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Why exactly at the moment of starting the engine its most intensive wear occurs? The fact is that sleeve bearings used in crank mechanism, and other mating parts work with inevitable friction against each other. Ideally between the main bearings, connecting rod bearings and crankshaft there should always be an oil layer.

In practice, everything happens differently. The crankshaft components are pressure lubricated. The oil is supplied to the lubrication points through special channels. When crankshaft is cranked by the starter, the oil pressure is still not enough to supply it to all rubbing parts. As a result, mechanical friction appears between them. The harder metal literally begins to plane and flatten the softer. Micro-seizures form on the liners, camshafts, valve sleeves and cylinder walls, which further significantly worsen sliding, and the engine life is significantly reduced.

In addition, dry friction is always accompanied by an increase in the temperature of the parts, disrupting the structure of the metal. The "dry" start of the engine in severe frost is especially dangerous. Many people know firsthand how much sawdust and even shavings flows down together with the used oil from the sump of an engine that has been intensively operated in a cold one. winter period.

Thickened in the cold engine oil further aggravates the situation. In this case, the salvation for the engine is the ability of the oil to form a film on the surfaces of all parts. It is this oil film that works until the oil pressure rises and flows through the supply channels.
In the old days, when many engines did not have pressure lubrication, their mileage to the capital by today's standards was simply ridiculous: only a few tens of thousands of kilometers. In those days, each driver, in addition to the main tool, also carried with him special molds for melting babbitt. Are you ready to make a fire today in a severe frost, remove the engine tray and smelt new liners? If so, then this article is not for you.

All 0W40 engine oils are universal for use in all temperature conditions. Even in arctic cold conditions, such oil retains its fluidity, without liquefying and not rolling off the rubbing parts.

When to use 0W40 oil best

These types of oils perfectly retain their fluidity and enveloping properties at low temperatures, which means they are perfectly pumped by an oil pump and begins to "work" already at extremely low revs crankshaft. This property is irreplaceable in winter, especially in temperate latitudes with cold and long winters. But, will oil with a low temperature index of 0W behave well in the summer? After all, there are oils with a higher "summer" index, for example 50 and even 60. Modern engines experience higher dynamic, temperature and pressure loads. Have you seen how oil collects in drops in a hot frying pan?

At extremely high temperatures, the oil can lose its lubricating properties. If this happens in the engine, for example, during prolonged standing in a summer traffic jam, it will inevitably fail even if a working system cooling. Therefore, engine oil must retain its lubricating and heat dissipating properties even at very high temperatures.

Motor oils of the 0W40 brand are universal multigrade oils due to the retention of their lubricating properties under aggressive conditions in a wide temperature range. This oil can be used in any seasonal conditions on a known good, unworn engine.

Other properties of motor oils

Equally important is the presence of various auxiliary additives in engine oil. It is often the additives that largely determine the physical and chemical properties of modern engine oils. Many manufacturers lubricants widely advertise their products, focusing on the various properties of additives. For example: detergents, regenerating, cooling, etc. As for additives, the opinions of experts and ordinary motorists differ greatly. Of course, no additives are able to restore worn parts, but some of them are capable of filling micro-seizures and microcracks, thereby extending the service life of many engine components and assemblies.

On the other hand, is there a guarantee that the restoring additives will act "targeted" - to settle only on damaged surfaces without clogging the oil channels and not accumulating in the form of indelible deposits? The so-called "detergent" additives, on the contrary, contribute to the effective cleaning of lubricated parts from carbon deposits, slags, coke and other deposits that arise for various reasons (use of inappropriate fuels and lubricants or their poor quality, violation of operating conditions or engine operation as a result of a breakdown of any system, etc.).

Detergent additives in engine oil are undoubtedly beneficial. Even visually, engine parts become much cleaner. However, do not forget that oils with detergents should be used for a short time. Otherwise, you can get the opposite effect. For example: oil, having washed off all deposits on the parts of the gas distribution mechanism, clogs these deposits oil filter or even worse: transports these deposits straight into the lubrication channels of the crank mechanism. Such a "disservice" of detergents can only please the mechanics - minders for the fact that it gives them a good income.

Another, no less unpleasant side of oil washing is the appearance of drips at the junctions of blocks and engine parts. The fact is that detergent additives are so effective that when there is nothing to wash, they begin to wash away deposits from the joints: gaskets, bolts, studs. As a result, the oil begins to squeeze out. Therefore, oils containing a large amount of such additives should be used only to eliminate certain problems, for example, to effectively wash the engine from internal deposits without completely disassembling it.

Along with additives that help clean parts, many types of engine oils, especially mineral oils, are capable of forming deposits themselves as a result of exposure to high temperatures in combination with an influx of oxygen. Simply put, the oil begins to burn, leaving carbon deposits on the surface of the rubbing parts. For example, when oil burns out in cylinders, instead of a saving oil film, soot is formed, which has strong abrasive properties. This means that at the moment the oil burns, an emery wheel passes over the cylinder mirror of your engine. Is it worth explaining further how this affects his resource?

Resistance to combustion, low volatility - these properties are as important in the summer as the ability of the oil to remain fluid in the winter. Modern synthetic oils, including those with the 0W40 index, have the ability to withstand high temperatures without significant evaporation and are more resistant to oxidative chemical reactions (combustion).

Along with the physical properties, motor oils, as well as the additives in their composition, are capable of entering into various chemical reactions with metals at high temperatures. In other words, the additives contained in the oil are capable of causing acid and alkaline reactions with the internal elements of the engine. Aggressive chemicals contained in the oil, with prolonged use, can destroy rubbing metal surfaces, corrode oil seals and gaskets. Therefore, before using this or that oil, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the various additives that make up its composition.

In what cases the use of 0W40 engine oil is impractical

Despite the large number of indisputable advantages of 0W40 motor oils, in some cases their use will not be entirely justified. For example, if the car is not used in winter. In this case, maintaining the viscosity of the oil at low temperatures is completely irrelevant. In addition, it is advisable to replace any oil after a long parking of the car due to condensation formed in the lubrication system, as well as due to precipitation and deposits formed during long-term garage storage of the car.

A badly worn engine waiting to be replaced soon or overhaul- also far from the most suitable consumer of 0W40 oil. In this case, it is advisable to use more viscous oils to increase the compression and optimize the operation of its systems.

Many older car models can also be very sensitive to the viscosity of engine oils. Therefore, before filling the 0W40 lubrication system, read the engine manual and the manufacturer's recommendations. If, for some reason, there is no data on the possibility of using engine oils of the appropriate viscosity, in extreme cases it is advisable to be guided by the rule: the more revving engine, the less viscous oil it needs for optimal operation. If the engine is worn out, has a high mileage, then vice versa: what more mileage, the higher the viscosity of the oil.

The 0W40 viscosity engine oil has been developed to protect the engine from increased abrasion, as well as to extend its service life. Due to its excellent viscosity coefficient and unique properties, it removes excess heat energy from rubbing parts. In addition, it creates a thin film covering the entire body of the metal part. As a result, the running time of the motor is extended.


The most suitable for use in the Russian climate. The properties of the composition allow you to freely withstand severe frosts. The viscosity is highly fluid. In climatic conditions with increased temperature regime thick formulations are used.

The viscosity coefficient of the 0W40 lubricant makes it possible to operate it in a wide temperature range (from - 40 to + 35 degrees). In principle, this parameter is set by the manufacturer himself. Lubricants from different manufacturers include a specific package of different components. Therefore, the main characteristics of the grease may have certain differences.


For the manufacture of 0W40 oil, a special technological process is used. It is divided into several categories:

  1. Mineral water;
  2. Synthetics;
  3. Semi-synthetics.

A special additive package is added to each composition.

Mineral compositions are obtained by distillation followed by refining. They can only be used in legacy power plants... There is no pure mineral base in 0W40 oil, since synthetics are added to it. Of course, such a product is expensive, but its characteristics are getting better.

For production synthetic oil artificial components are used. As a result, it becomes more fluid. 0W40 synthetic base makes it easier to start the engine in severe frosts.

Due to its minimal evaporation, this oil can be used in very hot climates. Excellent antioxidant properties, as well as resistance to the waxing process, increases the service life of the car oil to its complete replacement... With such a lubricant, the engine works great in urban mode, where it has to experience heavy loads.

Semi-synthetic products have the properties of both of the above products. On this basis, oil is produced for engines operating at medium load.

Liqui Moly 0w40

Among all samples with a viscosity of 0w40, the German Liqui Moly grease is distinguished by the highest cost. A five-liter canister costs about 2800 rubles. The quality of Liquid Moli lubricant has been approved and approved by most of the leading car manufacturers.

Performance characteristics differ from analogs in the highest quality. With this oil, the engine starts easily at very low temperatures. Moreover, all rubbing surfaces at the time of launch receive a sufficient amount of lubrication.

In addition, due to the high quality oil, fuel consumption is significantly reduced. The disadvantage of 0w40 can be attributed to insufficiently high detergent qualities. The tests carried out have shown that a lot of soot is formed on the surface of the cylinders, and soot appears. As a result, the operating time of the piston rings is reduced and they have to be changed frequently.

Among all similar oils, Liqui Moly has a long aging period. Such a lubricant can be operated much longer than others. Moreover, she practically does not burn out.

Each driver chooses the most suitable oil for your car. 0W40 is of high quality and will be a reliable ICE protector at any temperature. It also makes it easier to start the engine in winter.

In general, look, you took synthetic oil, it's 99.9% It is liquid and has high detergents. What is it fraught with? If there are microcracks (old, worn out engine), then the oil washes away all deposits from them and the engine starts to get wet. Why is it advised to use semi-synthetics on worn-out engines, or generally mineral water? V mineral oil there are many different resins, which during operation are deposited on the walls and clogged into microcracks - the engine does not flow. Semi-synthetics - has a detergent property and gradually removes these deposits, but not all. So if you are not very good with the engine, you will notice that it has started to get wet. Here is a small article about 0W40:

What is "SAE"?
The SAE (SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers) specification is an international standard governing the viscosity of oils. The SAE specification does not speak about the quality characteristics of oils, or their use for specific brands of cars and types of engines.
For example, let's take a look at what, for example, the designation SAE 10W-40 for engine oils says. The designation of the viscosity class "10W" gives us information about winter use of this oil(W is the initial letter english word WINTER - winter). In other words, from the right choice This parameter depends on how easily, and most importantly, without negative consequences, you can start the engine in the cold.
The viscosity grade "40" in our example is the so-called "summer" grade and indicates how much the oil is able to maintain performance in high-temperature zones of the engine.
The presence of only one of the considered parameters in the designation of the SAE viscosity grade indicates the seasonality of this oil (SAE 10W - seasonal winter oil, SAE 40 - seasonal oil). The presence in the designation of two classes at once (as in our example - SAE 10W-40) indicates the all-season nature of this oil. (See also "How do I select an SAE viscosity grade?")
How to choose an SAE viscosity grade?
When choosing an engine oil viscosity grade, follow the instructions of your vehicle manufacturer. If it is absent or does not contain such recommendations (for example, if the car is far from new and the recommendations in the instructions are either already outdated or simply absent), then you can use the following recommendations.
When choosing the so-called "winter" viscosity grade, you must be guided by the values ​​of the average winter temperatures in the region where your vehicle is used. In this case, you can use the following table, the recommendations of which coincide with the requirements of car manufacturers:

0W to -30 degrees C and below
5W to -25 degrees C
10W to -20 deg. C
15W to -15 degrees C
20W to -10 deg. C
25W to -5 deg. C

Following these recommendations, you and your car will be insured against problems with starting in the winter and against negative consequences for the engine (such as increased wear and "seizure" during and immediately after starting, when the engine is operating in oil "starvation" mode), which usually arise when using oils of the wrong viscosity class.
It must be remembered that every time the engine is started (not necessarily in severe frost, but even at positive temperatures), it takes some time for the oil pump to pump oil through the lubrication system and it goes to all rubbing parts. At this time, the engine will operate in the so-called oil "starvation" mode, which we have already mentioned above. It is clear that friction and wear increase sharply in this case. Thus, the more the oil is able to maintain fluidity at low temperatures, the faster it will be pumped through the lubrication system and provide engine protection. The best in this regard are engine oils of the "0W" class.
With regard to the choice of the so-called "summer" class, it should be noted that most European car manufacturers recommend the use of oils of class "40" according to SAE and higher (for example "50" according to SAE). This is due to the high thermal stress modern engines internal combustion and the presence of high temperatures, specific pressures and shear rates in various zones of the engine (piston rings, camshaft, crankshaft bearings, etc.). Under these harsh conditions, the oil must maintain a viscosity sufficient to form an oil film and cool the friction pairs. This task becomes especially important to prevent increased wear, scuffing and "jamming" in the heat or during a long stay in a "traffic jam" (in the absence of blowing and cooling the engine with flows of oncoming air and, as a consequence, overheating of the oil in the engine crankcase), and also in the event of engine overheating due to possible malfunctions in the cooling system.

The weather can be unpredictable. Car drivers are increasingly faced with the need to fill the engine with a universal type of oil. It is intended for use in hot or cold weather. In order for the unit to work efficiently both in frost and heat, oil is used 0 W40.

This consumable is produced by many large companies. The presented standard has a number of special characteristics. What features the presented oil has, it is necessary to consider in more detail.

general characteristics

0W40 is designed to protect the motor from abrasion and premature failure. It removes excess heat from rubbing mechanisms. This product also covers all metal surfaces with a thin film. It provides good sliding of the rubbing elements, prolonging their operation.

Also, the presented materials protect the motor from corrosion. They remove carbon deposits, dirt and soot from the engine system. These particles are suspended in the oil. They build up over time. The grease changes its color to a dark, dirty shade. In this case, a replacement must be made. Otherwise, the grease will no longer be able to retain dirt in itself. They will settle on metal surfaces, causing microscopic damage to parts.

It is on the correct choice of engine oil that an easy start of the engine in cold weather, as well as the absence of overheating in the summer, depends. Previously, manufacturers supplied the market with oils intended exclusively for the warm or cold seasons. Today the owners Vehicle acquire versatile products. They are designed for use in both hot and cold weather.

For each specific operating conditions, certain lubricants are suitable. The full operation of the motor, as well as its durability, depends on the correctness of their choice.

For the engine of your car, you need to use only the oil recommended by the manufacturer. If you need to change the lubricant to another variety, you should choose a composition with a similar set of additives. Products from different manufacturers may conflict with each other. This will cause abnormal motor performance.

Viscosity index

One of the most important indicators oils 0W40, characteristics which is taken into account when choosing, is its viscosity class. Most often, this parameter is specified in accordance with the SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) standard. It was this association that first proposed the classification of oils in terms of the viscosity class. It releases only 6 winter and 5 summer lubricants.

According to this technique, three types of viscosity are distinguished. There is winter, summer and all-season oil. The first category has the letter "W" in its labeling. Number, standing next to with it, indicates the permissible limit at which the product is operated.

Summer greases do not have a letter in the marking. They only have a number. It denotes the upper viscosity limit. For universal formulations, the lower viscosity limit is indicated first, and then the upper one. fluid enough that the engine can be started at very low temperatures. Its upper viscosity limit indicates the ability of the engine to operate at high thermometer readings.

In other words, the oil of the presented viscosity grade is suitable for harsh winters and hot summers. For a hot southern climate, it is necessary to purchase products with a high level of viscosity. This will keep a thin film of grease on the parts, even in extreme heat.


Motor oil 0W40, 5W40 is intended for use in the climatic conditions of our country. It can withstand severe frosts. This is a fairly liquid lubricant. Thick varieties are designed for high temperature applications. Under these conditions, the lubricant becomes more fluid and can completely fly off the mechanisms and parts. In this case, dry areas are formed, which will collapse during friction.

Oil of viscosity grade 0W40 can ensure normal engine operation in winter at temperatures down to -40 ºС, and in summer - up to +35 ºС. This indicator also depends on the manufacturer. Each company uses a specific set of components for the manufacture of oil. Therefore, the main characteristics may differ slightly between manufacturers of different formulations.

However, the main benefits are retained in each type of oil. This class of lubricants is manufactured in accordance with the highest requirements of global automotive manufacturers. This product has good performance characteristics. It allows you to save gas mileage. High performance characteristics depend on the composition of the oil, as well as the additives included in it.


Manufactured using a specific technology. All such products are conventionally divided into several categories according to the composition of the base. A special set of additives is added to it. The base can be mineral, synthetic or semi-synthetic.

In the first variant, oil is processed by distillation and refining. Such a basis is used for the manufacture of cheap varieties of oils that will need to be changed quite often. It is used for older engine systems. For viscosity class 0W40, the mineral base is not used in its pure form. It is combined with synthetics. This increases the cost of the product, but also improves its performance.

Synthetics are created on the basis of artificial components. Such products allow for high fluidity of the oil. Synthetics 0W40 ensures stable motor operation even at very low temperatures. The product has a low evaporation rate. This is what ensures the ability of the lubricant to perform the functions assigned to it, even in the heat.

Synthetics are also resistant to oxidation and waxing. The listed characteristics can significantly extend the period of oil use. This type of lubricant is the best suited for the loaded operating conditions of the engine on the roads of large cities.

Semi-synthetics combine the qualities of both types of lubricants. This base is chosen for the manufacture of lubricants for medium engine loads.

Shell oil

Experts have experimented with a variety of metrics that characterize popular motor oils. Such brands as Mobil, Castrol, Shell, etc. took part in testing.

During research in the winter, it was found that Shell 0W40 oil has the approvals of almost all modern vehicle manufacturers. It provides excellent protection against all kinds of debris. There is no other oil in this category that would clean the engine so well. This is achieved thanks to a unique set of additives.

Thanks to its balanced viscosity characteristics, Shell 0W40 can save up to 1.9% more gasoline than other lubricants. It protects moving parts from corrosion and wear. The highly scientific formula of production allows the engine to start even at the lowest temperatures.

The presented oil is designed for gasoline, diesel and gas engines. It is also used for engines that run on biodiesel or gasoline-ethanol mixtures.

Negative reviews include opinions about the high cost of such products (4 liters costs about 2,200 rubles), and car owners also cite frequent fakes.

Lukoil oil

Motor oil "Lukoil 0W40" also receives many positive feedback from motorists. This high-quality composition is made on a synthetic basis. Therefore, its cost is quite high (4 liters will cost about 1900 rubles).

This product has excellent performance characteristics. According to expert reviews, the oil has good detergent properties. It does not need to be changed often. It is ideal for high loads of conditions in a big city. The engine starts in winter even at -40 ºС. At the same time, the motor works stably and efficiently. Its power is increasing.

The oil contains special additives that protect the car system from corrosion and destruction. Thanks to its low burn-out rates, all parts are reliably protected. Dirt and soot can be suspended for a long time.

Due to its special characteristics, this product is recommended for use by many car manufacturers. It is more suitable for new foreign foreign cars. It is not recommended to use this product for old domestic cars.

Oil "Mobile 1"

Motor oil "Mobile 1" (0W40) characterized by a fairly acceptable cost. A standard 4 liter canister will cost about 1,700 rubles. It is allowed to be used for both foreign and domestic new cars.

During testing, it was found that the oil solidifies at a temperature of -49 ºС. Such viscosity characteristics allow the engine to run in the Technical characteristics laid down by the manufacturer in this product, allow it to be used even in northern latitudes.

It is a versatile lubricant. It allows you to provide sufficiently good cooling of the system during hot periods.

The product demonstrates good detergent properties. However, when opening the engine after testing, some carbon deposits were found on the pistons. At this cost, users expect better cleaning performance.

Oil "Motul"

The above motor oil "Mobile 0W40" in many respects it is similar to the product of the same viscosity class called "Motul". This lubricant is versatile. It is suitable for use both at low temperatures (-48 ºC) and in hot weather.

The product is available in 5 liter cans. Their cost is about 2500 rubles. Affordable cost makes the product popular with drivers. It can be poured into the engine of both foreign and domestic cars.

Its energy-saving and detergent qualities are also noted. This grease has shown good results in almost all areas of testing. At high engine heating temperatures, the amount of deposits on the pistons is negligible. This makes the product in demand, especially in the loaded conditions of movement on the roads of the metropolis.

Some drivers claim that the cost of the presented vehicle is high. However, the amount of oil in the canister will be more than that of other manufacturers. In terms of the price for 4 liters of oil will be acceptable.

Castrol oil

European-made Castrol is also known to domestic consumers. This product is available in 4 liter canisters. Price consumable is about 1,750 rubles.

At affordable price this product has high performance indicators... This oil solidifies at a temperature of -52 ºС. This figure is a record among the lubricants participating in the test. This speaks of high quality the basics.

An effective set of additives allows Castrol oil to provide a high-quality detergent effect. After testing the product under high engine load, high piston cleanliness could be observed. Also, the presented agent protects the metal elements of the system from oxidation.

Many drivers choose this type of grease due to its reasonable cost and high European quality. However, in terms of energy saving, the presented product is slightly inferior to other test participants. This speaks of more high flow fuel when the engine is running.

Liqui Moly Oil

The most expensive among the considered products of well-known manufacturers turned out to be oil. It is sold in five-liter canisters. The cost of such a product is 2700 rubles. The manufacturer of the presented lubricants is Germany.

Liqui Moly has approvals from many major engineering concerns. Its performance remains high. The oil allows you to quickly start the engine in low temperature conditions. This provides really reliable lubrication of rubbing mechanisms.

Also, the presented tool allows you to significantly save fuel costs. An insufficient level of detergent properties is recognized as a disadvantage. A sufficiently large amount of soot and carbon deposits is determined on the cylinders after the tests. Piston rings fail faster than when using other types of funds.

Liqui Moly is known for the longest aging period. It can be operated for a long time. The oil will not burn out.

Having considered the features that characterize the 0W40 oil, as well as reviews from experts and experienced drivers, we can conclude that it is necessary to use such a composition in the engine of your car.

There is probably no lubricant more suitable for riding in tough conditions than 0w40. Its performance is fully consistent with the tasks that it performs. Before pouring this engine oil into own car, you need to at least familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of various oil fluids. This will make it possible to correctly apply lubricants, correctly select the optimal car oil. It should be borne in mind that today many products are sold in stores. different brands, in which it is difficult not to get confused.


Synthetic oil is produced by an artificial method by mixing a base fluid and additives. The creation of this category of motor oils is due to the fact that the operating conditions of the engine sometimes change. After turning off the engine, it cools down, and after starting it heats up.

When driving, the engine operates in different modes. The temperature, the friction rate of the contacting parts and many other parameters change. In view of this, it became necessary to make an oil that has technical characteristics that do not change due to various factors. At a certain stage in the automotive industry, manufacturers began to think about the constancy of lubricant performance and its effective use in any conditions.

Comparison of the viscosity of synthetic and mineral oil

Mineral water turned out to be unable to ensure the invariability of properties due to its own limitations, therefore scientists have developed synthetics, according to their own parameters, optimally suitable for long-term use. The advantages of synthetic car oil include:

  • stable base fluid. Synthetics are made from a base that is resistant to external influences. It has no unstable components. In view of this, the engine parts have excellent protection, the car oil does not change its own characteristics for a long time, both in winter and in summer;
  • small amount of additives. Synthetics do not need a large number of additives, because the main role is assigned to the base. The more basic liquid in the oil, the longer it will last;
  • long life of additives. Synthetic grease is resistant to oxygen, therefore, additives "live" for a long time;
  • stability under high temperature conditions. Lubrication performs its own task even at high rpm;
  • reduction of heat generation. Engine parts heat up less, therefore, it will work longer;
  • durable oil film. Enables the lubricant to maximally protect engine parts by forming a film on the contacting parts;
  • simplification of starting the motor in winter season;
  • cleaning the engine from dirt and carbon deposits;
  • excellent flow properties in cold conditions.

Engine oils 0w40are all-season synthetics, which are recommended to be poured in winter. However, they perfectly protect the engine in the summer season.

Indicators and markings 0w40

If you want to know what is the decoding of 0w40, you need to understand its markings. According to the world SAE classification, all lubricants are classified into:

  • winter. They are marked by SAE with the letter "w". Motor oils of this category are optimal for use in the winter season, they lubricate the internal parts of the engine well;
  • summer. Marked by SAE number. Optimal for summer use;
  • all-season. Most the best way... They do not need to be drained from the engine when winter / summer has come, meaning they are suitable for any season.

It must be remembered that the lower the SAE viscosity, the thinner the lubricant. Thick car oils are effective in hot weather, liquid ones - in frosty ones. 0w40 oil has "0w" and "40" in the SAE marking. This means that it is all-season, it can be topped up in the engine both in summer and winter. The numbers "0" and "40" indicate low and high temperature viscosity. The temperature limits are as follows:

  • in winter - from minus thirty-five to minus forty;
  • in the summer - from plus thirty-five to plus forty.

It is becoming obvious that driving a 0w40 in the summer is possible, but not very rational. Better to use it in winter.

The main advantages of 0w40 grease:

  • fully meets the requirements of most car manufacturers;
  • has excellent performance indicators;
  • makes it easier to start the engine in cold weather;
  • saves fuel, as it is an excellent lubricant;
  • protects the internal combustion engine well, this makes it possible to reduce the wear of its components;
  • cleans up power unit from carbon deposits.

Despite the fact that this car oil has high operating rates, before using it, it is advisable to consult with specialists in the repair and maintenance of cars, to familiarize yourself with the technical documents that came with your car.

Comparison with other oils


Some drivers do not understand which oil is better: 5w30 or 0w40, can they be mixed, what is the difference between them. 5w30 oil has the following temperature limits:

  • the maximum is plus twenty-five degrees.

It can be seen that the difference from 0w40 lies in a smaller temperature range. Hence, it is better to buy 0w40 if you live in very cold / hot area. If you mix lubricants, nothing bad will happen.


5w40 oil is a semi-synthetics that has almost the same viscosity as 0w40, as evidenced by the temperature limits:

  • minimum - minus thirty degrees;
  • the maximum is plus thirty-five degrees.

If we compare 5w40 with 0w40, then the latter is better, since it can be used at a lower temperature. Many car enthusiasts do not understand if the two oils can be mixed. This is not recommended unless otherwise stated in the manufacturer's instructions.


Car oil 0w20 is completely unsuitable for hot summer conditions, unlike 0w40, because it has the following temperature ranges:

  • lower - minus thirty-five degrees;
  • upper - plus fifteen degrees.

In the summer in Russia, you cannot drive on such a lubricant, because it does not have a sufficient high-temperature viscosity. Mixing with 0w40 is not recommended.


It is possible to drive on 0w30 oil in a not too hot summer. It differs from 0w40 in that its upper temperature limit is plus twenty-five (a difference of ten degrees), that is, it has a lower high-temperature viscosity. Mixing with 0w40 is possible, but it is best not to.


5w50 is commonly used in professional motor sports. It can properly perform its own task even at a temperature of plus forty-five. The difference with the "forty" is the high-temperature viscosity. This grease has a higher value. However, it is wrong to make comparisons like "5w50 vs 0w40", since these oils are used in different areas. The first is optimal for racing cars, the second is for ordinary vehicles with a gasoline / diesel engine.

Summing up, one can understand that the "forty" is an excellent choice for city driving in Russian conditions. It is known that in Russia there can be intense heat in summer and severe cold in winter. 0w40 is designed for just such climatic conditions. Using it in milder climates will not be very rational; it is better to fill in another car oil, for example, 0w20.


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