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The structure and procedure for filling out payment orders are unified by the Bank of Russia. A sample document and the rules for its execution are given in the Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated June 19, 2012 No. 383-P. In order for a payment document to be used as evidence of the fact of transfers, it is necessary to specify in detail the purpose of the funds and the reasons for their transfer.

How to specify the purpose of payment under a loan agreement

When filling out the payment order form, you must correctly formulate the text of the payment purpose. If this part of the document does not contain all the required elements, the bank will reject the application for money transfer.

When a transfer is made under a loan agreement, the payment purpose must contain the following data:

  • a phrase is required that can be used to understand the intended purpose of the transfer - issuing a loan, repaying a loan, repaying a debt, paying interest on a loan agreement, etc.;
  • the document serving as the basis for payment is indicated - loan agreement, credit agreement, date and number of such document;
  • selecting the type of loan - interest-bearing (the amount of interest is indicated) or interest-free;
  • calculation period and other clarifying information;
  • in the final part of the phrase the amount of VAT is written down - when issuing loans and returning borrowed funds, as well as interest on them, no tax is charged, therefore it is indicated that this amount is “not subject to VAT” (clause 15, clause 3, article 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) .

The purpose of payment under the loan agreement is entered in field 24 of the payment order. It must be contained in 210 characters, including spaces. If, when filling out the payment form, you do not indicate that the money is a loan or credit provided under a specific agreement, it will be very difficult to prove the fact of the transfer of borrowed funds.

Examples of wording for the field “Purpose of payment”:

  • An interest-free loan is issued - “Transfer of money under interest-free loan agreement No. 2 dated July 30, 2018. Repayment period is June 30, 2019. Excluding VAT.”
  • If the money is provided on the terms of accruing interest on the amount of debt - “Provision of funds under interest-bearing loan agreement No. 5 dated July 27, 2018 for a period until August 1, 2019. Interest is charged on the loan amount - 10 (ten) percent per year. Without VAT".
  • When issuing a loan in installments, the purpose of payment must indicate its total amount - “Provision of an interest-bearing loan at 7% per annum under agreement No. 44 dated March 15, 2018. The total loan amount under the agreement is 250,000.00 rubles. NDS is not appearing".
  • Repayment of borrowed funds - “Repayment of debt under interest-free loan agreement No. 65 dated August 14, 2017, excluding VAT.”

Returning an interest-free loan to the founder on the card is a simple and safe way to repay loan obligations. Find out how to avoid possible mistakes in such a situation from our material.

Can a founder lend to his company?

The company and its founder, if necessary, can act as parties to a loan agreement - a mutual agreement on the transfer of funds or other property to the borrower from the lender into ownership.

Find out more about borrowed funds by following this link.

Borrowing relationships with the founder allow the company to urgently receive money or other items at the lowest cost:

  • for carrying out current economic activities;
  • expansion of the material base;
  • introduction of new technologies;
  • for other purposes (for making a deposit for participation in a tender, paying off debts, etc.).

There are no special regulatory restrictions in relation to the company (borrower) and the founder (lender). Therefore, the founder can lend his company:

  • money or any other property that has common generic characteristics (model, color, variety, etc.) - clause 1 of Art. 807 Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • borrowed funds in any amount and for any period;
  • with or without interest.

The borrowing company can borrow from the founder:

  • regardless of the size of its share in the authorized capital;
  • for specific purposes (targeted loan) or without specifying the purpose of the loan;
  • subject to the obligation to return the borrowed funds received and to formalize the loan agreement in writing (Article 808 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

You can download a sample loan agreement with the founder using the link.

Loan agreement with the founder: how to protect yourself from mistakes?

The return of money under the loan agreement is one of the final stages of the borrowing relationship. It is preceded by such important procedures as:

  • agreeing on the terms of the loan;
  • drawing up a loan agreement;
  • transfer of borrowed funds from the founder to the company and preparation of a supporting document (transfer and acceptance certificate, receipt, etc.);
  • reflection in accounting of operations to obtain borrowed funds.

If mistakes are made in these steps, problems may arise at the loan repayment stage. Therefore, check in advance:

  • whether the property transferred under the loan agreement has individual characteristics (for example, a car with a title and identification number cannot be the subject of a loan);
  • currency of the monetary obligation - according to Art. 317 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, such an obligation must be expressed in rubles (foreign currency may appear in the loan agreement, but only as an equivalent at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation);
  • whether the loan agreement provides for all its essential (subject of the loan and its repayment) and additional (repayment period, interest-free condition, etc.) conditions.

Loan repayment: what to consider first?

Before deciding whether to return the interest-free loan to the founder on the card, you need to check:

  • the founder-lender has no debt to contribute a share to the authorized capital - if the founder has not contributed his “authorized” share in a timely manner or has not transferred it to the company in full, the borrowed funds received will be used to pay off such debt, and there will be nothing to return to his card;
  • the presence in the loan agreement of a condition allowing the use of a method of returning borrowed money to the founder’s card;
  • compare the types of borrowed funds received by the company from the founder and the funds returned by it under the loan agreement.

If you received a batch of building materials under a loan agreement, then there can be no question of any return to the loan card in cash. Borrowing relationships presuppose a single rule: “what you borrow, return it” (Clause 1, Article 807 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Thus, having ensured against mistakes at the stage of agreeing on the terms of the loan agreement and having made sure that the loan can be repaid in money to the card of the founder-lender, you can proceed directly to the procedure for returning the borrowed funds (see below).

Returning an interest-free loan to the founder: which method to choose?

A company can only have 2 legal “cash pockets”, from which it can transfer to the founder the funds borrowed from him:

  • from a current account;
  • from the cash register.

To transfer to the founder's card from a current account you will need:

  • a description in the loan agreement (or in an additional agreement to it) of a similar method of debt repayment;
  • indicating in it detailed bank details for transferring money to the card.

If a company does not have money in its current account, but it does have it in the cash register, it is important to consider the following:

  • you cannot issue money from the cash register to repay a loan from proceeds (clause 4 of the Bank of Russia Instruction on the procedure for conducting cash transactions No. 3210-U dated March 11, 2014, Decision of the Moscow City Court dated December 14, 2012 in case No. 7-2207/2012);
  • funds from the cash desk are deposited into the current account, and then a transfer is made to the founder on the card with a note in the purpose of payment “Return of funds under the loan agreement dated __ No. __”).

Do not neglect cash restrictions, otherwise you may suffer financially - according to Art. 15.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the fine for this type of cash violations is up to 50,000 rubles.

Which “cash” requirements are dangerous to ignore, is stated in the material “Procedure for conducting cash transactions in 2017”.

Loan repayment procedure: what other conditions should be taken into account and on which accounts should be reflected?

When repaying a debt to the founder under a loan agreement and transferring money to his card, do not forget about the need:

  • compliance with the loan repayment schedule stipulated in the loan agreement;
  • full repayment of the borrowed debt no later than one month from the date specified in the agreement (if a payment schedule is not provided).

When you cannot do without schedules in your current business activities, learn from the materials posted on our website:

  • “How to correctly draw up a schedule for the implementation of professional standards?” ;
  • “What does this mean - a rotational work schedule?” ;
  • "Working time schedule for 2017 - download the form".

In accounting, reflect the repayment of the loan to the founder’s card by writing:

Dt 66 (67) Kt 51 - repayment of the loan to the founder’s card under the loan agreement.


  • account 66 “Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings” - if you borrowed funds from the founder for a period of less than 12 months;
  • account 67 “Settlements for long-term loans and borrowings” - if the loan agreement provides for a longer borrowing period (over a year).

The bank statement will confirm:

  • the fact of repayment of debt to the founder;
  • volume and details of transfers.

If you are repaying the loan in parts, apply all of the above recommendations for each part of the debt being repaid.

What to do if you can’t return the loan to the founder’s card?

Repayment of borrowed funds is a mandatory condition of the loan agreement. However, it may be impossible to return the debt to the founder on the card for a number of reasons, for example:

  • there are no funds in the current account;
  • The bank account is blocked by the tax authorities;
  • in other cases (the bank’s license was revoked, etc.).

If financial difficulties are temporary and sooner or later the company will have the opportunity to transfer the debt under the loan agreement to the founder’s card:

  • agree with the lender on the extension of the loan repayment period, review the payment schedule;
  • formalize the revision of the terms in an additional agreement to the loan agreement, attach an adjusted payment schedule to it;
  • check whether, due to the extension of terms, the loan has become a long-term loan - detailed analytics in this matter allows you to correctly fill out the explanations for the accounting statements and provide its users with complete and reliable information about the company’s borrowed obligations.

This publication will tell you in which line to reflect borrowed capital.

If the company’s financial situation does not improve in the near future and there is no possibility of repaying the debt to the founder under the loan agreement, it is necessary to consider other ways to resolve the issue with the hanging debt. Find out about one of these methods in the next section.

Resolving the issue with a “stuck” loan

Any loan burdens the balance sheet liability - it increases the total amount of the company's debts and affects individual financial ratios, as well as the overall financial position.

This situation can be easily resolved by the lender himself - the founder of the company. He has the power to relieve his company of the debt burden by forgiving the debt under the loan agreement.

If the founder decides to forgive his company’s debt, he must:

  • take into account the fulfillment of the requirements of Art. 415 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - the founder can forgive the company’s debt if this does not violate the rights of other persons in relation to the creditor’s property;
  • formalize debt forgiveness by agreement or other document;
  • reflect the forgiven debt in accounting:
    • in accounting by including the forgiven debt in other income (Dt 66 (67) Kt 91);
    • in tax accounting, take into account the amount of debt in non-operating income if the share of the founder who has forgiven his debt to the company does not reach 50% (subclause 11, clause 1, article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation); if his share is 50% or more, the income is not reflected in tax records.

The founder can forgive both part of the debt under the loan agreement and the entire amount of the interest-free loan.


Borrowed funds can be returned to the founder’s card only by transfer from the company’s current account and provided that the loan was provided in money. This method of loan repayment must be specified in the contract or additional agreement to it.

The founder (individual) provided the company with an interest-free loan, which he deposited into the company's cash desk. PKO was prescribed. The loan was provided to pay salaries and pay taxes and payroll fees. How to correctly deposit this interest-free loan into the company’s current account, what purpose should I indicate when depositing funds into the company’s current account?

AND . When depositing money into the bank through a cashier (or an employee replacing him), you need to make the following entry in accounting:

Debit 51 Credit 50- funds are deposited in the bank.

In the purpose of payment, you must indicate that the payment is “receipt under loan agreement No.__ dated___.” The bank may ask you to provide it with a separate copy of the agreement.

Elena Popova, State Advisor of the Tax Service of the Russian Federation, 1st rank

How to deposit the remaining funds to the bank. The organization applies a general taxation system

Documentation of cash delivery

Regardless of the method of depositing cash at the bank, issue a cash order and make an entry in the cash book. In the cash receipt order, in particular, indicate:*

  • in the line “Issue” - the last name, first name, patronymic of the organization employee who collected and handed over the bag of cash to the bank collectors;
  • in the “Appendix” line – the attached primary documents, their numbers and dates of preparation.

When depositing funds directly to the bank's cash desk, fill out an application for cash deposit, which includes three documents:*

  • announcement;
  • receipt;
  • order.

Accounting: delivery of proceeds to the bank

When depositing money into the bank through a cashier (or an employee replacing him), you need to make the following entry in accounting:*

Debit 51 Credit 50

When handing over money to collectors, you need to make the following entries in accounting:

Debit 57 Credit 50
- funds are deposited in the bank.

When money is credited to the current account, the following entry is made:

Debit 51 Credit 57
– money has been credited to the current account.

This procedure is provided for in the Instructions for the chart of accounts (accounts , , ).

Sergei Razgulin, actual state councilor of the Russian Federation, 3rd class

How to reflect transactions for obtaining a loan (credit) in accounting

If a cash loan (credit) is provided, then after the lender (creditor) has deposited the money into the cash register (this method is only possible for a loan) or transferred it to the organization’s bank account, make an entry in the accounting records:*

Debit 50 (51) Credit 66 (67)
– a cash loan (credit) has been received.

The founder gives his company a loan

The money goes to the cash register. Funds deposited into the cash register can be used on the same day so as not to exceed the limit. It does not matter whether the company has permission to spend cash proceeds or not, since borrowed funds are not revenue.

If, due to borrowed money, the cash limit is exceeded at the end of the day, the excess amounts must be deposited with the bank. At the same time, in the announcement for a cash contribution, it is indicated that the payment is “receipt under loan agreement No.__ dated___ 2010.” The bank may ask you to provide it with a separate copy of the agreement. It’s better to find out about this in advance.*

An agreement will definitely be needed if the loan exceeds RUB 600,000. In this case, the bank will have to report information about the transaction to Rosfinmonitoring.

Organizations that, in established cases, due to the conditions of their activities, do not decipher their expenses, submit payment orders and cash checks to credit organizations without indicating the purpose of the payment amounts. Information about the purpose of payment on the back of cash checks is certified by the signatures of the drawer. Checks and payment orders are accepted by the credit institution within 10 days from the date of their issue, not counting the day of issue. Advertisements for cash deposits must indicate the date of their actual presentation to the credit institution. The documents must contain a clear statement of the essence of the transaction. ValyaChel 23.11.2009, 15:31 Documents must contain a clear statement of the essence of the operation. So where are the criteria for this clarity? The essence of the operation, in my opinion, is clearly expressed as “remuneration associated with the fulfillment of obligations”, it is absolutely obvious that this is not a payment for goods, not loan, not salary.

Rules for filling out payment orders

But when returning funds under a loan agreement, value added tax is not required. You can read about this in paragraphs. 15 clause 3 art. 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, the sender should write “Without VAT.” When indicating the purpose of payment when repaying a loan, you need to remember that the field allows you to print only 210 characters with spaces.
If a payment order is issued for the purpose of transferring interest under a loan agreement, you must also write “Excluding VAT” in the “Purpose of payment” field. This is due to the fact that value added tax is not charged. Loan interest calculator If the “Purpose of payment” field is not filled in on the payment slip In many cases, the participants in the loan agreement believe that it is the presence of a written agreement that confirms the validity of the transaction.
But it is not so. In Art.

Filling out payment orders

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Legal issues

  • Bypassing the bank, if in the payment slips the purpose of payment is under a contract?...
  • R, How to proceed competently to repay the loan?...
  • Loan Agreement (Penalty)…
  • If according to the loan agreement the amount of interest is (2% per day), and the borrower borrowed 100,000 t.

Loan repayment purpose of payment

Federal law requires information about their participation in terrorist activities, or a legal entity directly or indirectly owned or controlled by such an organization or person, or an individual or legal entity acting on behalf of or at the direction of such an organization or person. If, within the specified period, the decision of the authorized body to suspend the relevant operation for an additional period is not received on the basis of part three of Article 8 of this Federal Law, organizations carry out operations with funds or other property at the order of the client, unless a different decision is made in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, limiting its implementation. eleven.

Payment under the loan agreement payment purpose

Confirmation of a borrowing relationship by a payment order in the absence of a signed loan agreement On the issue of whether a payment order can confirm the existence of a borrowing legal relationship between the parties in the absence of a signed loan agreement, there are two positions of the courts. According to the first position, a payment order can be recognized as evidence of the existence of a legal relationship between the parties under a loan agreement. This position is based on the fact that, according to paragraph 2 of Art. 808 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a document indicating the transfer of a certain amount of money to the borrower by the lender can be presented in confirmation of the loan agreement and its terms.
Consequently, the loan agreement, being real, is considered concluded from the moment of transfer of funds, regardless of compliance with the written form of the agreement.

Loan issued by payment order

Payment orders can be used to: a) transfer funds for goods supplied, work performed, services rendered; b) transfers of funds to budgets of all levels and to extra-budgetary funds; c) transfer of funds for the purpose of returning/placing credits (loans)/deposits and paying interest on them; d) transfer of funds for other purposes provided for by law or agreement.” Before this, in Chapter 2, in paragraph 2.10, in paragraphs. 3 states that “Settlement documents must contain the following details…. purpose of payment", all. Where are the specifics? ValyaChel 11.23.2009, 15:18 What if VP arises there? What is VP? Nad.K 11.23.2009, 15:22 beneficiary Appendix 4 clause 24 Linsy 11.23.2009, 15:25 302-P, clause.
1.7.2 1.7.2. The client is obliged to indicate in the text of payment documents, as well as on the back of cash checks, the purpose of the payment amounts.

Purpose of payment: corrected believe

Clerk.Ru Accounting Banks The bank demanded that the interest under the loan agreement be indicated in the purpose of payment PDA View full version: The bank demanded that the interest under the loan agreement be indicated in the purpose of payment ValyaChel 11/23/2009, 13:40 LLC "A" transfers LLC "B" by bank transfer 1000 rubles under the loan agreement. The bank demanded that the interest on the loan be indicated in the purpose of payment. Is it legal? And on what basis? Nad.K 11/23/2009, 1:53 pm I don’t think he demanded to indicate exactly the percentage. Banks want to see an interest-bearing loan or not. So you write, under an interest-bearing loan agreement or under an interest-free loan agreement ValyaChel 11/23/2009, 1:57 pm That’s right, they said to clarify whether it is interest-bearing or interest-free, and if it is interest-bearing, then indicate the %.
Demin 23.11.2009, 13:57 Nad.K, there are banks that ask for a percentage. In order to understand - a pretend interest (0.001 per annum) or a real one (10 and so on).

At the same time, there is an opposite position, according to which a properly executed and executed payment order confirms the fact of transfer of funds. However, this document expresses the will of only one of the parties - the lender. In this regard, some courts indicate that in the absence of a loan agreement signed by the parties, the funds transferred by payment order are not borrowed.

The amount transferred by the lender in this case is recognized as unjust enrichment of the recipient and is recovered from him in the manner provided for in Art. Art. 1102 and 1107 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the courts note that if the lender is a legal entity, in order to conclude a cash loan agreement, in addition to the transfer of the loan object (paragraph 2, paragraph 1, article 807 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), an agreement of both parties is required (paragraph 1, article 432 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), expressed in writing (Article 808 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Repayment of the loan with interest; purpose of payment in the payment order


The Civil Code is informed that the loan agreement becomes valid from the moment the funds are transferred. A confirmation of the transfer of finances by non-cash method is a payment order. If the loan agreement is not mentioned in the “Purpose of payment” field, the court may declare such an agreement invalid.

A payment that contains the amount of the debt, but does not contain information that this money is borrowed, is not recognized as evidence of the transfer of funds for the loan. If the “Purpose of payment” field does not say anything about the loan, the court will not be able to recover from the debtor the borrowed funds, as well as interest under the loan agreement. Perhaps the court will be able to return the money to the lender, recognizing it as unjust enrichment. But this happens very rarely. In many cases, the lender is left without money.
The purpose of payment, the name of goods, work performed, services rendered, numbers and dates of trade documents, contracts are indicated... ...other necessary information may also be indicated.” I do not have a product, work, or service; the purpose of the payment is indicated, the number and date of the agreement are indicated. Formally, the bank is wrong, it turns out... » Demin 23.11.2009, 16:27 ValyaChel, from your obligations it is not clear even whose obligations to whom. It looks like you are paying someone. But it is not at all necessary that you have these obligations specifically to the recipient of the funds. Is not it? That's why the bank is trying to understand what the deal is. And, in particular, whether it (the transaction) is subject to mandatory control. ValyaChel 23.11.2009, 16:57 Yes, I understand, I’m exaggerating only in order to understand whether the bank’s position is legitimate, because for a whole year they missed payments with this wording.

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question:
Hello. Yes you can.

R, How to proceed competently to repay the loan?...

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: payment under the loan agreement payment purpose
It is more profitable to come to a joint agreement on the payment of a specific amount. If the lender is really interested in paying off the debt, then he will agree to the meeting.

Lawyer's answer to the question: payment under the loan agreement payment purpose
Lyubov Alekseevna, in such circumstances, it is more profitable for you to wait until you go to court and petition the court to reduce the amount of fines. The court will undoubtedly meet you in this regard.

Loan Agreement (Penalty)…

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: payment under the loan agreement payment purpose
The claim may indicate the amount of principal and the amount of interest, but a calculation must be attached. Documents confirming the payment of the contract are any receipts from which it is clearly visible that you were the recipient. In general, as a rule, such issues are specified in the contract in advance. The borrower confirms his payments with payment documents, but do not demand them from him - he must prove this himself in court.

Lawyer's answer to the question: payment under the loan agreement payment purpose
In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 807 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, under a loan agreement, one party (the lender) transfers into the ownership of the other party (borrower) money or other things determined by generic characteristics, and the borrower undertakes to return to the lender the same amount of money (loan amount) or an equal number of other things received by him same kind and quality.

The loan agreement is considered concluded from the moment the money or other things are transferred.

According to Art. 808 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a loan agreement between citizens must be concluded in writing if its amount exceeds at least ten times the minimum wage established by law, and in the case where the lender is a legal entity - regardless of the amount.

2. In confirmation of the loan agreement and its terms, a receipt from the borrower or another document certifying the transfer by the lender of a certain amount of money or a certain number of things to him may be presented.

By virtue of Art. 809 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by law or the loan agreement, the lender has the right to receive interest from the borrower on the loan amount in the amount and in the manner specified in the agreement. If there is no provision in the agreement on the amount of interest, their amount is determined by the existing bank interest rate (refinancing rate) at the place of residence of the lender, and if the lender is a legal entity, at its location on the day the borrower pays the amount of the debt or its corresponding part.

2. Unless otherwise agreed, interest is paid monthly until the day the loan amount is repaid.

3. The loan agreement is assumed to be interest-free, unless otherwise expressly provided in it, in cases where:

the agreement was concluded between citizens for an amount not exceeding fifty times the minimum wage established by law, and is not related to the entrepreneurial activity of at least one of the parties;

under the agreement, the borrower is not given money, but other things determined by generic characteristics.

If, according to the loan agreement, the amount of interest is (2% per day), and the borrower borrowed 100,000 rubles for 1 year, and even money for payments...

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: payment under the loan agreement payment purpose
in the courts, such obligations are looked at like this - HAVE TAKEN AN OBLIGATORY - must fulfill

Lawyer's answer to the question: payment under the loan agreement payment purpose
The calculation should be made based on the terms of the contract + payment of state duty, + legal services, + postage.

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: payment under the loan agreement payment purpose
clause 2. Agreement - This Agreement is considered concluded from the moment the borrower receives funds. The day the loan is granted is the day the funds are credited to the Borrower’s Bank Account.

In this case, will a payment slip with a letter about changing the purpose of payment be a proof of payment?...

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: payment under the loan agreement payment purpose
Yes. of course it will be. if the date coincides with the date of payment transfer.

I understand that I am signing a loan agreement, certified by a notary, and this lender will transfer money to me through the bank?...

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: payment under the loan agreement payment purpose
Hello! Analysis and study of such documents is a paid service.

According to the supply agreement, we were supplied with goods in 2011 under three invoices for a total amount of 500,000 rubles, the deadline for filing a claim for...

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: payment under the loan agreement payment purpose
The counterparties may well ask the court to recognize this transfer as an acknowledgment of the debt.

Tell me how it was composed? is there something strange here?


Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: payment under the loan agreement payment purpose
Preparation and analysis of documents is a PAID service.

Lawyer's answer to the question: payment under the loan agreement payment purpose
Document examination is a paid service. Contact us, we will check and advise.

Lawyer's answer to the question: payment under the loan agreement payment purpose
Dear Anatoly Yuryevich, examination of the Agreement is a paid service.

Sincerely, Dmitry Yurievich

Lawyer's answer to the question: payment under the loan agreement payment purpose
This is already a paid service.

Please help me understand the loan agreement. LOAN AGREEMENT No._______


Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: payment under the loan agreement payment purpose
In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 1, paragraph 1 of Article 420, paragraphs 1, 4 of Article 421, paragraph 3 of Article 423 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an agreement is recognized as an agreement of two or more persons on the establishment, change of civil rights and obligations . Citizens and legal entities are free to enter into an agreement and to establish their rights and obligations under it. The terms of the agreement are determined at the discretion of the parties, provided that they do not contradict the law, and also, except in cases where the content of the relevant condition is prescribed by law, or another legal act. The contract is assumed to be for compensation unless otherwise follows from the law, other legal acts, content or essence of the contract.

Should I pay under the loan agreement if 5 years have passed?...

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: payment under the loan agreement payment purpose
The statute of limitations is 3 years. But according to clause 2 of Article 200 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation For obligations with a certain period of performance, the limitation period begins at the end of the execution period. In your case, the expiration date is in April 2009. Therefore, your statute of limitations ends in April 2012 Therefore, the demand for debt repayment is quite legal.

What interest can I demand in a claim for the use of someone else’s funds to a debtor who has not paid under the loan agreement?...

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: payment under the loan agreement payment purpose
Pavel, good afternoon!

Your question requires familiarization with documents and complex mathematical calculations (if you want to collect interest “in full”).

If you are interested, we can provide you with this service remotely via email. We will draw up a statement of claim for you and provide guidance on what to do.

Can you trust?


Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: payment under the loan agreement payment purpose
You can't trust anyone

The simple written form of the loan agreement was not followed!…

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: payment under the loan agreement payment purpose
Dear Yulia! Rather, your demands should be in the nature of unjust enrichment.

Lawyer's answer to the question: payment under the loan agreement payment purpose
you need to proceed from the fact that you have nothing else, you can think about the wording about illegal enrichment and return of money. …. GOOD LUCK

Is it possible, by agreement of the parties, to change the purpose of payment, bypassing the bank?...

Question for a lawyer:

Lawyer's answer to the question: payment under the loan agreement payment purpose
Hello! yes, you can change the purpose of payment

Good luck to you!

    Collective agreement for an interest-free loan... Question for a lawyer: Lawyer’s answer to the question: interest-free loan agreement between organizations In the event that an interest-free loan agreement, material...

    A lawsuit was filed under the loan agreement. The loan was secured by a car pledge agreement. To provide security, an executive order was received... Question to the lawyer: Lawyer’s answer to the question: interest received by...

    In what case is notarized confirmation of a cash loan agreement between individuals required? Thank you!... Question to a lawyer: Lawyer’s answer to the question: a loan agreement between individuals...

    In a couple of weeks there will be a court hearing on my claim for repayment of debt under the loan agreement. In the claim, I indicated that... Question to the lawyer: Lawyer’s answer to the question: act of repayment of the loan under the contract...

    What type of agreement can be concluded between an individual entrepreneur and an individual? Where to certify?... Question to a lawyer: Lawyer’s answer to the question: interest-free loan agreement between an individual entrepreneur and an individual entrepreneur Svetlana Viktorovna add...


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