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The bulk of modern cars, tractors and other equipment is equipped with power steering. Power steering requires special liquid... All about hydraulic booster fluids, their types and applicability, as well as the correct selection and replacement of fluids - read in this material.

What is power steering fluid

- a specialized fluid that acts as a working fluid in the hydraulic power steering (power steering) systems of cars, tractors and other wheeled vehicles.

In modern cars and trucks, buses, tractors and other wheeled vehicles, a system is provided to facilitate the driver's work - hydraulic power steering (GUR). This system consists of a liquid pump driven by crankshaft engine, power actuator, control mechanism and pipelines. As an actuator, racks or steering mechanisms with bipods are used, as a control mechanism - a distributor integrated with a rack or steering mechanism, which controls fluid flows depending on the direction and angle of rotation of the steering wheel.

Various fluids are used as a working fluid in the power steering, which have several important functions:

  • Power transmission from the power steering pump to the actuator, which ensures the rotation of the steered wheels;
  • Lubrication of rubbing parts of the power steering system;
  • Protection of metal elements of power steering from corrosion;
  • Cooling of rubbing parts of the power steering system.

Most effectively all these functions can be performed only by special fluids developed for operation in the power steering. These fluids have a number of features and distinctive features, which should be discussed in more detail.

Types, composition and features of fluids for power steering

All power steering fluids, regardless of their type and applicability, have fundamentally the same composition: they are based on oils, into which an additive package is added. By the type of base, liquids are divided into three groups:

  • Mineral;
  • Synthetic;
  • Semi-synthetic.

Mineral fluids are based on oils obtained directly from the processing (distillation) of petroleum products. Synthetic fluids are based on oils and other hydrocarbons obtained by organic synthesis, and the same petroleum products are used as raw materials. And the basis of semi-synthetic fluids is made up of mineral oils, into which up to 30% of synthetic components are added.

Various additives are introduced into the base: corrosion inhibitors, agents for reducing friction between various minerals, acidity stabilizers, viscosity stabilizers, anti-foaming agents, components to reduce the negative effects on rubber components, dyes, and others. Each manufacturer uses its own additive packages, the composition of which is often a trade secret.

All of the above fluids are of three main types:

  • PSF special fluids (Power Steering Fluid);
  • Automatic transmission fluids ATF (Automatic Transmission Fluid);
  • Universal hydraulic fluids (Hydraulic Fluid).

The main differences between these fluids are in the additive packages that provide the characteristics necessary for the normal operation of the power steering. They also have some application features.

PSF fluids. These are specialized fluids that can only be used in power steering systems. There is a huge variety of fluids developed by individual car manufacturers or corporations for use only in their vehicles. There is a gradation of PSF from I to IV, the differences between the classes are in the composition of the additive packages and, accordingly, in the properties. These fluids are marked yellow (developed by Daimler) or green (developed by Pentosin, actively used by VAG).

ATF fluids. These are transmission oils for automatic transmissions, which many automakers began to use in power steering. This solution reduces the amount of various technical fluids used in the car, however, it requires taking certain measures when designing the hydraulic booster. The most famous ATFs are Dextron II - VI fluids (marked in red), developed by General Motors. They contain the same additives as PSF, and also add components that prevent clutch slippage and reduce the intensity of their wear.

Hydraulic fluids. These are universal fluids that are used in power steering, hydraulic systems of tractors and special equipment, in adjustable suspensions and other systems. Today there is a huge variety of such fluids, they are labeled with the letters "HF" (Hydraulic Fluid) - Multi HF (universal for hydraulic systems), "CHF" (for central hydraulic systems), "MVCHF", etc. Often, manufacturers of fluids add PSF to their name and abbreviation, which indicates their main application. They can be marked in yellow or green, but often have an amber or natural oil color.

How to choose and replace the power steering fluid

Power steering fluid loses its quality over time and needs to be replaced. The replacement frequency depends on the intensity of use. vehicle: during intensive operation, especially in difficult conditions - at least once a year or 30 thousand km of run; with sparing - at least once every two years. However, the recommendations of the manufacturer of the equipment should also be taken into account, since for many vehicles the frequency of fluid replacement may differ.

For replacement, you should take only those power steering fluids that are recommended by the automaker - only in this case there is a guarantee that the system will work reliably and with the declared characteristics. This is especially true for new cars under warranty, when filling with a different liquid there is a possibility of loss of warranty. Many automakers do not recommend the use of third-party products for many of the early high- and mid-range models either.

Often, car owners have a question about the possibility of mixing different types of fluids for power steering. In principle, this possibility exists, but it should only be resorted to in extreme cases. And you need to follow several rules:

  • It is forbidden to mix mineral and synthetic fluids with each other, even if they have the same color;
  • It is conditionally allowed to mix liquids of the same color and with one type of base (mineral - with mineral, synthetic - with synthetic);
  • It is conditionally allowed to mix yellow and red liquids with one type of base;
  • It is conditionally allowed to mix the same liquids from different manufacturers.
  • It is forbidden to mix green liquids with liquids of any other color.

Why can't liquids be mixed? It's all about their chemical composition: additives included in Various types funds can react with each other, leading to unpredictable consequences. As a result of mixing, the liquid can thicken, lose its anti-corrosion or anti-friction properties, an insoluble sediment can fall out of it, etc. - all this in any case will have a sad ending for the power steering.

For the same reasons, mixing of liquids is permissible only conditionally. Even if products are of the same color and type, there is no guarantee that their additives are compatible with each other. Therefore, different liquids should be poured into one tank only when urgently needed.

Changing the fluid is quite simple, in general it is done as follows:

  1. Place the car on a lift or jacks so that the front wheels are off the ground;
  2. Remove the old liquid from the expansion tank (it is convenient to do this with a syringe);
  3. Remove residual fluid from the system - for this you need to disconnect the main hose from the pump, turn it with the steering wheel, then disconnect the hose of the return line, and turn it with the steering wheel again;
  4. Fill in new fluid to the level indicated on the tank;
  5. Turn the steering wheel to distribute the fluid through the system, check the fluid level in the tank, add fluid if necessary;
  6. Close the tank cap, lower the car, start the engine and make a short trip, check the fluid level - if it changes, top up or, conversely, remove excess fluid.

Usually on expansion tank there are two marks - "Min" and "Max", the liquid level must be located between them. Some cars have four marks on the tanks - "Min Cold", "Min Hot", "Max Cold" and "Max Hot", where Cold and Hot are the fluid level, respectively, when the engine is cold and warm. When pouring liquid into such a tank, its level should be located between the “Min Cold” and “Max Cold” marks, and during trips - between “Min Hot” and “Max Hot”.

During the operation of the vehicle, the level and condition of the hydraulic booster fluid should be monitored by timely adding or completely changing it. With the right choice and replacement of fluid, the hydraulic booster will work reliably, providing a comfortable and safe operation car.

What do you know about power steering oil? Chances are, most of the information you got from car manufacturers or from the internet. In fact, half of the teachings of internet experts and car manufacturers are cheating.

Stop living in ignorance - it's time to find out the whole truth about power steering oils.

Helpful Help for Power Steering Fluids

Power steering oil - working body, which transfers pressure from the power steering pump to the rack rod piston. Other functions of the liquid:

  • cools and lubricates the power steering units;
  • protects metal elements of the power steering from rust.

There are a lot of hydraulic oils on the market and it is easy to get confused in this variety. To distinguish liquids, pay attention to color and chemical composition. The colors of the oils are red, yellow and green. By chemical composition, oils are divided into mineral and synthetic. Let's take a closer look and start with color features.

Red oils

Red hydraulic fluid is the development of the General Motors concern, which produces mineral and synthetic fluids. The most common red mineral oils are Dexron II and Dexron III, while synthetic oils are ATF and its derivatives.

Red mineral oil Power steering GM Dexron II

Red fluids are used for steering and automatic transmissions, so these oils are often called transmission oils.

The oils contain impurities for automatic clutches. These impurities do not affect the operation of the hydraulic booster in any way. Therefore, you can not be afraid and fill in red oil both in the power steering and in the automatic transmission. For example, in Japan, there is no separation of oils into transmission and hydraulic oils at all, and one type of fluid is used for these systems.

Red oil is commonly used in American, Asian and European car brands.

Yellow oils

Mineral yellow fluids are used only in power steering. Synthetic oils are poured into hydraulic boosters and used in hydraulic suspension.

The main producer of power steering yellow mineral oil is Daimler AG. It goes without saying that this oil is most often found in cars of brands that belong to the concern - Mercedes-Benz, Smart, AMG and Maybach.

The most popular brands of yellow synthetic oil are Total and Mobil. Yellow synthetics are often found in Citroen cars, and the oil is used both in the hydraulic booster and in the hydraulic suspension.

Green oils

Power steering green oils are mineral and synthetic. Green oils are only used in power steering.

Most of the mineral and synthetic green oils on the Ukrainian market are the products of the VAG concern. These oils are most often found in cars of the VAG group brands - Volkswagen, Audi, Bentley, Porsche, Lamborghini, Bugatti, Seat, Skoda, Scania and MAN. Mercedes-Benz also produces its own line of green mineral water for power steering.

Green synthetic power steering oil VAG

Another popular manufacturer of synthetic green power steering oils is BMW. The manufacturer produces Pentosin oil, which is used in most BMW cars.

Of course, there are other manufacturers of oils, but they make fluids for power steering according to the technologies and standards of the companies described above. Other companies simply buy the rights to manufacture certain oils.

IMPORTANT! All brands and manufacturers described above are for example purposes only, so that you understand what is at stake. We are not trying to advertise these brands or say that they are better than others.

We figured out the colors of the oils, now let's move on to the chemical compositions on which the properties of liquids and additives depend, as well as the viscosity of the oil.

How is a mineral liquid different from a synthetic one?

  • Mineral minerals are based on refined petroleum fractions, for example, paraffins and naphthenes. The mineral base makes up 97% of the total volume of the oil, and the remaining 3% are additives that improve its characteristics.
  • Synthetic oils are based on polyhydric alcohols (ethylene glycol or propylene glycol) and petroleum fractions, which are purified by hydrocracking. The specific gravity of alcohols and petroleum fractions is 92-97% of the total volume of oil. The rest is various polyesters and additives.
  • Mineral oils are usually 2-3 times cheaper than synthetic oils;
  • Mineral oils can withstand temperatures from -40 to +90 degrees Celsius.
  • Synthetic oils retain physical and chemical properties at temperatures from -40 to + 130-150 degrees Celsius.

Similarities between mineral and synthetic oils:

  • if the air temperature drops below -40 degrees, both types of oils thicken. This is evidenced by a very heavy steering wheel and poor vehicle handling;
  • if the temperature rises above the critical point, the oil becomes watery, loses its viscosity, begins to foam and boil. In this case, the control of the car becomes unpredictable - the steering wheel may move intermittently, the wheels will respond with a delay to the steering wheel turns.

Red Mineral Oil Power Steering Nissan

The additives contained in oils perform specific functions:

  • lubricate metal, rubber and fluoroplastic parts;
  • reduce friction between parts;
  • stabilize the viscosity of oils;
  • protect parts from corrosion;
  • do not allow oils to foam;
  • protect rubber components and power steering / EGUR pumps;
  • tint oils for convenient and easy identification.

So, we figured out the oil "traffic light" and the chemical composition. It's time to sort out the legends about power steering oils and determine which ones are true and which are not.

Checking the legends about power steering oils

Legend # 1: Synthetic oils wear out rubber power steering components faster than mineral fluids.

Answer: Not true.

Over 15 years of working with steering, we have repeatedly heard from different drivers that they choose mineral oils for the hydraulic booster, because synthetics destroy rubber components faster. And over the same 15 years, we realized that there is no connection between the type of oil and the rate of wear of rubber seals.

Various additives must be added to synthetic and mineral oils, which protect rubber components and increase their service life.

Difference between old (left) and new (right) green power steering oils

The only grain of truth is that any oil - both synthetic and mineral - can destroy parts if it's old or dirty:

  • you saved and bought not quality oil, the chemical and physical properties of which do not meet the requirements. Such a liquid quickly clogs up and does not protect metal parts from rust and friction, which also affects the condition of rubber components;
  • you haven't changed the power steering oil for a long time. During operation, various microscopic debris and dirt accumulate in the oil, which wears out rubber seals and oil seals at an accelerated pace;
  • you mixed two types of oils and drove for a long time with this “cocktail” in the power steering. We will talk further about what and how you can mix.

Legend # 2: Only the oil recommended by the manufacturer can be poured into the hydraulic booster.

Answer: Almost true.

Car manufacturers RECOMMEND the use of certain oils in vehicle technical documents - usually fluids, the car manufacturer and sells. In essence, this is advertising your product at the expense of another product. You bought our car - now buy oil as well.

Of course, you can use the correct oil from any manufacturer. A prime example is the ZF brand pumps, which work equally well with Daimler AG yellow mineral oils and VAG green mineral oils and synthetics.

Power steering pumps of the ZF trademark are very unpretentious to oil

It is very rare for manufacturers to complete steering such seals that serve for a long time only with certain brands of oil.

IMPORTANT! If you want to fill the power steering with oil that is not on the recommended list, you need:

  • consult with specialists. For example, service station employees who specialize in steering repairs;
  • completely remove the old oil and flush the power steering system well so that the new oil does not mix with the remnants of the old fluid;
  • buy only high-quality oils of proven and well-known brands.

Legend number 3: Some types of fluids can be mixed without damage to the components and parts of the power steering.

Answer: Also almost true.

The Internet is full of articles about power steering oils, where the following is written:

  • feel free to mix red with red, and yellow with yellow;
  • red and yellow mineral water can also be mixed;
  • never mix green oil with liquids of other colors;
  • another green oil can be added to the green power steering fluid, but only if both types of oils are indicated in the ones recommended for the car;
  • it is strictly forbidden to mix mineral oil with synthetic oil even if they are the same color.

In fact, there are only two 100% true statements. You can not mix with each other:

  • mineral water and synthetics - they have a different basis;
  • green fluids with red or yellow.

You can mix oil according to the rest of the described principles ONLY as a last resort, for example, if the hydraulic booster is leaking strongly and you urgently need to get to the service station, but you are not at hand suitable oil Power steering and there is no time to look for it. Or if you are stuck in the middle of the track with a broken power steering, you do not have a supply of suitable oil with you and the only way to get to your destination is to borrow oil from the first driver who stopped.

Long-term use of a mixture of two oils can lead to malfunctions of the power steering pump.

If you were forced to mix two types of oils, do not forget to flush the system from the remains of this mixture after repairing the power steering. Otherwise, the new fluid will mix with the impurities of the old oils, which will negatively affect the properties of the new fluid.

Mix two different kinds liquids of the same color, and even more so of different colors, DO NOT! Do not risk the performance of the car and carefully watch what you fill.

Legend # 4: Power steering oil must be changed every 30-45 thousand kilometers.

Answer: Not true.

Mileage is not the only factor that affects oil life and condition. The properties of the oil also depend on:

  • the driver and his responsibility. If the driver regularly checks the condition of the oil, undergoes maintenance on time and, at the first signs of malfunctions, goes to the service station, then the hydraulic booster oil will last much longer - from 60 to 100 thousand kilometers.
  • condition of the pump and other elements of the power steering, steering rack and other elements and assemblies. If any part of the power steering system is corroded or does not work correctly, the oil will quickly become clogged with fine debris and metal dust. The latter appears if there is mechanical damage to the walls of the stator of the pump or an annular working in the housing of the rail distributor;
  • system integrity. The oil will need to be changed if air, water, dust or dirt gets into the system. In such cases, the oil loses some of its physical and chemical properties, begins to foam, boil or thicken faster than usual, wears out the power steering parts and becomes clogged with metal dust.

Legend No. 5: You need to check the condition of the power steering oil during each maintenance every 15 thousand kilometers.

Answer: True.

Everything is simple here: after 15 thousand kilometers of run, the clogged oil will not have time to seriously harm the power steering system and the master will eliminate all malfunctions without any problems.

Checking the condition of the power steering oil using a syringe

Maintenance is maintenance, but you yourself are able to check the hydraulic booster oil. How to do it:

  • open the tank lid;
  • dip a clean napkin or white sheet of paper into the oil. If the stain on the improvised “probe” is very dark, then it's time to change the oil. To take an oil sample, you can use a conventional syringe instead of a tissue or paper;
  • take a close look at the oil stain on the probe. If you notice some kind of garbage, even if it is very small, then the oil is already unusable and needs to be changed;
  • sniff the oil gently (we hope everyone remembers how we were taught to sniff reagents in chemistry lessons). If the liquid has a burning smell, most likely, and therefore the oil also needs to be changed.

Legend # 6: Inexpensive oil Power steering is not always a bad power steering oil.

Answer: True, but only partially.

Of course, there are time-tested brands of oils for power steering on the market that offer fairly cheap fluids. But the Savings must be reasonable. Do not buy oil of unknown brands, just because it is two to three times cheaper than a well-known analogue. Most often, cheapness is associated with low quality, which does not meet any standards.

Remember that low-quality oil will quickly ruin the power steering, and the price tag for steering repairs will be much more than you will save on oil.

Power steering pump repair is several times more expensive than high-quality oil. Save smartly

Do you want to buy an inexpensive but high-quality power steering fluid? Consult with professionals, for example, employees of a specialized workshop for the repair of steering systems. Experienced mechanics and craftsmen will definitely be able to advise on something worthwhile and suitable for your car.

We remind you that you make any decisions on car maintenance and repair at your own discretion. And only you can decide how to dispose of the information received and what kind of oil to pour into the power steering.

In many modern cars power steering (power steering) is used. Thanks to this device, the driver can force the vehicle to make a turn, with little effort. As a working medium in the power steering, hydraulic fluid is used - a special oil that circulates in the system. Its level must be constantly monitored, otherwise you can face serious problems.

If the fluid level in the power steering has dropped noticeably, it can simply overheat and boil. The effort it takes to turn wheel, will increase by several times. Problems with the power steering caused by a lack of hydraulic fluid will reduce the vehicle's controllability. In the worst case, they can even cause an accident.

How often should the power steering fluid be changed?

Usually, car manufacturers do not specify the exact frequency of replacement of the fluid intended for the power steering. However, it is advisable that the tank is always filled to the normal level. We advise you to pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • during normal operation of the car (mileage - up to 10,000 km / year), the power steering fluid should be changed every 2 years,
  • if the vehicle is used intensively, it should be replaced once a year or after every 30,000 km.

Sometimes you can hear the opinion that the power steering fluid is capable of serving almost throughout the entire service life of the vehicle. But in reality this is not the case. The fact is that during the operation of the power steering, its nodes naturally wear out. As a result, metal dust and dirt can get into the oil. Therefore, a replacement is indispensable.

Where can I get information on the right power steering fluid?

Which power steering fluid is right for you? The answer to this question can be obtained in several ways:

  • usually the type of oil for power steering is indicated in the technical documents for the car,
  • also the information that interests you, as a rule, is indicated on the lid of the oil tank,
  • you can contact dealership and ask the specialists working there.

You can do it differently. In this article you will find useful tips, which will help you decide on the choice of fluids for the power steering used in your car.

Power steering oil and its main characteristics

The fluid used in the power steering system has several important characteristics that must be considered when choosing. It:

  • base type,
  • Colour,
  • operational properties.

By the type of base, all products belonging to this category can be divided into three groups:

  • mineral,
  • semi-synthetic,
  • synthetic.

Mineral oils are characterized by a relatively low cost, they ensure complete safety of rubber parts that are widely used in the power steering system. However, such fluids have a fairly high viscosity and tend to foam. However, in many cars it is recommended to use them.

Synthetic fluids for power steering have good lubricating and anti-corrosion properties, and their advantage is low foaming. However, such a liquid is more often used in automatic boxes gear. Semi-synthetics also have good performance properties.

The composition of the fluid intended for power steering contains various additives. They reduce viscosity characteristics, reduce foam formation, slow down or suppress corrosion, and improve lubricating properties. Also, the power steering fluid, supplemented with special additives, effectively resists oxidation.

It should be borne in mind that different oils for power steering should not be mixed. When incompatible fluids are mixed, the additives in their composition can enter into a chemical reaction. This will lead to unpredictable consequences and is likely to cause significant deterioration in the properties of the oil. Therefore, when changing the oil, the tank is well worth it and only after that fill in the new fluid.

An important characteristic of power steering oil is viscosity. Modern automobiles tend to use less viscous and more fluid products, which in turn are not well suited to vehicles that are relatively old.

High-quality power steering fluid resists high temperatures well, does not roll up, does not change consistency. As an example of oils that are not afraid of heat and provide smooth operation power steering systems even in the most difficult conditions, you can bring the products of the German company Liqui Moly. It produces both mineral and synthetic fluids High Quality... At the same time, Liqui Moly fundamentally does not produce products with standard parameters. The company's catalog contains fluids with improved characteristics, for example, antiwear and low temperature. The wide range makes it easy to find the option for your car. Liqui Moly products make it possible to increase the performance of the hydraulic system, and at the same time extend its life.

As you can see, choosing a power steering fluid is not as difficult a task as it might seem. Take advantage of our advice and do not forget to replace in a timely manner so that the hydraulic power steering system works smoothly and does not let you down at crucial moments.

After what period of time the fluid in the power steering of the car should be replaced, manufacturers usually do not indicate, but it is necessary to change the oil in the steering, and most often the change is made after 50-60 thousand km of the covered path.

But many drivers do not know what kind of fluid is poured into the power steering, and in this article we will tell you what the power steering is usually filled with on various car models.

The importance of power steering oil

The hydraulic steering system (RU) is designed for comfortable driving and was once only used on trucks. Nowadays, more than half of all passenger cars are equipped with hydraulic power steering, and gradually mechanical steering cars are leaving the market.

Power steering fluid plays an important role, it simultaneously performs several functions at once:

  • creates the pressure required to easily turn the steering wheel;
  • lubricates all steering parts;
  • protects parts of the switchgear from overheating;
  • does not allow corrosion to appear in the steering mechanism;
  • protects rubbing parts from premature wear.

Often the fluid in power steering is called oil or grease, since it has lubricating properties. To provide high-quality lubricant parts of RU, additives are added to the fluid, and oil for steering mechanisms with power steering has its own specific composition, it is not suitable for an engine or mechanical transmission.

It often happens that oil leaks from the steering system, and until the repair is made, it is necessary to add fluid to the power steering tank. Car enthusiasts distinguish oil by color, it is produced with a yellow, red, green tint. The red liquid is Dexron, ATF grade, mainly used in automatic transmission, less often in some types of power steering. Although all Dextron oils are the same in color, they have a different composition - they can be mineral or synthetic. You should be aware that mineral water should not be mixed with synthetics in any case, since the transmission fluid will curdle and foam when mixed.

You should also know that Dexron is not a brand, but just a type of oil. Dextron is produced by various companies, it can be from manufacturers:

  • Mobil;
  • Mannol;
  • Motul;
  • Valvoline;
  • Ravenol;
  • Liqui Moly.

There are many other ATF companies as well.

The yellow power steering fluid was originally intended for Mercedes cars, and was almost never used on other car models. The fluid poured into the hydraulic booster for Ford, Renault, Opel, Hyundai, Nissan, Audi, Kia, etc., green, is used more often than others, but it is not suitable for automatic transmissions. Oil with a green tint belongs to the PSF class, and the additives in its composition differ from those in ATF.

To understand how they differ transmission fluids from oils for power steering, it is enough to study the table of functions of oil for power steering and for automatic transmission.

Before adding oil to the power steering, you should find out what fluid is in the car. Often the content is determined by color, for example, only green or red (pink) liquid is poured into the Ford Focus-2. Having determined the color, the car owner finds out that only two compositions are used on "Focuses":

  • WSS-M2C204-A - green tint;
  • WSA-M2C195-A - red.

It is undesirable to use something else in the Ford Focus GUR, but you should know that red mineral oils such as Dextron can be mixed with each other in case of emergency.

Green and yellow liquids cannot be mixed; when they are combined, foaming occurs. But if the Mercedes car owner has a desire to replace the yellow grease in the steering system with a green one, it is necessary to flush, and then the power steering will work normally, without any problems. It is allowed to mix "mineral water" Dexron with a yellow mineral liquid, nothing terrible happens. To understand a little what can be mixed and what not, you can look at the compatibility tables of autochemistry of various manufacturers.

Group one. Here are indicated oils that are conditionally replaceable with each other - they are very similar in composition, only produced by different manufacturers. If you approach the issue strictly, these fluids should not be mixed, but the mixing of the compositions will not affect the power steering resource, and the steering system will work properly.

Group two ... In this table, liquids can only be mixed with each other, they are not compatible with other oils. But if you flush the system, they can be used in other power steering.

Group three ... Liquids in this category may only be used if they are approved for use by the vehicle manufacturer. It is impossible to fill in oils of the group if they are not recommended by the manufacturer, but they are interchangeable with each other.

One more important point- "synthetics" are rarely used in hydraulic boosters, synthetic composition corrodes rubber seals and oil seals. Therefore, such fluids are used provided that their use is permissible by the vehicle manufacturer.

Various auto chemical goods on Russian market a lot, automotive oils for hydraulic boosters are presented in a wide range. Products differ significantly in price, and original formulations are always more expensive. But if a product is sold cheaper, this does not mean at all that it is of poor quality. In many cases, auto chemical goods have a high price just because the company is very well known all over the world, but is it necessary to overpay only for the brand?

You can buy power steering fluid in any store that sells consumables and auto parts for cars; wholesale companies and small outlets also sell oils. By the way, the likelihood of running into a fake is not excluded, so you should purchase the product from trusted organizations with a good reputation that have been working on the market for several years. Most often, power steering fluid is sold in packages of about 1 liter, and such a container is very convenient, since for power steering passenger car basically 600 to 900 ml of oil is required. To illustrate the order of prices for products in 2017, here are a few examples. The cost of green fluid for power steering:

Here are the approximate prices for some ATF (Dextron) oils:

  • ATF 220 Mobil, liter canister - 450-500 rubles;
  • XADO ATF, 1 l - 800-850 rubles;
  • Divinol ATF Premium, 1 l - 820-870 rubles.

The industry also produces various synthetic fluids, among inexpensive products it is worth noting Total Fluide Lds - the product is used in hydraulic systems Citroen cars. This oil is orange in color, has a high viscosity index, has a low pour point and excellent lubricating properties, well protects power steering parts from corrosion. The price of a package for 1 liter is about 500-500 rubles. But it should be remembered that synthetics cannot be mixed with mineral oils.

Accurate development of the mechanisms responsible for the vehicle's maneuverability is one of the main parameters of safe driving. It is important that all assemblies and parts included in the steering control work without failures. Several years ago, the steering system was simple and reliable, but after the massive introduction of hydraulic boosters, motorists have to take additional care of this element, which has a direct impact on driving. Maintaining the power steering is not so difficult - it is enough to fill it with high-quality oil when required. In this article, we will consider what kind of fluid to pour into the power steering, as well as what their differences are, in addition to colors, cost and brands.

Power steering oil change intervals

Power steering fluid is not eternal and is not designed for the entire period of vehicle operation. There are general recommendations for the frequency of replacement of the working fluid:

  • with intensive use of the car - 1 time / year or after 30 thousand km;
  • during normal operation and mileage up to 10 thousand km per year - 1 time / 2 years.

If there is a leak in the system and a significant decrease in the level in the tank, the liquid boils after a few minutes, and the effort on the steering wheel increases several times - the power steering fails. To prevent this situation, before eliminating the gap, the oil must be topped up to the normal level. And here motorists often have problems, since many have no idea what kind of fluid is poured into the power steering.

Power steering fluid function

Thanks to the power steering, it is very easy for the driver to turn the steering wheel. Such conditions are provided by a special fluid PSF, which transfers forces from the pump to the piston. The quality of its work will depend on what kind of liquid is poured into the control system and its level.

The oil has the following functions:

  • protects parts and components of the system from corrosion;
  • removes heat generated during movement and friction of parts with each other, preventing overheating.

How many functions PSF will perform, including how strongly it foams, depends on the additives that are added to it.

Types of liquids

Drivers often judge the quality of PSF power steering fluid by its color. Although color is an indicator, it does not determine its properties.

The main characteristics of the liquid:

  • viscosity;
  • how much it foams;
  • hydraulic properties;
  • mechanical qualities;
  • Chemical properties.

It is by these characteristics that the quality of the oil can be determined.

There are two types of PSF fluids: mineral and synthetic. For the power steering, mineral oil is more often used, due to the fact that there are rubber parts in its design. Over time, these parts dry out under intense stress on steering system... Mineral based PSF extends the life of rubber parts.

Synthetic PSF is rarely filled for power steering. It can only be used for the vehicle control system if approved by the manufacturer. Synthetics are often used on technical machines, who have permission to use it in their passport.

Each PSF fluid for power steering has a specific color. It can be red, yellow and green. It is allowed to mix red and yellow liquids. If green oil is poured into the system, then a solution of a different color cannot be poured. It is not recommended to mix mineral water and synthetics.

Substances of red color can have both mineral and synthetic base. They are mainly used in automatic transmissions only. They are very rarely poured into the hydraulic booster. A red solution can be mixed with a yellow one, but only if they match in characteristics.

Classification of oils for power steering by brand and color

Motorists can quite easily determine which fluid to pour into the power steering, since the manufacturers, for greater convenience, introduced the simplest color classification for PSF. Depending on the pigment added to the fluid, you can purchase a red, yellow or green power steering oil.

Red and yellow ATF

The red oils are formulated to meet General Motors standards. They can be mineral or synthetic and are called Dexron. Dexron III and Dexron IV are predominantly used today. By the way, more often than in power steering, these fluids are used in automatic transmissions, therefore, in cars with an automatic transmission, one fluid is often poured into the transmission and into the power steering reservoir (usually in Korean and Japanese cars).

The main thing to remember is that Mineral-based Dexron cannot be mixed with Synthetic Dextron. The choice of fluid must be consistent with the recommendations of the manufacturers. These PSFs are widely used in cars of Kia, Nissan, Hyundai, Mazda, Toyota, etc.

The yellow fluids are licensed from Daimler and can be mineral or synthetic based. These substances are often poured into Mercedes-Benz cars ... They can also be used simultaneously in automatic transmissions. It is important that you can mix yellow liquids with red ones and vice versa, if necessary - they are fully compatible. It is only necessary to monitor so that their chemical composition coincides - that is, you cannot mix "synthetics" with "mineral water".

Necessary tools for self-oil change

Changing the fluid in the power steering is carried out using the following tools: Large syringe or rubber bulb. Socket wrench for ten. Container (a plastic bottle is suitable). Pliers. Flexible tube with a diameter of about 6 - 7 mm. Jack. Rags.

Complete replacement

According to some dealers, the oil in the power steering system should safely serve throughout the entire operation of the vehicle. But it is consumable, which means that it undergoes aging in the course of its use and can no longer fully fulfill its functions. Often, drivers wonder how to change the fluid in the power steering? To carry out this procedure, you will need an assistant. Replacing the fluid in the power steering is not particularly difficult, and every motorist is quite capable of carrying out this procedure on his own.

The procedure will be as follows: First of all, it is necessary to raise the front of the car with a jack so that the front wheels are in the air, and also to install the supports. This is necessary so that the power steering pump does not experience excessive loads, as well as for free rotation of the wheels when the engine is off. Pre-protect belts and other engine parts from oil ingress by covering them with rags. Unscrew the tank cap. Using a syringe with a flexible tube attached to it, remove the liquid from the reservoir up to the filter. Using pliers, loosen the clamps on the branch pipes and unscrew the fastening bolts with a socket wrench. Disconnect the hoses from the tank, remove it and rinse if necessary. Next, remove the return tube (return) and place it with its free end in a previously prepared plastic container.

In order for the fluid to drain out of the system, it is necessary to slowly turn the steering wheel to the left and to the right. In this way, liquid is removed from the system. At the same time, it is not worth turning on the engine, since otherwise, although the process will go many times faster, air can enter the system. Now we move on to the suction hose that goes to the pump. Insert a funnel into the hose and pour fresh liquid through it. In this case, you need to turn the steering wheel until clean liquid comes out of the return line. After that, everything must be returned to its place: install the tank and other elements back. Before that, as necessary, it must be rinsed and checked for defects. Add liquid to the reservoir to the required level. Turn the steering wheel, then start the engine and turn it again. Make sure that air bubbles disappear from the tank. After you have stopped the engine, lower the car and add fluid again to the MAX mark.

Partial replacement

This method is simpler, but less efficient. How to partially change the power steering fluid? We cover the place under the tank with a rag to avoid getting oil on the parts. Similarly to the first method, we jack up the car. We remove the lid of the tank, suck out the liquid with a syringe (pear). Fill in new liquid to the desired level. We start the engine and then slowly turn the steering wheel in both directions until it stops. It is again necessary to add oil and repeat the procedure until the oil in the reservoir becomes clean. Thus, changing the oil is not a complicated procedure; it can be easily carried out without the help of specialists. The whole process will take no more than half an hour.


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