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The Internet portal "Autocode" provides free access to information about vehicles and road users in Moscow. The resource was created on the initiative of the capital's State Traffic Safety Inspectorate to provide operational data on accrued fines, accidents that occurred, validity periods of documents, etc.

Users of the site have free access to services that allow using the Internet to speed up work with government services related to the field of road traffic (State Traffic Police, MADI, AMPP).

The official website is the portal of the Moscow Government and, after entering a request, provides information:

  • About imposed fines and administrative offenses. This data can be obtained by indicating the number of the vehicle certificate, driver’s license or order to pay a fine. The user will see the status of payment of the fine, photographs of the violation, the location of the incident on a map of Moscow, indicating the article, address and basic information about the participant in the accident and the car.
  • About the history of operation of the vehicle and its technical features. This service is useful for those who plan to purchase a used car. In this way, you can find out the facts of commercial use of the vehicle, participation in an accident, the presence of insured events, the number of previous owners, information about the results of maintenance.
  • About the evacuation of a vehicle. This service allows you to check whether the car was delivered to the impound lot. On the website you can familiarize yourself with the procedure for returning a vehicle.
  • About the fact that the car is wanted or there are existing judicial restrictions.

Traffic fines do not make anyone happy, nor does the need to pay them. Considering that many databases, incl. and government services, was repeatedly “leaked” onto the Internet, then our citizens quite naturally developed a distrust of mailings with various receipts. Moreover, no matter how completely the information is presented there.

Special technical means of photo and video recording have long been installed on Russian roads. Based on the materials they receive, the traffic police inspector makes a decision to impose a fine. This phenomenon has become commonplace. But is it possible to obtain more detailed information about traffic police fines using the number of the resolution with a photo? What services do online services provide?

Receiving a decision by mail

The resolution itself comes by registered mail to the home address of the owner of the car involved in the offense. The letter consists of just one double-sided document, which contains all the necessary information and can be used as a payment receipt.

It looks like this:

You can find out when and what happened. There are references to legislation, and it is also indicated who made the decision to impose punishment. From a “technical” point of view, we are primarily interested in serial number of the resolution, placed at the very top of the document - this is the so-called UIN.

The reverse side contains photographic materials obtained using a licensed technical means of photographic recording:

On it, the “lucky ones” can see a photo of their car at the time of the traffic violation.

It is possible to pay the imposed fine, even at the post office itself, where you receive this very “letter of happiness.” But we won't do this. Not now.

The Internet is replete with all sorts of online services and resources that position themselves as intermediaries between the traffic police and drivers; there are even separate mobile applications that can be installed on your smartphone.

We should also not forget that the traffic police itself, which has an “online services” section.

Let's consider several possible options for checking the information presented to us in the notice, namely, we will try to look up the fine by resolution number with a photo on various websites and applications.

It would be interesting to find a banal confirmation of the authenticity of the document itself, as well as to find out what other related services can be obtained remotely (payment, appeal, etc.).

We are trying to find a fine on the traffic police website by the number of the resolution with a photo

The traditionally ascetic, and frankly speaking, rather outdated interface of the official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (, is at the same time intuitive. We are interested in the section “Online services of the traffic police” - “Checking fines” (in the right sidebar):

At the same time, it is immediately clear that we will not be able to use the UIN from the notice.

It is proposed to indicate only the state registration plate and vehicle registration certificate. By entering the necessary data and captcha, we receive information about existing fines:

The only active button allows you to pay the debt. But that is not all. By clicking on the camera icon, we get the opportunity to take another look at the photo of our car at the time of the offense:

Photographic materials serve as evidence of guilt starting July 1, 2008. The basis for this is Federal Law No. FZ-210 of July 24, 2007. Everything here is extremely clear, although it is presented extremely sparingly.

Now let's turn to other sites.

Through the State Services website

The portal is a connecting link between a number of government departments that, in one way or another, interact with the population. There is also an opportunity at State Services to check existing fines for traffic violations.

It is worth noting that this service is in the popular section:

Anything further will require you to log in. You cannot simply register on the State Services portal using email - you will need to use identification documents. But if you already have an account, the service will be available to you. Here is a short description of it:

By clicking “Get a service”, you are faced with a choice of what data to use. We are interested in UIN:

Unfortunately, the site provides extremely scant information about the offense. We can only see the amount of the fine, as well as the regional traffic police department to which the funds will go:

As you can see, even such a large site as State Services does not provide the opportunity to view photos of traffic violations by the number of the traffic police resolution. In other words, you will not be able to view the photographic materials attached to the Resolution received by mail on the State Services portal. There is no “exhaustive” information here, but only the opportunity to pay a fine.

Search for a fine by the number of the traffic police resolution on the Autocode portal

The Avtokod website (, popular and widely known among Muscovites, provides a range of services for car owners. One of the most popular is obtaining comprehensive information about committed offenses on the road and checking fines according to the resolution with a photo.

The interface of the Autocode portal is intuitive and understandable to everyone. We are interested in the “Violations and Fines” section:

  • enter your SNILS data;
  • log in to the system through an account on the State Services website;
  • come up with a unique login and password separately for the Autocode website;
  • log in using your electronic signature.

After this, you need to provide either driver’s license information or vehicle registration certificate:

After a short check, you will receive comprehensive information online: what the fine is for, by the order number (for all existing violations) and accumulated debts.

You can find out for what violation the traffic police fine was imposed, the coordinates of the location of the violation, see a photo of the violation, and even print a receipt with all the necessary details for payment.

note that all complete information is available only to residents of Moscow, as indicated in the information block of the site.

We can only hope that such online services will soon be available throughout the country, and not just in the capital region.

Information about the fine by resolution number through the A3 payment service

This A3 system ( offers to search for an administrative fine by resolution number, as well as the subsequent payment of the traffic police fine, as one of the advantages over competitors.

A3 can certainly be trusted, because... The resource's partners include Alfa-Bank, leading Russian mobile operators and several hundred other enterprises throughout the country.

The page dedicated to traffic police fines looks like this:

It is possible to check the fine online both by the decision number (UIN) and the details of the driver (or car).

After entering the twenty-digit number of the resolution, the following information appears:

Apparently, we were not provided with any special details, such as the exact time, the violated article and photographic materials of the incident. However, there is a number of information indicating that the fine is still real:

  • vehicle registration number (first line);
  • the exact date of the incident, as well as the region of the violation, which can be easily determined by the recipient of the future payment;
  • There is also an exact amount highlighted in red.

The site reminds you that you need to enter your information, otherwise payment of the fine will not be counted, which is true, although it is ready to accept anything:

They offer to pay by card (there are no other options):

Accordingly, at this stage no connection or reconciliation with the traffic police databases is carried out. This is not surprising, because... The site is purely payment and does not promise anything more.

Through the mobile application “Traffic fines”

You can do all of the above using your mobile phone. We did not check how the sites listed above work in the phone interface, since they were, after all, originally created for a desktop PC. There are special applications for lovers of modern mobile gadgets.

One of them is called “Traffic fines”. It is the most popular, and the reviews are mostly positive. After downloading and installing, everything works as follows (on Android):

We are interested in verification and payment. There are 2 ways to search for a traffic police fine:

The information provided is, again, extremely scarce. First, all the fines are:

By clicking on a specific violation, we get a transcript:

Photos of traffic violations obtained from traffic police cameras are not here. Region, approximate date and nothing more. Of course, the amount of the fine is indicated and the opportunity to pay it immediately using the application.

Let's sum it up

Only one thing can be said with confidence: there will never be any problems with paying your traffic police fines. Without exception, all the online services that we were able to review are focused specifically on the financial side of the issue.

Regardless of how you plan to repay, there will be a way. It could be:

  • bank card (must be personal);
  • an electronic wallet of one of the supported electronic money systems;
  • mobile phone account.

It is also suggested to print out a payment receipt and pay the fine “the old fashioned way.”

As we have seen, sites are ready to accept payment from anyone, although they themselves warn that debt on traffic police fines should be repaid only by the person to whom they were issued.

You cannot blame them for this, because they do not promise any legal assistance/support, or any explanation of why this fine was issued. They offer the possibility of payment, and, admittedly, they do their job.

Most residents of the Russian Federation will be able to find a photo of a traffic violation by resolution number only on the official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (for Moscow residents this is also the Autocode portal). We don't see anything bad in this. It would be strange if such “intimate” information was publicly available to all Internet users around the world.

When preparing the article, we also tested several other unofficial sites that search engines returned for the request “checking fines by traffic police regulations online.”

They are remembered for showing the complete absence of fines, which is not true. For the purity of the experiment, we took a known traffic police resolution for a fine that had not yet been paid off. Thus, if we really did not know about our fines and used only these resources, we would be completely sure that we were “clean” before the law and owed nothing to the state.

We recommend visiting the official website before purchasing a used vehicle.

What types of vehicles are included in the traffic rules?

What you should know if you are going to make changes to the design of the car.

Video - about traffic violations recorded by photo and video cameras in automatic mode, and receiving State Traffic Safety Inspectorate Resolutions by mail:

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Comments on the article:


    I paid the fine online, but I need to find out for what date, since the orders are sent to the old address, and I don’t live there.


    But if a letter about an offense did not arrive at all, a year later the bailiffs began to collect the debt, if there was a chance to sue for a fine for improper notification. I didn’t know anything!


    The main thing is not to wait to pay the fine with a 50% discount. Often data is not entered into the database on time. I pay through Sberbank online, always up-to-date information


    My husband registered on an unofficial website and mistakenly indicated the wrong PTS number. I was wrong by one number. Now every month we receive fines by email that he allegedly incurred in Moscow, although we do not live there. These fines are not available on the traffic police website. FRAUD!!!


    Yes, everything is simple - go to the official website of the traffic police, after entering the data, everything is there: unpaid fines, time, and a photo of your car.


    The most convenient way to monitor your fines, in my opinion, is the State Services website. If you set the necessary alerts in your profile, then as soon as a fine is issued, you immediately receive either an SMS or an email, or both. Here you certainly won’t miss the grace period for a fifty percent discount on the fine. Moreover, you can pay immediately there. They accept cards and various electronic payments, and the amount will immediately be automatically reduced by half for the “50%” promotion. There is one minus - they take a commission. Not big, but still. In my opinion it is very fast and convenient!


    I also check fines in Sberbank Online using the SRTS number and the resolution number. Yes, there are no photographs of the offense, but Sberbank does not charge any commissions and automatically issues a discount.


    Previously, I immediately received an SMS that the order had been issued and the number was immediately available. After the introduction of a grace period for payment, SMS messages stopped coming... As a surprise, I found a fine in my mailbox, I had to pay in full. I have now downloaded the application to my phone and will check how everything works in it. So far the only notification was that I had been driving without fines for three months)


    I use the application, it’s always convenient and notifications are sent immediately, so if there is a fine, I already know before it arrives in the mail, it also allows me to pay the fine with a 50 percent discount.


    I made it a rule to check for fines at the Sberbank ATM from the first to the fifth of every month. If there is, then I pay immediately. They don’t charge a commission and I have time to pay at a discount. I definitely take a receipt just in case.


    Now I registered on the State Services website, but there was a time when I learned about the existence of a violation from bailiffs. The traffic police issued fines, some trials took place, then the cases were sent to our city and the bailiffs were looking for the malicious defaulter. 1.5 years have passed since the violation. No appeal to the courts with complaints helped; the traffic cops assured the judges that they notified me according to all the rules via mail. And the post office assured that it delivered receipts on time. Only one I didn’t see anything in the mailbox, but who is such a simple driver against the state machine. I had to pay a fine + a fine on a fine. From now on I sometimes go to State Services! 😉


    From experience I can say that such verification is high-quality and objective. There are many resources online that provide similar services, and it’s easy to find out if you have problems. Indeed, you need to pay as quickly as possible in order to get a discount. But situations are different. I have had a fine for an accident since 2015, although it was paid on time. For some reason, the traffic police didn’t write it off. I regularly come to the local branch, they regularly promise to correct the mistake, but the fine still hangs. Either their computers are glitchy, or their databases are down, or there is no electricity - there are a million reasons. I hope that this year I will still get them))


    I didn’t even know that there were so many services, I’m used to always paying through State Services, and you can get it at a discount. The main thing is that the “letter of happiness” reaches the recipient, otherwise there are cases when there is a fine, but you are not aware of it. I also had a case where a friend with a baton wrote out a fine, but it never came up anywhere even after half a year.


    Oh, this Russian post office! I am registered and live in a rural area, and often travel to the city. A year ago, when there was no Internet, I learned about fines from speed cameras from letters that came by mail. The city is 45 km away, the city is the regional center of the Central Federal District, the letter sometimes takes TWO WEEKS!!! I am a supporter of the idea of ​​paying fines with a 50% discount in the first 20 days, but sometimes I didn’t even have time to pay (either I was stressed with work, or with chores around the house). I just want to look into the eyes of those postmen who, crawling, probably under enemy fire, with a bag overweight, overcome these 45 km in 12-14 days!! It has become much easier with the Internet - State Services immediately notify me on my phone about the fine issued.


    If it is now very easy to pay a fine, unlike before you had to fill it out and stand in line at Sberbank, then we are not insured against mistakes made by registrars and the traffic police. If a violation of a car with dirty license plates is recorded through the registrar, not your car, but similar in numbers and make, then you may also be sent a fine. Naturally, it can be challenged, but it takes a lot of time. And if you are on a long trip and for some reason were unable to submit an application, the submission deadline is 10 days from the date of issue. As a result, the decision will reach the bailiffs and complicate the procedure. Sometimes it’s even better to pay the fine “for that guy.” Everything happens because our legislators primarily see only profit, and the human factor does not concern them!


    It’s more convenient for me to pay and check fines through State Services. All information is updated quickly. And there is no chance that you will end up on some fraudulent site


    The most convenient way is to check fines through the State Services website. Firstly, it allows you to receive SMS, emails, i.e. any notifications that allow you not to miss this fine and use the grace period for its payment, i.e. receive a 50% discount on the fine. You can also make payments on this website. By the way, the payment on the site automatically takes into account the grace period. True, there is only a small commission there. Nowadays, however, many services have appeared that also allow you to find out all the parameters of the fine: this is the traffic police website, which, by the way, is very convenient. I also installed the Tinkoff banking application on my phone (I use its services) and the fines come to me in full as “chain letters” with full information and photos and most importantly very quickly, so I always have time to use the grace period.
    There is also an Internet resource, which in my opinion is very convenient - this is Here you only need the number of the resolution and in a minute you will know about all your debts to the State Traffic Inspectorate. This site is in no way inferior to the official traffic police portal. There is also the website, but its disadvantage is that firstly, you need 150 rubles for registration. and not all regions of Russia are there, but only Krasnodar region, Lipetsk region, Tula region, Stavropol region, Ryazan region, Voronezh region, Republic of Adygea, Tambov region.


    A friend once asked to check the authenticity of a “chain letter”. A registered letter arrived, as expected, there was all the information, with a photo, but there was a discrepancy with the time and place of the offense. The photo shows his car, his license plate, but he couldn’t be there by default. Firstly, it was far away, and secondly, he and I were at work together that day and the front struts were being replaced on his car. We searched on the Internet - no information, I didn’t remember the sites, there was no point. But at State Services there was a fine, but there you can only pay, there is no detailed information. In short, we found nothing to support our case. After that, he went to the traffic police, where they also showed him that there was a violation, they offered to pay, and then prove his case through the court. But, to be honest, I somehow didn’t like this option. I heard that there may be identical numbers, I don’t know how this is done, but it is a fact. But it was the first time I saw that the make and number of the car matched. The photo is black and white, the color of the car is light, we tried to find a photo in color, but we couldn’t even find the sent resolution. The result is sad - the man paid a fine for speeding, which he physically could not commit. You didn’t want to go to court, you’ll waste time and money that no one will return. But if there was something serious, he ran over someone and disappeared? What to do in this case? Taking pictures of your car every day with the date and time is probably the only way to prove something.


    Unfortunately, it is generally impossible to drive without violations and fines come from time to time. I dealt with them and paid, naturally, over the Internet. The experience of “cooperation” was with two resources: the official website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and State Services. Well, the most popular at the moment. From the office The traffic police website did not work out - information about the violation was found, but the next time the page was refreshed, the site froze. I waited a little, tried again - everything was the same. I don’t know what kind of problems there were, but my experience was negative and I didn’t pay through it anymore, although my friends say that it seems to work fine. But everything went through the State Services without any problems, and now if anything comes, I work through this service. There is no point in describing in detail how everything works there, what to click, where to send, here all this information is presented quite accessible. They also say you can check and pay through Sberbank online, also convenient and without commission. I do not know, I have not tried it. In general, you should try not to violate traffic rules, and then there will definitely be no problems with paying fines)) It is clear that it is difficult not to violate, but it is possible. Use video recorders, radar detectors, learn the rules, don’t drink while driving, don’t lose concentration - and you will be happy))


    When cameras recording traffic rules were installed on all roads in the region, life became more fun. And when cameras began to be used, installed anywhere on the road, behind various shelters, and these cameras were also used by some people who monitored their cameras and had a personal selfish interest in recording violations, life became even more fun.
    And they sent registered letters to the drivers with receipts for payment of fines. Among our drivers, they quickly began to be called “Letters of Chain.” I started receiving letters like this too. The first one, I just stupidly went and paid, the speed in that place was actually exceeded by me. But when I received a letter containing a receipt for payment of a fine for exceeding the speed of a car by two kilometers from the established speed, I was indignant and did not pay. It was a shame I was driving a Zhiguli seven at a speed of 42 kilometers per hour, and the sign allowed me to go 40. It would have been more expensive to sue and sort out this issue, I simply didn’t pay. It seemed to me that this fine was just someone’s joke. I couldn’t check on the traffic police website at that time, I didn’t know how, so I continued not to pay until the bailiffs received a notice about a possible forced payment of a fine. Now I knew for sure that the fine had been imposed by the traffic police, so I went and paid. And now I’m registered on the State Services website, but fines come very rarely.


    The only people who probably never received such letters were those who had never driven before. Although I try to drive carefully and follow traffic rules, I have already received notices about microscopic speeding a couple of times. If it were not for video recording, would it be possible to reach an agreement with the inspector? Probably possible. Perhaps even without money. But now the situation is different and we have to get used to it. I can’t say anything bad about checking the fines according to the resolution. I checked on several resources, including those presented here - all the information is available, corresponds to reality and you can’t make any claims against anyone. Is it just to yourself, that you need to drive more carefully. Of all the resources, I trust the official website of the traffic police the most. But this is a purely subjective opinion, I am not imposing it on anyone. It is important to pay as early as possible - it will give you peace of mind and a decent discount. You can also install various applications on your phone. In this case, information about your violations comes even faster and paying fines is a little easier. There is no doubt that such resources greatly save wasted time, money, and frayed nerves. There are constant queues at the traffic police departments; inspectors are always busy with some urgent matters. So the choice is obvious.


    I have been using the application for several years now, since the traffic police reports are late. I subscribed to the newsletter and received an email. I pay fines with a 50 percent discount.


    When the mail came to me again at the end of the year, I received a letter with it. For a long time I could not understand where it came from. I opened it and it turned out that the envelope contained a threatening document about the indisputable collection of a fine for violating traffic rules, in the amount of 500 rubles, plus interest for failure to pay on time, as well as interest for the efforts of the bailiff service. The letter arrived on their letterhead, and I realized that there was no point in discussing with these guys, it was better to pay voluntarily. The letter indicated the service’s website, with the help of which it was possible to pay the amount specified in the letter, and if you pay voluntarily before December 25, then you do not have to pay interest. Of course, without leaving home, I paid the amount indicated in the letter. But what exactly is the fine for? - the question tormented me all the time. The receipt with the fine, which came to me by mail earlier, was paid by me a long time ago. On the website of the bailiffs it was possible to find only the number of the order imposing a fine with the date. It was by this decree number that I began to search on other resources on the Internet for the content of the decree itself. I didn't find it right away. I couldn’t do this on the traffic police website, and then I decided to try to find this resolution through the State Services website. And what did you think, I found, read and remembered that in the summer I actually committed a violation, exceeded the speed limit. It’s good that even using the decree number you can do this today without leaving your home.


    I pay fines through the State Services portal. Very convenient and no need to go to the bank. This is the official site and no deception. The fine will be paid, and a confirmation message will be sent in response.


    I have never received fines in my mailbox. When I registered for State Services, I immediately discovered two old fines that I didn’t know about at all. Paid online. It shows when and why, I even watched the video. It's a shame that if I had found out about them right away, I could have paid at a discount, but I had to pay the full price. Now I go in every month and check regularly.


    I think that of all the potential situations and problems where it is possible to use online resources, checking by resolution number is the most reliable and objective. I have never heard anyone complain that they were unable to obtain such information. I always use the State Services website. It’s just that, in addition to fines, you can solve a bunch of other issues, and not just try to solve them, but actually do them. Very comfortably. Data from cameras about violations enters the database very promptly, so it is possible to pay a fine at a discount. I have not had any situations where a fine was received erroneously (that is, for a violation that I did not commit). There were a couple of cases when someone complained about this, but I think the guys are being a little disingenuous. So you can safely trust State Services. Photos of violations are actually on the official website of the traffic police. I can’t say anything about the traffic police website and Autocode - I haven’t used their services. I never visited other sites either. Well, I can support some of the comments that we should try to violate traffic rules as little as possible, and our health, money, and nerves will be safer. By the way, I heard briefly that they are going to launch a new online project like State Services, only a little more advanced. It will be even more convenient. Wait and see.


    Why doesn’t the traffic police indicate the building number in the shipping address?
    Letters of happiness by mail arrive after 20 days of the grace period and the fine must be paid in full.


    If I managed to file an appeal or appeal to the court within 10 days, do I not lose the grace period for paying the fine of 50%, or if you are suing, would you please pay in full? Anyone who has already been sued, please advise!


    I pay fines (although they are rare) through the government services website, saving 30 rubles on bank commissions! It’s a small thing, but it’s nice, and even if the resolution comes from another region, you can be late with a 50% payment reduction. And on the State Services website the fine is posted immediately!


    It is easy to find out why you received a fine by the order number. I always received a fine by mail, i.e. in the form of a piece of paper where all the information is written. This way, I immediately see the reason for issuing a fine and see a photo of my car and the place where it was taken. If you really want to clarify something, then I go to the website “Checking traffic police fines” or the official website of the traffic police. Next, I open the “Services” field, look for “Checking traffic police fines,” enter my car number and PTS registration number, click “Request” and look at the table.
    I am interested in the “Resolution” column because it contains the number of the resolution. Next, I check the number and what fine it corresponds to. You can click on column three and then get full information about the violation and a link to the Administrative Code.
    Information on the decree number can also be found on third-party resources, however, for my own safety and peace of mind in the future, I only use the official website of the traffic police, since you can run into scammers.
    I pay fines only through the government services website, this is another way to make sure the fine is correct, since it duplicates all the data.


    Only through the court! In the complaint you write that you want to see the very fact of your violation of traffic rules (photo recording) and the court will oblige the traffic police authorities to provide this document. If for some reason it is not there, then there will be no punishment!


    Using the resolution number, you can easily find your fine on the State Services, and not just on the traffic police website. But why, if the decree has already been issued, the rules have been violated and formalized. Pay faster, with a 50% discount!


    Yes, now you don’t even need to search, you just go to the government services website and it issues all the fines right away.
    By the way, I tried through other sites, but only government services showed 2 fines, which it turns out were already 7 months ago. There you can even look at photos and videos from the intersection.
    Since then, I check once a month so that I can pay if anything happens with a 50% discount.

An Internet project called “autocode” was developed by the Moscow government with the aim of implementing two-way interaction with residents of the capital and representatives of city structures. Every year the popularity of the portal is growing, due to the relevance of the information for the population. More and more people are checking cars before purchasing on an online portal.

Each user of the Autocode mos ru portal can find out or request the following information about a car registered in the Capital:

  • Current information on fines and other penalties for traffic violations. Administrative traffic violations.
  • Get information about the place and methods of obtaining a driver's license and car documents.
  • About the operating history of the vehicle and the nature of its operation.
  • About fines for traffic violations or other administrative violations, by a specific person or involving a specific vehicle.
  • About the expiration date of documents.
  • About completed road accidents.
  • About the presence of restrictions imposed on the car.
Also on the Autocode portal there are new services available to ordinary users:
  • Car insurance- calculation of the cost and registration of OSAGO and CASCO policies online. Policies are issued on the websites of partners - insurance agents.

  • Appeal to the AMPP- appeal a parking fine. In this section, you can form and send an appeal only regarding orders for unpaid parking issued by employees of the State Public Institution “Administrator of the Moscow Parking Space” (AMPP). The numbers of such resolutions (new format) consist of 20 digits and begin with 780 or 25 digits starting with 03554310 .

  • Transport tax- every car owner must pay it immediately after purchasing a car. The amount of taxes depends on the category and power of the vehicle. Regional authorities have the right to change the tax amount and rate and collect different amounts from different types of vehicles based on the year of manufacture, load capacity and other factors at their discretion.

Go to the Moscow government website

Buying a used vehicle in most cases is a compromise between the desired car and the financial capabilities to purchase it. But situations are not uncommon when scammers take advantage of the excessive gullibility of potential buyers. Stolen cars with altered license plates, those that have been in serious traffic accidents, and those that are under collateral or on credit may go on sale. You can eliminate such fraudulent schemes using special services. For example, the official website “Autocode” allows you to conduct a quick check on numerous legal bases and receive a report in real time. But this service is paid.

Only “Autocode” allows you to pierce a car for free - the service is available for those vehicles that are registered in Moscow and the Moscow region. For all other regions of the Russian Federation, this check will cost 379 rubles.

How to identify a car by VIN (VIN) and license plate number

The Autocode portal is designed to conduct an independent check of a vehicle before making a transaction. Currently, a vehicle purchase and sale agreement is concluded in a simple written form between the former owner (to whom the car is registered with the traffic police) and the future owner. To complete the transaction, it is not necessary to deregister the vehicle, and the future owner will even be able to retain state license plates (if they fully comply with the requirements of the established GOST).

There is no need to register the agreement at a notary office or the traffic police. And this becomes the reason for numerous forgeries. A vehicle that:

  • is on the federal wanted list (for example, due to its theft);
  • pledged to a credit institution;
  • limited in the ability to carry out registration actions by judicial authorities;
  • burdened with various claims, collateral documents;
  • does not correspond to the body part numbers specified in the original documents.

In addition, the car may be after a serious accident. All this information can be obtained using the report. Checking a car using Autocode by number is quite simple. This procedure requires absolutely no additional information:

  1. find out the state license plate of the vehicle you are interested in (you can see it on the front or rear bumper - this is an alphanumeric combination in the format X111ХХ111);
  2. go to the official portal;
  3. Enter the state license plate number in the special verification form;
  4. click the check button;
  5. wait for the report to be generated and pay for it;
  6. receive a fully completed document in real time.

In the same way, you can use “Autocode” to identify a car using its VIN code, which is entered in the same way as state license plates.

Standard report content

The contents of the vehicle report will contain a standard set of data that allows a detailed study of the entire operating history. The document always opens with the year of manufacture of the vehicle. Then the name of the brand and model is indicated. Please note that if the numbers of the engine and body parts are altered, these data may not coincide with those provided by the potential seller.

The following indicates the number of former owners and the equipment declared by the manufacturer. The indicated mileage cannot be considered reliable information, since this is a parameter selected by insurance companies and is often recorded from the words of the owners when taking out a compulsory motor liability insurance policy.

  • whether the car is collateral or disputed property;
  • whether he is on the federal wanted list or reported for theft;
  • are there any restrictions on the part of judicial and administrative authorities for carrying out any registration actions;
  • operation as a taxi and participation in an accident;
  • operation outside the Russian Federation and history of customs clearance;
  • body repair work within the framework of warranty cases or under an insurance policy (MTPL and CASCO).

If data on road accidents is available, photographic photographs are attached to the report. They must illustrate all body damage.

For a potential owner, it will be useful information about the amount in which, after purchasing a car, he will have to pay annually the transport tax and insurance premium under the MTPL policy.

All data is provided by official authorities. These are the traffic police, the judicial system, administrative resources, a database of collateral, notary databases, data provided to all operating insurance companies.

Puncture a car for free

You can get a car stamped for free using the Autocode only if it is registered with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate in Moscow and the region. In the regions of the Russian Federation this service is not provided free of charge.

The official website autocode is a resource developed with the support of the Government of Moscow and the Moscow region. It offers potential users huge functionality. Here you can not only check the entire history of the vehicle completely free of charge. You can immediately check all traffic fines and immediately pay them at a reduced rate.

In order to unlock your car for free on the Autocode portal, you need to register. Then you should enter your basic data in your personal account. You can immediately register your vehicle in order to receive all the data on it from the photo database of traffic violations in a timely manner.

After completing the registration procedure, you must enter the VIN code or state license plate number of the vehicle in a special form. And after 5-10 minutes a fully formed report will be ready. You can save it in your personal account, or you can send it to your email address.

Check traffic police fines

Traffic police fines displayed on Autocode may enter the system with a slight delay. Meanwhile, current legislation allows citizens to pay administrative fines from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate within 20 (twenty) calendar days after the issuance of a decision on violation of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation with a 50% discount. Therefore, it is necessary to provide yourself with reliable and timely channels for receiving information about various offenses on the roads. This will allow you to pay traffic fines with a 50% discount.

The official website "Autocode" traffic police can record fines only if the owner has indicated the vehicle registration details or his driver's license in his personal account. In this case, all information coming from the federal photo recording system will immediately and promptly arrive in the form of SMS alerts to the specified mobile cell phone number.


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