle movement vector in the horizontal plane

Maximum range of data transmission via radio channel3)

1.5 km

Maximum range of infrared illumination

Maximum number of frames saved on the sensor flash drive (2 GB)

at least 9000 frames

Allowable operating time from a battery with a capacity of 55A*h

at least 8 hours

Error in non-volatile clocks

no more than 2 seconds per day

Supply voltage

from 11 to 16 V

PD power consumption

no more than 70 W

Weight, no more
- Photoradar sensor (without antenna unit)
- Tripod

7 kg
6 kg

Overall dimensions, no more
- Photo radar sensor
- Tripod assembled

400 x 280 x 250 mm
1250 x 350 x 350 mm

Operating conditions:
- ambient temperature
- relative humidity
- Atmosphere pressure

from - 30ºС to +50ºС
up to 90% (at + 30ºС)
from 60 to 106.7 kPa

Average service life before decommissioning

at least 6 years

Mean time between failures

at least 20,000 hours

Calibration interval

2 years

1) When measuring speed, targets are selected according to the direction of their movement. The "KRIS"P complex can control only one of the selected directions.
2) The measurement error does not depend on the range at which the measurements were made.
3) Under ideal conditions (line of sight, absence of obstacles and strong sources of electromagnetic radiation), the maximum range can reach 2 km.




Maximum vehicle range for automatic recognition of landfills

up to 50 m

Probability of recognition if the state protection device complies with the requirements of GOST R 50577 4):
- during the daytime
- at night with infrared illumination

94,46 %
88,92 %

Permissible roll angle of the GRZ (i.e., the ability to identify the license plate when securing the license plate at an inclined angle, maneuvering the vehicle in the control zone)

4) The actual probability of recognition based on the results of tests carried out by an independent expert.

*NOTE: The automatic license plate recognition function can be disabled in a specific complex


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