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Maxim Vlasov

Dear friends, dear readers! I invite you to discuss in this article what, in my opinion, is a very important and extremely interesting topic. This is a big money issue. Big money, as some people think, or even, probably, most people think so, is the kind of money that changes people mainly for the worse. And if something changes people, then it definitely has something to do with psychology. So I can't help but be interested in this question. Moreover, in my life, as probably in the lives of most of you, there were quite a few examples of how money spoiled people. However, observing these changes, I drew slightly different conclusions. I do not agree with the statement that money spoils people! I believe that on the contrary, people waste money! Therefore, I even signed the aphorism corresponding to my opinion to this article with my name, because I came up with it myself. And in this article I will show you, dear readers, and what will be necessary - I will prove exactly how, from my point of view, big money influences a person, and how a person influences money. I think this will help us understand ourselves and other people well, without testing ourselves and others with big money. After all, it will be better if you understand what kind of person you are before you have money than after. Because in the latter case, your changes, often for the worse, including for yourself, can become irreversible.

So what does money do to people when there is a lot of it? To do this, let's think about how a large amount of money differs from a small amount. It’s simple: a person with more money gets more opportunities, he can do more. But how he takes advantage of these opportunities depends on his personal qualities, which in turn were formed thanks to the culture in which the person grew up and lived. After all, you must admit that money, both large and small, can be managed in different ways. With their help, you can benefit yourself and others, or you can cause harm. Accordingly, with the help of small money you can cause minor harm to yourself and others, which is not as noticeable as larger harm that requires more resources. Well, let’s say a person enjoys smoking and drinking alcohol, thereby harming his body. Of course, this dubious pleasure can cost differently, but in any case it will bring harm to a person. And if a person has a lot of money, wouldn’t he want to try to give himself pleasure using other means, the same drugs, for example? And this is even more harm to his body. Or, if a person has a lot of money and has nothing to do, he can have fun in ways that are extremely dangerous for him and other people, for example, racing cars, risking an accident. Now, if he didn’t have money, or rather, if he had little of it, he would be preoccupied with the issue of earning it, and so, having a lot of money, he is engaged in activities that are dangerous to his life, thereby showing his low level of cultural development and your misunderstanding of life.

On the other hand, if we talk about the benefits of money, both large and small, then the difference here will also be significant. Someone can help another person with a small amount of money to survive difficult times for him, and someone, having a lot of money, can build libraries, schools, hospitals, theaters and so on - thereby benefiting many people. Thus, the level of a person’s cultural development is visible by what he spends his money on - on cheap pleasure that is harmful to the body, or on means for self-development, on large yachts or on socially significant objects. In short, money, both big and small, is an opportunity for a person to show himself and others who he is.

Money does not spoil people, even if it is a lot of money - it only allows them to be themselves, they expose the insides of every person by allowing him to do much of what he could not or was afraid to do before. Of course, we can say that this is their role - to allow a person to reveal his worst qualities. But even if a person has a lot of money, their best qualities can be revealed, although only in a few. However, for some reason we do not say that big money and money in general make people better. Probably because this doesn't happen very often. It is worth noting that both bad and good qualities in a person can be revealed without money - for this you just need to create the appropriate conditions. For example, a person can be given power, which he can use, both for the benefit of others and for the detriment of them. Or a person may find himself in a difficult situation and show a very bad side of himself, simply not wanting to sacrifice something or bear responsibility for something. It’s not for nothing that they say that a friend is known in trouble, because trouble also exposes a person, just like a lot of money. Many people, faced with difficulties, problems, and responsibility, give in and behave extremely indecently. A very striking example is when a man leaves a woman with a small child, running away from difficulties, from responsibility, from hard work. So, as you can see, many things can change a person, both for the worse and for the better. Money is just one of the conditions under which a person can show himself from one side or another. And if we talk about money, then the lack of money, poverty, also has a very bad effect on people’s behavior, as well as on their lives. Poverty is a real punishment for the vast majority of people.

Let's now think about how people waste money. And they spoil them just like everything else they shift responsibility for their bad deeds and their bad behavior onto. People give money a very bad image by using it to cause more harm to each other than good. Although this statement can be argued, in order to understand what harm people cause to each other with the help of money, you need to compare this with the harm they cause to each other without money, that is, with the help of other means. However, many people manage a lot of money in such a way that it seems that there is more evil than good in money. But given the fact that money is just a tool that cannot do anything without human participation, it turns out that there is more evil in man than good. This is unpleasant to realize, you will agree. And maybe this is the wrong logic. I don’t want to think bad about people, or rather, I don’t want to see more bad than good in them. But given the way many people handle a lot of money, or a lot of power, for example, I can't help but think that many of them would benefit from being limited in what they can do to prevent them from harming themselves and others. Maybe this is why we live on a planet with limited, rather than infinite, resources, and are forced, although not always effectively, to limit ourselves in order to survive. After all, give a person everything he wants, and who knows what he will do. Therefore, I believe that big money is contraindicated for those who are not ripe for it. Just as some people should not be trusted with responsible work or should not be allowed to drive a vehicle under a certain age and without certain knowledge, so too much money should not be given to those people who are not able to manage it wisely. Likewise, people who are not wise enough should not be allowed to have too much power. Otherwise, we will get a “monkey with a grenade,” which will certainly cause a lot of harm to ourselves and others.

Meanwhile, the amount of money a person has can say a lot about him. But not all! For example, you don't have to be very smart to make a lot of money. To do this, it is enough to be very flexible in order to be able to adapt to the requirements that the system makes of a person and thus be beneficial to it. Then you can take a good, or as they say, “warm” place in the system and, thanks to it, live well. Well, someone even became rich thanks to other people, for example, his parents, who gave him everything. So if a person has a lot of money, then it is not at all necessary that he has any outstanding abilities. But this does not mean that he does not possess them. It happens differently in different cases. You need to look at the person himself - at his actions, judgments, actions in various situations in order to understand what he is like, and only then at the amount of money he has. Many people somehow forget about this, preferring to judge a person by superficial signs. That is why they are often mistaken in their conclusions. We can also say that a person who has little money is not necessarily stupid or lazy - it’s just that his value system may contradict the requirements that apply to a person who is successful in terms of making money. Let’s say, if for a woman her children are more important than her career, then it is quite obvious that she will devote most of her time to them, which means she will have much fewer opportunities to earn a lot of money than those women who completely devote themselves to work. At the same time, what is more important - children or money, every woman, as well as every man, decides for herself.

Thus, I believe that in order to prevent people from spoiling money, or, if you want, to prevent money from spoiling people, we should make people themselves better. Then no amount of money, even a lot of money, will become a means for a person to express the negative traits of his character. After all, a person can assert himself with the help of money in a completely socially acceptable way, in which the desire for more money forces a person to reveal his talents and do something useful for other people. In this state of affairs, big money will improve a person, not worsen him. And according to my theory, a person will create a good image for big money through his behavior. So I believe that it is necessary to improve the culture of people, and not only and not so much to fill their stomachs, in the broad sense of the word. After all, a person’s material well-being, without proper cultural education, will not make him better. Money in this sense plays an insignificant role. But cultural education is quite capable of improving every person, regardless of the quality of his life. Although, of course, you need to take care of both.

The main thing that we must understand is that we make ourselves and others the way we all are. If you make an overly practical materialist out of a person, forming in him an appropriate worldview and thus instilling in him a purely materialistic system of values, then for him the only good will be money, for which he will be ready to do anything. He will not care about his own children, his parents, his wife or husband, in general, about everyone - he will only be interested in money. And thus, with the help of appropriate education, or better yet, training, you will make a person into a biological automaton for making money, but you will kill in him a person who is capable of enjoying life itself, and not just money, including big ones. money. Such a person, of course, will behave with other people as if they were not people, but a source of material gain. This will not mean that he was born such a person, it means that he became such a person thanks to the corresponding culture. That is, there is no point in blaming money or anything else for the behavior of a person who, by nature, is not very correct with other people, and with a bad upbringing is even capable of very immoral acts. If we do not work properly with human material or work with it incorrectly, we get the corresponding “product”. I understand that the idea of ​​making the world and people better is not new. And in general, it has been realized throughout the history of mankind. People, although not all of them, have worked and are working to improve themselves and others. This is done mainly by those who understand how important this work is. Without this work, we would have remained aggressive savages with a barbaric culture and a corresponding low quality of life.

But we must understand that human nature does not change, only the environment in which a person lives changes. Therefore, it is precisely this that we should take care of first of all, creating a culture that will contribute to the cultivation of worthy people who know how, in our case, to handle big money. So we should all remember this when we begin to shift responsibility from ourselves to money, talking about its negative impact on a person. After all, we cannot give up money, at least for now, and we don’t need to do this, because there will be no money, there will be something else that a person can use to splash out his negative personal qualities. But we are not only capable of changing ourselves and others, but I think it is necessary. While not all of us can make a significant contribution to global culture, we can all take proper care of the microculture in our own family.

When a person becomes better and learns to handle big money with dignity, and earn it in ways that are useful to society, then he will stop spoiling money with his bad behavior. He, on the contrary, will begin to glorify and exalt them as a very useful means of mutual exchange. And money itself, I repeat once again, does not change people, it only tears off their masks and exposes their nature. Therefore, when money is in bad hands it does bad things, and when it is in good hands it does good things.

Opinions of different people. Information from Contact.

My opinion - with the advent of $$$, what is more in a person breaks out... If a person is essentially good, there is a chance that $$$ will not spoil him, and maybe even vice versa. And if a person is already a G, then he will become an even bigger G. In any case, he will no longer be the same...

Money spoils many, but there are those who remain human and do not put themselves above everyone else because of their position, you need to remain human in any situation

If this amount is suddenly dropped on a person’s head, then even the most normal person can break down and change for the worse! Let's say a person had a loving wife, a child, life is wonderful! And then the money fell on my head! And the point is that from this amount this person can lose the most precious thing! Happiness! But he realizes this when it is already too late! At first it seemed to him that if he had money, he had everything, everything could be bought, but in reality, with money, he had nothing, only pieces of paper, next to which swindlers, bitches and whores were hanging around...

I can admit that If a person has a big soul, then nothing can spoil him,BUT, such a person will never have a lot of money because he will try to help others, and there are a lot of people in need..

Think not every person in his soul can withstand fame and money. Many simply disappear, it seems to me... Of course, new horizons open up, new opportunities open up and therefore priorities and views on many things change; if a person is truly smart and purposeful, he will remain a PERSON (just very busy) because of his fame and money will always serve something greater, ad infinitum. I think so))

Only those who did not earn it themselves get spoiled., as a rule, these are children of wealthy parents who did not receive a decent upbringing. Anyone who has achieved wealth, opportunity and beauty does not deteriorate, but improves and, perhaps, becomes a little cynical, but a healthy dose of cynicism has never spoiled anyone.

Most people, unfortunately, are designed in such a way that when everything is good for them personally, then everything else is good for them! If we assume that this is so, then “yes” spoils the soul! You need to be a very extraordinary person to rise above your own well-being!…

Money is a strong energy. Big money is a huge energy, it only increases all the qualities that a person has! Unprepared people, as a rule, quickly lose, spend, and squander easy money (wins, inheritance, etc.)
because they failed to manage this energy (that is, roughly speaking, it steered them, dragged them, seduced them). “Learn to manage three pennies and they will give you more!!!”
And the one who learned to become rich began to value his resources (money and knowledge) more, distribute them correctly and increase them, so naturally he became out of step with the lazy whiners out of envy who now call them “spoiled money”

the soul does not spoil. You just push away people who go through life as a burden. These are not far-thinking, envious, drinkers, drug addicts, lawbreakers, losers, inadequate. In general, you begin to surround yourself with those who are better than you. You become like those who surround you sooner or later. I have never met anyone whose soul was spoiled by money. Again, everything is relative. It all depends not on how expensive something is, but on whether you can afford it.

A thinking person has nothing in excess. He doesn’t keep all this in his safe, but puts it into further use.
But the one who has wealth fallen on his head and does not know what to do with it does not spoil - he quickly spends it and continues to drag out his old way of life. Well, I took a walk and that’s it! It’s another matter when a person does not know how to properly take advantage of his opportunities and simply leads an idle lifestyle - then he can deteriorate. Such people simply stop living naturally.

With an excess of money, not everything, but most people become greedy, demanding, they lose the desire to communicate with ordinary, not rich people.
So far no one has suffered from excess beauty, girls are only becoming a little bitchier and more demanding))

If everything comes too quickly and easily, it will blow anyone's mind. But if you earned this money through your relatively honest work, then it seems to me that this will not happen. Beauty: If you weren't over-praised as a child, you're unlikely to become a narcissist in the future.

Only if in parallel he does not develop, in addition to the material sphere, spiritual life. Let me explain with an example: there are several types of rich people. Some of them enjoy the fruits of success, big money and so on. Others, having no less, invest part of their earnings in charity, and not for the sake of PR (they are not celebrities to promote themselves in this way)!
Usually the second type of people are those who have achieved everything through their own labor and know first-hand what “hard times” are... Something like this.

For a comfortable life we ​​always need money; we cannot live without it in our lives. All people strive for a good life and everyone dreams about it, and some succeed. As a result, they reach great heights and become great people. However, this does not benefit each of them, because, as we know, money tends to spoil people.

Does money spoil people?

If a person is kind and good by nature, then it will be difficult to spoil him even with a lot of money. Such people, having a good income, try to help other people and this, of course, deserves great respect. But, unfortunately, there are very few such people; basically everyone thinks only about themselves. And such people can also be understood, because they also did not get this wealth easily, they earned it with their own strength and intelligence, and are not obliged to help anyone. The desire to help people should come from the heart, and not through coercion or persuasion. On the portal you can learn more about money, its properties and its use.

If a person was not the best even without money, then more money will make him even worse, since he will feel real power. And he will forget about all his positive qualities, because in fact he will no longer need them. He will no longer be able to hide his essence, he will not have to pretend, because with a lot of money he will already be able to buy himself everything he needs. For example, fake respect, fake friends, and also fake love. Of course, this won't make him truly happy and it will make him even angrier. He will not understand why he does not experience happiness, because he has everything for this. However, he will not have the most important thing, which is a sincere attitude towards himself from other people. This means that he will never become happy if he continues to assume that money can buy everything and everyone. We must remember that true sincere friendship and love cannot be bought even for a lot of money.

It is not without reason that people say that happiness does not lie in money at all, and in order to be truly happy you do not have to be rich financially. If a person has a family, real friends, a normal job, housing and is surrounded by sincere people, then he is already a real rich man. This is all you need for happiness, the main thing is to understand and learn to appreciate what you have. Of course, you won’t be able to live your life with dignity without any money, but it’s not at all necessary to have a huge amount of money.

Wealth does not lie in money, but in the kindness of a person. If a person is kind, then he can have a lot of money; it will not spoil him in any way, he will not strive for power over people, he will help them, and evil people, unfortunately, are not capable of this.

Does money spoil people? How do you think? I get asked this question quite often, and today I decided to write a separate short article that will answer it. After reading it, you will find out my opinion about whether money spoils a person and why. I would like to emphasize that this is just my opinion, which I will try to argue well, but whether to agree with it or not is up to each reader.

So, quite often I hear and read various people who claim that money spoils a person. Moreover, their statements are not unfounded - they immediately give examples. Most often, these examples involve, say, some rich officials, or their children, who create all sorts of chaos, feeling their impunity, since they have power, connections, and most importantly, money. Everything has its price, everything can be bought off - that’s what they think. And in practice, as a rule, this is what happens: they pay off. Alas, our society, our law enforcement and judicial systems are structured this way. This gives the impression that money spoils people. After all, if they didn’t have money, they wouldn’t be able to pay off, and they wouldn’t be so openly outrageous, they would think more about their actions.

Other supporters of the opinion that money spoils a person cite the example of businessmen who “rose” from the bottom to a certain level. So, they say, until he had no money, he was a normal person, but now he felt that he could do anything, and he became spoiled. For example, he bullies his employees or something like that.

And the more money a person has, the more they spoil him: many people think so. I allow myself to disagree with this, and now I will explain my position.

First of all, not all examples of people who acquired money are negative. You can also find many opposite, positive examples, when successful and wealthy businessmen, for example, are actively engaged, value, respect and encourage their employees, and they respond to them with their loyalty. Are there such examples? There are plenty of them too.

From this we can conclude that it is not money that spoils a person, but something else. What is this? And the answer here is very simple. These are the manifestations of negative personal qualities, what is initially inside these people.

Then another question: why didn’t these personal qualities manifest themselves when a person had no money? Everything is simple here too.

All people have certain qualities: both good and bad. The set of qualities is individual for each person, and they exist in a certain balance: a person tries to demonstrate the good ones, and suppresses the bad ones.

But when a certain, let’s say, catalyst appears, people can fully discover those negative qualities that they had previously tried to suppress in themselves. By the way, positive ones too, we’re just not talking about them now. And one of these catalysts is money: a person feels more opportunities, and therefore suppresses his negative personal qualities less.

But one cannot say that money spoils people. People are spoiled by their own qualities, and money is simply a catalyst through which these qualities begin to clearly manifest themselves. And, I emphasize, far from the only one! For example, power, holding a certain position, or generally getting into any situation can serve as such a catalyst. This is just an incentive, an impetus for the manifestation of one’s negative qualities: if they exist, they will still “pop up” sooner or later: not from money, but from something else.

Therefore, one should not assume that money is an evil that spoils people: people are spoiled by the people themselves, by what is inside them. I have already said many times, and I will repeat it again, that money is a tool with which you can create a masterpiece, or you can cripple and even kill yourself and other people. Take for example any “dangerous” tool that you understand, for example, a knife or an ax: the same thing, it all depends on how to control it and what to do with it.

So, the general conclusion. Money doesn't spoil people. Money will not spoil a good person, but a bad person will still be “spoiled” by something else, even if it is not money. It's all about the set of personal qualities that are inherent in a person, and how and under what circumstances he shows these qualities.

Therefore, you should never be afraid of money, thinking that it will bring you something bad, that it will spoil you. You need to be afraid of your negative qualities: you need to fight them, and try to suppress them in yourself, while developing positive personal qualities.

This is how the article turned out, and I hope that you will extract the necessary moral from it. If you disagree with something, you can always express your opinion in the comments: other readers will be interested.

I say goodbye to you, I wish you enough money that would not spoil you, but only help, serve as a tool for you that brings benefit and not harm. See you again at !

We all know very well the expression that money spoils a person. Is this really true? What happens to a person when he gets really rich? Are there any changes in character or attitude towards other people? Is there a way back and can one finally maintain normal human qualities after a person has become truly rich? All these questions are quite important and interesting, they deserve extremely careful consideration and analysis.

It seems that the first thing that happens to a person after receiving wealth is the realization that all problems have already been solved. A man no longer has to think about where to look for money for food, clothing, utility bills and entertainment - there is plenty of money for this. And the problem disappears.

The only subtlety here is that a person cannot live without problems. Life is a constant search for and solutions to various problems, usually they are some kind of everyday or consumer problems, which, after acquiring wealth, simply evaporate. And what problems come to the fore in this case?

When a person is deprived of all everyday and consumer problems, he begins to look for problems in those around him. A person’s character deteriorates, he begins to think that all those who are close to him are close to him only because he is rich. A person stops appreciating normal human relationships, because he simply stops believing that someone can be with him not for money. All this leads to the fact that the character of the rich man deteriorates very much, and accordingly, he loses a large number of important human qualities.

However, it is quite possible to avoid such a situation. Although this will depend solely on who gets rich. He must exercise a greater degree of self-control. And look for problems not in the people who surround him. There are a huge number of different problems in the world. Those who have achieved success and really become rich can use their talents in some other areas, from social life to other aspects. This is exactly what a person must do if he wants to maintain his high human qualities.

The role of those around him is also important. They should remind a person that wealth does not relieve him of the need to remain adequate, tolerant and someone who respects others. Only in this case do high human qualities have a chance to be preserved.

Another mistake is thinking that the money will not run out. Unfortunately, money goes away very quickly if you just spend it and not multiply it. And it is likely that one day you will have to exchange your almost brand new car for money under a standard partner title. Perhaps this will serve as a lesson for the future or as a last chance.


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