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Many motorists and even mechanics believe: there is no need to change the oil in the automatic transmission, frequent change lubricant leads, in their opinion, to a decrease in the service life of the automatic transmission. Their opponents argue that changing the transmission fluid is not a privilege, but a necessity. Who is right? Let's figure it out.

The answer to the question: "How often is the transmission mixture changed in the automatic transmission?" The manufacturer, guided by certain knowledge, indicates the optimal period for changing the consumable mixture. It happens that manufacturers indicate that there is no need to change the oil poured into the gearbox, on such car models there are no drain plugs for draining the oil from the automatic transmission.

Automatic transmission device

Based on the experience of drivers, generally accepted standards, the service life of an automatic transmission oil is influenced by:

  1. Automobile model. There are modern types of cars equipped with boxes, the design of which does not provide for the discharge of consumables.
  2. The base of the filled oil. Synthetic fluids have the required composition to ensure optimal operation of the automatic transmission and protect it from wear, they are replaced after 50-60 thousand kilometers. When adding the transmission mixture to the box, take into account the base of the filled fluid; it is unacceptable to mix mineral water with synthetics or semi-synthetics. Synthetic oils are expensive, contain a certain composition of additives, and ensure the normal operation of automatic transmissions.
  3. Operating conditions. If the car is used under imperfect conditions: hot climate, high dustiness of the air, frequent towing of a trailer, standing in traffic jams, and so on. These factors lead to overheating of the lubricant, its dilution, therefore, it is worth changing the oil twice as often as the period recommended by the manufacturer.
  4. The service life of the transmission mixture. Many instructions indicate how long it will take to change consumables in the automatic transmission.
  5. Mileage. As a rule, the manufacturer regulates the mileage, after which the fluid must be replaced.

Why is a complete change of the transmission mixture necessary?

In the box, the automatic transmission mixture performs the following functions:

  • lubricates the units and mechanisms of the box;
  • promotes the removal of dirt and small particles;
  • is responsible for cooling the unit.

Topping up oil in automatic transmission

Topping up the lubricant, you do not remove the formed sediment from the box: shavings, dirt particles. With a complete change of the transmission fluid, these harmful impurities are completely removed from the unit. Consider: for most foreign models, the normal service life is considered to be 5-7 years with an annual mileage of 35 thousand kilometers. Then the car is disposed of, in such a situation, the automatic transmission oil change can be carried out once every two years. For our country, these cars are usually called "almost new", with their further operation, it is worth giving preference to a more frequent change of lubricant - about once every 50 thousand kilometers, or changing the fluid every 25 thousand kilometers traveled under severe operating conditions ...

The need to change the transmission mixture is indicated by: blackening of the fluid, the presence bad smell burnt, the presence of small particles in its composition. To check the status transmission oil, drip a drop of lubricant from the dipstick onto a napkin. The presence of one of these signs indicates the need for a complete replacement of consumables.

Watch a video about the timing of changing the lubricant in the automatic box:

Let's summarize

Answering the question: "How often do you need to replace the transmission fluid in the automatic transmission?" it is better to look in the instructions for the car. According to it, the manufacturer indicates the need to check the level of the mixture inside the automatic box, recommends the optimal type of lubricant for the normal operation of the unit. Manufacturers provide information on the volume of oil required for the gulf, as well as its marking.

According to the instructions, the use of oil that does not meet the recommended parameters will lead to damage to the mechanisms inside the box. Often, motorists prefer manual transmissions instead of automatic transmissions, considering that maintenance of the first design is easier. In reality, the resource of the automatic transmission depends on the timely replacement of the lubricant.

On automotive market there are universal mixtures for automatic transmissions, applicable to most transmissions. The versatility of these materials is associated with their characteristics, which significantly exceed the requirements of automatic transmission dealers in all respects. Well-known brands have a series of universal fluids - this allows the buyer to quickly determine the choice, be sure of reliable protection of the unit from wear.

When to change the gearbox oil? How can you determine the oil level in an automatic transmission? Mechanics, automatic, robot or variator?

In order for the car to fail less often, its owner should try to carry out Maintenance... It is very important to change in time expendable materials and technical fluids that determine the stability and service life of expensive parts. Today we will find out when to change the oil in the manual transmission.

Why oil in manual transmission

  1. By using quality oil all internal elements of the manual transmission are lubricated. The presence of oil allows to guarantee smooth adhesion of gears when shifting gears. If there is bad oil in the box, then the gears will wear out much faster and fail.
  2. The oil protects internal parts from corrosion.
  3. The operation of the manual transmission is associated with the appearance of metal shavings, which are washed out by oil. If the shavings are not washed out, then the manual transmission will quickly become unusable.
  4. The oil cools down the parts of the manual transmission.

Timing of gear oil change

The average rate of a regulated oil change is 5 years or 100,000 kilometers. Of course, the operation of a car determines the frequency of oil changes.

Most cars driving on Russian roads use a mechanical variable transmission (manual transmission) as a transmission. Although it is not as easy to operate as an automatic machine, it has a number of advantages. As operation progresses, each such mechanism requires maintenance. Periodically, at a certain interval, the oil is changed in the manual transmission.

The device and principle of operation of a manual transmission

The task of any transmission is to change the gear ratio of the force transmitted from the engine clutch to the differential of the driving wheels of the car. Engine internal combustion(ICE) is designed so that it cannot change the number of revolutions of the crankshaft in a wide range. At the same time, the speed of the car should vary smoothly from 0 to 180 km / h and more. Such an opportunity is given by gearshift manual transmission.

Mechanical boxes are of 2 and 3-shaft design. Primary shaft connected to a clutch transmitting force from the internal combustion engine. It is connected through a gear with an intermediate shaft, on which gears with a different number of teeth are rigidly threaded, the so-called gears of gears - first, second, third, etc. At a certain moment, one of them transfers the force to the gear of the secondary shaft.

The secondary shaft is similar to the intermediate shaft, with the exception of one major difference - the gears on it are movable. In addition to the fact that they can move along the axis of the shaft, they also rotate on it thanks to bearings. There is also a variant of fixed gears along the axis of the output shaft. They are located strictly opposite the intermediate gears and rotate with them.

In neutral gear, all the gears of the output shaft rotate, but it is stationary, the machine is stationary. When the gear is engaged with the gearshift lever, the output shaft begins to rotate. How does this happen? The shift forks, from the lever, drive the couplings, rigidly fixed to the secondary shaft, but capable of moving along it. One of the couplings moves to the gear and the gear rim at the end is rigidly connected to it. Thus, force is transmitted to the output shaft with a certain gear ratio. All gears have their own gears, the ratio of the teeth creating the necessary gear ratios... Based on the design of the manual transmission, it becomes clear that it cannot work without a lubricant.

Transmission oils for manual transmission

What lubricating products are used in manual transmissions? How often to change the oil in mechanical transmissions? These questions are of interest to many novice motorists. The ambiguity is given by the statements of some car manufacturers in the service books. When asked whether it is necessary to change the oil, many of them answer that the transmission lubricating fluid (MTF) has been filled for life. Actually this is not true.

A mechanical transmission has many parts that constantly touch surfaces. The main tasks of transmission oils are as follows:

According to their composition, MTFs are subdivided into synthetic, semi-synthetic and mineral. It depends on which base oil you are using. Just like in motor oils, 20-25% of the total additives are present in the mixtures. Show yourself in the best way synthetic oils... They don't thicken in freezing weather, so the gear changes smoothly and effortlessly. Such MTFs retain their performance longer, therefore, the frequency of oil change in manual transmissions can be increased. However, these lubricants are the most expensive. If a mineral base is used, the oil should be changed more often. But mineral water is the cheapest.

MTF classification

The American Petroleum Institute (API) has classified gear lubricants into groups - GL 4 and GL 5. The main additives in these groups differ in the amount of extreme pressure additives. MTF GL5 has much more of them, approximately one and a half times. On the one hand, this is good. But such additives in large quantities have a bad effect on non-ferrous metals in synchronizers. Therefore, most domestic gearboxes require the use of oils of the GF4 class.

Information about this can be seen in the service books. If there is no such documentation, it is better not to risk it and, when changing the oil, still use GF-4. Especially if the model is Russian. To boxes foreign production both GF5 and GF4 / GF5 are applicable. For transmission oils, viscosity indicators are 75W90, as well as 80W90. The technical documentation for the car will tell you which viscosity is better to use.

Most popular on Russian market semi-synthetic oils Lukoil - TM4 and TM5 viscosities 75W-90 and 80W-90. They are used not only in gearboxes, but also applicable for transfer cases, differentials and rear axles... These products compare favorably with a relatively low price. The synthetic lubricant ZIC GF Top 75W-90 is also good. She was recognized as the best in the rating for the manual transmission. Popular are MTF Castrol, Liqui Moly.

When and how to change the oil

In cars that are operated on Russian roads, it is necessary to change the oil in the manual transmission. This is due to the fact that they are used much longer than those that travel on the roads of Western Europe. There, the owners, as a rule, change their car for a new one after 5 years. This period is a stretch, but the transmission oil will withstand. Therefore, they write in the service books that the grease is filled for the entire period of operation.

It is best to change MTF once every 2-3 years or after 40-60 thousand kilometers of travel. Some change after 100 thousand. There are no required replacement intervals. After all, the manual transmission is one of the most reliable components of the car.

Most modern manual transmissions have a drain and filler plug. There are no dipsticks for checking the oil level. Therefore, you have to measure the level with your little finger, thrusting it into the filler (control) hole. The grease should be just below the edge of the hole. If it is lower, you will have to determine the cause of the leak and change the MTF, the fill to the desired level.

To change the oil, you need to buy a sufficient amount of new one. The volume must be indicated in service book... In addition, you need to prepare a container for draining mining, rags, a metal brush, a set of tools. In many cases, new sealing washers are purchased for the drain plugs. You will also need a large MTF injection syringe or a hose with a funnel.

  1. The transmission is warming up, for this you have to drive 10-15 kilometers.
  2. The car must be placed above a viewing pit or on an overpass.
  3. Find the filler plug, drain plug, and breather plug. Clean them with a wire brush and wipe with a cloth.
  4. Unscrew the filler plug, then the drain plug, substituting an empty container.
  5. After all the liquid has drained out, the drain plug is screwed into place.
  6. A new MTF is poured into the filler hole with a syringe or through a hose with a funnel until it begins to flow out of the filler hole.
  7. The filling hole is plugged with a plug.

That's all. The procedure is simple, even a novice motorist can do the job.

Changing the oil in a manual transmission is a topic that often raises a lot of questions, especially from inexperienced car owners. When to change it, how often? Are there any replacement and service policies? Do I need to change it, in general, because many manufacturers say that their box does not require maintenance? You will find answers to all these questions in this article. But first you need to figure out why you need oil in the "mechanics", what functions it performs and what advice you should follow to extend the life of your car's transmission.

In contrast to an automatic transmission, in which the oil (or, more precisely, a special transmission fluid) is the so-called working fluid transmitting torque, or diesel tracked vehicles, in which, with the help of oil pressure, it turns crankshaft for ignition (for example, many army tracked chassis start this way), there is no oil pump or torque converter in the mechanics. So why is there oil at all? In the manual transmission, it performs three important functions:

  • Lubrication. Everything is simple here - the gears of the gearbox are in mesh. In the presence of lubricant, they engage more smoothly, and therefore wear out more slowly due to the reduction of the resulting friction.
  • In addition, the oil removes wear products (shavings, small metal particles) from the rubbing parts.
  • Protection. The oil covering the parts creates a certain protective layer that protects the elements from corrosion, oxidation and friction, which also prolongs the life of the unit.
  • Heat removal (partial cooling). When the car is moving, the temperature of the oil in the gearbox averages about 150 degrees Celsius. The temperature at the contact points of the meshed gears is approximately twice as high. Thus, the oil, washing the gears, cools them a little.

Thus, even a relatively small amount of lubricant in the box (in manual transmission there are about 2.5-3 liters of oil) can significantly extend the service life of the transmission. For automatic transmissions, as mentioned above, oil is even more important.

This is a highly debated issue - after all, many manufacturers claim that the oil in their box is filled for the entire life of the car! Another thing is what they mean by this "lifespan". Try to find out at your leisure what the service life is modern car... There is no official data on this, in technical characteristics such a parameter is not specified (the guarantee does not count), and in a car dealership, when buying a car, in response to such a question, they either throw their hands apart in confusion, or they will ardently prove that the car will also serve your grandchildren (depending on the honesty of the seller). In general, according to unspoken European and American standards, a car can and should be scrapped if it has covered 35 thousand kilometers a year for seven years. “Seven years and 245 thousand kilometers? So it's almost new car! " - many Russian car owners will exclaim. So the standards for the service life of cars in our countries and, possibly, mentality are quite different.

Do I need an oil change in mechanical box gear

Now for more objective reasons for changing the oil:

  • After changing the oil, motorists notice: gear changes become softer and smoother, less knocking and noise. This is due to the fact that fresh oil lubricates parts much better.

The need to change the oil

So, we figured it out - it is necessary to change the oil. The frequency of changing the oil in the manual transmission and its procedure are issues that deserve special attention.

Oil change intervals

The data on the service life of the transmission oil and the mileage through which it should be changed should be looked at in the technical documentation that came with your car. However, in some cases, this information may not be available. Therefore, there are average mileage figures, after which the oil must be changed. Usually this figure for "mechanics" is 100,000 kilometers (or 7 years of operation, whichever comes first). However, if we recall the conditions in which cars are operated in Russia (as well as the “ragged” driving rhythm of many car owners, which will also not add health to the box), this figure needs to be reduced by about 30-40 percent.

It turns out a mileage of approximately 60-70 thousand kilometers. Again, these are numbers for high-end cars that use synthetic oils. In front-wheel drive budget cars, semi-synthetic is mainly used, it should be changed after 45-50 thousand. Old rear-wheel drive vehicles mostly use mineral oils, for them the replacement period is even lower (35,000-40,000 km).

Regardless of what led you to the decision to change the oil, whether it be incomprehensible noises in the box, worries about your car or a periodic technical inspection, you should strive to change the oil in the autumn period - in winter the gearbox has a much heavier load ( it is not for nothing that automatic transmissions, which are more sensitive to them, fail most often in the cold season). It is especially worth changing the oil after buying a used car (and why more mileage auto, the greater the need), because despite the assurances former owner, no one will be able to determine exactly how often the replacement was carried out and what kind of oil was poured.

Immediately before draining the oil, you should run the car a little to warm up the oil - ten kilometers will be enough. The fact is that the oil changes its density depending on the temperature, so it is easier to drain the heated oil. However, it is not recommended to start changing immediately after stopping, the oil temperature is too high, you risk getting burned. Let it cool for a few minutes.

The general oil change algorithm is as follows:


Changing the oil in the gearbox is a very important component correct operation car. Keep track of its level, change it on time (especially since oil is not so expensive for a manual transmission), listen to the operation of the gearbox and other components of the car, and the car will serve you much longer without upsetting you with regular visits to the car service for expensive repairs.

An important unit of the machine's transmission is the gearbox. That's why timely oil change in the gearbox help to avoid serious damage, will improve the performance and extend the operating time of the checkpoint.

Some cars have manual transmission, and some automatic transmission. They differ from each other, but regardless of this, like any other node, they require maintenance.

There are two ways to change the oil in the gearbox:

  • Partial (replaced by about 50% working fluid);
  • Full (all oil is replaced entirely).

Changing the oil in the gearbox (namely the automatic transmission) is most often performed using a specially designed device. In this case, the used oil is displaced and almost completely replaced with a new one.

It is very difficult to answer this question unequivocally. How many professionals - so many opinions. Some say that the oil needs to be changed every 50 thousand km, others - after 100-150 thousand km. And there are those who believe the manufacturers, who argue that the gearbox does not need a fluid change at all.

Average, acceptable mileage will be 80 - 100 thousand km, in order to change the oil in the gearbox, but if the following operating conditions are met:

  • Good quality roads. Driving on broken roads reduces the time for using the box by 5-10 thousand;
  • Calm driving style. Aggressive driving reduces by 10 - 20 thousand km;
  • Low car load. If you load the car with loads, then the optimal mileage of the box will be reduced by 5-10 thousand km;
  • The engine and gearbox had no malfunctions. In case of malfunctions, it is reduced by 5 - 20 thousand.

The above can be attributed to both mechanics and the machine. Therefore, it is recommended to change the oil in the gearbox optimally after 40,000 - 100,000 km, it all depends on the operating conditions, as well as on the quality of the lubricant used.

The oil in the gearbox should be changed before the gearbox performance deteriorates. Not all drivers use this advice, especially those whose car has an automatic transmission. They postpone the replacement of the transmission fluid until the time when the box is already malfunctioning, which further aggravates its condition.

Signs that "scream" about the necessary oil change in the gearbox:

  • Vibration / noise during gearbox operation;
  • Difficulty shifting gears on a cold engine;
  • Crunch when switching to a warm car.

If you notice any of these signs, then follow in the box.

And remember, if the oil change is untimely, then the condition of the transmission will deteriorate, and over time the box will require more and more frequent replacement lubricating fluid.

Need an urgent gear oil change? Come, we will handle any problem!

We carry out full and partial replacement oils in mechanical and automatic transmissions quickly, efficiently and at a favorable price. We use exclusively professional equipment and tools. Sign up now!

Consequences of untimely oil change in the gearbox

Most drivers are unaware of the consequences untimely replacement oil, but even the slightest delay in time can aggravate the operation of the gearbox, and as a result, parts wear out faster.

This leads to the ingress of chips into oil filter, and in its absence in the space between the parts, which accelerates their wear. As a result, a hum appears, which indicates a short-lived operation of the gearbox.

Most likely, it will work for some time after changing the lubricant. But the details that are not so strong will continue to rub against each other, which will again lead to the appearance of neoplasms and history will repeat itself.

Automatic transmissions have an identical situation. Change the oil in a timely manner, otherwise the channels become clogged, and then the replacement will not help - the condition of the automatic transmission may improve, but quite a bit and for a short time.

There is no single number that should be adhered to - each box has its own standard of working fluid, which is indicated in the car's service manual. It is important to fill in exactly the specified amount of oil, because underfilling or overflowing can cause a number of problems.

Low oil level contributes to poor lubrication of parts that rub against each other at high engine speeds, if the lubrication level is critical, this also happens at medium speeds, less often at low speeds. In this case, the parts quickly wear out and fail.

Increased oil level also has a negative effect on the gearbox. When driving in gear, the oil seals work under too much pressure and are pushed through. This will cause the lubricating fluid to flow to the ground. And after a while the oil level will become critical, because of which the gearbox will suffer. This applies to both mechanics and automatic transmissions.

That's why, it is important to fill in the required amount of oil to prevent damage to the transmission.

Many argue that changing the oil in the automatic gearbox is not required. But is it really so? And if so, how often should the replacement be performed.

We all know what to replace engine oil it is necessary, but what about the situation with transmission fluid, because the automatic transmission works in more favorable conditions. There are 2 opinions on this matter:

  1. Car manufacturers claim that there is no need to change the oil in the automatic transmission. And even in the passport of a car with an automatic transmission it is indicated that the filled oil will work out until the end of the life of the car. And here the manufacturers take into account the statistics, because in Europe a car is purchased for an average of 5 years or 150-200 thousand km. This is how much the oil will last, and after that it will require repair or a complete replacement of the gearbox.
  2. The second opinion is that it is imperative to change the oil in the automatic transmission. Yes, the oil that has worked out does not contain any combustion products, but it has metal shavings and loses its properties.

In the case of the variator box, everything is clear - all the proposals and wishes of the manufacturers are indicated in the car passport. The oil change in the variator is carried out every 60 thousand km.

It is completely impossible to determine what is happening with the oil in the box from the sound or behavior of the car. To determine the quality of the oil in the gearbox, it is necessary to take a sample.

After that, you need to drip onto white paper, and set the level of pollution by color, based on the following standards:

  • If it is transparent, then replacement is not needed, and the color of the oil itself is not important - it may be black, but remain transparent.
  • If it is difficult to see the white paper through a drop of oil, then it is contaminated with small particles, and it is already possible to replace it.
  • If the presence of metal shavings and dust is clearly traced in the oil, and there is also a burning smell, then it is too late to replace such oil, it will be necessary.

A little life hack just for you!

If you have the slightest suspicion that the box is becoming unusable, then you can drain all the oil in the box and remove the sump to identify the problem. If it is clean, then you were in vain fearing and no problems were found. But if there is chips that have adhered, then this is a sign that the box has begun to collapse and will soon fail completely. In this case, an immediate overhaul of the transmission is required.

Instructions for conducting complete oil change in the automatic box:

  1. As with mechanics, it is necessary to travel a short distance in order to warm up the liquid. Next, you need to install the machine on a lift and remove the crankcase protection.
  2. A container with a volume of 5 liters or more is substituted under the bottom of the checkpoint. The plug on the pallet is unscrewed and the oil is drained.
  3. It is necessary to remove the valve body and drain the remaining fluid. To drain the oil faster and remove it to the end, you need to switch the selector from Parking to Drive several times when the engine is not working. And then perform the same actions with the engine running.

It is important to know: while the working fluid is drained, the engine must run no more than 1 minute, otherwise the pump that drives the oil through the gearbox may fail.

  1. Contaminated filter cells are washed with either gasoline or ethanol, then dried and reinstalled.
  2. The valve body is installed
  3. The gasket is replaced on the pallet and assembled in place.
  4. The required amount of new working fluid is poured into the hole for filling oil using a syringe, having previously taken out the dipstick.
  5. To drive the liquid through automatic box you need to start the car and switch the box from Parking to Drive and back.
  6. It remains to check the level of the new working fluid; for this, a dipstick is used. Check for cold by switching the box to neutral. If the oil level is low, just top up and warm up the engine. Then measure again.

Do not run your box to an inoperative state, because it will come out much cheaper than overhaul or a complete replacement of the gearbox.

With "Ankar" car service you can be sure of the operation of your transmission and car! You can sign up for an oil change by calling the phone numbers indicated on the website.

Changing the oil in the manual transmission

It is best to change the working fluid when it is warm, before frost sets in. Why is that? It's simple: the car and the gearbox itself warm up faster, and after replacement with the onset of cold weather, the manual transmission will run on new oil, which will cause the gearbox to wear out less.
Important points:

  • The choice of oil for mechanics. Follow the advice of the manufacturers - they can be found in the car owner's manual.
  • Better to do full replacement oil in manual transmission, rather than partial. It is most reasonable to entrust this procedure to professionals.

The car service "Ankar" performs both full and partial oil change in the gearbox. To sign up for the procedure, fill out the form below or call the phones listed on the website.


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