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Although most modern cars go on sale with a ready-made factory tinting, many vehicle owners prefer additional shading tools. The reasons are different: protection of the interior from burnout, protection from the looks of curious passers-by, from the summer heat.

In any case, the driver must obey the applicable regulations. road traffic... And they prescribe strict bans on certain types of tinting. Over the past year, the State Duma has been actively discussing bills related to toughening penalties for those who ignore the rules for ensuring visibility. In the article, we will figure out what kind of fine the owner faces for tinting in 2019 - new law tightening liability for car owners, should we expect it or not.

Glass shading standards

Since structural changes to a car can become a concomitant factor in an accident, manipulations with a vehicle are regulated by the Rules of the Road and other regulations. As for tinting, there is no complete ban on it.

Tinted windows of a car will not cause complaints from the traffic police, if tinting is performed taking into account the requirements for ensuring visibility prescribed in the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union 018/2011 (adopted by decision No. 877 of 09.12.2011) and the standard GOST 32565-2013:

  • the light transmission of the windscreen and front side windows is at least 70% (clause 4.3 of Appendix No. 8 of the technical regulation). From November 11, 2018, this indicator has been reduced to 60% for armored vehicles (decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 29 dated 02.16.2018);
  • at the top windshield a light-shielding strip or colored film up to 140 mm wide is acceptable (light transmission is not standardized);
  • there are no restrictions on darkening the rear hemisphere if the car is equipped with outside rear-view mirrors;
  • mirror tinting of cars is prohibited (clause 4.5).

It should be borne in mind that even with a new car, the light transmission will not be 100 percent: cars come off the assembly line with factory tinting.

Responsibility for violation - what is the fine for toning in 2019?

Since January 1, the fine for driving a car with a low degree of glass transmission has not changed, although some Internet resources reported this. It remained at the level set at the end of 2014. Since that time, they stopped removing numbers from the vehicle of violators for incorrect toning (Federal Law No. 307-FZ of 10/14/2014 amended the Administrative Code), and motorists received relief in the form of a small monetary penalty.

The fine for tinting from January 1, 2019 is 500 rubles (clause 3.1 of Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

But in practice, drivers are held accountable not only for driving a tinted car with violations. When writing out a protocol on a fine, the traffic inspector issues a written request to correct the violation within the allotted time, as a rule, within 24 hours. If during this time the car owner does not remove the film (most prefer removable tinting) and again attracts the attention of the traffic police, then he will have to answer under article 19.3 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation (disobedience to the lawful order of the police officer). The punishment under this article is tougher:

  • a fine from 500 to 1,000 rubles;
  • or up to 15 days of arrest.

To avoid such a development of events will help the voluntary removal of the film at the traffic police inspector. This fact will be recorded in the order, and a photograph confirming the fulfillment of the requirement and a fragment of the film will be attached to the protocol. In this case, if a citizen is again caught on a violation, he will get off with a fine of 500 rubles, since there is no clause on punishment for repeated in Article 12.5.

To check the level of light transmission of glass, a special device is used - a taumeter. Measurement of toning is strictly regulated: before the procedure, an employee of the State Traffic Inspectorate must provide the car owner with confirmation of the skills in using the device and the correct operation of the latter, and upon completion, enter the measurement data into the protocol.

If the inspector did not act according to the regulations, the citizen can challenge the fine for tinting. The traffic police website contains an explanation of how to send an appeal against decisions on an administrative offense through the online service "Reception of appeals".

Headlights tinting in accordance with GOST

Requirements for the external lighting devices of the car, including the color of the headlights and the emitted light, are contained in Appendix No. 8 (clause 3) of the Technical Regulations 018/2011.

According to this section of the document, the permitted colors for headlights are:

  • white - obligatory for the neighbor / high beam and side lights;
  • white or yellow - for fog lights;
  • orange - for direction indicators.

Set colors for lighting on the back of the car:

  • white - for lanterns reverse and room lighting;
  • red - for side lights, brake signal (including additional), reflectors and fog lights;
  • orange - for turn signals.

Similar requirements are spelled out in the GOST 33997-2016 standard.

Penalty for tinted headlights

For non-observance of the rules for the operation of external lighting devices, namely, abnormal toning of headlights, there is a threat of deprivation driving license for a period from six months to 12 months with the withdrawal of equipment. Such punishment is provided for driving a car with red headlights and devices (mounted in the front of the vehicle), as well as another color that does not meet the requirements (paragraph 3 of Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code).

Actually, the installation of such equipment on the front of the car (part 1 of Article 12.4) will entail a fine in the amount of:

  • 3,000 rubles - for citizens (drivers);
  • from 15,000 to 20,000 rubles - for officials;
  • from 400,000 to 500,000 rubles - for legal entities.

Regardless of the status of the offender, the devices will be confiscated.

The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation does not stipulate the responsibility of car owners specifically for applying a tint film to taillights... But the traffic police officers will have reason to bring the driver to administrative responsibility if the pasted film changes the color of the emitted light or affects its brightness. In this case, a protocol will be drawn up against the violator in accordance with Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code (control of a faulty vehicle) and a fine of 500 rubles will be issued. DPS inspectors determine the light transmission and density of the coating visually.

What changes can be made to the law on tinting in 2019?

The official website of the traffic police does not provide statistics on road accidents involving tinted cars. Opponents of tinted car windows argue that with the abolition of an effective measure (removal of numbers), the number of accidents associated with the management of cars with tinting has increased dramatically. This is the reason given by the legislators - the initiators of the increase in the fine for tinting (the bill under the number 826959-6 was introduced to the State Duma in the summer of 2015):

  • up to 1,500 rubles for the first violation;
  • up to 5,000 rubles or deprivation of a driver's license for a period of one to three months - in case of repeated.

The initiators of the amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses referred to the analysis of the law enforcement practice of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate under Part 3.1 of Article 12.5.

The draft law went through a lengthy approval procedure. From the final version of the document, its authors excluded the clause that became the reason for the negative response of the government - on deprivation of rights, leaving only an increased fine for toning, but on February 21, 2018, the deputies rejected the bill. A similar initiative was again discussed in the Duma in April 2018, but the adoption of the law did not end the matter. No new projects with similar content have been reported in 2019.

Traffic police officers regularly organize raids to identify violators of car tinting rules. In late April-early May 2019, such raids took place in St. Petersburg, Samara, Orel, Saransk, Syzran, in the Stavropol Territory and in a number of other regions of the Russian Federation, and a significant number of violators were identified in each.

For many years now it has been popular among motorists to tint car windows - on sunny days it perfectly saves from direct rays. In addition, tinted windows hide the details of the life of the driver and passengers from prying eyes. News periodically appears on the network that the fine for car tinting in 2020 will rise several times. Let's try to figure out if this is really so.

Car tinting: what is allowed

Traffic rules and administrative law do not provide for tinting rules, but refer to the Regulation of the Customs Union "On the safety of wheeled Vehicle", Which contains the technical requirements for the light transmission of glass. General rule- car glass must transmit at least 70% daylight... Exceptions are made for the so-called "passenger hemisphere", that is, the rear window and rear side windows - they can be tinted as you like, if the car is equipped with rear-view mirrors.

As for the driver's view (windshield, windshield and front side windows), a decrease in the permissible visibility (that is, less than 70%) is unacceptable and is an unconditional basis for administrative liability.

It should be noted that light "factory" tinting adds darkening if you apply additional film. As a result, the glass throughput can be less than 70%. So that this circumstance does not come as a surprise to you when a traffic police officer stops you, you need to take care of the compliance of the driver's review with standards in advance. For this, almost any auto repair shop has its own taumeter.

The regulations of the Customs Union allow the installation of a darkened film strip in the upper part of the windshield, which must be less than 14 cm.

The use of mirror dye when darkening the car is not allowed.

How the violation is detected

The traffic police inspector, before bringing the driver to administrative responsibility for tinted windows, must measure the light transmission with a special device - a taumeter. If the indicator is below 70%, an appropriate protocol is drawn up.

If a strip film is installed on the driver's front glass, then the inspector also has the right to measure and draw up a protocol if its width exceeds 140 mm.

It should be noted that the inspector has the right to make such measurements and record the corresponding violations not only at the stationary traffic police post, but also on any section of the road.

The device used by the inspector to measure the percentage of toning must be certified. Specifications taumeter, depending on the model and instructions for it, should be periodically (once a year) checked by a specialist. Failure to comply with these requirements, as well as violation of the recommended measurement procedure contained in the instructions, may entail invalidation of the results.

There are many models of devices, of which the traffic police officers most often use "Light", "Tonic", "Blik-N". The instructions for these taumeters provide a simple measurement procedure:

  1. the device is brought to the glass and leans against it (the surface must be clean and dry). For an accurate result, it is recommended to measure the level of light transmission in 2-3 places on one glass;
  2. after a few seconds, the automatically generated information appears on the instrument panel.

Most devices (including the models, the names of which we gave as an example) are able to measure the percentage of toning and in dark time days. At the same time, there are differences in their work depending on the indicators temperature regime... For example, the taumeter "Light" is capable of giving reliable data at temperatures from -40 to +40 degrees, while the "Tonic" - only from -10 to +40. In addition, air humidity is also important: in rainy weather, the "Blik-N" taumeter will give a more accurate result, since it is capable of operating at air humidity up to 95%.

Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

Tinting not matching technical requirements, automatically refers to the conditions under which the operation of the vehicle is prohibited. In part 3.1 of Art. 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (in the current version as of 2020) for driving such a car, administrative liability is provided in the form of a fine 500 rubles.

A few years ago, a violation related to the excessive tinting of the car could have resulted in the removal of state numbers. Currently, the use of such a measure is excluded and is not provided for by law.

The punishment for toning does not provide for the deprivation of rights and the placement of the vehicle in a parking lot.

Despite the fact that the violation concerns the presence of malfunctions in which the operation of the vehicle is formally prohibited, the inspector has no right to detain the car or remove the driver from control (this is permissible only if there is a malfunction brake system or steering gear).

According to clause 259 of the Traffic Safety Regulations 2017, the inspector has the right to demand that the violation be eliminated immediately (in other words, rip off the film on the spot). If it is impossible to do this immediately, the driver is allowed to drive to the nearest service with the necessary precautions.

If it is possible to objectively eliminate the violation, but the motorist refuses to do this, the inspector has every reason to bring him to justice under Art. 19.3 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation for disobeying a legal requirement, the punishment for such actions may be in the form of administrative arrest.

Penalty increase: myth or reality

The current law remains very loyal to motorists who prefer to tint their vehicles, while exceeding the norms provided for by legislative acts - a fine of 500 rubles cannot be called too harsh. The amount of the fine for toning has not been increased, and in case of repeated violation of Part 3.1 of Art. 12.5 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation by the same driver.

At the same time, the State Duma has been discussing for a long time a bill providing for tougher punishment for drivers of cars with dark windows. The initiative group of this bill intends to finalize it in 2018, accept the comments of colleagues and make the following changes to Art. 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

  • increase the fine for non-observance of the toning rules to 1,500 rubles;
  • introduce a fine of 5,000 rubles for a repeated violation of a similar nature within a year.

In addition, the issue of increasing the minimum percentage of visibility is considered as a separate item. front glass- it is possible that it will be increased to 75%, for other car glasses the rules will remain the same, with a tint resolution of at least 70% of light transmission.

At the initial stage of discussion (in 2016), the bill also proposed to introduce deprivation of rights for up to 6 months in case of three or more violations of the rules on tinting. It is currently excluded from the project.

In some media outlets, including on the Internet, another upcoming change is reported - the introduction of a ban on dimming car windows with a color that distorts the perception of the environment. At the same time, this rule has been in effect for a long time and does not apply to innovations: clause 4.4 of the Customs Union Regulations already provides for the inadmissibility of distorting the driver's correct perception of white, blue, red, green and yellow colors (that is, those colors that are used in road signs and traffic lights).

The new law is expected to come into effect by mid-2018.

Headlight tuning

In conclusion, let's pay attention to the observance of the rules for tinted headlights. Often, drivers who use tuning novelties "to the maximum" tint not only the glass of the car, but also the headlights of the low and high beam, as well as the fog lamps. For this it is used vinyl wrap or special varnish. A thin vinyl film that reduces light transmission by up to 15% creates additional protection against mechanical damage and is quite acceptable if it does not change the color emitted by the headlights. The film, if necessary, can be easily removed, which is excluded when applying varnish: it will not only significantly reduce the light reflectivity of the headlights, but it is also difficult to remove.

The prohibition of changing the factory color of the radiation, the type, the number of external lighting devices is contained in the Basic Provisions for the Admission of the Vehicle to Operation, this is one of the explanatory appendices to the traffic rules. An exception is the permission to install lighting devices from other brands and models of cars on vehicles that have already been discontinued. But in this case, the color of the radiation of the headlights should be white or yellow, the rear ones - yellow, orange or red, the reversing lights should be exclusively white.

Administrative legislation provides for liability:

  • for h. 1 tbsp. 12.4 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation - for changing the color of the radiation of the headlights, as well as for the installation of red light devices in the front of the vehicle - a fine of 3000 rubles with confiscation of devices and used devices (for officials - up to 20,000 rubles with confiscation of devices, for legal entities - up to 500,000 rubles with confiscation);
  • for h. 1 tbsp. 12.5 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation - for too strong tinted headlights significantly reducing light transmission (more than 15%) - a warning or a fine of 500 rubles;
  • under Part 3 of Art. 12.5 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation - for driving a car on which, due to tinted headlights, the radiation color has been changed to an unacceptable one, as well as for driving a vehicle with red light devices installed in the front - deprivation of the right to drive for a period of 6 months to 1 year with confiscation of devices.

If the glass of the headlights is slightly tinted already at the stage of creation by the manufacturer, there are no signs of an administrative offense in the actions of the driver.

The fine for tinting from January 1, 2017, in accordance with the new law, remained the same despite various rumors that it should have increased several times, and is 500 rubles.

Will there be new sanctions? Will there be tougher penalties? We will tell you what the essence of the planned innovations is, about the penalties in force at the moment, and also give a few useful tips, which will be useful to you when communicating with the traffic police.

How the degree of tinted glass is measured

The conditions for measuring the light transmittance of the windshield and front windows of a car are prescribed in the SDA, - each traffic police officer must strictly follow these instructions:

  • Any traffic police officer has the right to check the level of tinted glass of a car, in accordance with the Law "On Police".
  • Devices that are used to control light transmission must be included in the state register of measuring instruments, as well as have appropriate certificates, where there is a mark about the date of the last check of the device.
  • When taking measurements, the glass must be clean and dry, otherwise it is impossible to carry out the procedure, since the measurements will be inaccurate.
  • It is allowed to take measurements only at air temperatures from -10 to + 40 ° С.
  • When it rains or in conditions of high air humidity of 45-80%, testing is prohibited.
  • The traffic police officer must take measurements at different points - the arithmetic mean will be an indicator of light transmission.
  • Checking the degree of toning can be carried out anywhere, since the manual on the technical supervision of the traffic police has lost its validity. Previously, checks could be carried out exclusively at a stationary traffic police post.

Instruments for measuring the light transmission of glass

The device with which the traffic police inspector measures the level of light transmission is called a "taumeter". In this case, the models of devices may be different. As a rule, a "Blik" taumeter is used, which is connected to the car's cigarette lighter. The device is applied to the glass, and a number is displayed on its screen - for example, 70. This means that the degree of light transmission is 70%. If you are stopped by a traffic police officer and is going to carry out a glass check, you have full right require a valid certificate for the taumeter. Also, be sure to check that the device is sealed. If there is neither a certificate nor a seal, then the check will be considered illegal. Carefully follow all the actions of the inspector, if you notice any errors and irregularities in his actions, report it. It is recommended to voice inaccuracies in the procedure after drawing up the protocol - so in the future it will be easier for you to protect your rights.

Permissible norms of glass shading according to GOST

Until the new law, which was supposed to come into force on January 1, 2017, has not been finally adopted, no changes have appeared in the rules for toning. They remained the same as in 2016:

  • Windshield

The rate of light transmission of the windshield has remained the same - 75%. At the same time, in front, on the upper part of the glass, the driver has the right to glue the film in the form of a colored strip, but not wider than 14 cm.

  • Front doors

For these glasses, a slightly higher level of shading is acceptable. Their light transmittance must be at least 70%.

Headlights also have their own norm: tinting should absorb no more than 15% of light. Rear and passenger windows are allowed to be tinted without restrictions. However, for the rest of the windows it is forbidden to use SP80 and SP90 films. All these norms are spelled out in the traffic rules. GOST 5727-88 is also registered there, which must correspond to car tinting. A small exception is made for tourist buses - they are allowed to use curtains on the windows. The same curtains and blinds are allowed to be hung in salons. passenger cars but only on rear windows and only if both mirrors are present.

Can the front windows be tinted?

The front door windows of a car can be tinted only if the tinting will transmit at least 70% of the light. Accordingly, the permissible degree of shade for these glasses is 30%. Previously, many car owners, trying to "pump" their car, put a mirror tint. It is now completely banned. So, if you still drive with mirrors and somehow haven't been fined yet, it's time to remove the tape. A separate clause in the legislation states that toning should not interfere with the perception of colors for the driver. These are, first of all, about the basic colors: red, green, yellow, blue and white. That is why you cannot do tinting of different colors - this can lead not only to a fine, but also to a dangerous situation on the road.

Punishment for tinting for defaulters of the fine

To date, the fine for toning that does not meet the standards of light transmission is still 500 rubles. The traffic police officer, together with the order on the imposition of a fine, presents the offender with an order to remove the tinting, which must be done within a certain period. As a rule, it is 10 days. Will something change if the new law is adopted? In accordance with the bill, which was supposed to come into force on January 1, 2017, the minimum amount of the fine will be slightly increased. At the same time, the law determines the limit of violations - the owner of a tinted car can get off with a fine only 12 times. In case of the 13th violation or in case of repeated refusal to pay the due amount, a second fine for tinting is threatened.

How to avoid a fine

Of course the most effective method avoid the penalty - strictly follow the rules of shading that we have given above. However, if you do not want to part with the dark windows of your vehicle, you can try one of these methods:

  • Challenge the legality of the protocol

If you notice errors or a direct violation of the rules for taking measurements, there is always the opportunity to challenge the drawn up protocol in court.

  • Invalid protocol

If a traffic police officer is going to take measurements in bad weather (in conditions of rain and / or high humidity), immediately inform him that such a check is illegal, since the device will not be able to determine the exact indicators of light transmission. In the event that the inspector is going to conduct an inspection anyway, you can always appeal its results in court.

  • Removable tinting installation

Some drivers make removable static tinting, which is easy to peel off if you are stopped at a traffic police post, and then just as easily re-stick on the glass. But if the inspector notices the presence of such tinting, it will not be possible to bypass the law - you will have to pay a fine.

  • Installing automatic tinting

Another type of "tricky" tinting is the so-called "double glass" or autotinting. Additional power windows and additional tinted windows are installed in the car, which can be lowered if necessary. But here, too, there is a drawback: if the traffic police inspector asks you to raise the second glass, then he will take measurements on it. There is another way to reduce the amount of the fine. In accordance with the amendments to the Administrative Code of January 1, 2016, drivers have the right to pay only half of the fine. But this is only possible if the fine was paid within 20 days after receiving the order to remove the tinting.

What car window tinting is allowed in 2017?

Summing up, let us recall which tinting has been officially allowed since January 2017. Today it is allowed to perform tinting:

  • The rear window of a car - with any level of light transmission.
  • Rear side windows - also with any light transmission.
  • Windshield, subject to darkening no more than 25%.
  • Front side windows - with dimming no more than 30%.

However, the ability to pay only half of the fine, provided that you do it within 20 days, makes life much easier for tinting enthusiasts. 250 rubles is not such a large amount for a violation. Of course, you shouldn't accumulate fines in large quantities, but until a new law is introduced, you can take advantage of the moment. Before toning your vehicle, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the main documents, which spell out all the rules for toning in 2017. Mainly, this is the Decree of the Government of Russia "On traffic rules", as well as the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, including new amendments - part 3.1 of article 12.5. All information is contained on the websites of the relevant authorities. Many car owners reacted with indignation to the innovations, especially to the increase in fines, which the government promises to introduce since last year. Nevertheless, at the moment the situation has not changed, which means that while you can not be afraid of huge fines and tone your car.

Similar to the case with the allegedly introduced changes regarding the transportation of children in cars, the Internet is full of absolutely unreliable information on the topic that the law on tinting car windows has changed since the beginning of the year. Has the fine for tinting changed since January 1, 2017, has it increased, is it true that tinting will be allowed officially in 2017, and penalties will be canceled.

Why the law is fighting toning

When we talk about tinting car windows, it is worth first of all to make a reservation that we are talking only about the windshield of the car and the side windows of the front row of seats. Regarding the rear of the car, you have the right to do whatever you want - tint with any kind of films or even clog these windows with boards, as long as both side mirrors are available.

Why does the law prohibit dimming the windows of the front of cars? For a reasonable person, the answer is obvious - the driver is obliged to monitor the road and must anticipate dangerous situations in advance and prevent them. Driving in a tinted car at night cannot but worsen visibility, the driver is not able to notice a pedestrian in dark clothes in time (which can be difficult to do from normal car) and other similar hazards. Try running at night with sunglasses on and not falling through an open hatch. It's about the same.

All this does not need to be explained to a sane driver who has at least an average level of intelligence. Unfortunately, not all drivers meet these requirements, so Russian roads are full of all sorts of miracles: completely tinted car windows, artificially lowered suspension disfiguring already unattractive models, blinding headlights that do not meet standards, etc. The drivers of such cars seem to themselves incredibly original and stand out from the crowd, in fact, causing only laughter from other road users.

The law, meanwhile, punishes any design changes that affect safety, not an exception and tinting that goes beyond the standard. Last year, there were persistent rumors that the fine for toning from January 1, 2017 will increase significantly - either two or three times, or ten times at once. Whether this actually happened, we find out from an official source.

Has the fine for toning changed since January 1, 2017

The sanction for illegal darkening of car windows is specified in Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. At the moment, paragraph 3.1 of this article assumes exactly the same rate for incorrect toning as it was before - a fine of five hundred rubles. There have been no changes in this regard yet, although, of course, this amount is too small for the punishment to be effective, and the fine should really be increased.

Among other rumors, there is also the opposite information - allegedly tint will be allowed in 2017 and made legal. This is also not true - tinting is prohibited in 2017, no new law is planned in this regard, and the information that there is a 2017 tinting bill is also incorrect. So far, in this sense, everything has remained the same. It is necessary to apply for reliable information precisely to official sources, fortunately, they are available to everyone. Numerous articles copying frank inventions and unverified data from each other are not the best helper.

Car tinting ... It can be treated in different ways, depending on the application and the generally accepted standards of use. Let's try to iterate over everything possible options, not so much in importance as in associative pictures and images that are present in our life.
The first thing that comes to mind is practical. Toning significantly restrains the penetration of sunlight into the car interior, thereby saving the upholstery from burnout and overheating. It saves energy for cooling the passenger compartment when the air conditioner is turned on, especially if the car was previously parked in the sun.

Secondly, it changes the car visually. Dark windows do not shine through, the body becomes more "holistic". Some people like it, some don't, but toning changes the car visually, that's for sure.
Third, tinting can be a sign of "toughness" for some when it is glued to the windshield and front side windows. This fact is treated with contempt by the majority. Unfortunately, we still cannot get rid of such "cool" ones in our realities. How far progress would not have stepped and how many billions of dollars would not have been investments in the education system, which, among other things, is engaged in the upbringing of the like ... Nevertheless, there is also a law that is in effect and sometimes even implemented. It is about the fine for tinting, when using it not according to generally accepted rules and regulations, we will tell in our article.

Regulatory documents for the use of tinting on the machine

The standard for toning, or rather GOST 5727-88, was developed already back in 88 of the last century, and was adopted for execution in 1990. (GOST 32565-2013 was issued instead, but it has not yet been registered in the SDA, July 2015). According to it, the light transmission of glasses providing visibility for the driver must be at least:

75% - for windshields;
70% - for glasses that are not windscreens included in the regulatory field of view, in fact for the front side ones.

The light transmission of other non-windshields is not standardized. In addition, windshields, painted and tinted, should not distort the correct perception of white, yellow, red, green and blue colors.
On the windshield, a darkened or opaque strip no more than 14 cm wide from the upper edge of the windshield is allowed.
In fact, GOST does not appear in the article of the Code of Administrative Offenses (for toning), but the characteristics in (018/2011), Appendix No. 8 are borrowed from it. Such data on toning, or rather on light transmission, is in paragraph

4.3. The light transmission of the windshield and glass, through which the driver's forward visibility is provided, must be at least 70%.
This requirement does not apply to the rear windows of vehicles of category M1, provided that the vehicle is equipped with exterior mirrors that meet the requirements of this annex.
In the upper part of the windshield, it is allowed to have a light-shielding strip made in the mass of the glass, or to mount a light-shielding strip of a transparent colored film: on vehicles of categories M1, M2 and N1, as well as L6 and L7 (with a closed body) - no more than 140 mm wide ...

4.5. It is not allowed to use glass, the coating of which creates a mirror effect.

It is according to this regulation that today they will judge the possibility of operating the vehicle, mainly. However, we will still remember about GOST ... That is, in fact, we have two documents, these are GOST and "Technical Regulations of the Customs Union" On the safety of wheeled vehicles "".
In which case and according to what document they will be punished, we will try to figure it out in the next paragraph.

What article regulates the fine for toning and what it will be

Let's say right away, if our humanitarians "composing" laws, and sitting in the highest government, would deal with the exact sciences, then they probably would not have achieved great success. And we would clearly feel it on ourselves ... At least, the matter of processor technology has definitely not reached, and you would hardly have read our article ...

Let's see what happens !? So, there is article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and part 3.1 which says:

Note: This refers to the "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Wheeled Vehicles", but in fact it has now been replaced by the "Technical Regulations of the Customs Union ...", which we mentioned above. In this case, the fine will be 500 rubles.

But what if the tinted windshield with light transmission is between 75 and 70 percent !? There will be a violation of GOST, but there will be no violation Technical Regulations... This means, in fact, a violation of the "Basic provisions for the admission of the vehicle ...", more precisely clause 7.3 (List of malfunctions and conditions under which the operation of the vehicle is prohibited). In this case, there will again be article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, but part 1, not 3.1.

That is, if we have conditions or malfunctions under which it is forbidden to operate the vehicle, then a warning or a minimum fine is threatened for this. Let's try to find these malfunctions related to toning in the list of "List of malfunctions and conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited". Let's turn to clause 7.3.

It turns out to be a somewhat abstract situation. If you violated the requirements of the "Technical Regulations ...", then the fine will be 500 rubles (Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, part 3.1), but if you violated the requirements of clause 7.3 (Basic provisions on the admission of the vehicle ...), then this is a warning or a fine will amount to 500 rubles, but already in part (article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, part 1).
However, this is not all. Indeed, in the event of a violation of Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, Part 1, many may think that 27.13 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation (arrest of the vehicle) can apply to them.

Detention of a vehicle for toning (toning film)

So the vehicle can be detained on the basis of 27.13 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. Is it so?

As you noticed, article 27.13 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation mentions part 2, which is used for Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. And we have a violation under part 1 or 3.1 of the same article. That is, in other words, the detention of a vehicle is unacceptable. The traffic police have no right to blackmail the driver so that the car can be taken to a penalty parking lot.

How to check the light transmission of glass (tinted)

You have noticed that we have already started from the fact that the light transmission of the glasses has already been established. If so, then you can make a conclusion about bringing to administrative responsibility or refusal to do so in relation to the driver. In fact, it is not so easy to establish the light transmission of glasses (tinting). The volume on this topic is quite significant, and we would not like to "sculpt" everything into one heap. In this connection, a separate article will be devoted to this topic, to which a link from this paragraph will appear. Here is this one.

Is it possible to avoid a fine for tinting

This question is difficult, so it will be gossip from the "notes" of the law and from your personal communication with the traffic police inspector. Let's say right away that if a fine is issued under Article 12.5 Part 3.1 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation, which is most likely, then the fine cannot be avoided. Since this part simply does not provide a warning. If you manage to persuade the inspector that this offense can be interpreted under Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, as a violation of the "Basic Provisions ...", then here you can already refer to the alternative of warning. Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for such a norm.

Is it possible to pay a fine for tinting with a 50 percent discount

Question - answer to the topic "Fine for toning on a car"

Question: What will be the fine for tinted windscreen and / or front side windows?
Answer: If this is toning with light transmission in the range from 75 percent to 70, then, according to the norms of the law, a violation of clause 7.3 (Basic provisions on the admission of the vehicle) will be considered. The fine will be 500 rubles (12.5, part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). If the light transmission is less than 70 percent, then this violation can be qualified as a violation of those regulations, that is, a fine of 500 rubles (12.5, part 3.1 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

Video about the fine for tinting


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